99-31227. Magnuson-Stevens Act Provisions; List of Fisheries and Gear, and Notification Guidelines  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 231 (Thursday, December 2, 1999)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 67511-67524]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-31227]
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    50 CFR Part 600
    [Docket No. 980519132-9315-03; I.D.022498F]
    RIN 0648-AK49
    Magnuson-Stevens Act Provisions; List of Fisheries and Gear, and 
    Notification Guidelines
    AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
    Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: NMFS revises the list of authorized fisheries and fishing gear 
    used in those fisheries (LOF) contained in 50 CFR 600.725(v). Effective 
    December 1, 1999, no person or vessel may employ fishing gear or 
    participate in a fishery in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) not 
    included in this LOF without giving 90 days' advance notice to the 
    appropriate Fishery Management Council (Council) or, with respect to 
    Atlantic highly migratory species (HMS), the Secretary of Commerce 
    DATES: Effective December 1, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: Copies of the regulatory impact review for the final rule 
    for this action can be obtained from Dr. Gary C. Matlock, Director, 
    Office of Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver 
    Spring, MD 20910. Send comments regarding the collection-of-information 
    requirements associated with this rule to the above address and to the 
    Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and 
    Budget (OMB), Washington, DC 20503 (Attention: NOAA Desk Officer).
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mark Millikin, NMFS, (301) 713-2344.
        Section 305(a) of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and 
    Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1855(a)) requires the Secretary to publish in 
    the Federal Register, after notice and an opportunity for public 
    comment, a list of authorized fisheries under the authority of each 
    Council and all fishing gear used in such fisheries in the EEZ, as well 
    as the fisheries and fishing gear used in those fisheries under the 
    authority of the Secretary of Commerce (Secretary) with respect to HMS. 
    A fish, regardless of whether targeted, may be retained only if it is 
    taken within a listed fishery, is taken with a gear authorized for that 
    fishery, and is taken in conformance with all other applicable 
    regulations. This LOF is based on information submitted by the Councils 
    and by the Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS (Director), 
    in the case of HMS, and upon public comments received.
        On June 4, 1998, NMFS published a proposed LOF and invited public 
    comment thereon (63 FR 30455). On January 27, 1999, NMFS by final rule 
    published the LOF (64 FR 4030). On July 28, 1999, NMFS delayed the 
    effectiveness of the LOF and invited additional public comments (64 FR 
    40781). This final rule revises the LOF
    [[Page 67512]]
    and makes it effective on December 1, 1999.
    Relationship of This Rule to Other Federal Fishery Regulations
        Fisheries and associated gear in the EEZ continue to be managed by 
    implementing regulations in 50 CFR chapter VI for the various FMPs 
    under authority of the Councils and the Secretary. FMPs often address 
    issues about gear, such as structure, size, shape, material, 
    deployment, seasonality of allowed use, prohibitions, or other features 
    of gear and its use. The LOF contained in Sec. 600.725(v) is not 
    intended to alter or supersede any other regulations related to 
    fisheries and gear (for example, specific prohibitions).
        The LOF does not affect experimental fisheries conducted for a year 
    or less under 50 CFR chapter VI.
        NMFS is not aware of any Treaty Indian tribe or subsistence 
    fisheries in the EEZ other than those listed in Sec. 600.725(v). This 
    action does not supersede or otherwise affect exemptions that exist for 
    Treaty Indian fisheries.
    Comments and Responses
        Forty-four sets of comments were received regarding the LOF from 
    various individuals and organizations in response NMFS' invitation to 
    public comment in the final rule, delay of effectiveness published on 
    July 28, 1999 (64 FR 40781).
        Comment 1: One commenter stated that the following species should 
    be allowed to be harvested by trawl, pot, trap, gill nets, pound nets, 
    dredge, haul seine, and handline in waters off New York: Eels, crabs 
    (including horseshoe crabs), menhaden, sea robins, sculpins, puffer, 
    triggerfish, lumpfish, toadfish, hogchoker, striped bass, shrimp, 
    wolffish, spiny dogfish, smooth dogfish, lobster, conch, jellyfish, 
    seaweeds, Spanish mackerel, octopus, spot, skate (all species), snails, 
    stingrays, sturgeon, herring, anchovy, sardine, silverside, killifish, 
    minnow, sea raven, red porgy, sheepshead, spottail pinfish, Atlantic 
    croaker, black drum, Northern kingfish, sea trout, ocean perch, cunner, 
    tautog, halibut, tuna, dolphin, chub, perch, jack, lookdown, crevalle, 
    and John Dory.
        Response: While the purpose of this final rule is to include all 
    fisheries and gear currently in use, an attempt to list all species 
    that may be retained might unintentionally exclude some minor species 
    caught incidentally and retained. Therefore, this rule lists fisheries 
    managed under a Fishery Management Plan (FMP), or fisheries not 
    currently managed under an FMP (referred to as Non-FMP fisheries), with 
    authorized gear types for a given area. This rule is designed to 
    include all gear currently in use in a given area. Each area contains 
    various Non-FMP fisheries and two general fishery categories, 
    ``Commercial Fishery (Non-FMP)'' and ``Recreational Fishery (Non-
    FMP).'' If a given species is not included in an FMP's list of managed 
    species (i.e., management unit), and does not fit under a specific Non-
    FMP (e.g., only groundfish would fit under a ``Groundfish Non-FMP''), 
    then that species fits under one of these two general fishery 
    categories. For example, in the case of the comment received about 
    species harvested off New York, crabs fit under the ``Crab Fishery 
    (Non-FMP),'' menhaden fit under the ``Atlantic Menhaden Fishery (Non-
    FMP),'' possession of striped bass is prohibited in the EEZ, spiny 
    dogfish fit under ``Spiny Dogfish Fishery (FMP),'' lobster fits under 
    ``American Lobster Fishery (FMP),'' conch fits under the ``Whelk 
    Fishery (Non-FMP),'' Spanish mackerel and dolphin fit under the ``South 
    Atlantic Coastal Migratory Pelagics Fishery (FMP),'' skates (all 
    species) fit under ``Atlantic Skate Fishery (Non-FMP),'' possession of 
    Atlantic sturgeon is prohibited in the EEZ, Atlantic herring fits under 
    ``Atlantic Herring (FMP),'' sea trout fits under ``Weakfish Fishery 
    (Non-FMP),'' tautog fits under ``Tautog Fishery (Non-FMP),'' and 
    Atlantic halibut fits under ``Northeast Multispecies Fishery (FMP).'' 
    The rest of these species fit under the ``Commercial Fishery (Non-
    FMP)'' or the ``Recreational Fishery (Non-FMP).''
        Comment 2: One commenter listed an array of species that the 
    commenter felt should be allowed to be harvested by various gear 
    (dredge, gigs, spear, trawl, longline, hook and line, handline, rod and 
    reel, pots and traps, and gillnets) in the EEZ off North Carolina under 
    the jurisdiction of the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council 
        Response: For the purposes of this rule, ``gig'' is considered to 
    fit under ``spear.'' All of the other gear listed by the commenter is 
    contained under the new category, ``Commercial Fishery (Non-FMP),'' and 
    many are included in various other FMPs and Non-FMPs contained in the 
    ``Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council'' portion of the LOF.
        Comment 3: One commenter requested that a ``Shrimp Trawl Fishery 
    (Non-FMP)'' be added as a fishery under the MAFMC.
        Response: NMFS does not agree. The ``South Atlantic Shrimp Fishery 
    (FMP)'' managed by the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council 
    (SAFMC) extends at least to the Virginia-North Carolina border, so that 
    fisheries and gear under that fishery should be listed under the MAFMC.
        Comment 4: One commenter requested that pots and traps be added as 
    an authorized gear type in the ``Marine Life Aquarium Fishery (non-
    FMP)'' for the waters within the jurisdiction of the South Atlantic 
    Fishery Management Council (SAFMC) and Gulf of Mexico Fishery 
    Management Council (GMFMC). Commercial spiny lobster and stone crab 
    fishermen capture aquarium fishes as incidental catches in traps and 
    pots, and they are allowed to land and sell these fishes under Florida 
    state regulations.
        Response: Pots and traps have been added to the LOF in the ``Marine 
    Life Aquarium Fishery (non-FMP)'' for the waters within the 
    jurisdiction of the SAFMC and GMFMC.
        Comment 5: Twenty-seven commenters requested that ``spear'' be 
    added as an authorized gear type for recreational finfish fisheries 
    within the jurisdiction of the New England Fishery Management Council 
    (NEFMC), MAFMC, SAFMC, GMFMC, Caribbean Fishery Management Council 
    (CFMC), Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC), and Western Pacific 
    Fishery Management Council (WPFMC). In addition, several commenters 
    requested that spear be added as an authorized gear for Atlantic 
    swordfish, Atlantic billfish, and Atlantic tunas managed by the 
    Secretary. One commenter requested that spear be added as an authorized 
    gear for salmon in waters within the jurisdiction of the PFMC. These 
    commenters pointed out that spearfishing has relatively few 
    participants, there is a long history of spearfishing in Federal waters 
    of the U.S., spear gear is beneficial to the few individuals who 
    actually use it, and spearfishing has negligible impacts on fishery 
    populations because there are so few spear fishermen relative to the 
    total number of recreational and commercial fishermen.
        Response: NMFS agrees that spearfishing is an important component 
    of many recreational fisheries within the jurisdiction of the Councils. 
    Spear has been added as an authorized gear for many FMP and non-FMP 
    fisheries as indicated in the section of this rule, ``Changes From the 
    Previous Final Rule,'' where spearfishing is not specifically 
    prohibited by other regulations. Recreational salmon fisheries managed 
    by the PFMC allow only hook-and-line gear, so spear was not added as an 
    authorized gear for this fishery. Additionally, on May 28, 1999,
    [[Page 67513]]
    the Secretary issued a final rule, which specified authorized gear for 
    various species under the Atlantic tunas, swordfish, and sharks 
    fisheries, and the Atlantic billfish fishery (64 FR 29090). Spear was 
    not included as an authorized gear for these fisheries.
        Comment 6: Many commenters requested that ``hand harvest'' be added 
    as an authorized gear type for recreational shellfish and crustacean 
    fisheries within the jurisdiction of the NEFMC, MAFMC, SAFMC, GMFMC, 
    CFMC, PFMC, and WPFMC.
        Response: NMFS agrees that ``hand harvest'' is an important 
    component of many recreational shellfish and crustacean fisheries 
    within the jurisdiction of the Councils. ``Hand harvest'' has been 
    added as an authorized gear for many FMP and non-FMP recreational 
    shellfish and crustacean fisheries where the practice is not 
    specifically prohibited by other regulations (see ``Changes From the 
    Previous Final Rule'').
        Comment 7: The listing of fisheries and authorized gear types by 
    Councils is confusing, repetitive, and sometimes contradictory. The 
    American Lobster Fishery is listed under both NEFMC and MAFMC, yet 
    there is no listing for bottom trawl fishery, gillnet fishery, dredge 
    fishery, or a recreational fishery under the jurisdiction of the MAFMC, 
    all of which are listed for fisheries under the jurisdiction of the 
    NEFMC. Fisheries and authorized gear types should be listed only under 
    the primary Council and should cover the full geographic range of the 
    species in question. If this modification cannot be made, then the 
    fishery and authorized gear types should be duplicated exactly and 
    repeated for each Council area in which the species may be harvested.
        Response: As required by the Magnuson-Stevens Act, NMFS has 
    prepared the LOF so that fisheries and authorized gear are listed 
    separately within each area of authority where they occur. NMFS agrees 
    that the LOF published on January 27, 1999 (64 FR 4030), was 
    inconsistent in a few cases for some fisheries that were listed under 
    more than one Council. The LOF is modified by this final rule so that 
    individual fisheries and their authorized gear under the jurisdiction 
    of each Council are duplicated exactly, when appropriate, and repeated 
    for each Council area in which the species may be harvested. However, 
    Atlantic HMS fisheries managed under Secretarial authority are only 
    listed in the table one time under ``Secretary of Commerce,'' rather 
    than also being listed under each Council area where they occur.
        Comment 8: There is some confusion in the use of different gear 
    terminology as part of the fishery designation. For instance, under 
    Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass FMP, a pelagic drift gillnet 
    fishery is listed. Does this mean that an anchored gillnet is not 
    authorized? Confusing this issue further is the use of many forms of 
    gillnets within fishery designations. Along with the ``pelagic drift 
    gillnet fishery'' there is a ``gillnet fishery'' (monkfish), a 
    ``coastal gillnet fishery'' (non-FMP), a ``sink gillnet fishery'' (NE 
    multi-species), and a ``coastal/inshore gillnet fishery'' (lobster). To 
    reduce this confusion, all fisheries which use gillnet should be 
    referred to by the use of the generic ``gillnet fishery'' designation.
        Response: NMFS has revised the LOF so that the more generic term 
    ``gillnet'' is used for most fisheries that utilize gillnets.
        Comment 9: There is a great deal of confusion over the disposition 
    of bycatch. Can, for example, a fisherman possess and land an unlisted 
    species (such as tautog) while fishing in a listed fishery (such as 
    American lobster) with an authorized gear type (such as pot or trap)? 
    The disposition of bycatch should be clearly defined. If an unlisted 
    species cannot be retained in a listed fishery with an authorized gear, 
    an additional category for a non-FMP species fishery should be added 
    with authorized gear types being all-inclusive.
        Response: The LOF as revised by this final rule lists all 
    authorized fisheries and fishing gear within the U.S. EEZ, regardless 
    whether the retained species is ``directed'' or ``incidental'' catch. 
    In order to legally harvest a species with a given gear, the species 
    must fit within the management unit of a given FMP or fit within a 
    ``Non-FMP Fishery'' for a given area. FMPs have defined management 
    units in terms of species, while Non-FMP categories do not. However, 
    the ``Crab Non-FMP'' for a given area could include any or all crab 
    species and the ``Groundfish Fishery (Non-FMP)'' could include any or 
    all bottom fish not covered by the management units of that area's 
    FMPs. The ``Commercial Fishery (Non-FMP)'' and the ``Recreational 
    Fishery (Non-FMP)'' are the most general Non-FMP categories for a given 
    area and could include any or all species that: (1) Are not covered in 
    the management unit of an FMP, (2) Do not fit within another more 
    specific Non-FMP Fishery. Therefore, the most general ``Non-FMP 
    Fisheries'' listed for the various Council areas of authority allow 
    harvest of Non-FMP species, and list as authorized gear all the known 
    gear types that are utilized within the EEZ in that geographical area 
    for such Non-FMP species.
        Comment 10: One commenter pointed out that there is no octocoral 
    recreational fishery in the SAFMC or GMFMC areas of authority and 
    therefore there is no authorized recreational gear for this fishery. 
    This recreational fishery should be removed from the LOF.
        Response: The octocoral recreational fishery has been deleted from 
    the fisheries of the SAFMC and GMFMC areas.
        Comment 11: One commenter was concerned that many of the species 
    are listed as ``Non-FMP,'' such as Atlantic striped bass, Weakfish, and 
    Atlantic menhaden, when Interstate Fishery Management Plans are in 
    place under the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission. The 
    commenter suggested it may be more accurate to list any species that 
    has no ``Federal FMP,'' but has an Interstate FMP as a ``Non-Federal 
        Response: Since the LOF is only intended to cover fishing practices 
    in the EEZ, the LOF as revised, only lists ``Federal FMPs.''
        Comment 12: One commenter suggested that the ``Striped Bass Fishery 
    (Non-FMP)'' be eliminated from the list of fisheries under the MAFMC.
        Response: NMFS has decided to retain several fisheries in the LOF 
    even though current regulations prohibit possession in the EEZ, with a 
    statement to that effect underneath the ``gear heading'' of the table. 
    Such fisheries include ``Striped Bass Fishery (Non-FMP)'' under the New 
    England and Mid-Atlantic Councils, ``Atlantic Red Drum Fishery (FMP)'' 
    under the SAFMC, and ``Gulf of Mexico Red Drum Fishery (FMP)'' under 
    the GMFMC.
        Comment 13: One commenter noted that jig gear should be added as an 
    authorized gear for the ``Atlantic Squid, Mackerel, and Butterfish 
    Fishery (FMP).''
        Response: NMFS notes that for the purpose of this rule ``jig gear'' 
    falls under the definition of ``longline.''
        Comment 14: One commenter stated that monkfish, lobster, 
    multispecies (groundfish), Atlantic skate, and Atlantic herring should 
    have the same gear under both the Mid-Atlantic and New England 
        Response: NMFS agrees.
        Comment 15: Several commenters noted that ``trawl'' needs to be 
    added to authorized gear in the ``Tilefish Fishery (Non-FMP)'' under 
    the MAFMC.
        Response: NMFS agrees.
        Comment 16: Several commenters stated that a tautog fishery occurs 
    in the EEZ.
    [[Page 67514]]
        Response: NMFS agrees and has listed that fishery and associated 
    gear mentioned by the commenters under both the New England and Mid-
    Atlantic Councils.
        Comment 17: One commenter stated that the following fisheries 
    should be added to the LOF for the EEZ under jurisdiction of the MAFMC 
    because many species from these FMPs' management units occur in the 
    Mid-Atlantic: South Atlantic Shrimp Fishery (FMP), South Atlantic 
    Snapper-Grouper Fishery FMP, South Atlantic Coastal Migratory Pelagics 
    Fishery (FMP), Calico Scallops Trawl Fishery (Non-FMP), Sargassum 
    Fishery (Non-FMP), NE Multispecies Fishery (FMP), Atlantic Skate 
    Fishery (Non-FMP), Atlantic Herring Fishery (FMP), Crab Fishery (Non-
    FMP), and Non-Federal FMP with a commercial fishery and recreational 
    fishery. The commenter suggested the following gear for a Non-Federal 
    FMP commercial fishery: dredge, trawl, hand harvest, gillnet, longline, 
    handline, rod and reel, trap, pot, seine, spear, purse seine, bandit 
    gear, powerhead, dip net, bully net, snare, cast net, barrier net, 
    slurp gun, and authorized chemicals. The commenter suggested the 
    following gear for a Non-Federal FMP recreational fishery: hand 
    harvest, rod and reel, handline, spear, pot, trap, gillnet, hook and 
    line, bandit gear, powerhead, dip net, bully net, and snare.
        Response: NMFS agrees (see ``Changes from the Previous Final 
    Rule''). The Non-Federal FMP Commercial Fishery and Recreational 
    Fishery are being added under each Council area (under the categories: 
    ``Commercial Fishery (Non-FMP)'' and ``Recreational Fishery (Non-
    FMP)''), in large part to address species, not in management units of 
    FMPs, that are caught and retained.
        Comment 18. One commenter stated that smooth dogfish and spiny 
    dogfish are caught in waters off South Carolina with gillnet, trawl, 
    longline, bandit gear, rod and reel, and handline.
        Response. NMFS agrees and has made the changes to the LOF.
        Comment 19. One commenter requested that the definition for hoop 
    net be revised as follows: ``Hoop net means a cone-shaped or flat net 
    which may or may not have throats and flues stretched over a series of 
    rings or hoops for support, and includes gear used to catch Kona 
        Response. NMFS agrees with the revised ``hoop net'' definition, and 
    the change has been made in the definitions section. However, the last 
    portion of the requested change, ``and includes gear used to catch Kona 
    crab,'' was not included in the new definition, because no species are 
    listed in the definitions.
        Comment 20. One commenter requested that a definition be added for 
    ``drop net'' to read: ``a small, usually circular net with weight 
    around the perimeter and a float in the center.'' These nets are used 
    to collect marine life aquarium fishes.
        Response. NMFS agrees with the addition of a new definition for 
    ``drop net,'' and the addition has been made in the definitions 
        Comment 21. One commenter questioned whether this rule would 
    violate section 306 of the Magnuson-Stevens Act by having an adverse 
    effect on a state's authority to regulate its vessels outside its 
    boundaries in the absence of a Federal FMP.
        Response. Even if a fishery is listed or a gear is authorized in 
    the LOF, this would not affect a state's ability to prohibit the 
    conduct of the fishery in the EEZ or the use of the particular gear 
    therein, by fishing vessels registered under the law of that state, if 
    the fishery or gear use in the EEZ is not regulated under an FMP. 
    However, if a state's regulations authorize the conduct of a fishery in 
    the EEZ or authorize or require the use of gear in the EEZ, that is not 
    listed or authorized in the LOF, then any fisherman intending to fish 
    under such state's regulations must afford the Secretary or appropriate 
    Council with 90 days prior written notice of his/her intent to conduct 
    such a fishery or to use such gear. Whether notice was given to the 
    Secretary or appropriate Council, the Secretary may issue regulations 
    to prohibit the fishery in the EEZ or the use of such gear in the EEZ. 
    In such a case, the Federal regulations prohibiting the fishery or the 
    use of the gear would pre-empt the state regulations authorizing the 
    fishery in the EEZ or authorizing or requiring the use of the gear in 
    the EEZ.
    Changes From the Previous Final Rule (Published on January 27, 
        The following changes have been made to the LOF published on 
    January 27, 1999:
        1. Under the New England and Mid-Atlantic Councils, ``Non-FMP'' has 
    been changed to ``FMP'' for ``Monkfish,'' ``Dogfish,'' and ``Atlantic 
        2. Under the NEFMC, ``Atlantic Halibut Fishery (Non-FMP)'' has been 
    removed from the LOF because that species has been added to the 
    management unit for the ``Northeast Multispecies Fishery.''
        3. A ``Recreational Fishery (Non-FMP)'' is added under the New 
    England and the Caribbean Councils' listings of fisheries, and a 
    ``Commercial Fishery (Non-FMP)'' is added under each of the Councils, 
    and for HMS, under the Secretary.
        4. The following changes have been made under the heading ``New 
    England Fishery Management Council (NEFMC)':
        a. The ``Iceland Scallop Fishery (Non-FMP)'' has been added.
        b. Under the ``American Lobster Fishery (FMP),'' ``Gillnet 
    fishery'' has been added.
        c. Under the ``Atlantic Herring Fishery (FMP),'' the ``Coastal 
    herring trawl fishery'' has been changed to ``Trawl fishery,'' and the 
    ``Herring pair trawl fishery'' and the ``Dredge fishery'' have been 
        d. Under the ``Dogfish Fishery (FMP),'' ``Hook and line fishery,'' 
    ``Longline fishery,'' and ``Dredge fishery'' have been added.
        e. ``Spear'' has been added as an authorized gear type under the 
    ``Recreational fishery'' of the ``Dogfish Fishery (FMP),'' ``Atlantic 
    Bluefish Fishery (FMP managed by MAFMC),'' ``Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, 
    and Butterfish Fishery (FMP managed by MAFMC),'' ``Weakfish Fishery 
    (Non-FMP),'' ``Monkfish Fishery (FMP),'' and ``Summer Flounder, Scup, 
    Black Sea Bass Fishery (FMP managed by MAFMC).''
        f. Under the ``Atlantic Bluefish Fishery (FMP),'' ``Pelagic drift 
    gillnet fishery'' has been changed to ``Gillnet fishery.''
        g. Under the ``Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish Fishery 
    (FMP),'' ``Dip net fishery'' has been added.
        h. ``Hand harvest'' has been added as an authorized gear type to 
    the ``Surf Clam and Ocean Quahog Fishery (FMP).''
        i. Under the ``Atlantic Mussel/Sea Urchin Fishery (Non-FMP),'' 
    ``Recreational fishery'' has been added.
        j. Under the ``Atlantic Skate Fishery (Non-FMP),'' ``Recreational 
    fishery'' has been added.
        k. Under the ``Crab Fishery (Non-FMP),'' ``Trawl fishery,'' and 
    ``Trap and pot fishery'' have been added.
        l. Under the ``Monkfish Fishery (FMP),'' ``Recreational fishery'' 
    has been added.
        m. Under the ``Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black sea Bass Fishery 
    (FMP),'' ``Dredge fishery'' has been added, and ``Pelagic drift gillnet 
    fishery'' has been changed to the more general category of ``Gillnet 
        n. The ``Tautog Fishery (Non-FMP)'' has been added.
        5. The following changes have been made under the heading ``Mid-
    Atlantic Fishery Management Council':
        a. Under the ``Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Fishery 
    (FMP),'' ``Dredge fishery'' has been
    [[Page 67515]]
    added, and ``Pelagic drift gillnet fishery,'' has been changed to 
    ``Gillnet fishery.''
        b. Under the ``Atlantic Bluefish Fishery (FMP),'' ``Pelagic drift 
    gillnet fishery'' has been changed to ``Gillnet fishery.''
        c. ``Spear'' has been added as an authorized gear type to the 
    ``Recreational fishery'' category for the following: ``Summer Flounder, 
    Scup, Black Sea Bass (FMP),'' ``Atlantic Bluefish (FMP),'' ``Atlantic 
    Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish Fishery (FMP),'' ``Weakfish Fishery 
    (Non-FMP),'' ``Tilefish Fishery (Non-FMP),'' and ``Dogfish Fishery 
        d. Under the ``Surf Clam/Ocean Quahog Fishery (FMP),'' the ``Dredge 
    fishery'' has been changed to ``Commercial fishery'' to include gear of 
    ``dredge'' and ``hand harvest.''
        e. Under the ``Sea Scallop Fishery (FMP),'' ``Recreational 
    fishery'' has been added.
        f. Under the ``American Lobster Fishery (FMP),'' ``Trawl fishery,'' 
    ``Dredge fishery,'' ``Gillnet fishery,'' and ``Recreational fishery'' 
    have been added.
        g. Under the ``Whelk Fishery (Non-FMP),'' ``Dredge fishery'' and 
    ``Recreational fishery'' have been added.
        h. Under the ``Monkfish Fishery (FMP),'' ``Gillnet fishery,'' 
    ``Dredge fishery,'' ``Trap and pot fishery,'' and ``Recreational 
    fishery'' have been added.
        i. Under ``Tilefish Fishery (Non-FMP),'' ``Trawl fishery'' has been 
        j. Under ``Dogfish Fishery (FMP),'' ``Hook and line fishery,'' 
    ``Dredge fishery,'' and ``Longline fishery'' have been added.
        k. The following fisheries have been added: ``Tautog Fishery (Non-
    FMP),'' ``NE Multispecies Fishery (FMP),'' ``Atlantic Skate Fishery 
    (Non-FMP),'' ``Crab Fishery (Non-FMP),'' ``Atlantic Herring Fishery 
    (FMP),'' ``Shrimp Trawl (Non-FMP),'' ``South Atlantic Snapper-Grouper 
    Fishery (FMP),'' ``South Atlantic Coastal Migratory Pelagics (FMP),'' 
    ``Calico Scallops Trawl Fishery (Non-FMP),'' ``Sargassum Fishery (Non-
    FMP),'' and ``South Atlantic Shrimp Fishery (FMP).''
        l. ``Spear,'' ``hook and line,'' ``bandit gear,'' ``powerhead,'' 
    ``gillnet,'' ``cast net,'' and ``hand harvest'' have been added as 
    authorized gear types to the ``Recreational Fishery (Non-FMP).''
        m. ``Mixed Species Trawl Fishery (Non-FMP)'' has been removed and 
    should be considered part of the new category, ``Commercial Fisheries 
        6. The following changes have been made under the heading ``South 
    Atlantic Fishery Management Council'':
        a. ``Crab Fishery (Non-FMP)'' has been added.
        b. Under the ``Coral and Coral Reef Fishery (FMP),'' ``Octocoral 
    recreational fishery'' has been removed because it is not allowed.
        c. The word ``only'' has been deleted from ``hand harvest only'' 
    under the Coral and Coral Reef Fishery (FMP).
        d. ``Spear'' has been added as an authorized gear type to the 
    ``Recreational fishery'' under the ``South Atlantic Coastal Migratory 
    Pelagics Fishery (FMP),'' and ``Weakfish Fishery (Non-FMP).''
        e. ``Hand harvest'' has been added as an authorized gear under 
    ``Recreational fishery'' for ``South Atlantic Spiny Lobster Fishery 
        f. ``Bait fishery (Non-FMP)'' has been added.
        g. ``Trap, pot, and trawl'' have been added as authorized gear 
    under the ``Marine Life Aquarium Fishery (Non-FMP).''
        h. ``Spear,'' ``hook and line,'' ``powerhead,'' ``gillnet,'' ``cast 
    net,'' and ``hand harvest'' have been added as authorized gear types to 
    the Recreational Fishery (Non-FMP).
        i. ``Summer Flounder Fishery (FMP managed by the Mid-Atlantic 
    Fishery Management Council)'' has been added. Summer flounder are part 
    of an important fishery south of the northern border of the SAFMC 
    (Virginia-North Carolina border). Scup and black sea bass in this area 
    are in the management unit of the South Atlantic Snapper-Grouper FMP.
        j. ``Octopus Fishery (Non-FMP)'' has been added.
        k. ``Smooth Dogfish Fishery (Non-FMP)'' has been added.
        7. The following changes have been made under the heading ``Gulf of 
    Mexico Fishery Management Council':
        a. The word ``only'' has been deleted from ``hand harvest only'' 
    under the ``Coral Reef Fishery (FMP).''
        b. ``Hand harvest'' has been added as an authorized gear type to 
    the ``Recreational Fishery'' under the ``Gulf of Mexico Spiny Lobster 
    Fishery (FMP),'' and ``Stone Crab Fishery (FMP).''
        c. The ``Blue Crab Fishery (Non-FMP)'' has been added.
        d. ``Spear'' has been added as an authorized gear type to the 
    ``Recreational fishery'' under the ``Mullet Fishery (Non-FMP)'' and the 
    ``Gulf of Mexico Groundfish Fishery (Non-FMP).''
        e. ``Cast net'' has been added to the commercial and recreational 
    fisheries under the ``Mullet Fishery (Non-FMP).''
        f. ``Hook and line'' and ``hand harvest'' have been added as 
    authorized gear types to the ``Recreational Fishery (Non-FMP).''
        g. ``Tong'' has been added as an authorized gear under the ``Oyster 
    Fishery (Non-FMP).''
        8. The following changes have been made under the heading 
    ``Caribbean Fishery Management Council'':
        a. ``Snare'' has been added as an authorized gear type to the 
    ``hand harvest fishery'' under the ``Caribbean Spiny Lobster Fishery 
        b. ``Hand harvest'' has been added as an authorized gear type to 
    the ``Recreational fishery'' under the ``Coral and Reef Resources 
    Fishery (FMP).''
        c. The word ``only'' has been deleted from ``hand harvest only'' 
    under the ``Queen Conch Fishery (FMP).''
        d. The ``Recreational Fishery (Non-FMP)'' has been added.
        e. ``Commercial Fishery (Non-FMP)'' has been added.
        9. Under the heading ``Pacific Fishery Management Council'', ``hand 
    harvest'' has been added as an authorized gear type to the 
    ``Recreational Fishery (Non-FMP).''
        10. Under the heading ``North Pacific Fishery Management Council'' 
    ``Commercial Fishery (Non-FMP)'' has been added.
        11. Under the heading ``Western Pacific Fishery Management 
    Council'' the following changes have been made:
        a. Under ``Western Pacific Crustacean Fishery (FMP)'' ``hand 
    harvest'' and ``hoop net'' have been added as authorized gear types.
        b. The word ``only'' has been deleted from ``hand harvest only'' 
    under the ``Western Pacific Precious Corals (FMP).''
        c. ``Hand harvest'' has been added as an authorized gear type to 
    the ``Bottomfish hook and line fishery'' and ``hook and line'' has been 
    added as authorized gear type to the ``Bottom longline fishery'' under 
    the ``Western Pacific Bottomfish and Seamount Groundfish Fishery 
        d. ``Hand harvest'' and ``slurp gun'' have been added as authorized 
    gear types to the ``Recreational fishery'' under the ``Western Pacific 
    Bottomfish and Seamount Groundfish Fishery (Non-FMP).''
        e. The ``Western Pacific Shallow Reef (Non-FMP)'' has been renamed 
    ``Western Pacific Coral Reef Fishery (Non-FMP).''
        f. ``Spear'', ``rod and reel'', and ``hook and line'' have been 
    added as authorized gear types under the ``Western Pacific Coral Reef 
    Fishery (Non-FMP).''
        g. ``Recreational Fishery (Non-FMP)'' has been added, with 
    authorized gear types of rod and reel, hook and line, handline, hand 
    harvest, and spear.
    [[Page 67516]]
        h. ``Commercial Fishery (Non-FMP)'' has been added.
        12. Under the ``Secretary of Commerce,'' ``Atlantic Swordfish 
    (FMP),'' ``Atlantic Sharks (FMP),'' and ``Atlantic Tunas (Non-FMP),'' 
    have been combined into the ``Atlantic Tunas, Swordfish, and Sharks 
    (FMP)'' to reflect changes made to 50 CFR parts 600, 630, and 635 in a 
    final rule published on May 28, 1999 (64 FR 29090).
        This final rule has been determined to be not significant for 
    purposes of E.O. 12866.
        The public has had several opportunities (the original proposed 
    rule; the 180-day period following publication of the final rule; and 
    the additional 45-day comment period when the effectiveness of that 
    final rule was delayed) to submit comments on the content of the LOF in 
    section 600.725(v). Accordingly, the Assistant Administrator for 
    Fisheries, NOAA, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(B), for good cause, namely 
    the opportunities for public comment provided previously, finds that 
    providing prior notice and opportunity for prior public comment is 
    unnecessary. NMFS published a LOF on January 27, 1999, that was 
    scheduled to become effective on July 26, 1999. The effective date of 
    the LOF was postponed until December 1, 1999 (64 FR 40781). This final 
    rule makes additions to the LOF that make it less restrictive on 
    fishermen. Therefore, under 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(1), it is not subject to a 
    30-day delay in effective date.
        This final rule makes minor revisions to a previous final rule 
    published on January 27, 1999, for which the Assistant General Counsel 
    for Legislation and Regulation of the Department of Commerce certified 
    to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration 
    when that rule was proposed, that if adopted, it would not have a 
    significant impact on a substantial number of small entities. 
    Therefore, initial and final regulatory flexibility analyses were not 
    prepared under the Regulatory Flexibility Act for the previous LOF. 
    However, a regulatory impact review was prepared by NMFS; that analysis 
    includes a description of the extent to which small entities are 
    affected by this rulemaking. A summary of that description appears in 
    the preamble of the final rule published on January 27, 1999. Because 
    notice and comment for the changes made by this final rule to the 
    previous LOF are not required by 5 U.S.C. 553 or by any other law, the 
    analytical requirements of the Regulatory Flexibility Act do not apply.
        Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person is required 
    to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure 
    to comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements 
    of the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) unless that collection of 
    information displays a currently valid OMB control number.
        This rule itself does not contain collection-of-information 
    requirements under the PRA. However, it does revise another final rule 
    that contained collection-of-information requirements subject to the 
    PRA that were approved by OMB under control number 0648-0346. The 
    public reporting burdens under that rule have an average estimate of 
    1\1/2\ hours per response for notification of entry into a new fishery 
    or use of a new gear in a current fishery, including the tile for 
    reviewing instructions, searching existing data, sources, gathering and 
    maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the 
    collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate 
    or any other aspect of this collection of information, including 
    suggestions for reducing the burden to NMFS and OMB (see ADDRESSES).
    List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 600
        Administrative practice and procedure, Confidential business 
    information, Fisheries, Fishing, Fishing vessels, Foreign relations, 
    Intergovernmental relations, Penalties, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    requirements, Statistics.
        Dated: November 26, 1999.
    Penelope D. Dalton,
    Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries 
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, 50 CFR chapter VI is 
    amended as follows:
    50 CFR Chapter VI
        1. The authority citation for part 600 continues to read as 
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 561 and 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
        2. In section 600.10, the definitions for ``Drop net'' is added and 
    ``Hoop net'' is revised in alphabetical order as follows:
    Sec. 600.10  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        Drop net means a small, usually circular net with weight around the 
    perimeter and a float in the center.
    * * * * *
        Hoop net means a cone-shaped or flat net which may or may not have 
    throats and flues stretched over a series of rings or hoops for 
    * * * * *
        3. In Sec. 600.725, paragraph (v) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 600.725  General prohibitions.
    * * * * *
        (v) The use of any gear or participation in a fishery not on the 
    following list of authorized fisheries and gear is prohibited after 
    December 1, 1999. A fish, regardless whether targeted, may be retained 
    only if it is taken within a listed fishery, is taken with a gear 
    authorized for that fishery, and is taken in conformance with all other 
    applicable regulations. Listed gear can only be used in a manner that 
    is consistent with existing laws and regulations. The list of fisheries 
    and authorized gear does not, in any way, alter or supersede any 
    definitions or regulations contained elsewhere in this chapter. A 
    person or vessel is prohibited from engaging in fishing or employing 
    fishing gear when such fishing gear is prohibited or restricted by 
    regulation under an FMP or other applicable law. However, after 
    December 1, 1999, an individual fisherman may notify the appropriate 
    Council, or the Director, in the case of Atlantic highly migratory 
    species, of the intent to use a gear or participate in a fishery not 
    already on the list. Ninety days after such notification, the 
    individual may use the gear or participate in that fishery unless 
    regulatory action is taken to prohibit the use of the gear or 
    participate in the fishery (e.g., through emergency or interim 
    regulations). The list of authorized fisheries and gear is as follows:
                            Fishery                                           Authorized gear types
                                   I. New England Fishery Management Council (NEFMC)
     1. Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery (FMP):
        A. Dredge fishery..................................  A. Dredge.
        B. Trawl fishery...................................  B. Trawl.
    [[Page 67517]]
        C. Hand harvest fishery............................  C. Hand harvest.
        D. Recreational fishery............................  D. Hand harvest.
     2. Iceland Scallop Fishery (Non-FMP):
        A. Dredge fishery..................................  A. Dredge.
        B. Trawl fishery...................................  B. Trawl.
     3. Atlantic Salmon Fishery (FMP)......................  No harvest or possession in the EEZ.
     4. Striped Bass Fishery (Non-FMP).....................  No harvest or possession in the EEZ.
     5. Northeast (NE) Multispecies Fishery (FMP):
        A. NE multispecies sink gillnet fishery............  A. Gillnet.
        B. North Atlantic bottom trawl fishery.............  B. Trawl.
        C. Groundfish hook and line fishery................  C. Longline, handline, rod and reel.
        D. Mixed species trap and pot fishery..............  D. Trap, pot.
        E. Dredge fishery..................................  E. Dredge.
        F. Seine fishery...................................  F. Seine.
        G. Recreational fishery............................  G. Rod and reel, handline, spear.
     6. American Lobster Fishery (FMP):
        A. Lobster pot and trap fishery....................  A. Pot, trap.
        B. North Atlantic bottom trawl fishery.............  B. Trawl.
        C. Dredge fishery..................................  C. Dredge.
        D. Hand harvest fishery............................  D. Hand harvest.
        E. Gillnet fishery.................................  E. Gillnet.
        F. Recreational fishery............................  F. Pot, trap, hand harvest.
     7. Atlantic Herring Fishery (FMP):
        A. Trawl fishery...................................  A. Trawl.
        B. Purse seine fishery.............................  B. Purse seine.
        C. Gillnet fishery.................................  C. Gillnet.
        D. Herring pair trawl fishery......................  D. Pair trawl.
        E. Dredge fishery..................................  E. Dredge.
        F. Recreational fishery............................  F. Hook and line, gillnet.
     8. Spiny Dogfish Fishery (FMP jointly managed by MAFMC
     and NEFMC):
        A. Gillnet fishery.................................  A. Gillnet.
        B. Trawl fishery...................................  B. Trawl.
        C. Hook and line fishery...........................  C. Hook and line, rod and reel, spear.
        D. Dredge fishery..................................  D. Dredge.
        E. Longline fishery................................  E. Longline.
        F. Recreational fishery............................  F. Hook and line, rod and reel, spear.
     9. Atlantic Bluefish Fishery (FMP managed by MAFMC):
        A. Pelagic longline and hook and line fishery......  A. Longline, handline.
        B. Seine fishery...................................  B. Purse seine, seine.
        C. Mixed species pot and trap fishery..............  C. Pot, trap.
        D. Bluefish, croaker, flounder trawl fishery.......  D. Trawl.
        E. Gillnet fishery.................................  E. Gillnet.
        F. Dredge fishery..................................  F. Dredge.
        G. Recreational fishery............................  G. Rod and reel, handline, trap, pot, spear.
    10. Atlantic Mackerel, Squid and Butterfish Fishery
     (FMP managed by the MAFMC):
        A. Mackerel, squid, and butterfish trawl fishery...  A. Trawl.
        B. Gillnet fishery.................................  B. Gillnet.
        C. Longline and hook-and-line fishery..............  C. Longline, handline, rod and reel.
        D. Purse seine fishery.............................  D. Purse seine.
        E. Mixed species pot and trap fishery..............  E. Pot, trap.
        F. Dredge fishery..................................  F. Dredge.
        G. Dip net fishery.................................  G. Dip net.
        H. Bandit gear fishery.............................  H. Bandit gear.
        I. Recreational fishery............................  I. Rod and reel, handline, pot, spear.
    11. Surf Clam and Ocean Quahog Fishery (FMP managed by
     the MAFMC):
        A. Commercial fishery..............................  A. Dredge, hand harvest.
        B. Recreational fishery............................  B. Hand harvest.
    12. Atlantic Menhaden Fishery (Non-FMP):
        A. Purse seine fishery.............................  A. Purse seine.
        B. Trawl fishery...................................  B. Trawl.
        C. Gillnet fishery.................................  C. Gillnet.
        D. Commercial hook-and-line fishery................  D. Hook and line.
        E. Recreational fishery............................  E. Hook and line, snagging, cast nets.
    13. Weakfish Fishery (Non-FMP):
        A. Commercial fishery..............................  A. Trawl, gillnet, hook and line.
        B. Recreational fishery............................  B. Hook and line, spear.
    14. Atlantic Mussel and Sea Urchin Fishery (Non-FMP):
        A. Dredge fishery..................................  A. Dredge.
        B. Hand harvest fishery............................  B. Hand harvest.
        C. Recreational fishery............................  C. Hand harvest.
    15. Atlantic Skate Fishery (Non-FMP):
    [[Page 67518]]
        A. Trawl fishery...................................  A. Trawl.
        B. Gillnet fishery.................................  B. Gillnet.
        C. Hook-and-line fishery...........................  C. Longline and handline.
        D. Dredge fishery..................................  D. Dredge.
        E. Recreational fishery............................  E. Rod and reel.
    16. Crab Fishery (Non-FMP):
        A. Dredge fishery..................................  A. Dredge.
        B. Trawl fishery...................................  B. Trawl.
        C. Trap and pot fishery............................  C. Trap, pot.
    17. Northern Shrimp Fishery (Non-FMP):
        A. Shrimp trawl fishery............................  A. Trawl.
        B. Shrimp pot fishery..............................  B. Pot.
    18. Monkfish Fishery (FMP jointly managed by NEFMC and
        A. Trawl fishery...................................  A. Trawl.
        B. Gillnet fishery.................................  B. Gillnet.
        C. Longline fishery................................  C. Longline.
        D. Dredge fishery..................................  D. Dredge.
        E. Trap and pot fishery............................  E. Trap, pot.
        F. Recreational fishery............................  F. Rod and reel, spear.
    19. Summer Flounder, Scup, Black Sea Bass Fishery (FMP
     managed by MAFMC):
        A. Trawl fishery...................................  A. Trawl.
        B. Longline and hook and line fishery..............  B. Longline, handline.
        C. Mixed species pot and trap fishery..............  C. Pot, trap.
        D. Gillnet fishery.................................  D. Gillnet.
        E. Dredge fishery..................................  E. Dredge.
        F. Recreational fishery............................  F. Rod and reel, handline, pot, trap, spear.
    20. Hagfish Fishery (Non-FMP)..........................  Trap, pot.
    21. Tautog Fishery (Non-FMP):
        A. Gillnet fishery.................................  A. Gillnet.
        B. Pot and trap fishery............................  B. Pot, trap.
        C. Rod and reel, hook and line fishery.............  C. Rod and reel, handline, hook and line.
        D. Trawl fishery...................................  D. Trawl.
        E. Spear fishery...................................  E. Spear.
        F. Fyke net fishery................................  F. Fyke net.
        G. Recreational fishery............................  G. Rod and reel, hook and line, handline, spear.
    22. Recreational Fishery (Non-FMP).....................  Rod and reel, handline, spear, hook and line, hand
                                                              harvest, bandit gear, powerhead, gillnet, cast net,
                                                              pot, trap, dip net, bully net, snare.
    23. Commercial Fishery (Non-FMP).......................  Trawl, pot, trap, gillnet, pound net, dredge, seine,
                                                              handline, longline, hook and line, rod and reel, hand
                                                              harvest, purse seine, spear, bandit gear, powerhead,
                                                              dip net, bully net, snare, cast net, barrier net,
                                                              slurp gun, allowable chemicals.
                                   II. Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC)
     1. Summer Flounder, Scup, Black Sea Bass Fishery
        A. Trawl fishery...................................  A. Trawl.
        B. Pelagic longline and hook and line fishery......  B. Longline, handline, rod and reel.
        C. Mixed species pot and trap fishery..............  C. Pot, trap.
        D. Gillnet fishery.................................  D. Gillnet.
        E. Dredge fishery..................................  E. Dredge.
        F. Recreational fishery............................  F. Rod and reel, handline, pot, trap, spear.
     2. Atlantic Bluefish Fishery (FMP):
        A. Bluefish, croaker, and flounder trawl fishery...  A. Trawl.
        B. Pelagic longline and hook and line fishery......  B. Longline, handline, bandit gear, rod and reel.
        C. Mixed species pot and trap fishery..............  C. Pot, trap.
        D. Gillnet fishery.................................  D. Gillnet.
        E. Seine fishery...................................  E. Purse seine, seine.
        F. Dredge fishery..................................  F. Dredge.
        G. Recreational fishery............................  G. Rod and reel, handline, trap, pot, spear.
     3. Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish Fishery
        A. Mackerel, squid, and butterfish trawl fishery...  A. Trawl.
        B. Gillnet fishery.................................  B. Gillnet.
        C. Longline and hook-and-line fishery..............  C. Longline, handline, rod and reel.
        D. Purse seine fishery.............................  D. Purse seine.
        E. Mixed species pot and trap fishery..............  E. Pot, trap.
        F. Dredge fishery..................................  F. Dredge.
        G. Dip net fishery.................................  G. Dip net.
        H. Bandit gear fishery.............................  H. Bandit gear.
        I. Recreational fishery............................  I. Rod and reel, handline, pot, spear.
     4. Surf Clam and Ocean Quahog Fishery (FMP):
        A. Commercial fishery..............................  A. Dredge, hand harvest.
        B. Recreational fishery............................  B. Hand harvest.
     5. Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery (FMP managed by
    [[Page 67519]]
        A. Dredge fishery..................................  A. Dredge.
        B. Trawl fishery...................................  B. Trawl.
        C. Hand harvest fishery............................  C. Hand harvest.
        D. Recreational fishery............................  D. Hand harvest.
     6. Atlantic Menhaden Fishery (Non-FMP):
        A. Purse seine fishery.............................  A. Purse seine.
        B. Trawl fishery...................................  B. Trawl.
        C. Gillnet fishery.................................  C. Gillnet.
        D. Commercial hook-and-line fishery................  D. Hook and line.
        E. Recreational fishery............................  E. Hook and line, snagging, cast nets.
     7. Striped Bass Fishery (Non-FMP).....................  No harvest or possession in the EEZ.
     8. Northern Shrimp Trawl Fishery (Non-FMP)............  Trawl.
     9. American Lobster Fishery (FMP managed by NEFMC):
        A. Pot and trap fishery............................  A. Pot, trap.
        B. Hand harvest fishery............................  B. Hand harvest.
        C. Trawl fishery...................................  C. Trawl.
        D. Dredge fishery..................................  D. Dredge.
        E. Gillnet fishery.................................  E. Gillnet.
        F. Recreational fishery............................  F. Pot, trap, hand harvest.
    10. Weakfish Fishery (Non-FMP):
        A. Commercial fishery..............................  A. Trawl, gillnet, hook and line, rod and reel.
        B. Recreational fishery............................  B. Hook and line, spear.
    11. Whelk Fishery (Non-FMP):
        A. Trawl fishery...................................  A. Trawl.
        B. Pot and trap fishery............................  B. Pot, trap.
        C. Dredge..........................................  C. Dredge.
        D. Pound net, gillnet, seine.......................  D. Pound net, gillnet, seine.
        E. Recreational fishery............................  E. Hand harvest.
    12. Monkfish Fishery (FMP jointly managed by NEFMC and
        A. Trawl fishery...................................  A. Trawl.
        B. Longline fishery................................  B. Longline, rod and reel.
        C. Gillnet fishery.................................  C. Gillnet.
        D. Dredge fishery..................................  D. Dredge.
        E. Trap and pot fishery............................  E. Trap and pot.
        F. Recreational fishery............................  F. Rod and reel, spear.
    13. Tilefish Fishery (Non-FMP):
        A. Groundfish hook-and-line fishery................  A. Longline, handline, rod and fishery reel.
        B. Trawl fishery...................................  B. Trawl.
        C. Recreational fishery............................  C. Rod and reel, spear.
    14. Spiny Dogfish Fishery (FMP jointly managed by MAFMC
     and NEFMC):
        A. Gillnet fishery.................................  A. Gillnet.
        B. Trawl fishery...................................  B. Trawl.
        C. Hook and line fishery...........................  C. Hook and line, rod and reel, spear.
        D. Dredge fishery..................................  D. Dredge.
        E. Longline fishery................................  E. Longline.
        F. Recreational fishery............................  F. Hook and line, rod and reel, spear.
    15. Tautog Fishery (Non-FMP):
        A. Gillnet fishery.................................  A. Gillnet.
        B. Pot and trap fishery............................  B. Pot, trap.
        C. Rod and reel, hook and line handline fishery....  C. Rod and reel, hook and line, handline.
        D. Trawl fishery...................................  D. Trawl.
        E. Spear fishery...................................  E. Spear.
        F. Fyke net fishery................................  F. Fyke net.
        G. Recreational fishery............................  G. Rod and reel, handline, hook and line, spear.
    16. Coastal Gillnet Fishery (Non-FMP):.................  Gillnet
    17. Recreational Fishery (Non-FMP)                       Rod and reel, handline, spear, hook and line, hand
                                                              harvest, bandit gear, powerhead, gillnet, cast net.
    18. NE Multispecies Fishery (FMP managed by NEFMC):
        A. NE multispecies sink gillnet fishery............  A. Gillnet.
        B. North Atlantic bottom trawl fishery.............  B. Trawl.
        C. Groundfish hook and line........................  C. Longline, handline, rod and fishery reel.
        D. Mixed species trap and pot fishery..............  D. Trap, pot.
        E. Dredge fishery..................................  E. Dredge.
        F. Seine fishery...................................  F. Seine.
        G. Recreational fishery............................  G. Rod and reel, handline, spear.
    19. Atlantic Skate Fishery (Non-FMP):
        A. Trawl fishery...................................  A. Trawl.
        B. Gillnet fishery.................................  B. Gillnet.
        C. Hook-and-line fishery...........................  C. Longline and handline.
        D. Dredge fishery..................................  D. Dredge.
        E. Recreational fishery............................  E. Rod and reel.
    20. Crab Fishery (Non-FMP):
        A. Dredge fishery..................................  A. Dredge.
    [[Page 67520]]
        B. Trawl fishery...................................  B. Trawl.
        C. Trap and pot fishery............................  C. Trap, pot.
    21. Atlantic Herring Fishery (FMP managed by the
        A. Trawl fishery...................................  A. Trawl.
        B. Purse seine fishery.............................  B. Purse seine.
        C. Gillnet fishery.................................  C. Gillnet.
        D. Herring pair trawl fishery......................  D. Pair trawl.
        E. Dredge fishery..................................  E. Dredge.
        F. Recreational fishery............................  F. Hook and line, gillnet.
    22. South Atlantic Snapper-Grouper Fishery (FMP managed
     by the SAFMC):
        A. Commercial fishery..............................  A. Longline, rod and reel, bandit gear, handline,
                                                              spear, powerhead.
        B. Black sea bass trap and pot fishery.............  B. Pot, trap.
        C. Wreckfish fishery...............................  C. Rod and reel, bandit gear, handline.
        D. Recreational fishery............................  D. Handline, rod and reel, bandit gear, spear,
    23. South Atlantic Coastal Migratory Pelagics Fishery
     (FMP managed by the SAFMC):
        A. Commercial Spanish mackerel fishery.............  A. Handline, rod and reel, bandit gear, gillnet, cast
        B. Commercial king mackerel fishery................  B. Handline, rod and reel, bandit gear.
        C. Other commercial coastal migratory pelagics       C. Longline, handline, rod and reel, bandit gear.
        D. Recreational fishery............................  D. Bandit gear, rod and reel, handline, spear.
    24. Calico Scallops Fishery (Non-FMP):
        A. Trawl fishery...................................  A. Trawl.
        B. Dredge fishery..................................  B. Dredge.
        C. Recreational fishery............................  C. Hand harvest.
    25. Sargassum Fishery (Non-FMP)........................  Trawl.
    26. South Atlantic Shrimp Fishery (FMP)................  Trawl.
    27. Commercial Fishery (Non-FMP).......................  Trawl, pot, trap, gillnet, pound net, dredge, seine,
                                                              handline, longline, hook and line, rod and reel,
                                      III. South Atlantic Fishery Management Council
     1. Golden Crab Fishery (FMP)..........................  Trap.
     2. Crab Fishery (Non-FMP):
        A. Dredge fishery..................................  A. Dredge.
        B. Trawl fishery...................................  B. Trawl.
        C. Trap and pot fishery............................  C. Trap, pot.
     3. Atlantic Red Drum Fishery (FMP)....................  No harvest or possession in the EEZ.
     4. Coral and Coral Reef Fishery (FMP):
        A. Octocoral commercial fishery....................  Hand harvest.
        B. Live rock aquaculture fishery...................  Hand harvest.
     5. South Atlantic Shrimp Fishery (FMP)................  Trawl.
     6. South Atlantic Snapper-Grouper Fishery (FMP):
        A. Commercial fishery..............................  A. Longline, rod and reel, bandit gear, handline,
                                                              spear, powerhead.
        B. Black sea bass trap and pot fishery.............  B. Pot, trap.
        C. Wreckfish fishery...............................  C. Rod and reel, bandit gear, handline.
        D. Recreational fishery............................  D. Handline, rod and reel, bandit gear, spear,
     7. South Atlantic Spiny Lobster Fishery (FMP):
        A. Commercial fishery..............................  A. Trap, pot, dip net, bully net, snare, hand harvest.
        B. Recreational fishery............................  B. Trap, pot, dip net, bully net, snare, hand harvest.
     8. South Atlantic Coastal Migratory Pelagics Fishery
        A. Commercial Spanish mackerel fishery.............  A. Handline, rod and reel, bandit gear, gillnet, cast
        B. Commercial king mackerel fishery................  B. Handline, rod and reel, bandit gear.
        C. Other commercial coastal migratory pelagics       C. Longline, handline, rod and reel, bandit gear.
        D. Recreational fishery............................  D. Bandit gear, rod and reel, handline, spear.
     9. Spiny Dogfish Fishery (FMP jointly managed by NEFMC
     and SAFMC):
        A. Gillnet fishery.................................  A. Gillnet.
        B. Trawl fishery...................................  B. Trawl.
        C. Hook and line fishery...........................  C. Hook and line, rod and reel, spear, bandit gear.
        D. Dredge fishery..................................  D. Dredge.
        E. Longline fishery................................  E. Longline.
        F. Recreational fishery............................  F. Hook and line, rod and reel, spear.
    10. Smooth Dogfish Fishery (Non-FMP):
        A. Gillnet fishery.................................  A. Gillnet.
        B. Trawl fishery...................................  B. Trawl.
        C. Hook and line fishery...........................  C. Hook and line, rod and reel, spear, bandit gear.
        D. Dredge fishery..................................  D. Dredge.
        E. Longline fishery................................  E. Longline.
        F. Recreational fishery............................  F. Hook and line, rod and reel, spear.
    11. Atlantic Menhaden Fishery (Non-FMP):
        A. Purse seine fishery.............................  A. Purse seine.
        B. Trawl fishery...................................  B. Trawl.
        C. Gillnet fishery.................................  C. Gillnet.
    [[Page 67521]]
        D. Commercial hook-and-line........................  D. Hook and line fishery.
        E. Recreational fishery............................  E. Hook and line, snagging, cast nets.
    12. Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish Trawl       Trawl.
     Fishery (Non-FMP).
    13. Bait Fisheries (Non-FMP)...........................  Purse seine.
    14. Weakfish Fishery (Non-FMP):
        A. Commercial fishery..............................  A. Trawl, gillnet, hook and line.
        B. Recreational fishery............................  B. Hook and line, spear.
    15. Whelk Fishery (Non-FMP):
        A. Trawl fishery...................................  A. Trawl.
        B. Pot and trap fishery............................  B. Pot, trap.
        C. Dredge fishery..................................  C. Dredge.
        D. Recreational fishery............................  D. Hand harvest.
    16. Marine Life Aquarium Fishery (Non-FMP).............  Dip net, slurp gun, barrier net, drop net, allowable
                                                              chemical, trap, pot, trawl.
    17. Calico Scallop Fishery (Non-FMP):
        A. Dredge fishery..................................  A. Dredge.
        B. Trawl fishery...................................  B. Trawl.
        C. Recreational fishery............................  C. Hand harvest.
    18. Summer Flounder Fishery (FMP managed by MAFMC):
        A. Commercial fishery..............................  A. Trawl, longline, handline, rod and reel, pot, trap,
                                                              gillnet, dredge.
        B. Recreational fishery............................  B. Rod and reel, handline, pot, trap, spear.
    19. Bluefish, Croaker, and Flounder Trawl and Gillnet    Trawl, gillnet.
     Fishery (Bluefish FMP managed by MAFMC).
    20. Commercial Fishery (Non-FMP).......................  Trawl, gillnet, longline, handline, hook and line, rod
                                                              and reel, bandit gear, cast net, pot, trap, lampara
                                                              net, spear.
    21. Recreational Fishery (Non-FMP).....................  Rod and reel, handline, spear, hook and line, hand
                                                              harvest, bandit gear, powerhead, gillnet, cast net.
    22. Sargassum Fishery (Non-FMP)........................  Trawl.
    23. Octopus Fishery (Non-FMP)..........................  Trap, pot.
                                      IV. Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council
    1. Gulf of Mexico Red Drum Fishery (FMP)...............  No harvest or possession in the EEZ.
      2. Coral Reef Fishery (FMP):
        A. Commercial fishery..............................  A. Hand harvest.
        B. Recreational fishery............................  B. Hand harvest.
      3. Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Fishery (FMP):
        A. Snapper-Grouper reef fish longline and hook and   A. Longline, handline, bandit gear, rod and reel, buoy
         line fishery.                                        gear.
        B. Pot and trap reef fish fishery..................  B. Pot, trap.
        C. Other commercial fishery........................  C. Spear, powerhead, cast net, trawl.
        D. Recreational fishery............................  D. Spear, powerhead, bandit gear, handline, rod reel,
                                                              cast net.
     4. Gulf of Mexico Shrimp Fishery (FMP):
        A. Gulf of Mexico commercial fishery...............  A. Trawl butterfly net, skimmer, cast net.
        B. Recreational fishery............................  B. Trawl.
     5. Gulf of Mexico Coastal Migratory Pelagics Fishery
        A. Large pelagics longline fishery.................  A. Longline.
        B. King/Spanish mackerel gillnet fishery...........  B. Gillnet.
        C. Pelagic hook and line fishery...................  C. Bandit gear, handline, rod and reel.
        D. Pelagic species purse seine fishery.............  D. Purse seine.
        E. Recreational fishery............................  E. Bandit gear, handline, rod and reel, spear.
     Gulf of Mexico Spiny Lobster Fishery (FMP):
        A. Commercial fishery..............................  A. Trap, pot, dip net, bully net, hoop net, trawl,
                                                              snare, hand harvest.
        C. Recreational fishery............................  C. Dip net, bully net, pot, trap, snare, hand harvest.
     6. Stone Crab Fishery (FMP):
        A. Trap and pot fishery............................  A. Trap, pot
        B. Recreational fishery............................  B. Trap, pot, hand harvest.
     7. Blue Crab Fishery (Non-FMP)........................  Trap, pot.
     8. Golden Crab Fishery (Non-FMP)......................  Trap.
     9. Mullet Fishery (Non-FMP):
        A. Trawl fishery...................................  A. Trawl.
        B. Gillnet fishery.................................  B. Gillnet.
        C. Pair trawl fishery..............................  C. Pair trawl.
        D. Cast net fishery................................  D. Cast net.
        E. Recreational fishery............................  E. Bandit gear, handline, rod and reel, spear, cast
    10. Inshore Coastal Gillnet Fishery (Non-FMP)..........  Gillnet.
    11. Octopus Fishery (Non-FMP)..........................  Trap, pot.
    12. Marine Life Aquarium Fishery (Non-FMP).............  Dip net, slurp gun, barrier net, drop net, allowable
                                                              chemical, trap, pot, trawl.
    13. Coastal Herring Trawl Fishery (Non-FMP)............  Trawl.
    14. Butterfish Trawl Fishery (Non-FMP).................  Trawl.
    15. Gulf of Mexico Groundfish (Non-FMP):
        A. Commercial fishery..............................  A. Trawl, purse seine, gillnet.
        B. Recreational fishery............................  B. Hook and line, rod and reel, spear.
    16. Gulf of Mexico Menhaden Purse Seine Fishery (Non-    Purse seine.
    [[Page 67522]]
    17. Sardine Purse Seine Fishery (Non-FMP)..............  Purse seine.
    18. Oyster Fishery (Non-FMP)...........................  Dredge, tongs.
    19. Commercial Fishery (Non-FMP).......................  Trawl, gillnet, hook and line, longline, handline, rod
                                                              and reel, bandit gear, cast net, lampara net, spear.
    20. Recreational Fishery (Non-FMP).....................  Bandit gear, handline, rod and reel, spear, bully net,
                                                              gillnet, dip net, longline, powerhead, seine, slurp
                                                              gun, trap, trawl, harpoon, cast net, hoop net, hook
                                                              and line, hand harvest.
                                         V. Caribbean Fishery Management Council
     1. Caribbean Spiny Lobster Fishery (FMP):
        A. Trap/pot fishery................................  A. Trap/pot.
        B. Dip net fishery.................................  B. Dip net.
        C. Entangling net fishery..........................  C. Gillnet, trammel net.
        D. Hand harvest fishery............................  D. Hand harvest, snare.
        E. Recreational fishery............................  E. Dip net, trap, pot, gillnet, trammel net.
     2. Caribbean Shallow Water Reef Fish Fishery (FMP):
        A. Longline/hook and line fishery..................   A. Longline, hook and line.
        B. Trap/pot fishery................................  B. Trap, pot.
        C. Entangling net fishery..........................  C. Gillnet, trammel net.
        D. Recreational fishery............................  D. Dip net, handline, rod and reel, slurp gun, spear.
     3. Coral and Reef Resources Fishery (FMP):
        A. Commercial fishery..............................  A. Dip net, slurp gun.
        B. Recreational fishery............................  B. Dip net, slurp gun, hand harvest.
     4. Queen Conch Fishery (FMP):
        A. Commercial fishery..............................  A. Hand harvest.
        B. Recreational fishery............................  B. Hand harvest.
     5. Caribbean Pelagics Fishery (Non-FMP):
        A. Pelagics drift gillnet fishery..................  A. Gillnet.
        B. Pelagics longline/hook and line fishery.........  B. Longline/hook and line.
        C. Recreational fishery............................  C. Spear, handline, longline, rod and reel.
     6. Commercial Fishery (Non-FMP).......................  Trawl, gillnet, hook and line, longline, handline, rod
                                                              and reel, bandit gear, cast net, spear.
     7. Recreational Fishery (Non-FMP).....................  Rod and reel, hook and line, spear, powerhead,
                                                              handline, hand harvest, cast net.
                                         VI. Pacific Fishery Management Council
     1. Washington, Oregon, and California Salmon Fisheries
        A. Salmon set gillnet fishery......................  A. Gillnet.
        B. Salmon hook and line fishery....................  B. Hook and line.
        C. Trawl fishery...................................  C. Trawl.
        D. Recreational fishery............................  D. Rod and reel.
     2. West Coast Groundfish Fisheries (FMP):
        A. Pacific groundfish trawl fishery................  A. Trawl.
        B. Set gillnet fishery.............................  B. Gillnet.
        C. Groundfish longline and setline fishery.........  C. Longline.
        D. Groundfish handline and hook and line fishery...  D. Handline, hook and line.
        E. Groundfish pot and trap fishery.................  E. Pot, trap.
        F. Recreational fishery............................  F. Rod and reel, handline, spear, hook and line.
     3. Northern Anchovy Fishery (FMP).....................  Purse seine, lampara net.
     4. Angel Shark, White Croaker, California Halibut,      Gillnet.
     White Sea Bass, Pacific Mackerel Large-Mesh Set Net
     Fishery (Non-FMP).
     5. Thresher Shark and Swordfish Drift Gillnet Fishery   Gillnet.
     6. Pacific Shrimp and Prawn Fishery (Non-FMP):
        A. Pot and trap fishery............................  A. Pot, trap.
        B. Trawl fishery...................................  B. Trawl.
     7. Lobster and Rock Crab Pot and Trap Fishery (Non-     Pot, trap.
     8. Pacific Halibut Fishery (Non-FMP):
        A. Longline and setline fishery....................  A. Longline.
        B. Hook-and-line fishery...........................  B. Hook and line.
     9. California Halibut Trawl and Trammel Net Fishery...  Trawl, trammel net.
    10. Shark and Bonito Longline and Setline Fishery (Non-  Longline.
    11. Dungeness Crab Pot and Trap Fishery (Non-FMP)......  Pot, trap.
    12. Hagfish Pot and Trap Fishery (Non-FMP).............  Pot, trap.
    13. Pacific Albacore and Other Tuna Hook-and-line        Hook and line.
     Fishery (Non-FMP).
    14. Pacific Swordfish Harpoon Fishery (Non-FMP)........  Harpoon.
    15. Pacific Scallop Dredge Fishery (Non-FMP)...........  Dredge.
    16. Pacific Yellowfin, Skipjack Tuna, Purse Seine        Purse seine.
     Fishery, (Non-FMP).
    17. Market Squid Fishery (Non-FMP).....................  Purse seine, dip net.
    18. Pacific Sardine, Pacific Mackerel, Pacific Saury,    Purse seine.
     Pacific Bonito, and Jack Mackerel Purse Seine Fishery
    19. Finfish and Shellfish Live Trap, Hook-and-line, and  Trap, handline, hook and line.
     Handline Fishery (Non-FMP).
    [[Page 67523]]
    20. Recreational Fishery (Non-FMP).....................  Spear, trap, handline, pot, hook and line, rod and
                                                              reel, hand harvest.
    21. Commercial Fishery (Non-FMP).......................  Trawl, gillnet, hook and line, longline, handline, rod
                                                              and reel, bandit gear, cast net, spear.
                                      VII. North Pacific Fishery Management Council
     1. Alaska Scallop Fishery (FMP).......................  Dredge.
     2. Bering Sea (BS) and Aleutian Islands (AI) King and
     Tanner Crab Fishery (FMP):
        Pot fishery........................................  Pot.
     3. BS and AI King and Tanner Crab Fishery (Non-FMP):
        Recreational fishery...............................  Pot.
     4. BS and AI Groundfish Fishery (FMP):
        A. Groundfish trawl fishery........................  A. Trawl.
        B. Bottomfish hook-and-line, and handline fishery..  B. Hook and line, handline.
        C. Longline fishery................................  C. Longline.
        D. BS and AI pot and trap fishery..................  D. Pot, trap.
     5. BS and AI Groundfish Recreational Fishery (Non-FMP)  Handline, rod and reel, hook and line, pot, trap.
     6. Gulf of Alaska (GOA) Groundfish Fishery (FMP):
        A. Groundfish trawl fishery........................  A. Trawl.
        B. Bottomfish hook-and-line and handline fishery...  B. Hook and line, handline.
        C. Longline fishery................................  C. Longline.
        D. GOA pot and trap fishery........................  D. Pot, trap.
        E. Recreational fishery............................  E. Handline, rod and reel, hook and line, pot, trap.
     7. Pacific Halibut Fishery (Non-FMP):
        Hook-and-line, Jig, and Troll Fishery..............  Hook and line.
     8. Alaska High Seas Salmon Hook and Line Fishery (FMP)  Hook and line.
     9. Alaska Salmon Fishery (Non-FMP):
        A. Hook-and-line fishery...........................  A. Hook and line.
        B. Gillnet fishery.................................  B. Gillnet.
        C. Purse seine fishery.............................  C. Purse seine.
        D. Recreational fishery............................  D. Handline, rod and reel, hook and line.
    10. Finfish Purse Seine Fishery (Non-FMP)..............  Purse seine.
    11. Octopus/Squid Longline Fishery (Non-FMP)...........  Longline.
    12. Finfish Handline and Hook-and-line Fishery (Non-     Handline, hook and line.
    13. Recreational Fishery (Non-FMP).....................  Handline, rod and reel, hook line.
    14. Commercial Fishery (Non-FMP).......................  Trawl, gillnet, hook and line, longline, handline, rod
                                                              and reel, bandit gear, cast net, spear.
                                     VIII. Western Pacific Fishery Management Council
     1. Western Pacific Crustacean Fishery (FMP)             Trap, hand harvest, hoop net.
     2. Western Pacific Crustacean Fishery (Non-FMP):
        A. Commercial fishery..............................  A. Gillnet, hand harvest, hoop net, spear, snare, trap,
        B. Recreational fishery............................  B. Gillnet, hand harvest, hoop net, spear, snare, trap.
        C. Charter fishery.................................  C. Hand harvest, spear.
     3. Western Pacific Precious Corals Fishery (FMP):
        A. Tangle net dredge fishery.......................  A. Tangle net dredge.
        B. Submersible fishery.............................  B. Submersible.
        C. Dive fishery....................................  C. Hand harvest.
        D. Recreational fishery............................  D. Hand harvest.
     4. Western Pacific Precious Corals Fishery (Non-FMP)..  Hand harvest, submersible, tangle net dredge.
     5. Western Pacific Bottomfish and Seamount Groundfish
     Fishery (FMP):
        A. Bottomfish hook-and-line fishery................  A. Bandit gear, buoy gear, handline, hook and line, rod
                                                              and reel, hand harvest.
        B. Seamount groundfish fishery.....................  B. Longline, trawl.
        C. Bottom longline fishery.........................  C. Longline, hook and line.
        D. Trap fishery....................................  D. Trap.
        E. Spear fishery...................................  E. Spear, powerhead.
     6. Western Pacific Bottomfish and Seamount Groundfish
     Fishery (Non-FMP):
        A. Commercial fishery..............................  A. Bandit gear, buoy gear, gillnet, handline, hook-and-
                                                              line, longline, rod and reel, spear, trap.
        B. Recreational fishery............................  B. Bandit gear, buoy gear, Gillnet, handline, hook and
                                                              line, longline, rod and reel, spear, trap, slurp gun,
                                                              hand harvest.
        C. Charter fishery.................................  C. Bandit gear, buoy gear, handline, hook-and-line, rod
                                                              and reel, spear.
     7. Western Pacific Pelagics Fishery (FMP):
        A. Longline Fisher.................................  A. Longline.
        B. Hook and line fishery...........................  B. Bandit gear, buoy gear, handline, hook and line, rod
                                                              and reel.
        C. Purse seine fishery.............................  C. Lampara net, purse seine.
        D. Spear fishery...................................  D. Spear, powerhead.
    [[Page 67524]]
     8. Western Pacific Pelagics Fishery (Non-FMP):
        A. Recreational fishery............................  A. Bandit gear, buoy gear, dip net, handline, hook and
                                                              line, hoop net, powerhead, rod and real, spear.
        B. Commercial fishery..............................  B. Bandit gear, buoy gear, dip net, handline, hook and
                                                              line, hoop net, powerhead, rod and reel, spear.
        C. Charter fishery.................................  C. Bandit gear, buoy gear, dip net, handline, hook and
                                                              line, hoop net, powerhead, rod and reel, spear.
     9. Western Pacific Coastal Pelagics Fishery (Non-FMP).  Bandit gear, buoy gear, dip net, gillnet, handline,
                                                              hook and line, hoop net, lampara net, purse seine, rod
                                                              and reel, spear.
    10. Western Pacific Squid and Octopus Fishery (Non-FMP)  Bandit gear, hand harvest, hook and line, rod and reel,
                                                              spear, trap.
    11. Western Pacific Coral Reef Fishery (Non-FMP).......  Allowable chemical, barrier net, dip net, gillnet, hand
                                                              harvest, seine, slurp gun, trap, spear, rod and reel,
                                                              hook and line.
    12. Recreational Fishery (Non-FMP).....................  Rod and reel, hook and line, handline, hand harvest,
    13. Commercial Fishery (Non-FMP).......................  Trawl, gillnet, hook and line, longline, handline, rod
                                                              and reel, bandit gear, cast net, spear.
                                                IX. Secretary of Commerce
      1. Atlantic Tunas, Swordfish, and Sharks Fisheries
        A. Swordfish handgear fishery......................  A. Rod and reel, harpoon, handline, bandit gear.
        B. Pelagic longline fishery........................  B. Longline.
        C. Shark drift gillnet fishery.....................  C. Gillnet.
        D. Shark bottom longline fishery...................  D. Longline.
        E. Shark handgear fishery..........................  E. Rod and reel, handline, bandit gear.
        F. Tuna purse seine fishery........................  F. Purse seine.
        G. Tuna recreational fishery.......................  G. Rod and reel, handline.
        H. Tuna handgear fishery...........................  H. Rod and reel, harpoon, handline, bandit gear.
        I. Tuna harpoon fishery............................  I. Harpoon.
     2. Atlantic Billfish Fishery (FMP):
        Recreational fishery...............................  Rod and reel.
     3. Commercial Fisheries (Non-FMP).....................  Rod and reel, handline, longline, gillnet, harpoon,
                                                              bandit gear, purse seine
    [FR Doc. 99-31227 Filed 11-29-99; 3:33 pm]
    BILLING CODE 3510-22-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
Effective December 1, 1999.
67511-67524 (14 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 980519132-9315-03, I.D.022498F
0648-AK49: List of Gear and Fisheries Under Jurisdiction of Each Fishery Management Council or the Secretary of Commerce for Highly Migratory Species
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (2)
50 CFR 600.10
50 CFR 600.725