Start Preamble
Start Printed Page 75662
Postal Service.
Notice of a change in rates of general applicability for competitive products.
This notice sets forth changes in rates of general applicability for competitive products.
Effective Date: January 22, 2012.
Daniel J. Foucheaux, Jr., (202) 268-2989.
End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental InformationSUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
On October 18, 2011, pursuant to their authority under 39 U.S.C. 3632, the Governors of the Postal Service established prices and classification changes for competitive products. The Governors' Decision and the record of proceedings in connection with such decision are reprinted below in accordance with section 3632(b)(2).
Start SignatureStanley F. Mires,
Attorney, Legal Policy & Legislative Advice.
Decision of the Governors of the United States Postal Service on Changes in Rates and Classes of General Applicability for Competitive Products (Governors' Decision No. 11-8)
October 18, 2011
Statement of Explanation and Justification
Pursuant to our authority under section 3632 of title 39, as amended by the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006 (“PAEA”), we establish new prices of general applicability for the Postal Service's shipping services (competitive products), and such changes in classifications as are necessary to define the new prices. The changes are described generally below, with a detailed description of the changes in the attachment. The attachment includes the draft Mail Classification Schedule sections with changes in classification language in legislative format, and new prices displayed in the price charts.
As shown in the nonpublic annex being filed under seal herewith, the changes we establish should enable each competitive product to cover its attributable costs (39 U.S.C. 3633(a)(2)) and should result in competitive products as a whole complying with 39 U.S.C. 3633(a)(3), which, as implemented by 39 CFR 3015.7(c), requires competitive products to contribute a minimum of 5.5 percent to the Postal Service's institutional costs. Accordingly, no issue of subsidization of competitive products by market dominant products should arise (39 U.S.C. 3633(a)(1)). We therefore find that the new prices and classification changes are in accordance with 39 U.S.C. 3632-3633 and 39 CFR 3015.2.
I. Domestic Products
A. Express Mail
Overall, the Express Mail price change represents a 3.3 percent increase. The existing structure of zoned Retail, Commercial Base and Commercial Plus price categories is maintained. New for January 2012, we will be introducing a Flat Rate Box, priced at $39.95 across all channels.
Retail prices will increase an average of 4.4 percent. The price for the Retail Flat Rate Envelope and Legal Flat Rate Envelope, a significant portion of all Express Mail volume, is increasing 3.6 percent to $18.95.
The Commercial Base price category offers lower prices to customers who use online and other authorized postage payment methods. The Commercial Base prices will decrease 5.0 percent.
The Commercial Plus price category offers even lower prices to large-volume customers. Commercial Plus prices, as a whole, will receive a zero percent increase, although some prices will increase and other prices will decrease.
B. Priority Mail
Overall, Priority Mail prices will increase by 3.1 percent. However, the price increase varies by rate cell and price tier. The existing structure of Retail, Commercial Base, and Commercial Plus price categories is maintained.
Retail prices will increase an average of 3.2 percent. Flat Rate Box prices will be: Small, $5.35; Medium, $11.35; Large, $15.45; and Large APO/FPO/DPO, $13.45. The regular Flat Rate Envelope will be priced at $5.15, with the Legal Size and Padded Flat Rate Envelopes priced at $5.30 at retail.
The Commercial Base price category offers lower prices to customers using online and other authorized postage payment methods. The average price increase for Commercial Base will be 3.0 percent. A new, larger-sized Regional Rate Box price tier will be added to the two existing sizes. If deposited at retail, a $0.75 fee will be added.
The Commercial Plus price category offers even lower prices to large-volume customers. The average price increase for Commercial Plus will be 2.8 percent. This price category will continue to contain Critical Mail letters and flats, a half pound price, an assortment of Flat Rate packaging, and Commercial Plus Cubic pricing. Cubic mailers will have a reduced threshold of 150,000 pieces per year (reduced from 250,000) to qualify. Cubic mailers will also be able to use soft packaging. Finally, Open and Distribute pricing for specified trays and flat tubs will be introduced in January.
C. Parcel Select
On average, prices for Parcel Select, the Postal Service's bulk ground shipping product, will increase 8.5 percent. For destination entered parcels, the average price increases are 7.6 percent for parcels entered at a destination delivery unit (DDU), 7.8 percent for parcels entered at a destination plant (DSCF) and 6.8 percent for parcels entered at a destination Network Distribution Center (DNDC).
For nondestination-entered parcels, the average price increases are 1.5 percent for Origin Network Distribution Center (ONDC) presort, 0.9 percent for Network Distribution Center (NDC) presort, and 0.8 percent for nonpresort. The three-cent barcode discount will also be eliminated. Prices for Lightweight Parcel Select, formerly Standard Mail commercial parcels, will increase by 8.9 percent in order to complete its transfer to the competitive product list. Also, the maximum dimensions for Regional Ground will increase to accommodate any machinable parcel within this price category. Finally, in January 2012, the Intelligent Mail Package Barcode (IMpb) will provide customers with free visibility for these parcels.
D. Parcel Return Service
Parcel Return Service prices will have an overall price increase of 4.6 percent. Prices for parcels retrieved at a Return Network Distribution Center (RNDC) will have a zero percent overall increase, and prices for parcels picked up at a return delivery unit (RDU) will increase 8.9 percent. Additionally, the Postal Service's suite of returns offerings, including PRC, Merchandise Return Service, Priority Mail, First-Class mail, and Package Services, will have new “Return Service” branding.
E. Commercial First-Class Package Service
Commercial First-Class Mail parcels were recently transferred to the competitive product list, and will be renamed Commercial First-Class Package Service. This product is positioned as a lightweight (less than one pound) offering used by businesses for fulfillment purposes. Overall, Start Printed Page 75663Commercial First-Class Package Service prices will increase 3.7 percent, with no structural changes.
F. Domestic Extra Services
Premium Forwarding Service prices will increase 3.4 percent. The weekly reshipment fee will increase to $15.25. On average, Address Enhancement Service prices will increase 7.3 percent. The 49 Post Office Box locations that were added to the competitive product list in June 2010 will be joined by 6,800 additional Post Office Box locations in January 2012. Additional fee ranges for these boxes in Fee Groups 2 through 7 will be added as well. Lastly, Package Intercept service will be introduced within the Competitive Ancillary Services product, priced at $10.95.
II. International Products
A. Expedited Services
International expedited services include Global Express Guaranteed (GXG) and Express Mail International (EMI). Overall, GXG prices will rise by 6 percent, and EMI will be subject to an overall 11.6 percent increase. Classification changes include changes to published discounts. In lieu of offering an across-the-board discount for customers using approved postage payment methods, published discounts will be expanded to include rate cell-specific discounted schedules for both GXG and EMI. The commercial base discount schedules replace the current across-the-board percentage discounts for eligible shipments using selected payment methods. Customers tendering at least $100,000 in revenue per year for GXG, EMI, and Priority Mail International (PMI) may request authorization for new commercial plus discounts. We are introducing two versions of a new Express Mail International Flat Rate Box, with a maximum weight of 20 pounds. Customers pay a flat rate of $59.95 to Canada and $74.95 for all other countries that accept Express Mail International. Classification changes also include country group assignments for the country of Tonga, and changes to the dimensional limits for EMI.
B. Priority Mail International
The overall increase for Priority Mail International (PMI) will be 8.7 percent. Classification changes include the simplification of dimensional criteria for flat rate envelopes and boxes, changes to the dimensional limits for PMI, and the introduction of commercial base and commercial plus discounts as described for GXG and EMI.
C. International Priority Airmail and International Surface Air Lift
Published prices International Priority Airmail (IPA) will increase by 1.0 percent, and International Surface Air Lift (ISAL) prices will increase by 13.7 percent.
D. Airmail M-Bags
The published prices for Airmail M-Bags will increase by 3.5 percent.
E. International Ancillary Services and Special Services
Prices for several international ancillary services and paper money orders will be increased. For international ancillary services, the overall increase is 5.0 percent. Money order prices will increase by 4.7 percent.
The changes in prices and classes set forth herein shall be effective at 12:01 a.m. on January 22, 2012. We direct the Secretary to have this decision published in the Federal Register in accordance with 39 U.S.C. 3632(b)(2). We also direct management to file with the Postal Regulatory Commission appropriate notice of these changes.
Start SignatureBy The Governors:
Louis J. Giuliano
Part B
Competitive Products
2000 Competitive Product List
* * * * *2001 Competitive Product Descriptions
* * * * *2100 Domestic Products
* * * * *2105 Express Mail
* * * * *2105.2 Size and Weight Limitations
Length Height Thickness Weight Minimum large enough to accommodate postage, address, and other required elements on the address side none Maximum 108 inches in combined length and girth 70 pounds Flat Rate Envelope Nominal Sizes: Regular: 9.5 × 12.5 inches Legal: 9.5 × 15 inches Sizes: Flat Rate Box Various sizes as defined in the DMM. — not to exceed .35 cu. ft. * * * * *2105.5 Optional Features
The following additional services may be available in conjunction with the product specified in this section:
- Pickup On Demand Service
- Sunday/Holiday Delivery
- Ancillary Services (1505)
○ Address Correction Service (1505.1)
○ Collect On Delivery (1505.7)
○ Express Mail Insurance (1505.9)
○ Return Receipt (1505.13)
- Competitive Ancillary Services (2645)
○ Adult Signature Service (2645.1)
○ Package Intercept Service (2645.2)
2105.6 Prices
Retail Express Mail Zone/WeightStart Printed Page 75664
Start Printed Page 75665Maximum weight (pounds) Zones 1 & 2 ($) Zone 3 ($) Zone 4 ($) Zone 5 ($) Zone 6 ($) Zone 7 ($) Zone 8 ($) 0.5 12.95 19.80 21.30 24.00 25.45 27.00 28.00 1 14.95 23.85 26.90 27.40 31.25 31.65 33.20 2 17.40 23.55 29.35 30.05 34.20 34.45 36.45 3 18.50 24.95 33.75 34.60 39.40 39.65 41.75 4 19.85 26.60 38.20 39.60 44.40 44.55 46.95 5 20.60 28.40 42.50 44.15 49.40 49.65 52.20 6 24.10 34.20 46.50 48.50 54.30 54.55 57.60 7 27.65 39.85 50.85 52.35 59.35 59.70 62.65 8 29.05 41.10 54.75 56.85 64.45 64.75 68.05 9 30.60 42.75 58.55 61.35 69.45 69.70 73.30 10 31.60 44.55 61.25 64.35 73.05 73.25 76.95 11 34.50 49.80 65.50 67.50 76.55 76.75 80.65 12 35.10 53.35 68.95 70.60 80.05 80.20 84.20 13 35.60 56.75 72.15 73.65 83.40 84.40 89.10 14 36.75 60.25 75.00 76.75 86.90 88.05 92.80 15 38.90 63.65 78.20 79.90 90.45 91.35 96.50 16 39.95 67.25 81.25 83.10 94.35 94.45 98.80 17 42.20 70.75 84.30 86.05 97.50 97.70 102.55 18 44.40 74.10 87.30 89.25 100.95 101.25 106.15 19 45.60 77.60 90.30 92.30 104.40 104.65 109.75 20 47.70 81.15 94.75 96.20 108.50 109.15 114.65 21 49.10 86.20 97.75 99.05 113.30 113.70 118.90 22 51.30 89.80 102.05 103.65 116.85 117.25 123.50 23 52.40 93.25 105.05 106.85 120.45 120.70 127.10 24 54.60 96.80 108.45 109.90 124.10 124.20 129.90 25 56.95 100.40 111.05 113.05 127.45 127.80 134.00 26 58.00 104.00 114.25 116.25 131.05 131.40 137.75 27 60.15 107.40 117.25 119.25 134.50 134.95 141.40 28 61.30 111.00 121.00 122.40 138.00 138.40 145.10 29 63.60 114.50 124.95 125.55 141.55 141.95 148.65 30 65.85 118.05 128.90 129.25 145.65 146.05 153.40 31 66.90 121.55 132.80 133.20 150.25 150.60 158.25 32 69.10 125.25 136.75 137.30 154.65 155.05 162.95 33 70.25 128.75 140.70 141.15 159.15 159.50 167.60 34 72.50 132.15 144.75 145.10 163.55 163.90 172.30 35 73.65 135.75 148.55 149.15 167.95 168.45 177.00 36 75.80 139.35 152.60 153.05 172.55 172.95 181.75 37 78.00 142.80 156.50 157.10 177.10 177.45 186.50 38 79.15 146.40 160.50 161.10 181.50 181.85 191.15 39 81.40 150.00 164.45 165.00 185.75 186.20 195.90 40 82.45 153.40 168.50 168.95 190.25 190.80 200.65 41 84.70 157.00 172.40 173.00 194.90 195.15 205.35 42 86.90 160.60 176.35 176.95 199.45 199.70 210.05 43 88.10 164.05 180.25 181.00 203.85 204.25 214.80 44 90.25 167.65 184.25 184.95 208.30 208.70 219.45 45 91.45 171.25 188.10 188.85 212.75 213.10 224.25 46 93.65 174.65 192.25 192.80 217.15 217.55 228.95 47 94.75 178.25 196.15 196.90 221.65 222.00 233.65 48 96.90 181.85 200.00 200.75 226.15 226.55 238.35 49 99.15 185.30 204.00 204.70 230.75 230.95 243.10 50 100.35 188.90 208.05 208.75 235.05 235.40 247.80 51 102.55 192.50 211.95 212.70 239.45 239.85 252.55 52 103.70 195.90 215.85 216.75 244.05 244.45 257.30 53 105.95 199.50 219.85 220.55 248.55 248.75 262.00 54 108.20 203.10 223.75 224.60 253.05 253.30 266.70 55 109.25 207.75 227.85 228.55 257.45 257.80 271.35 56 111.45 211.35 231.70 232.65 261.90 262.20 276.10 57 112.60 214.95 235.70 236.55 266.35 266.75 280.80 58 114.70 218.35 239.60 240.50 270.85 271.10 285.55 59 116.05 221.85 243.55 244.50 275.40 275.65 290.25 60 118.15 225.45 247.50 248.45 279.85 280.15 294.95 61 120.40 229.05 251.60 252.60 284.30 284.65 299.65 62 121.55 232.50 255.45 256.35 288.70 289.10 304.45 63 123.75 236.05 259.40 260.40 293.25 293.55 309.25 64 124.80 239.55 263.35 264.35 297.75 298.00 313.95 65 127.05 243.10 267.25 268.20 302.15 302.50 318.55 66 129.35 246.70 271.35 272.30 306.65 307.00 323.20 67 130.45 250.20 275.30 276.20 311.00 311.45 328.00 68 132.60 253.75 279.20 280.30 315.65 315.95 332.85 69 133.65 257.30 283.15 284.25 320.00 320.30 337.35 70 136.00 260.90 287.15 288.10 324.50 324.70 342.10 Retail Flat Rate Envelope
($) Retail Regular Flat Rate Envelope, per piece 18.95 Retail Legal Flat Rate Envelope, per piece 18.95 Retail Flat Rate Box
($) Retail Flat Rate Box, per piece 39.95 Commercial Base Zone/Weight
Maximum weight (pounds) Zones 1 & 2 ($) Zone 3 ($) Zone 4 ($) Zone 5 ($) Zone 6 ($) Zone 7 ($) Zone 8 ($) 0.5 12.85 16.68 20.05 22.81 24.76 26.46 27.18 1 14.85 16.68 20.05 22.81 24.76 26.46 27.18 2 15.30 16.94 22.56 25.24 27.99 29.15 30.35 3 15.65 18.13 24.98 27.96 31.01 32.05 33.19 4 16.00 19.01 27.08 30.59 33.85 34.89 36.27 5 16.35 19.79 29.62 33.46 36.72 37.79 39.14 6 16.62 21.44 32.86 36.96 40.76 41.47 43.24 7 17.40 22.51 35.13 39.72 43.64 44.65 46.19 8 17.55 23.62 37.40 42.26 46.55 47.78 49.16 9 17.76 24.49 39.53 44.99 49.47 50.91 52.32 10 17.79 24.52 41.35 47.35 49.50 50.94 53.69 11 19.64 26.88 43.53 49.89 55.29 57.07 58.41 12 20.45 27.99 45.87 52.22 58.02 60.16 61.54 13 20.75 29.03 48.05 54.61 60.34 63.35 64.51 14 21.59 30.14 50.53 56.91 62.70 66.11 67.67 15 21.86 30.95 52.24 59.21 62.74 68.25 70.24 16 22.72 32.29 54.75 61.42 67.15 70.03 71.99 17 24.24 34.20 57.71 63.35 68.68 71.59 73.58 18 25.07 35.31 59.46 64.70 70.21 73.19 75.52 19 25.56 36.26 60.84 66.08 71.81 74.81 77.51 20 25.59 36.72 62.40 67.67 73.37 76.56 79.29 21 28.83 40.84 68.22 74.26 80.13 83.57 87.18 22 29.68 41.75 69.86 75.93 81.80 85.51 89.05 23 30.27 42.61 71.54 77.80 83.71 87.35 91.15 24 30.93 43.36 73.44 79.77 85.94 89.25 93.02 25 31.19 43.59 75.31 81.41 86.82 91.41 94.92 26 32.41 45.26 77.38 83.41 90.56 93.74 96.92 27 33.00 46.12 79.28 85.80 93.05 95.78 98.76 28 33.85 47.13 81.38 88.26 94.96 97.68 100.86 29 34.18 47.92 83.44 90.13 96.99 99.81 102.99 30 34.21 47.95 85.12 92.20 97.02 101.71 103.68 31 35.75 49.72 86.95 94.30 100.93 103.78 107.19 32 36.77 50.87 88.86 96.40 102.99 105.88 109.22 33 37.62 52.15 90.56 98.47 105.09 108.24 111.72 34 38.44 52.94 92.63 100.56 107.35 110.57 114.05 35 39.26 53.92 94.69 102.66 109.42 112.90 116.28 36 40.57 54.78 96.73 104.73 111.55 115.39 118.54 37 40.61 56.35 98.63 106.86 113.78 117.95 121.03 38 41.26 57.24 100.37 108.73 115.95 120.70 123.33 39 42.61 58.22 102.24 110.77 118.15 123.20 125.79 40 42.64 59.20 104.11 112.86 120.24 125.56 128.31 41 44.02 60.42 105.98 115.00 122.54 127.59 130.74 42 44.67 61.63 108.04 117.06 125.03 130.58 133.40 43 45.85 62.78 110.18 119.13 127.36 132.68 136.15 44 46.87 64.03 112.04 121.23 129.59 135.00 139.04 45 47.86 65.37 114.05 123.30 132.12 137.33 141.27 46 48.81 66.78 116.05 125.92 134.61 139.70 143.76 47 49.63 68.19 118.08 127.30 137.10 141.73 146.03 48 49.95 69.54 119.75 129.40 139.60 144.29 148.75 49 50.32 71.14 121.46 130.41 139.63 146.58 151.40 50 50.35 71.11 121.49 129.79 139.66 146.62 151.44 51 53.07 74.10 125.33 135.63 147.27 151.67 157.21 52 53.89 75.67 127.26 137.69 149.76 154.16 160.29 53 54.94 76.92 129.20 139.99 152.45 156.69 162.98 54 55.83 78.46 131.33 142.06 154.75 159.70 166.07 Start Printed Page 75666 55 56.65 79.90 133.66 143.99 157.08 162.36 168.53 56 57.70 81.41 136.09 145.66 159.54 165.38 171.25 57 58.81 82.82 138.55 148.26 161.84 168.07 174.17 58 60.09 84.20 141.07 150.29 164.33 171.08 177.25 59 60.94 85.61 143.53 152.13 166.82 173.77 180.37 60 61.57 86.20 145.86 154.72 169.51 176.73 182.56 61 63.24 88.59 148.35 156.69 172.20 179.45 182.60 62 64.75 90.17 150.62 159.67 174.89 182.40 189.42 63 65.83 91.94 153.18 161.97 177.78 185.55 192.57 64 67.08 93.74 155.67 164.69 180.73 188.76 195.65 65 67.50 95.55 157.96 167.35 183.61 192.11 198.31 66 69.47 97.28 160.49 170.07 186.50 195.26 201.85 67 69.80 99.12 162.79 173.02 189.65 198.64 205.36 68 71.96 100.86 165.28 175.91 192.57 198.67 208.67 69 73.05 102.66 167.74 178.83 192.60 199.65 212.18 70 73.08 103.45 167.77 181.58 195.49 202.15 215.07 Commercial Base Flat Rate Envelope
($) Commercial Base Regular Flat Rate Envelope, per piece 17.75 Commercial Base Legal Flat Rate Envelope, per piece 17.75 Commercial Base Flat Rate Box
($) Commercial Base Flat Rate Box, per piece 39.95 Commercial Plus Zone/Weight
Maximum weight (pounds) Zones 1 & 2 ($) Zone 3 ($) Zone 4 ($) Zone 5 ($) Zone 6 ($) Zone 7 ($) Zone 8 ($) 0.5 11.08 12.91 15.71 16.81 17.07 17.74 18.00 1 11.54 15.51 18.50 20.54 20.97 21.26 24.75 2 11.85 16.75 21.75 22.54 25.00 27.75 30.25 3 13.44 18.13 24.98 27.96 29.85 32.05 33.05 4 14.49 19.01 27.08 30.59 33.85 34.89 36.05 5 14.63 19.79 29.62 33.46 36.72 37.79 39.05 6 16.62 21.44 32.86 36.96 40.76 41.47 43.24 7 17.40 22.51 35.13 39.72 43.64 44.65 46.19 8 17.55 23.62 37.40 42.26 46.55 47.78 49.16 9 17.76 24.49 39.53 44.99 49.47 50.91 52.32 10 17.79 24.52 41.35 47.35 49.50 50.94 53.69 11 19.64 26.88 43.53 49.89 55.29 57.07 58.41 12 20.45 27.99 45.87 52.22 58.02 60.16 61.54 13 20.75 29.03 48.05 54.61 60.34 63.35 64.51 14 21.59 30.14 50.53 56.91 62.70 66.11 67.67 15 21.86 30.95 52.24 59.21 62.74 68.25 70.24 16 22.72 32.29 54.75 61.42 67.15 70.03 71.99 17 24.24 34.20 57.71 63.35 68.68 71.59 73.58 18 25.07 35.31 59.46 64.70 70.21 73.19 75.52 19 25.56 36.26 60.84 66.08 71.81 74.81 77.51 20 25.59 36.72 62.40 67.67 73.37 76.56 79.29 21 28.83 40.84 68.22 74.26 80.13 83.57 87.18 22 29.68 41.75 69.86 75.93 81.80 85.51 89.05 23 30.27 42.61 71.54 77.80 83.71 87.35 91.15 24 30.93 43.36 73.44 79.77 85.94 89.25 93.02 25 31.19 43.59 75.31 81.41 86.82 91.41 94.92 26 32.41 45.26 77.38 83.41 90.56 93.74 96.92 27 33.00 46.12 79.28 85.80 93.05 95.78 98.76 28 33.85 47.13 81.38 88.26 94.96 97.68 100.86 29 34.18 47.92 83.44 90.13 96.99 99.81 102.99 30 34.21 47.95 85.12 92.20 97.02 101.71 103.68 31 35.75 49.72 86.95 94.30 100.93 103.78 107.19 32 36.77 50.87 88.86 96.40 102.99 105.88 109.22 Start Printed Page 75667 33 37.62 52.15 90.56 98.47 105.09 108.24 111.72 34 38.44 52.94 92.63 100.56 107.35 110.57 114.05 35 39.26 53.92 94.69 102.66 109.42 112.90 116.28 36 40.57 54.78 96.73 104.73 111.55 115.39 118.54 37 40.61 56.35 98.63 106.86 113.78 117.95 121.03 38 41.26 57.24 100.37 108.73 115.95 120.70 123.33 39 42.61 58.22 102.24 110.77 118.15 123.20 125.79 40 42.64 59.20 104.11 112.86 120.24 125.56 128.31 41 44.02 60.42 105.98 115.00 122.54 127.59 130.74 42 44.67 61.63 108.04 117.06 125.03 130.58 133.40 43 45.85 62.78 110.18 119.13 127.36 132.68 136.15 44 46.87 64.03 112.04 121.23 129.59 135.00 139.04 45 47.86 65.37 114.05 123.30 132.12 137.33 141.27 46 48.81 66.78 116.05 125.92 134.61 139.70 143.76 47 49.63 68.19 118.08 127.30 137.10 141.73 146.03 48 49.95 69.54 119.75 129.40 139.60 144.29 148.75 49 50.32 71.14 121.46 130.41 139.63 146.58 151.40 50 50.35 71.11 121.49 129.79 139.66 146.62 151.44 51 53.07 74.10 125.33 135.63 147.27 151.67 157.21 52 53.89 75.67 127.26 137.69 149.76 154.16 160.29 53 54.94 76.92 129.20 139.99 152.45 156.69 162.98 54 55.83 78.46 131.33 142.06 154.75 159.70 166.07 55 56.65 79.90 133.66 143.99 157.08 162.36 168.53 56 57.70 81.41 136.09 145.66 159.54 165.38 171.25 57 58.81 82.82 138.55 148.26 161.84 168.07 174.17 58 60.09 84.20 141.07 150.29 164.33 171.08 177.25 59 60.94 85.61 143.53 152.13 166.82 173.77 180.37 60 61.57 86.20 145.86 154.72 169.51 176.73 182.56 61 63.24 88.59 148.35 156.69 172.20 179.45 182.60 62 64.75 90.17 150.62 159.67 174.89 182.40 189.42 63 65.83 91.94 153.18 161.97 177.78 185.55 192.57 64 67.08 93.74 155.67 164.69 180.73 188.76 195.65 65 67.50 95.55 157.96 167.35 183.61 192.11 198.31 66 69.47 97.28 160.49 170.07 186.50 195.26 201.85 67 69.80 99.12 162.79 173.02 189.65 198.64 205.36 68 71.96 100.86 165.28 175.91 192.57 198.67 208.67 69 73.05 102.66 167.74 178.83 192.60 199.65 212.18 70 73.08 103.45 167.77 181.58 195.49 202.15 215.07 Commercial Plus Flat Rate Envelope
($) Commercial Plus Regular Flat Rate Envelope, per piece 12.72 Commercial Plus Legal Flat Rate Envelope, per piece 12.72 Commercial Plus Flat Rate Box
($) Commercial Plus Flat Rate Box, per piece 39.95 Pickup on Demand Service
Add price specified for Parcel Post Pickup On Demand service (section 1405.6) for each Pickup On Demand stop.
Sunday/Holiday Delivery
Add $12.50 for requesting Sunday or holiday delivery.
2110 Priority Mail
* * *
2110.2 Size and Weight Limitations
Start Printed Page 75668* * *
2110.4 Price Categories
The following price categories are available for the product specified in this section:
- Retail
○ Zone/Weight—Prices are based on weight and zone
○ Flat Rate Envelopes—Envelope provided or approved by the Postal Service
○ Flat Rate Boxes—Boxes provided or approved by the Postal Service
○ Regional Rate Boxes
○ Balloon Price—Applies to parcels in zones local through 4, weighing less than 20 pounds, and measuring between 84 and 108 inches in combined length and girthStart Printed Page 75669
○ Dimensional Weight—Applies to parcels in zones 5 through 8 that exceed one cubic foot
- Commercial Base—Available to mailers who use specifically authorized postage payment methods
○ Zone/Weight—Prices are based on weight and zone
○ Flat Rate Envelopes—Envelope provided or approved by the Postal Service
○ Flat Rate Boxes—Boxes provided or approved by the Postal Service
○ Regional Rate Boxes
○ Balloon Price—Applies to parcels in zones local through 4, weighing less than 20 pounds, and measuring between 84 and 108 inches in combined length and girth
○ Dimensional Weight—Applies to parcels in zones 5 through 8 that exceed one cubic foot
- Commercial Plus—Available to mailers who use specifically authorized postage payment methods and whose annual volume exceeds 75,000 pieces or 600 open and distribute containers for parcels, or 5,000 letter-sized pieces excluding the Padded Flat Rate Envelope
○ Zone/Weight—Prices are based on weight and zone
○ Flat Rate Envelopes—Envelope provided or approved by the Postal Service
○ Flat Rate Boxes—Boxes provided or approved by the Postal Service
○ Regional Rate Boxes
○ Balloon Price—Applies to parcels in zones local through 4, weighing less than 20 pounds, and measuring between 84 and 108 inches in combined length and girth
○ Dimensional Weight—Applies to parcels in zones 5 through 8 that exceed one cubic foot
○ Critical Mail—Prices are available to Commercial Plus customers who use specifically authorized postage payment methods and whose annual Priority Mail volume exceeds 5,000 pieces.
- Commercial Plus Cubic—Prices are available to customers who use specifically authorized postage payment methods and whose annual Priority Mail volume exceeds [2]1 50,000 pieces
○ Zone/Cubic Volume
- Open and Distribute (PMOD)—Available to mailers who use specifically authorized postage payment methods
- Processing Facilities—Received at a designated processing facility, or other equivalent facility
- Half Tray
- Full Tray
- EMM Tray
- Flat Tub
- DDU—Received at a designated destination delivery unit, or other equivalent facility
- Half Tray
- Full Tray
- EMM Tray
- Flat Tub
2110.5 Optional Features
The following additional postal services may be available in conjunction with the product specified in this section:
- Pickup on Demand Service
- Ancillary Services (1505)
○ Address Correction Service (1505.1)
○ Business Reply Mail (1505.3)
○ Certified Mail (1505.5.5)
○ Certificate of Mailing (1505.6)
○ Collect On Delivery (1505.7)
○ Delivery Confirmation (1505.8)
○ Insurance (1505.9)
○ Merchandise Return (1505.10)
○ Registered Mail (1505.12)
○ Return Receipt (1505.13)
○ Return Receipt for Merchandise (1505.14)
○ Restricted Delivery (1505.15)
○ Signature Confirmation (1505.17)
○ Special Handling (1505.18)
- Competitive Ancillary Services (2645)
○ Adult Signature Service (2645.1)
○ Package Intercept Service (2645.2)
2110.6 Prices
Retail Priority Mail Zone/Weight
Maximum weight (pounds) Local, Zones 1 & 2 ($) Zone 3 ($) Zone 4 ($) Zone 5 ($) Zone 6 ($) Zone 7 ($) Zone 8 ($) 1 5.20 5.25 5.35 5.50 5.65 5.90 6.30 2 5.30 5.65 6.30 8.05 8.75 9.45 10.40 3 6.05 6.95 8.05 9.70 10.95 11.80 13.85 4 6.85 8.15 9.20 12.85 14.05 15.00 16.70 5 8.10 9.35 10.55 14.55 16.05 17.25 19.25 6 8.95 10.30 11.85 16.20 18.00 19.35 21.75 7 9.50 11.20 12.75 18.05 19.90 21.80 24.45 8 10.20 12.20 14.25 19.60 21.85 24.00 27.40 9 10.85 13.15 15.45 21.25 23.80 26.00 30.50 10 11.60 14.15 16.85 23.00 25.70 28.60 33.20 11 12.40 15.10 18.15 24.80 27.60 31.55 36.45 12 13.25 16.20 19.45 26.60 30.00 34.10 39.15 13 14.10 17.20 20.55 28.15 32.20 35.50 40.55 14 14.90 18.25 21.80 29.90 33.95 37.50 42.55 15 15.55 19.25 23.00 31.65 35.45 38.30 43.75 16 16.00 20.30 24.25 33.40 37.45 40.45 46.20 17 16.65 21.30 25.55 35.15 39.35 42.55 48.65 18 16.95 22.05 26.80 36.85 41.40 44.65 51.10 19 17.45 22.50 27.30 37.85 43.30 46.75 53.50 20 18.15 22.80 27.80 38.50 44.40 48.50 55.95 21 18.75 23.10 28.20 39.10 45.10 49.25 57.25 22 19.20 23.65 28.70 40.00 46.10 50.45 58.65 23 19.65 24.10 29.50 40.70 46.95 51.30 59.70 24 20.10 24.60 30.45 41.55 47.90 52.50 61.15 25 20.55 25.00 31.35 42.25 48.60 53.30 62.20 26 20.95 25.25 32.40 43.10 49.75 54.45 64.15 27 21.55 25.65 33.35 43.95 50.45 55.25 66.55 28 22.25 26.00 34.30 45.05 51.15 56.00 69.05 29 22.90 26.25 35.25 45.70 52.00 56.80 70.90 30 23.60 26.60 36.05 46.35 53.45 57.65 72.45 31 24.25 26.85 36.60 46.95 54.25 59.20 73.90 32 24.55 27.45 37.25 47.50 54.95 60.80 75.40 Start Printed Page 75670 33 24.90 28.20 38.15 48.15 55.70 62.45 76.80 34 25.15 28.95 39.15 49.15 57.30 64.00 78.25 35 25.45 29.65 39.70 50.20 58.85 65.65 79.60 36 25.75 30.50 40.20 51.30 60.35 66.80 80.95 37 26.00 31.05 40.80 52.20 61.90 68.30 82.25 38 26.25 31.85 41.30 53.25 63.65 69.85 83.60 39 26.50 32.50 41.80 54.35 65.15 71.70 84.85 40 26.85 33.20 42.35 55.50 66.20 73.30 86.05 41 27.10 33.85 42.80 56.00 67.30 74.85 87.25 42 27.30 34.50 43.30 57.20 68.50 75.85 88.45 43 27.60 35.05 43.70 58.50 70.15 76.80 89.60 44 27.80 35.60 44.25 59.70 71.30 77.70 90.65 45 28.00 36.00 44.60 61.05 72.05 78.60 91.75 46 28.20 36.30 45.05 62.20 72.85 79.40 92.85 47 28.45 36.55 45.45 63.60 73.60 80.30 93.90 48 28.65 36.90 45.85 64.85 74.55 81.10 94.90 49 28.85 37.15 46.25 66.05 75.55 81.90 95.85 50 29.00 37.40 46.55 67.35 76.60 82.95 96.85 51 29.15 37.70 46.95 68.45 77.65 84.15 97.75 52 29.50 37.95 47.30 69.00 78.45 85.45 98.90 53 30.00 38.20 47.60 69.55 79.10 86.80 100.20 54 30.40 38.40 47.95 70.10 79.70 88.10 101.60 55 30.90 38.65 48.20 70.60 80.30 89.45 102.95 56 31.35 38.85 48.50 71.10 80.85 90.75 103.90 57 31.80 39.05 48.80 71.50 81.45 92.10 104.70 58 32.30 39.20 49.10 72.00 81.90 93.35 105.45 59 32.80 39.40 49.30 72.40 82.40 93.95 106.25 60 33.20 39.60 49.80 72.80 82.85 94.50 107.00 61 33.70 39.75 50.70 73.15 83.30 95.05 108.45 62 34.10 39.85 51.35 73.50 83.70 95.50 110.20 63 34.75 40.05 52.15 73.90 84.15 95.95 111.95 64 35.10 40.15 52.95 74.20 84.50 96.40 113.65 65 35.55 40.25 53.65 74.45 84.80 96.85 115.40 66 36.00 40.40 54.50 74.80 85.20 97.15 117.10 67 36.55 40.50 55.40 75.05 85.50 97.55 118.65 68 37.00 40.60 56.15 75.25 86.55 97.90 119.90 69 37.50 40.65 56.80 75.50 87.60 98.20 121.20 70 37.90 40.75 57.75 75.70 88.65 98.60 122.50 Retail Pickup On Demand Service
Add price specified for Parcel Post Pickup On Demand service (section 1405.6) for each Pickup On Demand stop.
Retail Flat Rate Envelopes 1
($) Retail Regular Flat Rate Envelope, per piece 5.15 Retail Legal Flat Rate Envelope, per piece 5.30 Retail Padded Flat Rate Envelope, per piece 5.30 Retail Flat Rate Boxes 2
Size Delivery to domestic address ($) Delivery to APO/FPO/DPO address ($) Small Flat Rate Box 5.35 5.35 Medium Flat Rate Boxes 11.35 11.35 Start Printed Page 75671 Large Flat Rate Boxes 15.45 13.45 Retail Balloon Price
In Zones 1-4 (including local), parcels weighing less than 20 pounds but measuring more than 84 inches in combined length and girth (but not more than 108 inches) are charged the applicable price for a 20-pound parcel.
Retail Dimensional Weight
In Zones 5-8, parcels exceeding one cubic foot are priced at the actual weight or the dimensional weight, whichever is greater.
For box-shaped parcels, the dimensional weight (pounds) is calculated by multiplying the length (inches) times the width (inches) times the height (inches) of the parcel, and dividing by 194.
For irregular-shaped parcels (parcels not appearing box-shaped), the dimensional weight (pounds) is calculated by multiplying the length (inches) times the width (inches) times the height (inches) at the associated maximum cross-sections of the parcel, dividing by 194, and multiplying by an adjustment factor of 0.785.
Regional Rate Boxes
Size Local, Zones 1 & 2 ($) Zone 3 ($) Zone 4 ($) Zone 5 ($) Zone 6 ($) Zone 7 ($) Zone 8 ($) A 5.79 5.91 6.41 8.01 8.70 9.40 10.37 B 6.65 7.73 8.93 11.55 13.49 14.48 16.21 C 15.19 19.48 23.41 32.27 36.41 39.74 45.77 Commercial Base Priority Mail Zone/Weight
Maximum weight (pounds) Local, Zones 1 & 2 ($) Zone 3 ($) Zone 4 ($) Zone 5 ($) Zone 6 ($) Zone 7 ($) Zone 8 ($) 1 4.90 4.97 5.14 5.34 5.51 5.78 6.20 2 5.04 5.16 5.66 7.26 7.95 8.65 9.62 3 5.24 6.05 7.14 8.71 10.20 11.06 12.82 4 5.90 6.98 8.18 10.80 12.74 13.73 15.46 5 6.91 8.10 9.32 12.50 14.54 15.80 17.88 6 7.74 9.04 10.52 14.22 16.31 18.00 20.47 7 8.25 9.86 11.34 16.13 18.03 20.32 23.00 8 8.86 10.72 12.87 17.73 19.81 22.34 25.83 9 9.24 11.55 13.72 19.10 21.58 24.23 28.73 10 9.95 12.42 14.93 20.70 23.30 26.63 31.26 11 10.77 13.28 16.13 22.32 25.03 28.98 33.86 12 11.52 14.22 17.30 23.96 27.27 31.33 36.33 13 12.23 15.11 18.23 25.25 29.29 32.62 37.61 14 12.94 16.03 19.34 26.82 30.89 34.45 39.48 15 13.52 16.92 20.42 28.39 32.13 35.08 40.50 16 13.92 17.83 21.53 29.95 33.94 37.05 42.77 17 14.44 18.73 22.66 31.52 35.66 38.99 45.02 18 14.72 19.35 23.76 33.06 37.53 40.90 47.28 19 15.15 19.76 24.23 33.95 39.24 42.82 49.51 20 15.78 20.02 24.68 34.53 40.24 44.42 51.80 21 16.31 20.30 25.04 34.82 40.56 44.83 52.47 22 16.47 20.50 25.46 35.11 40.87 45.23 53.14 23 16.86 20.91 25.88 35.71 41.62 45.98 54.08 24 17.27 21.37 26.70 36.48 42.48 47.06 55.40 25 17.65 21.71 27.52 37.08 43.10 47.77 56.36 26 18.00 21.93 28.41 37.85 44.12 48.80 58.11 27 18.52 22.25 29.28 38.58 44.74 49.53 60.30 28 19.10 22.54 30.08 39.59 45.35 50.20 62.56 29 19.68 22.78 30.92 40.12 46.11 50.92 64.23 30 20.29 23.10 31.64 40.70 47.39 51.67 65.62 31 20.82 23.31 32.13 41.21 48.11 53.08 66.95 32 21.08 23.84 32.67 41.71 48.74 54.51 68.32 33 21.39 24.47 33.48 42.26 49.41 55.97 69.57 34 21.60 25.13 34.33 43.16 50.83 57.37 70.89 35 21.85 25.75 34.82 44.07 52.19 58.84 72.12 36 22.13 26.47 35.29 45.03 53.51 59.88 73.34 37 22.34 26.95 35.79 45.84 54.90 61.23 74.52 38 22.56 27.62 36.25 46.74 56.46 62.60 75.74 Start Printed Page 75672 39 22.78 28.23 36.68 47.71 57.79 64.28 76.89 40 23.04 28.84 37.14 48.71 58.71 65.70 77.96 41 23.26 29.35 37.54 49.15 59.70 67.09 79.05 42 23.45 29.95 38.00 50.19 60.75 68.00 80.14 43 23.70 30.43 38.37 51.34 62.21 68.84 81.18 44 23.87 30.93 38.82 52.42 63.22 69.65 82.12 45 24.05 31.24 39.14 53.60 63.90 70.45 83.12 46 24.22 31.50 39.54 54.60 64.61 71.17 84.12 47 24.44 31.72 39.90 55.85 65.27 71.98 85.06 48 24.61 32.03 40.22 56.92 66.11 72.69 85.98 49 24.80 32.26 40.58 57.96 67.00 73.42 86.82 50 24.92 32.48 40.84 59.10 67.94 74.35 87.75 51 25.28 32.75 41.21 60.11 68.86 75.43 88.56 52 25.65 32.92 41.48 60.54 69.57 76.60 89.61 53 26.11 33.15 41.75 61.05 70.15 77.82 90.78 54 26.47 33.31 42.07 61.56 70.67 78.97 92.05 55 26.89 33.57 42.30 61.96 71.21 80.19 93.27 56 27.30 33.74 42.58 62.42 71.69 81.35 94.22 57 27.71 33.91 42.84 62.78 72.24 82.56 95.08 58 28.13 34.04 43.06 63.18 72.64 83.68 95.83 59 28.53 34.23 43.25 63.56 73.08 84.21 96.52 60 28.89 34.40 43.80 63.92 73.47 84.71 97.22 61 29.34 34.53 44.60 64.24 73.88 85.19 98.53 62 29.72 34.62 45.21 64.51 74.22 85.62 100.12 63 30.22 34.74 45.91 64.88 74.62 86.02 101.70 64 30.53 34.83 46.61 65.14 74.94 86.41 103.28 65 30.95 34.93 47.21 65.37 75.20 86.81 104.87 66 31.36 35.06 47.96 65.65 75.55 87.07 106.41 67 31.82 35.15 48.75 65.87 75.83 87.45 107.82 68 32.19 35.24 49.40 66.06 76.77 87.87 108.95 69 32.64 35.29 50.01 66.29 77.69 88.27 110.13 70 33.00 35.37 50.80 66.46 78.62 88.62 111.30 Commercial Pickup On Demand Service
Add price specified for Parcel Post Pickup On Demand service (section 1405.6) for each Pickup On Demand stop.
Commercial Base Flat Rate Envelope
($) Commercial Base Regular Flat Rate Envelope, per piece 4.90 Commercial Base Padded Flat Rate Envelope, per piece 5.10 Commercial Base Legal Flat Rate Envelope, per piece 5.10 Commercial Base Flat Rate Box
Size Delivery to domestic address ($) Delivery to APO/FPO/DPO address ($) Small Flat Rate Box 5.15 5.15 Regular Flat Rate Boxes 10.85 10.85 Large Flat Rate Boxes 14.65 12.65 Commercial Base Balloon Price
In Zones 1-4 (including local), parcels weighing less than 20 pounds but measuring more than 84 inches in combined length and girth (but not more than 108 inches) are charged the applicable price for a 20-pound parcel.
Commercial Base Dimensional Weight
In Zones 5-8, parcels exceeding one cubic foot are priced at the actual weight or the dimensional weight, whichever is greater.
For box-shaped parcels, the dimensional weight (pounds) is calculated by multiplying the length (inches) times the width (inches) times the height (inches) of the parcel, and dividing by 194.
For irregular-shaped parcels (parcels not appearing box-shaped), the dimensional weight (pounds) is calculated by multiplying the length (inches) times the width (inches) times the height (inches) at the associated maximum cross-sections of the parcel, Start Printed Page 75673dividing by 194, and multiplying by an adjustment factor of 0.785.
Regional Rate Boxes
Size Local, Zones 1 & 2 ($) Zone 3 ($) Zone 4 ($) Zone 5 ($) Zone 6 ($) Zone 7 ($) Zone 8 ($) A 5.04 5.16 5.66 7.26 7.95 8.65 9.62 B 5.90 6.98 8.18 10.80 12.74 13.73 15.46 C 14.44 18.73 22.66 31.52 35.66 38.99 45.02 Commercial Plus Priority Mail Zone/Weight
Maximum weight (pounds) Local, zones 1 & 2 ($) Zone 3 ($) Zone 4 ($) Zone 5 ($) Zone 6 ($) Zone 7 ($) Zone 8 ($) 0.5 4.39 4.45 4.54 4.73 4.91 5.10 5.38 1 4.80 4.93 5.10 5.24 5.42 5.61 5.99 2 4.95 5.12 5.56 6.85 7.34 7.92 8.57 3 5.06 5.85 6.70 8.27 9.72 10.65 11.95 4 5.63 6.68 7.79 10.09 11.81 13.02 14.81 5 6.27 7.62 8.55 11.79 13.69 15.18 17.46 6 7.14 8.83 10.17 13.91 15.35 17.51 19.43 7 7.85 9.79 11.29 15.89 17.06 19.69 22.20 8 8.30 10.17 12.58 17.35 18.51 21.60 24.91 9 8.52 10.88 13.42 18.72 20.04 23.50 27.72 10 9.03 11.72 14.15 19.94 21.70 25.57 30.27 11 9.45 12.01 14.97 20.71 23.05 26.97 31.35 12 9.86 12.62 15.80 21.87 24.84 28.36 32.70 13 10.12 12.93 16.26 23.08 26.63 29.50 33.83 14 10.47 13.50 16.99 24.12 28.06 31.19 35.52 15 10.93 14.10 17.81 24.85 28.70 31.51 36.27 16 11.29 14.58 18.37 25.37 29.35 32.22 37.20 17 11.63 15.07 18.75 26.02 30.14 33.01 38.15 18 11.89 15.54 19.10 26.54 30.72 33.65 39.07 19 12.29 15.89 19.41 27.17 31.45 34.51 40.05 20 12.59 16.14 19.78 27.63 32.05 35.16 40.92 21 12.95 16.36 20.09 28.10 32.58 35.78 41.73 22 13.26 16.66 20.39 28.73 33.30 36.59 42.76 23 13.55 16.87 20.96 29.22 33.89 37.25 43.50 24 13.85 17.07 21.59 29.84 34.59 38.11 44.59 25 14.17 17.32 22.31 30.32 35.13 38.68 45.35 26 14.46 17.53 23.02 30.94 35.90 39.48 46.80 27 14.86 17.78 23.72 31.37 36.43 40.08 48.53 28 15.34 17.98 24.32 31.77 36.92 40.67 50.32 29 15.78 18.19 25.05 32.20 37.39 41.20 51.93 30 16.29 18.46 25.70 32.65 37.93 41.79 53.68 31 16.69 18.61 26.44 33.04 38.40 42.32 55.44 32 17.14 19.06 27.11 33.46 38.94 43.34 57.17 33 17.60 19.58 27.71 33.88 39.41 44.57 58.86 34 18.06 20.09 28.45 34.60 40.57 45.80 60.59 35 18.51 20.61 29.02 35.34 41.69 47.03 62.32 36 18.97 21.11 29.49 36.13 42.74 48.31 64.05 37 19.42 21.57 29.97 36.80 43.86 49.54 65.77 38 19.67 22.08 30.41 37.53 45.08 50.72 67.51 39 19.91 22.55 30.82 38.28 46.18 52.02 69.29 40 20.29 22.99 31.29 39.07 47.23 53.18 70.91 41 20.71 23.44 31.70 39.43 48.35 54.47 72.63 42 21.10 23.92 32.13 40.27 49.41 55.75 74.36 43 21.52 24.32 32.54 41.16 50.64 56.98 76.12 44 21.90 24.80 32.95 42.11 51.68 58.26 77.83 45 22.27 25.25 33.31 43.00 52.81 59.51 79.55 46 22.69 25.72 33.97 43.82 53.92 60.73 81.27 47 23.09 26.17 34.61 44.77 55.14 62.02 82.96 48 23.51 26.52 35.37 45.66 56.26 63.29 84.44 49 23.88 26.85 35.73 46.51 57.26 64.59 85.29 50 24.21 27.08 36.06 47.40 58.37 65.81 86.36 51 24.69 27.35 36.70 48.35 59.48 67.04 87.28 52 25.02 27.59 37.41 49.23 60.70 68.28 88.13 53 25.50 27.86 38.04 50.12 61.76 69.56 89.00 54 25.82 28.05 38.67 51.07 62.82 70.74 89.85 55 26.24 28.32 39.45 51.95 63.93 71.91 90.61 56 26.64 28.52 40.08 52.78 65.14 73.20 91.41 57 27.06 28.79 40.70 53.63 66.21 74.47 92.23 58 27.42 28.98 41.42 54.58 67.32 75.09 92.98 59 27.86 29.18 42.11 55.48 68.01 75.52 93.64 60 28.19 29.39 42.73 56.41 68.39 76.76 94.36 Start Printed Page 75674 61 28.66 29.58 43.49 57.25 69.19 77.94 95.61 62 28.99 29.86 44.13 58.21 69.63 79.14 97.13 63 29.45 30.31 44.81 59.15 70.02 79.96 98.66 64 29.79 30.49 45.47 60.04 70.46 80.45 100.20 65 30.22 30.57 46.06 60.63 70.82 80.88 101.77 66 30.59 30.92 46.79 60.88 71.26 81.28 103.25 67 31.02 31.35 47.55 61.52 71.61 81.74 104.87 68 31.40 31.73 48.20 62.40 71.90 82.14 106.31 69 31.84 32.16 48.81 63.35 72.31 82.56 107.88 70 32.20 32.54 49.57 63.63 72.60 82.88 109.40 Commercial Pickup On Demand Service
Add price specified for Parcel Post Pickup On Demand service (section 1405.6) for each Pickup On Demand stop.
Commercial Plus Flat Rate Envelope
($) Commercial Plus Regular Flat Rate Envelope, per piece 4.80 Commercial Plus Padded Flat Rate Envelope, per piece 4.99 Commercial Plus Legal Flat Rate Envelope, per piece 4.99 Commercial Plus Flat Rate Box
Size Delivery to domestic address ($) Delivery to APO/FPO/DPO address ($) Small Flat Rate Box 5.10 5.10 Medium Flat Rate Boxes 10.25 10.25 Large Flat Rate Boxes 14.10 12.10 Commercial Plus Balloon Price
In Zones 1-4 (including local), parcels weighing less than 20 pounds but measuring more than 84 inches in combined length and girth (but not more than 108 inches) are charged the applicable price for a 20-pound parcel.
Commercial Plus Dimensional Weight
In Zones 5-8, parcels exceeding one cubic foot are priced at the actual weight or the dimensional weight, whichever is greater.
For box-shaped parcels, the dimensional weight (pounds) is calculated by multiplying the length (inches) times the width (inches) times the height (inches) of the parcel, and dividing by 194.
For irregular-shaped parcels (parcels not appearing box-shaped), the dimensional weight (pounds) is calculated by multiplying the length (inches) times the width (inches) times the height (inches) at the associated maximum cross-sections of the parcel, dividing by 194, and multiplying by an adjustment factor of 0.785.
Critical Mail
Shape Local, zones 1 & 2 ($) Zone 3 ($) Zone 4 ($) Zone 5 ($) Zone 6 ($) Zone 7 ($) Zone 8 ($) Letter 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 Flat 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 Regional Rate Boxes
Start Printed Page 75675Size Local, zones 1 & 2 ($) Zone 3 ($) Zone 4 ($) Zone 5 ($) Zone 6 ($) Zone 7 ($) Zone 8 ($) A 5.04 5.16 5.66 7.26 7.95 8.65 9.62 B 5.90 6.98 8.18 10.80 12.74 13.73 15.46 C 14.44 18.73 22.66 31.52 35.66 38.99 45.02 Commercial Plus Cubic
Maximum cubic feet Local, zones 1 & 2 ($) Zone 3 ($) Zone 4 ($) Zone 5 ($) Zone 6 ($) Zone 7 ($) Zone 8 ($) 0.10 4.39 4.45 4.54 4.73 4.91 5.10 5.38 0.20 4.86 4.98 5.15 5.30 5.44 5.61 6.05 0.30 5.09 5.47 6.05 7.46 8.29 8.99 9.88 0.40 5.30 6.17 7.10 8.88 10.43 11.44 12.89 0.50 6.02 7.22 8.27 11.02 12.86 14.20 16.24 Commercial Pickup On Demand Service
Add price specified for Parcel Post Pickup On Demand service (section 1405.6) for each Pickup On Demand stop.
Open and Distribute (PMOD)
a. DDU
Container Local, zones 1 & 2 ($) Zone 3 ($) Zone 4 ($) Zone 5 ($) Zone 6 ($) Zone 7 ($) Zone 8 ($) Half Tray 7.26 8.52 10.37 14.09 16.58 17.61 18.20 Full Tray 8.68 11.12 13.93 20.48 25.15 25.31 26.41 EMM Tray 8.93 11.39 14.32 22.41 27.33 27.84 29.13 Flat Tub 14.14 15.95 22.80 31.14 37.94 46.05 50.80 b. Processing Facilities
Container Local, zones 1 & 2 ($) Zone 3 ($) Zone 4 ($) Zone 5 ($) Zone 6 ($) Zone 7 ($) Zone 8 ($) Half Tray 5.39 6.77 8.36 12.20 14.79 16.36 16.97 Full Tray 6.43 8.70 11.13 17.75 22.30 22.64 23.72 EMM Tray 6.59 8.79 11.63 19.61 24.46 25.15 26.43 Flat Tub 10.27 12.52 18.50 27.83 34.84 42.40 47.22 2115 Parcel Select
2115.1 Description
* * * * ** * * * *2115.2 Size and Weight Limitations
Parcel Select
Length Height Thickness Weight Minimum Large enough to accommodate postage, address, and other required elements on the address side None. Maximum 130 inches in combined length and girth 70 pounds. LightweightStart Printed Page 75676
Length Height Thickness Weight Minimum Large enough to accommodate postage, address, and other required elements on the address side None. Maximum 108 inches in combined length and girth < 16 ounces. 2115.3 Minimum Volume Requirements
2115.4 Price Categories
Destination Entered
- DDU—Entered at a designated destination delivery unit, or other equivalent facility
○ Balloon Price
○ Oversized
○ Forwarding and Returns
- DSCF—Entered at a designated destination processing and distribution center or facility, or other equivalent facility
○ Machinable — 5-Digit
○ Nonmachinable — 3-Digit, 5-Digit
○ Balloon Price
○ Oversized
○ Forwarding and Returns
- DNDC—Entered at a designated destination network distribution center, auxiliary service facility, or other equivalent facility
○ Machinable
○ Nonmachinable
○ Balloon Price
○ Oversized
○ Forwarding and Returns
Start Printed Page 75677- Machinable Lightweight
○ 5-Digit DDU, DSCF, and DNDC entry levels Commercial eligible
○ NDC DNDC and Origin entry levels Commercial eligible
○ Mixed NDC Origin entry level Commercial eligible
- Irregular Lightweight (Do not meet the machinability requirements for machinable parcels.)
○ 5-Digit DDU, DSCF, and DNDC entry levels Commercial eligible
○ SCF DSCF and DNDC entry levels Commercial eligible
○ NDC DNDC and Origin entry levels Commercial eligible
○ Mixed NDC Origin entry level Commercial eligible
- Regional Ground
2115.5 Optional Features
The following additional postal services may be available in conjunction with the product specified in this section:
- Pickup On Demand Service
- Ancillary Services (1505)
○ Address Correction Service (1505.1)
○ Certificate of Mailing (1505.6)
○ Collect On Delivery (1505.7)
○ Delivery Confirmation (1505.8)
○ Insurance (1505.9)
○ Return Receipt (1505.13)
○ Return Receipt for Merchandise (1505.14)
○ Restricted Delivery (1505.15)
○ Signature Confirmation (1505.17)
○ Special Handling (1505.18)
- Competitive Ancillary Services (2645)
○ Adult Signature Service (2645.1)
○ Package Intercept Service (2645.2)
2115.6 Prices
Destination Entered—DDU
a. DDU
Maximum weight (pounds) DDU ($) 1 2.02 2 2.02 3 2.04 4 2.06 5 2.08 6 2.10 7 2.13 8 2.16 9 2.19 10 2.22 11 2.25 12 2.28 13 2.31 14 2.34 15 2.38 16 2.42 17 2.47 18 2.51 19 2.56 20 2.60 21 2.65 22 2.69 23 2.74 24 2.78 25 2.83 26 2.87 27 2.92 28 2.96 29 3.01 30 3.05 31 3.10 32 3.14 33 3.19 34 3.23 35 3.28 36 3.32 37 3.37 38 3.41 39 3.46 40 3.50 41 3.55 42 3.59 43 3.64 44 3.68 45 3.73 46 3.77 47 3.82 48 3.86 49 3.91 50 3.95 51 4.00 52 4.04 53 4.09 54 4.13 55 4.18 56 4.22 57 4.27 58 4.31 59 4.36 60 4.40 61 4.45 62 4.49 63 4.54 64 4.58 65 4.63 66 4.67 67 4.72 68 4.76 69 4.81 Start Printed Page 75678 70 4.85 Oversized 7.62 b. Balloon Price
Pieces exceeding 84 inches in length and girth combined (but not more than 108 inches) and weighing less than 20 pounds are subject to a price equal to that for a 20-pound parcel for the zone to which the parcel is addressed.
c. Oversized Pieces
Regardless of weight, any piece that measures more than 108 inches (but not more than 130 inches) in length plus girth must pay the oversized price.
Destination Entered—DSCF
a. DSCF—5-Digit Machinable
Maximum weight (pounds) DSCF 3-digit ($) DSCF 5-digit ($) 1 3.80 2.80 2 3.80 2.80 3 4.02 3.02 4 4.23 3.23 5 4.43 3.43 6 4.62 3.62 7 4.79 3.79 8 4.95 3.95 9 5.11 4.11 10 5.26 4.26 11 5.40 4.40 12 5.54 4.54 13 5.68 4.68 14 5.82 4.82 15 5.96 4.96 16 6.10 5.10 17 6.24 5.24 18 6.38 5.38 19 6.52 5.52 20 6.66 5.66 21 6.80 5.80 22 6.95 5.95 23 7.10 6.10 24 7.25 6.25 25 7.39 6.39 26 7.53 6.53 27 7.68 6.68 28 7.82 6.82 29 7.96 6.96 30 8.09 7.09 31 8.23 7.23 32 8.37 7.37 33 8.52 7.52 34 8.67 7.67 35 8.80 7.80 36 8.93 7.93 37 9.06 8.06 38 9.21 8.21 39 9.35 8.35 40 9.48 8.48 41 9.61 8.61 42 9.74 8.74 43 9.87 8.87 44 10.00 9.00 45 10.13 9.13 46 10.26 9.26 47 10.39 9.39 48 10.52 9.52 49 10.65 9.65 50 10.78 9.78 51 10.91 9.91 52 11.04 10.04 53 11.17 10.17 54 11.32 10.32 55 11.46 10.46 56 11.60 10.60 57 11.75 10.75 58 11.90 10.90 59 12.06 11.06 60 12.20 11.20 61 12.34 11.34 62 12.48 11.48 63 12.62 11.62 64 12.76 11.76 65 12.89 11.89 66 13.02 12.02 67 13.16 12.16 68 13.30 12.30 69 13.45 12.45 70 13.60 12.60 Oversized 17.17 17.17 c. Balloon Price
Pieces exceeding 84 inches in length and girth combined (but not more than 108 inches) and weighing less than 20 pounds are subject to a price equal to that for a 20-pound parcel for the zone to which the parcel is addressed.
d. Oversized Pieces
Regardless of weight, any piece that measures more than 108 inches (but not more than 130 inches) in length plus girth must pay the oversized price.
Destination Entered—DNDC
a. DNDC—Machinable
Maximum weight (pounds) DNDC Zones 1 & 2 ($) DNDC Zone 3 ($) DNDC Zone 4 ($) DNDC Zone 5 ($) 1 3.67 4.60 5.49 6.38 2 3.67 4.60 5.49 6.38 Start Printed Page 75679 3 3.96 5.38 6.62 7.34 4 4.24 6.04 7.46 8.12 5 4.51 6.66 8.03 8.82 6 4.77 7.16 8.65 9.47 7 5.02 7.71 9.28 10.13 8 5.27 8.27 9.88 10.77 9 5.52 8.79 10.47 11.34 10 5.77 9.34 11.04 11.93 11 6.02 9.87 11.39 12.34 12 6.27 10.34 11.61 12.60 13 6.52 10.78 11.87 12.90 14 6.77 11.13 12.09 13.10 15 7.01 11.48 12.31 13.32 16 7.25 11.87 12.68 13.75 17 7.49 12.06 12.91 13.93 18 7.72 12.28 13.12 14.16 19 7.95 12.52 13.34 14.38 20 8.17 12.71 13.47 14.51 21 8.40 13.08 13.85 14.90 22 8.63 13.32 14.11 15.12 23 8.87 13.60 14.36 15.36 24 9.10 13.83 14.61 15.56 25 9.33 14.01 14.79 15.72 26 9.56 14.28 15.09 15.92 27 9.79 14.58 15.36 16.16 28 10.02 14.80 15.57 16.35 29 10.25 15.01 15.79 16.59 30 10.46 15.26 16.03 16.84 31 10.68 15.69 16.50 17.35 32 10.90 15.94 16.76 17.58 33 11.12 16.17 16.98 17.84 34 11.34 16.39 17.28 18.15 35 11.56 16.56 17.48 18.33 b. DNDC—Non-Machinable
Maximum weight (pounds) DNDC Zones 1 & 2 ($) DNDC Zone 3 ($) DNDC Zone 4 ($) DNDC Zone 5 ($) 1 6.03 6.96 7.85 8.74 2 6.03 6.96 7.85 8.74 3 6.32 7.74 8.98 9.70 4 6.60 8.40 9.82 10.48 5 6.87 9.02 10.39 11.18 6 7.13 9.52 11.01 11.83 7 7.38 10.07 11.64 12.49 8 7.63 10.63 12.24 13.13 9 7.88 11.15 12.83 13.70 10 8.13 11.70 13.40 14.29 11 8.38 12.23 13.75 14.70 12 8.63 12.70 13.97 14.96 13 8.88 13.14 14.23 15.26 14 9.13 13.49 14.45 15.46 15 9.37 13.84 14.67 15.68 16 9.61 14.23 15.04 16.11 17 9.85 14.42 15.27 16.29 18 10.08 14.64 15.48 16.52 19 10.31 14.88 15.70 16.74 20 10.53 15.07 15.83 16.87 21 10.76 15.44 16.21 17.26 Start Printed Page 75680 22 10.99 15.68 16.47 17.48 23 11.23 15.96 16.72 17.72 24 11.46 16.19 16.97 17.92 25 11.69 16.37 17.15 18.08 26 11.92 16.64 17.45 18.26 27 12.15 16.94 17.72 18.52 28 12.38 17.16 17.93 18.71 29 12.61 17.37 18.15 18.95 30 12.82 17.62 18.39 19.20 31 13.04 18.05 18.86 19.71 32 13.26 18.30 19.12 19.94 33 13.48 18.53 19.34 20.20 34 13.70 18.75 19.64 20.51 35 13.92 18.92 19.84 20.69 36 14.14 19.14 20.11 20.98 37 14.36 19.37 20.39 21.27 38 14.58 19.60 20.65 21.56 39 14.80 19.84 20.91 21.83 40 15.02 20.03 21.19 22.11 41 15.24 20.31 21.38 22.37 42 15.46 20.47 21.55 22.59 43 15.68 20.67 21.71 22.86 44 15.89 20.94 21.94 23.16 45 16.10 21.13 22.31 23.40 46 16.31 21.59 22.72 24.05 47 16.52 21.79 22.89 24.66 48 16.73 22.06 23.10 25.34 49 16.93 22.32 23.32 26.01 50 17.13 22.45 23.40 26.58 51 17.33 22.67 23.63 27.29 52 17.53 22.98 23.83 28.05 53 17.75 23.19 24.00 28.81 54 17.98 23.39 24.21 29.58 55 18.21 23.59 24.43 30.00 56 18.45 23.78 24.65 30.26 57 18.69 23.92 24.80 30.60 58 18.94 24.18 25.03 30.95 59 19.18 24.35 25.24 31.25 60 19.42 24.49 25.39 31.55 61 19.65 24.65 25.54 31.76 62 19.88 24.86 25.82 32.10 63 20.11 25.02 26.07 32.37 64 20.34 25.22 26.36 32.73 65 20.57 25.40 26.60 32.99 66 20.80 25.61 26.90 33.36 67 21.03 25.75 27.16 33.61 68 21.26 25.96 27.40 33.96 69 21.48 26.11 27.65 34.22 70 21.70 26.33 27.96 34.56 Oversized 26.99 38.10 51.61 53.64 c. Balloon Price
Pieces exceeding 84 inches in length and girth combined (but not more than 108 inches) and weighing less than 20 pounds are subject to a price equal to that for a 20-pound parcel for the zone to which the parcel is addressed.
d. Oversized Pieces
Regardless of weight, any piece that measures more than 108 inches (but not more than 130 inches) in length plus girth must pay the oversized price.
Start Printed Page 75681Non-Destination Entered—ONDC Presort
Start Printed Page 75682 Start Printed Page 75683 Start Printed Page 75684 Start Printed Page 75685c. Balloon Price
Pieces exceeding 84 inches in length and girth combined (but not more than 108 inches) and weighing less than 20 pounds are subject to a price equal to that for a 20-pound parcel for the zone to which the parcel is addressed.
d. Oversized Pieces
Regardless of weight, any piece that measures more than 108 inches (but not more than 130 inches) in length plus girth must pay the oversized price.
Start Printed Page 75686 Start Printed Page 75687 Start Printed Page 75688 Start Printed Page 75689 Start Printed Page 75690c. Balloon Price
Pieces exceeding 84 inches in length and girth combined (but not more than 108 inches) and weighing less than 20 pounds are subject to a price equal to that for a 20-pound parcel for the zone to which the parcel is addressed.
d. Oversized Pieces
Regardless of weight, any piece that measures more than 108 inches (but not more than 130 inches) in length plus girth must pay the oversized price.
Start Printed Page 75691 Start Printed Page 75692a. Nonpresort (Continued)
Maximum Weight (pounds) Zones 1 & 2 ($) Zone 3 ($) Zone 4 ($) Zone 5 ($) Zone 6 ($) Zone 7 ($) Zone 8 ($) 51 19.89 25.23 30.66 36.13 41.73 47.29 55.05 52 20.10 25.41 30.90 36.48 42.30 48.07 55.97 53 20.32 25.59 31.15 36.83 42.87 48.84 56.90 54 20.53 25.77 31.39 37.17 43.45 49.62 57.82 55 20.74 25.95 31.64 37.52 44.02 50.39 58.75 56 20.95 26.13 31.88 37.87 44.60 51.17 59.67 57 21.17 26.31 32.13 38.22 45.17 51.94 60.60 58 21.38 26.50 32.37 38.56 45.75 52.72 61.52 Start Printed Page 75693 59 21.59 26.68 32.61 38.91 46.32 53.49 62.45 60 21.80 26.86 32.86 39.26 46.90 54.27 63.37 61 22.02 27.04 33.10 39.61 47.47 55.04 64.30 62 22.23 27.22 33.35 39.95 48.05 55.82 65.22 63 22.44 27.40 33.59 40.30 48.62 56.59 66.15 64 22.65 27.58 33.84 40.65 49.20 57.37 67.07 65 22.87 27.76 34.08 41.00 49.77 58.14 68.00 66 23.08 27.94 34.32 41.35 50.35 58.92 68.92 67 23.29 28.12 34.57 41.69 50.92 59.69 69.84 68 23.50 28.31 34.81 42.04 51.50 60.46 70.77 69 23.71 28.49 35.06 42.39 52.07 61.24 71.69 70 23.93 28.67 35.30 42.74 52.65 62.01 72.62 Oversized 61.80 64.65 65.94 67.89 90.92 96.82 107.16 b. Balloon Price
Pieces exceeding 84 inches in length and girth combined (but not more than 108 inches) and weighing less than 20 pounds are subject to a price equal to that for a 20-pound parcel for the zone to which the parcel is addressed.
c. Oversized Pieces
Regardless of weight, any piece that measures more than 108 inches (but not more than 130 inches) in length plus girth must pay the oversized price.
Machinable Lightweight Parcels
[Greater than 3.5 ounces]
Entry Point/Sortation Level Maximum weight (ounces) DDU/5-digit ($) DSCF/5-digit ($) DNDC/5-digit ($) DNDC/NDC ($) None/NDC ($) None/Mixed NDC ($) 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 4 0.82 0.86 0.92 1.27 1.31 1.72 5 0.84 0.89 0.97 1.32 1.37 1.78 6 0.86 0.93 1.02 1.36 1.43 1.84 7 0.89 0.96 1.07 1.41 1.50 1.91 8 0.91 1.00 1.12 1.46 1.56 1.97 9 0.93 1.03 1.17 1.51 1.62 2.03 10 0.96 1.07 1.22 1.56 1.68 2.09 11 0.98 1.10 1.27 1.61 1.75 2.16 12 1.01 1.14 1.31 1.66 1.82 2.22 13 1.03 1.17 1.36 1.71 1.88 2.28 14 1.05 1.21 1.41 1.76 1.94 2.34 15 1.08 1.24 1.46 1.81 2.01 2.41 16 1.10 1.28 1.51 1.86 2.07 2.47 Irregular Lightweight Parcels
Entry Point/Sortation Level Maximum weight (ounces) DDU/5-digit ($) DSCF/5-digit ($) DNDC/5-digit ($) DSCF/SCF ($) DNDC/SCF ($) DNDC/NDC ($) None/NDC ($) None/Mixed NDC ($) 1 0.80 0.83 0.88 0.87 0.92 1.36 1.39 1.79 2 0.80 0.83 0.88 0.87 0.92 1.36 1.39 1.79 Start Printed Page 75694 3 0.80 0.83 0.88 0.87 0.92 1.36 1.39 1.79 4 0.82 0.86 0.92 0.90 0.96 1.40 1.44 1.85 5 0.84 0.89 0.97 0.93 1.01 1.45 1.50 1.91 6 0.86 0.93 1.02 0.97 1.06 1.49 1.56 1.97 7 0.89 0.96 1.07 1.00 1.11 1.54 1.63 2.04 8 0.91 1.00 1.12 1.04 1.16 1.59 1.69 2.10 9 0.93 1.03 1.17 1.07 1.21 1.64 1.75 2.16 10 0.96 1.07 1.22 1.11 1.26 1.69 1.81 2.22 11 0.98 1.10 1.27 1.14 1.30 1.74 1.88 2.29 12 1.01 1.14 1.31 1.18 1.35 1.79 1.95 2.35 13 1.03 1.17 1.36 1.21 1.40 1.84 2.01 2.41 14 1.05 1.21 1.41 1.25 1.45 1.89 2.07 2.47 15 1.08 1.24 1.46 1.28 1.50 1.94 2.14 2.54 16 1.10 1.28 1.51 1.32 1.55 1.99 2.20 2.60 Regional Ground
Weight (pounds) Zones L, 1, 2, 3 ($) 1 4.03 2 4.03 3 4.85 4 5.18 5 5.43 b. ONDC
2120 Parcel Return Service
* * *
* * *
2120.4 Price Categories
- RNDC—Contains merchandise and is retrieved in bulk at a network distribution center, or other equivalent facility
○ Machinable
○ Nonmachinable
○ Balloon Price
○ Oversized
- RSCF—Contains merchandise and is retrieved in bulk at a return sectional center facility, or other equivalent facility
○ Machinable
○ Nonmachinable
○ Balloon Price
○ Oversized
- RDU—Contains merchandise and is retrieved in bulk at a designated destination delivery unit, or other equivalent facility
○ Machinable
○ Nonmachinable
○ Balloon Price
○ Oversized
2120.5 Optional Features
The following additional services may be available in conjunction with the product specified in this section:
- Ancillary Services (1505)
○ Certificate of Mailing (1505.6)
2120.6 Prices
RNDC Entered
Start Printed Page 75695 Start Printed Page 75696 Start Printed Page 75697 Start Printed Page 75698 Start Printed Page 75699c. Balloon Price
RNDC entered pieces exceeding 84 inches in length and girth combined, but not more than 108 inches, and weighing less than 20 pounds are subject to a price equal to that for a 20-pound parcel for the zone to which the parcel is addressed.
d. Oversized Pieces
Regardless of weight, any piece that measures more than 108 inches (but not more than 130 inches) in length plus girth must pay the oversized price.
RSCF Entered
a. Machinable RSCF
Maximum weight (pounds) RSCF ($) 1 2.80 2 3.16 3 3.40 4 3.64 5 3.88 6 4.17 7 4.43 8 4.69 9 4.98 10 5.24 11 5.52 12 5.80 13 6.07 14 6.35 15 6.62 16 6.87 17 7.12 18 7.37 19 7.62 20 7.87 21 8.07 22 8.27 23 8.47 24 8.67 25 8.83 26 8.99 27 9.15 28 9.31 29 9.47 30 9.63 31 9.79 32 9.95 Start Printed Page 75700 33 10.11 34 10.27 35 10.43 Maximum weight (pounds) RSCF ($) 1 2.80 2 3.16 3 3.40 4 3.64 5 3.88 6 4.17 7 4.43 8 4.69 9 4.98 10 5.24 11 5.52 12 5.80 13 6.07 14 6.35 15 6.62 16 6.87 17 7.12 18 7.37 19 7.62 20 7.87 21 8.07 22 8.27 23 8.47 24 8.67 25 8.83 26 8.99 27 9.15 28 9.31 29 9.47 30 9.63 31 9.79 32 9.95 33 10.11 34 10.27 35 10.43 36 10.59 37 10.75 38 10.87 39 10.99 40 11.11 41 11.23 42 11.35 43 11.47 44 11.55 45 11.63 46 11.71 47 11.79 48 11.84 49 11.89 50 11.94 51 11.99 52 12.04 53 12.09 54 12.14 55 12.19 56 12.24 57 12.29 58 12.33 59 12.37 60 12.41 61 12.45 62 12.49 63 12.53 64 12.55 65 12.57 66 12.59 67 12.61 68 12.63 69 12.65 70 12.67 Oversized 24.31 c. Balloon Price
RSCF entered pieces exceeding 84 inches in length and girth combined, but not more than 108 inches, and weighing less than 20 pounds are subject to a price equal to that for a 20-pound parcel for the zone to which the parcel is addressed.
d. Oversized Pieces
Regardless of weight, any piece that measures more than 108 inches (but not more than 130 inches) in length plus girth must pay the oversized price.
RDU Entered
a. Machinable RDU
Maximum weight (pounds) RDU ($) 1 2.04 2 2.07 3 2.10 4 2.13 5 2.16 6 2.19 7 2.22 8 2.25 9 2.28 10 2.31 11 2.34 12 2.43 13 2.51 14 2.59 15 2.67 16 2.74 17 2.82 18 2.88 19 2.96 20 3.02 21 3.08 22 3.13 23 3.19 24 3.24 25 3.31 26 3.36 27 3.41 28 3.45 29 3.50 30 3.54 31 3.58 32 3.64 33 3.68 34 3.71 35 3.75 b. Nonmachinable RDU
Maximum weight (pounds) RDU ($) 1 2.04 2 2.07 3 2.10 4 2.13 5 2.16 6 2.19 7 2.22 8 2.25 9 2.28 10 2.31 11 2.34 12 2.43 13 2.51 14 2.59 15 2.67 16 2.74 17 2.82 18 2.88 19 2.96 20 3.02 21 3.08 22 3.13 23 3.19 24 3.24 25 3.31 26 3.36 27 3.41 28 3.45 29 3.50 30 3.54 31 3.58 32 3.64 33 3.68 34 3.71 35 3.75 36 3.80 37 3.83 38 3.87 39 3.90 40 3.93 41 3.97 42 4.00 43 4.03 44 4.06 45 4.09 46 4.12 47 4.14 48 4.17 49 4.20 50 4.22 51 4.24 52 4.28 53 4.31 54 4.33 55 4.35 56 4.38 57 4.40 58 4.42 59 4.44 60 4.45 61 4.47 62 4.49 63 4.51 64 4.53 65 4.54 66 4.56 67 4.57 68 4.59 69 4.61 70 4.62 Oversized 7.91 c. Balloon Price
RDU entered pieces exceeding 84 inches in length and girth combined, Start Printed Page 75701but not more than 108 inches, and weighing less than 20 pounds are subject to a price equal to that for a 20-pound parcel for the zone to which the parcel is addressed.
2125 First-Class Package Service
* * * * *2125.2 Size and Weight Limitations
Commercial Base
[Mixed ADC/ single-piece, ADC, 3-digit, and 5-digit]
Length Height Thickness Weight Minimum 3.5 inches 3.0 inches 0.05 inch None. Maximum 18 inches 15 inches 22 inches 13 ounces. Commercial Plus
[Mixed ADC/ single-piece, ADC, 3-digit, and 5-digit]
Length Height Thickness Weight Minimum 6 inches 3.0 inches 0.25 inch 3.5 ounces. Maximum 18 inches 15 inches 22 inches <16 ounces. 2125.3 Minimum Volume Requirements
First-class package service Minimum volume requirements Commercial Base: Mixed ADC/ Single-Piece None. ADC 500 pieces per mailing. 3-Digit 500 pieces per mailing. 5-Digit 500 pieces per mailing. Commercial Plus 5000 pieces per year commitment. Mixed ADC/ Single-Piece 200 pieces or 50 pounds per mailing. ADC 500 pieces per mailing. 3-Digit 500 pieces per mailing. 5-Digit 500 pieces per mailing. 2125.4 Price Categories
Start Printed Page 757022125.6 Prices
Commercial Plus
Weight (ounces) 5-Digit ($) 3-Digit * ($) ADC * ($) Mixed ADC/ Single-Piece ($) ≥ 3.5 and < 16 3.29 3.49 3.69 3.97 * For parcels claiming 3-Digit or ADC prices, a $0.05 surcharge applies if the parcels are not barcoded. Commercial Base
Maximum weight (ounces) 5-Digit ($) 3-Digit * ($) ADC * ($) Mixed ADC/ Single-Piece ($) 1 1.20 1.33 1.42 1.64 2 1.20 1.33 1.42 1.64 3 1.20 1.33 1.42 1.64 4 1.37 1.50 1.59 1.81 5 1.54 1.67 1.76 1.98 6 1.71 1.84 1.93 2.15 7 1.87 2.00 2.09 2.31 8 2.04 2.17 2.26 2.48 9 2.21 2.34 2.43 2.65 10 2.38 2.51 2.60 2.82 11 2.55 2.68 2.77 2.99 12 2.70 2.83 2.92 3.14 13 2.84 2.97 3.06 3.28 * For parcels claiming 3-Digit or ADC prices, a $0.05 surcharge applies if the parcels are not barcoded or are nonmachinable. 2300 International Products
2305 Outbound International Expedited Services
* * * * *2305.2 Size and Weight Limitations
Start Printed Page 757032305.4 Price Categories
The following price categories are available for the product specified in this section:
Start Printed Page 75704- Commercial Base—For selected destination countries, available for customers who prepare and pay for Global Express Guaranteed shipments via permit imprint when used in conjunction with Postal Service-supplied software, online at USPS.com, or by using an authorized PC Postage vendor. The discount applies only to the postage portion of Global Express Guaranteed prices.
- Commercial Plus—For selected destination countries, available for customers who use specifically authorized postage payment methods and must tender at least $100,000 per year of any combination of Global Express Guaranteed, Express Mail International, or Priority Mail International items. The discount applies only to the postage portion of Global Express Guaranteed prices.
Express Mail International
- Flat Rate Envelope —Envelope provided or approved by the Postal Service
○ Canada
○ All Other Countries
- Flat Rate Box—Boxes provided or approved by the Postal Service
○ Canada
○ All Other Countries
- Retail
○ Price Groups 1-17
- Commercial Base—For selected destination countries, available for customers who prepare and pay for Express Mail International shipments via permit imprint when used in conjunction with Postal Service-supplied software that electronically transmits Customs-related functions, online at USPS.com, or by using an authorized PC Postage vendor. The discount applies only to the postage portion of Express Mail International prices.
- Commercial Plus—For selected destination countries, available for customers who use specifically authorized postage payment methods and must tender at least $100,000 per year of any combination of Express Mail International, Global Express Guaranteed, or Priority Mail International items. The discount applies only to the postage portion of Express Mail International prices.
* * *
2305.6 Prices
Start Printed Page 75705Global Express Guaranteed Retail Prices
Weight not over (lb.) Price groups 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0.5 $44.00 $45.00 $52.00 $100.00 $58.00 $58.00 $55.00 $69.75 1 63.35 64.95 72.45 114.50 78.75 75.25 65.35 86.50 2 67.80 71.00 79.90 128.75 87.00 83.10 73.70 101.25 3 72.25 77.05 87.35 143.00 95.25 90.95 82.05 116.00 4 76.70 83.10 94.80 157.25 103.50 98.80 90.40 130.75 5 80.65 89.15 102.25 171.50 111.75 106.65 98.75 145.50 6 84.60 94.10 107.30 184.25 117.50 113.50 104.20 158.25 7 88.55 99.05 112.35 197.00 123.25 120.35 109.65 171.00 8 92.50 104.00 117.40 209.75 129.00 127.20 115.10 183.75 9 96.45 108.95 122.45 222.50 134.75 134.05 120.55 196.50 10 100.40 113.90 127.50 235.25 140.50 140.90 126.00 209.25 11 104.35 117.05 131.45 248.00 145.25 146.75 130.35 218.00 12 108.30 120.20 135.40 260.75 150.00 152.60 134.70 226.75 13 112.25 123.35 139.35 273.50 154.75 158.45 139.05 235.50 14 116.20 126.50 143.30 286.25 159.50 164.30 143.40 244.25 15 120.15 129.65 147.25 299.00 164.25 170.15 147.75 253.00 16 124.10 132.80 151.20 311.75 169.00 176.00 152.10 261.75 17 128.05 135.95 155.15 324.50 173.75 181.85 156.45 270.50 18 132.00 139.10 159.10 337.25 178.50 187.70 160.80 279.25 19 135.95 142.25 163.05 350.00 183.25 193.55 165.15 288.00 20 139.90 145.40 167.00 362.75 188.00 199.40 169.50 296.75 21 143.85 147.55 170.95 373.00 192.75 205.25 173.85 305.50 22 147.80 149.70 174.90 383.25 197.50 211.10 178.20 314.25 23 151.75 151.85 178.85 393.50 202.25 216.95 182.55 323.00 24 155.70 154.00 182.80 403.75 207.00 222.80 186.90 331.75 25 159.65 156.15 186.75 414.00 211.75 228.65 191.25 340.50 26 163.60 158.30 190.70 424.25 216.50 234.50 195.60 349.25 27 167.55 160.45 194.65 434.50 221.25 240.35 199.95 358.00 28 171.50 162.60 198.60 444.75 226.00 246.20 204.30 366.75 29 175.45 164.75 202.55 455.00 230.75 252.05 208.65 375.50 30 179.40 166.90 206.50 465.25 235.50 257.90 213.00 384.25 31 183.35 169.05 210.45 475.50 240.25 263.75 217.35 393.00 32 187.30 171.20 214.40 485.75 245.00 269.60 221.70 401.75 33 191.25 173.35 218.35 496.00 249.75 275.45 226.05 410.50 34 195.20 175.50 222.30 506.25 254.50 281.30 230.40 419.25 35 199.15 177.65 226.25 516.50 259.25 287.15 234.75 428.00 36 203.10 179.80 230.20 526.75 264.00 293.00 239.10 436.75 37 207.05 181.95 234.15 537.00 268.75 298.85 243.45 445.50 38 211.00 184.10 238.10 547.25 273.50 304.70 247.80 454.25 39 214.95 186.25 242.05 557.50 278.25 310.55 252.15 463.00 40 218.90 188.40 246.00 567.75 283.00 316.40 256.50 471.75 41 222.05 190.55 249.95 578.00 287.75 322.25 260.85 480.50 42 225.20 192.70 253.90 588.25 292.50 328.10 265.20 489.25 43 228.35 194.85 257.85 598.50 297.25 333.95 269.55 498.00 44 231.50 197.00 261.80 608.75 302.00 339.80 273.90 506.75 45 234.65 199.15 265.75 619.00 306.75 345.65 278.25 515.50 46 237.80 201.30 269.70 629.25 311.50 351.50 282.60 524.25 47 240.95 203.45 273.65 639.50 316.25 357.35 286.95 533.00 48 244.10 205.60 277.60 649.75 321.00 363.20 291.30 541.75 49 247.25 207.75 281.55 660.00 325.75 369.05 295.65 550.50 50 250.40 209.90 285.50 670.25 330.50 374.90 300.00 559.25 51 253.55 212.05 289.45 680.50 335.25 380.75 304.35 568.00 52 256.70 214.20 293.40 690.75 340.00 386.60 308.70 576.75 53 259.85 216.35 297.35 701.00 344.75 392.45 313.05 585.50 54 263.00 218.50 301.30 711.25 349.50 398.30 317.40 594.25 55 266.15 220.65 305.25 721.50 354.25 404.15 321.75 603.00 56 269.30 222.80 309.20 731.75 359.00 410.00 326.10 611.75 57 272.45 224.95 313.15 742.00 363.75 415.85 330.45 620.50 58 275.60 227.10 317.10 752.25 368.50 421.70 334.80 629.25 Start Printed Page 75706 59 278.75 229.25 321.05 762.50 373.25 427.55 339.15 638.00 60 281.90 231.40 325.00 772.75 378.00 433.40 343.50 646.75 61 285.05 233.55 328.95 783.00 382.75 439.25 347.85 655.50 62 288.20 235.70 332.90 793.25 387.50 445.10 352.20 664.25 63 291.35 237.85 336.85 803.50 392.25 450.95 356.55 673.00 64 294.50 240.00 340.80 813.75 397.00 456.80 360.90 681.75 65 297.65 242.15 344.75 824.00 401.75 462.65 365.25 690.50 66 300.80 244.30 348.70 834.25 406.50 468.50 369.60 699.25 67 303.95 246.45 352.65 844.50 411.25 474.35 373.95 708.00 68 307.10 248.60 356.60 854.75 416.00 480.20 378.30 716.75 69 310.25 250.75 360.55 865.00 420.75 486.05 382.65 725.50 70 313.40 252.90 364.50 875.25 425.50 491.90 387.00 734.25 Global Express Guaranteed Commercial Base Prices
Maximum weight (pounds) Country price group 1 ($) 2 ($) 3 ($) 4 ($) 5 ($) 6 ($) 7 ($) 8 ($) 0.5 44.00 45.00 52.00 90.00 56.68 57.17 54.56 64.23 1 59.52 60.66 65.21 103.05 71.18 68.69 65.35 77.85 2 63.05 64.60 71.91 115.88 78.84 74.79 71.28 91.13 3 67.57 70.56 78.62 128.70 85.73 81.86 76.82 104.40 4 70.81 74.79 85.32 141.53 93.15 88.92 82.70 117.68 5 72.63 80.24 92.03 154.35 100.58 95.99 89.28 130.95 6 76.14 84.69 96.57 165.83 105.75 102.15 94.29 142.43 7 79.70 89.15 101.12 177.30 110.93 108.32 98.82 153.90 8 83.25 93.60 105.66 188.78 116.10 114.48 103.59 165.38 9 86.81 98.06 110.21 200.25 121.28 120.65 108.50 176.85 10 90.36 102.51 114.75 211.73 126.45 126.81 113.40 188.33 11 93.92 105.35 118.31 223.20 130.73 132.08 117.32 196.20 12 97.47 108.18 121.86 234.68 135.00 137.34 121.23 204.08 13 101.03 111.02 125.42 246.15 139.28 142.61 125.15 211.95 14 104.58 113.85 128.97 257.63 143.55 147.87 129.06 219.83 15 108.14 116.69 132.53 269.10 147.83 153.14 132.98 227.70 16 111.69 119.52 136.08 280.58 152.10 158.40 136.89 235.58 17 115.25 122.36 139.64 292.05 156.38 163.67 140.81 243.45 18 118.80 125.19 143.19 303.53 160.65 168.93 144.72 251.33 19 122.36 128.03 146.75 315.00 164.93 174.20 148.64 259.20 20 125.91 130.86 150.30 326.48 169.20 179.46 152.81 267.08 21 129.47 132.80 153.86 335.70 173.48 184.73 156.47 274.95 22 133.02 134.73 157.41 344.93 177.75 189.99 160.38 282.83 23 136.58 136.67 160.97 354.15 182.03 195.26 164.30 290.70 24 140.13 138.60 164.52 363.38 186.30 200.52 168.21 298.58 25 143.69 140.54 168.08 372.60 190.58 205.79 172.13 306.45 26 147.24 142.47 171.63 381.83 194.85 211.05 176.04 314.33 27 150.80 144.41 175.19 391.05 199.13 216.32 179.96 322.20 28 154.35 146.34 178.74 400.28 203.40 221.58 183.87 330.08 29 157.91 148.28 182.30 409.50 207.68 226.85 187.79 337.95 30 161.46 150.21 185.85 418.73 211.95 232.11 191.70 345.83 31 165.02 152.15 189.41 427.95 216.23 237.38 195.62 353.70 32 168.57 154.08 192.96 437.18 220.50 242.64 199.53 361.58 33 172.13 156.02 196.52 446.40 224.78 247.91 203.45 369.45 34 175.68 157.95 200.07 455.63 229.05 253.17 207.36 377.33 35 179.24 159.89 203.63 464.85 233.33 258.44 211.28 385.20 36 182.79 161.82 207.18 474.08 237.60 263.70 215.19 393.08 37 186.35 163.76 210.74 483.30 241.88 268.97 219.11 400.95 38 189.90 165.69 214.29 492.53 246.15 274.23 223.02 408.83 39 193.46 167.63 217.85 501.75 250.43 279.50 226.94 416.70 40 197.01 169.56 221.40 510.98 254.70 284.76 230.85 424.58 41 199.85 171.50 224.96 520.20 258.98 290.03 234.77 432.45 42 202.68 173.43 228.51 529.43 263.25 295.29 238.68 440.33 43 205.52 175.37 232.07 538.65 267.53 300.56 242.60 448.20 44 208.35 177.30 235.62 547.88 271.80 305.82 246.51 456.08 45 211.19 179.24 239.18 557.10 276.08 311.09 250.43 463.95 46 214.02 181.17 242.73 566.33 280.35 316.35 254.34 471.83 47 216.86 183.11 246.29 575.55 284.63 321.62 258.26 479.70 48 219.69 185.04 249.84 584.78 288.90 326.88 262.17 487.58 49 222.53 186.98 253.40 594.00 293.18 332.15 266.09 495.45 Start Printed Page 75707 50 225.36 188.91 256.95 603.23 297.45 337.41 270.00 503.33 51 228.20 190.85 260.51 612.45 301.73 342.68 273.92 511.20 52 231.03 192.78 264.06 621.68 306.00 347.94 277.83 519.08 53 233.87 194.72 267.62 630.90 310.28 353.21 281.75 526.95 54 236.70 196.65 271.17 640.13 314.55 358.47 285.66 534.83 55 239.54 198.59 274.73 649.35 318.83 363.74 289.58 542.70 56 242.37 200.52 278.28 658.58 323.10 369.00 293.49 550.58 57 245.21 202.46 281.84 667.80 327.38 374.27 297.41 558.45 58 248.04 204.39 285.39 677.03 331.65 379.53 301.32 566.33 59 250.88 206.33 288.94 686.25 335.93 384.80 305.24 574.20 60 253.71 208.26 292.50 695.48 340.20 390.06 309.15 582.08 61 256.55 210.20 296.05 704.70 344.48 395.33 313.07 589.95 62 259.38 212.13 299.61 713.93 348.75 400.59 316.98 597.83 63 262.22 214.07 303.16 723.15 353.03 405.86 320.90 605.70 64 265.05 216.00 306.72 732.38 357.30 411.12 324.81 613.58 65 267.89 217.94 310.27 741.60 361.58 416.39 328.73 621.45 66 270.72 219.87 313.83 750.83 365.85 421.65 332.64 629.33 67 273.56 221.81 317.38 760.05 370.13 426.92 336.56 637.20 68 276.39 223.74 320.94 769.28 374.40 432.18 340.47 645.08 69 279.23 225.68 324.49 778.50 378.68 437.45 344.39 652.95 70 282.06 227.61 328.05 787.73 382.95 442.71 348.30 660.83 Global Express Guaranteed Commercial Plus Prices
Maximum weight (pounds) Country price group 1 ($) 2 ($) 3 ($) 4 ($) 5 ($) 6 ($) 7 ($) 8 ($) 0.5 41.38 42.46 46.46 83.00 49.30 49.76 47.29 57.89 1 52.58 53.91 60.13 95.04 65.36 62.46 58.00 71.80 2 56.27 58.93 66.32 106.86 72.21 68.97 63.08 84.04 3 59.97 63.95 72.50 118.69 79.06 75.49 68.31 96.28 4 63.66 68.97 78.68 130.52 85.91 82.00 75.03 108.52 5 66.94 73.99 84.87 142.35 92.75 88.52 81.96 120.77 6 70.22 78.10 89.06 152.93 97.53 94.21 86.49 131.35 7 73.50 82.21 93.25 163.51 102.30 99.89 91.01 141.93 8 76.78 86.32 97.44 174.09 107.07 105.58 95.53 152.51 9 80.05 90.43 101.63 184.68 111.84 111.26 100.06 163.10 10 83.33 94.54 105.83 195.26 116.62 116.95 104.58 173.68 11 86.61 97.15 109.10 205.84 120.56 121.80 108.19 180.94 12 89.89 99.77 112.38 216.42 124.50 126.66 111.80 188.20 13 93.17 102.38 115.66 227.01 128.44 131.51 115.41 195.47 14 96.45 105.00 118.94 237.59 132.39 136.37 119.02 202.73 15 99.72 107.61 122.22 248.17 136.33 141.22 122.63 209.99 16 103.00 110.22 125.50 258.75 140.27 146.08 126.24 217.25 17 106.28 112.84 128.77 269.34 144.21 150.94 129.85 224.52 18 109.56 115.45 132.05 279.92 148.16 155.79 133.46 231.78 19 112.84 118.07 135.33 290.50 152.10 160.65 137.07 239.04 20 116.12 120.68 138.61 301.08 156.04 165.50 140.69 246.30 21 119.40 122.47 141.89 309.59 159.98 170.36 144.30 253.57 22 122.67 124.25 145.17 318.10 163.93 175.21 147.91 260.83 23 125.95 126.04 148.45 326.61 167.87 180.07 151.52 268.09 24 129.23 127.82 151.72 335.11 171.81 184.92 155.13 275.35 25 132.51 129.60 155.00 343.62 175.75 189.78 158.74 282.62 26 135.79 131.39 158.28 352.13 179.70 194.64 162.35 289.88 27 139.07 133.17 161.56 360.64 183.64 199.49 165.96 297.14 28 142.35 134.96 164.84 369.14 187.58 204.35 169.57 304.40 29 145.62 136.74 168.12 377.65 191.52 209.20 173.18 311.67 30 148.90 138.53 171.40 386.16 195.47 214.06 176.79 318.93 31 152.18 140.31 174.67 394.67 199.41 218.91 180.40 326.19 32 155.46 142.10 177.95 403.17 203.35 223.77 184.01 333.45 33 158.74 143.88 181.23 411.68 207.29 228.62 187.62 340.72 34 162.02 145.67 184.51 420.19 211.24 233.48 191.23 347.98 35 165.29 147.45 187.79 428.70 215.18 238.33 194.84 355.24 36 168.57 149.23 191.07 437.20 219.12 243.19 198.45 362.50 37 171.85 151.02 194.34 445.71 223.06 248.05 202.06 369.77 38 175.13 152.80 197.62 454.22 227.01 252.90 205.67 377.03 39 178.41 154.59 200.90 462.73 230.95 257.76 209.28 384.29 Start Printed Page 75708 40 181.69 156.37 204.18 471.23 234.89 262.61 212.90 391.55 41 184.30 158.16 207.46 479.74 238.83 267.47 216.51 398.82 42 186.92 159.94 210.74 488.25 242.78 272.32 220.12 406.08 43 189.53 161.73 214.02 496.76 246.72 277.18 223.73 413.34 44 192.15 163.51 217.29 505.26 250.66 282.03 227.34 420.60 45 194.76 165.29 220.57 513.77 254.60 286.89 230.95 427.87 46 197.37 167.08 223.85 522.28 258.55 291.75 234.56 435.13 47 199.99 168.86 227.13 530.79 262.49 296.60 238.17 442.39 48 202.60 170.65 230.41 539.29 266.43 301.46 241.78 449.65 49 205.22 172.43 233.69 547.80 270.37 306.31 245.39 456.92 50 207.83 174.22 236.97 556.31 274.32 311.17 249.00 464.18 51 210.45 176.00 240.24 564.82 278.26 316.02 252.61 471.44 52 213.06 177.79 243.52 573.32 282.20 320.88 256.22 478.70 53 215.68 179.57 246.80 581.83 286.14 325.73 259.83 485.97 54 218.29 181.36 250.08 590.34 290.09 330.59 263.44 493.23 55 220.90 183.14 253.36 598.85 294.03 335.44 267.05 500.49 56 223.52 184.92 256.64 607.35 297.97 340.30 270.66 507.75 57 226.13 186.71 259.91 615.86 301.91 345.16 274.27 515.02 58 228.75 188.49 263.19 624.37 305.86 350.01 277.88 522.28 59 231.36 190.28 266.47 632.88 309.80 354.87 281.49 529.54 60 233.98 192.06 269.75 641.38 313.74 359.72 285.11 536.80 61 236.59 193.85 273.03 649.89 317.68 364.58 288.72 544.07 62 239.21 195.63 276.31 658.40 321.63 369.43 292.33 551.33 63 241.82 197.42 279.59 666.91 325.57 374.29 295.94 558.59 64 244.44 199.20 282.86 675.41 329.51 379.14 299.55 565.85 65 247.05 200.98 286.14 683.92 333.45 384.00 303.16 573.12 66 249.66 202.77 289.42 692.43 337.40 388.86 306.77 580.38 67 252.28 204.55 292.70 700.94 341.34 393.71 310.38 587.64 68 254.89 206.34 295.98 709.44 345.28 398.57 313.99 594.90 69 257.51 208.12 299.26 717.95 349.22 403.42 317.60 602.17 70 260.12 209.91 302.53 726.46 353.17 408.28 321.21 609.43 1. No additional discount is offered for Commercial Base or Commercial Plus.
Start Printed Page 75709 Start Printed Page 75710 Start Printed Page 75711 Start Printed Page 75712 Start Printed Page 75713 Start Printed Page 75714 Start Printed Page 757152315 Outbound Priority Mail International
* * * * *2315.2 Size and Weight Limitations 1 2
Start Printed Page 75716* * * * *2315.4 Price Categories
The following price categories are available for the product specified in this section:
Start Printed Page 75717- Commercial Base—For selected destination countries, available for customers who prepare and pay for Priority Mail International shipments via permit imprint when used in conjunction with Postal Service-supplied software and Customs-related functions, online at USPS.com, or by using an authorized PC Postage. The discount applies only to the postage portion of Priority Mail International prices.
- Commercial Plus—For selected destination countries, available for customers who use specifically authorized postage payment methods and must tender at least $100,000 per year of any combination of Priority Mail International, Express Mail International, or Global Express Guaranteed items. The discount applies only to the postage portion of Express Mail International prices.
* * * * *2315.7 Prices
Start Printed Page 75718 Start Printed Page 75719 Start Printed Page 75720 Start Printed Page 75721 Start Printed Page 75722 Start Printed Page 75723 Start Printed Page 75724 Start Printed Page 757252320 International Priority Airmail (IPA)
* * * * *2320.6 Prices
International Priority Airmail
The price is determined by adding the applicable per-piece price to the applicable per-pound price. The per-piece price applies to each mailpiece regardless of weight. The per-pound price applies to the net weight (gross weight of the sack minus the tare weight of the sack or tray) of the mail for the specific Country Price Group.
a. Presort Mail (Full Service and ISC Drop Shipment)
i. Per Piece
Price group 1 ($) 2 ($) 3 ($) 4 ($) 5 ($) 6 ($) 7 ($) 8 ($) Direct Country Sacks 0.51 0.16 0.52 0.53 0.52 0.52 0.53 0.51 9 ($) 10 ($) 11 ($) 12 ($) 13 ($) 14 ($) 15 ($) Direct Country Sacks 0.42 0.47 0.48 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.14 Mixed Country Sacks 0.51 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.16 ii. Per Pound
Price group 1 ($) 2 ($) 3 ($) 4 ($) 5 ($) 6 ($) 7 ($) 8 ($) Direct Country Sacks (Full Service) 6.03 7.37 7.58 7.92 7.72 7.66 7.65 7.52 Direct Country Sacks (ISC Drop Shipment) 4.09 4.62 5.63 5.96 5.78 5.71 5.72 5.58 9 ($) 10 ($) 11 ($) 12 ($) 13 ($) 14 ($) 15 ($) Direct Country Sacks (Full Service) 8.37 7.80 8.03 7.63 8.48 8.15 9.14 Direct Country Sacks (ISC Drop Shipment) 6.27 5.85 5.80 5.69 5.60 6.21 7.20 Mixed Country Sacks (ISC Drop Shipment) 6.10 5.98 5.89 6.53 7.56 b. Worldwide Nonpresort Mail (Full Service and ISC Drop Shipment)
i. Per Piece
($) Worldwide Nonpresorted Sacks 0.57 ii. Per Pound
($) Worldwide Nonpresorted Sacks (Full Service) 10.56 Worldwide Nonpresorted Sacks (ISC Drop Shipment) 8.32 International Priority Airmail M-Bag
The price is based on the applicable per-pound price. The per-pound price applies to the net weight (gross weight of the sack minus the tare weight of the sack) of the mail for the specific Country Price Group.
Start Printed Page 75726 Start Printed Page 75727 Start Printed Page 757282325 International Surface Air Lift (ISAL)
* * * * *2325.6 Prices
International Surface Air Lift (Full Service and ISC Drop Shipment)
The price is determined by adding the applicable per-piece price to the applicable per-pound price. The per-piece price applies to each mailpiece regardless of weight. The per-pound price applies to the net weight (gross weight of the sack minus the tare weight of the sack) of the mail for the specific price group.
i. Per Piece
Price group 1 ($) 2 ($) 3 ($) 4 ($) 5 ($) 6 ($) 7 ($) 8 ($) Direct Country Sacks 0.45 0.14 0.46 0.47 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.45 9 ($) 10 ($) 11 ($) 12 ($) 13 ($) 14 ($) 15 ($) Direct Country Sacks 0.37 0.41 0.43 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.13 Mixed Country Sacks — — 0.45 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.14 ii. Per Pound
Price group 1 ($) 2 ($) 3 ($) 4 ($) 5 ($) 6 ($) 7 ($) 8 ($) Direct Country Sacks (Full Service) 5.31 6.49 6.67 6.97 6.79 6.74 6.74 6.62 Direct Country Sacks (ISC Drop Shipment) 3.60 4.07 4.96 5.25 5.08 5.03 5.03 4.91 9 ($) 10 ($) 11 ($) 12 ($) 13 ($) 14 ($) 15 ($) Direct Country Sacks (Full Service) 7.37 6.87 7.06 6.71 7.47 7.17 8.04 Direct Country Sacks (ISC Drop Shipment) 5.52 5.15 5.11 5.00 4.93 5.47 6.33 Mixed Country Sacks (ISC Drop Shipment) — — 5.36 5.26 5.18 5.75 6.65 b. Worldwide Nonpresort Mail (Full Service and ISC Drop Shipment)
i. Per Piece
($) Worldwide Nonpresorted Sacks 0.50 ii. Per Pound
($) Worldwide Nonpresorted Sacks (Full Service) 9.30 Worldwide Nonpresorted Sacks (ISC Drop Shipment) 7.32 International Surface Air Lift M-Bags
The price is based on the applicable per-pound price. The per-pound price applies to the net weight (gross weight of the sack minus the tare weight of the sack) of the mail for the specific price group.
Start Printed Page 75729 Start Printed Page 75730 Start Printed Page 757312330 International Direct Sacks—M-Bags
* * * * *2330.6 Prices
Outbound International Direct Sacks—M-Bags
The price is based on the applicable per-pound price. The per-pound price applies to the net weight (gross weight of the sack minus the tare weight of the sack) of the mail for the specific price group.
2600 Special Services
* * * * *2600.2 Products Included in Class
* * * * ** * * * *- Competitive Ancillary Services (2645)
○ Adult Signature Service (2645.1)
○ Package Intercept Service (2645.2)
* * * * ** * * * *2610 Greeting Cards and Stationery
* * * * *2610.2 Prices 1
Start Printed Page 75732($) Greeting Cards 0.99 to 25.00 Stationery 0.10 to 75.99 Notes: 1 Minimum price applies to average price paid per item when multiple items are purchased together. * * * * ** * * * *2615 International Ancillary Services
* * * * *2615.1 International Certificate of Mailing
* * * * *2615.1.2 Prices
Individual Pieces Prices
($) Original certificate of mailing for listed pieces of ordinary Priority Mail International parcels 1.15 Three or more pieces individually listed in a firm mailing book or an approved customer provided manifest (per piece) 0.44 Each additional copy of original certificate of mailing or firm mailing bills (each copy) 1.15 Multiple Pieces Prices
Identical pieces of ordinary Single-Piece First-Class Mail International paid with regular stamps, precanceled stamps, or meter stamps are subject to the following fees:
($) Up to 1,000 pieces (one certificate for total number) 6.70 Each additional 1,000 pieces or fraction 0.80 Duplicate copy 1.15 2615.2 Outbound Competitive International Registered Mail
* * * * *2615.2.2 Prices
($) Per Piece 11.75 2615.3 International Return Receipt
* * * * *2615.3.2 Prices
Outbound International Return Receipt
($) Per Piece 2.35 * * * * *2615.4 International Restricted Delivery
* * * * *2615.4.2 Prices
($) Per Piece 4.55 2615.5 International Insurance
* * * * *2615.5.3 Prices
Outbound International Insurance
a. Priority Mail International Insurance
Indemnity limit not over ($) Price ($) 50 2.45 100 3.60 200 4.75 300 5.90 400 7.05 500 8.20 600 9.35 700 10.50 Over 700 10.50 plus 1.15 for each 100.00 or fraction thereof over 700.00. Maximum indemnity varies by country. b. Express Mail International Merchandise Insurance
($) ($) ($) Amount of coverage: 0.01 to 100.00 0.00 100.01 to 200.00 0.85 200.01 to 500.00 2.35 500.01 to 1,000.00 3.85 1,000.01 to 1,500.00 5.35 1,500.01 to 2,000.00 6.85 2,000.01 to 2,500.00 8.35 2,500.01 to 3,000.00 9.85 3,000.01 to 3,500.00 11.35 3,500.01 to 4,000.00 12.85 4,000.01 to 4,500.00 14.35 4,500.01 to 5,000.00 15.85 * * * * *2615.6 Custom Clearance and Delivery Fee
* * * * *2615.6.2 Prices
($) Per Dutiable Item 5.50 2620 International Money Transfer Service—Outbound
* * * * *2620.3 Prices
International Money Order
($) Per International Money Order 4.45 Inquiry Fee 5.50 * * * * *2630 Premium Forwarding Service
* * * * *2630.2 Prices
($) Enrollment 15.00 Weekly Reshipment 15.25 2635 Shipping and Mailing Supplies
* * * * *Start Printed Page 757332635.2 Prices 1
($) Mailers 0.39 to 25.00 Cartons 0.99 to 25.00 Supplies 0.49 to 14.65 Notes: 1 Minimum price applies to average price paid per item when multiple items are purchased together. 2640 Post Office Box Service
2640.1 Description
* * *
2640.3 Prices
Start Printed Page 75734Postal Facilities Primarily Serving Academic Institutions or Their Students
Period of box use (days) Price 95 or less 1/2 semiannual price. 96 to 140 3/4 semiannual price 141 to 190 Semiannual price. 191 to 230 11/4 semiannual price. 231 to 270 11/2 semiannual price. 271 to full year Two times semiannual price. Ancillary Post Office Box Services
($) Key duplication or replacement (2) Lock replacement (2) Key deposit 1 (2) NOTE: Notes 1 Key deposit only applies to additional keys or replacement keys. 2 Prices and deposit amount specified for market dominant Post Office Box service (section 1550.3) apply. 2645 Competitive Ancillary Services
* * * * *2645.2 Package Intercept Service
2645.2.1 Description
a. Package Intercept service allows a customer to request that the Postal Service intercept the customer's mail at the destination delivery unit based on the initial delivery address.
b. Intercepted packages can be: (1) Returned to sender; (2) held for pick up; or (3) redirected to an alternate domestic address. Intercepted packages will be shipped using Priority Mail.
c. Package Intercept service is available with First-Class Mail, Package Services, Express Mail, Priority Mail, and Parcel Select.
2645.2.2 Prices
($) Package Intercept Service 10.95 Part D
Country Price Lists For International Mail
4000 Country Price Lists for International Mail
Country Market dominant Competitive SPFCMI 1 International expedited Services International packages IPA & ISAL 5 GXG 2 EMI 3 PMI 4 * * * * * * * Tonga 6 4 6 6 14 * * * * *Certification of Governors' Vote In the Governors' Decision No. 11-8
I hereby certify that the Governors voted on adopting Governors' Decision No. 11-8, and that, consistent with 39 U.S.C. 3632(a), a majority of the Governors then holding office concurred in the Decision.
Dated: October 18, 2011.
Julie S. Moore,
Secretary of the Board of Governors.
End Supplemental InformationFootnotes
1. The price for Regular, Legal, or Padded Flat Rate Envelopes also applies to sales of Regular, Legal, or Padded Flat Rate Envelopes, respectively, marked with Forever postage, at the time the envelopes are purchased.
2. The price for Small, Medium, or Large Flat Rate Boxes also applies to sales of Small, Medium, or Large Flat Rate Boxes, respectively, marked with Forever postage, at the time the boxes are purchased.
Back to CitationBILLING CODE 7710-12-C
[FR Doc. 2011-30789 Filed 12-1-11; 8:45 am]
Document Information
- Comments Received:
- Published:
- 12/02/2011
- Department:
- Postal Service
- Entry Type:
- Notice
- Action:
- Notice of a change in rates of general applicability for competitive products.
- Document Number:
- 2011-30789
- Pages:
- 75661-75734 (74 pages)
- PDF File:
- 2011-30789.pdf