2010-30462. Department Regulatory Agenda; Semiannual Summary  

  • [Federal Register Volume 75, Number 243 (Monday, December 20, 2010)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Pages 79811-79835]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 2010-30462]
    [[Page 79811]]
    Part XIII
    Department of Transportation
    ###Semiannual Regulatory Agenda###
    [[Page 79812]]
    Office of the Secretary
    14 CFR Chs. I-III
    23 CFR Chs. I-III
    33 CFR Chs. I and IV
    46 CFR Chs. I-III
    48 CFR Ch. 12
    49 CFR Subtitle A, Chs. I-VI and Chs. X-XII
    OST Docket 99-5129
    Department Regulatory Agenda; Semiannual Summary
    AGENCY: Office of the Secretary, DOT.
    ACTION: Semiannual regulatory agenda.
    SUMMARY: The regulatory agenda is a semiannual summary of all current 
    and projected rulemakings, reviews of existing regulations, and 
    completed actions of the Department. The agenda provides the public 
    with information about the Department of Transportation's regulatory 
    activity. It is expected that this information will enable the public 
    to be more aware of and allow it to more effectively participate in the 
    Department's regulatory activity. The public is also invited to submit 
    comments on any aspect of this agenda.
        You should direct all comments and inquiries on the agenda in 
    general to Neil R. Eisner, Assistant General Counsel for Regulation 
    and Enforcement, Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey 
    Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590; (202) 366-4723.
        You should direct all comments and inquiries on particular 
    items in the agenda to the individual listed for the regulation or 
    the general rulemaking contact person for the operating 
    administration in Appendix B. Individuals who use a 
    telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) may call (202) 755-
    Table of Contents
    Supplementary Information:
    Significant/Priority Rulemakings
    Explanation of Information on the Agenda
    Request for Comments
    Appendix A--Instructions for Obtaining Copies of Regulatory Documents
    Appendix B--General Rulemaking Contact Persons
    Appendix C--Public Rulemaking Dockets
    Appendix D--Review Plans for Section 610 and Other Requirements Agenda
        Improvement of our regulations is a prime goal of the 
    Department of Transportation (Department or DOT). Our regulations 
    should be clear, simple, timely, fair, reasonable, and necessary. 
    They should not be issued without appropriate involvement of the 
    public; once issued, they should be periodically reviewed and 
    revised, as needed, to assure that they continue to meet the needs 
    for which they originally were designed. To view additional 
    information about the Department of Transportation's regulatory 
    activities online, go to http://regs.dot.gov. Among other things, 
    this website provides a report, updated monthly, on the status of 
    the DOT significant rulemakings listed in the semi-annual Agenda.
        To help the Department achieve these goals and in accordance 
    with Executive Order 12866 ``Regulatory Planning and Review'' (58 
    FR 51735; October 4, 1993) and the Department's Regulatory Policies 
    and Procedures (44 FR 11034; February 26, 1979), the Department 
    prepares a semiannual regulatory agenda. It summarizes all current 
    and projected rulemaking, reviews of existing regulations, and 
    completed actions of the Department. These are matters on which 
    action has begun or is projected during the succeeding 12 months or 
    such longer period as may be anticipated or for which action has 
    been completed since the last agenda.
        The agendas are based on reports submitted by the offices 
    initiating the rulemaking and are reviewed by the Department 
    Regulations Council. The Department's last agenda was published in 
    the Federal Register on April 26, 2010 (75 FR 21840). The next one 
    is scheduled for publication in the Federal Register in spring 
        The Internet is the basic means for disseminating the Unified 
    Agenda. The complete Unified Agenda is available online at 
    www.reginfo.gov, in a format that offers users a greatly enhanced 
    ability to obtain information from the Agenda database.
        Because publication in the Federal Register is mandated for the 
    regulatory flexibility agendas required by the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 602), DOT's printed agenda entries 
    include only:
    1. The Agency's agenda preamble;
    2. Rules that are in the Agency's regulatory flexibility agenda, in 
    accordance with the Regulatory Flexibility Act, because they are likely 
    to have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities; and
    3. Any rules that the Agency has identified for periodic review under 
    section 610 of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
        Printing of these entries is limited to fields that contain 
    information required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act's Agenda 
    requirements. These elements are: Sequence Number; Title; Section 
    610 Review, if applicable; Legal Authority; Abstract; Timetable; 
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required; Agency Contact; and 
    Regulation Identifier Number (RIN). Additional information (for 
    detailed list see section heading ``Explanation of Information on 
    the Agenda'') on these entries is available in the Unified Agenda 
    published on the Internet.
    Significant/Priority Rulemakings
        The agenda covers all rules and regulations of the Department. 
    We have classified rules as a DOT agency priority in the agenda if 
    they are, essentially, very costly, controversial, or of 
    substantial public interest under our Regulatory Policies and 
    Procedures. All DOT agency priority rulemaking documents are 
    subject to review by the Secretary of Transportation. If the Office 
    of Management and Budget (OMB) decides a rule is subject to its 
    review under Executive Order 12866, we have classified it as 
    significant in the agenda.
    Explanation of Information on the Agenda
        The format for this agenda is required by a fall 2010 
    memorandum from the Office of Management and Budget.
    [[Page 79813]]
        First, the agenda is divided by initiating offices. Then, the 
    agenda is divided into five categories: (1) Prerule stage, (2) 
    proposed rule stage, (3) final rule stage, (4) long-term actions, 
    and (5) completed actions. For each entry, the agenda provides the 
    following information: (1) Its ``significance''; (2) a short, 
    descriptive title; (3) its legal basis; (4) the related regulatory 
    citation in the Code of Federal Regulations; (5) any legal deadline 
    and, if so, for what action (e.g., NPRM, final rule); (6) an 
    abstract; (7) a timetable, including the earliest expected date for 
    a decision on whether to take the action; (8) whether the 
    rulemaking will affect small entities and/or levels of government 
    and, if so, which categories; (9) whether a Regulatory Flexibility 
    Act (RFA) analysis is required (for rules that would have a 
    significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities); (10) a listing of any analyses an office will prepare or 
    has prepared for the action (With minor exceptions, DOT requires an 
    economic analysis for all its rulemakings.); (11) an agency contact 
    office or official who can provide further information; (12) a 
    Regulation Identifier Number (RIN) assigned to identify an 
    individual rulemaking in the agenda and facilitate tracing further 
    action on the issue; (13) whether the action is subject to the 
    Unfunded Mandates Reform Act; (14) whether the action is subject to 
    the Energy Act; and (15) whether the action is major under the 
    congressional review provisions of the Small Business Regulatory 
    Enforcement Fairness Act. If there is information that does not fit 
    in the other categories, it will be included under a separate 
    heading entitled ``Additional Information.''
        For nonsignificant regulations issued routinely and frequently 
    as a part of an established body of technical requirements (such as 
    the Federal Aviation Administration's Airspace Rules), to keep 
    those requirements operationally current, we only include the 
    general category of the regulations, the identity of a contact 
    office or official, and an indication of the expected number of 
    regulations; we do not list individual regulations.
        In the ``Timetable'' column, we use abbreviations to indicate 
    the particular documents being considered. ANPRM stands for Advance 
    Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, SNPRM for Supplemental Notice of 
    Proposed Rulemaking, and NPRM for Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. 
    Listing a future date in this column does not mean we have made a 
    decision to issue a document; it is the earliest date on which we 
    expect to make a decision on whether to issue it. In addition, 
    these dates are based on current schedules. Information received 
    subsequent to the issuance of this agenda could result in a 
    decision not to take regulatory action, or in changes to proposed 
    publication dates. For example, the need for further evaluation 
    could result in a later publication date; evidence of a greater 
    need for the regulation could result in an earlier publication 
        Finally, a dot () preceding an entry indicates that the 
    entry appears in the agenda for the first time.
    Request for Comments
        Our agenda is intended primarily for the use of the public. 
    Since its inception, we have made modifications and refinements 
    that we believe provide the public with more helpful information, 
    as well as make the agenda easier to use. We would like you, the 
    public, to make suggestions or comments on how the agenda could be 
    further improved.
        We also seek your suggestions on which of our existing 
    regulations you believe need to be reviewed to determine whether 
    they should be revised or revoked. We particularly draw your 
    attention to the Department's review plan in Appendix D.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The Department is especially interested in obtaining 
    information on requirements that have a ``significant economic 
    impact on a substantial number of small entities'' and, therefore, 
    must be reviewed under the Regulatory Flexibility Act. If you have 
    any suggested regulations, please submit them to us, along with 
    your explanation of why they should be reviewed.
        In accordance with the Regulatory Flexibility Act, comments are 
    specifically invited on regulations that we have targeted for 
    review under section 610 of the Act. The phrase (Section 610 
    Review) appears at the end of the title for these reviews. Please 
    see Appendix D for the Department's section 610 review plans.
    Consultation With State, Local, and Tribal Governments
        Executive Orders 13132 and 13175 require us to develop an 
    accountable process to ensure ``meaningful and timely input'' by 
    State, local, and tribal officials in the development of regulatory 
    policies that have federalism or tribal implications. These 
    policies are defined in the Executive Orders to include regulations 
    that have ``substantial direct effects'' on States or Indian 
    tribes, on the relationship between the Federal Government and 
    them, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities between 
    the Federal Government and various levels of government or Indian 
    tribes. Therefore, we encourage State and local governments or 
    Indian tribes to provide us with information about how the 
    Department's rulemakings impact them.
        The Department is publishing this regulatory agenda in the 
    Federal Register to share with interested members of the public the 
    Department's preliminary expectations regarding its future 
    regulatory actions. This should enable the public to be more aware 
    of the Department's regulatory activity and should result in more 
    effective public participation. This publication in the Federal 
    Register does not impose any binding obligation on the Department 
    or any of the offices within the Department with regard to any 
    specific item on the agenda. Regulatory action, in addition to the 
    items listed, is not precluded.
    Dated: September 24, 2010.
     Ray LaHood,
    Secretary of Transportation.
    Appendix A--Instructions for Obtaining Copies of Regulatory Documents
        To obtain a copy of a specific regulatory document in the 
    agenda, you should communicate directly with the contact person 
    listed with the regulation at the address below. We note that most, 
    if not all, such documents, including the semiannual agenda, are 
    available through the Internet at http://www.regulations.gov. See 
    Appendix C for more information.
        (Name of contact person), (Name of the DOT agency), 1200 New 
    Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590. (For the Federal Aviation 
    Administration, substitute the following address: Office of 
    Rulemaking, ARM-1,
    [[Page 79814]]
    800 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591).
    Appendix B--General Rulemaking Contact Persons
        The following is a list of persons who can be contacted within 
    the Department for general information concerning the rulemaking 
    process within the various operating administrations.
        FAA - Rebecca MacPherson, Office of Chief Counsel, Regulations 
    and Enforcement Division, 800 Independence Avenue SW., Room 915A, 
    Washington, DC 20591; telephone (202) 267-3073.
        FHWA - Jennifer Outhouse, Office of Chief Counsel, 1200 New 
    Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590; telephone (202) 366-0761.
        FMCSA - Steven J. LaFreniere, Regulatory Ombudsman, 1200 New 
    Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590; telephone (202) 366-0596.
        NHTSA - Steve Wood, Office of Chief Counsel, 1200 New Jersey 
    Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590; telephone (202) 366-2992.
        FRA - Kathryn Shelton, Office of Chief Counsel, 1200 New Jersey 
    Avenue SE., Room W31-214, Washington, DC 20590; telephone (202) 
        FTA - Linda Ford, Office of Chief Counsel, 1200 New Jersey 
    Avenue SE., Room E56-202, Washington, DC 20590; telephone (202) 
        SLSDC - Carrie Mann Lavigne, Chief Counsel, 1200 New Jersey 
    Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590; telephone (202) 366-0091.
        PHMSA - Patricia Burke, Office of Chief Counsel, 1200 New 
    Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590; telephone (202) 366-4400.
        MARAD - Christine Gurland, Office of Chief Counsel, Maritime 
    Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590; 
    telephone (202) 366-5157.
        RITA - Robert Monniere, Office of Chief Counsel, 1200 New 
    Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590; telephone (202) 366-5498.
        OST - Neil Eisner, Office of Regulation and Enforcement, 1200 
    New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590; telephone (202) 366-
    Appendix C--Public Rulemaking Dockets
        All comments via the Internet are submitted through the Federal 
    Docket Management System (FDMS) at the following address: http://
    www.regulations.gov. The FDMS allows the public to search, view, 
    download, and comment on all Federal agency rulemaking documents in 
    one central online system. The above referenced Internet address 
    also allows the public to sign up to receive notification when 
    certain documents are placed in the dockets.
        The public also may review regulatory dockets at, or deliver 
    comments on proposed rulemakings to, the Dockets Office at 1200 New 
    Jersey Avenue SE., Room W12-140, Washington, DC 20590, 1-800-647-
    5527. Working Hours: 9-5.
    Appendix D--Review Plans for Section 610 and Other Requirements
    Part I-- The Plan
        The Department of Transportation has long recognized the 
    importance of regularly reviewing its existing regulations to 
    determine whether they need to be revised or revoked. Our 1979 
    Regulatory Policies and Procedures require such reviews. We also 
    have responsibilities under Executive Order 12866 ``Regulatory 
    Planning and Review'' and section 610 of the Regulatory Flexibility 
    Act to conduct such reviews. This includes the use of plain 
    language techniques in new rules and considering its use in 
    existing rules when we have the opportunity and resources permit 
    its use. We are committed to continuing our reviews of existing 
    rules and, if needed, will initiate rulemaking actions based on 
    these reviews.
    Section 610 Review Plan
        Section 610 requires that we conduct reviews of rules that (1) 
    have been published within the last 10 years and (2) have a 
    ``significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities'' (SEIOSNOSE). It also requires that we publish in the 
    Federal Register each year a list of any such rules that we will 
    review during the next year. The Office of the Secretary and each 
    of the Department's Operating Administrations have a 10-year review 
    plan. These reviews comply with section 610 of the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act.
    Other Review Plan(s)
        All elements of the Department, except for the Federal Aviation 
    Administration (FAA), have also elected to use this 10-year plan 
    process to comply with the review requirements of the Department's 
    Regulatory Policies and Procedures and Executive Order 12866.
    Changes to the Review Plan
        Some reviews may be conducted earlier than scheduled. For 
    example, to the extent resources permit, the plain language reviews 
    will be conducted more quickly. Other events, such as accidents, 
    may result in the need to conduct earlier reviews of some rules. 
    Other factors may also result in the need to make changes; for 
    example, we may make changes in response to public comment on this 
    plan or in response to a Presidentially mandated review. If there 
    is any change to the review plan, we will note the change in the 
    following agenda. For any section 610 review, we will provide the 
    required notice prior to the review.
    Part II-- The Review Process
    The Analysis
        Generally, the agencies have divided their rules into 10 
    different groups and plan to analyze one group each year. For 
    purposes of these reviews, a year will coincide with the fall-to-
    fall schedule for publication of the agenda. Thus, Year 1 (2008) 
    begins in the fall of 2008 and ends in the fall of 2009; Year 2 
    (2009) begins in the fall of 2009 and ends in the fall of 2010; and 
    so on. We request public comment on the timing of the reviews. For 
    example, is there a reason for scheduling an analysis and review 
    for a particular rule earlier than we have? Any comments concerning 
    the plan or particular analyses should be submitted to the 
    regulatory contacts listed in Appendix B, General Rulemaking 
    Contact Persons.
    Section 610 Review
        The Agency will analyze each of the rules in a given year's 
    group to determine whether any rule has a SEIOSNOSE and, thus, 
    requires review in accordance with section 610 of the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act. The level of analysis will, of course, depend on 
    the nature of the rule and its applicability. Publication of 
    agencies' section 610 analyses listed each fall in this agenda 
    provides the public with notice and an opportunity to comment 
    consistent with
    [[Page 79815]]
    the requirements of the Regulatory Flexibility Act. We request that 
    public comments be submitted to us early in the analysis year 
    concerning the small entity impact of the rules to help us in 
    making our determinations.
        In each fall agenda, the Agency will publish the results of the 
    analyses it has completed during the previous year. For rules that 
    had a negative finding on SEIOSNOSE, we will give a short 
    explanation (e.g., ``these rules only establish petition processes 
    that have no cost impact'' or ``these rules do not apply to any 
    small entities''). For parts, subparts, or other discrete sections 
    of rules that do have a SEIOSNOSE, we will announce that we will be 
    conducting a formal section 610 review during the following 12 
    months. At this stage, we will add an entry to the Agenda in the 
    prerulemaking section describing the review in more detail. We also 
    will seek public comment on how best to lessen the impact of these 
    rules and provide a name or docket to which public comments can be 
    submitted. In some cases, the section 610 review may be part of 
    another unrelated review of the rule. In such a case, we plan to 
    clearly indicate which parts of the review are being conducted 
    under section 610.
    Other Reviews
        The Agency will also examine the specified rules to determine 
    whether any other reasons exist for revising or revoking the rule 
    or for rewriting the rule in plain language. In each fall agenda, 
    the Agency will also publish information on the results of the 
    examinations completed during the previous year.
        The FAA, in addition to reviewing its rules in accordance with 
    the Section 610 Review Plan, has established a tri-annual process 
    to comply with the review requirements of the Department's 
    Regulatory Policies and Procedures, Executive Order 12866, and 
    Plain Language Review Plan. The FAA's latest review notice was 
    published November 15, 2007 (72 FR 64170). In that notice, the FAA 
    requested comments from the public to identify those regulations 
    currently in effect that it should amend, remove, or simplify. The 
    FAA also requested the public provide any specific suggestions 
    where rules could be developed as performance-based rather than 
    prescriptive, and any specific plain language that might be used, 
    and provide suggested language on how those rules should be 
    written. The FAA will review the issues addressed by the commenters 
    against its regulatory agenda and rulemaking program efforts and 
    adjust its regulatory priorities consistent with its statutory 
    responsibilities. At the end of this process, the FAA will publish 
    a summary and general disposition of comments and indicate, where 
    appropriate, how it will adjust its regulatory priorities.
    Part III-- List of Pending Section 610 Reviews
        The Agenda identifies the pending DOT Section 610 Reviews by 
    inserting (Section 610 Review) after the title for the specific 
    entry. For further information on the pending reviews, see the 
    agenda entries at www.reginfo.gov. For example, to obtain a list of 
    all entries that are Section 610 Reviews under the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act, a user would select the desired responses on the 
    search screen (by selecting ``advanced search'') and, in effect, 
    generate the desired ``index'' of reviews.
                                                 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY
                                              SECTION 610 AND OTHER REVIEWS
       Year                            Regulations To Be Reviewed                             Year       Review Year
    1           49 CFR parts 91 through 99 and 14 CFR parts 200 through 212.............          2008          2009
    2           48 CFR parts 1201 through 1253 and new parts and subparts...............          2009          2010
    3           14 CFR parts 213 through 232............................................          2010          2011
    4           14 CFR parts 234 through 254............................................          2011          2012
    5           14 CFR parts 255 through 298 and 49 CFR part 40.........................          2012          2013
    6           14 CFR parts 300 through 373............................................          2013          2014
    7           14 CFR parts 374 through 398............................................          2014          2015
    8           14 CFR part 399 and 49 CFR parts 1 through 11...........................          2015          2016
    9           49 CFR parts 17 through 28..............................................          2016          2017
    10          49 CFR parts 29 through 39 and parts 41 through 89......................          2017          2018
    Year 1 (fall 2008) List of rules analyzed and a summary of results
    49 CFR part 93 -- Aircraft Allocation
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: The agency will propose revising this regulation to 
    reflect a transfer of the functions from the Office of Emergency 
    Transportation (OET) to the Office of Intelligence, Security and 
    Response (S-60). OET was absorbed into S-60 and no longer exists as a 
    separate office. The proposed changes will not cause an economic 
    Year 1 (fall 2008) List of rules with ongoing analysis
    49 CFR part 91--International Air Transportation Fair Competitive 
    49 CFR part 92--Recovering Debts to the United States by Salary Offset
    49 CFR part 95--Advisory Committees
    49 CFR part 98--Enforcement of Restrictions on Post-Employment 
    49 CFR part 99--Employee Responsibilities and Conduct
    14 CFR part 200--Definitions and Instructions
    14 CFR part 201--Air Carrier Authority Under Subtitle VII of Title 49 
    of the United States Code [Amended]
    14 CFR part 203--Waiver of Warsaw Convention Liability Limits and 
    14 CFR part 204--Data to Support Fitness Determinations
    [[Page 79816]]
    14 CFR part 205--Aircraft Accident Liability Insurance
    14 CFR part 206--Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity: 
    Special Authorizations and Exemptions
    14 CFR part 207--Charter Trips by U.S. Scheduled Air Carriers
    14 CFR part 208--Charter Trips by U.S. charter air Carriers
    14 CFR part 211--Applications for Permits to Foreign Air Carriers
    14 CFR part 212--Charter Rules for U.S. and Foreign Direct Air Carriers
    Year 2 (fall 2009) List of rules analyzed and a summary of results
    48 CFR part 1201--Federal Acquisition Regulations System
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: This rule prescribes Agency control and compliance 
    procedures concerning the proliferation of acquisition regulations and 
    any revisions. M-60's plain language review of this rule indicates 
    minor editorial changes are needed but no need for substantial 
    48 CFR part 1202--Definitions of Words and Terms
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: This rule provides definitions of words and terms 
    concerning acquisitions in DOT. M-60's plain language review of this 
    rule indicates no need for substantial revision.
    48 CFR part 1203--Improper Business Practices and Personal Conflicts of 
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: This rule provides process for reporting suspected 
    violations of the Gratuities clause. M-60's plain language review of 
    this rule indicates minor editorial changes are needed but no need for 
    substantial revision.
    48 CFR part 1204--Administrative Matters
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: This rule provides procedures for closing out 
    contract files and supporting closeout documents. M-60's plain language 
    review of this rule indicates no need for substantial revision.
    48 CFR part 1205--Publicizing Contract Actions
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: This rule provides methods of disseminating 
    information. M-60's plain language review of this rule indicates no 
    need for substantial revision.
    48 CFR part 1206--Competition Requirements
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: This rule provides information concerning competition 
    advocates. M-60's plain language review of this rule indicates no need 
    for substantial revision.
    48 CFR part 1207--Acquisition Planning
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: This rule provides information concerning 
    requirements which will be followed when cost comparisons between 
    Government and Contractor performance are conducted. M-60's plain 
    language review of this rule indicates no need for substantial 
    48 CFR part 1211--Describing Agency Needs
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: This provides information concerning the need to 
    include, as applicable, safeguards to ensure safety, security, and 
    environmental protection in requirements documents. M-60's plain 
    language review of this rule indicates no need for substantial 
    48 CFR part 1213--Simplified Acquisition Procedures
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: This provides DOT procedures for acquiring training 
    services. M-60's plain language review of this rule indicates no need 
    for revision.
    48 CFR part 1214--Sealed Bidding
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: This rule provides for telegraphic bids to be 
    communicated provided procedures have been established by the COCO. M-
    60's plain language review of this rule indicates no need for revision.
    48 CFR part 1215--Contracting By Negotiation
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: This rule provides information concerning the 
    solicitation and receipt of proposals and information including 
    evaluation. M-60's plain language review of this rule indicates no need 
    for substantial revision.
    48 CFR part 1216--Types of Contracts
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: This rule provides information concerning Fixed-Price 
    Contracts, Incentive Contracts, Indefinite-Delivery Contracts, and 
    Time-and-Materials, Labor-Hour, and Letter Contracts. M-60's plain 
    language review of this rule indicates no need for substantial 
    48 CFR part 1217--Special Contracting Methods
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: This rule provides procedures for fixed price 
    contracts for vessel repair, alteration, or conversion. M-60's plain 
    language review of this rule indicates no need for substantial 
    48 CFR part 1219--Small Business Programs
    [[Page 79817]]
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: This rule addresses contracting issues associated 
    with subcontracting with Small Business, Small Disadvantaged Business, 
    and Women-Owned Small Business concerns. It also provides some 
    discussion of small business competitiveness demonstration program.
    48 CFR part 1222--Application of Labor Laws to Government Acquisitions
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: This rule covers aspects of basic labor policies and 
    labor standards. Particular focus is directed to labor standards 
    involving construction.
    48 CFR part 1223--Environment, Energy and Water Efficiency, Renewable 
    Energy Technologies, Occupational Safety, and Drug-Free Workplace
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: This rule addresses safety requirements for selected 
    DOT contracts. The emphasis here is on hazardous material 
    identification and material safety data.
    48 CFR part 1224--Protection of Privacy and Freedom of Information
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: This rule includes discussion of procedures and 
    appeals processes with a focus on the Freedom of Information Act.
    48 CFR part 1227--Patents, Data, and Copyrights
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: This rule includes discussion of procedures and 
    appeals processes.
    48 CFR part 1228--Bonds and Insurance
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: This rule covers bonds and other financial 
    protections, insurance, and performance and payment bonds for certain 
    48 CFR part 1231--Contract Cost Principles and Procedures
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: This rule discusses contracts with commercial 
    48 CFR part 1232--Contract Financing
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: This rule focuses on contract payment processes.
    48 CFR part 1233--Protests, Disputes, and Appeals
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: This rule focuses on the protests, disputes, and 
    appeals process with a particular emphasis on CO decisions and 
    alternative dispute resolution.
    48 CFR part 1234--[Reserved]
    48 CFR part 1235--Research and Development Contracting
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: This rule includes discussion of research and 
    development contracting and provides discussion on research misconduct.
    48 CFR part 1236--Construction and Architect-Engineer Contracts
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: This rule covers contract clauses for construction 
    and architect-engineer contracts. It also includes discussion of 
    special precautions for work at operating airports.
    48 CFR part 1237--Service Contracting
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: This rule includes information relating to DOT 
    procedures for acquiring training services, and solicitation provisions 
    and contract clauses.
    48 CFR part 1239--Acquisition of Information Technology
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: This rule includes solicitation procedures and 
    contract clauses.
    48 CFR part 1242--Contract Administration and Audit Services
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: This rule includes appropriate contract clauses for 
    use in audit services.
    48 CFR part 1245--Government Property
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: This rule focuses on the management of government 
    property, reporting results of inventory, and audit of property control 
    48 CFR part 1246--Quality Assurance
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: This rule incorporates a discussion of warranties, 
    and warranty terms and conditions.
    48 CFR part 1247--Transportation
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: This rule focuses on ocean transportation by U.S.-
    flag vessels.
    48 CFR part 1252--Solicitation Provisions and Contract Clauses
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
    [[Page 79818]]
     General: This rule includes, but is not limited to, evaluation 
    of offers subject to an economic price adjustment, determination of 
    award, performance evaluation plans, distribution of award fee, 
    settlement of letter contracts, contract performance, subcontracts and 
    liability and insurance.
    48 CFR part 1253--Forms
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: This rule includes prescriptions and illustrations of 
    Year 3 (fall 2010) List of rules to be analyzed during the next year
    14 CFR part 213--Terms, Conditions, and Limitations of Foreign Air 
    Carrier Permits
    14 CFR part 214--Terms, Conditions, and Limitations of Foreign Air 
    Carrier Permits Authorizing Charter Transportation Only
    14 CFR part 215--Use and Change of Names of Air Carriers, Foreign Air 
    Carriers and Commuter Air Carriers
    14 CFR part 216--Comingling of Blind Sector Traffic by Foreign Air 
    14 CFR part 217--Reporting Traffic Statistics by Foreign Air Carriers 
    in Civilian Scheduled, Charter, and Nonscheduled Services
    14 CFR part 218--Lease by Foreign Air Carrier or Other Foreign Person 
    of Aircraft With Crew
    14 CFR part 221--Tariffs
    14 CFR part 222--Intermodal Cargo Services by Foreign Air Carriers
    14 CFR part 223--Free and Reduced-Rate Transportation
    14 CFR part 232--Transportation of Mail, Review of Orders of Postmaster 
                                             FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION
                                                 SECTION 610 REVIEW PLAN
       Year                            Regulations to be Reviewed                             Year       Review Year
    1           14 CFR parts 119 through 129 and parts 150 through 156..................          2008          2009
    2           14 CFR parts 133 through 139 and parts 157 through 169..................          2009          2010
    3           14 CFR parts 141 through 147 and parts 170 through 187..................          2010          2011
    4           14 CFR parts 189 through 198 and parts 1 through 16.....................          2011          2012
    5           14 CFR parts 17 through 33..............................................          2012          2013
    6           14 CFR parts 34 through 39 and parts 400 through 405....................          2013          2014
    7           14 CFR parts 43 through 49 and parts 406 through 415....................          2014          2015
    8           14 CFR parts 60 through 77..............................................          2015          2016
    9           14 CFR parts 91 through 105.............................................          2016          2017
    10          14 CFR parts 417 through 460............................................          2017          2018
    The FAA has elected to use the two-step, two-year process used by most 
    DOT modes in past plans. As such, the FAA has divided its rules into 10 
    groups as displayed in the table below. During the first year (the 
    ``analysis year''), all rules published during the previous 10 years 
    within a 10% block of the regulations will be analyzed to identify 
    those with a SEIONOSE. During the second year (the ``review year''), 
    each rule identified in the analysis year as having a SEIONOSE will be 
    reviewed in accordance with Section 610 (b) to determine if it should 
    be continued without change or changed to minimize impact on small 
    entities. Results of those reviews will be published in the DOT 
    Semiannual Regulatory Agenda.
    Year 3 (fall 2010) List of rules analyzed and summary of results
    14 CFR part 141--Pilot Schools
     Section 610: The agency conducted a Section 610 review of this 
    part and found no SEISNOSE.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. FAA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    14 CFR part 142--Training Centers
     Section 610: The agency conducted a Section 610 review of this 
    part and found no SEISNOSE.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. FAA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    14 CFR part 145--Repair Stations
     Section 610: The agency conducted a Section 610 review of this 
    part and found no SEISNOSE.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. FAA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    14 CFR part 147--Aviation Maintenance Technician Schools
     Section 610: The agency conducted a Section 610 review of this 
    part and found no SEISNOSE.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. FAA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    14 CFR part 170--Establishment and Discontinuance Criteria for Air 
    Traffic Control Services and Navigational Facilities
     Section 610: The agency conducted a Section 610 review of this 
    part and found no SEISNOSE.
    [[Page 79819]]
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. FAA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    14 CFR part 171--Non-Federal Navigation Facilities
     Section 610: The agency conducted a Section 610 review of this 
    part and found no SEISNOSE.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. FAA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    14 CFR part 183--Representatives of the Administrator
     Section 610: The agency conducted a Section 610 review of this 
    part and found no SEISNOSE.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. FAA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    14 CFR part 185--Testimony by Employees And Production of Records in 
    Legal Proceedings, and Service of Legal Process and Pleadings
     Section 610: 14 CFR part 185 does not affect small entities. 
    Therefore, amendments to it cannot have a SEISNOSE.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. FAA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    14 CFR part 187--Fees
     Section 610: The agency conducted a Section 610 review of this 
    part and found no SEISNOSE.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. FAA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    Year 4 (fall 2011) List of rules to be analyzed during the next year
    14 CFR part 189--Use of Federal Aviation Administration Communications 
    System 14 14 CFR part 198-Aviation Insurance
    14 CFR part 1--Definitions and Abbreviations
    14 CFR part 3--General Requirements
    14 CFR part 11--General Rulemaking Procedures
    14 CFR part 13--Investigative and Enforcement Procedures
    14 CFR part 14--Rules Implementing the Equal Access to Justice Act of 
    14 CFR part 15--Administrative Claims Under Federal Tort Claims Act
    14 CFR part 16--Rules of Practice for Federally Assisted Airport 
    Enforcement Proceedings
                                             FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION
                                              SECTION 610 AND OTHER REVIEWS
       Year                            Regulations To Be Reviewed                             Year       Review Year
    1           None....................................................................          2008          2009
    2           23 CFR parts 1 to 260...................................................          2009          2010
    3           23 CFR parts 420 to 470.................................................          2010          2011
    4           23 CFR part 500.........................................................          2011          2012
    5           23 CFR parts 620 to 637.................................................          2012          2013
    6           23 CFR parts 645 to 669.................................................          2013          2014
    7           23 CFR 710 to 924.......................................................          2014          2015
    8           23 CFR 940 to 973.......................................................          2015          2016
    9           23 CFR parts 1200 to 1252...............................................          2016          2017
    10          New parts and subparts..................................................          2017          2018
    Federal-Aid Highway Program
    The FHWA has adopted regulations in title 23 of the CFR, chapter I, 
    related to the Federal-Aid Highway Program. These regulations implement 
    and carry out the provisions of Federal law relating to the 
    administration of Federal aid for highways. The primary law authorizing 
    Federal aid for highways is chapter I of title 23 of the U.S.C. Section 
    145 of title 23 expressly provides for a federally assisted State 
    program. For this reason, the regulations adopted by the FHWA in title 
    23 of the CFR primarily relate to the requirements that States must 
    meet to receive Federal funds for the construction and other work 
    related to highways. Because the regulations in title 23 primarily 
    relate to States, which are not defined as small entities under the 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act, the FHWA believes that its regulations in 
    title 23 do not have a significant economic impact on a substantial 
    number of small entities. The FHWA solicits public comment on this 
    preliminary conclusion.
    Year 2 (fall 2009) List of rules analyzed and a summary of results
    23 CFR part 1--General
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. No small entities are affected.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. FHWA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    23 CFR part 140--Reimbursement
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. This section applies primarily to 
    State transportation agencies that are not small entities.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. FHWA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    [[Page 79820]]
    23 CFR part 172--Administration of Engineering and Design-Related 
    Service Contracts
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. This section applies primarily to 
    State transportation agencies that are not small entities.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. FHWA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    23 CFR part 180--Credit Assistance for Surface Transportation Projects
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. This section applies primarily to 
    State transportation agencies that are not small entities.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. FHWA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    23 CFR part 190--Incentive Payments for Controlling Outdoor Advertising 
    on the Interstate System
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. This section applies primarily to 
    State transportation agencies that are not small entities.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. FHWA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    23 CFR part 192--Drug Offender's Driver's License Suspension
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. This section applies primarily to 
    State transportation agencies that are not small entities.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. FHWA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    23 CFR part 200--Title VI Program and Related Statutes-Implementation 
    and Review procedures
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. This section applies primarily to 
    State transportation agencies that are not small entities.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. FHWA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    23 CFR part 230--External Programs
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. Some small entities may be 
    affected, but the economic impact on small entities will not be 
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. FHWA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    23 CFR part 260--Education and Training Programs
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. No small entities are affected.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. FHWA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    Year 3 (fall 2010) List of rules that will be analyzed during the next 
    23 CFR part 420--Planning and Research Program Administration
    23 CFR part 450--Planning Assistance and Standards
    23 CFR part 460--Public Road Mileage for Apportionment of Highway 
    Safety Funds
    23 CFR part 470--Highway Systems
                                       FEDERAL MOTOR CARRIER SAFETY ADMINISTRATION
                                              SECTION 610 AND OTHER REVIEWS
       Year                            Regulations To Be Reviewed                             Year       Review Year
    1           49 CFR parts 372, subpart A, and 381....................................          2008          2009
    2           49 CFR parts 386, 389, and 395..........................................          2009          2010
    3           49 CFR parts 325, 388, 350, and 355.....................................          2010          2011
    4           49 CFR parts 380 and 382 to 385.........................................          2011          2012
    5           49 CFR parts 390 to 393 and 396 to 399..................................          2012          2013
    6           49 CFR parts 356, 367, 369 to 371, 372, subparts B-C....................          2013          2014
    7           49 CFR parts 373, 374, 376, and 379.....................................          2014          2015
    8           49 CFR parts 360, 365, 366, and 368.....................................          2015          2016
    9           49 CFR parts 377, 378, and 387..........................................          2016          2017
    10          49 CFR parts 303, 375, and new parts and subparts.......................          2017          2018
    Year 2 (fall 2009) List of rules analyzed and a summary of results
    49 CFR part 386--Rules of Practice for Motor Carrier, Broker, Freight 
    Forwarder, and Hazardous Materials Proceedings
     Section 610: There is SEIOSNOSE, as a significant number of 
    small entities are affected by fees and reporting requirements in the 
    regulation. It was found that the cost of a formal hearing to appeal a 
    decision may have a significant impact on small firms.
     General: The Agency will assess the need for changes once the 
    review of these regulations is complete. FMCSA's plain language review 
    of these regulations indicates no need for substantial revision.
    49 CFR part 395--Hours of Service of Drivers
     This has been postponed, due to initiation of new rulemaking; 
    Agency is set to publish in July 2011.
    Year 2 (fall 2009) List of rules with ongoing analysis
    49 CFR part 389--Rulemaking Procedures -- Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
    Year 3 (fall 2010) List of rules that will be analyzed during the next 
    49 CFR part 325--Compliance With Interstate Motor Carrier Noise 
    [[Page 79821]]
    49 CFR part 388--Cooperative Agreements With States
    49 CFR part 350--Commercial Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program
    49 CFR part 355--Compatibility of State Laws and Regulations Affecting 
    Interstate Motor Carrier Operations
                                              SECTION 610 AND OTHER REVIEWS
       Year                            Regulations To Be Reviewed                             Year       Review Year
    1           49 CFR 571.223 through 571.500 and parts 575 and 579....................          2008          2009
    2           23 CFR parts 1200 and 1300..............................................          2009          2010
    3           49 CFR parts 501 through 526 and 571.213................................          2010          2011
    4           49 CFR 571.131, 571.217, 571.220, 571.221, and 571.222..................          2011          2012
    5           49 CFR 571.101 through 571.110, and 571.135, 571.138, and 571.139.......          2012          2013
    6           49 CFR parts 529 through 578, except parts 571 and 575..................          2013          2014
    7           49 CFR 571.111 through 571.129 and parts 580 through 588................          2014          2015
    8           49 CFR 571.201 through 571.212..........................................          2015          2016
    9           49 CFR 571.214 through 571.219, except 571.217..........................          2016          2017
    10          49 CFR parts 591 through 595 and new parts and subparts.................          2017          2018
    Year 2 (fall 2009) List of rules analyzed and a summary of the results
    23 CFR part 1200--Uniform Procedures for State Highway Safety Programs
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. No small entities are affected.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. NHTSA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    23 CFR part 1205--Highway Safety Programs; Determinations of 
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. No small entities are affected.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. NHTSA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    23 CFR part 1206--Rules of Procedure for Invoking Sanctions Under the 
    Highway Safety Act of 1966
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. No small entities are affected.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. NHTSA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    23 CFR part 1208--National Minimum Drinking Age
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. No small entities are affected.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. NHTSA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    23 CFR part 1210--Operation of Motor Vehicles by Intoxicated Minors
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. No small entities are affected.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. NHTSA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    23 CFR part 1215--Use of Safety Belts--Compliance and Transfer-of-Funds 
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. No small entities are affected.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. NHTSA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    23 CFR part 1225--Operation of Motor Vehicles by Intoxicated Persons
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. No small entities are affected.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. NHTSA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    23 CFR part 1235--Uniform System for Parking for Persons with 
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. No small entities are affected.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. NHTSA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    23 CFR part 1240--Safety Incentive Grants for Use of Seat Belts-
    Allocations Based on Seat Belt Use Rates
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. No small entities are affected.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. NHTSA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    23 CFR part 1250--Political Subdivision Participation in State Highway 
    Safety Programs
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. No small entities are affected.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. NHTSA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    23 CFR part 1251--State Highway Safety Agency
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. No small entities are affected.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. NHTSA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    [[Page 79822]]
    23 CFR part 1252--State Matching of Planning and Administration Costs
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. No small entities are affected.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. NHTSA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    23 CFR part 1270--Open Container Laws
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. No small entities are affected.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. NHTSA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    23 CFR part 1275--Repeat Intoxicated Driver Laws
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. No small entities are affected.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. NHTSA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    23 CFR part 1313--Incentive Grant Criteria for Alcohol-Impaired Driving 
    Prevention Programs
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. No small entities are affected.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. NHTSA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    23 CFR part 1327-Procedures for Participating in and Receiving 
    Information From the National Driver Register Problem Driver Pointer 
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. No small entities are affected.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. NHTSA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    23 CFR part 1335--State Highway Safety Data Improvements
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. No small entities are affected.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. NHTSA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    23 CFR part 1340--Uniform Criteria for State Observational Surveys of 
    Seat Belt Use
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. No small entities are affected.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. NHTSA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    23 CFR part 1345--Incentive Grant Criteria for Occupant Protection 
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. No small entities are affected.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. NHTSA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    23 CFR part 1350--Incentive Grant Criteria for Motorcycle Safety 
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. No small entities are affected.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. NHTSA's plain language review of 
    these rules indicates no need for substantial revision.
    Year 3 (fall 2010) List of rules that will be analyzed during the next 
    49 CFR part 501--Organization and Delegation of Powers and Duties
    49 CFR part 509--OMB Control Numbers for Information Collection 
    49 CFR part 510--Information Gathering Powers
    49 CFR part 511--Adjudicative Procedures
    49 CFR part 512--Confidential Business Information
    49 CFR part 520--Procedures for Considering Environmental Impacts
    49 CFR part 523--Vehicle Classification
    49 CFR part 525--Exemptions from Average Fuel Economy Standards
    49 CFR part 526--Petitions and Plans for Relief Under the Automobile 
    Fuel Efficiency Act of 1980
    49 CFR 571.213--Child Restraint Systems
                                             FEDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION
                                              SECTION 610 AND OTHER REVIEWS
       Year                            Regulations To Be Reviewed                             Year       Review Year
    1           49 CFR parts 200 and 201................................................          2008          2009
    2           49 CFR parts 207, 209, 211, 215, 238, and 256...........................          2009          2010
    3           49 CFR parts 210, 212, 214, 217, and 268................................          2010          2011
    4           49 CFR part 219.........................................................          2011          2012
    5           49 CFR parts 218, 221, 241, and 244.....................................          2012          2013
    6           49 CFR parts 216, 228, and 229..........................................          2013          2014
    7           49 CFR parts 223 and 233................................................          2014          2015
    8           49 CFR parts 224, 225, 231, and 234.....................................          2015          2016
    9           49 CFR parts 222, 227, 235, 236, 250, 260, and 266......................          2016          2017
    10          49 CFR parts 213, 220, 230, 232, 239, 240, and 265......................          2017          2018
    [[Page 79823]]
    Year 2 (fall 2009) List of rules analyzed and a summary of results
    49 FR part 207--Railroad Police Officers
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. FRA's plain language review of 
    this rule indicates no need for substantial revision.
    49 CFR part 209--Railroad Safety Enforcement Procedures
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. FRA's plain language review of 
    this rule indicates no need for substantial revision.
    49 CFR part 211--Rules of Practice
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. FRA's plain language review of 
    this rule indicates no need for substantial revision.
    49 CFR part 215--Railroad Freight Car Safety Standards
     Section 610: There is a SEIOSNOSE.
     General: No changes are needed. This rule already limits 
    economic impact on small entities through Appendix D of the rule. FRA's 
    plain language review of this rule indicates no need for substantial 
    49 CFR part 238--Passenger Equipment Safety Standards
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. FRA's plain language review of 
    this rule indicates no need for substantial revision.
    49 CFR part 256--Financial Assistance for Railroad Passenger Terminals
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     General: No changes are needed. These regulations are cost 
    effective and impose the least burden. FRA's plain language review of 
    the rule indicates no need for substantial revision.
    Year 3 (fall 2010) List of rule(s) that will be analyzed during next 
    49 CFR part 210--Railroad Noise Emission Compliance Regulations
    49 CFR part 212--State Safety Participation Regulations
    49 CFR part 214--Railroad Workplace Safety
    49 CFR part 217--Railroad Operating Rules
    49 CFR part 268--Magnetic Levitation Transportation Technology 
    Deployment Program
                                             FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION
                                              SECTION 610 AND OTHER REVIEWS
       Year                            Regulations To Be Reviewed                             Year       Review Year
    1           49 CFR parts 604, 605, and 633..........................................          2008          2009
    2           49 CFR parts 661 and 665................................................          2009          2010
    3           49 CFR part 633.........................................................          2010          2011
    4           49 CFR parts 609 and 611................................................          2011          2012
    5           49 CFR parts 613 and 614................................................          2012          2013
    6           49 CFR part 622.........................................................          2013          2014
    7           49 CFR part 630.........................................................          2014          2015
    8           49 CFR part 639.........................................................          2015          2016
    9           49 CFR parts 659 and 663................................................          2016          2017
    10          49 CFR part 665.........................................................          2017          2018
    Year 2 (fall 2009) List of rules analyzed and summary of results
    49 CFR part 665--Bus Testing
     Section 610: The Agency has determined that the rule will not 
    have a significant effect on a substantial number of small entities.
     General: This rulemaking amends FTA's bus testing program to 
    incorporate brake performance and emission tests. The rule also 
    clarifies existing regulatory requirements and was drafted using plain 
    language techniques.
    Year 3 (fall 2010) List of rules that will be analyzed during the next 
    49 CFR part 605--School Bus Operations
    49 CFR part 633--Capital Project Management
                                                 MARITIME ADMINISTRATION
                                              SECTION 610 AND OTHER REVIEWS
       Year                            Regulations To Be Reviewed                             Year       Review Year
    1           46 CFR parts 201 through 205............................................          2008          2009
    [[Page 79824]]
    2           46 CFR parts 221 through 232............................................          2009          2010
    3           46 CFR parts 249 through 296............................................          2010          2011
    4           46 CFR part 298.........................................................          2011          2012
    5           46 CFR parts 307 through 309............................................          2012          2013
    6           46 CFR part 310.........................................................          2013          2014
    7           46 CFR parts 315 through 340............................................          2014          2015
    8           46 CFR parts 345 through 381............................................          2015          2016
    9           46 CFR parts 382 through 389............................................          2016          2017
    10          46 CFR parts 390 through 393............................................          2017          2018
    Year 2 (fall 2009) List of rules analyzed and a summary of the results
    46 CFR part 221--Regulated Transactions Involving Documented Vessels 
    and Other Maritime Interests
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. Some small entities may be 
    affected, but the economic impact on small entities will not be 
     General: No changes are needed. Where confusing or wordy 
    language has been identified, revisions will be made.
    46 CFR part 232--Uniform Financial Reporting Requirements
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. Some small entities may be 
    affected, but the economic impact on small entities will not be 
     General: No changes are needed. Where confusing or wordy 
    language has been identified, revisions will be made.
    Year 3 (fall 2010) List of rules that will be analyzed during the next 
    46 CFR part 249--Approval of Underwriters for Marine Hull Insurance
    46 CFR part 251--Application for Subsidies and Other Direct Financial 
    46 CFR part 252--Operating-Differential Subsidy for Bulk Cargo Vessels 
    Engaged in Worldwide Services
    46 CFR part 272--Requirements and Procedures for Conducting Condition 
    Surveys and Administering Maintenance and Repair Subsidy
    46 CFR part 276--Construction-Differential Subsidy Repayment
    46 CFR part 277--Domestic and Foreign Trade; Interpretations
    46 CFR part 280--Limitations on the Award and Payment of Operating-
    Differential Subsidy for Liner Operators
    46 CFR part 281--Information and Procedure Required under Liner 
    Operating-Differential Subsidy Agreements
    46 CFR part 282--Operating-Differential Subsidy for Liner Vessels 
    Engaged in Essential Services in the Foreign Commerce of the United 
    46 CFR part 283--Dividend Policy for Operators Receiving Operating-
    Differential Subsidy
    46 CFR part 287--Establishment of Construction Reserve Funds
    46 CFR part 289--Insurance of Construction-Differential Subsidy 
    Vessels, Operating-Differential Subsidy Vessels, and of Vessels Sold or 
    Adjusted Under the Merchant Ship Sales Act of 1946
    46 CFR part 295--Maritime Security Program (MSP)
    46 CFR part 296--Maritime Security Program (MSP)
                                              SECTION 610 AND OTHER REVIEWS
       Year                            Regulations To Be Reviewed                             Year       Review Year
    1           49 CFR part 178.........................................................          2008          2009
    2           49 CFR parts 178 through 180............................................          2009          2010
    3           49 CFR parts 172 and 175................................................          2010          2011
    4           49 CFR part 171, sections 171.15 and 171.16.............................          2011          2012
    5           49 CFR parts 106, 107, 171, 190, and 195................................          2012          2013
    6           49 CFR parts 174, 177, 191, and 192.....................................          2013          2014
    7           49 CFR parts 176 and 199................................................          2014          2015
    8           49 CFR parts 172 through 178............................................          2015          2016
    9           49 CFR parts 172, 173, 174, 176, 177, and 193...........................          2016          2017
    10          49 CFR parts 173 and 194................................................          2017          2018
    Year 2 (fall 2009) List of rules analyzed and a summary of results
    49 CFR part 178--Specifications for Packagings
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE. A substantial number of 
    small entities, particularly those that use performance oriented 
    packagings, may be affected by this rule, but the economic impact on 
    those entities is not significant.
    [[Page 79825]]
     General: This rule prescribes minimum Federal safety standards 
    for the construction of DOT specification packagings, these 
    requirements are necessary to protect transportation workers and the 
    public and to ensure the survivability of DOT specification packagings 
    during transportation incidents. PHMSA's plain language review of this 
    rule indicates no need for substantial revision.
    49 CFR part 179--Specifications for Tank Cars
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE. This rule prescribes 
    specification requirements as minimum safety standards for rail tank 
    cars used to transport hazardous materials in commerce. Some small 
    entities may be affected, but the economic impact on small entities is 
    not significant.
     General: Specification requirements for tank cars are 
    considered minimum Federal safety standards that are necessary to 
    protect transportation workers and the public and to ensure the 
    survivability of DOT specification packagings during transportation 
    incidents. PHMSA's plain language review of this rule indicates no need 
    for substantial revision.
    49 CFR part 180--Continuing Qualification and Maintenance of Packagings
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE. This rule impacts a 
    substantial number of small entities, but when the survivability, 
    durability, and service life of DOT specification packagings covered 
    under this rule are fully considered, the economic impact on those 
    entities is not significant.
     General: This rule prescribes requirements for maintaining and 
    verifying the integrity of DOT specification packagings used for the 
    transportation of hazardous materials in commerce. This rule ensures 
    that DOT specification packagings continue to conform to the 
    specifications to which they were originally manufactured and designed. 
    PHMSA's plain language review of this rule indicates no need for 
    substantial revision.
    Year 3 (fall 2010) List of rules that will be analyzed during the next 
    49 CFR part 172--Hazardous Materials Table, Special Provisions, 
    Hazardous Materials Communications, Emergency Response Information, 
    Training Requirements, and Security Plans
    49 CFR part 175--Carriage By Aircraft
                                              SECTION 610 AND OTHER REVIEWS
       Year                            Regulations To Be Reviewed                             Year       Review Year
    1           14 CFR part 241, form 41................................................          2008          2009
    2           14 CFR part 241, schedule T-100, and part 217...........................          2009          2010
    3           14 CFR part 298.........................................................          2010          2011
    4           14 CFR part 241, section 19-7...........................................          2011          2012
    5           14 CFR part 291.........................................................          2012          2013
    6           14 CFR part 234.........................................................          2013          2014
    7           14 CFR part 249.........................................................          2014          2015
    8           14 CFR part 248.........................................................          2015          2016
    9           14 CFR part 250.........................................................          2016          2017
    10          14 CFR part 374a, ICAO..................................................          2017          2018
    Year 1 (fall 2008) List of rules with ongoing analysis
    14 CFR part 241--Uniform System of Accounts and Reports for Large 
    Certificated Air Carriers, Form 41
    Year 2 (fall 2009) List of rules analyzed and a summary of the results
    14 CFR part 241--Schedule T-100
     Section 610: There is no SEIONOSE. Part 241 Schedule T-100 
    applies to only large certificated air carriers.
     General: Part 241 Schedule T-100 is a monthly report of on-
    flight market and nonstop segment traffic data for flights operated by 
    large certificated air carriers. This regulation is being reviewed as 
    part of an overall aviation data requirements review and modernization 
    program, which will also take into account the plain language 
    14 CFR part 217--Reporting Traffic Statistics by Foreign Air Carriers 
    in Civilian Scheduled, Charter, and Nonscheduled Services - Schedule T-
     Section 610: There is no SEIONOSE. This regulation applies to 
    foreign air carriers that operate to or from the United States. 
    Currently 93 percent of the reporting carriers are large foreign air 
     General: This regulation requires the submission of traffic 
    data for operations to or from the United States. This regulation is 
    being reviewed as part of an overall aviation data requirements review 
    and modernization program, which will also take into account the plain 
    language initiative
    Year 3 (fall 2010) List of rules that will be analyzed during the next 
    14 CFR part 298 Subpart F--Exemptions for Air Taxi and Commuter Air 
    Carrier Operations-Reporting Requirements
    [[Page 79826]]
                                      SAINT LAWRENCE SEAWAY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
                                              SECTION 610 AND OTHER REVIEWS
       Year                            Regulations To Be Reviewed                             Year       Review Year
    1           33 CFR parts 401 through 403............................................          2008          2009
    Year 1 (fall 2008) List of rules with ongoing analysis
    33 CFR part 401--Seaway Regulations and Rules
    33 CFR part 402--Tariff of Tolls
    33 CFR part 403--Rules of Procedure of the Joint Tolls Review Board
                                      Office of the Secretary--Proposed Rule Stage
     Sequence                                           Title                                            Identifier
      Number                                                                                               Number
    408         Use of the Seat-Strapping Method for Carrying a Wheelchair on an Aircraft.............    2105-AD87
     [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
                                        Office of the Secretary--Final Rule Stage
     Sequence                                           Title                                            Identifier
      Number                                                                                               Number
    409         Disadvantaged Business Enterprise; Potential Program Improvements.....................    2105-AD75
    410         [rplus]Enhancing Airline Passenger Protections--Part 2 (Reg Plan Seq No. 113).........    2105-AD92
     [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
    References in boldface appear in The Regulatory Plan in part II of this issue of the Federal Register.
                                       Office of the Secretary--Completed Actions
     Sequence                                           Title                                            Identifier
      Number                                                                                               Number
    411         Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs.............    2105-AD95
    412         Posting of Flight Delay Data on Websites (Completion of a Section 610 Review).........    2105-AE02
                                  Federal Aviation Administration--Proposed Rule Stage
     Sequence                                           Title                                            Identifier
      Number                                                                                               Number
    413         [rplus]Qualification, Service, and Use of Crewmembers and Aircraft Dispatchers (Reg       2120-AJ00
                Plan Seq No. 114).....................................................................
    414         [rplus]Air Ambulance and Commercial Helicopter Operations; Safety Initiatives and         2120-AJ53
                Miscellaneous Amendments (Reg Plan Seq No. 115).......................................
    415         [rplus]Operation and Certification of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (SUAS)..........    2120-AJ60
    416         [rplus]Repair Stations................................................................    2120-AJ61
     [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
    References in boldface appear in The Regulatory Plan in part II of this issue of the Federal Register.
                                    Federal Aviation Administration--Final Rule Stage
     Sequence                                           Title                                            Identifier
      Number                                                                                               Number
    417         [rplus]Part 121 Activation of Ice Protection..........................................    2120-AJ43
    418         [rplus]Flight and Duty Time Limitations and Rest Requirements (Reg Plan Seq No. 116)..    2120-AJ58
     [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
    References in boldface appear in The Regulatory Plan in part II of this issue of the Federal Register.
    [[Page 79827]]
                                   Federal Aviation Administration--Long-Term Actions
     Sequence                                           Title                                            Identifier
      Number                                                                                               Number
    419         [rplus]Part 121 Exiting Icing Conditions..............................................    2120-AJ74
     [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
                                   Federal Aviation Administration--Completed Actions
     Sequence                                           Title                                            Identifier
      Number                                                                                               Number
    420         [rplus]Commuter Operations in Very Light Jets (VLJs)..................................    2120-AI84
    421         [rplus]Automatic Dependent Surveillance--Broadcast (ADS-B) Equipage Mandate To Support    2120-AI92
                Air Traffic Control Service...........................................................
     [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
                            Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration--Proposed Rule Stage
     Sequence                                           Title                                            Identifier
      Number                                                                                               Number
    422         [rplus]Unified Registration System....................................................    2126-AA22
    423         [rplus]Hours of Service (Reg Plan Seq No. 119)........................................    2126-AB26
    424         [rplus]Drivers of Commercial Vehicles: Restricting the Use of Cellular Phones (Section    2126-AB29
                610 Review) (Reg Plan Seq No. 120)....................................................
     [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
    References in boldface appear in The Regulatory Plan in part II of this issue of the Federal Register.
                              Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration--Final Rule Stage
     Sequence                                           Title                                            Identifier
      Number                                                                                               Number
    425         Brokers of Household Goods Transportation by Motor Vehicle............................    2126-AA84
    426         [rplus]National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners (Reg Plan Seq No. 121)........    2126-AA97
    427         [rplus]Commercial Driver's License Testing and Commercial Learner's Permit Standards..    2126-AB02
     [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
    References in boldface appear in The Regulatory Plan in part II of this issue of the Federal Register.
                             Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration--Long-Term Actions
     Sequence                                           Title                                            Identifier
      Number                                                                                               Number
    428         [rplus]Safety Monitoring System and Compliance Initiative for Mexico-Domiciled Motor      2126-AA35
                Carriers Operating in the United States...............................................
     [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
                             Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration--Completed Actions
     Sequence                                           Title                                            Identifier
      Number                                                                                               Number
    429         [rplus]Cargo Insurance for Property Loss or Damage....................................    2126-AB21
     [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
    [[Page 79828]]
                            National Highway Traffic Safety Administration--Final Rule Stage
     Sequence                                           Title                                            Identifier
      Number                                                                                               Number
    430         [rplus]Ejection Mitigation (Reg Plan Seq No. 125).....................................    2127-AK23
     [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
    References in boldface appear in The Regulatory Plan in part II of this issue of the Federal Register.
                            National Highway Traffic Safety Administration--Completed Actions
     Sequence                                           Title                                            Identifier
      Number                                                                                               Number
    431         [rplus]Passenger Car and Light Truck Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards MYs 2012-   2127-AK50
     [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
                                  Federal Railroad Administration--Proposed Rule Stage
     Sequence                                           Title                                            Identifier
      Number                                                                                               Number
    432         [rplus]Hours of Service: Passenger Train Employees (Rulemaking Resulting From a           2130-AC15
                Section 610 Review) (Reg Plan Seq No. 126)............................................
     [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
    References in boldface appear in The Regulatory Plan in part II of this issue of the Federal Register.
                                   Federal Railroad Administration--Completed Actions
     Sequence                                           Title                                            Identifier
      Number                                                                                               Number
    433         [rplus]Positive Train Control.........................................................    2130-AC03
     [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
                                   Federal Transit Administration--Proposed Rule Stage
     Sequence                                           Title                                            Identifier
      Number                                                                                               Number
    434         [rplus]Capital Project Management.....................................................    2132-AA92
     [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
                        Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration--Final Rule Stage
     Sequence                                           Title                                            Identifier
      Number                                                                                               Number
    435         [rplus]Hazardous Materials: Revisions to Requirements for the Transportation of           2137-AE44
                Lithium Batteries.....................................................................
     [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
                                      Maritime Administration--Proposed Rule Stage
     Sequence                                           Title                                            Identifier
      Number                                                                                               Number
    436         [rplus]Cargo Preference--Compromise, Assessment, Mitigation, Settlement & Collection      2133-AB75
                of Civil Penalties....................................................................
     [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
    [[Page 79829]]
    Department of Transportation (DOT)                  Proposed Rule Stage
    Office of the Secretary (OST)
    Legal Authority: 49 USC 41705
    Abstract: This rulemaking would address whether carriers should be 
    allowed to utilize the seat-strapping method to stow a passenger's 
    wheelchair in the aircraft cabin.
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    NPRM                            03/00/11
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Blane A. Workie, Attorney, Department of 
    Transportation, Office of the Secretary, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, 
    Washington, DC 20590
    Phone: 202 366-9342
    TDD Phone: 202 755-7687
    Fax: 202 366-7152
    Email: blane.workie@ost.dot.gov
    RIN: 2105-AD87
    Department of Transportation (DOT)                     Final Rule Stage
    Office of the Secretary (OST)
    Legal Authority: 49 USC 329; 49 USC ch 401, 411, and 417; 49 USC 47107; 
    49 USC 47113; 49 USC 47123; PL 105--59, sec 101(b)
    Abstract: This rulemaking would seek comments on alternatives 
    concerning how to count participation by Disadvantaged Business 
    Enterprise (DBE) firms in situations where the firms obtain items used 
    in the performance of a contract from outside sources, including prime 
    contractors. It would also seek comments on means of encouraging 
    ``unbundling'' of contracts to facilitate participation by DBEs and 
    other small businesses, on improving program forms and program 
    oversight, and on ways of facilitating interstate certification.
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    ANPRM                           04/08/09                    74 FR 15904
    ANPRM Comment Period End        07/07/09
    NPRM                            05/10/10                    75 FR 25815
    NPRM Comment Period End         07/09/10
    Final Rule                      12/00/10
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Robert C Ashby, Deputy Assistant General Counsel for 
    Regulation and Enforcement, Department of Transportation, Office of the 
    Secretary, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590
    Phone: 202 366-4723
    TDD Phone: 202 755-7687
    Email: bob.ashby@ost.dot.gov
    RIN: 2105-AD75
     Regulatory Plan: This entry is Seq. No. 113 in part II of this issue 
    of the Federal Register.
    RIN: 2105-AD92
    Department of Transportation (DOT)                    Completed Actions
    Office of the Secretary (OST)
    Legal Authority: 40 USC 102; 40 USC 301; 40 USC 322; 40 USC 5331; 40 
    USC 20140; 40 USC 31306; 40 USC 31306; 40 USC 54101
    Abstract: This rulemaking would propose to amend certain provisions of 
    its drug and alcohol testing procedures that will address collection 
    and testing of urine specimens. These changes would affect the role and 
    standards applying to collectors and Medical Review Officers (MROs). 
    The proposed changes are intended to create consistency with 
    requirements established by the U.S. Department of Health and Human 
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    NPRM                            02/04/10                     75 FR 5722
    NPRM Comment Period End         04/05/10
    Final Rule                      08/16/10                    75 FR 49850
    Final Rule Effective            10/01/10
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Mr. Mark Snider, Senior Policy Advisor, Department of 
    Transportation, Office of the Secretary, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, 
    W62-300, Washington, DC 20590
    Phone: 202 366-6367
    Fax: 202 366-3897
    Email: mark.snider@dot.gov
    RIN: 2105-AD95
    Legal Authority: 49 USC 329 chs 401 and 417
    Abstract: This direct final rule amends the time period for uploading 
    flight performance information to an air carrier's website from anytime 
    between the 20th and 23rd day of the month to the fourth Saturday of 
    the month.
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    Direct Final Rule; Request for 
    Comments                        06/21/10                    75 FR 34925
    Final Rule Effective            07/21/10
    Direct Final Rule; Confirmation 
    of Effective Date               07/22/10                    75 FR 42599
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No
    [[Page 79830]]
    Agency Contact: Blane A. Workie, Attorney, Department of 
    Transportation, Office of the Secretary, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, 
    Washington, DC 20590
    Phone: 202 366-9342
    TDD Phone: 202 755-7687
    Fax: 202 366-7152
    Email: blane.workie@ost.dot.gov
    RIN: 2105-AE02
    BILLING CODE 4910--9X--S
    Department of Transportation (DOT)                  Proposed Rule Stage
    Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
     Regulatory Plan: This entry is Seq. No. 114 in part II of this issue 
    of the Federal Register.
    RIN: 2120-AJ00
     Regulatory Plan: This entry is Seq. No. 115 in part II of this issue 
    of the Federal Register.
    RIN: 2120-AJ53
    Legal Authority: 49 USC 44701
    Abstract: This rulemaking would enable small unmanned aircraft to 
    safely operate in limited portions of the national airspace system 
    (NAS). This action is necessary because it addresses the novel legal or 
    policy issues about the minimum safety parameters for operating 
    recreational remote control model and toy aircraft in the NAS. The 
    intended effect of this action is to develop requirements and standards 
    to ensure that risks are adequately mitigated, such that safety is 
    maintained for the entire aviation community.
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    NPRM                            03/00/11
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Stephen A Glowacki, Department of Transportation, 
    Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW, 
    Washington, DC 20591
    Phone: 202 385-4898
    Email: stephen.a.glowacki@faa.gov
    RIN: 2120-AJ60
    416. [rplus]REPAIR STATIONS
    Legal Authority: 49 USC 44701; 49 USC 44702; 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 
    40113; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 USC 44707; 49 USC 44709; 49 USC 44717
    Abstract: This rulemaking would update and revise the regulations for 
    repair stations. The action is necessary because many portions of the 
    current regulations do not reflect current repair station business 
    practices, aircraft maintenance practices, or advances in aircraft 
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    NPRM                            03/00/11
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: John J Goodwin, Department of Transportation, Federal 
    Aviation Administration, 950 L'Enfant Plaza North SW, Washington, DC 
    Phone: 202 385-6417
    Email: john.j.goodwin@faa.gov
    RIN: 2120-AJ61
    Department of Transportation (DOT)                     Final Rule Stage
    Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
    Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 40119; 49 USC 
    44101; 49 USC 44701; 49 USC 44705; 49 USC 44709 to 44711; 49 USC 44713; 
    49 USC 44716; 49 USC 44722; 49 USC 44901; 49 USC 44903; 49 USC 44912; 
    49 USC 46105; 49 USC 44702; 49 USC 44717; 49 USC 44904
    Abstract: This rulemaking would amend the regulations applicable to 
    operators of certain airplanes used in air carrier service and 
    certificated for flight in icing conditions. The standards would 
    require either the installation of ice detection equipment or changes 
    to the Airplane Flight Manual to ensure timely activation of the 
    airframe ice protection system. This regulation is the result of 
    information gathered from a review of icing accidents and incidents, 
    and it is intended to improve the level of safety when airplanes are 
    operated in icing conditions.
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    NPRM                            11/23/09                    74 FR 61055
    NPRM Comment Period End         02/22/10
    Final Rule                      05/00/11
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Jerry Ostronic, Air Carrier Operations Branch, AFS 220, 
    Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 
    Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
    Phone: 202 267-8166
    Fax: 202 267-5229
    Email: jerry.c.ostronic@faa.gov
    RIN: 2120-AJ43
     Regulatory Plan: This entry is Seq. No. 116 in part II of this issue 
    of the Federal Register.
    RIN: 2120-AJ58
    [[Page 79831]]
    Department of Transportation (DOT)                    Long-Term Actions
    Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
    419. <> [rplus]PART 121 EXITING ICING CONDITIONS
    Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 40119; 49 USC 
    44101; 49 USC 44701; 49 USC 44702; 49 USC 44705; 49 USC 44709; 49 USC 
    44710; 49 USC 44711; 49 USC 44713; 49 USC 44716; 49 USC 44717; 49 USC 
    44722; 49 USC 44901; 49 USC 44903; 49 USC 44904; 49 USC 44912; 49 USC 
    Abstract: This rulemaking would require detection of ice formation 
    behind the airframe ice protection system and, upon detection, would 
    require the pilot to exit icing conditions. If adopted, this rule would 
    apply to aircraft with a maximum takeoff weight of less than 60,000 
    pounds. This rulemaking is based on recommendations from an Aviation 
    Rulemaking Advisory Committee working group after reviewing certain 
    accidents and incidents. The intended effect of this action is to avoid 
    similar accidents and incidents in the future.
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    NPRM                            12/00/11
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Robert Hettman, ANM-112, Transport Airplane 
    Directorate, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation 
    Administration, 1601 Lind Avenue, SW, Renton, WA 98057
    Phone: 425 227-2683
    Email: robert.hettman@faa.gov
    RIN: 2120-AJ74
    Department of Transportation (DOT)                    Completed Actions
    Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
    Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 1155; 49 USC 40103; 49 USC 
    40113; 49 USC 40119; 49 USC 40120; 49 USC 44101; 49 USC 44111; 49 USC 
    44701; 49 USC 44705; 49 USC 44709 to 44713; 49 USC 44715 to 44717; 49 
    USC 44722; 49 USC 44901; 49 USC 44903; 49 USC 44912; 49 USC 46105; 49 
    USC 46306; 49 USC 46316; 49 USC 46504; 49 USC 46506; 49 USC 47122; 49 
    USC 47508; 49 USC 47528 to 47531; 49 USC 44702; 49 USC 44904; 49 USC 
    Abstract: This rulemaking would establish a rule to allow passenger-
    carrying commuter operations to be conducted under the provisions of 
    part 135 using multiengine turbojets, certificated under either part 23 
    or part 25, configured with nine or fewer passenger seats. The 
    rulemaking would allow multiengine turbojet operators to provide 
    commuter service to the traveling public, thus accommodating new 
    technologies and a new generation of turbojet airplanes that otherwise 
    would not be allowed in part 135 commuter service. Since 1995, 
    turbojets used in scheduled operations must operate under the 
    provisions of part 121. This current rulemaking resulted, in part, from 
    recommendations from the Aviation Rulemaking Committee for parts 14 CFR 
    135/125 and covers pilot crew, equipment, training, and dispatch 
    requirements for the safe operation of this new generation airplane.
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    Terminated                      08/27/10
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Alberta Brown, Air Transportation Division, Department 
    of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
    Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
    Phone: 202 267-8321
    RIN: 2120-AI84
    Legal Authority: 49 USC 1155; 49 USC 40103; 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 40120; 
    49 USC 44101; 49 USC 44111; 49 USC 44701; 49 USC 44709; 49 USC 44711; 
    49 USC 44712; 49 USC 44715; 49 USC 44716; 49 USC 44717; 49 USC 44722; 
    49 USC 46306; 49 USC 46315; 49 USC 46316; 49 USC 46504; 49 USC 46506; 
    49 USC 47122; 49 USC 47508; 49 USC 47528 to 47531; 49 USC 106(g); 
    Articles 12 and 29 of 61stat.1180; 49 USC 46507
    Abstract: This rulemaking would add equipage requirements and 
    performance standards for Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast 
    (ADS-B) Out avionics on aircraft operating in specified classes of 
    airspace within the U.S. National Airspace System. This action 
    facilitates the use of ADS-B for aircraft surveillance by FAA and 
    Department of Defense (DOD) air traffic controllers to safely and 
    efficiently accommodate aircraft operations and the expected increase 
    in demand for air transportation. This rule would also provide aircraft 
    operators with a platform for additional flight applications and 
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    NPRM                            10/05/07                       72 56947
    NPRM Comment Period End         11/19/07
    NPRM Comment Period Extended    01/03/08
    Comment Period Extended         03/03/08
    NPRM Comment Period Reopened    10/02/08                       73 57270
    Comment Period End              11/03/08
    Final Action                    05/28/10                       75 30160
    Technical Amendment             06/30/10                       75 37712
    Correction                      06/30/10                       75 37711
    Final Action Effective          08/11/10
    Compliance Date                 01/01/20
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Vincent Capezzuto, Federal Aviation Administration, 
    Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 
    Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
    Phone: 202 385-8637
    Email: vincent.capezzuto@faa.gov
    RIN: 2120-AI92
    BILLING CODE 4910--13--S
    [[Page 79832]]
    Department of Transportation (DOT)                  Proposed Rule Stage
    Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)
    Legal Authority: PL 104-88; 109 Stat 803, 888 (1995); 49 USC 13908; PL 
    109-159, sec 4304
    Abstract: This rulemaking would replace three current identification 
    and registration systems: the US DOT number identification system, the 
    commercial registration system, and the financial responsibility 
    system, with an online Federal unified registration system (URS). This 
    program would serve as a clearinghouse and depository of information 
    on, and identification of, brokers, freight forwarders, and others 
    required to register with the Department of Transportation. The Agency 
    is revising this rulemaking to address amendments directed by SAFETEA-
    LU. The replacement system for the Single State Registration System, 
    which the ICC Termination Act originally directed be merged under URS, 
    was addressed separately in RIN 2126-AB09. The cargo insurance portion 
    of this rulemaking has been split off into RIN 2126-AB21.
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    ANPRM                           08/26/96                    61 FR 43816
    ANPRM Comment Period End        10/25/96
    NPRM                            05/19/05                    70 FR 28990
    NPRM Comment Period End         08/17/05
    Supplemental NPRM               03/00/11
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Valerie Height, Management Analyst, Department of 
    Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Office of 
    Policy Plans and Regulation (MC-PRR), 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., 
    Washington, DC 20590
    Phone: 202 366-0901
    Email: valerie.height@dot.gov
    RIN: 2126-AA22
    423. [rplus]HOURS OF SERVICE
     Regulatory Plan: This entry is Seq. No. 119 in part II of this issue 
    of the Federal Register.
    RIN: 2126-AB26
     Regulatory Plan: This entry is Seq. No. 120 in part II of this issue 
    of the Federal Register.
    RIN: 2126-AB29
    Department of Transportation (DOT)                     Final Rule Stage
    Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)
    Legal Authority: 49 USC 13501; SAFETEA-LU sec 4212; 49 USC 13901; 49 
    USC 13902
    Abstract: FMCSA amends its regulations to require brokers that arrange 
    the transportation of household goods in interstate or foreign commerce 
    for consumers comply with certain consumer protection requirements. 
    Brokers must provide: their U.S. DOT number on their advertisements and 
    internet web sites; estimates of expected moving charges and brokerage 
    fees; FMCSA pamphlets containing tips for successful moves and the 
    consumer's rights and responsibilities; and the broker's policies 
    concerning deposits, cancellations, and refunds. This rulemaking is in 
    response to the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation 
    Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) and a petition for 
    rulemaking from the American Moving and Storage Association. This 
    rulemaking is intended to ensure that individual shippers who arrange 
    for transportation of household goods through brokers receive necessary 
    information regarding their rights and responsibilities in connection 
    with interstate household goods moves.
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    ANPRM                           12/22/04                    69 FR 76664
    ANPRM Comment Period End        02/22/05
    NPRM                            02/08/07                     72 FR 5947
    NPRM Comment Period End         05/09/07
    Final Rule                      12/00/10
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Brodie Mack, Lead Transportation Specialist, Department 
    of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, 1200 
    New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590
    Phone: 202 385-8045
    Email: brodie.mac@dot.gov
    RIN: 2126-AA84
     Regulatory Plan: This entry is Seq. No. 121 in part II of this issue 
    of the Federal Register.
    RIN: 2126-AA97
    Legal Authority: PL 109-347, sec 703; 49 USC 31102; PL 105--178, 112 
    Stat 414 (1998); PL 99--570, title XII, 100 Stat.3207 (1086); PL 102--
    240, sec 4007(a)(1), Stat 1914, 2151; PL 109--59 (2005), sec 4122; 49 
    USC 31136
    Abstract: This rulemaking would establish revisions to the commercial 
    driver's license knowledge and skills testing standards as required by 
    section 4019 of TEA-21, implement fraud detection and prevention 
    initiatives at the State driver licensing agencies as required by the 
    SAFE Port Act of 2006, and establish new minimum Federal standards for 
    States to issue commercial learner's permits (CLPs), based in part on 
    the requirements of section 4122 of SAFETEA-LU. In addition to ensuring 
    the applicant has the appropriate knowledge and skills to operate a 
    commercial motor vehicle, this rule would establish the minimum 
    information that must be on the CLP document and the electronic 
    driver's record. The rule would also establish maximum issuance and 
    renewal periods, establish a minimum age limit, address issues related 
    to a driver's State of Domicile, and incorporate previous
    [[Page 79833]]
    regulatory guidance into the Federal regulations. This rule would also 
    address issues raised in the SAFE Port Act.
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    NPRM                            04/09/08                    73 FR 19282
    NPRM Comment Period Extended    06/09/08                    73 FR 32520
    NPRM Comment Period End         06/09/08
    Second NPRM Comment Period End  07/09/08
    Final Rule                      02/00/11
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Robert Redmond, Senior Transportation Specialist, 
    Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
    Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590
    Phone: 202 366-5014
    Email: robert.redmond@dot.gov
    RIN: 2126-AB02
    Department of Transportation (DOT)                    Long-Term Actions
    Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)
    Legal Authority: PL 107-87, sec 350; 49 USC 113; 49 USC 31136; 49 USC 
    31144; 49 USC 31502; 49 USC 504; 49 USC 5113; 49 USC 521(b)(5)(A)
    Abstract: This rule would implement a safety monitoring system and 
    compliance initiative designed to evaluate the continuing safety 
    fitness of all Mexico-domiciled carriers within 18 months after 
    receiving a provisional Certificate of Registration or provisional 
    authority to operate in the United States. It also would establish 
    suspension and revocation procedures for provisional Certificates of 
    Registration and operating authority, and incorporate criteria to be 
    used by FMCSA in evaluating whether Mexico-domiciled carriers exercise 
    basic safety management controls. The interim rule included 
    requirements that were not proposed in the NPRM but which are necessary 
    to comply with the FY-2002 DOT Appropriations Act. On January 16, 2003, 
    the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals remanded this rule, along with two 
    other NAFTA-related rules, to the agency, requiring a full 
    environmental impact statement and an analysis required by the Clean 
    Air Act. On June 7, 2004, the Supreme Court reversed the Ninth Circuit 
    and remanded the case, holding that FMCSA is not required to prepare 
    the environmental documents. FMCSA originally planned to publish a 
    final rule by November 28, 2003. FMCSA will determine the next steps to 
    be taken after enactment of any pending legislation authorizing cross 
    border trucking.
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    NPRM                            05/03/01                    66 FR 22415
    NPRM Comment Period End         07/02/01
    Interim Final Rule              03/19/02                    67 FR 12758
    Interim Final Rule Comment 
    Period End                      04/18/02
    Interim Final Rule Effective    05/03/02
    Notice of Intent To Prepare an 
    EIS                             08/26/03                    68 FR 51322
    EIS Public Scoping Meetings     10/08/03                    68 FR 58162
    Next Action Undetermined
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Dominick Spataro, Chief, Borders Division, Department 
    of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, 1200 
    New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590
    Phone: 202 266-2995
    Email: dom.spataro@dot.gov
    RIN: 2126-AA35
    Department of Transportation (DOT)                    Completed Actions
    Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)
    Legal Authority: 49 USC 13906
    Abstract: This final rule would eliminate the requirement for most for-
    hire motor carriers of property and freight forwarders to maintain 
    cargo insurance in prescribed minimum amounts and file evidence of this 
    insurance with FMCSA. Household goods motor carriers and household 
    goods freight forwarders would continue to be subject to this cargo 
    insurance requirement. This rule was split from RIN 2126-AA22.
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    Final Rule                      06/22/10                    75 FR 35318
    Final Rule Effective            03/21/11
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Brodie Mack, Lead Transportation Specialist, Department 
    of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, 1200 
    New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590
    Phone: 202 385-8045
    Email: brodie.mac@dot.gov
    RIN: 2126-AB21
    BILLING CODE 4910--EX--S
    [[Page 79834]]
    Department of Transportation (DOT)                     Final Rule Stage
    National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
     Regulatory Plan: This entry is Seq. No. 125 in part II of this issue 
    of the Federal Register.
    RIN: 2127-AK23
    Department of Transportation (DOT)                    Completed Actions
    National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
    STANDARDS MYS 2012-2016
    Legal Authority: 49 USC 32902; delegation of authority at 49 CFR 1.50
    Abstract: This rulemaking would address Corporate Average Fuel Economy 
    (CAFE) standards for light trucks and passenger cars for model years 
    2012--2016. CAFE standards must be set at least 18 months prior to the 
    start of a model year.
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    NPRM                            09/28/09                    74 FR 49453
    NPRM Comment Period End         11/27/09
    Final Rule                      05/07/10                    75 FR 25324
    Final Rule Effective            07/06/10
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Stephen Wood, Director, Rulemaking Division, Department 
    of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 1200 
    New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590
    Phone: 202 366-2992
    Email: steve.wood@nhtsa.dot.gov
    RIN: 2127-AK50
    BILLING CODE 4910--59--S
    Department of Transportation (DOT)                  Proposed Rule Stage
    Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)
     Regulatory Plan: This entry is Seq. No. 126 in part II of this issue 
    of the Federal Register.
    RIN: 2130-AC15
    Department of Transportation (DOT)                    Completed Actions
    Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)
    Legal Authority: PL 110--432, sec 104 (Codified at 49 USC 20157); Rail 
    Safety Improvement Act of 2008
    Abstract: This rulemaking would regulate the submission of Positive 
    Train Control plans; the implementation of the Positive Train Control 
    Systems; and the qualification, installation, maintenance and use of 
    the these systems required under 49 USC 20157 or specifically required 
    by the Federal Railroad Administration. A Final Rule with Request for 
    comments was issued on 01/16/2010 and FRA is currently preparing 
    responses to the comments received.
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    NPRM                            07/21/09                    74 FR 35950
    NPRM Comment Period End         08/20/09
    Final Rule; Request for Comments01/15/10                     75 FR 2598
    Final Rule Effective            03/16/10
    Final Rule                      09/27/10                    75 FR 59108
    Final Rule Effective            11/26/10
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Kathryn Shelton, Trial Attorney, Department of 
    Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue 
    SE., Washington, DC 20590
    Phone: 202 493-6063
    Email: kathryn.shelton@fra.dot.gov
    RIN: 2130-AC03
    BILLING CODE 4910--06--S
    [[Page 79835]]
    Department of Transportation (DOT)                  Proposed Rule Stage
    Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
    Legal Authority: 49 USC 5327(e)
    Abstract: The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) is proposing to 
    transform its Project Management Oversight rule at 49 CFR part 633 into 
    a Project Management rule governing all major capital projects funded 
    under 49 U.S.C. chapter 53. As the first step in the rulemaking 
    process, this rulemaking will obtain the views of the industry, other 
    stakeholders, and the pubic on a number of subjects, including, 
    specifically, the appropriate scope of such a rule; the definition of 
    ``major capital project''; the technical capacity and capability of 
    project sponsors; the requirements for Project Management Plans; 
    readiness criteria for major capital projects; the role of risk 
    assessments in project development; and financial plans for major 
    capital projects.
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    ANPRM                           09/10/09                    74 FR 46515
    ANPRM Comment Period End        11/09/09
    ANPRM Comment Period Extended   11/10/09                    74 FR 55279
    ANPRM Extended Comment Period 
    End                             01/08/10
    NPRM                            12/00/10
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Jayme Blakesley, Attorney-Advisor, Department of 
    Transportation, Federal Transit Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, 
    SE, Washington, DC 20590
    Phone: 202 366-0304
    Email: jayme.blakesley@dot.gov
    RIN: 2132-AA92
    BILLING CODE 4910--57--S
    Department of Transportation (DOT)                     Final Rule Stage
    Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA)
    Legal Authority: 49 USC 5101 et seq
    Abstract: This rulemaking would amend the Hazardous Materials 
    Regulations to comprehensively address the safe transportation of 
    lithium cells and batteries. The intent of the rulemaking is to 
    strengthen the current regulatory framework by imposing more effective 
    safeguards, including design testing to address risks related to 
    internal short circuits, and enhanced packaging, hazard communication, 
    and operational measures for various types and sizes of lithium 
    batteries in specific transportation contexts. The rulemaking responds 
    to several recommendations issued by the National Transportation Safety 
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    NPRM                            01/11/10                     75 FR 1302
    NPRM Comment Period End         03/12/10
    Final Rule                      01/00/11
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Kevin Leary, Transportation Specialist, Department of 
    Transportation, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, 
    1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590
    Phone: 202 366-8553
    Email: kevin.leary@dot.gov
    RIN: 2137-AE44
    BILLING CODE 4910--60--S
    Department of Transportation (DOT)                  Proposed Rule Stage
    Maritime Administration (MARAD)
    Legal Authority: PL 110--417
    Abstract: This rulemaking would establish part 383 of the Cargo 
    Preference regulations. This rulemaking would cover Public Law 110-417, 
    section 3511 National Defense Authorization Act for FY2009 statutory 
    changes to the cargo preference rules, which have not been 
    substantially revised since 1971. The rulemaking also would include 
    compromise, assessment, mitigation, settlement, and collection of civil 
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    NPRM                            12/00/10
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Christine Gurland, Department of Transportation, 
    Maritime Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 
    Phone: 202 366-5157
    Email: christine.gurland@dot.gov
    RIN: 2133-AB75
    [FR Doc. 2010-30462 Filed 12-17-10; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-81-S

Document Information

Transportation Department
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Semiannual regulatory agenda.
Document Number:
79811-79835 (25 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
48 CFR None