2024-30330. Loan Guarantees Under the Section 538 Guaranteed Rural Rental Housing Program
Data element
Information that must be included
Lender Name
Insert the lender's name.
Lender Tax ID #
Insert lender's tax ID number.
Lender Unique Entity Identifier (UEI)
Insert lender's (UEI).
Lender Contact Name
Name of the lender contact for loan.
Mailing Address
Lender's complete mailing address.
Phone #
Phone number for lender contact.
Fax #
Insert lender's fax number.
E-Mail Address
Insert lender contact e-mail address.
List of Lender's Principals
Complete list of all of the lender's principals involved in the transaction.
Borrower Name and Organization Type
State whether borrower is a Limited Partnership, Corporation, Indian Tribe, etc.
Equal Opportunity Survey
Optional Completion.
Tax Classification Type
State whether borrower is for profit or not for profit.
Borrower Tax ID #
Insert borrower's tax ID number.
Borrower UEI (if applicable)
Insert borrower's UEI.
Borrower Address, including County
Borrower's complete address and county.
Borrower Phone # and E-Mail Address
Insert borrower's phone number and e-mail address.
Principal or Key Member for the Borrower (as defined in 2 CFR 180.995)
Insert name and title. List the general partners if a limited partnership, officers if a corporation or members of a Limited Liability Corporation.
Borrower Information and Statement of Housing Development Experience
Attach relevant information.
New Construction, Acquisition with Rehabilitation
State whether the project is new construction or acquisition with rehabilitation.
Revitalization, Repair, and Transfer (as stipulated in 7 CFR 3560.406) of Existing Direct Section 515 and Section 514/516 FLH or MPR
Yes or No (Transfer costs, including equity payments, are subject to Agency approval and must be an eligible use of loan proceeds in 7 CFR 3565.205).
Project Location Town or City
Town or city in which the project is located.
Project County
County in which the project is located.
Project State
State in which the project is located.
Project Zip Code
Insert zip code where the project is located.
Project Congressional District
Congressional District for project location.
Project Name
Insert project name.
Project Type
Family, senior (all residents 55 years or older), or mixed.
Property Description and Proposed Development Schedule
Provide as an attachment.
Total Project Development Cost
Enter amount for total project.
# of Units
Insert the number of units in the project.
Ratio of 3-5 Bedroom Units to Total Units
Insert percentage of 3-5 bedroom units to total units.
Cost Per Unit
Total development cost divided by number of units.
Proposed rent structure.
Median Income for Community
Provide median income for the community.
Evidence of Site Control
Attach relevant information.
Description of any Environmental issues referenced in the Phase I report
Attach relevant information.
Loan Amount
Insert the loan amount.
Borrower's Proposed Equity
Insert amount and source.
Low Income Housing Tax Credits, if applicable
Have tax credits been awarded?
If tax credits were awarded, submit a copy of the award/evidence of award with your application.
If not, when do you anticipate an award will be made (announced)?
What is the [estimated] value of the tax credits?
Letters of application and commitment letters should be included, if available.
Low Income Housing Qualified Contract (QC) Waiver Documentation, if applicable
A document certifying the QC rights have been waived must be included with the complete application if the applicant is seeking priority points for waiver of QC rights.
Maturing Mortgage Date of existing Section 515/514/516 Rural Development properties (if applicable)
Include maturity date.
Other Sources of Funds
List all funding sources other than tax credits and amounts for each source, type, rates and terms of loans or grant funds.
Loan to Total Development Cost
Guaranteed loan divided by the total development costs of project.
Debt Coverage Ratio
Net Operating Income divided by debt service payments.
Percentage of Guarantee
Percentage guarantee requested.
Attach relevant information.
Colonia, Tribal Lands, or State's Consolidated Plan or State Needs Assessment
Colonia, on an Indian Reservation, or in a place identified in the State's Consolidated Plan or State Needs Assessment as a high need community for multifamily housing.
Is the Property Located in a Federally Declared Disaster Area?
If yes, please provide documentation (
Presidential Declaration document).
Provide the population of the county, city, or town where the project is or will be located.
What Type of Guarantee is Being Requested, Permanent Only (Option 1), Construction and Permanent (Option 2), or Continuous (Option 3)
Enter the type of guarantee.
Loan Term
State repayment and amortization terms (Minimum 25-year term.
( print page 104035)
Maximum 40-year term (includes construction period).
May amortize up to 40 years.
Balloon mortgages permitted after the 25th year.)
Guarantee Fee Structure Designation
Indicate the Guarantee Fee Structure:
Standard Fee.
Preservation of 514/515/516.
Workforce Housing.
Energy Efficient/Green.
(Documentation is required).
Participation in Energy Efficient Programs
Initial checklist indicating prerequisites to register for participation in a particular energy efficient program. All checklists must be accompanied by a signed affidavit by the project architect stating that the goals are achievable. If property management is certified for green property management, the certification must be provided.
Proposed Closing Date
Include the proposed closing date of the Section 538 GRRHP loan.
Is commercial space associated with this property?
Indicate Yes or No.
If commercial space is associated, please indicate if the Gross Floor (GF) Area exceeds 10% of residential units/common area
Indicate Yes, No or N/A. (If yes, Agency approval is required).
If commercial space is associated with the property, please indicate if the income from the commercial space activity exceeds 10% of the annual operating income
Indicate Yes, No or N/A. (If yes, Agency approval is required).