95-29458. Hazardous Waste Management System: Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste: Hazardous Waste Identification Rule (HWIR)  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 245 (Thursday, December 21, 1995)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 66344-66469]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-29458]
    [[Page 66343]]
    Part II
    Environmental Protection Agency
    40 CFR Parts 260, 261, 266, and 268
    Hazardous Waste: Identification and Listing; Proposed Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 245 / Thursday, December 21, 1995 / 
    Proposed Rules 
    [[Page 66344]]
    40 CFR Parts 260, 261, 266, and 268
    RIN 2050-AE07
    Hazardous Waste Management System: Identification and Listing of 
    Hazardous Waste: Hazardous Waste Identification Rule (HWIR)
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency.
    ACTION: Proposed rule, tentative response to Chemical Manufacturers 
    Association petition and the Hazardous Waste Identification Dialogue 
    Committee recommendations, and request for comments.
    SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today is proposing 
    to amend its regulations under the Resource Conservation and Recovery 
    Act (RCRA) by establishing constituent-specific exit levels for low-
    risk solid wastes that are designated as hazardous because they are 
    listed, or have been mixed with, derived from, or contain listed 
    hazardous wastes. Under this proposal, generators of listed hazardous 
    wastes that meet the self-implementing exit levels would no longer be 
    subject to the hazardous waste management system under Subtitle C of 
    RCRA as listed hazardous wastes. Today's Notice, commonly referred to 
    as the Hazardous Waste Identification Rule (HWIR), establishes a risk-
    based ``floor'' to hazardous waste listings that will encourage 
    pollution prevention, waste minimization, and the development of 
    innovative waste treatment technologies.
        Many of the exit levels are established using an innovative risk 
    assessment which evaluates potential exposure pathways, both direct and 
    indirect, from a variety of sources, such as waste piles and surface 
    impoundments. This assessment focuses on both human and environmental 
    receptors and is presented for comment in today's Notice. The remaining 
    exit levels are based on an alternative risk analysis.
        The Agency is also proposing to modify some of the land disposal 
    restriction (LDR) numerical treatment standards listed in subpart D of 
    40 CFR part 268. This notice proposes to cap technology-based treatment 
    standards with the risk-based exit levels which minimize threats to 
    human health and the environment. This notice also takes comment on 
    several general approaches and one specific approach for conditional 
    exemptions from subtitle C management. Today's notice also contains the 
    Agency's tentative response to a petition for rulemaking submitted by 
    the Chemical Manufacturers Association and the Agency's tentative 
    response to the recommendations made by the Dialogue Committee on 
    Hazardous Waste Identification. This committee was formally chartered 
    in July 1993 in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act 
    DATES: EPA will accept public comments on this proposed rule until 
    February 20, 1996. Comments postmarked after this date may not be 
    considered. However, the Agency recognizes that, because of the 
    complexity of this proposed rulemaking, some commenters may want to 
    request additional time for comment submittal. In anticipation of these 
    requests, EPA will be communicating with the litigants and the court 
    regarding the implications on our rulemaking schedule of a possible 
    extension of the comment period for this proposal. If the comment 
    period is extended, the Agency will provide notice of such in the 
    Federal Register.
        Any person may request a public hearing on this amendment by filing 
    a request with Mr. David Bussard, whose address appears below, by 
    January 5, 1996.
    ADDRESSES: The public must send an original, two copies, and whenever 
    possible, a 3.5 inch computer disk containing the comments in a common 
    word processing format such as WordPerfect version 5.1 1. to: EPA 
    RCRA Docket (5305W), 401 M Street, SW., Washington, DC 20460.
        \1\ This will greatly facilitate EPA's preparation of the 
    comment responses and will significantly reduce the cost associated 
    with responding to the comments.
        Place ``Docket number F-95-WHWP-FFFFF'' on your comments. The RCRA 
    docket is located at: EPA's Crystal Gateway Office, 1235 Jefferson 
    Davis Highway, Arlington, Virginia, and is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., 
    Monday through Friday, excluding Federal holidays. The public must make 
    an appointment to review docket materials by calling (703) 603-9230. 
    The public may copy material from any regulatory docket at a cost of 
    $0.15 per page. Copies of the background documents, Integrated Risk 
    Information System (IRIS) chemical files, and other references (which 
    are not readily available) are available for viewing and copying only 
    in the RCRA docket.
        Requests for a public hearing should be addressed to Mr. David 
    Bussard, Director, Characterization and Assessment Division, Office of 
    Solid Waste (OS-330), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M 
    Street, SW., Washington, DC 20460.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: The RCRA/Superfund Hotline at (800) 
    424-9346 or at (703) 412-9810. For technical information contact Mr. 
    William A. Collins, Jr., Mr. Greg Helms, or Ms. Pamela McMains, Office 
    of Solid Waste (5304), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M 
    Street, S.W., Washington, DC 20460, (202) 260-4770.
    Preamble Outline
    I. Authority
    II. Background
        A. Overview of Hazardous Waste Identification Program
        B. The Mixture and Derived-From Rules and the Contained-In 
        C. Overview of Expected Impacts of the Exit Rule
    III. Scope of Revisions to the Mixture and Derived-From Rules
        A. Rationale for Retention of the Mixture and Derived-From Rules
        B. Revision to Derived-from Rule for Wastes Listed Because They 
    Exhibit the Characteristics of Ignitability, Corrosivity, or 
    IV. Development of Exit Levels and Minimize Threat Levels
        A. Need for an Exit
        B. Overview of the Exit
        C. Selection of Constituents of Concern
        1. Development of the Master List
        2. Development of the Exit Constituent List
        3. Constituents of Ecological Concern
        D. Risk-Based Information
        1. Human Health Benchmarks
        a. Non-carcinogens
        b. Carcinogens
        c. Consideration of MCLs
        2. Ecological Benchmarks
        3. Sources of Data
        a. Human
        b. Ecological
        E. Risk Assessment
        1. The Risk Analysis
        a. Introduction
        b. How the Analysis was Structured
        c. How Uncertainty is Addressed
        d. Linkage of the Risk Analysis to the Groundwater Fate and 
        e. Risk Targets Used
        2. Detailed Overview of the Non-Groundwater Risk Analysis
        a. Waste Management Units
        1. Use of Subtitle D Survey
        2. Fate and Transport
        3. Ash Monofill
        i. Particle Size Distribution for Air Dispersion Modeling
        ii. Monofill Characterization
        iii. Vehicle Traffic
        iv. Emission Equations for Ash Blown from Trucks and Spreading 
    and Compacting
        4. Land Application Unit
        i. Particle Size Distribution for Air Dispersion Modeling
        ii. Area of Land Application Unit Relative to Agricultural Field
        iii. Application Rate
        iv. Waste Characteristics 
    [[Page 66345]]
        v. Depth of Contamination
        vi. Partitioning
        5. Waste Pile
        i. Waste Pile Height
        ii. Particle Size Distribution for Air Dispersion Modeling
        iii. Waste Characteristics
        iv. Vehicle Traffic
        v. Emission Equation for Ash Blown from Trucks
        6. Surface Impoundments
        i. Two-Phase Sludge Formation Model
        ii. Dilution of Waste During a Spill
        7. Tank
        i. Unit Characterization
        ii. Volatilization
        8. Combustors
        b. Fate and Transport
        1. Pathways
        2. Equations
        3. Specific Issues on Pathways and Equations
        i. Chemical Transformation
        ii. Biodegradation
        iii. Meteorological Data
        iv. Soil Data
        v. Soil Pathways
        vi. Surface Water Pathways
        vii. Food-Chain Pathways
        c. Receptors
        1. Human Receptors
        2. Ecological Receptors
        3. Groundwater Fate and Transport Modeling
        a. Fate and Transport Processes
        1. Effects of groundwater mounding
        2. Transformation products
        3. Fate and transport of metals
        b. Enhanced solution algorithms
        1. Linkage between unsaturated zone and saturated zone modules
        2. Numerical transport solution
        3. Solution for metals transport
        4. Elimination of biases in determination of receptor well 
        c. Revision of Monte Carlo methodology for nationwide 
        1. Data sources
        2. Finite-source methodology
        3. Site-based regional analysis
        d. Implementation of EPACMTP
        e. Waste management scenarios
        1. Landfills
        2. Surface impoundments
        3. Waste piles
        4. Land application units
        f. Determination of regulatory limits
        g. Chemical specific fate and transport processes
        1. Organic constituents
        2. Metals
        4. Other Risk Assessment Issues
        a. Difference between groundwater and nongroundwater pathways
        1. Infiltration
        2. Density of waste applied to land application unit
        3. Unsaturated zone characteristics
        4. Hydrolysis rates
        b. Other groundwater pathway analysis issues
        1. Use of 1000 years versus 10,000 years exposure time horizon
        2. Implementation of parameter bounds in Monte Carlo procedure
        3. Hydraulic conductivity of surface impoundment bottom layer
        4. Waste pile infiltration rates
        5. Land application unit infiltration rates
        6. Aggregate effects of alternative groundwater modeling 
        F. Additional Eco-Receptor Consideration
        G. Background Concentrations in Soils and other Issues Relating 
    to Results
        H. Constituents with Extrapolated Risk-based Levels
        I. Analytical Considerations
        1. Development of Exemption Quantitation Criteria (EQC)
        2. EQCs and LDR Requirements as Exemption Criteria
        a. EQCs as exit levels
        b. LDR Requirements in combination with EQC Exit Levels
        3. Exemption for Constituents Without EQCs
    V. Presentation of Exit Levels
        A. Constituents with Modeled or Extrapolated Risk-based Exit 
        B. Constituents with Quantitation-based Exit Levels
        C. How to Read the Exit Level Tables
    VI. Minimize Threat Levels
        A. Background
        1. Summary of the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984
        2. EPA's Interpretation of Standard for Treatment Requirements
        B. Risk Assessment and Minimize Threat Levels
        1. Rationale
        2. Public Policy Considerations
        C. Minimize threat levels
        1. List of Constituents and Minimize Threat Concentrations
        2. Constituents for which Exit Levels are not Minimize Threat 
        D. Meeting LDR requirements
        1. Wastes Below Exit Levels as Generated
        2. Wastes Above Exit Levels as Generated
    VII. Dilution
    VIII. Implementation of Exit
        A. Implementation Requirements
        1. Testing Requirements
        a. Data Evaluation
        i. Compliance with the Exit Levels
        ii. Wastewater and Nonwastewater Categories
        iii. Totals and TCLP Analyses
        iv. Oily Wastes
        b. Initial Test
        2. Notification Requirements
        B. Implementation Conditions
        1. Records Maintained on Site
        2. Testing Conditions
        3. Testing Frequency and Process Change
        C. Public Participation
    IX. Request for Comment on Options for Conditional Exemptions
        A. Legal Basis for Conditional Exemptions
        B. Improvements in Management of Non-Hazardous Waste and in Risk 
    Assessment Methodology
        C. Overview of Options for Conditional Exemptions
        1. National Approach
        a. Eliminate Disposal in Land Application Units
        b. Unit-Specific Exit Levels for Each Disposal
        c. Consideration of Additional Management Unit Design or 
    Management Practices
        2. State Program Approach
        3. Establish Exit Levels that Consider Regional or Site-Specific 
    Factors that might Affect Constituent Fate and Transport
        4. Relief from Land Disposal Restrictions
        D. Land Disposal Restrictions for Contingent Management Options
        E. Contingent Management of Mixed Waste
    X. Implementation of Conditional Exemption Option 1
        A. Introduction and Overview
        B. When Contingent Management Exemptions Become Effective
        1. Placement of the waste in a qualifying unit
        2. Point of generation
        C. Requirements for Obtaining an Exemption
        1. Sampling and Testing Requirements for Contingent Management 
        2. Requirements for Public Participation in contingent 
    Management Exemptions
        3. Notification Requirements for Contingent Management
        D. Implementation Conditions
        1. Tracking conditions
        2. Qualifying Unit
        3. Claimant's Duty to Ensure Compliance with all Conditions
        E. Retesting and Recordkeeping Conditions for Contingent 
    Management Exemptions
        F. Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement for Contingent 
    Management Exemptions
        1. Compliance Monitoring
        2. Enforcement
        G. Exports of Wastes Eligible for Contingent Management 
         H. Land Disposal Restrictions
    XI. Relationship to Other RCRA Regulatory Programs
        A. Hazardous Waste Determination
        B. Characteristic Hazardous Waste
        C. Toxicity Characteristic Level for Lead
        D. Hazardous Waste Listings
        E. Delisting
        F. Requirements for Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities 
    and Interim Status Facilities
        G. Closure
        H. HWIR-Media Rule/Subtitle C Corrective Action
        I. Land Disposal Restriction Program
        J. RCRA Air Emission Standards
        K. Hazardous Debris
        L. Hazardous Wastes Used in a Manner Constituting Disposal
    XII. CERCLA Impact
    XIII. State Authority
        A. Applicability of Rules in Authorized States
        B. Effect of State Authorizations
        C. Streamlining Issues
    XIV. Regulatory Requirements
    XV. References
    Appendix A: Background Tables for Risk Analysis Receptors and 
    Appendix B: Table Comparing Groundwater Modeling Effects of 1000 vs. 
    10,000 years
    Appendix C: Tables Comparing the Modeled or Extrapolated Risk Levels 
    vs. the EQCs for Each Constituent
    Appendix D: Tables Comparing the Exit Levels and the UTS Levels
    Regulatory Language
    [[Page 66346]]
    I. Authority
        These regulations are proposed under the authority of sections 
    2002(a), 3001, 3002, 3004 and 3006 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act of 
    1970, as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 
    (RCRA), as amended by the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984 
    (HSWA), 42 U.S.C. 6912(a), 6921, 6922, 6924 and 6926.
    II. Background
    A. Overview of the Hazardous Waste Identification Program
        Section 1004(5) of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act 
    (RCRA) as amended by the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 
    1984, defines ``hazardous waste'' as ``a solid waste, or combination of 
    solid waste, which because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, 
    chemical, or infectious characteristics may (A) cause, or significantly 
    contribute to an increase in the mortality or an increase in serious 
    irreversible, or incapacitating reversible, illness; or (B) pose a 
    substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the 
    environment when improperly treated, stored, transported, or disposed 
    of, or otherwise managed.''
        Section 3001 of RCRA requires EPA to identify those wastes that 
    should be classified as ``hazardous.'' The Agency's hazardous waste 
    identification rules designate wastes as hazardous in one of two ways. 
    First, the Agency has established four hazardous waste characteristics 
    which identify properties or attributes of wastes which would pose a 
    potential hazard if the waste is improperly managed. See 40 CFR 261.21-
    261.24. Any generator of a solid waste is responsible for determining 
    whether a solid waste exhibits any of these characteristics. See 40 CFR 
    262.11. Any solid waste that exhibits any of the characteristics 
    remains hazardous until it no longer exhibits the characteristics. See 
    40 CFR 261.4(d)(1).
        The other mechanism EPA uses to designate wastes as hazardous is 
    ``listing.'' The Agency has reviewed data on specific waste streams 
    generated from a number of industrial processes and has determined that 
    these wastes would pose hazards if mismanaged for one or more reasons, 
    including the presence of significant levels of hazardous constituents 
    listed in appendix VIII to 40 CFR part 261, the manifestation of one or 
    more of the hazardous waste characteristics, or the potential to impose 
    detrimental effects on the environment. (See generally 40 CFR 261.11). 
    As discussed in detail in the preambles and in associated dockets 
    accompanying the listings, EPA has generally determined that these 
    wastes contain toxic constituents at concentrations which pose risks 
    which are unacceptable for human or environmental exposure and that 
    these constituents are mobile and persistent to the degree that they 
    can reach environmental or human receptors.
        On May 19, 1980, as part of the final and interim final regulations 
    implementing section 3001 of RCRA, EPA published two lists of hazardous 
    wastes: One composed of wastes generated from non-specific sources 
    (e.g., spent solvents) and one composed of wastes generated from 
    specific sources (e.g., distillation bottoms from the production of 
    benzyl chloride). The Agency also published two lists of discarded 
    commercial chemical products, off-specification species, container 
    residues, and spill residues thereof which are hazardous wastes under 
    specific circumstances. These four lists have been amended several 
    times, and are currently published in 40 CFR 261.31, 261.32, 261.33(e) 
    and (f), respectively.
    B. The Mixture and Derived-From Rules and the Contained-In Policy
    1. Mixture and Derived-From Rules
    a. Scope and Purpose of the Rules
        In 1980 EPA promulgated its first comprehensive regulatory program 
    for the management of hazardous waste under RCRA. 45 FR 33066 (May 19, 
    1980). As part of that rulemaking EPA promulgated several rules to 
    identify hazardous wastes. Two of these rules clarify the scope of the 
    hazardous waste listings. Under the mixture rule, a solid waste is a 
    hazardous waste if it is mixed with one or more listed hazardous 
    wastes. 40 CFR 261.3(a)(2)(iv). Under the derived-from rule a solid 
    waste generated from the treatment, storage or disposal of a listed 
    hazardous waste is also a hazardous waste. 40 CFR 261.3(c)(2)(i).
        EPA promulgated the mixture and derived-from rules to close 
    potentially major loopholes in the subtitle C management system. 
    Without a ``mixture'' rule, generators of hazardous wastes could 
    potentially evade regulatory requirements by mixing listed hazardous 
    wastes with other hazardous wastes or non-hazardous solid wastes to 
    create a ``new'' waste that arguably no longer met the listing 
    description, but continued to pose a serious hazard. Such a waste also 
    might not exhibit any of the hazardous waste characteristics. 
    Similarly, without a ``derived-from'' rule, hazardous waste generators 
    and owners and operators of hazardous waste treatment, storage, and 
    disposal facilities (TSDFs) could potentially evade regulation by 
    minimally processing or managing a hazardous waste and claiming that 
    resulting residue was no longer the listed waste, despite the continued 
    hazards that could be posed by the residue even though it does not 
    exhibit a characteristic. (See 57 FR 7628).
        It is for these reasons that the Agency continues to believe that 
    the mixture and derived-from rules are extremely important in 
    regulating hazardous wastes and reducing risk to human health and the 
    environment. However, EPA acknowledges that the mixture and derived-
    from rules apply regardless of the concentrations and mobilities of 
    hazardous constituents in the waste. The purpose of this rulemaking is 
    to reduce any overregulation of low-risk wastes captured by the mixture 
    and derived-from rule.
    b. Subsequent History
        Numerous industries that generate hazardous wastes challenged the 
    1980 mixture and derived-from rules in Shell Oil v. EPA, 950 F. 2d 741 
    (D.C. Cir. 1991). In December 1991 the D.C. circuit vacated the rules 
    because they had been promulgated without adequate notice and 
    opportunity to comment. The court, however, suggested that EPA might 
    want to consider reinstating the rules pending full notice and comment 
    in order to ensure continued protection of human health and the 
        In response to this decision, EPA promulgated an emergency rule 
    reinstating the mixture and derived-from rules as interim final rules 
    without providing notice and opportunity to comment. 57 FR 7628 (Mar.3, 
    1992). EPA also promulgated a ``sunset provision'' which provided that 
    the mixture and derived-from rules would remain in effect only until 
    April 28, 1993. Shortly after, EPA published the proposal containing 
    several options for revising the mixture and derived-from rules. See 57 
    FR 21450 (May 20, 1992). This proposal also included options for 
    exempting media contaminated with listed hazardous wastes that are 
    regulated under the ``contained in'' policy.
        The May 1992 proposal and the time pressure created by the ``sunset 
    provision'' generated significant controversy. In response, Congress 
    included in EPA's 1992 appropriations bill several provisions 
    addressing the mixture and derived-from rules. Pub. L. No. 102-389, 106 
    Stat. 1571. First, Congress nullified the sunset provision by providing 
    that EPA could not promulgate any revisions to the rules 
    [[Page 66347]]
    before October 1, 1993 and by providing that the reinstated regulations 
    could not be ``terminated or withdrawn'' until revisions took effect. 
    However, to ensure that EPA could not postpone the issue of revisions 
    indefinitely, Congress also established a deadline of October 1, 1994 
    for the promulgation of revisions to the mixture and derived-from 
    rules. Congress made this deadline enforceable under RCRA's citizen 
    suit provision.
        On October 30, 1992 EPA published two notices, one removing the 
    sunset provision, and the other withdrawing the May 1992 proposal. See 
    57 FR 49278, 49280. EPA had received many comments criticizing the May 
    1992 proposal. The criticisms were due, in a large part, to the very 
    short schedule imposed on the regulation development process itself. 
    Commenters also feared that the proposal would result in a 
    ``patchwork'' of differing State programs because some states might not 
    adopt the revisions. This fear was based on the belief that States 
    would react in a negative manner to the proposal and refuse to 
    incorporate it into their programs. Finally, many commenters also 
    argued that the risk assessment used to support the proposed exemption 
    levels failed to provide adequate protection of human health and the 
    environment because it evaluated only the risks of human consumption of 
    contaminated groundwater ignoring other pathways that could pose 
    greater risks. Based on these concerns, and based on the Agency's 
    desire to work through the individual elements of the proposal more 
    carefully, the proposal was withdrawn.
        Meanwhile, a group of waste generating industries challenged the 
    March 1992 action that reinstated the mixture and derived-from rules 
    without change. Mobil Oil Corp. v. EPA, 35 F.3d 579 (D.C. Cir. 1994). 
    EPA argued that the 1992 appropriations act made the challenge moot 
    because it prevented both EPA and the courts from terminating or 
    withdrawing the interim rules before EPA revised them, even if EPA 
    failed to meet the statutory deadline for the revisions. In September, 
    1994 the D.C. Circuit issued an opinion that dismissed the challenges 
    as moot under the rationale that the Agency had offered.
        In early October 1994 several groups of waste generating and waste 
    managing industries filed citizen suits to enforce the October 1 
    deadline for revising the mixture and derived-from rules. The U.S. 
    District Court for the District of Columbia Circuit entered a consent 
    decree resolving the consolidated cases on May 3, 1993. Environmental 
    Technology Council v. Browner, C.A. No. 94-2119 (TFH) (D.D.C. 1994) 
    Under this decree the Administrator must sign a proposal to amend the 
    mixture and derived-from rules by November 13, 1995 and a notice of 
    final rulemaking by December 15, 1996. The decree also specifies that 
    the deadlines in the 1992 appropriations act do not apply to any rule 
    revising the separate regulations that establish jurisdiction over 
    media contaminated with hazardous wastes.
    c. Federal Advisory Committees Act (FACA) and Outreach
        After the withdrawal of the HWIR proposal, the Agency initiated a 
    series of public meetings with invited representatives from industry, 
    environmental groups, hazardous waste treaters, and States. These 
    meetings focused on three major issues: --RCRA regulation of low hazard 
    wastes with a particular interest in addressing issues raised regarding 
    the mixture and derived-from rules; concerns that full RCRA 
    requirements for contaminated media may unnecessarily impede clean-ups; 
    and need to regulate additional high-risk wastes outside the scope of 
    the current listings and characteristics.
        A strong and successful effort was made to encourage all the 
    interested parties to participate in the public meetings. EPA forged a 
    solid partnership with the States (both ASTSWMO and Environmental 
    Commissioners under the National Governors Association) and the state 
    representatives worked closely with EPA as co-regulators in our 
    analyses of options.
        In July of 1993, EPA chartered this group as an advisory committee 
    under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-463)(58 FR 36200).
        The committee rather quickly formed two sub-committees to allow 
    separate discussion of the low risk waste problem associated with the 
    mixture and derived-from rules and the rules for managing contaminated 
    media and other wastes during remediation.
        By September of 1994 the low risk waste group had made significant 
    progress in identifying options for creating exemptions for low risk 
    wastes. Despite significant investment of time and effort, however, the 
    group was unable to reach consensus on many key issues.
        With the statutory deadline for revisions to the mixture and 
    derived-from rules approaching, EPA requested that group to present a 
    final report in late September of 1994. EPA and representatives from 
    several state environmental agencies then took up the task of selecting 
    options for creating an exit rule, crafting regulatory language, and 
    developing necessary supporting materials. The FACA subcommittee's 
    final report was taken into consideration during the development of 
    today's proposal.
    2. Contained-In Policy
        The Agency also has interpreted its regulatory definition of 
    hazardous waste to extend to mixtures of hazardous wastes and 
    environmental media (such as contaminated soil and groundwater).2 
    See 40 CFR 261.3(c)(1) and (d)(2). Media that are contaminated with 
    listed or characteristically hazardous waste must be managed as 
    hazardous wastes until they no longer contain such wastes. To date, the 
    Agency has not issued any general rules as to when, or at what levels, 
    environmental media contaminated with hazardous wastes are no longer 
    considered to ``contain'' those hazardous wastes. Media that contain 
    hazardous wastes with constituent concentrations below the levels 
    proposed today will be eligible for exemption under the procedures 
    proposed today. In addition, in a separate rulemaking, the Agency plans 
    to propose additional rules reducing regulation of contaminated media 
    during remediation activities.
        \2\ EPA's ``contained in'' policy was upheld as a reasonable 
    interpretation of 40 CFR 261.3(c)(1) and (d)(2) by the D.C. Circuit 
    in Chemical Waste Management, Inc v. U.S. EPA, No. 869 F.2d 1526 
    (D.C. Cir. 1989).
    C. Overview of Expected Impacts of the Exit Rule
    1. Listed Wastes
        The purpose of this rule is to exempt from hazardous waste 
    regulation those solid wastes currently designated as hazardous waste 
    even though they contain constituent concentrations at levels that pose 
    very low risk to human health and the environment. While facilities 
    generating such wastes can petition for delisting by rulemaking under 
    the provisions of 40 CFR Sec. 260.20 and 260.22, EPA believes that the 
    detailed waste-stream specific review required under delisting is not 
    necessary for the low risk wastes that are identified by today's 
    proposal. The alternative, generic exit rule proposed today will be 
    faster and less resource-intensive for both the Agency and the 
    regulated community. By providing an opportunity for a more self-
    implementing exemption, the Agency intends to create incentives for 
    effective and innovative waste minimization and waste treatment and to 
    reduce unnecessary demand for Subtitle C disposal capacity, without 
    [[Page 66348]]
    compromising needed environmental protection.3
        \3\ As will be discussed further in this notice, the Agency 
    believes that the delisting process will continue to be valuable for 
    certain types of wastes which are not eligible for an exemption 
    under this proposal. Thus the Agency is not proposing to eliminate 
    or modify the delisting program as a result of this proposal.
        By proposing a risk-based ``floor'' to listed wastes, today's 
    proposal should give a very strong incentive to generators of listed 
    hazardous waste to apply pollution prevention to their processes to 
    avoid Subtitle C control. This action should also give incentive for 
    the development of innovative treatment technologies to render wastes 
    less risky.
        Today's proposed rule specifies sampling and analysis requirements, 
    public participation, reporting and record keeping requirements. Most 
    of these provisions are alternatives to the safeguard of waste-specific 
    review provided under the delisting program. The exit levels are risk-
    based concentrations at which a human or wildlife species could be 
    directly or indirectly exposed to the exempted waste, and would be 
    unlikely to suffer adverse health effects. The exposure scenario used 
    to develop these levels assume that the exempted waste will no longer 
    be subject to Subtitle C control, but will be managed as a solid waste 
    in one of a variety of non-hazardous waste management units regulated 
    under Subtitle D.
    2. Characteristic Wastes
        Listed hazardous wastes exempted under today's proposed rule which 
    exhibit any of the characteristics will continue to be regulated as 
    hazardous wastes until the characteristic is removed. In a number of 
    cases, wastes were listed on the basis of containing both toxic 
    hazardous constituents and exhibiting one or more of the hazardous 
    waste characteristics that do not relate to chemical toxicity (e.g., 
    ignitability, corrosivity, or reactivity). If such a waste still 
    exhibits any characteristic after complying with the exemption criteria 
    proposed in today's proposed rule, it must continue to be managed as a 
    characteristically hazardous waste.
    III. Scope of Revisions to the Mixture and Derived-From Rules
        The mixture and derived-from rules promulgated in 1980 and 
    reinstated in 1992 require Subtitle C regulation of all mixtures of 
    listed hazardous wastes and solid wastes and all residuals from 
    treatment of hazardous wastes. The rules proposed today, however, allow 
    rapid exemptions for mixtures and derived-from wastes that present no 
    significant threats to human health and the environment. Those wastes 
    that would remain subject to the mixture and derived-from rules 
    typically will pose risks that warrant regulation under Subtitle C. To 
    the extent that this is not true for a particular mixture or treatment 
    residual, the delisting process remains available (at least at the 
    state level) to exempt wastes with constituents at more site- and 
    waste-specific levels. Consequently, EPA has tentatively determined 
    that further revisions of the mixture and derived-from rules, with the 
    exception of the one minor change to the derived-from rule discussed 
    later in this section, are not warranted in this rulemaking. However, 
    EPA requests comment on this conclusion.
    A. Rationale for Retention of the Mixture and Derived-From Rules
        EPA continues to believe that it had ample statutory and regulatory 
    authority to promulgate the original rules and that it also has ample 
    authority to maintain the rules without further revisions. The mixture 
    and derived-from rules, particularly with the revisions proposed today, 
    ensure that hazardous wastes that are mixed with other wastes or 
    treated in some fashion do not escape regulation so long as they are 
    reasonably likely to continue to pose threats to human health and the 
    environment. They thus retain jurisdiction over listed hazardous wastes 
    and clarify that such wastes are not automatically eligible for exit 
    when they are mixed or treated. Although RCRA sets out criteria for the 
    identification of hazardous wastes to enter the subtitle C system, it 
    is silent on the question of how to determine that a waste is eligible 
    to exit the system. EPA's interpretation of the statute is thus 
    entitled to deference so long as it is reasonable and consistent with 
    RCRA's purposes.
        EPA believes that its decision to retain jurisdiction over major 
    portions of the universe of waste mixtures and treatment residues is 
    consistent with its authorities under sections 3002-3004 of RCRA to 
    impose requirements on waste handlers until wastes have ``cease[d] to 
    pose a hazard to the public''. Shell Oil Corp. v. EPA, 959 F.2d 741, 
    754 (D.C. Cir. 1991). See also Chemical Manufacturers Assoc. v. EPA, 
    919 F.2d 158, 162-65 (EPA may regulate the disposal of nonhazardous 
    wastes in a hazardous waste impoundment under section 3004) and 
    Chemical Waste Management, Inc. v. EPA, 976 F.2d 2, 8, 13-14 (D.C. Cir. 
    1992) (EPA may require further treatment of wastes under section 3004 
    even though they cease to exhibit a hazardous characteristic).
        The mixture and derived-from rules are also valid exercises of 
    EPA's authority to list hazardous wastes under section 3001. That 
    provision gives EPA broad authority to promulgate listing criteria. 
    EPA's 1980 criteria authorize the listing of classes of hazardous 
    wastes when it has reason to believe that wastes in the class are 
    typically or frequently hazardous. See 40 CFR 261.11(b). Such class 
    listings are permissible even if some members of the class do not 
    actually pose hazards. Nothing in the section 1004(5) definition of 
    hazardous waste, in section 3001, or in EPA's listing criteria require 
    EPA to prove that every member of a class poses a hazard. In fact, many 
    waste listings describe ``classes'' of hazardous wastes because they 
    cover a range of materials that are not identical in composition. The 
    mixture and derived-from rules thus are fully authorized as class 
    ``listings'' under section 3001.
        EPA has also made a reasonable factual determination that these 
    classes of waste warrant regulation under sections 3002-3004 and 
    section 3001. In 1980 EPA determined that the hazardous constituents 
    contained in these wastes are not generally eliminated or rendered 
    nontoxic simply because a waste is mixed with other wastes or managed 
    in some fashion. In 1992, when EPA repromulgated the mixture and 
    derived-from rules, it documented numerous instances of mixed and 
    derived-from wastes that continued to pose hazards. See 57 FR 7629 
    (March 3, 1992). Today, EPA is proposing that members of this class of 
    wastes that pose low risks will be eligible for an expedited, self-
    implementing exemption from Subtitle C regulation. Accordingly, EPA has 
    an even better basis for believing that wastes which remain within the 
    scope of the mixture and derived-from rules pose threats warranting 
        Additionally, EPA continues to believe, as it did in 1980, that it 
    would be virtually impossible to try to identify all possible waste 
    mixtures and treated wastes and assess their hazards individually. 
    EPA's rule reasonably retains jurisdiction over both broad classes and 
    places the burden of proof on the regulated community to show that a 
    particular waste has ceased to present a hazard. Today's self-
    implementing exit proposal will reduce that burden significantly, 
    ensuring that the mixture and derived-from rules represent a reasonable 
    approach to regulating these classes of wastes.
    [[Page 66349]]
    B. Revision to Derived-from Rule for Wastes Listed Because They Exhibit 
    the Characteristics of Ignitability, Corrosivity, or Reactivity
        In 1981 EPA responded to a number of comments on the scope of the 
    original 1980 mixture rule by promulgating a number of exemptions for 
    mixtures of solid wastes and listed hazardous wastes which, according 
    to information submitted by commenters, posed no significant risk to 
    human health and the environment. See 46 FR 56582 (Nov. 17, 1981). The 
    1981 rule included an exemption for mixtures of solid wastes and 
    hazardous wastes listed solely because they exhibited one or more of 
    the hazardous waste characteristics, if the resultant mixtures no 
    longer exhibited a characteristic. The exemption was based on a finding 
    that such mixtures did not pose threats to human health and the 
    environment warranting Subtitle C regulation. See 46 FR 56568 and the 
    current text of the exemption at Sec. 261.3(a)(2)(iii). EPA notes that 
    it has never promulgated any listings for wastes solely on the basis 
    that they exhibit either the 1980 EP toxicity characteristic or the 
    1990 toxicity characteristic; consequently, only mixtures containing 
    wastes listed because they exhibit the characteristics of ignitability, 
    corrosivity, or reactivity have been eligible to exit Subtitle C when 
    they no longer exhibit the characteristic.
        The 1981 notice focused exclusively on issues concerning the 
    mixture rule. Consequently, EPA did not propose any parallel exemption 
    for such wastes for the separate derived-from rule (codified at 
    Sec. 261.3(c)(2)(i)), even though the derived-from wastes would appear 
    to present similarly low risks if they no longer exhibited a 
    characteristic and were treated to meet LDR standards before land 
    disposal. Recent inquiries from the public have highlighted the 
    discrepancy in the scope of the mixture rule and the derived-from rule 
    for wastes listed solely because they exhibit characteristics. EPA 
    believes it has no reason to treat derivatives of wastes listed solely 
    because they exhibit the characteristic of ignitability, corrosivity, 
    or reactivity any differently from the way it treats mixtures of such 
    wastes because both present similar low risks to human health and the 
        Consequently, EPA is today proposing a revision to the derived-from 
    rule that will closely resemble the 1981 revision to the mixture rule. 
    Since no listings to date have been based on the toxicity 
    characteristic, EPA is proposing to limit the new revision to the 
    derived-from rule to wastes listed because they exhibit only the 
    characteristics of ignitability, corrosivity, or reactivity. EPA is 
    also not proposing to exempt wastes that might in the future be listed 
    only because of the toxicity characteristic because (as this rule 
    proposal indicates) there can be risk concerns with the TC constituents 
    below TC levels. EPA requests comment on this proposal to create a new 
    exemption to the derived-from rule for this limited category of listed 
        The proposed exemption will also remind the regulated community of 
    the separate duty to comply with requirements imposed by the part 268 
    regulations implementing the LDR program. In CWM v. EPA, 976 F.2d 2 
    (D.C. Cir. 1992), the U.S Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit 
    interpreted RCRA section 3004(m) as requiring treatment of de-
    characterized hazardous wastes to meet LDR treatment standards even 
    after the wastes cease exhibiting a characteristic. EPA believes that 
    de-characterized derived-from residues from wastes listed because they 
    exhibit characteristics also must meet LDR requirements, unless they 
    are either delisted or are exempt at the point of generation pursuant 
    to other provisions proposed in this rule (e.g., meeting HWIR levels at 
    the point of generation).
        In 1992 EPA amended the 1981 exemption to mixture rule to provide a 
    similar cross-reference and clarification for mixtures containing de-
    characterized listed wastes. See 57 FR 37194, 37210-11 (Aug. 18, 1992). 
    That 1992 clarification, however, only covers nonwastewater mixtures. 
    As explained in that mixture rule preamble, EPA then regulated de-
    characterized wastewaters much less stringently under the LDR program. 
    Consequently, EPA did not believe it was necessary to remind the 
    regulated community to comply with LDR requirements for wastewater 
        Later in 1992 the CWM v. EPA decision invalidated most of the 
    distinctions between the LDR rules for wastewaters and nonwastewaters. 
    EPA is now revising the LDR program to comply with that decision in the 
    LDR Phase III and Phase IV rulemakings. To reflect the changes in LDR 
    regulation of wastewaters, the derived-from rule exemption proposed 
    today reminds the regulated community of the need to comply with part 
    268 LDR requirements for all types of derived-from residues. EPA 
    requests comment on this clarifying language. EPA also requests comment 
    on whether it should revise the LDR clarification for the mixture rule 
    as well.
    IV. Development of Exit Levels and ``Minimize Threat'' Levels
    A. Need for the Exit
        The primary purpose of this rule is to address listed hazardous 
    wastes, mixtures of listed hazardous wastes and solid wastes, and 
    residues derived-from managing listed hazardous waste that, under 
    current rules, continue to be designated as ``hazardous waste'' 
    although they are either generated with constituent concentrations that 
    pose low risks or treated in a manner that reduces constituent 
    concentrations to low levels of risk.
        EPA notes that there are currently exemptions, both codified and 
    contained in policy directives, from the hazardous waste identification 
    system, particularly the mixture and derived-from rules, for certain 
    types of wastes or wastes with certain constituent concentrations. See 
    e.g. 40 CFR 261.3(a)(2)(iv)(A) through (E) and policy memorandums such 
    as the ``Skinner Memorandum'' dated August 23, 1995. EPA is not 
    proposing to modify or replace any of these exemptions and policy 
    B. Overview of the Exit
        For 191 of the 376 constituents of concern, EPA conducted a 
    detailed human health risk analysis to develop risk-based levels for 
    either the wastewater or nonwastewater form of a constituent (or both). 
    To conduct this analysis, EPA identified five types of units actually 
    and rather frequently used to manage nonhazardous wastes that covered 
    the full range of environmental releases needing analysis. The May 1992 
    proposal of exit levels for listed wastes, like many previous RCRA 
    rules, assessed only risks from releases to groundwater. In response to 
    complaints that such an assessment would not protect human health and 
    the environment from other types of releases, EPA also assessed 
    potential releases to air, surface water and soil in this proposal.
        For each category of releases, EPA evaluated both relatively simple 
    pathways (such direct human ingestion of contaminated groundwater) and 
    more complex pathways (such as the deposition of windblown waste 
    particles on agricultural land, followed by crop uptake, consumption of 
    the crop by cattle, and consumption of contaminated beef or milk by 
    humans). EPA assessed approximately 8 to 27 release pathways depending 
    on the type of waste management unit.
        Additionally, EPA screened the same group of 191 constituents to 
    identify the highest priorities for assessment of 
    [[Page 66350]]
    ecological receptors. In addition, EPA considered for its assessment 
    the toxicological effects of silver on ecological receptors. EPA 
    conducted a specific assessment of ecological risks for 47 constituents 
    using the same five units and the same pathways (modified to reflect 
    ecological exposures) for each unit. This risk assessment is described 
    in more detail in sections V.B. and C.
        Data limitations and resource constraints prevented EPA from 
    conducting a risk analysis for the remaining constituents of concern. 
    For each of these constituents, EPA extrapolated exit levels from 
    levels derived-from the risk assessment for similar chemicals. EPA's 
    extrapolation methodology is described in section IV.F.
        The current capabilities of analytical chemistry constrain EPA's 
    ability to use some of concentrations as exit levels. For approximately 
    one-fourth of the constituents, EPA found that available methods could 
    not routinely measure the constituent at the modeled or extrapolated 
    risk-based exit level.
    C. Selection of Constituents of Concern
    1. Development of the Master List
        EPA developed an initial ``Master List'' of 506 constituents to be 
    evaluated for purposes of establishing exit criteria. This master list 
    was developed by combining the constituents specifically listed in the 
    following appendices of 40 CFR part 261: Appendix VII, Basis for 
    Listing Hazardous Waste; Appendix VIII, Hazardous Constituents; and 
    appendix IX of part 264, the Ground-Water Monitoring List. The master 
    list includes the full list of constituents referenced in appendix VII, 
    including the F039 constituents.
        Appendix VII to part 261, which was originally promulgated on May 
    19, 1980 (45 FR 33084) sets out the chemical constituents found to pose 
    threats to human health and the environment that served as the actual 
    basis for each of EPA's original hazardous waste listings. Appendix 
    VIII to Part 261, also promulgated in 1980, is a more general listing 
    of chemicals found to pose potential threats to human health and the 
    environment. (45 FR 33084). EPA considers wastes containing appendix 
    VIII constituents to be candidates for listing determinations. EPA 
    amends appendix VII from time to time as EPA identifies additional 
    potentially toxic constituents.
        EPA later promulgated appendix IX to part 264 to identify those 
    appendix VIII constituents which it could routinely expect owners and 
    operators of permitted hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal 
    facilities to monitor in groundwater. EPA also included in this 
    appendix 17 additional constituents found to pose significant risks 
    that the Superfund program routinely monitored in groundwater. (52 FR 
    25942, July 9, 1987).
        EPA established in these rulemakings that each of these 
    constituents had significant potential to threaten human health, and, 
    by implication, potential to threaten the environment. (Most of the 
    data EPA utilized predicted toxic effects on humans.) EPA finds it 
    reasonable to include each of these constituents on the list of 
    chemicals of concern.
        Further, EPA believes that, with the exception of the six chemicals 
    identified below, the three appendices identify the chemicals of 
    current concern to EPA that are likely to be found in listed wastes.
        The Agency requests comment on whether the master list should also 
    include six constituents that are not listed in any of the above 
    sources. These six constituents, which are listed in Table 1, are found 
    in six ``U'' listed wastes (commercial chemical products that become 
    hazardous wastes when discarded). See 40 CFR 261.33(f). EPA originally 
    listed these wastes because they routinely exhibited the characteristic 
    of ignitability. Since the original listings, however, sufficient 
    toxicity data have become available for these constituents. (The risk 
    number for dimethylamine was recently withdrawn; however, EPA 
    understands that it will shortly be replaced). Because of the toxicity 
    data associated with these constituents, the Agency is taking comment 
    on whether exit levels should be established for these six constituents 
    in today's rulemaking. The Agency also requests comment on whether 
    these six constituents should be added to Appendix VIII.
                                Table 1.--Constituents Not on Appendices VII, VIII, or IX                           
                    CAS #                              Constituent              Wastewater -------------------------
                                                                                               Totals       Leach   
     75-07-0.............................  Acetaldehyde (ethanal)............  ...........  ...........  ...........
     98-82-8.............................  Cumene............................          .67       18,000          2.5
    124-40-3.............................  Dimethylamine.....................  ...........  ...........  ...........
    110-00-9.............................  Furan.............................          .16         1300          .06
     79-10-7.............................  Acrylic acid......................        (\1\)        (\1\)        (\1\)
     98-01-1.............................  2-Furancarbox- aldehyde (furfural)        (\1\)        (\1\)        (\1\)
    \1\ No exit levels because no EQC is available for this constituent. The criteria for exit would be to meet LDR 
      treatment standards in Sec.  268.                                                                             
        Full documentation concerning the selection of constituents of 
    concern is available in the docket under The Background Document to 
    Support Development of the Final Constituent List under the Waste Exit 
    2. Development of the Exit Constituent List
        The Agency narrowed the list of 506 constituents to consist of 376 
    constituents that are included in the exemption list. 130 constituents 
    were deleted from the master list. Criteria for constituent deletions 
    from the master list include: Reactivity in air, analysis as a 
    different constituent, reactivity in water, hydrolysis in soil or 
    water, or is part of a chemical class with a specific constituent 
    represented on the list. Because different methods and quantitation 
    limits are necessary for solid and liquid matrices, two separate 
    analyses were conducted. The Background Document to Support Development 
    of the Final Constituent List under the Waste Exit Rule in the docket 
    further justifies deletions of constituents from the master list and 
    lists the deleted constituents.
        Molybdenum is not on the Appendices VII, VIII, or IX, which 
    provided the scope of today's master list of constituents. In 
    anticipation of the Petroleum listing, due to a Drinking Water Sewage 
    Sludge regulatory level, and due to available toxicity information, the 
    Agency has included molybdenum on the exemption list. Due to modeling 
    time constraints, Molybdenum was not modeled for groundwater risk. The 
    [[Page 66351]]
    leach level was estimated by assuming a DAF of 10 and using the RfD. 
    The Agency requests comment on whether molybdenum should be on the 
        Two modeled constituents do not have estimated quantitation 
    criteria (EQCs--see section IV.G.) and therefore do not have associated 
    exit levels. These constituents are ethylene thiourea and phenyl 
    mercuric acetate. The Agency requests comment on how to deal with these 
    two constituents. The following table represents modeled results for 
    these constituents for comment.
                                       Table 2.--Modeled Constituents Without EQCs                                  
                    CASNUM                            Constituent            NWW totals     NWW leach     WW totals 
    96-45-7...............................  Ethylene thiourea.............     0.51          0.00017         .00053 
    62-38-4...............................  Phenyl mercuric acetate.......     0.0093        0.0045         0.012   
        EPA modeled chromium VI in the risk assessment. However, totals 
    chromium appears on the exit tables based on the exit levels calculated 
    from modeling chromium VI. This approach is consistent with the 
    Toxicity Characteristic approach to chromium. The Agency asks for 
    comment on this approach.
        The cyanide exit level was extrapolated. It is meant to be totals 
    cyanide. The Agency requests comment on whether testing for totals 
    cyanide is appropriate.
        The values in the exit tables for silver do not represent results 
    of human toxicity data for silver, rather they represent ecological 
    results from the risk assessment. The Agency has determined that the 
    effect of silver on humans is not a human health problem, rather it is 
    an aesthetic problem. The groundwater model did not model ecological 
    exposure, therefore, there is no groundwater risk level for silver.
    3. Constituents of Ecological Concern
        As explained above, EPA established in previous RCRA rulemakings 
    that the constituents on the exit list (376) present significant 
    threats to human health. Numerous comments submitted on EPA's May 1992 
    proposal to establish exit levels urged EPA to conduct a more specific 
    and detailed analysis of threats to non-human species. Consequently, in 
    this rulemaking EPA determined the constituents it believed to also be 
    reasonably likely to pose risks to ecological receptors.
        EPA has not set benchmarks for ecological impacts for a large 
    number of constituents under any of its programs. Establishing such 
    benchmarks for this proposal would be a resource-intensive and time-
    consuming task. Accordingly, EPA narrowed the list of exit constituents 
    for which ecological receptors would be evaluated. First, EPA decided 
    to consider only the 191 constituents which it had already targeted for 
    analysis to protect human health. Second, the Agency developed a 
    methodology for screening the 191 constituents to identify those most 
    likely to pose significant risks to ecological receptors.
        Based on an extensive review of available literature, EPA developed 
    five criteria to indicate the potential for ecological risks:
        (1) Constituents that bioaccumulate (and possibly biomagnify) in 
    the food chain that can present elevated exposures to certain 
        (2) Persistent constituents that are likely to increase long-term 
    multi-generational exposures in wildlife;
        (3) Constituents that cause reproductive and developmental effects 
    that can elicit adverse effects at sensitive life stages;
        (4) Constituents that may cause ecological effects that have no 
    human analog (e.g., eggshell thinning); and
        (5) Constituents that may cause effects to ecological receptors 
    continuously exposed.
        EPA also developed operational definitions for each criterion. The 
    definitions were quantitative where possible. Further details can be 
    found in appendix B of the Technical Support Document for the Risk 
    Assessment for Human and Ecological Receptors.
        EPA decided to designate as constituents of ecological concern the 
    47 constituents that exhibited at least two of the five criteria. The 
    Agency believes these constituents present the highest priorities in 
    terms of environmental risk. An additional 36 constituents exhibited 
    only one criterion. EPA, however, chose not to designate them as 
    constituents of concern because time and resource constraints would 
    prevent the Agency from completing an analysis with these constituents. 
    EPA, nevertheless, believes it has identified and analyzed sufficient 
    constituents of concern to ensure that the exit levels proposed today 
    provide for reasonable protection of the environment. Only 83 of 191 
    screened constituents showed any significant potential to pose threats 
    to the environment at levels protective of human health. Further, as 
    discussed in more detail below, of the 47 constituents that EPA 
    actually assessed for ecological impacts, only 6 wastewater 
    constituents and 18 nonwastewater constituents required exit levels to 
    protect environmental receptors lower than those necessary to protect 
    human health under the baseline proposal. Consequently, EPA believes it 
    is unlikely that all of the remaining constituents will present 
    significant threats to ecological receptors at levels that would 
    adequately protect human health.
    D. Risk-Based Information
        The Agency's proposed option for establishing exit values is based 
    on risk modeling to a hazard quotient of 1 and a 1 x 10-6 cancer 
    risk. The Agency chose a hazard quotient of 1 as its toxicity benchmark 
    value for non-carcinogens because evaluation of these compounds 
    presumes there is a threshold exposure above which individuals would be 
    at significant risk of suffering the adverse effects attributable to 
    the compound. The HQ is the Agency's best attempt to estimate that 
    level. Therefore, the Agency believes all exposures should remain below 
    HQ 1. Some Agency programs rely on HQ values less than 1 in standard 
    setting (the drinking water program uses an HQ of 0.20 to provide a 
    safety factor which allows for exposure to the constituent from sources 
    other than drinking water).
        The Agency chose a toxicity benchmark of 1  x  10-6 cancer 
    risk for carcinogens for several reasons. A cancer risk level of 1  x  
    10-5 risk was used as a clearly hazardous level in establishing 
    the toxicity characteristic. Second, in the listings program, a 1  x  
    10-4 cancer risk is used as the presumptive listing risk, and a 1 
    x  10-6 as the presumptive no-list level. A cancer risk of 1  x  
    10-5 represents a level of initial concern about risk. Therefore, 
    in allowing listed hazardous waste to exit the requirements of Subtitle 
    C, the Agency was targeting waste that is clearly not hazardous. Thus, 
    the Agency believes the risk level should be at the 
    [[Page 66352]]
    low end of the risk range used to bring waste into the hazardous waste 
        Similarly, the Agency sought to be protective of public health in 
    developing its fate and exposure modeling. For the groundwater 
    evaluation, the Agency used a DAF 10 (which represents an approximate 
    90th percentile protection level) for infinite source type 
    constituents. (Constituent-specific DAFs were developed using the same 
    input assumptions, and different DAFs result from modeling of 
    degradation or retardation factors in the environment). This is the 
    generic DAF used in the delisting program for large volume wastes. 
    Since this is a national program which will largely benefit the largest 
    volume generators, the DAF 10 assumption is consistent with delisting 
    practice. Also, the toxicity characteristic used a DAF of 100 
    (representing an approximate 85th percentile protection level) for 
    identifying clearly hazardous waste (for infinite source type 
    constituents; regulation of hydrolysers was deferred). Again the policy 
    goal of exits was to strive to be well below clearly hazardous levels. 
    The Agency also modeled exposure at the nearest downgradient well. The 
    TC rule restricted well placement to within the plume. Today's proposal 
    attempts to balance the protectiveness level and well placement by 
    requiring a more protective level than the TC rule, but is less 
    restrictive in well location, e.g., wells outside of the plume, at 
    significantly lower risk, are averaged in.
        For modeling of the non-groundwater pathways, the Agency used four 
    high-end parameter values for which the modeling outcome is most 
    sensitive as inputs to the analysis to be protective of public health 
    and the environment. These include: Two high-end parameters in the 
    waste management unit characterization and fate portions and two high-
    end parameters in the exposure portions of the model. The remaining 
    input parameters were evaluated at typical values or central tendency 
    values. The Agency sought to be protective of a high percentile exposed 
    population (at least 90th percentile).
    1. Human Health Benchmarks
        For each constituent on the master list, the Agency evaluated the 
    existing toxicity information to determine whether there were 
    sufficient toxicity data to establish a benchmark. For those 
    constituents with adequate data, the data were evaluated either by the 
    Agency's CRAVE (Carcinogen Risk Assessment Verification Endeavor) 
    Workgroup, Reference Dose/Reference Concentration (RfD/RfC) Workgroup, 
    or the Office of Research and Development. This approach is consistent 
    with the approach used in the Agency's other risk-based RCRA programs 
    such as the Toxicity Characteristic, delisting petition evaluations, 
    listings, as well as the CERCLA program. See Section 4, ``Benchmarks,'' 
    of the Technical Support Document for the Hazardous Waste 
    Identification Rule: Risk Assessment for Human and Ecological Receptors 
    for more details.
    a. Non-carcinogens
        The Agency proposes to use oral reference doses (RfDs) and 
    inhalation reference concentrations (RfCs) as the basis for developing 
    the exit criteria for non-carcinogenic constituents. An RfD or RfC is 
    an estimate (with uncertainty spanning perhaps an order of magnitude) 
    of a daily exposure to a constituent for the human population 
    (including sensitive subgroups) that is likely to be without an 
    appreciable risk of deleterious effects during a lifetime.
        The approach used to derive an RfD or RfC is to identify the 
    highest test dose of a constituent associated with no effects or 
    effects that are not considered adverse in an appropriate animal 
    bioassay test. These experimental no-observed-adverse-effect-levels 
    (NOAELs) or no-observed-effect-levels (NOELs) are considered to be an 
    estimate of the animal population's physiological threshold for adverse 
    effects. The RfD or RfC is derived by dividing the NOAEL or other 
    toxicity benchmark by suitable uncertainty and modifying factors. In 
    the event that an appropriate NOAEL or NOEL is not available, the 
    lowest-observed-adverse-effect level (LOAEL) may be used with 
    additional uncertainty factors.
        It is important to note that the contributions of the constituent 
    from various sources in the environment (e.g., air, food, water) are 
    not considered in the development of an RfD or RfC. Rather, the RfD or 
    RfC reflects the estimated total permissible daily human exposure from 
    all sources of exposure. RfDs and RfCs have been calculated for many, 
    but not all, of the non-carcinogenic constituents for which the Agency 
    is establishing exit criteria.
        The Agency prefers to use only RfDs and RfCs that have been 
    evaluated and verified by the RfD/RfC Workgroup as the basis for 
    setting regulatory levels. However, for some constituents, the Agency 
    has not yet completed its verification process; thus, RfDs and RfCs 
    under development are being used for purposes of this proposal for 
    those constituents. If the final verified RfDs and RfCs differ from the 
    RfDs and RfCs under development proposed in today's notice, the Agency 
    will adopt the new (i.e., verified) values for the final rule after 
    noticing the data in the Federal Register.
    b. Carcinogens
        The Agency proposes to use the oral cancer slope factor and 
    inhalation cancer unit risk as the basis for developing exit levels for 
    carcinogenic constituents unless the non-carcinogenic effects occur at 
    lower levels. EPA's CRAVE Workgroup and Office of Research and 
    Development have estimated the carcinogenic slope factor (CSF) (i.e., 
    the slope of the ``dose-response'' curve) and inhalation unit risks for 
    humans exposed to low-dose levels of carcinogens in the environment. 
    The slope factors indicate the upper-bound confidence limit estimate of 
    excess cancer risk for individuals experiencing a given exposure over a 
    70-year lifetime. In practice, a given dose multiplied by the slope 
    factor gives an upper estimate of the lifetime risk to an individual of 
    developing cancer. By specifying a level of lifetime risk (no matter 
    how small), one can also estimate the corresponding dose using the 
    slope factor.
        EPA proposes to quantify on a weight-of-evidence basis, as 
    described below. EPA promulgated ``Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk 
    Assessment'' on September 24, 1986 (51 FR 33992), which defined a 
    scheme to characterize substances based on experimental data and the 
    kinds of responses induced by a suspect carcinogen. These guidelines 
    specify the following five classifications:
    Group A--Human carcinogen (sufficient evidence from epidemiologic 
    Group B--Probable human carcinogen
    Group B1--Limited evidence of carcinogenicity in humans
    Group B2--A combination of sufficient evidence in animals and 
    inadequate or no evidence in humans
    Group C--Possible human carcinogen (limited evidence of carcinogenicity 
    in the absence of human data)
    Group D--Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity (inadequate human 
    and animal evidence of carcinogenicity or no data available)
    Group E--Evidence of non-carcinogenicity for humans (no evidence of 
    carcinogenicity in at least two adequate animal tests in different 
    species or in both adequate epidemiologic and animal studies).
        The weight-of-evidence basis was used to eliminate Group D and E 
    constituents from further consideration as carcinogens. 
    [[Page 66353]]
        Under each of the regulatory options presented in today's proposal, 
    the Agency is using the same risk level for Groups A, B, and C 
    carcinogens. This approach is consistent with the way carcinogens were 
    treated in the 1990 Toxicity Characteristic rule, hazardous waste 
    listing determinations, and the delisting program. The rationale for 
    this approach is that while the classifications indicate the type 
    (human or animal) and strength of the studies available which reflects 
    upon the uncertainty about the carcinogenic potential, the severity of 
    the effect, cancer, warrants equal treatment. It is important to note 
    that a few Group C carcinogens do not have slope factors or unit risks. 
    In these cases the Agency used the benchmark developed for the non-
    cancer endpoint.
    c. Consideration of MCLs
        The Agency is proposing two approaches for setting human health-
    based levels for carcinogens and non-carcinogens in routes of exposure 
    involving water ingestion. For the first approach, the Agency is 
    proposing to use Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) promulgated under 
    the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) of 1974, as amended in 1986, as the 
    human health-based levels for the constituents for which they have been 
    established. In general, MCLs for non-carcinogens are derived from the 
    Reference Doses (RfDs), while MCLs for most carcinogens are set as 
    close to zero as technically and economically feasible; this normally 
    corresponds to risk levels that range from 10-4 to 10-6. 
    (Note that, although the derivation of MCLs considers feasibility of 
    treatment, analytic chemistry, and cost factors in addition to health 
    effects, it also considers other routes of exposure. The Agency's 
    policy has been to use MCLs, when available, in other similar 
    concentration-based programs.) For those constituents which do not yet 
    have MCLs, the Agency is proposing to use oral reference doses (RfDs) 
    for non-carcinogens and oral slope factors for carcinogens as described 
    above. However, if new MCLs are finalized under the SDWA prior to the 
    promulgation of today's rule, the Agency proposes to substitute the new 
    MCLs for the RfDs and slope factor-derived human health-based levels 
    for water ingestion presented in today's notice.
        For the second approach, the Agency intends to propose to use only 
    RfDs and slope factors in deriving human health-based levels for water 
    ingestion. The Agency requests comment on these two approaches.
    2. Ecological Benchmarks
        Ecological benchmarks were developed for a variety of ecological 
    receptors based on the availability of data. Benchmarks were needed for 
    mammals, birds, plants, soil fauna, fish, aquatic invertebrates, 
    aquatic plants, and benthos (sediment-dwelling organisms). A much 
    smaller number of constituents have been evaluated by the Agency for 
    ecological effects than have been for human health effects, as 
    discussed under V.A. In general, measurement endpoints were selected: 
    (1) For consistency with the Agency's Framework for Ecological Risk 
    Assessment (U.S. EPA 1992x), the Great Lakes Initiative, and other 
    ecological efforts within the Agency, and (2) relevance to the 
    ecological receptor. As discussed in ``Section D--Risk Assessment'' the 
    ecological assessment focussed on inferring the sustainability of 
    populations and communities within ecosystems. Therefore, benchmarks 
    were derived from measurement endpoints (i.e., reproductive, 
    developmental, growth, survival, and mortality) from which such 
    inferences could be made. Reproductive studies (e.g., number of viable 
    young per female) were preferred over other endpoints. For some 
    constituents, acute or mortality studies were used, however, this 
    occurred only for developing benchmarks for fish, aquatic 
    invertebrates, and benthos where protocol exists (AWQC development) for 
    using such data. The Agency seeks comment on the measurement endpoints 
    selected for each ecological receptor.
        The toxicological benchmarks were established using the more 
    conservative no effects level (or concentration) approach for 
    ecological receptors as compared to a 20% effects level. The 20% 
    effects level is the lowest level for ecological effects that can be 
    detected in field population analyses (Suter et al., 1992). Although 
    the 20% effects level may indeed be the lower limit that could be 
    reliably confirmed in field studies, this level reflects our current 
    analytical abilities and not necessarily the ecological significance of 
    the effects level. The no effects approach was taken because the 
    ecological analysis infers the sustainability of various populations 
    under the assumption that if a sufficient number of populations within 
    an ecosystem is protected, then the likelihood of adverse effects that 
    are causally related to the chemical stressor will be reduced at the 
    ecosystem level. The Agency was concerned that if an effects approach 
    was taken, then the assumption underlying the ecological analysis would 
    no longer be valid. The Agency seeks comment on the approach taken for 
    setting toxicological benchmarks.
        Given the number and variety of ecological receptors included in 
    the analysis (predatory birds to soil fauna) as well as the variety of 
    effects and endpoints considered, the benchmark development process 
    required an approach that was internally consistent and acknowledged, 
    at least qualitatively, the uncertainty involved in estimating 
    ecological benchmarks. The Agency, therefore, developed a benchmark 
    classification scheme to incorporate both the relationship of the 
    benchmark to the entire toxicity data set and the adequacy of the 
    database used to derive the benchmark. Three classifications were 
    established: Adequate, provisional, and interim. These classifications 
    were developed on a receptor group-specific basis (i.e., fish and 
    aquatic invertebrates, benthos, mammals, birds, soil fauna, and 
    terrestrial plants) and represent a weight-of-evidence designation for 
    the toxicological benchmark. In many respects, this classification 
    scheme is similar in meaning to the human carcinogen weight-of-evidence 
    groups and the difference between ``verified'' values on IRIS and 
    ``unverified'' values in HEAST. The classifications relate to the 
    certainty assigned to a given ecological benchmark. The benchmarks were 
    treated the same in the analysis regardless of classification. See 
    Section 4 in the ``Technical Support Document for the Hazardous Waste 
    Identification Rule: Risk Assessment for Human and Ecological 
    Receptors'' for details on each classification and how they were used 
    for each ecological receptor group. The Agency seeks comment on the 
    classification developed for the analysis.
        Below is a discussion of how benchmarks were developed for each of 
    the receptor groups. For a detailed discussion of each of their 
    developments, see Section 4, ``Benchmarks,'' and Appendix B, 
    ``Toxicological Profiles for Ecological Receptors,'' of the ``Technical 
    Support Document for the Hazardous Waste Identification Rule: Risk 
    Assessment for Human and Ecological Receptors.'' The Agency seeks 
    comment on the overall development of each of the ecological benchmarks 
    generated for this proposed rule.
        For populations of birds and mammals, the overall approach used to 
    establish toxicological benchmarks was similar to the methods used to 
    establish RfDs for humans as described in IRIS. Each method uses a 
    hierarchy for the selection of toxicity data (e.g., no effects 
    [[Page 66354]]
    levels are generally preferred to lowest effects levels) and 
    extrapolates from a toxicity benchmark for the test species to a 
    toxicity benchmark for the desired species. However, the procedures 
    used to develop benchmarks (i.e., RfDs) for the protection for human 
    health establish an acceptable daily dose for all individuals 
    (including sensitive sub-populations) while the development of 
    ecological benchmarks for this analysis establish a level that will 
    sustain the reproductive fitness in a local population. Consequently, 
    benchmarks for birds and mammals were established using three key 
    guidelines. First, because the reproducing population was selected as 
    the assessment endpoint, the benchmarks were developed from measures of 
    reproductive success or, if unavailable, other effects that could 
    conceivably impair the maintenance of the population.
        Second, the taxon of the test species was matched to the taxon of 
    the wildlife species to the greatest extent possible. The evolutionary 
    processes that result in obvious differences in taxa (e.g., morphology) 
    also result in differences in the physiological processes that govern 
    chemical response. Moreover, taxonomic similarities are generally 
    associated with similarities in feeding habits, physiology, and 
    chemical sensitivity at the family classification and, to a lesser 
    extent, the order classification. For example, herbivores are generally 
    more resistant to toxicants than predators because they are exposed to 
    plant toxins, and the enzymatic system that detoxifies plant toxins 
    also detoxifies pesticides and other organic chemicals.
        Third, a default safety factor of 10 was adopted only for 
    extrapolating from an lowest-observed-effects level (LOEL) to a no-
    effects level (NOEL). A ten-fold safety factor was not applied to sub-
    chronic studies since reproductive and developmental toxicity studies 
    are frequently short-term. Even among target organ toxicity studies, 
    there are many instances where sub-chronic studies are actually more 
    sensitive than chronic studies carried out on the same substance. Also, 
    for mammals and birds, differences in interspecies uncertainty were 
    indirectly addressed through the use of the species-scaling equation 
    described in Section 4 of the ``Technical Support Document for the 
    Hazardous Waste Identification Rule: Risk Assessment for Human and 
    Ecological Receptors.'' The Agency requests comment on the use a safety 
    factor of 10 when extrapolating from a LOEL to a NOEL. The Agency also 
    requests comment on the use of a scaling approach to address 
    interspecies uncertainty as described above. Furthermore, the Agency 
    seeks comment on the inability of the Risk Assessment to evaluate the 
    inhalation and dermal routes of exposure for birds and mammals.
        For the terrestrial plants, the approach used to establish 
    toxicological benchmarks was adapted from the Effects Range Low (ER-L) 
    approach developed by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric 
    Administration (NOAA). The NOAA ER-L approach estimates a percentile of 
    the distribution of various toxic effects thresholds. The measurement 
    endpoints were generally limited to growth and yield parameters because 
    (1) they are the most common class of response reported in 
    phytotoxicity studies and, therefore, will allow for benchmark 
    calculations for a large number of constituents, and (2) they are 
    ecologically significant responses both in terms of plant populations 
    and, by extension, the ability of producers to support higher trophic 
    levels. It should be noted that these benchmarks were limited to soil 
    concentrations and do not explicitly consider the adverse impacts on 
    plants from ambient contaminant concentrations in the air. Further 
    details can be found in section 4.3.3 of the ``Technical Support 
    Document for the Hazardous Waste Identification Rule: Risk Assessment 
    for Human and Ecological Receptors.'' The Agency solicits comment on 
    the overall approach taken to develop benchmarks for the terrestrial 
    plant community.
        For the soil fauna, the toxicological benchmarks were established 
    based on methods developed by the Dutch National Institute of Public 
    Health and Environmental Protection (RIVM). The RIVM approach estimates 
    a confidence interval containing the concentration at which the no 
    observed effects concentration (NOEC) for p percent (95th percentile 
    was selected) of the species within the community is not exceeded 50% 
    of the time. A minimum data set was established in which key structural 
    and functional components of the soil community (e.g., decomposer and 
    grazing organisms) encompassing different sizes of organisms (i.e., 
    microfauna, mesofauna, macrofauna) were represented. As with the 
    Ambient Water Quality Criteria, measurement endpoints included 
    reproductive effects as well as measures of growth, survival, 
    mortality. The Agency requests comment on the use of the RIVM 
    methodology, and protecting 95 percent of the community 50 percent of 
    the time. The Agency also requests comment on its inability to fully 
    quantify the effect of soil characteristics on toxicity of constituents 
    to soil organisms.
        For populations of fish and aquatic invertebrates (represented by 
    daphnids), a hierarchical approach was taken for use of data sources in 
    deriving benchmarks. The first choice was final chronic values (FCVs) 
    from the Sediment Quality Criteria effort by the EPA Office of Water, 
    followed by values from the Great Lakes Initiative (GLI) effort, and 
    finally, the Ambient Water Quality Criteria (AWQC). If these benchmarks 
    were not available, then a benchmark was developed using AWQC 
    procedures or, if data were inadequate, the GLI Tier II procedures for 
    establishing chronic values (termed secondary chronic values--SCVs). 
    The AWQC ranked third since many years have passed since their 
    establishment and the SQC and GLI efforts re-evaluated the toxicity 
    data sets of several of these. The Agency solicits comment on the 
    hierarchical approach described above for deriving toxicity benchmarks.
        For aquatic plants, the approach used to establish toxicological 
    benchmarks was adapted from the ER-L approach developed by NOAA. The 
    NOAA ER-L approach estimates a percentile of the distribution of 
    various toxic effects thresholds. However, due to the general lack of 
    toxicity data, the default ER-L approach was used wherein the lowest 
    LOEC for either vascular plants or algae was used. The Agency solicits 
    comment on the overall approach taken to develop benchmarks for aquatic 
        For the sediment organisms, the approach used to establish 
    toxicological benchmarks for non-ionic, hydrophobic organic chemicals 
    was based on sediment quality criteria methods for non-ionic 
    constituents. Two key assumptions form the basis for the proposed 
    sediment quality criteria. First, benthic species, defined as either 
    epibenthic or infaunal species, have a similar toxicological 
    sensitivity as water column species. As a result, FCVs (or SCVs) 
    developed for the fish and aquatic invertebrates can be used for the 
    benthic community. Second, pore water and sediment carbon are assumed 
    to be in equilibrium and the concentrations are related by a partition 
    coefficient, Koc. This assumption, described as equilibrium 
    partitioning (EqP), provides the rationale for the equality of water-
    only and sediment-exposure-effects concentrations on a pore water 
    basis: The sediment-pore water equilibrium system results in the same 
    effects as a water-only exposure. The Agency requests comment on the 
    use of this approach in support of today's proposal. In some cases, 
    protecting these 
    [[Page 66355]]
    ecological receptors represents the critical pathway that limits the 
    projected exit level for management of a waste stream outside of the 
    Subtitle C hazardous waste program. These ecological receptors serve as 
    the basis for the proposed exit levels for 18 constituents, including 6 
    metals. To the extent that contaminants from these waste streams reach 
    off site areas, the Agency based its proposal on modeling the 
    ecological receptors on a neighboring land area of 500 acres or an 
    adjacent stream (with a total length of 12 miles). This approach as 
    currently modeled, may only serve as an indicator of a potential nearby 
    threat to ecological receptors (e.g., the soil fauna and plant life), 
    rather than serving as a measure or indicator of a broader threat to 
    the environment. The Agency solicits comment on the appropriateness and 
    relevance of these receptors as the basis for exit levels under the 
    HWIR program.
    3. Sources of Data
    a. Human
        The two primary sources used to identify human health benchmarks 
    were the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) and the Health 
    Effects Assessment Summary Tables (HEAST). Both of these sources were 
    developed and are maintained by the USEPA. For a few constituents, 
    other Agency sources such as Carcinogen Assessment Group (CAG) 
    profiles, Health Effect Assessments (HEAs), and Health Assessment 
    Documents (HADs) were used to fill data gaps.
        IRIS is the Agency's official repository of Agency-wide consensus 
    chronic human health risk information. IRIS evaluation are conducted by 
    the Agency's Work Group review process that leads to internal Agency 
    scientific consensus regarding risk assessment information on a 
    chemical. This information is recorded on IRIS and is considered to be 
    ``Work Group Verified.''
        The HEAST is prepared by EPA's Office of Research and Development. 
    They contain risk assessment information on chemicals that have 
    undergone a more limited review and have the concurrence of individual 
    Agency program offices; each is supported by an Agency reference. The 
    information has not, however, had enough review to be recognized as 
    Agency-wide consensus information.
    b. Ecological
        A thorough literature review was conducted to identify 
    toxicological data from laboratory and field studies for each of the 
    constituents of ecological concern. The review included secondary 
    sources such as the Synoptic Review Series published by the U.S. Fish 
    and Wildlife Service, the Ambient Water Quality Criteria documents, and 
    other Federal compendia of toxicity data (e.g. HEAs, the Derivation of 
    Proposed Human Health and Wildlife Bioaccumulation Factors for the 
    Great Lakes Initiative, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease 
    Registry documents, PHYTOTOX, GRIN, TERRETOX, and AQUIRE). Toxicity 
    data on soil organisms were obtained for several constituents from van 
    de Meent et al. (1990). In addition to AQUIRE, the other primary data 
    source for toxicity data on aquatic plants were the Toxicological 
    Benchmarks for Screening Potential Contaminants of Concern for Effects 
    on Aquatic Biota:1994 Revision (Suter and Mabrey, 1994). On-line 
    literature searches were conducted to identify primary sources of 
    toxicity data on constituents lacking sufficient data in the secondary 
    sources. Additional studies were identified in conventional literature 
    E. Risk Assessment
    1. The Non-groundwater Risk Assessment
    a. Introduction
        The risk assessment underlying today's proposed rule is based upon 
    a comprehensive approach to evaluating the movement of many different 
    waste constituents from their waste management units, through different 
    routes of exposure or pathways, to the points where human and 
    ecological receptors are potentially exposed to these constituents. 
    This risk assessment is being used in today's proposed rule to 
    determine which listed hazardous wastes can be defined as ``low-risk'' 
    wastes, able to exit the Subtitle C system and be managed in non-
    Subtitle C units. The previous approach taken in the May 20, 1992, 
    proposed HWIR rule also addressed the risks associated with the 
    management of wastes containing hazardous constituents with very 
    diverse physical and chemical properties; however, only groundwater 
    ingestion exposures from landfill units were evaluated. That approach 
    led to a concern by the Agency, as well as commenters on the proposed 
    rule, that leachate from landfills contaminating groundwater and 
    subsequent consumption of the contaminated groundwater by humans may 
    not be the only exposure pathway important to evaluate. Although the 
    ingestion of contaminated groundwater pathway may be appropriate to 
    propose exit levels for some wastes and constituents, it may be under-
    protective for others, depending on the physical and chemical 
    properties of each waste constituent. (For example, some constituents 
    have a high potential to bioaccumulate or bioconcentrate in living 
    organisms. Pathways in which these constituents come in contact with 
    fish, grazing livestock, wildlife, or edible plants would be important 
    to evaluate.) In addition, over the past 14 years of implementing the 
    RCRA program, the Agency has learned more about potential routes of 
    release to the environment from various management practices.
        Therefore, for today's proposal the Agency undertook an extensive 
    risk assessment that examines numerous exposure pathways, rather than 
    just the groundwater ingestion pathway. In selecting the exposure 
    pathways, previous rulemakings were used as a guide, as well as other 
    special studies by the Agency that implement analyses examining 
    numerous pathways. (Tables A-1 and A-2 contain the human and ecological 
    pathways, respectively, evaluated in the assessment, and are presented 
    in appendix A to today's preamble.) With regard to waste management 
    units considered in the assessment, it is important to note that 
    because today's proposal establishes criteria for waste to exit the 
    Subtitle C system, the assessment evaluated exposures associated with 
    managing wastes in non-Subtitle C units. The human and ecological 
    receptors considered in the assessment were selected to represent a 
    range of behaviors, activities, dietary habits, and trophic levels that 
    influence exposure levels.
        The risk assessment supporting this proposal is currently 
    undergoing review by the Science Advisory Board and EPA's Office of 
    Research and Development. As a result of these reviews, and of comments 
    received during the public comment period, it is likely that EPA would 
    make changes to the risk assessment or other parts of the rule. Topics 
    on which the Agency has received informal comment include the use of 
    ecological benchmarks for regulation and the overland transport of 
    waste constituents. The Agency, to the extent consistent with the 
    schedule negotiated in the consent decree for this rulemaking, would 
    publish a supplemental notice proposing any significant changes before 
    finalizing the rule.
    b. How the Assessment is Structured
        The non-groundwater assessment acknowledges that not all human and 
    ecological pathways arise from each 
    [[Page 66356]]
    source; for example, movement of particles from an active surface 
    impoundment is not expected to occur. To account for this, the 
    assessment matched the environmental transport pathways with both the 
    releases from various types of waste management units and the various 
    receptors for the nearly 200 constituents examined. All constituents 
    were assessed in all pathways deemed plausible for a given waste 
    management unit, if the data permitted. Tables A-3, A-4, and A-5 of 
    appendix A show the pathways assessed for each waste management unit, 
    human receptors assessed for each pathway, and ecological receptors 
    assessed for each pathway, respectively. The assessment estimated the 
    constituent-specific concentrations in a waste at the management unit 
    that could be expected to result in an acceptable exposure for a human 
    or ecological receptor (determined through using the toxicity 
    benchmarks discussed in section V.B.), taking into account the various 
    pathways by which the constituent may move through the environment from 
    the waste management unit to the receptor.
        The waste management units considered in the assessment are not 
    all-inclusive but were selected to reflect those that might be commonly 
    associated with the management of exited hazardous wastes (from 
    wastewaters to nonwastewaters) in non-Subtitle C waste management 
    units. These units were identified as commonly used in the management 
    of solid wastes in the 1988 Report to Congress entitled Solid Waste 
    Disposal in the United States Report. The Agency believes that risks 
    posed by other types of management of these exited wastes will be no 
    greater than those from the units assessed.
        There is a high degree of variability in the physical and chemical 
    properties of the approximately 200 constituents evaluated. An 
    understanding of those properties and how they interact with the 
    physical and chemical properties that control persistence and mobility 
    in the environment is an essential element of the assessment. The 
    management units could potentially be located in the range of 
    environments that exist across the United States. These environments 
    have differing characteristics (e.g., meteorological conditions, soil 
    type) that are more conducive for the movement of certain constituents 
    in certain pathways than others. For example, an environment with a 
    high precipitation and high organic soil content may result in 
    significant exposures to fishers by constituents that readily adsorb to 
    soils (i.e., have a high log Kow) through erosion of contaminated 
    soil and uptake in the food chain. For other pathways, however, an 
    environment with these characteristics may result in relatively low 
    exposures. The assessment was designed to determine what conditions 
    would need to exist to cause higher exposures for each pathway rather 
    than developing a scenario and determining all the types of exposures 
    and receptors for that scenario. By determining the appropriate 
    conditions for which higher exposures from a given pathway will occur, 
    the Agency believes that environments where the conditions are not as 
    likely for a constituent to move through a pathway are protected.
        The assessment was structured using a deterministic approach. A 
    deterministic approach uses a single, point estimate of the value of 
    each input or parameter and calculates a single result based on those 
    point estimates. The assessment used the best data available to select 
    typical (i.e., approximately 50th percentile) and high-end (i.e., 
    approximately 90th percentile) values for each parameter or parameter 
    group as discussed in Section E.2. below. Sometimes full distributions 
    were available but, more commonly, ranges of values or point values 
    were available with no description of distributions or variability. If 
    there was not a sufficient distribution for the parameter, best 
    professional judgement was used in determining typical and high-end 
    values (which sometimes would be the maximum).
         The assessment is constructed as a set of calculations that begin 
    with an acceptable exposure level for a constituent at a receptor, and 
    back-calculates to a concentration in a waste in a management unit that 
    corresponds to the acceptable exposure level. For the human receptors, 
    the assessment was designed to determine constituent concentrations in 
    waste for each waste management unit that would correspond to 
    protecting receptors at the high-end of exposure (i.e., above the 90th 
    percentile of each of the receptor populations and types of exposures 
    being assessed). The Agency estimated waste concentrations 
    corresponding to the high-end exposure by identifying four critical or 
    sensitive parameters in the source/pathway/receptor equations and using 
    high-end input values for those parameters and using central tendency 
    values for the remaining parameters. The Agency also estimated central 
    tendency (approximately the 50th percentile) and bounding estimates 
    (worst-case) of constituent concentrations in waste for each of the 
    receptor populations and types of exposures being assessed. For 
    ecological receptors, the approximate percentile level of protection is 
    difficult to discern. The Agency believes the ecological analysis is 
    conservative with respect to the overall assessment endpoint (e.g., 
    sustainability of the reproducing populations) because of the way the 
    source, fate and transport parameters are set, the dietary habits 
    assumed, and how the toxicity benchmarks are developed. However, the 
    degree to which this conservativeness transfers to ecosystems is not 
        The steps of the assessment which provide estimates of acceptable 
    constituent-specific concentrations in waste include the following:
        Step 1--Specify acceptable risk levels for each constituent and 
    each receptor. See Section V.B. in today's preamble for a discussion of 
    how benchmarks are set for both human and ecological receptors.
        Step 2--Specify the exposure medium. Using the toxicity benchmarks 
    as a starting point and the exposure equations, the assessment back-
    calculates the concentration of contaminant in the medium (e.g., beef, 
    milk, plant, air, water, soil) that corresponds to the ``acceptable'' 
    exposure level. The exposure equations include a quantitative 
    description of how a receptor comes into contact with the contaminant 
    and how much the receptor takes in through specific mechanisms (e.g., 
    ingestion, inhalation, dermal adsorption) over some specified period of 
    time. Thus, for the subsistence farmer eating contaminated beef, the 
    exposure specifies the amount of beef eaten on a daily basis, the 
    period of time over which the contaminated beef is eaten, and 
    descriptions for the individual such as body weight and lifetime. For 
    this example, the concentration in the beef is what is back-calculated.
        Step 3--Calculate the point of release concentration from the 
    exposure concentration. Based on the back-calculated concentration in 
    the exposure medium (from Step 2), the concentration in the medium to 
    which the contaminant is released to the environment (i.e., air, soil, 
    groundwater) for each pathway/receptor was modeled. The end result of 
    this calculation is a medium concentration at the point of release from 
    the waste management unit.
        Step 4--Calculate the concentration in the waste that corresponds 
    to the medium concentration at the point of release. This step depends 
    on the characteristics (e.g., area, cover practices, waste consistency) 
    of the waste management unit. 
    [[Page 66357]]
        The output of the assessment is a range of constituent 
    concentrations, reflecting the range of pathway-receptor combinations 
    considered for each waste management unit. The lowest concentration 
    (per constituent) of this range represents the highest exposure 
    pathway-receptor combination for that waste management unit.
    c. How Uncertainty is Addressed
        Any analysis of the magnitude used in this rule-making will have 
    uncertainty associated with the outputs generated. The uncertainty can 
    be associated with the models or equations used and the data relied on 
    for the model parameters. In addition, policy assumptions, such as 
    waste management units assessed and receptors assessed, may also affect 
    the degree of representativeness of the assessment. In order to be 
    consistent with Agency policy on the characterization of risk, 
    stochastic and deterministic approaches were considered. A stochastic 
    approach, such as Monte Carlo analysis, which produces a distribution 
    of constituent concentrations, was initially considered due to the 
    tremendous interest in, and use of, these techniques in risk 
    assessment. However, after evaluation of the models and data available 
    for use, the Agency decided to use a deterministic approach for the 
    non-groundwater assessment.
        The Agency's deterministic approach used for this assessment, like 
    most such approaches, uses point values in all calculations and 
    produced point estimates of constituent concentrations for waste in 
    each management unit-exposure pathway-receptor combination. However, in 
    selecting and developing point values for parameters, EPA considered 
    all available data. Wherever possible, the Agency developed both a 
    central-tendency and high-end value for each parameter used in the 
    assessment. This was not possible in all cases because some parameters 
    were a property, such as density of water, and because some values were 
    fixed by Agency-wide policy decisions. (For example, EPA used standard 
    Agency-wide human toxicity benchmarks and body weights.) EPA then 
    calculated constituent concentrations based on a mixture of central-
    tendency and high-end values.
        EPA believes that the deterministic approach described above (based 
    on identifying critical parameters and using higher-end values only for 
    those parameters and central-tendency values for the other parameters) 
    allowed it to derive constituent concentrations in waste for each waste 
    management unit that are reasonably protective across a range of 
    conditions and for a range of receptors. EPA also believes that this 
    approach is consistent with EPA's risk assessment policy.
        EPA further believes that the approach chosen allows both the 
    Agency and the public to determine more easily which parameters played 
    the most critical roles in determining the constituent concentrations 
    in waste for each waste management unit. This furthers general 
    understanding of the assessment and helps commenters effectively target 
    their resources for reviewing what EPA is proposing. It has also helped 
    EPA target its own data collection and input selection efforts. It is 
    often more difficult to identify critical parameters in a stochastic 
    assessment because of the greater number of iterations and because 
    results are reported as probability distributions. This is particularly 
    true for an analysis with a large number of parameters such as the 
    assessment used for this proposed rule.
        EPA notes that stochastic approaches are also consistent with 
    Agency risk assessment policy. In fact, EPA applied a stochastic 
    ``Monte Carlo'' approach to the separate analysis of dilution and 
    attenuation of groundwater performed for this proposal. That analysis, 
    however, has been under development for many years and EPA is more 
    familiar with the underlying data and the relationships between various 
    parameters. In addition, the public has had a chance to comment on 
    aspects of that analysis in previous rule-makings. EPA was more 
    comfortable applying a stochastic analysis for the groundwater analysis 
    than a stochastic approach to the non-groundwater analysis.
        EPA believes that it is not necessary to resolve all issues 
    relating to the relative merits of the two approaches or to determine 
    which approach would be ideal for each of the assessments described 
    above. Rather, the debate should focus on whether the approaches chosen 
    allowed EPA to reach reasonable regulatory decisions.
        The Agency solicits comment on the use of a deterministic approach 
    as described above. Specifically, the Agency seeks comment on whether 
    the approach proposed is a reasonable approach for setting protective 
    levels across a set of types of management units and exposure pathways.
    d. Linkage of the Non-groundwater Risk Assessment to the Groundwater 
    Risk Assessment
        In the non-groundwater risk assessment, the pathways involving 
    potentially contaminated groundwater (e.g., bathing) are back-
    calculated from the receptor to the wellhead (i.e., the assessment 
    provides constituent concentrations in the groundwater at the well). In 
    order to determine the concentration of a constituent in leachate 
    coming from a waste management unit that would result in the estimated 
    constituent concentration at the water well, the Agency used a separate 
    groundwater fate and transport risk analysis. That analysis is 
    described in detail in Section D.8. elsewhere in today's proposal. The 
    well concentrations estimated from the pathways involving bathing are 
    used as input to the groundwater fate and transport modeling from which 
    a leachate concentration is determined.
    e. Risk Targets Used
        As previously discussed in Section V.B. of today's proposed rule, 
    the Agency used existing toxicity benchmarks when available. However, 
    many ecological benchmarks were developed for this rule-making, as 
    discussed in Section V.B. of today's proposed rule. As described in 
    that section, the Agency used a cancer risk target of 1  x 10-6, 
    and a hazard quotient equal to 1 for non-carcinogens. For ecological 
    benchmarks, a hazard quotient equal to 1 was used. The Agency solicits 
    comment on the risk targets being used for today's proposed rule.
    2. Detailed Overview of the Non-groundwater Risk Analysis
        The assessment can be broken down into six components: 
    Constituents; toxicity benchmarks; receptors; exposure; fate and 
    transport; and waste management units. Each of these components is 
    discussed in turn below, except the constituents and toxicity 
    benchmarks which were discussed earlier in section V.A and V.B. It is 
    important to recognize that the assessment was not able to evaluate all 
    constituents in all receptor-pathway-waste management unit combinations 
    because of data gaps in either toxicity or chemical properties, or 
    inadequate methodologies. Many of these gaps have been identified in 
    different sections of the Technical Support Document for the Hazardous 
    Waste Identification Rule: Risk Assessment for Human and Ecological 
    Receptors'' (denoted ``Uncertainties and Issues of Concern''). The 
    Agency requests additional data or other information that would assist 
    in filling these gaps.
    a. Waste Management Units
        The manner in which constituents are released to environmental 
    media and the relative quantity released to each 
    [[Page 66358]]
    medium will affect the pathways of most concern for a particular 
    constituent. The pathway presenting the highest risk to human or 
    ecological receptors is not always easily determined because of the 
    complex interactions of the waste management unit and its types of 
    releases, the physical and chemical properties of the constituent, and 
    the properties that control mobility and persistence in a particular 
    environmental medium. For some constituents, the management practice 
    will determine which exposure pathway is of most concern. For example, 
    benzene tends to migrate to both air and groundwater. Upon examining 
    the risks from exposure to these two media arising from releases from a 
    quiescent surface impoundment, the groundwater ingestion pathway may 
    pose the highest risks. But, when examining the risks from these two 
    media for releases from an aerated tank, the air inhalation pathway may 
    pose the higher risks. Further, the air inhalation risks may even be 
    higher than groundwater ingestion risks from the quiescent surface 
        Therefore, and as stated earlier, the selection of non-Subtitle C 
    waste management units examined in the assessment attempted to reflect 
    both the influence of the type of unit on pathways and those that might 
    be commonly associated with the management of exited hazardous wastes 
    in non-Subtitle C waste management units. Again, the Agency believes 
    that risks posed by other types of management of these exited wastes 
    will be no greater than those from the units assessed. The management 
    units examined include the following:
         Aerated treatment tanks. Relative to all other types of 
    management, aerated tanks containing wastewaters can potentially have 
    the most significant releases of volatile organics to air.
         Quiescent surface impoundments. This type of unit 
    containing wastewaters also can potentially result in significant 
    releases of volatile organic constituents to air. These units also have 
    a potential to affect surface water bodies if the unit is not well 
    maintained or constructed. The sludges generated, which may contain 
    high concentrations of metals and hydrophobic constituents, may impact 
    groundwater. (As discussed above, the groundwater fate and transport 
    analysis was conducted in a separate analysis.)
         Land application. This type of unit, when used for non-
    wastewaters can potentially have significant releases of certain 
    constituents to nearby land and surface water bodies through erosion 
    and runoff, particularly if run-on and run-off control measures are not 
    practiced. In addition, significant releases of volatile organics 
    constituents to air are possible. Further, after the unit is closed, 
    significant on-site exposures to some persistent and relatively 
    immobile constituents may occur as well as continued long-term releases 
    to the nearby land and surface water bodies. The Agency believes such 
    units will pose higher exposures relative to landfills in all pathways 
    except those arising from groundwater. Therefore, the non-groundwater 
    assessment did not examine landfills, but they were examined in the 
    groundwater fate and transport analysis.
         Ash monofill. This type of unit used for ash disposal can 
    potentially have significant releases of particulates to air which may 
    be inhaled or may deposit on land and plants, and result in exposure 
    through food and soil ingestion.
         Wastepiles. This type of unit used for nonwastewaters can 
    have significant releases of particulates to air as well as significant 
    releases of particulates through erosion and runoff.
        Each of the pathways that evaluates a receptor using contaminated 
    groundwater other than as a source of drinking water (i.e., bathing) 
    are back-calculated to a concentration in a drinking water well. The 
    pathways are applicable to all of the waste management units modeled 
    (except tanks). All of the waste management unit and chemical-specific 
    portions of the groundwater fate and transport analysis and subsequent 
    estimated leachate concentrations are contained in the Agency's 
    separate groundwater fate and transport analysis (see Section E.3 
        One exception to the above discussion of the types of waste 
    management units evaluated involves the combustion of wastes. Although 
    the Agency attempted to include this type of management in the 
    assessment, it became clear that the emissions from combustion are not 
    easily predicted from the waste inputs to the units. The combustion 
    process both destroys and creates constituents. Although destruction of 
    constituents can be predicted based on certain operating 
    characteristics of combustion units, the creation of other 
    constituents, referred to as products of incomplete combustion (PICs), 
    is not easy to predict. It may be possible to make such predictions for 
    a specific waste and a specific combustion unit; however, the extensive 
    data (e.g., on the variety of combustion units, waste types, 
    constituent combinations) needed for the assessment used in this 
    rulemaking relating wastes with emissions are not available. Therefore, 
    acceptable constituent levels in waste going to a combustion unit could 
    not be established. However, the Agency is developing emission 
    standards for various types of combustion units and those emission 
    standards may be a more appropriate vehicle for addressing combustion.
        In addition, the assessment does not address accidental or 
    catastrophic releases, such as transportation accidents or tank 
    failures. The Agency determined that, although such releases are 
    possible, they are of low probability and non-routine and, therefore, 
    are not appropriate for developing exit criteria that apply to all 
        The Agency has identified several specific areas giving rise to 
    uncertainty in the characterization of the waste management units and 
    for which the Agency seeks comment:
        (1) Use of Subtitle D Survey.
         The Agency relied upon data from a 1987 survey of Subtitle 
    D facilities to characterize waste management units. That survey, used 
    in the 1988 Report to Congress on Solid Waste Disposal in the United 
    States, was designed primarily to collect estimates of the following 
         Number of establishments that manage Subtitle D wastes on 
         Number of establishments that manage Subtitle D wastes on 
    site in land application units, wastepiles, surface impoundments, or 
         Number of land application units, wastepiles, surface 
    impoundments, or landfills used to manage Subtitle D wastes;
         Amount of Subtitle D wastes managed on site in land 
    application units, wastepiles, surface impoundments, or landfills.
        In addition to these parameters, data were also collected for some 
    other parameters, such as the area of the waste management units. 
    Although the survey was not designed to collect accurate estimates for 
    these other parameters, it is the most comprehensive date available to 
    characterize these other parameters. One difficulty encountered in 
    using these data is that the survey requested information on total area 
    or waste quantity for all of each type of units at a facility. The 
    total area or waste quantity was divided by the number of each type of 
    unit at the facility (number of each unit being one of the primary 
    parameters the survey was designed to estimate) to estimate average 
    unit area. Further, it is not certain how well the on-site units (which 
    are used routinely for wastes generated on-site) reflect the 
    characteristics of off-site units. Uncertainty related to the 
    [[Page 66359]]
    representativeness of the data is important because exited wastes could 
    be managed in units off-site as well as on-site. The Agency seeks 
    comment on the use of the Subtitle D survey to characterize the waste 
    management units.
        In evaluating the waste management unit components of the risk 
    assessment, the Agency made certain assumptions when data were not 
    available or were incomplete. A description of the waste management 
    unit parameters for which there was little to no data is described 
    below. The rationale behind these assumptions is presented (e.g., 
    results of any sensitivity analyses, references to other work, etc.). 
    The Agency requests comment on the specific issues raised for each 
    management unit.
    (2) Fate and Transport
        Fate processes, particularly biodegradation and hydrolysis, were 
    accounted for only in the land application unit since that unit had 
    wastes applied intermittently and that unit was being examined for on-
    site risks after closure (assuming human occupation of the site begins 
    10 years after closure occurs). Because waste is continuously applied 
    to the other waste management units, biodegradation and hydrolysis were 
    presumed to have minimal influence on the subsequent availability of 
    constituents to the above ground pathways. The Agency requests comment 
    on not considering biodegradation and hydrolysis in waste management 
    units other than the land application unit. The Agency also requests 
    comment on the appropriateness of the data and methods used to account 
    for the fate and transport of constituents in waste management units, 
    with particular emphasis on data and methods of determining 
    biodegradation and hydrolysis of constituents in land application 
    (3) Ash Monofill
    (i) Particle Size Distribution for Air Dispersion Modeling
        A size distribution of ash particles that become airborne from an 
    ash monofill was not available. Therefore, a sensitivity analysis was 
    performed to assess the importance of the particle size distribution in 
    the calculation of air concentrations and deposition rates. Different 
    distributions were modeled reflecting a variety of assumptions for 
    particle size distributions between PM10 and PM30 classes. The greatest 
    deviation among the modeled conditions in the estimated air 
    concentration of PM10 was 12 percent; for the estimated deposition rate 
    for PM30 the greatest deviation was 59 percent. Given the uncertainties 
    and variabilities inherent in the assessment, these variations were 
    considered minor, therefore, the Agency assumed an equal distribution 
    of particle sizes between the two size classes used in the assessment.
    (ii) Monofill Characterization
        Because limited data were available to characterize hazardous waste 
    ash monofills, data from municipal waste ash monofills were used. 
    However, because ash generation rates for municipal waste incinerators 
    ere more than 100 times greater than ash generation rates for hazardous 
    waste incinerators and reuse-as-fuel combustors resulting in 
    significantly larger municipal monofills, EPA calculated an ash 
    monofill volume for this analysis based on generation rates reported in 
    the 1988 National Survey of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, 
    Disposal, and Recycling Facilities, assumed bulk density of the ash, 
    and assumed lifetime of the monofill. The Agency is not certain that 
    hazardous waste monofills should be sized in the same manner as 
    municipal waste monofills. The Agency also assumed that each waste 
    monofill would accept ash from only a single combustor. Accepting 
    wastes from more than one combustor may underestimate monofill size.
    (iii) Vehicle Traffic
        The estimates of number of ash trucks per day are dependent on the 
    size of truck. Limited data were available on the sizes of trucks 
    hauling ash. These data were used to characterize a range of truck 
    sizes. The truck sizes may either under- or overestimate the size of 
    trucks actually used at hazardous waste ash monofills depending on the 
    representativeness of municipal waste ash truck sizes.
        No data were available on other vehicular traffic; therefore, these 
    values were estimated, introducing additional uncertainty into the 
    overall amount of traffic at the ash monofill.
    (iv) Emission Equations for Ash Blown From Trucks and During Spreading 
    and Compacting
        The emission equation used for ash blown from trucks was developed 
    for windblown emissions from storage piles. This was adapted to trucks 
    by using the truck speed to estimate frequency of wind greater than 5.4 
    m/s. Because this equation was not derived for windblown emissions from 
    moving trucks, the results of its application to such emissions are 
    uncertain. It may over- or underestimate actual emissions of 
    particulates blown from trucks.
        Similarly, the emission equation used for spreading and compacting 
    was developed for agricultural tilling. Agricultural tilling was 
    thought to approximate the process of spreading and compacting; 
    however, the use of this equation may under- or overestimate emissions 
    due to spreading and compacting.
    (4) Land Application Unit
    (i) Particle Size Distribution for Air Dispersion Modeling
        A size distribution of soil particles that become airborne was not 
    available. The same assumption was made for soil particles as was done 
    for ash particles when modelling the monofill (see above). As described 
    above for ash particles, the Agency assumed an equal distribution of 
    particle sizes between the two size classes.
    (ii) Area of Land Application Unit Relative to Agricultural Field
        The assessment examined the impact of subsistence farming on the 
    land application unit beginning 10 years after closure. Based on the 
    distribution of sizes for land application units and agricultural 
    fields, the Agency selected a combination of fields such that the 
    central tendency land application unit (61,000 m2) is smaller in 
    area than the central tendency agricultural field (2,000,000 m2). 
    The significantly larger size of the agricultural field suggests that 
    the model may inappropriately average the constituent concentration 
    over the agricultural field. However, the Agency does not believe this 
    to be a significant impact on the analysis because: (1) The area of the 
    agricultural field is not an explicit input to the model; (2) the size 
    of the land application unit is large enough to support a subsistence 
    farmer; and (3) this pathway is driven by the assumptions for the high-
    end analysis. The Agency requests comment on the relationship between 
    the land application unit and the agricultural field.
    (iii) Application Rate
        The waste application rate is an important parameter in determining 
    the constituent's soil concentration after application. In practice, 
    this rate is a function of the characteristics of the waste being 
    applied, the characteristics of the receiving soil, the environmental 
    conditions, and the purposes for which the waste is being applied. 
    Information from the Subtitle D survey was used to calculate the rates, 
    since those rates 
    [[Page 66360]]
    were not expressly requested in the survey. The rates were calculated 
    from the area receiving the wastes and the waste quantity applied. This 
    introduces uncertainty for it combines rates applicable to both 
    treatment of wastes and rates for specific uses (e.g., farming, mine 
    reclamation). To account for the potential of having application rates 
    be much too high for the site they are being applied to, the data on 
    receiving area and waste quantity applied were linked.
    (iv) Waste Characteristics
        Limited data were available on the characteristics of wastes being 
    land applied. As a result, soil values for most parameters (e.g., 
    hydraulic conductivity, moisture retention index) were used to 
    characterize nonwastewaters. It is not known to what extent these soil 
    values differ from the waste properties.
    (v) Depth of Contamination
        Depth of contamination affects the amount of constituent available 
    for exposure. For the non-groundwater pathways, only constituents at 
    the soil surface were assumed available for each exposure pathway. The 
    Agency selected tilling depth as the depth of contamination available 
    to the non-groundwater pathways as over time, the depth of the waste 
    layer would increase and a portion of the mass of waste would move out 
    of the zone available for the surface pathways. The model kept the 
    depth of contaminated soil constant that was available for the surface 
    pathways. The Agency recognizes that the use of the tilling depth may 
    underestimate the depth of contamination in some cases and overestimate 
    it in others. Thus, the Agency requests comment on the use of tilling 
    depth as a surrogate for depth of contamination.
    (vi) Partitioning
        Releases from the land application unit were partitioned among 
    volatilization, evaporative losses, hydrolysis, erosion, runoff, and 
    leaching. Periodic application of waste was factored into the 
    partitioning model during the active life of the unit. Biodegradation 
    was factored in during both the active life and closed period. The 
    finite source Jury model was used to estimate volatilization emissions. 
    The Jury model, which models the convection of constituents caused by 
    the flux of water in soil, was used for evaporative losses. Runoff and 
    leaching losses were calculated using the soil-water partition 
    coefficient (Kd) to determine constituent concentration in the 
    soil water and multiplying that by the land application unit area and 
    runoff rate for run-off losses or recharge rate for leaching losses. 
    (See Technical Support Document for the Hazardous Waste Identification 
    Rule: Risk Assessment for Human and Ecological Receptors, Section 7, 
    Land Application for full description.)
    (5) Waste Pile
    (i) Waste Pile Height
        No data were available on this parameter; therefore, the value is 
    an estimate based on heights attainable by a front-end loader. This 
    parameter is important in the air dispersion modeling, which is 
    sensitive to the height of the pile. The Agency requests suggestions 
    for alternatives to determining waste pile height and any data which 
    would support those determinations.
    (ii) Particle Size Distribution for Air Dispersion Modeling
        The same sensitivity analysis and assumptions discussed above for 
    ash monofills were used for waste piles. Given that the air dispersion 
    analysis is not very sensitive to particle size distribution, the 
    simple assumption described above was believed to be an adequate 
    approximation for the assessment.
    (iii) Waste Characteristics
        Limited data were available on the characteristics of wastes in 
    waste piles. As a result, soil values for most parameters (e.g., 
    hydraulic conductivity, moisture retention index) were used to 
    characterize the nonwastewaters disposed in piles. It is not known to 
    what extent these soil values differ from the waste properties. The 
    soil values, however, were not used for the ash waste pile. The ash 
    disposed in the piles had the same properties as that disposed of in a 
    (iv) Vehicle Traffic
        The estimates of number of trucks per day are dependent on the size 
    of truck and waste quantity. Limited data were available on truck 
    sizes. These data were used to characterize a range of truck sizes. 
    These truck sizes may either under- or overestimate the size of trucks 
    actually used around waste piles.
    (v) Emission Equation for Ash Blown from Trucks
        As described in the section above on ash monofills, the emission 
    equation used for ash blown from trucks was developed for windblown 
    emissions from waste piles. It may over- or underestimate actual 
    emissions of particulates blown from trucks.
    (6) Surface Impoundment
    (i) Two-Phase Sludge Formation Model
        The two-phase sludge formation model simplifies the solids 
    concentration gradient in a surface impoundment into two distinct and 
    homogeneous layers, a liquid layer with the same average solids content 
    as the inflow and a sediment or sludge layer with a much higher solids 
    (ii) Dilution of Waste During a Spill
        Overflows or breaches associated with surface impoundments are a 
    waste release examined in the assessment. The algorithm used for spills 
    does not account for dilution of the wastewater caused by excess run-
    on. Such run-on is presumably relatively uncontaminated; thus the spill 
    volume, consisting partly of contaminated wastewater from the 
    impoundment and partly of uncontaminated run-on would have a lower 
    concentration than the wastewater in the impoundment. By using the 
    concentration in the impoundment, the mass of contaminant released to 
    surface water is overestimated. This effect could be considerable for 
    the central tendency impoundment, as the quantity of run-on is 
    significant compared to the capacity of the central tendency 
    impoundment. However, to determine the extent of such dilution, the 
    degree to which such run-on becomes mixed with the wastewater would 
    need to be estimated. No model has been found to assist in this 
    (7) Tank
    (i) Unit characterization
        Limited data were available on Subtitle D tanks. The assessment 
    used the profiles (specifies design and operating parameters) for 
    uncovered aerated treatment tanks developed in the Hazardous Waste 
    TSDF--Background Information for Proposed RCRA Air Emission Standards 
    (TSDF--BID, U.S. EPA, 1991)
    (ii) Volatilization
        The Agency used the well-mixed flow model. This model assumes that 
    the contents of the system are well mixed and that the equilibrium 
    concentration in the system is equal to the effluent concentration. The 
    equilibrium concentration is the average concentration throughout the 
    unit and the driving force for volatile emissions.
    (8) Combustors
        For the reasons stated below, EPA did not modelled a combustion 
    unit in the risk analysis for this regulation. EPA, 
    [[Page 66361]]
    however, asks for comments on that decision.
        In initial analyses (see Multipathway Analysis Background Document 
    available through the docket), EPA modeled potential risks from several 
    types of combustion units, using engineering judgment to make a best 
    estimate for destruction and removal efficiencies for non-hazardous 
    waste combustors. Early comments suggested that the assumptions might 
    have overstated or understated the estimated risks by not reflecting 
    actual practice in industrial boilers or other likely combustion 
    facilities not regulated by Subtitle C. However, initial comparisons 
    indicated that the combustion risk estimates back-calculated to the 
    combustion unit were not often the most significant risk and, 
    therefore, would not be the basis for the limiting exit criteria.
        EPA also recognized that there are many issues related to organics 
    that are produced during the combustion process, but are not 
    necessarily originally in the waste. The amount and type of these 
    ``products of incomplete combustion'' are generally believed to be 
    dependent on a number of aspects of the design and operation of a 
    facility, and not easily related to the composition of the wastes fed 
    into the combustion unit. For purposes of this proposal, EPA decided 
    that because of the high degree of uncertainty associated with 
    developing waste concentrations from combustion units, it was not 
    appropriate to use risks from combustion as a factor in deciding what 
    wastes remain under the hazardous waste regulations. Rather, EPA 
    believes there are more appropriate ways to regulate emissions from 
    combustion units through various regulatory authorities, including 
    regulation of a range of units under the Clean Air Act.
        EPA, however, asks comment on the appropriateness of this approach. 
    In particular, there may be some constituents (e.g., certain metals 
    that are difficult to capture in pollution control equipment) where a 
    better correlation exists between waste input and potential risk from 
    combustor emissions than for organics that are in the waste and also 
    created as PICs during the combustion process.
    b. Fate and Transport
    (1) Pathways
        In selecting environmental fate and transport pathways to include 
    in the assessment, EPA used as a guide previous rulemakings and other 
    special studies by the Agency that examine numerous pathways. For 
    example, the Agency has used similar risk assessment methodologies in 
    several recent rules including: Wastes from Wood Surface Protection, 
    Final Rule (59 FR 458, January 4, 1994); Standards for Use or Disposal 
    of Sewage Sludge, Final Rule (58 FR 32, February 19, 1993); Corrective 
    Action Management Units, Final Rule (58 FR 29, February 16, 1993); and 
    rulemaking efforts on the Pulp and Paper Industry (56 FR 21802, May 10, 
    1991 and 58 FR 66078, December 17, 1993).
        The sewage sludge and pulp and paper rulemakings in particular 
    examined both human and ecological risk. Other rulemakings under 
    development within the Office of Solid Waste also use non-groundwater 
    risk assessment methodologies including various hazardous waste listing 
    determinations and the dioxin emission rules for hazardous waste 
    combustion units. Most of these assessments rely on several Agency 
    guidance documents issued in recent years. In January 1990, the Agency 
    issued an interim report, Methodology for Assessing Health Risks 
    Associated with Indirect Exposure to Combustor Emissions (EPA/600/6-90/
    003 and referred to as the Indirect Exposure Document). This document 
    served as the basis for further development of non-groundwater pathway 
    assessments by the Agency. In November 1993, the Agency issued an 
    Addendum to the Indirect Exposure Document that updated and revised 
    portions of the methodology presented in the Indirect Exposure 
    document. In April 1994, OSW issued a draft implementation guidance 
    entitled Implementation Guidance for Conducting Indirect Exposure 
    Analysis at RCRA Combustion Units. In June 1994, the Agency released a 
    review draft of Estimating Exposure to Dioxin-Like Compounds: Volumes 
    I-III (EPA/600/6-88/005C), which presents an extensive and expanded 
    version of the Agency's previous multiple pathway exposure assessments. 
    Finally on November 16, 1994, the Agency issued Draft Soil Screening 
    Guidance (59 FR 59225), which presents a multiple pathway assessment 
    using air, groundwater, and soil pathways for soil screening levels at 
    Superfund sites. The risk assessment presented relies on the 
    methodologies presented in these Agency guidance documents to maintain 
    consistency with previous Agency efforts.
        Based on these efforts by the Agency in conducting non-groundwater 
    pathway assessments, comments by reviewers on previous draft versions 
    of the risk assessment, and some screening analyses to identify 
    pathways that are either very similar or unimportant compared to other 
    pathways, the Agency selected the human and ecological exposure 
    pathways presented in Table A-1 (human exposure pathways) of appendix A 
    and Table A-2 (ecological exposure pathway) of appendix A. These 
    exposure pathways are described in greater detail in the Technical 
    Support Document for the Hazardous Waste Identification Rule: Risk 
    Assessment for Human and Ecological Receptors.
        Tables A-1 and A-2 presents four columns: column 1 (exposure 
    media), identifies the medium, such as air or soil, to which the 
    receptor is exposed; column 2 (route of exposure), identifies the 
    route, such as inhalation or ingestion, by which a receptor is exposed 
    to the exposure medium; column 3 (type of fate and transport), 
    classifies the pathway by the primary mode of fate and transport of the 
    contaminant to the exposure medium, including direct air, air 
    deposition, air diffusion, groundwater, overland, and soil; and column 
    4 (exposure scenario), identifies the compartments in the pathway 
    (e.g., source to air to humans), and describes the exposure scenario 
    (e.g., inhalation of volatiles).
        The fate and transport pathways examined can be grouped into six 
    types of initial release and movement away from a waste management 
    unit, as follows:
         Direct air pathways--air emissions of volatiles and 
    respirable (PM10) particulates;
         Air deposition pathways--air emissions of particulates 
    that deposit on soil or plant surfaces;
         Air diffusion pathways--air emissions that, while in the 
    vapor phase, diffuse directly into surface water or plants;
         Groundwater--groundwater releases (These are the pathways 
    that link to the separate groundwater fate and transport analysis that 
    then links to the waste management units.);
         Overland pathways--overland transport (i.e., surface 
    runoff and soil erosion) to surface water or transport by soil erosion 
    to off-site fields;
         Soil pathways--on-site soil exposures.
        There are three types of pathways not included in the analysis. 
    Pathways involving the use of contaminated water (groundwater and 
    surface water) for irrigation were removed due to modeling difficulties 
    that could not be resolved, however early results indicated these are 
    not the most significant pathways for any of the waste management 
    units. Pathways involving the deposition of contaminated particles 
    directly onto 
    [[Page 66362]]
    surface water bodies were not included because previous efforts by the 
    Agency have shown these pathways not to be as significant when compared 
    to particle deposition onto the watershed and subsequent erosion to the 
    surface water body. Pathways involving wet deposition were not 
    examined. An air model recently developed evaluates the impact of wet 
    deposition and was not available to use at the time of this proposed 
    rule. This new model also was addressing problems with the area 
    component of earlier models. When the model is available, the Agency 
    will determine whether its use will have an impact on the proposed exit 
    criteria. If the Agency determines that there will be an impact, it 
    will provide an opportunity for public comment on use of the updated 
        As stated earlier, not all exposure pathways were evaluated for all 
    waste management units. Constituents may be released from each waste 
    management unit by a variety of mechanisms. Each release mechanism may 
    be associated with certain exposure pathways. By examining the release 
    mechanisms assumed for each waste management unit and identifying the 
    exposure pathways associated with those release mechanisms, the 
    appropriate pathways to be modeled for each waste management unit were 
    identified. The exposure pathways modeled for each waste management 
    unit are presented in Table A-5 of appendix A.
    b. Equations
        Since the objective of the assessment was to generate acceptable 
    levels in waste rather than determining risks posed by waste, the 
    equations, which are designed to calculate risks, had to be turned 
    around or run in reverse. The assessment began with a target risk (or 
    acceptable risk to the receptor) that was used to back-calculate what 
    constituent concentration in a waste would not exceed the target risk.
        Wherever appropriate, the equations used in the back-calculation 
    were taken from Methodology for Assessing Health Risks Associated with 
    Indirect Exposure to Combustor Emissions (U.S. EPA, 1990x; hereafter, 
    the Indirect Exposure document, or IED) as modified by the November 10, 
    1993, draft of Addendum: Methodology for Assessing Health Risks 
    Associated with Indirect Exposure to Combustor Emissions, Working Group 
    Recommendations (U.S. EPA, 1993x; hereafter, the Addendum). The 
    Addendum is currently being revised based on comments from the Science 
    Advisory Board and is being combined with the IED to generate a single 
    methodology guidance document. Therefore, the equations may change 
    after that revision is completed. If this occurs, the assessment used 
    for this rule-making will be revised. If such a revision is needed and 
    occurs, the Agency will provide an opportunity for public comment on 
    those changes. For convenience, the methodology presented in the IED as 
    modified by the Addendum will be referred to as the Indirect Exposure 
    Methodology, or IEM.
        The equations presented in the IEM were modified to estimate the 
    soil concentration for constituents eroding to an off-site field. The 
    IEM did not address this pathway because it was developed for stack 
    emissions from combustors rather than releases from land-based units. 
    However, because soil erosion is a critical release pathway for this 
    analysis, the Agency applied the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) 
    and other equations presented in the IEM to calculate soil erosion to 
    the off-site field. However, the application of these equations 
    resulted in concentrations greater at the receptor than in the waste 
    management unit. This phenomenon, first noted in the Dioxin 
    reassessment, occurred because the equations assumed that the amount of 
    uncontaminated soil that was eroded into the field was negligible in 
    comparison to the total mass of soil in the field. Therefore, the 
    Agency modified these equations to reflect erosion of uncontaminated 
    soil together with the constituents.
        Certain modifications to the equations used in the assessment were 
    made for dioxin-like compounds to reflect the different behavior of 
    these constituents in the environment. These modifications were based 
    on Estimating Exposure to Dioxin-like Compounds, Volume III: Site-
    Specific Assessment Procedures (U.S. EPA, 1994x), hereafter referred to 
    as the Dioxin document. The Dioxin document defines dioxin-like 
    compounds as ``* * * compounds with nonzero Toxicity Equivalency Factor 
    (TEF) values as defined in the 1989 International scheme * * * [which] 
    assigns nonzero values to all chlorinated dibenzodioxins (CDDs) and 
    chlorinated dibenzofurans (CDFs) with chlorines substituted in the 
    2,3,7,8 positions. Additionally, the analogous brominated compounds 
    (BDDs and BDFs) and certain polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) have 
    recently been identified as having dioxin-like toxicity * * * and thus 
    are also included in the definition of dioxin-like compounds.''
        Although the modifications presented in the Dioxin document may be 
    applicable to other highly lipophilic compounds, in keeping with this 
    definition, the modifications for dioxin-like compounds were made only 
    for 2,3,7,8-TCDDioxin Toxicity Equivalents (TEQs), and PCBs. Other 
    dioxin congeners are addressed through the 2,3,7,8-TCDDioxin TEQ. The 
    Agency solicits comment on not using these modifications for other 
    highly lipophilic compounds.
    (3) Specific Issues on Pathways and Equations
        Below are specific issues of the risk assessment related to the 
    modeling of the fate and transport pathways on which the Agency is 
    requesting comment on their use, improvements to them, or alternative 
    ways to model them. A detailed discussion of these aspects is in 
    Section 6, Fate and Transport Modeling, of the Technical Support 
    Document for the Hazardous Waste Identification Rule: Risk Assessment 
    for Human and Ecological Receptors. (Air emission and dispersion 
    modeling is discussed in Section 7, Waste Management Units, in the 
    technical support document. To be consistent, issues related to that 
    modeling were presented earlier in this preamble in Section D.2.a.)
    (i) Hydrolysis
        The Agency accounted for fate processes (e.g., biodegradation, 
    hydrolysis) and transport processes (e.g., volatilization) for 
    constituents throughout their movement from the point at which the 
    constituent leaves the waste management unit until it reaches the 
    location at which contact with the receptor occurs. During an initial 
    screen, the Agency identified four constituents that were known to 
    hydrolyze completely or rapidly. These constituents were not included 
    in the detailed assessment and include: Benzotrichloride (98-07-7); 
    maleic anhydride (108-31-6); phthalic anhydride (85-44-9); and 1,2-
    diphenylhydrazine (122-66-7). In addition, 16 inorganic salts known to 
    dissociate completely were also not assessed. These included: Calcium 
    cyanide (592-01-8); copper cyanide (544-92-3); potassium cyanide (151-
    50-8); potassium silver cyanide (506-61-6); silver cyanide (506-64-9); 
    sodium cyanide (143-33-9); thallium (I) carbonate (6533-73-9); thallium 
    (I) chloride (7791-12-0); thallium (I) nitrate (10102-45-1); thallium 
    (I) sulfate (7446-18-6); zinc cyanide (557-21-1); zinc phosphide (1314-
    84-7); cyanogen bromide (506-68-3); cyanogen chloride (506-77-4); 
    hydrogen cyanide (74-90-8); and thallium acetate (563-68-8). The Agency 
    solicits comment on not assessing these constituents. 
    [[Page 66363]]
        Of the 192 constituents evaluated in the non-groundwater analysis, 
    the Agency directly accounted for chemical hydrolysis for 18 
    constituents. For the remaining constituents, hydrolysis was not 
    considered for the following reasons: The constituent has no 
    hydrolyzable chemical group; hydrolysis is not expected to be important 
    or significant; the degradation half-life of the chemical, which 
    includes hydrolysis, is greater than one year; or, there was no data 
    available for the constituent.
        The extent to which fate and transport processes play a role in the 
    removal of a constituent from a pathway, or its movement from one 
    environmental compartment to another is determined by site-specific 
    environmental conditions as well as chemical-specific parameters. To 
    simplify the analysis, the Agency used fate and transport data based on 
    one set of environmental conditions to represent all possible spatial 
    and temporal environments encountered in any given exposure pathway. 
    The Agency solicits comments on this simplification for modeling fate 
    and transport processes throughout the exposure pathways considered in 
    the MPA.
    (ii) Other Fate and Transport Processes
        Fate and transport processes other than hydrolysis may be important 
    in determining the concentration of a constituent reaching a receptor. 
    The Agency's approach to incorporate consideration for these other 
    processes involved the use of biodegradation and volatilization rates 
    into the fate and transport pathways, when applicable. The Agency 
    recognizes that the rate for many chemical-specific fate and transport 
    processes (in particular, biodegradation) varies with characteristics 
    of the environment (e.g., temperature, soil type). However, the Agency 
    simplified the non-groundwater analysis by applying chemical-specific 
    fate and transport rates generically across environmental settings 
    found in the various exposure pathways. This simplification may 
    overestimate the exit level in some instances and underestimate the 
    exit level in other instances. The Agency solicits comments on this 
    simplification for modeling fate and transport processes throughout the 
    exposure pathways considered in the non-groundwater analysis.
    (iii) Bioavailability
        With regard to the metals examined in the risk assessment, there is 
    considerable uncertainty about their bioavailability that affects their 
    fate, transport, and uptake in various media (e.g., plant tissue, 
    animal tissue) and receptors. Speciation and associated solubility of 
    metal species in wastes which contain metals are key factors that 
    influence the bioavailability of metals. The Agency had no information 
    on the speciation, solubility, or availability of the metals in the 
    wastes in which they are disposed or how they may transform in the 
    environment. The Agency assumed that the metals were in a soluble form, 
    mobile, and available. In the absence of this information, the Agency 
    assumed that metals are soluble, mobile, and bioavailable. The Agency 
    seeks comment on this approach, and requests data on the speciation and 
    solubility of metals in wastes, together with the conditions of the 
    waste (e.g., pH) that could be disposed by the methods considered in 
    this rulemaking and methodologies that account for the transformation 
    of the metals through changing environmental conditions.
    (iv) Meteorological Data
        The approach for setting central-tendency and high-end 
    meteorological conditions in the risk assessment was to evaluate sets 
    of meteorological data from a variety of locations, and then select 
    locations that reflect central tendency or high-end conditions for a 
    given exposure pathway.
        The Agency used the set of 29 meteorological stations identified 
    during its efforts to develop soil screening levels for Superfund 
    sites. These are considered representative of the United States. 
    Central-tendency and high-end locations were then selected from these 
    29 locations for the exposure pathways where meteorological conditions 
    were required as input to the models; these were the air pathways and 
    overland pathways. The meteorological data were evaluated as location 
    sets as opposed to individual parameters. Once locations were selected, 
    the annual average values for those locations were used.
        For air pathways, which required data on wind speed, wind 
    direction, temperature, sunshine, cloud cover, and air mixing height, 
    selection of meteorological data was waste management unit-specific and 
    based on extensive sensitivity analysis. EPA considered only the effect 
    of meteorological data on emissions and dispersion in selecting 
    locations for air pathways. However, for consistency, once a pair of 
    high-end and central tendency locations were selected for a pathway, 
    any meteorological data used in that pathway were selected to 
    correspond to the locations chosen, even in any overland transport 
    component of the pathway.
        Overland pathways were driven by soil erosion, for which the 
    critical meteorological input is the Universal Soil Loss Equation 
    (USLE) rainfall factor (R). Therefore, to select central tendency and 
    high-end locations for overland pathways, the 29 locations were ranked 
    based on the rainfall factor, and the 50th and 90th percentile 
    locations chosen for all overland pathways.
        See Section 6.8, Fate and Transport Inputs and Section 7.1.5. Air 
    Modeling, of the Technical Support Document for the Hazardous waste 
    Identification Rule: Risk Assessment for Human and Ecological Receptors 
    for a detailed discussion of how meteorological data were selected and 
    used. The Agency solicits comment on how meteorological data was 
    selected and used in the risk assessment.
    (v) Soil Data
        A variety of soil parameters were required for the modeling. These 
    parameters are interdependent and vary with the type of soil (e.g., 
    loam, clay). However, values for these parameters also vary within a 
    soil type. Due to the interdependence of the parameter, the Agency 
    chose to maintain them as a set and determine a central-tendency 
    property set and a high-end property set.
        The Agency used loam type soils to characterize all soils simulated 
    in the risk assessment because these types of soils are fairly 
    prevalent in the United States. All soils are composed of varying 
    percentages of sand, silt, and clay. Loam, by definition, is composed 
    of equal proportions of sand, silt, and clay; therefore, it represents 
    a combination of each of the physical properties of the individual soil 
    textures. Central tendency and high-end values were selected from the 
    range of values for loam soil so that each individual soil parameter 
    required by the model is consistent with a loam soil. (Sec Section 6.8, 
    Fate and Transport Inputs, in the Technical Support Document for the 
    Hazardous Waste Identification Rule: Risk Assessment for Human and 
    Ecological Receptors for more detail.) The Agency solicits comments its 
    approach for characterizing soil in the assessment.
    (vi) Soil Pathways
        The Agency seeks comment on the following issues related to the 
    modeling of soil pathways:
         Use of the Universal Soil Loss Equation to predict soil 
    erosion in a generic application - This is a widely-used model intended 
    for site-specific 
    [[Page 66364]]
    applications where specific input data can be used for relatively small 
    fields. Its use in a generic application, and for fairly large waste 
    management units, may overestimate quantities of soil eroded.
         Handling of the Soil Loss Constant - This term is the sum 
    of loss rates for leaching, erosion, runoff, biodegradation, 
    hydrolysis, and volatilization. Possible uncertainties may arise 
    because: the assessment assumes that these terms are first-order decay 
    rates and therefore can be added together; loss processes are 
    calculated independently, even though they may occur simultaneously.
         Use of the Soil Water Content Equation to predict soil 
    water content in a generic application - The equation is from the 
    Superfund Exposure Assessment Manual (U.S. EPA, 1988x), and was 
    developed for site-specific applications.
         Area of garden and agricultural field - No data were 
    available on the size of home gardens, gardens on subsistence farms, or 
    yards of residential lots (for soil ingestion). Therefore, a single set 
    of central tendency and high-end values was estimated for these, based 
    on best professional judgment; this set is referred to as garden area, 
    even though it might also apply to a yard. Because a larger area leads 
    to greater dilution of deposited or eroded contaminant, a high-end 
    garden would be one that was relatively small.
         Areas for agricultural fields were estimated from data in 
    the 1992 Census of Agriculture (U.S. Department of Commerce, 1992). The 
    Census gives average farm acreage by State for 48 States (the data are 
    not yet complete for the two missing States). No percentile data were 
    available. These data do not distinguish between commercial and 
    subsistence farms.
         Mixing Depth--Mixing depth reflects the depth of soil to 
    which deposited or eroded contaminant is mixed. It is important to 
    distinguish between soil that is tilled for agricultural purposes and 
    soil that is untilled in determining appropriate mixing depth values. A 
    smaller mixing depth results in less dilution of a constituent, and 
    therefore higher soil concentrations; therefore, a high-end mixing 
    depth would be smaller than a central tendency mixing depth.
    (vii) Surface Water Pathways
        Water column as well as benthic sediment concentrations were 
    estimated. Water column concentrations include dissolved, sorbed to 
    suspended sediments, and total (sorbed plus dissolved, or total 
    contaminant divided by total water volume). Benthic sediment 
    concentrations included: Dissolved in pore water, sorbed to benthic 
    sediments, and total. The model accounts for three routes of 
    constituent entry into the water-body were examined: Sorbed to soils 
    eroding into the water-body; dissolved in runoff water; and diffusion 
    of vapor phase contaminants into the water-body. Air deposition of 
    constituents bound to particles into a water-body was not examined 
    because earlier analysis demonstrated that its contribution would be 
    negligible when compared to that of eroding particles. Volatilization 
    of dissolved constituents and removal of constituents through burial in 
    bed sediments were modeled as loss processes.
        Important assumptions made for the surface water modeling included: 
    Water-body sufficiently large to support certain ecological receptors; 
    sufficient fish to support a subsistence fisher; uniform mixing within 
    the water-body (this tends to be more realistic for smaller water-
    bodies as compared to large river systems); and equilibrium is 
    established between constituents within the water column, bed 
    sediments, and air.
        The Agency seeks comment on the following issues related to the 
    modeling of surface water pathways:
         Water-body/Watershed Characterization--The water-body 
    characterization parameters are another example of a set of parameters 
    that are interdependent and therefore were used as a group. Watershed 
    characterization relates to the water-body (in the case of the 
    assessment, a stream) characterization. Streams are characterized 
    (flow, water-body area, watershed area, depth, and various other 
    parameters) by their ``order.'' A first-order stream has no tributary 
    channels; a second-order stream forms when two first-order streams 
    converge, and so on through stream order 10. The Agency used a stream 
    order 4 as the high-end estimate because EPA believes this stream order 
    would be among the smallest stream orders that would support sufficient 
    fish or a subsistence fisher and the receptors assessed. A stream order 
    5 was used as the central-tendency estimate based on the number of 
    streams within each stream order. (See Section 6.8 in the Technical 
    Support Document for the Hazardous Waste Identification Rule: Risk 
    Assessment for Human and Ecological Receptors for more detail.)
         Total Suspended Solids--Total suspended solids (TSS) can 
    range from 1 to 100 mg/L with a typical value being 10 mg/L for streams 
    and rivers. This value is used as the central tendency value. No data 
    on frequency of values in actual streams was available to estimate a 
    90th percentile value. Since 80 mg/L is believed to be the maximum 
    tolerable value for aquatic life; this value was used as the high-end 
         Bed Sediment Concentration--The bed sediment concentration 
    term is analogous to the bulk density for soil in that it describes the 
    concentration of solids in terms of a mass per unit volume. A single 
    value of 1 kg/L was used in the assessment given that this is 
    considered a reasonable value in most situations and the range is quite 
    narrow, 0.5 to 1.5 kg/L.
         Gas-Phase Transfer Coefficient--The gas-phase transfer 
    coefficient is used to estimate volatile losses from the water-body. 
    Volatile losses are calculated using a two-layer resistance model that 
    incorporates a gas-phase transfer coefficient and a liquid-phase 
    transfer coefficient. Both transfer coefficients are controlled by flow 
    induced turbulence in flowing systems. The liquid-phase transfer 
    coefficient is calculated based on chemical-specific properties. A 
    single value of 36,500 m/yr. was used. There is some uncertainty 
    related to setting this parameter to a single value that is not 
    chemical specific. It is reasonable to assume that chemical properties 
    affecting volatility would have some effect on this value, although it 
    is not known how large such an effect would be.
         Fraction Organic Carbon in Bottom Sediment--The fraction 
    organic carbon in bottom sediment is derived from the fraction organic 
    carbon in watershed soils. For a fraction organic carbon of about 0.01 
    in the watershed, the fraction organic carbon for bottom sediments is 
    typically 0.03 to 0.05. The midpoint of this range, 0.04, divided by 
    the fraction organic carbon of the watershed (0.01) derives a 
    multiplier of 4 for calculating fraction organic carbon in bottom 
    sediments from fraction organic carbon in watershed soils. The fraction 
    organic carbon values used of 0.024 and 0.008 correspond to the central 
    tendency and high-end values for soil fraction organic carbon of 0.006 
    and 0.002, respectively. The fraction organic carbon in the bottom 
    sediments was varied with the fraction organic carbon in soil.
    (viii) Food-Chain Pathways
        The Agency seeks comment on the following issues related to the 
    modeling of food-chain pathways: (Please note the fish uptake 
    methodology is described below in Section D.2.c.2), Ecological 
    Receptors and Exposure; the littoral methodology is used for humans): 
    [[Page 66365]]
         Use of regression equations based on Kow to derive 
    biotransfer factors for plants--The biotransfer factors are based upon 
    empirical relationships with Kow defined by studies on relatively few 
         The lack of accounting for translocation of contaminants 
    within plants--The plant uptake models do not account for translocation 
    of contaminants (should such a translocation occur) from one part of a 
    plant to another. The Agency is considering two models developed by 
    Stephan Trapp, plantx and plantE, and solicits comment on their use.
         Use of regression equations based on Kow to derive 
    biotransfer factors for beef and milk--The biotransfer factors for beef 
    and milk are based upon empirical relationships with Kow defined by 
    studies on relatively few chemicals.
    c. Receptors
        Both human and ecological receptors are considered in the 
    assessment. The human receptors evaluated were selected to represent a 
    range of behaviors and activities that influence exposure levels. The 
    Agency believes that these represent typical and more exposed types of 
    behaviors and activities that might exist around waste management units 
    or media contaminated by releases from waste management units. Each 
    receptor was evaluated for individual exposure pathways (i.e., exposure 
    to multiple pathways was not included). For ecological receptors, 
    populations or communities were selected for the generic terrestrial 
    and freshwater ecosystems based on behavior patterns such as dietary 
    habits (plant-eater vs. meat-eater) as well as qualities such as 
    significance and representativeness with respect to trophic structure 
    in the ecosystem (bald eagle). The selection of ecological receptors 
    was limited by the level of characterization available such as food 
    intake and body weight. Again, the Agency believes that these represent 
    the types of organisms that might exist around waste management units 
    or media contaminated by releases from waste management units.
    (1) Human Receptors and Exposure
        Human receptors assessed in the assessment included the following:
         Adult resident living in the vicinity of a management 
    unit--This individual is representative of the general population in 
    the United States and is evaluated independently through the following 
    potential exposure pathways: Inhalation, ingestion of contaminated 
    soil, ingestion of contaminated drinking water, dermal contact with 
    contaminated soil, and dermal contact during bathing. In addition, the 
    analysis evaluates exposures to an adult resident living on-site of a 
    land application unit begining 10 years after closure of the unit.
         Child resident living in the vicinity of a management 
    unit--Children are a special population considered in certain pathways 
    because of their low body weight compared to high intake rates or 
    surface area. A child is evaluated through the following potential 
    exposure pathways: ingestion of contaminated soil, dermal contact with 
    contaminated soil, and dermal contact during bathing.
         Home Gardener--This individual represents a sub-population 
    that supplements their fruit and vegetable consumption with fruits and 
    vegetables they grow on contaminated land.
         Subsistence Fisher--This individual represents a sub-
    population that subsists on contaminated fish.
         General Fish Consumer--This individual represents a sub-
    population that consumes contaminated fish and supplements their intake 
    with other non-contaminated foods.
         Subsistence Farmer--This individual represents a sub-
    population that grows or raises most of their own food on contaminated 
    land. This individual is evaluated independently through the following 
    exposure pathways: beef ingestion, milk ingestion, and fruit and 
    vegetable ingestion.
         On-site Worker--This individual represents the working 
    population that may be found at the waste management units. This 
    individual is evaluated during the active phase of the unit for the 
    following on-site exposures: Inhalation and dermal contact with 
    contaminated soil.
        Each of the receptors has been matched with the most relevant 
    exposure routes. Table A-3 in appendix A shows the pathways were 
    modeled for each receptor.
        As previously discussed, the assessment begins with a target human 
    toxicity benchmark and exposure assumptions tailored to each receptor, 
    and back-calculates to constituent-specific concentrations in each 
    media. In characterizing the exposure, two exposure parameters are set 
    to high-end values and the rest of the exposure parameters are set to 
    central tendency or default values. The two high-end exposure values 
    were typically exposure duration and a parameter affecting intake of, 
    or exposure to, a contaminant (e.g., fraction contaminated, consumption 
    rate, inhalation rate).
        The exposure equations used for back-calculating media 
    concentrations are based on standard risk equations used in most Agency 
    risk assessments. For all inhalation and ingestion pathways, these 
    equations were adapted from Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund 
    (RAGS): Volume I--Human Health Evaluation Manual (Part B, Development 
    of Risk-based Preliminary Remediation Goals) (U.S. EPA, 1991x; 
    hereafter, RAGS Part B) and subsequent modifications. For dermal 
    pathways, which are not covered in RAGS Part B, the equations presented 
    in Dermal Exposure Assessment: Principles and Applications, Interim 
    Report (U.S. EPA 1992x; hereafter, the Dermal document) were used; this 
    document reflects the current techniques for assessing dermal exposure. 
    The Agency requests comment on the data sources and assumptions used in 
    the human exposure portion of the risk assessment, described in detail 
    in Section 5.0 of the Technical Support Document for the Hazardous 
    Waste Identification Rule: Risk Assessment for Human and Ecological 
        The Agency seeks comment on the following types of human exposure 
    that were not examined:
         Ingestion of contaminated water by humans while bathing or 
    swimming--The ingestion rate of water while swimming or bathing is 30 
    times smaller than the normal consumption rate of water used in the 
    drinking water ingestion pathways; therefore, the drinking water 
    ingestion pathways should be protective of the incidental water 
    ingestion pathways.
         Inhalation of volatiles while bathing--No appropriate, 
    chemical-specific equations could be found to address this pathway.
         Ingestion of airborne particulates--The ingestion rate of 
    soil used in the soil ingestion pathways is many times larger than the 
    ingestion rate from airborne particulates; therefore, the soil 
    ingestion pathways should be protective of the ingestion of airborne 
    particulates. Also, given the way the soil ingestion rates were 
    empirically derived, ingestion of airborne particulates should, in 
    effect, be accounted for in the estimated soil ingestion rates.
         Ingestion of contaminated soil by resident on active 
    site--While the waste management units are active, it is assumed that 
    access is limited to workers.
    (2) Ecological Receptors and Exposure
        In addition to the human receptors, ecological receptors were 
    evaluated in the assessment. Lacking an Agency precedent for the 
    selection of ecological 
    [[Page 66366]]
    receptors for a generic analysis, a simple framework was developed for 
    ecological receptor identification based on EPA's Framework for 
    Ecological Risk Assessment (U.S. EPA, 1992x). During the problem 
    formulation phase, a suite of ecological receptors was selected to 
    include species that represent each of the trophic levels or feeding 
    habits within an ecosystem. At best, one can only infer that an 
    ecosystem is protected from chemical stressors. In addition, the 
    toxicological data support the evaluation of individuals, populations, 
    and occasionally communities, but are inadequate to address the 
    complexities of an ecosystem in most cases. Thus, the approach taken in 
    the assessment was to estimate protective levels for the populations 
    and communities (inferred from the measurement endpoints used) found in 
    generic ecosystems. The species included in the ecological assessment 
    encompass a wide range of dietary preferences, sizes, and trophic 
        In selecting ecological receptors for the assessment, a number of 
    ecosystem types (e.g., lakes, streams, estuaries, deserts, forests, 
    grasslands) were considered because the waste could be disposed 
    anywhere once it has exited the Subtitle C system. Two generic 
    ecosystems were designed: A freshwater-based ecosystem and a 
    terrestrial-based ecosystem. Specific details of these ecosystems are 
    described in Section 3, Receptors, in the Technical Support Document 
    for the Hazardous Waste Identification Rule: Risk Assessment of Human 
    and Ecological Receptors. The Agency solicits comment on both the 
    adequacy of the design of the ecosystems used in the assessment and the 
    use of generic ecosystems to assess potential ecological hazards.
        Generally, ecological receptors were identified at different 
    trophic levels as well as at different levels of biological 
    organization and included species of relatively low ecological 
    significance but high societal relevance (e.g., American kestrel). The 
    final selection of receptors was based primarily on the availability of 
    data with which to assess the risks to that receptor. As suggested in 
    the Framework for Ecological Risk Assessment (1992x), the process of 
    selecting appropriate assessment endpoints was iterative, including 
    information from the other activities included in the assessment 
    phase--the characterization of ecological effects. The ecological 
    receptors included in the assessment were:
         Mammals--Mammals were evaluated for both generic 
    ecosystems and include upper trophic level predators such as the mink 
    or red fox, lower trophic level consumers such as the whitetail deer, 
    and insectivores such as the meadow mole; species were selected to 
    represent a variety of body sizes, habitats, and dietary habits for 
    which data on body weight, food intake, etc., are available. Mammals 
    may be exposed by eating contaminated prey items (e.g., fish, other 
    vertebrates, insects) or plants, through incidental ingestion of 
    contaminated soil while eating or preening, or through lactation or 
    placental transfer.
         Birds--Birds were also evaluated for both generic 
    ecosystems and include upper trophic level predators such as the red-
    tailed hawk and lower trophic level consumers such as the American 
    robin; species were selected to represent a variety of body sizes, 
    habitats, and dietary preferences for which input parameters (e.g., 
    body weight, diet, ingestion rates) are available. Birds are exposed 
    through the ingestion of contaminated prey items (e.g., fish, worms), 
    through incidental ingestion that occurs while eating or preening, or 
    through maternal transfer to eggs.
         Terrestrial Plants--Vascular plants that might be common 
    in a generic terrestrial ecosystem were evaluated. The species of 
    plants used to represent plants within the terrestrial ecosystem were 
    determined by the availability of data and included primarily forage 
    grasses and food crops. Plants are exposed through soil-to-root uptake, 
    deposition on the surface of leaves or bark, and during air-to-leaf 
    transport of volatile or semi-volatile constituents.
         Soil Community--Representative species for the soil 
    community were based on six metrics for measuring ecological function: 
    (1) Location, (2) size, (3) abundance, (4) taxon richness, (5) trophic 
    structure, and (6) energy metabolism. Organisms living in or on the 
    soil are exposed through direct contact (e.g., insects), through the 
    ingestion of contaminated soil (e.g., earthworms), and through the 
    ingestion of other soil dwellers (e.g., centipedes). The Agency 
    solicits comment on the representative species selected to comprise the 
    soil community.
         Fish--Given the small percentage of freshwater species for 
    which toxicological data are available, all species of freshwater fish 
    were considered as potential receptors, regardless of size or dietary 
    habits. Fish are subject to continuous exposure to contaminated water 
    via gill exchange and may be exposed to bioaccumulative chemicals 
    through the food chain.
         Aquatic Invertebrates (Daphnids)--Aquatic invertebrates 
    are believed to be among the most sensitive aquatic species (Suter, 
    1993x), daphnids were selected to represent free living aquatic 
    invertebrates. Continuous exposure to contaminated water is considered 
    the primary route of exposure.
         Aquatic Plants--Vascular aquatic plants and algae typical 
    of aquatic ecosystems were evaluated. Aquatic plants are exposed during 
    sediment-to-root uptake and through water-to-leaf transport.
         Benthic Community--Representative species include 
    organisms that fall within any of the eight taxonomic genera used in 
    the development of the Ambient Water Quality Criteria for the 
    protection of aquatic life. Because these organisms spend most (if not 
    all) of their lives in the sediment, they are exposed through direct 
    contact and ingestion of contaminated sediments as well as through the 
    ingestion of other sediment dwellers.
        Each of these receptors has been matched with the exposure pathways 
    and waste management units likely to result in exposure. Table A-4 of 
    appendix A shows which pathways were modeled for each receptor. The 
    Agency solicits comment on the use of a single species to represent 
    major trophic elements.
        The development of medium-specific concentrations for the 
    protection of ecological receptors was based on ingestion of 
    contaminated vegetation, water, soil, or prey or through continual 
    contact with a contaminated medium (e.g., aquatic invertebrates with 
    water or soil fauna with soil).
        Numerous studies have demonstrated the capacity of hydrophobic 
    organic chemicals to bioaccumulate in the food chain that are orders of 
    magnitude above the concentration in the contaminated medium (e.g., 
    Oliver and Niimi, 1988x). However, it is important to recognize that 
    food-chain pathways may be significant even for constituents that do 
    not bioaccumulate appreciably. Dietary exposure to constituents that 
    concentrate weakly in fish tissue (e.g., bioconcentration factor below 
    10) may be more significant than exposure to contaminated drinking 
    water simply because a particular animal may ingest relatively more 
    fish than water.
        For constituents that bioaccumulate, particularly those that 
    biomagnify, benchmarks should account for exposure through the 
    ingestion of contaminated prey as well as contact with or ingestion of 
    contaminated media. The majority of toxicological studies examined a 
    single route of exposure and seldom considered the potential increase 
    in exposure concentrations through successive 
    [[Page 66367]]
    trophic levels. As a result, toxicity benchmarks for bioaccumulative 
    constituents cannot be used as acceptable medium exposure 
    concentrations; exposure estimates must incorporate the bioaccumulation 
    potential in the food chain. For nonbioaccumulating constituents, where 
    toxicity benchmarks that are medium specific (i.e., concentration 
    units--mg/kg or mg/L)) can be used as acceptable medium concentrations 
    for ecological receptors (e.g., Ambient Water Quality Criteria).
        In the aquatic ecosystem, for bioaccumulative chemicals (log 
    Kow>4), bioaccumulation factors (BAFs) were estimated using models 
    developed by Thomann (1989x) for the limnetic (or pelagic) food chain 
    and Thomann et al. (1992x) for the littoral food chain (i.e., sediment-
    based). However, for constituents with log Kow above 6.5, only 
    measured values were used. The Agency is considering using the Gobas 
    model since it can be used for constituents with log Kow above 
    6.5. Further, switching to the Gobas model would be consistent with the 
    Great Lakes Initiative which recently switched to that model. The 
    results produced by either the Thomann models or the Gobas model are 
    very similar. The tissue concentration (TC) was estimated for prey 
    based on the intake, body weight, and dietary preference (i.e., trophic 
    level of fish consumed) of the representative predator species. 
    Protective surface water concentration was calculated by dividing the 
    tissue concentration (TC) by the bioaccumulation factor for the 
    appropriate trophic level. For nonbioaccumulative chemicals, the 
    protective surface water concentration for fish and aquatic organisms 
    was the Final Chronic Value (FCV) or Secondary Chronic Value (SCV) as 
    described in Section 4 of the Technical Support Document for the 
    Hazardous Waste Identification Rule: Risk Assessment for Human and 
    Ecological Receptors. For upper trophic level aquatic wildlife such as 
    mink and osprey, protective surface water concentrations were 
    calculated based on the consumption of contaminated fish and water. The 
    benthic community was included in the littoral ecosystem. Protective 
    sediment concentrations were estimated using the equilibrium 
    partitioning (Eqp) methods developed by Di Toro et al. (1991x). As 
    explained in Section 4 of the Technical Support Document for the 
    Hazardous Waste Identification Rule: Risk Assessment for Human and 
    Ecological Receptors, the sediment benchmark was calculated by 
    multiplying the FCV (or SCV) by the octanol/carbon partition 
    coefficient (Koc) and adjusting for the fraction organic carbon 
    (foc) in the sediment. EPA requests comment on the selection of 
    the bioaccumulation model, the potential switch to the Gobas model, 
    BAFs used, dietary assumptions, and how tissue concentrations were 
        For receptors in the generic terrestrial ecosystem, methods used 
    represented a range of dietary habits across trophic levels for 
    wildlife, including plants and organisms that live in the soil (i.e., 
    soil fauna). (See the discussion on the development of soil and plant 
    benchmarks elsewhere in today's rule.) For higher trophic level 
    wildlife, dietary preferences, daily intake, and bioconcentration 
    factors for prey items were identified or estimated to calculate 
    protective soil concentrations. The key equation used to back-calculate 
    soil concentrations as a function of dietary exposure (including soil 
    ingestion), and the exposure inputs (e.g., body weights, daily intake) 
    for ecological receptors are discussed in Section 5.3 of the Risk 
    Assessment. The Agency requests comment on the equations and inputs 
    used in the generic terrestrial ecosystem modeling.
        The following types of exposure were not assessed in the 
         Inhalation by ecological receptors--No suitable 
    methodology was available.
         Dermal contact with soil--No suitable methodology or 
    sufficient toxicity data were available.
         Dermal contact with water--No suitable methodology or 
    sufficient toxicity data were available.
    3. Groundwater Fate and Transport Modeling
        In the risk analysis previously described in the section, the 
    pathways involving groundwater are only modeled (back-calculated) to 
    the wellhead, i.e., to the point of exposure at a water well. For 
    groundwater modeling from the waste management unit (i.e., surface 
    impoundment) to the water well, the Agency used a separate fate and 
    transport analysis. This section describes the groundwater model and 
    the modeling procedures for the various waste management scenarios for 
    the groundwater path. The details of the model and the modeling 
    procedures are presented in the background documents (USEPA, 1995 a-f).
        The Agency has developed specialized subsurface fate and transport 
    modeling for four waste management options: (1) Landfills; (2) surface 
    impoundments; (3) waste piles; and (4) land application units. All four 
    waste management scenarios assume that the waste if exempted could be 
    managed in the respective RCRA Subtitle D units. In deriving the 
    exemption levels, the Agency needs to evaluate the fate and transport 
    of constituents from the waste unit to the nearby drinking water wells. 
    The potential migration of constituents from a waste unit to the 
    leachate at the bottom of the waste unit can be simulated by the 
    laboratory test, the Toxicity Leaching Procedure (TCLP), or the 
    Synthetic Precipitation Leaching Procedure (SPLP), Method 1312. 
    Although one procedure may be more applicable for some wastes than the 
    other procedure, as described on page 21483 of the Federal Register 
    Notice of May 20, 1992 (57 FR 21450), the Agency is soliciting comments 
    on the applicability and use of one test over the other for this 
        The fate and transport of constituents in leachate from the bottom 
    of the waste unit through the unsaturated zone and to a drinking water 
    well in the saturated zone is estimated using a fate and transport 
    model. The Agency proposes to use EPACMTP (EPA's Composite Model for 
    leachate migration with Transformation Products) for this purpose. The 
    EPACMTP considers not only the subsurface fate and transport of 
    chemical constituents, but also the formation and the fate and 
    transport of transformation (daughter) products. The Agency also 
    solicits comments on the technical correctness and applicability of the 
    model and the data for this proposal.
        The Agency proposed the use of a subsurface fate and transport 
    model (EPASMOD) on June 13,1986 (51 FR 21648) in the Toxicity 
    Characteristic (TC) Rule. However, after receiving numerous comments, 
    the Agency revised the model and the data used in the model (53 FR 
    28692) and the enhanced model (EPACML) was used in the TC Final Rule 
    (55 FR 11798). The EPACMTP replaces the EPACML for use in this 
    proposal. The EPACMTP was recently published in a refereed journal 
    (Kool, Sudicky and Saleem, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 17(1994) 
    69-90) and has been reviewed by the EPA's Science Advisory Board (SAB). 
    The SAB commended the Agency for making for its significant 
    improvements to the model. They also stated that it represents the 
    state of the art for such analyses. However, they also recommended 
    additional testing of the model.
        The modeling approach used for this proposed rulemaking includes 
    three major categories of enhancements over the EPACML and the approach 
    for the TC rule. The enhancements fall into the 
    [[Page 66368]]
    following categories: (1) Incorporation of additional fate and 
    transport processes (e.g., degradation of chemical constituents); (2) 
    Use of enhanced flow and transport solution algorithms and techniques 
    (e.g., three-dimensional transport); and (3) Revision of the Monte 
    Carlo methodology (e.g., site-based implementation of available input 
    data). A discussion of the key enhancements which have been implemented 
    in the EPACMTP is presented here and the details are provided in the 
    background documents (USEPA, 1995a-g). The Agency is soliciting 
    comments on the modeling enhancements and the modeling methodology as 
    well as on the values derived for individual chemical constituents:
    (1) Fate and Transport Processes
        Effects of groundwater mounding underneath waste unit.--The EPACML 
    was limited to conditions of uniform groundwater flow. It could not 
    handle accurately the conditions of significant groundwater mounding 
    and non-uniform groundwater flow due to a high rate of infiltration 
    from the waste units. These conditions increase the transverse 
    horizontal as well as the vertical spreading of a contaminant plume. 
    The EPACMTP accounts for these effects directly by simulating 
    groundwater flow in the vertical as well as horizontal directions 
    (USEPA, 1995 a).
        Transformation products.--The EPACMTP model has capability to 
    simulate the formation and fate of multiple transformation products (up 
    to seven) in the unsaturated as well as in the saturated zones. For 
    constituents which have toxic transformation products, the EPACMTP can 
    provide an assessment of the groundwater impact of the transformation 
    products, along with that of the parent constituent. This methodology 
    has been implemented for hydrolyzing organic constituents included in 
    this proposal.
        Fate and transport of metals.--The EPACMTP can simulate fate and 
    transport of metals, taking into account geochemical influences on the 
    mobility of metals. The EPA's MINTEQA2 (USEPA, 1995 f) metals 
    speciation model is used to generate effective sorption isotherms for 
    individual metals, corresponding to a range of geochemical conditions. 
    The transport modules in EPACMTP have been enhanced to incorporate the 
    nonlinear MINTEQ sorption isotherms. This enhancement provides the 
    model with capability to simulate, in the unsaturated and in the 
    saturated zones, the impact of Ph, leachate organic matter, natural 
    organic matter, iron hydroxide and the presence of other ions in the 
    groundwater on the mobility of metals.
    (2) Enhanced Solution Algorithms and Techniques
        Linkage between unsaturated zone and saturated zone modules.--The 
    saturated zone module implemented in the EPACML was based on a Gaussian 
    distribution of concentration of a chemical constituent in the 
    saturated zone. The module also used an approximation to account for 
    the initial mixing of the contaminant entering at the water table 
    underneath the waste unit. The approximate nature of this mixing factor 
    could sometimes lead to unrealistic values of contaminant concentration 
    in the groundwater close to the waste unit, especially in cases of a 
    high infiltration rate from the waste unit. The enhanced model 
    incorporates a direct linkage between the unsaturated zone and 
    saturated zone modules which overcomes these limitations of the EPACML.
        Numerical transport solution modules.--To enable a greater 
    flexibility and range of conditions that can be modeled, the analytical 
    saturated zone transport module has been replaced with a numerical 
    module, based on the highly efficient state-of-the-art Laplace 
    Transform Galerkin (LTG) technique. The enhanced module can simulate 
    the anisotropic, non-uniform groundwater flow, and transient, finite 
    source, conditions. The latter requires the model to calculate a 
    maximum receptor well concentration over a finite time horizon, rather 
    than just the steady state concentration which was calculated by the 
    EPACML. The saturated zone modules have been implemented to provide 
    either a fully three-dimensional solution, or a highly efficient quasi-
    3D solution. The latter has been implemented for Monte Carlo 
    applications and provides nearly the same accuracy as the fully three-
    dimensional option, but is more computationally efficient. Both the 
    unsaturated zone and the saturated zone transport modules can 
    accommodate the formation and the transport of parent as well as of the 
    transformation products.
        Solution for nonlinear metals transport.--A highly efficient semi-
    analytical unsaturated zone transport module has been incorporated to 
    handle the transport of metals in the unsaturated zone and can use 
    MINTEQA2 derived linear or nonlinear sorption isotherms. Conventional 
    numerical solution techniques are inadequate to handle extremely 
    nonlinear isotherms. An enhanced method-of-characteristic based 
    solution has been implemented which overcomes these problems and 
    thereby enables the simulation of metals transport in the Monte Carlo 
    framework. Non-linearity in the metals sorption isotherms is primarily 
    of concern at higher concentration values; for low concentrations, the 
    isotherms are linear or close to linear. Because of the attenuation in 
    the unsaturated zone, and the subsequent dilution in the saturated 
    zone, concentrations in the saturated zone are usually low enough so 
    that properly linearized isotherms are used by the model in the 
    saturated zone without significant errors.
        Elimination of biases in determination of receptor well location.--
    The internal routines in the model which determine placement of the 
    receptor well relative to the areal extent of the contaminant plume 
    have been revised and enhanced to eliminate bias which was present in 
    the implementation in the EPACML. The calculation of the areal extent 
    of the plume has been revised to take into consideration the dimensions 
    of the waste unit. The logic for placing a receptor well inside the 
    plume limits has been improved to eliminate a bias towards larger waste 
    unit areas and to ensure that the placement of the well inside these 
    limits, for a given radial distance from the unit, is truly randomly 
    uniform. However, for this proposal, the closest drinking water well is 
    located anywhere on the downgradient side of the waste unit and the 
    Agency is soliciting any comments on this procedure.
    (3) Revisions of Monte Carlo methodology for nationwide assessment
        Data sources.--The data sources from which parameter distributions 
    for nationwide Monte Carlo assessments are obtained have been 
    evaluated, and where appropriate, have been revised to make use of the 
    latest data available for modeling. Leachate rates for Subtitle D waste 
    units have been revised using the latest version of the HELP model with 
    the revised data inputs. Source specific input parameters (e.g., waste 
    unit area and volume) have been developed for various different types 
    of industrial waste units besides landfills. Input values for the 
    groundwater related parameters have been revised to utilize information 
    from a nationwide industry survey of actual contaminated sites.
        Finite-source methodology.--The original version of the model was 
    implemented for Monte Carlo assessments assuming continuous source 
    (infinite source) conditions only. This methodology did not take into 
    account the finite volume and/or operational life of waste units. The 
    EPACMTP model has been 
    [[Page 66369]]
    implemented for Monte Carlo assessments of either continuous source or 
    finite source scenarios. In the latter scenario, predicted groundwater 
    impact is not only based on the concentrations of contaminants in the 
    leachate, but also on the amount of constituent in the waste unit and/
    or the operational life of the unit. The Monte Carlo methodology was 
    enhanced to allow determination of regulatory threshold levels for 
    these two waste characteristics USEPA, 1995.
        Site-based regional analysis.--The Monte Carlo methodology has been 
    fundamentally revised and enhanced to account for the interdependency 
    among the various model input parameters based on regional 
    distributions. The original methodology simply assumed that a waste 
    site could be located anywhere in the US, and that the probability 
    distributions of individual model parameters (e.g., infiltration rate, 
    depth to groundwater, etc.) at any waste site were mutually independent 
    and given by their nationwide frequency distributions. The model 
    therefore only had limited capability to account for correlations and 
    dependencies among the model parameters. To address this limitation, a 
    site-based methodology has been implemented, based on the OSW's surveys 
    of existing waste facilities in the US, and their geographical 
    locations. The information of geographical location is used in this 
    enhanced approach to select the other model parameters, such as 
    infiltration rate and hydrogeological characteristics. A number of 
    different sources were reviewed for the development of the site-based 
    approach. Four of these sets were selected to derive the regional 
    characteristics of the more important parameters for each sampled site: 
    The OSW's survey of industrial waste management units (EPA, 1986); the 
    infiltration and recharge analysis performed for U.S. climatic regions; 
    the U.S. Geological Survey inventory of groundwater resources; and the 
    API's (American Petroleum Institute) survey of hydrogeologic parameters 
    for the different groundwater environments in the U.S.
    (4) Implementation of EPACMTP
        The specific modeling options selected for the modeling analyses 
    are summarized in Table 3 below. All modeling analyses were conducted 
    in the finite source, Monte Carlo mode, for four industrial Subtitle D 
    waste management scenarios. The groundwater fate and transport model 
    was used to predict the maximum concentration at a receptor well placed 
    down gradient from the waste unit. A 10,000 years time limit was 
    imposed on the exposure time period, i.e., the calculated concentration 
    is the highest exposure concentration occurring within 10,000 years 
    following the initial release from the waste unit. The Monte Carlo fate 
    and transport simulation provides a probability distribution of 
    receptor well exposure concentrations as a function of waste and 
    leachate concentrations. For this proposal, the groundwater modeling 
    results were used to derive leachate concentration thresholds. For 
    carcinogenic constituents, the exposure concentration calculated by the 
    model corresponds to the maximum 30-year average receptor well 
    concentration. For non-carcinogenic constituents, the peak receptor 
    well concentration is used. The regulatory threshold leachate 
    concentration limits were determined using a back-calculation 
    procedure, to correspond to an approximate 90th percentile protection 
    level. This means that the closest downgradient drinking-water wells at 
    90% of the industrial Subtitle D waste management units would have 
    water concentrations below the HBN/MCL. The wells further away at 90% 
    of the sites would be protected at higher protection levels. The wells 
    at the other 10% of the sites would be protected at lower protection 
        The Agency uses a 95th percentile protection level in the RCRA 
    Delisting program and the 85th percentile for the toxicity 
    characteristic program. These two programs have slightly different 
    goals from the exemption proposed today. The recently developed 
    Superfund soil-screening levels use a 90th percentile protection level 
    to identify sites at which no additional investigation for possible 
    remediation is required. The exit proposed today is similar to the 
    soil-screening levels program. Today's proposed exit is intended to 
    identify wastes no longer needing Subtitle C management. Finally, the 
    90th percentile was chosen because it is nearly consistent with the 
    protectiveness level in the other pathways of the multipath risk 
    assessment performed for today's proposal as far as could be 
        Table 3 provides a summary of the methodology and/or data sources 
    used to obtain values for the source-specific parameters, chemical-
    specific parameters, unsaturated zone parameters, saturated zone 
    parameters, and receptor well location parameters. Because the 
    groundwater pathway analysis was performed in Monte Carlo mode, all 
    parameters are in principle described by their probability 
    distributions. Details on the actual distributions used are provided in 
    the background documents (USEPA, 1995a-g). Probability distributions 
    used for the unsaturated zone parameters, the saturated zone 
    parameters, and receptor well location parameters were the same for all 
    waste management scenarios and individual constituents that were 
    analyzed for today's exit.
    (5) Waste Management Scenarios
        The waste management unit represents the source term in the fate 
    and transport model for the waste management scenarios evaluated for 
    groundwater contamination. In the modeling framework, the source is 
    defined in terms of four key parameters: (i) Waste unit area, (ii) 
    Leachate flux (infiltration) rate, (iii) Leachate concentration, and 
    (iv) Duration of leachate pulse. The first of these parameters, waste 
    unit area, was determined from the nationwide OSW survey of industrial 
    Subtitle D waste management facilities (USEPA, 1995 a-b). After 
    screening out records with unreliable waste site area and/or volume, 
    the OSW Industrial Subtitle D survey provides data on location, area 
    and volume of 790 landfills, 1655 surface impoundments, 774 waste 
    piles, and 311 land application sites nationwide. The weighted 
    distributions of waste unit characteristics used as input to the model 
    are based on the results of the survey.
        The leachate flux, or infiltration rate, and duration of the 
    leachate pulse are determined from the design and operational 
    characteristics of the waste management scenario being modeled. 
    Consideration of a leachate pulse of finite duration is a fundamental 
    aspect of the present analysis and distinguishes it from the continuous 
    source (infinite source) assumption used for the 1990 Toxicity 
    Characteristic (TC) Rule (55 FR 11798). It should be emphasized though 
    that the results of the finite source analysis are not necessarily 
    different from those of the continuous source analysis. If the source 
    leaching duration is long enough to drive the maximum receptor well 
    concentration to its steady state value, the finite source and 
    continuous source analyses are in fact the same. In practice, the 
    distinction between continuous source and finite source analysis is the 
    most important for chemicals which are subjects to sorption, 
    speciation, and/or degradation, including hydrolyzing organics and 
        The leachate concentration of specific constituents in the waste 
    forms the basis for regulating the wastes. The leachate concentration 
    is not specified a-priori, but rather it is back-calculated at the end 
    of the Monte Carlo analysis to satisfy the regulatory criterion that 
    [[Page 66370]]
    maximum groundwater exposure concentration should be at, or below, the 
    constituent-specific health-based drinking water standard, in at least 
    90 % of the cases.
        The following sections present background on the determination of 
    the source parameters for each waste management scenario.
        Landfills.--The key characteristic of the landfill scenario is that 
    the duration of the leachate pulse is independent of the operational 
    life of the waste management unit, i.e., the period of time required to 
    fill the landfill. The landfill is taken to be filled to capacity and 
    covered when leaching begins. The time period during which the landfill 
    is filled-up, usually on the order of 20 years, is considered to be 
    small relative to the time required to leach all of the constituent 
    mass out of the landfill. The model simulation results indicate that 
    this assumption is not unreasonable; the model calculated leaching 
    duration (see below) is typically on the order of several hundred 
        The leachate flux, or infiltration rate, is determined using the 
    HELP model. The net infiltration rate is calculated using a water 
    balance approach, which considers precipitation, evapo-transpiration, 
    and surface run-off. The HELP model was used to calculate landfill 
    infiltration rates for a representative subtitle D landfill with 2-foot 
    earthen cover, and no liner or leachate collection system, using 
    climatic data from 97 climatic stations located throughout the US. 
    These correspond to the reasonable worst case assumptions as explained 
    in the Risk Assessment Background Document (USEPA, 1995b). The model 
    calculates the daily water balance for the total period for which 
    climatic data are available. For each waste site in the OSW survey, an 
    infiltration rate was calculated using the data from the closest 
    climate station (USEPA, 1995b).
        In the landfill scenario, the duration of the leaching period is 
    not prescribed. Instead it is calculated as part of the Monte Carlo 
    simulation from the total mass of constituent in the landfill, and the 
    rate of leaching. This relationship is derived from a straight-forward 
    mass balance principles. The methodology is documented in the 
    Background Document for the Finite Source Procedure (USEPA, 1995-c); 
    only the most salient aspects are presented here.
        The duration of the leachate pulse, Tp, is determined by the 
    total mass of constituent that is initially present in the landfill, 
    and the rate at which the constituent is removed by leaching:
    Aw . d . Fh . Phw . CW=Aw . I . CL . 
    TP={d . Fh . Phw} over {I} CW over CL where
        Aw=Area of the waste unit (m\2\),
        d=Depth of waste unit (m),
        Fh=Fraction of waste unit volume occupied by this waste,
        Phw=Density of the waste (g/cm\3\),
        I=Leachate flux (Infiltration) rate (m/y),
        CW=Constituent waste concentration (mg/kg), and
        CL=Constituent leachate concentration (mg/L).
        The determination of Tp according to (2) tacitly assumes that 
    the constituent does not degrade inside the waste unit, does not 
    consider removal by mechanisms other than leaching (e.g., 
    volatilization), and assumes that all of the constituent mass will 
    eventually leach out. The formulation given above also assumes that the 
    leachate concentration, CL, remains constant until all of the 
    constituent mass has leached out. The methodology was adapted to handle 
    a time-varying leachate concentration, e.g., a gradually diminishing 
    leachate concentration to represent the depletion of the contaminant 
    mass in the landfill over time. If it is assumed that the leaching of 
    the constituent from the waste into the water phase is controlled by a 
    linear equilibrium partitioning process, the reduction of the leachate 
    concentration with time can be modeled as a first-order decay process 
    (EPA, 1995c):
        CL0=Initial leaching concentration (mg/L)
        =Apparent decay constant (y-1)
        t=Time (y)
    The rate at which the leachate concentration is reduced is determined 
    by the coefficient , which is given by:
    ={I} over [{d FhwPhw}{CW over CL0}]
    Using (3), the leachate concentration will gradually and asymptotically 
    be reduced to zero. The total amount of constituent that is released 
    into the subsurface will be the same whether a constant leachate 
    concentration of finite duration, or a gradually diminishing leachate 
    concentration is assumed. In the latter case, the duration of the 
    release period is longer, but the average leachate concentration lower, 
    as compared to the former case.
        It can be seen from either (2) or (4) that the duration of the 
    leachate pulse, or the rate of depletion, respectively, can be 
    expressed as a function of the initial leachate concentration, CL. 
    For the modeling analyses, equation (3) was used for organic 
    constituents. The underlying assumption that the concentration is 
    controlled by linear equilibrium partitioning is reasonable for organic 
    constituents. For metals, the pulse release option (equation 2) with 
    constant leaching concentration was used.
        The calculation of Tp (or ) requires a number of 
    ancillary source and waste parameters. These are the depth of the waste 
    unit (d), the fraction of the waste unit occupied by the waste 
    (Fh), and the waste density (Phw). The waste unit depth is 
    obtained directly from the OSW waste site survey. The survey provides 
    data on both landfill areas and volumes, which allows the depth to be 
    calculated for any landfill selected during the Monte Carlo simulation. 
    The fraction of waste in the landfill is assigned a uniform 
    distribution with lower and upper limits of 0.036 and 1.0, 
    respectively, based on analysis of waste composition in Subtitle D 
    landfills (EPA, 1995). The lower bound assures that the waste unit will 
    always contains a minimum amount of the waste of concern. The waste 
    density is assigned a value based on reported densities of hazardous 
    waste, and varies between 0.7 and 2.1 g/cm\3\ (EPA, 1995c).
        Surface Impoundment.--The surface impoundment waste management 
    scenario is that of a non-hazardous waste industrial impoundment. The 
    area of the impoundment is obtained from the OSW Subtitle D Industrial 
    Survey (USEPA 1995 b). No direct data is available on the rate of 
    infiltration from surface impoundments. The rate of infiltration from 
    the impoundment is calculated inside the EPACMTP fate and transport 
    model. The rate of infiltration is calculated, using Darcy's Law, as a 
    function of surface impoundment depth, and hydraulic conductivity and 
    thickness of a low-permeability sediment layer at the base of the 
        Impoundment depth is obtained from the OSW survey, for each 
    impoundment site in the survey, in the same way as the landfill depth 
    is obtained (see above). The sediment layer at the base of the 
    impoundment is taken to be 2 feet thick, and have an effective 
    equivalent saturated conductivity of 10-7 cm/s . These values were 
    selected in recognition of the fact that most non-hazardous waste 
    surface impoundments do have some kind of liners in place (USEPA, 
    1995b). During the Monte Carlo fate and transport simulation, the 
    infiltration rate is calculated using the impoundment depth value for 
    the specific unit selected for each Monte Carlo realization.
        The leachate concentration again is not determined a priori, but is 
    determined after the analysis, based on 
    [[Page 66371]]
    the desired regulatory protection level (90th percentile). The surface 
    impoundment is taken to have a 20-year operational life. After this 
    period, the impoundment may be filled in, or simply abandoned. In the 
    latter case, the waste in the impoundment will drain and/or evaporate 
    relatively quickly. In the modeling analysis, the duration of the 
    leaching period is therefore set equal to 20-years.
        Waste Pile.--The waste pile management scenario is conceptually 
    similar to that of the landfill, but differs in a number of key 
    aspects. In contrast to landfills which represent a long-term waste 
    management scenario, waste piles represent a more temporary management 
    scenario. During the operational life of the waste pile, it may be 
    regarded as an uncovered landfill. Typically at the end of the active 
    life of a waste pile, the waste material is either removed for land 
    filling, or the waste pile is covered and left in place. If the waste 
    is removed, there is no longer a source of potential contamination. If 
    a waste pile is covered and left in place, it then becomes equivalent 
    to a landfill, and consequently is to be regulated as a landfill. For 
    the analyses, therefore, only the groundwater impacts associated with 
    the period that the waste pile is active, are considered.
        Data on the waste pile area are obtained from the OSW Subtitle D 
    survey. Infiltration rates for the waste pile are obtained by treating 
    the waste pile as an uncovered landfill. HELP model derived landfill 
    infiltration rates assuming a sandy loam soil cover were used to assign 
    infiltration rates for waste piles. A sandy loam cover represents the 
    most permeable cover considered for the landfill scenario, and most 
    closely resembles a situation in which no cover is present. The 
    methodology for assigning an infiltration rate to any specific waste 
    pile in the OSW survey follows that used for landfills (see above).
        An active life of 20 years is assumed for the waste pile. This also 
    determines the duration of the leaching period. As with the landfill 
    and surface impoundment scenario, the leachate concentration is 
    determined at the end of the analysis, to satisfy the regulatory 
    protection level.
        Land Application Units.--Data on the location, area and waste 
    application rates at industrial land application sites were obtained 
    from the OSW survey of industrial Subtitle D sites. Location-specific 
    infiltration rates were estimated for each land application site by 
    applying the HELP model, using climatic data from the nearest climate 
    station. Because wastes applied at land application sites typically 
    have a high liquid content, this factor was accounted for in the water 
    balance calculations. An annual waste application rate of six inches of 
    waste, containing 85% water was assumed. This is typical of sludges 
    which constitute a large fraction of waste at land application sites. 
    Therefore, an additional 5.1 inches of water were added to the natural 
    precipitation for the water balance evaluation at each land application 
        The leaching duration for the land application unit was set to 40 
    years, consistent with the release period modeled for the air pathway. 
    No reliable data were available for the active life of land application 
    units. Using a longer value than for surface impoundments and waste 
    piles is warranted because part of the applied waste material may 
    remain in the soil at the end of the active life of a land application 
    unit, and may continue as a source of contaminant leaching.
    (6) Determination of Regulatory Waste and Leachate Concentration Limits
        The objective of the Monte Carlo fate and transport analysis is the 
    determination of regulatory limits for the concentration of individual 
    toxic constituents in the leachate, CL. These limits are 
    determined so as to satisfy the regulatory criterion that disposal of a 
    waste in a subtitle D waste management unit should not lead to an 
    exceedance of the health-based value or the drinking water standard, at 
    a receptor well placed down gradient from the waste unit, in at least 
    90% of the cases.
        The CL limits are specific to each waste management scenario, 
    and are also constituent specific. CL limits are constituent 
    specific because of their dependence on constituent specific health-
    based standards, as well as on constituent specific fate and transport 
    characteristics that affect the concentration received at the receptor 
    well. The latter factors are discussed in the following section; this 
    section discusses the determination of regulatory CL thresholds.
        Using Equation (2) or (3) and (4), the groundwater exposure 
    concentration calculated by the fate and transport model can be 
    expressed as a function CL. All other parameters used in the 
    modeling analysis are obtained from prescribed probability 
    distributions. Consequently, by comparing the predicted exposure 
    concentration to the appropriate regulatory standard, e.g., health-
    based value or a drinking-water standard, threshold levels of CL, 
    can be calculated. Wastes for which the leachate concentration exceeds 
    the CL threshold would not be exempted. Because the Monte Carlo 
    analysis produces a probability distribution of exposure 
    concentrations, the back-calculation of CL threshold levels can be 
    performed for any desired level of protection.
         For those constituents that degrade (see next subsection) and 
    produce toxic degradation products, the development of regulatory 
    threshold values for CL considers not only the exposure 
    concentration and toxicity of the parent constituent, but also the 
    exposure concentration and toxicity of toxic transformation products. 
    For instance, consider two waste constituents that have similar 
    toxicity values, i.e., similar health-based levels, as well as similar 
    fate and transport characteristics, so that they show comparable values 
    for the model simulated receptor well exposure concentration. However, 
    if one of the two chemicals produces toxic off-spring, but the other 
    chemical does not, the chemical which has toxic daughter products will 
    have more stringent limits for CL.
    (7) Chemical--Specific Fate and Transport Processes
        The Monte Carlo fate and transport analysis considers chemical-
    specific sorption and hydrolysis (degradation) characteristics. These 
    characteristics directly affect the model-predicted groundwater 
    exposure concentration. Chemicals which are subject to sorption and/or 
    hydrolysis will exhibit lower exposure concentration as compared to 
    non-sorbing, non-degrading chemicals. This translates into higher 
    regulatory waste and concentration limits. Two broad groups of 
    chemicals are considered under today's proposal. They are organic 
    constituents and metals.
        Organic Constituents.--Organic constituents account for the largest 
    group of chemicals addressed under today's proposal. The groundwater 
    pathway analyses were performed for a total of 222 organic 
    constituents. The fate and transport analysis accounts for sorption of 
    organics onto soil and aquifer organic matter, as expressed by a 
    chemical-specific organic-carbon partition coefficient (Koc), and 
    degradation due to hydrolysis reactions, as expressed by chemical-
    specific hydrolysis constants. Sorption is modeled as a reversible, 
    linear equilibrium process. Degradation due to hydrolysis is modeled as 
    a first-order kinetic process. The groundwater pathway analysis 
    utilizes a comprehensive set of Koc values and hydrolysis rate 
    constants compiled by the EPA-ORD (Environmental Fate 
    [[Page 66372]]
    Constants for Organic Chemicals Under Consideration for EPA's Hazardous 
    Waste Identification Projects , EPA/600/R-93/132). Chemicals with 
    identical Koc values and hydrolysis constants will exhibit the same 
    fate and transport behavior, and given the same leachate concentration 
    and leaching period, they will result in the same exposure 
    concentration. Note, however, that they may still have different 
    regulatory leachate concentration limits, if they have different 
    health-based drinking water standards and/or produce toxic 
    transformation products.
        For the groundwater pathway analysis, organic constituents with a 
    hydrolysis half-life of 6,900 years or less (first-order degradation 
    rate of 10-4 or greater) were classified as degraders, the 
    remainder were classified as non-degraders. The EPACMTP can simulate 
    the formation and subsequent fate and transport of transformation 
    daughter products, enabling the groundwater exposure concentrations of 
    any toxic transformation products to be determined and, therefore, 
    included in the determination of leachate concentration thresholds.
        It has been established, by analyzing modeling results for 
    different constituents with a range of sorption and degradation 
    characteristics that, after normalizing the results against the 
    chemical-specific HBN/MCL, the effect of sorption and degradation on 
    the regulatory values can be expressed as a function of the Koc and 
    hydrolysis rate coefficients, using a straight-forward scaling 
    relationship. After these relationships have been established, it is 
    not actually necessary to conduct the Monte Carlo fate and transport 
    computer simulations for each individual constituent. Instead, for each 
    waste management scenario of concern, a set of reference CL values 
    are generated by running the Monte Carlo model for a selected range of 
    values of Koc and hydrolysis rate coefficients using a normalized HBN/
    MCL of 1 mg/L. Constituent-specific CLMIN values are then 
    determined in two steps: First, the reference curves are scaled to the 
    constituent specific Koc value, and (for degraders) hydrolysis rate 
    coefficients. Secondly, an adjustment is made for the constituent-
    specific value of the drinking water standard. The final values of 
    CLMIN are obtained by multiplying the concentration limits 
    based on the normalized drinking water standard, by the actual value of 
    the drinking water standard of that particular constituent. For 
    constituents with toxic transformation products, this procedure is 
    repeated for the transformation products, to find the minimum values of 
    CL (CLMIN) which ensure that the exposure concentrations 
    of the parent constituent and any daughter products will not be 
    exceeded. The benefit of this approach is that if additional 
    constituents are to be regulated, or a different value of the drinking 
    water standard HBN/MCL, the appropriate CLMIN can be 
    determined with less effort, because it is not necessary to repeat the 
    time-consuming complete Monte Carlo simulation.
        Metals.--Fate and transport of metals in the subsurface may be 
    controlled by complex geochemical interactions. To account for these 
    processes, the OSW has developed and implemented a modeling approach 
    which utilizes the MINTEQA2 metals speciation model in conjunction with 
    the EPACMTP subsurface fate and transport model. The MINTEQ model has 
    been applied to generate effective sorption isotherms reflecting 
    variations in four geochemical master variables affecting metals fate 
    and transport. These factors are: Ph, leachate organic matter natural 
    organic matter in the soil or aquifer, and ironhydroxide content. Each 
    of these parameters has a range of values, reflecting their nationwide 
                                           Table 3.--EPACMTP Modeling Options                                       
    Management Scenarios..........................................................  Industrial Subtitle D: (i)      
                                                                                     Landfill; (ii) Surface         
                                                                                     Impoundment; (iii) Waste Pile; 
                                                                                     and (iv) Land Application Unit.
    Modeling Scenario.............................................................  Finite Source Monte Carlo.      
    Regulatory Protection Level...................................................  90% (yields an approximate DAF  
                                                                                     of 10 for a continuous source  
    Source Parameters:                                                                                              
        Waste Unit Area...........................................................  Site based, form OSW Industrial 
                                                                                     Subtitle D Survey.             
        Waste Unit Volume.........................................................  Site based, from OSW Industrial 
                                                                                     Subtitle D Survey.             
        Infiltration Rate:                                                                                          
            Landfill..............................................................  Site-based, derived from water  
                                                                                     balance using HELP model.      
            Surface Impoundment...................................................  Site-based, derived from        
                                                                                     impoundment depth using Darcy's
            Waste Pile............................................................  Site-based derived from water   
                                                                                     balance using HELP model.      
            Land Application Unit.................................................  Site-based, derived from water  
                                                                                     balance using HELP model.      
        Leaching Duration:                                                                                          
            Landfill..............................................................  Derived, continues until all    
                                                                                     constituent has leached out.   
            Surface Impoundment...................................................  20 years (operational life of   
                                                                                     waste unit).                   
            Waste Pile Land.......................................................  20 years (operational life of   
                                                                                     waste unit).                   
            Application Unit......................................................  40 years.                       
    Chemical Specific Parameters:                                                                                   
        Decay Rate:                                                                                                 
            Organics..............................................................  Hydrolysis rates based on       
                                                                                     measurements or based on       
                                                                                     appropriate structure-activity 
            Metals................................................................  No decay.                       
            Organics..............................................................  Koc estimated from Kow, which is
                                                                                     based on measurements or based 
                                                                                     on appropriate structure-      
                                                                                     activity relationships.        
            Metals................................................................  MINTEQ sorption isotherms (Pb,  
                                                                                     Hg, Ni, Cr (III), Ba, Cd).     
                                                                                    pH dependent isotherms (As, Cr  
                                                                                     (VI), Se (VI), Th)             
    Unsaturated Zone Parameters:                                                                                    
        Depth to groundwater......................................................  Site-based, from API/USGS       
                                                                                     hydrogeologic database.        
        Soil Hydraulic Parameters.................................................  National distribution for the   
                                                                                     main soil types.               
        Fraction Organic Carbon...................................................  National distribution for the   
                                                                                     main soil types.               
        Bulk Density..............................................................  National distribution for the   
                                                                                     main soil types.               
    Saturated Zone Parameters:                                                                                      
        Recharge Rate.............................................................  Site-based, derived from        
                                                                                     precipitation/evaporation and  
                                                                                     soil type.                     
    [[Page 66373]]
        Saturated Thickness.......................................................  Site-based, from API/USGS       
                                                                                     hydrogeologic database.        
        Hydraulic Conductivity....................................................  Site-based, from API/USGS       
                                                                                     hydrogeologic database.        
        Porosity..................................................................  Effective porosity derived from 
                                                                                     national distribution of       
                                                                                     aquifer particle diameter.     
        Bulk Density..............................................................  Derived from porosity.          
        Dispersivity..............................................................  Derived from a national         
                                                                                     distribution and is based on   
                                                                                     distance to the receptor well. 
        Groundwater Temperature...................................................  Site-based, from USGS regional  
                                                                                     temperature map.               
        Fraction Organic Carbon...................................................  National distribution, from EPA 
                                                                                     STORET database.               
        pH........................................................................  National distribution, from EPA 
                                                                                     STORET database.               
    Receptor Well Location:                                                                                         
        Radial Distance...........................................................  Nationwide distribution based   
                                                                                     the survey.                    
        Angle Off-Center..........................................................  Uniform within  90  
                                                                                     deg. from plume centerline.    
        Depth of Intake Point.....................................................  (No restriction to be within    
                                                                                     plume) Uniform throughout      
                                                                                     saturated thickness of aquifer.
    4. Other Risk Assessment Issues
    a. Differences Between the Groundwater and Non-groundwater Analyses
        As mentioned previously, the Agency conducted separate analyses for 
    the evaluation of risks from groundwater and non-groundwater pathways. 
    The groundwater pathways relied on a full Monte Carlo analysis; whereas 
    the non-groundwater pathway analyses were performed using high-end and 
    central tendency parameters, consistent EPA's risk characterization 
    guidance (EPA 1995).
        Although the approaches to the modeling differed, the Agency used 
    the same data for parameter inputs (i.e., OSW's Industrial Subtitle D 
    Survey, U.S. EPA 1986) to describe the waste management units common to 
    both analyses (i.e, surface impoundments, waste piles, and land 
    application units). However, even though the same data were used, some 
    differences exist based on the different modeling approaches. These 
    differences are discussed below.
    (1) Infiltration
        For the groundwater pathway analysis, the Agency used the HELP 
    model to calculate the net infiltration rate for landfills, land 
    application units and waste piles, as a function of regional climatic 
    conditions and waste unit design characteristics (see EPACMTP 
    background Document). The analysis used the meteorological data from 93 
    meteorological stations located throughout the United States to develop 
    infiltration rate distributions using the HELP model.
        For the non-groundwater analysis, the Agency used rainfall to 
    calculate the recharge rate. The rainfall was selected from 29 
    meteorological stations distributed among 9 climate regions. However, 
    the method for selecting the rainfall factor differed between the air 
    release pathways and the overland release pathways.
         For the air release pathways, the Agency conducted a 
    sensitivity analysis for each waste management unit type to rank the 29 
    meteorological stations with respect to several air modeling outputs, 
    including maximum air concentration of pollutants, average air 
    concentrations over the agricultural field and water body, and average 
    deposition over the agricultural field and water body. Based on these 
    sensitivity analyses, the Agency selected a central tendency location 
    and high-end location for the air pathway for each of the waste 
    management units. Thus, locations with meteorologic data, including the 
    rainfall factor, approaching the central tendency and high-end values 
    were selected for each waste management unit.
         For the overland release pathways, the Agency ranked the 
    rainfall factors from the 29 meteorological stations and selected the 
    50th and 90th percentile based on the distribution of the 29 
    meteorological stations.
    (2) Density of Waste Applied to the Land Application Unit
        The approach used in the groundwater analysis assumed the bulk 
    density of the applied waste to be 1 gram per cubic centimeter (g/cc) 
    because the waste was assumed to be comprised predominantly of water. 
    However, changes in the density of applied waste do not significantly 
    affect the results of the groundwater modeling results.
        The approach used in the non-groundwater analysis assumed the bulk 
    density of waste to be analogous to the density of sewage sludge (i.e., 
    1.4 g/cc). The waste in the LAU is a mixture of industrial waste and 
    soil. The central tendency bulk density for soil (i.e., 1.5 g/cc) is 
    similar to the bulk density assumed for industrial waste. Because the 
    waste is incorporated into soil, the properties of the waste/soil 
    mixture are needed. There is little variability in bulk density for the 
    type of soil used in the analysis (i.e., loam), thus, the same value 
    was used for central tendency and high-end estimates of the waste/soil 
    mixture bulk density.
    (3) Unsaturated Zone Characteristics
        The groundwater pathway analysis used the characteristics (e.g., 
    percent organic matter, saturated hydraulic conductivity) of the entire 
    unsaturated zone as input into the modeling analysis. The non-
    groundwater pathway analysis used as input the characteristics of only 
    the upper portions of the unsaturated zone because these 
    characteristics were those significant for the surface exposure 
    (4) Hydrolysis Rates
        The hydrolysis rate for a chemical constituent is used in the Monte 
    Carlo groundwater pathway analysis as a function of temperature and pH 
    of the groundwater at the Monte Carlo realized site. The Agency used 
    hydrolysis rates for constituents that have been measured through 
    appropriate structure activity relationships. They have been reviewed 
    by a panel of experts from the Agency's Office of Research and 
    Development (USEPA, 1993). The non-groundwater pathway analysis used 
    hydrolysis rates from the ``Handbook of Environmental Fate and Exposure 
    Data for Organic Chemicals'' (Howard et. al, 1993).
    b. Other Groundwater Pathway Analysis Issues
    (1) Use of 1,000 Year Versus 10,000 Year Exposure Time Horizon
        The Agency's proposal is based on a 10,000 year time horizon for 
    the groundwater pathway. This means that the determination of leachate 
    concentration limits is based on the highest (30-year average) 
    concentration that occurs within 10,000 years from the start of the 
    release. Although this longer time horizon has been used in other 
    programs (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory 
    [[Page 66374]]
    Commission and U.S. Department of Energy), the Agency is considering 
    using 1,000 years as an alternative time horizon. The Agency requests 
    comment on this issue which is described in more detail below.
        Using this shorter time horizon results in an increase of the 
    leachate concentration limit for a number of constituents. The 
    constituents affected are those which are strongly sorbed in the 
    subsurface, and which therefore tend to migrate slowly. These 
    constituents include organics with retardation factors (R) 
    significantly greater than one. The organic carbon partition 
    coefficient (koc) values for these constituents are about 3,500 g/
    cm3 or greater, and certain metals such as lead and chromium(III). 
    For organic constituents with koc values less than about 3,500 g/
    cm3, the highest receptor well exposure concentration is generally 
    reached in less than 1,000 years. Reducing the modeling time horizon 
    from 10,000 to 1,000 years therefore does not affect the results of the 
    pathway analysis for these constituents. The effect of using a 1,000 
    year versus a 10,000 year time horizon is illustrated in Table 4. The 
    constituent-specific differences are shown in Table B-1 of appendix B 
    to the preamble. The table is based on a landfill waste management 
    scenario, and all constituents are assumed to have identical toxicity 
    values and not be subject to hydrolysis. For reference, the leachate 
    concentration limit for constituents with koc=0 (no sorption, 
    R=1), and a 10,000 year time horizon is equal to 1.0 mg/L. This table 
    shows that the increase in leachate concentration limit for organic 
    constituents is affected for a shorter modeling horizon (1,000 years) 
    only when koc values (or R values) are very large. (About fifteen 
    percent, out of a total of approximately 200, including eight metals, 
    fall into this category.) The effect of hydrolysis rate is not 
    considered in results shown in the table. While hydrolysis influences 
    the magnitude of the exposure concentration at a receptor well, the 
    time that it takes for a contaminant to reach the receptor well is 
    independent from the chemical-specific hydrolysis rate. It is, however, 
    strongly influenced by chemical-specific sorption characteristics, 
    which for organics are expressed in terms of koc or R values.
     Table 4.--Effect of 1,000 Year Versus 10,000 Year Modeling Time Horizon
                         on Leachate Concentration Limit                    
                                                          10,000     1,000  
                        koc (cm3/)                        years      years  
    0.0...............................................        1.0        1.0
    3,384.............................................        1.0        1.0
    37,224............................................        1.0         60
    (2) Implementation of Parameter Bounds in Monte Carlo Procedure
        The Monte Carlo modeling procedure used in the groundwater pathway 
    analysis uses data on waste site location from the EPA's Industrial 
    Subtitle D Survey (USEPA, 1986). These data are combined with other 
    data sets for climatic and hydrogeological parameters. Auxiliary 
    parameters for which no direct data is available are calculated 
    internally in the model. For instance, ground-water velocity is 
    calculated from hydraulic conductivity, gradient and effective 
    porosity, and the dispersivity is calculated from the receptor well 
    distance (See EPACMTP Background Document and User's Manual). Each 
    parameter furthermore can have specified upper and lower bounds to 
    guard against the possibility that physically infeasible parameters 
    and/or parameter combinations are not used. When the latter condition 
    occurs, the particular Monte Carlo realization is rejected, and another 
    realization is generated. The Agency is considering an alternative 
    procedure in which only the offending parameter is regenerated, or, if 
    necessary, set equal to its upper or lower bound to avoid selection of 
    values beyond the minimum to the maximum values range. In first case, 
    the frequency distribution of parameter values generated by the Monte 
    Carlo module, may be different from its input distribution. The Agency 
    has determined that the two alternative procedures have little impact 
    on the overall modeling results in the case of landfills and land 
    application units, but that the default procedure tends to favor the 
    selection of sites with larger waste unit area in the case of waste 
    piles and surface impoundments. Therefore it produces more conservative 
    (lower) values for the final leachate concentration limits. The 
    analysis results show that for the two alternative Monte Carlo 
    procedures for surface impoundments, the default procedure results in a 
    leachate concentration limit of 1.0 mg/L, the alternative procedure 
    results in a concentration limit of about 31 mg/L for a chemical with 
    R=1. The effect of changes in the hydrolysis rate or the R value on the 
    resultant regulatory leachate concentration do not impact the results 
    obtained by using the alternative Monte Carlo procedure described in 
    this subsection. The Agency is also soliciting comments on the Monte 
    Carlo parameter rejection procedure used for the results presented in 
    this subsection.
    (3) Hydraulic Conductivity of Surface Impoundment Bottom Layer
        The surface impoundment scenario modeled in the groundwater pathway 
    analysis incorporates a 2 feet thick layer at the base of the 
    impoundment. In the base case for this proposal, the layer is assigned 
    a hydraulic conductivity of 10-7 cm/sec. The Agency recognizes that 
    this value may or may not be appropriate value for bottom sediments as 
    a nationwide typical for industrial Subtitle D surface impoundments. To 
    evaluate the impact of varying this parameter, the Agency has compared 
    modeling results obtained using a 10 times higher conductivity of 10-6 
    cm/sec. A higher conductivity value corresponds to a greater leachate 
    flux from the impoundment, and generally higher receptor well 
    concentrations, which translates into a more conservative (lower) 
    regulatory leachate concentration limit. The regulatory limit 
    calculated for a conductivity value of 10-7 cm/sec is 1.0 mg/L, 
    the corresponding value for a conductivity of 10-6 cm/sec would be 
    0.35 mg/L. The effect of changes in hydraulic conductivity on the 
    results is believed to be independent of the sorption or the hydrolysis 
    characteristics of the chemical. The Agency is inviting comments on the 
    appropriate value for the hydraulic conductivity of the bottom sediment 
    layer for industrial D surface impoundments. In addition, the Agency 
    requests the submission of hydraulic conductivity data for industrial 
    Subtitle D surface impoundment bottom sludges.
    (4) Waste Pile Infiltration Rates
        The Agency used the HELP model to calculate the net infiltration 
    rate for landfills, land application units and waste piles, as a 
    function of regional climatic conditions and waste unit design 
    characteristics (see EPACMTP background Document). For waste piles, the 
    Agency considered two alternatives. The procedure used in the base case 
    considered a waste pile, for the purpose of estimating infiltration 
    rates, to be similar to an uncovered landfill. The Monte Carlo modeling 
    analysis therefore used landfill infiltration rates corresponding to 
    the most permeable (sandy loam) of the three cover types 
    [[Page 66375]]
    used for landfill modeling. As an alternative, the Agency has used the 
    HELP model to calculate infiltration rates for waste piles directly. In 
    the initial evaluation, the runoff used in the water balance 
    calculation was computed by the HELP model as a function of soil 
    texture and vegetative cover (bare ground).The Agency has evaluated the 
    impact of representative bare, but unevenly surfaced, waste piles on 
    simulated runoff using the HELP model. A comparison of the impact of 
    using this alternative procedure against the values used in this 
    proposal for the base case, on the regulatory leachate concentration 
    limit, was conducted. The comparison of regulatory leachate 
    concentration limits is based on a non-degrading, non-sorbing 
    constituent, which has a concentration limit of 1.0 mg/L in the 
    proposal. Using the alternative procedure, the corresponding leachate 
    concentration level changes to 0.77. The Agency is inviting comments on 
    the two methods for the waste piles for the estimation of infiltration 
    rates through them. If you have any data and other information to 
    support your comment, send it along with your comments to the Docket.
    (5) Land Application Unit Infiltration Rates
        In the calculation of infiltration rates for land application units 
    for the base case in the proposal, it was assumed that land application 
    units receive, on average, 1,295.4 m\3\ha (5.1 inches) of water 
    annually through the application of the waste. This amount of water was 
    included in the HELP model water balance calculation, resulting in an 
    increased net infiltration as compared to ambient conditions. The waste 
    application rate may or may not represent true field situations. As an 
    alternative to the modeling procedure used for the base case of this 
    proposal, the Agency evaluated the effect of using ambient recharge 
    rates, i.e., the application of waste does not significantly alter the 
    water balance, on the calculated leachate concentration limits. The 
    comparison of this alternative with the procedure used for the base 
    case shows that the regulatory leachate concentration limits for a non-
    degrading, non-sorbing constituent in land application units changes to 
    1.12 mg/L from 1.0 mg/L for the procedure used in the base case.
        (6) Aggregate Effects of Alternative Groundwater Modeling 
    Procedures and Data
        The preceding sections have presented the effect of alternative 
    modeling options and data sources that have been considered by the 
    Agency. A consequence of the Monte Carlo exposure modeling approach is 
    that the effects of changes in model parameters are not always linearly 
    additive; rather the aggregate effect of changing multiple parameters 
    or options may be to either magnify or reduce the effect of the 
    individual changes. The Agency, therefore, has conducted modeling 
    analyses of the aggregate effect of the alternatives discussed above 
    for each of the four waste management scenarios. In addition to the 
    alternatives presented in the preceding subsections, a modification was 
    also made in the procedure for modeling waste sites for which the 
    corresponding hydrogeological region was initially assigned as ``not 
    classifiable''. Rather than ignoring the small fraction of sites 
    involved, they were incorporated into the analysis by assigning them 
    nationwide average values for the groundwater parameters. Table 5 
    presents the aggregate effect of all changes for each of the four waste 
    management scenarios modeled. The modeling results correspond to a non-
    degrading, non-sorbing constituent. The leachate concentration limits 
    are normalized with respect to a value of 1.0 mg/L for the landfill 
    scenario, under the modeling procedure for the base case of this 
    proposal. The results are presented for a 1,000 year time horizon; 
    however for a non-sorbing constituent, these same results also hold for 
    the 10,000 year time horizon.
         Table 5.--Aggregate Effect of Modeling Alternatives on Leachate    
      Concentration Limits for Non-Degrading, Non-Sorbing Constituents for  
                         Four Waste Management Scenarios                    
                                                         HWIR    Alternative
                Waste management scenario              proposal    Options  
    Landfill........................................        1.0        0.71 
    Surface Impoundment.............................       0.22        0.27 
    Waste Pile......................................       0.29         484 
    Land Application Unit...........................       0.08        0.22 
        Table 5 shows that, except for landfills, the aggregate effect of 
    the combined alternative options is a less conservative (higher) 
    leachate concentration limit. For landfills, adoption of the 
    alternative modeling options would have resulted in a 30 % less 
    stringent regulatory leachate limit for the groundwater pathway for 
    non-sorbing and non-degrading constituents. For surface impoundments, 
    there is little overall impact because the opposing effects of 
    increasing the impeding layer hydraulic conductivity, and the 
    alternative Monte Carlo procedure for handling parameter bound 
    exceedances, nearly cancel out. For waste piles on the other hand, the 
    procedure used for the base case, results in a significantly more 
    conservative leachate concentration limit as compared to the 
    alternative modeling options. This is due to the handling of parameter 
    exceedances in the Monte Carlo simulation. Because many waste piles 
    have very small sizes (surface areas), the alternative Monte Carlo 
    procedure has a large impact. For land application units, the 
    procedures used in the proposal for the base case also result in a more 
    conservative regulatory limit as compared to the alternative modeling 
    options. The contributing factors are much the same as for waste piles, 
    but the overall impact is much smaller, primarily because there are 
    only few land application units with very small areas.
    F. Additional Eco-Receptor Considerations
        EPA considered two different policy goals with respect to 
    protection of terrestrial ecological receptors (i.e., soil fauna, 
    birds, mammals, and plants). One goal protected terrestrial ecological 
    receptors outside the boundaries of the waste management site, thus, 
    the constituent had to travel off-site before exposures would be 
    assessed. The alternative goal protected terrestrial ecological 
    receptors on the closed land application site.
        The Agency chose to propose exit levels based on off-site impacts 
    for several reasons. One reason is that there are many land use 
    decisions that significantly affect terrestrial ecological receptors on 
    the property of a party making those decisions (e.g., a decision to 
    pave a portion of land as a parking lot). EPA does not generally 
    regulate those sort of decisions. However, many impacts are judged 
    through local zoning regulations. Congress has typically asked EPA or 
    other Federal entities to regulate activities on a property when there 
    are significant off-site impacts, such as a groundwater plume that 
    migrates, an air release that moves beyond the property, a wetland 
    (located on the property) that is a significant resource for migratory 
    birds and has broader ecological significance, or an endangered species 
    with social values beyond the impact on a specific landowners purview.
        EPA asks for comment, however, on the alternative of protecting 
    terrestrial ecological receptors on-site. The rationale for this 
    alternative approach would relate to protection from impacts on bird 
    and mammal populations, and 
    [[Page 66376]]
    other ecological receptors, and to the regulation of certain 
    constituents that could potentially result in environmental 
    consequences that go significantly beyond the bounds of a current waste 
    management unit.
    G. Background Concentrations in Soils and Other Issues Relating to 
        EPA has compared the exit levels for nonwastewaters to data on the 
    variation in mean background concentrations found in soils. For some 
    metals, the exit levels calculated based on risks at land application 
    units are below 4 mean soil concentrations. One reason exit 
    criteria may be below soil concentrations is that these metals 
    bioaccumulate, causing greater exposure for higher trophic levels. 
    Also, the acceptable levels for some of the metals that would be 
    calculated for practices other than land application are significantly 
    higher and not below mean soil concentrations.
        \4\ When compared with mean soil background levels provided by 
    the USGS, the exit levels are not more that 1 order of magnitude 
    more restrictive.
        If the final exit levels are below typical soil levels, EPA would 
    consider promulgating levels based on concentrations that are either 
    typical soil concentrations (national mean levels) or some percentile 
    or portion of the naturally-occurring range such as the 10th 
    percentile. If the effect of concern is an ecological impact, the 
    rationale for using the 10th percentile (or similar figure if the data 
    available does not allow that precision) would be that in 90 percent of 
    locations, if the soil already contains those or greater levels, the 
    ecological receptors existing in the area should already reflect the 
    toxicity of the waste material; the rational for using the 10th 
    percentile (or similar value) value is that human behavioral practices 
    (e.g., treatment of groundwater prior to use) may already reflect 
    protection from the potential toxicity of concern. EPA asks for comment 
    on whether these are reasonable arguments.
        EPA is concerned, however, that there are also issues of the 
    chemical and physical form in which compound or chemicals exist, in 
    both natural conditions and in the waste and that a simple comparison 
    of total concentrations in soils and in wastes might be misleading 
    about potential ecological or human impacts. EPA requests comment on 
    these issues. EPA's first preference will be to reexamine the risk 
    modeling to identify any inappropriate assumptions or modeling issues 
    that may explain the low proposed exit level, and to look more 
    carefully at those constituents where this issue only arises from the 
    modeling of risks from land application units, to identify potential 
    contingent management solutions to this problem.
        Finally, EPA requests comment on whether these arguments could be 
    extended to site-specific determinations where information on local 
    background constituent concentrations and form in soil are available 
    and have been reviewed by a State regulatory authority. EPA assumes 
    that such an approach would only apply if the background concentrations 
    were more than very localized and the concentrations were naturally-
    occurring rather than due to past contamination. If a site-specific 
    determination were adopted, two approaches are available that have been 
    used in other contexts. One statistical technique for determining 
    whether background data conform to a normal distribution assumption 
    includes combining the Student-t difference of means test, presented in 
    the Permit Guidance Manual on Unsaturated Zone Monitoring for Hazardous 
    Waste Land Treatment Units, (EPA, 1986) with the normal tolerance 
    interval approach found in Statistical Analysis of Ground Water at RCRA 
    Facilities-Interim Final Guidance, (EPA, April 1989). The Student-t 
    test compares averaged waste/media concentrations to background 
    concentrations, and is used to determine if the waste/media as a whole 
    is within a specified criteria. However, even if the waste/media passes 
    the Student-t test, individual sample concentrations may still exceed 
    the tolerance interval limit. The normal tolerance interval approach is 
    used to compare sample concentrations to an upper tolerance value based 
    on the background mean, standard deviation, and sample size.
        If such an approach is incorporated into the final rule, it would 
    include criteria for defining and collecting adequate background 
    samples. More specifically, the facility would be required to identify 
    background locations, sample size, soil depth, etc. for at least four 
    samples in a ``difference of means'' demonstration, and six to eight 
    samples for a ``tolerance of means'' demonstration. The facility would 
    also need to demonstrate the normalcy of the sample distribution. The 
    Agency would require that this information be included as part of the 
    facility's sampling and analysis plan and subject to review by the 
    appropriate overseeing authority.
        A more simplified approach would be to establish exit levels at \1/
    10\ of the naturally occurring background level. The rationale for 
    using \1/10\ is that these levels would not appreciably contribute to 
    the overall risk posed by elevated levels in the environmental media. 
    EPA requests comment of this approach as well as the rationale.
        Alternatively, the rule could defer any background level 
    demonstrations to an omnibus authority for the overseeing agency. Under 
    this concept, a claimant could submit information on naturally 
    occurring background level and a request for modified exit levels to 
    the agency overseeing the exemption process, which would have 
    discretion to grant modifications where they are clearly justified. 
    Comment is requested on the need for this authority.
        The Agency solicits comments on other appropriate and generic ways 
    (1) to identify background levels in soils, and (2) to incorporate the 
    existing 40 CFR part 264, subpart F standards for establishing 
    background levels for groundwater. Other suggestions that address the 
    Agency's intent to promulgate a simplified exemption with little 
    reliance on site-specific considerations but also allow for 
    consideration of elevated background levels will be considered.
        EPA also observed that some of the exit levels for organic 
    chemicals appear relatively high (see, for example, the level for 
    xylene). EPA believes that these results occurred primarily because 
    these chemicals either are toxic only at relatively high concentrations 
    or undergo high dilution during transport. EPA, however, requests 
    comment on whether these chemicals are frequently co-disposed and, if 
    so, whether they might pose cumulative risks not assessed by the risk 
    analysis. EPA is interested in information on issues such as whether a 
    waste containing one or more of these constituents at concentrations 
    near exit levels would be ignitable or threaten the integrity of 
    control measures such as liners.
    H. Constituents with Extrapolated Risk-based Levels
        EPA was unable to conduct the risk assessment for 187 of the 376 
    constituents on the exit list. In most of these cases, EPA was unable 
    to find acceptable human health benchmarks to serve as the starting 
    place for the assessment. In a few cases, EPA could not find values for 
    critical physical or chemical properties, such as log Kows. Based 
    on its past experience, EPA believes it would need at least a year to 
    develop a new human health benchmark value for any constituent. EPA has 
    less experience with the type of research and peer review needed to 
    develop values for physical and chemical properties, but it believes 
    that this process also would be time-consuming. 
    [[Page 66377]]
        Rather than not consider the 187 constituents for which EPA was 
    unable to conduct the risk assessment as potential candidate 
    constituents for exit criteria, EPA developed an approach for 
    establishing exit criteria for these constituents. The Agency grouped 
    the constituents on the exit list into classes, based on chemical 
    structure. EPA selected the 50th percentile value from the range of 
    modeled risk levels for each chemical class. This 50th percentile value 
    serves as the extrapolated risk-based level for the un-modeled 
    constituents in the corresponding chemical class. The constituents and 
    their 50th percentile extrapolated risk-based levels are presented in a 
    background document Background Document to Support the Methodology used 
    in Extrapolating Exit Levels to Constituents with no Health-Based 
    Benchmarks. EPA is proposing the 50th percentile level to avoid adding 
    another conservative assumption to the derivation of exit levels for 
    these constituents. EPA believes that the multipathway approach is 
    already sufficiently conservative to protect human health and the 
    environment even for these chemicals. EPA, however, requests comment on 
    the alternative of using the 10th percentile or a different percentile 
    from the modeled exit levels from each class. Such an approach would 
    reduce the chances that the actual health benchmark for a particular 
    level was lower than the extrapolated estimate. However, it would also 
    increase the odds that the extrapolated level was higher than needed 
    for many constituents. A complete list of extrapolated constituents and 
    associated risk levels may be found in appendix C to today's preamble.
        EPA recognizes that this approach to generating exit levels is much 
    less sophisticated and precise than the multipathway analysis. 
    Nonetheless, EPA prefers it to any of the available alternatives. If 
    EPA set no exit levels and made wastes containing any of these 
    constituents ineligible for exit, a significant number of waste streams 
    would probably be ineligible, even though they may pose no significant 
    threat to human health and the environment. EPA's RIA data shows that 
    some of these constituents, such as Cyanide and Anthracene, are fairly 
    prevalent. Although other constituents, such as those found in the 
    commercial chemical products on the P and U lists of hazardous wastes, 
    are not very prevalent, they may be significant for generators that 
    manage multiple waste streams in centralized wastewater treatment 
    plants. In the absence of extrapolated exit criteria, a generator would 
    lose its opportunity to claim an exit for an entire combined stream if 
    any of these constituents is found in the waste stream. Furthermore, it 
    would take a long time to complete the work necessary to conduct 
    exposure pathway assessments for any significant number of these 187 
        Alternatively, EPA could propose to allow wastes to exit without 
    testing for constituents lacking modeled exit levels. EPA, however, 
    finds this approach insufficiently protective, especially when it can 
    at least approximate likely risk levels as described above.
        Finally, EPA considered the alternative of basing exit levels for 
    these constituents on quantitation limits. As explained below, EPA is 
    proposing to use EQCs as exit levels where they are higher than a 
    constituent's multipathway or extrapolated exit level. (EPA is also 
    proposing that wastes with such constituents meet the technology-based 
    LDR standards for those constituents prior to exit.) EPA considered 
    using this EQC and LDR approach for constituents lacking multipathway 
    levels. Such an approach would actually produce more conservative exit 
    levels, because EPA would not use extrapolated levels that are higher 
    than EQCs. EQCs (and technology-based LDRs), however, are not based on 
    risk. EPA prefers the extrapolated approach because it takes into 
    account the toxicity and fate and transport of structurally similar 
    chemicals. EPA believes it would be unreasonable to continue to 
    regulate a chemical because chemistry can detect it, where the 
    extrapolation described above suggests that the chemical poses no 
    significant risks at the EQC level.
        EPA finds the option of basing exit levels on the extrapolation 
    procedure described above to strike a reasonable balance between the 
    goals of protecting human health and the environment and eliminating 
    regulation of low-risk wastes. EPA, however, requests comment on all of 
    the alternatives described in this section.
    I. Analytical Considerations
        Some of the proposed exit levels established by the risk assessment 
    and the extrapolation methodology are low. In some cases, existing 
    analytical methods cannot routinely detect the constituents at those 
    levels. EPA is proposing to cap these potential exit levels with 
    reasonable analytical quantitation limits. The Agency is proposing 
    quantitation limits that represent the lowest levels that can be 
    reliably measured within acceptable limits of precision and accuracy 
    during routine laboratory operating conditions using appropriate 
    methods. These concentrations are referred to as ``exemption 
    quantitation criteria,'' or EQCs. It is necessary to specify EQCs 
    because a number of the constituents on the exemption list have either 
    modeled or extrapolated risk-based levels that are not analytically 
    achievable in all matrices. Appendix C to today's preamble lays out the 
    comparison between the modeled or extrapolated risk level and the EQC 
    for every constituent. Approximately one-quarter of the constituents 
    have proposed modeled or extrapolated risk-based levels lower than EQC.
    1. Development of Exemption Quantitation Criteria (EQC)
        To develop the EQCs proposed in today's notice, EPA compiled a 
    master list of the quantitation limits published for the identified 
    constituents in the Third Edition of Test Methods for Evaluating Solid 
    Waste, (SW-846), including the first and second updates (both of which 
    are widely distributed throughout the regulated community). The Agency 
    believes that the resultant EQCs present achievable quantitation limits 
    for the proposed exemption constituents in most matrices. The Agency 
    requests comment on the proposed quantitation limits as well as any 
    data supporting those comments.
        A regulatory action level (e.g., exit levels) must provide a clear 
    distinction between those wastes subject to the regulation and those 
    excluded. Action levels based on analytical determinations within a 
    methods quantitative range can be used to determine regulatory status 
    with a high degree of confidence. On the other hand, when an analyte is 
    present at a concentration equal to the detection limit (DL) it will be 
    detected only half the time. In other words there is a 50% risk of a 
    false negative result when the analyte is present at the DL 
    concentration. There is, however, a less than 1% risk of false positive 
    results at this level. Therefore, regulations set at the detection 
    limit would not identify non-compliance reliably.
        The Agency is in the process of re-evaluating EQCs for some 
    constituents. Preliminary updated EQCs could not be incorporated into 
    today's proposed rule, but have been included in the docket for 
    2. EQCs and LDR Requirements as Exit Levels
        A comparison of the modeled or extrapolated risk-based levels with 
    the EQCs reveals a number of cases where 
    [[Page 66378]]
    quantitative measurement of analyte concentration at the modeled or 
    extrapolated risk-based level cannot be reliably achieved, using 
    standardized analytical methods. In today's proposed rule, for wastes 
    containing constituents with a modeled or extrapolated risk-based level 
    lower than the EQC, exit criteria include meeting the EQC along with an 
    additional requirement that the waste meet Land Disposal Restrictions 
    (LDR) treatment standards from part 268, regardless of whether or not 
    the waste is to be land disposed. The exit table for constituents with 
    EQCs as exit levels is proposed appendix X of 40 CFR part 261, Table B.
    a. EQCs as exit levels
        Only when the comparison between the modeled or extrapolated risk-
    based level with that constituent's EQC level reveals that the 
    constituent cannot be quantitated at the modeled or extrapolated risk-
    based level, does the EQC become the exit level. For example, the 
    modeled risk-based level for 2-nitropropane in wastewaters is 0.00019 
    g/L. The EQC for 2-nitropropane in wastewaters is 0.0058 
    g/L. 2-nitropropane is listed in appendix X, Table B, with an 
    exemption level of 0.0058 g/L. In other words, the exemption 
    level for 2-nitropropane has been met if the claimant demonstrates that 
    the method used can achieve the EQC of 0.0058 g/L in the waste 
    matrix, and the level detected by the method does not exceed 0.0058 
        The Agency believes that, for those constituents that have a 
    modeled or extrapolated risk-based level lower than the achievable 
    quantitation limit, demonstration that the constituent is not present 
    above the EQC is the most reasonable approach to setting a national 
    exemption level. The Agency is proposing that quantitation limits cap 
    the modeled or extrapolated risk-based levels because a reliable, 
    consistent measure of the constituent below the quantitation limit is 
    not achievable. By establishing EQCs as benchmarks (or maximum 
    allowable quantitation limits), the Agency is ensuring that all 
    exemption demonstrations will achieve acceptable analytical 
    sensitivity, and that wastes with high levels of contamination that 
    tend to confound analytical protocols are not exempted.
        The Agency requests comments on whether an exemption demonstration 
    should be considered adequate if all proper method selection and QC 
    procedures are followed and the constituents are not detected, even 
    though the EQC level has not been analytically attained. This situation 
    could arise even in relatively clean matrices if the constituents bind 
    strongly to the matrix or if the constituents degrade rapidly during 
    the analysis. However, the Agency would not want the exemption to be 
    allowed if the EQC could not be achieved because of interference from 
    other contaminants in the matrix, or if inappropriate methodology, 
    i.e., sample preparation, cleanup (if necessary), or determinative, was 
        EPA is not proposing that any exit level based on an EQC can serve 
    as a ``minimize threat'' level capping current 40 CFR part 268 
    treatment standards. Such levels are not sufficiently related to a 
    constituent's risk.
    b. LDR Requirements for Constituents With EQC Exit Levels
        EPA considered the option of setting exit levels for all 
    constituents at their modeled or extrapolated levels, regardless of 
    analytical considerations. EPA also considered the alternative of 
    making wastes containing constituents with analytical limitations 
    ineligible for exit. Both of these options, however, are likely to 
    constrain significantly the number of waste streams eligible for exit. 
    Approximately one-quarter of the constituents on the exit list have 
    EQCs above risk-based or extrapolated levels. Some of these 
    constituents, such as Beryllium and Arsenic, are fairly prevalent. For 
    less prevalent constituents, EPA has the same concerns about limiting 
    exit for wastes managed in centralized wastewater treatment systems 
    that it described above in the section on extrapolated risk levels. 
    Further, this approach would overregulate wastes where constituents 
    were in fact below risk levels. EPA prefers options which would not 
    prohibit all wastes with these constituents from exiting.
        The most promising alternative EPA found was setting exit levels 
    for these constituents at EQC levels, and also requiring all wastes 
    containing these constituents to comply with LDR treatment standards, 
    even where such waste are not destined for land disposal. This 
    alternative offers the possibility of additional risk reductions and, 
    therefore, reduces the possibility that wastes posing significant 
    threats will escape Subtitle C control.
        EPA is unable to characterize the amount of additional risk 
    reduction for a number of reasons. First, as explained in more detail 
    in the Minimize Threat section of the preamble, compliance with LDRs 
    already will be required after exit before land disposal for all wastes 
    (except those that are below exit levels at their point of generation). 
    The LDR requirement for constituents with EQC exit levels may provide 
    additional risk reduction, even for those constituents that are not 
    managed in land disposal units. EPA currently does not know how 
    frequently nonhazardous wastes are burned as fuel, incinerated, or 
    otherwise managed outside of land disposal.
        Additionally, the Universal Treatment Standards (UTS) for 
    nonwastewaters, were developed based on similar analytical chemistry 
    considerations of detection limits. The majority of the UTS limits for 
    nonwastewaters were based, however, on analysis of residuals from the 
    treatment of what EPA determined to be the most difficult to treat 
    wastes and, as a result, this often represented the most difficult to 
    analyze treated matrix (i.e., higher detection limits than those 
    represented by the EQCs). The majority of the UTS limits for 
    wastewaters, on the other hand, were not developed based on limits of 
    detection but rather they were based on analysis of treated effluents 
    regulated under EPA's National Pollution Discharge Elimination System 
        LDR requirements for all wastes subject to the UTS would be equal 
    to or higher than the EQC exit levels themselves. However, for wastes 
    subject to treatment standards based on application of specified 
    treatment methods under Sec. 268.40, extending LDR requirements may 
    provide additional risk reduction.
        EPA believes that the combined approach of requiring non-detection 
    at EQC levels and compliance with LDR standards for all waste streams, 
    regardless of whether or not the waste will be land disposal, offers a 
    reasonable balance between the goals of reducing overregulation and 
    ensuring that wastes with significant risks remain subject to Subtitle 
    C. EPA, however, requests comment on all of the alternatives described 
    above. EPA also requests comment on the option of basing exit levels 
    for these constituents on EQCs alone and relying on continued, 
    independent applicability of LDR requirements for wastes that exit and 
    are destined for land disposal.
    3. Exemption for Constituents Without EQCs
        There are several constituents covered in today's notice for which 
    EQCs could not be developed. The universe of these constituents 
    includes 78 constituents, most of which are not widely prevalent in 
    wastes. Most are also found only in P and U listed wastes. These 
    constituents are listed in table B to appendix X without associated 
    exemption levels. The background document Background Document to 
    Support the Development of Exemption 
    [[Page 66379]]
    Quantitation Criteria (EQCs) and Description of Analytical Methods 
    under the Waste Exit Rule explains why EQCs could not be created.
        EPA is proposing that wastes containing these constituents (i.e., 
    where an applicant has not documented that these constituents are not 
    present--see section VIII.A.1.b.,) may remain eligible for an exemption 
    under today's proposed rule by complying fully with LDR treatment 
    standards applicable to the waste, as codified in 40 CFR part 268, 
    regardless of whether the waste is to be land disposed. The Agency 
    believes that any potential risks posed by these constituents are 
    likely to be further reduced by applying LDR standards from part 268 to 
    the waste, before the waste may be exempt, regardless of whether or not 
    the waste is destined for land disposal. The Agency asks for comment on 
    this approach.
        An alternative approach would be to allow wastes with these 
    constituents to exit without additional LDR obligations, but relying on 
    continued, independent applicability of LDR treatment requirements to 
    wastes destined for land disposal only. Another approach would be to 
    prohibit wastes containing these constituents from being eligible for 
    exemption under today's proposed rule. An additional approach would be 
    that these constituents could be deleted from the exit table. The 
    Agency requests comment on each of these alternatives.
        EPA is not willing to propose to use LDR standards as exit levels 
    for any other group of constituents. The technology-based LDR standards 
    are not based on any risk assessment. A comparison of these standards 
    with the multipathway risk levels that EPA produced shows that the LDR 
    standards are sometimes more stringent and sometimes less stringent 
    than risk-based levels. EPA believes that it is more prudent to base 
    exit levels on risk assessment where possible because this better 
    assures protection of human health and the environment. EPA views use 
    of the LDR standards as the option of least preference, but necessary 
    for exit for this group of constituents. EPA is willing to consider it 
    only where there is no alternative to prohibiting a constituent from 
    being eligible for exit.
    V. Presentation of Exit Levels
        Today's proposed exemption criteria involves setting exemption 
    levels for toxicants in listed waste, and in some cases requiring 
    additional compliance with the requirements set forth at 40 CFR part 
    268. To exit Subtitle C regulation as a listed hazardous waste, all the 
    hazardous constituents listed in appendix X of part 261 would be 
    required to be in concentrations less than or equal to the numeric exit 
    levels and when specified, the waste would have to meet the applicable 
    requirements at 40 CFR part 268. Appendix C to the preamble presents 
    constituents, distinguishes between modeled and extrapolated 
    constituents, and includes EQCs for each constituent.
    A. Constituents With Modeled or Extrapolated Risk-Based Exit Levels
        The Table A of proposed appendix X to part 261 presents exit levels 
    for constituents with modeled or extrapolated risk-based levels which 
    can be reliably quantified. See section IV.H. for a description of how 
    this was determined. Listed hazardous waste would be required to 
    contain concentrations at or below the specified exit levels to be 
    eligible to be exempted from Subtitle C requirements other than LDR. In 
    some cases we are proposing to change the land disposal restriction 
    requirements at 40 CFR part 268 as well. A totals analysis would be 
    required for both wastewaters and nonwastewaters to show that the 
    constituent does not exist in the wastestream at levels above the 
    exemption level.
        For nonwastewaters, the Agency is also proposing that generators 
    either use the TCLP test or a calculational screen to measure or 
    calculate constituents' leachate from wastes. If the TCLP test shows 
    leachate concentration in the waste is below the leach exit level, the 
    waste would be considered to not pose a hazard to groundwater.
        The Agency has in the past experienced difficulty in using the TCLP 
    test for some types of waste. The Agency solicits comment on how to 
    consider oily wastes and other wastes that are difficult to filter in 
    the TCLP test or whose impact on groundwater is believed to be 
    underestimated by the TCLP (such as materials subject to non-aqueous 
    phase transport). Comment on alternative tests for these wastes, as 
    well as comment on how to define such wastes for regulatory purposes is 
    sought. A more complete discussion of oily waste can be found in 
        Table A of appendix X of 40 CFR part 261 presents results of two 
    alternatives for establishing the exit levels. These alternatives 
    differ only in the benchmark used to calculate the modeled risk-based 
    levels. For certain constituents there exists both a risk-based 
    toxicity benchmark and a maximum concentration level (MCL) established 
    under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). These numbers may differ 
    because the MCLs are established using some non-risk considerations 
    such as the cost of treatment and the availability of technology and 
    consider exposure contributions from other sources for non-carcinogens. 
    See section IV.D. of today's proposal for a complete discussion of 
    toxicity benchmarks and MCLs.
    B. Constituents With Quantitation-Based Exit Levels; Table B to 
    Appendix X
        Table B of proposed appendix X to part 261 presents quantitation-
    based exit levels for constituents with methods that cannot reliably 
    quantify the modeled or extrapolated risk-based levels. All exit levels 
    on Table B of appendix X to 40 CFR part 261 are based on EQCs. (See 
    section IV.I.) Wastes containing any of these constituents must also 
    comply with the applicable treatment standards set forth at 40 CFR part 
    268, the Land Disposal Restrictions (LDR) in order to meet today's 
    proposed exemption, regardless of whether or not the waste is to be 
    land disposed.
        Some constituents on Table B of appendix X of 40 CFR part 261 do 
    not have associated exit levels. Waste with these constituents may exit 
    only after complying with the LDR treatment standards for the waste. 
    (See section IV.I.2.b.)
    C. How To Read the Exit Level Tables
        For a waste to be eligible to exit Subtitle C under the exit 
    proposed in today's rulemaking, every constituent in the waste must be 
    below its exit level. Proposed appendix X of 40 CFR part 261, Tables A 
    and B are the exit constituents and the exit levels. The following is a 
    description of how to read the tables.
         The constituent list is derived from constituents listed 
    in appendix VII, Basis for Listing Hazardous Waste; Appendix VIII, 
    Hazardous Constituents; and appendix IX of part 264, the Ground-Water 
    Monitoring List. (See section IV.C.)
         Table A represents constituents and their risk exit 
    values--where the risk values can be measured analytically. (See 
    sections IV.E., and IV.I.)
         Table B represents constituents with quantitation limits 
    (EQCs) as exit levels--where the constituent cannot be measured at the 
    modeled or extrapolated risk value. An additional condition of exit, 
    compliance with treatment standards in 40 CFR part 268, exists for any 
    waste becoming exempt under today's rulemaking by using a constituent 
    exit level on Table B. (See section IV.I.2.b.)
         There will be overlap for some constituents between Tables 
    A & B. For 
    [[Page 66380]]
    example, the wastewater exit level for a constituent may be on Table A, 
    whereas the nonwastewater exit level may be on Table B.
         Where an exit level does not exist on Table A or B for a 
    particular constituent, the waste need not be tested for that 
    constituent. For example, some constituents that are hydrolyzers have 
    exit levels for nonwastewaters, but not for wastewaters. A complete 
    discussion of deletions to the master constituent list can be found in 
    section IV.C.
        The tables' columns:
         Columns 1 and 2 are the CAS numbers & constituent names.
         There are two proposed options for the development of 
    today's proposed exit levels. Option 1 is the option whereby Maximum 
    Contaminant Levels (MCLs) from the Drinking Water program are used as 
    an acceptable toxicity exposure for human drinking water exposure and 
    toxicity benchmarks are used for other exposures. Option 2 is the 
    option whereby toxicity benchmarks are used as acceptable exposure 
    levels for all exposures. A more complete discussion of these two 
    options is found in section IV.D. of today's proposed rule. The effect 
    of co-proposing these two options is that there are two independent 
    sets of proposed exit levels.
    --Columns 3, 4, and 5 represent the exit levels that were derived by 
    using an MCL benchmark for drinking water ingestion & using toxicity 
    benchmarks for all other routes of exposure.
    --Columns 6, 7, and 8 represent the exit levels that were derived by 
    using toxicity benchmarks for all routes of exposure.
         The definitions of wastewater and nonwastewater are 
    discussed in VIII.A.1.a.ii.
         Columns 3 & 6 represent wastewater exit values. If a 
    generator determines he/she has a wastewater, if each constituent in 
    the waste meets these wastewater exit levels, it is eligible for 
    --Values in columns 3 & 6 were derived from the most limiting of non-
    groundwater-ecological receptor, non-groundwater-human receptor, and 
    groundwater pathway values from surface impoundments and tanks (the 
    risk assessment's wastewater units).
         Columns (4 and 5) and (7 and 8) represent nonwastewater 
    exit values. If a generator determines he/she has a non-wastewater, if 
    each constituent in the waste meets both of these nonwastewater values, 
    it is eligible for exemption. The totals level must be met by a totals 
    analysis. The leach level must be met by a TCLP test or the 
    calculational screen.
    --Values in columns 4 & 7 were derived from the most limiting of the 
    non-groundwater-ecological receptor and non-groundwater-human receptor 
    pathway values from land application units, ash monofills, and waste 
    piles (the risk assessment's nonwastewater units).
    --Values in columns 5 & 8 were derived from the most limiting of the 
    groundwater pathway values from land application units, landfills, and 
    waste piles (the risk assessment's nonwastewater units).
    VI. Minimize Threat Levels
    A. Background
    1. Summary of the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984
        The Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA), enacted on 
    November 8, 1984, allow hazardous wastes to be land disposed of only if 
    they satisfy either of two conditions: (1) They can either be treated 
    or otherwise satisfy the requirements of section 3004(m), which 
    requires EPA to set levels or methods of treatment, if any, which 
    substantially diminish the toxicity of the water or substantially 
    reduce the likelihood of migration of hazardous constituents from the 
    water so that short term and long term threats to human health and the 
    environment are minimized; or (2) they can be land disposed in units 
    satisfying the so-called no migration standards in sections 3004(d)(1), 
    (e)(1), and (g)(5). Land disposal includes any placement of hazardous 
    waste in a landfill, surface impoundment, water pile, injection well, 
    land treatment facility, salt dome formation, underground mine or cave. 
    See RCRA section 3004(k).
        EPA was required to promulgate land disposal prohibitions and 
    treatments standards by May 8, 1990 for all wastes that were either 
    listed or identified hazardous at the time of the 1984 amendments, a 
    task EPA completed within the statutory time frames. See RCRA section 
    3004(d), (e), and (g). EPA is also required to promulgate prohibitions 
    and treatment standards for wastes identified or listed after the date 
    of the 1984 amendments within six months after the listing or 
    identification takes effect. See RCRA section 3004(g)(4).
        The land disposal restrictions are effective on promulgation. See 
    RCRA section 3004(h)(1). However, the Administrator may grant a 
    national capacity variance from the effective date and establish a 
    later effective date (not to exceed two years) based on the earliest 
    date on which adequate alternative treatment, recovery, or disposal 
    capacity that protects human health and the environment will be 
    available. (RCRA section 3004(h)(2).) The Administrator may also grant 
    a case-by-case extension of the effective date for up to one year, 
    renewable once for up to one additional year when an applicant(s) 
    successfully makes certain demonstrations. (RCRA section 3004(h)(3).) 
    See 55 FR 22526 (June 1, 1990) for a more detailed discussion on 
    national capacity variances and case-by-case extensions.
        As explained in the legislative history, the purpose of the land 
    disposal restrictions is to reduce the risks associated with land 
    disposal. Congress also intended the restrictions to reduce reliance on 
    land disposal and promote waste minimization since land disposal was 
    its least favored method of managing hazardous wastes.
    2. EPA's Interpretation of Standard for Treatment Requirements
        The heart of the LDRs are the standards for treatment prior to land 
    disposal, which must meet the statutory requirement to ``substantially 
    diminish the toxicity of the water or substantially reduce the toxicity 
    of the waste so that short term and long term threats to human health 
    and the environment are minimized.'' RCRA Section 3004(m): EPA's 
    interpretation of this ``minimize threat'' requirement has evolved 
    through a long series of rulemakings.
        When EPA proposed its first set of LDR treatment standards it took 
    the position that the most effective way to minimize threats was to 
    base standards on the capabilities of generally available treatment 
    technologies. (51 FR 16011 (January 14, 1986).) To avoid unnecessary 
    treatment, however, EPA also proposed to ``cap'' the technology based 
    standards with risk-based screening levels based on human health 
    toxicity thresholds for individual hazardous constituents and modeling 
    of the groundwater route for exposure. (51 FR 16011-13.)
        In the final rule EPA promulgated only the technology based 
    standards. EPA explained that although it believed it had authority to 
    promulgate risk-based standards, it was not promulgating the proposed 
    risk-based caps because of extensive comments raising concerns about 
    the scientific uncertainties of risk analysis. (52 FR 40578 (November 
    7, 1986).) Industry challenged the final standards, claiming that they 
    required treatment to concentrations below ``minimize threat'' levels. 
    On review, the Court held that section 3004(m) authorized both 
    [[Page 66381]]
    technology based and risk-based standards, but remanded the rule to EPA 
    for a fuller explanation of its decision to rely on technology-based 
    standards alone. (Hazardous Waste Treatment Council v. EPA, 886 F. 2d 
    355 (D.C. Circ. 1989). (``HWTC III'').) The court also held that EPA 
    was not obligated to adopt either the RCRA characteristic test levels 
    or the Safe Drinking Water Act Maximum Contaminant levels (MCLs) as 
    ``minimize threat'' levels because neither ``purports to establish a 
    level at which safety is assured or `threats to human health and the 
    environment are minimized'.'' (886 F. 2d at 363.)
        In its response to the remand, EPA stated that the best way to 
    fulfill the requirements of section 3004(m) would be to ensure that no 
    technology-based treatment standard required treatment of hazardous 
    waste containing levels of hazardous constituents posing insignificant 
    risks. (55 FR 6641 (Feb. 26, 1990).) EPA, however, explained that it 
    was not yet able to promulgate such levels. EPA believed that it lacked 
    a reliable predictive model for ground- water exposure, needed to 
    assess exposure scenarios for air pathways, needed to consider impacts 
    on ecological receptors, needed to develop additional analytic methods 
    for hazardous constituents, and needed to develop an approach for 
    constituents with threshold effect levels lower than detection limits. 
    (Id. at 6642.)
        In the same notice, EPA noted that the ``minimize threat'' language 
    of section 3004(m) could reasonably be interpreted to require more 
    protection than the ``normal subtitle C command that standards be those 
    necessary to protect human health and the environment.'' (Id. at 6641.) 
    EPA found that the many portions of the 1984 amendments stressing the 
    inherent uncertainties of land disposal buttressed this interpretation. 
    See, e.g., RCRA sections 1002(b)(7), 3004(d)(1)(A), 3004(e)(i)(A), 
    3004(g)(5). EPA also found support in the legislative history. For 
    example, the Senate amendment containing the ``minimize threat'' 
    standards replaced a committee bill that only would have required 
    treatment to be ``protective of human health and the environment.'' See 
    S. 757, section 3004(b)(7), printed at S. Pep. No. 284, 98th Cong., 2nd 
    Session 86. Further, EPA noted that the ``no threat'' levels it had 
    been using in site-specific and waste stream specific contexts, such as 
    clean closures, delistings, and no-migration petitions, would not 
    necessarily be appropriate for generally applicable standards required 
    to minimize threats to health and the environment. (55 FR 6641, note 
        At the same time, EPA took the position that section 30004(m) does 
    not require the elimination of every conceivable threat posed by land 
    disposal of hazardous waste, citing a statement by Senator Chafee that 
    ``[i]t is not intended that every waste receive repetitive levels of 
    treatment, nor must all inorganic constituents be reclaimed.'' 130 
    Cong. Rec. S.9179 (daily ed., July 25, 1984). (55 FR 6641, note 1.) 
    Clearly EPA did not interpret the minimize threat language to require 
    the elimination of all threats.
        Today, the Agency is proposing to re-evaluate the basis for some of 
    the existing performance standards established for listed wastes. Since 
    EPA's response to the HWTC III remand in 1990, the state-of-the-art in 
    making quantitative determinations of risk has advanced and available 
    methods have improved significantly. In addition, the increased 
    sensitivity of analytical methods has lowered achievable detection 
    limits, better bioassays exist than in the past, and more extensive 
    biological data is available for extrapolation. As a result, the 
    universe of available health-based and ecological data has grown 
    significantly, and the reliability of this information has improved. 
    The Agency now believes that these data can be used to establish levels 
    that minimize threats to human health and the environment.
    B. Risk Assessment and Minimize Threat Levels
    1. Rationale
    a. Overview
        Today the Agency is proposing to establish risk-based LDR treatment 
    requirements for some of the hazardous constituents for which exit 
    levels are being proposed. These risk-based LDR requirements will 
    minimize the short-term and long-term threats to human health and the 
    environment posed by the hazardous waste constituents. The risk-based 
    LDR levels (or ``minimize threat'' levels) would have the effect of 
    capping, or limiting, treatment of those waste constituents where the 
    current technology-based UTS standards require lower concentrations. 
    EPA also hoped to propose most of these constituent-specific levels as 
    ``minimize threat'' levels under section 3004(m) of RCRA that would cap 
    current technology-based treatment standards under at these levels the 
    LDR program. However, EPA is proposing ``minimize threat'' levels only 
    for those constituents that were evaluated under the multipathway risk 
    analysis and are not capped by quantitation (EQC) limitations. EPA is 
    proposing to promulgate such levels as replacements for the 
    constituent-specific treatment levels in the LDR Universal Treatment 
    Standards (UTS). (As explained in more detail in Section VI, EPA is not 
    proposing to cap any LDR standards requiring the use of specified 
    technologies.) As shown on Table 1, Sec. 268.60, EPA is proposing 
    ``minimize threat'' levels to cap UTS treatment requirements for either 
    the wastewater or nonwastewater (or both) for approximately 70 
    wastewater constituents and 90 nonwastewater constituents.
        EPA, however, is not proposing that any extrapolated levels serve 
    as ``minimize threat'' levels for LDR purposes. EPA does not have as 
    much confidence that this alternative methodology provides enough 
    information on risks to human health and the environment to enable EPA 
    to determine that risks have been minimized. Similarly, EPA is not 
    proposing that any levels based on quantitation limits serve as 
    ``minimize threat'' levels. Such levels are not based on any analysis 
    of risks to human health and the environment. In fact, as explained 
    above, EPA is proposing to require compliance with technology-based LDR 
    standards for all wastes which contain such constituents.
        If a claimant finds that all constituents in a waste are below exit 
    levels at the waste's point of generation and if the claimant meets all 
    of the requirements for filing an exit claim, EPA will not require 
    compliance with the LDR treatment standards for the waste. EPA will 
    take the position that such as waste never became subject to subtitle C 
    regulations, so that LDR standards never applied to the waste. EPA is 
    proposing to take this position for all exit levels, regardless of 
    whether they were generated by the multipathway analysis, the 
    extrapolation method, or EQC limitations. For further explanation, see 
    section VI.D.
        EPA, however, is proposing that all listed wastes which as 
    generated contain constituents exceeding exit levels must meet LDR 
    requirements (current or as modified by this proposal), even if the 
    waste subsequently becomes exempt from hazardous waste regulation under 
    this rule. This requirement resembles EPA's current rules for ``de-
    characterized'' wastes, which must meet LDR requirements even after 
    they cease to exhibit the hazardous characteristic that made them 
    subject to Subtitle C in the first place. 
    [[Page 66382]]
    b. ``Minimize Threat'' requirement of Section 3004(m)
        EPA continues to believe that the minimize threat language of 
    section 3004(m) does not require the elimination of every conceivable 
    threat posed by land disposal of a hazardous waste. The legislative 
    history of LDR indicates that Congress did not intend to require wastes 
    to undergo repetitive or ultimate levels of treatment. Rather, Congress 
    wanted to require use of effective, but widely available treatment 
    technologies. See 130 Cong. Rec. S 9178 (daily ed. July 25, 1984) 
    (statement of Senator Chafee introducing the amendment that became 
    section 3004(m).)). Requiring elimination of all conceivable threats 
    would almost certainly require use of the most effective treatment 
    methods available, and this appears to conflict with Congresses' 
    treatment goals. Moreover, although the DC Circuit has cited the 
    dictionary definition of ``minimize'' to uphold technology-based 
    treatment standards below EPA standards such as MCLs and TC levels, EPA 
    does not believe that the court meant that EPA literally must reduce 
    threats to the maximum extent possible. (See Hazardous Waste Treatment 
    Council III, 886 F.2d at 361; Chemical Waste Management II, 976 F 2d. 
    at 14.) EPA notes that the court indicated that risk-based treatment 
    standards would satisfy section 30004(m). Hazardous Waste Treatment 
    Council III, 866 F.2d at 364-65. Further, in his concurring opinion, 
    Judge Silberman stated that Congress would allow EPA to exercise 
    reasonable amounts of discretion in determining the level of risk 
    reduction needed to meet the minimize threat requirement. Id. at 372.
        The Agency believes that today's exit concentrations can serve as 
    risk-based land disposal restriction levels for several reasons. First, 
    the risk assessment, described in Section IV of today's proposal, 
    significantly expands beyond the scope of past Agency risk assessment 
    for wastes and waste constituents. Where adequate data are available, 
    the analysis can evaluate the potential for waste constituent migration 
    through almost all significant environmental fate and transport 
    pathways leading to exposure for human and ecological receptors. As 
    explained in more detail below, the Agency is also relying on 
    reasonable conservative risk targets for both humans and ecological 
    receptors in developing this risk assessment. The Agency believes that 
    the proposed exit levels represent levels below which further treatment 
    would not be needed to minimize threats to human health and the 
    c. Scope of Risk Assessment
        The broad scope of the risk analysis is a critical factor in the 
    Agency's conclusion that proposed exit levels minimize both short term 
    and long-term threats to human health and the environment, for those 
    constituents where data are relatively complete.
        The risk analysis evaluates all of the most common non-Subtitle C 
    disposal options available to waste generators and treaters. These 
    include disposal in landfills/monofills and by land farming, and 
    management in surface impoundments, tanks and waste piles. The risk 
    analysis assumes no minimum level of regulation of these facilities, 
    and relies on available data to characterize them. As described in 
    detail in Section IV and in the risk analysis report (EPA 1995), EPA 
    modeled each disposal alternative using median values for most inputs, 
    and high-end or conservative values for the two fate and transport and 
    two exposure parameters for which the modeling outcome is most 
    sensitive. The Agency believes that the modeling will also protect 
    against exposures from similar disposal alternatives not specifically 
        The risk analysis evaluates the movement of waste constituents from 
    each of these disposal options through numerous environmental fate and 
    transport pathways. These include pathways involving volatiles and 
    respirable (PM10) particulates, particulate deposition on soil and 
    plant surfaces, vapor phase diffusion into surface water and plants, 
    and surface run-off and soil erosion. Many of these pathways can result 
    in waste constituent movement through the food-chains. Therefore, human 
    exposures resulting from these fate and transport pathways include 
    inhalation, soil or groundwater ingestion, and dermal contact, as well 
    as exposure through consumption of contaminated foods such as fish, 
    beef or vegetables.
        EPA screened all multipathway constituents for potential to pose 
    threats to ecological receptors. For 45 constituents, EPA 
    quantitatively assessed likely risk to selected ecological receptors. 
    Risks to both fresh water aquatic and terrestrial organisms were 
    evaluated, representing different trophic levels and feeding habits of 
    the ecosystem. Fish, daphnids, and benthic organisms, mammals, birds, 
    plants, and soil organisms (nematodes, insects, etc.) were evaluated. 
    The sustainability of the ecosystem and reproducing populations within 
    the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems was selected as an assessment 
    endpoint, as described in Section IV of this Notice and in detail in 
    Chapter 3 of the risk analysis support document (EPA 1995).
        In addition, as part of this overall risk assessment effort, the 
    Agency has reviewed and reevaluated its modeling of waste and waste 
    constituent movement through groundwater. As described in Section IV 
    above, this responds to comments by interested parties on the original 
    HWIR proposal, as well as incorporates additional data submitted to the 
    Agency (API data base), and updated modeling of leaching from wastes 
    (new HELP model; get Cite).
        In evaluating groundwater, the Agency examined both wells located 
    on the landfill edge and closest wells anywhere down-gradient. Also, 
    both finite source type and infinite-source type constituents (which 
    behave as though there is an infinite supply of the constituent in the 
    landfill, and will continue to leach forever) were evaluated. For 
    finite source type constituents, the available constituent was not 
    apportioned over the groundwater and other pathways, i.e., groundwater 
    was modeled separately. Adsorption to soil and degradation of waste 
    constituents (but not biodegradation) is modeled, and the toxicity of 
    constituent daughter products (either more or less toxic than the 
    parent compounds) is included. (There is a biodegradation module to the 
    model; however, data to run that module for national conditions are not 
    adequate at this time, although data were available for some sites. The 
    Agency will continue to evaluate biodegradation data as they become 
    available, and assess in the future whether national biodegradation 
    estimates can be defensibly made). Leaching and groundwater migration 
    from disposal in unregulated industrial landfills, surface 
    impoundments, and waste piles have been modeled.
        In evaluating the results of this series of groundwater modeling 
    exercises, the Agency selected the approximate 90th percentile from a 
    distribution of wells closest to modelled sites. This means that there 
    is about a 90% probability that the drinking water well closest to the 
    landfill would be protected at the target concentration (MCL or HBN). 
    All wells more distant would be protected to a greater extent.
        As described in section VI.E. above, the Agency then reviewed the 
    risk assessment for groundwater and the pathways for each constituent, 
    and selected as the exit level the concentration, back-calculated to 
    the waste, from the most limiting (or highest risk) pathway. By using 
    the most 
    [[Page 66383]]
    limiting pathway as the basis for the risk criterion, the Agency 
    believes it has accounted for all significant risks resulting from 
    disposal and management of the waste outside of Subtitle C.
        The agency believes it is also important to identify and discuss 
    some of the limitations of the risk assessment, especially as they 
    relate to determining whether short term and long-term threats to human 
    health and the environment have been minimized.
        The analysis does not account for additivity of risk for exposure 
    to multiple constituents. Evaluation of risk additivity can be a 
    complex analysis when even a few constituents are included. In the case 
    of multiple waste constituents, potentially occurring in one or more 
    waste streams that might be considered for exit, the complexity of 
    conducting and analysis of additivity of risk quickly becomes 
    overwhelming. However, EPA believes it will often be the case that one 
    constituent typically drives determinations of whether waste streams 
    exit and additivity would often make little difference with respect to 
    the calculated exit levels.
        Exposures to the same constituent from several pathways also are 
    not added together, even though the risk analysis does apportion the 
    available quantity of waste constituents over the different pathways 
    evaluated. Again, EPA believes that often one result (in this case, one 
    pathway) would contribute most of the risk and little would be gained 
    from adding across pathways. EPA requests comment on this issue.
        Data also were not available for all human exposure routes for all 
    constituents, although data for high-risk pathways were usually 
    available. Nonetheless, the Agency believes the exit levels can be 
    considered to represent levels that minimize threats to human health 
    and the environment because of the comprehensive evaluation of possible 
    exposure routes, consideration of both human and ecologic risk, 
    selection of the most restrictive pathway overall, and the relatively 
    conservative risk target, 10-6, used in setting the exit levels 
    derived from cancer risk estimates.
        As mentioned above, EPA conducted a screening analysis to identify 
    47 high priority constituents for ecological assessment. EPA did not 
    model the ecological impacts for 36 additional constituents that 
    displayed one characteristic indicating potential ecological impacts. 
    EPA is proposing to set minimize threat levels for 19 of these 
        EPA believes that it has adequately assured that the caps to BDAT 
    treatment standards proposed today minimize threats to the environment. 
    The specific ecological risk assessment conducted for 45 constituents 
    (19 of which have minimize threat levels under this proposal) is the 
    most extensive EPA has ever conducted under the RCRA program to date. 
    EPA did not find threshold effects data for all seven groups of 
    ecological receptors for any constituent evaluated for ecological 
    risks. Rather, EPA typically had benchmarks for three to five groups. 
    Nevertheless, its consideration of a broad range of species and use of 
    reasonably conservative endpoints ensures that threats to ecological 
    receptors are minimized.
        With regard to chemicals that did not undergo this detailed 
    assessment, EPA has conducted an extensive review of risks to human 
    health, including a thorough review of risks posed by indirect pathways 
    and risks posed by constituents that bioaccumulate in plants and 
    animals consumed by humans. (Bioaccumulation is a key concern for 
    protection of many ecological species.) EPA believes that it is 
    reasonable to assume that the exit levels identified by this analysis 
    also minimize threats to ecological receptors unless it has some 
    definite data indicating that additional protection is warranted. 
    Reliance on these levels is particularly appropriate for those 
    chemicals that did not display one of EPA's ecological screening 
    characteristics. EPA finds it also appropriate for the 15 ``minimize 
    threat'' chemicals which exhibited one ecological screening 
    characteristic. EPA acknowledges that conducting a specific assessment 
    of ecological risks for these 15 constituents would have provided 
    additional assurance that threat to ecological receptors were 
    minimized. EPA solicits comment on the option of declining to set 
    minimize threat levels for these 15 constituents until it can complete 
    an ecological assessment for them.
    d. Risk Targets Minimize Threats
        The Agency believes that the risk targets used in the risk analysis 
    to back calculate to waste concentrations minimize threats to human 
    health and the environment. For cancer risks to human, a risk target of 
    one in one million, over a lifetime is the risk target. For non-
    carcinogens, a hazard quotient (HQ) based on a reference dose or other 
    comparable value from the literature could not exceed one (hazard 
    quotient (HQ)=1). Reference doses or comparable values are based on 
    studies of toxicity and no-effect levels in test animals and 
    extrapolated, using safety factors, to humans. For ecological 
    receptors, population effects inferred from individual effects and 
    effects on a substantial number of both aquatic and terrestrial species 
    were evaluated.
        Other risk targets may be considered in establishing minimize 
    threat levels. The Agency solicits comment on whether apportionment of 
    the RfD ought to be used in establishing minimize threat levels (i.e., 
    HQ<1). the="" agency="" uses="" 20%="" of="" the="" rfd="" in="" setting="" drinking="" water="" standards;="" a="" similar="" approach="" might="" be="" appropriate="" in="" establishing="" minimize="" threat="" levels="" and="" in="" establishing="" exit="" levels.="" epa="" requests="" comment="" on="" this="" issue.="" 2.="" public="" policy="" considerations="" finally,="" the="" agency="" believes="" that="" it="" represents="" good="" public="" policy="" to="" reduce="" or="" eliminate="" unneeded="" or="" duplicative="" regulatory="" requirements.="" in="" this="" case,="" the="" agency="" believes="" that="" for="" the="" initial="" list="" of="" constituents="" listed="" in="" table="" 1="" of="" 40="" cfr="" 268.60,="" treatment="" to="" the="" uts/="" ldr="" standard="" is="" no="" longer="" required="" beyond="" waste="" constituent="" concentrations="" where="" risks="" to="" human="" health="" and="" the="" environment="" are="" insignificant.="" because="" there="" is="" no="" purpose="" in="" terms="" of="" protecting="" human="" health="" and="" the="" environment="" for="" retaining="" the="" more="" stringent="" ldr="" requirements,="" the="" agency="" is="" proposing="" to="" revise="" them="" to="" the="" risk-based="" levels.="" this="" would="" reduce="" the="" overall="" number="" of="" different="" and="" distinct="" regulatory="" requirements="" on="" waste="" generators="" and="" treaters,="" would="" rationalize="" the="" rcra="" regulations,="" and="" will="" provide="" significant="" pollution="" prevention="" opportunities="" and="" incentives.="" waste="" generators="" would="" have="" only="" one="" target="" level="" to="" direct="" their="" pollution="" prevention="" effort="" toward.="" if="" generators="" met="" the="" ldr/exit="" levels,="" the="" waste="" would="" not="" be="" considered="" hazardous,="" and="" no="" additional="" treatment="" would="" be="" required="" before="" disposal="" in="" a="" subtitle="" d="" facility.="" where="" waste="" continues="" to="" exceed="" one="" or="" more="" exit="" levels="" after="" ldr="" requirements="" are="" met,="" subtitle="" c="" disposal="" would="" be="" required.="" c.="" risk-based="" ldr="" levels="" 1.="" list="" of="" constituents="" and="" minimize="" threat="" concentrations="" as="" was="" mentioned="" earlier="" in="" this="" section,="" only="" modeled="" constituents'="" risk-level="" results="" are="" eligible="" to="" serve="" as="" risk-based="" ldr="" levels="" meeting="" the="" statutory="" requirement="" of="" minimize="" threat.="" in="" addition,="" minimize="" threat="" levels="" are="" only="" proposed="" for="" those="" constituents="" where="" the="" risk="" level="" is="" higher="" (less="" stringent)="" than="" the="" associated="" [[page="" 66384]]="" technology-based="" treatment="" standard="" in="" sec.="" 268.40="" or="" the="" uts="" level="" in="" sec.="" 268.48.="" first,="" the="" agency="" repeats="" that="" it="" is="" not="" proposing="" to="" set="" any="" alternative="" risk-based="" ldr="" standards="" expressed="" as="" specified="" technologies="" (rather="" than="" constituent="" concentrations.)="" consequently,="" the="" option="" of="" complying="" with="" minimize="" threat="" levels="" in="" lieu="" of="" levels="" specified="" in="" part="" 268="" will="" be="" available="" only="" for="" wastes="" with="" treatment="" standards="" expressed="" as="" constituent="" concentrations.="" this="" includes="" both="" wastes="" subject="" to="" waste-specific="" treatment="" requirements="" under="" the="" table="" to="" sec.="" 268.40="" and="" wastes="" subject="" to="" the="" universal="" treatment="" standard="" levels="" in="" the="" table="" to="" sec.="" 268.48="" the="" agency="" proposes="" that="" for="" purposes="" of="" establishing="" nonwastewater="" and="" wastewater="" minimize="" threat="" values="" for="" wastes="" with="" bdat="" treatment="" standards="" expressed="" as="" constituent="" concentrations,="" the="" levels="" proposed="" would="" utilize="" the="" ldr="" definitions="" of="" nonwastewater="" and="" wastewater="" from="" 40="" cfr="" 268.2(d)="" and="" (f).="" therefore,="" any="" exit="" levels="" that="" are="" considered="" nonwastewater="" for="" purposes="" of="" exit="" will="" also="" be="" considered="" nonwastewater="" for="" purposes="" of="" minimize="" threat.="" likewise,="" wastewater="" exit="" levels="" will="" be="" considered="" wastewater="" ldr="" levels.="" the="" agency="" believes="" that="" consistent="" definitions="" of="" nonwastewater="" and="" wastewater="" is="" the="" only="" practical="" means="" to="" establish="" minimize="" threat="" levels.="" the="" agency="" realizes,="" however,="" that="" the="" modeling="" and="" subsequent="" development="" of="" exit="" levels="" for="" today's="" proposed="" exit="" did="" not="" use="" the="" part="" 268="" definition="" of="" nonwastewater="" and="" wastewater.="" (a="" complete="" discussion="" of="" this="" may="" be="" found="" in="" section="" viii.a.1.a.ii.)="" the="" effect="" of="" this="" would="" be="" that="" some="" wastes="" that="" would="" be="" defined="" as="" wastewaters="" under="" today's="" proposed="" exit="" scheme="" would="" be="" considered="" ldr="" non-wastewaters.="" the="" agency="" requests="" comment="" on="" whether="" the="" definition="" in="" part="" 268="" should="" be="" adopted="" for="" purposes="" of="" establishing="" minimize="" threat="" levels.="" the="" agency="" compared="" the="" exit="" levels="" to="" the="" current="" ldr="" treatment="" levels="" to="" determine="" whether="" a="" constituent's="" risk="" level="" should="" be="" proposed="" as="" a="" minimize="" threat="" level.="" for="" wastewater="" values,="" the="" ldr="" wastewater="" value="" was="" directly="" compared="" to="" the="" wastewater="" exit="" value.="" where="" the="" uts="" nonwastewater="" level="" is="" a="" total="" level,="" the="" comparison="" was="" made="" to="" the="" nonwastewater="" totals="" exit="" level.="" where="" the="" ldr="" nonwastewater="" level="" is="" a="" leach="" level,="" the="" comparison="" was="" made="" to="" the="" nonwastewater="" leach="" exit="" level.="" however,="" for="" the="" reasons="" explained="" below,="" the="" nonwastewater="" minimize="" threat="" level="" would="" contain="" both="" a="" leach="" level="" and="" a="" totals="" level.="" for="" both="" wastewater="" and="" nonwastewater,="" where="" the="" most="" comparable="" exit="" level="" is="" higher="" (less="" stringent)="" than="" the="" current="" ldr="" level,="" the="" constituent's="" risk="" level="" is="" proposed="" as="" an="" optional="" minimize="" threat="" level.="" the="" agency="" requests="" comment="" on="" this="" approach="" to="" determining="" which="" exit="" levels="" are="" higher="" than="" current="" ldr="" levels.="" the="" agency="" is="" proposing="" that="" testing="" requirements="" when="" using="" minimize="" threat="" levels="" would="" be="" consistent="" with="" the="" current="" ldr="" testing="" requirements="" found="" in="" sec.="" 268.7.="" the="" agency="" proposes="" that="" if="" a="" claimant="" wishes="" to="" meet="" ldr="" requirements="" by="" complying="" with="" a="" minimize="" threat="" level,="" the="" claimant="" must="" meet="" the="" minimize="" threat="" levels="" with="" a="" totals="" analysis,="" and="" where="" specified,="" the="" waste="" must="" meet="" the="" leach="" level="" with="" a="" leachate="" analysis.="" the="" agency="" believes="" that="" a="" totals="" analysis="" is="" preferable="" to="" a="" leach="" analysis="" for="" establishing="" minimize="" threat="" levels,="" as="" it="" more="" directly="" pertains="" to="" all="" pathways,="" not="" only="" the="" groundwater="" pathway.="" today's="" proposed="" exit="" levels="" for="" nonwastewaters="" consist="" of="" two="" risk="" levels="" for="" each="" constituent.="" the="" totals="" (mg/kg)="" nonwastewater="" risk="" level="" is="" the="" result="" of="" the="" most="" limiting="" non-groundwater="" pathway.="" the="" leach="" (mg/l)="" nonwastewater="" risk="" level="" is="" the="" result="" of="" the="" most="" limiting="" groundwater="" pathway.="" the="" agency="" believes="" it="" would="" be="" preferable="" to="" have="" one="" exit="" level,="" but="" the="" groundwater="" model="" results="" are="" a="" leach="" (mg/l),="" whereas="" the="" results="" from="" the="" multipathway="" analysis="" are="" a="" totals="" (mg/kg),="" and="" the="" science="" to="" extrapolate="" from="" a="" leach="" to="" totals="" is="" highly="" variable.="" using="" only="" the="" leach="" or="" only="" the="" total="" risk="" level="" would="" reflect="" only="" a="" portion="" of="" the="" risks="" presented="" by="" the="" waste.="" a="" waste="" must="" meet="" both="" of="" these="" limits="" before="" it="" minimizes="" threats="" to="" human="" health="" and="" the="" environment.="" consequently,="" epa="" is="" proposing="" to="" include="" both="" levels="" in="" the="" minimize="" threat="" standards="" for="" nonwastewaters.="" the="" agency="" proposes="" to="" allow="" generators="" to="" either="" use="" a="" calculational="" screen="" or="" perform="" the="" tclp="" to="" make="" a="" determination="" that="" constituent="" concentrations="" do="" not="" exceed="" nonwastewater="" leach="" minimize="" threat="" levels.="" a="" full="" discussion="" and="" explanation="" of="" the="" calculational="" screen="" can="" be="" found="" in="" section="" viii.a.1.a.iii.="" of="" today's="" proposal.="" because="" extrapolating="" from="" a="" leach="" to="" a="" total="" varies="" with="" each="" constituent="" and="" is="" not="" easily="" measured,="" epa="" has="" not="" directly="" compared="" both="" of="" the="" minimize="" threat="" levels="" with="" the="" ldr="" standard.="" the="" agency="" requests="" data="" on="" specific="" constituents="" where="" the="" second,="" less="" easily-="" compared="" nonwastewater="" minimize="" threat="" level="" may="" be="" harder="" to="" achieve="" than="" the="" current="" ldr="" standard.="" if="" such="" results="" occur,="" waste="" handlers="" will="" not="" be="" required="" to="" use="" the="" new="" minimize="" threat="" levels.="" the="" levels="" in="" the="" tables="" to="" sec.="" 268.40="" and="" sec.="" 268.48="" will="" continue="" to="" satisfy="" ldr="" requirements="" as="" they="" always="" have.="" the="" minimize="" threat="" levels="" will="" be="" located="" in="" table="" 1="" of="" sec.="" 268.60,="" are="" optional,="" and="" are="" intended="" to="" be="" used="" to="" provide="" treatment="" relief.="" the="" agency="" believes="" that="" minimize="" threat="" levels="" will="" only="" be="" used="" where="" they="" are="" less="" stringent="" than="" current="" ldr="" levels.="" the="" agency="" requests="" comment="" on="" the="" proposed="" revisions="" to="" part="" 268="" with="" respect="" to="" minimize="" threat="" levels.="" table="" d-1="" of="" appendix="" d="" to="" the="" preamble="" presents="" for="" comparison="" current="" ldr="" uts="" standards="" and="" proposed="" minimize="" threat="" levels.="" the="" agency="" is="" proposing="" that="" for="" the="" constituents="" listed="" below,="" the="" risk="" levels="" may="" substitute="" for="" current="" uts="" treatment="" levels="" in="" 40="" cfr="" 268.48="" or="" for="" treatment="" standards="" for="" these="" constituents="" in="" 40="" cfr="" 268.40.="" a="" table="" of="" the="" proposed="" minimize="" threat="" levels="" can="" be="" found="" at="" proposed="" 40="" cfr="" 268.60="" subpart="" f="" in="" the="" regulatory="" text="" following="" this="" preamble.="" 2.="" constituents="" for="" which="" exit="" levels="" are="" not="" minimize="" threat="" levels="" as="" an="" alternative="" to="" the="" approach="" described="" in="" c.1="" above,="" the="" agency="" solicits="" comment="" on="" the="" background="" data="" underlying="" the="" risk="" evaluations="" for="" these="" constituents.="" the="" agency="" believes,="" in="" general,="" that="" the="" constituents="" evaluated="" in="" the="" risk="" analysis="" have="" relatively="" complete="" assessments="" of="" risk.="" the="" agency="" recognizes,="" however,="" that="" data="" quality="" and="" completeness="" can="" vary="" among="" constituents,="" even="" for="" those="" for="" which="" risk="" can="" be="" assessed.="" the="" agency="" solicits="" comment="" on="" both="" general="" criteria="" for="" assessing="" completeness="" of="" data,="" and="" also="" specific="" constituents="" for="" which="" use="" as="" minimize="" threat="" levels="" to="" cap="" ldr="" requirements="" may="" be="" inappropriate.="" d.="" meeting="" ldr="" requirements="" 1.="" wastes="" below="" exit="" levels="" as="" generated="" epa="" proposes="" that,="" if="" a="" generator="" samples="" a="" listed="" waste="" stream="" at="" its="" point="" of="" generation="" and="" analysis="" of="" the="" sample="" shows="" all="" constituents="" to="" be="" below="" exit="" levels,="" ldr="" requirements="" would="" not="" apply="" to="" the="" waste.="" epa="" is="" proposing="" this="" result="" both="" for="" constituents="" with="" exit="" levels="" based="" on="" multipathway="" analysis="" (where,="" since="" exit="" levels="" can="" serve="" as="" ldr="" ``minimize="" threat''="" levels="" that="" cap="" current="" treatment="" requirements,="" the="" ldr="" program="" will="" never="" require="" treatment="" to="" levels="" lower="" than="" exit="" levels)="" and="" constituents="" with="" [[page="" 66385]]="" exit="" levels="" based="" on="" extrapolation="" from="" the="" multipath="" analysis="" or="" quantitation="" levels="" (where,="" since="" epa="" has="" not="" proposed="" to="" make="" exit="" levels="" into="" ldr="" minimize="" threat="" levels,the="" ldr="" programs="" may="" require="" treatment="" to="" levels="" lower="" than="" exit="" levels).="" to="" claim="" this="" relief="" generators="" would="" have="" to="" certify="" that="" they="" sampled="" their="" wastes="" at="" the="" point="" of="" generation.="" in="" the="" interim="" between="" sampling="" and="" receipt="" of="" analytical="" results,="" the="" generator="" would="" be="" required="" to="" manage="" the="" waste="" as="" hazardous.="" however,="" epa="" would="" take="" the="" position="" that="" this="" brief="" period="" of="" subtitle="" c="" regulation="" would="" not="" subject="" the="" waste="" to="" ldr="" requirements.="" epa="" believes="" that="" position="" is="" consistent="" with="" its="" prior="" interpretations="" of="" ldr="" provisions="" and="" the="" d.c.="" circuit's="" opinion="" in="" chemical="" waste="" management="" ii.="" at="" issue="" in="" that="" case="" was="" epa's="" determination="" that="" ldr="" treatment="" standards="" apply="" to="" wastes="" that="" are="" characteristically="" hazardous="" at="" the="" point="" of="" generation="" but="" that="" subsequently="" cease="" to="" exhibit="" characteristics="" and="" become="" nonhazardous="" wastes.="" epa="" took="" that="" position="" to="" ensure="" that="" characteristic="" wastes="" receive="" effective="" treatment.="" without="" this="" requirement,="" for="" example,="" it="" would="" be="" possible="" to="" dilute="" characteristic="" wastes="" and="" evade="" ldr="" treatment="" requirements.="" the="" court="" held="" that="" epa="" must="" apply="" this="" interpretation="" consistently="" to="" characteristic="" wastes.="" it="" is="" not="" necessary,="" however,="" to="" follow="" this="" interpretation="" for="" wastes="" that="" are="" generated="" with="" all="" constituent="" concentrations="" below="" exit="" levels.="" epa="" can="" reasonably="" distinguish="" between="" wastes="" that="" are="" below="" exit="" levels="" at="" the="" point="" of="" generation="" and="" wastes="" which="" achieved="" such="" levels="" at="" some="" subsequent="" time.="" only="" wastes="" which="" exceed="" exit="" levels="" at="" the="" point="" of="" generation="" need="" continued="" ldr="" applicability="" to="" ensure="" that="" they="" reduce="" constituent="" concentration="" or="" constituent="" mobility="" by="" complying="" with="" ldr="" standards="" rather="" than="" using="" dilution="" or="" some="" other="" inferior="" form="" of="" treatment.="" a="" generator="" of="" wastes="" that="" meet="" exit="" levels="" as="" generated="" would="" not="" use="" waste="" treatment="" to="" evade="" ldr="" requirements.="" rather,="" he="" or="" she="" might="" use="" waste="" minimization="" techniques="" to="" reduce="" concentration="" or="" mobility="" of="" constituents="" in="" the="" precursor="" to="" his="" waste.="" epa="" notes="" that="" it="" is="" proposing="" to="" require="" listed="" wastes="" which="" exceed="" exit="" levels="" at="" the="" point="" of="" generation="" to="" meet="" ldr="" treatment="" requirements,="" even="" if="" the="" waste="" later="" meets="" exit="" levels.="" epa="" believes="" that="" this="" requirement="" carries="" out="" the="" ldr="" requirements="" set="" out="" in="" the="" third="" third="" rule="" and="" the="" chemical="" waste="" decision.="" finally,="" epa="" notes="" that="" it="" would="" be="" possible="" to="" articulate="" alternative="" rationales="" for="" exempting="" from="" ldr="" requirements="" wastes="" which="" meet="" today's="" exit="" levels="" as="" generated.="" for="" exit="" levels="" based="" on="" extrapolations="" from="" the="" multipathway="" analysis,="" epa="" could="" argue="" that="" extrapolated="" levels="" are="" ldr="" ``minimize="" threat''="" levels.="" epa,="" however,="" thinks="" protection="" of="" the="" environment="" is="" better="" served="" by="" refraining="" from="" such="" a="" step="" and="" requiring="" wastes="" which="" exceed="" such="" levels="" at="" the="" point="" of="" generation="" to="" meet="" current="" technology-based="" ldr="" standards.="" (as="" explained="" above,="" epa="" is="" not="" entirely="" certain="" that="" these="" extrapolated="" levels="" actually="" minimize="" risks="" for="" all="" constituents.)="" for="" exit="" levels="" based="" on="" quantitation="" limits,="" imposing="" ldr="" requirements="" would="" not="" have="" any="" practical="" impact.="" ldr="" treatment="" standards="" are="" limited="" by="" the="" same="" quantitation="" limits="" proposed="" for="" this="" rule.="" consequently,="" treatment="" standards="" for="" constituents="" limited="" by="" analytical="" capabilities="" are="" not="" lower="" than="" the="" exit="" levels.="" 2.="" wastes="" above="" exit="" levels="" as="" generated="" listed="" wastes="" that="" are="" above="" exit="" levels="" as="" generated="" would="" be="" required="" to="" be="" treated="" to="" the="" ldr="" standards="" in="" force="" at="" the="" time="" if="" they="" are="" placed="" on="" the="" land.="" vii.="" dilution="" the="" 1984="" rcra="" amendments="" (hswa)="" established="" a="" vigorous="" national="" policy="" for="" minimizing="" the="" generation="" of="" hazardous="" wastes.="" section="" 1003="" of="" rcra,="" as="" amended="" in="" 1984,="" established="" a="" national="" waste="" minimization="" policy="" stating="" that="" ``wherever="" feasible,="" the="" generation="" of="" hazardous="" waste="" is="" to="" be="" reduced="" or="" eliminated="" as="" expeditiously="" as="" possible''.="" the="" policy="" also="" cited="" the="" need="" to="" reduce="" the="" volume="" and="" toxicity="" of="" hazardous="" wastes="" which="" is="" nevertheless="" generated.="" similarly,="" section="" 3005(h)="" prescribed="" that="" effective="" september="" 1,="" 1985,="" all="" rcra="" permittees="" who="" generate="" waste="" disposed="" of,="" treated,="" or="" stored="" on-site="" certify,="" on="" an="" annual="" basis,="" that="" the="" facility="" has="" waste="" minimization="" programs="" in="" place.="" in="" addition,="" section="" 3002(b)="" mandates="" that="" hazardous="" waste="" generators="" include="" a="" certification="" with="" their="" hazardous="" waste="" manifests="" that="" the="" generator="" has="" a="" waste="" minimization="" program="" in="" place="" and="" that="" the="" proposed="" method="" of="" off-site="" management="" minimizes="" threats="" to="" human="" health="" and="" the="" environment.="" in="" concert="" with="" these="" hswa="" mandates,="" it="" is="" the="" agency's="" policy="" to="" encourage="" source="" reduction="" (i.e.,="" waste="" minimization)="" and="" waste="" treatment="" as="" preferable="" to="" disposal="" and="" dilution.="" epa="" has="" recognized="" that="" successful="" implementation="" of="" the="" land="" disposal="" restrictions="" requires="" that,="" in="" general,="" dilution="" be="" prohibited="" as="" a="" partial="" or="" complete="" substitute="" for="" adequate="" treatment="" of="" restricted="" wastes.="" the="" legislative="" history="" indicates="" that="" such="" a="" prohibition="" ``is="" particularly="" important="" where="" regulations="" are="" based="" on="" concentrations="" of="" hazardous="" constituents''="" (h.r.="" rep.="" no.="" 198,="" part="" i,="" 98th="" congress,="" 1st="" session="" 38="" (1983)).="" the="" agency="" also="" opposes="" the="" dilution="" of="" hazardous="" wastes="" for="" several="" technical="" reasons.="" most="" importantly,="" dilution="" is="" an="" environmentally="" inappropriate="" means="" to="" reduce="" toxicant="" concentrations="" because="" it="" does="" not="" reduce="" toxicant="" loadings="" to="" the="" environment.="" the="" same="" mass="" of="" toxicant="" is="" released="" to="" the="" environment="" when="" a="" diluted="" waste="" is="" disposed="" as="" would="" be="" if="" that="" same="" waste,="" prior="" to="" dilution,="" were="" to="" be="" disposed.="" while="" mass="" loading="" of="" the="" environment="" is="" itself="" a="" serious="" concern,="" the="" potential="" for="" environmental="" damage="" is="" magnified="" when="" toxicants="" (for="" example,="" pesticides="" and="" metals)="" bioaccumulate="" in="" the="" food="" chain.="" in="" addition,="" diluted="" wastes="" can="" create="" an="" unnecessary="" demand="" for="" scarce="" solid="" waste="" disposal="" capacity.="" for="" these="" reasons,="" dilution="" is="" generally="" prohibited="" as="" a="" means="" to="" achieve="" the="" exemption="" levels="" under="" today's="" proposal.="" because="" today's="" rule="" proposes="" to="" amend="" the="" some="" of="" the="" current="" ldr="" levels="" by="" establishing="" minimize="" threat="" levels,="" allowing="" dilution="" as="" a="" means="" of="" achieving="" exemptions="" would="" be="" inconsistent="" with="" the="" ban="" on="" dilution="" included="" in="" the="" land="" disposal="" restrictions="" rule="" (40="" cfr="" 268.3).="" in="" addition,="" dilution="" would="" be="" inconsistent="" with="" the="" congressional="" purpose="" of="" encouraging="" waste="" minimization.="" thus,="" today's="" proposed="" rule="" specifically="" prohibits="" dilution="" as="" a="" means="" of="" attaining="" the="" exemption="" levels="" except="" as="" provided="" under="" the="" ldr="" program="" under="" 40="" cfr="" 268.3(b).="" viii.="" implementation="" today's="" proposed="" rulemaking="" would="" establish="" a="" generic="" set="" of="" constituent-specific="" exemption="" levels="" for="" listed="" hazardous="" wastes.="" wastes="" with="" hazardous="" constituent="" concentrations="" below="" the="" generic="" exemption="" levels="" would="" be="" conditionally="" exempt="" from="" subtitle="">5 
    Today's proposed 
    [[Page 66386]]
    rulemaking would be self-implementing; that is, no prior governmental 
    approval or review of documentation would be required before wastes are 
    eligible to exit. Claimants of an exemption, however, would be required 
    to meet certain prerequisites in addition to the generic constituent 
    concentration levels before the wastes would be considered non-
    hazardous. These testing and notification requirements are necessary to 
    ensure that only those hazardous wastes which truly meet the exemption 
    criteria exit the subtitle C system. In addition, certain testing and 
    record-keeping conditions would be imposed to maintain the exemption to 
    ensure that the waste continued to be eligible for the exemption. 
    Failure to satisfy the conditions would void the exemption.
        \5\ Exempted wastes would continue to be solid wastes, and as 
    such would require proper management under subtitle D and other 
    applicable state laws.
    A. Implementation Requirements
        To make an effective claim, persons would need to comply with the 
    following requirements:
    --The waste must be sampled and tested in accordance with a 
    comprehensive sampling and analysis plan prepared prior to conducting 
    sampling and analysis (EPA recommends, as guidance, using the basic 
    elements of sampling and analysis plans described in Chapters One and 
    Nine of SW-846);
    --Representative samples collected in support of an exemption proposed 
    in today's notice must consist of a sufficient number of samples to 
    represent the spatial and temporal variability of the waste 
    --The waste must be tested for all hazardous constituents except those 
    that should not be present in the waste as defined by this rule, with 
    documentation supporting determination not to test any constituent 
    available on-site at the time of the notification;
    --If the claimant must test for any hazardous constituents on table B 
    of appendix X of 40 CFR part 261, the waste must also meet treatment 
    standards for those constituents listed on UTS table of 40 CFR 268.48;
    --A notification must be submitted to the Regional Administrator (or 
    authorized State) (hereafter referred to as the implementation 
    authority), along with
    --A certification signed by the claimant's authorized representative 
    attesting to the completeness and accuracy of the notification, and
    --Verification that a notice of the exemption claim has been placed in 
    a major local newspaper of general circulation.
        Any deficiencies in compliance with these requirements would 
    prevent the exemption from being valid; that is, the waste would not 
    exit the subtitle C system. Claimants would not be able to use their 
    knowledge of the waste alone to make a determination. Furthermore, in 
    order to defend a claim that a waste was exempt under today's proposed 
    rule and thus exempt from hazardous waste regulation, claimants would 
    bear the burden in an enforcement action of establishing that the waste 
    in question met the exit levels and the other requirements for the 
    1. Testing Requirements
        In today's notice, the Agency is proposing concentration-based 
    exemption criteria below which a listed hazardous waste would be 
    conditionally exempt from subtitle C compliance. To best ensure 
    accurate characterizations of constituent concentrations in these 
    wastes, the Agency is also proposing sampling and analysis requirements 
    for the exemption determination proposed today. Adherence to these 
    requirements, however, does not ensure that the characterization is 
    accurate and representative of a waste on a continual basis. It is the 
    generator's responsibility to ensure that a waste always meets the 
    exemption requirements proposed today for all appendix X of 40 CFR part 
    261 constituents, regardless of which constituents the facility is 
    required to test and how often testing is performed.
        To be eligible for an exemption, EPA is proposing that facilities 
    must (1) demonstrate that each constituent of concern is not present 
    above the specified exemption level in the waste, (2) demonstrate that 
    the analysis could have detected the presence of the constituent at or 
    below the specified exemption level, and, (3) where specified, comply 
    with the LDR standards applicable to the waste. Today's proposed rule 
    allows that any reliable analytical method may be used to demonstrate 
    that no constituent of concern is present at concentrations above the 
    exemption levels. It is the responsibility of the generator to ensure 
    that the sampling and analysis is unbiased, precise, and representative 
    of the waste.
        The Agency will consider that the exemption level was achieved in 
    the waste matrix if an analysis in which the constituent is spiked at 
    the exemption level indicates that the analyte is present at that level 
    within analytical method performance limits (e.g., bias and precision). 
    The Agency prefers this empirical demonstration of method performance 
    through the successful analysis at the exemption level. The Agency 
    requests comment on this and any other approaches to demonstrate method 
        In general, the Agency is proposing testing requirements that would 
    consist of an initial test to characterize the waste as exempt, 
    followed by subsequent testing to ensure ongoing compliance with 
    constituents of concern. A generator of a listed waste on a one-time 
    basis will only be required to comply with initial testing 
    requirements. Wastes produced on an infrequent (batch) or continuous 
    basis will have to comply with initial testing requirements and 
    subsequent testing requirements as appropriate based on the volume of 
    the waste. The Agency asks for comment on this general approach to 
    testing requirements.
    a. Data Evaluation
    i. Compliance With the Exit Levels
        The Agency is requesting comment on three approaches of data 
        First, the Agency is proposing that, for exemptions under today's 
    proposed rule, generators would be required to evaluate their waste 
    based on the maximum detected concentrations of the exemption 
    constituents. If any constituent concentration is greater than its 
    specified exit level, then the waste would be ineligible for exemption 
    under today's proposed rule. One advantage of this approach is that 
    facilities can use process and waste knowledge to determine the 
    appropriate number of representative samples without relying on a 
    complex, potentially costly statistical approach to determine an 
    appropriate number of samples. However, generators will need to be 
    sufficiently knowledgeable about their waste and process to make an 
    unbiased determination regarding the appropriate number of samples. 
    Actual sample representativeness might be difficult to verify or 
    otherwise assess (on a statistical basis). Finally, the level of 
    uncertainty associated with the results cannot be defined. Because of 
    this, under this approach, a single composite sample that validly 
    exceeds the HWIR exit levels would indicate that the waste is hazardous 
    and must be handled in Subtitle C.
        Second, the Agency requests comment on also allowing a second data 
    evaluation method whereby the analytical results are evaluated in terms 
    of an upper confidence limit around an average concentration. An 
    example of one method for determining an upper confidence limit is 
    presented in the statistical approach found in Chapter Nine of SW-846 
    (Third Edition, as amended by Updates I, II, IIA, and IIB), 
    [[Page 66387]]
    where, for the purpose of evaluating solid wastes, the probability 
    level (confidence interval) of 80 percent is used. Sample measurements 
    for which the upper limit of the 80 percent confidence interval about 
    the sample mean is below the regulatory level for the chemical 
    contaminant are not considered to be present at levels of regulatory 
    concern. One main advantage of this approach is that the number of 
    samples is statistically determined and thus it eliminates any bias 
    that might otherwise be introduced when using knowledge to determine 
    the appropriate number of samples. In addition, the level of 
    uncertainty associated with the results can be determined. However, the 
    main disadvantage of this approach is that it could be more costly for 
    some facilities than the proposed approach. For example, it might 
    require multiple rounds of sampling to determine the mean and variance. 
    Highly variable wastes may require the collection of many more 
    additional samples than might otherwise be determined to be necessary 
    using the first approach. However, this statistical approach allows 
    occasional samples to be above exemption level, as long as the upper 
    confidence limit of the data overall is below the exit level.
        The Agency also requests comment on a third data evaluation method 
    that would allow facilities to use long-term average data to 
    demonstrate compliance without consideration of the upper confidence 
    limit. A rolling average of samples would be taken over the course of a 
    year on a schedule determined by the initial sampling and analysis 
    plan. As long as the average of the samples was below the HWIR exit 
    level, the waste stream would be considered non-hazardous. This 
    approach would have the advantage of being simpler than the second 
    option, while allowing occasional exceedences of the exit levels by 
    single samples, as long as the average concentration is below exit 
        EPA has modelled risk with the assumption that the constituents of 
    concern are uniformly distributed within the waste at the exit 
    concentrations. In discussion with the Hazardous Waste Identification 
    Dialogue Group, some representatives noted that actual levels might 
    need to average significantly below the exit levels if the exit 
    criteria are to be consistently met. The second and third data 
    evaluation methods discussed above help address this issue.
        However, EPA and the States have noted that the only practical 
    approach for enforcement purposes is to independently collect samples 
    for analysis (which may represent a composite of materials spatially or 
    over a short time span) and to set up the regulation so that an 
    exceedence by any single composite sample during an inspection could 
    constitute a violation. It would then be the responsibility of the 
    generator to refute this, using historic sampling data and possibly 
    additional samples to show that the sample exceedence does not 
    constitute an overall violation of the HWIR levels.
        EPA believes it is important to retain the practical approach 
    whereby a single composite sample of a waste at some arbitrary point in 
    time or space during a short visit is considered sufficient for 
    enforcement purposes. However, because the exit numbers were modeled 
    based on long-term average concentrations, the Agency requests comment 
    on allowing occasional exceedences as long as the average concentration 
    meets the exit level.
        In addition to the concern about enforceability, however, EPA has 
    identified two additional concerns about using average concentration to 
    determine compliance. First, not all waste streams would be disposed of 
    in the same place. Thus the wastes may on average be in compliance when 
    they are generated, but the wastes arriving at the disposal site 
    (possibly from multiple sources) may not be, on average, below the exit 
    levels. Second, EPA has not modeled the constituents for acute risk. 
    While the average concentration of constituents may be below the exit 
    levels, the occasional ``high'' concentration may be of concern due to 
    acute health or ecological effects.
        One possible way to address some of these concerns is, in addition 
    to requiring that the average meet the exit levels (as in the second 
    and third data evaluation methods), EPA could require that all samples 
    be below some ``peak'' concentration.
        Under this approach, if the average concentrations are below the 
    exit levels, and all individual samples are below the higher peak 
    level, then the generator would be in compliance and need take no 
    further action to support the exemption. EPA or a State would then be 
    able to confirm waste status without total reliance on the generator's 
    data and without the expense of periodic sampling by EPA or the State. 
    EPA requests comment on this issue, including any information on 
    setting peak levels.
        For any of the three data evaluation approaches, representative 
    samples must be collected in support of exemption under today's 
    proposed rule, consisting of a sufficient number of samples to 
    represent the spatial and temporal variability of the waste 
    characteristics, regardless of how the sample number is determined.
        For the identification and handling of ``outliers'', the Agency is 
    recommending that testing for outliers should be done if an observation 
    seems particularly high or low compared to the rest of the data set. If 
    an outlier is identified, the result should not be treated as such 
    until a specific reason for the abnormal measurement can be determined 
    (e.g. contaminated sampling equipment, laboratory contamination, data 
    transcription error). If a specific reason is documented, the result 
    should be excluded from further data evaluation. If a plausible reason 
    cannot be found, the observations should be treated as a true, albeit 
    extreme, value and not excluded from the data evaluation, as waste 
    composition can vary. The Agency solicits comments on implementable 
    techniques for the identification of analytical outliers.
        The results of the tests of all of the constituents on the 
    exemption list would be required to show the constituent concentration 
    to be at or below the exit level in order for the claimant to be 
    eligible for an exemption. In the case where a constituent's exit level 
    is based on the quantitation criteria (EQC, as described in section 
    IV.E.), in addition to showing a non-detect at the exit level, the 
    waste would be required to meet applicable requirements set forth at 40 
    CFR part 268. Certain facilities may have difficulty quantifying a 
    constituent at the exit level due to matrix interference effects, but 
    the Agency expects exempted wastes to have relatively clean matrices 
    such that exit levels should be able to be achieved. The Agency 
    believes that the exit level must be met in order for a waste to exit 
    Subtitle C; therefore, waste streams that cannot meet exit levels would 
    not exit under today's rule. The Agency asks for comment on this 
    ii. Wastewater and Nonwastewater Categories
        Throughout today's proposal and background documentation, all of 
    the exit levels have been described as being applicable to two 
    categories of wastes using the terms wastewater and non-wastewater 
    6. EPA used these terms as an initial means of distinguishing two 
    waste categories that are inherent to how the exit levels were 
    developed, by taking into account how these wastes 
    [[Page 66388]]
    will be managed (i.e., stored, treated, and disposed), and also how the 
    wastes would be expected to behave in the environment. In the 
    development of the exit levels, several waste management units were 
    evaluated in the underlying risk analysis. The units chosen for 
    evaluation were those that are considered most likely to manage the 
    types of wastes that would be expected to exit Subtitle C regulation 
    under today's exemption. Although these units will likely receive to 
    some degree both forms of waste, in general there are technical, 
    physical, and sometimes legal constraints on what types of waste are 
    managed in each. The Agency considered ash monofills, waste piles, and 
    land application units as typically managing waste materials that can 
    be considered ``solid'' or ``non-wastewater,'' while tanks and surface 
    impoundments typically manage ``liquid'' or ``wastewater.'' Based on 
    these assumptions, results from the analysis of risk from these 
    specific waste management units were then used to generate the 
    corresponding exit levels for non-wastewater and wastewater.
        \6\ The terms ``wastewater'' and ``non-wastewater'' are used 
    generically in today's preamble and rule, and do not represent the 
    land disposal restriction definitions in 40 CFR 268.2(d) and (f), 
    although one option EPA is requesting comment on in this section is 
    the use of those definitions.
        In considering how to develop final definitions and terms for these 
    two waste categories, the Agency's goal is to establish definitions 
    that are clear, concise, and easily distinguishable from other similar 
    terms such that a generator can readily determine which set of exit 
    levels to apply to the waste being evaluated for the exemption. EPA 
    requests comment on three options for defining these two waste 
    categories to determine which set of exit levels to apply to a listed 
    waste eligible for today's proposed exemption. EPA emphasizes that 
    these definitions will only apply in the context of today's exit rule.
        The Agency also requests comment on whether it is reasonable in all 
    three options to allow a generator the alternative options of 
    separating in the laboratory the solid (or nonwastewater) portion of 
    the waste from the liquid (or wastewater) portion of the waste, 
    analyzing the resultant portions, comparing the results to the 
    corresponding exit levels, and treating the waste as exempt if all exit 
    levels are met in both portions.
        Option 1: Using Percent Solids--EPA prefers the option of defining 
    the two categories of exit levels as ``solid'' and ``liquid'' exit 
    levels, where the distinction between solids and liquids is based upon 
    the percent solids content of the waste, as determined using Section 
    7.1 of the Toxicity Characteristic Leach Procedure (TCLP) in SW-846. 
    Specifically, the option would define wastes containing 15 percent 
    solids by weight or greater as solids,7, while wastes with less 
    than 15 percent solids by weight be defined as liquids. EPA believes 
    that the 15 percent cutoff is a reasonable distinction between the two 
    categories of exit levels, for the following reasons. Because there are 
    general prohibitions on liquids or wastes containing free liquids in 
    non-hazardous waste landfills accepting municipal wastes, the Agency 
    does not envision wastes containing less than 15 percent solids being 
    managed in these units. Similarly, it is unlikely that waste containing 
    less than 15 percent solids will be stored in waste piles due to 
    obvious physical limitations. For land application units, EPA believes 
    that 15 percent solids content by weight is a reasonable lower limit 
    for the types of wastes typically managed in these units; indeed, this 
    was the value used in the land application unit scenario in the 
    groundwater modeling portion of the risk assessment underlying today's 
    exit levels.
        \7\ EPA will avoid use of the term ``solid waste'' when 
    describing the category of exit levels that are defined as solids 
    under this option in today's proposal. This is to avoid confusion 
    with the existing term ``solid waste'' in the RCRA program, which 
    has specific statutory and regulatory definitions, which have no 
    relationship to whether a waste is a physically a solid or a liquid.
        Because of these limitations, EPA believes that wastes containing 
    less than 15 percent solids will more frequently be managed in the 
    types of units associated with wastewater treatment, such as tanks and 
    surface impoundments. In fact, EPA believes that many wastes falling 
    into the liquid category under this definition, that can realistically 
    exit under today's proposed exit rule, will likely be wastewaters that 
    have undergone treatment and that contain much less than 15 percent 
    solids. EPA presumes that in many cases the separation of water from 
    solids will be occurring as part of routine wastewater treatment, and 
    generators will be either be evaluating the solid residues (which would 
    clearly meet our solid definition), or the treated water, much of which 
    is currently discharged under the Clean Water Act and therefore likely 
    has limits on the amount of solids present.
        EPA also requests comment on alternative ways of determining 
    percent solids content, including generator knowledge of the waste or 
    results of previous analyses. The Agency believes that in many cases, 
    particularly for fairly dry or fairly wet wastes, the generator can 
    immediately ascertain from a visual inspection that the percent solids 
    content is well above or well below the 15 percent solids value.
        Option 2: Using LDR Definitions--EPA also requests comment on the 
    use of the same terms and definitions currently used under the land 
    disposal restrictions. Wastewater is defined as waste containing less 
    than 1 percent total suspended solids (TSS) and less than 1 percent 
    total organic carbon, or TOC (40 CFR 268.2(f)). Non-wastewater is 
    defined as any waste that is not a wastewater (40 CFR 268.2(d)). The 
    principle advantage of this approach is it allows the use of consistent 
    definitions for wastewater and nonwastewater in both today's exit 
    system for listed wastes, and the LDR program. The advantage of this 
    consistency is particularly apparent for those cases where LDR 
    treatment standards are conditions of exit under today's rule. One 
    disadvantage of this approach is that it defines wastes containing 
    greater than 1 percent TSS as non-wastewater, even though these wastes 
    will likely be managed in wastewater treatment systems using tanks and 
    surface impoundments, which is inconsistent with the way in which the 
    results from the risk analysis were used in developing exit levels. The 
    Agency requests comment on this approach as an alternative to Option 1.
        Option 3: Using the Paint Filter Liquids Test--The third option is 
    to use the terms ``liquid'' and ``solid'' as in Option 1, but to use 
    EPA Method 9095 from SW-846, the Paint Filter Liquids Test, to 
    determine whether the waste being evaluated for exit is a liquid or a 
    solid. Under this option, any waste determined to contain free liquids 
    using Method 9095 would be considered a liquid, and the exit numbers 
    currently in the wastewater category would apply to that waste. 
    Conversely, a waste would be defined as a solid, and the nonwastewater 
    exit levels would apply, if the waste does not contain free liquids 
    using Method 9095. Under this option, EPA realizes that many wastes 
    appearing like solid materials would actually be defined as liquids.
        Method 9095 is presently used in defining the term ``liquid waste'' 
    in the solid waste disposal facility criteria, for determining 
    compliance with the prohibition on disposing of bulk or containerized 
    liquid in municipal solid waste landfills (see 40 CFR 258.28). Method 
    9095 is also used in determining compliance with the prohibition on 
    bulk or containerized liquids in hazardous waste landfills 
    iii. Totals and TCLP Analyses
        Today's rule proposes that the claimant would be required to test 
    the waste for which today's exemption is 
    [[Page 66389]]
    being claimed to prove that constituent concentrations in the waste do 
    not exceed the exit level(s) for each constituent that should be 
    present in the waste.
        The claimant would determine which category of exit levels would 
    apply (e.g., wastewater or nonwastewater) to his waste. In a previous 
    section of today's rule, the Agency requests comment on several options 
    to define these two categories. For a wastewater waste to be eligible 
    for exit, every constituent in the waste must comply with the 
    wastewater total constituent exit concentration. For a nonwastewater 
    waste to be eligible for exit, every constituent in the waste must 
    comply with the nonwastewater total constituent exit level as well as 
    the nonwastewater leach exit level.
        A test for total concentration would be required for each 
    constituent in the waste regardless of whether the waste is a 
    wastewater or a nonwastewater to determine that the total constituent 
    exit concentration has not been exceeded. For non-wastewaters, a 
    claimant must also prove that the measurable leachate concentrations do 
    not exceed the nonwastewater leach exit levels. The Agency proposes to 
    allow claimants to either use a calculational screen or to use the 
    Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP, Test Method 1311 in 
    ``Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods,'' 
    EPA Publication SW-846) to make a determination that constituent 
    concentrations do not exceed nonwastewater leach exit levels. 
    Discussion concerning the methodology of a calculational screen is 
    described below.
        Section 1.2 of the TCLP allows for a compositional (total) analysis 
    in lieu of the TCLP when the constituent of concern is absent from the 
    waste, or if present, is at such a low concentration that the 
    appropriate regulatory level could not be exceeded.
        For wastes that are 100% solid as defined by the TCLP, the maximum 
    theoretical leachate concentration can be calculated by dividing the 
    total concentration of the constituent by 20. The dilution factor of 20 
    reflects the liquid to solid ratio employed in the extraction 
    procedure. This value then can be compared to the appropriate 
    regulatory concentration. If this value is below the regulatory 
    concentration, the TCLP need not be performed. If the value is above 
    the regulatory concentration, the waste may then be subjected to the 
    TCLP to determine its regulatory status.
        The same principal applies to wastes that are less than 100% solid. 
    In this case, however, both the liquid and solid portion of the waste 
    are analyzed for total constituency and the results are combined to 
    determine the maximum leachable concentration of the waste. The 
    following may be used to calculate the maximum theoretical 
    concentration in the leachate.
    A = Concentration of the analyte in liquid portion of the sample (mg/L)
    B = Volume of the liquid portion of the sample (L)
    C = Concentration of the analyte in the solid portion of the sample 
    D = Weight of the solid portion of the sample (kg)
    E = Maximum theoretical concentration in leachate (mg/L)
    Then: A TCLP need not be performed for this constituent because, even 
    if 100% of the constituent leaches, the TCLP results would be less than 
    the regulatory leach standard. This calculation is adequate proof that 
    this waste is at or below its leach exit level.
        The above calculational screen may be used by a claimant in order 
    not to perform the TCLP. The screen may be used to determine that a 
    total analysis of the waste demonstrates that individual contaminants 
    are at such low concentrations that the nonwastewater leach exit level 
    could not possibly be exceeded, thus eliminating the need to run the 
        Example: To illustrate the calculational screen, the following 
    example is provided: An analyst wishes to determine if a leach 
    processing sludge could fail the nonwastewater leach exit level for 
    lead. The sludge is reported to have a low concentration of lead, and 
    the analyst decides to perform a compositional analysis (totals test). 
    A representative sample of waste is subjected to a preliminary percent 
    solids determination as described in the TCLP. The percent solids is 
    found to be 90%. Thus, for each 100 grams of this waste filtered, 10 
    grams of liquid and 90 grams of solid are obtained. It is assumed for 
    the purpose of this calculation that the density of the filterable 
    liquid is equal to one. The liquid and solid portion of the sample are 
    then analyzed for total lead. The following data are generated:
    Percent solids = 90%
    Concentration of lead in the liquid phase = 0.023 mg/l
    Volume of filtered liquid = 0.010 L
    Concentration of lead in the solid phase = 85 mg/kg (wet weight)
    Weight of the solid phase = 0.090 kg.
    The calculated concentration is as follows:
        In this case, the maximum leachable concentration is below the 10 
    mg/L regulatory concentration for lead, and the TCLP need not be 
    iv. Oily Wastes
        In this proposed rulemaking, the Agency has modelled the transport 
    of solutes in groundwater as well as movement along other environmental 
    pathways. This groundwater modeling involves predicting rates of 
    constituent leaching from wastes in land-based waste disposal units. In 
    using this fate and transport modeling to develop regulatory exit 
    levels, the Agency is proposing to rely on the use of leach tests to 
    ensure that groundwater is not contaminated. Among the test methods 
    that have been developed and employed to identify wastes which might 
    pose an unacceptable hazard are: Methods 1310 (Extraction Procedure), 
    1311 (Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure, TCLP), 1320 (Multiple 
    Extraction Procedure, MEP), and 1330 (Oily Waste Extraction Procedure, 
        However, these leach test procedures all have deficiencies in 
    predicting the mobility of toxic chemicals from oily 
    [[Page 66390]]
    wastes. Method 1311 underestimates the mobility of constituents from 
    many oily wastes due to filter clogging problems, can be imprecise for 
    oily wastes, and has several operational problems. Conversely, Method 
    1330 is believed to overestimate mobility of constituents from oily 
    wastes since it emulates a worst case scenario by using solvents to 
    extract contaminants from the oil. None of the available laboratory 
    procedures is fully satisfactory. Rather, they bracket the range of 
    possible leaching for oily wastes.
        In addition, EPA does not have a good definition for what 
    constitutes an oily waste. EPA originally defined oily wastes as those 
    materials that clogged the filter during Method 1311 (TCLP) extraction. 
    EPA requests comment on how to better define what an oily waste is.
        EPA also requests comment on which of the two tests methods (1311 
    or 1330) should be used and why should one test be chosen over the 
    other for predicting the concentrations of contaminants in leachate 
    from wastes being managed in landfills. EPA also requests comment on 
    whether there are any alternative test methods or models that could be 
    used for predicting the mobility of oily materials. Such procedures 
    need to be both scientifically credible and environmentally protective. 
    Methods need to identify material that might be released from the waste 
    and enter the soil. Release is defined as movement of either the liquid 
    phase of the waste or leached contaminants through the bottom of the 
    waste unit to the subsurface soil immediately underlying the disposal 
    point. Once contaminants pass this point their ultimate fate in terms 
    of impact on down-gradient water supplies can be estimated by the 
    ground-water fate and transport model (EPACMOW model).
        EPA also requests comment on any additional problems with oily 
    waste leachability not covered here, and whether the volatilization or 
    other attributes of constituents should be considered in the 
    development of a test.
        Oily wastes also pose modeling challenges in groundwater because 
    they do not disperse in the same pattern as aqueous liquids. This 
    affects the movement of the constituents in the material. In the event 
    of a release of waste at or near the soil surface, the waste will 
    migrate downward until it reaches the water table. Light non-aqueous 
    phase liquids (LNAPLs) will then tend to migrate laterally, forming a 
    pancake on top of the water table. Dense non-aqueous phase liquids 
    (DNAPLs) on the other hand will sink to the base of an aquifer and not 
    show much lateral spreading until an impermeable layer is reached. EPA 
    is requesting comment on what sort of wastes or what constituents 
    exhibit these behaviors and how to define that set of wastes. 
    Constituents that have been associated with DNAPLs include 
    dichlorobenzenes, PCBs, napthalenes, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride 
    pentachlorophenol, cresols, and several PAHs. However, trace amounts of 
    these constituents are unlikely to pose a DNAPL problem. A DNAPL 
    problem is likely to occur when there is sufficient concentration to 
    flow as undissolved liquid that would then form the sort of complex 
    reservoirs that subsequently slowly dissolve into groundwater. The 
    Agency requests comment on concentrations of these or similar chemicals 
    that are likely to pose DNAPL problems and whether the proposed exit 
    levels in totals or, for nonwastewaters in leach levels, are sufficient 
    to limit wastes exiting for which a DNAPL or LNAPL problem would need 
    to be explicitly evaluated.
        The Agency is continuing to work on developing tests and models for 
    determining the leaching potential of oily materials and may propose 
    them in future rulemaking. In the meantime, EPA is today proposing to 
    apply the levels as proposed in this rule to oily wastes, but seeks 
    comment on whether instead there is a definable class of wastes for 
    which these levels cannot reasonably be concluded to be protective.
    b. Initial Test
        The Agency is proposing in today's rule that there would be an 
    initial test before a facility would be eligible for an exemption. The 
    initial test would be the primary tool to characterize the waste as 
    exempt. Results from this initial test would be sent to the 
    implementing agency. The public could request the implementing agency 
    to make the results available.
        EPA is proposing to require initial testing of all of the 386 
    constituents on appendix X of 40 CFR part 261 except those that the 
    claimant determines should not be present in the waste. EPA would 
    require the claimant to document the basis of each determination that a 
    constituent should not be present. The claimant must submit the 
    documentation to the implementing agency and retain a copy on site for 
    three years. No claimant may determine that any of the following 
    categories of constituents should not be present:
    --Constituents set out in appendix VII to part 261 as the basis for 
    listing the wastestream for which exemption is sought;
    --Constituents listed in the table to 40 CFR 268.40 as regulated 
    hazardous constituents for LDR treatment of the waste stream ;
    --Constituents detected in any previous analysis of the same 
    wastestream conducted by or on behalf of the claimant;
    -- Constituents introduced into the process which generates the 
    wastestream; and
    --Constituents which the claimant knows or has reason to believe are 
    byproducts or side reactions to the process that generates the 
    The Agency requests comment on whether these are the appropriate 
    criteria to be used to determine what should not be present in the 
    waste. The Agency also requests comment on requiring claimants who are 
    not waste generators to consult the generator prior to determining that 
    a constituent is not introduced into the process or that a constituent 
    is not a byproduct or side product of the process. EPA believes that it 
    is unlikely that a non-generator claimant would have sufficient 
    knowledge of the production process to make adequate determinations on 
    these issues. EPA requests comment on the type of documentation that it 
    should require. The generator could co-sign the document that sets out 
    the reasons for determining that the claimant need not test for a 
    constituent, or the generator could prepare a separate supporting 
    document that would be attached to the document for submission to the 
    implementing agency and retention in the claimant's files.
        The Agency is soliciting comment on whether the absence of 
    constituents in the following documents could constitute sufficient 
    justification for not analyzing all of the constituents listed in 40 
    CFR part 261 appendix X.
    --40 CFR part 261 appendix VII highlighted to show which constituents 
    are listed for each waste code applicable to that waste;
    --40 CFR 268.40 highlighted to show which constituents are regulated 
    under the land disposal restrictions for each waste code applicable to 
    that waste;
    --EPCRA Toxic Release Inventory reports highlighted to show which 
    constituents are reported as being ``used'' in the manufacturing 
    process from which that waste is generated (based on the EPCRA 
    definition of ``use'');
    --NPDES discharge permits highlighted to show which constituents are 
    required to be monitored in wastewaters with which that waste is 
    commingled or will be commingled; 
    [[Page 66391]]
    --State or Local emissions monitoring permits or documents (e.g., stack 
    emissions, fugitive emissions, groundwater monitoring, wastewater 
    discharges, etc.,) highlighted to indicate which constituents are 
    required to be monitored as potential emissions from units in which 
    that waste is managed or will be managed;
    --Responses to government and/or trade group data collection efforts 
    (e.g., biennial reports, TSD surveys) that require submission of waste-
    specific constituent information;
    --Published literature (e.g., journals, presentations, chemical and 
    engineering reference documents, health and safety handbooks, material 
    safety data sheets, etc.,) highlighted to indicate constituents that 
    are formed or potentially formed from side reactions, degradation, or 
    reactivity of the products, reactants, or solvents used in the 
    manufacturing process generating that waste;
    --Plant-specific process flow diagrams or process descriptions 
    highlighted to indicate constituents that are formed or potentially 
    formed from side reactions, degradation, or reactivity of the products, 
    reactants, or solvents used in the manufacturing process generating 
    that waste;
    --Product specifications or constituent-specific labeling requirements 
    under federal regulations, state regulations, or non-governmental 
    standards (i.e, per product-grade) that identify constituents that are 
    expected to be present in the products from which the waste was 
    generated, highlighted to indicate those constituents identified as 
    part of these specifications or standards (excluding chemical additives 
    or preservatives that are placed in the products subsequent to the 
    generation of the waste for which exit is claimed);
    --Waste profile data sheets, such as those submitted to commercial 
    waste handlers, highlighted to show the constituents that were found or 
    expected to be present in that waste; and/or
    --A certified, third party engineering analysis of the process 
    generating that waste that provides qualitative verification of the 
    theories behind the anticipated absence of certain chemical classes or 
    groups of Appendix X of 40 CFR 261 constituents such as pesticides, 
    pharmaceutical, halogenated solvents, carbamate, organo-sulfur 
    compounds, known gases, cyanides, etc.;
    --Any other available quantitative or qualitative constituent 
    information specific to that waste
        Relevant information includes not only those document sections that 
    indicate which constituents are present, but also cover pages that 
    indicate the source of the document segments and signature pages to 
    verify authenticity of government-approved documents (where 
    appropriate). For the verification purposes, page numbers should also 
    be clearly identified for each document. EPA is also soliciting 
    information on additional readily available documentation that could be 
    added to this list that would not impose an unreasonable records burden 
    on both the generator and enforcement officials (for example, the 
    Agency believes that requiring highlighted copies of copious amounts of 
    monitoring data would be redundant and would significantly impede 
    enforcement review). EPA believes that requiring copies of only 
    relevant portions of these documents, highlighted to indicate the 
    chemicals present, should minimize the burden associated with this 
    documentation requirement significantly.
        Regardless of which constituents a facility tests, the facility is 
    responsible for ensuring that each constituent in the waste meets its 
    applicable exit level.
        The Agency believes that the tailored initial test described above 
    will ensure accurate waste characterizations of the waste streams while 
    focusing testing requirements to those constituents that are of 
    concern. A facility could determine whether a constituent would be 
    present. A facility would not be authorized to determine that the 
    constituents in the waste meet the exemption levels based on knowledge 
    of the waste or material. This approach both reduces unnecessary 
    testing costs and allows for more frequent monitoring of those 
    constituents that are of concern.
        The Agency is soliciting comment on whether this proposed approach 
    to an initial test is appropriate.
        The Agency asks for comment on taking the opposite approach: 
    requiring each claimant to test only for those constituents that the 
    claimant determines ``could be present'' for that waste. This would be 
    a systematic way for facilities to focus the list of hazardous 
    constituents to those that are mostly to be present in the waste. EPA 
    requests comment on requiring at a minimum testing of the following 
    categories of constituents:
    --Constituents set out in appendix VII to part 261 as the basis for 
    listing the wastestream for which exemption is sought;
    --Constituents listed in the table to 40 CFR 268.40 as regulated 
    hazardous constituents for LDR treatment of the waste stream ;
    --Constituents detected in any previous analysis of the same 
    wastestream conducted by or on behalf of the claimant;
    --Constituents introduced into the process which generates the 
    wastestream; and
    --Constituents which the claimant knows or has reason to believe are 
    byproducts or side reactions to the process that generates the 
        The Agency asks for comment on the completeness of the proposed 
    mandatory testing criteria. In addition, the Agency requests comment on 
    whether testing should be required for those constituents that do not 
    meet any of the criteria of ``could be present.'' The Agency also 
    requests comment on whether documentation should be required to 
    demonstrate that those constituents that were not tested did not meet 
    any of the ``could be present'' criteria.
        EPA requests comment on another approach to determining which 
    constituents need to be analyzed by a claimant. The approach would be 
    that the claimant needs to provide data on all additional constituents 
    listed in appendix X of 40 CFR part 261 of today's rulemaking for which 
    a method used by the generator to detect other constituents which the 
    claimant is required to test can easily determine concentrations. Thus, 
    for example, if a waste was listed for a constituent for which GC/MS is 
    an appropriate method used by the claimant, the claimant would also be 
    required to ask the laboratory to provide information on all other 
    constituents listed in appendix X of 40 CFR part 261 of today's 
    proposed rulemaking for which the GC/MS is also an appropriate method.
        EPA did not use this in its primary proposal because the Agency 
    realized that implementation of this concept become more complex than 
    it appears. For example, even when using GC/MS, there may be sample 
    preparation techniques, dilutions, and similar issues that determine 
    which constituents can be measured in the appropriate concentration 
    ranges using the method.
        However, there is something intuitively reasonable and attractive 
    in asking claimant to gather and provide information that is easily 
    obtainable and would provide additional confidence and certainty. EPA 
    solicits comments on this idea and ways to implement it.
        The Agency requests comment on whether there is some other way to 
    focus the scope of testing requirements or if the only way to ensure 
    accurate waste characterizations would be to require testing for all 
    386 constituents.
    [[Page 66392]]
        The FACA suggested EPA should define, for major waste streams, a 
    set of constituents that it believes would fairly characterize those 
    waste streams. The Agency believes such an approach may be desirable. 
    However, the Agency notes that this could require it to expend 
    significant resources. The Agency requests comments on the feasibility 
    or need for this approach in the long term.
        EPA recognizes that some generators may wish to assert claims for 
    protection of confidential business information (CBI) for some to the 
    information that supports an exit claim. Material that is classified as 
    CBI may be reviewed by EPA, but may not be released to the public. 
    States may have similar provisions under state law. EPA requests 
    comments on two options for addressing CBI information.
        First, EPA requests comment on the option of prohibiting any person 
    from asserting a claim of exit under this rule if that person wishes to 
    claim CBI protection for any data or information used to support the 
    exit claim, including all information submitted to the implementing 
    agency in the notification package and all information required to be 
    maintained by the claimant on site and furnished to the agency on 
    request. A generator who wished to rely on CBI data to support an 
    exemption claim for a listed hazardous waste would need to file a 
    delisting petition with EPA or a state authorized for delisting.
        EPA believes such an approach may be necessary because the exits 
    proposed today are self-implementing. The public would not have the 
    assurance of knowing that EPA or a state agency had reviewed the 
    claimant's data and determined that it showed that the claimant's waste 
    posed low risks to human health and the environment. Members of the 
    public may not feel that they are adequately protected by the fact that 
    EPA and authorized states could obtain the CBI data and use it (with 
    appropriate precautions against disclosure) in an enforcement action if 
    warranted. They may feel that the number of claims will strain agency 
    inspection and enforcement resources, making it important for them to 
    be able to bring their own citizen enforcement actions under section 
    7002 of RCRA.
        At the same time EPA is sensitive to potentially legitimate 
    business needs to protect information supporting an exit claim. Some 
    firms may not wish to release detailed information about the chemical 
    composition of their process waste streams. EPA also recognizes that 
    the federal delisting process is considerably slower and imposes more 
    procedural burdens than the self-implementing exit scheme. EPA requests 
    comment on the alternative of creating a limited prior approval process 
    for exit claims involving CBI claims. EPA anticipates that rulemaking 
    would not be required. However, states that wish to obtain 
    authorization for today's exit program might not be required to adopt 
    this feature because they could argue that failure to provide a review 
    process for CBI claims would not make their programs less stringent 
    than the federal program.
        EPA also notes that CBI protection is not absolute. EPA has 
    authority under RCRA to release CBI information to the public as 
    necessary to support rulemaking proceedings. (In fact, EPA could try to 
    support the first option above by arguing that it was exercising in 
    this proceeding its authority to waive protection for all of the 
    individual exit claims that ``implement'' the rule.) Also, a citizen 
    that has sufficient evidence of a violation to file a complaint in 
    court may be able to persuade the court to order a limited release of 
    the data for use in the enforcement proceedings.
    2. Notification Requirements
        The Agency is proposing that the required notification to the 
    implementing authority would include the following information:
    --The name, address, and RCRA ID number of the person claiming the 
    --The applicable EPA Hazardous Waste Codes;
    --A brief description of the process that generated the waste;
    --An estimate of the average and maximum monthly and annual quantities 
    of each waste claimed to be exempt;
    --Documentation for any claim that a constituent is not present;
    --The results of all analyses and estimates of constituent 
    concentrations and all quantitation limits achieved;
    --Documentation that any constituents on Table B to appendix X of 40 
    CFR part 261 have met the applicable treatment standards in 
    Sec. 268.48, unless the claimant is claiming the exemption under 
    Sec. 261.36(e);
    --Evidence that the public notification requirements have been 
    satisfied; and
    --A certification signed by the person claiming the exemption or his 
    authorized representative.
        The Agency is taking comment on whether the following additional 
    information should also be sent to the implementing authority:
    --The name and address of the laboratory which performed the analysis;
    --A copy of the sampling and analysis plan used for making the 
    exemption determination;
    --A description of any chain-of-custody procedures;
    --Whether the identity of the disposal facility should be included in 
    the notification package;
    --Dates of sampling and analysis; and
    --A description of the (temporal and) spatial locations of the 
    demonstration samples.
    Also, the Agency is taking comment on whether, if the disposal facility 
    is different than the claimant's facility, the claimant should also 
    include as part of the notification package documentation that the 
    claimant informed the disposal facility of the exempt status of the 
        A complete notification package would include all required 
    information in the notification and all required certifications signed 
    by the appropriate individual, as identified in the regulations. 
    Failure to submit a notification package if the exemption is being 
    claimed or submission of an incomplete notification package would be a 
    violation of RCRA requirements and thus subject to penalties and 
    injunctive relief under section 3008(a) of RCRA and possible criminal 
    liability under section 3008(d) of RCRA. As a necessary prerequisite to 
    claiming an exemption, the burden would be on the claimant to establish 
    that a complete notification package was submitted to the implementing 
    authority to assert in an enforcement action that the waste is exempt.
        It should be noted that, regardless of whether the sampling and 
    analysis plan must be included with the notification to the 
    implementing agency, a current sampling and analysis plan must be 
    developed and used to establish the waste's eligibility for exemption, 
    and must be available upon request to the implementing authority at the 
    time the notification package is submitted and at least for three 
    years. The sampling and analysis plan must demonstrate that the samples 
    to be taken and analyzed will be representative of any spatial and 
    temporal variations in the subject waste.
        Furthermore, it should be noted that submission of sampling and 
    analysis plans with the notification to the implementing authority does 
    not change the self-implementing nature of the exemption. Submission of 
    such plans would not be for review or approval of exemption claims 
    prior to the exemption becoming effective. The implementing agency 
    would be under no obligation to undertake such review or approval prior 
    to the exemption 
    [[Page 66393]]
    becoming effective, and failure to undertake such prior review would 
    not preclude a subsequent enforcement action should the exemption claim 
    later be determined to be inaccurate or otherwise invalid.
        As proposed, the certification required to accompany the 
    notification must attest that the waste in question meets all relevant 
    constituent concentration exit levels and that the information in the 
    notification package is true, accurate, and complete. The Agency is 
    taking comment on whether this certification is sufficient assurance 
    that the claimant has made best efforts to accurately characterize the 
    waste or if additional certification language or additional 
    certifications (e.g., from an analytical laboratory) are necessary.
        The notification package would be required to be submitted by 
    certified mail with return receipt requested, or other commercial 
    carrier that provided written confirmation of delivery. No claim would 
    be effective until the claimant received the return notification 
    indicating that the package had been delivered.
        Submission of the notification package to the implementing 
    authority, however, is not equivalent to approval or verification of 
    the exemption claim. Submission of a notification package would not 
    preclude or in any way limit the implementing authority's ability to 
    take a subsequent enforcement action should it determine that the 
    initial requirements of exemption were never met or that the conditions 
    for maintaining the exemption are not satisfied.
        The Agency is taking comment on whether, instead of the exemption 
    becoming effective upon confirmation of delivery of the notification 
    package, there should be some brief waiting period prior to the 
    exemption becoming effective.
        Such a period (e.g., 30 or 60 days) could be used by the 
    implementing authority to review notification packages for completeness 
    or for indicia of concerns that would lead to prioritized enforcement, 
    although the exemption would still become automatic after the period 
    regardless of whether any action was taken by the implementing 
    authority. As an alternative, the period could be designed to provide 
    the implementing authority an opportunity to determine that a claimant 
    should not be able to avail itself of the exemption without some 
    further review and to notify the claimant of its views.
        Under either approach, governmental review would be discretionary 
    and the lack of such review would not be an indication of governmental 
    approval of the exemption claim. To ensure that there would be no 
    confusion on this point, the certification could include a statement of 
    recognition that expiration of the delay period without comment by the 
    overseeing agency is not the equivalent of agency approval that the 
    claim is accurate. The Agency has not chosen to propose a delayed 
    implementation approach because it believes a short time frame, 
    particularly combined with an automatic effective date, would not 
    provide an opportunity for thorough prior review and would, at best, 
    provide only marginal benefits as a screening device for potentially 
    problematic claims. The Agency, however, requests comment on whether 
    such a delay would be beneficial to monitoring claims and if there are 
    procedural or other concerns relating to such a delay.
    B. Implementation Conditions
        After the exit claim has become effective, the claimant would have 
    to continue to meet certain conditions to maintain the exemption. 
    Failure to satisfy any of the conditions would void the exemption and 
    subject the waste to applicable subtitle C requirements.
        Under this proposal, wastes must continue to meet the generic 
    exemption levels established for exit to remain non-hazardous. Separate 
    and distinct from any requirement or condition that might be 
    established under this rulemaking, all generators--including claimants 
    of today's proposed exemption--would have a continuing obligation to 
    identify whether they are generating a hazardous waste and to notify 
    the appropriate governmental official if they are generating a 
    hazardous waste. Section 3010; 40 CFR 261.11. If wastes claimed as 
    exempt under today's proposed rule test above exit levels at any time, 
    that waste and subsequently generated waste would have to be managed as 
    hazardous waste--including compliance with all notification 
    requirements--until testing demonstrated that the waste was below exit 
        \8\ Compliance with HWIR exemption levels will be measured from 
    the last available test data or from the latest representative 
    samples taken from the waste in question. Testing which shows 
    constituent concentration levels above exemption levels will not 
    affect wastes previously generated under a valid claim of exemption 
    based upon representative samples. Similarly, testing, which shows 
    that a waste which tested above exit levels once again tested below 
    all relevant exit levels will exempt all waste generated on or after 
    the date the samples were taken. Waste which exceeded the exit 
    levels would not be able to requalify for the exemption.
    1. Records Maintained on Site
        In addition to the information described in the Notification 
    Section above, the Agency is also proposing that the following 
    information concerning the initial testing and retesting be maintained 
    in the files on site at the facility making the exemption claim for at 
    least three years:
    --All information required to be submitted to the implementing 
    authority as part of the notification of the claim;
    --The dates and times waste samples were obtained, and the dates the 
    samples were analyzed;
    --The names and qualifications of the person(s) who obtained the 
    --A description of the (temporal and) spatial locations of the samples;
    --The name and address of the laboratory facility at which analyses of 
    the samples were performed;
    --A description of the analytical methods used, including any clean-up 
    and extraction methods;
    --All quantitation limits achieved and all other quality control 
    results for the analyses (including method blanks, duplicate analyses, 
    matrix spikes, etc.), laboratory quality assurance data, and a 
    description of any deviations from published analytical methods or from 
    the plan which occurred;
    --All laboratory documentation that support the analytical results, 
    unless a contract between the claimant and the laboratory provides for 
    the documentation to be maintained by the laboratory for the period 
    specified in Sec. 261.36(b)(2) and also provides for the availability 
    of the documentation to the claimant upon request;
    --If the generator claims a waste is exempt from part 268 requirements 
    pursuant to Sec. 261.36(e), documentation to substantiate such a claim.
        The Agency requests comment on the proposed information maintenance 
    requirements and comment on additional information that may be 
        In addition, claimants will be required to retain certain 
    information concerning retesting of wastes as described below and set 
    out in the text of proposed 40 CFR 261.36(d)(6)(ii).
    2. Testing Conditions
        Claimants would continue to periodically test their wastes as a 
    condition of the exemption.9 Failure to test and maintain 
    documentation of the 
    [[Page 66394]]
    testing in accordance with the requirements of proposed 40 CFR 
    261.36(d) would void the exemption. The Agency believes that required 
    subsequent testing is necessary to maintain accurate waste 
    characterizations. Subsequent testing would be an ongoing exemption 
    condition and would be the minimum testing required to maintain an 
    exemption. A tailored constituent list setting out minimum requirements 
    for testing purposes should not be confused with the facility's ongoing 
    requirement to maintain constituent concentrations below exit levels 
    for all constituents on appendix X of 40 CFR part 261. Results from 
    subsequent testing would be required to be maintained on-site.
        \9\  Wastes generated on a one-time basis would not be subject 
    to this requirement.
        The scope of subsequent testing would focus primarily on those 
    constituents from appendix X of 40 CFR part 261 that are of concern 
    based on the initial test. The list of constituents for which a 
    claimant would be required to test would, at a minimum, include each 
    constituent that was detected in the initial test within an order of 
    magnitude below the exit level for that constituent, and any 
    constituent listed in Table B of appendix X of 40 CFR part 261 that is 
    also identified as a basis for listing the waste or appendix VII to 
    part 261 or listed as a regulated hazardous constituent for the waste 
    in the table to 40 CFR 268.40. The claimant would also be required to 
    test for any other constituent which the claimant had reason to believe 
    was newly present in the waste since the most recent previous test.
        The Agency proposes that the frequency with which a facility would 
    be required to perform subsequent testing would be determined based on 
    the volume of waste which the facility is declaring exempt. Those 
    facilities with large-volume waste streams would perform subsequent 
    testing more often than those facilities with low- or medium- volume 
    waste streams. The claimant would be responsible for determining the 
    volume of annual exempt waste. The Agency asks for ideas and comments 
    on whether guidance should be made available for claimants on how to 
    measure annual volumes. Justification of annual volumes would be sent 
    to the Director in the notification package. The Agency believes that 
    accurate waste characterizations are important for waste volumes of all 
    sizes; however, inaccurately characterized large-volume wastes have 
    greater potential to harm the environment than do smaller-volume 
    wastes. In today's rule, the Agency is proposing the following 
    requirements for the first three years of subsequent testing:
    --Wastes generated at the time of exemption is initially claimed in 
    volumes greater than 10,000 tons/year would be tested four times a year 
    for the first three years of the exemption.
    --Wastes generated at the time of exemption is initially claimed in 
    volumes greater than 1000 tons/year but less than 10,000 tons/year 
    would be tested twice a year for the first three years of the 
    --Wastes generated at the time of exemption is initially claimed in 
    volumes less than 1000 tons/year would be tested once a year for the 
    first three years of the exemption.
        EPA requests comment on whether it should allow the Agency proposes 
    that if a waste maintains exempt status for three years, the frequency 
    of subsequent testing would then be reduced to once a year, regardless 
    of the volume produced. The Agency believes that three years of 
    subsequent testing should provide a facility with adequate data to 
    assess the potential for variability in the waste. The Agency requests 
    comment on the frequency of subsequent testing.
        The Agency requests comment on an approach that the FACA suggested. 
    The approach consisted of a comprehensive test, similar to an initial 
    test, that is required every 3 or 5 years of an exemption because of 
    the strong reliance on the initial test's results in determining the 
    scope of subsequent testing.
        The Agency also requests comment on whether follow-up testing 
    should be eliminated entirely after the first three year period. In 
    addition, the Agency asks if a certification of compliance with all 
    relevant exit levels could suffice in lieu of testing at the end of 
    three years.
    3. Testing Frequency and Process Change
        Under today's proposal, the claimant has a continuing obligation to 
    verify that the waste continues to meet the exemption criteria, 
    including meeting the exemption constituent concentration levels. 
    Process changes that may either increase the number of hazardous 
    constituents in the exempted waste or increase the concentration of 
    hazardous constituents already present, should put a claimant on notice 
    that there may be changes in the waste that may affect its continued 
    eligibility for exemption. The Agency, however, is not proposing to 
    require new sampling and analysis whenever there is a process change 
    that may affect the exempt status of the waste.
        The Agency is taking comment on whether it is necessary to require 
    as a condition of maintaining the exemption that wastes be re-tested 
    after a process change and, if so, what the scope of such re-testing 
    should be. The Agency would like to know if the testing frequency 
    proposed or more frequent testing would provide a clearer indicator of 
    waste changes of concern than triggering re-testing through a narrative 
    description of a process change. Another alternative is to require the 
    claimant to notify the implementing authority that a process change has 
    occurred and to certify that the exemption criteria continue to be met 
    if the claimant determines that the waste still maintains its exempt 
    status. The Agency is taking comment on how process change should be 
    defined in the event one of the alternatives is chosen. It should be 
    noted that if waste for which an exemption has been claimed at any time 
    tests above exemption levels, that waste and all subsequently generated 
    waste is hazardous. The claimant could not assert a new exit claim 
    until a new batch of waste tests below the exit levels. The exemption 
    proposed today would not relieve generators of their responsibility 
    under Sec. 262.11, nor would any test data previously obtained prevent 
    a claimant from failing to satisfy the exemption criteria should an 
    inspector conduct waste sampling that establishes hazardous 
    constituents at concentrations above exit levels.
    C. Public Participation
        As a self-implementing exemption effective upon receipt of the 
    notification by the implementing authority, there is no decision prior 
    to exit being made by the implementing authority regarding the waste. 
    The opportunity for public participation in an exemption claim is the 
    opportunity that exists at all times for the public to bring to the 
    implementing authority's attention any circumstance that might aid that 
    authority in its monitoring and enforcement efforts. The public, 
    furthermore, would have the ability to bring a citizen suit for a 
    claimant's failure to comply with any requirement of the exemption.
        The Agency is proposing to require that the public be notified by 
    the claimant that an exemption claim is being asserted. This 
    notification would be accomplished by publication of a notice in a 
    major newspaper, local to the claimant and of general circulation, that 
    contains the information required by the regulations. Evidence that the 
    notice has been submitted for publication must be part of the 
    notification package submitted to the implementing facility. 
    [[Page 66395]]
        The Agency is requesting comment on whether such a notice should be 
    placed in a newspaper local to the claimant's facility or to the 
    disposal facility or both, should those facilities be located in 
    different areas not served by the same newspaper.
        Requiring notification of facilities receiving exiting wastes has 
    also been raised to the Agency in discussions. The Agency solicits 
    public comment on the need for and possible approaches to requiring 
    that waste generators that are exiting their listed waste, notify 
    receiving facilities that wastes are HWIR exited wastes. Additional 
    discussion of this issue appears in the docket under ``Receiving 
    Facility Notification Process.''
        As discussed above, the Agency is also taking comment on whether 
    providing a ``delay'' in the effective date when the exemption attaches 
    (e.g., 30 or 60 days) would provide a significant and meaningful 
    opportunity for public comment prior to the waste having exited the 
    subtitle C system. Possible benefits of a waiting period before 
    effectiveness of the exit could include greater opportunity for State 
    review or citizen comment before waste is actually disposed outside of 
    Subtitle C. Under such an approach, the waiting period would begin with 
    receipt by the State of a complete certification package, and would run 
    for the designated time (30 or 60 calendar days).
        The Agency is taking comment on whether access to claim 
    documentation through the appropriate implementing agency will be 
    sufficient to provide public access to documentation. One alternative 
    would be to require the claimant to provide access to the information. 
    If that option is selected, the Agency requests comment on how, and for 
    how long, the claimant should be required to provide access to the 
    documentation, and on what kind of protection for CBI would be 
    IX. Request for Comment on Options for Conditional Exemptions
        The Agency has at different times considered contingent management 
    approaches to disposal of hazardous wastes. Under such approaches, 
    wastes that would be considered hazardous if managed in an uncontrolled 
    manner, could be considered non-hazardous if managed in a sufficiently 
    controlled manner. The following section discusses and requests public 
    comment on several approaches to setting higher exit levels tied to 
    meeting certain management requirements. These approaches would allow 
    wastes with higher concentrations of hazardous constituents to be 
    managed safely outside of Subtitle C.
        Many Subtitle C requirements were written generically to address 
    all hazardous wastes and, consequently, provide protection for those 
    wastes that pose the greatest risks. Others are either explicitly or 
    implicitly technology-based rather than risk-based. Some of these 
    requirements are statutory and cannot easily be adjusted to take risk 
    into account. Nevertheless, EPA generally believes that it would be 
    desirable to tailor waste management requirements to more closely 
    coincide with risks. The exit levels proposed today take an initial 
    significant step in this process by allowing very low-risk hazardous 
    wastes to be exempt from Subtitle C requirements, leaving them subject 
    only to less prescriptive federal and state controls for nonhazardous 
    wastes. They also take an initial step towards setting different exit 
    levels for different situations by recognizing that wastewater and non-
    wastewaters are typically handled in different ways and pose different 
    risks, hence today's notice proposes different exit levels for 
    wastewaters and non-wastewaters.
        Within the time constraints imposed by the court-ordered deadline 
    for this proposal, EPA has begun exploring whether it would be possible 
    to create additional exemptions to allow more flexible management of 
    additional wastes now classified as hazardous without compromising 
    protection of human health and the environment. These options are 
    premised on the theory that a waste's risk is due not only to its 
    chemical composition, but also the manner in which it is managed, which 
    can greatly affect the amount of chemical constituents that ultimately 
    reach a human or environmental receptor. The multipathway analysis 
    prepared to support the exit levels shows that the concentration at 
    which a hazardous constituent threatens human health or the environment 
    varies significantly with the type of management that a waste 
    receives--some forms of management appear to present greater risks than 
    others. The following discussion presents the legal framework for 
    management-based exemptions, and outlines in some detail the options 
    which EPA finds to be most promising for rapid promulgation.
    A. Legal Basis for Conditional Exemptions
        EPA originally interpreted RCRA's definition of hazardous waste to 
    focus on the inherent chemical composition of the waste and to assume 
    that mismanagement would occur so that people or organisms would come 
    into contact with the waste's constituents. See 45 FR 33113 (May 19, 
    1980). However, EPA even in the past tried to consider ``reasonable'' 
    mismanagement scenarios, scenarios that where reasonably likely or 
    plausible even if not proven to necessarily have occurred or be typical 
    for a specific waste. However, after more than a decade of experience 
    with waste management, EPA believes that it may no longer be accurate 
    or necessary to assume that worst-case mismanagement will occur. In 
    recent hazardous waste listing decisions, for example, EPA has 
    identified some likely ``mismanagement'' scenarios that are reasonable 
    for almost all wastewaters or non-wastewaters, and looked hard at 
    available data to then determine if any of these are for some reason 
    very unlikely for the specific wastes being considered, or if other 
    scenarios are likely given available information about current waste 
    management practices. As a further extension of that logic, EPA now 
    believes it may be appropriate to find that, where mismanagement is not 
    likely or has been adequately addressed by other programs, EPA need not 
    classify a waste as hazardous and that there may be ways to recognize 
    situations where the limitations on likely ``mismanagement'' are 
    specific to a State, a type of waste, or a facility-specific condition 
    on how a waste is managed.
        EPA believes that it can interpret the definition of ``hazardous 
    waste'' in RCRA section 1004(5) to authorize this approach to 
    classifying wastes as hazardous. Section 1004(5)(B) defines as 
    ``hazardous'' any waste which may present a substantial present or 
    potential hazard ``when mismanaged''. EPA reads this provision to allow 
    it to determine the circumstances under which a waste may present a 
    hazard and to regulate the waste only when those conditions occur. 
    Support for this reading can be found by contrasting section 1004(5)(B) 
    with section 1004(5)(A), which defines certain inherently dangerous 
    wastes as ``hazardous'' no matter how they are managed. The legislative 
    history of Subtitle C of RCRA also appears to support this 
    interpretation, stating that ``the basic thrust of this hazardous waste 
    title is to identify what wastes are hazardous in what quantities, 
    qualities and concentrations, and the methods of disposal which may 
    make such wastes hazardous.'' H.Rep. No. 94-1491, 94th Cong., 2d Sess.6 
    (1976), reprinted in A Legislative History of the Solid Waste Disposal 
    Act, as Amended, Congressional Research Service, Vol.1, 567 (1991) 
    (emphasis added).
        EPA also believes that section 3001 provides it with flexibility to 
    [[Page 66396]]
    the need to regulate wastes as hazardous. Section 3001 requires that 
    EPA, in determining whether to list or otherwise identify a waste as 
    hazardous waste, decide whether a waste ``should'' be subject to the 
    requirements of Subtitle C. Hence, section 3001 authorizes EPA to 
    determine that Subtitle C regulation is not appropriate where a waste 
    is not likely to be managed in such a way that it will threaten human 
    health or the environment. Moreover, regulation of such waste under 
    Subtitle C would not appear ``necessary to protect human health or the 
    environment'' under RCRA sections 3002(a), 3003(a) and 3004(a). As 
    noted elsewhere in this proposal, EPA interprets these provisions to 
    give it broad flexibility in fashioning criteria to allow hazardous 
    wastes to exit the Subtitle C regulatory system. EPA's existing 
    regulatory standards for listing hazardous wastes also allow 
    consideration of a waste's potential for mismanagement. See 
    Sec. 261.11(a)(3) (incorporating the language of RCRA section 
    1004(5)(B)) and Sec. 261.11(c)(3)(vii) (requiring EPA to consider 
    plausible types of mismanagement). Where mismanagement of a waste is 
    implausible, the listing regulations do not require EPA to classify a 
    waste as hazardous.
        Two decisions by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of 
    Columbia Circuit provide potential support for this approach to 
    defining hazardous waste. In Edison Electric Institute v. EPA, 2 F.3d 
    438, (D.C. Cir. 1993) the Court remanded EPA's RCRA Toxicity 
    Characteristic (``TC'') as applied to certain mineral processing wastes 
    because the TC was based on modeling of disposal in a municipal solid 
    waste landfill, yet EPA provided no evidence that such wastes were ever 
    placed in municipal landfills or similar units. This suggests that the 
    Court might approve a decision to exempt a waste from Subtitle C 
    regulation if EPA were to find that mismanagement was unlikely to 
    occur. In the same decision the Court upheld a temporary exemption from 
    Subtitle C for petroleum-contaminated media because such materials are 
    also subject to Underground Storage Tanks regulations under RCRA 
    Subtitle I. The court considered the fact that the Subtitle I standards 
    could prevent threats to human health and the environment to be an 
    important factor supporting the exemption. Id. at 466. In NRDC v. EPA, 
    25 F.3d 1063 (D.C. Cir. 1994) the Court upheld EPA's finding that 
    alternative management standards for used oil promulgated under section 
    3014 of RCRA reduced the risks of mismanagement and eliminated the need 
    to list used oil destined for recycling. (The Court, however, did not 
    consider arguments that taking management standards into account 
    violated the statute because petitioners failed to raise that issue 
    during the comment period.)
    B. Improvements in Management of Non-Hazardous Waste and in Risk 
    Assessment Methodology
        EPA's early regulations defining hazardous waste reached broadly to 
    ensure that wastes presenting hazards were quickly brought into the 
    system. When EPA promulgated its first listings and characteristic 
    rules in 1980, its knowledge of toxic constituents, constituent 
    transport pathways, and waste management options was more limited than 
    it is today.
        In addition, significant changes and improvements in waste 
    management have occurred since the early 1980's. Many states have 
    established or strengthened industrial nonhazardous waste programs 
    since that time. For example, currently 26 states require liners and 28 
    states require ground-water monitoring for at least some surface 
    impoundments. Up to 45 states require ground-water monitoring and 38 
    states require liners for at least some landfills. It is important to 
    recognize however, that within a state, applicable requirements may 
    vary according to a number of factors, including unit type, waste 
    source, and location. See ``State Requirements for Industrial Non-
    Hazardous Waste Management Facilities'' EPA 1994. At the same time, 
    industries have gained experience in managing wastes and many have 
    improved waste management practices under incentives such as public 
    access pursuant to the Emergency Preparedness and Community Right to 
    Know Act, and avoiding liabilities under Superfund, RCRA corrective 
    action and state cleanup programs.
        EPA's ability to predict the risks that a waste may pose has also 
    improved significantly. EPA has collected much more data on a variety 
    of waste management units and other factors that impact the ability of 
    waste constituents to reach a receptor. Models such as the EPACMTP and 
    the models used in the multipathway analysis provide more sophisticated 
    means of assessing the risks of a range of waste management options. As 
    a result of all these changes, EPA is now in a position to begin to 
    implement a more carefully tailored risk-based approach to regulating 
    hazardous wastes.
    C. Overview of Options for Conditional Exemptions
        The Agency has identified several different approaches to providing 
    conditional exemptions that would allow more wastes to exit the 
    Subtitle C system. These options fall into two broad categories: (1) 
    Establishing national conditional exemptions based on unit type either 
    with or without assuming additional management controls; and (2) 
    granting conditional exemptions to qualified state programs that ensure 
    additional management controls.
    1. National Approach: EPA Would Establish National Exit Levels for 
    Contingently Managed Waste
        The contingent management program could be adopted by any state 
    that wants to implement it, without consideration of state programs for 
    non-hazardous waste. The contingent exit levels would differ according 
    to the degree of management/disposal restrictions imposed as a 
    condition of exit. The possible options would include progressively 
    more restrictive requirements, and allow progressively higher exit 
    levels as disposal options are further restricted. The options under 
    this approach are:
    a. Distinguish Between Disposal in Land Application Units and Other 
        The multipathway risk assessment methodology used for this 
    rulemaking takes into account management scenarios (such as land 
    treatment of a waste), or exposure pathways (such as wind transport 
    from an uncovered pile or volatilization from an open tank), resulting 
    in calculated exit levels based on the riskiest scenario. In some cases 
    this exit level may be significantly lower than the next most risky 
    exposure pathway. The riskiest exposure pathway may not be applicable 
    to some management situations. On review of the risk analysis results, 
    the Agency determined that disposal in a land application unit is 
    frequently the highest risk disposal option in both the multipath and 
    groundwater modeling.
        As described in detail in Section X. below, the Agency has 
    developed for proposal an approach to contingent management relying on 
    the multipathway exposure analysis, risk level of 10-6 and HQ of 1, and 
    using the base case uncontrolled management scenarios, but with land 
    application units removed from the analysis. Exit concentrations would 
    still be protective across a wide variety of conditions nationally, for 
    all non-land application unit disposal. The Agency is proposing 
    [[Page 66397]]
    one national exit level for each constituent based on the next riskiest 
    pathway, on condition that wastes are not disposed in land application 
         This option was considered by the Agency to be the simplest 
    approach to contingent management. It would be somewhat easier to 
    enforce than other options described below, since there would still be 
    only one conditional exit level for each constituent. Implementation 
    mechanisms to assure that the wastes go only to allowable unit types 
    are described below.
    b. Unit-Specific Exit Levels for Each Disposal
        Another approach to contingent management considered by the Agency 
    would be to establish a set of exit levels for each waste management 
    unit evaluated based on risks at unregulated units of that type. Units 
    that would be evaluated, at HQ 1 and 1 E-6 risk, would be land 
    application units, waste piles, landfills, surface impoundments and 
    tanks. Base case assumptions would be used to describe the units. The 
    Agency has not included specific exit levels for this approach here, 
    but solicits comment on its potential benefits, and potentially greater 
    complexity of implementation and compliance assurance.
        Under option 2 the Agency would set separate exit levels for each 
    type of waste management unit. Generators would be allowed to choose 
    the type of non-subtitle C waste management unit in which to manage 
    their waste, and would be required to meet the unit-specific exit 
    levels for all constituents in order to manage the waste in that unit. 
    Testing and implementation would be similar to the requirements for 
    exit based on the most limiting pathway. However, the Agency believes 
    this option would increase the complexity of tracking wastes that met 
    the varying concentration exit levels tied to specific allowable units.
        The Agency believes allowing use of exit levels tailored to waste 
    management can be a practical and appropriate way to allow greater 
    volumes of waste to exit Subtitle C without increasing risks to above 
    the toxicity benchmarks described in Section IV.D, providing that 
    characteristics of various waste unit types can be clearly defined 
    (such as the difference between surface impoundments, tanks, and 
    perhaps covered tanks for the management of wastewaters), and providing 
    the Agency can design a viable implementation scheme that does not rely 
    primarily on statements of proposed future disposal. Tracking and 
    monitoring of actual waste management could be one way to assure 
    disposal in the appropriate facilities. Limiting disposal to on-site 
    facilities could also better assure proper disposal, although this 
    would limit the usefulness of contingent management approaches. The 
    Agency requests comment on additional implementation requirements that 
    might be needed to assure the waste is managed in the designated unit 
    type only.
        EPA has not developed this as a general approach in this rulemaking 
    because the risk modelling that was done, while more multifaceted and 
    comprehensive than many past analyses, was not designed for this 
    purpose. For efficiency in modelling, EPA did not always model each 
    pathway for each specific unit. EPA sometimes only modelled an exposure 
    pathway of concern (such as air emissions) from certain types of units 
    that EPA thought might be the limiting scenario, and risk from organic 
    constituents in a landfill were not modeled. Therefore the modelling 
    work to date may not identify the most limiting pathway if each unit is 
    judged individually. To fully develop exit levels for a full range of 
    unit types, EPA believes it would have to do supplemental risk analysis 
    to fill in the gaps in modeling for each of the waste management units, 
    or at least evaluate whether the risk analysis done to date is 
    sufficiently representative. Tables 21-39 in the November 1995 
    Supplement to the multipath analysis present the modeled risk values 
    for each constituent disposed in each of the five options modeled, and 
    for each pathway. These tables can aid commenters in understanding what 
    a unit-specific exit value for any particular constituent could be.
    c. Consideration of Additional Management Unit Design or Management 
        A third option is that EPA would use a somewhat modified 
    multipathway exposure model to evaluate whether adding additional 
    specific design or operating controls for particular unit types, would 
    allow less conservative exit levels. These conditional exit 
    concentrations would be promulgated on a unit-type specific basis, and 
    could be used only by units employing the specified additional controls 
    that would reduce the risk level to 10-6. Such an approach could be 
    self-implementing for a facility owner/operator, and would not 
    necessarily be tied into a permitting authority.
        While such an approach could take into account the effects of a 
    combination of added controls on each unit type (such as size of the 
    unit, ground-water monitoring, liners, caps, etc.) the Agency believes 
    that there are a number of significant implications associated with 
    this approach. It could be interpreted by industries and states as an 
    indirect way to define a broader set of management standards for 
    industrial non-hazardous waste management units. Also, if the approach 
    were self-implementing, it could be extremely difficult to ascertain 
    that a particular unit meets a complex set of controls and therefore to 
    assure compliance with the conditional exit levels. The more complex a 
    judgement required to determine compliance with the conditions (such as 
    whether a liner that is hard to inspect during operation is properly 
    installed and protected from tears), the more appropriate it is likely 
    to be that such determinations be made in the context of a permitting 
    authority or prior approval rather than as a condition on a self-
    implementing exemption.
        As a variation on this approach, The Agency could take into account 
    certain regional, local, or site-specific factors in establishing exit 
    levels. These could include the effect of local rainfall, regional 
    hydrogeology, or size of facility on exit values. These issues are 
    described in greater detail in section 3 below.
        Because of the complexity of implementation, the Agency would 
    attempt to define very limited additional control(s) to limit exposures 
    and reduce risks to 10-6 level. EPA particularly asks for comments on 
    unit design attributes that are easily ascertainable in a spot 
    inspection versus those that require more detailed engineering review, 
    or review or monitoring of operations. For this option, as with options 
    one and two, the Agency would have to conduct additional risk modelling 
    work to adequately evaluate additional parameters on a unit specific 
        One issue common to all of the options discussed above is the legal 
    status of wastes subject to such conditioned exemptions when there is a 
    violation of the conditions. The Agency requests comments on how to 
    make them enforceable in a practical way that is fair to those 
    involved. If the waste concentration/unit requirements are conditions 
    of an exemption, any violation of a condition means that the waste 
    generator, or other individual managing the waste, has violated the 
    full range of RCRA requirements and has been illegally managing a 
    ``hazardous waste'' as a ``nonhazardous'' waste. Because the 
    conditional requirements are not clearly tied to other non-hazardous 
    waste authorities, 
    [[Page 66398]]
    there would not be a remedy for the violations outside of the hazardous 
    waste program. An alternative approach is discussed in the following 
    options allowing conditional exit levels in states with qualified 
    industrial non-hazardous waste programs. As long as the state has clear 
    enforcement authority under its non-hazardous waste management program, 
    these conditions could be crafted so that a violation of the condition 
    was not illegal disposal of hazardous waste involving multiple RCRA 
    counts. Rather it would be enforced as a violation of the relevant 
    State authorities. The Agency requests comment on the advantages and 
    disadvantages of these approaches, as well as whether there might be 
    other approaches to ensure adequate legal remedies for violations of 
    the conditional exit requirements, when the contingencies are not based 
    on qualified state industrial non-hazardous waste programs.
    2. State Program Approach
        As noted earlier in this section, many state industrial non-
    hazardous waste programs have improved significantly since the early 
    days of Subtitle C. State programs may offer the advantages both of 
    requiring management controls which ensure protection of human health 
    and the environment and ongoing oversight on a facility specific basis 
    through permitting, inspection and enforcement activities. While every 
    state program may not be operating at the same level, the Agency 
    believes that a number of state programs may offer reasonable, 
    protective systems to serve as the basis for less stringent exit 
    levels. Qualified state programs would be allowed to manage listed 
    waste in their non-hazardous waste management program under certain 
    conditions. These qualified state programs would ensure that risks were 
    reduced to protect human health and the environment.
        There are three key factors the Agency believes would need to be 
    considered in establishing state-based contingent management programs. 
    These are (1) establishing a risk-based cap on waste constituent 
    concentrations that can be managed contingently; (2) the type of 
    program review of a state program that EPA would perform to identify 
    qualified state programs, and (3) the breadth of state program 
        For the risk cap, the Agency has considered using either a 1 E-4 
    cancer risk and HQ 1, or 1 E-3 cancer risk and HQ 10 as options. The 
    caps would be modeled based on management in unregulated disposal 
    facilities, as in the base-case exit level modeling.
        Regarding program review, the Agency would either conduct a 
    qualitative review of the State program, examining it to ensure it 
    addresses key considerations, or would require states to conduct 
    quantitative risk assessment of planned management practices to 
    demonstrate their safety down to 1 E-6 cancer risk and HQ 1 or an 
    alternative risk target.
        For the qualitative review, EPA would specify environmental and 
    administrative performance goals and the state would have to submit a 
    narrative description demonstrating how the particular combination of 
    technical standards and administrative requirements in their program 
    protects human health and the environment and meets those performance 
    goals, for example:
         Ground-water protection: A state program must address 
    adequately contamination of groundwater from a facility.
         Surface water protection: A state program must address 
    adequately prevention of contamination of surface water which may occur 
    through the run-off of pollutants from the disposal facility to surface 
         Address other environmental and performance goals such as 
    controlling air exposures, siting, ensuring long-term integrity of the 
    site, etc.
         Permitting and enforcement authorities and public 
    participation: A state program has appropriate authorities and a system 
    for prior approval of waste management facilities, and public 
    participation either on a site-specific basis or for input to 
    development of class permits.
         Adequate resources: A state program has adequate resources 
    for administration of the program including permitting, inspections and 
        Under a quantitative risk review approach, a state would have to 
    document their permitting and enforcement authorities and public 
    participation requirements, as well as the adequacy of their program 
    resources. The state would also have to demonstrate to EPA how the 
    particular combination of technical management controls or design 
    standards in its industrial non-hazardous waste program would ensure 
    meeting 10-6 risk levels. In order to do this, EPA would have to refine 
    or expand the multipathway exposure model. EPA would then either make 
    its multipath model available to states or work with them to 
    demonstrate that unit-specific state program controls would meet the 
    10-6 risk level for a particular class of facilities receiving 
    conditionally exited wastes. The Agency solicits public comment on 
    whether states can propose alternative risk targets for use in state 
    contingent management programs.
        Regarding program breadth, the Agency believes either broad, state-
    wide programs, or more narrowly focused contingent management programs 
    could be developed. Under a broad-based state program approach, the 
    Agency would approve as qualified only those state subtitle D programs 
    that adequately regulate all state non-hazardous waste management and 
    wastes. Under this approach, states with programs deficient in certain 
    aspects would be required to upgrade before participating in the 
    contingent management program. However, the Agency recognizes that 
    state subtitle D programs vary widely in the particular units and waste 
    types that are covered, among other factors. Therefore, as an 
    alternative approach, EPA might determine that a program qualifies for 
    conditional exit only for particular units (i.e. for landfills only, or 
    for landfills and surface impoundments, etc.). In other cases, a state 
    program might focus narrowly on developing appropriate contingent 
    management for particular waste streams generated by key industries in 
    the state.
        In considering how to use these key factors in developing 
    contingent management regulations, the Agency identified three options 
    in addition to the three options described above under the national 
    programs. These will be identified in this discussion as options four, 
    five and six.
        Under option four, the Agency would use the 1 E-4 and HQ 1 risk cap 
    on waste and would conduct a qualitative review of the state program 
    using the criteria described above. This could be done either on a 
    narrow program basis, or based on a program that qualifies broadly.
        Under option five, the Agency would also use the 1 E-4 and HQ 1 
    risk cap for waste being contingently managed, but would require that 
    states conduct risk modeling of proposed disposal to demonstrate that 
    risks from the waste as disposed would be not greater than the 1E-6 and 
    HQ1 risk targets of the base case. This approach could be taken either 
    with the entire state program, or only certain waste management 
    practices. In particular, site-specific factors, as described below, 
    could be considered under this approach. These could include facility 
    size, local rainfall, or local hydrogeology, among others. Location of 
    the nearest drinking water well might also be considered by the state 
    in evaluating risks, if allowed under state regulations and regulatory 
    policies. In this case, the state would be 
    [[Page 66399]]
    required to demonstrate to EPA, using the multipathway analysis or 
    another risk assessment model, how they would ensure on a site-specific 
    basis that facilities disposing of conditionally exited wastes meet a 
    10-6 risk level. Development of this approach might also require quite 
    different risk models, since the multipathway model as it currently 
    exists incorporates a number of simplifying assumptions to capture a 
    broad range of possible conditions. The Agency would have to ensure 
    that a model used for this analysis can incorporate complex site-
    specific variables, or develop a set of simplified models that could be 
    applied by states. However, this approach would provide maximum 
    flexibility to states and generators to tailor exit levels to 
    particular waste and site characteristics.
        Under option six, the Agency would allow wastes posing up to 1 E-3 
    cancer risk and HQ 10 (in an unregulated management setting), and allow 
    either a qualitative or quantitative review of the state program, but 
    allow participation only by state programs that are broadly qualified, 
    i.e., that are qualified in all aspects of the program, for currently 
    managed industrial non-hazardous waste. The Agency would be more 
    comfortable with this approach because it would be more assured of safe 
    management of the waste regardless of where in the state it is 
        The Agency also solicits public comment on whether more than one of 
    the options discussed above should be developed at the same time. For 
    example, the Agency might establish both the option 1 proposal 
    described below, and establish a state-based contingent management 
    program based on any of options four, five or six. By doing so, the 
    Agency would establish option 1 as a minimum national standard, but 
    this approach would allow that states to go further they choose to do 
    3. Establish Exit Levels That Consider Regional or Site-Specific 
    Factors That Might Affect Constituent Fate and Transport'
        In addition to facility design factors, there are other location-
    specific factors that may substantially affect the risks and the 
    appropriate exit levels for waste management units. Examples of such 
    factors include: Rainfall and hydrogeology at the site and the distance 
    to off-site receptors. The average amount of precipitation falling on 
    these waste management units may affect both the amount of leachate to 
    groundwater and soil run off to off-site receptors. Thus, the Agency 
    could determine geographic regions based upon climatic zones, could 
    require precipitation data from the most appropriate certified rain 
    gauge, or could require site specific precipitation information. 
    However, in order to do this the Agency would need to verify that the 
    other model inputs are appropriate for each of the regions or else 
    develop new region-specific inputs. Therefore, the Agency solicits data 
    and comment on technically appropriate ways to establish exit levels 
    based on rainfall levels.
        Other site-specific factors that may significantly affect the 
    groundwater pathway are the hydraulic conductivity of the soil 
    surrounding the waste management unit and the distance to the nearest 
    drinking water wells. If the hydraulic conductivity of surrounding soil 
    is relatively low--such as in soils dominated by clays--then the flow 
    of any potentially contaminated leachate to ground water could be 
    effectively retarded for long periods of time (though flow to surface 
    waters or other pathways might change, perhaps increasing). Landfills 
    located in soils with low hydraulic conductivities (for example, 10-6 
    cm/sec or lower) could provide an extra level of environmental 
    protectiveness for ground water that could be considered in developing 
    this approach. For example, the Agency might address this effect by 
    developing exit levels corresponding to different classes of hydraulic 
    conductivity. Alternatively, differences in hydraulic conductivity 
    could be considered through a site-specific process. This approach 
    would not be relying on engineered controls, but on natural attributes 
    of the location. EPA solicits comments on whether such attributes can 
    be readily determined or in what circumstances they can be readily 
    determined and relied upon.
        The Agency did some limited sensitivity analysis with respect to 
    ground water risk modelling to look at the concept of developing 
    different exit levels depending on broad hydrogeological regions. The 
    results of that analysis are in the docket. The Agency requests comment 
    as to the value of investing in this approach and practical 
    considerations the Agency should weigh in deciding whether to pursue 
    this approach.
        Finally, where the nearest drinking water wells are at an unusually 
    great distance from the waste management unit, corresponding exit level 
    concentrations associated with groundwater exposures that took that 
    distance into account could be significantly lower if the Agency's goal 
    were solely the prevention of current exposure to groundwater 
    contamination. However, many states have policies to not degrade 
    groundwater and EPA believes it is quite difficult to predict future 
    needs for uncontaminated groundwater. EPA believes that the groundwater 
    modelling done for this rule reflects a balanced view by using the 
    distribution of nearest wells. However, EPA expects it will receive 
    comments suggesting that it should consider allowing facilities with no 
    moderately nearby drinking water wells to take that into account. The 
    Agency seeks comment on the implementation issues associated with 
    taking these factors into account and the related policy judgement as 
    to whether the goal of more site-specific assessment should be 
    prevention of risk based on current ground water use, reasonably 
    foreseeable use, or based on distances that would be more protective of 
    the potential future use of ground water.
        The Agency also seeks comment on other location-specific factors or 
    combinations of factors that may be particularly important in 
    mitigating the risks associated with waste disposal. The Agency also 
    requests comment on alternative approaches for taking these location-
    specific factors into consideration in developing exit levels for waste 
    management. One option for doing so would be to develop additional 
    tables of exit levels (in addition to Option 2) for waste management 
    units that reflect the effect of some of the most important location-
    specific factors (e.g., exit levels for areas with low annual rainfall, 
    or indexed to landfill size). As an alternative option, the Agency 
    could develop ``reduced form'' equations that specifically relate the 
    exit level concentration to critical location-specific factors (such as 
    annual rainfall). The Agency requests comment on the merits of these 
    approaches and on alternative options that might be used to better 
    accommodate the effect of location-specific factors on exit levels.
    D. Land Disposal Restrictions for Contingent Management Options
        Any conditional exemption would offer much more significant relief 
    if it eliminated or reduced the need to comply with more stringent LDR 
    treatment requirements. As explained above in Section VI of today's 
    proposed rulemaking, however, under Chemical Manufacturers Association 
    v. EPA (the ``Third Third'' decision) LDR treatment standards generally 
    continue to apply even if a waste ceases to be classified as a 
    hazardous waste. If an LDR treatment standard were lower (more 
    stringent) than a contingent management exit level, the waste would 
    still need to meet the LDR standard.
    [[Page 66400]]
        EPA has proposed two approaches to integrating HWIR exit levels and 
    LDR treatment requirements for the base option. First, EPA is proposing 
    that LDR treatment requirements will never apply to wastes that meet 
    all applicable exit levels at the point of generation. Second, for 
    wastes which meet exit levels subsequent to the point of generation 
    and, consequently, remain subject to the LDR regime, EPA is proposing 
    to allow some exit levels to serve as alternative risk-based treatment 
    standards meeting the ``minimize threat'' standard under RCRA section 
    3004(m). EPA expects these proposals to reduce the burden of complying 
    with LDR requirements.
        As explained more fully in the detailed presentation of option 1 
    below, EPA is proposing both of these approaches for contingent 
    management option 1 (relaxed exit values for wastes that are not placed 
    in land application units). EPA's rationales are set out in that 
        EPA anticipates that it might also be willing to propose to use 
    exit levels developed under option 2 (separate exit levels for each 
    major type of waste management unit) to serve as risk-based ``minimize 
    threat'' standards. If EPA filled the gaps in its current multipathway 
    risk assessment, it would feel fairly confident that the multipathway 
    analysis plus the groundwater analysis identified constituent 
    concentrations that minimize threats to human health and the 
    environment for each class of waste management units. The modeling for 
    both analyses would assume each type of unit was located in a 
    ``reasonable worst case'' physical setting and was subject to minimal 
    management controls. EPA, however, would expect some members of the 
    public to argue that unit-specific exit levels should not be considered 
    ``minimize threat'' levels because risks to human health and the 
    environment would not be minimized if exempted waste ended up in the 
    wrong type of management unit. EPA might try to address such concerns 
    by imposing conditions such as tracking or reporting systems on persons 
    claiming the exemptions.
        EPA would expect similar objections to the option of allowing 
    wastes that meet option 2 levels to exit if their constituent 
    concentrations met unit-specific exit levels at the point of 
    generation. Members of the public might again be concerned about the 
    possibility that wastes could be placed in a unit type requiring lower 
    (more restrictive) exit levels. As suggested above, however, EPA could 
    impose conditions to help ensure that exempted waste goes only to a 
    unit where the exit levels in fact minimize threats.
        Providing LDR relief for the remaining options for conditional 
    exemptions would raise additional legal and practical issues. All of 
    the remaining national and state-based options rely on design or 
    operating controls (such as liners) to help prevent dangerous 
    concentrations of hazardous constituents from reaching human or 
    environmental receptors. EPA, for example, would be reluctant to take 
    into account control measures that would be difficult for inspectors to 
    verify during site visits.
        It might be somewhat easier to take into account factors--such as 
    annual rainfall, depth to groundwater, and subsurface soil and rock 
    formations--that relate to a unit's physical setting. EPA has already 
    proposed to interpret section 3004(m) to allow consideration of a 
    unit's physical setting in making site-specific minimize threat 
    findings. See the proposed LDR standards for contaminated soil, 58 Fed. 
    Reg. 48123 and 48155 (Sept. 14, 1993). EPA requests comments on all of 
    these issues related to the integration of conditional exemption 
    options to the LDR standards.
    E. Contingent Management of Mixed Waste
        The Department of Energy (DOE) has also expressed interest in EPA's 
    contingent management approaches to managing waste that is mixed 
    radiologic and RCRA hazardous waste (``mixed waste''). Mixed waste may 
    be managed by DOE-regulated facilities or commercial facilities 
    regulated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). EPA expects that 
    the general approach in today's proposed regulation would be applicable 
    to mixed wastes as well as listed-only hazardous wastes. DOE has 
    suggested that because mixed wastes subject to RCRA are also subject to 
    AEA disposal requirements which control releases of and exposure to 
    radioactive hazards, these AEA requirements may address releases of 
    chemically hazardous constituents as well, and it would be reasonable 
    to allow more mixed wastes to exit Subtitle C because of the AEA 
    requirements. DOE believes these AEA requirements would also provide 
    adequate protection of human health and the environment from 
    chemically-hazardous constituents. DOE has submitted several studies to 
    EPA in support of their views, and the Agency has placed those 
    documents in the public docket for review. The Agency will also 
    undertake a review of these data to better understand the additional 
    increment of protection provided by AEA low-level waste site 
    performance standards. With that review ongoing, the Agency is 
    proposing, and requesting public comment on, adaption of option four 
    above to DOE's special circumstances. The Agency requests comment on 
    allowing mixed waste meeting conditional exit levels for chemical 
    toxicity estimated at 10-4 cancer risk and HQ 1 (modeled at an 
    uncontrolled site), to exit Subtitle C if managed in AEA disposal 
        DOE has also urged the Agency to consider establishing a 
    categorical exclusion from RCRA requirements for mixed waste debris 
    that is immobilized. One of several macro- or microencapsulation 
    methods could be used to immobilize the debris, including use of 
    portland or other cement products, or various polymer products. Under 
    such an exclusion, all immobilized mixed debris could be managed 
    outside of Subtitle C, but would still be required to be disposed in 
    AEA disposal facilities. No testing of the debris would be required to 
    identify toxic constituents or the levels at which they might be 
    present. DOE has conducted a study of leaching rates for certain toxic 
    constituents from stabilized debris and submitted it to the Agency for 
    review in support of DOE's conclusion that immobilized debris can be 
    managed safely outside of subtitle C if disposed in an AEA facility. 
    Because the Agency has only recently received this study, it has been 
    unable to adequately review and evaluate the data presented. The Agency 
    solicits public comment on this approach, the DOE study, and solicits 
    any other available data that are relevant to this topic.
        Finally, DOE has developed data on vitrified waste, and requested 
    that the Agency consider the environmental protection conferred by this 
    treatment process. Again, the Agency has not had adequate time to 
    review and evaluate the DOE data, but has placed it in the public 
    docket and solicits public comment on the data and DOE's preferred 
    approach to mixed waste management.
        In soliciting comment on these exit procedures for mixed waste, the 
    Agency recognizes that a number of states hosting DOE facilities have 
    expressed concern over the proposal's effect on their states ability to 
    adequately regulate mixed waste under states and federal law as 
    intended by RCRA and the Federal Facilities Compliance Act. These 
    states also believe that significant details of the DOE proposal are 
    lacking and additional analysis would need to occur before the 
    procedures can receive adequate comment. Therefore, the Agency intends, 
    to the extent consistent 
    [[Page 66401]]
    with the schedule negotiated in the consent decree for this rulemaking, 
    to publish a supplemental proposal on HWIR mixed waste exit criteria 
    after initial comments have been received. The supplemental proposal 
    would further describe the regulatory options being considered and will 
    solicit additional comment on more specific options.
    X. Implementation of Conditional Exemption Option 1
    A. Introduction
        Using the concept of contingent management, EPA is proposing to 
    create a second, alternative set of exit levels for nonwastewaters that 
    are managed in landfills or monofills, but not land treatment units. 
    Persons wishing to utilize this alternative exit scheme would not only 
    have to meet the recalculated concentration limits for all constituents 
    in their wastes, but also comply with conditions prohibiting land 
    treatment. Compliance with notification and tracking requirements 
    described in more detail below will also be necessary. The exit levels 
    for this alternative are set out in appendix XI of 40 CFR part 261; the 
    requirements and conditions are set out in proposed Sec. 261.37. 
    Nonwastewaters that do not meet the exit levels in appendix X to 40 CFR 
    part 261 will be eligible for exit only if they meet the more relaxed 
    levels in appendix XI of 40 CFR part 261 and comply with all relevant 
        EPA derived the levels for this alternative by deleting all of the 
    modeling results for the land treatment scenario from its risk 
    assessment data base, and selecting the lowest remaining exit value 
    from the remaining modeling results for other types of waste management 
    units. The same approach used to establish exit levels presented in 
    Section V. of today's proposed rulemaking was used to establish exit 
    levels under this option. That is, where complete risk data was not 
    available, surrogates were used to extrapolated exit levels (see 
    Section IV.H) and where analytical limitations existed, EQCs were used 
    as exit levels (see Section IV.I). As a practical matter, this approach 
    affects only the exit levels for nonwastewaters. As explained above in 
    section IV, EPA created the original exit levels for nonwastewaters by 
    grouping the modeling results for the unit types typically used to 
    manage solid materials (ash monofills, piles, and land treatment units) 
    and selecting the lowest value from all pathways modeled for these 
    scenarios. EPA created the separate wastewater exit levels by grouping 
    the results from units typically used to manage liquid wastes (tanks 
    and surface impoundments). Consequently, the wastewater exit levels are 
    not based on the modeling of land treatment units, and these levels are 
    not affected by the decision to exclude results from the land treatment 
        The Agency is proposing that the contingent management exemption be 
    self-implementing. Therefore, the claimant would have the burden of 
    demonstrating that all of the provisions for the contingent management 
    exemption described herein have been met. In an enforcement action, a 
    waste for which a contingent management exemption is claimed would be 
    considered a Subtitle C hazardous waste unless the claimant was able to 
    produce evidence that all of the conditions of the exemption have been 
    B. When Contingent Management Exemptions Become Effective
        The Agency is proposing two options for the point at which the 
    contingent management exemption would become effective.
    1. Option 1A--Placement of the Waste in a Qualifying Unit
        Under the first option, the conditional exemption for ``contingent 
    management'' nonwastewaters would not become effective until the waste 
    had been placed in a qualifying unit. Prior to actual disposal, the 
    nonwastewater would be managed as a hazardous waste according to all 
    applicable RCRA provisions, including 40 CFR parts 262 (for generators) 
    and 263 (for transporters) and part 268 (regarding treatment prior to 
    land disposal). These requirements include compliance with the waste 
    manifest provisions of 40 CFR part 262, subpart B, and the pre-
    transport provisions of 40 CFR part 262, subpart C, which contains, 
    among other provisions, the provisions governing hazardous waste 
    accumulation. Treatment and storage prior to disposal would remain 
    subject to parts 264, 265, and 270.
        The Agency believes this approach makes it easier to ensure 
    consistent implementation and safe management of the waste. It also 
    decreases the potential implementation concerns that may arise if some 
    states adopt this rule as part of their authorized programs and others 
    do not. For example, this approach would reconcile transportation 
    concerns that could arise if waste, conditionally-exempt in one state, 
    were transported through a state that had not adopted the contingent 
    management exemption as part of its authorized program.
        Under this option, the Agency is considering and requesting comment 
    on the applicability of amending 40 CFR 264.1 and 265.1 to allow off-
    site disposal facilities to store candidate contingent management 
    exempt wastes for up to 10 days without becoming a subtitle C 
    treatment, storage, and disposal facility, prior to ultimate disposal 
    in a monofill or landfill. The Agency requests comment on whether 10 
    days is a sufficient or appropriate length of time, and if not, what 
    time period may be appropriate.
        Under the above approach, contingent management exempt 
    nonwastewaters being disposed of on-site also would not become exempt 
    until placed in a disposal unit meeting the requirements established 
    under this rule. However, since the current waste accumulation 
    provisions of 40 CFR 262.34, allow a generator to store hazardous waste 
    on-site in tanks, containers or containment buildings for 90 days 
    without becoming a Subtitle C storage facility, EPA believes that this 
    approach should not place undue burdens on a generator. EPA requests 
    comment on whether Sec. 262.34 will in fact enable generators of exempt 
    nonwastewaters to store wastes on-site in unpermitted units for a 
    reasonable period of time prior to land disposal. EPA acknowledges that 
    nonwastewaters are typically not stored in tanks.
    2. Option 1B--Effective Upon Meeting the Exit Levels
        The second option that EPA is considering would allow a 
    nonwastewater to become exempt from all hazardous waste requirements 
    except part 268 as soon as it meets appendix XI of 40 CFR part 261 exit 
    levels and the claimant has met all the requirements and conditions of 
    the exemption, including certifying that the waste will be managed in a 
    monofill or land disposal unit. The goal of this approach is to ensure 
    nonwastewaters will not be managed in a land treatment unit, which was 
    found to pose the greatest risk for many routes of exposure. Under this 
    approach, storage, treatment and transportation of the nonwastewater 
    could take place outside of Subtitle C control upon meeting the 
    requirements and conditions for the exemption. If EPA were to adopt 
    such an approach, it would impose conditions to ensure that the 
    exempted nonwastewater reached the types of units for which the 
    exemption was designed. Various options are suggested below in Section 
        Finally, EPA notes that the proposed approaches have different 
    implications for LDR relief. These differences, which 
    [[Page 66402]]
    principally concern the availability of LDR relief for nonwastewaters 
    which meet the appendix XI of 40 CFR part 261 exit levels at their 
    point of generation, are discussed in more detail in section H. below.
    C. Requirements for Obtaining an Exemption
        The following requirements would be applicable to both of the 
    approaches discussed above. Requirements for meeting the contingent 
    management exemption would include the sampling and testing 
    requirements of Sec. 261.37 (b)(1), the public notice requirements of 
    Sec. 261.37 (b)(3) and the notification to the implementing Agency 
    requirements of Sec. 261.37 (b)(4), similar to those respective 
    requirements for the base exemption in Secs. 261.36 (b) (1), (3) and 
    (4). The Agency notes that these provisions would be directly 
    enforceable Subtitle C requirements imposed prior to obtaining an 
    exemption rather than conditions for maintaining the exemption.
    1. Sampling and Testing Requirements for Contingent Management 
        The Agency is proposing that the sampling and testing requirements 
    for the contingent management exemption be the same as those proposed 
    for the base exemption in Section 261.36 (b)(1). The Agency requests 
    comment on whether the sampling and testing requirements for the base 
    exemption would be appropriate for the contingent management exemption.
    2. Requirements for Public Participation in Contingent Management 
        To provide the public with access to information, the Agency is 
    proposing to require compliance with the public notice requirements in 
    proposed Sec. 261.37(b)(3), similar to those in Sec. 261.36(b)(3). The 
    first time a claimant provides the Agency with notification of an 
    exemption claim for contingent management wastes, he will be required 
    to publish a notice of the claim in a major local newspaper general 
    circulation. The notice must include the name and address of the 
    facility, the description of the waste (as contained in the 
    notification), a brief general description of the process producing the 
    waste, an estimate of the quantities of waste claimed to be exempt, and 
    information about the Agency where the claimant has sent the 
    notification and supporting information. In addition, the public notice 
    must include that the waste meets the contingent management exemption 
    levels in appendix XI of 40 CFR part 261 and that the waste will be 
    disposed of in a monofill or land disposal unit.
    3. Notification Requirements for Contingent Management Exemptions
        To qualify for a contingent management exemption, a claimant would 
    need to submit to the authorized State Agency Director a formal 
    notification of its claim that waste meets the contingent management 
    exemption levels in Appendix XI of 40 CFR part 261 and will be managed 
    in accordance with the management conditions. In addition to the 
    requirements under Sec. 261.36 (b)(4), the contingent management 
    exemption notification to the implementing Agency must include an 
    accompanying certification that the waste meets the contingent 
    management exemption levels in appendix XI of 40 CFR part 261 and that 
    the waste will be disposed of in a monofill or land disposal unit.
        The Agency requests comment on whether these requirements, similar 
    to Sec. 261.36 (b)(1),(3) and (4), will provide adequate information to 
    the implementing agency and the public on what exemption levels, i.e., 
    appendix X to 40 CFR part 261 or appendix XI of 40 CFR part 261, are 
    being claimed and on how the waste is being managed. These provisions 
    would be requirements rather than conditions.
    D. Implementation Conditions
        As set out in Sec. 261.37 (d) and explained in the base exemption 
    implementation preamble (section VIII. B., Implementation Conditions) 
    certain conditions have to be met to maintain the exemption after the 
    claim has become effective. Under both option 1A and 1B, the following 
    conditions would have to be met to maintain the contingent management 
    option: Submitting changes in notification information to the Director 
    within 10 days of the change, following the schedule for retesting, 
    preparing and complying with a sampling and analysis plan for every 
    retest, maintaining constituent concentrations in the nonwastewater at 
    or below the exemption levels in appendix XI, meeting applicable 
    treatment levels under Sec. 268.40, and maintaining records on-site for 
    three years. These conditions are very similar to those proposed for 
    the base exit in Section VIII of today's proposed rulemaking. In 
    addition to those conditions established for the base exemption, the 
    claimant would also have to ensure that the waste was managed in a 
    qualifying unit.
        Claimants, under both options, always have the obligation to 
    identify whether they are generating a hazardous waste and to notify 
    the appropriate government official if they are generating a hazardous 
    waste. (Section 3010; 40 CFR 261.11.) If any nonwastewater claimed as 
    exempt under the contingent management proposal tested above the exit 
    levels in appendix XI to 40 CFR part 261 at any time, that waste and 
    any mixture or derived-from forms of that waste would have to be 
    managed as hazardous waste, including compliance with all notification 
    requirements, until testing demonstrated that the waste was below the 
    exit levels.
    1. Tracking Conditions
        EPA is proposing to modify the manifest regulations to reflect the 
    fact that wastes exiting under this exemption need not be disposed of 
    in treatment, storage or disposal facilities that are subject to the 
    requirements of Sec. 264.71-264.72 or Section 265.71-264.72 requiring 
    the facility that receives the waste to sign and return the manifest. 
    EPA is not proposing to require the owners and operators of 
    nonhazardous waste facilities that accept wastes exempted under this 
    option to comply with these duties. As EPA concluded when it decided 
    not to extend recordkeeping duties related to the LDR program to 
    nonhazardous waste facilities accepting de-characterized hazardous 
    wastes, it would probably be difficult to provide reasonable notice to 
    all the members of this diverse universe, which has little or no other 
    contact with the hazardous waste management regime, of these Subtitle C 
        EPA is proposing instead that the claimant of the exemption be 
    responsible for ensuring that the manifest is returned and that it--or 
    some other document--provides information showing that the facility 
    designated on the manifest did in fact receive the waste and did place 
    it in a landfill or monofill (and not a land treatment unit). Billing 
    documents may already supply some of the needed information. Where they 
    do not, EPA believes that claimants should generally be able to 
    contract with the receiving facilities to obtain the necessary 
    information. In some states, nonhazardous waste rules may also require 
    disposers to furnish generators with some of the necessary information. 
    EPA proposes to revise the manifest document as necessary to ensure 
    that nonhazardous waste facilities can be designated as receiving 
    facilities for listed wastes meeting all of the other requirements for 
    obtaining an exemption under this option.
    [[Page 66403]]
        The alternative to this approach would be to require owners and 
    operators of nonhazardous waste facilities to sign and return manifests 
    as a condition of the exemption. Failure to satisfy this condition 
    would void the exemption and return the waste to the hazardous waste 
    management regime, even if it were in fact safely placed in an 
    appropriate waste management unit. EPA requests comment on this 
        Under option 1A, where all Subtitle C regulations apply until 
    placement of the nonwastewater in a monofill or landfill, EPA is 
    proposing conditions that make the claimant responsible for obtaining a 
    copy of the manifest to ensure the waste has reached its destination. 
    The claimant would also have the burden of acquiring evidence from the 
    receiving facility that the waste was placed in either a monofill or 
    land disposal unit.
        Under Option 1B, where the exemption becomes effective upon the 
    waste meeting the appendix XI of 40 CFR part 261 exit levels, any 
    tracking system established would be a condition that the claimant 
    would have to meet to maintain the contingent management exemption. To 
    ensure that listed wastes exempted under this option actually go to a 
    landfill or monofill, EPA is proposing to require exemption claimants 
    to comply with the requirements of part 262 (with the modification 
    discussed above) relating to the uniform hazardous waste manifest.
        Since this option allows wastes to go to facilities that are not 
    subject to the duty to return the manifest under Sec. 264.71-264.72 or 
    Sec. 265.71-264.72, EPA is proposing to require the claimant to ensure 
    that the manifest is returned and that it--or some other document--
    provides information showing that the facility designated on the 
    manifest did in fact receive the waste and did place it in a landfill 
    or monofill (and not a land treatment unit). The duties would be 
    identical to those proposed above for claimants under the first option. 
    The rationale for imposing the duties on the claimant--and not the 
    receiving facility--is also the same.
        An alternative which EPA requests comment on is the concept of 
    imposing conditions that require a uniform, national tracking document 
    similar to the current uniform manifest to accompany the waste until it 
    reaches its final destination. This document could inform transporters 
    and other waste handlers that the waste is an exempt hazardous waste 
    that must be managed in a monofill or land disposal facility and loses 
    its exemption if it is managed in a land treatment unit. EPA could 
    further require that the disposal facility certify that the 
    nonwastewater was disposed in a monofill or land disposal unit and 
    return the tracking document and certification to the original 
    exemption claimant. EPA could also ensure that the implementing agency 
    (EPA or an authorized state) received notice of any problems in waste 
    disposal by imposing requirements similar to the current Sec. 262.42 
    exception reporting provisions.
        Another alternative would be to require, in lieu of a tracking 
    document, a contractual agreement between the exemption claimant and 
    the receiving facility specifying the type of waste the receiving 
    facility will accept, the type of units it will use, and information on 
    the volume and frequency of deliveries. EPA could require either the 
    claimant or the receiving facility (or both) to maintain a copy of the 
    agreement on-site and make it available to state or EPA inspectors. EPA 
    also could require exemption claimants and transporters to create and 
    keep similar contracts. EPA, however, requests comment on whether 
    transporters would require claimants to provide information on the 
    exempted waste's origin and the regulatory limits on its disposal 
    options even without federal regulation.
        EPA requests comment on whether any of these alternatives can 
    adequately ensure that mismanagement will not occur so that these 
    wastes managed under this option 1B approach would not need to be 
    classified as hazardous.
    2. Qualifying Unit
        A ``qualifying unit'' for today's contingent management proposal is 
    a landfill or monofill. For purposes of today's proposal, a landfill is 
    defined in Sec. 260.10 as being ``a disposal facility or part of a 
    facility where hazardous waste is placed in or on land and which is not 
    a pile, a land treatment facility, a surface impoundment, an 
    underground injection well, a salt dome formation, a salt bed 
    formation, an underground mine, a cave or a corrective action 
    management unit.'' The Agency is proposing a definition for monofill in 
    Sec. 260.10 as a landfill where waste of only one kind or type is 
    placed in or on land and which is not a pile, a land treatment 
    facility, a surface impoundment, an underground injection well, a salt 
    dome formation, a salt bed formation, an underground mine, a cave, or a 
    corrective action management unit. Also, for today's proposal, a land 
    treatment facility is defined in Sec. 260.10 as being ``a facility or 
    part of a facility at which hazardous waste is applied onto or 
    incorporated into the soil surface; such facilities are disposal 
    facilities if the waste will remain after closure.'' The Agency 
    requests comment on whether other units could be considered 
    ``qualifying units'' for contingent management exempt waste and whether 
    additional modeling is needed to assess risks from management of 
    nonwastewaters from other units.
        The Agency modeled risks from waste piles in both its multipathway 
    and groundwater analyses. It modeled only groundwater risks form 
    landfills. As explained elsewhere in this preamble, EPA believes that 
    the nongroundwater risks posed by piles generally are higher than the 
    nongroundwater risks posed by landfills. EPA, however, is not proposing 
    to allow wastes placed in piles to be exempt under the exit levels for 
    contingent management option 1. Piles, as defined in Part 260, are 
    temporary units. To ensure that exempted wastes removed form piles went 
    only to landfills or monofills, EPA would have to impose additional 
    tracking conditions. These could be difficult to craft and enforce 
    effectively. EPA currently thinks that excluding piles from eligibility 
    will provide much better assurance that exempted wastes will not be 
        EPA acknowledges that the exit levels for this option, which are 
    based in many cases on the evaluation of waste piles, may, for some 
    pathways, be more restrictive than levels for landfills. If EPA later 
    completes a multipathway analysis of landfill units, it will be able to 
    use the levels from that modeling in lieu of the modeling from piles to 
    derive exit levels for this option.
        The Agency requests comment on the proposal to exclude wastes 
    placed in piles from being eligible for exemption under this option. 
    The Agency also requests comment on the alternatives of allowing wastes 
    to be exempt either permanently or temporarily (e.g., for one year) 
    after they are placed in piles.
    3. Claimant's Duty To Ensure Compliance With All Requirements and 
        Today's proposal requires that, in order to claim a contingent 
    management exemption, the person submitting the claim must manage the 
    waste for which the exemption is claimed in accordance with the 
    requirements and conditions established by this rule. To satisfy this 
    rule, the claimant must ensure that the waste is actually disposed of 
    in a qualifying unit. The burden of satisfying all conditions for the 
    exemption falls on the claimant as the person in the best position to 
    determine eligibility of a waste for an exemption and to ensure 
    informed waste management decisions. The claimant may enter into 
    [[Page 66404]]
    arrangements with receiving facilities to allocate responsibility for 
    satisfaction of the conditions among themselves although such 
    arrangements will not relieve the claimant of liability if the 
    receiving facility manages the waste improperly. It should be noted, 
    however, that facilities receiving contingent management exemption 
    wastes could also become liable for violations of permitting, Subtitle 
    C treatment, storage and disposal standards should they dispose of the 
    nonwastewaters that do not qualify.
        Under today's proposal, Sec. 261.37(g), the burden of proof to 
    establish conformance with the exemption criteria is on the claimant in 
    the event of an enforcement action. One alternative for simplifying the 
    claimant's burden of proving compliance with all conditions would be to 
    set out in the rule certain documentation that, while not necessarily 
    required of the claimant, presumptively would be sufficient evidence of 
    satisfaction of the management condition. Of course, EPA could rebut 
    this presumption regarding actual disposal through evidence that the 
    claimant's documentation is deficient or inaccurate. For example, 
    claimants might be able to develop rebuttable evidence of proper off-
    site disposal by keeping correspondence with the receiving facility, 
    indicating that the waste went to a landfill or monofill, and by 
    keeping a returned manifest which indicates that the waste reached that 
    facility. The Agency is taking comment on whether establishing certain 
    evidentiary standards would provide useful guidance to claimants on how 
    to satisfy the management condition and provide helpful incentive for 
    claimants to maintain proper documentation of their exemption claims.
        Comment is also requested on whether any additional conditions or 
    requirements, substantive or procedural, should be imposed on claimants 
    to ensure that the contingent management exemption waste is actually 
    managed in a qualifying unit.
    E. Retesting and Recordkeeping Conditions for Contingent Management 
        Claimants continuing to generate or otherwise manage waste for 
    which they continue to claim a contingent management exemption would be 
    required, under Sec. 261.37(d)(2), to retest the waste with the same 
    frequency and under the same conditions as is being proposed for the 
    base exemptions, Sec. 261.36(d)(2). If a claimant finds that the 
    exempted waste no longer meets the constituent concentration levels on 
    Appendix XI of 40 CFR part 261 for the contingent management exemption, 
    or that the waste has not been placed in a landfill or monofill, the 
    claimant must comply with all applicable requirements for generators of 
    listed wastes (including disposal of waste at a Subtitle C facility) 
    and the disposal facility would have to comply with all of the 
    requirements for owner/operators of treatment, storage, and disposal 
    facilities under 40 CFR parts 262-270. The generator and disposal 
    facility's obligations would also include renotifying the Agency of 
    hazardous waste management activity using EPA form 8700-12.
        Under Sec. 261.37(d)(6), claimants also would be required to 
    maintain on-site, for at least three years after Agency receipt of the 
    notification and certification, all documentation required under this 
    rule including, but not limited to, the sampling and analysis plan and 
    test data and the accompanying notification and certification. These 
    requirements are similar to those proposed for the ``base'' exemption 
    in Sec. 261.36.
        The Agency requests comment on alternative record retention periods 
    for claimants such as 5 years, which corresponds to the applicable 
    statute of limitations period at 28 U.S.C. 2462. An extended record 
    retention period may assist claimants in substantiating their 
    conformance with the contingent management exemption criteria. The 
    documentation must be available for review by the Agency or an 
    authorized State at the time of site inspection. The three-year 
    claimant record retention period will be automatically extended during 
    the course of any unresolved enforcement action regarding the regulated 
    F. Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement for Contingent Management 
        Since contingent management exemptions are self-implementing, the 
    Agency needs to rely on its enforcement authorities to ensure that the 
    exemptions are being applied in an appropriate manner and that only 
    those wastes that are truly nonhazardous are relieved from Subtitle C 
    disposal requirements. Compliance monitoring and enforcement of the 
    contingent management program would be carried out under existing 
    authorities and conditions with which the regulated community should 
    already be familiar.
        Claimants must comply with all of the previously described 
    conditions of the exemptions to qualify for the exemptions. All persons 
    who manage waste for which an exemption has been claimed must manage 
    the waste as required under Subtitle C during periods when any of those 
    conditions are not met. Claimants that fail to comply with the 
    applicable conditions of the contingent management exemption risk 
    enforcement action for violations of Subtitle C requirements, including 
    administrative, civil and criminal penalties.
    1. Compliance Monitoring
        The Agency is proposing that compliance monitoring of the 
    contingent management exemption occur through EPA and State oversight, 
    primarily through review of notifications and inspections.
        The Agency has the authority, under section 3007 of RCRA, to 
    require submission of information and to conduct inspections of 
    facilities which EPA has reason to believe may be generating or 
    managing a hazardous waste. EPA and States may do confirmatory sampling 
    and analysis to determine whether a waste meets the exemption levels. 
    Under this authority, the Agency would be able to inspect a non-
    Subtitle C facility receiving contingent management exemption waste.
        Inspections of off-site laboratories may also be performed.
    2. Enforcement
        The contingent management exemption criteria proposed today would 
    create an exit from the Subtitle C system only so long as the 
    requirements and conditions established for the exemption are met. 
    Failure to comply with any of the conditions for the exemption would 
    mean that the wastes would not be exempt from Subtitle C, and the 
    claimant could be subject to immediate enforcement action for violation 
    of Subtitle C requirements.
        The Agency has the authority under this regulation and RCRA Section 
    3007 to require submission of information on the management of exempted 
    wastes in a situation where the Agency suspects the claimant has not 
    satisfactorily determined whether a waste meets the appropriate 
    exemption levels. Alternatively, the Agency may require improved 
    analysis using an administrative or civil action under section 3013. 
    Failure to manage the contingent management exemption waste in 
    accordance with the conditions would void the exemption and the 
    conditionally exempt waste would be subject to full Subtitle C 
    regulation. The receiving facility, therefore, would become a Subtitle 
    C treatment, storage, and/or disposal facility requiring a permit. 
    [[Page 66405]]
        In an enforcement action, compliance with the terms and conditions 
    of the exemption may be raised as an affirmative defense, but the 
    burden will be on the defendant to establish eligibility for the 
    exemption and compliance with the conditions necessary to maintain the 
    exemption. See 50 FR 642 (Jan. 4, 1985) for a discussion of EPA's 
    authority to place such burdens on defendants.
        Claimants may not use the contingent management exemption as a 
    means of avoiding enforcement actions. For example, a generator who is 
    the subject of an Agency enforcement action cannot claim that the waste 
    in question is exempted from Subtitle C under the contingent management 
    exemption unless a valid exemption notification for that waste has been 
    previously submitted to the Agency and the required documentation to 
    support the claim exists at the facility and satisfies the requirements 
    of the regulations. The contingent management exemption cannot be used 
    in a retroactive fashion to avoid enforcement actions. Similarly, these 
    exemptions cannot be used as a legal defense prior to the effective 
    date of promulgation of this rule.
    G. Exports of Wastes Eligible for Contingent Management Exemptions
        Under option 1A of today's proposal, contingent management 
    exemption wastes would remain hazardous until actually disposed of in a 
    qualifying unit. The waste would thus remain subject to all applicable 
    requirements of 40 CFR parts 262 and 263, including export 
         Under option 1B where the waste becomes exempt upon meeting the 
    contingent management exit levels, comment is requested on whether 
    these exempt wastes should still remain subject to the export 
    requirements of 40 CFR part 262. Comment is requested on whether these 
    export requirements are necessary to ensure that the contingent 
    management exemption waste will be properly managed in the receiving 
    H. Land Disposal Restrictions
        As discussed above in section VI, EPA is proposing two approaches 
    to integrating LDR requirements with the exit levels for the base 
    option. First, EPA is proposing that LDR treatment requirements will 
    never apply to wastes that meet exit levels for the base option at the 
    point of generation. Second, for wastes which remain subject to LDR 
    requirements, EPA is proposing to allow exit levels based solely on the 
    combined multipathway and groundwater analyses to serve as alternative 
    risk-based LDR standards meeting the ``minimize threat'' standard in 
    section 3004(m) of RCRA. EPA believes that both approaches are 
    appropriate for contingent management option 1.
        To eliminate the duty to comply with the LDR rules for wastes that 
    meet the base option exit level at the point of generation, EPA is 
    taking the position that such wastes are defined as hazardous waste 
    pursuant to their listing descriptions for such a brief period of time 
    that they effectively never become subject to Subtitle C requirements, 
    and LDR requirements never apply. It is relatively easy to apply this 
    theory to option 1B presented above in section B.2. that allows 
    nonwastewaters to exit as soon as they have met the appropriate 
    concentration limits and to remain exempt so long as they are managed 
    in landfills or monofills. Such wastes need only meet the exit levels 
    to obtain their exemption. If they meet them at the point of 
    generation, they would appear just as entitled to LDR relief as wastes 
    meeting the exit levels for the base option.
        Under option 1A, however, nonwastewaters will not exit until they 
    both meet the exit levels and are placed in a landfill or monofill. 
    Such wastes would not be eligible for exit at the point of generation 
    even if their constituent concentrations were low enough. Rather, they 
    would be subject to Subtitle C regulation for a significant portion of 
    their ``cradle-to-grave'' management cycle. It would be difficult to 
    argue that these wastes had never really been regulated as hazardous 
    wastes, and that LDR treatment requirements did not apply. 
    Consequently, EPA is not proposing to allow nonwastewaters to become 
    exempt from LDR requirements at the point of generation under this sub-
    option. EPA requests comment on alternative legal theories that would 
    provide a better basis for arguing that nonwastewaters subject to this 
    sub-option could be exempt for the LDR rules if they meet exit levels 
    at the point of generation.
        Both options 1A and 1B have identical exit levels based on removing 
    the predictions for land treatment units and using the next-highest 
    concentration as the exit level. EPA is proposing to allow the exit 
    levels that are based solely on the multipathway/groundwater risk 
    analyses to serve as minimize threat levels for both options 1A and 1B. 
    These levels represent concentrations posing minimal low threats for 
    nonwastewater placed in landfills, monofills and waste piles. They are 
    based on the same risk assessment used for the assessment for the base 
    option. They make the same ``reasonable worst case'' assumptions about 
    the units' physical setting and the same minimal assumptions about 
    control measures. Hence, EPA believes that these exit levels 
    sufficiently reduce threats to human health and the environment to meet 
    section 3004(m)'s ``minimize threat'' standard.
        EPA acknowledges that option 1B, allowing wastes to exit Subtitle C 
    before they are placed in the right kind of land disposal unit, 
    presents an additional type of risk. Under option 1B, it may be more 
    difficult for EPA to ensure that exited wastes will not be placed in 
    land treatment units. (Under the alternative option, option 1A, 
    Subtitle C manifest and tracking requirements would apply.) As 
    explained above in section B., however, EPA will create conditions for 
    option 1B to help ensure that exempted wastes are not disposed of in 
    land treatment units. EPA believes that these conditions will 
    sufficiently reduce the risk of inappropriate disposal that the exit 
    levels will continue to minimize threats. EPA requests comment on this 
    aspect of the proposal.
    XI. Relationship to Other RCRA Regulatory Programs
        Today's rule proposes specific conditions and exit criteria that 
    would exempt listed hazardous wastes, including waste mixtures and 
    derived-from wastes, from Subtitle C regulation. Below is a discussion 
    of how this proposed rule would affect other relevant RCRA regulatory 
    A. Hazardous Waste Determination
        Under current RCRA regulations, any person who generates a solid 
    waste must determine if that waste is a hazardous waste in accordance 
    with the procedures outlined in 40 CFR 262.11. According to 262.11, 
    generators must first determine if their waste is excluded from 
    regulation under 40 CFR 261.4. Generators must then determine if the 
    waste is listed in subpart D of part 261. If the waste was not listed, 
    or for purposes of compliance with 40 CFR part 268, generators must 
    then determine if the waste exhibits a characteristic defined in 
    subpart C of part 261.
        Today's proposed rule is an exemption for listed wastes meeting the 
    exit criteria, and does not change the general requirements for 
    generators making hazardous waste determinations under Sec. 262.11 (see 
    discussion of characteristic waste below).
    B. Characteristic Hazardous Waste
        Today's proposed rule establishes exemption criteria for hazardous 
    [[Page 66406]]
        constituents in eligible listed wastes, waste mixtures, or derived-from 
    wastes. If the waste satisfies the exemption criteria proposed today, 
    the waste would not be considered listed hazardous waste. However, the 
    generator must still determine whether the waste exhibits any 
    characteristics of a hazardous waste as specified in 40 CFR 261.21 
    through 261.24 and continue to meet hazardous waste requirements if the 
    waste does exhibit a characteristic.
    C. Toxicity Characteristic Level for Lead
        Toxicity characteristic constituents are among those evaluated for 
    exit values in this proposal. In developing the risk assessment for all 
    constituents, including the TC constituents, the Agency examined risks 
    via groundwater and other pathways to humans, and also environmental 
    receptors. In evaluating risks resulting from the groundwater pathway, 
    the Agency used its newly developed CMTP model, and the MINTEQ metals 
    speciation component. The CMTP model estimates groundwater transport 
    using finite source assumptions, and accounting for hydrolysis and 
    adsorption of chemicals to soils. The MINTEQ component estimates 
    dissolution and speciation of metals in groundwater. Using these 
    models, the Agency has developed and is proposing estimates of 
    transport through groundwater specific to each constituent. These 
    estimates are analogous to constituent-specific dilution and 
    attenuation factors (DAFs). These constituent-specific DAFs were 
    contemplated for several constituents proposed for regulation in the TC 
    rulemaking, but not finalized, because the modeling work was not 
    complete. TC levels were set using generic DAFs of 100.
        In developing the constituent-specific DAFs, the Agency estimated 
    that lead moves through groundwater much more slowly than predicted by 
    the generic DAF of 100. While the modeling analyses supporting the TC 
    rule and today's proposed rule are somewhat different from one another, 
    the constituent-specific DAF for lead leaching from a landfill was 
    estimated as 5000 rather than the 100 used in the TC rule. Higher 
    leaching rates (giving lower DAF values) were estimated for some other 
    disposal options evaluated in the updated modeling, such as land 
    application and management in surface impoundments. This analysis 
    raised the question of how the TC and today's proposed rules would 
    relate to one another, and whether these results warranted 
    consideration of a change to the TC level of 5 mg/l for lead (updated 
    groundwater modeling of other TC constituents did not show the large 
    disparity between the TC and exit level proposed in today's notice for 
        In considering these issues, the Agency reviewed several factors. 
    First, the human health risk evaluation for lead has changed since the 
    TC rule was promulgated, resulting in the MCL (on which the TC is 
    based) for lead being reduced from 50 ppb to 15 ppb. Using the new DAF 
    from the landfill scenario plus the new drinking water standard could 
    raise the TC level to 75 mg/l from the current 5 mg/l. However, when 
    lead movement from a land treatment scenario was modeled, a DAF of 
    approximately 770 resulted, and a TC level based on this and the new 
    drinking water standard could be approximately 10 mg/l. Another 
    relevant reference point for lead in the environment includes the 
    current OSWER soil direct ingestion level for lead of 400 ppm (as a 
    total concentration, not leachate).
        The Agency considered several approaches to potentially proposing 
    revisions to the TC level, including basing a new TC level on 
    groundwater modeling only, basing it on the soil ingestion estimate, or 
    basing it on the driving pathway value and exit level, which considers 
    adverse ecologic effects.
        After carefully considering the issue, the Agency concluded that 
    the issue of lead toxicity and movement through the environment is very 
    complex and changes to existing rules could have significant impacts on 
    management of lead-bearing waste and public health. The agency believes 
    regulation of lead-bearing wastes warrants careful consideration and 
    full evaluation of and review of the policy issues associated with 
    considering all potential exposure pathways and risk to human health 
    and the environment. Questions include whether the TC level would be a 
    leachate or totals value, and whether it would be based on groundwater 
    only or other exposure routes and whether it would be human health 
    based or based on ecological risk considerations. Such a comprehensive 
    evaluation is not feasible in the context of the rulemaking proposed 
    today, and so the agency has determined to defer any action on the lead 
    TC level. The Agency recognizes that this is an issue of considerable 
    interest to the public, and will consider review of management of lead-
    bearing waste at the soonest practical time. In the interim, the lead 
    TC regulation and the exemption regulation proposed today (when 
    finalized) would co-exist as independent regulations.
        As described in Section IV.E.3, the Agency has developed 
    groundwater modeling based on both 10,000 year and 1000 year time 
    frames. Today's proposal is based on the 10,000 year modeling time 
    horizon, and the Agency is soliciting public comment on the alternative 
    of using 1000 years. One aspect of the 1000 year modeling results is 
    that the groundwater-based exit levels for more constituents would be 
    above current TC levels for those constituents. These constituents 
    include, in addition to lead, chromium, cadmium, selenium, and mercury. 
    The Agency seeks public comment on this aspect of using the 1000 year 
    time horizon modeling for risk assessment in the HWIR rule.
    D. Hazardous Waste Listings
        The Agency evaluated the likelihood that untreated hazardous wastes 
    would be able to meet the exemption criteria in an ``pure'' state 
    (e.g., untreated and unmixed) and determined that it is unlikely that 
    the constituent concentrations in many untreated hazardous wastes would 
    be below today's proposed exemption levels or the applicable BDAT 
    standards, particularly for nonwastewaters. Specifically, the Agency's 
    hazardous waste characterization data indicate that the concentrations 
    of toxicants of concern in untreated listed wastes are typically 
    present at levels many times higher than health-based levels or BDAT 
    values. Therefore, it is unlikely that the Agency's current criteria 
    for listing wastes as hazardous will change as a result of the 
    introduction of today's exit criteria into the RCRA regulations. 
    However, EPA has been utilizing a more comprehensive risk analysis in 
    the listing program, looking at multiple pathways for the movement of 
    constituents through the environment, similar to the approach taken in 
    today's proposal. Today's proposed approach may also provide the Agency 
    with a means of assessing whether or not future listings might 
    inadvertently bring into the RCRA system the types of low-concentration 
    wastestreams that would subsequently be eligible for exit under today's 
    E. Delisting
        The evaluation criteria used for delisting may vary from today's 
    exemption criteria for various reasons. First, delisting is an 
    interactive process that considerable oversight by EPA or authorized 
    State agencies. In delisting, the overseeing agency evaluates the 
    processes generating a specific wastestream in order to determine the 
    constituents likely to be present, as well as the potential variability 
    in the waste. 
    [[Page 66407]]
    EPA (or the State) closely reviews sampling procedures, analytical test 
    results, and the accompanying QA/QC data. This oversight increases the 
    confidence in the quality and representativeness of the waste analysis.
        Second, delisting is specific to one wastestream, which decreases 
    uncertainties that arise in the more generic approach proposed today. 
    For example, a delisting petition will typically provide the annual 
    generation volume of the waste. Using a specific waste volume as an 
    input to various models has allowed EPA to calculate exit levels that 
    may be somewhat higher than the levels proposed in today's rule. EPA 
    believes that it is reasonable to use higher exit levels for the 
    smaller waste volumes in delisting petitions (see 56 FR 32993 (Reynolds 
    Metals) for further description of volume impact).
        The delisting process also allows more certainty in the plausible 
    management scenarios that are modeled to generate exit levels. For 
    example, the characteristics of the waste may dictate the likely 
    disposal method (e.g., disposal in a landfill of de-watered process 
    sludge). In some cases, special management standards may also be a 
    factor (e.g., radioactive wastes are regulated under the Atomic Energy 
    Act, therefore if such a hazardous waste were delisted, disposal 
    options would be severely limited (see 60 FR 6054 (Hanford delisting)).
        EPA also considers the applicability of available groundwater 
    monitoring data from land-based waste management units that have 
    received the petitioned waste. Such data are typically required under 
    permitting regulations for hazardous waste facilities (see 40 CFR parts 
    264 and 265). If any contamination of groundwater appears to be due to 
    constituents from the petitioned waste, EPA will consider this as a 
    basis to deny the petition. The more generic waste identification rule 
    proposed today does not incorporate this additional evaluation 
        EPA may also require special testing regimes to ensure waste 
    consistently meets delisting criteria (e.g., see (cite Reynolds Metals, 
    CSI, Hanford)). Because the overseeing agency reviews the petition in 
    some detail, the testing frequency may be closely tied to the potential 
    variability of the waste. A facility that accepts and treats waste from 
    diverse sources would typically have frequent testing requirements (see 
    40 CFR part 261 appendix IX (Envirite)). In other cases, the testing 
    requirements for some initial period will be extensive, but the 
    subsequent testing may be reduced.
        Delisting petitions for wastes that contain toxic constituents 
    which exceed the exemption levels proposed today will continue to be 
    accepted and reviewed by the Agency after promulgation of today's rule. 
    With the exception of a potentially reduced petition review burden, the 
    Agency does not anticipate any changes in the current review of 
    delisting petitions as a result of the implementation of today's 
    proposed exemption. EPA does request comment on which risk models 
    should be used to evaluate future delisting petitions.
    F. Requirements for Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities and 
    Interim Status Facilities
        In order to implement the changes proposed today, owners or 
    operators of RCRA permitted or interim status facilities may have to 
    amend their waste analysis plans if required under 40 CFR 264.13 and 
    265.13. Such changes will most likely include the addition of the 
    appropriate analysis methods and changes that may be required in the 
    frequency of testing.
        Permitted facilities, in unauthorized States, who elect to employ 
    the exemption procedures and who subsequently prepare changes to their 
    waste analysis plans should, following promulgation of this rule, 
    submit a Class I permit modification to EPA. (EPA is aware that 
    although most States have either become authorized for, or have 
    adopted, the 3-class permit modification regulations, some states may 
    still be operating under the older ``major/minor'' permit modification 
    procedures. Under those procedures, changes to the waste analysis plan 
    would be considered a major modification).
    G. Closure
        Under today's proposed rule, a hazardous waste management unit that 
    receives wastes that are exempt under today's exit criteria would 
    continue to be a regulated Subtitle C unit subject to the requirements 
    of 40 CFR parts 264 or 265, including closure requirements, until the 
    owner/operator completed clean closure of the unit or unless all of the 
    waste in the unit were delisted. A unit receiving only waste that is 
    exempt under today's proposal would no longer be receiving hazardous 
    waste upon the effective date of the exemption; such a unit would 
    normally become subject to Subtitle C closure requirements, which are 
    triggered by the final receipt of hazardous waste by the unit. The 
    facility owner or operator is required to complete closure activities 
    within 180 days after receiving the final volume of hazardous waste. 40 
    CFR 264.113(b) and 265.113(b). However, RCRA closure requirements do 
    allow certain waste management units to delay closure, while continuing 
    to receive non-hazardous waste (such as waste exempt under today's 
    proposed rule), provided certain conditions are met.
        The RCRA delay-of-closure regulations, promulgated on August 14, 
    1989 (54 FR 33376), allow owners or operators to delay the closure of 
    landfills, land treatment units, and surface impoundments in cases 
    where the unit stops receiving hazardous waste but the owner or 
    operator wishes to continue using the unit to manage only non-hazardous 
    waste. These requirements are outlined in 40 CFR 264.113(d) and (e) and 
    265.113(d) and (e). Owners or operators wishing to delay closure must 
    request a permit modification at least 120 days prior to final receipt 
    of hazardous wastes, or, if the facility is in interim status, submit 
    an amended part B application at least 180 days prior to the final 
    receipt of hazardous wastes. The request for a permit modification or 
    the amended part B application must include demonstrations that the 
    unit has the existing design capacity to manage non-hazardous wastes, 
    and that the non-hazardous wastes are not incompatible with any wastes 
    in the unit. In addition, certain facility information including the 
    waste analysis plan, groundwater monitoring plans, closure and post-
    closure plans, cost estimates, and financial assurance demonstrations 
    must be updated as necessary to account for receipt of only non-
    hazardous waste. Sections 264.113(d) and 265.113(d). In addition, 
    surface impoundments that do not meet the minimum technological 
    requirements (MTRs) for liners and leachate collection of RCRA 3004(o) 
    must comply with additional requirements in order to delay closure, 
    including the removal of hazardous wastes to the extent practicable 
    from the unit. Sections 264.113(e) and 265.113(e).
        The delay of closure regulations apply only to landfills, land 
    treatment units, and surface impoundments. In the case of other RCRA 
    units such as tanks and waste piles, the Agency did not feel that the 
    delay-of-closure regulations were necessary for these types of units in 
    order to receive only non-hazardous wastes (54 FR 33383). The closure 
    requirements in subpart G for these units include removal or 
    decontamination of waste residues, containers, liners, bases and 
    contaminated soils, equipment, and other containment system components; 
    these closure requirements are not incompatible with the reuse of these 
    [[Page 66408]]
    units for receipt of only non-hazardous waste. Once the unit has been 
    emptied of all hazardous wastes and decontaminated, it could receive 
    non-hazardous waste. However, the Agency also recognizes that some 
    flexibility may be warranted in converting the use of a unit such as a 
    tank from hazardous to non-hazardous waste management. EPA solicits 
    comment on whether an owner or operator might demonstrate removal of 
    hazardous waste residues from the tank by demonstrating that all waste 
    in the tank is below exemption levels, without removing the waste from 
    the tank. In cases where the owner or operator could not demonstrate 
    that all wastes in the tank were below exemption levels, he or she 
    would have to remove the hazardous waste in order to achieve closure of 
    the unit. In some cases, the facility owner or operator may be able to 
    demonstrate that a tank no longer managed hazardous waste (because the 
    waste met today's proposed exemption criteria), but did not achieve 
    clean closure because of soil and perhaps groundwater contamination. In 
    this case, EPA solicits comment on whether the facility owner or 
    operator should be required to remove the contamination to clean 
    closure levels, or close the area as a landfill while using the tank to 
    manage nonhazardous wastes, as long as this activity did not interfere 
    with cleanup activities or control of the contaminated areas.
        The Agency also believes that the availability of a delay-of-
    closure option provides much of the flexibility needed to allow for the 
    uninterrupted management of exempt waste, while providing assurance 
    that the protections afforded by the closure regulations for Subtitle C 
    units (e.g., evaluation of soil and groundwater at closure) are not 
    lost. This approach makes sense in light of the fact that today's 
    proposed exemption is self-implementing, which the Agency feels is 
    appropriate for waste identification purposes, but not necessarily so 
    for determining whether a Subtitle C unit may become a Subtitle D unit 
    without first undergoing closure.
    H. HWIR-Media Rule/Subtitle C Corrective Action
        The Agency is currently planning on proposing a rule (``HWIR 
    Media'') addressing waste management issues relating to environmental 
    media (e.g., soil, groundwater, and sediments). The goal of this rule 
    is to allow more effective cleanups at contaminated sites. As currently 
    drafted, the media proposal will supplement the regulatory system under 
    RCRA for the management of RCRA hazardous contaminated media, 
    applicable to sites that are undergoing cleanup overseen by EPA or 
    authorized States. Such sites include cleanups at RCRA corrective 
    action sites, State cleanups, and Superfund remedial actions. The media 
    rule will propose a ``bright-line'' distinction between hazardous 
    contaminated media (i.e., media containing hazardous waste that is 
    therefore regulated as hazardous) subject to modified Subtitle C 
    standards, and less contaminated media subject to more site-specific, 
    flexible standards implemented by State agencies. This new system will 
    supplement the current approach(es) to identifying RCRA applicability 
    to the management of contaminated media. The rule will also propose 
    streamlined permit requirements for cleanups. It will not specify 
    cleanup standards.
        Today's proposal applies to listed hazardous wastes (e.g. process 
    wastes, sludges, discarded commercial chemical products, etc.), 
    including mixtures of one or more listed wastes with other solid 
    wastes, and residues derived from the treatment, storage, or disposal 
    of one or more listed hazardous wastes. Media that contain listed 
    hazardous wastes, mixtures, or derived-from wastes with constituent 
    concentrations below today's proposed exemption levels will be eligible 
    for exemption under the procedures proposed today. EPA or an authorized 
    State may continue to assess contaminated media with concentrations 
    higher or lower than the exit levels proposed today on a case-by-case 
    basis by making site-specific determinations as to whether a media 
    ``contains'' a RCRA hazardous waste.
    I. Land Disposal Restriction Program
        Today's rule contains several important areas of overlap with the 
    RCRA Land Disposal Restrictions (LDR) program that are discussed 
    elsewhere in today's rule. First, as described in more detail elsewhere 
    in this notice, EPA is proposing that exit levels produced under the 
    multipathway analysis for constituents with adequate analytical methods 
    should ``cap'' existing technology-based LDR standards, where the exit 
    levels are less stringent than the current LDR values. If a waste 
    contains only constituent with ``capped'' LDR values, it should be able 
    to satisfy LDR requirements and exit Subtitle C for all other purposes 
    as soon as the waste achieved those levels.
        Under today's proposal the uncapped LDR requirements for listed 
    hazardous wastes continue to apply to a waste even after the waste 
    becomes exempt from Subtitle C under the exemption criteria. 
    Furthermore, for listed wastes containing certain constituents with 
    analytical problems, compliance with the LDRs (either numerical levels, 
    specified treatment, or both) is part of the criteria for exempting 
    that waste under today's proposal. Specifically, for constituents where 
    there are no adequate analytical methods for determining whether or not 
    the exit levels have been met, a combination of meeting applicable LDR 
    standards and a showing of non-detect estimated quantitation 
    concentration is required to satisfy the exit criteria for these 
    constituents. This is explained in more detail in Section IV.I of 
    today's rule.
        If, however, a listed waste is below the exit concentrations 
    proposed today at the point where the waste is ``first'' generated, 
    that is, the point where the waste first meets the listing description 
    and is potentially subject to Subtitle C, then a hazardous waste is 
    never really ``generated'' and the LDR requirements do not attach to 
    the waste. The EPA does not expect many listed wastes to be at or below 
    the exit criteria at the point of first generation, where waste 
    characterization data indicate that this is where wastes contain higher 
    concentrations of hazardous constituents. Nonetheless, where a 
    particular process generates a waste that is perhaps inappropriately 
    captured by a listing, or where pollution prevention efforts by the 
    generator result in a waste of lower constituent concentrations, if the 
    waste meets the exemption criteria at the moment it is first generated, 
    the LDR requirements would not apply. In contrast, once a listed waste 
    is generated and managed the LDR requirements attach, and remain even 
    after the waste exits Subtitle C under today's exemption (unless, as 
    stated, where the exit levels are considered equivalent to a minimize 
    threat standard). This issue is discussed in more detail in Section VI 
    in today's proposal.
        It should be noted that the Agency is currently reviewing the 
    definition of ``point-of-generation'' with respect to the application 
    of the LDRs. Since November 1986 (51 FR 40620), EPA has required LDR 
    determinations to be made at the point which hazardous wastes are 
    generated. In the Phase III LDR rule (March 2, 1995, 60 FR 11702), EPA 
    solicited comment on the issue of where the point of generation should 
    be defined. EPA presented three options to narrowly redefine the point 
    at which the land disposal prohibitions attach: (1) Similar 
    wastestreams generated by similar processes, (2) wastestreams from a 
    single process, and (3) ``battery limits.'' With Option 1 the point of 
    generation would be defined at the point after which like wastestreams 
    are generated from like processes and combined as a matter of routine 
    [[Page 66409]]
    practice. Option 2 would consider the point of generation to occur when 
    wastestreams from a single process are combined (e.g., residual 
    wastestreams collected in a common unit such as a sump). In many cases, 
    these wastestreams are similar in composition because they all come 
    from a common unit process. The Option 3 ``battery limits,'' is similar 
    to Option 2; however instead of limiting aggregation to that normally 
    occurring within a single unit process, the facility would view an 
    entire battery of processes (associated with making a single product or 
    related group of products) as a single manufacturing step. In the Phase 
    III LDR proposal, EPA identified listed hazardous wastes as situations 
    where existing point of generation determinations may remain 
    appropriate. This is because EPA has carefully reviewed the various 
    waste streams and has defined the point of generation as part of the 
    listing description. Therefore, it may be inappropriate to modify that 
    description with a more generic ``point of prohibition'' rule. This is 
    important because today's rule applies only to listed hazardous wastes.
        Lastly, under today's proposal, mixtures containing listed 
    hazardous waste and residues from the treatment, storage, or disposal 
    of listed hazardous waste that contain some constituents with 
    concentrations below exit levels and some constituents with 
    concentrations above exit levels would continue to be managed as listed 
    hazardous wastes. Today's notice does not allow for partial exemptions, 
    because the Agency does not believe that a self-implemented exemption 
    process is well suited to partial exemptions. It is not always clear 
    what the origin of a hazardous constituent is, particularly for 
    constituents that are formed as by-products of treatment or waste 
    interactions. Further, the proposed exemption criteria are not waste-
    specific, and thus are not suited to waste-specific or partial 
    exemptions. Thus, the determination that a waste that carries two 
    listing numbers should no longer bear one of the listing numbers is not 
    always a straight-forward decision. The Agency has designed the 
    exemption process proposed today to remove as much subjective decision 
    making from the process as possible.
        However, while the Agency is not today proposing an alternative 
    that would allow these wastes to use only the hazardous waste codes for 
    those listed wastes that are the origin of the constituents above the 
    exit levels, the Agency believes that there could be merit in the 
    concept for a future proposed rulemaking should the implementation 
    concerns stated above be overcome. Therefore, the Agency requests 
    information on actual cases with waste characterization data where a 
    waste bears more than one waste code which results in conflicting 
    treatment standards under the land disposal restrictions rules. If the 
    Agency finds that there is a serious compliance issue for multiple 
    listing wastes, the Agency may reconsider this decision, as well as 
    other potential solutions to any documented problems.
    J. RCRA Air Emission Standards
        Today's proposed rule, when promulgated, may have an impact on the 
    effectiveness of two other RCRA rules developed by the Agency under 
    HSWA authority. Section 3004(n) of HSWA directed the Agency to 
    promulgate regulations controlling air emissions from hazardous waste 
    TSDFs ``as necessary to protect human health and the environment.'' 
    Subsequent Agency analysis demonstrated that air emissions from TSDFs 
    do pose substantial risk in the absence of controls, and that controls 
    were therefore required under the HSWA mandate. The Agency is 
    fulfilling this mandate in phases; EPA completed the first phase when 
    it promulgated RCRA air standards that control organic emissions vented 
    from certain hazardous waste treatment processes, as well as from leaks 
    in certain ancillary equipment used for hazardous waste management 
    processes (55 FR 25454, June 21, 1990; 40 CFR part 264/265, subparts AA 
    and BB). More recently, EPA completed the second phase when it 
    promulgated RCRA air standards for tanks, surface impoundments, 
    containers, and miscellaneous units operated at TSDFs (59 FR 62896, 
    December 6, 1994; 40 CFR part 264/265, subpart CC). Together, these 
    rules would reduce the risk from air emissions from the vast majority 
    of these facilities to well within the risk range of other RCRA 
    standards. After more thorough analysis, the Agency may issue a third 
    phase of these regulations to address any residual risk. The emission 
    reductions achieved by these rules would also significantly reduce the 
    formation of ozone, which has adverse effects on human health and the 
        Hazardous waste that satisfies the exemption criteria proposed 
    today (including any constituent-specific exit concentrations for 
    volatile organic chemicals, or VOCs), would be exempt from Subtitle C 
    regulations, including regulations promulgated to date under RCRA 
    3004(n). In other words, once a waste is no longer regulated as 
    hazardous, any unit in which the waste is managed (assuming no other 
    hazardous wastes are being/have been managed in the unit) is not 
    subject to Subtitle C regulations, including 40 CFR parts 264 and 265, 
    subparts AA, BB, and CC. However, the Agency believes that it is 
    important to ensure that the risks associated with air emissions both 
    from hazardous wastes, and from wastes that would be eligible for exit 
    under today's proposal, are adequately addressed. In the final rule 
    establishing air emission controls for tanks, surface impoundments, 
    containers, and miscellaneous units (the ``Subpart CC'' rule), the 
    Agency established a threshold level of 100 ppmw (parts per million by 
    weight) for total volatile organics in a waste, a concentration which 
    if equaled or exceeded that would trigger the emission control 
    requirements for these units. Because there are examples of exit levels 
    proposed today for specific volatile organic constituents that exceed 
    this 100 ppmw threshold, the Agency considered whether today's exit 
    levels adequately addressed the air emission concerns of 3004(n) in 
    allowing waste to exit Subtitle C. There are important differences in 
    the underlying risk modeling between the two rules. However, the Agency 
    believes that the constituent-specific risk evaluation done for this 
    rulemaking results in proposed exit levels that for VOCs will not be 
    less protective than the standards established to date under RCRA 
    3004(n). Despite these differences, the Agency requests comment on 
    whether or not a total VOC concentration of 100 ppmw (parts per million 
    weight), which is the concentration that triggers air emission controls 
    under the Subpart CC rule, would be appropriate for use in the exit 
    rule proposed today, and if so, how this level would be used.
    K. Hazardous Debris
        Hazardous debris that contains one or more listed hazardous wastes 
    is eligible for exiting Subtitle C under today's proposed rule. The EPA 
    notes, however, that certain exemptions already exist relating to 
    hazardous debris. On August 18, 1992, the EPA published a final rule on 
    the Land Disposal Restrictions for Newly Listed Wastes and Hazardous 
    Debris (57 FR 37194). In that rule, EPA required that hazardous debris 
    be treated prior to land disposal, using specified treatment 
    technologies from the treatment categories of extraction, destruction, 
    or immobilization. (See 40 CFR 268.45, Table 1.) EPA also added a 
    conditional exemption at Sec. 261.3(f) for non-characteristic hazardous 
    debris (i.e., 
    [[Page 66410]]
    debris that is hazardous solely because it contains one or more listed 
    hazardous wastes). Section 261.3(f)(1) exempts debris from Subtitle C 
    regulation provided that the debris is treated using one of the 
    extraction or destruction technologies specified in Table 1 of 
    Sec. 268.45. Alternatively, non-characteristic hazardous debris can be 
    exempt under Sec. 261.3(f)(2) if it is determined to be no longer 
    hazardous by the Regional Administrator, after considering the extent 
    of contamination of the debris, i.e., after a ``contained-in'' 
    determination is made. However, non-characteristic hazardous debris 
    contaminated with a listed waste, that is treated by a specified 
    immobilization technology is not eligible for the conditional exemption 
    in Sec. 261.3(f)(1), and therefore remains subject to Subtitle C 
    regulation after treatment.
        In today's rule, EPA is not proposing to change the current 
    exemption under Sec. 261.3(f); therefore, non-characteristic hazardous 
    debris that requires LDR treatment by extraction or destruction 
    technologies will be exempt from Subtitle C regulation, once treated. 
    As was explained more thoroughly in the final rule for hazardous 
    debris, the Agency gave careful consideration to many factors before 
    exempting certain treated debris, including whether each debris/
    contaminant type would be effectively treated by each BDAT technology 
    to levels that would no longer pose a hazard to human health or the 
    environment (57 FR 37240). However, hazardous debris that contains 
    listed waste, and for which immobilization is the specified LDR 
    treatment, may exit using today's proposed exit criteria. See also the 
    discussion of a contingent management option above for a description of 
    an alternative for encapsulated debris contaminated by radioactive 
    ``mixed'' hazardous wastes. Finally, EPA is not proposing to change the 
    contained-in exemption under Sec. 261.3(f)(2) for hazardous debris; 
    that is, the Regional Administrator may continue to determine on a 
    case-by-case basis that hazardous debris no longer contains listed 
    hazardous waste, and should therefore be exempt from RCRA Subtitle C.
    L. Hazardous Wastes Used in a Manner Constituting Disposal
        Section 266.20 (b) of the regulations states that hazardous wastes 
    and hazardous waste-derived products that are legitimately recycled by 
    being applied to or placed on the land are largely exempt from subtitle 
    C regulation provided they satisfy three conditions: the recyclable 
    materials must have undergone a chemical reaction so as not to be 
    separable by physical means, the product must be produced for the 
    general public's use, and land disposal restriction treatment standards 
    for every hazardous waste in the hazardous waste-derived product must 
    be satisfied. (The shorthand for this type of recycling is ``use in a 
    manner constituting disposal''. See Sec. 261.2(c)(1).) EPA developed 
    Sec. 266.20(b) largely as a stop-gap to provide some modicum of safety 
    while EPA studied further whether various disposal-like uses of 
    hazardous waste-derived products in fact were safe or warranted 
    control. 50 FR 614, 628-29, 647 (Jan,. 4, 1985). Since then, the Agency 
    has studied particular use constituting disposal practices and 
    determined, or proposed, that such uses either be prohibited or allowed 
    based on more individualized determinations of risk. See 53 FR 31138, 
    31164 (August 17, 1988) (allowing use of fertilizers derived from waste 
    K 061 because of similarity to other zinc-containing fertilizers); 59 
    FR 43496, 43500 (August 24, 1994) (prohibiting anti-skid uses of K 061-
    derived sags); 59 FR 67256 (Dec. 29, 1994) (proposing to allow certain 
    uses of K 061 if risk-based criteria are satisfied); 60 FR 11702, 11732 
    (March 2, 1995) (proposing to prohibit hazardous waste use as fill 
        EPA solicits comment today on the relationship of today's proposed 
    exit levels and the general use constituting disposal provisions in 
    Sec. 266.20(b) stating that such uses can occur if land disposal 
    restriction treatment standards are satisfied. These land disposal 
    restriction standards are not fully protective in all cases: the 
    standards are technology-based rather than risk-based, and, for metal 
    hazardous constituents, only control leachable amounts of the metal. 
    Yet in many situations, total metal levels, rather than leachable 
    levels, will be the critical factor because of the possibilities of 
    direct contact through inhalation of abraded or wind-dispersed 
    contaminants, or surface runoff. These exposure pathways are critical 
    for uses constituting disposal because the hazardous waste are not 
    placed in a confined unit. 60 FR at 11733, 59 FR at 43499.
        The exit levels proposed today, on the other hand, are risk-based 
    (although some are capped by quantitation limits), are expressed as 
    both total and leachable concentrations, and consider exposure pathways 
    in some cases similar to those relevant in analyzing uses constituting 
    disposal. The Agency solicits comment as to the appropriateness of 
    applying these levels to hazardous wastes used in a manner constituting 
    disposal (or at least to those uses where the hazardous waste-derived 
    products are not comparable to non-hazardous waste based products that 
    would be used in their place). One approach would be to replace the 
    requirement to meet LDR treatment standards with a requirement to meet 
    the exit levels proposed today. This approach should assure that exit 
    levels for unconfined hazardous wastes (i.e. hazardous wastes used in a 
    manner constituting disposal) are never less stringent than exit levels 
    for hazardous wastes placed in confined units. EPA believes that the 
    risk assessment it conducted for the exit levels considered scenarios 
    sufficiently similar to use constituting disposal scenarios to ensure 
    that the exit levels would be reasonably protective for uses (and more 
    protective than LDR levels, in many cases, because of the analysis of 
    impacts from total concentrations of constituents). EPA, however, 
    requests comment on the reasonableness of this approach.
        Another option would be to require persons wishing to use hazardous 
    wastes in a manner constituting disposal to meet the lower of the LDR 
    treatment standards and the exit levels. Because EPA is today proposing 
    setting exit levels for both total and leachable concentrations, and 
    because LDR standards are expressed as either total or leachable 
    levels, however, EPA is not certain how to meaningfully compare 
    relative stringency.
        With respect to the current requirement in Sec. 266.20(b) that 
    persons wishing to use waste in a manner constituting disposal meet the 
    treatment standards from the LDR program, EPA notes that compliance 
    with LDR tracking and recordkeeping rules is not required. EPA proposes 
    today to require compliance only with the exit levels where they 
    substitute for LDR treatment levels, although it requests comment on 
    the option of requiring persons using wastes in this manner also to 
    file the exit notification package proposed today. EPA does not intend 
    that such persons be required to comply with conditions that continue 
    to apply after exit, such as periodic retesting.
        Finally, EPA proposes to eliminate the requirement that wastes to 
    be used in a manner constituting disposal undergo a chemical reaction 
    so as to be inseparable by physical means. EPA does not believe it is 
    necessary to retain this requirement since wastes will be evaluated for 
    total constituent concentrations. (EPA, however, will retain this 
    requirement for wastes with treatment standards expressed as a 
    specified technology, rather than concentration levels.) 
    [[Page 66411]]
        Were EPA to proceed on this course, the Agency would adjust the 
    timing of any regulatory action so that it does not supersede the 
    separate rulemaking the Agency is now conducting on certain uses of 
    residues derived from K 061 recovery facilities. 59 FR 67256. Thus, the 
    Agency does not intend to take final action affecting these uses until 
    the analysis begun in that rulemaking is completed on the schedule 
    established in that rulemaking.
        With respect to the other pending proposal, involving a prohibition 
    on placement of hazardous waste as fill material, the Agency requests 
    comment on whether it should substitute permission to use waste that 
    has met the proposed exit levels for the proposed prohibition. The risk 
    assessment underlying today's proposal addressed the major pathways 
    that would arise from use as fill, but may not have used input values 
    that fully reflect the fill scenario for some important parameters. For 
    example, unit depths may be greater for fill sites than for land 
    application units. At the same time, use of hazardous waste as fill is 
    a proven cause of human health and environmental harm, contributing 
    significantly to a number of Superfund sites. See Docket F-95-PH3P-
    FFFFF (record for the pending proposal). In light of this, the Agency 
    questions whether to substitute today's proposed exit approach for the 
    proposed prohibition.
    XII. CERCLA Impacts
        All listed hazardous wastes are listed as hazardous substances 
    under section 101(14)(C) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, 
    Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) of 1980, as amended. Under 
    section 103(a) of CERCLA, notification must be made to the Federal 
    government of a release of any CERCLA hazardous substance in an amount 
    equal to or greater than the reportable quantity (RQ) assigned to that 
    substance within a 24 hour period. (See 40 CFR part 302 for a list of 
    CERCLA hazardous substances and their Rqs.) If a specific waste from a 
    particular facility meets the exemption criterion in this rule, the 
    waste is not a listed hazardous waste and therefore not a hazardous 
    substance by virtue of its hazardous waste listing. Thus, notification 
    under CERCLA of a release of the exempted waste may not be necessary. 
    In this situation, CERCLA notification of releases of the waste would 
    only be required if the waste or any of the constituents of the waste 
    are CERCLA hazardous substances by virtue of Section 101(14) (A), (B), 
    (D), (E), or (F) of CERCLA or 40 CFR 302.4(b), and are released in 
    amounts greater than or equal to their Rqs. The Agency requests comment 
    on this approach.
        Exit levels also may be applicable to the CERCLA program where it 
    has been documented that RCRA listed hazardous waste has been disposed 
    of at the site. Section 121(d) of CERCLA, as amended by the Superfund 
    Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) of 1986, requires that CERCLA 
    actions comply with, or justify a waiver of, applicable or relevant and 
    appropriate requirements (ARARs) under federal and state environmental 
    laws. The options proposed in this rule would determine the legal 
    applicability of federal RCRA managements requirements to remediation 
    wastes generated at Superfund sites. They may also be considered in 
    determining whether RCRA is relevant and appropriate in cases where it 
    is not applicable.
        At sites undergoing CERCLA remedial activities where no listed 
    hazardous wastes have been identified, the Agency will generally use a 
    site-specific risk assessment for all chemicals for which there are no 
    ARARs. In some cases, these health-based cleanup levels will be higher 
    than the exemption levels, based on a reasonably conservative exposure 
    scenario which does not include leachate ingestion. In other cases, the 
    CERCLA health-based clean-up levels will be lower than exemption levels 
    when additive effects are considered or when specialized analytical 
    techniques are required in order to lower quantitation limits. The 
    CERCLA health-based clean-up levels may also be different than 
    exemption levels based on the consideration of site-specific factors.
    XIII. State Authority
    A. Applicability of Rules in Authorized States
        Under section 3006 of RCRA, EPA may authorize qualified States to 
    administer and enforce the RCRA program within the State. (See 40 CFR 
    part 271 for the standards and requirements for authorization.) 
    Following authorization, EPA retains enforcement authority under 
    sections 3008, 7003, and 3013 of RCRA, although authorized States have 
    primary enforcement responsibility.
        Prior to the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984, a 
    State with final authorization administered its hazardous waste program 
    entirely in lieu of EPA administering the Federal program in that 
    State. The Federal requirements no longer applied in the authorized 
    State and EPA could not issue permits for any facility in the State 
    that the State was authorized to permit. When new, more stringent 
    Federal requirements were promulgated or enacted, the State was obliged 
    to enact equivalent authority within specified time frames. New Federal 
    requirements did not take effect in an authorized State until the State 
    adopted the requirements as State law.
        In contrast, under section 3006(g) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6926(g), new 
    requirements and prohibitions imposed by the HSWA take effect in 
    authorized States at the same time that they take effect in non-
    authorized States. EPA is directed to implement HSWA requirements and 
    prohibitions in an authorized State, including the issuance of permits, 
    until the State is granted authorization to do so. While States must 
    still adopt HSWA-related provisions as State law to retain final 
    authorization, HSWA applies in authorized States in the interim.
    B. Effect of State Authorizations
        Today's proposal, if finalized, will promulgate regulations that 
    are not effective under HSWA in authorized States. Thus, the exemption 
    will be applicable only in those States that do not have final 
        Authorized States are only required to modify their programs when 
    EPA promulgates Federal regulations that are more stringent or broader 
    in scope than the authorized State regulations. For those changes that 
    are less stringent or reduce the scope of the Federal program, States 
    are not required to modify their programs. This is a result of section 
    3009 of RCRA, which allows States to impose more stringent regulations 
    than the Federal program. Today's proposal for exit levels is 
    considered to be less stringent than, or a reduction in the scope of, 
    the existing Federal regulations because it would exempt certain wastes 
    now subject to RCRA Subtitle C. Therefore, authorized States are not 
    required to modify their programs to adopt regulations consistent with 
    and equivalent to today's proposal.
        Even though States are not required to adopt most options in 
    today's proposal, EPA strongly encourages States to do so as quickly as 
    possible. As already explained in this preamble, today's proposal will 
    reduce over-regulation of dilute wastes and will provide an alternative 
    to delisting. States are therefore urged to consider the adoption of 
    today's proposal (when promulgated); EPA will expedite review of 
    authorized State program revision applications.
    C. Streamlining Issues
        EPA is considering a new approach to state authorization for rules 
    revising the 
    [[Page 66412]]
    RCRA program. Under this new approach EPA would vary the requirements 
    for state submissions and for EPA's review to reflect differences in 
    the scope and complexity of various program revisions. This 
    differential approach to authorization also would recognize the fact 
    that many states now have more than a decade of experience in 
    implementing large portions of the RCRA program and commensurate 
    experience in obtaining authorization for program revisions. EPA 
    believes that adjusting authorization requirements will strike an 
    appropriate balance between recognizing state experience and ensuring 
    environmental protection.
        EPA recently proposed a greatly streamlined set of procedures for 
    the least complex changes to the LDR program in the ``LDR Phase IV'' 
    rulemaking. EPA, however, proposed to retain the current authorization 
    process for other portions of the rule that presented more complex and 
    novel regulations.
        EPA is also developing a different approach to streamlining 
    authorization for the ``HWIR media'' proposal scheduled for publication 
    later in 1995. Although EPA expects some aspects of these state 
    authorization procedures to be unique to the HWIR- media rulemaking, 
    EPA will determine whether some of the concepts can be used to craft 
    streamlined procedures for additional RCRA rules.
        EPA was not able to develop a streamlined authorization process for 
    this rule in time to include it in this proposal. EPA, however, intends 
    to describe such a process in more detail in the preamble to the 
    proposed HWIR-media rule. EPA anticipates that most elements of the 
    basic waste exit scheme proposed in today's notice would be eligible 
    for a greatly streamlined approach to authorization. For example, the 
    new LDR standards based on ``minimize threat'' findings would be good 
    candidates for streamlined authorization because states that are 
    already authorized for significant portions of the LDR program are 
    familiar with the type of rule changes needed, have adopted all or most 
    of the underlying LDR program, and have experience in implementing and 
    enforcing the rules. The exit levels, along with the self-implementing 
    approach to exit determinations, are also likely to be eligible for a 
    greatly streamlined approach. The scheme is very similar to the 
    existing program for determining whether a waste exhibits any of the 
    hazardous waste characteristics, particularly the 1980 EP Toxicity 
    Characteristic and the expanded 1990 Toxicity Characteristic. Under 
    both the characteristic rules and today's proposal, generators are 
    responsible for determining whether or not a waste meets a numerical 
    definition of ``hazard''. States must then enforce by reviewing records 
    of determinations and/or conducting their own analysis of wastes 
    determined not to be hazardous. Consequently, States which have been 
    authorized for the base program already have experience in adopting and 
    enforcing rules which resemble the exit scheme proposed today. EPA, 
    however, notes that adopting the exit scheme proposed in today's notice 
    will place additional demands on state inspection and enforcement 
    resources. EPA will give careful consideration to balancing the need to 
    ensure that a state has sufficient resources to implement an exit 
    program with the goal of streamlining the authorization process.
        Today's scheme does differ from the original characteristics and 
    the 1990 Toxicity Characteristic by including some requirements which 
    must be enforced as conditions of exit. These requirements, however, 
    are requirements for testing, notification and recordkeeping that are 
    relatively easy to meet and relatively easy to detect if violated. 
    Accordingly, EPA does not at this time anticipate that these conditions 
    would require it to retain the current authorization process.
        EPA currently finds it unlikely that it will propose a greatly 
    streamlined authorization process for any of the contingent management 
    options presented for discussion in today's proposal. These options 
    will raise novel legal, implementation and enforcement issues. A more 
    conventional approach to the review of state authorities and 
    capabilities may be warranted. If EPA proposes any of these options in 
    the future, it will consider the possibility of adapting the approach 
    to authorization that it is currently developing for the HWIR-media 
    XIV. Regulatory Requirements
    A. Analytical Requirements
    1. Executive Order 12866
        Under Executive Order 12866, (58 FR 51735 (October 4, 1993)) the 
    Agency must determine whether this regulatory action is 
    ``significant.'' A determination of significance will subject this 
    action to full OMB review and compliance under Executive Order 12866 
    requirements. The order defines ``significant regulatory action'' as 
    one that is likely to result in a rule that may:
        (a) Have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more, 
    adversely affect in a material way the economy, a sector of the 
    economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, public 
    health or safety, or state, local, or tribal governments or 
        (b) Create a serious inconsistency or otherwise interfere with an 
    action taken or planned by another agency;
        (c) Materially alter the budgetary impact of entitlement, grants, 
    user fees, or loan programs, or the rights and obligations of 
    recipients thereof; or
        (d) Raise novel legal or policy issues arising out of legal 
    mandates, the President's priorities, or the principles set forth in 
    the terms of the Executive Order.
        The proposed rule is expected to have an annual effect on the 
    economy greater than $100 million. Furthermore, although voluntary, the 
    adoption of this action may burden state or tribal governments with 
    increased regulatory review requirements. Today's action may also raise 
    novel legal or policy issues as they relate to the President's 
    priorities for environmental protection within a regulatory system 
    facing resource limitations. The Agency, therefore, has determined that 
    today's proposed rule is a ``significant regulatory action.'' As a 
    result, this rulemaking action, and supporting analyses, are subject to 
    full OMB review under the requirements of the Executive Order. The 
    Agency has prepared an Assessment of The Potential Costs and Benefits 
    of The Hazardous Waste Identification Rule for Industrial Process 
    Wastes, as Proposed, in support of today's action. A summary of this 
    Assessment and findings is presented in section D below.
    2. Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
        Pursuant to the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980, 5 U.S.C. 601 et 
    seq., when an agency publishes a notice of rulemaking, for a rule that 
    will have a significant effect on a substantial number of small 
    entities, the agency must prepare and make available for public comment 
    a regulatory flexibility analysis. This analysis shall consider the 
    effect of the rule on small entities (i.e.: Small business, small 
    organizations, and small governmental jurisdictions).
        Under the Agency's revised Guidelines for Implementing the 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act, dated May 4, 1992, the Agency committed to 
    considering regulatory alternatives in rulemakings when there were any 
    economic impacts estimated on any small entities. Previous guidance 
    required alternatives to be examined only when significant economic 
    effects were estimated for a substantial number of small entities. The 
    Agency has 
    [[Page 66413]]
    prepared a Regulatory Flexibility Analysis in support of today's 
    action. A summary of this analysis and findings is presented in section 
    E below.
    3. Environmental Justice
        Executive Order 12898, ``Federal Actions to Address Environmental 
    Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations,'' directs 
    each Federal Agency to ``make achieving environmental justice part of 
    its mission by identifying and addressing, as appropriate, 
    disproportionately high and adverse human health and environmental 
    effects of its programs, policies, and activities on minority 
    populations and low-income populations * * *''
        The Executive Order requires that where environmental justice 
    concerns or the potential for concerns are identified, appropriate 
    analysis of the issue(s) be evaluated. To the extent practicable, the 
    ecological, human health (taking into account subsistence patterns and 
    sensitive populations) and socio-economic impacts of the proposed 
    decision-document in minority and low-income communities should also be 
        The Agency has examined Environmental Justice concerns relevant to 
    today's action. A summary of this analysis and findings is presented in 
    section F below.
    4. Paperwork Reduction Act
        The information collection requirements in this proposed rule have 
    been submitted for approval to the Office of Management and Budget 
    (OMB) under the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. An 
    Information Collection Request (ICR) document has been prepared by EPA 
    (ICR No. 1766.01) and a copy may be obtained from Sandy Farmer, OPPE 
    Regulatory Information Division; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 
    (2137); 401 M St., SW.; Washington, DC 20460 or by calling (202) 260-
        This information collection is required to provide documentation of 
    solid waste exemptions from Subtitle C requirements, and will allow for 
    certification and verification as the program evolves. Exemptions under 
    today's action require no formal preapproval. As such, information 
    collection, maintenance and reporting issues are especially important 
    due to the self-implementing nature of this action. Successful 
    implementation of today's proposal will depend upon the documentation, 
    certification, and verification provided by the information collection.
        The general authority for this proposal is sections 2002(a), 3001, 
    3002, 3004, and 3006 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act of 1970, as 
    amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA), 
    as amended by the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984 (HSWA), 
    42 U.S.C. 6912(a), 6921, 6922, 6924, and 6926. The specific authority 
    for the collection of information is 40 CFR 261.36, Exemption for 
    Listed Hazardous Wastes Containing Low Concentrations of Hazardous 
        The Agency has prepared a full Information Collection request (ICR) 
    in support of today's action. A summary of the methodology and findings 
    from this document is presented in section G below.
    B. Background
        In 1976, Congress passed the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act 
    (RCRA) to address problems associated with annual nationwide generation 
    of large quantities of municipal and industrial solid waste. This Act 
    was significantly amended in 1984 by the Hazardous and Solid Waste 
    Amendments (HSWA). Under RCRA, the Agency regulates non-hazardous solid 
    waste through the Subtitle D program, and hazardous solid waste under 
    the Subtitle C program. Subtitle C regulations differ from Subtitle D 
    in two important areas. First, Subtitle C regulations are developed and 
    promulgated by EPA, while Subtitle D requirements have been largely 
    delegated to the states. Second, non-hazardous wastes regulated under 
    Subtitle D are generally subject to standards that are considerably 
    less stringent and less costly than those under Subtitle C. All wastes 
    addressed under this action are currently managed under Subtitle C 
        RCRA is divided into four programs: Underground storage, medical 
    waste, nonhazardous solid waste, and hazardous solid waste. Under RCRA 
    3001(a), Congress has required EPA to identify those wastes that should 
    be classified as hazardous. In accordance with this provision, the 
    Agency has designated wastes as hazardous in two ways: 
    ``characteristic,'' or ``listed.'' Hazardous waste is considered 
    characteristic if it has any of the properties or characteristics that 
    would present a potential hazard if managed improperly. The Agency has 
    identified four characteristics which, if exhibited, lead to hazardous 
    classification. These are: Ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, and 
    toxicity. Under the toxicity characteristic, specific health-based 
    concentration standards have been developed for approximately forty 
    (40) constituents. Wastes exhibiting any of these characteristics are 
    subject to Subtitle C regulation. Hazardous wastes are identified as 
    listed based on an extensive listing procedure. This procedure may 
    identify a waste as hazardous under three broad categories: if it 
    exhibits one of the characteristics identified above but has not been 
    classified as characteristically hazardous, if it is determined to be 
    acutely toxic or hazardous, or if the waste meets the statutory 
    definition of a hazardous waste.
        The Agency, however, was concerned that generators and managers of 
    hazardous waste might avoid regulatory requirements in two major ways: 
    (1) By mixing listed hazardous waste with non-hazardous solid waste, 
    and, (2) by minimal processing and treatment of hazardous waste. These 
    activities could result in a waste or residual material that was no 
    longer legally defined as hazardous under Subtitle C. In many cases, 
    the Agency believed these materials could continue to pose unacceptable 
    hazards to human health and the environment. The Agency promulgated 
    mixture and derived-from rules in May of 1980, in response to these 
    potential loopholes.
    C. Need for Regulation
        The mixture and derived-from rules created what was perceived as 
    being federal over-regulation, where listed hazardous waste continued 
    to remain under Subtitle C jurisdiction regardless of constituent 
    concentration or presence in the waste, either before or after 
    treatment. This problem was exacerbated with the passage of HSWA in 
    1984. HSWA set Land Disposal Restrictions (LDR) requiring best 
    demonstrated available technology (BDAT) treatment for all listed 
    hazardous wastes prior to disposal. In cases where a specific listed 
    wastestream contained relatively innocuous constituents, or very low 
    concentrations, BDAT treatment requirements were felt to be overly 
    protective, and unnecessarily expensive.
        By requiring Subtitle C management for some low risk wastes, the 
    current RCRA regulatory system may inhibit the efficient allocation of 
    limited societal resources. From a social perspective, too many 
    resources devoted to managing low risk wastes may reduce resource 
    availability for managing higher risk wastes. Resource availability for 
    general productivity investments and innovative technologies are also 
    reduced. The Agency's delisting program has not provided an efficient 
    solution to this problem. The delisting process has proven to be overly 
    [[Page 66414]]
    and resource intensive for both industry and EPA.
        The Agency believes that a simpler exemption process is necessary 
    to reduce the over-regulation of low risk hazardous waste while, at the 
    same time, reducing the time and resource burden on industry and 
    government. This revised exemption process would also reduce the burden 
    on the delisting program which will continue under current regulations. 
    To meet these goals, the Agency is proposing the current action that 
    would establish a single set of exit levels for constituents found in 
    listed hazardous waste. This action would cover wastes as-generated, 
    derived-from wastes, including BDAT treatment residuals, mixtures with 
    solid wastes, and environmental media that contain hazardous wastes.
    D. Assessment of Potential Costs and Benefits
    1. Introduction and Summary
        The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has prepared an 
    Assessment of The Potential Costs and Benefits (Assessment) to 
    accompany today's proposed rulemaking action. This action will 
    establish concentration-based exemption criteria for certain hazardous 
    wastes, creating a mechanism to exclude from Subtitle C regulation 
    those listed industrial process wastes that the Agency believes are 
    clearly not of Federal regulatory concern. Today's proposed rule 
    addresses low hazard wastes, mixtures, treatment residuals, and media 
    that contain hazardous wastes.
        The Agency anticipates that the proposed rule will provide cost 
    savings to selected generators and managers of low hazard wastes. Under 
    the preferred option, annual nationwide treatment and disposal cost 
    savings for exempted wastes may be as high as $75 million. Annual cost 
    savings for a single facility may be as high as $5.03 million. 
    Potential cost reductions beyond treatment and disposal savings may be 
    associated with waste minimization incentives, avoided treatment costs 
    for wastes remaining within Subtitle C, and administrative cost 
        Exemption of eligible wastes from Subtitle C management 
    requirements is projected to have negligible effects on human health 
    and the environment. The proposed exemption levels are based on 
    detailed analysis of numerous possible routes of exposure. These 
    exemption levels are designed to be protective of both human health and 
    ecological systems when exempted wastes are managed under Subtitle D, 
    including state regulated waste disposal systems.
        The Agency has also evaluated other impacts of the proposed rule. 
    These include: Environmental justice, unfunded mandates, regulatory 
    takings, and waste minimization incentives. Environmental justice 
    concerns associated with today's proposed action may be in the form of 
    economic benefits and/or human health effects. Today's proposal 
    implements no enforceable requirements on states. Federal unfunded 
    mandates, therefore, are not relevant to today's proposed rulemaking. 
    Regulatory takings under today's proposed rulemaking will not approach 
    land or productive value impacts discussed in past House and Senate 
    Bills presented on this issue. This rulemaking provides opportunities 
    for generators to implement waste minimization procedures to gain 
    additional savings.
        The complete document, Assessment of The Potential Costs and 
    Benefits of The Hazardous Waste Identification Rule for Industrial 
    Process Wastes, as Proposed (Assessment), is available in the docket 
    established for this proposed rule. This document details the data, 
    methodology, findings, regulatory issues, and analytical limitations 
    associated this Assessment. The rapid evolution of this action resulted 
    in continuous technical modifications throughout the development of 
    this proposal. An Addendum to the Assessment document that details 
    final quantity and cost savings estimates is included in the docket 
    materials. Findings presented in this preamble present final estimates.
        A summary of the Assessment methodology and findings is presented 
    below. The analysis conducted for this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking is 
    to be considered preliminary. The Agency welcomes review and comment of 
    this document and urges the submission of data in support of any 
    comment or response.
    2. Regulatory Options
        The Agency's Assessment, conducted in support of today's action, 
    addresses the costs, benefits, and other potential impacts of the 
    preferred option. The Assessment also examines various other regulatory 
    options based on exit levels that are both more and less stringent. 
    Findings presented in this preamble discuss the preferred option and 
    one primary alternative. A full discussion of findings associated with 
    various alternative regulatory options is presented in the Assessment 
    and Addendum.
    a. Preferred (Proposed) Option
        Under the preferred option, exit criteria are established for 
    approximately 400 constituents, allowing hazardous wastes (including 
    waste mixed with or derived-from listed wastes) to exit Subtitle C if 
    the concentration of all constituents is less than or equal to the 
    exemption criteria. The exit levels apply to all listed wastes, 
    regardless of origin.
        Exit levels for most constituents are based on risks posed to human 
    health and the environment. The Agency's goal is to ensure, through 
    Federal or State management requirements, that humans are not exposed 
    to carcinogens in concentrations that will increase the statistical 
    risk of cancer by more that one-in-one-million (1 x 10-6). For 
    non-carcinogens, the Agency's goal is to ensure that humans are not 
    exposed to concentrations where the hazard quotient exceeds one (1). 
    The Agency feels that, above this level, selected populations may 
    experience carcinogenic effects at a 10-6 risk level and non-
    carcinogenic effects at a hazard quotient greater than one (1).
        To determine the concentrations at which exempt wastes would not 
    pose human health risks in excess of these target levels, EPA conducted 
    a ``Multipathway'' Analysis that included ecological exposure pathways. 
    In addition, EPA considered the effects of direct exposure to 
    contaminants in groundwater. The analyses consider several types of 
    waste management units. For non-wastewaters these unit types include 
    landfills, land application units, waste piles, and ash monofills. For 
    wastewaters management units included tanks and surface impoundments.
        The concentrations from all other pathways were compared to the 
    groundwater concentrations in determining the exit level. The more 
    stringent of the multipathway or groundwater numbers was chosen as the 
    exit level. Exit levels for some constituents are based on surrogates, 
    or Exemption Quantitation Criteria (EQCs). MCLs were not used in the 
    development of exit levels analyzed for this option. The Agency 
    believes that levels established under this process will ensure 
    protection of human health and the environment. These exit levels are 
    presented in the regulatory language for this proposed rulemaking.
    b. Other Options
        In developing the preferred option, the Agency compared the 
    proposed rule to several alternative regulatory options. These are 
    discussed in the full 
    [[Page 66415]]
    document, Assessment of The Potential Costs and Benefits of The 
    Hazardous Waste Identification Rule for Industrial Process Wastes, as 
    Proposed. Additional options are discussed in the supporting Addendum 
    to the Assessment document. These options consider alternative waste 
    management requirements, target risk levels, dilution and attenuation 
    factors (DAFs), and exposure pathways. This Preamble discusses one 
    primary alternative to the preferred option. This alternative is the 
    same as the preferred option but drops land application units from 
    consideration as a management source. Exempt nonwastewater wastestreams 
    could not be land applied. There would be no change for wastewaters.
    3. Implementation Requirements
        Implementation requirements include the steps that generators (or 
    waste managers) must take to achieve exemption of their wastes, 
    regardless of the exit levels selected. These requirements include 
    waste sampling and analysis, and related recordkeeping and reporting. 
    Under the proposed rule, the facility must first perform a 
    comprehensive analysis of the waste, testing for all constituents 
    identified in appendix X to 40 CFR part 261. Reduced initial testing 
    may be possible only if a facility is able to document that such 
    constituents are not present in the waste. The generator must then 
    prepare a notification/certification package and submit it to the EPA 
    Regional Administrator or authorized state agency. The generator must 
    repeat a comprehensive analysis periodically according to the schedule 
    established in the proposed rule, along with more frequent tailored 
    scans that focus on the constituents of concern. Related documentation 
    must be maintained on-site and be available for review.
        The Agency has estimated annual sampling, analysis, recordkeeping, 
    and reporting costs (collectively referred to as ``implementation 
    costs'') that may be required under this rule. These estimates range 
    from approximately $21,000 for a less complex, solvent wastestream with 
    testing every 12 months, to $169,000 for a complex high quantity F039 
    wastestream with testing every three months.
    4. Analysis and Findings
        Under the proposed rule, listed wastes from industrial processes 
    may be eligible for exemption from Subtitle C hazardous waste 
    requirements if they contain low concentrations of contaminants. This 
    exemption may allow generators and waste managers to avoid some or all 
    costs associated with Subtitle C requirements. The most significant 
    cost savings relate to waste treatment and disposal; this rule will 
    allow generators to avoid the costs of treatment required for 
    compliance with the Land Disposal Restrictions as well as the costs of 
    disposing wastes in highly protective Subtitle C facilities.
        In addition to assessing these cost savings, the Assessment 
    addresses a number of other potential effects of the regulations. It 
    analyzes the relative effects of the regulatory options on human health 
    and the environment and considers issues related to ensuring 
    environmental justice, eliminating federal mandates, encouraging waste 
    minimization, and providing flexibility for small businesses.
    a. Eligible Waste
        The universe of annual listed waste generation, both wastewaters 
    and nonwastewaters, potentially affected by today's proposed rulemaking 
    is estimated to total 303.6 million tons. The universe of potentially 
    affected wastes includes approximately 25,300 wastestreams from 10,700 
    facilities. Wastewaters account for the vast majority of total waste 
    quantity (99 percent).
        To determine whether these wastes are likely to be eligible for 
    exemption, EPA developed the Process Waste Model. This model uses data 
    on the characteristics of individual listed waste-streams first 
    collected in 1986 for EPA's National Survey of Hazardous Waste 
    Generators, which has since been updated, refined, and in some cases, 
    corrected. The model first compares the reported concentrations of 
    constituents in each wastestream to the proposed rule exit levels to 
    determine whether the waste is likely to be eligible for exemption 
    without further treatment. If the waste is not eligible as-reported, 
    the model then considers whether it may be eligible after treatment. In 
    this comparison, the concentration standards established under EPA's 
    Land Disposal Restrictions (which are based on the use of the best 
    demonstrated and available technology) are used as a proxy for the 
    lowest concentrations achievable by treatment. If the waste is not 
    eligible for exemption as-reported or after treatment, EPA assesses 
    whether waste minimization or pollution prevention methods could be 
    used to cost-effectively achieve the exit levels. This model does not 
    address contaminated media.
        The analysis indicates that:
         Under the preferred option, total nonwastewater quantity 
    exempted, including BDAT treatment residuals and sludge from 
    wastewater, is estimated at 0.40 million tons. Total wastewater 
    (liquid) quantity exempted is approximately 64 million tons.
         Under the primary alternative option (no land 
    application), approximately 65 million tons of wastewaters, and 0.60 
    million tons of nonwastewaters, including BDAT treatment residuals and 
    sludge from wastewaters, may be eligible for exemption.
    b. Cost Savings
        The proposed rule will allow waste generators and managers to avoid 
    costs associated with Subtitle C requirements. Specifically, this 
    exemption will allow them to avoid treatment costs and/or costs of 
    disposing wastes in Subtitle C facilities. Wastes which meet exit 
    levels at the point of generation may accrue treatment cost savings 
    because the wastes will not require any treatment that would have been 
    needed to comply with the Subtitle C Land Disposal Restrictions prior 
    to disposal. All exempt wastes are likely to accrue disposal cost 
    savings because the costs of disposing wastes in non-Subtitle C 
    facilities are generally lower than the cost of more protective 
    Subtitle C facilities.
        The analysis indicates that:
         Under the preferred option, the high-end estimate of 
    annual treatment and disposal cost savings is approximately $75 
    --A large portion of these savings are attributable to avoided 
    treatment costs.
         Under the primary alternative, the high-end estimate of 
    cost savings is $99 million.
        The above estimates for quantities exempted and cost savings assume 
    zero implementation costs. The incorporation of implementation costs 
    into the analytical model will have a significant impact on facilities 
    and wastestreams affected, while having only a marginal impact on total 
    quantities exempted.
    c. Affected Wastestreams and Facilities
        Under the preferred option (unconditional exemption), as high as 41 
    percent (10,300) of the potentially affected wastestreams may be 
    eligible for exemption. These eligible wastestreams are generated by 56 
    percent (6000) of the facilities producing listed waste. Total 
    wastestreams and facilities potentially eligible for exemption under 
    the primary alternative option (no land application) are estimated at 
    12,200 (48 percent), and 7,000 (65 percent), respectively. 
    [[Page 66416]]
        The majority of the wastestreams eligible for exemption under the 
    preferred option are very small in quantity. The median annual 
    generation size of an eligible wastewater wastestream is 20 tons. The 
    median for eligible nonwastewaters is 2.0 tons. For small wastestreams, 
    the costs accrued due to the exemption are likely to be counterbalanced 
    by the costs associated with gaining the exemption.
        While a relatively large number of wastestreams and facilities meet 
    the eligibility criteria for exemption, many may not gain exemption 
    because the costs of exemption may outweigh the estimated cost savings 
    from exemption. For example, if implementation costs average $35,000 
    annually per wastestream, the estimate of facilities generating an 
    exempted wastestream may be overstated by as much as 90 percent. 
    However, small generators may choose to aggregate their wastes to avoid 
    this problem.
    d. Relative Impacts on Human Health and the Environment
        Today's proposed rule will allow low concentration hazardous wastes 
    to exit RCRA Subtitle C regulation and be disposed of in Subtitle D 
    nonhazardous waste units. The Agency believes that today's proposed 
    rule will have little effect on human health for the following reasons:
         The acceptable daily exposure levels used to set the exit 
    levels are based on maximum risk levels for carcinogens of 10-6 
    and on acceptable daily doses for non-carcinogens at which no adverse 
    effects are likely to occur.
         The waste management units modeled in the Multipathway 
    Analysis provide high potential release rates for the various groups of 
    constituents being considered in the analysis based on their physical 
    and chemical properties.
         The pathways included in the Multipathway Analysis are 
    generally considered to be the most critical.
         The Multipathway Analysis includes populations that are 
    likely to be exposed more than the average adult due to proximity to a 
    contaminant source, behavior patterns, activities, and body size.
         High-end values were used for selected parameters in the 
    Multipathway Analysis to calculate acceptable waste concentrations.
         Exit levels represent acceptable constituent concentration 
    levels for Subtitle D waste management based on all of the potential 
    combinations of management units, and receptors in the Multipathway 
         Exit levels for several constituents are below the 
    acceptable waste concentrations for human health due to the inclusion 
    of ecological receptors.
        Ecological risks were also evaluated for selected key constituents. 
    The inclusion of such risk in solid waste regulation at a national 
    level is an important step, and is preferable to establishing exit 
    criteria based only on human health risks.
    5. Other Regulatory Issues
    a. Environmental Justice
        Economic benefits may occur to selected communities as affected 
    local facilities reinvest cost savings derived from reduced treatment 
    and/or disposal costs. Human health effects are expected to be 
    negligible due to the stringency of the exit levels. Included in these 
    exit levels are pathways of particular concern for selected low income 
    populations such as subsistence fishing and farming.
    b. Other Issues
        Today's proposal is expected to have no impact in the area of 
    Unfunded Federal Mandates or Regulatory Takings. Waste minimization 
    procedures are likely to be stimulated under this proposal.
    6. Implications and Conclusions
        The analysis indicates that approximately 11 percent of the 
    quantity of all nonwastewaters containing listed codes, and 21 percent 
    of all such wastewaters may be eligible for exemption under the 
    proposed rule. This exempt quantity is dominated by a small number of 
    very large wastestreams, and includes a large number of very small 
    wastestreams. For some small wastestreams, exemption may not be cost 
    effective unless generators aggregate their wastes or otherwise work 
    cooperatively to minimize the costs of gaining the exemptions.
        Today's proposal could also provide incentives for industry to 
    implement process changes and increased recycling in an effort to gain 
    additional savings. Preliminary estimates indicate that savings from 
    these activities, when combined with treatment and disposal savings 
    from the preferred option, are likely to result in total annual cost 
    savings greater than $100 million. However, limitations of our analysis 
    suggest that the cost savings estimates from such activities are highly 
    uncertain. Additional savings related to administrative requirements 
    and reduced treatment for hazardous wastes may also accrue. These 
    potential additional cost savings are discussed in greater detail in 
    the Assessment document.
        The Agency believes that today's proposal will result in a net 
    benefit to society. Wastes gaining exemption under the preferred option 
    will not pose unacceptable incremental risks to human health and the 
    environment because the exit levels are based on extensive analysis of 
    possible human and ecological risks associated with exempt wastes.
        EPA's analysis of the impact of today's proposal on industry groups 
    indicates that a limited number of industries are likely to benefit 
    from exemption. Under the preferred option (unconditional exemption), 
    three industries account for 51 percent of eligible nonwastewater and 
    wastewater sludge quantity and 53 percent of total treatment and 
    disposal cost savings. These industries are: Chemicals and allied 
    products (SIC 28); fabricated metals (SIC 34); and primary metals (SIC 
        The Agency also compared benefits gained from exemption to key 
    industry data such as national pollution abatement expenditures and 
    considered facility level impacts of the proposal. To evaluate the 
    relative magnitude of cost savings that would accrue under the proposed 
    rule, EPA compared cost savings estimates to total pollution abatement 
    expenditures and the total value of industry shipments. Total treatment 
    and disposal cost savings under the preferred option account for 
    approximately 3.5 percent of annual operating costs for hazardous waste 
    pollution abatement activities, and less than 0.002 percent of the 
    total value of industry shipments. The facility-level impacts of the 
    proposal vary greatly.
    E. Regulatory Flexibility Analysis.
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act requires analysis of the impact of 
    regulations on small entities. Because today's proposal is 
    deregulatory, it is not expected to have adverse impacts on small 
    businesses. In general, generators of large quantity wastestreams 
    posing low hazards will benefit substantially from the regulations. The 
    impacts on small quantity generators is less certain and depends on the 
    degree to which they aggregate their wastes and work cooperatively to 
    cost-effectively gain exemption.
    F. Environmental Justice
        It is the Agency's policy that environmental justice be considered 
    as an integral part in the development of all policies, guidance and 
    regulations. Further, Executive Order 12898, ``Federal Actions to 
    [[Page 66417]]
    Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income 
    Populations'', directs each Federal Agency to ``make achieving 
    environmental justice part of its mission by identifying and 
    addressing, as appropriate, disproportionately high and adverse human 
    health and environmental effects of its programs, policies, and 
    activities on minority populations and low-income populations * * * ''
        The Executive Order requires that where environmental justice 
    concerns or the potential for concerns are identified, appropriate 
    analysis of the issue(s) be evaluated. To the extent practicable, the 
    ecological, human health (taking into account subsistence patterns and 
    sensitive populations) and socio-economic impacts of the proposed 
    decision-document in minority and low-income communities should also be 
    evaluated. Examples include how a policy on future land use would 
    impact minority or low-income communities versus non-minority, affluent 
    communities, or how subsistence farming or fishing patterns relate to 
    risk-assessment policies.
        For the purposes of today's proposed rulemaking, the Agency has 
    taken an approach for proposal consistent with Executive Order 12898. 
    As currently drafted, the multipathway analysis which was used to 
    develop the exit levels takes into account subsistence farmers and 
    subsistence fishers; however, subsistence fishers were evaluated using 
    a recreational fisher database (one does not exist for subsistence 
    fishers). Sensitive populations are accounted for in the RfDs, RfCs, 
    and slope factors and ecological receptors were also evaluated.
    G. Paperwork Reduction Act
        As stated earlier, the level of implementation costs (i.e. 
    sampling, analysis, recordkeeping, and reporting) will have a 
    significant impact on the number of wastestreams and facilities 
    affected by this proposal. Assuming annual implementation costs of 
    $35,000 per wastestream, as many as 269 facilities, generating up to 
    285 different wastestreams may seek exemptions, and therefore be 
    affected by the recordkeeping and reporting requirements. The actual 
    number of facilities and wastestreams affected will depend upon the 
    level of implementation costs. The higher the implementation cost to 
    the facility, the fewer the number of facilities expected to 
    participate in the HWIR program.
        The estimated hour burden ranges from 382 hours to 573 hours per 
    wastestream in the first year, and from 31 hours to 146 hours per 
    wastestream in years two and three. The variation in burden estimates 
    results from different assumptions in (1) the complexity of the waste 
    (and therefore of the test methods required), and (2) the frequency of 
    reporting. The estimated total hour burden over the first three years 
    ranges from 206,900 to 293,465 hours, averaging 68,967 to 97,821 hours 
    per year.
        The estimated total start-up cost of recordkeeping and reporting in 
    the first year ranges from $55,000 to $235,000 per wastestream. The 
    annual cost in the second and third years is estimated to be $9,000 to 
    $209,000 per wastestream (of which $8,000 to $203,000 is the cost of 
    shipping samples to a laboratory and paying to have them tested). In 
    years four and five the high-end cost drops to $53,000. The estimated 
    annual recordkeeping and reporting cost per wastestream, annualized at 
    seven percent over five years, is $21,000 to $170,000. The total 
    recordkeeping and reporting cost burden over the first three years is 
    $28,000,000 to $32,000,000.
        Burden means the total time, effort, or financial resources 
    expended by persons to generate, maintain, retain, or disclose or 
    provide information to or for a Federal agency. This includes the time 
    needed to review instructions; develop, acquire, install, and utilize 
    technology and systems for the purposes of collecting, validating, and 
    verifying information, processing and maintaining information, and 
    disclosing and providing information; adjust the existing ways to 
    comply with any previously applicable instructions and requirements; 
    train personnel to be able to respond to a collection of information; 
    search data sources; complete and review the collection of information; 
    and transmit or otherwise disclose the information.
        An Agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required 
    to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a 
    currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control numbers for EPA's 
    regulations are listed in 40 CFR part 9 and 48 CFR chapter 15.
        Comments are requested on the Agency's need for this information, 
    the accuracy of the provided burden estimates, and any suggested 
    methods for minimizing respondent burden, including through the use of 
    automated collection techniques. Send comments on the ICR to the 
    Director, OPPE Regulatory Information Division; U.S. Environmental 
    Protection Agency (2137); 401 M St., SW.; Washington, DC 20460; and to 
    the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management 
    and Budget, 725 17th St., NW., Washington, DC 20503, marked 
    ``Attention: Desk Officer for EPA.'' Include the ICR number in any 
    correspondence. Since OMB is required to make a decision concerning the 
    ICR between 30 and 60 days after December 21, 1995, a comment to OMB is 
    best assured of having its full effect if OMB receives it by January 
    22, 1996. The final rule will respond to any OMB or public comments on 
    the information collection requirements contained in this proposal.
    List of Subjects in 40 CFR 261 and 268
        Identification and listing of hazardous waste. Land disposal 
        Dated: November 13, 1995.
    Carol Browner,
    XV. References
    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring 
    Systems Laboratory; ``Performance Testing of Method 1312--QA Support 
    for RCRA Testing.'' EPA/600/4-89/022, June 1989.
    Research Triangle Institute; ``Interlaboratory Comparison of Methods 
    1310, 1311, and 1312 for Lead in Soil''. U.S. EPA Contract 68-01-
    7075, November 1988.
    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Solid Waste and 
    Emergency Response; OSWER Directive No. 9285.7; ``Human Health 
    Evaluation Manual, Part B: Development of Risk-based Preliminary 
    Remediation Goals;'' from Henry Longest II, Director, Office of 
    Emergency and Remedial Response; and Bruce Diamond, Director, Office 
    of Waste Programs Enforcement; to Regional Waste Management Division 
    Directors; December 13, 1991.
    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Solid Waste and 
    Emergency Response; OSWER Directive No. 9850.4; ``Interim Final 
    Guidance for Soil Ingestion Rates;'' from J. Winston Porter, OSWER 
    Assistant Administrator; to Regional Administrators (I-X); January 
    27, 1989.
    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and 
    Development, Office of Health and Environmental Assessment; 
    ``Exposure Factors Handbook;'' EPA/600/8-89/043, March 1990.
    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Solid Waste: EPA's 
    Composite Model for Leachate Migration with Transformation Products 
    (EPACMTP), Background Document, 1995a.
    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Solid Waste: EPA's 
    Composite Model for Leachate Migration with Transformation Products 
    (EPACMTP), User's Guide, 1995b.
    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Solid Waste: Finite 
    Source Methodology for Non-Degrading and Degrading Chemicals with 
    Transformation Products, 1995c.
    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Solid Waste: 
    [[Page 66418]]
    Document for EPACMTP: Fate and Transport Modeling of Metals, 1995d.
    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research 
    Development. Finite Source Methodology for Wastes Containing Metals, 
    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research Development 
    MINTEQA2/PRODEFA2, A Geochemical Assessment Model for Environmental 
    Systems: Version 3.0 User's Manual. EPA/600/3-91/021, March 1991.
    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research 
    Development. Environmental Fate Constants for Chemicals Under 
    Consideration for EPA's Hazardous Waste Identification Projects, 
    compiled by Heinz Kollig, 1993.
    Appendix A
                                           Table A-1.--Human Exposure Pathways                                      
           Exposure medium              Route of exposure        Type of fate and transport         Pathway a       
    Groundwater.................  Ingestion...................  Groundwater................  1                      
                                                                                             Ingestion of           
                                                                                              groundwater as a      
                                                                                              drinking water source.
    Air.........................  Inhalation..................  Direct air.................  2a (on site or off     
                                                                                             WMU  air  humans         
                                                                                             Inhalation of volatiles
    Air.........................  Inhalation..................  Direct air.................  2b (on site or off     
                                                                                             WMU  air  humans         
                                                                                             Inhalation of suspended
    Soil........................  Ingestion...................  Direct soil................  3 (on site)            
                                                                                             WMU  humans   
                                                                                             Ingestion of           
                                                                                              contaminated soil     
    Soil........................  Ingestion...................  Overland...................  3 (off site)           
                                                                                             WMU  overland 
                                                                                             Ingestion of           
                                                                                              contaminated soil     
    Soil........................  Ingestion...................  Air deposition.............  4                      
                                                                                             WMU  air  deposition to  
                                                                                              soil  humans 
                                                                                             Ingestion of           
                                                                                              contaminated soil     
    Soil........................  Dermal......................  Direct soil................  5 (on site)            
                                                                                             WMU  humans   
                                                                                             Dermal contact with    
                                                                                              contaminated soil     
    Soil........................  Dermal......................  Overland...................  5 (off site)           
                                                                                             WMU  overland 
                                                                                             Dermal contact with    
                                                                                              contaminated soil     
    Soil........................  Dermal......................  Air deposition.............  6                      
                                                                                             WMU  air  deposition to  
                                                                                              surface soil 
                                                                                             Dermal contact with    
                                                                                              contaminated soil     
    Plant (veg/root)............  Ingestion...................  Air deposition.............  8                      
                                                                                             WMU  air  deposition to  
                                                                                              soil/gard crops  garen crops  humans         
                                                                                             Consumption of         
                                                                                              contaminated crops    
                                                                                              grown in home gardens 
    Plant (veg).................  Ingestion...................  Air diffusion..............  8a                     
                                                                                             WMU  air  garden crops  humans         
                                                                                             Consumption of         
                                                                                              contaminated crops    
                                                                                              grown in home gardens 
    Plant (veg/root)............  Ingestion...................  Direct soil................  9 (on site)            
                                                                                             WMU  garden   
                                                                                              crops  humans
                                                                                             Consumption of         
                                                                                              contaminated crops    
                                                                                              grown in home gardens 
    Plant (veg/root)............  Ingestion...................  Overland...................  9 (off site)           
                                                                                             WMU  overland 
                                                                                               garden crops
                                                                                             Consumption of         
                                                                                              contaminated crops    
                                                                                              grown in home gardens 
    Animal (beef/milk)..........  Ingestion...................  Air deposition.............  10                     
                                                                                             WMU  air  deposition to  
                                                                                              soil/feed crops  cattle  humans         
                                                                                             Consumption of animal  
                                                                                              products with elevated
                                                                                              levels of toxicant    
                                                                                              caused by eating      
                                                                                              contaminated feed     
                                                                                              crops and soil        
    Animal (beef/milk)..........  Ingestion...................  Air diffusion..............  10a                    
                                                                                             WMU  air  feed crops  cattle  humans         
                                                                                             Consumption of animal  
                                                                                              products with elevated
                                                                                              levels of toxicant    
                                                                                              caused by eating      
                                                                                              contaminated feed     
    Animal (beef/milk)..........  Ingestion...................  Direct soil................  11 (on site)           
                                                                                             WMU  feed     
                                                                                              crops  cattle
                                                                                             Consumption of animal  
                                                                                              products with elevated
                                                                                              levels of toxicant    
                                                                                              caused by eating      
                                                                                              contaminated feed     
                                                                                              crops and soil        
    Animal (bedf/milk)..........  Ingestion...................  Overland...................  11 (off site)          
                                                                                             WMU  overland 
                                                                                               feed crops/ 
                                                                                              soil  cattle 
                                                                                             Consumption of animal  
                                                                                              products with elevated
                                                                                              levels of toxicant    
                                                                                              caused by eating      
                                                                                              contaminated feed     
                                                                                              crops and soil        
    Groundwater.................  Dermal (bathing)............  Groundwater................  14                     
                                                                                             Ingestion of           
                                                                                              contaminated surface  
                                                                                              water as a drinking   
                                                                                              water source          
    Surface water...............  Ingestion...................  Air diffusion..............  17                     
                                                                                             Dermal bathing contact 
                                                                                              with contaminated     
    [[Page 66419]]
    Surface water...............  Ingestion...................  Overland...................  19                     
                                                                                             WMU  overland 
                                                                                              flow  surface
                                                                                              water  humans
                                                                                             Ingestion of           
                                                                                              contaminated surface  
                                                                                              water as a drinking   
                                                                                              water source          
    Surface water...............  Ingestion...................  Air deposition.............  20                     
                                                                                             WMU  air  deposition to  
                                                                                              overland flow  surface water  
                                                                                             Ingestion of           
                                                                                              contaminated surface  
                                                                                              water as a drinking   
                                                                                              water source          
    Fish........................  Ingestion...................  Air diffusion..............  21                     
                                                                                             WMU  air  surface water  
                                                                                               fish  humans         
                                                                                             Consumption f fish     
                                                                                              contaminated by       
                                                                                              toxicants in surface  
    Fish........................  Ingestion...................  Overland...................  23                     
                                                                                             WMU  overland 
                                                                                              water  fish  
                                                                                             Consumption f fish     
                                                                                              contaminated by       
                                                                                              toxicants in surface  
    Fish........................  Ingestion...................  Air deposition.............  24                     
                                                                                             WMU  air  deposition to  
                                                                                              surface soil 
                                                                                              overland flow  surface water  
                                                                                               fish  humans         
                                                                                             Consumption f fish     
                                                                                              contaminated by       
                                                                                              toxicants in surface  
    Animal (beef/milk)..........  Ingestion...................  Air diffusion..............  33                     
                                                                                             WMU  air  suface water  cattle  humans         
                                                                                             Consumption of animal  
                                                                                              products with elevated
                                                                                              levels of toxicant    
                                                                                              caused by drinking    
                                                                                              contaminated surface  
    Animal (beef/milk)..........  Ingestion...................  Overland...................  35                     
                                                                                             WMU  overland 
                                                                                              flwo  surface
                                                                                              water  cattle
                                                                                             Consumption of animal  
                                                                                              products with elevated
                                                                                              levels of toxicant    
                                                                                              caused by drinking    
                                                                                              contaminated surface  
    Animal (beef/milk)..........  Ingestion...................  Air deposition.............  36                     
                                                                                             WMU  air  deposition to  
                                                                                              overland flow  surface water  
                                                                                               cattle  humans         
                                                                                             Consumption of animal  
                                                                                              products with elevated
                                                                                              levels of toxicant    
                                                                                              caused by drinking    
                                                                                              contaminated surface  
    Surface water...............  Dermal (bathing)............  Air diffusion..............  37                     
                                                                                             WMU  air  surface water  
                                                                                             Dermal bathing contact 
                                                                                              with contaminated     
                                                                                              surface water         
    Surface water...............  Dermal (bathing)............  Air deposition.............  38                     
                                                                                             WMU  air      
                                                                                              deposition to soil  overland flow  
                                                                                              water  humans
                                                                                             Dermal bathing contact 
                                                                                              with contaminated     
                                                                                              surface water         
    Surface water...............  Dermal (bathing)............  Overland...................  42                     
                                                                                             WMU  overland 
                                                                                              flow  surface
                                                                                              water  humans
                                                                                             Dermal bathing contact 
                                                                                              with contaminated     
                                                                                              surface water         
    Overland = Soil erosion; Overland flow = Both runoff and sold erosion; or, for surface impoundments, a spill    
      directly to surface water. Veg = Aboveground fruits and vegetables. Root = Belowground (or root) vegetables.  
    a Some pathway numbers are missing, reflecting pathways that have been eliminated from the analysis or combined 
      with other pathways.                                                                                          
                                                            Table A-2.--Ecological Exposure Pathways                                                        
                                      Exposure medium                 Route of exposure            Type of fate and transport             Pathways a        
    Terr I..................  Soil...........................  Ingestion......................  Direct soil....................  3 (on site)                
                                                                                                                                 WMU  mammals,     
                                                                                                                                  birds, soil fauna         
                                                                                                                                 Ingestion of contaminated  
                              Soil...........................  Direct contact.................  Direct soil....................  5 (on site)                
                                                                                                                                 WMU  plants, soil 
                                                                                                                                 Direct contact with        
                                                                                                                                  contaminated soil         
                              Plant..........................  Ingestion......................  Direct soil....................  9 (on site)                
                                                                                                                                 WMU  vegetation  mammals, birds     
                                                                                                                                 Consumption of contaminated
                                                                                                                                  vegetation (e.g., forage  
                              Soil fauna.....................  Ingestion......................  Direct soil....................  11a (on site)              
                                                                                                                                 WMU  soil fauna  mammals, birds     
                                                                                                                                 Consumption of soil fauna  
                                                                                                                                  (e.g., earthworms,        
                                                                                                                                  insects) with elevated    
                                                                                                                                  levels of toxicant        
                              Animals........................  Ingestion......................  Direct soil....................  11b (on site)              
                                                                                                                                 WMU  soil fauna/  
                                                                                                                                  predatory mammals, birds  
                                                                                                                                 Consumption of animals with
                                                                                                                                  elevated levels of        
    Terr II.................  Soil...........................  Ingestion......................  Overland.......................  3 (off site)               
                                                                                                                                 WMU  overland  mammals, birds,    
                                                                                                                                  soil fauna                
                                                                                                                                 Ingestion of contaminated  
    [[Page 66420]]
                              Soil...........................  Direct contact.................  Overland.......................  5 (off site)               
                                                                                                                                 WMU  overland  plants, soil fauna 
                                                                                                                                 Direct contact with        
                                                                                                                                  contaminated soil         
                              Plant..........................  Ingestion......................  Overland.......................  9 (off site)               
                                                                                                                                 WMU  overland  vegetation  mammals, birds     
                                                                                                                                 Consumption of contaminated
                                                                                                                                  vegetation (e.g., forage  
                              Soil fauna.....................  Ingestion......................  Overland.......................  11c (off site)             
                                                                                                                                 WMU  overland  soil fauna  mammals, birds     
                                                                                                                                 Consumption of soil fauna  
                                                                                                                                  (e.g., earthworms,        
                                                                                                                                  insects) with elevated    
                                                                                                                                  levels of toxicant        
                              Animals........................  Ingestion......................  Overland.......................  11d (off site)             
                                                                                                                                 WMU  soil fauna/  
                                                                                                                                  predatory mammals, birds  
                                                                                                                                 Consumption of animals with
                                                                                                                                  elevated levels of        
    Terr III................  Soil...........................  Ingestion......................  Air deposition.................  4                          
                                                                                                                                 WMU  air 
                                                                                                                                  deposition to soil  mammals, birds,    
                                                                                                                                  soil fauna                
                                                                                                                                 Ingestion of contaminated  
                              Soil...........................  Direct contact.................  Air deposition.................  6                          
                                                                                                                                 WMU  air 
                                                                                                                                  deposition to surface soil
                                                                                                                                   plants, soil    
                                                                                                                                 Direct contact with        
                                                                                                                                  contaminated soil         
    Terr IV.................  Plant..........................  Ingestion......................  Air deposition.................  8                          
                                                                                                                                 WMU  air 
                                                                                                                                  deposition to soil  vegetation  mammals, birds     
                                                                                                                                 Consumption of contaminated
                                                                                                                                  vegetation (e.g., forage  
    Terr V..................  Plant..........................  Ingestion......................  Air diffusion..................  8                          
                                                                                                                                 WMU  air 
                                                                                                                                  mammals, birds            
                                                                                                                                 Consumption of contaminated
                                                                                                                                  vegetation (e.g., forage  
    Aq I....................  Surface water..................  Ingestion......................  Air diffusion..................  17                         
                                                                                                                                 WMU  air 
                                                                                                                                  surface water    
                                                                                                                                  mammals, birds            
                                                                                                                                 Ingestion of contaminated  
                                                                                                                                  surface water as a        
                                                                                                                                  drinking water source     
                              Fish...........................  Ingestion......................  Air diffusion..................  21                         
                                                                                                                                 WMU  air 
                                                                                                                                  surface water    
                                                                                                                                  fish  mammals,   
                                                                                                                                  birds, fish               
                                                                                                                                 Consumption of fish        
                                                                                                                                  contaminated by toxicants 
                                                                                                                                  in surface water          
                              Surface water..................  Direct contact.................  Air diffusion..................  37                         
                                                                                                                                 WMU  air 
                                                                                                                                  surface water    
                                                                                                                                  fish, daphnids, benthos   
                                                                                                                                 Direct contact with        
                                                                                                                                  contaminated surface      
                                                                                                                                  water, sediments          
    Aq II...................  Surface water..................  Ingestion......................  Air deposition.................  37                         
                                                                                                                                 WMU  air 
                                                                                                                                  deposition to soil  overland flow  surface water  mammals, birds     
                                                                                                                                 Ingestion of contaminated  
                                                                                                                                  surface water as a        
                                                                                                                                  drinking water source     
                              Fish...........................  Ingestion......................  Air deposition.................  24                         
                                                                                                                                 WMU  air 
                                                                                                                                  deposition to surface soil
                                                                                                                                   overland flow  surface water  fish      
                                                                                                                                  mammals, birds, fish      
                                                                                                                                 Consumption of fish        
                                                                                                                                  contaminated by toxicants 
                                                                                                                                  in surface water          
                              Surface water..................  Direct contact.................  Air deposition.................  38                         
                                                                                                                                 WMU  air 
                                                                                                                                  deposition to soil  overland flow  surface water  fish, daphnids,    
                                                                                                                                 Direct contact with        
                                                                                                                                  contaminated surface      
                                                                                                                                  water, sediments          
    Aq III..................  Surface water..................  Ingestion......................  Overland.......................  19                         
                                                                                                                                 WMU  overland flow
                                                                                                                                   surface water  mammals, birds     
                                                                                                                                 Ingestion of contaminated  
                                                                                                                                  surface water as a        
                                                                                                                                  drinking water source     
                              Fish...........................  Ingestion......................  Overland.......................  23                         
                                                                                                                                 WMU  overland flow
                                                                                                                                   surface water  fish      
                                                                                                                                  mammals, birds, fish      
                                                                                                                                 Consumption of fish        
                                                                                                                                  contaminated by toxicants 
                                                                                                                                  in surface water          
                              Surface water..................  Direct contact.................  Overland.......................  42                         
                                                                                                                                 WMU  overland flow
                                                                                                                                   surface water  fish, daphnids,    
                                                                                                                                 Direct contact with        
                                                                                                                                  contaminated surface      
                                                                                                                                  water, sediments          
    Overland=Soil erosion. Overland flow=Both runoff and soil erosion; or, for surface impoundments, a spill directly to surface water.                     
    [[Page 66421]]
    a Some pathway numbers are missing, reflecting pathways that have been eliminated from the analysis.                                                    
                              Table A-3.--Summary of Human Receptors for Exposures Pathways                         
               Pathway                                       Subs.       Home        Subs.       Fish               
                                     Adult       Child      farmer     gardener     fisher     consumer     Worker  
    1: Groundwater-ingestion....                                                                           
                                          a   ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........
    2a: Direct air-inhalation of                                                                                    
     violates (on site).........                                                                           
                                          a   ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........   
    2a: Direct air-inhalation of                                                                                    
     volatiles (off site).......     ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........
    2b: Direct air-inhalation of                                                                                    
     particles (on site)........                                                                           
                                          a   ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........   
    2b: Direct air-inhalation of                                                                                    
     particles (off site).......     ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........
    3: Direct soil-soil                                                                                             
     ingestion (on site)........                                                                           
                                                      a   ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........
    3: Overland-soil ingestion                                                                                      
     (off site).................        ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........
    4: Air deposition-soil                                                                                          
     ingestion..................        ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........
    5: Direct soil-dermal (soil)                                                                                    
     (on site)..................                                                                           
                                                      a   ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........   
    5: Direct Soil-dermal (off                                                                                      
     site)......................        ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........
    6: Air deposition-dermal                                                                                        
     (soil).....................        ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........
    8: Air deposition-veg/root                                                                                      
     ingestion..................  ..........  ..........           ..........  ..........
    8a: Air diffusion-veg/root                                                                                      
     ingestion..................  ..........  ..........        ..........  ..........  ..........
    9: Direct soil-veg/root                                                                                         
     ingestion (on site)........  ..........  ..........                                                   
                                                                              a   ..........  ..........  ..........
    9: Overland-veg/root                                                                                            
     ingestion (on site)........  ..........  ..........        ..........  ..........  ..........
    10: Air deposition-beef/milk                                                                                    
     ingestion..................  ..........  ..........     ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........
    10a: Air diffusion-beef/milk                                                                                    
     ingestion..................  ..........  ..........     ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........
    11: Direct soil-bee/milk                                                                                        
     ingestion (on site)........  ..........  ..........                                                   
                                                                  a   ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........
    11: Overland-beef/milk                                                                                          
     ingestion (off site).......  ..........  ..........     ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........
    14: Groundwater-dermal                                                                                          
     (bathing)..................        ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........
    17: Air diffusion-drinking                                                                                      
     water ingestion............     ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........
    19: Overland-drinking water                                                                                     
     ingestion..................     ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........
    20: Air deposition-drinking                                                                                     
     water ingestion............     ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........
    21: Air diffusion-fish                                                                                          
     ingestion..................     ..........  ..........  ..........        ..........
    23: Overland-fish ingestion.     ..........  ..........  ..........        ..........
    24: Air deposition-fish                                                                                         
     ingestion..................     ..........  ..........  ..........        ..........
    33: Air diffusion (SW)-beef/                                                                                    
     milk ingestion.............  ..........  ..........     ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........
    35: Overland (SW)-beef/milk                                                                                     
     ingestion..................  ..........  ..........     ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........
    36: Air deposition (OF/SW)-                                                                                     
     beef/milk ingestion........  ..........  ..........     ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........
    37: Air diffusion (SW)-                                                                                         
     dermal (bathing)...........        ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........
    38: Air deposition (OF/SW)-                                                                                     
     dermal (bathing............        ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........
    42: Overland (SW)-dermal                                                                                        
     (bathing)..................        ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........
    a On-site pathways for receptors other than workers are modeled only for the land application unit after        
                            Table A-4.--Summary of Ecological Receptors by Exposure Pathways                        
               Pathway           -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                    Mammals      Birds      Plants    Soil fauna     Fish      Daphnids     Benthos 
    3: Direct soil-soil                                                                                             
     ingestion (on site)........                                                                           
                                                      a   ..........     ..........  ..........  ..........
    3: Direct soil-soil                                                                                             
     ingestion (off site).......        ..........     ..........  ..........  ..........
    4: Air deposition-soil                                                                                          
     ingestion..................        ..........     ..........  ..........  ..........
    5: Direct soil-dermal soil                                                                                      
     (on site)..................  ..........  ..........        ..........  ..........  ..........
    5: Direct soil-dermal soil                                                                                      
     (off site).................  ..........  ..........        ..........  ..........  ..........
    6: Air deposition-dermal                                                                                        
     soil.......................  ..........  ..........        ..........  ..........  ..........
    8: Air deposition-veg/root                                                                                      
     ingestion..................        ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........
    8a: Air diffusion-veg                                                                                           
     ingestion..................        ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........
    9: Direct soil-veg/root                                                                                         
     ingestion (on site)........        ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........
    9: Overland-veg/root                                                                                            
     ingestion (off site).......        ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........
    11a: Direct soil-soil fauna                                                                                     
     ingestion (on site)........        ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........
    11b: Direct soil-animals                                                                                        
     ingestion (on site)........        ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........
    11c: Overland-soil fauna                                                                                        
     ingestion (off site).......        ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........
    11d: Overland-animals                                                                                           
     ingestion (off site).......        ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........
    17: Air diffusion-drinking                                                                                      
     water ingestion............        ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........
    18: Groundwater (SW)-                                                                                           
     drinking water ingestion...        ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........
    19: Overland-drinking water                                                                                     
     ingestion..................        ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........
    20: Air deposition-drinking                                                                                     
     water ingestion............        ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........
    21: Air diffusion-fish                                                                                          
     ingestion..................        ..........  ..........     ..........  ..........
    22: Groundwater (SW)-fish                                                                                       
     ingestion..................        ..........  ..........     ..........  ..........
    23: Overland-fish ingestion.        ..........  ..........     ..........  ..........
    24: Air deposition-fish                                                                                         
     ingestion..................        ..........  ..........     ..........  ..........
    37: Air diffusion (SW)-                                                                                         
     direct contact.............  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........         
    38: Air deposition (OF/SW)-                                                                                     
     direct contact.............  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........         
    40: Groundwater (SW)-direct                                                                                     
     contact....................  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........         
    [[Page 66422]]
    42: Overland (SW)-direct                                                                                        
     contact....................  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........         
    a On-site pathways are modeled only for the land application unit after closure.                                
                               Table A-5.--Pathways Modeled for Each Waste Management Unit                          
                                                                       Waste management unit                        
                     Pathway                      Ash     Land appl.                Surface                         
                                               monofill      unit      Wastepile   impound.      Tank      Water use
    1: Groundwater-ingestion................  ..........           ..........  ..........
    2a: Direct air-inhalation volatiles.....  ..........              ..........
    2b: Direct air-inhalation particles.....           ..........  ..........  ..........
    3: Direct soil-soil ingestion...........  ..........        ..........  ..........  ..........
    4: Air deposition-soil ingestion........           ..........  ..........  ..........
    5: Direct soil-dermal (soil)............  ..........        ..........  ..........  ..........
    6: Air deposition-dermal (soil).........           ..........  ..........  ..........
    8: Air deposition-veg/root ingestion....           ..........  ..........  ..........
    8a: Air diffusion-veg/root ingestion....  ..........              ..........
    9: Direct soil or overland-veg/root                                                                             
     ingestion..............................  ..........        ..........  ..........  ..........
    10: Air deposition-beef/milk ingestion..           ..........  ..........  ..........
    10a: Air diffusion-beef/milk ingestion..  ..........              ..........
    11: Direct soil or overland-beef/milk                                                                           
     ingestion..............................  ..........        ..........  ..........  ..........
    14: Groundwater-dermal (bathing)........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........   
    17: Air diffusion-drinking water                                                                                
     ingestion..............................  ..........              ..........
    19: Overland-drinking water ingestion...  ..........           ..........  ..........
    20: Air deposition-drinking water                                                                               
     ingestion..............................           ..........  ..........  ..........
    21: Air diffusion-fish ingestion........  ..........              ..........
    23: Overland-fish ingestion.............  ..........           ..........  ..........
    24: Air deposition-fish ingestion.......           ..........  ..........  ..........
    33: Air diffusion (SW)-beef/milk                                                                                
     ingestion..............................  ..........              ..........
    35: Overland (SW)-beef/milk ingestion...  ..........           ..........  ..........
    36: Air deposition (OF/SW)-beef/milk                                                                            
     ingestion..............................           ..........  ..........  ..........
    37: Air diffusion (SW)-dermal (bathing).  ..........              ..........
    38: Air deposition (OF/SW)-dermal                                                                               
     (bathing)..............................           ..........  ..........  ..........
    42: Overland (SW)-dermal (bathing)......  ..........           ..........  ..........
    OF=Overland flow.    SW=Surface water.                                                                          
    Appendix B
    [[Page 66423]]
                       Table B-1.--Comparison of Groundwater Modeling Results for 1000 vs. 10,000 Years Time Horizon (HQ=1 and Risk=10-6)                   
                                       [Threshold Chemical Concentrations for 1000 and 10,000 years Groundwater Modeling]                                   
                                                                                                      1000 yrs time horizon        10,000 yrs time horizon  
       No.      CAS No.                              Name of Chemical                             Nonwastewater*  Wastewater**  Nonwastewater*  Wastewater**
                                                                                                    leach mg/l     leach mg/l     leach mg/l     leach mg/l 
    1........      83329  Acenaphthene..........................................................       6.30E+00       3.60E+02       4.90E+00       3.10E+01
    2........      67641  Acetone (2-propanone).................................................       6.00E+00       1.56E+01       6.00E+00       1.56E+01
    3........      75058  Acetonitrile (methyl cyanide).........................................       3.00E-01       7.80E-01       3.00E-01       7.80E-01
    4........      98862  Acetophenone..........................................................       6.40E+00       1.68E+01       6.40E+00       1.68E+01
    5........     107028  Acrolein..............................................................       1.00E+06       1.00E+06       1.00E+06       1.00E+06
    6........      79061  Acrylamide #..........................................................       3.80E-05       2.80E-04       3.80E-05       2.60E-04
    7........     107131  Acrylonitrile #.......................................................       3.40E-04       1.10E-03       3.40E-04       1.10E-03
    8........     309002  Aldrin #..............................................................       6.70E-04       6.50E-02       3.70E-06       4.70E-03
    9........     107051  Allyl Chloride........................................................  ..............  ............  ..............  ............
    10.......      62533  Aniline #.............................................................       1.70E-02       5.30E-02       1.70E-02       5.30E-02
    176......    7440360  Antimony..............................................................       4.57E+01       1.18E+02       5.30E-02       1.36E-01
    177......    7440382  Arsenic #.............................................................       3.08E-02       7.92E-02       1.48E-04       3.84E-04
    178......    7440393  Barium................................................................       1.67E+01       4.29E+01       1.55E+01       3.32E+01
    12.......      71432  Benzene #.............................................................       5.40E-03       1.80E-02       5.40E-03       1.77E-02
    13.......      92875  Benzidine #...........................................................       6.80E-07       2.24E-06       6.80E-07       2.24E-06
    14.......      50328  Benzo[a]pyrene #......................................................       5.50E-04       5.50E-02       7.00E-06       3.60E-03
    15.......     205992  Benzo[b]fluoranthene #................................................       1.10E-02       4.90E-01       6.60E-05       1.60E-02
    16.......     100516  Benzyl alcohol........................................................       1.50E+01       4.00E+01       1.50E+01       3.90E+01
    17.......     100447  Benzyl chloride #.....................................................       1.00E+06       1.00E+06       1.00E+06       1.00E+06
    11.......      56553  Benz[a]anthracene #...................................................       1.10E-04       1.10E-02       4.30E-06       7.20E-04
    179......    7440417  Beryllium #...........................................................       1.06E-03       2.72E-03       3.20E-04       8.27E-04
    18.......     111444  Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether #.............................................       3.68E-04       1.92E-02       3.60E-04       6.48E-04
    19.......      4E+07  Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether #.........................................       1.90E-03       7.90E-03       1.90E-03       7.00E-03
    20.......     117817  Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate #..........................................       1.80E+00       1.80E+02       1.10E-03       1.20E+01
    21.......      75274  Bromodichloromethane #................................................       2.52E-03       1.05E-02       2.52E-03       8.54E-03
    22.......      74839  Bromomethane..........................................................       2.87E+03       5.63E+04       2.87E+03       4.13E+04
    23.......      71363  Butanol...............................................................       6.00E+00       1.56E+01       6.00E+00       1.56E+01
    24.......      85687  Butyl benzyl phthalate................................................       1.10E+02       1.10E+04       6.40E+01       4.40E+02
    25.......      88857  Butyl-4,6-dinitrophenol,2-sec-........................................       6.40E-02       1.92E-01       6.40E-02       1.92E-01
    180......    7440439  Cadmium...............................................................       1.18E+01       3.05E+01       1.10E-01       2.40E-01
    26.......      75150  Carbon disulfide......................................................       6.40E+00       2.08E+01       6.40E+00       1.84E+01
    27.......      56235  Carbon tetrachloride #................................................       1.61E-03       1.40E-02       1.61E-03       1.40E-02
    28.......      57749  Chlordane #...........................................................       1.50E-02       1.50E+00       1.60E-04       1.00E-01
    29.......     126998  Chloro-1,3-butadiene 2-(Chloroprene)..................................  ..............  ............  ..............  ............
    30.......     106478  Chloroaniline p-......................................................       1.60E-01       4.20E-01       1.60E-01       4.20E-01
    31.......     108907  Chlorobenzene.........................................................       1.33E+00       4.83E+00       1.33E+00       4.76E+00
    32.......     510156  Chlorobenzilate #.....................................................       7.50E-03       1.02E+00       5.70E-03       5.40E-02
    33.......     124481  Chlorodibromomethane #................................................       1.80E-03       6.90E-03       1.80E-03       6.60E-03
    34.......      67663  Chloroform #..........................................................       1.70E-02       5.80E-02       1.70E-02       5.70E-02
    35.......      74873  Chloromethane.........................................................  ..............  ............  ..............  ............
    36.......      95578  Chlorophenol 2-.......................................................       3.20E-01       9.00E-01       3.20E-01       9.00E-01
    181......   16065381  Chromium (+3).........................................................       1.32E+05       3.40E+05       2.37E+04       6.12E+04
    182......    7440473  Chromium (+6).........................................................       1.88E+01       4.85E+01       4.76E-01       1.24E+00
    37.......     218019  Chrysene..............................................................       2.70E-02       2.90E+00       1.20E-03       1.00E-01
    183......    7440508  Copper................................................................       1.32E+05       3.40E+05       1.08E+03       2.79E+03
    38.......     108394  Cresol m-.............................................................       3.20E+00       8.80E+00       3.20E+00       8.40E+00
    39.......      95487  Cresol o-.............................................................       3.20E+00       8.80E+00       3.20E+00       8.40E+00
    40.......     106445  Cresol p-.............................................................       3.20E-01       8.80E-01       3.20E-01       8.40E-01
    41.......      98828  Cumene................................................................       2.50E+00       1.50E+01       2.50E+00       1.50E+01
    42.......      72548  DDD #.................................................................       2.80E+03       1.00E+06       2.80E+03      9.10E+05 
    [[Page 66424]]
    43.......      72559  DDE #.................................................................       3.30E-02       3.30E+00       1.70E-04       2.30E-01
    44.......      50293  DDT, p,p'- #..........................................................       8.40E+03       1.00E+06       5.40E-03       2.04E+01
    47.......    2303164  Diallate #............................................................       4.60E-01       2.80E+03       4.60E-01       9.00E+01
    48.......      53703  Dibenz[a,h]- anthracene #.............................................       2.50E-04       2.50E-02       6.30E-07       1.80E-03
    49.......      96128  Dibromo-3-chloropropane1,2- #.........................................       1.14E-04       7.20E-04       1.14E-04       6.60E-04
    50.......      95501  Dichlorobenzene1,2-...................................................       6.10E+00       3.00E+01       6.10E+00       3.00E+01
    51.......     106467  Dichlorobenzene1,4- #.................................................       1.16E-02       6.80E-02       1.08E-02       5.60E-02
    52.......      91941  Dichloro- benzidine3,3 #..............................................       7.80E-04       5.40E-03       7.20E-04       4.20E-03
    53.......      75718  Dichlorodifluoromethane...............................................       1.19E+01       3.57E+01       1.19E+01       3.57E+01
    54.......      75343  Dichloroethane 1,1- #.................................................       1.71E-03       9.90E-03       6.00E-05       1.60E-04
    55.......     107062  Dichloroethane1,2- #..................................................       1.62E-03       9.00E-03       6.00E-05       1.60E-04
    56.......     166592  Dichloroethylene cis-1,2..............................................       6.40E-01       1.72E+00       6.40E-01       1.68E+00
    57.......     156605  Dichloroethylene trans-1,2............................................       1.12E+00       2.94E+00       1.12E+00       2.94E+00
    58.......      75354  Dichloroethylene1,1-(Vinylidene chloride:) #..........................       1.80E-04       5.90E-04       1.80E-04       5.90E-04
    59.......     120832  Dichlorophenol 2,4-...................................................       1.80E-01       6.30E-01       1.80E-01       6.20E-01
    60.......      94757  Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, 2,4-......................................       6.00E-01       1.56E+00       6.00E-01       1.56E+00
    61.......      78875  Dichloropropane 1,2- #................................................       2.30E-03       2.60E-02       2.30E-03       2.30E-02
    62.......      1E+07  Dichloropropene trans-1,3- #..........................................       1.15E+03       9.00E+04       1.15E+03       9.00E+04
    63.......     542756  Dichloropropene 1,3-(mixture of isomers) #............................       8.50E-04       2.80E-03       8.50E-04       2.80E-03
    64.......      1E+07  Dichloropropene cis-1,3- #............................................       1.15E+03       9.00E+04       1.15E+03       9.00E+04
    65.......      60571  Dieldrin #............................................................       5.40E-01       2.90E+04       5.40E-01       6.80E+02
    66.......      84662  Diethyl phthalate.....................................................       6.00E+01       4.50E+02       5.40E+01       1.86E+02
    67.......      56531  Diethylstilbestrol #..................................................       1.20E-07       9.20E-06       6.50E-08       4.30E-07
    68.......      60515  Dimethoate............................................................       7.70E-01       2.94E+01       7.70E-01       2.94E+01
    69.......     119904  Dimethoxybenzidine 3,3'- #............................................       1.20E-02       3.36E-02       1.02E-02       3.36E-02
    70.......     131113  Dimethyl phthalate....................................................       1.04E+03     1.1.12E+04       3.00E+01       7.80E+01
    72.......     119937  Dimethylbenzidine 3,3'- #.............................................       1.89E-05       8.10E-05       1.80E-05       7.02E-05
    71.......      57976  Dimethylbenz[a]anthracene 7,12-.......................................       1.20E-03       1.40E-01       2.80E-06       1.30E-02
    73.......     105679  Dimethylphenol 2,4-...................................................       1.19E+00       3.78E+00       1.19E+00       3.78E+00
    45.......      84742  Di-n-butyl phthalate..................................................       5.70E+01       6.30E+03       2.50E+01       2.30E+02
    74.......      99650  Dinitrobenzene 1,3-...................................................       6.40E-03       1.68E-02       6.40E-03      1.68E--02
    75.......      51285  Dinitrophenol 2,4-....................................................       1.05E-01       2.73E-01       1.05E-01       2.73E-01
    76.......     121142  Dinitrotoluene 2,4-...................................................       1.12E-01       3.01E-01       1.12E-01       2.94E-01
    77.......     606202  Dinitrotoluene 2,6-...................................................       6.40E-02       1.68E-01       6.40E-02       1.68E-01
    46.......     117840  Di-n-octyl phthalate..................................................       3.10E+02       5.20E+04       1.00E-01       1.30E+03
    78.......     123911  Dioxane 1,4- #........................................................       1.36E-02       4.24E-02       1.36E-02       4.24E-02
    79.......     122394  Diphenylamine.........................................................       2.60E+00       1.50E+01       2.60E+00       1.50E+01
    80.......     298044  Disulfoton............................................................       1.30E+01       5.80E+02       1.30E+01       4.60E+02
    81.......     115297  Endosulfan(Endosulfan I and II, mixture)..............................       1.00E+00       1.26E+01       9.40E-01       6.00E+00
    82.......      72208  Endrin................................................................       3.20E+01       2.70E+05       3.20E+00       6.60E+03
    83.......     106898  Epichlorohydrin #.....................................................       5.40E+03       4.14E+05       5.40E+03       4.14E+05
    84.......     110805  Ethoxyethanol 2-......................................................       1.50E+01       3.90E+01       1.50E+01       3.90E+01
    85.......     141786  Ethyl acetate.........................................................       1.14E+02       6.00E+02       1.14E+02       3.90E+02
    86.......      60297  Ethyl ether...........................................................       1.05E+01       2.73E+01       1.05E+01       2.73E+01
    87.......      97632  Ethyl methacrylate....................................................       6.60E+00       6.90E+01       6.60E+00       2.40E+01
    88.......      62500  Ethyl methanesulfonate #..............................................       1.17E+04       9.30E+05       1.17E+04       9.30E+05
    89.......     100414  Ethylbenzene..........................................................       8.10E+00       3.90E+01       8.10E+00       3.90E+01
    90.......     106934  Ethylene dibromide (1,2-Dibromoethane) #..............................       1.50E-05       4.20E-04       1.50E-05       3.60E-04
    91.......      96457  Ethylene thiourea #...................................................       1.70E-04       5.30E-04       1.70E-04       5.30E-04
    92.......     206440  Fluoranthene..........................................................       7.50E+00       7.80E+02       1.70E+00      2.70E+01 
    [[Page 66425]]
    93.......      86737  Fluorene..............................................................       5.00E+00       3.90E+02       3.40E+00       2.20E+01
    94.......      50000  Formaldehyde..........................................................       1.05E+01       2.73E+01       1.05E+01       2.73E+01
    95.......      61486  Formic acid...........................................................       1.05E+02       2.73E+02       1.05E+02       2.73E+02
    96.......     110009  Furan.................................................................       6.00E-02       1.60E-01       6.00E-02       1.56E-01
    97.......     319857  HCH beta- #...........................................................       2.10E-04       1.30E-03       2.10E-04       1.30E-03
    99.......     319846  HCH alpha- #..........................................................       1.10E-01       2.10E+01       1.10E-01       2.10E+01
    98.......      58899  HCH (Lindane) gamma- #................................................       6.93E+01       1.19E+02       6.93E-01       1.19E+02
    100......      76448  Heptachlor #..........................................................       1.00E+06       1.00E+06       1.00E-06       1.00E+06
    101......    1024573  Heptachlor epoxide #..................................................       4.50E+01       3.15E+04       4.50E-01       7.83E+02
    102......      87683  Hexachloro-1,3-butadene #.............................................       2.30E+02       2.10E+00       6.90E-03       8.10E+02
    103......     118741  Hexachlorobenzene #...................................................       3.50E+03       3.50E+01       1.10E-04       2.23E+02
    104......      77474  Hexachlorocyclopentadiene.............................................       1.00E+06       1.00E+06       1.00E-06       1.00E+06
    105......      67721  Hexachloroethane #....................................................       4.02E-02        110E+00       3.30E-02       2.16E-01
    106......      70304  Hexachlorophene.......................................................       1.40E-02       1.50E+00       1.40E-03       5.20E-01
    107......     193395  Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene................................................       4.60E-03       5.00E-01       2.40E-05       1.70E-02
    108......      78831  Isobutyl alcohol......................................................       1.50E+01       3.90E+01       1.50E+01       3.90E+01
    109......      78591  Isophorone #..........................................................       1.62E-01       5.49E-01       1.62E-01       5.31E-01
    110......     143500  Kepone #..............................................................       5.80E-05       4.80E-03       3.20E-05       2.20E-04
    184......    7439921  Lead..................................................................       1.32E+05       3.40E+05       1.16E+01       3.00E+01
    185......    7439976  Mercury...............................................................       1.81E+01       4.67E+01       1.38E-01       2.96E-01
    111......     126987  Methacrylonitrile.....................................................       6.00E-03       1.64E-02       6.00E-03       1.56E-02
    112......      67561  Methanol..............................................................       3.00E+01       7.80E+01       3.00E+01       7.80E+01
    113......      72435  Methoxychlor..........................................................       1.00E+06       1.00E+06       1.00E+06       1.00E+06
    114......      78933  Methyl ethyl ketone...................................................       3.00E+01       7.80E+01       3.00E+01       7.80E+01
    115......     108101  Methyl isobutyl ketone................................................       3.00E+00       8.00E+00       3.00E+00       7.80E+00
    116......      80626  Methyl methacrylate...................................................       8.10E+00       8.40E+01       8.10E+00       2.82E+01
    117......     298000  Methyl parathion......................................................       2.34E+01       9.90E+02       2.34E+01       7.80E+01
    118......      56495  Methylcholanthrene 3- #...............................................       1.70E-03       1.70E-01       1.40E-06       1.20E-02
    119......      74953  Methylene bromide.....................................................       6.80E-01       2.32E+00       1.90E-01       2.32E+00
    120......      75092  Methylene Chloride #..................................................       6.80E-01       2.36E+00       1.50E-02       3.90E-02
    186......    7439987  Molybdenum............................................................  ..............  ............  ..............  ............
    129......      91203  Naphthalene...........................................................       2.70E+00       1.40E+01       2.70E+00       1.40E+01
    187......    7440020  Nickel................................................................       9.95E+00       2.56E+01       4.89E+00       1.05E+01
    130......      98953  Nitrobenzene..........................................................       3.20E-02       8.40E-02       3.20E-02       8.40E-02
    131......      79469  Nitropropane 2-.......................................................  ..............  ............  ..............  ............
    123......      55185  N-Nitrosodiethylamine #...............................................       1.02E-06       3.18E-06       1.02E-06       3.18E-06
    124......      62759  N-Nitrosodimethylamine #..............................................       3.40E-06       1.06E-05       3.40E-06       1.06E-05
    121......     924163  N-Nitroso-di-n-butylamine #...........................................       3.60E-05       1.32E-04       3.60E-05       1.22E-04
    122......     621647  N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine #..........................................       1.70E-05       5.40E-05       1.70E-05       5.30E-05
    125......      86306  N-Nitrosodiphenylamine #..............................................       4.80E-02       2.60E-01       4.60E-02       2.00E-01
    126......      1E+07  N-Nitrosomethylethylamine #...........................................       6.80E-06       2.16E-05       6.80E-06       2.12E-05
    127......     100754  N-Nitrosopiperidine #.................................................       3.40E-06       1.06E-05       3.40E-06       1.06E-05
    128......     930552  N-Nitrosopyrrolidine #................................................       6.80E-05       2.12E-04       6.80E-05       2.12E-04
    132......     152169  Octamethyl pyrophosphoramide..........................................       1.05E-01       2.80E-01       1.05E-01       2.73E-01
    133......      56382  Parathion (ethyl).....................................................       1.16E+04       5.60E+05       1.16E+04       4.40E+05
    134......     608935  Pentachlorobenzene....................................................       1.44E+01       1.56E+03       5.70E-01       5.10E+00
    135......      82688  Pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB) #......................................       2.37E-02       2.19E+00       5.40E-03       8.10E-02
    136......      87865  Pentachlorophenol #...................................................       4.20E-04       2.50E-03       4.10E-04       2.00E-03
    137......     108952  Phenol................................................................       3.20E+01       8.40E+01       3.20E+01       8.40E-01
    138......      62384  Phenyl mercuric acetate...............................................       4.50E-03       1.17E-02       4.50E-03       1.17E-02
    139......     108452  Phenylenediamine, 1,3-................................................       3.00E-01       7.80E-01       3.00E-01       7.80E-01
    140......     298022  Phorate...............................................................       1.00E+06       1.00E+06       1.00E+06       1.00E+06
    141......    1336363  Polychlorinated biphenyls (Aroclors) #................................       9.10E-04       8.80E-02       4.80E-06       6.10E-03
    142......      2E+07  Pronamide.............................................................       5.70E+00       2.19E+01       5.70E+00       2.13E+01
    143......     129000  Pyrene................................................................       1.40E+01       1.50E+03       1.70E+00       5.40E+01
    144......     110861  Pyridine..............................................................       6.00E-02       1.56E-01       6.00E-02       1.56E-01
    145......      94597  Safrole #.............................................................       9.50E-04       3.80E-03       9.50E-04       3.50E-03
    188......    7782492  Selenium..............................................................       1.38E+00       3.57E+00       3.57E-01       9.27E-01
    189......    7440224  Silver................................................................       1.32E+00       3.40E+00       8.90E-02       1.91E-01
    [[Page 66426]]
    146......      57249  Strychnine and salts..................................................       1.60E-02       4.50E-02       1.60E-02       4.50E-02
    147......     100425  Styrene...............................................................       1.54E+01       6.51E+01       1.54E+01       6.37E+01
    148......    1746016  TCDDioxin 2,3,7,8, #..................................................       2.70E-08       2.70E-06       1.80E-10       1.90E-07
    149......      95943  Tetrachlorobenzene 1,2,4,5- #.........................................       6.00E-02       5.70E+00       3.20E-02    2.30E-01150
                  630206  Tetrachloroethane 1,1,1,2- #..........................................       7.80E-03       7.50E-02       7.80E-03       7.50E-02
    151......      79345  Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2,2- #..........................................       9.60E-03       2.92E-01       8.00E-03       2.40E-02
    152......     127184  Tetrachloroethylene...................................................       6.80E-01       2.08E+00       6.80E-01       2.04E+00
    153......      58902  Tetrachlorophenol 2,3,4,6-............................................       5.80E-01       1.90E+00       5.80E-01       1.90E+00
    154......    3689245  Tetraethyl dithiopyrophosphate........................................       1.00E+06       1.00E+06       1.00E+06        1.00+06
    190......    7440280  Thallium..............................................................       3.96E+02       1.02E+03       1.92E-02       5.00E-02
    155......     108883  Toluene...............................................................       1.26E+01       4.20E+01       1.26E+01       4.13E+01
    156......      95807  Toluenediamine 2,4- #.................................................       5.10E-05       1.59E-04       5.10E-05       1.59E-04
    158......      95534  Toluidine o- #........................................................       6.80E-04       2.24E-03       6.80E-04       2.24E-03
    157......     106490  Toluidine p- #........................................................       6.80E-04       2.24E-03       2.24E-03       2.24E-03
    159......    8001352  Toxaphene (chlorinated camphenes) #...................................       1.10E-01       6.70E+02       1.10E-01       2.20E+01
    160......      75252  Tribromomethane #.....................................................       1.80E-02       6.80E-02       1.80E-02       6.40E-02
    161......      76131  Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro- ethane 1,1,2-..............................       2.40E+03        1.40E04       2.40E+03       1.10E+04
    162......     120821  Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-...............................................       2.10E+00       1.70E+02       1.30E+00       9.30E+00
    163......      71556  Trichloroethane 1,1,1-................................................       5.00E+00       1.20E+02       4.60E+00       1.20E+02
    164......      79005  Trichloroethane 1,1,2- #..............................................       1.80E-03       7.40E-03       1.80E-03       7.00E-03
    165......      79016  Trichloroethylene (1,1,2-Trichloroethylene) #.........................       1.44E-02       5.28E-02       1.28E-02       3.84E-02
    166......      75694  Trichlorofluoromethane................................................       1.60E+01        4.90+01       1.60E+01       4.80E+01
    168......      95954  Trichlorophenol 2,4,5-................................................       4.20E+00       2.00E+01       4.20E+00       4.40E+01
    167......      88062  Trichlorophenol 2,4,6- #..............................................       1.52E-02       5.76E-02       1.52E-02       5.36E-02
    170......      93765  Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid 2,4,5-....................................       6.40E-01       1.68E+00       6.40E-01       1.68E+00
    169......      93721  Trichlorophenoxypropionic acid........................................       4.80E-00       1.32E+00       4.80E-01       1.26E+00
    171......      96184  Trichloropropane 1,2,3-...............................................       3.40E-01       2.20E+00       3.40E-01       1.10E+00
    172......      99354  Trinitrobenzene (1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene) sym-..........................       3.00E-03       8.00E-03       3.00E-03       7.80E-03
    173......     126727  Tris (2,3-dibromoprophyl) phosphate B19 #.............................       9.90E-05       2.52E-03       9.90E-05       2.52E-03
    191......    7440622  Vanadium..............................................................       8.82E+00       2.27E+01       3.71E+00       9.58E+00
    174......      75014  Vinyl chloride #......................................................       6.80E-05       2.16E-04       6.00E-05       1.56E-04
    175......    1330297  Xylenes (total).......................................................       1.47E+02       9.10E+02       1.47E+02       8.60E+02
    192......    7440666  Zinc..................................................................       1.08E+02       2.79E+02       3.84E+01       9.90E+01
    For Trichloroethane 1,1,1 the MCL, 0.20 mg/L was used in conic. calculation.                                                                            
    *Represents the lowest results from either landfills, waste piles, or land application units waste management scenarios.                                
    **Represents results from surface impoundments.                                                                                                         
    # Carcinogen.                                                                                                                                           
    [[Page 66427]]
    Appendix C
                                                      Table C-1.--Summary of Constituent-Specific Exit Level Development Using Toxicity Benchmarks                                                  
                                                                                       WW totals (mg/l)                           NWW totals (mg/kg)                      NWW leach (mg/l)          
                CAS No.                            Name                Multipath  Groundwater  Extrapolated                modeled   Extrapolated              Groundwater  Extrapolated            
                                                                        modeled     modeled     exit level     WW EQC       leach     leach level    NWW EQC     modeled     each level     WW EQC  
                                                                      exit level   exit level                               level                               each level                          
    83-32-9........................  Acenaphthene...................        49.5         31.2  ............      0.0018        9480  ............      0.0742          4.9  ............      0.0018
    208-96-8.......................  Acenaphthylene.................  ..........  ...........      0.00285         0.02  ..........          3.9          0.7  ...........    0.0000661         0.02
    67-64-1........................  Acetone........................      232000         15.6  ............         0.2       17400  ............       0.027            6  ............         0.2
    75-05-8........................  Acetonitrile...................        6.58         0.78  ............       0.015         923  ............       0.014          0.3  ............       0.015
    98-86-2........................  Acetophenone...................        5960         16.8  ............     0.00158        1210  ............        0.03          6.4  ............     0.00158
    75-36-5........................  Acetyl chloride................  ..........  ...........        0.023   ..........  ..........        30.85   ..........  ...........        0.015   ..........
    591-08-2.......................  Acetyl-2-thiourea,1-...........  ..........  ...........      0.11775            1  ..........         1.66           70  ...........          6.4            1
    53-96-3........................  Acetylaminofluorene, 2-........  ..........  ...........      0.02762         0.02  ..........         3.28            1  ...........      0.00884         0.02
    107-02-8.......................  Acrolein.......................     0.00248  ...........  ............       0.013        2.63  ............       0.075  ...........  ............       0.013
    79-06-1........................  Acrylamide.....................        3.67      0.00026  ............        0.01     0.00436  ............         0.1     0.000038  ............        0.01
    107-13-1.......................  Acrylonitrile..................     0.00428       0.0011  ............       0.008       0.961  ............         0.7      0.00034  ............       0.008
    1402-68-2......................  Aflatoxins.....................  ..........  ...........         14.7   ..........  ..........         6900   ..........  ...........         10.5   ..........
    116-06-3.......................  Aldicarb.......................  ..........  ...........    0.0069415         0.05  ..........        0.194            1  ...........         0.48         0.05
    309-00-2.......................  Aldrin.........................   5.640E-07      0.00469  ............    0.000034    0.000444  ............      0.0006    3.670E-06  ............    0.000034
    107-18-6.......................  Allyl alcohol..................  ..........  ...........           39   ..........  ..........        36700   ..........  ...........           15   ..........
    107-05-1.......................  Allyl chloride.................      0.0742  ...........  ............       0.002         258  ............       0.002  ...........  ............       0.002
    92-67-1........................  Aminobiphenyl, 4-..............  ..........  ...........      0.02762         0.02  ..........         3.28            1  ...........      0.00884         0.02
    2763-96-4......................  Aminomethyl-3-isoxazolol, 5-...  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    504-24-5.......................  Aminopyridine, 4-..............  ..........  ...........      0.02762   ..........  ..........         3.28   ..........  ...........      0.00884   ..........
    61-82-5........................  Amitrole.......................  ..........  ...........    0.0069415   ..........  ..........        0.194   ..........  ...........         0.48   ..........
    62-53-3........................  Aniline........................       0.444        0.053  ............     0.00023        4.21  ............      0.0132        0.017  ............     0.00023
    120-12-7.......................  Anthracene.....................  ..........  ...........      0.00285        0.007  ..........          3.9          0.5  ...........    0.0000661        0.007
    7440-36-0......................  Antimony.......................        8210        0.136  ............      0.0008        8.72  ............           2        0.053  ............      0.0008
    140-57-8.......................  Aramite........................  ..........  ...........         14.7         0.02  ..........         6900            1  ...........         10.5         0.02
    7440-38-2......................  Arsenic........................        40.5     0.000384  ............      0.0005        0.17  ............      0.3031     0.000148  ............      0.0005
    2465-27-2......................  Auramine.......................  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    115-02-6.......................  Azaserine......................  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    7440-39-3......................  Barium.........................  ..........         33.2  ............       0.001        2080  ............         0.2         15.5  ............       0.001
    71-43-2........................  Benzene........................      0.0209       0.0177  ............     0.00004         109  ............      0.0001       0.0054  ............     0.00004
    92-87-5........................  Benzidine......................     0.00015    2.240E-06  ............      0.0025   0.0000298  ............       0.042    6.800E-07  ............      0.0025
    106-51-4.......................  Benzoquinone, p-...............  ..........  ...........         14.7         0.01  ..........         6900          0.7  ...........         10.5         0.01
    98-07-7........................  Benzotrichloride...............  ..........  ...........        0.081   ..........  ..........          142        0.004  ...........       0.0317   ..........
    50-32-8........................  Benzo(a)pyrene.................     0.00231      0.00364  ............    0.000023       0.227  ............      0.0621    7.040E-06  ............    0.000023
    205-99-2.......................  Benzo(b)fluoranthene...........    0.000805       0.0164  ............    0.000018         3.7  ............      0.0699    0.0000661  ............    0.000018
    205-82-3.......................  Benzo(j)fluoranthene...........  ..........  ...........      0.00285       0.0002  ..........          3.9         0.01  ...........    0.0000661       0.0002
    207-08-9.......................  Benzo(k)fluoranthene...........  ..........  ...........      0.00285       0.0002  ..........          3.9          0.7  ...........    0.0000661       0.0002
    191-24-2.......................  Benzo[g,h,i,]perylene..........  ..........  ...........      0.00285       0.0008  ..........          3.9          0.7  ...........    0.0000661       0.0008
    100-51-6.......................  Benzyl alcohol.................       22500           39  ............     0.00074        2740  ............       0.034           15  ............     0.00074
    100-44-7.......................  Benzyl chloride................        1.13          3.9  ............   5.000E-06        37.5  ............     0.00276           15  ............   5.000E-06
    56-55-3........................  Benz(a)anthracene..............      0.0138     0.000717  ............    0.000013         0.1  ............      0.0826    4.300E-06  ............    0.000013
    225-51-4.......................  Benz[c]acridine................  ..........  ...........      0.00285       0.0005  ..........          3.9         0.03  ...........    0.0000661       0.0005
    7440-41-7......................  Beryllium......................        10.1     0.000827  ............     0.00003      0.0591  ............         0.1      0.00032  ............      0.0003
    39638-32-9.....................  Bis (2-chloroisopropyl) ether..       0.569        0.007  ............     0.00145       0.944  ............      0.0586       0.0019  ............     0.00145
    111-44-4.......................  Bis(2-chlorethyl)ether.........     0.00141     0.000648  ............      0.0003       0.115  ............      0.0651      0.00036  ............      0.0003
    117-81-7.......................  Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate.....     0.00044         12.4  ............     0.00027         225  ............       0.143      0.00112  ............     0.00027
    542-88-1.......................  Bis(chloromethyl)either........  ..........  ...........        0.023   ..........  ..........        30.85   ..........  ...........        0.015   ..........
    598-31-2.......................  Bromoacetone...................  ..........  ...........        0.023        0.005  ..........        30.85         0.03  ...........        0.015        0.005
    75-27-4........................  Bromodichloromethane...........        33.3      0.00854  ............     0.00008          19  ............      0.0012      0.00252  ............     0.00008
    75-25-2........................  Bromoform (Tribromomethane)....       0.178        0.064  ............      0.0002         173  ............        0.02        0.018  ............      0.0002
    101-55-3.......................  Bromophenyl phenyl ether, 4-...  ..........  ...........        0.023         0.01  ..........        30.85          0.7  ...........        0.015         0.01
    357-57-3.......................  Brucine........................  ..........  ...........        0.159           20  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105           20
    71-36-3........................  Butanol........................       38600         15.6  ............       0.014       18200  ............        0.23            6  ............       0.014
    88-85-7........................  Butyl-4,6-dinitrophenol, 2-sec-        15.4        0.192  ............     0.00029         772  ............       0.042        0.064  ............     0.00029
    85-68-7........................  Butylbenzylphthalate...........         235          437  ............    0.000042          87  ............       0.049           64  ............    0.000042
    7440-43-9......................  Cadmium........................        1600         0.24  ............     0.00005        14.1  ............         0.2         0.11  ............     0.00005
    86-74-8........................  Carbazole......................  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    75-15-0........................  Carbon disulfide...............       0.738         18.4  ............     0.00121         330  ............      0.0002          6.4  ............     0.00121
    353-50-4.......................  Carbon oxyfluoride.............  ..........  ...........        0.023   ..........  ..........        30.85   ..........  ...........        0.015   ..........
    56-23-5........................  Carbon tetrachloride...........      0.0115        0.014  ............     0.00021        8.54  ............        0.02      0.00161  ............     0.00021
    75-87-6........................  Chloral........................  ..........  ...........        0.081   ..........  ..........          142   ..........  ...........       0.0317   ..........
    305-03-3.......................  Chlorambucil...................  ..........  ...........        0.081   ..........  ..........          142   ..........  ...........       0.0317   ..........
    57-74-9........................  Chlordane......................    0.000014       0.0998  ............     0.00004     0.00976  ............      0.0015     0.000163  ............     0.00004
    494-03-1.......................  Chlomaphazin...................  ..........  ...........        0.081   ..........  ..........          142   ..........  ...........       0.0317   ..........
    126-99-8.......................  Chloro-1, 3-butadiene, 2-             0.515  ...........  ............       0.002         288  ............     0.00099  ...........  ............       0.002
    107-20-0.......................  Chloroacetaldehyde.............  ..........  ...........        0.023   ..........  ..........        30.85   ..........  ...........        0.015   ..........
    106-47-8.......................  Chloroaniline, p-..............         517         0.42  ............     0.00066         142  ............      0.0592         0.16  ............     0.00066
    108-90-7.......................  Chlorobenzene..................         1.5         4.76  ............     0.00004        2470  ............      0.0002         1.33  ............     0.00004
    510-15-6.......................  Chlorobenzilate................      0.0731        0.054  ............     0.00504        6.82  ............       0.069       0.0057  ............     0.00504
    124-48-1.......................  Chlorodibromomethane...........        16.3       0.0066  ............     0.00007        27.5  ............     0.00085       0.0018  ............     0.00007
    75-00-3........................  Chloroethane (ethyl chloride)..  ..........  ...........        0.023        0.005  ..........        30.85        0.005  ...........        0.015        0.005
    110-75-8.......................  Chloroethyl vinyl ether, 2-....  ..........  ...........        0.081   ..........  ..........          142        0.005  ...........       0.0317   ..........
    67-66-3........................  Chloroform.....................     0.00759        0.057  ............     0.00003        6.74  ............       0.002        0.017  ............     0.00003
    [[Page 66428]]
    59-50-7........................  Chloro-m-cresol, p-............  ..........  ...........        0.081         0.02  ..........          142            1  ...........       0.0317         0.02
    107-30-2.......................  Chloromethyl methyl ether......  ..........  ...........        0.023   ..........  ..........        30.85        0.005  ...........        0.015   ..........
    91-58-7........................  Chloronaphthalene, 2-..........  ..........  ...........        0.081         0.01  ..........          142          0.7  ...........       0.0317         0.01
    95-57-8........................  Chlorophenol, 2-...............         134          0.9  ............     0.00058         104  ............      0.0758         0.32  ............     0.00058
    7005-72-3......................  Clorophenyl phenyl ether, 4-...  ..........  ...........        0.023         0.01  ..........        30.85          0.7  ...........        0.015         0.01
    5344-82-1......................  Chlorophenyl thiourea, 1-o-....  ..........  ...........        0.023   ..........  ..........        30.85   ..........  ...........        0.015   ..........
    542-76-7.......................  Chloropropionitrile, 3-........  ..........  ...........        0.081          0.1  ..........          142          0.5  ...........       0.0317          0.1
    7440-47-3......................  Chromium.......................        1300         1.24  ............       0.002        9.76  ............       0.003        0.476  ............       0.002
    218-01-9.......................  Chrysene.......................        1.32          0.1  ............     0.00015        34.6  ............       0.084      0.00119  ............     0.00015
    6358-53-8......................  Citrus red No. 2...............  ..........  ...........         14.7   ..........  ..........         6900   ..........  ...........         10.5   ..........
    7440-48-4......................  Cobalt.........................  ..........  ...........         1.24          0.5  ..........         8.72            5  ...........       0.4165          0.5
    7440-50-8......................  Copper.........................         674         2790  ............      0.0007        5.91  ............         0.5         1080  ............      0.0007
    108-39-4.......................  Cresol, m-.....................         615          8.4  ............     0.00046       21500  ............       0.035          3.2  ............     0.00046
    95-48-7........................  Cresol, o-.....................         656          8.4  ............     0.00055       27400  ............       0.027          3.2  ............     0.00055
    106-44-5.......................  Cresol, p-.....................        63.5         0.84  ............     0.00046        2550  ............       0.035         0.32  ............     0.00046
    4170-30-3......................  Crotonaldehyde.................  ..........  ...........          7.8         0.06  ..........         1210            4  ...........          6.2         0.06
    57-12-5........................  Cyanide........................  ..........  ...........        0.159          0.2  ..........       19.955          0.2  ...........        0.105          0.2
    14901-08-7.....................  Cycasin........................  ..........  ...........         14.7   ..........  ..........         6900   ..........  ...........         10.5   ..........
    108-94-1.......................  Cyclohexanone..................  ..........  ...........          7.8           10  ..........         1210           10  ...........          6.2           10
    131-89-5.......................  Cyclohexyl-4,6-dinitrophenol, 2- ..........  ...........       0.0252          0.1  ..........        2.991            7  ...........       0.0083          0.1
    50-18-0........................  Cyclophosphamide...............  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    20830-81-3.....................  Daunomycin.....................  ..........  ...........         14.7   ..........  ..........         6900   ..........  ...........         10.5   ..........
    72-54-8........................  DDD............................    0.000126       913000  ............     0.00005     0.00648  ............      0.0012         2800  ............     0.00005
    53-19-0........................  DDD (o,p\1\)...................  ..........  ...........    0.0069415   ..........  ..........        0.194   ..........  ...........         0.48   ..........
    72-55-9........................  DDE............................   9.110E-06        0.228  ............    0.000058    0.000936  ............      0.0006    0.0000623  ............    0.000058
    3424-82-6......................  DDE (o,p\1\)...................  ..........  ...........    0.0069415   ..........  ..........        0.194   ..........  ...........         0.48   ..........
    50-29-3........................  DDT............................   0.0000181         20.4  ............    0.000081     0.00315  ............      0.0006       0.0054  ............    0.000081
    789-02-6.......................  DDT (o.p\1\)...................  ..........  ...........    0.0069415   ..........  ..........        0.194   ..........  ...........         0.48   ..........
    2303-16-4......................  Diallate.......................        0.26         90.1  ............     0.00063        1.26  ............       0.023         0.46  ............     0.00063
    132-64-9.......................  Dibenzofuran...................  ..........  ...........          8.4         0.01  ..........        27400          0.7  ...........          3.2         0.01
    192-65-4.......................  Dibenzo[a,e]pyrene.............  ..........  ...........      0.00285       0.0002  ..........          3.9         0.01  ...........    0.0000661        0.001
    189-64-0.......................  Dibenzo[a,h]pyrene.............  ..........  ...........      0.00285       0.0002  ..........          3.9         0.01  ...........    0.0000661       0.0002
    189-55-9.......................  Dibenzo[a,i]pyrene.............  ..........  ...........      0.00285       0.0002  ..........          3.9         0.01  ...........    0.0000661       0.0002
    194-59-2.......................  Dibenzo[c,g]carbazole, 7H-.....  ..........  ...........      0.00285         0.01  ..........          3.9          0.7  ...........    0.0000661         0.01
    226-36-8.......................  Dibenz(a,h)acridine............  ..........  ...........      0.00285       0.0002  ..........          3.9         0.01  ...........    0.0000661       0.0002
    53-70-3........................  Dibenz(a,h)anthracene..........   8.440E-06      0.00176  ............     0.00003    0.000155  ............       0.084    6.340E-07  ............     0.00003
    224-42-0.......................  Dibenz[a,j]acridine............  ..........  ...........      0.00285        0.001  ..........          3.9          0.7  ...........    0.0000661        0.001
    96-12-8........................  Dibromo-3-chloropropane, 1,2-..      0.0723      0.00066  ............     0.00026       0.663  ............      0.0003     0.000114  ............     0.00026
    764-41-0.......................  Dichloro-2-butene, 1,4-........  ..........  ...........        0.023        0.005  ..........        30.85        0.005  ...........        0.015        0.005
    110-57-6.......................  Dichloro-2-butene, trans-1,4-..  ..........  ...........        0.023        0.005  ..........        30.85        0.005  ...........        0.015        0.005
    96-23-1........................  Dichloro-2-propanol, 1,3-......  ..........  ...........        0.081         0.01  ..........          142         0.05  ...........       0.0317         0.01
    95-50-1........................  Dichlorobenzene, 1,2-..........        15.4         29.5  ............     0.00003       50000  ............      0.0002          6.1  ............     0.00003
    541-73-1.......................  Dichlorobenzene, 1,3-..........  ..........  ...........        0.023        0.005  ..........        30.85          0.7  ...........        0.015        0.005
    106-46-7.......................  Dichlorobenzene, 1,4-..........        3.01        0.056  ............     0.00004        63.9  ............      0.0001       0.0108  ............     0.00004
    91-94-1........................  Dichlorobenzidine, 3,3 \1\-....      0.0037       0.0042  ............      0.0024      0.0524  ............       0.116      0.00072  ............      0.0024
    75-71-8........................  Dichlorodifluoromethane........        14.7         35.7  ............      0.0001        8070  ............      0.0052         11.9  ............      0.0001
    75-34-3........................  Dichloroethane, 1,1-...........        37.4      0.00016  ............     0.00004        24.2  ............      0.0002      0.00006  ............     0.00004
    107-06-2.......................  Dichloroethane, 1,2-...........     0.00698      0.00016  ............     0.00006         6.1  ............      0.0001      0.00006  ............     0.00006
    75-35-4........................  Dichloroethylene, 1,1-.........     0.00345      0.00059  ............     0.00012        2.55  ............      0.0014      0.00018  ............     0.00012
    156-59-2.......................  Dichloroethylene, cis-1,2-.....       30000         1.68  ............     0.00012        5400  ............        0.02         0.64  ............     0.00012
    156-60-5.......................  Dichloroethylene, trans-1,2-...       44200         2.94  ............     0.00006       13800  ............      0.0006         1.12  ............     0.00006
    111-91-1.......................  Dichloromethoxy ethane.........  ..........  ...........        0.023         0.01  ..........        30.85          0.7  ...........        0.015         0.01
    98-87-3........................  Dichloromethylbenzene (benzal    ..........  ...........        0.023        0.005  ..........        30.85          0.3  ...........        0.015        0.005
    120-83-2.......................  Dichlorophenol, 2,4-...........        6.94         0.62  ............     0.00041         769  ............      0.0788         0.18  ............     0.00041
    87-65-0........................  Dichlorophenol, 2,6-...........  ..........  ...........        0.023         0.01  ..........        30.85          0.7  ...........        0.015         0.01
    94-75-7........................  Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, 2,4-       58.5         1.56  ............     0.00029        3140  ............     0.00011          0.6  ............     0.00029
    78-87-5........................  Dichloropropane, 1,2-..........       0.303        0.023  ............     0.00004        16.9  ............      0.0001       0.0023  ............     0.00004
    542-75-6.......................  Dichloropropene, 1,3-..........     0.00476       0.0028  ............      0.0009        32.4  ............      0.0003      0.00085  ............      0.0009
    10061-01-5.....................  Dichloropropene, cis-1,3-......     0.00485        90000  ............     0.00069        2.64  ............      0.0003         1150  ............     0.00069
    10061-02-6.....................  Dichloropropene, trans-1,3-....      0.0049        90000  ............     0.00094        2.67  ............      0.0003         1150  ............     0.00094
    60-57-1........................  Dieldrin.......................    0.000059          682  ............    0.000044     0.00176  ............      0.0006         0.54  ............    0.000044
    1464-53-5......................  Diepoxybutane, 1,2,3,4- (2,2\1\- ..........  ...........         14.7        0.005  ..........         6900        0.005  ...........         10.5        0.005
    84-66-2........................  Diethyl phthalate..............        3560          186  ............     0.00025        4490  ............       0.022           54  ............     0.00025
    311-45-5.......................  Diethyl-p-nitrophenyl phosphate  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    56-53-1........................  Diethylstibestrol..............   7.720E-07    4.290E-07  ............      0.0078   2.470E-11  ............           1    6.500E-08  ............      0.0078
    94-58-6........................  Dihydrosafrole.................  ..........  ...........         14.7         0.05  ..........         6900            3  ...........         10.5         0.05
    60-51-5........................  Dimethoate.....................        38.1         29.4  ............     0.00029         1.6  ............      0.0691         0.77  ............     0.00029
    131-11-3.......................  Dimethyl phthalate.............      200000           78  ............     0.00064           3  ............       0.013           30  ............     0.00064
    77-78-1........................  Dimethyl sulfate...............  ..........  ...........      0.11775   ..........  ..........         1.66   ..........  ...........          6.4   ..........
    [[Page 66429]]
    60-11-7........................  Dimethylaminoazobenzene, p-....  ..........  ...........      0.02762         0.01  ..........         3.28          0.7  ...........      0.00884         0.01
    119-93-7.......................  Dimethylbenzidine, 3,3\1\-.....    0.000625    0.0000702  ............      0.0033     0.00062  ............         0.7     0.000018  ............      0.0033
    57-97-6........................  Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene, 7,12-  3.820E-06      0.00464  ............     0.00037     0.00263  ............       0.039    2.760E-06  ............     0.00037
    79-44-7........................  Dimethylcarbamoyl chloride.....  ..........  ...........        0.081   ..........  ..........          142   ..........  ...........       0.0317   ..........
    122-09-8.......................  Dimethylphenethylamine, alpha,   ..........  ...........        0.159         0.05  ..........       19.955            3  ...........        0.105         0.05
    105-67-9.......................  Dimethylphenol, 2,4-...........         151         3.78  ............     0.00047       11300  ............       0.052         1.19  ............     0.00047
    119-90-4.......................  Dimethyoxybenzidine, 3,3\1\-...        1.78       0.0336  ............      0.0077       0.236  ............           7       0.0102  ............      0.0077
    84-74-2........................  Di-n-butyl phthalate...........         883          227  ............     0.00033       90000  ............       0.249         25.2  ............     0.00033
    99-65-0........................  Dinitrobenzene, l,3-...........        1.28       0.0168  ............     0.00011        5.54  ............        0.25       0.0064  ............     0.00011
    100-25-4.......................  Dinitrobenzene, l,4-...........  ..........  ...........       0.0252         0.04  ..........        2.991            3  ...........       0.0083         0.04
    534-52-1.......................  Dinitro-o-cresol, 4,6-.........  ..........  ...........       0.0252         0.05  ..........        2.991            3  ...........       0.0083         0.05
    51-28-5........................  Dinitrophenol, 2,4-............        50.2        0.273  ............     0.00042        56.1  ............        0.03        0.105  ............     0.00042
    121-14-2.......................  Dinitrotoluene, 2,4-...........        10.7        0.294  ............     0.00002         213  ............        0.26        0.112  ............     0.00002
    606-20-2.......................  Dinitrotoluene, 2,6-...........        12.9        0.168  ............     0.00031        86.3  ............        0.25        0.064  ............     0.00031
    117-84-0.......................  Di-n-octyl phthalate...........       0.002         1260  ............    0.000042        4480  ............       0.139          0.1  ............    0.000042
    123-91-1.......................  Dioxane, 1,4-..................         558       0.0424  ............       0.012        13.2  ............      0.0005       0.0136  ............       0.012
    122-39-4.......................  Diphenylamine..................          29         14.7  ............     0.00151       11800  ............       0.041          2.6  ............     0.00151
    122-66-7.......................  Diphenylhydrazine, 1,2-........  ..........  ...........        0.159         0.01  ..........       19.955          0.7  ...........        0.105         0.01
    298-04-4.......................  Disulfoton.....................      0.0131          458  ............     0.00007        42.6  ............      0.0035           13  ............     0.00007
    541-53-7.......................  Dithiobiuret...................  ..........  ...........      0.11775   ..........  ..........         1.66   ..........  ...........          6.4   ..........
    115-29-7.......................  Endosulfan.....................        6.62            6  ............     0.00004        73.1  ............      0.0005         0.94  ............     0.00004
    959-98-8.......................  Endosulfan I...................  ..........  ...........    0.0069415       0.0003  ..........        0.194        0.009  ...........         0.48       0.0003
    332-13-65-9....................  Endosulfan II..................  ..........  ...........    0.0069415       0.0004  ..........        0.194        0.003  ...........         0.48       0.0004
    1031-07-8......................  Endosulfan sulfate.............  ..........  ...........    0.0069415       0.0004  ..........        0.194         0.04  ...........         0.48       0.0004
    145-73-3.......................  Endothall......................  ..........  ...........    0.0069415          0.1  ..........        0.194   ..........  ...........         0.48          0.1
    72-20-8........................  Endrin.........................      0.0729         6550  ............     0.00039         026  ............      0.0036           32  ............     0.00039
    7421-93-4......................  Endrin aldehyde................  ..........  ...........    0.0069415       0.0005  ..........        0.194         0.02  ...........         0.48       0.0005
    53494-70-5.....................  Endrin ketone..................  ..........  ...........    0.0069415       0.0005  ..........        0.194         0.03  ...........         0.48       0.0005
    106-89-8.......................  Epichlorohydrin................       0.335       414000  ............     0.06519          44  ............      0.0714         5400  ............     0.06519
    51-43-4........................  Epinephrine....................  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    110-80-5.......................  Ethoxyethanol, 2-..............        14.7           39  ............        1.16        6900  ............        2.03           15  ............        1.16
    141-78-6.......................  Ethyl acetate..................  ..........          390  ............       0.009      272000  ............        0.18          114  ............      0.0009
    51-79-6........................  Ethyl carbamate................  ..........  ...........         14.7         0.05  ..........         6900            3  ...........         10.5         0.05
    107-12-0.......................  Ethyl cyanide (propionitrile)..  ..........  ...........        0.159          0.1  ..........       19.955          0.1  ...........        0.105          0.1
    60-29-7........................  Ethyl ether....................  ..........         27.3  ............     0.00153       41200  ............     0.00319         10.5  ............     0.00153
    97-63-2........................  Ethyl methacrylate.............       25500           24  ............     0.00345        3420  ............      0.0011          6.6  ............     0.00345
    62-50-0........................  Ethyl methanesulfonate.........      0.0055       930000  ............     0.00106       00133  ............       0.018        11700  ............     0.00106
    100-41-4.......................  Ethylbenzene...................        74.5           39  ............     0.00006      550000  ............      0.0002          8.1  ............     0.00006
    106-93-4.......................  Ethylene Dibromide.............    0.000928      0.00036  ............     0.00006     0.00745  ............      0.0001     0.000015  ............     0.00006
    75-21-8........................  Ethylene oxide.................  ..........  ...........         14.7        0.001  ..........         6900         0.07  ...........         10.5        0.001
    96-45-7........................  Ethylene thiourea..............        17.7      0.00053  ............  ..........        0.51  ............  ..........      0.00017  ............  ..........
    151-56-4.......................  Ethyleneimine (aziridine)......  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    52-56-4........................  Famphur........................  ..........  ...........    0.0069415         0.02  ..........        0.194            1  ...........         0.48         0.02
    640-19-7.......................  Fluoracetamide, 2-.............  ..........  ...........        0.023   ..........  ..........        30.85   ..........  ...........        0.015   ..........
    62-74-8........................  Flouracetic acid, sodium salt..  ..........  ...........    0.0069415   ..........  ..........        0.194   ..........  ...........         0.48   ..........
    206-44-0.......................  Fluoranthene...................        1580         27.5  ............     0.00021        5970  ............       0.084         1.74  ............     0.00021
    86-73-7........................  Fluorene.......................        1310         22.4  ............     0.00021       89800  ............        0.08          3.4  ............     0.00021
    16984-48-8.....................  Fluoride.......................  ..........  ...........            0         0.05  ..........            0   ..........  ...........            0         0.05
    50-00-0........................  Formaldehyde...................      0.0158         27.3  ............      0.0232        48.8  ............           4         10.5  ............      0.0232
    64-18-6........................  Formic Acid....................  ..........          273  ............         0.2      301000  ............          10          105  ............         0.2
    765-34-4.......................  Glycidylaldehyde...............  ..........          7.8  ............  ..........        1210  ............  ..........          6.2  ............            
    319-86-8.......................  HCH, delta-....................  ..........  ...........    0.0069415       0.0002  ..........        0.194       0.0006  ...........         0.48       0.0002
    76-44-8........................  Heptachlor.....................   0.0000237  ...........  ............     0.00004        7.79  ............      0.0008  ...........  ............     0.00004
    1024-57-3......................  Heptachlor epoxide.............    0.000528          783  ............    0.000032      0.0264  ............      0.0006         0.45  ............    0.000032
    87-68-3........................  Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene.......     0.00788       0.0806  ............      0.0001        36.4  ............       0.046      0.00691  ............      0.0001
    118-74-1.......................  Hexachlorobenzene..............    0.000424       0.0226  ............     0.00161      0.0116  ............      0.0723     0.000113  ............     0.00161
    319-84-6.......................  Hexachlorocyclohexane, alpha-      0.000142           21  ............    0.000035      0.0333  ............      0.0008         0.11  ............    0.000035
    319-85-7.......................  Hexachlorocyclohexane, beta-       0.000445       0.0013  ............    0.000023        0.12  ............      0.0006      0.00021  ............    0.000023
    58-89-9........................  Hexachlorocyclohexane, gamma-      0.000783          119  ............    0.000025       0.102  ............       0.002        0.693  ............    0.000025
    77-47-4........................  Hexachlorocyclopentadiene......     0.00521  ...........  ............     0.00018        1450  ............       0.092  ...........  ............     0.00018
    67-72-1........................  Hexachloroethane...............       0.049        0.212  ............   1.600E-06        80.6  ............      0.0206        0.033  ............   1.600E-06
    70-30-4........................  Hexachlorophene................   5.150E-06       0.0521  ............       0.207   0.0000241  ............        1.87      0.00136  ............       0.207
    1888-71-7......................  Hexachloropropene..............  ..........  ...........        0.081         0.01  ..........          142          0.7  ...........       0.0317         0.01
    757-58-4.......................  Hexaethyl tetraphosphate.......  ..........  ...........         14.7   ..........  ..........         6900   ..........  ...........         10.5   ..........
    591-78-6.......................  Hexanone, 2-...................  ..........  ...........          7.8        0.005  ..........         1210        0.005  ...........          6.2        0.005
    302-01-2.......................  Hydrazine......................  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955          0.3  ...........        0.105   ..........
    193-39-5.......................  Indeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene.......     0.00285       0.0165  ............    0.000043         3.9  ............      0.0748    0.0000241  ............    0.000043
    [[Page 66430]]
    74-88-4........................  Iodomethane....................  ..........  ...........        0.023        0.005  ..........        30.85        0.005  ...........        0.015        0.005
    78-83-1........................  Isobutyl alcohol...............      180000           39  ............       0.011       55200  ............      0.0035           15  ............       0.011
    465-73-6.......................  Isodrin........................  ..........  ...........    0.0069415         0.02  ..........        0.194            1  ...........         0.48         0.02
    78-59-1........................  Isophorone.....................        78.6        0.531  ............        0.01         743  ............      0.0719        0.162  ............        0.01
    120-58-1.......................  Isosafrole.....................  ..........  ...........         14.7         0.01  ..........         6900          0.7  ...........         10.5         0.01
    143-50-0.......................  Kepone.........................   0.0000264      0.00022  ............       0.016    0.000277  ............       0.097     0.000032  ............       0.016
    303-43-4.......................  Lasiocarpine...................  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    7439-92-1......................  Lead...........................      907000           30  ............        0.01         568  ............           2         11.6  ............        0.01
    108-31-6.......................  Maleic anhydride...............  ..........  ...........         14.7   ..........  ..........         6900         0.07  ...........         10.5   ..........
    123-33-1.......................  Maleic hydrazide...............  ..........  ...........        0.159         0.05  ..........       19.955            3  ...........        0.105         0.05
    109-77-3.......................  Malononitrile..................  ..........  ...........        0.159          0.1  ..........       19.955          0.5  ...........        0.105          0.1
    148-82-3.......................  Melphalan......................  ..........  ...........         14.7   ..........  ..........         6900   ..........  ...........         10.5   ..........
    7439-97-6......................  Mercury........................         125        0.296  ............     0.00009       0.598  ............         0.1        0.138  ............     0.00009
    126-98-7.......................  Methacrylonitrile..............      0.0708       0.0156  ............       0.009        8.91  ............      0.0005        0.006  ............       0.009
    74-93-1........................  Methanethiol...................  ..........  ...........      0.11775   ..........  ..........         1.66   ..........  ...........          6.4   ..........
    67-56-1........................  Methanol.......................  ..........           78  ............       0.021      138000  ............        0.46           30  ............       0.021
    91-80-5........................  Methapyrilene..................  ..........  ...........        0.159          0.1  ..........       19.955            7  ...........        0.105          0.1
    16752-77-5.....................  Methomyl.......................  ..........  ...........    0.0069415         0.05  ..........        0.194            3  ...........         0.48         0.05
    72-43-5........................  Methoxychlor...................        6.73  ...........  ............    0.000086        19.4  ............      0.0057  ...........  ............    0.000086
    74-83-9........................  Methyl bromide (Bromomethane)..        0.37         3.12  ............     0.00011         504  ............        0.02         0.92  ............     0.00011
    74-87-3........................  Methyl chloride (Chloromethane)      0.0959  ...........  ............     0.00013        90.8  ............        0.02  ...........  ............     0.00013
    78-93-3........................  Methyl ethyle ketone...........         141           78  ............        0.01      112000  ............     0.00834           30  ............        0.01
    1338-23-4......................  Mehtyl ethyl ketone peroxide...  ..........  ...........          7.8   ..........  ..........         1210   ..........  ...........          6.2   ..........
    60-34-4........................  Mehty hydrazine................  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    108-10-1.......................  Methyl isobutyl ketone.........        10.3          7.8  ............     0.00083       17000  ............     0.00315            3  ............     0.00083
    80-62-6........................  Methyl methacrylate............       69900         28.2  ............       0.005       39500  ............      0.0027          8.1  ............       0.005
    66-27-3........................  Methyl methanesulfonate........  ..........  ...........      0.11775         0.01  ..........         1.66          0.7  ...........          6.4         0.01
    91-57-6........................  Methyl naphthalene, 2-.........  ..........  ...........      0.00285         0.01  ..........          3.9          0.7  ...........    0.0000661         0.01
    298-00-0.......................  Methyl paratyhion..............       0.662           78  ............        0.01        1.43  ............      0.0691         23.4  ............        0.01
    75-55-8........................  Methylaziridine, 2-............  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    56-49-5........................  Methylcholanthrene, 3-.........   9.880E-06       0.0117  ............        0.01    0.000128  ............       0.046    1.410E-06  ............        0.01
    74-95-3........................  Methylene bromide..............       11700         2.32  ............     0.00024        8400  ............      0.0001         0.19  ............     0.00024
    75-09-2........................  Methylene chloride.............       0.376        0.039  ............     0.00026         306  ............        0.02        0.015  ............     0.00026
    101-14-4.......................  Methylenebis, 4,4'-(2-           ..........  ...........      0.02762   ..........  ..........         3.28   ..........  ...........      0.00884   ..........
    70-25-7........................  Methyl-nitro-nitrosoguanidine    ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    56-04-2........................  Methylthiouracil...............  ..........  ...........      0.11775   ..........  ..........         1.66   ..........  ...........          6.4   ..........
    50-07-7........................  Mitomycin C....................  ..........  ...........         14.7   ..........  ..........         6900   ..........  ...........         10.5   ..........
    7439-98-7......................  Molybdenum.....................      121000         1.83  ............       0.001         114  ............         0.3         1.83  ............       0.001
    91-20-3........................  Naphthalene....................         385           14  ............      0.0018      120000  ............      0.0665          2.7  ............      0.0018
    130-15-4.......................  Naphthoquinone, 1,4-...........  ..........  ...........         14.7         0.01  ..........         6900          0.7  ...........         10.5         0.01
    86-88-4........................  Naphthyl-2-thiourea, 1-........  ..........  ...........      0.11775   ..........  ..........         1.66   ..........  ...........          6.4   ..........
    134-32-7.......................  Naphthylamine, 1-..............  ..........  ...........        0.159         0.01  ..........       19.955          0.7  ...........        0.105         0.01
    91-59-8........................  Naphthylamine, 2-..............  ..........  ...........        0.159         0.01  ..........       19.955          0.7  ...........        0.105         0.01
    7440-02-0......................  Nickel.........................        5040         10.5  ............       0.005         106  ............           1         4.89  ............       0.005
    54-11-5........................  Nicotine and salts.............  ..........  ...........        0.159         0.02  ..........       19.955            1  ...........        0.105         0.02
    88-74-4........................  Nitroaniline, 2-...............  ..........  ...........      0.02762         0.05  ..........         3.28            3  ...........      0.00884         0.05
    99-09-2........................  Nitroaniline, 3-...............  ..........  ...........      0.02762         0.05  ..........         3.28            3  ...........      0.00884         0.05
    100-01-6.......................  Nitroaniline, 4-...............  ..........  ...........      0.02762         0.02  ..........         3.28            1  ...........      0.00884         0.02
    99-95-3........................  Nitrobenzene...................       0.345        0.084  ............      0.0064        44.8  ............      0.0544        0.032  ............      0.0064
    55-86-7........................  Nitrogen mustard...............  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    51-75-2........................  Nitrogen mustard hydrochloride   ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    126-85-2.......................  Nitrogen mustard N-Oxide.......  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    302-70-5.......................  Nitrogen mustard N-Oxide, HCI    ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    55-63-0........................  Nitroglycerine.................  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    99-55-8........................  Nitro-o-toluidine, 5-..........  ..........  ...........      0.02762         0.01  ..........         3.28          0.7  ...........      0.00884         0.01
    88-75-5........................  Nitrophenol, 2-................  ..........  ...........       0.0252         0.01  ..........        2.991          0.7  ...........       0.0083         0.01
    100-02-7.......................  Nitrophenol, 4-................  ..........  ...........       0.0252         0.05  ..........        2.991            3  ...........       0.0083         0.05
    79-46-9........................  Nitropropane, 2-...............     0.00019  ...........  ............     0.00577       0.128  ............      0.0022  ...........  ............     0.00577
    56-57-5........................  Nitroquinoline-1-oxide, 4-.....  ..........  ...........        0.159         0.04  ..........       19.955            3  ...........        0.105         0.04
    55-18-5........................  Nitrosodiethylamine............   0.0000406    3.180E-06  ............       0.002     0.00064  ............           1    1.020E-06  ............       0.002
    62-75-9........................  Nitrosodimethylamine...........    0.000268    0.0000106  ............      0.0006     0.00245  ............       0.074    3.400E-06  ............      0.0006
    924-16-3.......................  Nitrosodi-n-butylamine.........    0.000279     0.000122  ............        0.06       0.094  ............        0.03     0.000036  ............        0.06
    10595-95-6.....................  Nitrosomethylethylamine........       0.129    0.0000212  ............       0.028     0.00244  ............       0.016    6.800E-06  ............       0.028
    1116-54-7......................  M-Nitrosodiethanolamine........  ..........  ...........    0.0000371         0.01  ..........     0.012875          0.7  ...........    0.0000119         0.01
    621-64-7.......................  N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine......      0.0644     0.000053  ............       0.026      0.0233  ............      0.0144     0.000017  ............       0.026
    86-30-6........................  N-Nitrosodiphenylamine.........        7.54          0.2  ............        0.05        1270  ............      0.0846        0.046  ............        0.05
    4549-40-0......................  N-Nitrosomethyl vinyl amine....  ..........  ...........    0.0000371   ..........  ..........     0.012875   ..........  ...........    0.0000119   ..........
    59-89-2........................  N-Nitrosomorpholine............  ..........  ...........        0.159         0.05  ..........       19.955            3  ...........        0.105         0.05
    759-73-9.......................  N-Nitroso-N-ethylurea..........  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    684-93-5.......................  N-Nitroso-N-methylurea.........  ..........  ...........        0.159         0.01  ..........       19.955          0.7  ...........        0.105        0.01 
    [[Page 66431]]
    615-53-2.......................  N-Nitroso-N-methylurethane.....  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    16543-55-8.....................  N-Nitrosonomicotine............  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    100-75-4.......................  N-Nitrosopiperidine............      0.0106    0.0000106  ............     0.00135     0.00247  ............       0.033    3.400E-06  ............     0.00135
    930-55-2.......................  N-Nitrosopyrrolidine...........       0.101     0.000212  ............      0.0047      0.0534  ............       0.042     0.000068  ............      0.0047
    13256-22-9.....................  N-Nitrososarcosine.............  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    103-85-5.......................  N-Phenylthiourea...............  ..........  ...........      0.11775   ..........  ..........         1.66   ..........  ...........          6.4   ..........
    1615-80-1......................  N,N-Diethylihydrazine..........  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    152-16-9.......................  Octamethyl- pyro- phosphoramide        7310        0.273  ............      0.0053          31  ............       0.146        0.105  ............      0.0053
    20816-12-0.....................  Osmium tetroxide...............  ..........  ...........         1.24            3  ..........         8.72          200  ...........       0.4165            3
    297-97-2.......................  O,O-Diethyl O-pyrazinyl          ..........  ...........      0.11775         0.02  ..........         1.66            1  ...........          6.4         0.02
    126-68-1.......................  O,O,O-Triethyl phosphorothioate  ..........  ...........      0.11775         0.05  ..........         1.66            3  ...........          6.4         0.05
    123-63-7.......................  Paraldehyde....................  ..........  ...........          7.8            1  ..........         1210           70  ...........          6.2            1
    56-38-2........................  Parathion......................        2.63       440000  ............      0.0005       0.128  ............       0.025        11600  ............      0.0005
    608-93-5.......................  Pentachlorobenzene.............        7.86         5.15  ............    0.000038         205  ............        0.02       0.0543  ............    0.000038
    76-01-7........................  Pentachloroethane..............  ..........  ...........        0.023        0.005  ..........        30.85         0.01  ...........        0.015        0.005
    82-68-8........................  Pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB).        13.9        0.081  ............        0.02        11.4  ............       0.052       0.0054  ............        0.02
    87-86-5........................  Pentachlorophenol..............       0.301      0.00204  ............     0.00008        2.92  ............      0.1222      0.00041  ............     0.00008
    62-44-2........................  Phenacetin.....................  ..........  ...........         14.7         0.02  ..........         6900            1  ...........         10.5         0.02
    85-01-8........................  Phenanthrene...................  ..........  ...........      0.00285        0.006  ..........          3.9          0.7  ...........    0.0000661        0.006
    108-95-2.......................  Phenol.........................       19300           84  ............     0.00028      163000  ............      0.2185           32  ............     0.00028
    62-38-4........................  Phenyl mercuric acetate........       0.506       0.0117  ............  ..........     0.00932  ............  ..........       0.0045  ............  ..........
    25265-76-3.....................  Phenylenediamines (N.O.S.).....  ..........  ...........        0.159         0.01  ..........       19.955          0.7  ...........        0.105         0.01
    108-45-2.......................  Phenylenediamine, m-...........        5440         0.78  ............      0.0174         784  ............         0.7          0.3  ............      0.0174
    106-50-3.......................  Phenylenediamine, p-...........  ..........  ...........        0.159         0.01  ..........       19.955          0.7  ...........        0.105         0.01
    298-02-2.......................  Phorate........................       0.106  ...........  ............     0.00004         157  ............       0.002  ...........  ............     0.00004
    298-06-6.......................  Phosphorodithioic acid, o-o-     ..........  ...........      0.11775   ..........  ..........         1.66   ..........  ...........          6.4   ..........
                                      diethyl ester.                                                                                                                                                
    3288-58-2......................  Phosphorodithioic acid, o-o-     ..........  ...........      0.11775   ..........  ..........         1.66   ..........  ...........          6.4   ..........
    2953-29-9......................  Phosphorodithioic acid,          ..........  ...........      0.11775   ..........  ..........         1.66   ..........  ...........          6.4   ..........
                                      trimethyl ester.                                                                                                                                              
    85-44-9........................  Phthalic anhydride.............  ..........  ...........          132   ..........  ..........       2352.5            7  ...........         27.6   ..........
    109-06-8.......................  Picoline, 2-...................  ..........  ...........        0.159        0.001  ..........       19.955         0.07  ...........        0.105        0.001
    1336-36-3......................  Polychlorinated biphenyls......    0.000286      0.00614  ............      0.0005     0.00596  ............        0.04    4.810E-06  ............      0.0005
    23950-58-5.....................  Pronamide......................        80.3         21.3  ............     0.00145         438  ............       0.097          5.7  ............     0.00145
    1120-71-4......................  Propane sultone, 1,3-..........  ..........  ...........      0.11775   ..........  ..........         1.66   ..........  ...........          6.4   ..........
    107-10-8.......................  Propylamine, n-................  ..........  ...........        0.159        0.005  ..........       19.955        0.005  ...........        0.105        0.005
    51-52-5........................  Propylthiouracil...............  ..........  ...........      0.11775          0.1  ..........         1.66            7  ...........          6.4          0.1
    107-19-7.......................  Propyn-1-ol, 2-................  ..........  ...........           39         0.01  ..........        36700         0.05  ...........           15         0.01
    129-00-0.......................  Pyrene.........................        3040         54.1  ............     0.00027       15800  ............      0.0726         1.69  ............     0.00027
    110-86-1.......................  Pyridine.......................       0.522        0.156  ............       0.011         814  ............         0.2         0.06  ............       0.011
    50-55-5........................  Reserpine......................  ..........  ...........        0.159         0.05  ..........       19.955            3  ...........        0.105         0.05
    108-46-3.......................  Resorcinol.....................  ..........  ...........    0.0069415          0.1  ..........        0.194            7  ...........         0.48          0.1
    81-07-2........................  Saccharin and salts............  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    94-59-7........................  Safrole........................      0.0829       0.0035  ............      0.0021        10.5  ............       0.015      0.00095  ............      0.0021
    7782-49-2......................  Selenium.......................         822        0.927  ............      0.0006        1.94  ............           5        0.357  ............      0.0006
    7440-22-4......................  Silver.........................         199  ...........  ............      0.0005       0.134  ............         0.3  ...........  ............      0.0005
    18883-66-4.....................  Streptozotocin.................  ..........  ...........         14.7   ..........  ..........         6900   ..........  ...........         10.5   ..........
    57-24-9........................  Strychnine.....................        3.34        0.045  ............      0.0084      0.0041  ............           3        0.016  ............      0.0084
    100-42-5.......................  Styrene........................        75.7         63.7  ............     0.00004      629000  ............       0.004         15.4  ............     0.00004
    18496-25-8.....................  Sulfide........................  ..........  ...........            0            2  ..........            0            2  ...........            0            2
    1746-01-6......................  TCDD, 2,3,7,8-.................   1.050E-09    1.880E-07  ............   1.000E-08   7.980E-06  ............   1.000E-06    1.780E-10  ............   1.000E-08
    95-94-3........................  Tetrachlorobenzene, 1,2,4,5-...        14.8        0.234  ............     0.00141         168  ............       0.034       0.0317  ............     0.00141
    630-20-6.......................  Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,1,2-....      0.0241        0.075  ............     0.00005         133  ............      0.0001       0.0078  ............     0.00005
    79-34-5........................  Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2-....      0.0037        0.024  ............      0.0002        29.3  ............      0.0002       0.0077  ............      0.0002
    127-18-4.......................  Tetrachloroethylene............       15600         2.04  ............     0.00014       13300  ............      0.0007         0.68  ............     0.00014
    58-90-2........................  Tetrachlorophenol, 2,3,4,6-....        2720         1.89  ............     0.00062        6150  ............        0.04         0.58  ............     0.00062
    107-49-3.......................  Tetraethyl pyrophosphate.......  ..........  ...........         14.7   ..........  ..........         6900            3  ...........         10.5   ..........
    3689-24-5......................  Tetraethyldithiopyrophosphate..        0.23  ...........  ............    0.000058        2.81  ............      0.0039  ...........  ............    0.000058
    7440-28-0......................  Thallium (I)...................         646         0.05  ............      0.0007        5.12  ............           3       0.0192  ............      0.0007
    62-55-5........................  Thioacetamide..................  ..........  ...........        0.159            1  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105            1
    39196-18-4.....................  Thiofanox......................  ..........  ...........      0.11775         0.05  ..........         1.66            3  ...........          6.4         0.05
    108-98-5.......................  Thiophenol.....................  ..........  ...........      0.11775         0.02  ..........         1.66            1  ...........          6.4         0.02
    79-19-6........................  Thiosemicarbazide..............  ..........  ...........      0.11775   ..........  ..........         1.66   ..........  ...........          6.4   ..........
    62-56-6........................  Thiourea.......................  ..........  ...........      0.11775   ..........  ..........         1.66   ..........  ...........          6.4   ..........
    137-26-8.......................  Thiram.........................  ..........  ...........    0.0069415         0.05  ..........        0.194            3  ...........         0.48         0.05
    7440-31-5......................  Tin............................  ..........  ...........         1.24            8  ..........         8.72          500  ...........       0.4165            8
    108-88-3.......................  Toluene........................        29.8         41.3  ............     0.00011      176000  ............      0.0002         12.6  ............     0.00011
    584-84-9.......................  Toluene diisocyanate...........  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19,955            7  ...........        0.105   ..........
    95-80-7........................  Toluenediamine, 2,4-...........       0.211     0.000159  ............      0.0134      0.0101  ............           1     0.000051  ............      0.0134
    823-40-5.......................  Toluenediamine, 2,6-...........  ..........  ...........        0.159         0.02  ..........       19.955            1  ...........        0.105         0.02
    [[Page 66432]]
    496-72-0.......................  Toluenediamine, 3,4-...........  ..........  ...........        0.159         0.02  ..........       19.955            1  ...........        0.105         0.02
    636-21-5.......................  Toluidine hydrochloride, o-....  ..........  ...........        0.159         0.01  ..........       19.955          0.7  ...........        0.105         0.01
    95-53-4........................  Toluidine, o-..................       0.441      0.00224  ............      0.0121        2.35  ............       0.029      0.00068  ............      0.0121
    106-49-0.......................  Toluidine, p-..................       0.703      0.00224  ............      0.0168       0.128  ............       0.043      0.00068  ............      0.0168
    8001-35-2......................  Toxaphene......................    0.000364         21.5  ............     0.00127    0.000176  ............      0.0295         0.11  ............     0.00127
    76-13-1........................  Trichloro-1,2,2-                       2210        11000  ............     0.00108  ..........  ............     0.00114         2400  ............     0.00108
                                      trifluoroethane, 1,1,2-.                                                                                                                                      
    120-82-1.......................  Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,4-.......       0.685         9.31  ............      0.0002        3450  ............       0.574          1.3  ............      0.0002
    71-55-6........................  Trichloroethane, 1,1,1-........        73.9          120  ............     0.00008       48200  ............      0.0002       0.0539  ............     0.00008
    79-00-5........................  Trichloroethane, 1,1,2-........      0.0117        0.007  ............      0.0001        11.3  ............       0.004       0.0018  ............      0.0001
    79-01-6........................  Trichloroethylene..............         138       0.0384  ............     0.00019         567  ............      0.0001       0.0128  ............     0.00019
    75-69-4........................  Trichlorofluoromethane.........        51.4           48  ............     0.00008       25800  ............       0.001           16  ............     0.00008
    75-70-7........................  Trichloromethanethiol..........  ..........  ...........      0.11775   ..........  ..........         1.66   ..........  ...........          6.4   ..........
    95-95-4........................  Trichlorophenol, 2,4,5-........        38.8         18.1  ............     0.00049       11500  ............      0.0672          4.2  ............     0.00049
    88-06-2........................  Trichlorophenol, 2,4,6-........         0.1       0.0536  ............      0.0004         124  ............      0.0785       0.0152  ............      0.0004
    93-76-5........................  Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid,           15.5         1.68  ............     0.00008        63.2  ............      0.0063         0.64  ............     0.00008
                                      2,4,5- (245-T).                                                                                                                                               
    93-72-1........................  Trichlorophenoxypropionic acid,        9.72         1.26  ............     0.00008        6.36  ............     0.00028         0.48  ............     0.00008
                                      2,4,5- (Silvex).                                                                                                                                              
    96-18-4........................  Trichloropropane, 1,2,3-.......         707          1.1  ............     0.00032         872  ............      0.0009         0.34  ............     0.00032
    99-35-4........................  Trinitrobenzene, sym-..........           3       0.0078  ............     0.00026       0.442  ............        0.25        0.003  ............     0.00026
    126-72-7.......................  Tris (2,3-dibromopropyl)           0.000237      0.00252  ............      0.0245       0.357  ............       0.061     0.000099  ............      0.0245
    52-24-4........................  Tris (1-azridinyl) phosphine     ..........  ...........      0.11775   ..........  ..........         1.66   ..........  ...........          6.4   ..........
    72-57-1........................  Trypan blue....................  ..........  ...........         14.7   ..........  ..........         6900   ..........  ...........         10.5   ..........
    66-75-1........................  Uracil mustard.................  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    7440-62-2......................  Vanadium.......................       15800         9.58  ............       0.003         250  ............           1         3.71  ............       0.003
    108-05-4.......................  Vinyl acetate..................  ..........  ...........         14.7        0.005  ..........         6900        0.005  ...........         10.5        0.005
    75-01-4........................  Vinyl chloride.................     0.00199     0.000156  ............     0.00017        1.23  ............      0.0017      0.00006  ............     0.00017
    81-81-2........................  Warfarin.......................  ..........  ...........    0.0069415         0.05  ..........        0.194            3  ...........         0.48         0.05
    1330-20-7......................  Xylenes (total)................        22.4          859  ............       0.002      172000  ............      0.0002          147  ............       0.002
    7440-66-6......................  Zinc...........................       23200           99  ............       0.002         316  ............         0.3         38.4  ............       0.002
                                                       Table C-2.--Summary of Constituent-Specific Exit Level Development Using MCL-Based Numbers                                                   
                                                                                       WW totals (mg/l)                           NWW totals (mg/kg)                      NWW leach (mg/l)          
                CAS No.                            Name                Multipath  Groundwater                             Multipath                            Groundwater                          
                                                                        modeled     modeled    Extrapolated    WW EQC      modeled   Extrapolated    NWW EQC     modeled    Extrapolated    WW EQC  
                                                                      exit level   exit level   exit level               exit level   exit level               Leach level   Leach level            
    83-32-9........................  Acenaphthene...................        49.5         31.2  ............      0.0018        9480  ............      0.0742          4.9  ............      0.0018
    208-96-8.......................  Acenaphthylene.................  ..........  ...........      0.00285         0.02  ..........          3.9          0.7  ...........      0.00119         0.02
    67-64-1........................  Acetone........................      232000         15.6  ............         0.2       17400  ............       0.027            6  ............         0.2
    75-05-8........................  Acetonitrile...................        6.58         0.78  ............       0.015         923  ............       0.014          0.3  ............       0.015
    98-86-2........................  Acetophenone...................        5960         16.8  ............     0.00158        1210  ............        0.03          6.4  ............     0.00158
    75-36-5........................  Acetyl chloride................  ..........  ...........       0.0241   ..........  ..........        30.85   ..........  ...........       0.0115   ..........
    591-08-2.......................  Acetyl-2-thiourea, 1-..........  ..........  ...........      0.11775            1  ..........         1.66           70  ...........          6.4            1
    53-96-3........................  Acetylaminofluorene, 2-........  ..........  ...........      0.02762         0.02  ..........         3.28            1  ...........      0.00884         0.02
    107-02-8.......................  Acrolein.......................     0.00248  ...........  ............       0.013        2.63  ............       0.075  ...........  ............       0.013
    79-06-1........................  Acrylamide.....................        3.67      0.00026  ............        0.01     0.00436  ............         0.1     0.000038  ............        0.01
    107-13-1.......................  Acrylonitrile..................     0.00428       0.0011  ............       0.008       0.961  ............         0.7      0.00034  ............       0.008
    1402-68-2......................  Aflatoxins.....................  ..........  ...........         14.7   ..........  ..........         6900   ..........  ...........         10.5   ..........
    116-06-3.......................  Aldicarb.......................  ..........  ...........    0.0069415         0.05  ..........        0.194            1  ...........         0.54         0.05
    309-00-2.......................  Aldrin.........................   5.640E-07      0.00469  ............    0.000034    0.000444  ............      0.0006    3.670E-06  ............    0.000034
    107-18-6.......................  Allyl alcohol..................  ..........  ...........           39   ..........  ..........        36700   ..........  ...........           15   ..........
    107-05-1.......................  Allyl chloride.................      0.0742  ...........  ............       0.002         258  ............       0.002  ...........  ............       0.002
    92-67-1........................  Aminobiphenyl, 4-..............  ..........  ...........      0.02762         0.02  ..........         3.28            1  ...........      0.00884         0.02
    2763-96-4......................  Aminomethyl-3-isoxazolol, 5-...  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    504-24-5.......................  Aminopyridine, 4-..............  ..........  ...........      0.02762   ..........  ..........         3.28   ..........  ...........      0.00884   ..........
    61-82-5........................  Amitrole.......................  ..........  ...........    0.0069415   ..........  ..........        0.194   ..........  ...........         0.54   ..........
    62-53-3........................  Aniline........................       0.444        0.053  ............     0.00023        4.21  ............      0.0132        0.017  ............     0.00023
    120-12-7.......................  Anthracene.....................  ..........  ...........      0.00285        0.007  ..........          3.9          0.5  ...........      0.00119        0.007
    7440-36-0......................  Antimony.......................        8210        0.136  ............      0.0008        8.72  ............           2        0.053  ............      0.0008
    140-57-8.......................  Aramite........................  ..........  ...........         14.7         0.02  ..........         6900            1  ...........         10.5         0.02
    7440-38-2......................  Arsenic........................        40.5        0.384  ............      0.0005        0.17  ............      0.3031         0.15  ............      0.0005
    2465-27-2......................  Auramine.......................  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    115-02-6.......................  Azaserine......................  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    7440-39-3......................  Barium.........................  ..........           28  ............       0.001        2080  ............         0.2         10.8  ............       0.001
    71-43-2........................  Benzene........................      0.0209       0.0295  ............     0.00004        .109  ............      0.0001        0.009  ............     0.00004
    92-87-5........................  Benzidine......................     0.00015   2.2400E-06  ............      0.0025   0.0000298  ............       0.042    6.800E-07  ............      0.0025
    [[Page 66433]]
    106-51-4.......................  Benzoquinone, p-...............  ..........  ...........         14.7         0.01  ..........         6900          0.7  ...........         10.5         0.01
    98-07-7........................  Benzotrichloride...............  ..........  ...........         0.27   ..........  ..........          142        0.004  ...........        0.033   ..........
    50-32-8........................  Benzo(a)pyrene.................     0.00231         1.88  ............    0.000023       0.227  ............      0.0621       0.0036  ............    0.000023
    205-99-2.......................  Benzo(b)fluoranthene...........    0.000805       0.0164  ............    0.000018         3.7  ............      0.0699    0.0000661  ............    0.000018
    205-82-3.......................  Benzo(j)fluoranthene...........  ..........  ...........      0.00285       0.0002  ..........          3.9         0.01  ...........      0.00119       0.0002
    207-08-9.......................  Benzo(k)fluoranthene...........  ..........  ...........      0.00285       0.0002  ..........          3.9          0.7  ...........      0.00119       0.0002
    191-24-2.......................  Benzo[g,h,i]perylene...........  ..........  ...........      0.00285       0.0008  ..........          3.9          0.7  ...........      0.00119       0.0008
    100-51-6.......................  Benzyl alochol.................       22500           39  ............     0.00074        2740  ............       0.034           15  ............     0.00074
    100-44-7.......................  Benzyl chloride................        1.13          3.9  ............   5.000E-06        37.5  ............     0.00276           15  ............   5.000E-06
    56-55-3........................  Benz(a)anthracene..............      0.0138     0.000717  ............    0.000013         0.1  ............      0.0826    4.300E-06  ............    0.000013
    225-51-4.......................  Benz(c)acridine................  ..........  ...........      0.00285       0.0005  ..........          3.9         0.03  ...........      0.00119       0.0005
    7440-41-7......................  Beryllium......................        10.1     0.000827  ............      0.0003      0.0591  ............         0.1      0.00032  ............      0.0003
    39638-32-9.....................  Bis (2-chloroisoproply) ether..       0.569        0.007  ............     0.00145       0.944  ............      0.0586       0.0019  ............     0.00145
    111-44-4.......................  Bis(2-chlorethyl)ether.........     0.00141     0.000648  ............      0.0003       0.115  ............      0.0651      0.00036  ............      0.0003
    117-81-7.......................  Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate.....     0.00044         1260  ............     0.00027         225  ............       0.143        0.108  ............     0.00027
    542-88-1.......................  Bis(chloromethyl) ether........  ..........  ...........       0.0241   ..........  ..........        30.85   ..........  ...........       0.0115   ..........
    598-31-2.......................  Bromoacetone...................  ..........  ...........       0.0241        0.005  ..........        30.85         0.03  ...........       0.0115        0.005
    75-27-4........................  Bromodichloromethane...........        33.3      0.00854  ............     0.00008          19  ............      0.0012      0.00252  ............     0.00008
    75-25-2........................  Bromoform (Tribromomethane)....       0.178        0.064  ............      0.0002         173  ............        0.02        0.018  ............      0.0002
    101-55-3.......................  Bromopheynl phenyl ether, 4-...  ..........  ...........       0.0241         0.01  ..........        30.85          0.7  ...........       0.0115         0.01
    357-57-3.......................  Brucine........................  ..........  ...........        0.159           20  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105           20
    71-36-3........................  Butanol........................       38600         15.6  ............       0.014       18200  ............        0.23            6  ............       0.014
    88-85-7........................  Butyl-4,6-dinitrophenol, 2-sec-        15.4       0.0336  ............     0.00029         772  ............       0.042       0.0112  ............     0.00029
    85-68-7........................  Butylbenzylphthalate...........         235          437  ............    0.000042          87  ............       0.049           64  ............    0.000042
    7440-43-9......................  Cadmium........................        1600        0.038  ............     0.00005        14.1  ............         0.2        0.015  ............     0.00005
    86-74-8........................  Carbazole......................  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    75-15-0........................  Carbon disulfide...............       0.738         18.4  ............     0.00121         330  ............      0.0002          6.4  ............     0.00121
    353-50-4.......................  Carbon oxyfluoride.............  ..........  ...........       0.0241   ..........  ..........        30.85   ..........  ...........       0.0115   ..........
    56-23-5........................  Carbon tetrachloride...........      0.0115          0.1  ............     0.00021        8.54  ............        0.02       0.0115  ............     0.00021
    75-87-6........................  Chloral........................  ..........  ...........         0.27   ..........  ..........          142   ..........  ...........        0.033   ..........
    305-03-3.......................  Chlorambucil...................  ..........  ...........         0.27   ..........  ..........          142   ..........  ...........        0.033   ..........
    57-74-9........................  Chlordane......................    0.000014           24  ............     0.00004     0.00976  ............      0.0015        0.036  ............     0.00004
    494-03-1.......................  Chlomaphazin...................  ..........  ...........         0.27   ..........  ..........          142   ..........  ...........        0.033   ..........
    126-99-8.......................  Chloro-1,3-butadiene, 2-              0.515  ...........  ............       0.002         288  ............     0.00099  ...........  ............       0.002
    107-20-0.......................  Chloroacetaldehyde.............  ..........  ...........       0.0241   ..........  ..........        30.85   ..........  ...........       0.0115   ..........
    106-47-8.......................  Chloroaniline, p-..............         517         0.42  ............     0.00066         142  ............      0.0592         0.16  ............     0.00066
    108-90-7.......................  Chlorobenzene..................         1.5         0.68  ............     0.00004        2470  ............      0.0002         0.19  ............     0.00004
    510-15-6.......................  Chlorobenzilate................      0.0731        0.054  ............     0.00504        6.82  ............       0.069       0.0057  ............     0.00504
    124-48-1.......................  Chlorodibromomethane...........        16.3       0.0066  ............     0.00007        27.5  ............     0.00085       0.0018  ............     0.00007
    75-00-3........................  Chloroethane (ethyl chloride)..  ..........  ...........       0.0241        0.005  ..........        30.85        0.005  ...........       0.0115        0.005
    110-75-8.......................  Chloroethyl vinyl ether, 2-....  ..........  ...........         0.27   ..........  ..........          142        0.005  ...........        0.033   ..........
    67-66-3........................  Chloroform.....................     0.00759        0.057  ............     0.00003        6.74  ............       0.002        0.017  ............     0.00003
    59-50-7........................  Chloro-m-cresol, p-............  ..........  ...........         0.27         0.02  ..........          142            1  ...........        0.033         0.02
    107-30-2.......................  Chloromethyl methyl ether......  ..........  ...........       0.0241   ..........  ..........        30.85        0.005  ...........       0.0115   ..........
    91-58-7........................  Chloronaphthalene, 2-..........  ..........  ...........         0.27         0.01  ..........          142          0.7  ...........        0.033         0.01
    95-57-8........................  Chlorophenol, 2-...............         134          0.9  ............     0.00058         104  ............      0.0758         0.32  ............     0.00058
    7005-72-3......................  Chlorophenyl phenyl ether, 4-..  ..........  ...........       0.0241         0.01  ..........        30.85          0.7  ...........       0.0115         0.01
    5344-82-1......................  Chlorophenyl thiourea, 1-o-....  ..........  ...........       0.0241   ..........  ..........        30.85   ..........  ...........       0.0115   ..........
    542-76-7.......................  Chloropropionitrile, 3-........  ..........  ...........         0.27          0.1  ..........          142          0.5  ...........        0.033          0.1
    7440-47-3......................  Chromium.......................        1300        0.618  ............       0.002        9.76  ............       0.003        0.238  ............       0.002
    218-01-9.......................  Chrysene.......................        1.32          0.1  ............     0.00015        34.6  ............       0.084      0.00119  ............     0.00015
    6358-53-8......................  Citrus red No. 2...............  ..........  ...........         14.7   ..........  ..........         6900   ..........  ...........         10.5   ..........
    7440-48-4......................  Cobalt.........................  ..........  ...........        0.618          0.5  ..........         8.72            5  ...........        0.194          0.5
    7440-50-8......................  Copper.........................         674         2790  ............      0.0007        5.91  ............         0.5         1080  ............      0.0007
    108-39-4.......................  Cresol, m-.....................         615          8.4  ............     0.00046       21500  ............       0.035          3.2  ............     0.00046
    95-48-7........................  Cresol, o-.....................         656          8.4  ............     0.00055       27400  ............       0.027          3.2  ............     0.00055
    106-44-5.......................  Cresol, p-.....................        63.5         0.84  ............     0.00046        2550  ............       0.035         0.32  ............     0.00046
    4170-30-3......................  Crotonaldehyde.................  ..........  ...........          7.8         0.06  ..........         1210            4  ...........          6.2         0.06
    57-12-5........................  Cyanide........................  ..........  ...........        0.159          0.2  ..........       19.955          0.2  ...........        0.105          0.2
    14901-08-7.....................  Cycasin........................  ..........  ...........         14.7   ..........  ..........         6900   ..........  ...........         10.5   ..........
    108-94-1.......................  Cyclohexanone..................  ..........  ...........          7.8           10  ..........         1210           10  ...........          6.2           10
    131-89-5.......................  Cyclohexyl-4,6-dinitrophenol, 2- ..........  ...........       0.0252          0.1  ..........        2.991            7  ...........       0.0083          0.1
    50-18-0........................  Cyclophosphamide...............  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    20830-81-3.....................  Daunomycin.....................  ..........  ...........         14.7   ..........  ..........         6900   ..........  ...........         10.5   ..........
    72-54-8........................  DDD............................    0.000126       913000  ............     0.00005     0.00648  ............      0.0012         2800  ............     0.00005
    53-19-0........................  DDD (o,p').....................  ..........  ...........    0.0069415   ..........  ..........        0.194   ..........  ...........         0.54   ..........
    72-55-9........................  DDE............................   9.110E-06        0.228  ............    0.000058    0.000936  ............      0.0006    0.0000623  ............    0.000058
    3424-82-6......................  DDE (o,p').....................  ..........  ...........    0.0069415   ..........  ..........        0.194   ..........  ...........         0.54   ..........
    [[Page 66434]]
    50-29-3........................  DDT............................   0.0000181         20.4  ............    0.000081     0.00315  ............      0.0006       0.0054  ............    0.000081
    789-02-6.......................  DDT (o,p').....................  ..........  ...........    0.0069415   ..........  ..........        0.194   ..........  ...........         0.54   ..........
    2303-16-4......................  Diallate.......................        0.26         90.1  ............     0.00063        1.26  ............       0.023         0.46  ............     0.00063
    132-64-9.......................  Dibenzofuran...................  ..........  ...........          8.4         0.01  ..........        27400          0.7  ...........          1.8         0.01
    192-65-4.......................  Dibenzo[a,e]pyrene.............  ..........  ...........      0.00285        0.001  ..........          3.9          0.7  ...........      0.00119        0.001
    189-64-0.......................  Dibenzo[a,h]pyrene.............  ..........  ...........      0.00285       0.0002  ..........          3.9         0.01  ...........      0.00119       0.0002
    189-55-9.......................  Dibenzo[a,i]pyrene.............  ..........  ...........      0.00285       0.0002  ..........          3.9         0.01  ...........      0.00119       0.0002
    194-59-2.......................  Dibenzo[c,g]carbazole, 7H-.....  ..........  ...........      0.00285         0.01  ..........          3.9          0.7  ...........      0.00119         0.01
    226-36-8.......................  Dibenz(a,h)acridine............  ..........  ...........      0.00285       0.0002  ..........          3.9         0.01  ...........      0.00119       0.0002
    53-70-3........................  Dibenz(a,h)anthracene..........   8.440E-06      0.00176  ............     0.00003    0.000155  ............       0.084    6.340E-07  ............     0.00003
                      224-42-0.....  Dibenz[a,j]acridine............  ..........  ...........      0.00285        0.001  ..........          3.9          0.7  ...........      0.00119        0.001
                      96-12-8......  Dibromo-3-chloropropane, 1,2-..      0.0723       0.0022  ............     0.00026       0.663  ............      0.0003      0.00038  ............     0.00026
                      864-41-0.....  Dichloro-2-butene, 1,4-........  ..........  ...........       0.0241        0.005  ..........        30.85        0.005  ...........       0.0115        0.005
                      110-57-6.....  Dichloro-2-butene, trans-1,4-..  ..........  ...........       0.0241        0.005  ..........        30.85        0.005  ...........       0.0115        0.005
                      96-23-1......  Dichloro-2-propanol, 1,3-......  ..........  ...........         0.27         0.01  ..........          142         0.05  ...........        0.033         0.01
                      95-50-1......  Dichlorobenzene, 1,2-..........        15.4          7.8  ............     0.00003       50000  ............      0.0002         1.62  ............     0.00003
                      541-73-1.....  Dichlorobenzene, 1,3-..........  ..........  ...........       0.0241        0.005  ..........        30.85          0.7  ...........       0.0115        0.005
                      106-46-7.....  Dichlorobenzene, 1,4-..........        3.01         1.12  ............     0.00004        63.9  ............      0.0001        0.216  ............     0.00004
                      91-94-1......  Dichlorobenzidine, 3,3'-.......      0.0037       0.0042  ............      0.0024      0.0524  ............       0.116      0.00072  ............      0.0024
                      75-71-8......  Dichlorodiflouromethane........        14.7         35.7  ............      0.0001        8070  ............      0.0052         11.9  ............      0.0001
                      75-34-3......  Dichloroethane, 1,1-...........        37.4      0.00016  ............     0.00004        24.2  ............      0.0002      0.00006  ............     0.00004
                      107-06-2.....  Dichloroethane, 1,2-...........     0.00698       0.0475  ............     0.00006         6.1  ............      0.0001        0.009  ............     0.00006
                      75-35-4......  Dichloroethylene, 1,1-.........     0.00345       0.0413  ............     0.00012        2.55  ............      0.0014       0.0216  ............     0.00012
                      156-59-2.....  Dichloroethylene, cis-1,2-.....       30000        0.294  ............      000012        5400  ............        0.02        0.112  ............     0.00012
                      156-60-5.....  Dichloroethylene, trans-1,2-...       44200         0.42  ............     0.00006       13800  ............      0.0006         0.16  ............     0.00006
                      111-91-1.....  Dichloromethoxyethane..........  ..........  ...........       0.0241         0.01  ..........        30.85          0.7  ...........       0.0115         0.01
                      98-87-3......  Dichloromethylbenezene (benzal   ..........  ...........       0.0241        0.005  ..........        30.85          0.3  ...........       0.0115        0.005
                      120-83-2.....  Dichlorophenol, 2,4-...........        6.94         0.62  ............     0.00041         769  ............      0.0788         0.18  ............     0.00041
                      87-65-0......  Dichlorophenol, 2,6-...........  ..........  ...........       0.0241         0.01  ..........        30.85          0.7  ...........       0.0115         0.01
                      94-75-7......  Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, 2,4-       58.5        0.273  ............     0.00029        3140  ............     0.00011        0.105  ............     0.00029
                      78-87-5......  Dichloropropane, 1,2-..........       0.303        0.115  ............     0.00004        16.9  ............      0.0001       0.0115  ............     0.00004
                      542-75-6.....  Dichloropropene, 1,3-..........     0.00476       0.0028  ............      0.0009        32.4  ............      0.0003      0.00085  ............      0.0009
                      10061-91-5...  Dichloropropene, cis-1,3-......     0.00485        90000  ............     0.00069        2.64  ............      0.0003         1150  ............     0.00069
                      10061-02-6...  Dichloropropene, trans-1,3-....      0.0049        90000  ............     0.00094        2.67  ............      0.0003         1150  ............     0.00094
                      60-57-1......  Dieldrin.......................    0.000059          682  ............    0.000044     0.00176  ............      0.0006         0.54  ............    0.000044
                      1464-53-5....  Diepoxybutane, 1,2,3,4- (2,2'-   ..........  ...........         14.7        0.005  ..........         6900        0.005  ...........         10.5        0.005
                      84-66-2......  Diethl phthalate...............        3560          186  ............     0.00025        4490  ............       0.022           54  ............     0.00025
                      311-45-5.....  Diethyl-p-nitrophenyl phosphate  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
                      56-53-1......  Diethylstillbestrol............   7.710E-07   4.2900E-07  ............      0.0078   2.470E-11  ............           1    6.500E-08  ............      0.0078
                      94-58-6......  Dihydrosafrole.................  ..........  ...........         14.7         0.05  ..........         6900            3  ...........         10.5         0.05
                      60-51-5......  Dimethoate.....................        38.1         29.4  ............     0.00029         1.6  ............      0.0691         0.77  ............     0.00029
                      131-11-3.....  Dimethyl phthalate.............      200000           78  ............     0.00064           3  ............       0.013           30  ............     0.00064
                      77-78-1......  Dimethyl sulfate...............  ..........  ...........      0.11775   ..........  ..........         1.66   ..........  ...........          6.4           60
                      60-11-7......  Dimethylaminoazobenzene, p-....  ..........  ...........      0.02762         0.01  ..........         3.28          0.7  ...........      0.00884         0.01
                      119-93-7.....  Dimethylbenzidine, 3,3'-.......    0.000625    0.0000702  ............      0.0033     0.00062  ............         0.7     0.000018  ............      0.0033
                      57-97-6......  Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene, 7,12-  3.820E-06      0.00464  ............     0.00037     0.00263  ............       0.039    2.760E-06  ............     0.00037
    79-44-7........................  Dimethylcarbamoyl chloride.....  ..........  ...........         0.27   ..........  ..........          142   ..........  ...........        0.033   ..........
    122-09-8.......................  Dimethylphenethylamine, alpha,   ..........  ...........        0.159         0.05  ..........       19.955            3  ...........        0.105         0.05
    105-67-9.......................  Dimethylphenol,2,4-............         151         3.78  ............     0.00047       11300  ............       0.052         1.19  ............     0.00047
    119-90-4.......................  Dimethyloxybenzidine,3,3'-.....        1.78       0.0336  ............      0.0077       0.236  ............           7       0.0102  ............      0.0077
    84-74-2........................  Di-n-butyl phthalate...........         883          900  ............     0.00033       90000  ............       0.249          100  ............     0.00033
    99-65-0........................  Dinitrobenzene,1,3-............        1.28       0.0168  ............     0.00011        5.54  ............        0.25       0.0064  ............     0.00011
    100-25-4.......................  Dinitrobenzene,1,4-............  ..........  ...........       0.0252         0.04  ..........        2.991            3  ...........       0.0083         0.04
    534-52-1.......................  Dinitro-o-cresol,4,6-..........  ..........  ...........       0.0252         0.05  ..........        2.991            3  ...........       0.0083         0.05
    51-28-5........................  Dinitrophenol,2,4-.............        50.2        0.273  ............     0.00042        56.1  ............        0.03        0.105  ............     0.00042
    121-14-2.......................  Dinitrotoluene,2,4-............        10.7        0.294  ............     0.00002         213  ............        0.26        0.112  ............     0.00002
    606-20-2.......................  Dinitrotoluene,2,6-............        12.9        0.168  ............     0.00031        86.3  ............        0.25        0.064  ............     0.00031
    117-84-0.......................  Di-n-octyl phthalate...........       0.002         1260  ............    0.000042        4480  ............       0.139          0.1  ............    0.000042
    123-91-1.......................  Dioxane,1,4-...................         558       0.0424  ............       0.012        13.2  ............      0.0005       0.0136  ............       0.012
    122-39-4.......................  Diphenylamine..................          29         14.7  ............     0.00151       11800  ............       0.041          2.6  ............     0.00151
    122-66-7.......................  Diphenylhydrazine,1,2-.........  ..........  ...........        0.159         0.01  ..........       19.955          0.7  ...........        0.105         0.01
    298-04-4.......................  Disulfoton.....................      0.0131          458  ............     0.00007        42.6  ............      0.0035           13  ............     0.00007
    541-53-7.......................  Dithiobiuret...................  ..........  ...........      0.11775   ..........  ..........         1.66   ..........  ...........          6.4   ..........
    115-29-7.......................  Endosulfan.....................        6.62            6  ............     0.00004        73.1  ............      0.0005         0.94  ............     0.00004
    959-98-8.......................  Endosulfan I...................  ..........  ...........    0.0069415       0.0003  ..........        0.194        0.009  ...........         0.54       0.0003
    33213-65-9.....................  Endosulfan II..................  ..........  ...........    0.0069415       0.0004  ..........        0.194        0.003  ...........         0.54      0.0004 
    [[Page 66435]]
    1031-07-8......................  Endosulfan sulfate.............  ..........  ...........    0.0069415       0.0004  ..........        0.194         0.04  ...........         0.54       0.0004
    145-73-3.......................  Endothall......................  ..........  ...........    0.0069415          0.1  ..........        0.194   ..........  ...........         0.54          0.1
    72-20-8........................  Endrin.........................      0.0729         4800  ............     0.00039        0.26  ............      0.0036           24  ............     0.00039
    7421-93-4......................  Endrin aldehyde................  ..........  ...........    0.0069415       0.0005  ..........        0.194         0.02  ...........         0.54       0.0005
    53494-70-5.....................  Endrin ketone..................  ..........  ...........    0.0069415       0.0005  ..........        0.194         0.03  ...........         0.54       0.0005
    106-89-8.......................  Epichlorohydrin................       0.335       414000  ............     0.06519          44  ............      0.0714         5400  ............     0.06519
    51-43-4........................  Epinephrine....................  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    110-80-5.......................  Ethoxyethanol,2-...............        14.7           39  ............        1.16        6900  ............        2.03           15  ............        1.16
    141-78-6.......................  Ethyl acetate..................  ..........          390  ............       0.009      272000  ............        0.18          114  ............       0.009
    51-79-6........................  Ethyl carbamate................  ..........          390         14.7         0.05  ..........         6900            3  ...........         10.5         0.05
    107-12-0.......................  Ethyl cyanide (propionitrile)..  ..........  ...........        0.159          0.1  ..........       19.955          0.1  ...........        0.105          0.1
    60-29-7........................  Ethyl ether....................  ..........         27.3  ............     0.00153       41200  ............     0.00319         10.5  ............     0.00153
    97-63-2........................  Ethyl methacrylate.............       25500           24  ............     0.00345        3420  ............      0.0011          6.6  ............     0.00345
    62-50-0........................  Ethyl methanesulfonate.........      0.0055       930000  ............     0.00106     0.00133  ............       0.018        11700  ............     0.00106
    100-41-4.......................  Ethylbenzene...................        74.5          8.4  ............     0.00006      550000  ............      0.0002         1.75  ............     0.00006
    106-93-4.......................  Ethylene Dibromide.............    0.000928        0.018  ............     0.00006     0.00745  ............      0.0001      0.00075  ............     0.00006
    75-21-8........................  Ethylene oxide.................  ..........  ...........         14.7        0.001  ..........         6900         0.07  ...........         10.5        0.001
    96-45-7........................  Ethylene thiourea..............        17.7      0.00053  ............  ..........        0.51  ............  ..........      0.00017  ............  ..........
    151-56-4.......................  Ethyleneimine (azirindine).....  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    52-85-7........................  Famphur........................  ..........  ...........    0.0069415         0.02  ..........        0.194            1  ...........         0.54         0.02
    640-19-7.......................  Fluoracetamide, 2-.............  ..........  ...........       0.0241   ..........  ..........        30.85   ..........  ...........       0.0115   ..........
    62-74-8........................  Fluoracetic acid, sodium salt..  ..........  ...........    0.0069415   ..........  ..........        0.194   ..........  ...........         0.54   ..........
    206-44-0.......................  Fluoranthene...................        1580         27.5  ............     0.00021        5970  ............       0.084         1.74  ............     0.00021
    86-73-7........................  Fluorene.......................        1310         22.4  ............     0.00021       89800  ............        0.08          3.4  ............     0.00021
    16984-48-8.....................  Fluoride.......................  ..........  ...........            0         0.05  ..........            0   ..........  ...........            0         0.05
    50-00-0........................  Formaldehyde...................      0.0158         27.3  ............      0.0232        48.8  ............           4         10.5  ............      0.0232
    64-18-6........................  Formic Acid....................  ..........          273  ............         0.2      301000  ............          10          105  ............         0.2
    765-34-4.......................  Glycidylaldehyde...............  ..........  ...........          7.8   ..........  ..........         1210   ..........  ...........          6.2   ..........
    319-86-8.......................  HCH, delta-....................  ..........  ...........    0.0069415       0.0002  ..........        0.194       0.0006  ...........         0.54       0.0002
    76-44-8........................  Heptachlor.....................   0.0000237  ...........  ............     0.00004        7.79  ............      0.0008  ...........  ............     0.00004
    1024-57-3......................  Heptachlor epoxide.............    0.000528        17400  ............    0.000032      0.0264  ............      0.0006           66  ............    0.000032
    87-68-3........................  Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene.......     0.00788       0.0806  ............      0.0001        36.4  ............       0.046      0.00691  ............      0.0001
    118-74-1.......................  Hexachlorobenzene..............    0.000424          3.6  ............     0.00161      0.0116  ............      0.0723        0.018  ............     0.00161
    319-84-6.......................  Hexachlorocyclohexane, alpha-      0.000142           21  ............    0.000035      0.0333  ............      0.0008         0.11  ............    0.000035
    319-85-7.......................  Hexachlorocyclohexane, beta-       0.000445       0.0013  ............    0.000023        0.12  ............      0.0006      0.00021  ............    0.000023
    58-89-9........................  Hexachlorocyclohexane, gamma-      0.000783          340  ............    0.000025       0.102  ............       0.002         1.98  ............    0.000025
    77-47-4........................  Hexachlorocyclopentadiene......     0.00521  ...........  ............     0.00018        1450  ............       0.092  ...........  ............     0.00018
    67-72-1........................  Hexachloroethane...............       0.049        0.212  ............   1.600E-06        80.6  ............      0.0206        0.033  ............   1.600E-06
    70-30-4........................  Hexachlorophene................   5.150E-06       0.0521  ............       0.207   0.0000241  ............        1.87      0.00136  ............       0.207
    1888-71-7......................  Hexachloropropene..............  ..........  ...........         0.27         0.01  ..........          142          0.7  ...........        0.033         0.01
    757-58-4.......................  Hexaethyl tetraphosphate.......  ..........  ...........         14.7   ..........  ..........         6900   ..........  ...........         10.5   ..........
    591-78-6.......................  Hexanone, 2-...................  ..........  ...........          7.8        0.005  ..........         1210        0.005  ...........          6.2        0.005
    302-01-2.......................  Hydrazine......................  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955          0.3  ...........        0.105   ..........
    193-39-5.......................  Indeno(1,2,3-cd) pyrene........     0.00285       0.0165  ............    0.000043         3.9  ............      0.0748    0.0000241  ............    0.000043
    74-88-4........................  Iodomethane....................  ..........  ...........       0.0241        0.005  ..........        30.85        0.005  ...........       0.0115        0.005
    78-83-1........................  Isobutyl alcohol...............      180000           39  ............       0.011       55200  ............      0.0035           15  ............       0.011
    465-73-6.......................  Isodrin........................  ..........  ...........    0.0069415         0.02  ..........        0.194            1  ...........         0.54         0.02
    78-59-1........................  Isophorone.....................        78.6        0.531  ............        0.01         743  ............      0.0719        0.162  ............        0.01
    120-58-1.......................  Isosafrole.....................  ..........  ...........         14.7         0.01  ..........         6900          0.7  ...........         10.5         0.01
    143-50-0.......................  Kepone.........................   0.0000264      0.00022  ............       0.016    0.000277  ............       0.097     0.000032  ............       0.016
    303-43-4.......................  Lasiocarpine...................  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    7439-92-1......................  Lead...........................      907000           30  ............        0.01         568  ............           2           12  ............        0.01
    108-31-6.......................  Maleic anhydride...............  ..........  ...........         14.7   ..........  ..........         6900         0.07  ...........         10.5   ..........
    123-33-1.......................  Maleic hydrazide...............  ..........  ...........        0.159         0.05  ..........       19.955            3  ...........        0.105         0.05
    109-77-3.......................  Malononitrile..................  ..........  ...........        0.159          0.1  ..........       19.955          0.5  ...........        0.105          0.1
    148-82-3.......................  Melphalan......................  ..........  ...........         14.7   ..........  ..........         6900   ..........  ...........         10.5   ..........
    7439-97-6......................  Mercury........................         125       0.0596  ............     0.00009       0.598  ............         0.1        0.023  ............     0.00009
    126-98-7.......................  Methacrylonitrile..............      0.0708       0.1056  ............       0.009        8.91  ............      0.0005        0.006  ............       0.009
    74-93-1........................  Methanethiol...................  ..........  ...........      0.11775   ..........  ..........         1.66   ..........  ...........          6.4   ..........
    67-56-1........................  Methanol.......................  ..........           78  ............       0.021      138000  ............        0.46           30  ............       0.021
    91-80-5........................  Methapyrilene..................  ..........  ...........        0.159          0.1  ..........       19.955            7  ...........        0.105          0.1
    16752-77-5.....................  Methomyl.......................  ..........  ...........    0.0069415         0.05  ..........        0.194            3  ...........         0.54         0.05
    72-43-5........................  Methoxychlor...................        6.73  ...........  ............    0.000086        19.4  ............      0.0057  ...........  ............    0.000086
    74-83-9........................  Methyl bromide (Bromomethane)..        0.37         3.12  ............     0.00011         504  ............        0.02         0.92  ............     0.00011
    74-87-3........................  Methyl chloride (Chloromethane)      0.0959  ...........  ............     0.00013        90.8  ............        0.02  ...........  ............     0.00013
    78-93-3........................  Methyl ethyl ketone............         141           78  ............        0.01      112000  ............     0.00834           30  ............        0.01
    1338-23-4......................  Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide...  ..........  ...........          7.8   ..........  ..........         1210   ..........  ...........          6.2   ..........
    60-34-4........................  Methyl hydrazine...............  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    [[Page 66436]]
    108-10-1.......................  Methyl isobutyl ketone.........        10.3          7.8  ............     0.00083       17000  ............     0.00315            3  ............     0.00083
    80-62-6........................  Methyl methacrylate............       69900         28.2  ............       0.005       39500  ............      0.0027          8.1  ............       0.005
    66-27-3........................  Methyl methanesulfonate........  ..........  ...........      0.11775         0.01  ..........         1.66          0.7  ...........          6.4         0.01
    91-57-6........................  Methyl naphthalene, 2-.........  ..........  ...........      0.00285         0.01  ..........          3.9          0.7  ...........      0.00119         0.01
    298-00-0.......................  Methyl parathion...............       0.662           78  ............        0.01        1.43  ............       0.691         23.4  ............        0.01
    75-55-8........................  Methylazinidine, 2-............  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    56-49-5........................  Methylcholanthrene, 3-.........   9.880E-06       0.0117  ............        0.01    0.000128  ............       0.046    1.410E-06  ............        0.01
    74-95-3........................  Methylene bromide..............       11700        0.029  ............     0.00024        8400  ............      0.0001       0.0085  ............     0.00024
    75-09-2........................  Methylene chloride.............       0.376        0.039  ............     0.00026         306  ............        0.02         0.09  ............     0.00026
    101-14-4.......................  Methylenegbis, 4,4'-(2-          ..........  ...........      0.02762   ..........  ..........         3.28   ..........  ...........      0.00884   ..........
    70-25-7........................  Methyl-nitro-nitrosoguanidine    ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    56-04-2........................  Methylthiouracil...............  ..........  ...........      0.11775   ..........  ..........         1.66   ..........  ...........          6.4   ..........
    50-07-7........................  Mitomycin C....................  ..........  ...........         14.7   ..........  ..........         6900   ..........  ...........         10.5   ..........
    7439-98-7......................  Molybdenum.....................      121000         1.83  ............       0.001         114  ............         0.3         1.83  ............       0.001
    91-20-3........................  Naphthalene....................         385           14  ............      0.0018      120000  ............      0.0665          2.7  ............      0.0018
    130-15-4.......................  Naphthoquinone, 1,4-...........  ..........  ...........         14.7         0.01  ..........         6900          0.7  ...........         10.5         0.01
    86-88-4........................  Naphthyl-2-thiourea, 1-........  ..........  ...........      0.11775   ..........  ..........         1.66   ..........  ...........          6.4   ..........
    134-32-7.......................  Naphthylamine, 1-..............  ..........  ...........        0.159         0.01  ..........       19.995          0.7  ...........        0.105         0.01
    91-59-8........................  Naphthylamine, 2-..............  ..........  ...........        0.159         0.01  ..........       19.955          0.7  ...........        0.105         0.01
    7440-02-0......................  Nickel.........................        5040         4.38  ............       0.005         106  ............           1         2.04  ............       0.005
    54-11-5........................  Nicotine and salts.............  ..........  ...........        0.159         0.02  ..........       19.955            1  ...........        0.105         0.02
    88-74-4........................  Nitroaniline, 2-...............  ..........  ...........      0.02762         0.05  ..........         3.28            3  ...........      0.00884         0.05
    99-09-2........................  Nitroaniline, 3-...............  ..........  ...........      0.02762         0.05  ..........         3.28            3  ...........      0.00884         0.05
    100-01-6.......................  Nitroaniline, 4-...............  ..........  ...........      0.02762         0.02  ..........         3.28            1  ...........      0.00884         0.02
    98-95-3........................  Nitrobenzene...................       0.345        0.084  ............      0.0064        44.8  ............      0.0544        0.032  ............      0.0064
    55-86-7........................  Nitrogen mustard...............  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    51-75-2........................  Nitrogen mustard hydrochloride   ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    126-85-2.......................  Nitrogen mustard N-Oxide.......  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    302-70-5.......................  Nitrogen mustard N-Oxide, HCI    ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    55-63-0........................  Nitroglycerine.................  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    99-55-8........................  Nitro-o-toluidine, 5-..........  ..........  ...........      0.02762         0.01  ..........         3.28          0.7  ...........      0.00884         0.01
    88-75-5........................  Nitrophenol, 2-................  ..........  ...........       0.0252         0.01  ..........        2.991          0.7  ...........       0.0083         0.01
    100-02-7.......................  Nitrophenol, 4-................  ..........  ...........       0.0252         0.05  ..........        2.991            3  ...........       0.0083         0.05
    79-46-9........................  Nitropropane, 2-...............     0.00019  ...........  ............     0.00577       0.128  ............      0.0022  ...........  ............     0.00577
    56-57-5........................  Nitroquinoline-1-oxide, 4-.....  ..........  ...........        0.159         0.04  ..........       19.955            3  ...........        0.105         0.04
    55-18-5........................  Nitrosodiethylamine............   0.0000406   3,1800E-06  ............       0.002     0.00064  ............           1    1.020E-06  ............     0.00262
    62-75-9........................  Nitrosodimethylamine...........    0.000268    0.0000106  ............      0.0006     0.00245  ............       0.074    3.400E-06  ............      0.0006
    924-16-3.......................  Nitrosodi-n-butylamine.........    0.000279     0.000122  ............        0.06       0.094  ............        0.03     0.000036  ............        0.06
    10595-95-6.....................  Nitrosomethylethylamine........       0.129     0.000212  ............       0.028     0.00244  ............       0.016    6.800E-06  ............       0.028
    1116-54-7......................  N-Nirtrosodiethanolamine.......  ..........  ...........    0.0000371         0.01  ..........     0.012875          0.7  ...........    0.0000119         0.01
    621-64-7.......................  N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine......      0.0644     0.000053  ............       0.026      0.0233  ............      0.0144     0.000017  ............       0.026
    86-30-6........................  N-Nitrosodiphenylamine.........        7.54          0.2  ............        0.05        1270  ............      0.0846        0.046  ............        0.05
    4549-40-0......................  N-Nitrosomethyl vinyl amine....  ..........  ...........    0.0000371   ..........  ..........     0.012875   ..........  ...........    0.0000119   ..........
    59-89-2........................  N-Nitrosomorpholine............  ..........  ...........        0.159         0.05  ..........       19.955            3  ...........        0.105         0.05
    759-73-9.......................  N-Nitroso-N-ethylurea..........  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    684-93-5.......................  N-Nitroso-N-methylurea.........  ..........  ...........        0.159         0.01  ..........       19.955          0.7  ...........        0.105         0.01
    615-53-2.......................  N-Nitroso-N-methylurethane.....  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    16543-55-8.....................  N-Nitrosonornicotine...........  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    100-75-4.......................  N-Nitrosopiperidine............      0.0106    0.0000106  ............     0.00135     0.00247  ............       0.033    3.400E-06  ............     0.00135
    930-55-2.......................  N-Nitrosopyrrolidine...........       0.101     0.000212  ............      0.0047      0.0534  ............       0.042     0.000068  ............      0.0047
    13256-22-9.....................  N-Nitrososarcosine.............  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    103-85-5.......................  N-Phenylthiourea...............  ..........  ...........      0.11775   ..........  ..........         1.66   ..........  ...........          6.4   ..........
    1615-80-1......................  N,N-Diethylhydrazine...........  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    152-16-9.......................  Octamethylpyrophosphoramide....        7310        0.273  ............      0.0053          31  ............       0.146        0.105  ............      0.0053
    20816-12-0.....................  Osmium tetroxide...............  ..........  ...........        0.618            3  ..........         8.72          200  ...........        0.194            3
    297-97-2.......................  O,O-Diethyl O-pyrazinyl          ..........  ...........       0.1175         0.02  ..........         1.66            1  ...........           64          002
    126-68-1.......................  O,O,O-Triethyl phosphorothioate  ..........  ...........      0.11775         0.05  ..........         1.66            3  ...........          6.4         0.05
    123-63-7.......................  Paraldehyde....................  ..........  ...........          7.8            1  ..........         1210           70  ...........          6.2            1
    56-38-2........................  Parathion......................        2.63       440000  ............      0.0005       0.128  ............       0.025        11600  ............      0.0005
    608-93-5.......................  Pentachlorobenzene.............        7.86         5.15  ............    0.000038         205  ............        0.02       0.0543  ............    0.000038
    76-01-7........................  Pentachloroethane..............  ..........  ...........       0.0241        0.005  ..........        30.85         0.01  ...........       0.0115        0.005
    82-68-8........................  Pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB).        13.9         0.27  ............        0.02        11.4  ............       0.052        0.018  ............        0.02
    87-86-5........................  Pentachlorophenol..............       0.301      0.00204  ............     0.00008        2.92  ............      0.1222      0.00041  ............     0.00008
    62-44-2........................  Phenacetin.....................  ..........  ...........         14.7         0.02  ..........         6900            1  ...........         10.5         0.02
    85-01-8........................  Phenanthrene...................  ..........  ...........      0.00285        0.006  ..........          3.9          0.7  ...........      0.00119        0.006
    108-95-2.......................  Phenol.........................       19300           84  ............     0.00028      163000  ............      0.2185           32  ............     0.00028
    62-38-4........................  Phenyl mercuric acetate........       0.506       0.0117  ............  ..........     0.00932  ............  ..........       0.0045  ............  ..........
    [[Page 66437]]
    25265-76-3.....................  Phenylenediamines (N.O.S.).....  ..........  ...........        0.159         0.01  ..........       19.955          0.7  ...........        0.105         0.01
    108-45-2.......................  Phenylenediamine, m-...........        5440         0.78  ............      0.0174         784  ............         0.7          0.3  ............      0.0174
    106-50-3.......................  Phenylenediamine, p-...........  ..........  ...........        0.159         0.01  ..........       19.955          0.7  ...........        0.105         0.01
    298-02-2.......................  Phorate........................       0.106  ...........  ............     0.00004         157  ............       0.002  ...........  ............     0.00004
    298-06-6.......................  Phosphorodithioic acid, o-o-     ..........  ...........      0.11775   ..........  ..........         1.66   ..........  ...........          6.4   ..........
                                      diethyl ester.                                                                                                                                                
    3288-58-2......................  Phosphorodithioic acid, o-o-     ..........  ...........      0.11775   ..........  ..........         1.66   ..........  ...........          6.4   ..........
    2953-29-9......................  Phosphorodithioic acid,          ..........  ...........      0.11775   ..........  ..........         1.66   ..........  ...........          6.4   ..........
                                      trimethyl ester.                                                                                                                                              
    85-44-9........................  Phthalic anhydride.............  ..........  ...........          132   ..........  ..........       2352.5            7  ...........           42   ..........
    109-06-8.......................  Picoline, 2-...................  ..........  ...........        0.159        0.001  ..........       19.955         0.07  ...........        0.105        0.001
    1336-36-3......................  Polychlorinated biphenyls......    0.000286         11.5  ............      0.0005     0.00596  ............        0.04        0.009  ............      0.0005
    23950-58-5.....................  Pronamide......................        80.3         21.3  ............     0.00145         438  ............       0.097          5.7  ............     0.00145
    1120-71-4......................  Propane sultone, 1,3-..........  ..........  ...........      0.11775   ..........  ..........         1.66   ..........  ...........          6.4   ..........
    107-10-8.......................  Propylamine, n-................  ..........  ...........        0.159        0.005  ..........       19.955        0.005  ...........        0.105        0.005
    51-52-5........................  Propylthiouracil...............  ..........  ...........      0.11775          0.1  ..........         1.66            7  ...........          6.4          0.1
    107-19-7.......................  Propyn-1-ol, 2-................  ..........  ...........           39         0.01  ..........        36700         0.05  ...........           15         0.01
    129-00-0.......................  Pyrene.........................        3040         54.1  ............     0.00027       15800  ............      0.0726         1.69  ............     0.00027
    110-86-1.......................  Pyridine.......................       0.522        0.156  ............       0.011         814  ............         0.2         0.06  ............       0.011
    50-55-5........................  Reserpine......................  ..........  ...........        0.159         0.05  ..........       19.955            3  ...........        0.105         0.05
    108-46-3.......................  Resorcinol.....................  ..........  ...........    0.0069415          0.1  ..........        0.194            7  ...........         0.54          0.1
    81-07-2........................  Saccharin and salts............  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    94-59-7........................  Safrole........................      0.0829       0.0035  ............      0.0021        10.5  ............       0.015      0.00095  ............      0.0021
    7782-49-2......................  Selenium.......................         822        0.232  ............      0.0006        1.94  ............           5       0.0892  ............      0.0006
    7440-22-4......................  Silver.........................         199  ...........  ............      0.0005       1.134  ............         0.3  ...........  ............      0.0005
    18883-66-4.....................  Streptozotocin.................  ..........  ...........         14.7   ..........  ..........         6900   ..........  ...........         10.5   ..........
    57-24-9........................  Strychnine.....................        3.34        0.045  ............      0.0084      0.0041  ............           3        0.016  ............      0.0084
    100-42-5.......................  Stryene........................        75.7         0.91  ............     0.00004      629000  ............       0.004         0.22  ............     0.00004
    18496-25-8.....................  Sulfide........................  ..........  ...........            0            2  ..........            0            2  ...........            0            2
    1746-01-6......................  TCDD, 2,3,7,8-.................   1.050E-09      0.00057  ............   1.000E-08    7.80E-06  ............   1.000E-06    5.400E-07  ............   1.000E-08
    95-94-3........................  Tetrachlorobenzene, 1,2,4,5-...        14.8        0.234  ............     0.00141         168  ............       0.034       0.0317  ............     0.00141
    630-20-6.......................  Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,1,2-....      0.0241        0.075  ............     0.00005         133  ............      0.0001       0.0078  ............     0.00005
    79-34-5........................  Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2-....      0.0037        0.024  ............      0.0002        29.3  ............      0.0002       0.0077  ............      0.0002
    127-18-4.......................  Tetrachloroethylene............       15600       0.0255  ............     0.00014       13300  ............      0.0007       0.0085  ............     0.00014
    58-90-2........................  Tetrachlorophenol, 2,3,4,6-....        2720         1.89  ............     0.00062        6150  ............        0.04         0.58  ............     0.00062
    107-49-3.......................  Tetraethyl pyrophosphate.......  ..........  ...........         14.7   ..........  ..........         6900            3  ...........         10.5   ..........
    3689-24-5......................  Tetraethyldithiopyrophosphate..        0.23  ...........  ............    0.000058        2.81  ............      0.0039  ...........  ............    0.000058
    7440-28-0......................  Thallium (l)...................         646       0.0353  ............      0.0007        5.12  ............           3        0.014  ............      0.0007
    62-55-5........................  Thioacetamide..................  ..........  ...........        0.159            1  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105            1
    39196-18-4.....................  Thiofanox......................  ..........  ...........      0.11775         0.05  ..........         1.66            3  ...........          6.4         0.05
    108-98-5.......................  Thiophenol.....................  ..........  ...........      0.11775         0.02  ..........         1.66            1  ...........          6.4         0.02
    79-19-6........................  Thiosemicarbazide..............  ..........  ...........      0.11775   ..........  ..........         1.66   ..........  ...........          6.4   ..........
    62-56-6........................  Thiourea.......................  ..........  ...........      0.11775   ..........  ..........         1.66   ..........  ...........          6.4   ..........
    137-26-8.......................  Thiram.........................  ..........  ...........    0.0069415         0.05  ..........        0.194            3  ...........         0.54         0.05
    7440-31-5......................  Tin............................  ..........  ...........        0.618            8  ..........         8.72          500  ...........        0.194            8
    108-88-3.......................  Toluene........................        29.8          5.9  ............     0.00011      176000  ............      0.0002          1.8  ............     0.00011
    584-84-9.......................  Toluene diisocyanate...........  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955            7  ...........        0.105   ..........
    95-80-7........................  Toluenediamine, 2,4-...........       0.211     0.000159  ............      0.0134      0.0101  ............           1     0.000051  ............      0.0134
    823-40-5.......................  Toluenediamine, 2,6-...........  ..........  ...........        0.159         0.02  ..........       19.955            1  ...........        0.105         0.02
    496-72-0.......................  Toluenediamine, 3,4-...........  ..........  ...........        0.159         0.02  ..........       19.955            1  ...........        0.105         0.02
    636-21-5.......................  Toluidine hydrochloride, o-....  ..........  ...........        0.159         0.01  ..........       19.955          0.7  ...........        0.105         0.01
    95-53-4........................  Toluidine, o-..................       0.441      0.00224  ............      0.0121        2.35  ............       0.029      0.00068  ............      0.0121
    106-49-0.......................  Toluidine, p-..................       0.703      0.00224  ............      0.0168       0.128  ............       0.043      0.00068  ............      0.0168
    8001-35-2......................  Toxaphene......................    0.000364         1170  ............     0.00127    0.000176  ............      0.0295          6.3  ............     0.00127
    76-13-1........................  Trichloro-1,2,2-                       2210         0.77  ............     0.00108  ..........  ............     0.00114        0.168  ............     0.00108
                                      trifluoroethane, 1,1,2-.                                                                                                                                      
    120-82-1.......................  Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,4-.......       0.685         9.31  ............      0.0002        3450  ............      0.0574          1.3  ............      0.0002
    71-55-6........................  Trichloroethane, 1,1,1-........        73.9          120  ............     0.00008       48200  ............      0.0002       0.0539  ............     0.00008
    79-00-5........................  Trichloroethane, 1,1,2-........      0.0117        0.035  ............      0.0001        11.3  ............       0.004        0.009  ............      0.0001
    79-01-6........................  Trichloroethylene..............         138        0.024  ............     0.00019         567  ............      0.0001        0.008  ............     0.00019
    75-69-4........................  Trichlorofluoromethane.........        51.4           48  ............     0.00008       25800  ............       0.001           16  ............     0.00008
    75-70-7........................  Trichloromethanethiol..........  ..........  ...........      0.11775   ..........  ..........         1.66   ..........  ...........          6.4   ..........
    95-95-4........................  Trichlorophenol, 2,4,5-........        38.8         18.1  ............     0.00049       11500  ............      0.0672          4.2  ............     0.00049
    88-06-2........................  Trichlorophenol, 2,4,6-........         0.1       0.0536  ............      0.0004         124  ............      0.0785       0.0152  ............      0.0004
    93-76-5........................  Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid,           15.5         1.68  ............     0.00008        63.2  ............      0.0063         0.64  ............     0.00008
                                      2,4,5- (245-T).                                                                                                                                               
    93-72-1........................  Trichlorophenoxypropionic acid,        9.72         0.21  ............     0.00008        6.36  ............     0.00028         0.08  ............     0.00008
                                      2,4,5- (Silvex).                                                                                                                                              
    96-18-4........................  Trichloropropane, 1,2,3-.......         707          1.1  ............     0.00032         872  ............      0.0009         0.34  ............     0.00032
    99-35-4........................  Trinitrobenzene, sym-..........           3       0.0078  ............     0.00026       0.442  ............        0.25        0.003  ............     0.00026
    126-72-7.......................  Tris (2,3-dibromopropyl)           0.000237      0.00252  ............      0.0245       0.357  ............       0.061     0.000099  ............      0.0245
    [[Page 66438]]
    52-24-4........................  Tris(1-azridinyl) phosphine      ..........  ...........      0.11775   ..........  ..........         1.66   ..........  ...........          6.4   ..........
    72-57-1........................  Trypan blue....................  ..........  ...........         14.7   ..........  ..........         6900   ..........  ...........         10.5   ..........
    66-75-1........................  Uracil mustard.................  ..........  ...........        0.159   ..........  ..........       19.955   ..........  ...........        0.105   ..........
    7440-62-2......................  Vanadium.......................       15800         9.58  ............       0.003         250  ............           1         3.71  ............       0.003
    108-05-4.......................  Vinyl acetate..................  ..........  ...........         14.7        0.005  ..........         6900        0.005  ...........         10.5        0.005
    75-01-4........................  Vinyl chloride.................     0.00199       0.0078  ............     0.00017        1.23  ............      0.0017        0.003  ............     0.00017
    81-81-2........................  Warfarin.......................  ..........  ...........    0.0069415         0.05  ..........        0.194            3  ...........         0.54         0.05
    1330-20-7......................  Xylenes (total)................        22.4           88  ............       0.002      172000  ............      0.0002           21  ............       0.002
    7440-66-6......................  Zinc...........................       23200           99  ............       0.002         316  ............         0.3         38.4  ............       0.002
    Appendix D
                                      Table D-1.--Comparison Between Modeled Exit Levels and Universal Treatment Standards                                  
                                                                                       Wastewater                            Nonwastewater                  
                      CAS                                  Name                  Exit level                Exit level   UTS  (mg/    Exit level             
                                                                                   (mg/l)    UTS  (mg/l)    (mg/kg)        kg)         (mg/l)    UTS  (mg/l)
    83-32-9...............................  Acenaphthene......................           31        0.059         9500          3.4            5  ...........
    67-64-1...............................  Acetone...........................           16         0.28        17000          160            6  ...........
    75-05-8...............................  Acetonitrile......................         0.78          5.6          920         *1.8          0.3  ...........
    98-86-2...............................  Acetophenone......................           17         0.01         1200          9.7            6  ...........
    107-02-8..............................  Acrolein..........................    eqc               0.29  ...........  ...........  ...........  ...........
    107-13-1..............................  Acrylonitrile.....................    eqc               0.24         0.96           84    eqc        ...........
    107-05-1..............................  Allyl chloride....................        0.074         0.36          260           30  ...........  ...........
    62-53-3...............................  Aniline...........................        0.053         0.81            4           14        0.017  ...........
    7440-36-0.............................  Antimony..........................         0.14          1.9            9  ...........        0.053          2.1
    7440-38-2.............................  Arsenic...........................    eqc                1.4    eqc        ...........    eqc                  5
    7440-39-3.............................  Barium............................           33          1.2         2100  ...........           16          7.6
    56-55-3...............................  Benz(a)anthracene.................      0.00072        0.059          0.1          3.4    eqc        ...........
    71-43-2...............................  Benzene...........................        0.018         0.14          110           10       0.0054  ...........
    50-32-8...............................  Benzo(a)pyrene....................       0.0023        0.061         0.23          3.4    eqc        ...........
    205-99-2..............................  Benzo(b)fluoranthene..............      0.00081         0.11            4          6.8     0.000066  ...........
    7440-41-7.............................  Beryllium.........................      0.00083         0.82    eqc        ...........      0.00032        0.014
    39638-32-9............................  Bis (2-chloroisopropyl) ether.....        0.007        0.055         0.94          7.2       0.0019  ...........
    111-44-4..............................  Bis(2-chlorethyl)ether............      0.00065        0.033         0.12            6      0.00036  ...........
    117-81-7..............................  Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate........      0.00044         0.28          230           28       0.0011  ...........
    75-27-4...............................  Bromodichloromethane..............       0.0085         0.35           19           15       0.0025  ...........
    75-25-2...............................  Bromoform (Tribromomethane).......        0.064         0.63          170           15        0.018  ...........
    71-36-3...............................  Butanol...........................           16          5.6        18000          2.6            6  ...........
    88-85-7...............................  Butyl-4,6-dinitrophenol, 2-sec-            0.19        0.066          770          2.5        0.064  ...........
    85-68-7...............................  Butylbenzylphthalate..............          240        0.017           87           28           64  ...........
    7440-43-9.............................  Cadmium...........................         0.24         0.69           14  ...........         0.11         0.19
    75-15-0...............................  Carbon disulfide..................         0.74          3.8          330  ...........            6          4.8
    56-23-5...............................  Carbon tetrachloride..............        0.012        0.057            9            6       0.0016  ...........
    57-74-9...............................  Chlordane.........................    eqc             0.0033       0.0098         0.26      0.00016  ...........
    126-99-8..............................  Chloro-1,3-butadiene, 2-                   0.52        0.057          290         0.28  ...........  ...........
    106-47-8..............................  Chloroaniline, p-.................         0.42         0.46          140           16         0.16  ...........
    108-90-7..............................  Chlorobenzene.....................            2        0.057         2500            6            1  ...........
    510-15-6..............................  Chlorobenzilate...................        0.054          0.1  ...........  ...........  ...........  ...........
    124-48-1..............................  Chlorodibromomethane..............       0.0066        0.057           28           15       0.0018  ...........
    67-66-3...............................  Chloroform........................       0.0076        0.046            7            6        0.017  ...........
    95-57-8...............................  Chlorophenol, 2-..................          0.9        0.044          100          5.7         0.32  ...........
    7440-47-3.............................  Chromium..........................            1         2.77           10  ...........         0.48         0.86
    218-01-9..............................  Chrysene..........................          0.1        0.059           35          3.4       0.0012  ...........
    108-39-4..............................  Cresol, m-........................            8         0.77        22000          5.6            3  ...........
    95-48-7...............................  Cresol, o-........................            8         0.11        27000          5.6            3  ...........
    106-44-5..............................  Cresol, p-........................         0.84         0.77         2600          5.6         0.32  ...........
    72-54-8...............................  DDD...............................      0.00013        0.023       0.0065        0.087         2800  ...........
    72-55-9...............................  DDE...............................    eqc              0.031      0.00094        0.087     0.000062  ...........
    50-29-3...............................  DDT...............................    eqc             0.0039       0.0032        0.087       0.0054  ...........
    84-74-2...............................  Di-n-butyl phthalate..............          230        0.057        90000           28           25  ...........
    117-84-0..............................  Di-n-octyl phthalate..............        0.002        0.017         4500           28          0.1  ...........
    96-12-8...............................  Dibromo-3-choloropropane, 1,2-....      0.00066         0.11         0.66           15    eqc        ...........
    95-50-1...............................  Dichlorobenzene, 1,2-.............           15        0.088        50000            6            6  ...........
    106-46-7..............................  Dichlorobenzene, 1,4-.............        0.056         0.09           64            6        0.011  ...........
    75-71-8...............................  Dichlorodifluoromethane...........           15         0.23         8100          7.2           12  ...........
    75-34-3...............................  Dichloroethane, 1,1-..............      0.00016        0.059           24            6      0.00006  ...........
    107-06-2..............................  Dichloroethane, 1,2-..............      0.00016         0.21            6            6      0.00006  ...........
    75-35-4...............................  Dichloroethylene, 1,1-............      0.00059        0.025            3            6      0.00018  ...........
    156-60-5..............................  Dichloroethylene, trans-1,2-......            3        0.054        14000           30            1  ...........
    120-83-2..............................  Dichlorophenol, 2,4-..............         0.62        0.044          770           14         0.18  ...........
    [[Page 66439]]
    94-75-7...............................  Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, 2,4-              2         0.72         3100           10          0.6  ...........
    78-87-5...............................  Dichloropropane, 1,2-.............        0.023         0.85           17           18       0.0023  ...........
    10061-01-5............................  Dichloropropene, cis-1,3-.........       0.0049        0.036            3           18         1200  ...........
    10061-02-6............................  Dichloropropene, trans-1,3-.......       0.0049        0.036            3           18         1200  ...........
    60-57-1...............................  Dieldrin..........................     0.000059        0.017       0.0018         0.13         0.54  ...........
    84-66-2...............................  Diethyl phthalate.................          190          0.2         4500           28           54  ...........
    131-11-3..............................  Dimethyl phthalate................           78        0.047            3           28           30  ...........
    105-67-9..............................  Dimethylphenol,2,4-...............            4        0.036        11000           14            1  ...........
    51-28-5...............................  Dinitrophenol,2,4-................         0.27         0.12           56          160         0.11  ...........
    121-14-2..............................  Dinitrotoluene,2,4-...............         0.29         0.32          210          140         0.11  ...........
    606-20-2..............................  Dinitrotoluene,2,6-...............         0.17         0.55           86           28        0.064  ...........
    123-91-1..............................  Dioxane,1,4-......................        0.042          *NA           13          170        0.014  ...........
    122-39-4..............................  Diphenylamine.....................           15         0.92        12000           13            3  ...........
    298-04-4..............................  Disulfoton........................        0.013        0.017           43          6.2           13  ...........
    72-20-8...............................  Enndrin...........................        0.073       0.0028         0.26         0.13           32  ...........
    141-78-6..............................  Ethyl acetate.....................          390         0.34       270000           33          110  ...........
    60-29-7...............................  Ethyl ether.......................           27         0.12        41000          160           11  ...........
    97-63-2...............................  Ethyl methacrylate................           24         0.14         3400          160            7  ...........
    100-41-4..............................  Ethylbenzene......................           39        0.057       550000           10            8  ...........
    206-44-0..............................  Flouranthene......................           28        0.068         6000          3.4            2  ...........
    86-73-7...............................  Flourene..........................           22        0.059        90000          3.4            3  ...........
    76-44-8-..............................  Heptachlor........................    eqc             0.0012            8        0.066  ...........  ...........
    1024-57-3.............................  Heptachlor epoxide................      0.00053        0.016        0.026        0.066         0.45  ...........
    87-68-3...............................  Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene..........       0.0079        0.055           36          5.6       0.0069  ...........
    118-74-1..............................  Hexachlorobenzene.................    eqc              0.055    eqc                 10    eqc        ...........
    319-84-6..............................  Hexachlorocyclohexane, alpha-           0.00014      0.00014        0.033        0.066         0.11  ...........
    319-85-7..............................  Hexachlorocyclohexane, beta-(beta-      0.00044      0.00014         0.12        0.066      0.00021  ...........
    58-89-9...............................  Hexachlorocyclohexane, gamma-           0.00078       0.0017          0.1        0.066         0.69  ...........
    77-47-4...............................  Hexachlorocyclopentadiene.........       0.0052        0.057         1500          2.4  ...........  ...........
    67-72-1...............................  Hexachloroethane..................        0.049        0.055           81           30        0.033  ...........
    193-39-5..............................  Indeno(1,2,3-cd) pyrene...........       0.0029       0.0055            4          3.4    eqc        ...........
    78-83-1...............................  Isobutyl alcohol..................           39          5.6        55000          170           15  ...........
    7439-92-1.............................  Lead..............................           30         0.69          570  ...........           12         0.37
    7439-97-6.............................  Mercury...........................          0.3         0.15          0.6  ...........         0.14        0.025
    126-98-7..............................  Methacrylonitrile.................        0.016         0.24  ...........  ...........  ...........  ...........
    67-56-1...............................  Methanol..........................           78          5.6       140000  ...........           30         0.75
    72-43-5...............................  Methoxychlor......................            7         0.25           19         0.18  ...........  ...........
    74-83-9...............................  Methyl bromide (Bromomethane).....         0.37         0.11          500           15         0.92  ...........
    74-87-3...............................  Methyl chloride (Chloromethane)...        0.096         0.19           91           30  ...........  ...........
    78-93-3...............................  Methyl ethyl ketone...............           78         0.28       110000           36           30  ...........
    108-10-1..............................  Methyl isobutyl ketone............            8         0.14        17000           33            3  ...........
    80-62-6...............................  Methyl methacrylate...............           28         0.14        40000          160            8  ...........
    298-00-0..............................  Methyl parathion..................         0.66        0.014            1          4.6           23  ...........
    74-95-3...............................  Methylene bromide.................            2         0.11         8400           15         0.19  ...........
    75-09-2...............................  Methylene chloride................        0.039        0.089          310           30        0.015  ...........
    86-30-6...............................  N-Nitrosodiphenylamine............          0.2         0.92         1300           13    eqc        ...........
    930-55-2..............................  N-Nitrosopyrrolidine..............    eqc              0.013        0.053           35    eqc        ...........
    91-20-3...............................  Naphthalene.......................           14        0.059       120000          5.6            3  ...........
    7440-02-0.............................  Nickel............................           11         3.98          110  ...........            5            5
    98-95-3...............................  Nitrobenzene......................        0.084        0.068           45           14        0.032  ...........
    924-16-3..............................  Nitrosodi-n-butylamine............  ...........  ...........        0.094           17    eqc        ...........
    56-38-2...............................  Parathion.........................            3        0.014         0.13          4.6        12000  ...........
    608-93-5..............................  Pentachlorobenzene................            5        0.055          210           10    eqc        ...........
    82-68-8...............................  Pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB)....        0.081        0.055           11          4.8    eqc        ...........
    87-86-5...............................  Pentachlorophenol.................        0.002        0.089            3          7.4      0.00041  ...........
    108-95-2..............................  Phenol............................           84        0.039       160000          6.2           32  ...........
    298-02-2..............................  Phorate...........................         0.11        0.021          160          4.6  ...........  ...........
    1336-36-3.............................  Polychlorinated biphenyls.........    eqc                0.1    eqc                 10    eqc        ...........
    23950-58-5............................  Pronamide.........................           21        0.093          440          1.5            6  ...........
    129-00-0..............................  Pyrene............................           54        0.067        16000          8.2            2  ...........
    110-86-1..............................  Pyridine..........................         0.16        0.014          810           16         0.06  ...........
    94-59-7...............................  Safrole...........................       0.0035        0.081           11         0.16    eqc        ...........
    7782-49-2.............................  Selenium..........................         0.93         0.82    eqc        ...........         0.36         0.16
    7440-22-4.............................  Silver............................          200         0.43    eqc        ...........  ...........          0.3
    1746-01-6.............................  TCDD,2,3,7,8......................    eqc           0.000063    8.000E-06        0.001    eqc        ...........
    95-94-3...............................  Tetrachlorobenzene, 1,2,4,5-......         0.23        0.055          170           14        0.032  ...........
    630-20-6..............................  Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,1,2-.......        0.024        0.057          130            6       0.0078  ...........
    79-34-5...............................  Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2-.......       0.0037        0.057           29            6       0.0077  ...........
    127-18-4..............................  Tetrachloroethylene...............            2        0.056        13000            6         0.68  ...........
    58-90-2...............................  Tetrachlorophenol, 2,3,4,6-.......            2         0.03         6200          7.4         0.58  ...........
    7440-28-0.............................  Thallium (l)......................         0.05          1.4            5        0.078        0.019  ...........
    108-88-3..............................  Toluene...........................           30         0.08       180000           10           13  ...........
    8001-35-2.............................  Toxaphene.........................    eqc             0.0095    eqc                2.6         0.11  ...........
    76-13-1...............................  Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane,           2200        0.057  ...........           30         2400  ...........
    120-82-1..............................  Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,4-..........         0.69        0.055         3500           19            1  ...........
    71-55-6...............................  Trichloroethane, 1,1,1-...........           74        0.054        48000            6        0.054  ...........
    79-00-5...............................  Trichloroethane, 1,1,2-...........        0.007        0.054           11            6       0.0018  ...........
    79-01-6...............................  Trichloroethylene.................        0.038        0.054          570            6        0.013  ...........
    75-69-4...............................  Trichlorofluoromethane............           48         0.02        26000           30           16  ...........
    [[Page 66440]]
    95-95-4...............................  Trichlorophenol, 2,4,5-...........           18         0.18        12000          7.4            4  ...........
    88-06-2...............................  Trichlorophenol, 2,4,6-...........        0.054        0.035          120          7.4        0.015  ...........
    93-76-5...............................  Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid, 2,4,5-           2         0.72           63          7.9         0.64  ...........
    93-72-1...............................  Trichlorophenoxypropionic acid,               1         0.72            6          7.9         0.48  ...........
                                             2,4,5- (Silvex).                                                                                               
    96-18-4...............................  Trichloropropane, 1,2,3-..........            1         0.85          870           30         0.34  ...........
    126-72-7..............................  Tris (2,3-dibromopropyl) phosphate    eqc               0.11         0.36          0.1    eqc        ...........
    7440-62-2.............................  Vanadium..........................           10          4.3          250  ...........            4         0.23
    75-01-4...............................  Vinyl chloride....................    eqc               0.27            1            6    eqc        ...........
    1330-20-7.............................  Xylenes (total....................           22         0.32       170000           30          150  ...........
    7440-66-6.............................  Zinc..............................           99         2.61          320  ...........           38          5.3
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, Chapter I of Title 40 of 
    the Code of Federal Regulations is amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 260 continues to read as 
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 6905, 6912(a), 6921-6927, 6930, 6934, 6935, 
    6937, 6938, 6939, and 6974.
        2. In Sec. 260.10, add the following definitions in alphabetical 
    * * * * *
        Director means the Regional Administrator or the State Director, as 
    the context requires, or an authorized representative. When there is no 
    approved State program, and there is an EPA administered program, 
    Director means the Regional Administrator. When there is an approved 
    State program, Director normally means the State Director. In some 
    circumstances, however, EPA retains the authority to take certain 
    actions even when there is an approved State program. In such cases, 
    the term Director means the Regional Administrator and not the State 
    * * * * *
        Monofill means a landfill where waste of only one kind or type is 
    placed in or on land and which is not a pile, a land treatment 
    facility, a surface impoundment, an underground injection well, a salt 
    dome formation, a salt bed formation, an underground mine, a cave, or a 
    corrective action management unit.
        3. The authority citation for part 261 continues to read as 
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 6905, 6912(a), 6921, and 6922.
        4. Section 261.3 is amended by revising the first sentence of 
    paragraph (a)(2)(iv) and the first sentence of paragraph (c)(2)(i) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 261.3  Definition of hazardous waste.
    * * * * *
        (a) * * *
        (2) * * *
        (iv) It is a mixture of solid waste and one or more hazardous 
    wastes listed in subpart D of this part and has not been excluded from 
    paragraph (a)(2) of this section under either Secs. 260.20 and 260.22, 
    Sec. 261.36, or Sec. 261.37 of this chapter; however, the following 
    mixtures of solid wastes and hazardous wastes listed in subpart D of 
    this part are not hazardous wastes (except by application of paragraph 
    (a)(2) (i) or (ii) of this section) if the generator can demonstrate 
    that the mixture consists of wastewater the discharge of which is 
    subject to regulation under either section 402 or section 307(b) of the 
    clean water act (including wastewater at facilities which have 
    eliminated the discharge of wastewater) and:
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (2) * * *
        (i) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of this 
    section, Sec. 261.36, or Sec. 261.37 of this chapter, any solid waste 
    generated from the treatment, storage, or disposal of a hazardous 
    waste, including any sludge, spill residue, ash, emission control dust, 
    or leachate (but not including precipitation run-off) is a hazardous 
    waste. * * *
    * * * * *
        5. A new Sec. 261.36 is added to subpart D to read as follows:
    Sec. 261.36  Exemption for listed hazardous wastes containing low 
    concentrations of hazardous constituents.
        (a) Any hazardous waste listed under this subpart, any mixture of 
    such a listed waste with a solid waste, or any waste derived from the 
    treatment, storage, or disposal of a listed hazardous waste that does 
    not exhibit any of the characteristics of hazardous waste in subpart C 
    of this part 261 and that meets all of the requirements in 
    Sec. 261.36(b)-(d) is exempt from all requirements of parts 262-266 and 
    part 270 of this chapter. Any such waste which also meets the 
    requirements of Sec. 261.36(e) is also exempt from the requirements of 
    part 268 of this chapter.
        (b) Requirements for qualifying for an exemption.--(1) Testing. (i) 
    For each waste for which an exemption is claimed, the claimant must 
    test for all of the constituents on appendix X to this part 261 except 
    those that the claimant determines should not be present in the waste. 
    The claimant is required to document the basis of each determination 
    that a constituent should not be present. No claimant may determine 
    that any of the following categories of constituents should not be 
        (A) Constituents identified in appendix VII to this part 261 as the 
    basis for listing the waste for which exemption is sought;
        (B) Constituents listed in the table to Sec.  268.40 of this 
    chapter as regulated hazardous constituents for LDR treatment of the 
        (C) Constituents detected in any previous analysis of the same 
    waste conducted by or on behalf of the claimant;
        (D) Constituents introduced into the process which generates the 
    waste; and
        (E) Constituents which the claimant knows or has reason to believe 
    are byproducts or side reactions to the process that generates the 
        Note: Any claim under this section must be valid and accurate 
    for all hazardous constituents; a determination not to test for a 
    hazardous constituent will not shield a claimant from liability 
    should that constituent later be found in the waste.
        (ii) The claimant must develop a sampling and analysis plan for 
    each waste for which an exemption is sought. The plan must identify:
        (A) Sampling procedures and locations sufficient to characterize 
    the entire waste for which the exemption is 
    [[Page 66441]]
    claimed. Grab sampling is acceptable for this purpose.
        (B) Analytical methods that the claimant will use to determine, for 
    wastewaters and nonwastewaters, the total concentration of each 
    constituent on appendix X to this part except for those constituents 
    which the claimant has determined should not be present under 
    Sec. 261.36(b)(1)(i).
        (iii) The claimant must conduct sampling and analysis in accordance 
    with the plan.
        (iv) The results of the sampling and analysis must show, for both 
    wastewaters and nonwastewaters, that all total constituent 
    concentrations in the waste are at or below the exemption levels in 
    appendix X to this part 261 and, for nonwastewaters, that all leachable 
    constituent concentrations are either:
        (A) At or below exemption levels in Appendix X to this part 261, as 
    determined by testing an extract using test method 1311 (the Toxicity 
    Characteristic Leaching Procedure, set out in ``Test Methods for 
    Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods'' (SW-846)), or
        (B) Estimated to be at or below exemption levels using the equation 
    {[(A x B)+(C x D)]/[B+(20 x D)]} leach exit level, where 
    A=concentration of the analyte in the liquid portion of the sample; 
    B=Volume of the liquid portion of the sample; C=Concentration of the 
    analyte in the solid portion of the sample; D=Weight of the solid 
    portion of the sample.
        (2) Treatment requirements.  Any waste that exits using an exit 
    level on Table B to appendix X to this part 261 must meet the treatment 
    standard for such a constituent under Sec. 268.40 of this chapter, 
    regardless of whether or not the waste is intended for land disposal, 
    unless the claimant meets the exemption requirements in Sec. 261.36(e).
        (3) Public Notice. The claimant must submit for publication in a 
    major newspaper of general circulation, local to the claimant, a notice 
    entitled ``Notification of Exemption Claim for Listed Hazardous Wastes 
    Containing Low Concentrations of Hazardous Constituents Under the 
    Resource Conservation and Recovery Act'' containing the following 
        (i) The name, address, and RCRA ID number of the claimant's 
        (ii) The applicable EPA Hazardous Waste Code of the waste for which 
    the exemption is claimed and the narrative description associated with 
    the listing from this part 261 subpart D;
        (iii) A brief, general description of the manufacturing, treatment, 
    or other process or operation producing the waste;
        (iv) An estimate of the average and maximum monthly and annual 
    quantities of the waste claimed to be exempt;
        (v) The name and mailing address of the agency to which the 
    claimant is submitting the notification required under 
    Sec. 261.36(b)(4).
        (4) Notification to implementing agency. Prior to managing any 
    waste as exempt under this section, the claimant must send to the 
    Director via certified mail or other mail service that provides written 
    confirmation of delivery a notification of the exemption claim meeting 
    the following requirements:
        (i) The name, address, and RCRA ID number of the person claiming 
    the exemption;
        (ii) The applicable EPA Hazardous Waste Codes;
        (iii) A brief description of the process that generated the waste;
        (iv) An estimate of the average and maximum monthly and annual 
    quantities of each waste claimed to be exempt;
        (v) Documentation for any claim that a constituent is not present 
    as described under Sec. 261.36 (b)(1)(i);
        (vi) The results of all analyses and estimates of constituent 
    concentrations required under Sec. 261.36(b)(1)(iv) and all 
    quantitation limits achieved;
        (vii) Documentation that any waste that exits using a constituent 
    exit level from Table B to Appendix X to this part has met the 
    applicable treatment standards in Sec. 268.40 of this chapter, unless 
    the claimant is also claiming the exemption under Sec. 261.36(e);
        (viii) Evidence that the public notification requirements of 
    Sec. 261.36(b)(3) have been satisfied; and
        (ix) The following statement signed by the person claiming the 
    exemption or his authorized representative:
        ``Under penalty of criminal and civil prosecution for making or 
    submitting false statements, representations, or omissions, I 
    certify that the requirements of 40 CFR 261.36(b) have been met for 
    all waste identified in this notification. Copies of the records and 
    information required at 40 CFR 261.36(d)(7) are available at the 
    claimant's facility. Based upon my inquiry of the individuals 
    immediately responsible for obtaining the information, the 
    information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, 
    accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant 
    penalties for submitting false information, including the 
    possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.''
        (c) Effectiveness of exemption. No claim shall take effect until 
    the claimant receives confirmation of delivery for the notification 
    required under Sec. 261.36 (b)(4).
        (d) Conditions for maintaining the exemption. To maintain any 
    exemption claimed pursuant to this section, the claimant must satisfy 
    the following conditions:
        (1) Changes in information. The claimant must submit to the 
    Director any change in any information submitted under 
    Sec. 261.36(b)(4) within ten business days of the claimant's first 
    knowledge of the change.
        (2) Schedule for retesting. The claimant must retest the waste for 
    which the exemption was claimed on the following schedule:
        (i) For the first three years of the exemption, the claimant must:
        (A) Test wastes generated at the time the exemption is claimed in 
    volumes greater than 10,000 tons/year on a quarterly basis;
        (B) Test wastes generated at the time the exemption is claimed in 
    volumes greater than 1000 tons/year but less than 10,000 tons/year must 
    on a semi-annual basis;
        (C) Test wastes generated at the time the volume is claimed in 
    volumes less than 1000 tons/year on an annual basis.
        (ii) After the first three years of an exemption, the claimant must 
    retest the waste for which the exemption was claimed on an annual 
        (3) For every retest the claimant must prepare and comply with a 
    sampling and analysis plan meeting the requirements of 
    Sec. 261.36(b)(1)(ii) and determine the concentration of:
        (i) Each constituent from Table A to appendix X to this part that 
    was detected in the initial test within an order of magnitude below 
    either its total or leachable exemption level and each constituent from 
    Table B to appendix X of this part that is identified as a basis for 
    listing the waste on appendix VII to this part or is listed as a 
    regulated hazardous constituent for the waste in the table of 
    ``Treatment Standards for Hazardous Wastes'' in Sec. 268.40 of this 
    chapter; and
        (ii) Any other constituent that the claimant has reason to believe 
    may be newly present in the waste since the most recent test.
        (4) Exemption levels. The concentrations of all constituents tested 
    must meet the criteria set out in Sec. 261.36(b)(1)(iv).
        (5) Treatment requirements. Any waste exiting by using an exit 
    level for a hazardous constituent from Table B to appendix X to this 
    part must meet the treatment requirements for such a constituent under 
    Sec. 268.40 of this chapter prior to exit regardless of whether or not 
    the waste is intended for land disposal, unless the claimant meets 
    [[Page 66442]]
    the exemption requirements in Sec. 261.36(e).
        (6) Records. The claimant must maintain records of the following 
    information in files on-site for three years after the date of the 
    relevant test:
        (i) For initial testing, all information submitted under 
    Sec. 261.36(b)(4), all revisions to such material submitted under 
    Sec. 261.36(d)(1) and all information required to be maintained under 
    Sec. 261.36(d)(6)(iii);
        (ii) For retests:
        (A) All volume determinations made for the purpose of determining 
    testing frequency under Sec. 261.36(d)(2);
        (B) All sampling and analysis plans required under 
    Sec. 261.36(d)(3);
        (C) All analytical results and estimates of leachable 
    concentrations (if any) for constituents required to be assessed under 
    Sec. 261.35(d)(3);
        (D) Documentation showing that a waste exiting using any 
    constituent exit level from Table B to appendix X to this part and is 
    required to be reassessed under Sec. 261.36(d)(3) has met applicable 
    treatment standards under Sec. 268.40 of this chapter, unless the 
    claimant also claims the exemption under Sec. 261.36(e); and
        (iii) For both initial tests and retests, the claimant must also 
    retain records of:
        (A) The dates and times waste samples were obtained, and, for total 
    concentrations and leachable concentrations that were analyzed, the 
    dates of the analyses;
        (B) The names and qualifications of the person(s) who obtained the 
        (C) A description of the temporal and spatial locations of the 
        (D) The name and address of the laboratory facility at which 
    analyses of the samples were performed;
        (E) A description of the analytical methods used, including any 
    clean-up and extraction methods;
        (F) All quantitation limits achieved and all other quality control 
    results (including any method blanks, duplicate analyses, and matrix 
    spikes), laboratory quality assurance data, and a description of any 
    deviations from published analytical methods or from the plan which 
    occurred; and
        (G) All laboratory documentation that supports the analytical 
    results, unless a contract between the claimant and the laboratory 
    provides for the documentation to be maintained by the laboratory for 
    the period specified in Sec. 261.36 (b)(2) and also provides for the 
    availability of the documentation to the claimant upon request.
        Note: Failure to satisfy any of these conditions voids the 
    exemption and requires management of the waste for which the 
    exemption has been claimed as hazardous waste. Submission of 
    notification to the Director that all waste conditions have been 
    satisfied re-establishes the exemption for all waste generated after 
    that date.
        (e) Exemption from part 268 requirements.--If all hazardous 
    constituent levels in a waste qualifying for exemption are at or below 
    the appendix X to this part concentration levels at the waste's point 
    of generation, prior to any mixing with other solid or hazardous wastes 
    and prior to any treatment, the waste is exempt from all requirements 
    of part 268 of this chapter. The claimant also must meet the following 
    documentation requirements:
        (1) For initial tests, in place of the certification required at 
    Sec. 261.36 (b)(4)(ix), the claimant must submit the following 
    statement signed by the person claiming the exemption or his authorized 
    representative and, if the claimant is not the generator of the waste, 
    also signed by the generator or his authorized representative:
        Under penalty of criminal and civil prosecution for making or 
    submitting false statements, representations, or omissions, I 
    certify that, for the waste identified in this notification, the 
    concentration of all constituents assessed as required under 
    Sec. 261.36 (b)(1)(iv) met the applicable levels in appendix X to 
    this part 261 at the point of generation and that all other 
    requirements of 40 CFR Sec. 261.36 (b) have been met. Copies of the 
    records and information required at 40 CFR Sec. 261.36 (d)(4) are 
    available at the claimant's facility. Based upon my inquiry of the 
    individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, 
    the information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, 
    accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant 
    penalties for submitting false information, including the 
    possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.''; or
        (2) For every retest required under Sec. 261.36(d)(2), the claimant 
    must document that the concentrations of all constituents retested as 
    required under Sec. 261.36(d)(3) met the applicable levels in appendix 
    X to this part 261 at the waste's point of generation, must include 
    information supporting this claim from the waste's generator if the 
    generator is not the person asserting the claim, and must retain such 
    documentation in files on-site for three years after the date of the 
    relevant test.
        (f) Nothing in this paragraph preempts, overrides, or otherwise 
    negates the provision in Sec. 262.11 of this chapter, which requires 
    any person who generates a solid waste to determine if that waste is a 
    hazardous waste.
        (g) In an enforcement action, the burden of proof to establish 
    conformance with the exemption criteria shall be on the claimant.
        6. A new Sec. 261.37 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 261.37  Exemption for listed hazardous wastes containing low 
    concentrations of hazardous constituents and managed in landfills and 
        (a) Any hazardous waste listed under this subpart, any mixture of 
    such a listed waste with a solid waste, or any waste derived from the 
    treatment, storage or disposal of such a listed waste is exempt from 
    regulation as a hazardous waste under parts 262-266 and 270 of this 
    chapter if it meets the requirements in Sec. 261.37(b) and (d) 
    (including the requirement that all hazardous constituents present in 
    the waste be at or below the levels listed in appendix XI to this part 
    and that the waste be disposed in a landfill or monofill, but not a 
    land application unit). To maintain the exemption, the waste must 
    satisfy the conditions in Sec. 261.37(e). Any such waste which also 
    meets the requirements of 261.37(f) is also exempt from the 
    requirements of part 268 of this chapter.
        (b) Requirements for qualifying for an exemption--(1) Testing. (i) 
    For each waste for which an exemption is claimed, the claimant must 
    test for all of the constituents on appendix XI to this part 261 except 
    those that the claimant determines should not be present in the waste. 
    The claimant is required to document the basis of each determination 
    that a constituent should not be present. No claimant may determine 
    that any of the following categories of constituents should not be 
        (A) Constituents identified in appendix VII to this part 261 as the 
    basis for listing the waste for which exemption is sought;
        (B) Constituents listed in the table to Sec. 268.40 as regulated 
    hazardous constituents for LDR treatment of the waste;
        (C) Constituents detected in any previous analysis of the same 
    waste conducted by or on behalf of the claimant;
        (D) Constituents introduced into the process which generates the 
    waste; and
        (E) Constituents which the claimant knows or has reason to believe 
    are byproducts or side reactions to the process that generates the 
        Note: Any claim under this section must be valid and accurate 
    for all hazardous constituents; a determination not to test for a 
    hazardous constituent will not shield a claimant from liability 
    should that constituent later be found in the waste.
        (ii) The claimant must develop a sampling and analysis plan for 
    [[Page 66443]]
    waste for which an exemption is sought. The plan must identify:
        (A) Sampling procedures and locations sufficient to characterize 
    the entire waste for which the exemption is claimed. Grab sampling is 
    acceptable for this purpose.
        (B) Analytical methods that the claimant will use to determine, for 
    wastewaters and nonwastewaters, the total concentration of each 
    constituent on appendix XI to this part except for those constituents 
    which the claimant has determined should not be present under 
    Sec. 261.37(b)(1)(i).
        (iii) The claimant must conduct sampling and analysis in accordance 
    with the plan.
        (iv) The results of the sampling and analysis must show, for both 
    wastewaters and nonwastewaters, that all total constituent 
    concentrations in the waste are at or below the exemption levels in 
    appendix XI to this part 261 and, for nonwastewaters, that all 
    leachable constituent concentrations are either:
        (A) At or below exemption levels in appendix XI to this Part 261, 
    as determined by testing an extract using test method 1311 (the 
    Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure, set out in ``Test Methods 
    for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods'' (SW-846)), or
        (B) Estimated to be at or below exemption levels using the equation 
    {(AxB)+(CxD)}/{B+(20xD)} < leach="" exit="" level,="" where="" a="concentration" of="" the="" analyte="" in="" the="" liquid="" portion="" of="" the="" sample;="" b="Volume" of="" the="" liquid="" portion="" of="" the="" sample;="" c="Concentration" of="" the="" analyte="" in="" the="" solid="" portion="" of="" the="" sample;="" d="Weight" of="" the="" solid="" portion="" of="" the="" sample.="" (2)="" treatment="" requirements.="" any="" waste="" that="" exits="" using="" an="" exit="" level="" on="" table="" b="" to="" appendix="" xi="" to="" this="" part="" 261="" must="" meet="" the="" treatment="" standard="" for="" such="" a="" constituent="" under="" sec.="" 268.40="" of="" this="" chapter,="" regardless="" of="" whether="" or="" not="" the="" waste="" is="" intended="" for="" land="" disposal,="" unless="" the="" claimant="" meets="" the="" exemption="" requirements="" in="" sec.="" 261.37(f).="" (3)="" public="" notice.="" the="" claimant="" must="" submit="" for="" publication="" in="" a="" major="" newspaper="" of="" general="" circulation,="" local="" to="" the="" claimant,="" a="" notice="" entitled="" ``notification="" of="" exemption="" claim="" for="" listed="" hazardous="" wastes="" containing="" low="" concentrations="" of="" hazardous="" constituents="" and="" managed="" in="" landfills="" and="" monofills="" under="" the="" resource="" conservation="" and="" recovery="" act''="" containing="" the="" following="" information:="" (i)="" the="" name,="" address,="" and="" rcra="" id="" number="" of="" the="" claimant's="" facility;="" (ii)="" the="" applicable="" epa="" hazardous="" waste="" code="" of="" the="" waste="" for="" which="" the="" exemption="" is="" claimed="" and="" the="" narrative="" description="" associated="" with="" the="" listing="" from="" this="" part="" 261="" subpart="" d;="" (iii)="" a="" brief,="" general="" description="" of="" the="" manufacturing,="" treatment,="" or="" other="" process="" or="" operation="" producing="" the="" waste;="" (iv)="" an="" estimate="" of="" the="" average="" and="" maximum="" monthly="" and="" annual="" quantities="" of="" the="" waste="" claimed="" to="" be="" exempt;="" (v)="" the="" name="" and="" mailing="" address="" of="" the="" agency="" to="" which="" the="" claimant="" is="" submitting="" the="" notification="" required="" under="" sec.="" 261.37(b)(4);="" (vi)="" the="" following="" statement:="" the="" exemption="" for="" this="" waste="" from="" the="" hazardous="" waste="" regulatory="" scheme="" is="" conditioned="" disposing="" of="" the="" waste="" in="" a="" landfill="" or="" monofill="" (and="" not="" a="" land="" application="" unit.)="" (4)="" notification="" to="" implementing="" agency.="" prior="" to="" managing="" any="" waste="" as="" exempt="" under="" this="" section,="" the="" claimant="" must="" send="" to="" the="" director="" via="" certified="" mail="" or="" other="" mail="" service="" that="" provides="" written="" confirmation="" of="" delivery="" a="" notification="" of="" the="" exemption="" claim="" meeting="" the="" following="" requirements:="" (i)="" the="" name,="" address,="" and="" rcra="" id="" number="" of="" the="" person="" claiming="" the="" exemption;="" (ii)="" the="" applicable="" epa="" hazardous="" waste="" codes;="" (iii)="" a="" brief="" description="" of="" the="" process="" that="" generated="" the="" waste;="" (iv)="" an="" estimate="" of="" the="" average="" and="" maximum="" monthly="" and="" annual="" quantities="" of="" each="" waste="" claimed="" to="" be="" exempt;="" (v)="" documentation="" for="" any="" claim="" that="" a="" constituent="" is="" not="" present="" as="" described="" under="" sec.="" 261.37(b)(1)(i);="" (vi)="" the="" results="" of="" all="" analyses="" and="" estimates="" of="" constituent="" concentrations="" required="" under="" sec.="" 261.37(b)(1)(iv)="" and="" all="" quantitation="" limits="" achieved;="" (vii)="" documentation="" that="" any="" waste="" that="" exits="" using="" a="" constituent="" exit="" level="" from="" table="" b="" to="" appendix="" xi="" to="" this="" part="" have="" met="" the="" applicable="" treatment="" standards="" in="" sec.="" 268.40,="" of="" this="" chapter,="" unless="" the="" claimant="" is="" also="" claiming="" the="" exemption="" under="" sec.="" 261.37(f);="" (viii)="" evidence="" that="" the="" public="" notification="" requirements="" of="" sec.="" 261.37(b)(3)="" have="" been="" satisfied;="" and="" (ix)="" the="" following="" statement="" signed="" by="" the="" person="" claiming="" the="" exemption="" or="" his="" authorized="" representative:="" under="" penalty="" of="" criminal="" and="" civil="" prosecution="" for="" making="" or="" submitting="" false="" statements,="" representations,="" or="" omissions,="" i="" certify="" that="" the="" requirements="" of="" sec.="" 261.37(b)="" have="" been="" met,="" including="" the="" requirement="" that="" all="" hazardous="" constituents="" present="" in="" the="" waste="" are="" at="" or="" below="" the="" levels="" listed="" on="" appendix="" xi="" to="" this="" part,="" for="" all="" listed="" wastes="" identified="" in="" this="" notification.="" i="" also="" certify="" that="" arrangements="" have="" been="" made="" to="" dispose="" of="" the="" waste="" in="" a="" landfill="" or="" monofill="" (and="" not="" a="" land="" application="" unit).="" copies="" of="" the="" records="" and="" information="" required="" at="" sec.="" 261.37="" (e)(7)="" are="" available)="" at="" the="" claimant's="" facility.="" based="" upon="" my="" inquiry="" of="" the="" individuals="" immediately="" responsible="" for="" obtaining="" the="" information,="" the="" information="" is,="" to="" the="" best="" of="" my="" knowledge="" and="" belief,="" true,="" accurate,="" and="" complete.="" i="" am="" aware="" that="" there="" are="" significant="" penalties="" for="" submitting="" false="" information,="" including="" the="" possibility="" of="" fine="" and="" imprisonment="" for="" knowing="" violations.="" (5)="" the="" claimant="" must="" receive="" confirmation="" of="" delivery="" for="" the="" notification="" required="" under="" sec.="" 261.37="" (b)(4).="" (c)="" tracking,="" storage,="" treatment="" and="" other="" management="" prior="" to="" disposal.="" until="" a="" listed="" hazardous="" waste="" meeting="" the="" requirements="" of="" sec.="" 261.37(b)="" is="" placed="" in="" a="" landfill="" or="" monofill,="" it="" remains="" subject="" to="" all="" requirements="" of="" parts="" 262-266="" and="" 270="" of="" this="" chapter.="" the="" waste="" is="" also="" subject="" to="" the="" requirements="" of="" part="" 268="" of="" this="" chapter="" unless="" it="" qualifies="" for="" an="" exemption="" under="" sec.="" 261.37(f).="" (d)="" disposal="" in="" a="" landfill="" or="" monofill.="" the="" claimant="" must="" ensure="" that="" any="" listed="" waste="" meeting="" the="" requirements="" of="" sec.="" 261.37(b)="" for="" which="" an="" exemption="" is="" sought="" is="" disposed="" of="" in="" either="" a="" landfill="" or="" monofill="" (and="" not="" a="" land="" application="" unit).="" the="" landfill="" or="" monofill="" need="" not="" be="" subject="" to="" regulation="" as="" a="" hazardous="" waste="" management="" unit.="" the="" waste="" becomes="" exempt="" as="" soon="" as="" it="" is="" placed="" in="" a="" landfill="" or="" monofill="" unit.="" (e)="" conditions="" for="" maintaining="" the="" exemption.="" to="" maintain="" any="" exemption="" claimed="" pursuant="" to="" this="" section,="" the="" claimant="" must="" satisfy="" the="" following="" conditions:="" (1)="" compliance="" with="" modified="" hazardous="" waste="" manifest="" system.="" if="" the="" landfill="" or="" monofill="" in="" which="" the="" waste="" is="" disposed="" is="" not="" a="" hazardous="" waste="" disposal="" unit="" subject="" to="" part="" sec.="" 264.71-264.72="" or="" sec.="" 265.71-265.72="" of="" this="" chapter,="" the="" claimant="" must:="" (i)="" ensure="" that="" the="" manifest="" form="" is="" returned="" from="" the="" disposal="" facility,="" and="" (ii)="" obtain="" information="" showing="" that="" the="" disposal="" facility="" designated="" on="" the="" manifest="" received="" the="" waste="" for="" which="" the="" exemption="" is="" sought="" and="" placed="" it="" in="" either="" a="" landfill="" or="" monofill="" (and="" not="" a="" land="" treatment="" unit).="" (2)="" changes="" in="" information.="" the="" claimant="" must="" submit="" to="" the="" director="" any="" change="" in="" any="" information="" submitted="" under="" sec.="" 261.37(b)(4)="" within="" ten="" business="" days="" of="" the="" claimant's="" first="" knowledge="" of="" the="" change.="" (3)="" schedule="" for="" retesting.="" the="" claimant="" must="" retest="" the="" waste="" for="" which="" the="" exemption="" was="" claimed="" on="" the="" following="" schedule:="" [[page="" 66444]]="" (i)="" for="" the="" first="" three="" years="" of="" the="" exemption,="" the="" claimant="" must:="" (a)="" test="" wastes="" generated="" at="" the="" time="" the="" exemption="" is="" claimed="" in="" volumes="" greater="" than="" 10,000="" tons/year="" on="" a="" quarterly="" basis;="" (b)="" test="" wastes="" generated="" at="" the="" time="" the="" exemption="" is="" claimed="" in="" volumes="" greater="" than="" 1000="" tons/year="" but="" less="" than="" 10,000="" tons/year="" must="" on="" a="" semi-annual="" basis;="" (c)="" test="" wastes="" generated="" at="" the="" time="" the="" volume="" is="" claimed="" in="" volumes="" less="" than="" 1000="" tons/year="" on="" an="" annual="" basis.="" (ii)="" after="" the="" first="" three="" years="" of="" an="" exemption,="" the="" claimant="" must="" retest="" the="" waste="" for="" which="" the="" exemption="" was="" claimed="" on="" an="" annual="" basis.="" (4)="" for="" every="" retest="" the="" claimant="" must="" prepare="" and="" comply="" with="" a="" sampling="" and="" analysis="" plan="" meeting="" the="" requirements="" of="" sec.="" 261.37(b)(1)(ii)="" and="" determine="" the="" concentration="" of:="" (i)="" each="" constituent="" from="" table="" a="" to="" appendix="" xi="" to="" this="" part="" that="" was="" detected="" in="" the="" initial="" test="" within="" an="" order="" of="" magnitude="" below="" either="" its="" total="" or="" leachable="" exemption="" level="" and="" each="" constituent="" from="" table="" b="" to="" appendix="" xi="" to="" this="" part="" that="" is="" identified="" as="" a="" basis="" for="" listing="" the="" waste="" on="" appendix="" vii="" to="" this="" part="" or="" is="" listed="" as="" a="" regulated="" hazardous="" constituent="" for="" the="" waste="" in="" the="" table="" of="" ``treatment="" standards="" for="" hazardous="" wastes''="" in="" sec.="" 268.40="" of="" this="" chapter;="" and="" (ii)="" any="" other="" constituent="" that="" the="" claimant="" has="" reason="" to="" believe="" may="" be="" newly="" present="" in="" the="" waste="" since="" the="" most="" recent="" test.="" (5)="" exemption="" levels.--the="" concentrations="" of="" all="" constituents="" tested="" must="" meet="" the="" criteria="" set="" out="" in="" sec.="" 261.37(b)(1)(iv).="" (6)="" treatment="" requirements.--any="" waste="" exiting="" by="" using="" an="" exit="" level="" for="" a="" hazardous="" constituent="" from="" table="" b="" to="" appendix="" xi="" to="" this="" part="" must="" meet="" the="" treatment="" requirements="" for="" such="" a="" constituent="" under="" sec.="" 268.40="" of="" this="" chapter="" prior="" to="" exit="" regardless="" of="" whether="" or="" not="" the="" waste="" is="" intended="" for="" land="" disposal,="" unless="" the="" claimant="" meets="" the="" exemption="" requirements="" in="" sec.="" 261.37(f).="" (7)="" records.--the="" claimant="" must="" maintain="" records="" of="" the="" following="" information="" in="" files="" on-site="" for="" three="" years="" after="" the="" date="" of="" the="" relevant="" test:="" (i)="" for="" initial="" testing,="" all="" information="" submitted="" under="" sec.="" 261.37(b)(4)="" and="" all="" revisions="" to="" such="" material="" submitted="" under="" sec.="" 261.37(e)(2),="" all="" information="" obtained="" under="" sec.="" 261.37(e)(1),="" and="" all="" information="" required="" to="" be="" maintained="" under="" sec.="" 261.37(e)(7)(iii);="" (ii)="" for="" retests:="" (a)="" all="" volume="" determinations="" made="" for="" the="" purpose="" of="" determining="" testing="" frequency="" under="" sec.="" 261.37(e)(3);="" (b)="" all="" sampling="" and="" analysis="" plans="" required="" under="" sec.="" 261.37(e)(4);="" (c)="" all="" analytical="" results="" and="" estimates="" of="" leachable="" concentrations="" (if="" any)="" for="" constituents="" required="" to="" be="" assessed="" under="" sec.="" 261.37="" (e)(5);="" (d)="" documentation="" showing="" that="" a="" waste="" exiting="" using="" any="" constituent="" exit="" level="" from="" table="" b="" to="" appendix="" xi="" to="" this="" part="" has="" met="" applicable="" treatment="" standards="" under="" sec.="" 268.40="" of="" this="" chapter,="" unless="" the="" claimant="" also="" claims="" the="" exemption="" under="" sec.="" 261.37(f);="" and="" (iii)="" for="" both="" initial="" tests="" and="" retests,="" the="" claimant="" must="" also="" retain="" records="" of:="" (a)="" the="" dates="" and="" times="" waste="" samples="" were="" obtained,="" and,="" for="" total="" concentrations="" and="" leachable="" concentrations="" that="" were="" analyzed,="" the="" dates="" of="" the="" analyses;="" (b)="" the="" names="" and="" qualifications="" of="" the="" person(s)="" who="" obtained="" the="" samples;="" (c)="" a="" description="" of="" the="" temporal="" and="" spatial="" locations="" of="" the="" samples;="" (d)="" the="" name="" and="" address="" of="" the="" laboratory="" facility="" at="" which="" analyses="" of="" the="" samples="" were="" performed;="" (e)="" a="" description="" of="" the="" analytical="" methods="" used,="" including="" any="" clean-up="" and="" extraction="" methods;="" (f)="" all="" quantitation="" limits="" achieved="" and="" all="" other="" quality="" control="" results="" (including="" any="" method="" blanks,="" duplicate="" analyses,="" and="" matrix="" spikes),="" laboratory="" quality="" assurance="" data,="" and="" a="" description="" of="" any="" deviations="" from="" published="" analytical="" methods="" or="" from="" the="" plan="" which="" occurred;="" and="" (g)="" all="" laboratory="" documentation="" that="" supports="" the="" analytical="" results,="" unless="" a="" contract="" between="" the="" claimant="" and="" the="" laboratory="" provides="" for="" the="" documentation="" to="" be="" maintained="" by="" the="" laboratory="" for="" the="" period="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 261.37="" (b)(2)="" and="" also="" provides="" for="" the="" availability="" of="" the="" documentation="" to="" the="" claimant="" upon="" request.="" failure="" to="" satisfy="" any="" of="" these="" conditions="" voids="" the="" exemption="" and="" requires="" management="" of="" the="" waste="" for="" which="" the="" exemption="" has="" been="" claimed="" as="" hazardous="" waste.="" submission="" of="" notification="" to="" the="" director="" that="" all="" waste="" conditions="" have="" been="" satisfied="" re-establishes="" the="" exemption="" for="" all="" waste="" generated="" after="" that="" date.="" (f)="" exemption="" from="" part="" 268="" requirements.--if="" all="" hazardous="" constituent="" levels="" in="" a="" waste="" qualifying="" for="" exemption="" are="" at="" or="" below="" the="" appendix="" xi="" to="" this="" part="" concentration="" levels="" at="" the="" waste's="" point="" of="" generation,="" prior="" to="" any="" mixing="" with="" other="" solid="" or="" hazardous="" wastes="" and="" prior="" to="" any="" treatment,="" the="" waste="" is="" exempt="" from="" all="" requirements="" of="" part="" 268="" of="" this="" chapter.="" the="" claimant="" also="" must="" meet="" the="" following="" documentation="" requirements:="" (1)="" for="" initial="" tests,="" in="" place="" of="" the="" certification="" required="" at="" sec.="" 261.37="" (b)(4)(ix),="" the="" claimant="" must="" submit="" the="" following="" statement="" signed="" by="" the="" person="" claiming="" the="" exemption="" or="" his="" authorized="" representative="" and,="" if="" the="" claimant="" is="" not="" the="" generator="" of="" the="" waste,="" also="" signed="" by="" the="" generator="" or="" his="" authorized="" representative:="" under="" penalty="" of="" criminal="" and="" civil="" prosecution="" for="" making="" or="" submitting="" false="" statements,="" representations,="" or="" omissions,="" i="" certify="" that,="" for="" the="" waste="" identified="" in="" this="" notification,="" the="" concentration="" of="" all="" constituents="" assessed="" as="" required="" under="" sec.="" 261.37="" (b)(1)(iv)="" met="" the="" applicable="" levels="" in="" appendix="" xi="" to="" this="" part="" 261="" at="" the="" point="" of="" generation="" and="" that="" all="" other="" requirements="" of="" 40="" cfr="" 261.37="" (b)="" have="" been="" met.="" i="" also="" certify="" that="" arrangements="" have="" been="" made="" to="" dispose="" of="" the="" waste="" in="" a="" landfill="" or="" monofill="" (and="" not="" a="" land="" application="" unit).="" copies="" of="" the="" records="" and="" information="" required="" at="" 40="" cfr="" 261.37="" (e)(7)="" are="" available="" at="" the="" claimant's="" facility.="" based="" upon="" my="" inquiry="" of="" the="" individuals="" immediately="" responsible="" for="" obtaining="" the="" information,="" the="" information="" is,="" to="" the="" best="" of="" my="" knowledge="" and="" belief,="" true,="" accurate,="" and="" complete.="" i="" am="" aware="" that="" there="" are="" significant="" penalties="" for="" submitting="" false="" information,="" including="" the="" possibility="" of="" fine="" and="" imprisonment="" for="" knowing="" violations.'';="" and="" (2)="" for="" every="" retest="" required="" under="" sec.="" 261.37(e)(3),="" the="" claimant="" must="" document="" that="" the="" concentrations="" of="" all="" constituents="" retested="" as="" required="" under="" sec.="" 261.37(e)(4)="" met="" the="" applicable="" levels="" in="" appendix="" xi="" to="" this="" part="" 261="" at="" the="" waste's="" point="" of="" generation,="" must="" include="" information="" supporting="" this="" claim="" from="" the="" waste's="" generator="" if="" the="" generator="" is="" not="" the="" person="" asserting="" the="" claim,="" and="" must="" retain="" such="" documentation="" in="" files="" on-site="" for="" three="" years="" after="" the="" date="" of="" the="" relevant="" test.="" (g)="" nothing="" in="" this="" paragraph="" preempts,="" overrides,="" or="" otherwise="" negates="" the="" provision="" in="" sec.="" 262.11="" of="" this="" chapter,="" which="" requires="" any="" person="" who="" generates="" a="" solid="" waste="" to="" determine="" if="" that="" waste="" is="" a="" hazardous="" waste.="" (h)="" in="" an="" enforcement="" action,="" the="" burden="" of="" proof="" to="" establish="" conformance="" with="" the="" exemption="" criteria="" shall="" be="" on="" the="" claimant.="" 7.="" appendix="" x="" is="" added="" to="" read="" as="" follows:="" [[page="" 66445]]="" appendix="" x="" table="" a.--modeled="" or="" extrapolated="" risk-based="" exit="" levels="" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" mcl="" benchmark="" option="" toxicity="" benchmark="" option="" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" cas="" no.="" name="" wastewater="" nonwastewater="" wastewater="" nonwastewater="" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" totals="" (mg/l)="" totals="" (mg/kg)="" leach="" (mg/l)="" totals="" (mg/l)="" totals="" (mg/kg)="" leach="" (mg/l)="" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" 83-32-9................="" acenaphthene.....="" 31="" 9500="" 5="" 31="" 9500="" 5="" 208-96-8...............="" acenaphthylene...="" (\1\)="" 4="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 4="" (\1\)="" 67-64-1................="" acetone..........="" 16="" 17000="" 6="" 16="" 17000="" 6="" 75-05-8................="" acetonitrile.....="" 0.78="" 920="" 0.3="" 0.78="" 920="" 0.3="" 98-86-2................="" acetophenone.....="" 17="" 1200="" 6="" 17="" 1200="" 6="" 75-36-5................="" acetyl="" chloride..="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 591-08-2...............="" acetyl-2-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 6="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 6="" thiourea,="" 1-.="" 53-96-3................="" acetylaminofluore="" 0.028="" 3="" (\1\)="" 0.028="" 3="" (\1\)="" ne,="" 2-.="" 107-02-8...............="" acrolein.........="" (\1\)="" 3="" ................="" (\1\)="" 3="" ................="" 79-06-1................="" acrylamide.......="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 107-13-1...............="" acrylonitrile....="" (\1\)="" 0.96="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 0.96="" (\1\)="" 1402-68-2..............="" aflatoxins.......="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 116-06-3...............="" aldicarb.........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 0.54="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 0.48="" 309-00-2...............="" aldrin...........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 107-18-6...............="" allyl="" alcohol....="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 107-05-1...............="" allyl="" chloride...="" 0.074="" 260="" ................="" 0.074="" 260="" ................="" 92-67-1................="" aminobiphenyl,="" 4-="" 0.028="" 3="" (\1\)="" 0.028="" 3="" (\1\)="" 2763-96-4..............="" aminomethyl-3-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" isoxazolol,="" 5-.="" 504-24-5...............="" aminophyridine,="" 4-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" .="" 61-82-5................="" amitrole.........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 62-53-3................="" aniline..........="" 0.053="" 4="" 0.017="" 0.053="" 4="" 0.017="" 120-12-7...............="" anthracene.......="" (\1\)="" 4="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 4="" (\1\)="" 7440-36-0..............="" antimony.........="" 0.14="" 9="" 0.053="" 0.14="" 9="" 0.053="" 140-57-8...............="" aramite..........="" 15="" 6900="" 11="" 15="" 6900="" 11="" 7440-38-2..............="" arsenic..........="" 0.38="" (\1\)="" 0.15="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 2465-27-2..............="" auramine.........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 115-02-6...............="" azaserine........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 7440-39-3..............="" barium...........="" 28="" 2100="" 11="" 33="" 2100="" 16="" 71-43-2................="" benzene..........="" 0.021="" 110="" 0.009="" 0.018="" 110="" 0.0054="" 92-87-5................="" benzidine........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 106-51-4...............="" benzoquinone,="" p-.="" 15="" 6900="" 11="" 15="" 6900="" 11="" 98-07-7................="" benzotrichloride.="" (\1\)="" 140="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 140="" (\1\)="" 50-32-8................="" benzo(a)pyrene...="" 0.0023="" 0.23="" 0.0036="" 0.0023="" 0.23="" (\1\)="" 205-99-2...............="" benzo(b)-="" 0.00081="" 4="" 0.000066="" 0.00081="" 4="" 0.000066="" fluoranthene.="" 205-82-3...............="" benzo(j)-="" 0.0029="" 4="" 0.0012="" 0.0029="" 4="" (\1\)="" fluoranthene.="" 207-08-9...............="" benzo(k)-="" 0.0029="" 4="" 0.0012="" 0.0029="" 4="" (\1\)="" fluoranthene.="" 191-24-2...............="" benzo[g,h,i]-="" 0.0029="" 4="" 0.0012="" 0.0029="" 4="" (\1\)="" perylene.="" 100-51-6...............="" benzyl="" alcohol...="" 39="" 2700="" 15="" 39="" 2700="" 15="" 100-44-7...............="" benzyl="" chloride..="" 1="" 38="" 15="" 1="" 38="" 15="" 56-55-3................="" benz(a)="" 0.00072="" 0.1="" (\1\)="" 0.00072="" 0.1="" (\1\)="" anthracene.="" 225-51-4...............="" benz[c]acridine..="" 0.0029="" 4="" 0.0012="" 0.0029="" 4="" (\1\)="" 7440-41-7..............="" beryllim.........="" 0.00083="" (\1\)="" o.00032="" 0.00083="" (\1\)="" 0.00032="" 39638-32-9.............="" bis="" (2-="" 0.007="" 0.94="" 0.0019="" 0.007="" 0.94="" 0.0019="" chloroisopropyl)="" ether.="" 111-44-4...............="" bis(2-="" 0.00065="" 0.12="" 0.00036="" 0.00065="" 0.12="" 0.00036="" chlorethyl)ether.="" 117-81-7...............="" bis(2-="" 0.00044="" 230="" 0.11="" 0.00044="" 230="" 0.0011="" ethylhexyl)phtha="" late.="" 542-88-1...............="" bis(chloromethyl)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" ether.="" 598-31-2...............="" bromoacetone.....="" 0.024="" 31="" 0.012="" 0.023="" 31="" 0.015="" 75-27-4................="" bromodichlorometh="" 0.0085="" 19="" 0.0025="" 0.0085="" 19="" 0.0025="" ane.="" 75-25-2................="" bromoform="" 0.064="" 170="" 0.018="" 0.064="" 170="" 0.018="" (tribromomethane="" ).="" 101-55-3...............="" bromophyenyl="" 0.024="" 31="" 0.012="" 0.023="" 31="" 0.015="" ether,="" 4-.="" 357-57-3...............="" brucine..........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 71-36-3................="" butanol..........="" 16="" 1800="" 6="" 16="" 18000="" 6="" 88-85-7................="" butyl-4,6-="" 0.034="" 770="" 0.011="" 0.19="" 770="" 0.064="" dinitrophenol,="" 2-="" sec-="" (dinoseb).="" 85-68-7................="" butylbenzylphthal="" 240="" 87="" 64="" 240="" 87="" 64="" ate.="" 7440-43-9..............="" cadmium..........="" 0.038="" 14="" 0.015="" 0.24="" 14="" 0.11="" 86-74-8................="" carbazole........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" [[page="" 66446]]="" 75-15-0................="" carbon="" disulfide.="" 0.74="" 330="" 6="" 0.74="" 330="" 6="" 353-50-4...............="" carbon="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" oxyfluoride.="" 56-23-5................="" carbon="" 0.012="" 9="" 0.012="" 0.012="" 9="" 0.0016="" tetrachloride.="" 75-87-6................="" chloral..........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 305-03-3...............="" chlorambucil.....="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 57-74-9................="" chlordane........="" (\1\)="" 0.0098="" 0.036="" (\1\)="" 0.0098="" 0.00016="" 494-03-1...............="" chlornaphazin....="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 126-99-8...............="" chloro-1,3-="" 0.52="" 290="" ................="" 0.52="" 290="" ................="" butadiene,="" 2-="" (chloroprene).="" 107-20-0...............="" chloroacetaldehyd="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" e.="" 106-47-8...............="" chloroaniline,="" p-="" 0.42="" 140="" 0.16="" 0.42="" 140="" 0.16="" 108-90-7...............="" chlorobenzene....="" 0.68="" 2500="" 0.19="" 2="" 2500="" 1="" 510-15-6...............="" chlorobenzilate..="" 0.054="" 7="" 0.0057="" 0.054="" 7="" 0.0057="" 124-48-1...............="" chlorodibromometh="" 0.0066="" 28="" 0.0018="" 0.0066="" 28="" 0.0018="" ane.="" 75-00-3................="" chloroethane="" 0.024="" 31="" 0.012="" 0.023="" 31="" 0.015="" (ethyl="" chloride).="" 110-75-8...............="" chloroethyl="" vinyl="" (\1\)="" 140="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 140="" (\1\)="" ether,="" 2-.="" 67-66-3................="" chloroform.......="" 0.0076="" 7="" 0.017="" 0.0076="" 7="" 0.017="" 59-50-7................="" chloro-m-cresol,="" 0.27="" 140="" 0.033="" 0.081="" 140="" 0.032="" p-.="" 107-30-2...............="" chloromethyl="" (\1\)="" 31="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 31="" (\1\)="" methyl="" ether.="" 91-58-7................="" chloronaphthalene="" 0.27="" 140="" 0.033="" 0.081="" 140="" 0.032="" ,="" 2-.="" 95-57-9................="" chlorophenol,="" 2-.="" 0.9="" 100="" 0.32="" 0.9="" 100="" 0.32="" 7005-72-3..............="" chlorophenyl="" 0.024="" 31="" 0.012="" 0.023="" 31="" 0.015="" phenyl="" ether,="" 4-.="" 5344-82-1..............="" chlorophenyl="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" thiourea,="" 1-0-.="" 542-76-7...............="" chloropropionitri="" 0.27="" 140="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 140="" (\1\)="" le,="" 3-.="" 7440-47-3..............="" chromium.........="" 0.62="" 10="" 0.24="" 1="" 10="" 0.48="" 218-01-9...............="" chrysene.........="" 0.1="" 35="" 0.0012="" 0.1="" 35="" 0.0012="" 6358-53-8..............="" citrus="" red="" no.="" 2.="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 7440-48-4..............="" cobalt...........="" 0.62="" 9="" (\1\)="" 1="" 9="" (\1\)="" 7440-50-8..............="" copper...........="" 670="" 6="" 1100="" 670="" 6="" 1100="" 108-39-4...............="" cresol,="" m-.......="" 8="" 22000="" 3="" 8="" 22000="" 3="" 95-48-7................="" cresol,="" o-.......="" 8="" 27000="" 3="" 8="" 27000="" 3="" 106-44-5...............="" cresol,="" p-.......="" 0.84="" 2600="" 0.32="" 0.84="" 2600="" 0.32="" 4170-30-3..............="" crotonaldehyde...="" 8="" 1200="" 6="" 8="" 1200="" 6="" 57-12-5................="" cyanide..........="" (\1\)="" 20="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 20="" (\1\)="" 14901-08-7.............="" cycasin..........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 108-94-1...............="" cyclohexanone....="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 131-89-5...............="" cyclohexyl-4,6-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" dinitrophenol,="" 2-="" .="" 50-18-0................="" cyclophosphamide.="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 20830-81-3.............="" daunomycin.......="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 72-54-8................="" ddd..............="" 0.00013="" 0.0065="" 2800="" 0.00013="" 0.0065="" 2800="" 53-19-0................="" ddd="" (o,p').......="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 72-55-9................="" dde..............="" (\1\)="" 0.00094="" 0.000062="" (\1\)="" 0.00094="" 0.00062="" 3424-82-6..............="" dde="" (o,p').......="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 50-29-3................="" ddt..............="" (\1\)="" 0.0032="" 0.0054="" (\1\)="" 0.0032="" 0.0054="" 789-02-6...............="" ddt="" (o,p').......="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 2303-16-4..............="" diallate.........="" 0.26="" 1="" 0.46="" 0.26="" 1="" 0.46="" 132-64-9...............="" dibenzofuran.....="" 8="" 27000="" 2="" 8="" 27000="" 3="" 192-64-9...............="" dibenzo[a,e]pyren="" 0.0029="" 4="" 0.0012="" 0.0029="" 4="" (\1\)="" e.="" 189-64-0...............="" dibenzo[a,h]pyren="" 0.0029="" 4="" 0.0012="" 0.0029="" 4="" (\1\)="" e.="" 189-55-9...............="" dibenzo[a,i]pyren="" 0.0029="" 4="" 0.0012="" 0.0029="" 4="" (\1\)="" e.="" 194-59-2...............="" dibenzo[c,g]carba="" (\1\)="" 4="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 4="" (\1\)="" zole,="" 7h-.="" 226-36-8...............="" dibenz(a,h)acridi="" 0.0029="" 4="" 0.0012="" 0.0029="" 4="" (\1\)="" ne.="" 53-70-3................="" dibenz(a,h)anthra="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" cene.="" 224-42-0...............="" dibenz[a,j]acridi="" 0.0029="" 4="" 0.0012="" 0.0029="" 4="" (\1\)="" ne.="" 96-12-8................="" dibromo-3-="" 0.0022="" 0.66="" 0.00038="" 0.00066="" 0.66="" (\1\)="" chloropropane,="" 1,2-.="" 764-41-0...............="" dichloro-2-="" 0.024="" 31="" 0.012="" 0.023="" 31="" 0.016="" butene,="" 1,4-.="" 110-57-6...............="" dichloro-2-="" 0.024="" 31="" 0.012="" 0.023="" 31="" 0.015="" butene,="" trans-="" 1,4-.="" [[page="" 66447]]="" 96-23-1................="" dichloro-2-="" 0.27="" 140="" 0.033="" 0.081="" 140="" 0.032="" propanol,="" 1,3-.="" 95-50-1................="" dichlorobenzene,="" 8="" 50000="" 2="" 15="" 50000="" 6="" 1,2-.="" 541-73-1...............="" dichlorobenzene,="" 0.024="" 31="" 0.012="" 0.023="" 31="" 0.015="" 1,3-.="" 106-46-7...............="" dichlorobenzene,="" 1="" 64="" 0.22="" 0.056="" 64="" 0.011="" 1,4-.="" 91-94-1................="" dichlorobenzidine="" 0.0037="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 0.0037="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" ,="" 3,3').="" 75-71-8................="" dichlorodifluorom="" 15="" 8100="" 12="" 15="" 8100="" 12="" ethane.="" 75-34-3................="" dichloroethane,="" 0.00016="" 24="" 0.0006="" 0.00016="" 24="" 0.00006="" 1,1-.="" 107-06-2...............="" dichloroethane,="" 0.007="" 6="" 0.009="" 0.00016="" 6="" 0.00006="" 1,2-.="" 75-35-4................="" dichloroethylene,="" 0.0035="" 3="" 0.013="" 0.00059="" 3="" 0.00018="" 1,1-.="" 156-59-2...............="" dichloroethylene,="" 0.29="" 5400="" 0.11="" 2="" 5400="" 0.64="" cis-1,2-.="" 156-60-5...............="" dichloroethylene,="" 0.42="" 14000="" 0.16="" 3="" 14000="" 1="" trans-1,2-.="" 111-91-1...............="" dichloromethoxy="" 0.024="" 31="" 0.012="" 0.023="" 31="" 0.015="" ethane.="" 98-87-3................="" dichloromethylben="" 0.024="" 31="" 0.012="" 0.023="" 31="" 0.015="" zene="" (benzal="" chloride).="" 120-83-2...............="" dichlorophenol,="" 0.62="" 770="" 0.18="" 0.62="" 770="" 0.18="" 2,4-.="" 87-65-0................="" dichlorophenol,="" 0.024="" 31="" 0.012="" 0.023="" 31="" 0.015="" 2,6-.="" 94-75-7................="" dichlorophenoxyac="" 0.27="" 3100="" 0.11="" 2="" 3100="" 0.6="" etic="" acid,="" 2,4-="" (2,4-d).="" 78-87-5................="" dichloropropane,="" 0.12="" 17="" 0.012="" 0.023="" 17="" 0.0023="" 1,2-.="" 542-75-6...............="" dichloropropene,="" 0.0028="" 32="" (\1\)="" 0.0028="" 32="" (\1\)="" 1,3-.="" 10061-01-5.............="" dichloropropene,="" 0.0049="" 3="" 1200="" 0.0049="" 3="" 1200="" cis-1,3-.="" 10061-02-6.............="" dichloropropene,="" 0.0049="" 3="" 1200="" 0.0049="" 3="" 1200="" trans-1,3-.="" 60-57-1................="" dieldrin.........="" 0.000059="" 0.0018="" 0.54="" 0.000059="" 0.0018="" 0.54="" 1464-53-5..............="" diepoxybutane,="" 15="" 6900="" 11="" 15="" 6900="" 11="" 1,2,3,4-="" (2,2'-="" bioxirane).="" 84-66-2................="" diethyl="" phthalate="" 190="" 4500="" 54="" 190="" 4500="" 54="" 311-45-5...............="" diethyl-p-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" nitrophenyl="" phosphate.="" 56-53-1................="" diethylstilbestro="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" l.="" 94-58-6................="" dihydrosafrole...="" 15="" 6900="" 11="" 15="" 6900="" 11="" 60-51-5................="" dimethoate.......="" 29="" 2="" 0.77="" 29="" 2="" 0.77="" 131-11-3...............="" dimethyl="" 78="" 3="" 30="" 78="" 3="" 30="" phthalate.="" 77-78-1................="" dimethyl="" sulfate.="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 60-11-7................="" dimethylaminoazob="" 0.028="" 3="" (\1\)="" 0.028="" 3="" (\1\)="" enzene,="" p-.="" 119-93-7...............="" dimethylbenzidine="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" ,="" 3,3'.="" 57-97-6................="" dimethylbenz(a)an="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" thracene,="" 7,12.="" 79-44-7................="" dimethylcarbamoyl="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" chloride.="" 122-09-8...............="" dimethylphenethyl="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" amine,="" alpha,="" alpha-.="" 105-67-9...............="" dimethylphenol,="" 4="" 11000="" 1="" 4="" 11000="" 1="" 2,4-.="" 119-90-4...............="" dimethyoxybenzidi="" 0.034="" (\1\)="" 0.01="" 0.034="" (\1\)="" 0.01="" ne,="" 3,3-.="" 84-74-2................="" di-n-butyl="" 880="" 90000="" 100="" 230="" 90000="" 25="" phthalate.="" 99-65-0................="" dinitrobenzene,="" 0.017="" 6="" 0.0064="" 0.017="" 6="" 0.0064="" 1,3-.="" 100-25-4...............="" dinitrobenzene,="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 1,4-.="" 534-52-1...............="" dinitro-o-cresol,="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 4,6-.="" 51-28-5................="" dinitrophenol,="" 0.27="" 56="" 0.11="" 0.27="" 56="" 0.11="" 2,4-.="" 121-14-2...............="" dinitrotoluene,="" 0.29="" 210="" 0.11="" 0.29="" 210="" 0.11="" 2,4-.="" 606-20-2...............="" dinitrotoluene,="" 0.17="" 86="" 0.064="" 0.17="" 86="" 0.064="" 2,6-.="" 117-84-0...............="" di-n-octyl="" 0.002="" 4500="" 0.1="" 0.002="" 4500="" 0.1="" phthalate.="" 123-91-1...............="" dioxane,="" 1,4-....="" 0.042="" 13="" 0.014="" 0.042="" 13="" 0.014="" 122-39-4...............="" diphenylamine....="" 15="" 1200="" 3="" 15="" 12000="" 3="" 122-66-7...............="" diphenylhydrazine="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" ,="" 1,2-.="" 298-04-4...............="" disulfoton.......="" 0.013="" 43="" 13="" 0.013="" 43="" 13="" 541-53-7...............="" dithiobiuret.....="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" d,="" salts,="" esters,="" 0.0069="" (\1\)="" 0.54="" 0.0069="" (\1\)="" 0.48="" 2,4-.="" 115-29-7...............="" endosulfan.......="" 6="" 73="" 0.94="" 6="" 73="" 0.94="" 959-98-8...............="" endosulfan="" i.....="" 0.0069="" 0.19="" 0.54="" 0.0069="" 0.19="" 0.48="" 33213-65-9.............="" endosulfan="" ii....="" 0.0069="" 0.19="" 0.54="" 0.0069="" 0.19="" 0.48="" 1031-07-8..............="" endosulfan="" 0.0069="" 0.19="" 0.54="" 0.0069="" 0.19="" 0.48="" sulfate.="" 145-73-3...............="" endothall........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 0.54="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 0.48="" 72-20-8................="" endrin...........="" 0.073="" 0.26="" 24="" 0.073="" 0.26="" 32="" 7421-93-4..............="" endrin="" aldehyde..="" 0.0069="" 0.19="" 0.54="" 0.0069="" 0.19="" 0.48="" 53494-70-5.............="" endrin="" ketone....="" 0.0069="" 0.19="" 0.54="" 0.0069="" 0.19="" 0.48="" 106-89-8...............="" epichlorohydrin..="" 0.34="" 44="" 5400="" 0.34="" 44="" 5400="" 51-43-4................="" epinephrine......="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 110-80-5...............="" ethoxyethanol,="" 2-="" 15="" 6900="" 15="" 15="" 6900="" 15="" 141-78-6...............="" ethyl="" acetate....="" 390="" 270000="" 110="" 390="" 270000="" 110="" 51-79-6................="" ethyl="" carbamate..="" 15="" 6900="" 11="" 15="" 6900="" 11="" 107-12-0...............="" ethyl="" cyanide="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" (propionitrile).="" 60-29-7................="" ethyl="" ether......="" 27="" 41000="" 11="" 27="" 41000="" 11="" 97-63-2................="" ethl="" methacrylate="" 24="" 3400="" 7="" 24="" 3400="" 7="" [[page="" 66448]]="" 62-50-0................="" ethyl="" 0.0055="" (\1\)="" 12000="" 0.0055="" (\1\)="" 12000="" methanesulfonate.="" 100-41-4...............="" ethylbenzene.....="" 8="" 550000="" 2="" 39="" 550000="" 8="" 106-93-4..............="" ethylene="" 0.00093="" 0.0075="" 0.00075="" 0.00036="" 0.0075="" (\1\)="" dibromide.="" 75-21-8...............="" ethylene="" oxide...="" 15="" 6900="" 11="" 15="" 6900="" 11="" 96-45-7...............="" ethylene="" thiourea="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 151-56-4..............="" ethyleneimine="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (aziridine).="" 52-85-7...............="" famphur..........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 0.54="" b="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 0.48="" 640-19-7..............="" fluoracetamide,="" 2-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" .="" 62-74-8...............="" fluoracetic="" acid,="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" sodium="" salt.="" 206-44-0..............="" fluoranthene.....="" 28="" 6000="" 2="" 28="" 6000="" 2="" 86-73-7...............="" fluorene.........="" 22="" 90000="" 3="" 22="" 90000="" 3="" 16984-48-8............="" fluoride.........="" ..................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" 50-00-0...............="" formaldehyde.....="" (\1\)="" 49="" 11="" (\1\)="" 49="" 11="" 64-18-6...............="" formia="" acid......="" 270="" 300000="" 110="" 270="" 300000="" 110="" 765-34-4..............="" glycidylaldehyde.="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 319-86-8..............="" hch,="" delta-......="" 0.0069="" 0.19="" 0.54="" 0.0069="" 0.19="" 0.48="" 76-44-8...............="" heptachlor.......="" (\1\)="" 8="" ................="" (\1\)="" 8="" ................="" 1024-57-3.............="" heptachlor="" 0.00053="" 0.026="" 66="" 0.00053="" 0.026="" 0.45="" epoxide.="" 87-68-3...............="" hexachloro-1,3-="" 0.0079="" 36="" 0.0069="" 0.0079="" 36="" 0.0069="" butadiene.="" 118-74-1..............="" hexachlorobenzene="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 0.018="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 319-84-6..............="" hexachloro-="" 0.00014="" 0.0033="" 0.11="" 0.00014="" 0.033="" 0.11="" cyclohexane,="" alpha-="" (alpha-="" bhc).="" 319-85-7..............="" hexach-="" lorocyclo-="" 0.00044="" 0.12="" 0.00021="" 0.00044="" 0.12="" 0.00021="" hexane,="" beta-="" (beta-bhc).="" 58-89-9...............="" hexach-="" lorocyc-="" 0.00078="" 0.1="" 2="" 0.00078="" 0.1="" 0.69="" lohexane,="" gamma-="" (lindane).="" 77-47-4...............="" hexach-="" lorocyc-="" 0.0052="" 1500="" ................="" 0.0052="" 1500="" ................="" lopentadiene.="" 67-72-1...............="" hexachloroethane.="" 0.049="" 81="" 0.033="" 0.049="" 81="" 0.033="" 70-30-4...............="" hexachlorophene..="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 1888-71-7.............="" hexachloropropene="" 0.27="" 140="" 0.033="" 0.081="" 140="" 0.032="" 757-58-4..............="" hexae-="" thylte-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" traphosphate.="" 591-75-6..............="" hexanone,="" 2-.....="" 8="" 1200="" 6="" 8="" 1200="" 6="" 302-01-2..............="" hydrazine........="" (\1\)="" 20="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 20="" (\1\)="" 193-39-5..............="" indeno(1,2,3-cd)="" 0.0029="" 4="" (\1\)="" 0.0029="" 4="" (\1\)="" pyrene.="" 74-88-4...............="" iodomethane......="" 0.024="" 31="" 0.012="" 0.023="" 31="" 0.015="" 78-83-1...............="" isobutyl="" alcohol.="" 39="" 55000="" 15="" 39="" 55000="" 15="" 465-73-6..............="" isodrin..........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 0.54="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 0.48="" 78-59-1...............="" isophorone.......="" 0.53="" 740="" 0.16="" 0.53="" 740="" 0.16="" 120-58-1..............="" isosafrole.......="" 15="" 6900="" 11="" 15="" 6900="" 11="" 143-50-0..............="" kepone...........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 303-43-4..............="" lasiocarpine.....="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 7439-92-1.............="" lead.............="" 30="" 570="" 12="" 30="" 570="" 12="" 108-31-6..............="" maleic="" anhydride.="" (\1\)="" 6900="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 6900="" (\1\)="" 123-33-1..............="" maleic="" hydrazide.="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" 109-77-3..............="" malononitrile....="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" 148-82-3..............="" melphalan........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 7439-97-6.............="" mercury..........="" 0.06="" 0.6="" 0.023="" 0.3="" 0.6="" 0.14="" 126-98-7..............="" methacrylonitrile="" 0.016="" 9="" (\1\)="" 0.016="" 9="" (\1\)="" 74-93-1...............="" methanethiol.....="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 67-56-1...............="" methanol.........="" 78="" 140000="" 30="" 78="" 140000="" 30="" 91-80-5...............="" methapyrilene....="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" 16752-77-5............="" methomyl.........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 0.54="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 0.48="" 72-43-5...............="" methoxychlor.....="" 7="" 19="" ................="" 7="" 19="" ................="" 74-83-9...............="" methyl="" bromide="" 0.37="" 500="" 0.92="" 0.37="" 500="" 0.92="" (bromomethane).="" 74-87-3...............="" methyl="" chloride="" 0.096="" 91="" ................="" 0.096="" 91="" ................="" (chloromethane).="" 78-93-3...............="" methyl="" ethyl="" 78="" 110000="" 30="" 78="" 110000="" 30="" ketone.="" 1338-23-4.............="" methyl="" ethyl="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" ketone="" peroxide.="" 60-34-4...............="" methyl="" hydrazine.="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 108-10-1..............="" methyl="" isobutyl="" 8="" 17000="" 3="" 8="" 17000="" 3="" ketone.="" [[page="" 66449]]="" 80-62-6...............="" methyl="" 28="" 40000="" 8="" 28="" 40000="" 8="" methacrylate.="" 66-27-3...............="" methyl="" 0.12="" 2="" 6="" 0.12="" 2="" 6="" methanesulfonate.="" 91-57-6...............="" methyl="" (\1\)="" 4="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 4="" (\1\)="" naphthalene,="" 2-.="" 298-00-0..............="" methyl="" parathion.="" 0.66="" 1="" 23="" 0.66="" 1="" 23="" 75-55-8...............="" methylaziridine,="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 2-.="" 56-49-5...............="" methylcholanthren="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" e,="" 3-.="" 74-95-3................="" methylene="" bromide="" 0.029="" 8400="" 0.0085="" 2="" 8400="" 0.19="" 75-09-2................="" methylene="" 0.039="" 310="" 0.09="" 0.039="" 310="" 0.015="" chloride.="" 101-14-4...............="" methylenebis,="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 4,4'-(2-="" chloroaniline).="" 70-25-7................="" methyl-nitro-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" nitrosoguanidine="" (mnng).="" 56-04-2................="" methylthiouracil.="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 50-07-7................="" mitomycin="" c......="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 7439-98-7..............="" molybdenum.......="" 2="" 110="" 2="" 2="" 110="" 2="" 91-20-3................="" naphthalene......="" 14="" 120000="" 3="" 14="" 120000="" 3="" 130-15-4...............="" naphthoquinone,="" 15="" 6900="" 11="" 15="" 6900="" 11="" 1,4-.="" 86-88-4................="" naphthyl-2-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" thiourea,="" 1-.="" 134-32-7...............="" naphthylamine,="" 1-="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" 91-59-8................="" naphthylamine,="" 2-="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" 7440-02-0..............="" nickel...........="" 4="" 110="" 2="" 11="" 110="" 5="" 54-11-5................="" nicotine="" and="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" salts.="" 88-74-4................="" nitroaniline,="" 2-.="" (\1\)="" 3="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 3="" (\1\)="" 99-09-2................="" nitroaniline,="" 3-.="" (\1\)="" 3="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 3="" (\1\)="" 100-01-6...............="" nitroaniline,="" 4-.="" 0.028="" 3="" (\1\)="" 0.028="" 3="" (\1\)="" 98-95-3-...............="" nitrobenzene.....="" 0.084="" 45="" 0.032="" 0.084="" 45="" 0.032="" 55-86-7................="" nitrogen="" mustard.="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 51-75-2................="" nitrogen="" mustard="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" hydrochloride="" salt.="" 126-85-2...............="" nitrogen="" mustard="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" n-oxide.="" 302-70-5...............="" nitrogen="" mustard="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" n-oxide,="" hci="" salt.="" 55-63-0................="" nitroglycerine...="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 99-55-8................="" nitro-o-="" 0.028="" 3="" (\1\)="" 0.028="" 3="" (\1\)="" toluidine,="" 5-.="" 88-75-5................="" nitrophenol,="" 2-..="" 0.025="" 3="" (\1\)="" 0.0.25="" 3="" (\1\)="" 100-02-7...............="" nitrophenol,="" 4-..="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 79-46-9................="" nitropropane,="" 2-.="" (\1\)="" 0.13="" ................="" (\1\)="" 0.13="" ................="" 56-57-5................="" nitroquinoline-1-="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" oxide,="" 4-.="" 55-18-5................="" nitrosodiethylami="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" ne.="" 62-75-9................="" nitrosodimethylam="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" ine.="" 924-16-3...............="" nitrosodi-n-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" butylamine.="" 10595-95-6.............="" nitro-="" somethyle="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" thylamine.="" 1116-54-7..............="" n-nitro-="" sodietha-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" nolamine.="" 621-64-7...............="" n-nitrosodi-n-="" (\1\)="" 0.023="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 0.023="" (\1\)="" propylamine.="" 86-30-6................="" n-nitro-="" sodiphe-="" 0.2="" 1300="" (\1\)="" 0.2="" 1300="" (\1\)="" nylamine.="" 4549-40-0..............="" n-nitrosomethyl="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" vinyl="" amine.="" 59-89-2................="" n-="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" nitrosomorpholin="" e.="" 759-73-9...............="" n-nitroso-n-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" ethylurea.="" 684-93-5...............="" n-nitroso-n-="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" methylurea.="" 615-53-2...............="" n-nitroso-n-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" methylurethane.="" 16543-55-8.............="" n-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" nitrosonornicoti="" ne.="" 100-75-4...............="" n-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" nitrosopiperidin="" e.="" 930-55-2...............="" n-="" (\1\)="" 0.053="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 0.053="" (\1\)="" nitroopyrrolidin="" e.="" 13256-22-9.............="" n-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" nitrososarcosine.="" 103-85-5...............="" n-phenylthiourea.="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 1615-80-1..............="" n,n-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" diethylhydrazine.="" 152-16-9...............="" octame-="" thylpyro-="" 0.27="" 31="" 0.11="" 0.27="" 31="" 0.11="" phospho-="" ramide.="" 20816-12-0.............="" osmium="" tetroxice.="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 297-97-2...............="" o,o-diethyl="" o-="" 0.12="" 2="" 6="" 0.12="" 2="" 6="" pyrazinyl="" phosphorothioate.="" 126-68-1...............="" o,o,o-triethyl="" 0.12="" (\1\)="" 6="" 0.12="" (\1\)="" 6="" phosphorothioate.="" 123-63-7...............="" paraldehyde......="" 8="" 1200="" 6="" 8="" 1200="" 6="" 56-38-2................="" parathion........="" 3="" 0.13="" 12000="" 3="" 0.13="" 12000="" 608-93-5...............="" pentachlorobenzen="" 5="" 210="" 0.054="" 5="" 210="" 0.054="" e.="" 76-01-7................="" pentachloroethane="" 0.024="" 31="" 0.012="" 0.023="" 31="" 0.015="" 82-68-8................="" penta-="" chloro-="" 0.27="" 11="" (\1\)="" 0.081="" 11="" (\1\)="" nitro-benzene="" (pcnb).="" 87-86-5................="" pentachlorophenol="" 0.002="" 3="" 0.00041="" 0.002="" 3="" 0.00041="" 62-44-2................="" phenacetin.......="" 15="" 6900="" 11="" 15="" 6900="" 11="" 85-01-8................="" phenanthrene.....="" (\1\)="" 4="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 4="" (\1\)="" 108-95-2...............="" phenol...........="" 84="" 160000="" 32="" 84="" 160000="" 32="" 62-38-4................="" phenyl="" mercuric="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" acetate.="" [[page="" 66450]]="" 25265-76-3.............="" phenylenediamines="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" (n.o.s.).="" 108-45-2...............="" phenylenediamine,="" 0.78="" 780="" 0.3="" 0.78="" 780="" 0.3="" m-.="" 106-50-3...............="" phenylenediamine,="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" p-.="" 298-02-2...............="" phorate..........="" 0.11="" 160="" ................="" 0.11="" 160="" ................="" phosphorodithioic="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" acid,="" dimethylethylest="" er.="" 298-06-6...............="" phosphorodithioic="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" acid,="" o-o-="" diethyl="" ester.="" 3288-58-2..............="" phosphorodithioic="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" acid,="" o-o-="" diethyl-s-methyl.="" 2953-29-9..............="" phosphorodithioic="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" acid,="" trimethyl="" ester.="" 85-44-9................="" phthalic="" (\1\)="" 2400="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 2400="" (\1\)="" anhydride.="" 109-06-8...............="" picoline,="" 2-.....="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" 1336-36-3..............="" polychlorinated="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 0.009="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" biphenyls.="" 23950-58-5.............="" pronamide........="" 21="" 440="" 6="" 21="" 440="" 6="" 1120-71-4..............="" propane="" sultone,="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 1,3-.="" 107-10-8...............="" propylamine,="" n-..="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" 51-52-5................="" propylthiouracil.="" 0.12="" (\1\)="" 6="" 0.12="" (\1\)="" 6="" 107-19-7...............="" propyn-1-ol,2-...="" 39="" 37000="" 15="" 39="" 37000="" 15="" 129-00-0...............="" pyrene...........="" 54="" 16000="" 2="" 54="" 16000="" 2="" 110-86-1...............="" pyridine.........="" 0.16="" 810="" 0.06="" 0.16="" 810="" 0.06="" 50-55-5................="" reserpine........="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" 108-46-3...............="" resorcinol.......="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 0.54="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 0.48="" 81-07-2................="" saccharin="" and="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" salts.="" 94-59-7................="" safrole..........="" 0.0035="" 11="" (\1\)="" 0.0035="" 11="" (\1\)="" 7782-49-2..............="" selenium.........="" 0.23="" (\1\)="" 0.089="" 0.93="" (\1\)="" 0.36="" 7440-22-4..............="" silver...........="" 200="" (\1\)="" ................="" 200="" (\1\)="" ................="" 18883-66-4.............="" streptozotocin...="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 57-24-9................="" strychnine.......="" 0.045="" (\1\)="" 0.016="" 0.045="" (\1\)="" 0.016="" 100-42-5...............="" stryene..........="" 0.91="" 630000="" 0.22="" 64="" 630000="" 15="" 18496-25-8.............="" sulfide..........="" ..................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" 1746-01-6..............="" tcdd,2,3,7,8-....="" (\1\)="" 8.000e-06="" 5.400e-07="" (\1\)="" 8.000e-06="" (\1\)="" 95-94-3................="" tetrachlorobenzen="" 0.23="" 170="" 0.032="" 0.23="" 170="" 0.032="" e,="" 1,2,4,5-.="" 630-20-6...............="" tetrachloroethane="" 0.024="" 130="" 0.0078="" 0.024="" 130="" 0.0078="" ,="" 1,1,1,2-.="" 79-34-5................="" tetrachloroethane="" 0.0037="" 29="" 0.0077="" 0.0037="" 29="" 0.0077="" ,="" 1,1,2,2-.="" 127-18-4...............="" tetrachloroethyle="" 0.026="" 13000="" 0.0085="" 2="" 13000="" 0.68="" ne.="" 58-90-2................="" tetrachlorophenol="" 2="" 6200="" 0.58="" 2="" 6200="" 0.58="" ,="" 2,3,4,6-.="" 107-49-3...............="" tetraethylpyropho="" (\1\)="" 6900="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 6900="" (="" \1\="" )="" sphate.="" 3689-24-5..............="" tetraethyldithiop="" 0.23="" 3="" ................="" 0.23="" 3="" ................="" yrophosphate.="" 7440-28-0..............="" thallium="" (l).....="" 0.035="" 5="" 0.014="" 0.05="" 5="" 0.019="" 62-55-5................="" thioacetamide....="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (="" \1\="" )="" 39196-18-4.............="" thiofanox........="" 0.12="" (\1\)="" 6="" 0.12="" (\1\)="" 6="" 108-98-5...............="" thiophenol.......="" 0.12="" 2="" 6="" 0.12="" 2="" 6="" 79-19-6................="" thiosemicarbazide="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)(\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 62-56-6................="" thiourea.........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 137-26-8...............="" thiram...........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 0.54="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 0.48="" 7440-31-5..............="" tin..............="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 108-88-3...............="" toluene..........="" 6="" 180000="" 2="" 30="" 180000="" 13="" 584-84-9...............="" toluene="" (\1\)="" 20="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 20="" (\1\)="" diisocyanate.="" 95-80-7................="" toluenediamine,2,="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 4-.="" 823-40-5...............="" toluenediamine,2,="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" 6-.="" 496-72-0...............="" toluenediamine,3,="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" 4-.="" 636-21-5...............="" toluidine="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" 0.16="" 20="" 0.11="" hydrochloride,="" o-="" .="" 95-53-4................="" toluidine,="" o-....="" (\1\)="" 2="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 2="" (\1\)="" 106-49-0...............="" toluidine,="" p-....="" (\1\)="" 0.13="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 0.13="" (\1\)="" 8001-35-2..............="" toxaphene........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 6="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 0.11="" 76-13-1................="" trichloro-1,2,2-="" 0.77="" ................="" 0.17="" 2200="" ................="" 2400="" trifluoroethane,="" 1,1,2-.="" [[page="" 66451]]="" 120-82-1...............="" trichlorobenzene,="" 0.69="" 3500="" 1="" 0.69="" 3500="" 1="" 1,2,4-.="" 72-55-6................="" trichloroethane,="" 74="" 48000="" 0.054="" 74="" 48000="" 0.054="" 1,1,1-.="" 79-00-5................="" trichloroethane,="" 0.012="" 11="" 0.009="" 0.007="" 11="" 0.0018="" 1,1,2-.="" 79-01-6................="" trichloroethylene="" 0.024="" 570="" 0.008="" 0.038="" 570="" 0.013="" 75-69-4................="" trichlorofluorome="" 48="" 26000="" 16="" 48="" 26000="" 16="" thane.="" 75-70-7................="" trichloromethanet="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" hiol.="" 95-95-4................="" trichlorophenol,="" 18="" 12000="" 4="" 18="" 12000="" 4="" 2,4,5-.="" 88-06-2................="" trichlorophenol,="" 0.054="" 120="" 0.015="" 0.054="" 120="" 0.015="" 2,4,6-.="" 93-76-5................="" trichlorophenoxya="" 2="" 63="" 0.64="" 2="" 63="" 0.64="" cetic="" acid,="" 2,4,5-="" (245-t).="" 93-72-1................="" trichlorophenoxyp="" 0.21="" 6="" 0.08="" 1="" 6="" 0.48="" ropionic="" acid,="" 2,4,5-(silvex).="" 96-18-4................="" trichloropropane,="" 1="" 870="" 0.34="" 1="" 870="" 0.34="" 1,2,3-.="" 99-35-4................="" trinitrobenzene,="" 0.0078="" 0.44="" 0.003="" 0.0078="" 0.44="" 0.003="" sym-.="" 126-72-7...............="" tris="" (2,3-="" (\1\)="" 0.36="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 0.36="" (\1\)="" dibromopropyl)="" phosphate.="" 52-24-4................="" tris(1-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" azridinyl)phosph="" ine="" sulfide.="" 72-57-1................="" trypan="" blue......="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 66-75-1................="" uracil="" mustard...="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 7440-62-2..............="" vanadium.........="" 10="" 250="" 4="" 10="" 250="" 4="" 108-05-4...............="" vinyl="" acetate....="" 15="" 6900="" 11="" 15="" 6900="" 11="" 75-01-4................="" vinyl="" chloride...="" 0.002="" 1="" 0.003="" (\1\)="" 1="" (\1\)="" 81-81-2................="" warfarin.........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 0.54="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 0.48="" 1330-20-7..............="" xylenes="" (total)..="" 22="" 170000="" 21="" 22="" 170000="" 150="" 7440-66-6..............="" zinc.............="" 99="" 320="" 38="" 99="" 320="" 38="" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" \1\="" see="" table="" b.="" table="" b.--quantitation-based="" exit="" levels="" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" mcl="" benchmark="" option="" toxicity="" benchmark="" option="" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" cas="" no.="" name="" wastewater="" nonwastewater="" wastewater="" nonwastewater="" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" totals="" (mg/l)="" totals="" (mg/kg)="" leach="" (mg/l)="" totals="" (mg/l)="" totals="" (mg/kg)="" leach="" (mg/l)="" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" 208-96-8................="" acenaphthylene....="" 0.02="" ................="" 0.02="" 0.02="" ................="" 0.02="" 75-36-5.................="" acetyl="" chloride...="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 591-08-2................="" acetyl-2-thiourea,="" 1="" 70="" ................="" 1="" 70="" ................="" 1-.="" 53-96-3.................="" acetylaminofluoren="" ................="" ................="" 0.02="" ................="" ................="" 0.02="" e,="" 2-.="" 107-02-8................="" acrolein..........="" 0.013="" ................="" ................="" 0.013="" ................="" ................="" 79-06-1.................="" acrylamide........="" 0.01="" 0.1="" 0.01="" 0.01="" 0.1="" 0.01="" 107-13-1................="" acrylonitrile.....="" 0.008="" ................="" 0.008="" 0.008="" ................="" 0.008="" 1402-68-2...............="" aflatoxins........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 116-06-3................="" aldicarb..........="" 0.05="" 1="" ................="" 0.05="" 1="" ................="" 309-00-2................="" aldrin............="" 0.000034="" 0.0006="" 0.000034="" 0.000034="" 0.0006="" 0.000034="" 107-18-6................="" allyl="" alcohol.....="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 92-67-1.................="" aminobiphenyl,="" 4-.="" ................="" ................="" 0.02="" ................="" ................="" 0.02="" 2763-96-4...............="" aminomethyl-3-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" isoxazolol,="" 5-.="" 504-24-5................="" aminopyridine,="" 4-.="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 61-82-5.................="" amitrole..........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 120-12-7................="" anthracene........="" 0.007="" ................="" 0.007="" 0.007="" ................="" 0.007="" 7440-38-2...............="" arsenic...........="" ................="" 0.3="" ................="" 0.0005="" 0.3="" 0.0005="" 2465-27-2...............="" auramine..........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 115-02-6................="" azaserine.........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 92-87-5.................="" benzidine.........="" 0.0025="" 0.042="" 0.0025="" 0.0025="" 0.042="" 0.0025="" 98-07-7.................="" benzotrichloride..="" (\1\)="" ................="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" ................="" (\1\)="" 50-32-8.................="" benzo(a)pyrene....="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" 0.000023="" 205-82-3................="" benzo(j)fluor-="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" 0.0002="" anthene.="" 207-08-9................="" benzo(k)-="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" 0.0002="" fluoranthene.="" 191-24-2................="" benzo[g,h,i]-="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" 0.0008="" perylene.="" 56-55-3.................="" benz(a)anth-="" ................="" ................="" 0.000013="" ................="" ................="" 0.000013="" racene.="" 225-51-4................="" benz[c]acri-="" dine.="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" 0.0005="" 7440-41-7...............="" beryllium.........="" ................="" 0.1="" ................="" ................="" 0.1="" ................="" 542-88-1................="" bis(chloro-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" methyl)="" ether.="" 357-57-3................="" brucine...........="" 20="" (\1\)="" 20="" 20="" (\1\)="" 20="" 86-74-8.................="" carbazole.........="" (\1\="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 353-50-4................="" carbon="" oxyfluoride="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" [[page="" 66452]]="" 75-87-6.................="" chloral...........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 305-03-3................="" chlorambucil......="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 57-74-9.................="" chlordane.........="" 0.00004="" ................="" ................="" 0.00004="" ................="" ................="" 494-03-1................="" chlornaphazin.....="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 107-20-0................="" chloroacetaldehyde="" (\1\="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 110-75-8................="" chloroethyl="" vinyl="" (\1\)="" ................="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" ................="" (\1\)="" ether,="" 2-.="" 107-30-2................="" chloromethyl="" (\1\)="" ................="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" ................="" (\1\)="" methyl="" ether.="" 5344-82-1...............="" chlorophenyl="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" thiourea,="" 1-o-.="" 542-76-7................="" chloropropionitril="" ................="" ................="" 0.1="" 0.1="" ................="" 0.1="" e,="" 3-.="" 6358-53-8...............="" citrus="" red="" no.="" 2..="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 7440-48-4...............="" cobalt............="" ................="" ................="" 0.5="" ................="" ................="" 0.5="" 57-12-5.................="" cyanide...........="" 0.2="" ................="" 0.2="" 0.2="" ................="" 0.2="" 14901-08-7..............="" cycasin...........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 108-94-1................="" cyclohexanone.....="" 10="" ................="" 10="" 10="" ................="" 10="" 131-89-5................="" cyclohexyl-4,6-="" 0.1="" 7="" 0.1="" 0.1="" 7="" 0.1="" dinitrophenol,="" 2-.="" 50-18-0.................="" cyclophosphamide..="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 20830-81-3..............="" daunomycin........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 53-19-0.................="" ddd="" (o,p\1\)......="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 72-55-9.................="" dde...............="" 0.000058="" ................="" ................="" 0.000058="" ................="" ................="" 3424-82-6...............="" dde="" (o,p\1\)......="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 50-29-3.................="" ddt...............="" 0.000081="" ................="" ................="" 0.000081="" ................="" ................="" 789-02-6................="" ddt="" (o,p\1\)......="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 192-65-4................="" dibenzo[a,e]-="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" 0.001="" pyrene.="" 189-64-0................="" dibenzo[a,h]-="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" 0.0002="" pyrene.="" 189-55-9................="" dibenzo(a,i)pyrene="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" 0.0002="" 194-59-2................="" dibenzo(c,g)car-="" 0.01="" ................="" 0.01="" 0.01="" ................="" 0.01="" bazole,="" 7h-.="" 226-36-8................="" dibenz(a,h)acri-="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" 0.0002="" dine.="" 53-70-3.................="" dibenz(a,h)ant-="" 0.00003="" 0.084="" 0.00003="" 0.00003="" 0.084="" 0.00003="" hracene.="" 224-42-0................="" dibenz(a,j)acridin="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" 0.001="" e.="" 96-12-8.................="" dibromo-3-="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" 0.00026="" chloropropane,="" 1,2-.="" 91-94-1.................="" dichlorobenzidine,="" ................="" 0.12="" 0.0024="" ................="" 0.012="" 0.0024="" 3,3\1\-.="" 542-75-6................="" dichloropropene,="" ................="" ................="" 0.0009="" ................="" ................="" 0.0009="" 1,3-.="" 311-45-5................="" diethyl-p-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" nitrophenyl="" phosphate.="" 56-53-1.................="" diethylstilbestrol="" 0.0078="" 1="" 0.0078="" 0.0078="" 1="" 0.0078="" 77-78-1.................="" dimethyl="" sulfate..="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 60-11-7.................="" dimethylaminoazobe="" ................="" ................="" 0.01="" ................="" ................="" 0.01="" nzene,="" p-.="" 119-93-7................="" dimethylbenzidine,="" 0.0033="" 0.7="" 0.0033="" 0.0033="" 0.7="" 0.0033="" 3,3\1\-.="" 57-97-6.................="" dimethylbenz-="" 0.00037="" 0.039="" 0.00037="" 0.00037="" 0.039="" 0.00037="" (a)anthracene,="" 7,12-.="" 79-44-7.................="" dimethylcarbamoyl="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" chloride.="" 119-90-4................="" dimethyoxybenzidin="" ................="" 7="" ................="" ................="" 7="" ................="" e,="" 3,3\1\-.="" 100-25-4................="" dinitrobenzene,="" 0.04="" 3="" 0.04="" 0.04="" 3="" 0.4="" 1,4-.="" 534-52-1................="" dinitro-o-cresol,="" 0.05="" 3="" 0.05="" 0.05="" 3="" 0.05="" 4,6-.="" 541-53-7................="" dithiobiuret......="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" d,="" salts,="" esters,="" ................="" 0.2="" ................="" ................="" 0.2="" ................="" 2,4-.="" 145-73-3................="" endothall.........="" 0.1="" (\1\)="" ................="" 0.1="" (\1\)="" ................="" 51-43-4.................="" epinephrine.......="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 62-50-0.................="" ethyl="" ................="" 0.018="" ................="" ................="" 0.018="" ................="" methanesulfonate.="" 106-93-4................="" ethylene="" dibromide="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" 0.00006="" 96-45-7.................="" ethylene="" thiourea.="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 151-56-4................="" ethyleneimine="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (aziridine).="" 52-85-7.................="" famphur...........="" 0.02="" 1="" ................="" 0.02="" 1="" ................="" 640-19-7................="" fluoracetamide,="" 2-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 62-74-8.................="" fluoracetic="" acid,="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" sodium="" salt.="" 16984-48-8..............="" fluoride..........="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" 50-00-0.................="" formaldehyde......="" 0.023="" ................="" ................="" 0.023="" ................="" ................="" 765-34-4................="" glycidylaldehyde..="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 76-44-8.................="" heptachlor........="" 0.00004="" ................="" ................="" 0.00004="" ................="" ................="" [[page="" 66453]]="" 118-74-1................="" hexachlorobenzene.="" 0.0016="" 0.072="" ................="" 0.0016="" 0.072="" 0.0016="" 70-30-4.................="" hexachlorophene...="" 0.21="" 2="" 0.21="" 0.21="" 2="" 0.21="" 757-58-4................="" hexaethyl="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" tetraphosphate.="" 302-01-2................="" hydrazine.........="" (\1\)="" ................="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" ................="" (\1\)="" 193-39-5................="" indeno(1,2,3-cd)="" ................="" ................="" 0.000043="" ................="" ................="" 0.000043="" pyrene.="" 465-73-6................="" isodrin...........="" 0.02="" 1="" ................="" 0.02="" 1="" ................="" 143-50-0................="" kepone............="" 0.016="" 0.097="" 0.016="" 0.016="" 0.097="" 0.016="" 303-43-4................="" lasiocarpine......="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 108-31-6................="" maleic="" anhydride..="" (\1\)="" ................="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" ................="" (\1\)="" 148-82-3................="" melphalan.........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 126-98-7................="" methacrylonitrile.="" ................="" ................="" 0.009="" ................="" ................="" 0.009="" 74-93-1.................="" methanethiol......="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 16752-77-5..............="" methomyl..........="" 0.05="" 3="" ................="" 0.05="" 3="" ................="" 1338-23-4...............="" methyl="" ethyl="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" ketone="" peroxide.="" 60-34-4.................="" methyl="" hydrazine..="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 91-57-6.................="" methyl="" 0.01="" ................="" 0.01="" 0.01="" ................="" 0.01="" naphthalene,="" 2-.="" 75-55-8.................="" methylaziridine,="" 2-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" .="" 56-49-5.................="" methylcholanthrene="" 0.01="" 0.046="" 0.01="" 0.01="" 0.046="" 0.01="" ,="" 3-.="" 101-14-4................="" methylenebis,="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 4,4\1\-(2-="" chloroaniline).="" 70-25-7.................="" methyl-nitro-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" nitrosoguanidine="" (mnng).="" 56-04-2.................="" methylthiouracil..="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 50-07-7.................="" mitomycin="" c.......="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 86-88-4.................="" naphthyl-2-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" thiourea,="" 1-.="" 88-74-4.................="" nitroaniline,="" 2-..="" 0.05="" ................="" 0.05="" 0.05="" ................="" 0.05="" 99-09-2.................="" nitroaniline,="" 3-..="" 0.05="" ................="" 0.05="" 0.05="" ................="" 0.05="" 100-01-6................="" nitroaniline,="" 4-..="" ................="" ................="" 0.02="" ................="" ................="" 0.02="" 55-86-7.................="" nitrogen="" mustard..="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 51-75-2.................="" nitrogen="" mustard="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" hydrochloride="" salt.="" 126-85-2................="" nitrogen="" mustard="" n-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" oxide.="" 302-70-5................="" nitrogen="" mustard="" n-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" oxide,="" hci="" salt.="" 55-63-0.................="" nitroglycerine....="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 99-55-8.................="" nitro-o-toluidine,="" ................="" ................="" 0.01="" ................="" ................="" 0.01="" 5-.="" 88-75-5.................="" nitrophenol,="" 2-...="" ................="" ................="" 0.01="" ................="" ................="" 0.01="" 100-02-7................="" nitrophenol,="" 4-...="" 0.05="" 3="" 0.05="" 0.05="" 3="" 0.05="" 79-46-9.................="" nitropropane,="" 2-..="" 0.0058="" ................="" ................="" 0.0058="" ................="" ................="" 55-18-5.................="" nitrosodiethylamin="" 0.002="" 1="" 0.002="" 0.002="" 1="" 0.002="" e.="" 62-75-9.................="" nitrosodimethylami="" 0.0006="" 0.074="" 0.0006="" 0.0006="" 0.074="" 0.0006="" ne.="" 924-16-3................="" nitrosodi-n-="" 0.06="" ................="" 0.06="" 0.06="" ................="" 0.06="" butylamine.="" 10595-95-6..............="" nitrosomethylethyl="" 0.028="" 0.016="" 0.028="" 0.028="" 0.016="" 0.028="" amine.="" 1116-54-7...............="" n-="" 0.01="" 0.7="" 0.01="" 0.01="" 0.7="" 0.01="" nitrosodiethanola="" mine.="" 621-64-7................="" n-nitrosodi-n-="" 0.026="" ................="" 0.026="" 0.026="" ................="" 0.026="" propylamine.="" 86-30-6.................="" n-="" ................="" ................="" 0.05="" ................="" ................="" 0.05="" nitrosodiphenylam="" ine.="" 4549-40-0...............="" n-nitrosomethyl="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" vinyl="" amine.="" 759-73-9................="" n-nitroso-n-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" ethylurea.="" 615-53-2................="" n-nitroso-n-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" methylurethane.="" 16543-55-8..............="" n-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" nitrosonornicotin="" e.="" 100-75-4................="" n-="" 0.0014="" 0.033="" 0.0014="" 0.0014="" 0.033="" 0.0014="" nitrosopiperidine.="" 930-55-2................="" n-="" 0.0047="" ................="" 0.0047="" 0.0047="" ................="" 0.0047="" nitrosopyrrolidin="" e.="" 13256-22-9..............="" n-nitrososarcosine="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 103-85-5................="" n-phenylthiourea..="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 1615-80-1...............="" n,n-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" diethylhydrazine.="" 20816-12-0..............="" osmium="" tetroxide..="" 3="" 200="" 3="" 3="" 200="" 3="" 126-68-1................="" o,o,o-triethyl="" ................="" 3="" ................="" ................="" 3="" ................="" phosphorothioate.="" 82-68-8.................="" pentachloronitrobe="" ................="" ................="" 0.02="" ................="" ................="" 0.02="" nzene="" (pcnb).="" 85-01-8.................="" phenanthrene......="" 0.006="" ................="" 0.006="" 0.006="" ................="" 0.006="" 62-38-4.................="" phenyl="" mercuric="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" acetate.="" phosphorodithiolic="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" acid,="" dimethylethyleste="" r.="" 298-06-6................="" phosphorodithioic="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" acid,="" o-o-diethyl="" ester.="" 3288-58-2...............="" phosphorodithioic="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" acid,="" o-o-diethyl-="" s-methyl.="" 2953-29-9...............="" phosphorodithioic="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" acid,="" trimethyl="" ester.="" 85-44-9.................="" phthalic="" anhydride="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 1336-36-3...............="" polychlorinated="" 0.0005="" 0.04="" ................="" 0.0005="" 0.04="" 0.0005="" biphenyls.="" 1120-71-4...............="" propane="" sultone,="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 1,3-.="" 51-52-5.................="" propylthiouracil..="" ................="" 7="" ................="" 7="" ................="" 108-46-3................="" resorcinol........="" 0.1="" 7="" ................="" 0.1="" 7="" ................="" 81-07-2.................="" saccharin="" and="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" salts.="" [[page="" 66454]]="" 94-59-7.................="" safrole...........="" ................="" ................="" 0.0021="" ................="" ................="" 0.0021="" 94-59-7.................="" safrole...........="" ................="" ................="" 0.0021="" ................="" ................="" 0.0021="" 7782-49-2...............="" selenium..........="" ................="" 5="" ................="" ................="" 5="" ................="" 7440-22-4...............="" silver............="" ................="" 0.3="" ................="" ................="" 0.3="" ................="" 18883-66-4..............="" streptozotocin....="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 57-24-9.................="" strychnine........="" ................="" 3="" ................="" ................="" 3="" ................="" 1746-01-6...............="" tcdd,="" 2,3,7,8-....="" 1.000e-08="" ................="" ................="" 1.000e-08="" ................="" 1.000e-08="" 107-49-3................="" tetraethyl="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" pyrophosphate.="" 62-55-5.................="" thioacetamide.....="" 1="" (\1\)="" 1="" 1="" (\1\)="" 1="" 39196-18-4..............="" thiofanox.........="" ................="" 3="" ................="" ................="" 3="" ................="" 79-19-6.................="" thiosemicarbazide.="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 62-56-6.................="" thiourea..........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 137-26-8................="" thiram............="" 0.05="" 3="" ................="" 0.05="" 3="" ................="" 7440-31-5...............="" tin...............="" 8="" 500="" 8="" 8="" 500="" 8="" 584-84-9................="" toluene="" (\1\)="" ................="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" ................="" ................="" diisocyanate.="" 95-80-7.................="" toluenediamine,="" 0.013="" 1="" 0.013="" 0.013="" 1="" 0.013="" 2,4-.="" 95-53-4.................="" toluidine,="" o-.....="" 0.012="" ................="" 0.012="" 0.012="" ................="" 0.012="" 106-49-0................="" toluidine,="" p-.....="" 0.017="" ................="" 0.017="" 0.017="" ................="" 0.017="" 8001-35-2...............="" toxaphene.........="" 0.0013="" 0.03="" ................="" 0.0013="" 0.03="" ................="" 75-70-7.................="" trichloromethaneth="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" iol.="" 126-72-7................="" tris="" (2,3-="" 0.025="" ................="" 0.025="" 0.025="" ................="" 0.025="" dibromopropyl)="" phosphate.="" 52-24-4.................="" tris(1-azridinyl)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" phosphine="" sulfide.="" 72-57-1.................="" trypan="" blue.......="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 66-75-1.................="" uracil="" mustard....="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 75-01-4.................="" vinyl="" chloride....="" ................="" ................="" ................="" 0.00017="" ................="" 0.00017="" 81-81-2.................="" warfarin..........="" 0.05="" 3="" ................="" 0.05="" 3="" ................="" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" [[page="" 66455]]="" 8.="" appendix="" xi="" is="" added="" to="" read="" as="" follows:="" appendix="" xi="" table="" a.--modeled="" or="" extrapolated="" risk-based="" conditional="" exit="" levels="" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" mcl="" benchmark="" option="" toxicity="" benchmark="" option="" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" cas="" no.="" name="" wastewater="" nonwastewater="" wastewater="" nonwastewater="" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" totals="" (mg/l)="" totals="" (mg/kg)="" leach="" (mg/l)="" totals="" (mg/l)="" totals="" (mg/kg)="" leach="" (mg/l)="" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" 83-32-9..............="" acenaphthene.........="" 31="" 63000="" 13="" 31="" 63000="" 13="" 208-96-8.............="" acenaphthylene.......="" (\1\)="" 4="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 4="" (\1\)="" 67-64-1..............="" acetone..............="" 16="" 39000="" 21="" 16="" 39000="" 21="" 75-05-8..............="" acetonitrile.........="" 0.78="" 2200="" 1="" 0.78="" 2200="" 1="" 98-86-2..............="" acetophenone.........="" 17="" 75000="" 22="" 17="" 75000="" 22="" 75-36-5..............="" acetyl="" chloride......="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 591-08-2.............="" acetyl-2-thiourea,="" 1-="" (\1\)="" 590="" 24="" (\1\)="" 590="" 24="" 53-96-3..............="" acetylaminofluorne,="" 2-="" 0.028="" 88="" 0.038="" 0.028="" 88="" 0.038="" .="" 107-02-8.............="" acrolein.............="" (\1\)="" 11="" ................="" (\1\)="" 11="" ................="" 79-06-1..............="" acrylamide...........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 107-13-1.............="" acrylonitrile........="" (\1\)="" 2="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 2="" (\1\)="" 1402-68-2............="" aflatoxins...........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 116-06-3.............="" aldicarb.............="" (\1\)="" 6="" 4="" (\1\)="" 6="" 3="" 309-00-2.............="" aldrin...............="" (\1\)="" 0.0045="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 0.0045="" (\1\)="" 107-18-6.............="" allyl="" alcohol........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 107-05-1.............="" allyl="" chloride.......="" 0.074="" 260="" ................="" 0.074="" 260="" ................="" 92-67-1..............="" aminobiphenyl,="" 4-....="" 0.028="" 88="" 0.038="" 0.028="" 88="" 0.038="" 2763-96-4............="" aminomethyl-3-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" isoxazolol,="" 5-.="" 504-24-5.............="" aminopyridine,="" 4-....="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 61-82-5..............="" amitrole.............="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 62-53-3..............="" aniline..............="" 0.053="" 170="" 0.072="" 0.053="" 170="" 0.072="" 120-12-7.............="" anthracene...........="" (\1\)="" 4="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 4="" (\1\)="" 7440-36-0............="" antimony.............="" 0.14="" 85="" 0.18="" 0.14="" 85="" 0.18="" 140-57-8.............="" aramite..............="" 15="" 6900="" 37="" 15="" 6900="" 37="" 7440-38-2............="" arsenic..............="" 0.38="" 0.53="" 0.52="" (\1\)="" 0.53="" 0.00052="" 2465-27-2............="" auramine.............="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 115-02-6.............="" azaserine............="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 7440-39-3............="" barium...............="" 28="" 34000="" 38="" 33="" 34000="" 45="" 71-43-2..............="" benzene..............="" 0.021="" 250="" 0.039="" 0.018="" 250="" 0.023="" 92-87-5..............="" benzidine............="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 106-51-4.............="" benzoquinone,="" p-.....="" 15="" 6900="" 37="" 15="" 6900="" 37="" 98-07-7..............="" benzotrichloride.....="" (\1\)="" 1200="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 1200="" (\1\)="" 50-32-8..............="" benzo(a)pyrene.......="" 0.0023="" 0.23="" 0.0036="" 0.0023="" 0.23="" (\1\)="" 205-99-2.............="" benzo(b)="" fluoranthene="" 0.00081="" 4="" 0.000066="" 0.00081="" 4="" 0.000066="" 205-82-3.............="" benzo(j)="" fluoranthene="" 0.0029="" 4="" 0.0012="" 0.0029="" 4="" (\1\)="" 207-08-9.............="" benzo(k)="" fluoranthene="" 0.0029="" 4="" 0.0012="" 0.0029="" 4="" (\1\)="" 191-24-2.............="" benzo[g,="" h,="" 0.0029="" 4="" 0.0012="" 0.0029="" 4="" (\1\)="" i]perylene.="" 100-51-6.............="" benzyl="" alcohol.......="" 39="" 130000="" 53="" 39="" 130000="" 53="" 100-44-7.............="" benzyl="" chloride......="" 1="" 81="" 50="" 1="" 81="" 50="" 56-55-3..............="" benz(a)="" anthracene...="" 0.00072="" 0.1="" (\1\)="" 0.00072="" 0.1="" (\1\)="" 225-51-4.............="" benz[c]="" acridine.....="" 0.0029="" 4="" 0.0012="" 0.0029="" 4="" (\1\)="" 7440-41-7............="" beryllium............="" 0.00083="" 0.22="" 0.0011="" 0.00083="" 0.22="" 0.0011="" 39638-32-9...........="" bis="" (2-="" 0.007="" 97="" 0.0088="" 0.007="" 97="" 0.0088="" chloroisopropyl)="" ether.="" 111-44-4.............="" bis(2-chlore-="" 0.00065="" 1="" 0.002="" 0.00065="" 1="" 0.002="" thyl)ether.="" 117-81-7.............="" bis(2-ethy-="" 0.00044="" 740="" 0.11="" 0.00044="" 740="" 0.0011="" lexyl)phthalate.="" 542-88-1.............="" bis(chlor-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" omethyl)ether.="" 598-31-2.............="" bromoacetone.........="" 0.024="" 140="" 0.054="" 0.023="" 140="" 0.053="" 75-27-4..............="" bromodich-="" 0.0085="" 240="" 0.011="" 0.0085="" 240="" 0.011="" loromethane.="" 75-25-2..............="" bromoform="" 0.064="" 1600="" 0.081="" 0.064="" 1600="" 0.081="" (tribromomethane).="" 101-55-3.............="" bromophenyl="" phenyl="" 0.024="" 140="" 0.054="" 0.023="" 140="" 0.053="" ether,="" 4-.="" 357-57-3.............="" brucine..............="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 71-36-3..............="" butanol..............="" 16="" 41000="" 21="" 16="" 41000="" 21="" 88-85-7..............="" butyl-4,6-="" 0.034="" 6000="" 0.043="" 0.19="" 6000="" 0.24="" dinitrophenol,="" 2-sec-="" (dinoseb).="" 85-68-7..............="" butylbenzyl-="" 240="" 87="" 67="" 240="" 87="" 67="" phthalate.="" [[page="" 66456]]="" 7440-43-9............="" cadmium..............="" 0.038="" 110="" 0.051="" 0.24="" 110="" 0.32="" 86-74-8..............="" carbazole............="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 75-15-0..............="" carbon="" disulfide.....="" 0.74="" 3800="" 24="" 0.74="" 3800="" 24="" 353-50-4.............="" carbon="" oxyfluoride...="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 56-23-5..............="" carbon="" tetrachloride.="" 0.012="" 130="" 0.055="" 0.012="" 130="" 0.0077="" 75-87-6..............="" chloral..............="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 305-03-3.............="" chlorambucil.........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 57-74-9..............="" chlordane............="" (\1\)="" 0.19="" 0.036="" (\1\)="" 0.19="" 0.00016="" 494-03-1.............="" chlornaphazin........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 126-99-8.............="" chloro-1,3-butabiene,="" 0.52="" 1700="" ................="" 0.52="" 1700="" ................="" 2-(chloroprene).="" 107-20-0.............="" chloroacetaldehyde...="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 106-47-8.............="" chlororoaniline,="" p-..="" 0.42="" 5800="" 0.56="" 0.42="" 5800="" 0.56="" 108-90-7.............="" chlorobenzene........="" 0.68="" 41000="" 0.81="" 2="" 41000="" 6="" 510-15-6.............="" chlorobenzilate......="" 0.054="" 14="" 0.029="" 0.054="" 14="" 0.029="" 124-48-1.............="" chlorodibromomethane.="" 0.0066="" 200="" 0.0079="" 0.0066="" 200="" 0.0079="" 75-00-3..............="" chloroethane="" (ethyl="" 0.024="" 140="" 0.054="" 0.023="" 140="" 0.053="" chloride).="" 110-75-8.............="" chloroethyl="" vinyl="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" ether,="" 2-.="" 67-66-3..............="" chloroform...........="" 0.0076="" 76="" 0.075="" 0.0076="" 76="" 0.075="" 59-50-7..............="" chloro-m-cresol,="" p-..="" 0.27="" 1200="" 0.068="" 0.081="" 1200="" 0.06="" 107-30-2.............="" chloromethyl="" methyl="" (\1\)="" 140="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 140="" (\1\)="" ether.="" 91-58-7..............="" chloronaphthalene,="" 2-="" 0.27="" 1200="" 0.068="" 0.081="" 1200="" 0.06="" 95-57-8..............="" chlorophenol,="" 2-.....="" 0.9="" 8500="" 1="" 0.9="" 8500="" 1="" 7005-72-3............="" chlorophenyl="" phenyl="" 0.024="" 140="" 0.054="" 0.023="" 140="" 0.053="" ether,="" 4-.="" 5344-82-1............="" chlorophenyl="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" thiourea,="" 1-o-.="" 542-76-7.............="" chloropropionitrile,="" 0.27="" 1200="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 1200="" (\1\)="" 3-.="" 7440-47-3............="" chromium.............="" 0.62="" 16="" 0.31="" 1="" 16="" 2="" 218-01-9.............="" chrysene.............="" 0.1="" 35="" 0.0012="" 0.1="" 35="" 0.0012="" 6358-53-8............="" citrus="" red="" no.="" 2.....="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 7440-48-4............="" cobalt...............="" 0.62="" 110="" (\1\)="" 1="" 110="" 1="" 7440-50-8............="" copper...............="" 670="" 950="" 3800="" 670="" 950="" 3800="" 108-39-4.............="" cresol,="" m-...........="" 8="" 30000="" 11="" 8="" 30000="" 11="" 95-48-7..............="" cresol,="" o-...........="" 8="" 46000="" 11="" 8="" 46000="" 11="" 106-44-5.............="" cresol,="" p-...........="" 0.84="" 2900="" 1="" 0.84="" 2900="" 1="" 4170-30-3............="" crotonaldehyde.......="" 8="" 38000="" 22="" 8="" 38000="" 22="" 57-12-5..............="" cyanide..............="" (\1\)="" 51="" 0.37="" (\1\)="" 51="" 0.37="" 14901-08-7...........="" cycasin..............="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 108-94-1.............="" cyclohexanone........="" (\1\)="" 38000="" 22="" (\1\)="" 38000="" 22="" 131-89-5.............="" cyclohexyl-4,6-="" (\1\)="" 42="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 42="" (\1\)="" dinitrophenol,="" 2-.="" 50-18-0..............="" cyclophosphamide.....="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 20830-81-3...........="" daunomycin...........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 72-54-8..............="" ddd..................="" 0.00013="" 0.26="" 6800="" 0.00013="" 0.26="" 6800="" 53-19-0..............="" ddd="" (o,p')...........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 72-55-9..............="" dde..................="" (\1\)="" 0.033="" 0.000062="" (\1\)="" 0.033="" 0.000062="" 3424-82-6............="" dde="" (o,p')...........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 50-29-3..............="" ddt..................="" (\1\)="" 0.11="" 0.0054="" (\1\)="" 0.11="" 0.0054="" 789-02-6.............="" ddt="" (o,p')...........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 2303-16-4............="" diallate.............="" 0.26="" 7="" 11="" 0.26="" 7="" 11="" 132-64-9.............="" dibenzofuran.........="" 8="" 38000="" 9="" 8="" 38000="" 11="" 192-65-4.............="" dibenzo-="" [a,e]pyrene.="" 0.0029="" 4="" 0.0012="" 0.0029="" 4="" (\1\)="" 189-64-0.............="" dibenzo-="" [a,h]pyrene.="" 0.0029="" 4="" 0.0012="" 0.0029="" 4="" (\1\)="" 189-55-9.............="" dibenzo-="" [a,i]pyrene.="" 0.0029="" 4="" 0.0012="" 0.0029="" 4="" (\1\)="" 194-59-2.............="" dibenzo-="" (\1\)="" 4="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 4="" (\1\)="" [c,g]carbazole,="" 7h-.="" 226-36-8.............="" dibenz-="" (a,h)acridine="" 0.0029="" 4="" 0.0012="" 0.0029="" 4="" (\1\)="" 53-70-3..............="" dibenz-="" (a,h)anth-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" racene.="" 244-42-0.............="" dibenz-="" [a,j]acridine="" 0.0029="" 4="" 0.0012="" 0.0029="" 4="" (\1\)="" 96-12-8..............="" dibromo-3-chloropro-="" 0.0022="" 7="" 0.0017="" 0.00066="" 7="" 0.00052="" pane,="" 1,2-.="" 764-41-0.............="" dichloro-2-butene,="" 0.024="" 140="" 0.054="" 0.023="" 140="" 0.053="" 1,4-.="" [[page="" 66457]]="" 110-57-6.............="" dichloro-2-butene,="" 0.024="" 140="" 0.054="" 0.023="" 140="" 0.053="" trans-1,4-.="" 96-23-1..............="" dichloro-2-propanol,="" 0.27="" 1200="" 0.068="" 0.081="" 1200="" 0.06="" 1,3-.="" 95-50-1..............="" dichlorobenzene,="" 1,2-="" 8="" 530000="" 8="" 15="" 530000="" 32="" 541-73-1.............="" dichlorobenzene,="" 1,3-="" 0.024="" 140="" 0.054="" 0.023="" 140="" 0.053="" 106-46-7.............="" dichlorobenzene,="" 1,4-="" 1="" 650="" 1="" 0.056="" 650="" 0.06="" 91-94-1..............="" dichlorobenzidine,="" 0.0037="" 1="" 0.0036="" 0.0037="" 1="" 0.0036="" 3,3'-.="" 75-71-8..............="" dichloro-="" 15="" 8400="" 45="" 15="" 8400="" 45="" difluoromethane.="" 75-34-3..............="" dichloroethane,="" 1,1-.="" 0.00016="" 110="" 0.00021="" 0.00016="" 110="" 0.00021="" 107-06-2.............="" dichloroethane,="" 1,2-.="" 0.007="" 59="" 0.011="" 0.00016="" 59="" 0.00021="" 75-35-4..............="" dichloroethy="" lene,="" 0.0035="" 20="" 0.054="" 0.00059="" 20="" 0.00077="" 1,1-.="" 156-59-2.............="" dichlorethylene,="" cis-="" 0.29="" 46000="" 0.39="" 2="" 46000="" 2="" 1,2-.="" 150-60-5.............="" dichlorethylene,="" 0.42="" 130000="" 0.56="" 3="" 130000="" 4="" trans-1,2-.="" 111-91-1.............="" dichloromethoxy="" 0.024="" 140="" 0.054="" 0.023="" 140="" 0.053="" ethane.="" 98-87-3..............="" dichloromethylbenzene="" 0.024="" 140="" 0.054="" 0.023="" 140="" 0.053="" (benzal="" chloride).="" 120-83-2.............="" dichlorophenol,="" 2,4-.="" 0.62="" 770="" 0.76="" 0.62="" 770="" 0.76="" 87-65-0..............="" dichlorophenol,="" 2,6-.="" 0.024="" 140="" 0.054="" 0.023="" 140="" 0.053="" 94-75-7..............="" dichlorophenoxyacetic="" 0.27="" 12000="" 0.37="" 2="" 12000="" 2="" acid,="" 2,4-="" (2,4-d).="" 78-87-5..............="" dichloropropane,="" 1,2-="" 0.12="" 180="" 0.055="" 0.023="" 180="" 0.011="" 542-75-6.............="" dichloropropene,="" 1,3-="" 0.0028="" 68="" 0.0038="" 0.0028="" 68="" 0.0038="" 10061-01-5...........="" dichloropropene,="" cis-="" 0.0049="" 65="" 10000="" 0.0049="" 65="" 10000="" 1,3-.="" 10061-02-6...........="" dichloropropene,="" 0.0049="" 62="" 10000="" 0.0049="" 62="" 10000="" trans-1,3-.="" 60-57-1..............="" dieldrin.............="" 0.000059="" 0.048="" 36="" 0.000059="" 0.048="" 36="" 1464-53-5............="" diepoxybutane,="" 15="" 6900="" 37="" 15="" 6900="" 37="" 1,2,3,4-="" (2,2'-="" bioxirane).="" 84-66-2..............="" diethyl="" phthalate....="" 190="" 19000="" 220="" 190="" 19000="" 220="" 311-45-5.............="" diethyl-p-nitrophenyl="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" phosphate.="" 56-53-1..............="" diethylstilbestrol...="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 94-58-6..............="" dihydrosafrole.......="" 15="" 6900="" 37="" 15="" 6900="" 37="" 60-51-5..............="" dimethoate...........="" 29="" 7="" 4="" 29="" 7="" 4="" 131-11-3.............="" dimethyl="" phthalate...="" 78="" 3="" 110="" 78="" 3="" 110="" 77-78-1..............="" dimethyl="" sulfate.....="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 60-11-7..............="" dimethyl-="" aminoazo-="" 0.028="" 88="" 0.038="" 0.028="" 88="" 0.038="" benzene,="" p-.="" 119-93-7.............="" dimethylbenzidine,="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 3,3'-.="" 57-97-6..............="" dimethyl-="" benz(a)-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" anthracene,="" 7,12-.="" 79-44-7..............="" dimethylcarbamoyl="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" chloride.="" 122-09-8.............="" dimethyl-="" phenethyl-="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" amine,="" alpha,="" alpha-.="" 105-67-9.............="" dimethylphenol,="" 2,4-.="" 4="" 24000="" 5="" 4="" 24000="" 5="" 119-90-4.............="" dimethyoxy-="" 0.034="" (\1\)="" 0.045="" 0.034="" (\1\)="" 0.045="" benzidine,="" 3,3'-.="" 84-74-2..............="" di-n-butyl="" phthalate.="" 880="" 90000="" 100="" 230="" 90000="" 25="" 99-65-0..............="" dinitrobenzene,="" 1,3-.="" 0.017="" 60="" 0.022="" 0.017="" 60="" 0.022="" 100-25-4.............="" dinitrobenzene,="" 1,4-.="" (\1\)="" 42="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 42="" (\1\)="" 534-52-1.............="" dinitro-o-cresol,="" 4,6-="" (\1\)="" 42="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 42="" (\1\)="" .="" 51-28-5..............="" dinitrophenol,="" 2,4-..="" 0.27="" 450="" 0.37="" 0.27="" 450="" 0.37="" 121-14-2.............="" dinitrotoluene,="" 2,4-.="" 0.29="" 1400="" 0.39="" 0.29="" 1400="" 0.39="" 606-20-2.............="" dinitrotoluene,="" 2,6-.="" 0.17="" 420="" 0.22="" 0.17="" 420="" 0.22="" 117-84-0.............="" di-n-octyl="" phthalate.="" 0.002="" 21000="" 0.1="" 0.002="" 21000="" 0.1="" 123-91-1.............="" dioxane,="" 1,4-........="" 0.042="" 71="" 0.058="" 0.042="" 71="" 0.058="" 122-39-4.............="" diphenylamine........="" 15="" 12000="" 15="" 15="" 12000="" 15="" 122-66-7.............="" diphenylhydrazine,="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" 1,2-.="" 298-04-4.............="" disulfoton...........="" 0.013="" 58="" 120="" 0.013="" 58="" 120="" 541-53-7.............="" dithiobiuret.........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" d,="" salts,="" esters,="" 2,4-="" 0.0069="" 6="" 4="" 0.0069="" 6="" 3="" .="" 115-29-7.............="" endosulfan...........="" 6="" 150="" 4="" 6="" 150="" 4="" 959-98-8.............="" endosulfan="" i.........="" 0.0069="" 6="" 4="" 0.0069="" 6="" 3="" 33213-65-9...........="" endosulfan="" ii........="" 0.0069="" 6="" 4="" 0.0069="" 6="" 3="" 1031-07-8............="" endosulfan="" sulfate...="" 0.0069="" 6="" 4="" 0.0069="" 6="" 3="" 145-73-3.............="" endothall............="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 4="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 3="" 72-20-8..............="" endrin...............="" 0.073="" 27="" 880="" 0.073="" 27="" 770="" 7421-93-4............="" endrin="" aldehyde......="" 0.0069="" 6="" 4="" 0.0069="" 6="" 3="" 53494-70-5...........="" endrin="" ketone........="" 0.0069="" 6="" 4="" 0.0069="" 6="" 3="" 106-89-8.............="" epichlorohydrin......="" 0.34="" 96="" 47000="" 0.34="" 96="" 47000="" 51-43-4..............="" epinephrine..........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 110-80-5.............="" ethoxyethanol,="" 2-....="" 15="" 6900="" 53="" 15="" 6900="" 53="" 141-78-6.............="" ethyl="" acetate........="" 390="" 600000="" 510="" 390="" 600000="" 510="" 51-79-6..............="" ethyl="" carbamate......="" 15="" 6900="" 37="" 15="" 6900="" 37="" 107-12-0.............="" ethyl="" cyanide="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" (propionitrile).="" 60-29-7..............="" ethyl="" ether..........="" 27="" 260000="" 37="" 27="" 260000="" 37="" [[page="" 66458]]="" 97-63-2..............="" ethyl="" methacrylate...="" 24="" 100000="" 27="" 24="" 100000="" 27="" 62-50-0..............="" ethyl="" 0.0055="" (\1\)="" 99000="" 0.0055="" (\1\)="" 99000="" methanesulfonate.="" 100-41-4.............="" ethylbenzene.........="" 8="" ................="" 9="" 39="" ................="" 42="" 106-93-4.............="" ethylene="" dibromide...="" 0.00093="" 0.06="" 0.0049="" 0.00036="" 0.06="" 0.000098="" 75-21-8..............="" ethylene="" oxide.......="" 15="" 6900="" 37="" 15="" 6900="" 37="" 96-45-7..............="" ethylene="" thiourea....="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 151-56-4.............="" ethyleneimine="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (aziridine).="" 52-85-7..............="" famphur..............="" (\1\)="" 6="" 4="" (\1\)="" 6="" 3="" 640-19-7.............="" fluoracetamide,="" 2-...="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 62-74-8..............="" fluoracetic="" acid,="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" sodium="" salt.="" 206-44-0.............="" fluoranthene.........="" 28="" 21000="" 2="" 28="" 21000="" 2="" 86-73-7..............="" fluorene.............="" 22="" 90000="" 7="" 22="" 90000="" 7="" 16984-48-8...........="" fluoride.............="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" 50-00-0..............="" formaldehyde.........="" (\1\)="" 54="" 37="" (\1\)="" 54="" 37="" 64-18-6..............="" formic="" acid..........="" 270="" 680000="" 370="" 270="" 680000="" 370="" 765-34-4.............="" glycidylaldehyde.....="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 319-86-8.............="" hch,="" delta-..........="" 0.0069="" 6="" 4="" 0.0069="" 6="" 3="" 76-44-8..............="" heptachlor...........="" (\1\)="" 8="" ................="" (\1\)="" 8="" ................="" 1024-57-3............="" heptachlor="" epoxide...="" 0.00053="" 0.56="" 1900="" 0.00053="" 0.56="" 10="" 87-68-3..............="" hexachloro-1,3-="" 0.0079="" 290="" 0.0069="" 0.0079="" 290="" 0.0069="" butadiene.="" 118-74-1.............="" hexachlorobenzene....="" (\1\)="" 0.27="" 0.018="" (\1\)="" 0.27="" (\1\)="" 319-84-6.............="" hexachlorocyclohexane="" 0.00014="" 0.18="" 2="" 0.00014="" 0.18="" 2="" ,="" alpha-="" (alpha-bhc).="" 319-85-7.............="" hexachlorocyclohexane="" 0.00044="" 0.64="" 0.0009="" 0.00044="" 0.64="" 0.0009="" ,="" beta-="" (beta-bhc).="" 58-89-9..............="" hexachlorocyclohexane="" 0.00078="" 0.75="" 26="" 0.00078="" 0.75="" 9="" ,="" gamma-="" (lindane).="" 77-47-4..............="" hexachlorocyclopentad="" 0.0052="" 1500="" ................="" 0.0052="" 1500="" ................="" iene.="" 67-72-1..............="" hexachloroethane.....="" 0.049="" 890="" 0.11="" 0.049="" 890="" 0.11="" 70-30-4..............="" hexachlorophene......="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 1888-71-7............="" hexachloropropene....="" 0.27="" 1200="" 0.068="" 0.081="" 1200="" 0.06="" 757-58-4.............="" hexaethyl="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" tetraphosphate.="" 591-78-6.............="" hexanone,="" 2-.........="" 8="" 38000="" 22="" 8="" 38000="" 22="" 302-01-2.............="" hydrazine............="" (\1\)="" 51="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 51="" (\1\)="" 193-39-5.............="" indeno(1,2,3-cd)="" 0.0029="" 4="" (\1\)="" 0.0029="" 4="" (\1\)="" pyrene.="" 74-88-4..............="" iodomethane..........="" 0.024="" 140="" 0.054="" 0.023="" 140="" 0.053="" 78-83-1..............="" isobutyl="" alcohol.....="" 39="" 120000="" 53="" 39="" 120000="" 53="" 465-73-6.............="" isodrin..............="" (\1\)="" 6="" 4="" (\1\)="" 6="" 3="" 78-59-1..............="" isophorone...........="" 0.53="" 2000="" 0.69="" 0.53="" 2000="" 0.69="" 120-58-1.............="" isosafrole...........="" 15="" 6900="" 37="" 15="" 6900="" 37="" 143-50-0.............="" kepone...............="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 303-43-4.............="" lasiocarpine.........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 7439-92-1............="" lead.................="" 30="" 1600="" 41="" 30="" 1600="" 41="" 108-31-6.............="" maleic="" anhydride.....="" (\1\)="" 6900="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 6900="" (\1\)="" 123-33-1.............="" maleic="" hydrazide.....="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" 109-77-3.............="" malononitrile........="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" 148-82-3.............="" melphalan............="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 7439-97-6............="" mercury..............="" 0.06="" 39="" 0.081="" 0.3="" 39="" 0.4="" 126-98-7.............="" methacrylonitrile....="" 0.016="" 72="" 0.021="" 0.016="" 72="" 0.021="" 74-93-1..............="" methanethiol.........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 67-561...............="" methanol.............="" 78="" 310000="" 110="" 78="" 310000="" 110="" 91-80-5..............="" methapyrilene........="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" 16752-77-5...........="" methomyl.............="" (\1\)="" 6="" 4="" (\1\)="" 6="" 3="" 72-43-5..............="" methoxychlor.........="" 7="" 280="" ................="" 7="" 280="" ................="" 74-83-9..............="" methy="" bromide="" 0.37="" 850="" 4="" 0.37="" 850="" 4="" (bromomethane).="" 74-87-3..............="" methyl="" chloride="" 0.096="" 91="" ................="" 0.096="" 91="" ................="" (chloromethane).="" 78-93-3..............="" methyl="" ethyl="" ketone..="" 78="" 250000="" 110="" 78="" 250000="" 110="" 1338-23-4............="" methyl="" ethyl="" ketone="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" peroxide.="" 60-34-4..............="" methyl="" hydrazine.....="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 108-10-1.............="" methyl="" isobutyl="" 8="" 38000="" 11="" 8="" 38000="" 11="" ketone.="" [[page="" 66459]]="" 80-62-6..............="" methyl="" methacrylate..="" 28="" 100000="" 33="" 28="" 100000="" 33="" 66-27-3..............="" methyl="" 0.12="" 590="" 24="" 0.12="" 590="" 24="" methanesulfonate.="" 91-57-6..............="" methyl="" naphthalene,="" 2-="" (\1\)="" 4="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 4="" (\1\)="" .="" 298-00-0.............="" methyl="" parathion.....="" 0.66="" 6="" 110="" 0.66="" 6="" 110="" 75-55-8..............="" methylaziridine,="" 2-..="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 56-49-5..............="" methylcholanthrene,="" 3-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" .="" 74-95-3..............="" methylene="" bromide....="" 0.029="" 21000="" 0.037="" 2="" 21000="" 0.19="" 75-09-2..............="" methylene="" chloride...="" 0.039="" 720="" 0.09="" 0.039="" 720="" 0.053="" 101-14-4.............="" methylenebis,="" 4,4'-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (2-chloroaniline).="" 70-25-7..............="" methyl-nitro-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" nitrosoguanidine="" (mnng).="" 56-04-2..............="" methylthiouracil.....="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 50-07-7..............="" mitomycin="" c..........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 7439-98-7............="" molybdenum...........="" 2="" 1200="" 2="" 2="" 1200="" 2="" 91-20-3..............="" naphthalene..........="" 14="" 430000="" 15="" 14="" 430000="" 15="" 130-15-4.............="" naphthoquinone,="" 1,4-.="" 15="" 6900="" 37="" 15="" 6900="" 37="" 86-88-4..............="" naphthyl-2-thiourea,="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 1-.="" 134-32-7.............="" naphthylamine,="" 1-....="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" 91-59-8..............="" naphthylamine,="" 2-....="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" 7440-02-0............="" nickel...............="" 4="" 8600="" 6="" 11="" 8600="" 14="" 54-11-5..............="" nicotine="" and="" salts...="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" 88-74-4..............="" nitroaniline,="" 2-.....="" (\1\)="" 88="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 88="" (\1\)="" 99-09-2..............="" nitroaniline,="" 3-.....="" (\1\)="" 88="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 88="" (\1\)="" 100-01-6.............="" nitroaniline,="" 4-.....="" 0.028="" 88="" 0.038="" 0.028="" 88="" 0.038="" 98-95-3..............="" nitrobenzene.........="" 0.084="" 520="" 0.11="" 0.084="" 520="" 0.11="" 55-86-7..............="" nitrogen="" mustard.....="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 51-75-2..............="" nitrogen="" mustard="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" hydrochloride="" salt.="" 126-85-2.............="" nitrogen="" mustard="" n-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" oxide.="" 302-70-5.............="" nitrogen="" mustard="" n-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" oxide,="" hci="" salt.="" 55-63-0..............="" nitroglycerine.......="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 99-55-8..............="" nitro-o-toluidine,="" 5-="" 0.028="" 88="" 0.038="" 0.028="" 88="" 0.038="" 88-75-5..............="" nitrophenol,="" 2-......="" 0.025="" 42="" 0.034="" 0.025="" 42="" 0.034="" 100-02-7.............="" nitrophenol,="" 4-......="" (\1\)="" 42="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 42="" (\1\)="" 79-46-9..............="" nitropropane,="" 2-.....="" (\1\)="" 3="" ................="" (\1\)="" 3="" ................="" 56-57-5..............="" nitroquinoline-1-="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" oxide,="" 4-.="" 55-18-5..............="" nitrosodiethylamine..="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 62-75-9..............="" nitrosodimethylamine.="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 924-16-3.............="" nitrosodi-n-="" (\1\)="" 1="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 1="" (\1\)="" butylamine.="" 10595-95-6...........="" nitrosomethylethylami="" (\1\)="" 0.035="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 0.035="" (\1\)="" ne.="" 1116-54-7............="" n-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" nitrosodiethanolamin="" e.="" 621-64-7.............="" n-nitrosodi-n-="" (\1\)="" 0.22="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 0.22="" (\1\)="" propylamine.="" 86-30-6..............="" n-="" 0.2="" 3600="" 0.24="" 0.2="" 3600="" 0.24="" nitrosodiphenylamine.="" 45490-40-0...........="" n-nitrosomethyl="" vinyl="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" amine.="" 59-89-2..............="" n-nitrosomorpholine..="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" 759-73-9.............="" n-nitroso-n-ethylurea="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 684-93-5.............="" n-nitroso-n-="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" methylurea.="" 100-75-4.............="" n-nitrosopiperidine..="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 930-55-2.............="" n-nitrosopyrrolidine.="" (\1\)="" 0.36="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 0.36="" (\1\)="" 13256-22-9...........="" n-nitrososarcosine...="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 103-85-5.............="" n-phenylthiourea.....="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 1615-80-1............="" n,n-diethylhydrazine.="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 152-16-9.............="" octamethylpyrophospho="" 0.27="" 31="" 0.37="" 0.27="" 31="" 0.37="" ramide.="" 20816-12-0...........="" osmium="" tetroxide.....="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 297-97-2.............="" o,o-diethyl="" o-="" 0.12="" 590="" 24="" 0.12="" 590="" 24="" pyrazinyl="" phosphorothioate.="" 126-68-1.............="" o,o,o-triethyl="" 0.12="" 590="" 24="" 0.12="" 590="" 24="" phosphorothioate.="" 123-63-7.............="" paraldehyde..........="" 8="" 38000="" 22="" 8="" 38000="" 22="" 56-38-2..............="" parathion............="" 3="" 19="" 160000="" 3="" 19="" 160000="" 608-93-5.............="" pentachlorobenzene...="" 5="" 2300="" 0.054="" 5="" 2300="" 0.054="" 76-01-7..............="" pentachloroethane....="" 0.024="" 140="" 0.054="" 0.023="" 140="" 0.053="" 82-68-8..............="" pentachloro-="" 0.27="" 140="" (\1\)="" 0.081="" 140="" (\1\)="" nitrobenzene="" (pcnb).="" 87-86-5..............="" pentachlorophenol....="" 0.002="" 22="" 0.0022="" 0.002="" 22="" 0.0022="" 62-44-2..............="" phenacetin...........="" 15="" 6900="" 37="" 15="" 6900="" 37="" 85-01-8..............="" phenanthrene.........="" (\1\)="" 4="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 4="" (\1\)="" 108-95-2.............="" phenol...............="" 84="" 390000="" 110="" 84="" 390000="" 110="" 62-38-4..............="" phenyl="" mercuric="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" acetate.="" 25265-76-3...........="" phenylenediamines="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" (n.o.s.).="" 108-45-2.............="" phenylenediamine,="" m-.="" 0.78="" 1700="" 1="" 0.78="" 1700="" 1="" [[page="" 66460]]="" 106-50-3.............="" phenylenediamine,="" p-.="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" 298-06-2.............="" phorate..............="" 0.11="" 510="" ................="" 0.11="" 510="" ................="" phosphorodithioic="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" acid,="" dimethylethylester.="" 298-06-6.............="" phosphorodithioic="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" acid,="" o-o-diethyl="" ester.="" 3288-58-2............="" phosphorodithioic="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" acid,="" o-o-diethyl-s-="" methyl.="" 2953-29-9............="" phosphorodithioic="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" acid,="" trimethyl="" ester.="" 85-44-9..............="" phthalic="" anhydride...="" (\1\)="" 9600="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 9600="" (\1\)="" 109-06-8.............="" picoline,="" 2-.........="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" 1336-36-3............="" polychlorinated="" see="" table="" b="" 0.25="" 0.009="" see="" table="" b="" 0.25="" (\1\)="" biphenyls.="" 12305-58-5...........="" pronamide............="" 21="" 230000="" 25="" 21="" 230000="" 25="" 1120-71-4............="" propane="" sultone,="" 1,3-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 107-10-8.............="" propylamine,="" n-......="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" 51-52-5..............="" propylthiouracil.....="" 0.12="" 590="" 24="" 0.12="" 590="" 24="" 107-19-7.............="" propyn-1ol,="" 2-.......="" 39="" 130000="" 53="" 39="" 130000="" 53="" 129-00-0.............="" pyrene...............="" 54="" 16000="" 2="" 54="" 16000="" 2="" 110-86-1.............="" pyridine.............="" 0.16="" 930="" 0.21="" 0.16="" 930="" 0.21="" 50-55-5..............="" reserpine............="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" 108-46-3.............="" resorcinol...........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 4="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 81-07-2..............="" saccharin="" and="" salts..="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 94-59-7..............="" safrole..............="" 0.0035="" 28="" 0.0044="" 0.0035="" 28="" 0.0044="" 7782-49-2............="" selenium.............="" 0.23="" 280="" 0.12="" 0.93="" 280="" 1="" 7440-22-4............="" silver...............="" 200="" 9="" ................="" 200="" 9="" ................="" 18883-66-4...........="" streptozotocin.......="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 57-24-9..............="" strychnine...........="" 0.045="" (\1\)="" 0.059="" 0.045="" (\1\)="" 0.059="" 10-42-5..............="" stryene..............="" 0.91="" ................="" 1="" 64="" ................="" 70="" 18496-25-8...........="" sulfide..............="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" 1746-01-6............="" tcdd,="" 2,3,7,8-.......="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 95-94-3..............="" tetrachlorobenzene,="" 0.23="" 1600="" 0.032="" 0.23="" 1600="" 0.032="" 1,2,4,5-.="" 630-20-6.............="" tetrachloroethane="" 0.024="" 370="" 0.042="" 0.024="" 370="" 0.042="" 1,1,1,2-.="" 79-34-5..............="" tetrachloroethane,="" 0.0037="" 70="" 0.0077="" 0.0037="" 70="" 0.0077="" 1,1,2,2-.="" 127-18-4.............="" tetrachloroethylene..="" 0.026="" 100000="" 0.032="" 2="" 100000="" 3="" 58-90-2..............="" tetrachlorophenol,="" 2="" 35000="" 2="" 2="" 35000="" 2="" 2,3,4,6-.="" 107-49-3.............="" tetraethyl="" (\1\)="" 6900="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 6900="" (\1\)="" pyrophosphate.="" 107-49-3.............="" tetraethyl="" (\1\)="" 6900="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 6900="" (\1\)="" pyrophosphate.="" 3689-24-5............="" tetraethyldithiopyrop="" 0.23="" 1200="" ................="" 0.23="" 1200="" ................="" hosphate.="" 7440-28-0............="" thallium="" (i).........="" 0.035="" 33="" 0.048="" 0.05="" 33="" 0.071="" 62-55-5..............="" thioacetamide........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 39196-18-4...........="" thiofanox............="" 0.12="" 590="" 24="" 0.12="" 590="" 24="" 108-98-5.............="" thiophenol...........="" 0.12="" 590="" 24="" 0.12="" 590="" 24="" 79-19-6..............="" thiosemicarbazide....="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 62-566...............="" thiourea.............="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 137-26-8.............="" thiram...............="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 7440-31-5............="" tin..................="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 108-88-3.............="" toluene..............="" 6="" 560000="" 7="" 30="" 560000="" 51="" 584-84-9.............="" toluene="" diisocyanate.="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" ................="" ................="" 95-80-7..............="" toluenediamine,="" 2,4--="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 823-40-5.............="" toluenediamine,="" 2,6-.="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" 496-72-0.............="" toluenediamine,="" 3,4-.="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" 636-21-5.............="" toulidene,3,4-.......="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" 0.16="" 51="" 0.37="" 95-53-4..............="" toluidine,="" o-........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 106-49-0.............="" toluidine,="" p-........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 8001-35-2............="" toxaphene............="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 160="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 3="" 76-13-1..............="" trichloro-1,2,2-="" 0.77="" ................="" 0.84="" 2200="" ................="" 12000="" trifuoroethane,="" 1,1,2.="" 120-82-1.............="" trichlorobenzene,="" 0.69="" 62000="" 3="" 0.69="" 62000="" 3="" 1,2,4-.="" 71-55-6..............="" trichloroethane,="" 74="" 630000="" 0.054="" 74="" 630000="" 0.054="" 1,1,1-.="" 79-00-5..............="" trichloroethane,="" 0.012="" 190="" 0.039="" 0.007="" 190="" 0.0077="" 1,1,2-.="" [[page="" 66461]]="" 79-01-6..............="" trichloroethylene....="" 0.024="" 3200="" 0.031="" 0.038="" 3200="" 0.049="" 79-69-4..............="" trichlorofluoromethan="" 48="" 170000="" 61="" 48="" 170000="" 61="" e.="" 75-70-7..............="" trichloromethanethiol="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 22="" 95-95-4..............="" trichlorophenol,="" 18="" 55000="" 22="" 18="" 55000="" 22="" 2,4,5-.="" 88-06-2..............="" trichlorophenol,="" 0.054="" 160="" 0.068="" 0.054="" 160="" 0.068="" 2,4,6-.="" 93-76-5..............="" trichlorophenoxyaceti="" 2="" 150="" 2="" 2="" 150="" 2="" c="" acid,="" 2,4,5-="" (245-="" t).="" 93-72-1..............="" trichlorophenoxypropi="" 0.21="" 520="" 0.28="" 1="" 520="" 2="" onic="" acid,="" 2,4,5-="" (silvex).="" 96-18-4..............="" trichloropropane,="" 1="" 14000="" 1="" 1="" 14000="" 1="" 1,2,3-.="" 99-35-4..............="" trintrobenzene,="" sym-.="" 0.0078="" 23="" 0.011="" 0.0078="" 23="" 0.011="" 126-72-7.............="" tris="" (2,3-="" (\1\)="" 0.76="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 0.76="" (\1\)="" dibromopropyl)="" phosphate.="" 52-24-4..............="" tris="" (1-azridinyl)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" phosphine="" sulfide.="" 72-57-1..............="" trypan="" blue..........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 66-75-1..............="" uracil="" mustard.......="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 7440-62-2............="" vanadium.............="" 10="" 2700="" 13="" 10="" 2700="" 13="" 108-05-4.............="" vinyl="" acetate........="" 15="" 6900="" 37="" 15="" 6900="" 37="" 75-01-4..............="" vinyl="" chloride.......="" 0.002="" 3="" 0.011="" (\1\)="" 3="" 0.00021="" 81-81-2..............="" warfarin.............="" (\1\)="" 6="" 4="" (\1\)="" 6="" 3="" 1330-20-7............="" xylenes="" (total)......="" 22="" 710000="" 100="" 22="" 710000="" 700="" 7440-66-6............="" zinc.................="" 99="" 51000="" 130="" 99="" 51000="" 130="" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" \1\="" see="" table="" b.="" [[page="" 66462]]="" table="" b.--quantitation-based="" conditional="" exit="" levels="" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" mcl="" benchmark="" option="" toxicity="" benchmark="" option="" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" cas="" no.="" name="" wastewater="" nonwastewater="" wastewater="" nonwastewater="" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" totals="" (mg/l)="" totals="" (mg/kg)="" leach="" (mg/l)="" totals="" (mg/l)="" totals="" (mg/kg)="" leach="" (mg/l)="" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" 208-96-8..............="" acenaphthylene......="" 0.02="" ................="" 0.02="" 0.02="" ................="" ................="" 75-36-5...............="" acetyl="" chloride.....="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 591-08-2..............="" acetyl-2-thiourea,..="" 1="" ................="" ................="" 1="" ................="" ................="" 107-02-8..............="" acrolein............="" 0.013="" ................="" ................="" 0.013="" ................="" ................="" 79-06-1...............="" acrylamide..........="" 0.01="" 0.1="" 0.01="" 0.01="" 0.1="" 0.01="" 107-13-1..............="" acrylonitrile.......="" 0.008="" ................="" 0.008="" ................="" 0.008="" 1402-68-2.............="" aflatoxins..........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 116-06-3..............="" aldicarb............="" 0.05="" ................="" ................="" 0.05="" ................="" ................="" 309-00-2..............="" aldrin..............="" 0.000034="" ................="" 0.000034="" 0.000034="" ................="" 0.000034="" 107-18-6..............="" allyl="" alcohol.......="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 2763-96-4.............="" aminomethyl-3-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" isoxazolol,="" 5-.="" 504-24-5..............="" aminopyridine,="" 4-...="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 61-82-5...............="" amitrole............="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 120-12-7..............="" anthracene..........="" 0.007="" ................="" 0.007="" 0.007="" ................="" 0.007="" 7440-38-2.............="" arsenic.............="" ................="" ................="" ................="" 0.0005="" ................="" ................="" 2465-27-2.............="" auramine............="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 115-02-6..............="" azaserine...........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 92-87-5...............="" benzidine...........="" 0.0025="" 0.042="" 0.0025="" 0.0025="" 0.042="" 0.0025="" 98-07-7...............="" benzotrichloride....="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 50-32-8...............="" benzo(a)pyrene......="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" 0.000023="" 205-82-3..............="" benzo(j)fluoranthene="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" 0.0002="" 207-08-9..............="" benzo(k)fluoranthene="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" 0.0002="" 191-24-2..............="" benzo[g,h,i]perylene="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" 0.0008="" 56-55-3...............="" benz(a)anthracene...="" ................="" ................="" 0.000013="" ................="" ................="" 0.000013="" 225-51-4..............="" benz[c]acridine.....="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" 0.0005="" 542-88-1..............="" bis(chloromethyl)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" ether.="" 357-57-3..............="" brucine.............="" 20="" (\1\)="" 20="" 20="" (\1\)="" 20="" 86-74-8...............="" carbazole...........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 353-50-4..............="" carbon="" oxyfluoride..="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 75-87-6...............="" chloral.............="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 305-03-3..............="" chlorambucil........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 57-74-9...............="" chlordane...........="" 0.00004="" ................="" ................="" 0.00004="" ................="" ................="" 494-03-1..............="" chlornaphazin.......="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 107-20-0..............="" chloroacetaldehyde..="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 110-75-8..............="" chloroethyl="" vinyle="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" ether,="" 2-.="" 107-30-2..............="" chloromethyl="" methyl="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" ether.="" 5344-82-1.............="" chlorophenyl="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" thiourea,="" 1-o-.="" 542-76-7..............="" chloropropionitrile,="" ................="" ................="" 0.1="" 0.1="" ................="" 0.1="" 3-.="" 6358-53-8.............="" citrus="" red="" no.="" 2....="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 7440-48-4.............="" cobalt..............="" ................="" ................="" 0.5="" ................="" ................="" ................="" 57-12-5...............="" cyanida.............="" 0.2="" ................="" ................="" 0.2="" ................="" ................="" 14901-08-7............="" cycasin.............="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 108-94-1..............="" cyclohexanone.......="" 10="" ................="" ................="" 10="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 131-89-5..............="" cyclohexyl-4,6-="" 0.1="" (\1\)="" 0.1="" 0.1="" (\1\)="" 0.1="" dinitrophenol,="" 2-.="" 50-18-0...............="" cyclophosphamide....="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 20830-81-3............="" daunomycin..........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 53-19-0...............="" ddd="" (o,p')..........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 72-55-9...............="" dde.................="" 0.000058="" ................="" ................="" 0.000058="" ................="" ................="" 3424-82-6.............="" dde="" (o,p')..........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 50-29-3...............="" ddt.................="" 0.000081="" ................="" ................="" 0.000081="" ................="" ................="" 789-02-6..............="" ddt="" (o,p')..........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 192-65-4..............="" dibenzo-="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" 0.001="" [a,e]ypyrene.="" 189-64-0..............="" dibenzo-="" [a,h]pyrene="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" 0.0002="" 189-64-9..............="" dibenzo-="" [a,i]pyrene="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" 0.0002="" 194-59-2..............="" dibenzo-="" (0.01="" ................="" 0.01="" 0.01="" ................="" 0.01="" [c,g]carbazole,="" 7h-.="" 226-36-8..............="" dibenz-="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" 0.0002="" (a,h)acridine.="" 53-70-3...............="" dibenz-="" (a,h)ant-="" 0.00003="" 0.084="" 0.00003="" 0.00003="" 0.084="" 0.00003="" hracene.="" 224-42-0..............="" dibenz[a,j]="" acridine="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" 0.001="" 311-45-5..............="" diethyl-p-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" nitrophenyl="" phosphate.="" 56-53-1...............="" diethylstibestrol...="" 0.0078="" 1="" 0.0078="" 0.0078="" 1="" 0.0078="" 77-78-1...............="" dimethyl="" sulfate....="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 119-93-7..............="" dimethybenzidine,="" 0.0033="" 0.7="" 0.0033="" 0.0033="" 0.7="" 0.0033="" 3,3'-.="" 57-97-6...............="" dimethyl-="" benz(a)-="" 0.00037="" 0.039="" 0.00037="" 0.00037="" 0.039="" 0.00037="" anthracene,="" 7,12-.="" [[page="" 66463]]="" 79-44-7...............="" dimethylcarbamoyl="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" chloride.="" 119-90-4..............="" dimethy-="" oxyben-="" ................="" 7="" ................="" ................="" 7="" ................="" zidine,="" 3,3'-.="" 100-25-4..............="" dinitrobenzene,="" 1,4-="" 0.04="" ................="" 0.04="" 0.04="" ................="" 0.04="" 534-52-1..............="" dinitro-o-cresol,="" 0.05="" ................="" 0.05="" 0.05="" ................="" 0.05="" 4,6-.="" 541-53-7..............="" dithiobiuret........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 145-73-3..............="" endothall...........="" 0.1="" (\1\)="" ................="" 0.1="" (\1\)="" ................="" 51-43-4...............="" epinephrine.........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 62-50-0...............="" ethyl="" ................="" 0.018="" ................="" ................="" 0.018="" ................="" methanesulfonate.="" 96-45-7...............="" ethylene="" thiourea...="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 151-56-4..............="" ethyleneimine="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (aziridine).="" 52-85-7...............="" famphur.............="" 0.02="" ................="" ................="" 0.02="" ................="" ................="" 640-19-7..............="" fluoracetamide,="" 2-..="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 62-74-8...............="" fluoracetic="" acid,="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" sodium="" salt.="" 16984-48-8............="" fluoride............="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" ................="" 50-00-0...............="" formaldehyde........="" 0.023="" ................="" ................="" 0.023="" ................="" ................="" 765-34-4..............="" glycidylaldehyde....="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 76-44-8...............="" heptachlor..........="" 0.00004="" ................="" ................="" 0.00004="" ................="" ................="" 118-74-1..............="" hexachlorobenzene...="" 0.0016="" ................="" ................="" 0.0016="" ................="" 0.0016="" 70-30-4...............="" hexachlorophene.....="" 0.21="" 2="" 0.21="" 0.21="" 2="" 0.21="" 757-58-4..............="" hexaethyl="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" tetraphosphate.="" 302-01-2..............="" hydrazine...........="" (\1\)="" ................="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" ................="" (\1\)="" 193-39-5..............="" indeno(1,2,3-="" ................="" ................="" 0.000043="" ................="" ................="" 0.000043="" cde)pyrene.="" 465-73-6..............="" isodrin.............="" 0.02="" ................="" ................="" 0.02="" ................="" ................="" 143-50-0..............="" kepone..............="" 0.016="" 0.097="" 0.016="" 0.016="" 0.097="" 0.016="" 303-43-4..............="" lasiocarpine........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 108-31-6..............="" maleic="" anhydride....="" (\1\)="" ................="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" ................="" (\1\)="" 148-82-3..............="" melphalan...........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 74-93-1...............="" methanethiol........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 16752-77-5............="" methomyl............="" 0.05="" ................="" ................="" 0.05="" ................="" ................="" 1338-23-4.............="" methyl="" ethyl="" ketone="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" peroxide.="" 60-34-4...............="" methyl="" hydrazine....="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 91-57-6...............="" methyl="" naphthalene,="" 0.01="" ................="" 0.01="" 0.01="" ................="" 0.01="" 2-.="" 75-55-8...............="" methylaziridine,="" 2-.="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 56-49-5...............="" methylcholanthrene,="" 0.01="" 0.046="" 0.01="" 0.01="" 0.046="" 0.01="" 3-.="" 101-14-4..............="" methylenebis,="" 4,4'-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (2-chloroaniline).="" 70-25-7...............="" methyl-nitro-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" nitrosoguanidine="" (mnng).="" 56-04-2...............="" methylthiouracil....="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 50-07-7...............="" mitomycin="" c.........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 86-88-4...............="" naphthyl-2-thiourea,="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 1-.="" 88-74-4...............="" nitroaniline,="" 2-....="" 0.05="" ................="" 0.05="" 0.05="" ................="" 0.05="" 99-09-2...............="" nitroaniline,="" 3-....="" 0.05="" ................="" 0.05="" 0.05="" ................="" 0.05="" 55-86-7...............="" nitrogen="" mustard....="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 51-75-2...............="" nitrogen="" mustard="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" hydrochloride="" salt.="" 126-85-2..............="" nitrogen="" mustard="" n-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" oxide.="" 302-70-5..............="" nitrogen="" mustard="" n-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" oxide,="" hci="" salt.="" 55-63-0...............="" nitroglycerine......="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 110-02-7..............="" nitrophenol,="" 4-.....="" 0.05="" ................="" 0.05="" 0.05="" ................="" 0.05="" 79-46-9...............="" nitropropane,="" 2-....="" 0.0058="" ................="" ................="" 0.0058="" ................="" ................="" 55-18-5...............="" nitrosodiethylamine.="" 0.002="" (\1\)="" 0.002="" 0.002="" 1="" 0.002="" 62-75-9...............="" nitrosodimethylamine="" 0.0006="" 0.074="" 0.0006="" 0.0006="" 0.074="" 0.0006="" 924-16-3..............="" nitrosodi-n-="" 0.06="" ................="" 0.06="" 0.06="" ................="" 0.06="" butylamine.="" 10595-95-6............="" nitrosomethylethylam="" 0.028="" ................="" 0.028="" 0.028="" ................="" 0.028="" ine.="" 1116-54-7.............="" n-="" 0.01="" 0.7="" 0.01="" 0.01="" 0.7="" 0.01="" nitrosodiethanolami="" ne.="" 621-64-7..............="" n-nitrosodi-n-="" 0.026="" ................="" 0.026="" 0.026="" ................="" 0.026="" propyamine.="" [[page="" 66464]]="" 4549-40-0.............="" n-nitrosomethy="" vinyl="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" d(\1\)="" amine.="" 759-73-9..............="" n-nitroso-n-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" ethylurea.="" 615-53-2..............="" n-nitroso-n-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" methylurethane.="" 16543-55-8............="" n-nitrosonornicotine="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 100-75-4..............="" n-nitrosopiperidine.="" 0.0014="" 0.033="" 0.0014="" 0.0014="" 0.033="" 0.0014="" 930-55-2..............="" n-nitrosopyrrolidine="" 0.0047="" ................="" 0.0047="" 0.0047="" ................="" 0.0047="" 13256-22-9............="" n-nitrososarcosine..="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 103-85-5..............="" n-phenylthiourea....="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 1615-80-1.............="" n,n-diethylhydrazine="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 20816-12-0............="" osmium="" tetroxide....="" 3="" 200="" 3="" 3="" 200="" 3="" 82-68-8...............="" pentachloronitrobenz="" ................="" ................="" 0.02="" ................="" ................="" 0.02="" ene="" (pcnb).="" 85-01-8...............="" phenanthrene........="" 0.006="" ................="" 0.006="" 0.="" 006="" ................="" 0.006="" 62-38-4...............="" phenyl="" mercuric="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" acetate.="" phosphorodithioic="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" acid,="" dimethylethylester.="" 298-06-6..............="" phosphorodithioic="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" acid,="" o-o-diethyl="" ester.="" 3288-58-2.............="" phosphorodithioic="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" acid,="" o-o-diethyl-s-="" methlyl.="" 2953-29-9.............="" pyhosphorodithioic="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" acid,="" trimethyl="" ester.="" 85-44-9...............="" phthalic="" anhydride..="" (\1\)="" ................="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" ................="" (\1\)="" 1336-36-3.............="" polychlorinated="" 0.0005="" ................="" ................="" 0.0005="" ................="" 0.0005="" biphenyls.="" 1120-71-4.............="" propane="" sultone,="" 1,3-="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" .="" 108-46-3..............="" resorcinol..........="" 0.1="" 7="" ................="" 0.1="" 7="" ................="" 81-07-2...............="" saccharin="" and="" salts.="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 18883-66-4............="" streptozotocin......="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 57-24-9...............="" strychnine..........="" ................="" 3="" ................="" ................="" 3="" ................="" 1746-01-6.............="" tcdd,="" 2,="" 3,="" 7.8-....="" 1.000e-08="" ................="" ................="" 1.000e-08="" ................="" 1.000e-08="" 107-49-3..............="" tetraethyl="" (\1\)="" ................="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" ................="" (\1\)="" pyrophosphate.="" 62-55-5...............="" thioacetamide.......="" 1="" (\1\)="" 1="" 1="" (\1\)="" 1="" 79-19-6...............="" thiosemicarbazide...="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 62-56-6...............="" thiourea............="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 137-26-8..............="" thiram..............="" 0.05="" ................="" ................="" 0.05="" ................="" ................="" 7440-31-5.............="" tin.................="" 8="" 500="" 8="" 8="" 500="" 8="" 584-84-9..............="" toluene="" diisocyanate="" (\1\)="" ................="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" ................="" (\1\)="" 95-80-7...............="" toluenediamine,="" 2,4-="" 0.013="" 1="" 0.013="" 0.013="" 1="" 0.013="" 95-53-4...............="" toluidine,="" 0-.......="" 0.012="" ................="" 0.012="" 0.012="" ................="" 0.012="" 106-49-0..............="" toluidine,="" p-.......="" 0.017="" ................="" 0.017="" 0.017="" ................="" 0.017="" 8001-35-2.............="" toxaphene...........="" 0.0013="" 0.03="" ................="" 0.0013="" 0.03="" ................="" 75-70-7...............="" trichloromethanethio="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" l.="" 126-72-7..............="" tris="" (2,="" 3-="" 0.025="" ................="" 0.025="" 0.025="" ................="" 0.025="" dibromopropyl)="" phosphate.="" 52-24-4...............="" tris="" (1-azridinyl)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" phosphine="" sulfide.="" 72-57-1...............="" trypan="" blue.........="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 66-75-1...............="" uracil="" mustard......="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" (\1\)="" 75-01-4...............="" vinyl="" chloride......="" ................="" ................="" ................="" 0.00017="" ................="" ................="" 81-81-2...............="" warfarin............="" 0.05="" ................="" ................="" 0.05="" ................="" ................="" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" \1\="" no="" testing="" required;="" additional="" ldr="" requirements="" apply.="" part="" 266--standards="" for="" the="" management="" of="" specific="" hazardous="" wastes="" and="" specific="" types="" of="" hazardous="" waste="" facilities="" 9.="" the="" authority="" citation="" for="" part="" 266="" continues="" to="" read="" as="" follows:="" authority:="" 42="" u.s.c.="" 6905,="" 6912(a),="" 6924,="" and="" 6934.="" 10.="" section="" 266.20="" is="" amended="" by="" revising="" the="" first="" sentence="" of="" paragraph="" (b)="" to="" read="" as="" follows:="" *="" *="" *="" *="" *="" (b)="" products="" produced="" for="" the="" general="" public's="" use="" that="" are="" used="" in="" a="" manner="" that="" constitutes="" disposal="" and="" that="" contain="" recyclable="" materials="" are="" not="" presently="" subject="" to="" regulation="" if,="" for="" each="" hazardous="" constituent="" in="" each="" recyclable="" material="" (i.e.,="" hazardous="" waste)="" that="" they="" contain,="" they="" meet="" the="" [[page="" 66465]]="" applicable="" exit="" levels="" in="" appendix="" x="" to="" part="" 261="" of="" this="" chapter.="" *="" *="" *="" part="" 268--land="" disposal="" restrictions="" 11.="" the="" authority="" citation="" for="" part="" 268="" continues="" to="" read="" as="" follows:="" authority:="" 42="" u.s.c.="" 6905,="" 6912(a)="" 6921,="" and="" 6924.="" 12.="" section="" 268.2="" is="" amended="" by="" adding="" paragraph="" (j)="" to="" read="" as="" follows:="" *="" *="" *="" *="" *="" (j)="" land="" treatment="" means="" waste="" is="" applied="" onto="" or="" incorporated="" into="" the="" soil="" surface.="" 13.="" section="" 268.40="" is="" amended="" by="" revising="" the="" first="" sentence="" of="" paragraph="" (a),="" revising="" paragraph="" (e),="" and="" adding="" paragraph="" (g)="" to="" read="" as="" follows:="" sec.="" 268.41="" applicability="" of="" treatment="" standards="" (a)="" except="" as="" provided="" in="" paragraph="" (g)="" of="" this="" section,="" a="" waste="" identified="" in="" the="" table="" ``treatment="" standards="" for="" hazardous="" wastes''="" may="" be="" land="" disposed="" only="" if="" it="" meets="" the="" requirements="" found="" in="" the="" table.="" *="" *="" *="" *="" *="" *="" *="" *="" (e)="" except="" as="" provided="" in="" paragraph="" (g)="" of="" this="" section,="" for="" all="" characteristic="" wastes="" (d001,="" d002,="" and="" d012-d043)="" that="" are="" subject="" to="" treatment="" standards="" in="" the="" following="" table="" ``treatment="" standards="" for="" hazardous="" wastes,''="" all="" underlying="" constituents="" (as="" defined="" in="" sec.="" 268.20(i))="" must="" meet="" universal="" treatment="" standards,="" found="" in="" sec.="" 268.48,="" table="" uts,="" prior="" to="" land="" disposal.="" *="" *="" *="" *="" *="" (g)="" wastes="" subject="" to="" either="" the="" treatment="" standards="" described="" in="" paragraph="" (a)(1)="" or="" (a)(2)="" of="" this="" section="" or="" the="" universal="" treatment="" standards="" described="" in="" paragraph="" (e)="" of="" this="" section="" may="" be="" land="" disposed="" if="" they="" meet="" either="" of="" the="" alternative,="" risk-based="" standards="" found="" in="" subpart="" f="" and="" g="" of="" this="" part="" and="" representing="" levels="" at="" which="" threats="" to="" human="" health="" or="" the="" environment="" are="" minimized.="" 14.="" part="" 268="" is="" amended="" by="" adding="" subpart="" f="" consisting="" of="" sec.="" 268.60="" to="" read="" as="" follows:="" subpart="" f--minimize="" threat="" levels="" without="" management="" requirements="" sec.="" 268.60="" minimize="" threat="" levels.="" (a)="" table="" ``minimize="" threat="" levels''="" identifies="" risk-based="" standards="" representing="" levels="" at="" which="" threats="" to="" human="" health="" and="" the="" environment="" are="" minimized.="" these="" levels="" may="" be="" used="" as="" alternatives="" to="" waste-specific="" treatment="" standards="" in="" the="" table="" to="" sec.="" 268.40="" and="" to="" the="" universal="" treatment="" standards="" in="" the="" table="" to="" sec.="" 268.48.="" nonwastewaters="" must="" meet="" both="" the="" total="" and="" waste="" extract="" levels="" contained="" in="" the="" table="" of="" ``minimize="" threat="" levels''.="" (b)="" wastes="" identified="" in="" the="" table="" to="" sec.="" 268.40="" may="" be="" land="" disposed="" if="" they="" meet="" either="" the="" requirements="" in="" that="" table="" or="" the="" standards="" in="" the="" minimize="" threat="" table="" for="" all="" constituents.="" characteristic="" wastes="" that="" are="" subject="" to="" the="" requirement="" for="" meeting="" universal="" treatment="" standards="" under="" sec.="" 268.40(e)="" must="" also="" meet="" the="" requirements="" of="" table="" uts="" or="" the="" minimize="" threat="" table="" for="" all="" underlying="" hazardous="" constituents="" as="" defined="" in="" sec.="" 268.2(i).="" (c)="" wastes="" containing="" either="" regulated="" hazardous="" constituents="" under="" the="" table="" to="" sec.="" 268.40="" or="" uts="" constituents="" which="" do="" not="" have="" treatment="" standards="" listed="" in="" the="" minimize="" threat="" table="" must="" continue="" to="" comply="" with="" treatment="" standards="" for="" these="" constituents="" in="" the="" tables="" to="" sec.="" 268.40="" or="" sec.="" 268.48="" prior="" to="" land="" disposal.="" 268.60="" table="" 1.--minimize="" threat="" levels="" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" ww="" standard="" (mg/="" nww="" standard="" nww="" standard="" cas="" constituent="" name="" l)="" (mg/kg)="" (mg/l)="" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" 83-32-9......................="" acenaphthene...............="" 31="" 9500="" 5="" 67-64-1......................="" acetone....................="" 16="" 17000="" 6="" 75-05-8......................="" acetonitrile...............="" ................="" 920="" 0.3="" 98-86-2......................="" acetophenone...............="" 17="" 1200="" 6="" 107-05-1.....................="" allyl="" chloride.............="" ................="" 260="" ................="" 7440-39-3....................="" barium.....................="" 33="" 2100="" 16="" 71-43-2......................="" benzene....................="" ................="" 110="" 0.0054="" 117-81-7.....................="" bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate.="" ................="" 230="" 0.0011="" 75-27-4......................="" bromodichloromethane.......="" ................="" 19="" 0.0025="" 75-25-2......................="" bromoform="" (tribromomethane)="" ................="" 170="" 0.018="" 71-36-3......................="" butanol....................="" 16="" 18000="" 6="" 88-85-7......................="" butyl-4,6-dinitrophenol,="" 2-="" 0.19="" 770="" 0.064="" sec-="" (dinoseb).="" 85-68-7......................="" butylbenzylphthalate.......="" 240="" 87="" 64="" 75-15-0......................="" carbon="" disulfide...........="" ................="" 330="" 6="" 56-23-5......................="" carbon="" tetrachloride.......="" ................="" 9="" 0.0016="" 126-99-8.....................="" chloro-1,3-butadiene,="" 2-="" 0.52="" 290="" ................="" (chloroprene).="" 106-47-8.....................="" chloroaniline,="" p-..........="" ................="" 140="" 0.16="" 108-90-7.....................="" chlorobenzene..............="" 2="" 2500="" 1="" 124-48-1.....................="" chlorodibromomethane.......="" ................="" 28="" 0.0018="" 67-66-3......................="" chloroform.................="" ................="" 7="" 0.017="" 95-57-8......................="" chlorophenol,="" 2-...........="" 0.9="" 100="" 0.32="" 218-01-9.....................="" chrysene...................="" 0.1="" 35="" 0.0012="" 108-39-4.....................="" cresol,="" m-.................="" 8="" 22000="" 3="" 95-48-7......................="" cresol,="" o-.................="" 8="" 27000="" 3="" 106-44-5.....................="" cresol,="" p-.................="" 0.84="" 2600="" 0.32="" 84-74-2......................="" di-n-butyl="" phthalate.......="" 230="" 90000="" 25="" 117-84-0.....................="" di-n-octyl="" phthalate.......="" ................="" 4500="" 0.1="" 95-50-1......................="" dichlorobenzene,="" 1,2-......="" 15="" 50000="" 6="" 106-46-7.....................="" dichlorobenzene,="" 1,4-......="" ................="" 64="" 0.011="" 75-71-8......................="" dichlorodifluoromethane....="" 15="" 8100="" 12="" 75-34-3......................="" dichloroethane,="" 1,1-.......="" ................="" 24="" 0.00006="" 156-60-5.....................="" dichloroethylene,="" trans-1,2-="" 3="" 14000="" 1="" .="" 120-83-2.....................="" dichlorophenol,="" 2,4-.......="" 0.62="" 770="" 0.18="" 94-75-7......................="" dichlorophenoxyacetic="" acid,="" 2="" 3100="" 0.6="" 2,4-="" (2,4-d).="" 84-66-2......................="" diethyl="" phthalate..........="" 190="" 4500="" 54="" 131-11-3.....................="" dimethyl="" phthalate.........="" 78="" ................="" ................="" [[page="" 66466]]="" 105-67-9.....................="" dimethylphenol,="" 2,4-.......="" 4="" 11000="" 1="" 51-28-5......................="" dinitrophenol,="" 2,4-........="" 0.27="" ................="" ................="" 121-14-2.....................="" dinitrotoluene,="" 2,4-.......="" ................="" 210="" 0.11="" 606-20-2.....................="" dinitrotoluene,="" 2,6-.......="" ................="" 86="" 0.064="" 122-39-4.....................="" diphenylamine..............="" 15="" 12000="" 3="" 298-04-4.....................="" disulfoton.................="" ................="" 43="" 13="" 72-20-8......................="" endrin.....................="" 0.073="" 0.26="" 32="" 141-78-6.....................="" ethyl="" acetate..............="" 390="" 270000="" 110="" 60-29-7......................="" ethyl="" ether................="" 27="" 41000="" 11="" 97-63-2......................="" ethyl="" methacrylate.........="" 24="" 3400="" 7="" 100-41-4.....................="" ethylbenzene...............="" 39="" 550000="" 8="" 206-44-0.....................="" fluoranthene...............="" 28="" 6000="" 2="" 86-73-7......................="" fluorene...................="" 22="" 90000="" 3="" 76-44-8......................="" heptachlor.................="" ................="" 8="" ................="" 87-68-3......................="" hexachloro-1,3-butadiene...="" ................="" 36="" 0.0069="" 319-85-7.....................="" hexachlorocyclohexane,="" beta-="" 0.00044="" 0.12="" 0.00021="" (beta-bhc).="" 58-89-9......................="" hexachlorocyclohexane,="" ................="" 0.1="" 0.69="" gamma-="" (lindane).="" 77-47-4......................="" hexachlorocyclopentadiene..="" ................="" 1500="" ................="" 67-72-1......................="" hexachloroethane...........="" ................="" 81="" 0.033="" 78-83-1......................="" isobutyl="" alcohol...........="" 39="" 55000="" 15="" 7439-92-1....................="" lead.......................="" 30="" 570="" 12="" 7439-97-6....................="" mercury....................="" 0.3="" 0.6="" 0.14="" 67-56-1......................="" methanol...................="" 78="" 140000="" 30="" 72-43-5......................="" methoxychlor...............="" 7="" 19="" ................="" 74-83-9......................="" methyl="" bromide="" 0.37="" 500="" 0.92="" (bromomethane).="" 74-87-3......................="" methyl="" chloride="" ................="" 91="" ................="" (chloromethane).="" 78-93-3......................="" methyl="" ethyl="" ketone........="" 78="" 110000="" 30="" 108-10-1.....................="" methyl="" isobutyl="" ketone.....="" 8="" 17000="" 3="" 80-62-6......................="" methyl="" methacrylate........="" 28="" 40000="" 8="" 298-00-0.....................="" methyl="" parathion...........="" 0.66="" ................="" ................="" 74-95-3......................="" methylene="" bromide..........="" 2="" 8400="" 0.19="" 75-09-2......................="" methylene="" chloride.........="" ................="" 310="" 0.015="" 91-20-3......................="" naphthalene................="" 14="" 120000="" 3="" 7440-02-0....................="" nickel.....................="" 11="" 110="" 5="" 98-95-3......................="" nitrobenzene...............="" 0.084="" 45="" 0.032="" 56-38-2......................="" parathion..................="" 3="" ................="" ................="" 608-93-5.....................="" pentachlorobenzene.........="" 5="" ................="" ................="" 82-68-8......................="" pentachloronitrobenzene="" 0.081="" ................="" ................="" (pcnb).="" 108-95-2.....................="" phenol.....................="" 84="" 160000="" 32="" 298-02-2.....................="" phorate....................="" 0.11="" 160="" ................="" 23950-58-5...................="" pronamide..................="" 21="" 440="" 6="" 129-00-0.....................="" pyrene.....................="" 54="" 16000="" 2="" 110-86-1.....................="" pyridine...................="" 0.16="" 810="" 0.06="" 7782-49-2....................="" selenium...................="" 0.93="" ................="" ................="" 7440-22-4....................="" silver.....................="" 200="" ................="" ................="" 95-94-3......................="" tetrachlorobenzene,="" 1,2,4,5-="" 0;23="" 170="" 0.032="" .="" 630-20-6.....................="" tetrachloroethane,="" 1,1,1,2-="" ................="" 130="" 0.0078="" 79-34-5......................="" tetrachloroethane,="" 1,1,2,2-="" ................="" 29="" 0.0077="" 127-18-4.....................="" tetrachloroethylene........="" 2="" 13000="" 0.68="" 58-90-2......................="" tetrachlorophenol,="" 2,3,4,6-="" 2="" 6200="" 0.58="" 7440-28-0....................="" thallium="" (l)...............="" ................="" 5="" 0.019="" 108-88-3.....................="" toluene....................="" 30="" 180000="" 13="" 76-13-1......................="" trichloro-1,2,2,-="" 2200="" ................="" ................="" trifluoroethane,="" 1,1,2-.="" 120-82-1.....................="" trichlorobenzene,="" 1,2,4-...="" 0.69="" 3500="" 1="" 71-55-6......................="" trichloroethane,="" 1,1,1-....="" 74="" 48000="" 0.054="" 79-00-5......................="" trichloroethane,="" 1,1,2-....="" ................="" 11="" 0.0018="" 79-01-6......................="" trichloroethylene..........="" ................="" 570="" 0.013="" 75-69-4......................="" trichlorofluoromethane.....="" 48="" 26000="" 16="" 95-95-4......................="" trichlorophenol,="" 2,4,5-....="" 18="" 12000="" 4="" 88-06-2......................="" trichlorophenol,="" 2,4,6-....="" 0.054="" 120="" 0.015="" 93-76-5......................="" trichlorophenoxyacetic="" 2="" 63="" 0.64="" acid,="" 2,4,5-="" (245-t).="" 93-72-1......................="" trichlorophenoxypropionic="" 1="" ................="" ................="" acid,="" 2,4,5-="" (silvex).="" 96-18-4......................="" trichloropropane,="" 1,2,3-...="" 1="" 870="" 0.34="" 7440-62-2....................="" vanadium...................="" 10="" 250="" 4="" 1330-20-7....................="" xylenes="" (total)............="" 22="" 170000="" 150="" 7440-66-6....................="" zinc.......................="" 99="" 320="" 38="" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" [[page="" 66467]]="" 15.="" part="" 268="" is="" amended="" by="" adding="" subpart="" g="" consisting="" of="" secs.="" 268.70="" and="" 268.71="" to="" read="" as="" follows:="" subpart="" g--conditioned="" minimize="" threat="" levels="" with="" management="" requirements="" sec.="" 268.70="" conditioned="" minimize="" threat="" levels.="" (a)="" table="" ``conditioned="" minimize="" threat="" levels''="" identifies="" risk-="" based="" standards="" representing="" levels="" at="" which="" threats="" to="" human="" health="" and="" the="" environment="" are="" minimized="" for="" wastes="" which="" are="" placed="" in="" landfills="" or="" monofills="" (but="" not="" land="" application="" units).="" these="" levels="" may="" be="" used="" as="" alternatives="" to="" waste-specific="" treatment="" standards="" in="" the="" table="" to="" sec.="" 268.40="" and="" to="" the="" universal="" treatment="" standards="" in="" the="" table="" to="" sec.="" 268.48="" for="" wastes="" which="" comply="" with="" the="" requirements="" of="" sec.="" 268.71.="" nonwastewaters="" must="" meet="" both="" the="" total="" and="" waste="" extract="" levels="" contained="" in="" the="" table="" of="" ``minimize="" threat="" levels''.="" (b)="" wastes="" identified="" in="" the="" table="" to="" sec.="" 268.40="" may="" be="" land="" disposed="" if="" they="" meet,="" for="" all="" hazardous="" constituents="" identified="" in="" the="" table="" to="" sec.="" 268.40,="" either="" the="" requirements="" in="" that="" table,="" the="" standards="" in="" the="" minimize="" threat="" table="" in="" subpart="" f,="" or,="" if="" they="" meet="" the="" requirements="" in="" sec.="" 268.71,="" the="" standards="" in="" the="" conditioned="" minimize="" threat="" table.="" characteristic="" wastes="" that="" are="" subject="" to="" the="" requirement="" for="" meeting="" universal="" treatment="" standards="" under="" sec.="" 268.40(e)="" must="" also="" meet="" the="" requirements="" of="" table="" uts,="" the="" minimize="" threat="" table,="" or,="" if="" they="" meet="" the="" requirements="" of="" sec.="" 268.71,="" the="" conditioned="" minimize="" threat="" table,="" for="" all="" underlying="" hazardous="" constituents="" as="" defined="" in="" sec.="" 268.2(i).="" (c)="" wastes="" containing="" either="" regulated="" hazardous="" constituents="" under="" the="" table="" to="" sec.="" 268.40="" or="" uts="" constituents="" which="" do="" not="" have="" treatment="" standards="" listed="" in="" the="" minimize="" threat="" table="" must="" continue="" to="" comply="" with="" treatment="" standards="" for="" these="" constituents="" in="" the="" tables="" to="" sec.="" 268.40,="" sec.="" 268.48,="" or="" the="" minimize="" threat="" table="" to="" subpart="" f="" prior="" to="" land="" disposal.="" 268.70="" table="" 1.--conditional="" minimize="" threat="" levels="" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" ww="" standard="" (mg/="" nww="" standard="" nww="" standard="" cas="" constituent="" name="" l)="" (mg/kg)="" (mg/l)="" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" 83-32-9......................="" acenaphthene...............="" 31="" 63000="" 13="" 67-64-1......................="" acetone....................="" 16="" 39000="" 21="" 75-05-8......................="" acetonitrile...............="" ................="" 2200="" 1="" 98-86-2......................="" acetophenone...............="" 17="" 75000="" 22="" 107-05-1.....................="" allyl="" chloride.............="" ................="" 260="" ................="" 62-53-3......................="" aniline....................="" ................="" 170="" 0.072="" 7440-39-3....................="" barium.....................="" 33="" 34000="" 45="" 71-43-2......................="" benzene....................="" ................="" 250="" 0.023="" 39638-32-9...................="" bis="" (2-chloroisopropyl)="" ................="" 97="" 0.0088="" ether.="" 117-81-7.....................="" bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate.="" ................="" 740="" 0.0011="" 75-27-4......................="" bromodichloromethane.......="" ................="" 240="" 0.011="" 75-25-2......................="" bromoform="" (tribromomethane)="" ................="" 1600="" 0.081="" 71-36-3......................="" butanol....................="" 16="" 41000="" 21="" 88-85-7......................="" buthl-4,6-dinitrophenol,="" 2-="" 0.19="" 6000="" 0.24="" sec-="" (dinoseb).="" 85-68-7......................="" butylbenzylphthalate.......="" 240="" 87="" 67="" 7440-43-9....................="" cadmium....................="" ................="" 110="" 0.32="" 75-15-0......................="" carbon="" disulfide...........="" ................="" 3800="" 24="" 56-23-5......................="" carbon="" tetrachloride.......="" ................="" 130="" 0.0077="" 126-99-8.....................="" chloro-1,3-butadiene,="" 2-="" 0.52="" 1700="" ................="" (chloroprene).="" 106-47-8.....................="" chloroaniline,="" p-..........="" ................="" 5800="" 0.56="" 108-90-7.....................="" chlorobenzene..............="" 2="" 41000="" 6="" 124-48-1.....................="" chlorodi-="" bromo-="" methane...="" ................="" 200="" 0.0079="" 67-66-3......................="" chloroform.................="" ................="" 76="" 0.075="" 95-57-8......................="" chlorophenol,="" 2-...........="" 0.9="" 8500="" 1="" 7440-47-3....................="" chromium...................="" ................="" 16="" 2="" 218-01-9.....................="" chrysene...................="" 0.1="" 35="" 0.0012="" 108-39-4.....................="" cresol,="" m-.................="" 8="" 30000="" 11="" 95-48-7......................="" cresol,="" o-.................="" 8="" 46000="" 11="" 106-44-5.....................="" cresol,="" p-.................="" 0.84="" 2900="" 1="" 72-54-8......................="" ddd........................="" ................="" 0.26="" 6800="" 50-29-3......................="" ddt........................="" ................="" 0.11="" 0.0054="" 84-74-2......................="" di-n-butyl="" phthalate.......="" 230="" 90000="" 25="" 117-84-0.....................="" di-n-octyl="" phthalate.......="" ................="" 21000="" 0.1="" 95-50-1......................="" dichlorobenzene,="" 1,2-......="" 15="" 530000="" 32="" 106-46-7.....................="" dichlorobenzene,="" 1,4-......="" ................="" 650="" 0.06="" 75-71-8......................="" dichloro-="" difluoro-="" methane="" 15="" 8400="" 45="" 75-34-3......................="" dichloroethane,="" 1,1-.......="" ................="" 110="" 0.00021="" 107-06-2.....................="" dichloroethane,="" 1,2-.......="" ................="" 59="" 0.00021="" 156-60-5.....................="" dichloro-="" ethylene,="" trans-="" 3="" 130000="" 4="" 1,2-.="" 120-83-2.....................="" dichlorophenol,="" 2,4-.......="" 0.62="" 770="" 0.76="" 94-75-7......................="" dichlorophen-="" oxyacetic="" 2="" 12000="" 2="" acid,="" 2,4-="" (2,4-d).="" 78-87-5......................="" dichloropropane,="" 1,2-......="" ................="" 180="" 0.011="" 10061-01-5...................="" dichloropropene,="" cis-1,3-..="" ................="" 65="" 10000="" 10061-02-6...................="" dichloropro-="" pene,="" trans-="" ................="" 62="" 10000="" 1,3-.="" 84-66-2......................="" diethyl="" phthalate..........="" 190="" 19000="" 220="" 131-11-3.....................="" dimethyl="" phthalate.........="" 78="" ................="" ................="" 105-67-9.....................="" dimethylphenol,="" 2,4-.......="" 4="" 24000="" 5="" 51-28-5......................="" dinitrophenol,="" 2,4-........="" 0.27="" 450="" 0.37="" 121-14-2.....................="" dinitrotoluene,="" 2,4-.......="" ................="" 1400="" 0.39="" [[page="" 66468]]="" 606-20-2.....................="" dinitrotoluene,="" 2,6-.......="" ................="" 420="" 0.22="" 122-39-4.....................="" diphenyla-="" mine............="" 15="" 12000="" 15="" 298-04-4.....................="" disulfoton.................="" ................="" 58="" 120="" 72-20-8......................="" endrin.....................="" 0.073="" 27="" 770="" 141-78-6.....................="" ethyl="" acetate..............="" 390="" 600000="" 510="" 60-29-7......................="" ethyl="" ether................="" 27="" 260000="" 37="" 97-63-2......................="" ethyl="" methacrylate.........="" 24="" 100000="" 27="" 100-41-4.....................="" ethylbenzene...............="" 39="" ................="" 42="" 206-44-0.....................="" fluoranthene...............="" 28="" 21000="" 2="" 86-73-7......................="" fluorene...................="" 22="" 90000="" 7="" 76-44-8......................="" heptachlor.................="" ................="" 8="" ................="" 1024-57-3....................="" heptachlor="" epoxide.........="" ................="" 0.56="" 10="" 87-68-3......................="" hexachloro-1,3-butadiene...="" ................="" 290="" 0.0069="" 319-84-6.....................="" hexachloro-="" cyclohex-="" ane,="" ................="" 0.18="" 2="" alpha-="" (alpha-bhc).="" 319-85-7.....................="" hexachloro-="" cyclohex-="" ane,="" 0.00044="" 0.64="" 0.0009="" beta-="" (beta-bhc).="" 58-89-9......................="" hexachloro-="" cyclohex-="" ane,="" ................="" 0.75="" 9="" gamma-="" (lindane).="" 77-47-4......................="" hexachloro-="" cyclopent-="" ................="" 1500="" ................="" adiene.="" 67-72-1......................="" hexachloroethane...........="" ................="" 890="" 0.11="" 78-83-1......................="" isobutyl="" alcohol...........="" 39="" 120000="" 53="" 7439-92-1....................="" lead.......................="" 30="" 1600="" 41="" 7439-97-6....................="" mercury....................="" 0.3="" 39="" 0.4="" 67-56-1......................="" methanol...................="" 78="" 310000="" 110="" 72-43-5......................="" methoxychlor...............="" 7="" 280="" ................="" 74-83-9......................="" methyl="" bromide="" (bromo-="" 0.37="" 850="" 4="" methane).="" 74-87-3......................="" methyl="" chloride="" (chloro-="" ................="" 91="" ................="" methane).="" 78-93-3......................="" methyl="" ethyl="" ketone........="" 78="" 250000="" 110="" 108-10-1.....................="" methyl="" isobutyl="" ketone.....="" 8="" 38000="" 11="" 80-62-6......................="" methyl="" methacrylate........="" 28="" 100000="" 33="" 298-00-0.....................="" methyl="" parathion...........="" 0.66="" 6="" 110="" 74-95-3......................="" methylene="" bromide..........="" 2="" 21000="" 0.19="" 75-09-2......................="" methylene="" chloride.........="" ................="" 720="" 0.053="" 86-30-6......................="" n-nitrosodi-="" phenylamine...="" ................="" 3600="" 0.24="" 91-20-3......................="" naphthalene................="" 14="" 430000="" 15="" 7440-02-0....................="" nickel.....................="" 11="" 8600="" 14="" 98-95-3......................="" nitrobenzene...............="" 0.084="" 520="" 0.11="" 152-16-9.....................="" octamethyl-="" pyrophos-="" ................="" 31="" 0.37="" phoramide.="" 56-38-2......................="" parathion..................="" 3="" 19="" 160000="" 608-93-5.....................="" pentachlorobenzene.........="" 5="" ................="" ................="" 82-68-8......................="" pentachloro-="" nitrobenzene="" 0.081="" ................="" ................="" (pcnb).="" 87-86-5......................="" pentachlorophenol..........="" ................="" 22="" 0.0022="" 108-95-2.....................="" phenol.....................="" 84="" 390000="" 110="" 298-02-2.....................="" phorate....................="" 0.11="" 510="" ................="" 23959-58-5...................="" pronamide..................="" 21="" 230000="" 25="" 129-00-0.....................="" pyrene.....................="" 54="" 16000="" 2="" 110-86-1.....................="" pyridine...................="" 0.16="" 930="" 0.21="" 94-59-7......................="" safrole....................="" ................="" 28="" 0.0044="" 7782-49-2....................="" selenium...................="" 0.93="" ................="" ................="" 7440-22-4....................="" silver.....................="" 200="" ................="" ................="" 95-94-3......................="" tetrachloro-="" benzene,="" 0.23="" 1600="" 0.032="" 1,2,4,5-.="" 630.20-6.....................="" tetrachloro-="" ethane,="" ................="" 370="" 0.042="" 1,1,1,2-.="" 79-34-5......................="" tetrachloro-="" ethane,="" ................="" 70="" 0.0077="" 1,1,2,2,-.="" 127-18-4.....................="" tetrachloro-="" ethylene......="" 2="" 100000="" 3="" 53-90-2......................="" tetrachloro-="" phenol,="" 2="" 35000="" 2="" 2,3,4,6-.="" 7440-28-0....................="" thallium="" (l)...............="" ................="" 33="" 0.071="" 108-88-3.....................="" toluene....................="" 30="" 560000="" 51="" 76-13-1......................="" trichloro-1,2,2,-="" 2200="" ................="" 12000="" trifluoroethane,="" 1,1,2-.="" 120-82-1.....................="" trichlorobenzene,="" 1,2,4-...="" 0.69="" 62000="" 3="" 71-55-6......................="" trichloroeth-="" ane,="" 1,1,1-..="" ................="" 190="" 0.0077="" 79-01-6......................="" trichloroeth-="" ylene........="" ................="" 3200="" 0.049="" 75-69-4......................="" trichlorofluo-="" romethane...="" 48="" 170000="" 61="" 95-95-4......................="" trichlorophenol,="" 2,4,5-....="" 18="" 55000="" 22="" 88-06-2......................="" trichlorophenol,="" 2,4,6-....="" 0.054="" 160="" 0.068="" 93-76-5......................="" trichlorophenoxyacetic="" 2="" 150="" 2="" acid,="" 2,4,5-(245-t).="" 93-72-1......................="" triclorophen-="" oxypropionic="" 1="" 520="" 2="" acid,="" 2,4,5-="" (silvex).="" 96-18-4......................="" trichloropro-="" pane,="" 1,2,3-.="" 1="" 14000="" 1="" 7440-62-2....................="" vanadium...................="" 10="" 2700="" 13="" 1330-20-7....................="" xylenes="" (total)............="" 22="" 710000="" 700="" 7440-66-6....................="" zinc.......................="" 99="" 51000="" 130="" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" [[page="" 66469]]="" sec.="" 268.71="" associated="" management="" requirements.="" waste="" may="" meet="" the="" standards="" set="" out="" in="" the="" conditional="" minimize="" threat="" table="" as="" an="" alternative="" to="" the="" treatment="" standards="" in="" the="" tables="" to="" subpart="" d="" of="" this="" part="" or="" the="" minimize="" threat="" table="" to="" subpart="" f="" of="" this="" part="" only="" if="" they="" are="" placed="" in="" a="" landfill="" or="" a="" monofill="" as="" defined="" in="" 40="" cfr="" 260.10.="" waste="" that="" is="" placed="" in="" land="" application="" units="" must="" comply="" with="" the="" minimize="" threat="" levels="" set="" forth="" in="" subpart="" f="" of="" this="" part="" or="" the="" treatment="" standards="" set="" forth="" in="" subpart="" d="" of="" this="" part.="" [fr="" doc.="" 95-29458="" filed="" 12-20-95;="" 8:45="" am]="" billing="" code="" 6560-50-p="">

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule, tentative response to Chemical Manufacturers Association petition and the Hazardous Waste Identification Dialogue Committee recommendations, and request for comments.
Document Number:
EPA will accept public comments on this proposed rule until February 20, 1996. Comments postmarked after this date may not be considered. However, the Agency recognizes that, because of the complexity of this proposed rulemaking, some commenters may want to request additional time for comment submittal. In anticipation of these requests, EPA will be communicating with the litigants and the court regarding the implications on our rulemaking schedule of a possible extension of the comment period ...
66344-66469 (126 pages)
Docket Numbers:
2050-AE07: Hazardous Waste Identification Rule (HWIR): Identification and Listing of Hazardous Wastes
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CFR: (37)
40 CFR 261.11(a)(3)
40 CFR 266.20(b)
40 CFR 261.36(b)(4)
40 CFR 261.36(b)(3)
40 CFR 261.37(b)(4)
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