99-32910. Traffic Control Devices on Federal-Aid and Other Streets and Highways; Color Specifications for Retroreflective Sign and Pavement Marking Materials  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 244 (Tuesday, December 21, 1999)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 71354-71358]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-32910]
    Federal Highway Administration
    23 CFR Part 655
    [FHWA Docket No. FHWA-99-6190]
    RIN 2125-AE67
    Traffic Control Devices on Federal-Aid and Other Streets and 
    Highways; Color Specifications for Retroreflective Sign and Pavement 
    Marking Materials
    AGENCY: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), DOT.
    ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM); request for comments.
    SUMMARY: The FHWA proposes to revise its color specifications for 
    retroreflective signing materials. This revision would include daytime 
    and nighttime specifications for both assigned and unassigned colors 
    found in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Color 
    specifications for fluorescent colors and pavement marking material 
    would also be included.
    DATES: Comments must be received on or before June 21, 2000.
    ADDRESSES: Signed, written comments should refer to the docket number 
    that appears at the top of this document and must be submitted to the 
    Docket Clerk, U.S. DOT Dockets, Room PL-401, 400 Seventh Street, SW., 
    Washington, DC 20590-0001. All comments received will be available for 
    examination at the above address between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., e.t., 
    Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. Those desiring 
    notification of receipt of comments must include a self-addressed, 
    stamped envelope or postcard.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Ernest Huckaby, Office of 
    Transportation Operations (202) 366-9064, or Mr. Raymond Cuprill, 
    Office of the Chief Counsel (202) 366-1377, Federal Highway 
    Administration, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590. Office 
    hours are from 7:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m., e.t., Monday through Friday, 
    except Federal holidays.
    Electronic Access
        Internet users may access all comments received by the U.S. 
    Dockets, Room PL-401 by using the universal resource locator (URL): 
    http://dms.dot.gov. It is available 24 hours each day, 365 days each 
    year. Please follow the instructions online for more information and 
    help. An electronic copy of this document may be downloaded using a 
    modem and suitable communications software from the Government Printing 
    Office's Electronic Bulletin Board Service at (202) 512-1661. Internet 
    users may reach the Office of the Federal Register's home page at: 
    http://www.nara.gov/fedreg and the Government Printing Office's 
    database at: http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara.
        The MUTCD is incorporated by reference in 23 CFR. The color 
    specifications found in the appendix to subpart F of part 655 of 23 CFR 
    are incorporated by reference in the MUTCD.
        The current specifications for the color of retroreflective sign 
    sheeting were determined on the basis of material available more than 
    15 years ago. Since then, new microprismatic material has been 
    commercially available and the original CIE Illuminant C 1 
    has been replaced with CIE Illuminant D 65. In addition, an extensive 
    international effort is in progress to specify the nighttime appearance 
    of retroreflective materials. Lastly, expanding the specifications to 
    include fluorescent materials is also necessary at this time. In 
    addition to revising the daytime color specifications for 
    retroreflective sign sheeting material used primarily for traffic 
    signs, color specifications for pavement markings and markers would be 
    added. The first introduction of the color specification for nighttime 
    use of these materials would be included in this revision. 
    Instrumentation for measuring retroreflectivity is now available for 
    in-situ measurements as well as ease in quality control and lab 
    measurements. Color instruments are available for daytime measurements 
    of traffic signs and pavement markings. New pigment formulations, 
    especially for pavement marking material, are now in use because of 
    environmental concerns. The American Traffic Safety Services 
    Association assisted FHWA in soliciting samples for measurement from 
    sign sheeting material and pavement marking material manufacturers. 
    Samples were received from 11 manufacturers. Several types of pavement 
    marking materials were received, i.e., paint, tape, epoxy, and 
    polyester. Polycarbonate and other signing materials were not included 
    in the sampling. Manufacturers of polycarbonate and other material may 
    provide signs that conform to the color limits stated for sign sheeting 
        \1\ Illuminant C is a standard from the International Commission 
    on Illumination (CIE) for filtered tungsten illumination that 
    simulates average daylight with a color temperature of 6,774 degrees 
    K. Illuminant D 65 is a standard representing daylight with a 
    correlated color temperature of 6504 K.
        The following discussion on the procedures followed to develop this 
    proposed revision contains abbreviations which are defined as follows:
    Material types:
        eg = enclosed lens sheeting material
        encp = encapsulated lens sheeting material
        seg = super-engineering grade material
        up = microprismatic sheeting material (or vinyl)
        exp = exposed glass spheres for pavement marking materials
    Measurement units:
        mm = millimeter
    [[Page 71355]]
        nm = nanometer
        B = blue; G = green; W= white; BR = brown; BK = black; R = red; O = 
    orange; Y = yellow; YG = yellow-green; F as a prefix means the material 
    is fluorescent.
        Chromaticity coordinates and luminous factors: x and y for a 2 deg. 
    CIE Standard Photopic Observer.
        CIE Illuminant D 65 for daytime measurements and CIE Illuminant A 
    for nighttime measurements.
        Y CIE tristimulus value for the luminous factor (total luminous 
    factor for fluorescent materials). YF CIE tristimulus value 
    for the fluorescence luminance factor. Nighttime chromaticity 
    coordinates are given only for x and y as the coefficient of 
    retroreflection is specified elsewhere.
        The color boxes are given by corner coordinates in x and y.
    Measurement Equipment and Procedures
    Daytime Measurements and Equipment
        All of the measurements involved in this proposed revision were 
    performed at the FHWAs Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (TFHRC) 
    in McLean, Virginia, with the lone exception being the fluorescent 
    measurements made at Labsphere Corp. in North Sutton, New Hampshire. 
    The facility used at the TFHRC was the Visibility and Photometric 
    Laboratory. Daytime measurements were made in the facility using a 
    Hunter LabScan Model II with a serial number 14277. This instrument was 
    loaned to the Visibility and Photometric Laboratory by Hunter 
    Associates in Reston, Virginia. The instrument uses a scanning 
    interference filter and optics to rapidly scan the visible spectrum. 
    The sample port is about 30mm in diameter and is illuminated by a 
    filtered tungsten-halogen light source normal to the sample. The 
    reflected light is collected by a series of fiber optics at 45 deg. 
    arranged circumferentially to the sample normal. The spectral data from 
    380 to 780nm is then analyzed and the CIE Chromaticity Coordinates x, y 
    and the luminance factor Y for CIE Illuminant D 65 and the 2 deg. CIE 
    Standard Photopic Observer are computed and stored in memory in the 
    computer. This type of instrument is widely used in many material and 
    testing laboratories in the United States and was chosen for this 
        Each sample was measured in two locations on the sample, rotating 
    the sample in its own plane for each measurement. The averages of the 
    two readings for each sample were automatically determined and are the 
    values used in this report. Calibration of the Labscan II was performed 
    using a certified white reference standard number LS-14277 with 
    tristimulus values of X=79.79; Y=84.47; and Z=90.59. The reference 
    standard was calibrated traceable to the National Institute of 
    Standards and Technology in August 1996. The data was taken for the 
    10 deg. Standard Observer and calculated for the 2 deg. observer after 
        For the fluorescent samples, measurement was performed on 
    Labspheres Bispectral Fluorescence Colorimeter Model BFC-450 Serial 
    Number 2. The illumination and collection geometry was 45/0. This 
    instrument consists of two monochromators with the irradiating one 
    using a Xenon light source and the other a rapid scanning array 
    detector type. The sample port is 32mm in diameter with the 
    illumination area 25mm in diameter. The excitation irradiance 
    wavelength range is from 300-780nm and the emission wavelength range is 
    from 380-780nm. Computation of the reflectance luminance factor and the 
    fluorescence luminance factor is automatically performed in the 
    software for CIE D 65 Standard Illuminant and the CIE 2 deg. Standard 
    Photopic Observer. The total chromaticity in 1931 coordinates is also 
    given. The data used in this report is the combined chromaticity 
    coordinates for the total luminance factor. Calibration is performed 
    against certified white diffuse standards.
    Nighttime Measurements and Equipment
        The ART Model 940D Computer Controlled Photometric Range System was 
    used for the nighttime measurements. The illumination source was a 150 
    W Oriel Xenon arc lamp projector and the collection used an Optronics, 
    Model 754 SN 9420-1009 Spectroradiometer. The double monochromator 
    model 754-0-PMT SN 94102011 was used for the spectrum analysis. The 
    wavelength range was set at 380-780nm with an interval of 10nm. The 
    high-voltage on the multiplier phototube was varied depending on the 
    sample size and efficiency. The absolute value of the radiance is not 
    required for chromaticity measurements and the coefficient of 
    retroreflection determination is not a part of this report. The optical 
    collection of the retroreflected radiant flux was obtained using a 
    large 65mm diameter achromat lens and quartz fiber optics circle to 
    line configuration as input to the double monochromator. The Xenon 
    light source was positioned at an angle of approximately 0.33 deg. from 
    the collection optics. The goniometer for the sheeting was set at 
    5 deg. to the optical axis of the light source. The goniometer is a 
    photometer for measuring the directional light distribution 
    characteristics of sources, media, and surfaces. For the pavement 
    marking materials the collection optics were raised to 1.0 deg. from 
    the light source and the goniometer set at 88.76 deg. approximating 30 
    meter geometry. Nighttime color specification limits for red and blue 
    pavement marking material were not included in Table 6. Samples 
    received from the manufacturers were too small in size to provide 
    reliable measurements for nighttime specifications.
        Calibration of the spectroradiometer was performed using a 
    certified white diffuse standard for the 100 deg. line and the zero or 
    dark value was obtained with the light source illuminating a black 
    sample. Compensation for the ambient level is automatically performed 
    in the software. The relative spectral reflectance data over the above 
    wavelength range was stored and the chromaticity computation was 
    automatically performed.
    Rulemaking Analyses and Notices
        All comments received before the close of business on the comment 
    closing date indicated above will be considered and will be available 
    for examination using the docket number appearing at the top of this 
    document in the docket room at the above address. The FHWA will file 
    comments received after the comment closing date in the docket and will 
    consider late comments to the extent practicable. The FHWA may, 
    however, issue a final rule at any time after the close of the comment 
    period. In addition to late comments, the FHWA will also continue to 
    file, in the docket, relevant information becoming available after the 
    comment closing date, and interested persons should continue to examine 
    the docket for new material.
    Executive Order 12866 (Regulatory Planning and Review) and DOT 
    Regulatory Policies and Procedures
        The FHWA has determined that this action does not constitute a 
    significant regulatory action within the meaning of E.O. 12866, nor is 
    it considered significant under the regulatory policies and procedures 
    of the DOT. It is anticipated that the economic impact of this 
    rulemaking will be minimal and
    [[Page 71356]]
    will not have a significant economic affect on small businesses, 
    industry, or highway agencies. The color revisions will not be 
    noticeable to the general public, however, the quality of the color in 
    the signs will improve. This rulemaking proposes to revise the color 
    specifications currently stated in 23 CFR which are also incorporated 
    by reference in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 
    Therefore, a full regulatory evaluation is not required.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        In compliance with the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601-
    612), the FHWA has evaluated the effects of this proposal on small 
    entities. Based on its evaluation of this proposal, the FHWA certifies 
    that this action would not have a significant economic impact on a 
    substantial number of small entities.
    Executive Order 12612 (Federalism Assessment)
        This action has been analyzed in accordance with the principles and 
    criteria contained in Executive Order 13132 dated August 4, 1999, and 
    it has been determined that this action does not have a substantial 
    direct effect or sufficient federalism implications on States that 
    would limit the policymaking discretion of the States. Nothing in this 
    document directly preempts any State law or regulation.
    Executive Order 12988 (Civil Justice Reform)
        This action meets applicable standards in sections 3(a) and 3(b)(2) 
    of Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice Reform, to minimize litigation, 
    eliminate ambiguity, and reduce burden.
    Executive Order 13045 (Protection of Children)
        We have analyzed this action under Executive Order 13045, 
    Protection of Children from Environmental Health Risks and Safety 
    Risks. This rule is not an economically significant rule and does not 
    concern an environmental risk to health or safety that may 
    disproportionately affect children.
    Executive Order 12630 (Taking of Private Property)
        This proposed revision will not effect a taking of private property 
    or otherwise have taking implications under Executive Order 12630, 
    Governmental Actions and Interference with Constitutionally Protected 
    Property Rights.
    Executive Order 12372 (Intergovernmental Review)
        Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Program Number 20.205, 
    Highway Planning and Construction. The regulations implementing 
    Executive Order 12372 regarding intergovernmental consultation on 
    Federal programs and activities apply to this program.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        The proposal in this document does not contain information 
    collection requirements for the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 44 
    U.S.C. 3501-3520.
    National Environmental Policy Act
        The agency has analyzed this action for the purpose of the National 
    Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and has 
    determined that this proposed revision would not have any effect on the 
    quality of the environment.
    Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
        This proposed rule would not impose a Federal mandate resulting in 
    the expenditure by State, local, and tribal governments, in the 
    aggregate, or by the private sector, of $100 million or more in any one 
    year (2 U.S.C. 1532).
    Regulation Identification Number
        A regulation identification Number (RIN) is assigned to each 
    regulatory action listed in the Unified Agenda of Federal Regulations. 
    The Regulatory Information Service Center publishes the Unified Agenda 
    in April and October of each year. The RIN contained in the heading of 
    this document can be used to cross reference this action with the 
    Unified Agenda.
    List of Subjects in 23 CFR Part 655
        Design standards, Grant programs--transportation, Highways and 
    roads, Incorporation by reference, Signs, Traffic regulations.
        Issued on: December 14,1999. --
    Kenneth R. Wykle,
    Federal Highway Administrator.
        In consideration of the foregoing, the FHWA proposes to amend title 
    23, Code of Federal Regulations, part 655, as set forth below:
    PART 655--[AMENDED]
        1. Revise the authority citation for part 655 to read as follows:
        Authority: 23 U.S.C. 109(d), 114(a), 315, and 402(a); 49 CFR 
        2. Revise the appendix to subpart F to read as follows:
    Appendix to Subpart F of Part 655--Alternate Method of Determining 
    the Color of Retroreflective Sign Materials and Pavement Marking 
        1. Although the FHWA Color Tolerance Charts depreciate the use 
    of spectrophotometers or accurate tristimulus colorimeters for 
    measuring the daytime color of retroreflective materials, recent 
    testing has determined that 0/45 or 45/0 spectroradiometers and 
    tristimulus colorimeters have proved that the measurements can be 
    considered reliable.
        2. The daytime color of non-fluorescing retroreflective 
    materials may be measured in accordance with ASTM Test Method E 
    1349, ``Standard Test Method for Reflectance Factor and Color by 
    Spectrophotometry Using Bidirectional Geometry'' or ASTM Test Method 
    E 1347, (Replaces E 97) ``Standard Test Method for Color and Color-
    Difference Measurement by Tristimulus (Filter) Colorimetry.'' The 
    latter test method specifies bidirectional geometry for the 
    measurement of retroreflective materials. The geometric conditions 
    to be used in both test methods are 0/45 or 45/0 circumferential 
    illumination or viewing. Uniplanar geometry is not recommended for 
    material types IV or higher (designated microprismatic). The CIE 
    standard illuminant used in computing the colorimetric coordinates 
    shall be D65 and the 2 deg. Standard CIE Observer shall be used.
        3. For fluorescent retroreflective materials ASTM E 991 may be 
    used to determine the chromaticity provided that the D65 
    illumination meets the requirements of E 991. This practice, 
    however, allows only the total luminous factor to be measured. The 
    luminescent luminous factor must be determined using bispectral 
    fluorescent colorimetry. Commercial instruments are available which 
    allow such determination. Some testing laboratories are also 
    equipped to perform these measurements.
        4. For nighttime measurements CIE Standard Illuminant A shall be 
    used in computing the colorimetric coordinates and the 2 deg. 
    Standard CIE Observer shall be used.
        5. Average performance sheeting is identified as Types I and II 
    sheeting and high performance sheeting is identified as Type III. 
    Super-high intensity sheeting is identified as Types V, VI and VII 
    in ASTM D 4956.
        6. The following six tables depict the 1931 CIE Chromaticity 
    Diagram x and y coordinates for the corner points defining the 
    recommended color boxes in the diagram. Lines drawn between these 
    corner points specify the limits of the chromaticity allowed in the 
    1931 Chromaticity Diagram. Color coordinates of samples that lie 
    within these lines are acceptable. For blue and green colors the 
    spectrum locus is the defining limit between the corner points 
    located on the spectrum locus:
    [[Page 71357]]
       Table 1 to Part 655, Subpart F.--Daytime Color Specification Limits for Retroreflective Materials With CIE 2 deg. Standard Observer and 45/0 (0/45)
                                                            Geometry and CIE D65 Standard Illuminant
                                                                                   Chromaticity coordinates (corner points)                 Luminance factor
                                                                   ------------------------------------------------------------------------    range  Y in
                                 Color                                      1                 2                 3                 4              percent
                                                                       x        y        x        y        x        y        x        y     Min.\1\  Min.\2\
    White.........................................................     .355     .355     .305     .305     .285     .325     .335     .375  F
                                                                       x        y        x        y        x        y        x        y       Min      Max
    Fluorescent Orange............................................     .562     .350     .645     .355     .570     .429     .506     .404       20       10
    Fluorescent Yellow............................................     .557     .442     .498     .412     .438     .472     .479     .520       35       15
    Fluorescent Yellow/Green......................................     .387     .610     .368     .539     .421     .486     .460     .540       50       20
    Fluorescent Green.............................................     .320     .590     .320     .682     .210     .770     .230     .670       30       15
     Table 4 to Part 655, Subpart F.--Nighttime Color Specification Limits for Fluorescent Retroreflective Material
     With CIE 2 deg. Standard Observer and Observation Angle = 0.33 deg., Entrance Angle =+5 deg. (beta angle 2 and
                                     epsilon = 0 deg.) and CIE Standard Illuminant A
                                                             Chromaticity coordinates (corner points)
                      Color                           1                 2                 3                 4
                                                 x        y        x        y        x        y        x        y
    Fluorescent Orange......................     .625     .375     .669     .331     .636     .330     .589     .376
    Fluorescent Yellow......................     .554     .445     .610     .390     .569     .394     .526     .437
    [[Page 71358]]
    Fluorescent Yellow/Green................     .480     .520     .550     .449     .523     .440     .473     .490
    Fluorescent Green.......................     .007     .570     .200     .500     .322     .590     .193     .782
      Table 5 to Part 655, Subpart F.--Daytime Color Specification Limits for Pavement Markings Material With CIE 2
                     deg. Standard Observer and 45/0 (0/45) Geometry and CIE D65 Standard Illuminant
                                         Chromaticity coordinates (corner points)                 Y values %
                                                                                           With Glass      Without
                Color                                                                         Beads      Glass Beads
                                    x      y      x      y      x      y      x      y   ---------------------------
                                                                                           Min    Max    Min    Max
    White.......................   .355   .355   .305   .305   .285   .325   .335   .375     60  .....     70  .....
    Yellow......................   .560   .440   .460   .400   .420   .440   .490   .510     30  .....     35  .....
    Red.........................   .480   .300   .690   .315   .620   .380   .480   .360      6     15  .....  .....
    Blue........................   .105   .100   .220   .180   .200   .260   .060   .220      5     14  .....  .....
       Table 6 to Part 655, Subpart F.--Nighttime Color Specification Limits for Pavement Marking Retroreflective
     Material With CIE 2 deg. Standard Observer and Observation Angle = 1.05 deg., Entrance Angle = 88.76 deg. (beta
                               angle 2 and epsilon = 0 deg.) and CIE Standard Illuminant A
                                                             Chromaticity coordinates (corner points)
                      Color                           1                 2                 3                 4
                                                 x        y        x        y        x        y        x        y
    White...................................     .480     .410     .430     .380     .405     .405     .455     .435
    Yellow..................................     .575     .425     .490     .410     .460     .440     .510     .490
    [FR Doc. 99-32910 Filed 12-20-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-22-P

Document Information

Federal Highway Administration
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM); request for comments.
Document Number:
Comments must be received on or before June 21, 2000.
71354-71358 (5 pages)
Docket Numbers:
FHWA Docket No. FHWA-99-6190
2125-AE67: Revision of Color Specifications for Signs and Pavement Marking Retroreflective Materials
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
23 CFR 655