98-34037. Notice of Data Availability; Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Pretreatment Standards for the Industrial Laundries Point Source Category  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 246 (Wednesday, December 23, 1998)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 71054-71062]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-34037]
    40 CFR Part 441
    Notice of Data Availability; Effluent Limitations Guidelines and 
    Pretreatment Standards for the Industrial Laundries Point Source 
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Notice of data availability.
    SUMMARY: On December 17, 1997, EPA proposed pretreatment standards for 
    pollutants discharged to publicly owned treatment works (62 FR 66181). 
    This notice presents a summary of the data received since the proposal, 
    and an assessment of the usefulness of the data in EPA's analyses; 
    presents a modified technology option suggested by commenters; presents 
    a modified no regulation option suggested by commenters; discusses a 
    voluntary industry program, and discusses other specific issues raised 
    by commenters including the methodology for the passthrough analysis. 
    EPA solicits public comments regarding any of the information presented 
    in this notice of data availability and the record supporting this 
    DATES: Submit an original and three copies of your comments postmarked 
    by February 8, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: Submit comments to Ms. Marta E. Jordan at the following 
    address: US EPA, Engineering and Analysis Division (4303), 401 M. St. 
    SW, Washington, DC 20460.
        The data and analyses being announced today are available for 
    review in the EPA Water Docket at EPA Headquarters at Waterside Mall, 
    room EB-57, 401 M. St. SW, Washington, DC 20460. For access to the 
    docket materials, call (202) 260-3027 between 9:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. 
    for an appointment. A reasonable fee may be charged for copying.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For additional technical information, 
    contact Ms. Marta E. Jordan at (202) 260-0817 or at the following e-
    mail address: Jordan.Marta@epa.gov. For information on economic 
    information contact Mr. George Denning at (202) 260-7374 or at the 
    following e-mail address: Denning.George@epa.gov.
    Contents of This Document
    I. Purpose of this Notice
    II. Data Acquired Since the Proposal
        A. POTW Data
        B. Industrial Laundry Data and Trade Association Voluntary 
        C. EPA Sampling Data From a Facility Operating Chemical 
    Precipitation Treatment
        D. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) Characterization Study 
    Using Method
    [[Page 71055]]
    1664 and Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectroscopy (GC/MS)
    III. Results of Analyses of Proposed and Newly Acquired Data with 
    Respect to Various Comment Issues
        A. New Data Related to Passthrough Analysis of Regulated 
    Parameters Other Than TPH
        B. TPH (measured as SGT-HEM) as an Indicator
    IV. Analysis of Pretreatment Standards for Existing Sources (PSES) 
    Options Identified in the Proposal
        A. Towel Only Option (Modified Heavy Option)
        B. Clean Room Items
        C. Summary of 1998 Data Collected by UTSA and TRSA
    V. Solicitation of Data and Comments
        A. Additional Data to Support Comments Received on the Proposed 
        B. Compliance Cost Estimates
        C. Treatment Performance Data
        D. Passthrough Analysis
        E. Volatile Organic Treatment Technologies Used at Industrial 
        F. In-Process Pollution Prevention Activities
        G. Space Limitations and New Building Costs for Industrial 
        H. Alternative Approach to ``No Regulation'' Option
    I. Purpose of This Notice
        On December 17, 1997 (62 FR 66181), EPA proposed regulations to 
    reduce discharges to publicly owned treatment works of toxic, 
    conventional, and nonconventional pollutants in wastewater from the 
    industrial laundries industry. EPA has received numerous comments and 
    data submissions concerning the proposal. In this notice, EPA is making 
    these new data submissions available for comment and is providing 
    discussion of the analyses performed relating to specific issues raised 
    by commenters. EPA also solicits information and comments on a variety 
    of other issues or questions.
    II. Data Acquired Since the Proposal
        Since proposal, EPA has obtained additional data and information 
    from the industry, publicly owned treatment works (POTWs), and the 
    Agency's continued data collection activities. The Agency has included 
    these new data and information and the preliminary results of the 
    evaluation of this data and information in Sections 14 through 22 of 
    the supporting record of this notice for review by interested parties. 
    The industry and POTW information and data submittals are related to 
    cost of treatment, effluent pollutant levels after treatment, 
    passthrough of pollutants at POTWs, and a presentation by the industry 
    of a voluntary environmental stewardship and pollution prevention 
    program. The new data collected by the Agency include: performance data 
    from a facility operating chemical precipitation technology and data 
    identifying some of the major individual constituents of the Total 
    Petroleum Hydrocarbon [TPH (measured as SGT-HEM)] parameter using 
    Method 1664. The study identifying constituents of TPH relates to EPA's 
    pass-through analysis and EPA's cost-effectiveness analysis.
        EPA closed the comment period on March 19, 1998 for all aspects of 
    the proposed rule except for treatment performance data. EPA received 
    comments from approximately 300 commenters by the March 19 deadline. 
    Some of the comments received on or before the March 19 deadline 
    included data submittals.
        In order to provide additional time for the generation of treatment 
    performance data, EPA extended the deadline for comments on the 
    proposed rule to April 20, 1998 for commenters who would be providing 
    data which could be used in calculating limits. EPA received three 
    comment submittals for the April 20 deadline, although none of the 
    submittals contained performance data that could be used in calculating 
    limits for either technology upon which the proposed rule was based. 
    One of these submittals contained five days of POTW treatment 
    performance data for TPH as measured by Method 1664. Other submittals 
    received by EPA included comments on EPA's analytical sampling data 
    validation procedures, an economic survey of the industry conducted by 
    Uniform and Textile Service Association (UTSA) and Textile Rental 
    Services Association (TRSA), and comments that some of the proposed 
    limitations were too stringent.
        EPA received several comments after the April 20 deadline; however, 
    only one of these was a data submittal. This data submittal included 11 
    days of final effluent data from one industrial laundry for the 
    conventional pollutants (oil and grease, total suspended solids, 
    biochemical oxygen demand and pH). In addition to data submitted in 
    comments and data collected by EPA, the trade associations conducted a 
    survey to update treatment-in-place information contained in EPA's 1993 
    survey data base. The trade associations also developed and submitted 
    to EPA for consideration as an alternative to regulation, a voluntary 
    program for the industry. This voluntary program has five main 
    components: (1) the establishment of industry-wide program goals; (2) a 
    statement of environmental principles; (3) a menu of specific voluntary 
    initiatives; (4) an implementation plan; and (5) a system for assessing 
    program performance.
        Below are brief descriptions of each type of new data and the 
    results of additional analyses of these data by the Agency, and a 
    summary of the environmental voluntary program initiative submitted by 
    the industry trade associations.
    A. POTW Data
        EPA received comment submittals from over 40 commenters pertaining 
    to POTW data that relate to the passthrough analysis. These commenters 
    included: individual POTWs, local control authorities, the Association 
    of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies (AMSA), the Association of Nonwoven 
    Fabrics (INDA), the Uniform and Textile Service Association (UTSA) and 
    the Textile Rental Services Association (TRSA). Individual POTWs 
    primarily provided data related to the following subjects: the method 
    used to measure TPH, estimated POTW percent removals, influent and 
    effluent concentration values to be used in the calculation of POTW 
    percent removals for the passthrough analysis, industrial laundry 
    facility monitoring data, and local limits covering industrial laundry 
    facilities. These data and results of any evaluations of these data are 
    contained in Section 17 of the rulemaking record.
        EPA's preliminary evaluation of the submitted POTW performance data 
    indicates that the only data that may be usable were submitted by one 
    of the local control authorities (Los Angeles County) and the industry 
    trade associations (UTSA and TRSA). The Los Angeles County pretreatment 
    control authority submitted five days of influent and effluent TPH data 
    (measured as SGT-HEM) using Method 1664. However, only three of the 
    days contained usable paired data for calculating TPH removals. Two of 
    the days of data could not be used because one day had an effluent 
    value greater than the influent value, and the other day did have a 
    reported influent concentration. An additional limitation of the three 
    paired data sets that were used to calculate the percent removal for 
    TPH did not result in a precise estimate, but only a lower bound 
    estimate. Because the effluent concentrations were below the method 
    detection level, a percent removal could only be calculated as 
    ``greater than'' some value. The greater than values ranged from 37.5 
    percent to 73.7 percent. For the purpose of this Notice, EPA used the 
    daily data with the highest influent concentration, resulting in a 
    percent removal estimate of 74 percent for the revised passthrough
    [[Page 71056]]
    evaluation discussed in Section III. This value for POTW removal of TPH 
    is also used in the revised cost-effectiveness determination.
        UTSA and TRSA provided the Final Report of Updated Local Discharge 
    Standards for the City of Portland, OR as an attachment to their 
    comments. Data in this report include historical POTW percent removals 
    over the past 18 years for 15 metals, percent removals for 21 metals 
    during a one-year sampling program, and influent and effluent data for 
    21 metals based on the one-year sampling program.
    B. Industrial Laundry Data and Trade Association Voluntary Program
        EPA received 65 data submittals from the industrial laundry and 
    related industries to be considered for use in developing the final 
    rule. These 65 data submittals were from 12 individual comment 
    submittals. These comment submittals were from nine industrial laundry 
    companies, the Uniform and Textile Service Association (UTSA), the 
    Textile Rental Services Association (TRSA), the National Ship Building 
    Association and the Association of American Railroads.
        The data received included: effluent data, cost data, data 
    presenting the constituents of TPH, data on the analytical variability 
    of bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, and data on local limits. The 
    industrial laundries and the laundry trade associations also submitted 
    reports and case studies to be considered in the development of the 
    final rule. Reports and studies submitted by commenters ranged in 
    content from data pertaining to the calculation of the toxic weighting 
    factor for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) to general economic and 
    industry profiles for the industrial laundries industry. A general 
    summary of the data submitted by commenters is presented in Section 17 
    (Memorandum: Review of Data Submitted on the Proposed Pretreatment 
    Standards for Existing and New Sources for the Industrial Laundries 
    Point Source Category (DCN L06041)) of the Industrial Laundries record. 
    The data are contained in Section 14 of the rulemaking record.
        EPA reviewed the effluent data submitted by industry and found that 
    in many cases the commenter did not provide enough detail for EPA to 
    use the data to revise its calculations of appropriate effluent limits. 
    EPA currently does not expect to use the data if the following 
    information was not included with the effluent data: the amount of 
    production at the facility, the item mix, type of treatment technology, 
    what portion of wastewater was being treated, performance (influent and 
    effluent concentrations) of the technology, and methods used for 
    analyzing the reported pollutant parameters. EPA is continuing to 
    evaluate whether any of this additional data can be used in evaluating 
    treatment technology performance and solicits comment on this issue.
        Cost data submitted by commenters included: general annual and 
    capital costs for both chemical precipitation and DAF, the annual costs 
    associated with treating 1,000 gallons of wastewater with DAF, 
    analytical cost data, and the costs associated with the construction of 
    a new building for an industrial laundry facility. In most cases the 
    usefulness of this cost data is limited due to the lack of detail on 
    the equipment covered by the costs and indirect costs included.
        The industrial laundries associations (UTSA and TRSA) submitted a 
    voluntary multi-media environmental stewardship and pollution 
    prevention program in order to support the ``no regulation'' option. 
    The centerpiece of the voluntary program is a series of initiatives 
    seeking to achieve a reduction of up to 25 percent in industry water, 
    energy, and washroom chemical usage (on a per pound of textiles 
    laundered basis) by the year 2002. According to the trade associations, 
    industrial laundries do not have direct control of a significant amount 
    of toxic pollutants contained in industrial laundry wastewater, since 
    these pollutants come primarily from their customers. The industry's 
    direct control is related to water, energy, and washroom chemical use, 
    thus the emphasis on voluntary control of these activities. The program 
    would be initiated by UTSA and TRSA surveying the industry to develop a 
    1998 ``benchmark'' against which progress towards these reduction goals 
    will be measured. In an effort to reduce further the amount of 
    pollutants in industrial laundries wastewaters, the industry also would 
    develop and implement a comprehensive customer pollution prevention 
    outreach program. The industry is not in a position to project specific 
    reduction goals from its customers at this time, but UTSA and TRSA 
    would establish a baseline and measure the success of the outreach 
    program in future years. EPA believes that goals setting a level of 
    reduction of pollutants in the discharge are an important element of 
    any such voluntary program.
        UTSA and TRSA would guide implementation of the voluntary program. 
    Because the membership of the two trade associations accounts for over 
    90 percent of the sales generated by the laundry industry, leadership 
    at the association level would help ensure significant participation 
    from the industry as a whole. The proposed voluntary program would 
    cover the entire laundry industry, not just the sectors included in the 
    proposed pretreatment standards. The effort would be directed by an 
    implementation committee established under the auspices of UTSA and 
    TRSA and include representatives from the two trade associations, 
    industry suppliers, and customers. The industry's description of the 
    program is contained in Section 16 of the record for this notice.
    C. EPA Sampling Data From a Facility Operating Chemical Precipitation 
        After proposing the rule, EPA sampled an additional facility 
    operating a chemical precipitation (CP) unit to obtain more data 
    concerning treatment performance that could be used in evaluating 
    appropriate pretreatment standards based on chemical precipitation. The 
    sampling took place during the week of February 9, 1998; a detailed 
    report of the results can be found in the sampling episode report in 
    Section 16 of the rulemaking record. EPA has included this data in 
    recalculating the proposed pretreatment standards for the CP option and 
    in calculations of standards for other options being evaluated. EPA 
    recalculated the standards for all of the proposed regulated parameters 
    using the same methodology as in the proposal. For the proposed CP 
    option, the inclusion of the new data does not change the standards 
    significantly. EPA compared the proposed standards to the recalculated 
    standards and for TPH, the proposed standards were slightly higher than 
    the recalculated standards (e.g., the maximum daily values are 27.5 mg/
    L versus 21.8 mg/L). For the metals EPA proposed to regulate, the 
    proposed standards were lower than the recalculated standards. For the 
    organics, the proposed standards were higher than the recalculated 
    standards for all except bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate and 
    tetrachloroethene . See Section 21 of the record for comparisons of 
    recalculated standards for all of the options and for more detail 
    describing the development.
        Following the proposal, EPA received comments stating that the data 
    used to develop the proposed pretreatment standards were not 
    representative of chemical precipitation treatment because the data 
    source was a facility that operated steam tumbling for printer towels, 
    used chemical emulsion
    [[Page 71057]]
    breaking wastewater treatment prior to the chemical precipitation unit, 
    and that the influent levels of the regulated parameters were low. EPA 
    believes the data used for the proposed standards are representative of 
    chemical precipitation treatment for this industry for several reasons. 
    First, the chemical emulsion breaking unit was not operating properly 
    during the sampling episode. Second, the steam tumbling unit was not 
    effectively removing TPH or most of the organic pollutants as 
    demonstrated by comparing data for a steam tumbled load of printer 
    towels to data for a load of printer towels that was not steam tumbled. 
    The steam tumbling unit showed removals for only 6 of the 11 pollutants 
    proposed for regulation, with removal efficiencies ranging from 27 to 
    91 percent. Third, with respect to the influent levels identified at 
    the chemical precipitation treatment unit being too low, design and 
    operational characterization of chemical precipitation technology can 
    be varied such that the technology is capable of performing at a level 
    that enables a higher influent concentration to be reduced sufficiently 
    to meet the limitations. Finally, the additional chemical precipitation 
    data collected by EPA since proposal confirm that chemical 
    precipitation technology is capable of achieving the effluent pollutant 
    concentrations reflected by the proposed pretreatment standards with 
    much higher influent concentrations of the pollutants.
        Commenters also stated that EPA did not account for variability in 
    wastewater concentrations among industrial laundries in setting the 
    limitations. EPA believes it has accounted for variability in 
    wastewater concentrations because the laundries used for developing 
    limits represented facilities with a wide range of items and production 
    reflecting what the industry as a whole launders. In examining priority 
    organics and metals, conventionals, and nonconventional parameters at 
    six facilities operating dissolved air flotation (DAF) or CP units, EPA 
    determined these facilities represented a broad range of influent 
    pollutant concentrations.
        Commenters further criticized EPA for basing the TPH (measured as 
    SGT-HEM) on one CP facility data set. EPA recognizes that at proposal, 
    EPA only had data from one CP facility under the current method for 
    SGT-HEM upon which to base the proposed TPH limit under the CP-IL 
    option. In examining TPH concentrations from all five facilities used 
    for proposal, EPA found that DAF and CP treat TPH to approximately the 
    same effluent concentration level regardless of the concentration in 
    the influent. From an engineering standpoint, EPA would expect this to 
    be the case because both technologies rely on the efficiency of 
    chemical coagulation which can be adjusted for variable wastewater 
    pollutant concentrations through proper selection of coagulants and 
    proper mixing. Since proposal, EPA has evaluated and compared the TPH 
    results from an additional CP facility with those from the CP facility 
    used at proposal and the three DAF facilities. For the three facilities 
    operating DAF systems, the range of 5-day average influent and effluent 
    TPH concentrations were 245-681 mg/L and 10.4-41.4 mg/L, respectively. 
    For the facilities operating CP systems, the range of 5-day average 
    influent and effluent TPH concentrations were 164-2,280 mg/L and <7.20-><10.6 mg/l,="" respectively.="" at="" the="" newly="" sampled="" cp="" facility,="" the="" influent="" and="" effluent="" tph="" concentrations="" were="" 987="" and="">< 9.35="" mg/l="" respectively,="" which="" both="" fall="" within="" the="" concentration="" ranges="" found="" at="" the="" other="" facilities="" epa="" sampled="" operating="" daf="" or="" cp.="" note="" that="" epa="" does="" not="" conclude="" from="" the="" data="" above="" that="" the="" chemical="" precipitation="" treatment="" systems="" are="" necessarily="" able="" to="" achieve="" lower="" effluent="" levels="" than="" the="" daf="" facilities="" since="" the="" daf="" facilities="" may="" not="" need="" to="" operate="" their="" treatment="" system="" optimally="" because="" they="" are="" subject="" to="" higher="" local="" limits.="" for="" this="" reason="" and="" based="" on="" the="" data="" epa="" has="" concerning="" the="" comparative="" performance="" of="" daf="" and="" cp,="" epa="" continues="" to="" believe="" that="" daf="" and="" cp="" would="" both="" constitute="" bat="" and="" could="" form="" the="" basis="" for="" final="" effluent="" limits.="" d.="" total="" petroleum="" hydrocarbons="" (tph)="" characterization="" study="" using="" method="" 1664="" and="" gas="" chromatography/mass="" spectroscopy="" (gc/ms)="" in="" the="" proposed="" rule,="" epa="" used="" tph="" for="" two="" different="" analyses,="" the="" passthrough="" analysis="" and="" the="" cost="" effectiveness="" analysis.="" epa="" has="" further="" analyzed="" the="" constituents="" of="" tph="" to="" improve="" both="" analyses.="" each="" analysis="" is="" discussed="" in="" turn="" below.="" as="" explained="" in="" the="" proposal,="" to="" set="" pretreatment="" standards,="" epa="" determines="" whether="" the="" pollutant="" passes="" through="" or="" interferes="" with="" the="" operation="" of="" a="" potw.="" in="" the="" proposed="" passthrough="" analysis,="" epa="" compared="" the="" performance="" of="" the="" candidate="" technology="" for="" pses="" in="" removing="" tph="" to="" the="" performance="" of="" well-operated="" potws="" achieving="" secondary="" treatment="" in="" removing="" tph.="" in="" the="" proposal,="" epa="" based="" the="" tph="" removal="" at="" potws="" on="" removals="" of="" three="" n-alkanes.="" epa="" received="" comments="" that="" this="" was="" inappropriate="" because,="" according="" to="" the="" commenters,="" epa="" had="" no="" data="" on="" tph="" removals="" at="" potws="" and="" failed="" to="" explain="" its="" assumption="" that="" the="" three="" selected="" n-alkanes="" are="" proper="" surrogates="" for="" tph.="" in="" response="" to="" these="" comments,="" epa="" conducted="" a="" study="" to="" evaluate="" the="" tph="" parameter="" in="" order="" to="" identify="" the="" constituents="" comprising="" the="" tph="" measurement.="" the="" study="" was="" conducted="" by="" sampling="" the="" influents="" and="" effluents="" of="" the="" daf="" and="" cp="" treatment="" units="" at="" the="" facilities="" used="" in="" the="" proposal="" options="" bases,="" analyzing="" these="" samples="" for="" tph="" and="" oil="" and="" grease="" (as="" sgt-hem="" and="" hem,="" respectively)="" using="" method="" 1664="" and="" evaluating="" the="" 1664="" extracts="" using="" gas="" chromatography="" and="" mass="" spectroscopy="" (gc/ms)="" methods.="" based="" on="" this="" analysis,="" several="" constituents="" that="" are="" part="" of="" the="" tph="" measurement="" were="" identified.="" however,="" only="" a="" small="" portion="" of="" the="" constituents="" of="" the="" tph="" measurement="" could="" be="" identified.="" results="" of="" these="" analyses="" are="" shown="" in="" section="" 16="" of="" the="" record="" for="" this="" notice.="" most="" of="" the="" constituents="" identified="" in="" the="" influent="" samples="" are="" alkanes,="" as="" well="" as="" naphthalene,="" bis(2-ethylhexyl)="" phthalate="" and="" 2-="" methylnaphthalene.="" these="" constituents="" make="" up="" approximately="" 2="" percent="" of="" the="" measured="" sgt-hem.="" epa="" used="" the="" constituents="" analysis="" to="" examine="" passthrough="" of="" the="" constituents="" rather="" than="" tph.="" epa="" also="" received="" data="" following="" the="" proposal="" on="" potw="" treatment="" of="" tph.="" (see="" section="" iii="" below).="" epa="" received="" comments="" on="" its="" cost="" effectiveness="" analysis="" criticizing="" the="" toxic="" weighting="" factor="" (twf)="" used="" for="" tph="" arguing="" that="" it="" overstated="" the="" toxicity="" of="" tph.="" while="" cost="" effectiveness="" is="" not="" required="" to="" be="" analyzed="" to="" establish="" bat,="" nsps,="" pses,="" or="" psns,="" epa="" performs="" this="" analysis="" to="" compare="" options.="" according="" to="" the="" commenters,="" epa="" developed="" a="" twf="" for="" tph="" based="" on="" improper="" data="" and="" calculation="" procedures="" and="" consequently="" inappropriately="" inflated="" the="" twf,="" resulting="" in="" an="" overestimate="" of="" the="" benefits="" and="" cost-effectiveness="" of="" the="" proposed="" rule.="" as="" stated="" above="" epa="" found="" that="" only="" 2%="" of="" the="" constituents="" are="" identified="" and="" measured="" by="" the="" sgt-hem="" method.="" based="" on="" only="" 2%="" of="" the="" constituents,="" epa="" estimates="" an="" average="" toxic="" weighting="" factor="" (twf)="" for="" tph="" measured="" as="" sgt-hem="" of="" 0.009="" for="" the="" identified="" constituents.="" given="" the="" small="" percentage="" of="" constituents="" identified="" and="" measured="" by="" this="" method,="" epa="" questions="" the="" usefulness="" of="" the="" cost-effectiveness="" analysis.="" epa="" [[page="" 71058]]="" provides="" details="" for="" estimating="" the="" twf="" in="" section="" 22="" of="" the="" record.="" iii.="" analysis="" of="" pretreatment="" standards="" for="" existing="" sources="" (pses)="" options="" identified="" in="" the="" proposal="" a.="" new="" data="" related="" to="" the="" passthrough="" analysis="" of="" regulated="" parameters="" other="" than="" tph="" epa="" received="" data="" on="" potw="" treatment="" performance="" from="" five="" separate="" commenters.="" these="" commenters="" included="" the="" industrial="" laundries="" trade="" associations="" (trsa="" and="" utsa),="" the="" association="" of="" metropolitan="" sewerage="" agencies="" (amsa),="" the="" hampton="" roads="" sanitation="" district="" (hrsd),="" the="" metropolitan="" council="" environmental="" service="" (mces),="" and="" the="" la="" county="" sanitation="" district.="" epa="" reviewed="" these="" submittals="" and="" determined="" the="" potential="" uses="" and="" limitations="" of="" the="" data.="" utsa="" and="" trsa="" provided="" the="" final="" report="" of="" updated="" local="" discharge="" standards="" for="" the="" city="" of="" portland,="" or="" as="" an="" attachment="" to="" their="" comments.="" data="" in="" this="" report="" include="" historical="" potw="" percent="" removals="" over="" the="" past="" 18="" years="" for="" 15="" metals,="" percent="" removals="" for="" 21="" metals="" during="" a="" one-year="" sampling="" program,="" and="" influent="" and="" effluent="" data="" for="" 21="" metals="" based="" on="" the="" one-year="" sampling="" program.="" amsa="" submitted="" average="" potw="" removal="" rates="" for="" five="" organic="" pollutants="" from="" seven="" potws="" in="" the="" metropolitan="" water="" reclamation="" district="" (mwrd)="" of="" greater="" chicago.="" amsa="" also="" submitted="" average="" paired="" influent="" and="" effluent="" data="" for="" bulk="" conventional="" and="" nonconventional="" parameters="" for="" nine="" potws="" in="" the="" hampton="" roads="" sanitation="" district="" (hrsd).="" these="" data="" were="" also="" submitted="" by="" hrsd="" in="" a="" separate="" comment.="" the="" mwrd="" data="" were="" provided="" as="" percent="" removals,="" with="" no="" individual="" influent="" and="" effluent="" concentrations="" presented.="" the="" hrsd="" data="" do="" not="" include="" any="" of="" the="" pollutants="" evaluated="" by="" epa="" in="" the="" pass="" through="" analysis,="" and="" therefore="" could="" not="" be="" used="" in="" calculating="" potw="" percent="" removals="" for="" the="" pass="" through="" analysis.="" mces="" presented="" potw="" removal="" rates="" for="" metals,="" bod,="" tss,="" phenols,="" toluene,="" and="" tph="" in="" the="" text="" of="" the="" comment="" submittal.="" however,="" data="" presented="" are="" general="" percent="" removals="" and="" in="" some="" cases="" are="" estimated.="" more="" detailed="" information="" on="" the="" data="" submitted="" can="" be="" found="" in="" section="" 17="" of="" the="" rulemaking="" record.="" epa="" may="" use="" the="" data="" from="" utsa/trsa="" (city="" of="" portland)="" and="" the="" data="" from="" la="" county="" in="" the="" final="" passthrough="" analysis.="" on="" average,="" the="" difference="" between="" the="" potw="" percent="" removals="" used="" in="" developing="" the="" proposal="" and="" the="" city="" of="" portland="" potw="" percent="" removals="" is="" only="" minor="" because="" only="" for="" a="" few="" parameters="" was="" the="" percent="" removal="" used="" for="" proposal="" lower="" than="" the="" percent="" removal="" from="" the="" city="" of="" portland="" data="" set.="" for="" metals="" (copper,="" lead="" and="" zinc),="" the="" city="" of="" portland="" percent="" removals="" are="" close="" to="" or="" slightly="" lower="" than="" those="" used="" for="" proposal.="" the="" percent="" removal="" for="" tph="" using="" one="" day="" of="" data="" from="" la="" county="" (the="" day="" with="" the="" highest="" influent="" concentration)="" is="" 74="" percent,="" compared="" to="" 65="" percent="" potw="" removal="" for="" tph="" used="" in="" the="" proposed="" rule.="" this="" value="" is="" still="" significantly="" lower="" than="" the="" 94-98="" percent="" removals="" determined="" for="" the="" pretreatment="" technologies.="" b.="" tph="" (measured="" as="" sgt-hem)="" as="" an="" indicator="" commenters="" stated="" that="" tph="" is="" well="" treated="" by="" potws="" or="" does="" not="" pass="" through="" and="" thus="" should="" not="" be="" regulated.="" epa="" believes="" that="" whether="" the="" final="" passthrough="" analysis="" shows="" pass="" through="" or="" not,="" that="" tph="" is="" a="" good="" indicator="" that="" pretreatment="" standards="" will="" affect="" removals="" of="" significant="" pounds="" of="" toxic="" and="" nonconventional="" pollutants.="" in="" addition,="" the="" variability="" of="" a="" relatively="" inexpensive="" monitoring="" method="" for="" tph="" justifies="" regulating="" tph="" rather="" than="" the="" host="" of="" pollutants="" controlled="" by="" a="" limitation="" on="" tph.="" iv.="" results="" of="" analyses="" of="" proposed="" and="" newly="" acquired="" data="" with="" respect="" to="" various="" comment="" issues="" a.="" towel="" only="" option="" (modified="" heavy="" option)="" during="" the="" comment="" period,="" some="" commenters="" indicated="" that="" epa="" should="" consider="" regulating="" only="" facilities="" that="" launder="" shop="" and="" printer="" towels,="" because="" these="" items="" have="" the="" highest="" pollutant="" loadings="" of="" all="" items="" laundered="" by="" industrial="" laundries.="" in="" the="" proposal,="" epa="" evaluated="" ``heavy''="" options="" based="" on="" the="" use="" of="" daf="" and="" cp="" technologies.="" the="" heavy="" options="" treated="" the="" heavy="" wastewater="" stream="" which="" consisted="" of="" shop="" towels,="" printer="" towels,="" mops,="" filters,="" and="" fender="" covers.="" as="" a="" result="" of="" the="" comments,="" epa="" is="" evaluating="" and="" soliciting="" comments="" on="" a="" modified="" heavy="" option="" that="" would="" require="" only="" facilities="" that="" launder="" shop="" towels,="" printer="" towels,="" furniture="" towels,="" or="" other="" industrial="" towels/rags="" to="" meet="" the="" proposed="" standards="" (``towel="" only="" option'').="" the="" towel="" only="" option="" is="" based="" upon="" treating="" only="" the="" wastewater="" from="" laundering="" industrial="" towels,="" then="" mixing="" the="" treated="" wastewater="" with="" other="" wastewater="" from="" laundering="" all="" other="" items="" prior="" to="" monitoring="" and="" discharge="" from="" the="" facility.="" the="" modified="" option="" is="" based="" on="" using="" daf="" technology="" to="" set="" the="" standards="" since="" epa="" does="" not="" have="" treatment="" performance="" data="" characterizing="" chemical="" precipitation="" treatment="" of="" only="" shop="" and="" printer="" towels.="" epa="" considered="" the="" same="" methodology="" as="" in="" the="" proposed="" rule="" to="" calculate="" pretreatment="" standards="" for="" this="" option="" and="" these="" calculated="" numbers="" are="" presented="" in="" section="" 21="" of="" the="" record.="" the="" total="" estimated="" capital="" cost="" for="" the="" towel="" only="" option="" is="" $179="" million="" (1997="" dollars)="" and="" the="" annual="" operating="" and="" maintenance="" cost="" is="" $72="" million,="" for="" a="" total="" annualized="" pretax="" cost="" of="" $91.1="" million="" per="" year="" (1997="" dollars)="" (posttax="" cost="" of="" $62.0="" million="" per="" year).="" this="" is="" significantly="" less="" than="" the="" estimated="" annualized="" compliance="" costs="" for="" the="" cp-il="" and="" daf-il="" options="" discussed="" in="" the="" proposed="" rule,="" which="" were="" $136.4="" million="" per="" year="" pretax="" ($93.9="" million="" per="" year="" posttax)="" and="" $176.8="" million="" per="" year="" pretax="" ($118.6="" million="" per="" year="" posttax),="" respectively="" (adjusted="" to="" 1997="" dollars).="" under="" the="" towel="" only="" option,="" 1,333="" facilities="" would="" be="" covered="" by="" the="" rule,="" while="" under="" the="" proposed="" cp-il="" or="" daf-il="" options="" 1,606="" facilities="" would="" be="" covered="" by="" the="" rule.="" the="" recalculated="" pollutant="" removals="" for="" the="" towel="" only="" option="" would="" be="" 28,000="" toxic-weighted="" pounds="" per="" year,="" taking="" into="" consideration="" treatment="" by="" potws.="" this="" is="" a="" reduction="" from="" the="" 51,000="" toxic="" weighted="" pounds="" per="" year="" for="" the="" proposed="" cp-il="" option="" (these="" numbers="" reflect="" the="" revised="" twf="" for="" tph).="" epa="" believes="" that="" the="" towel="" only="" option="" would="" reduce="" the="" economic="" impacts="" of="" the="" rule.="" epa="" is="" today="" soliciting="" comments="" on="" the="" towel="" only="" option.="" epa="" investigated="" the="" potential="" economic="" impacts="" of="" the="" towel="" only="" option="" and="" found="" that="" the="" option="" would="" be="" economically="" achievable="" and="" would="" improve="" the="" impacts="" discussed="" in="" the="" proposal.="" the="" analyses="" were="" run="" assuming="" no="" other="" special="" exclusions="" such="" as="" the="" proposed="" exclusion="" for="" facilities="" laundering="" less="" than="" 1="" million="" pounds="" of="" total="" laundry="" and="" less="" than="" 255,000="" pounds="" of="" shop="" towels)="" applied="" and="" assuming="" the="" worst-case="" scenario="" that="" no="" compliance="" costs="" could="" be="" passed="" through="" to="" customers.="" as="" a="" result="" of="" this="" preliminary="" analysis,="" given="" the="" costs="" currently="" estimated="" for="" the="" towel="" only="" option,="" epa="" estimates="" that="" this="" option="" would="" result="" in="" a="" maximum="" of="" 32="" facilities="" closing="" as="" a="" result="" of="" compliance="" costs.="" this="" is="" 2="" percent="" of="" all="" facilities="" in="" the="" facility-level="" analysis="" and="" 2.4="" percent="" of="" all="" in-scope="" facilities.="" epa="" estimates="" a="" total="" direct="" job="" loss="" of="" 361="" full="" time="" equivalents="" (1="" fte="2,080" [[page="" 71059]]="" hours)="" as="" a="" result="" of="" the="" facility="" closures="" projected="" under="" this="" option.="" total="" direct,="" indirect,="" and="" induced="" losses="" throughout="" all="" sectors="" of="" the="" economy="" total="" 621="" ftes.="" the="" employment="" losses="" associated="" with="" closures="" overstate="" actual="" net="" losses="" to="" the="" industry,="" because="" some="" employment="" gains="" in="" the="" industry="" will="" occur="" (although="" the="" gains="" may="" not="" occur="" in="" the="" same="" geographic="" location="" or="" at="" the="" same="" time="" as="" the="" losses).="" these="" gains="" include="" operators="" of="" pollution="" control="" systems="" that="" might="" be="" hired="" and="" additional="" labor="" to="" expand="" some="" production="" at="" facilities="" located="" in="" market="" areas="" with="" facility="" closures="" (lost="" production="" from="" closures="" is="" estimated="" to="" exceed="" the="" amount="" of="" the="" reduction="" required="" to="" meet="" market="" equilibrium="" conditions).="" under="" the="" assumptions="" about="" production="" losses="" and="" employment="" gains="" expected="" to="" occur="" as="" a="" result="" of="" the="" rule,="" as="" outlined="" in="" the="" economic="" analysis="" for="" the="" proposal,="" epa="" estimates="" the="" actual="" net="" losses="" in="" the="" industrial="" laundries="" industry="" would="" be="" 212="" ftes="" lost="" (0.16="" percent="" of="" total="" industry="" employment),="" considerably="" less="" than="" the="" number="" of="" direct="" losses="" predicted="" solely="" on="" the="" basis="" of="" closures.="" in="" addition="" to="" these="" closures,="" epa="" predicts="" this="" option="" would="" affect="" the="" ability="" of="" a="" maximum="" of="" 44="" firms="" (all="" of="" which="" are="" single-="" facility="" firms)="" to="" raise="" the="" capital="" needed="" to="" purchase="" and="" install="" the="" pollution="" control="" equipment.="" this="" impact="" may="" result="" in="" the="" loss="" of="" financial="" freedom="" for="" these="" firms,="" up="" to="" and="" including="" the="" sale="" of="" the="" firms="" to="" larger="" multifacility="" firms.="" this="" impact="" does="" not="" mean="" that="" these="" firms="" will="" close;="" all="" these="" firms="" are="" viable="" at="" the="" facility="" level="" and="" are="" thus="" considered="" likely="" to="" be="" of="" interest="" to="" other="" firms="" for="" acquisition="" and="" possible="" continued="" operation.="" the="" failure-="" and="" closure-based="" employment="" loss="" results="" indicate="" that="" the="" direct="" losses="" at="" closing="" facilities="" and="" failing="" firms="" (under="" the="" worst-case="" assumption="" that="" failing="" firms="" might="" close)="" total="" a="" maximum="" of="" 1,186="" full-time="" equivalents="" (ftes),="" or="" about="" 0.9="" percent="" of="" total="" industry="" employment.="" total="" direct,="" indirect="" and="" induced="" employment="" losses="" throughout="" the="" economy="" total="" a="" maximum="" of="" 2,040="" ftes.="" these="" losses="" do="" not="" include="" likely="" employment="" gains="" in="" the="" industry="" and="" in="" the="" u.s.="" economy="" due="" to="" the="" need="" to="" manufacture,="" install,="" and="" operate="" pollution="" control="" equipment.="" if="" gains="" are="" accounted="" for,="" there="" will="" most="" likely="" be="" small="" gains="" in="" employment="" in="" the="" nonclosing="" facilities="" and="" nonfailing="" firms="" and="" net="" gains="" in="" employment="" in="" the="" u.s.="" economy.="" epa="" has="" also="" performed="" an="" economic="" impact="" analysis="" for="" the="" industrial="" laundries="" industry="" to="" compare="" the="" impacts="" of="" the="" towel="" only="" option="" with="" the="" chemical="" precipitation="" (cp-il)="" and="" dissolved="" air="" flotation="" (daf-il)="" options.="" note="" that="" the="" options="" that="" were="" discussed="" at="" proposal="" (cp-il="" and="" daf-il)="" reflect="" an="" exclusion="" for="" facilities="" processing="" less="" than="" 1="" million="" pounds="" of="" total="" laundry="" and="" less="" than="" 255,000="" pounds="" of="" shop="" towels/printer="" rags,="" whereas="" the="" towel="" only="" option="" reflects="" a="" reduced="" scope="" which="" only="" covers="" facilities="" that="" launder="" only="" shop="" towels/printer="" rags="" with="" no="" such="" similar="" production="" cutoff.="" under="" a="" zero="" cost="" pass="" through="" assumption,="" the="" cp-il="" option="" is="" estimated="" to="" result="" in="" 5="" facility="" closures="" and="" 85="" single-facility="" firm="" failures="" (i.e.,="" production="" ceases="" under="" closure;="" production="" continues="" under="" failure).="" no="" multifacility="" firms="" fail="" under="" any="" option.="" the="" daf-="" il="" option="" is="" estimated="" to="" result="" in="" 35="" facility="" closures="" and="" 85="" single-="" facility="" firm="" failures.="" the="" closure="" numbers="" for="" the="" daf-il="" and="" cp-il="" options="" under="" zero="" cost="" pass="" through="" are="" different="" from="" those="" that="" were="" presented="" at="" proposal="" due="" to="" an="" updated="" financial="" data="" element="" for="" one="" facility.="" this="" facility="" has="" a="" survey="" weight="" of="" 31.="" in="" follow="" up="" to="" the="" economic="" analysis="" presented="" in="" the="" proposal,="" epa="" found="" that="" data="" submitted="" by="" this="" facility="" for="" one="" data="" element="" for="" one="" year="" was="" an="" extreme="" outlier,="" not="" only="" compared="" to="" the="" other="" two="" years="" of="" data="" submitted="" by="" the="" same="" facility,="" but="" also="" compared="" to="" data="" submitted="" by="" other="" facilities="" in="" the="" same="" strata.="" furthermore,="" other="" financial="" information="" in="" the="" survey="" did="" not="" support="" the="" data="" point="" reported.="" this="" update="" resulted="" in="" 31="" fewer="" facilities="" estimated="" to="" close="" under="" each="" of="" the="" two="" options="" discussed="" at="" proposal.="" because="" these="" analyses="" assume="" that="" no="" compliance="" costs="" would="" be="" passed="" through="" to="" customers,="" epa="" considers="" this="" a="" worst-case="" scenario="" and="" believes="" that,="" for="" all="" options="" and="" cutoffs,="" the="" impacts="" will="" be="" considerably="" less="" than="" those="" estimated.="" see="" pages="" 5-9,="" 5-10="" and="" appendix="" a="" from="" the="" economic="" assessment="" (ea)="" of="" the="" proposed="" rule.="" epa="" is="" also="" considering="" an="" exclusion="" in="" the="" towel="" only="" option,="" such="" that="" facilities="" laundering="" small="" amounts="" of="" industrial="" towels="" per="" year="" would="" be="" exempt="" from="" the="" rule,="" including="" reporting="" and="" monitoring="" requirements.="" the="" exclusion="" would="" be="" based="" on="" laundering="" a="" certain="" number="" of="" pounds="" of="" industrial="" towels="" per="" year.="" facilities="" laundering="" more="" than="" that="" amount="" in="" any="" year="" would="" no="" longer="" be="" excluded="" from="" the="" rule.="" epa="" is="" soliciting="" comment="" on="" a="" low="" production="" exclusion="" for="" the="" towel="" only="" option.="" epa="" considered="" five="" low="" production="" cutoffs="" (4,800="" pounds="" of="" industrial="" towels,="" 26,000="" pounds="" of="" industrial="" towels,="" 31,300="" pounds="" of="" industrial="" towels,="" 42,000="" pounds="" of="" industrial="" towels,="" and="" 52,000="" pounds="" of="" industrial="" towels)="" in="" its="" analysis.="" for="" these="" cutoffs,="" epa="" estimated="" the="" posttax="" annualized="" costs="" (1997="" dollars)="" to="" be="" $60.9="" million,="" $58.8="" million,="" $50.0="" million,="" $48.9="" million,="" and="" $="" 48.2="" million,="" respectively.="" epa="" also="" estimates="" 32="" facilities="" closing="" as="" a="" result="" of="" compliance="" costs="" for="" the="" 4,800="" pound="" cutoff.="" for="" the="" remaining="" cutoffs,="" epa="" estimates="" a="" maximum="" of="" 25="" facilities="" might="" close="" as="" a="" result="" of="" incurring="" compliance="" costs.="" these="" low="" annual="" production="" cutoffs="" within="" the="" towel="" only="" option="" would="" also="" affect="" the="" ability="" of="" a="" maximum="" of="" 44="" firms="" (all="" of="" which="" are="" single-facility="" firms)="" to="" raise="" the="" capital="" needed="" to="" purchase="" and="" install="" the="" pollution="" control="" equipment="" for="" all="" but="" the="" 52,000="" pound="" cutoff,="" which="" would="" affect="" only="" 13="" firms.="" for="" the="" 4,800="" pound="" cutoff,="" direct="" losses="" at="" closing="" facilities="" total="" a="" maximum="" of="" 361="" ftes,="" or="" about="" 0.3="" percent="" of="" total="" industry="" employment,="" and="" direct="" losses="" at="" closing="" facilities="" and="" failing="" firms="" total="" 1,186="" ftes="" (0.9="" percent="" of="" total="" industry="" employment).="" for="" the="" remaining="" four="" cutoffs,="" epa="" estimated="" direct="" losses="" at="" closing="" facilities="" of="" a="" maximum="" of="" 246="" ftes,="" or="" about="" 0.2="" percent="" of="" total="" industry="" employment.="" epa="" estimated="" direct="" losses="" at="" closing="" and="" failing="" firms="" of="" a="" maximum="" of="" 1,071="" ftes="" (0.8="" percent="" of="" total="" industry="" employment)="" for="" three="" of="" the="" remaining="" four="" cutoffs="" and="" 606="" ftes="" (0.5="" percent="" of="" total="" employment)="" for="" the="" last="" cutoff.="" in="" addition="" to="" these="" potential="" cutoffs,="" epa="" is="" continuing="" to="" investigate="" additional="" exclusions="" that="" would="" further="" mitigate="" impacts="" of="" the="" rule.="" these="" additional="" exclusions="" might="" be="" used="" with="" or="" in="" place="" of="" the="" various="" cutoffs="" used="" above.="" examples="" of="" exclusions="" epa="" is="" considering="" include="" an="" exclusion="" for="" facilities,="" or="" possibly="" single-="" facility="" firms="" only,="" who="" are="" exclusively="" industrial="" launderers="" (that="" is,="" they="" undertake="" no="" other="" business="" at="" that="" firm="" or="" facility)="" and="" who="" process="" less="" than="" 1="" million="" pounds="" of="" laundry="" per="" year.="" epa="" also="" is="" considering="" a="" revenue="" exclusion.="" under="" this="" approach,="" facilities,="" or,="" more="" likely,="" single-facility="" firms,="" would="" be="" excluded="" if="" their="" revenues="" are="" less="" than="" $1="" million="" annually.="" a="" somewhat="" higher="" cutoff="" for="" pounds="" of="" industrial="" towels="" might="" also="" be="" considered.="" epa="" solicits="" comments="" on="" these="" additional="" potential="" exclusions.="" [[page="" 71060]]="" b.="" clean="" room="" items="" as="" part="" of="" comments="" on="" the="" proposed="" rule,="" epa="" received="" data="" on="" clean="" room="" items.="" the="" term="" ``clean="" room="" items''="" refers="" to="" specialty="" items="" used="" in="" particle-and="" static-free="" environments="" by="" computer="" manufacturing,="" pharmaceutical,="" biotechnology,="" aerospace,="" and="" other="" customers="" to="" control="" contamination="" in="" production="" areas.="" epa="" evaluated="" the="" data="" and="" determined="" that="" the="" concentrations="" of="" pollutants="" found="" in="" clean="" room="" item="" wastewater="" were="" lower="" than="" the="" concentrations="" found="" in="" wastewater="" from="" most="" other="" items="" defined="" as="" industrial="" laundry="" items="" in="" the="" proposed="" rule,="" and="" the="" characteristics="" of="" the="" clean="" room="" wastewater="" were="" similar="" to="" linen="" supply="" laundry="" wastewater.="" thus,="" the="" data="" support="" the="" removal="" of="" clean="" room="" items="" from="" the="" definition="" of="" industrial="" textile="" items,="" which="" would="" exclude="" laundering="" of="" clean="" room="" items="" from="" the="" scope="" of="" the="" regulation.="" the="" clean="" room="" data="" are="" presented="" in="" section="" 17="" of="" the="" record.="" c.="" summary="" of="" 1998="" data="" collected="" by="" utsa="" and="" trsa="" since="" the="" publication="" of="" the="" proposed="" rule,="" the="" industrial="" laundries="" trade="" associations,="" the="" uniform="" and="" textile="" service="" association="" (utsa)="" and="" the="" textile="" rental="" services="" association="" (trsa),="" have="" performed="" a="" survey="" of="" all="" facilities="" that="" were="" sent="" an="" epa="" 1993="" detailed="" questionnaire.="" the="" purpose="" of="" the="" survey="" as="" stated="" by="" utsa="" and="" trsa="" was="" to="" provide="" epa="" with="" updated="" data="" to="" calculate="" new="" baseline="" information="" on="" the="" industry,="" because="" the="" epa="" questionnaire="" data="" are="" for="" the="" 1993="" operating="" year.="" of="" the="" 193="" facilities="" that="" epa="" used="" to="" model="" compliance="" costs="" and="" pollutant="" loading="" reductions="" for="" the="" proposed="" rule,="" 165="" responded="" to="" the="" utsa/trsa="" survey.="" epa="" has="" performed="" a="" preliminary="" review="" of="" the="" data="" from="" the="" survey.="" to="" conduct="" this="" review,="" epa="" compared,="" for="" each="" facility,="" the="" treatment="" system="" description="" contained="" in="" the="" utsa/trsa="" survey="" to="" the="" treatment="" system="" components="" reported="" in="" the="" epa="" 1993="" detailed="" questionnaire.="" treatment="" system="" descriptions="" reported="" in="" the="" utsa/trsa="" questionnaire="" did="" not="" include="" design="" parameters,="" and="" often="" did="" not="" include="" the="" portion="" of="" the="" wastewater="" treated="" by="" the="" system.="" based="" on="" this="" review,="" epa="" has="" made="" several="" assumptions="" to="" use="" the="" data="" the="" trade="" associations="" provided="" in="" estimating="" compliance="" costs="" and="" pollutant="" removals="" discussed="" below.="" in="" general,="" the="" trade="" association="" data="" show="" that="" 18="" facilities="" that="" did="" not="" have="" treatment="" at="" the="" time="" of="" epa's="" 1993="" detailed="" questionnaire="" now="" have="" installed="" wastewater="" treatment="" for="" all="" or="" part="" of="" their="" wastewater="" flow.="" most="" facilities="" that="" have="" installed="" treatment="" since="" 1993="" (13="" of="" 18)="" have="" installed="" dissolved="" air="" flotation.="" other="" types="" of="" treatment="" installed="" include="" two="" facilities="" that="" have="" installed="" chemical="" emulsion="" breaking,="" two="" facilities="" that="" have="" installed="" chemical="" precipitation,="" and="" one="" facility="" that="" may="" have="" installed="" biological="" treatment.="" in="" addition,="" some="" facilities="" have="" changed="" their="" main="" treatment="" technology="" since="" 1993:="" four="" facilities="" have="" changed="" from="" chemical="" precipitation="" to="" dissolved="" air="" flotation,="" one="" facility="" changed="" from="" chemical="" emulsion="" breaking="" to="" dissolved="" air="" flotation,="" and="" one="" facility="" changed="" from="" ultrafiltration="" to="" chemical="" emulsion="" breaking.="" to="" incorporate="" the="" most="" accurate="" facility="" level="" information="" into="" the="" baseline="" for="" compliance="" costs="" and="" pollutant="" loadings="" calculations,="" epa="" would="" have="" to="" perform="" extensive="" follow="" up="" with="" the="" facilities="" to="" obtain="" more="" detailed="" information="" on="" production,="" treatment,="" and="" financial="" status.="" because="" epa="" is="" under="" a="" court="" order="" to="" take="" final="" action="" on="" this="" rule="" by="" june="" of="" 1999,="" epa="" does="" not="" have="" sufficient="" time="" for="" such="" follow="" up.="" however,="" in="" order="" to="" utilize="" the="" data="" in="" some="" capacity,="" epa="" has="" performed="" estimated="" calculations="" of="" the="" changes="" in="" compliance="" costs="" and="" pollutant="" removals="" that="" would="" occur="" if="" the="" baseline="" were="" changed="" to="" incorporate="" the="" trade="" association="" data="" given="" certain="" assumptions="" in="" order="" to="" use="" the="" data.="" to="" calculate="" the="" changes="" in="" compliance="" costs="" and="" pollutant="" removals,="" epa="" made="" the="" following="" assumptions="" when="" reviewing="" the="" utsa/trsa="" survey="" data:=""> For facilities that reported that they treat a portion of 
    their wastewater and did not indicate the percentage of wastewater 
    treated, EPA assumed that they are treating only a small portion of 
    their total wastewater.
         For facilities that reported DAF, chemical precipitation, 
    or chemical emulsion breaking treatment, EPA assumed that the facility 
    is operating these systems in a manner equivalent to the treatment 
    technology options costed.
         For facilities that provided treatment system descriptions 
    that were not detailed enough for EPA to make judgement regarding the 
    treatment system, EPA assumed that they are still operating the 
    treatment system reported in the 1993 detailed questionnaire.
         For a facility that reported possible biological 
    treatment, EPA assumed that it does not have treatment in place 
    equivalent to any of the treatment technology options.
         For a denim prewash facility that operated a partial 
    treatment system, EPA assumed that it treats wastewater from all items 
    except for the denim prewash, which is not included in the scope of the 
         EPA did not reduce costs to reflect for ancillary 
    treatment technologies (e.g., screens, filter presses, equalization 
    tanks); added since the 1993 detailed questionnaire.
         EPA did not make any changes in the 1993 baseline year in 
    the costs for ten facilities that reported closing or rebuilding since 
         For facilities that reported that they planned to install 
    treatment systems in the future, EPA assumed that they are still 
    operating the treatment system reported in the 1993 detailed 
    EPA solicits comments and additional data that would shed light on the 
    validity of these assumptions.
        Based on these revisions since proposal, for the proposed CP-IL 
    option, total capital and annual costs for the 1,606 industrial laundry 
    facilities covered by the proposed rule would decrease by $17 million 
    and $6.7 million per year, respectively (1997 dollars). The 
    corresponding toxic weighted pollutant removals would decrease by 
    124,000 pound equivalents per year. For the proposed DAF-IL option, 
    total capital and annual costs for the 1,606 industrial laundry 
    facilities covered by the proposed rule would decrease by $100 million 
    and $11 million per year, respectively. The corresponding toxic 
    weighted pollutant removals would decrease by 135,000 pound equivalents 
    per year.
    V. Solicitation of Data and Comments
        In addition to soliciting comments and data relating to any of the 
    material presented in this notice, EPA is interested in receiving 
    comments and data regarding a number of specific issues which are 
    discussed below. In commenting or providing data with respect to a 
    specific issue, commenters should refer to the specific issue which the 
    comments address.
    A. Additional Data To Support Comments Received on the Proposed Rule
        As presented in Section II of this Notice, EPA received 302 
    individual comment submittals on the proposed rule. Of these 302 
    submittals, only 38 commenters (88 data submittals) provided data that 
    supported their claims. Many commenters stated that EPA underestimated 
    compliance costs and that EPA overestimated the treatment performance 
    of chemical
    [[Page 71061]]
    precipitation and DAF. However, many commenters did not present data to 
    substantiate these claims. Without additional data to support these 
    claims, EPA will rely on data obtained prior to proposal (vendor 
    quotes, previously submitted cost data, and sampling data) and data 
    acquired since proposal through EPA's data collection activities to 
    determine compliance costs and treatment performance.
        In order to obtain data to support unsubstantiated comments made on 
    the proposed rule, EPA contacted some commenters directly to request 
    additional information. EPA developed a set of four questions that 
    requested specific information required by EPA to incorporate the 
    commenter's information into the final rule. In compliance with the 
    Paper Work Reduction Act, EPA was only able to send letters to nine 
    commenters that submitted unsubstantiated comments. The methodology 
    used to select these nine commenters and copies of the letters sent to 
    each of the commenters are presented in Section 14.6.1 of this 
    rulemaking record. As of November 20, 1998, EPA has received responses 
    from four of these commenters.
        Because EPA was limited in the number of substantiation letters 
    that could be sent directly to commenters, EPA is at this time 
    requesting information from additional commenters who submitted 
    unsubstantiated comments. Commenters indicating that EPA underestimated 
    compliance costs or treatment performance are requested to provide 
    specific cost or performance data to support those claims. Additional 
    details on the information requested by EPA are provided below.
    B. Compliance Cost Estimates
        EPA received numerous comments on proposal indicating compliance 
    costs were underestimated. At this time, EPA is requesting additional 
    information from industry on costs for installing wastewater treatment 
    systems in industrial laundries. Ideally, EPA requests that the data 
    submitted be presented in the format used in the attachments to the 
    substantiation letters. (These attachments can be found in Section 
    14.6.1 of the rulemaking record.) This format will allow EPA to fully 
    analyze and incorporate industry data. At a minimum, EPA requests that 
    capital costs be broken down in terms of treatment system equipment 
    costs, installation costs, delivery costs, accessory costs (e.g., 
    probes), instrumentation, piping, contractor fees, pumps, construction 
    of buildings or other structures to house major treatment units, and 
    engineering costs. EPA requests that annual costs be broken down into 
    the following components, if available: chemical costs, electric costs, 
    operation and maintenance (O&M) labor costs, O&M material costs, and 
    residual disposal costs. EPA also requests that general data pertaining 
    to the relevant facility be supplied. This includes a detailed 
    description of the treatment system (average operating days per year 
    and hours per day, treatment system unit descriptions and capacities, 
    average wastewater flows in and out of treatment units, chemical 
    addition type and location) and general production data for the 
    facility (include total annual production and a breakdown of annual 
    production by item type).
    C. Treatment Performance Data
        EPA received several comments indicating that the treatment 
    performance of both chemical precipitation and DAF were overestimated. 
    EPA's sampling data indicate that chemical precipitation can treat to 
    the proposed standards. However, in order to obtain more data, EPA is 
    requesting data on the treatment performance of chemical precipitation 
    and DAF. EPA is particularly interested in the treatment performance of 
    chemical precipitation and DAF technologies treating only industrial 
    towel (shop, furniture and/or printer towel) wastewaters.
        EPA requests commenters provide any monitoring data (from self-
    monitoring or POTW monitoring) that has not been previously submitted. 
    Data of particular use to EPA include paired influent and effluent data 
    related to chemical precipitation and DAF or, if these data are not 
    available, provide paired influent and effluent data for each overall 
    treatment system. In addition, commenters should provide a copy of 
    local limits and/or monitoring requirements including analytical 
    methods used and method detection limits for any non-detect values.
        In order to fully evaluate the treatment performance data and the 
    appropriateness of its inclusion in the development of the final rule, 
    EPA requests that commenters provide information concerning each 
    wastewater treatment system design and each facility's laundry 
    production. Ideally, EPA requests that supporting data be provided in 
    the format requested in questions 1 and 2 of the attachments to the 
    substantiation letters. These attachments are found in Section 14.6.1 
    of the rulemaking record. At a minimum, EPA requests that general data 
    pertaining to the commenter's facility be supplied. This includes a 
    detailed description of your treatment system (average operating days 
    per year and hours per day, treatment system unit descriptions and 
    capacities, average wastewater flows in and out of treatment units, 
    chemical addition type and location) and general production data for 
    the commenter's facility (including total annual production and a 
    breakdown of annual production by item type).
    D. Passthrough Analysis
        EPA received a number of comments on its proposal to reconsider the 
    data used for the publicly owned treatment works (POTW) passthrough 
    analysis. The Agency solicits influent and effluent pollutant 
    concentration data from POTWs operating secondary treatment. These data 
    may be used in recalculating POTW passthrough. EPA is particularly 
    interested in any treatment data for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH 
    measured as SGT-HEM) measured using the proposed EPA Method 1664, 
    however EPA also solicits data resulting from existing (Freon 
    extraction) methods. While this is not the current method, this data 
    still provides essential information about performance. Commenters 
    should provide monitoring data, the portion of the total wastewater 
    treated at the POTW that is industrial (percentages and flow rates), 
    the number of industrial laundries currently discharging to the POTW 
    and the approximate flow rates of these laundries. In addition, provide 
    the sample date, the number of sampling points, and detection limits 
    for data below the detection limit in order to fully evaluate the data.
    E. Volatile Organic Treatment Technologies Used at Industrial Laundries
        At proposal, EPA analyzed the treatment performance and cost 
    effectiveness of volatiles control by steam tumbling printer towels 
    prior to water washing. At this time, EPA is requesting additional data 
    on volatiles control. This includes data on steam tumbling, carbon 
    adsorption, air stripping followed by a scrubbing device, and 
    filtration of water streams through sand or diatomaceous earth. 
    Commenters should provide treatment performance data, including paired 
    influent and effluent data, and corresponding flow and production data. 
    They should also provide, where available, the costs associated with 
    implementing the treatment technology. Ideally, EPA requests that the 
    data be provided in the format requested in the attachments to the 
    substantiation letters.
    [[Page 71062]]
    These attachments are found in Section 14.6.1 of the rulemaking record. 
    At a minimum, EPA requests that capital costs be broken down in terms 
    of treatment system equipment costs, installation costs, delivery 
    costs, accessory costs (e.g., probes), instrumentation, piping, 
    contractor fees, pumps, construction of buildings or other structures 
    to house major treatment units, and engineering costs. EPA requests 
    that annual costs be broken down into the following components, if 
    available: chemical costs, electric costs, operation and maintenance 
    (O&M) labor costs, O&M material costs, and residual disposal costs. EPA 
    also requests that general data pertaining to the commenter's facility 
    be supplied. This includes a detailed description of the treatment 
    system (average operating days per year and hours per day, treatment 
    system unit descriptions and capacities, average wastewater flows in 
    and out of treatment units, chemical addition type and location) and 
    general production data for the facility (include total annual 
    production and a breakdown of annual production by item type).
    F. Pollution Prevention Activities
        EPA proposed a no regulation option at the time of proposal. If EPA 
    decides to go forward with the no regulation option, EPA may require 
    specific pollution prevention/reduction activities to be implemented at 
    industrial laundry facilities. EPA is soliciting information on in-
    process pollution prevention activities designed to minimize the level 
    of pollutants in the influent at industrial laundries. Commenters 
    should provide a description of the pollution prevention activity and 
    information on the pollutant reduction due to implementation of this 
        EPA also solicits comment on whether a best management practice 
    (BMP) option, in lieu of an end-of-pipe regulation using any of the 
    previously identified options controlling organic compounds, should be 
    promulgated. This option would require control of organic solvents 
    prior to the wash cycle by treating industrial towels only. In this 
    case, the BMP could specify a certain technology (e.g., centrifuges, 
    hydraulic presses, mechanical wringers) in lieu of a performance 
    standard and could be used in conjunction with the industry's proposed 
    voluntary program.
    G. Space Limitations and New Building Costs for Industrial Laundries
        EPA received several comments indicating that space requirements 
    and expansion costs for industrial laundries were underestimated. EPA 
    is soliciting comments and data from industrial laundry facilities that 
    in the past five years have installed pretreatment equipment that 
    required them to either purchase addition land and/or construct a 
    building to house pretreatment equipment. For facilities that purchased 
    additional land to install pretreatment equipment, please provide 
    information on the amount of land purchased, the cost of the land, and 
    the location of the facility. For facilities that constructed buildings 
    to house pretreatment equipment, please provide a detailed description 
    of the building (including size, construction materials, and any 
    additional uses of the building) and a detailed cost breakdown 
    (including construction costs, secondary containment costs, HVAC costs, 
    H. Alternative Approach to ``No Regulation'' Option
        EPA has received from UTSA and TRSA a proposal that would serve as 
    an alternative to the pretreatment standards proposed by EPA. This 
    document, which is available in Section 16 of the public record for 
    this rulemaking, outlines a voluntary multi-media environmental 
    improvement and pollution prevention program. The programs contains 
    five elements: (1) The establishment of industry-wide program goals; 
    (2) a statement of environmental principles; (3) a menu of specific 
    voluntary initiatives; (4) an implementation plan; and (5) a system for 
    assessing program performance. EPA solicits comment on whether this 
    program or some combination of elements of this program should take the 
    place of the final rule, or be part of an option for those facilities 
    excluded from numeric standards based on some sort of size cutoff to 
    embark upon in place of complying with standards contained in the final 
    rule. EPA has also received comments supporting EPA to go forward with 
    the promulgation of pretreatment standards for this industry. These 
    comments can be found in Section 14 of the record.
        Dated: December 16, 1998.
    J. Charles Fox,
    Assistant Administrator for Water.
    [FR Doc. 98-34037 Filed 12-22-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of data availability.
Document Number:
Submit an original and three copies of your comments postmarked by February 8, 1999.
71054-71062 (9 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
40 CFR 441