99-32660. Irradiation of Meat Food Products  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 246 (Thursday, December 23, 1999)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 72150-72166]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-32660]
    [[Page 72149]]
    Part II
    Department of Agriculture
    Food Safety and Inspection Service
    9 CFR Parts 381 and 424
    Irradiation of Meat Food Products; Final Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 246 / Thursday, December 23, 1999 / 
    Rules and Regulations
    [[Page 72150]]
    Food Safety and Inspection Service
    9 CFR Parts 381 and 424
    [Docket No. 97-076F]
    Irradiation of Meat Food Products
    AGENCY: Food Safety and Inspection Service
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is amending its 
    regulations to permit the use of ionizing radiation for treating 
    refrigerated or frozen, uncooked meat, meat byproducts, and certain 
    other meat food products to reduce levels of foodborne pathogens and to 
    extend shelf-life. FSIS also is revising the regulations governing the 
    irradiation of poultry products so that they will be as consistent as 
    possible with the regulations for the irradiation of meat food 
    EFFECTIVE DATES: February 22, 2000.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Daniel L. Engeljohn, Ph.D., Director, 
    Regulation Development and Analysis Division, Office of Policy, Program 
    Development, and Evaluation, Food Safety and Inspection Service, U.S. 
    Department of Agriculture (202) 720-5627.
        On February 24, 1999, the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) 
    published a proposal (64 FR 9089) to permit the use of ionizing 
    radiation for treating refrigerated or frozen uncooked meat, meat 
    byproducts, and certain other meat food products (hereafter referred to 
    as ``meat food products'' when discussed as a group) to reduce levels 
    of foodborne pathogens and to extend shelf-life. FSIS also proposed to 
    revise the regulations governing the irradiation of poultry products so 
    that they will be as consistent as possible with the regulations for 
    the irradiation of meat food products. FSIS initially provided 60 days 
    for public comment, ending the comment period on April 26, 1999. 
    Because of the great interest in this proposal, FSIS reopened the 
    comment period for 15 days on June 2, 1999 (64 FR 29602). FSIS 
    announced that it would consider all comments received between April 
    27, 1999 and June 17, 1999. In this document, FSIS makes final the 
    proposed regulations, with some revision in response to comments.
    Food Irradiation
        Food irradiation is the process of exposing food to high levels of 
    radiant energy. Forms of radiant energy include: microwave and infrared 
    radiation that heat food during cooking; visible light or ultraviolet 
    light used to dry food or kill surface microorganisms; and ionizing 
    radiation, resulting from cobalt-60, cesium-137, x-ray machines, or 
    electron accelerators, that penetrates deeply into food, killing insect 
    pests and microorganisms without raising the temperature of the food 
    significantly. Food is most often irradiated commercially to extend 
    shelf-life, eliminate insect pests, or reduce numbers of pathogenic 
    microorganisms. Food irradiation for these purposes is practiced in 
    many countries, including the United States.
        Section 201(s) of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) 
    defines sources of radiation used to treat food as food additives:
        The term ``food additive'' means any substance the intended use 
    of which results or may reasonably be expected to result, directly 
    or indirectly, in its becoming a component or otherwise affecting 
    the characteristics of any food (including any substance intended 
    for use in producing, manufacturing, packing, processing, preparing, 
    treating, packaging, transporting, or holding food; and including 
    any source of radiation intended for any such use), if such 
    substance is not generally recognized * * * to be safe under the 
    conditions of its intended use * * *.
        The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the Department of Health 
    and Human Services has the primary responsibility for determining 
    whether food additives are safe for particular uses. FDA lists uses of 
    food additives it has concluded are safe in 21 CFR parts 172 through 
        On August 25, 1994 (59 FR 43848), FDA announced that it had 
    received a petition from Isomedix, Inc., requesting that FDA amend the 
    food additive regulations in 21 CFR part 179 (Irradiation in the 
    Production, Processing and Handling of Food). The petition requested 
    that FDA authorize the safe use of sources of ionizing radiation to:
    control microbial pathogens in raw, fresh-chilled, and frozen intact 
    and comminuted edible tissue of the skeletal muscle and organ meat 
    of domesticated mammalian food sources; with concomitant control of 
    infectious parasites, and, extension of acceptable edible/marketable 
    life of chilled/refrigerated and defrosted meat through the 
    reduction in levels of spoilage microorganisms.
        The petition further specified that the proposed foods were to be 
    ``primarily from bovine, ovine, porcine, and equine sources.'' Also, 
    Isomedix requested that a maximum dose of 4.5 kiloGray (kGy) be 
    established for the irradiation of refrigerated meat, and that a 
    maximum dose of 7.0 kGy be established for the irradiation of frozen 
        After an evaluation of available data, FDA concluded that there was 
    a reasonable certainty of no harm from the irradiation of meat food 
    products under the conditions requested in the petition and that 
    irradiation would not adversely affect the nutritional adequacy of 
    these products. On December 3, 1997, FDA published a final rule (FDA 
    Docket No. 94F-0289; 62 FR 64107) granting the Isomedix petition. In 
    that publication, FDA expanded the list of products (21 CFR 179.26(b)) 
    for which ionizing irradiation may be safely used to include: 
    refrigerated and frozen uncooked meat, as defined by FSIS in 9 CFR 
    301.2(rr); meat byproducts (e.g., edible organs, such as the liver and 
    the kidneys), as defined by FSIS in 9 CFR 301.2(tt); and certain meat 
    food products (e.g., ground beef and hamburger) within the meaning of 9 
    CFR 301.2(uu), with or without nonfluid seasoning, that are otherwise 
    composed solely of intact or ground meat or meat byproducts, or of 
    The FSIS Proposal
        As stated above, on February 24, 1999, FSIS proposed regulations 
    governing the irradiation of refrigerated and frozen, uncooked meat 
    food products and also proposed to revise the poultry irradiation 
    regulations for consistency. Specifically, FSIS proposed the following:
        FSIS proposed that the defined meat food products could be treated 
    with ionizing irradiation at dosages of up to 4.5 kiloGrays (kGy), if 
    refrigerated, and 7 kGy, if frozen. FSIS proposed no minimum dosage.
    Process Control
        FSIS proposed to require that official establishments irradiate 
    meat food products for food uses only in accordance with a Hazard 
    Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system or, if not yet 
    operating under HACCP requirements, in accordance with a process 
    schedule validated by a process authority.
        FSIS proposed to require that official establishments that 
    irradiate meat food products have in place a dosimetry system to 
    measure the absorbed dose of radiation. The dosimetry system would
    [[Page 72151]]
    ensure that each lot of treated product has received the dose defined 
    in the process schedule or HACCP plan. The proposed requirements 
    mandated that each dosimetry system included:
         Procedures for determining the absorbed radiation dose 
    value from the dosimeter;
         Procedures for calibrating dosimeters and other means of 
    measurement (e.g., time clocks and weight scales);
         Procedures for ensuring specific absorbed dosages of 
    irradiation by product unit and product lot; and
         Procedures for verifying the integrity of the radiation 
    source and the processing procedure.
        FSIS proposed to require official establishments that irradiate 
    meat food products to have on file the following documents that relate 
    to the establishment's compliance with other Federal requirements 
    concerning irradiation:
         Documentation that an irradiation facility that possesses 
    gamma radiation sources is licensed with the Nuclear Regulatory 
    Commission (NRC) or the appropriate State government acting under 
    authority granted by the NRC, and that a worker safety program 
    addressing OSHA regulations is in place;
         Documentation that an irradiation facility that uses 
    machine radiation sources is registered with the appropriate State 
    government, if applicable;
         Citations or other documents that relate to the instances 
    in which the establishment was found not to comply with Federal or 
    State agency requirements for irradiation facilities;
         Certification by the operator that the irradiation 
    facility's personnel are operating under the supervision of a person 
    who has successfully completed a course of instruction for operators of 
    food irradiation facilities;
         Certification by the operator that the key irradiation 
    personnel have been trained in food technology, irradiation processing, 
    and radiation health and safety; and
         Guarantees from the suppliers of all food-contact 
    packaging materials that may be subject to irradiation, that those 
    materials comply with the FFDCA (21 U.S.C. 301 et seq.).
        FSIS proposed that labeling for packaged meat food products 
    irradiated in their entirety bear the radura logo along with a 
    statement such as ``Treated with radiation'' or ``Treated by 
    irradiation.'' FSIS proposed that the logo be placed prominently and 
    conspicuously in conjunction with the required statement and that the 
    statement appear as a qualifier contiguous to the product name. Also, 
    FSIS proposed to require that inclusion of an irradiated meat food 
    product ingredient in any multi-ingredient product be reflected in the 
    ingredient statement on the finished product labeling. Finally, FSIS 
    stated that it would allow optional labeling statements about the 
    purpose for radiation processing to be included on the product label in 
    addition to the above stated requirements. Statements indicating a 
    specific reduction in microbial pathogens would have to be 
    substantiated by processing documentation.
        FSIS proposed to require that for unpackaged meat food products 
    irradiated in their entirety, the required logo and a statement must be 
    prominently and conspicuously displayed to purchasers either through 
    labeling on a bulk container or some other appropriate device.
        FSIS also proposed to revise the existing regulations governing the 
    irradiation of poultry products to make them as consistent as possible 
    with the regulations proposed for meat food products. FSIS proposed to 
    eliminate the regulations requiring that establishments irradiate 
    poultry products only in accordance with Partial Quality Control 
    programs and to instead require that poultry establishments, like meat 
    establishments, irradiate product in accordance with HACCP plans or 
    process schedules. FSIS also proposed to eliminate the provision that 
    stated that only packaged poultry products may be treated with 
    irradiation. FSIS had adopted this requirement to ensure that the 
    antimicrobial effects of irradiation would be maintained throughout the 
    processing and distribution of the poultry products. However, because 
    under the proposal all poultry establishments would be required to 
    develop and implement HACCP plans, this prescriptive packaging 
    requirement would no longer be necessary.
        FSIS could not, however, propose to rescind the FDA requirement in 
    21 CFR 179.26(b)(6) that if packaged poultry product is irradiated, 
    that packaging be air permeable: ``* * * any packaging used shall not 
    exclude oxygen.'' FSIS originally requested that FDA establish this 
    requirement for control of the pathogen C. botulinum. In light of the 
    new HACCP requirements, this prescriptive requirement is no longer 
    necessary. Under HACCP, poultry establishments have both the 
    responsibility and the flexibility to determine the best means for 
    controlling any hazards resulting from the irradiation of product in 
    anaerobic packaging. FSIS submitted a petition to FDA on August 19, 
    1999, to eliminate this packaging requirement.
        FSIS proposed to eliminate the minimum dose requirement for 
    irradiated poultry products contained in Sec. 381.147(f)(4). FSIS 
    adopted this requirement to ensure that the irradiation of poultry 
    product, which may occur only after the product is packaged for retail 
    sale, does in fact achieve a specific reduction in pathogens. However, 
    FDA and FSIS have concluded that different doses of ionizing radiation 
    can be appropriate, in different circumstances, for achieving different 
    technical effects and, therefore, that to continue to require a minimum 
    dose of irradiation for poultry products would limit the flexibility 
    needed for the successful implementation of HACCP. FSIS considers 
    irradiation to be just one of many treatments that could be used within 
    a HACCP system to achieve a reduction in pathogens.
        FSIS could not propose to revise the FDA limits on the maximum 
    absorbed radiation dose for poultry products. However, it is possible 
    that poultry products could be safely treated with higher doses of 
    radiation than those that are currently allowed. Higher doses could 
    achieve greater reductions in pathogens. In the August 19, 1999, 
    petition mentioned above, FSIS asked FDA to reconsider and raise the 
    limit on the maximum absorbed dose of radiation in poultry products.
        FSIS proposed to eliminate two of the labeling requirements in 
    Sec. 381.135(a): the requirement that the radura logo on irradiated 
    poultry product labels be colored green and the requirement that 
    ``letters used for the qualifying statement shall be no less than one-
    third the size of the largest letter in the product name.'' The 
    elimination of these requirements will make FSIS requirements 
    consistent with FDA requirements and provide more flexibility for 
    labeling irradiated poultry products, without affecting the information 
    content of such labels.
        Because FSIS proposed to allow unpackaged poultry product to be 
    irradiated, it also proposed labeling requirements for unpackaged, 
    irradiated poultry product sold at the retail level (proposed 
    Sec. 318.135(b)). The proposed labeling requirements are consistent 
    with those proposed for unpackaged,
    [[Page 72152]]
    irradiated meat food products and with FDA labeling requirements for 
    irradiated products sold in bulk (21 CFR 179.26(c)(2)).
        Also, because FSIS proposed to allow irradiated poultry products to 
    be used as ingredients in further processed products, FSIS also 
    proposed to require that the ingredient statement on such products 
    reflect the inclusion of irradiated poultry products (Sec. 381.135(b)). 
    For example, under the proposal, an ingredient statement for a sausage 
    product containing irradiated poultry would be required to include an 
    entry such as, ``irradiated poultry'' or ``poultry, treated by 
    Comments and Responses
        By the close of the comment period, FSIS received about 1,100 
    comments from consumers, consumer advocacy organizations, academia, 
    trade and professional associations, scientific organizations, the meat 
    and poultry products industries, the irradiation equipment industry, 
    industry consultants, and State governments. Generally, industry, 
    academia, and professional organizations supported the proposal. These 
    commenters expressed concerns about the proposed labeling requirements, 
    which they believe are too prescriptive, about the length of time it 
    took to publish the proposal, and made recommendations for broadening 
    the scope of the proposal. Consumer advocacy groups, for the most part, 
    expressed qualified support for the proposal. All expressed concern 
    that establishments will use irradiation to treat product produced 
    under insanitary conditions and all wanted FSIS to require explicit and 
    conspicuous product labeling. Many of the individual consumers and a 
    few organizations opposed the irradiation of meat food products 
    altogether, but demanded explicit and conspicuous product labeling in 
    the event FSIS allowed it. Summaries of issues raised by commenters and 
    Agency responses follow.
    Safety of Irradiation
        Comment: Numerous consumers questioned the research regarding the 
    safety of irradiated food. Some demanded more research before 
    irradiation is allowed; some opposed irradiation altogether. Several 
    opposed irradiation because they believe it will significantly degrade 
    the nutritional quality of treated food.
        A few commenters opposed irradiation because, they asserted, its 
    use would increase the risk of accidents involving radioactive 
    material. Some raised concerns about worker safety and environmental 
    issues related to irradiation. One consumer advocacy group argued that 
    the rule's potential impact on the environment must be reviewed under 
    the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA, 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.). 
    Finally, a few consumers requested that parents be asked to give their 
    permission before their children are served irradiated food in the 
    school lunch program.
        Response: The safety and efficacy of food irradiation, as 
    demonstrated by numerous experiments and studies, is widely accepted by 
    Federal regulatory agencies and national and international food and 
    public health organizations. Before listing the uses of sources of 
    ionizing radiation permitted on meat food products, as well as on other 
    foods, FDA examined numerous studies on the chemical effects of 
    radiation, the impact of radiation on nutrient content of foods, 
    potential toxicity concerns, and effects on microorganisms in or on 
    irradiated products. FDA concluded that irradiation is safe in reducing 
    disease-causing microbes in or on meat food products and that it does 
    not compromise the nutritional quality of treated products. 
    Furthermore, the World Health Organization, the Food and Agriculture 
    Organization, the American Medical Association, and the American 
    Dietetic Association endorse food irradiation.
        FSIS has examined the potential impacts of food irradiation in a 
    review of risk analysis literature made available with the proposed 
    rule. This literature review is available from the FSIS Docket Clerk's 
    Office (see ADDRESSES above) and from the FSIS Internet world wide web 
    page at http://www.fsis.usda.gov/OA/topics/irrad-risk.htm.
        From this review of recent studies, FSIS concluded that the 
    proposed regulations permitting the irradiation of meat food products 
    and the revision of the regulations governing the irradiation of 
    poultry products would pose no significant risk to worker or 
    transportation safety. FSIS concluded that oversight by other Federal 
    and State agencies will ensure the safety of food irradiation 
        In summary, proper design and operating procedures of commercial 
    irradiators have been shown to operate without significant radiation 
    risk to workers or the public. NRC [Nuclear Regulatory Commission] 
    has set stringent environmental protection requirements for any 
    facilities that use radionuclide sources (10 CFR Parts 20, 30, 51, 
    and 71). There are special carrier requirements for transport of 
    hazardous materials (such as the radionuclides used at the facility) 
    set by the DOT [Department of Transportation]. Any extraneous 
    radiation from radionuclides would be contained in plants by 
    shielding required by the NRC and the Bureau of Radiological Health 
    at FDA. The risk of radiation exposure to workers is very low with 
    adherence to the required NRC, OSHA, and other safety requirements. 
    And finally, FSIS ensures that the risks from food irradiation are 
    insignificant by its requirement that all irradiation facilities 
    adhere to the safety regulations of the NRC, DOT, and FDA.
        Furthermore, FSIS employees will receive training from FSIS in 
    radiation health and safety and will be required to wear dosimetry 
    devices. The Agricultural Research Service (ARS) will issue the devices 
    as part of their radiological safety program for all USDA employees. 
    Radiation exposure records for FSIS employees will be maintained and 
    monitored by ARS, and kept indefinitely.
        Concerning NEPA, USDA has determined that FSIS programs and 
    activities have been found to have no individual or cumulative effect 
    on the human environment. Accordingly FSIS is categorically excluded 
    from the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) or 
    Environmental Impact Statement unless the Administrator determines that 
    an action may have a significant environmental effect (7 CFR 1b.4). The 
    irradiation of various food products has been permitted and safely 
    conducted for over 30 years. The irradiation of poultry products has 
    been permitted and safely conducted since 1992. Therefore, the 
    Administrator has not determined that circumstances dictate the need 
    for preparation of an EA for the voluntary use of irradiation in meat 
    food products.
        FSIS works closely with the other agencies within USDA responsible 
    for the school lunch program. Should USDA or individual school 
    districts choose to purchase irradiated products for the school lunch 
    program, FSIS would support that decision. Irradiation can 
    significantly reduce the levels of pathogenic microorganisms in treated 
    meat food and poultry products. Therefore, irradiated food products 
    would be ideal for the school lunch program, which serves children, a 
    population particularly vulnerable to foodborne illness. FSIS sees no 
    need for any special notification of the parents of children 
    participating in a school lunch program that serves irradiated meat 
    food or poultry products because FSIS agrees with FDA's finding that 
    food irradiation poses no toxicological or microbiological risks for 
    consumers and does not affect the nutritional adequacy of treated 
    [[Page 72153]]
    Efficacy of Irradiation
        Comment: Several commenters from industry and academia requested 
    that FSIS either maintain a minimum absorbed dose requirement or, if 
    there is to be no required minimum dose, require establishments that 
    irradiate product to achieve a minimum level of pathogen reduction (one 
    irradiator suggested 1-log10 reduction of the pathogen of 
    concern in a product). One commenter argued that unscrupulous 
    processors could irradiate product with a minimal dosage, achieving an 
    insignificant antimicrobial effect, merely to accrue the benefit of the 
    label and extended product shelf-life. This commenter also maintained 
    that consumers would be misled by product labeled as irradiated, but 
    treated with only a negligible dose. Another industry commenter 
    maintained that although FSIS should not mandate irradiation, FSIS 
    should mandate that all official establishments achieve the level of 
    pathogen reduction resulting from irradiation, regardless of the 
    antimicrobial intervention they use.
        Several consumer advocacy organizations recommended that FSIS 
    maintain the minimum dose requirement for treated poultry and establish 
    a minimum dose for meat food products so as to ensure specific 
    reductions in pathogens.
        Response: FSIS will allow meat and poultry establishments to 
    determine what level of irradiation (subject to a maximum level) and 
    what consequent reduction of pathogens is appropriate within their 
    HACCP systems. Depending on the processing environment, the type of 
    meat food or poultry product, and the type of radiation source 
    employed, varying dosages of radiation will be appropriate. A required 
    minimum dosage would undercut the flexibility needed for the successful 
    implementation of HACCP.
        Furthermore, FSIS finds that it is unnecessary to establish a 
    minimum level of pathogen reduction to be achieved by irradiation or by 
    any other specific antimicrobial intervention. Establishments must 
    determine what level of pathogen reduction is necessary from a 
    particular intervention based on the results of the hazard analysis 
    they conduct when developing their HACCP plan. Establishments are 
    required to meet specific pathogen reduction performance standards for 
    numerous meat food and poultry products and FSIS plans to propose more 
    standards to eventually cover every processing category. FSIS will 
    ensure that safe meat food and poultry products are produced through 
    compliance with these standards, but need not hinder processing 
    innovation by mandating the use of specific antimicrobial 
    interventions, or specific results from specific interventions.
        Comment: Several consumer advocacy organizations argued that FSIS 
    should require establishments that irradiate product, and especially 
    establishments not yet under HACCP, to conduct regular micro-testing 
    prior to irradiation. One organization requested that FSIS require end-
    product microbial testing of irradiated product. This testing would 
    discourage establishments from using irradiation to treat ``dirty'' 
    product or operate under insanitary conditions. Another suggested that 
    FSIS clarify in the final rule that irradiation would in no way satisfy 
    the ``zero-fecal'' policy. Finally, another organization argued that 
    FSIS should allow meat food products to be irradiated only after final 
    packaging, to prevent any recontamination of the treated product.
        Response: Irradiation is just one of the many antimicrobial 
    interventions available to establishments. As with other interventions, 
    its use in no way exempts establishments from meeting statutory 
    sanitation requirements. Moreover, FSIS emphasizes that establishments 
    that employ irradiation still must meet the zero-tolerance requirements 
    for visible fecal matter on meat or poultry carcasses.
        FSIS will neither require special microbial testing nor conduct 
    such testing in establishments that irradiate product (although FSIS 
    may conduct microbial testing to verify pathogen reduction claims or 
    for enforcement purposes). Compliance with the HACCP requirements, 
    along with other FSIS requirements governing sanitation, will preclude 
    the irradiation of product produced under insanitary conditions, as 
    well as the adulteration of product after an irradiation treatment.
        Finally, in order to promote processing flexibility and innovation 
    that will lead to improvements in food safety, FSIS did not propose to 
    require that meat food products be irradiated only after final 
    packaging. Using a HACCP system, an establishment must control the 
    conditions under which product is held from initial processing through 
    irradiation and packaging to ensure and preserve the intended 
    antimicrobial effects of irradiation. By law, establishments must 
    produce unadulterated meat food and poultry products regardless of 
    whether or when they irradiate within their processing systems.
        Comment: Numerous commenters opposed irradiation of meat food and 
    poultry products because they believe irradiation will allow 
    establishments to clean up insanitary meat food and poultry products 
    resulting from ``factory farming'' (concentrated animal production 
    methods), which they believe is unethical and inhumane. They argue, 
    therefore, that irradiation would indirectly promote the expansion of 
    ``factory farming.''
        Response: As stated above, the use of irradiation in no way exempts 
    establishments from meeting statutory and regulatory sanitation 
    requirements. Establishments are not permitted to produce meat food or 
    poultry products under insanitary conditions, regardless of whether 
    they irradiate. Furthermore, FSIS prohibits the inhumane handling and 
    slaughter of livestock. Under the Humane Slaughter Act (7 U.S.C. 1901-
    1906), FSIS personnel may suspend inspection of an official 
    establishment if the Agency determines that the method by which 
    livestock is slaughtered is inhumane, as defined by the Humane 
    Slaughter Act.
        As part of its ``farm-to-table'' food safety strategy, FSIS is 
    interested in effects of concentrated animal production methods on food 
    safety, as well as humane handling and slaughter. Notably, no data was 
    submitted that supported comments concerning concentrated animal 
    production. FSIS would welcome and thoroughly review any such data.
        Comment: One consumer advocate organization requested that FSIS 
    provide information on how it intends to redeploy inspection program 
    employees to irradiation facilities.
        Response: As stated in the proposal, facilities that irradiate meat 
    food and poultry products are considered by FSIS to be official 
    establishments. As such, they are subject to inspection as provided for 
    by the Federal Meat Inspection Act (FMIA) and Poultry Products 
    Inspection Act (PPIA). FSIS will deploy inspection program employees to 
    irradiation facilities based on a number of factors, such as inspection 
    force workload and the type of activities conducted at the individual 
    facilities (e.g., product irradiation only, irradiation and additional 
    processing, slaughter and irradiation) Assignment of FSIS program 
    personnel to irradiation facilities will not differ from assignment to 
    other types of official establishments.
    Irradiation and HACCP
        Comment: A few establishments and trade associations argued that 
    FSIS should not mandate a critical control point (CCP) for irradiation, 
    as they believed that the preamble implied that FSIS will mandate a CCP 
    for irradiation.
    [[Page 72154]]
        Response: FSIS did not mandate any specific CCP or critical limit 
    in the proposed rule language, although the Agency did give some 
    examples. Because most, if not all, establishments will irradiate 
    product specifically to reduce microbial pathogens (identified 
    hazards), they would include irradiation as a CCP in their HACCP plans. 
    A CCP is a point, step, or procedure at which control can be applied so 
    that a food safety hazard can be prevented, eliminated, or reduced to 
    an acceptable level. Dosage, ambient temperature, oxygen levels or 
    other factors that affect the antimicrobial efficacy of irradiation 
    will likely be monitored to determine if the critical limits for an 
    irradiation CCP are being met.
        In accordance with the FDA regulation on the use of irradiation, 
    establishments could irradiate product solely to extend shelf-life. In 
    its proposal to provide for the use of irradiation on meat food 
    products, FSIS stated that it therefore might be possible for an 
    establishment to irradiate product solely to extend shelf-life and not 
    account for effects of the treatment on pathogens in its HACCP plan:
    Were an establishment to irradiate meat food products solely for the 
    purpose of extending shelf-life, it is conceivable, although highly 
    unlikely, that the establishment could disregard any amount of 
    pathogen reduction achieved by the irradiation and therefore not 
    list irradiation as a CCP in its HACCP plan. However, such an 
    establishment still would have to meet the other requirements for 
    irradiation facilities promulgated by FSIS and other Federal and 
    State agencies, such as requirements for dosimetry and 
    documentation. FSIS does not anticipate that any establishment will 
    irradiate product solely to extend shelf-life and not account for 
    the antimicrobial effects of irradiation in its HACCP plan.
    (64 FR 9091-9092)
        FSIS still maintains this position, but notes that there is a 
    safety factor inherent in product shelf-life determination. Pathogenic 
    and non-pathogenic microorganisms, including spoilage organisms, 
    compete for nutrients in food products. Non-pathogenic and spoilage 
    organisms generally are more plentiful than pathogenic organisms. 
    Increasing the shelf-life of a product involves reducing the levels of 
    the spoilage organisms. Although most antimicrobial treatments, 
    including irradiation, reduce microbial levels fairly proportionately, 
    an establishment must ensure that its treatment does not give a 
    competitive advantage to pathogenic organisms, allowing for their 
    disparate growth.
        More specifically, irradiation can affect the levels and projected 
    growth of microbial pathogens, which would be identified by 
    establishments as hazards. Establishments should take into account the 
    levels and projected growth of microbial pathogens in meat food and 
    poultry products when determining product shelf-life. Therefore, in its 
    HACCP plan, an establishment would need to account for the reduction of 
    pathogens (and possibly the reduction of competing microorganisms) 
    resulting from irradiation conducted solely to extend product shelf-
    life. Nonetheless, FSIS is not mandating the specific CCP or critical 
    limit to be employed.
        Comment: Numerous industry groups and establishments argued that 
    facilities that only irradiate packaged product should not be 
    considered official establishments, since, in their view, such 
    establishments would not be processing product (traditionally 
    considered to be grinding, salting, etc.). A few of these commenters 
    noted that FSIS does not currently consider certain warehouses that 
    freeze packaged meat food and poultry products to destroy parasites to 
    be official establishments. One commenter suggested that third party 
    irradiators be required to implement HACCP anyway; several suggested 
    that irradiation conducted at a remote facility be considered under the 
    HACCP plan of the establishment that provides the meat food or poultry 
    products for irradiation.
        Response: FSIS disagrees and will consider any facility that 
    irradiates meat food or poultry products to be an official 
    establishment. Sources of radiation used to treat food are defined as 
    food additives under Sec. 201(s) of the FFDCA. FSIS believes that the 
    act of using any food additive constitutes processing, and the 
    processing of meat food and poultry products may only take place in 
    official establishments subject to FSIS inspection and regulation.
        In regard to the freezing of meat food and poultry products to kill 
    internal parasites, it is true that FSIS has allowed certain warehouses 
    to freeze beef and pork for this purpose, without being designated as 
    official establishments. FSIS is now reviewing this policy decision to 
    determine whether this freezing constitutes processing and will 
    designate these facilities as official establishments if it concludes 
    that it does.
        Because facilities that irradiate product will be designated as 
    official establishments, FSIS will not permit such establishments to 
    operate under other establishments' HACCP plans. Each official 
    establishment must develop and implement its own.
        Comment: Several commenters contended that the validation 
    requirement for process schedules is inadequate, since irradiation is 
    so complicated and relatively new to the meat food product industry. 
    They suggested FSIS require that radiation specialists review process 
    schedules and HACCP plans. One consumer advocacy organization suggested 
    that FSIS should validate HACCP plans that include irradiation.
        Response: FSIS disagrees. Food irradiation has been practiced in 
    the United States for over 30 years. Further, the irradiation of 
    poultry products has been permitted and safely conducted since 1992. 
    Industry possesses the expertise and the resources to safely and 
    effectively irradiate meat food products.
        FSIS is requiring certain employees of official establishments 
    conducting irradiation to be trained in various aspects of food 
    irradiation and radiation safety (new Sec. 424.22(c)(3)(v) and (vi)); 
    FSIS already requires this training for personnel at establishments 
    that irradiate poultry.
        In regard to the proposed requirements for process schedule 
    validation, because all official meat and poultry establishments will 
    be operating under the HACCP requirements by the time the regulations 
    are in effect, FSIS has not carried forward the proposed process 
    schedule requirements (meant for establishments not yet operating under 
    HACCP) into this final rule. FSIS does not validate establishment HACCP 
    plans, regardless of the processing systems employed. In accordance 
    with Sec. 417.4(a) of the regulations, it is the responsibility of an 
    establishment to validate its HACCP plan's adequacy in controlling the 
    identified food safety hazards. FSIS does review HACCP plans for 
    conformance with the HACCP regulations. Further, FSIS and 
    establishments are responsible for verifying that HACCP plans are 
    adequate and working on a day-to-day basis. Establishments must monitor 
    and verify the performance of the controls in their HACCP plans and 
    maintain records of this monitoring and verification. FSIS evaluates 
    the HACCP plan's adequacy and successful operation as part of the 
    inspection process.
    Scope of Meat Food and Poultry Products That May Be Irradiated
        Comment: Several commenters requested that FSIS specifically 
    provide for irradiation as an acceptable treatment for raw, non-intact 
    beef products contaminated with Escherichia coli O157:H7.
        Response: On January 19, 1999, FSIS published a notice in the 
    Federal Register (54 FR 2803; ``Beef Products Contaminated With 
    Escherichia Coli
    [[Page 72155]]
    O157:H7'') clarifying that non-intact beef products, as well as intact 
    cuts of muscle that are to be further processed into non-intact product 
    prior to distribution for consumption, that are contaminated with E. 
    coli O157:H7 are adulterated under the Federal Meat Inspection Act 
    unless the products are further processed to destroy this pathogen. 
    Also in that notice, FSIS stated that it was considering irradiation as 
    an option for effectively eliminating E. coli O157:H7 from contaminated 
    beef products, since the only type of effective processing available at 
    the time of the notice was cooking. Now, under the regulations in this 
    final rule, establishments may use irradiation as a means of 
    eliminating E. coli O157:H7 from contaminated beef products.
        An establishment that irradiates beef product known to be 
    contaminated with E. coli O157:H7 and intended for distribution as a 
    non-intact product must have controls in place to ensure that the 
    pathogen is eliminated from the product prior to its distribution for 
    consumption. The establishment also must document its actions to 
    eliminate E. coli O157:H7 from the product in accordance with 
    applicable regulations. Establishments should refer to the above 
    mentioned notice, as well as guidance available from the FSIS Internet 
    site (www.fsis.usda.gov), for further clarification on the Agency's 
    policy in regard to the treatment of beef products containing E. coli 
        Comment: Consumer and industry groups asked FSIS to broaden the 
    scope of the final rule to provide for the irradiation of processed 
    products, especially ready-to-eat products. Many commenters believed 
    that the FDA finding in regard to the Isomedix petition allows FSIS to 
    do this without petitioning FDA again. Also, several commenters 
    criticized FSIS and FDA for failing to cooperate more closely in regard 
    to approving the irradiation for various products. They suggested that:
         FSIS should act quickly to petition FDA to make the 
    regulations for irradiating poultry consistent with those for meat and 
    to allow for the irradiation of hot-boned meat.
         FSIS and FDA should expedite the approval of new packaging 
    materials for product irradiated while packaged.
         FSIS should make final and implement Docket No. 88-026P 
    (``Substances Authorized for Use in the Preparation of Meat and Poultry 
    Products''; 60 FR 67459) so as to end the need for duplicative 
    rulemaking by FDA and FSIS when approving food additives, including the 
    use of sources of ionizing radiation.
        Response: FDA's authority to regulate the uses of ionizing 
    radiation on food is clear under Sec. 409 of the FFDCA. FDA has 
    approved the use of sources of ionizing radiation only on the uncooked 
    meat food products described above. Until FDA approves the use of 
    ionizing radiation on other meat food products, including processed or 
    cooked products, FSIS will not provide for the irradiation of such 
        In August 23, 1999, a consortium of organizations, including the 
    National Food Processor's Association (NFPA), petitioned FDA to allow 
    for the use of approved sources of ionizing radiation on processed meat 
    food and poultry products. Because the irradiation treatment is 
    intended to significantly reduce the levels of pathogens in food, FDA 
    is reviewing this petition in an expedited clearance process. FSIS will 
    cooperate with FDA in reviewing this petition. Further, On August 19, 
    1999, FSIS petitioned FDA to clarify that sources of ionizing radiation 
    may be used on ``hot-boned'' (unrefrigerated) meat food products and to 
    revise the dosage and packaging restrictions on the irradiation of 
    poultry products for consistency. FDA also is reviewing these petitions 
    in an expedited clearance process.
        FDA is also working to expedite the process for reviewing packaging 
    materials to be used during food product irradiation and FSIS will 
    cooperate with FDA in reviews of such packaging for poultry and meat 
    food products. Under its new Premarket Notification Program, FDA will 
    continue to review all food contact substances, including food 
    packaging materials intended for use during irradiation, but will no 
    longer necessarily list those permitted in the Code of Federal 
        In regard to the approval of food additives in meat food and 
    poultry products, elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register, FSIS 
    has published a final rule (FSIS Docket No. 88-026F; ``Substances 
    Authorized for Use in the Preparation of Meat and Poultry Products'') 
    that ends duplicative approval by both FDA and FSIS. Requests to 
    approve the use of food additives in or on meat food and poultry 
    products not permitted now must be sent to FDA. Although FDA will 
    receive and review such petitions, FDA also intends to amend its 
    regulations to provide for FSIS review of petitions for uses of food 
    additives in or on meat food or poultry products. These actions will 
    eliminate the need for separate FSIS rulemakings. FSIS will limit 
    substance-specific rulemakings to those necessary to establish 
    prohibitions or limitations on the use of substances in meat food or 
    poultry products that are necessary to protect public health or to 
    achieve other consumer protection benefits, such as to prevent product 
        In this final rule, FSIS is consolidating its regulations governing 
    irradiation into a single set of generic regulations under new 
    Sec. 424.22(c), applicable to the irradiation of all types of meat food 
    and poultry products (FSIS proposed separate, but identical sets of 
    regulations for meat and poultry). Therefore, in the future, when FDA 
    lists new uses of ionizing radiation on various types of meat food and 
    poultry products, unless FSIS needs to establish a prohibition or 
    restriction, establishments may immediately take advantage of the newly 
    approved usage of irradiation without waiting for additional FSIS 
    Consumer Acceptance of Irradiation
        Comment: Numerous industry groups argued that FSIS should actively 
    promote irradiation and implement a consumer education program 
    regarding its benefits.
        Response: Recognizing the diversity of meat food and poultry 
    products and processing environments, FSIS does not mandate or actively 
    promote any single intervention or antimicrobial technology. The meat 
    food and poultry product industries, as well as consumer and public 
    health organizations, have the primary responsibility for promoting 
    irradiation and educating the public about the benefits and limitations 
    of irradiation. However, FSIS recognizes the potential of irradiation 
    to safely and effectively reduce foodborne pathogens in meat food and 
    poultry products and therefore is eager to provide for its use as one 
    of the many antimicrobial treatments that may be used within a HACCP 
        Comment: Numerous commenters requested that FSIS make its labeling 
    requirements for irradiated meat food and poultry products identical 
    with FDA's requirements. Several commenters noted that the proposed 
    labeling requirements regarding placement of the statement and radura, 
    as well as the proposed disclosure requirements for irradiated meat 
    food or poultry ingredients contained in multi-ingredient products, are 
    inconsistent with FDA labeling requirements and with the Food and Drug 
    Administration Modernization Act (FDAMA) of 1997 (Pub. L. 105-115). 
    Many commenters argued that the proposed requirements are unworkable 
    and expensive and
    [[Page 72156]]
    therefore will prevent the wide scale adoption of irradiation. A few 
    trade associations maintained that establishments producing multi-
    ingredient meat food and poultry products will have to maintain two 
    sets of labeling, since they will not always be using irradiated meat 
    food or poultry products as ingredients.
        Commenters suggested numerous and varied revisions to the proposed 
    labeling requirements:
         One trade association requested that FSIS require the 
    radura but not the statement on product irradiated in its entirety;
         An irradiator suggested that FSIS not require the 
    irradiation statement to be contiguous to the product name and argued 
    that the radura should be voluntary;
         A few commenters requested that FSIS require 
    ``irradiated'' to be part of the product name. One commenter suggested 
    that FSIS should then eliminate other labeling requirements, while 
    another suggested this be an additional requirement;
         Several commenters asked that FSIS require the radura with 
    a qualified statement indicating the beneficial effects of irradiation;
         One commenter requested that FSIS allow labeling that 
    indicates the source of radiation, i.e., gamma or machine source;
         One trade association suggested that multi-ingredient 
    products containing irradiated meat food or poultry product ingredients 
    be labeled with the radura and statement such as ``contains beef 
    products treated with irradiation;''
         One company maintained that the proposed labeling 
    requirements for multi-ingredient products are inconsistent with FDA 
    requirements in 21 CFR 101.100(a)(3)(i), which exempt from labeling 
    disclosure ``Substances that have no technical or functional effect but 
    are present in a food by reason of having been incorporated into the 
    food as an ingredient in another food, in which the substance did have 
    a functional or technical effect.''
         An irradiator suggested that there be no required 
    disclosure in multi-ingredient products unless the irradiated component 
    makes up more than 50% of the total product;
         One scientific organization argued that no irradiation 
    labeling should appear on product irradiated before its final 
    packaging. They contended that the treated product would not maintain 
    the antimicrobial effects of irradiation and therefore, that any 
    labeling implying otherwise would be misleading;
         Numerous individual consumers and consumer advocacy 
    organizations commented in favor of explicit and conspicuous labeling 
    disclosing that product has been irradiated or contains an irradiated 
    ingredient. Two organizations submitted poll results suggesting that a 
    majority of consumers are in favor of explicit and conspicuous 
    disclosure of irradiation. Many of these commenters generally supported 
    the labeling requirements FSIS proposed and opposed efforts at 
    consistency with FDA regulations and the requirements of the FDAMA.
         Consumer advocacy groups and numerous consumers argued 
    that, in the interest of the visually impaired, FSIS should not rescind 
    the existing letter size requirements for the irradiation statement on 
    treated poultry and should apply this same requirement to irradiated 
    meat food products.
         One consumer advocacy group argued that multi-ingredient 
    products with an irradiated poultry or meat food product ingredient 
    making up more than 50% of the total weight should be labeled with the 
    irradiation statement, as well as disclosure in the ingredient 
        Response: FSIS proposed to require that the radura be contiguous to 
    the irradiation statement and the statement to be contiguous to the 
    name. In Sec. 317.2(c)(1) of the regulations, FSIS requires that 
    product names be on the principal display panel. Therefore, under the 
    proposed regulations the statement and the radura would be required to 
    be on the principal display panel. FDA, however, in response to the 
    FDAMA, recently amended its regulations to clarify that the statement 
    does not have to be any more prominent than the ingredients statement; 
    that is, the statement and the radura can appear somewhere other than 
    the principal display panel.
        In response to comments and as part of an effort to make FSIS 
    labeling requirements more consistent with those of FDA, FSIS will not 
    require, as proposed, that the irradiation statement and the radura be 
    any more prominent than the ingredients statement on the labeling of 
    irradiated meat food and poultry products. Thus, the statement and the 
    radura may appear somewhere other than on the principal display panel. 
    The requirement in Sec. 317.2(b) that any statement must be placed and 
    in such terms so as to ``render it likely to be read and understood by 
    the ordinary individual under customary conditions of purchase and 
    use'' will still apply to the irradiation statement, however. This 
    requirement prohibits labeling of irradiated product in a manner that 
    would intentionally mislead consumers.
        FSIS disagrees with the comment that it should have letter size 
    requirements for irradiation disclosure statements in the interest of 
    the visually impaired. FSIS is working with FDA and other agencies to 
    make food labeling regulations consistent. Maintaining the existing or 
    proposing new letter size requirements solely for irradiated meat food 
    and poultry products would counter these efforts. However, FSIS will 
    continue to examine methods for improving the communication of food 
    safety and other relevant information to all consumers.
        Also in response to public comment, FSIS will allow the word 
    ``irradiated'' to be part of the name of irradiated meat food or 
    poultry product. FSIS will not require the irradiation statement on the 
    labeling of product that has the word ``irradiated'' as part of its 
    name. Having ``irradiated'' in a product name will be as meaningful to 
    consumers as labeling irradiated product with the statement.
        Although FDA does not exempt irradiated product from being labeled 
    with the statement when ``irradiated'' is included in the product name, 
    it is considering this issue as part of its ongoing reexamination of 
    labeling requirements for irradiated foods. FDA recently solicited 
    comment on possible revisions to the labeling requirements for 
    irradiated food in an advance notice of proposed rulemaking 
    (``Irradiation in the Production, Processing, and Handling of Food''; 
    February 17, 1999; 64 FR 7834). During the comment period on for this 
    notice, FSIS informed FDA of this revision to the labeling requirements 
    for irradiated meat food and poultry products. If FDA ultimately does 
    not adopt this labeling approach, FSIS will reassess its labeling 
    requirements for irradiated products to determine how to best improve 
    consistency between the requirements of the two agencies.
        FSIS will allow labeling statements and claims regarding the 
    beneficial effects of irradiation, provided they are truthful and not 
    misleading. FSIS already has approved such claims for the labeling of 
    irradiated poultry and FDA allows for such claims on the labeling of 
    other irradiated foods. As proposed, any claims must be substantiated 
    by processing documentation. The specificity and complexity of the 
    documentation required will vary and depend on the specificity of the 
    claim. For example, a general labeling claim, such as a statement that 
    product was irradiated ``to reduce pathogens such as Salmonella,'' 
    could be easily
    [[Page 72157]]
    substantiated by the establishment's HACCP plan and monitoring records. 
    Salmonella and other microbial pathogens would need to be identified as 
    a hazard in the establishment's HACCP plan and plan validation and 
    monitoring records would demonstrate the claimed reduction. If an 
    establishment wished to claim that a particular pathogen had been 
    eliminated from the product as a result of irradiation, more specific 
    documentation substantiating this would be required. This type of claim 
    is discussed further below in the response to comments concerning the 
    claimed elimination of E. coli O157:H7 from an irradiated product.
        FSIS will allow labeling statements disclosing the specific source 
    of radiation (gamma or machine source). FDA already allows such 
    statements on irradiated food (e.g. ``Treated by electron beam 
        FSIS is making final the proposed requirement that inclusion of an 
    irradiated meat food product ingredient in any multi-ingredient product 
    be reflected in the ingredient statement on the finished product 
    labeling. The FMIA and PPIA, like the FFDCA, require that food labeling 
    not be false or misleading. In determining whether labeling is false or 
    misleading under these statutes, FSIS must consider not only 
    representations made or suggested by elements of the label, but also 
    the failure to reveal material facts in light of such representations.
        FSIS views the irradiation of meat and poultry products as a 
    ``material fact'' that must be disclosed in product labeling, even if 
    the irradiated meat and poultry products are used as ingredients in 
    multi-ingredient products. Under this final rule, establishments may 
    irradiate meat food or poultry products only to control foodborne 
    pathogens or to extend product shelf-life. In FSIS's view, effects on 
    pathogen levels or product shelf-life, whether achieved in single-
    ingredient or multi-ingredient meat or poultry products, are material 
    facts that would not be evident to consumers in the absence of 
    labeling. Moreover, some, and probably much, of the antimicrobial 
    effect and extension of shelf-life achieved through irradiation is 
    likely to persist in irradiated meat and poultry used as ingredients in 
    multi-ingredient products, especially considering that FSIS anticipates 
    that products in which irradiated meat or poultry are likely to be used 
    as ingredients are also likely to contain a significant amount of these 
        Thus, FSIS concludes that irradiation of a meat or poultry 
    ingredient in a multi-ingredient product must be disclosed. FSIS will, 
    however, continue to monitor how irradiation is used. As new 
    information based on experience in the marketplace becomes available, 
    and should FDA approve other uses of irradiation for meat and poultry 
    products, FSIS may revisit whether irradiation of ingredients for those 
    uses is a material fact that requires disclosure.
        FSIS disagrees with the comment that disclosure of the irradiated 
    ingredient will mislead consumers about the product's safety because, 
    according to the commenter, multi-ingredient products with irradiated 
    meat or poultry ingredients would be no different microbiologically 
    than those without. FSIS acknowledges that the antimicrobial effects of 
    irradiation will be maintained at varying levels in a multi-ingredient 
    meat food or poultry product, depending on the type of product, how it 
    is processed, whether it is combined with other non-irradiated 
    ingredients, or if specific microorganisms are reintroduced. However, 
    some antimicrobial effect from the irradiation would be maintained in 
    the irradiated meat food or poultry product ingredient and that would 
    not be apparent to consumers without labeling.
        FSIS disagrees with the comment that the this disclosure 
    requirement is inconsistent with FDA regulations in 21 CFR 
    101.100(a)(3)(i), which exempt from labeling disclosure ``Substances 
    that have no technical or functional effect but are present in a food 
    by reason of having been incorporated into the food as an ingredient in 
    another food, in which the substance did have a functional or technical 
    effect.'' FDA applies this requirement only to food ingredients. FDA 
    consider sources of radiation to be additives, but not ingredients.
        In regard to the possibility of requiring this disclosure on the 
    basis of the percentage of the irradiated meat food or poultry product 
    ingredient in a multi-ingredient product, FSIS, in cooperation with 
    FDA, will continue to examine the issue. Although numerous commenters 
    suggested labeling disclosure options based on a percentage, no data 
    was submitted. FSIS is aware that Canada requires labeling disclosure 
    only if the irradiated ingredient comprises more than 15 percent of a 
    multi-ingredient product. FSIS is reviewing this Canadian policy.
        FSIS could revise the labeling requirements in the future. In fact, 
    as discussed in the next two comments and response, FSIS and FDA are 
    considering the option of eventually revising some of the labeling 
        Comment: Numerous industry groups requested that FSIS plan to 
    sunset all labeling requirements related to irradiation within 5 years 
    or sooner. They note that FDA discusses this possibility in the recent 
    notice (64 FR 7834).
        Response: FSIS is consulting with FDA on this issue and will review 
    the comments on the FDA notice. Central to the option of revising any 
    of the labeling requirements will be consumer awareness and 
    understanding of food irradiation. FSIS also will continue to assess 
    the impact and effectiveness of its labeling requirements for 
    irradiated meat food and poultry products. Interested persons may wish 
    to submit information on this issue to FSIS.
        Comment: A few commenters argued that labeling of irradiated 
    product should be voluntary. They argued that demand for irradiated 
    products will give producers and retailers incentive to disclose that 
    their products were irradiated. Further, numerous commenters claimed 
    that consumers will regard the statement and radura as a warning and 
    not purchase the product and argued that irradiation, therefore, will 
    not be widely adopted by industry. A few commenters claimed that if 
    irradiation is not widely employed by the food industry as result of 
    labeling requirements and other perceived regulatory impediments, 
    significant reductions in foodborne illness will not occur.
        Response: As explained above, to prevent misleading labeling, the 
    FMIA, PPIA, and FFDCA require disclosure of facts material to food 
    products. Irradiation can affect food in a manner that is not obvious 
    to consumers in the absence of labeling. Antimicrobial effects, changes 
    in product shelf-life, and in some cases, changes in characteristics of 
    food (taste, smell, texture) can result from irradiation. FSIS views 
    irradiation of meat and poultry, therefore, as a material fact that 
    must be disclosed in product labeling. However, both FSIS and FDA are 
    continuing to examine their labeling requirements and the options for 
    revising these requirements so as to better convey information to 
        Although FSIS acknowledges that labeling may initially have some 
    effect on consumer acceptance of irradiated meat food and poultry 
    products, FSIS expects that as consumer awareness increases, the demand 
    for these products will expand and the labeling will serve to promote 
    these products. FSIS will continue to examine ways to remove regulatory 
    impediments to
    [[Page 72158]]
    advances in food safety technologies, including irradiation, but it is 
    the responsibility of industry to promote irradiated meat food and 
    poultry products. FSIS does not agree that its labeling requirements 
    will decrease the level of possible reductions in foodborne illness 
    that may result from the use of irradiation. Potential reduction in 
    foodborne illness are examined in detail below in the discussion of the 
    economic impact of these regulations.
        Comment: FSIS noted in the proposed rule that it had received a 
    petition from NFPA regarding labeling requirements for irradiated food. 
    In the petition, NFPA requested that FSIS address whether labeling 
    requirements concerning the disclosure of irradiation are warranted for 
    meat food and poultry products and how such labeling affects consumer 
    acceptance of irradiation. In a subsequent comment on the irradiation 
    proposal, NFPA demanded that FSIS publicly respond to each issue raised 
    in its petition and ask for public comment on each issue, although they 
    added that the FSIS's actions should not delay a final rule.
        In its petition and subsequent comment, NFPA requested that FSIS 
    address several labeling issues discussed elsewhere in this document, 
    including: whether labeling of irradiated product is 
    ``constitutionally, statutorily, and scientifically unwarranted;'' 
    whether disclosure of radiation would contribute to unfounded 
    apprehension among consumers and therefore preclude widespread use of 
    irradiation; and whether FSIS and FDA labeling requirements for 
    irradiated products should be identical. NFPA cited case law 
    (International Dairy Food Association v. Amestoy, 92 F.3d 67, 73 (2d. 
    Cir. 1996) and Central Hudson Gas & Elec. Corp. v. Public Service 
    Commission, 447 U.S. 557 (1980)) in support of its argument that 
    consumer desire to know how food was processed is not alone sufficient 
    to justify mandatory disclosure of the processing. NFPA also requested 
    that FSIS address whether irradiation is a material fact under section 
    403(a)(1) of the FFDCA; that is, should irradiated meat food or poultry 
    products be labeled as such since otherwise, consumers would be unaware 
    of the material fact that the products had been processed with 
        Response: All the labeling issues raised by NFPA in its petition 
    and in its subsequent comment were also raised in other comments and 
    FSIS has responded to them in this document. Furthermore, FDA has 
    requested comment on these and other labeling issues in its recent 
    notice and FSIS will review those comments. FSIS sees no need, 
    therefore, to again solicit public comment on these labeling issues, 
    and, NFPA did request that the response to their petition not delay any 
    final regulations.
        In response to NFPA questions regarding the legal basis for 
    requiring disclosure, FSIS has reviewed the Supreme Court standards for 
    governmental regulation of commercial speech as announced in Central 
    Hudson Gas & Elec. Corp. v. Public Service Commission and summarized in 
    the dissenting opinion in International Dairy Food Association v. 
        At the outset, commercial speech enjoys no First Amendment 
    protection at all unless it is not misleading (and related to lawful 
    activity). If the speech passes that test, it is nonetheless subject 
    to regulation if the government has a substantial interest in 
    regulating the speech, the regulation directly advances that 
    interest, and it is no more intrusive than necessary to accomplish 
    its goal. 447 U.S. at 566, 100 S.Ct. at 2351. The Supreme Court 
    later clarified that government's power to regulate commercial 
    speech includes the power to compel such speech. Zauderer v. Office 
    of Disciplinary Counsel, 471 U.S. 626, 651, 105 S.Ct. 2265, 2281-82, 
    85 L.Ed.2d 652 (1985).
    International Dairy Food Association v. Amestoy, 92 F.3d 67, 77 (2d. 
    Cir. 1996).
        FSIS does have a substantial interest in requiring the disclosure 
    that meat or poultry products have been irradiated; such irradiation is 
    a material fact that must be disclosed to consumers through labeling to 
    avoid deception, since it can affect the meat or poultry products in a 
    manner that is not obvious to consumers in the absence of labeling. 
    Disclosure of irradiation through labeling is the most direct way to 
    advance this interest. FSIS believes that the labeling requirements 
    contained in this regulation are the least intrusive possible, but 
    still accomplish the goal of disclosure. Therefore, FSIS is requiring 
    labeling that indicates meat and poultry products have been treated 
    with irradiation.
        Comment: Numerous industry and academic commenters requested that 
    FSIS allow alternative, euphemistic statements on irradiated products 
    that would be more appealing to consumers, such as ``cold,'' 
    ``electronic,'' and ``ionizing'' pasteurization. Several of these 
    commenters cited or submitted consumer polling data to support the use 
    of their claims. One food processor suggested that any euphemistic 
    labeling statements containing the word ``pasteurization'' be 
    contingent upon specific levels of pathogen reductions. Consumers and 
    consumer advocacy organizations, for the most part, maintained that 
    alternative and euphemistic statements would be misleading and 
    erroneous and opposed them.
        Response: FSIS will review, on a case-by-case basis, labels with 
    alternative or euphemistic statements regarding irradiation. FSIS is 
    requiring, however, that labels of meat food or poultry products that 
    have been irradiated in their entirety be labeled with statements such 
    as ``Treated with irradiation'' or ``Treated by irradiation,'' or, that 
    the word ``Irradiated'' be part of the product name. FSIS will allow 
    the terms ``cold,'' ``electronic,'' and ``ionizing'' to be used in 
    conjunction with term ``irradiation,'' if truthful.
        At this time, however, labeling statements or claims for irradiated 
    product that include the term ``pasteurization'' probably would be 
    misleading. ``Pasteurization'' implies the destruction of all 
    vegetative microorganisms in the product as a result of irradiation. At 
    the maximum dosages allowed by FDA and FSIS, it would be highly 
    unlikely that all of the vegetative microorganisms in irradiated 
    product would be destroyed.
        For example, an establishment irradiates refrigerated, raw beef 
    round or chuck using a gamma radiation source. They determine that they 
    will achieve a 2:1 overdose ratio \1\ using the maximum allowed dosage 
    of 4.5 kGy. That is, the irradiation treatment will achieve at least a 
    minimum absorbed dosage of 2.25 kGy throughout the product.
        \1\ Product shape, density, and its distance from the source of 
    radiation, as well as other factors, influence the absorbed dosage 
    in an irradiated product. Therefore, it is difficult to achieve a 
    uniform absorbed dosage in irradiated products, especially if the 
    product is densely packed in large quantities. To achieve specific 
    absorbed dosages of radiation in treated products, irradiators 
    calculate a maximum/minimum ``overdose ratio.'' Using this ratio 
    they are able to irradiate product so as to accurately predict that 
    while some of the treated product will have absorbed the maximum 
    dosage, all will have absorbed at least the minimum dosage.
        According to the International Consultative Group on Food 
    Irradiation \2\, the dosage necessary to eliminate 90 percent of 
    Salmonella sp. in a gram of product (the ``D value,'' which is 
    equivalent to 1-log10), ranges from 0.48 kGy to 0.7 kGy. 
    Therefore, this establishment, by achieving a minimum absorbed dosage 
    of 2.25 kGy throughout the product, also would effect a minimum 
    reduction of Salmonella sp. ranging between 4.7-log10 and 
    3.2-log10 per gram of product, throughout the product. These 
    hypothetical reductions are significant
    [[Page 72159]]
    and would greatly reduce the risk of foodborne illness from treated 
    product. However, these reductions are well below the levels necessary 
    to achieve a ready-to-eat roast beef product. FSIS recently established 
    that it is necessary to achieve at least a 6.5-log10 
    reduction of Salmonella sp. throughout a roast beef product to consider 
    that product ready-to-eat (64 FR 732; 9 CFR 318.17).
        \2\ International consultative Group on Food Irradiation, 
    ``Irradiation of red meat: A compilation of technical data for its 
    authorization and control,'' August 1996.
        FSIS acknowledges that if an establishment were to greatly minimize 
    the pathogen load on incoming whole muscle meat product, it could 
    possibly use irradiation combined with stringent process controls to 
    produce a ready-to-eat, though uncooked, meat product, such as steak 
    tartar. In such a case, irradiation would effectively pasteurize the 
    product. FSIS would allow ``pasteurized'' to be in the labeling 
    statement on such a product. However, under the current regulations, 
    FSIS would require that the product also be labeled with statements 
    such as ``Treated with irradiation'' or ``Treated by irradiation,'' or, 
    that the word ``Irradiated'' be part of the product name. FSIS will 
    continue to examine these requirements in light of developments in 
    irradiation technology and FDA policy.
        Comment: Commenters from industry overwhelmingly supported 
    incentive labeling (labeling claims regarding the benefits of 
    irradiation) and most suggested that FSIS clarify what types of 
    substantiating documentation would be required for using it. Most 
    consumer advocacy groups expressed concerns about incentive labeling 
    and requested that FSIS require stringent levels of pathogen reduction 
    as prerequisites for making any claims, as well as regular microbial 
    testing. One group argued that FSIS should allow claims only on product 
    irradiated in its final packaging.
        All of the consumer advocacy groups that commented, as well as a 
    few industry commenters, opposed the use of labels claiming that a 
    product is ``free'' of any pathogen as a result of irradiation 
    treatment. Many cited concerns about post-processing contamination of 
    treated and labeled product. Several commenters argued that consumers, 
    misled by labeling claims, would mishandle treated product, believing 
    that it is free of all pathogens.
        One consumer advocacy organization suggested that FSIS put in place 
    special ``trace back'' mechanisms for irradiated product. The 
    organization is concerned that consumers, misled by claims concerning 
    the efficacy of irradiation, may mishandle irradiated product that 
    still contains pathogens. Special ``trace back'' mechanisms would 
    ensure that establishments label irradiated products so as not to 
    mislead consumers regarding the safety of those products.
        Response: As proposed, FSIS will allow labeling statements on 
    irradiated meat food and poultry products that indicate general or 
    specific reductions in microbial pathogens, provided they can be 
    substantiated by processing documentation. The amount and specificity 
    of the required documentation will vary depending on the statement or 
        Also in the proposal, FSIS discussed the possibility of product 
    being labeled as ``free'' of the pathogen E. coli O157:H7:
        Several representatives of the meat and poultry industries have 
    stated to FSIS that they would like to label product as being free 
    of certain pathogens as a result of irradiation, e.g., ``Free of E. 
    coli O157:H7.'' It may be possible for an establishment to determine 
    the pathogen load on incoming product, irradiate the product to 
    completely eliminate those pathogens with an appropriate margin of 
    safety, and ensure that the product remains free of that pathogen 
    until it reaches the consumer. FSIS requests comment on whether to 
    allow this type of incentive labeling. Specifically, FSIS is 
    interested in whether it should establish performance standards for 
    labeling statements that reflect a specific reduction of pathogens. 
    For example, FSIS could require that to use such labeling, 
    establishments must achieve, through a validated HACCP system 
    incorporating irradiation, a specific reduction of a pathogen of 
    concern (e.g., an x-log10 reduction of E. coli O157:H7).
    (64 FR 9094)
        Irradiation, as provided for in this rule, could eliminate E. coli 
    O157:H7 from products with an appropriate margin of safety. Therefore, 
    FSIS will allow labeling of sufficiently irradiated product to state 
    that processing has been conducted to eliminate E. coli O157:H7. As 
    with any labeling statement that claims a specific reduction of 
    pathogens resulting from irradiation, FSIS is requiring establishments 
    claiming that E. coli O157:H7 has been eliminated from their products 
    to have processing documentation substantiating this.
        FSIS agrees with commenters that stringent processing controls 
    (probably including monitoring of pathogen load on incoming product and 
    the prevention of product recontamination and post processing 
    temperature abuse) would be needed to substantiate a label claiming 
    that a product was ``free'' of E. coli O157:H7. FSIS will expect 
    establishments that treat product known to be adulterated with E. coli 
    O157:H7 to implement such controls. FSIS emphasizes that it will 
    closely assess any requests for labeling that a product is free of E. 
    coli O157:H7 and, through inspection, will verify that processes to 
    eliminate the pathogen are under control.
        FSIS does not now have the data necessary to establish in the 
    regulations a minimum level of reduction of E. coli O157:H7 that 
    establishments must achieve in order to label products as being free of 
    E. coli O157:H7. The FSIS Office of Public Health and Science currently 
    is conducting a risk assessment concerning E. coli O157:H7. Using the 
    results of this risk assessment, as well as other data that may be 
    developed, FSIS may, in the future, propose to require that any such 
    labeling claims be used only if establishments achieve a specific, 
    minimum level of reduction of E. coli O157:H7 within treated product.
        In the interim, establishments may want to note that for certain 
    ready-to-eat products, establishments have been processing to achieve a 
    5-log10 reduction in E. coli O157:H7. For example, the 
    cooking requirements for meat patties in Sec. 318.23 of the regulations 
    achieve an approximate 5-log10 reduction in E. coli O157:H7 
    and that compliance with the regulations in this section results in the 
    production of a ready-to-eat meat patty. Further, since 1995, FSIS has 
    encouraged establishments manufacturing ready-to-eat fermented sausage 
    products to implement processes validated to achieve at least a 5-
    log10 reduction of E. coli O157:H7. Several outbreaks of 
    food borne illness attributable to E. coli O157:H7 in fermented, shelf-
    stable sausage products led FSIS, in cooperation with the Agricultural 
    Research Service, meat and poultry industry representatives, and 
    members of the National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria 
    for Food (NACMCF) to develop a policy for ensuring the safety of ready-
    to-eat fermented sausages. This group developed several processing 
    options that would ensure a 5-log10 reduction of E. coli 
    O157:H7 in fermented sausages. In an August 21, 1995 correspondence, 
    FSIS wrote to establishments producing fermented sausages and strongly 
    encouraged that they implement one of the validated processing options 
    contained in the document or that they validate their processes to 
    ensure the processing used achieves at least a 5-log10 
    reduction of E. coli O157:H7. This specific level of reduction may not 
    be adequate for all products or processes and establishments should 
    carefully evaluate the specific product and processes at issue when 
    developing treatments to eliminate E. coli O157:H7 from meat products.
        In regard to consumer perceptions regarding pathogen reduction 
    [[Page 72160]]
    irradiated raw ground beef still must carry the safe handling 
    instruction, regardless of the claimed pathogen reduction. FSIS 
    recognizes that it may be asked to reconsider its requirements 
    regarding safe handling instructions in the event establishments 
    develop methods to pasteurize raw meat food and poultry products 
    through irradiation or other means.
        Comment: One commenter requested that FSIS permit irradiated meat 
    and poultry to be labeled as being ``organic.'' A comment from an 
    organic food cooperative opposed any such designation.
        Response: The Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA) of 1990 requires 
    USDA to develop national standards and regulations for organically 
    produced agricultural products and to assure consumers that 
    agricultural products marketed as ``organic'' are consistent with these 
    standards. The OFPA also provides for USDA to establish an organic 
    certification program based on recommendations received from a 14-
    member National Organic Standards Board (NOSB). Although the OFPA did 
    not specifically address the use of irradiation, the NOSB has 
    recommended, consistent with most existing State and private 
    certification agency organic standards, that the use of irradiation be 
    prohibited in handling organic products. This issue is most 
    appropriately resolved in the agency rulemaking process under OFPA.
        Comment: Several industry groups recommended that FSIS explicitly 
    allow product irradiated at a separate establishment to be fully 
    labeled before shipment to that facility. One trade organization asked 
    that FSIS no longer require such product to be shipped under seal. 
    Several industry commenters requested that FSIS specifically exempt 
    irradiation facilities from using their marks of inspection over those 
    of the originating plant and instead allow the irradiator to use a 
    separate stamp, so as to facilitate trace-back.
        Response: Meat food or poultry products may be packaged and labeled 
    as being irradiated before shipment to an irradiation facility, 
    provided that the shipping establishment implements controls to prevent 
    the labeled, but as yet not irradiated, product from being distributed 
    to consumers. Most establishments could control the shipment of such 
    product through the maintenance and verification of records, such as 
    bills of lading. FSIS inspection personnel will verify that these 
    controls are implemented.
        FSIS does not and will not require irradiators or other processors 
    to place their marks of inspection over those of the establishments 
    from which the product originated. In regard to which inspection legend 
    and establishment number would be placed on an irradiated product, 
    different scenarios are possible. For example, if bulk shippers of 
    trimmings or cuts are received by an irradiator, irradiated, and then 
    repackaged in smaller units such as retail trays, the irradiator will 
    be required to declare its establishment number on the retail package. 
    However, if an irradiator receives packaged and labeled products for 
    irradiation, the legend and number of the originating establishment 
    will be declared on the retail package label. FSIS would expect that 
    the irradiator would place its legend on the shipper container in which 
    it packs the product, even if the irradiator uses the same shipper in 
    which the product was received. In all cases, every establishment that 
    processes the product must maintain records, as part of its HACCP 
    paperwork, showing where the product originated, where it was 
    processed, and where it was distributed for consumption. Any necessary 
    trace-back will be facilitated by review of these records.
        Comment: Numerous consumers requested that FSIS extend required 
    disclosure to restaurants and institutions that serve irradiated meat 
    food and poultry products.
        Response: Historically, FSIS has not extended its regulations 
    regarding meat food and poultry product labeling or misbranding to 
    restaurant and institutional menus. Requiring and enforcing disclosure 
    that restaurant or institutional food has been irradiated would require 
    a heavy expenditure of Agency resources for as yet indeterminate 
    benefits. FSIS will continue to examine this issue. FSIS is aware that 
    a restaurant in Florida has been disclosing on its menu that it serves 
    irradiated poultry products. Possibly, other restaurants and 
    institutions may want to disclose this information for marketing or 
    other purposes.
    Technical Concerns
        Comment: One commenter stated that the hypothetical reduction of E. 
    coli O157:H7 given in the preamble is misleading, as it does not take 
    minimum/maximum ratios into account.
        Response: The example of pathogen reduction given in the preamble 
    was hypothetical and intended to emphasize the potential effectiveness 
    of irradiation against pathogens. This level of reduction would be 
    possible under the permitted dosages, though costly and probably 
        Comment: Several commenters requested that FSIS clarify its 
    proposed training requirements for irradiation facility managers and 
    ``key personnel.'' One commenter claimed that existing short courses 
    available in North America are inadequate because they either concern 
    only electron beam irradiation or are too simplistic and argued that 
    ``in-house'' training should satisfy the intent proposed requirement. 
    Another requested clarification as to who ``key personnel'' are and 
    suggested that the ``key personnel'' include the facility manager, QC 
    manager, an external consultant, or corporate management.
        Response: FSIS proposed to require establishments that irradiate 
    meat food products to have on file ``certification by the operator that 
    the irradiation facility personnel would operate under supervision of a 
    person who has successfully completed a course of instruction for 
    operators of food irradiation facilities,'' as well as ``certification 
    by the operator that the key irradiation personnel have been trained in 
    food technology, irradiation processing, and radiation health and 
    safety.'' These requirements already are in effect for poultry 
        The intent of the first training requirement is to ensure that 
    supervisors of irradiation facilities gain an understanding about the 
    process controls necessary when irradiating food, as well as the 
    requirements set forth in FSIS regulations. FSIS is aware of numerous 
    irradiation facilities that plan to irradiate meat food and poultry 
    products, but that have previously irradiated only medical devices and 
    other non-food products. Supervisors of such establishments certainly 
    need and would benefit from food irradiation training.
        The second training requirement is intended to ensure that ``key'' 
    personnel in an establishment also have instruction in the safe and 
    proper operation of an irradiation facility. Key personnel would 
    include managers, supervisors, or other personnel of the facility who 
    monitor or control daily operations. Key personnel must be 
    knowledgeable about the environmental safeguards and worker safety 
    precautions necessary in any irradiation facility and required by other 
    Federal and State agencies. FSIS is revising Sec. 424.22(c)(3)(vi) to 
    clarify the term ``key irradiation personnel.''
        FSIS is aware of several available food irradiation training 
    courses, but does not intend to review or endorse any specific training 
    course. Further, FSIS
    [[Page 72161]]
    agrees that in-house training in food irradiation or radiation safety 
    could be adequate to meet the requirements. FSIS will verify that 
    establishments have records confirming that the required training was 
    received by the establishment personnel.
        Comment: One irradiator objected to proposed Secs. ((318.11(b)(6) 
    and 381.149(b)(6) which appear to prescriptively specify minimum 
    dosimeter placements. They suggested FSIS instead allow for 
    statistically based validation and dose mapping to determine the number 
    and placement of dosimeters.
        Response: FSIS agrees and will revise the requirement in 
    Sec. 424.22(c)(2)(vi) accordingly. FSIS recommends that establishments 
    consult some of the various technical guides on dosimetry when 
    developing their systems. The American Society for Testing and 
    Materials and the International Consultative Group on Food Irradiation 
    both have published guides on food irradiation dosimetry.
        Comment: Another irradiator asked that FSIS revise proposed 
    Secs. 318.11(b)(7) and 381.149(b)(7) to account for dosimetry from 
    machine sources of radiation.
        Response: The proposed provisions (a single provision in this final 
    rule, Sec. 424.22(c)(2)(vii)) did account for machine sources of 
    irradiation in that they required establishments to have in place 
    ``Procedures for verifying the relationship of absorbed dose as 
    measured by the dosimeter to time exposure of the product unit to the 
    radiation source.'' The radiation source could be a machine source of 
    radiation, such as an electron beam accelerator. This requirement 
    remains unchanged.
        Comment: One commenter suggested that establishments employing 
    irradiation be exempted from pathogen reduction (Salmonella) and 
    process control microbial testing (generic E. coli) requirements for 
    raw meat food and poultry products. This commenter argued that 
    irradiation will reduce pathogens to immeasurable levels and testing 
    would therefore be unnecessary. The commenter also maintained that such 
    an exemptions would bring about cost savings to industry in excess of 
    $100 million.
        Response: FSIS disagrees. The microbial testing requirements are 
    still necessary for measuring an establishment's performance in process 
    control and pathogen reduction, even if an establishment irradiates its 
    product. Establishments may irradiate product at any point in their 
    processing system, including before the required testing for Salmonella 
    or generic E. coli. Irradiation of raw product before testing could not 
    only significantly improve a single establishment's performance, but 
    also could lower the national baselines, compelling improvements in 
    process control and pathogen reduction by all establishments. Although 
    rescission of these testing requirements (or any regulatory 
    requirements, for that matter) might result in cost savings to the 
    regulated industry, FSIS has determined that these requirements are a 
    necessary and cost-effective means for improving the safety of meat 
    food and poultry products.
    Costs and Benefits of Irradiation
        Comment: A few commenters recommended revisions to the Agency's 
    cost/benefit and economic impact analyses in the proposal. One 
    commenter questioned FSIS's estimate of the cost of shipping irradiated 
    products, arguing that the Agency underestimated the costs by an order 
    of magnitude. Several commenters maintained that the required labeling 
    would be perceived by consumers as a warning and, as discussed, would 
    prevent the wide-scale acceptance of irradiated product. Many of these 
    commenters argued that labeling should be voluntary, since demand for 
    irradiated products would create adequate incentives for labeling.
        Response: FSIS addresses the comments and reviews the submitted 
    cost data below in the economic impact analyses.
    Summary of the Final Rule
        FSIS is amending it regulations to provide for irradiation of 
    uncooked meat food and poultry products under the following conditions:
         Meat food products may be treated with ionizing 
    irradiation, for purposes of reducing pathogens and extending shelf-
    life, at dosages up to 4.5 kiloGrays (kGy), if refrigerated, and 7 kGy, 
    if frozen.
         Establishments may irradiate meat food and poultry 
    products only in accordance with a HACCP system.
         Establishments that irradiate meat food products must have 
    in place a dosimetry system to measure the absorbed dose of radiation.
         Establishments that irradiate meat food products must have 
    on file documents that relate to other compliance with the requirements 
    of Federal Agencies with jurisdiction over irradiation, such as NRC and 
         Labeling of meat food and poultry products irradiated in 
    their entirety must bear the international radura logo. Also, either 
    the product name must include the word ``Irradiated'' or the labeling 
    must bear a disclosure statement such as ``Treated with radiation'' or 
    ``Treated by irradiation.'' The logo must be placed in conjunction with 
    the disclosure statement, if the disclosure statement is used. The 
    radiation disclosure statement is not required to be more prominent 
    than the declaration of ingredients.
         The inclusion of irradiated meat food or poultry product 
    in a multi-ingredient product must be reflected in the ingredient 
    statement on the finished product labeling.
         Optional labeling statements about the purpose for 
    radiation processing may be included on the product label in addition 
    to the above stated requirements. Statements that there has been a 
    specific reduction in microbial pathogens must be substantiated by 
    processing documentation.
         The regulations governing the irradiation of poultry 
    products are now entirely consistent with the regulations governing the 
    irradiation of meat food products but for the maximum dosage allowed (3 
    kGy) and the requirement that if packaged poultry product is 
    irradiated, that packaging must be air permeable.
    Risk Analysis
        Section 304 of the Federal Crop Insurance Reform and Department of 
    Agriculture Reorganization Act of 1994 (P.L. 103-354) requires any 
    regulation published by USDA concerning human health, safety, or the 
    environment, and having an annual economic impact of at least $100 
    million in 1994 dollars, contain a risk assessment and cost-benefit 
    analysis. The risk assessment and cost-benefit analysis must be 
    ``performed consistently and use reasonably obtainable and sound 
    scientific, technical, economic, and other data.'' The USDA Office of 
    Risk Assessment and Cost-Benefit Analysis (ORACBA), also established by 
    the 1994 Act, must ensure that major rules include such analyses.
        ORACBA and FSIS have agreed that FDA has already conducted a 
    definitive risk analysis concerning the safety of meat food products 
    treated with ionizing radiation in developing their final rule, 
    ``Irradiation in the Production, Processing and Handling of Food'' (62 
    FR 64107; December 3, 1997). Therefore, FSIS and ORACBA are adopting 
    the FDA finding as their risk assessment. Further, FSIS and ORACBA also 
    have agreed that the cost-benefit and economic impact analyses that 
    FSIS has performed for this final rule, as required by E.O. 12866 and 
    the Regulatory Flexibility Act, satisfy the cost-benefit analysis 
    requirements of the
    [[Page 72162]]
    Reorganization Act. Consequently, FSIS, with assistance from ORACBA, 
    has produced only an analytical literature review addressing existing 
    research and risk assessments on the safety of food irradiation for 
    consumers and the related risks posed by irradiation, including worker 
    safety and environmental concerns. This literature review is available 
    from the FSIS Docket Clerk's Office (see ADDRESSES above) and from the 
    FSIS Internet world wide web page at http://www.fsis.usda.gov/OA/
        In this document, FSIS is revising the current regulations 
    governing the irradiation of poultry to make them more consistent with 
    the proposed regulations for meat and with HACCP. These revisions to 
    the poultry regulations would pose no new risks to human health or 
    worker safety and do not concern the environment. Therefore, FSIS has 
    not addressed these changes in a separate risk assessment or in the 
    above mentioned literature review.
    Executive Order 12988
        This final rule has been reviewed under Executive Order 12988, 
    Civil Justice Reform. States and local jurisdictions are preempted by 
    the Federal Meat Inspection Act (FMIA) and the Poultry Products 
    Inspection Act (PPIA) from imposing any marking, labeling, packaging, 
    or ingredient requirements on federally inspected meat and poultry 
    products that are in addition to, or different than, those imposed 
    under the FMIA and the PPIA. States and local jurisdictions may, 
    however, exercise concurrent jurisdiction over meat and poultry 
    products that are within their jurisdiction and outside official 
    establishments for the purpose of preventing the distribution of meat 
    and poultry products that are misbranded or adulterated under the FMIA 
    and PPIA, or, in the case of imported articles, that are not at such an 
    establishment, after their entry into the United States.
        This rule is not intended to have retroactive effect.
        Under this rule, administrative proceedings will not be required 
    before parties may file suit in court challenging this rule. However, 
    the administrative procedures specified in 9 CFR 306.5 and 381.35 must 
    be exhausted prior to any judicial challenge of the application of the 
    provisions of this rule, if the challenge involves a decision of an 
    FSIS program employee relating to inspection provided under the FMIA 
    and the PPIA.
    Compliance With Executive Order 12866--Final Analysis
        This action has been reviewed for compliance with Executive Order 
    12866. As this action is determined to be economically significant for 
    purposes of Executive Order 12866, the Office of Management and Budget 
    has reviewed it.
        FSIS is amending its meat inspection regulations to allow for the 
    safe use of ionizing radiation for the treatment of meat, meat 
    byproducts, and certain other meat food products. FSIS also is revising 
    the existing regulations governing the irradiation of poultry so as to 
    render them more consistent with the proposed regulations for meat. In 
    the proposal preceding this final action, FSIS requested comment 
    concerning the potential economic effects of the proposed regulations, 
    as well as data concerning the costs of and benefits from irradiation 
    of meat and poultry. FSIS received only a few comments that included 
    economic data or questioned the economic analysis included in the 
    proposal. These comments are addressed below.
        FSIS believes that the net benefits of this action will be 
    positive. As discussed in the preamble, irradiation can reduce the 
    levels of pathogens in meat food and poultry products significantly. 
    Further, the use of irradiation is voluntary. If an establishment 
    chooses to irradiate its meat food products, it can be assumed from the 
    establishment's decision to incur the expense of irradiation that it 
    expects the economic benefits of the investment in irradiation to 
    exceed the costs of that investment. However, the current lack of 
    quantification of both the benefits and costs of irradiation make 
    comparison difficult.
        FSIS endeavors to develop regulations that set forth performance 
    objectives, rather than prescribe specific processing methods. For the 
    irradiation of meat food products, and where possible, for the 
    irradiation of poultry products, FSIS proposed requirements that allow 
    for significant flexibility in integrating irradiation into processing 
    operations. In this final rule, FSIS has been able to provide for even 
    greater flexibility through revisions based upon the comments received 
    in response to proposal.
        Although FSIS recognizes the capability of irradiation treatment to 
    reduce pathogens below current regulatory performance standards for 
    pathogen reduction, these regulations do not change the existing 
    performance standards. With standards unchanged, the primary benefit of 
    the regulations to establishments is the increased processing 
    flexibility they are allowed with this rule.
        Executive Order 12866 requires that FSIS identify and assess 
    alternative forms of regulation. FSIS considered two alternatives to 
    the proposed regulation: (1) Not allowing for the irradiation of meat 
    food products and (2) allowing the irradiation of meat food products 
    only under very limited conditions, similar to those previously 
    prescribed for the irradiation of poultry products. FSIS rejected these 
    two alternatives for reasons explained below.
        FSIS did not consider alternatives that would not be permissible 
    under current FDA regulations, such as allowing irradiation at higher 
    doses or allowing the irradiation of ready-to-eat meat and poultry 
    products. FSIS believes that the regulations in this final rule are the 
    most permissive possible under current FDA regulations. Also, as 
    explained in the preamble above, FSIS has petitioned FDA to raise the 
    allowable absorbed dosage for poultry, to remove certain requirements 
    regarding the packaging for irradiated poultry, and to specifically 
    allow the irradiation of unrefrigerated (``hot-boned'') meat food 
    products. Further, an industry consortium has petitioned FDA to allow 
    the irradiation of processed meat and poultry products.
    No Action
        Central to the FSIS food safety strategy are efforts to reduce the 
    level of microbiological pathogens in raw meat and poultry products. 
    Irradiation has been shown to be a highly effective method for reducing 
    the levels of microbiological pathogens in raw meat food products. 
    Further, FDA has concluded that irradiation of meat food products, 
    under the conditions requested by Isomedix, Inc. and granted by FDA, 
    would not present toxicological or microbiological hazards and would 
    not adversely affect the nutritional adequacy of these products. FSIS, 
    therefore, sees compelling reasons to provide for the irradiation of 
    meat food products and has rejected the option of disallowing 
        Notably, the irradiation of meat food products is voluntary. 
    Although it is an effective antimicrobial treatment, irradiation may 
    not be appropriate, feasible, or affordable in certain processing 
    environments. Also, in certain situations, other antimicrobial 
    treatments may be more effective. FSIS, therefore, is not requiring 
    that raw meat food products be irradiated.
    [[Page 72163]]
    Irradiation of Meat Food Products Under Limited Conditions
        The previous requirements governing the irradiation of poultry were 
    fairly prescriptive in that they mandated a minimum dosage and required 
    that only packaged product be irradiated. FSIS could have proposed 
    similar requirements for the irradiation of meat food products. 
    However, as explained above, FSIS believes that the previous 
    requirements mandating minimum dosages and packaging for irradiated 
    poultry products, originally intended to ensure that the effects of 
    irradiation were maintained, are no longer necessary in light of the 
    new HACCP requirements. Therefore, FSIS is making final no minimum 
    irradiation dose and no specific packaging requirements for meat food 
    products, rescinding the minimum dose requirements for irradiated 
    poultry, and revising the packaging requirements for poultry, where 
        FSIS has concluded that the meat industry may accrue numerous 
    benefits from the use of irradiation. As with other antimicrobial 
    treatments, FSIS is allowing irradiation to be used at any point within 
    a HACCP system and is requiring no minimum dosage. Establishments 
    employing irradiation may accrue benefits from this flexibility. For 
    example, slaughter establishments will gain added flexibility in 
    treating products so as to meet pathogen reduction performance 
    standards. Similarly, processors may use irradiated meat in further 
    processed products.
        Further, through the use of irradiation, product shelf-life can be 
    increased. Andrews, et al. (1998), reviewed five studies encompassing 
    shelf lives of different types of red meat products.\3\ Their results 
    suggest that shelf life of products treated with irradiation increase 
    considerably compared to untreated products.
        \3\ Andrews, L.S., et al. ``Food Preservation Using Ionizing 
    Radiation,'' Review of Environmental Contaminant Toxicology, Vol. 
    154, 1998, pp. 1-53.
        Society also may realize benefits from these final regulations if 
    the use of irradiation results in a reduction of illnesses beyond what 
    is achieved by current technologies. Several types of harmful microbial 
    pathogens can be present in meat food products, including E. coli 
    O157:H7, Salmonella, Clostridium perfringens, and the protozoan 
    parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Irradiation at the dose levels allowed by 
    this action can reduce the levels of these pathogens substantially. 
    Economic benefits associated with these reductions would be decreases 
    in the diseases associated with these pathogens. The reductions in the 
    disease rates would translate into a reduction in the number of visits 
    to physicians and hospitals.
        FSIS believes that ground beef is likely to be the first meat 
    product irradiated in great quantity. It is likely that ground beef 
    will be irradiated in relatively large quantities initially because 
    irradiation is a means for establishments to effectively eliminate E. 
    coli O157:H7 from raw ground beef without cooking it. Following a 1993 
    outbreak of food borne illness associated with E. coli O157:H7 in 
    hamburger, FSIS implemented a policy under which it considers raw 
    ground beef containing E. coli O157:H7 to be adulterated. Until now, 
    establishments could distribute ground beef containing E. coli O157:H7 
    only after they had thoroughly cooked it, so as to eliminate the 
    pathogen. Establishments, therefore, are likely to benefit from the 
    availability of irradiation as an additional treatment for rendering 
    adulterated raw ground beef product safe. Of course, other types of raw 
    meat and poultry products also may be irradiated to reduce or eliminate 
        To give some sense of the potential benefit from the reduction of 
    illnesses that may occur as a result of the irradiation of ground beef, 
    a USDA Economic Research Service study on the use of irradiation to 
    reduce E. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella in ground beef, conducted before 
    the implementation of HACCP, is instructive. In that study, Morrison, 
    et al. (1997), estimated the annual pre-HACCP economic value of the 
    health costs and productivity losses attributable to E. coli O157:H7 
    and salmonellosis to be between $226 and $552 million.\4\ If 25 percent 
    of all ground beef were irradiated, the benefits could range between 
    $56.5 and $138 million.
        \4\ Morrison, R.M., et al., ``Irradiating Ground Beef to Enhance 
    Food Safety,'' Food Review, January-April 1997, pp. 33-37.
        An assumption that only 25% of ground beef will be irradiated may 
    be conservative in light of a 1993 survey, conducted by the American 
    Meat Institute Foundation, which reported that 54 percent of 
    respondents said that they would buy irradiated beef rather than non-
    irradiated beef after being told that irradiation can kill pathogens in 
    raw meat.\5\ This survey also reported that 60 percent of respondents 
    said that they were willing to pay ten cents more per pound for 
    hamburger sold at $2/lb. if bacteria levels were ``greatly reduced by 
    irradiating the meat.''
        \5\ American Meat Institute Foundation, ``Consumer Awareness, 
    Knowledge, and Acceptance of Food Irradiation,'' November, 1993.
        One consumer advocacy organization requested clarification 
    regarding FSIS use of the estimates of benefits from Morrison (1997). 
    The group questioned whether Morrison assumed that ground beef would be 
    irradiated only after final packaging, as was required for poultry 
    irradiated at the time of the study. The group suggested that if 
    Morrison made such an assumption, the estimated reductions in foodborne 
    illness would be inflated if applied to the proposed regulations, which 
    allow ground beef to be irradiated before final packaging. The group 
    claimed that because the ground beef could be re-contaminated after 
    irradiation and before final packaging, reductions in pathogens and 
    consequently, foodborne illness, would not be so high.
        FSIS disagrees. Morrison did not specify whether their estimates of 
    benefits applied only to ground beef irradiated in its final packaging. 
    However, FSIS is allowing meat and poultry product to be irradiated 
    only in accordance with a HACCP system of process controls, regardless 
    of when it is packaged. HACCP controls will considerably lessen, and 
    likely prevent, the possibility that meat and poultry product will be 
    re-contaminated after irradiation and before packaging. Therefore, 
    these estimates of reductions in foodborne illness are applicable to 
    these final regulations.
        Another commenter suggested that the proposed labeling requirements 
    could prevent the wide-scale acceptance of irradiated products by 
    consumers, who will view the required labeling as a warning, and 
    therefore diminish the potential benefits from reductions in foodborne 
    illnesses. This commenter suggested the use of voluntary instead of 
    mandatory labeling and argued that demand for irradiated product will 
    give producers and retailers incentive to disclose that their products 
    were irradiated.
        As discussed above, disclosure of facts material to food products 
    is required by the FMIA, PPIA, and the FFDCA. Irradiation can affect 
    food in a manner that is not obvious to consumers in the absence of 
    labeling and therefore is a material fact that must be disclosed to 
    consumers to prevent misleading labeling. FSIS is requiring that 
    irradiation of meat or poultry products be disclosed in product 
    labeling. FSIS will consider, however, revising some or all of its 
    labeling requirements as consumer awareness grows.
        FSIS has made some revisions to the proposed labeling requirements 
    [[Page 72164]]
    will increase flexibility for processors and could represent some 
    minimal cost savings. First, FSIS is requiring that single ingredient 
    meat or poultry products irradiated in their entirety be labeled with a 
    radura and either a statement indicating that the product was 
    irradiated or the inclusion of the word ``irradiated'' in the product 
    name. Allowing establishments to use the word ``irradiated'' as part of 
    the product name instead of including a labeling statement was 
    suggested in industry comments as a means of providing more labeling 
        Also, in response to comments and as part of an effort to make FSIS 
    labeling requirements more consistent with those of FDA, FSIS will not 
    require, as proposed, that the irradiation statement and the radura be 
    any more prominent than the ingredients statement on the labeling of 
    irradiated meat food and poultry products. Thus, the statement and the 
    radura may appear somewhere other than on the principal display panel.
        Finally, the same commenter estimated the annual net social welfare 
    gains from irradiation, without HACCP, to be $900 million, i.e., almost 
    ten times the benefits presented above. This higher estimate of 
    benefits was based on an assumption that demand for irradiated ground 
    beef would be similar to the potential demand for irradiated poultry as 
    estimated by Fox and Olson (1998) from market surveys conducted between 
    1995 and 1996.\6\ FSIS views this comment as further evidence that 
    there could be benefits in excess of the health costs savings estimated 
    by Morrison (1997).
        \6\ Fox, John A. and Dennis G. Olson, ``Market Trials of 
    Irradiated Chicken,'' Radiation Physical Chemistry, 52 (1-6), 1998, 
    pp. 63-66.
    Incremental Costs
        In the proposed rule, using estimates from Morrison (1997) and 
    other sources, FSIS estimated the incremental costs of irradiation to 
    range from 2 to 6 cents/lb. of ground beef in 1995 dollars. These 
    estimates included the cost of labels and of transportation of the 
    ground beef products from establishments to third-party irradiators. 
    Assuming that 25 percent of the total annual sales of ground beef (1.75 
    billion lbs.) would be irradiated, FSIS estimated the annual cost of 
    irradiation to range from $35 to $105 million in 1995 dollars.
        These costs are likely to be overestimated for two reasons. First, 
    the cost estimates are based on the assumption that irradiation of 
    ground beef would take place in the smallest plants, which have the 
    capacity to irradiate only 52 million pounds per year. Second, FSIS 
    assumed that only 25 percent of ground beef would be irradiated. Any 
    increase in the irradiated quantity would tend to reduce costs 
        Buzby and Morrison \7\ (1999) recently published updated cost 
    estimates for ground beef for irradiation. They employed two estimates 
    of costs, 1.6 cents/lb. and 5.0 cents/lb. in 1996 dollars. Again 
    assuming that 25 percent of ground beef would be irradiated, they 
    estimated that the costs of irradiation would range from $28.6 million 
    to $89.3 million. Their new estimates fall within the range of costs 
    estimated by FSIS in the proposed rule.
        \7\ Buzby, Jean C. and Rosanna M. Morrison, ``Food Irradiation--
    An Update'' Food Review, May-August 1999, p. 21-22.
        In the analysis included with the proposal, FSIS assumed the costs 
    of transporting ground beef from slaughter houses or processing plants 
    to and from irradiating facilities to be 0.2 cents/lb. A commenter 
    suggested that this estimate was ``too low by more than one order of 
    magnitude.'' In response to this comment, FSIS recalculated the 
    transportation costs to be twice the amount originally estimated, that 
    is 0.4 cents/lb. instead of 0.2 cents/lb. This assumption would 
    increase the irradiation costs to range from 2.2 to 6.2 cents/lb. FSIS 
    believes that these possible cost increases are too small to 
    significantly decrease the net benefits of meat irradiation.
        In conclusion, although FSIS has incomplete data regarding the 
    costs and benefits of the rule, FSIS believes that the net benefits of 
    this action will be positive. As discussed above, irradiation can 
    reduce the levels of pathogens in meat food and poultry products 
    significantly. Further, the meat industry may accrue numerous benefits 
    from the use of irradiation.
    Compliance With Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1996
        The Administrator has determined that, for the purposes of the 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601-612), this final rule will not 
    have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
        Data from the U.S. Bureau of Census, Survey of Industries, 1994, 
    indicate that the beef industry is predominated by small firms and 
    establishments. For example, based on the U.S. Small Business 
    Administration definition of small business by the number of employees 
    (fewer than 500), 96% of 1,226 firms comprising this industry are 
    small. Similarly, 90% of individual meat establishments or plants in 
    this industry are small. In 1994, these small businesses accounted for 
    19% of total employment in the industry. Their share of payroll was 18% 
    of the total payroll of $2.8 billion and their revenues were 16% of the 
    total revenues of $55.8 billion. FSIS believes that these small 
    businesses will not be affected adversely by the irradiation 
    requirements because the use of irradiation is voluntary.
        The industry may be able to pass through the cost of irradiation to 
    consumers without losing its market share significantly because demand 
    for beef products is very inelastic. Huang (1993) analyzed a group of 
    meats and other animal proteins consisting of products including beef 
    and veal, pork, other meats, chicken, turkey, fresh and frozen fish, 
    canned and cured fish, eggs and cheese. He concluded that price 
    elasticity of demand for this group of products was (-0.3611), i.e., a 
    one percent increase in price of these products would reduce demand by 
    only 0.3611 percent.\8\
        \8\ Huang, Kao S., A Complete System of U.S. Demand for Food, 
    ERS Technical Bulletin No. 1821, 1993, p. 24.
        Review of about a dozen recent studies annotated by William Hahn of 
    the Economic Research Service reveals that estimates of price 
    elasticity of demand for most beef products (ground beef, steak, chuck 
    roast, etc.) is less than one.\9\ An increase in price of any one these 
    products by one percent would result in a decrease in its demand by 
    less than one percent. In short, consumers are unlikely to reduce their 
    demand for beef significantly when beef price is increased by a few 
    pennies a pound.
        \9\ Hahn, William F., An Annotated Bibliography of Recent 
    Elasticity and Flexibility Estimates for Meat and Livestock, Staff 
    Paper, Commercial Agriculture Division, Economic Research Service, 
    July 1996, pp. 1-19.
        In the long term, small establishments may have to irradiate their 
    products to keep their market shares. In so doing, they may be affected 
    relative to large size establishments because of economies of scale in 
    irradiation. For example, bulk discounts provided by irradiating 
    facilities would be realized mainly by the large size establishments. 
    However, FSIS believes that eventually technological innovations may 
    reduce the cost of in-plant accelerators and that the increased 
    availability of such devices could help small firms compete with the 
    larger firms.
        This final rule may have a negligible economic impact on other 
    small organizations or entities that are not engaged in the business of 
    processing meat and meat products. To the extent
    [[Page 72165]]
    that these entities purchase irradiated meat products, they could be 
    affected somewhat by an increase in price.
        Finally, FSIS is revising the regulatory requirements concerning 
    the irradiation of poultry for consistency with HACCP and with the 
    requirements proposed for meat food products. Significantly, FSIS is 
    eliminating the minimum dosage requirements, certain packaging 
    requirements, and the requirement that poultry establishments develop 
    and implement PQC's addressing irradiation. All poultry establishments 
    are required to develop and implement HACCP; the costs of HACCP will 
    probably offset any benefits from the elimination of the PQC 
    requirements. However, FSIS assumes that large and small poultry 
    establishments will realize benefits from the reduction in the cost of 
    compliance with some of the packaging requirements and the minimum 
    dosage for irradiated poultry.
    Executive Order 12898
        Pursuant to Executive Order 12898 , ``Federal Actions to Address 
    Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income 
    Populations,'' FSIS has considered potential impacts of this rule on 
    environmental and health conditions in low-income and minority 
        This rule allows the use of ionizing radiation for treating fresh 
    or frozen uncooked meat, meat byproducts, and certain meat food 
    products to reduce levels of pathogens. As explained in the economic 
    impact analysis above, the regulations should generally benefit 
    consumers and the regulated industry. The regulations would not require 
    or compel meat or poultry establishments to relocate or alter their 
    operations in ways that could adversely affect the public health or 
    environment in low-income and minority communities. Further, this rule 
    does not exclude any persons or populations from participation in FSIS 
    programs, deny any persons or populations the benefits of FSIS 
    programs, or subject any persons or populations to discrimination 
    because of their race, color, or national origin.
        Establishments choosing to irradiate meat or meat products are 
    required to comply not only with FSIS and FDA requirements regarding 
    the safety of irradiated product, but also with NRC, EPA, OSHA, DOT, 
    and State and local government requirements governing the operation of 
    irradiation facilities. Compliance with these requirements ensures the 
    maintenance of appropriate environmental, worker safety, and public 
    health protections, thus further reducing the probability that this 
    rule would have any disparate impact on low-income or minority 
    communities. FSIS currently is investigating the possibility of 
    developing stronger partnerships with these Federal, State, and local 
    agencies so as to better ensure the maintenance of environmental, 
    worker safety, and public health protections.
    Public Notification and Request for Data
        FSIS requests information regarding the impact of this final rule 
    on minorities, women, and persons with disabilities, including 
    information on the number of minority-owned meat and poultry 
    establishments, the makeup of establishment workforces, and the 
    communities served by official establishments.
        Public involvement in all segments of rulemaking and policy 
    development are important. FSIS provides a weekly FSIS Constituent 
    Update, which is communicated via fax to over 300 organizations and 
    individuals. In addition, the update is available on line through the 
    FSIS web page located at http://www.fsis.usda.gov. The update is used 
    to provide information regarding FSIS policies, procedures, 
    regulations, Federal Register notices, FSIS public meetings, recalls, 
    and any other types of information that could affect or would be of 
    interest to our constituents/stakeholders. The constituent fax list 
    consists of industry, trade, and farm groups, consumer interest groups, 
    allied health professionals, scientific professionals, and other 
    individuals that have requested to be included. Through these various 
    channels, FSIS is able to provide information to a much broader, more 
    diverse audience. For more information and to be added to the 
    constituent fax list, fax your request to the Congressional and Public 
    Affairs Office, at (202) 720-5704.
    Paperwork Requirements
        In response to comments and as part of an effort to make FSIS 
    labeling requirements more consistent with those of FDA, FSIS will not 
    require, as proposed, that the irradiation statement and the radura be 
    any more prominent than the ingredients statement on the labeling of 
    irradiated meat food and poultry products. Thus, the statement and the 
    radura may appear somewhere other than on the principal display panel. 
    Because of this change the 2-hour label development that FSIS included 
    in the original paperwork analysis has been decreased to 1 hour. This 
    change will decrease the overall burden estimate by 100 hours. 
    Therefore, FSIS resubmitted an information collection request to OMB 
    requesting approval for 2,601 burden hours, not 2,701.
        The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has approved the 
    reporting and recordkeeping requirements associated with this final 
    rule under OMB control number 0582-0115.
    List of Subjects
    9 CFR Part 381
        Food labeling, Poultry and poultry products, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, Signs and symbols.
    9 CFR Part 424
        Food additives, Food packaging, Meat inspection, Poultry and 
    poultry products.
        Accordingly, title 9, chapter III, of the Code of Federal 
    Regulations is amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 381 would continue to read as 
        Authority: 7 U.S.C. 138f, 450; 21 U.S.C. 451-470; 7 CFR 2.18, 
    Sec. 381.19  [Removed]
        2. Section 381.19 is removed.
    Sec. 381.135  [Removed]
        3. Section 381.135 is removed.
        4. In Sec. 424.22, paragraph (c) is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 424.22  Certain other permitted uses.
    * * * * *
        (c) Irradiation of meat food and poultry products.
        (1) General requirements. Meat food and poultry products may be 
    treated to reduce foodborne pathogens and to extend product shelf-life 
    by the use of sources of ionizing radiation as identified in 21 CFR 
    179.26(a). Official establishments must irradiate meat food and poultry 
    products in accordance with 21 CFR 179.26(b), the Hazard Analysis and 
    Critical Control Point (HACCP) system requirements in part 417 of this 
    chapter, and the provisions of this section.
        (2) Dosimetry. Official establishments that irradiate meat food and 
    poultry products must have the following procedures in place:
        (i) Laboratory operation procedures for determining the absorbed 
    dose value from the dosimeter.
        (ii) Calibration criteria for verifying the accuracy and 
    consistency of any means of measurement (e.g., time clocks and weight 
        (iii) Calibration and accountability criteria for verifying the 
    traceability and accuracy of dosimeters for the intended
    [[Page 72166]]
    purpose, and the verification of calibration at least every 12 months. 
    To confirm traceability, establishments must relate, through 
    documentation, the end point measurement of a dosimeter to recognized 
        (iv) Procedures for ensuring that the product unit is dose mapped 
    to identify the regions of minimum and maximum absorbed dose and such 
    regions are consistent from one product unit to another of like 
        (v) Procedures for accounting for the total absorbed dose received 
    by the product unit (e.g., partial applications of the absorbed dose 
    within one production lot).
        (vi) Procedures for verifying routine dosimetry, i.e., assuring 
    each production lot receives the total absorbed dose. Establishments 
    may either position one dosimeter at the regions of minimum and maximum 
    absorbed dose (or at one region verified to represent such) on at least 
    the first, middle, and last product unit in each production lot or use 
    statistically based validation and dose mapping to determine the number 
    and placement of dosimeters in each production lot.
        (vii) Procedures for verifying the relationship of absorbed dose as 
    measured by the dosimeter to time exposure of the product unit to the 
    radiation source.
        (viii) Procedures for verifying the integrity of the radiation 
    source and processing procedure. Aside from expected and verified 
    radiation source activity decay for radionuclide sources, the radiation 
    source or processing procedure must not be altered, modified, 
    replenished, or adjusted without repeating dose mapping of product 
    units to redefine the regions of minimum and maximum absorbed dose.
        (3) Documentation. Official establishments that irradiate meat food 
    or poultry products must have the following documentation on premises, 
    available to FSIS:
        (i) Documentation that the irradiation facility is licensed or 
    possesses gamma radiation sources registered with the Nuclear 
    Regulatory Commission (NRC) or the appropriate State government acting 
    under authority granted by the NRC.
        (ii) Documentation that the machine radiation source irradiation 
    facility is registered with the appropriate State government, if 
        (iii) Documentation that a worker safety program addressing OSHA 
    regulations (29 CFR chapter XVII) is in place.
        (iv) Citations or other documents that relate to incidences in 
    which the establishment was found not to comply with Federal or State 
    agency requirements for irradiation facilities.
        (v) A certification by the operator that the irradiation facility 
    personnel will only operate under supervision of a person who has 
    successfully completed a course of instruction for operators of food 
    irradiation facilities.
        (vi) A certification by the operator that the key irradiation 
    personnel, who monitor or control daily operations, have been trained 
    in food technology, irradiation processing, and radiation health and 
        (vii) Guarantees from the suppliers of all food-contact packaging 
    materials that may be subject to irradiation that those materials 
    comply with the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 301 et 
        (4) Labeling.
        (i) The labels on packages of meat food and poultry products 
    irradiated in their entirety, in conformance with this section and with 
    21 CFR 179.26(a) and (b), must bear the logo shown at the end of this 
    paragraph (c)(4)(i). Unless the word ``Irradiated'' is part of the 
    product name, labels also must bear a statement such as ``Treated with 
    radiation'' or ``Treated by irradiation.'' The logo must be placed in 
    conjunction with the required statement, if the statement is used. The 
    statement is not required to be more prominent than the declaration of 
    ingredients required under Sec. 317.2(c)(2). Any label bearing the logo 
    or any wording of explanation with respect to this logo must be 
    approved as required by Section 317.4. of this chapter or subparts M 
    and N of part 381.
        (ii) For meat food or poultry products that have been irradiated in 
    their entirety, but that are not sold in packages, the required logo 
    must be displayed to the purchaser with either the labeling of the bulk 
    container plainly in view or a counter sign, card, or other appropriate 
    device bearing the information that the product has been treated with 
    radiation. In either case, the information must be prominently and 
    conspicuously displayed to purchasers. Unless the word ``Irradiated'' 
    is part of the product name, the labeling counter sign, card, or other 
    device also must bear a statement such as ``Treated with radiation'' or 
    ``Treated by irradiation.'' The logo must be placed in conjunction with 
    the required statement, if the statement is used.
        (iii) The inclusion of an irradiated meat food or poultry product 
    ingredient in any multi-ingredient meat food or poultry product must be 
    reflected in the ingredient statement on the finished product labeling.
        (iv) Optional labeling statements about the purpose for radiation 
    processing may be included on the product label in addition to the 
    stated requirements elsewhere in this section, provided that such 
    statements are not false or misleading. Statements that there has been 
    a specific reduction in microbial pathogens must be substantiated by 
    processing documentation.
        Done in Washington, DC, on December 13, 1999.
    Thomas J. Billy,
    [FR Doc. 99-32660 Filed 12-22-99; 8:45 am]

Document Information

Effective Date:
Food Safety and Inspection Service
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
February 22, 2000.
72150-72166 (17 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 97-076F
PDF File:
CFR: (3)
9 CFR 381.19
9 CFR 381.135
9 CFR 424.22