[Federal Register Volume 61, Number 250 (Friday, December 27, 1996)]
[Pages 68454-68461]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 96-32760]
[[Page 68453]]
Part VI
Library of Congress
Copyright Office
Uruguay Round Agreements Act: List of Copyright Restoration of Certain
Berne Convention and World Trade Organization Works; Notice
Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 250 / Friday, December 27, 1996 /
[[Page 68454]]
Copyright Office
[Docket No. 96-7]
Copyright Restoration of Works in Accordance With the Uruguay
Round Agreements Act; List Identifying Copyrights Restored Under the
Uruguay Round Agreements Act for Which Notices of Intent To Enforce
Restored Copyrights Were Filed in the Copyright Office
AGENCY: Copyright Office, Library of Congress.
ACTION: Publication of third list of notices of intent to enforce
copyrights restored under the Uruguay Round Agreements Act.
SUMMARY: The Copyright Office is publishing its third list of restored
copyrights for which it has received and processed Notices of Intent to
Enforce a copyright restored under the Uruguay Round Agreements Act.
Publication of the lists creates a record for the public to identify
copyright owners and works whose copyright has been restored for which
Notices of Intent to Enforce have been filed with the Copyright Office.
EFFECTIVE DATE: December 27, 1996.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Marilyn J. Kretsinger, Acting General
Counsel, or Charlotte Douglass, Principal Legal Advisor to the General
Counsel, Copyright GC/I&R, Post Office Box 70400, Southwest Station,
Washington, D.C. 20024. Telephone: (202) 707-8380. Telefax: (202) 707-
I. Background
The Uruguay Round General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the
Uruguay Round Agreements Act (URAA) (Public Law No. 103-465; 108 Stat.
4809 (1994)) provide for the restoration of copyright in certain works
that were in the public domain in the United States. Under section 104A
of title 17 1 of the United States Code as provided by the URAA,
copyright protection was restored on January 1, 1996, in certain works
by foreign nationals or domiciliaries of World Trade Organization (WTO)
or Berne countries that were not protected under the copyright law for
the reasons listed below in (2). Specifically, for restoration of
copyright, a work must be an original work of authorship that:
\1\ The URAA's amendment of 17 U.S.C. 104A replaces section 104A
under the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act
(Public Law No. 103-182, 107 Stat. 2057, 2115 (1993)). The Uruguay
Round Trade Agreements, Texts of Agreements, Implementing Bill,
Statement of Administrative Action, and Required Supporting
Statements, H.R. Doc. No. 316, 103d Cong., 2d Sess. 324 (1994). See
60 FR 50414 (Sept. 29, 1995).
(1) Is not in the public domain in its source country through
expiration of term of protection;
(2) Is in the public domain in the United States due to:
(i) Noncompliance with formalities imposed at any time by United
States copyright law, including failure of renewal, publishing the
work without a proper notice, or failure to comply with any
manufacturing requirements;
(ii) Lack of subject matter protection in the case of sound
recordings fixed before February 15, 1972; or
(iii) Lack of national eligibility (e.g., the work is from a
country with which the United States did not have copyright
relations at the time of the work's publication); and
(3) Has at least one author (or in the case of sound recordings,
rightholder) who was, at the time the work was created, a national
or domiciliary of an eligible country. If the work was published, it
must have been first published in an eligible country and not
published in the United States within 30 days of first publication.
See 17 U.S.C. 104A(h)(6). A work meeting these requirements is
protected ``for the remainder of the term of copyright that the work
would have otherwise been granted in the United States if the work
never entered the public domain in the United States.'' 17 U.S.C.
Although the copyright owner may immediately enforce the restored
copyright against individuals who infringe his or her rights on or
after the effective date of restoration, the copyright owner's right to
enforce the restored copyright is delayed against reliance parties.
Typically, a reliance party is one who was already using the work
before December 8, 1994, the date the URAA was enacted. See 17 U.S.C.
104A(h)(4). Before a copyright owner can enforce a restored copyright
against a reliance party, the copyright owner must file a Notice of
Intent (NIE) with the Copyright Office or serve an NIE on such a party.
An NIE may be filed in the Copyright Office within two years of the
date of restoration of copyright. Alternatively, an NIE may be served
on an individual reliance party at any time during the term of
copyright; however, such notices are effective only against the party
served and those who have actual knowledge of the notice and its
contents. NIEs appropriately filed with the Copyright Office and
published herein serve as constructive notice to all reliance parties.
Corrections Procedure
The Copyright Office has promulgated final regulations that provide
for filing NIEs with the Office. 60 FR 50414 (Sept. 29, 1995). As
required by section 104A(e)(1)(A)(iii), the Office's final regulation
included provisions for the correction of minor errors or omissions.
There have been requests for more detailed instructions for correcting
all kinds of errors made in filing NIEs. The Office will publish these
further instructions in early 1997.
II. Online Availability of NIE Lists
Pursuant to the URAA, the Office is publishing its third four-month
list identifying restored works for notices of intent to enforce a
restored copyright filed with the Office. 17 U.S.C. 104A(e)(1)(B). The
earlier lists were published on May 1, 1996, and August 30, 1996. 61 FR
19372 (May 1, 1996) and 61 FR 46134 (Aug. 30, 1996). The NIEs listed
herein are those entered into the public records of the Office between
August 16, 1996, and December 6, 1996.
We have published only the names of the owners and the titles
listed in the NIEs because that is all that is required by law. The
funds needed to include any additional information are not available.
Using the information provided herein, one may search the Office's
database to obtain additional information about a particular NIE. NIEs
are located in what is known as the Copyright Office History Documents
(COHD) file. This file is available from computer terminals located in
the Copyright Office itself or from terminals located in other parts of
the Library of Congress through the Library of Congress Information
System (LOCIS). Alternative ways to connect through Internet are (i)
the World Wide Web (WWW), using the Copyright Office Home Page at:
http://www.loc.gov/copyright; (ii) connect directly to LOCIS through
the telnet address at locis.loc.gov; or (iii) use the Library of
Congress gopher LC MARVEL at: marvel.loc.gov port 70. LC MARVEL and WWW
are available 24 hours a day. LOCIS is available 24 hours a day Monday
through Friday, Eastern Time; Saturday, until 5 p.m.; and Sunday after
11 a.m.2 Information available online includes: the title or brief
description if untitled; an English translation of the title; the
alternative titles if any; the name of the copyright owner or owner of
one or more exclusive rights, the date of receipt of the NIE in the
Copyright Office; the date of publication in the
[[Page 68455]]
Federal Register; and the address, telephone and telefax number of the
copyright owner. If given on the NIE, the online information will also
include the author, the type of work, and the rights covered by the
notice. See 37 CFR 201.33(f). For the purpose of researching the full
Office record of NIEs on the Internet, the Office has made online
searching instructions accessible through the Copyright Office Home
Page. Researchers can access them through the Library of Congress Home
Page on the World Wide Web by selecting the copyright link. Select the
menu item ``Copyright Office Records'' and/or ``URAA, GATT Amends U.S.
law.'' Finally, images of the complete NIEs as filed are on optical
disc and available from the Copyright Office.
\2\ Not all files are available after 9:30 p.m. on weekdays. On
Sundays, all files may not be available from 5 p.m.--8 p.m.
The following restored works are listed alphabetically by copyright
owner; multiple works owned by a particular copyright owner are listed
alphabetically by title. Works having more than one copyright
proprietor are listed under the first owner and cross-referenced to the
succeeding owner(s). A cross-reference to the composite owner (e.g.,
Title I owned by ``A B & C'') will state, ``SEE A B & C'' at the
listing for each individual owner, (e.g., for Owner A, for Owner B and
for Owner C).
III. Third List of Notices of Intent to Enforce
Antenne 2. See Fildebroc, Antenne 2 & Europe 1
Ariane. See Cogelda & Ariane
Ariane/Pathe, Films
Les parents terribles.
Alleluja (Nr. 4439).
Alleluja (Nr. 4527).
Beim Christkindlein.
Christi Geburt.
Das Geget vor der Schlacht.
Du liebliche Mutter.
Engel mit Adventskranz.
Engel mit Kerze und Reh.
Engel mit Trompete und Laterne.
Flucht nach Aegypten.
Gebet in grossen Noten.
Gegrusset seist du, Maria.
Gluck auf zum neuen Jahr!
Ich gratuliere!
Ich hab mich ergeben mit Herz und mit Hand.
In Nazareth.
Ist mir alles eins.
Jes ist unser Bruder, das liebe Kindelein.
Jesu, Jesu, komm zu mir!
Kommt a Vogerl geflogen.
Krippenkind mit Engel und Stern.
Lieber Heiland, bleib bei mir.
Liebreich holdseligste himmlische Frau.
Mein Laternlein sternlichtklar.
O Du liebes Jesulein, lass Dich vielmals grussen.
O Du mein Gott, singen Englein so fein.
St. Franziskus.
Und viele, viele Jahre noch!
Was frag ich viel nach Geld und Gut.
Wem Gott will rechte Gunst erweisen.
Wie Du mir, so ich Dir.
Baron, Alexander, a.k.a. Joseph Alexander Baron
From the city, from the plough.
The human kind.
Rosie Hogarth.
There's no home.
With hope, farewell.
Baron, Joseph Alexander. See Baron, Alexander, a.k.a. Joseph
Alexander Baron
Bixio Music Group, Ltd.
Cantate con me.
Chi e piu felice dime.
La mia cazone al vento.
Raccolta di canzoni Bixio 1943.
Button Fronts (London) Ltd.
Capac. See Fildebroc, France 2 & Capac
Chester Music, Ltd.
El amor brujo.
Asturiana no. 3 de ``Siete canciones populares espanolas.''
Cancion no. 6 de ``Siete canciones populares espanolas.''
Chanson de feu follet.
Dance of the miller de ``El sombrero de tres picos'' ballet.
Dance of the miller's wife de ``El sombrero de tres picos'' ballet.
Danse de la frayeur.
Danse rituelle du feu.
Jota no. 4 de ``Siete canciones poulares espanolas.''
Nana no. 5 de ``Siete canciones populares espanolas.''
El pano moruno, no. 1 de ``Siete canciones populares espanolas.''
Pantomime from ``El amor brujo.''
Pantomime, ballet in one act from ``El amor brujo.''
Polo no. 7 de ``Siete canciones populares espanolas.''
Polo: popular Spanish song for voice and piano.
Recit du pecheur de ``L'amour sorcier.''
Ritual fire dance.
Seguidilla murciana no. 2 de ``Siete canciones populares
El sombrero de tres picos.
Soneto a cordoba.
Two dances from ``The three-cornered hat.''
Cogelda & Ariane
Fanfan la tulipe.
Cogelda & Pathe
Le gorille vous salue bien.
La salaire de la peur.
Le valse du gorille.
Cogelda & Vera Films
Les diaboliques.
A nous la liberte.
Les bijoutiers du clair de lune.
Cela s'appelle l'aurore.
Le ciel est a vous.
La curee.
Les dames du bois de Boulogne.
Et Dieu crea la femme.
Les grandes manoeuvres.
Gueulle d'amour.
Histoires extraordinaries.
La kermesse heroique.
Les liaisons dangereuses 1960.
Le million.
Poil de carotte.
Quatorze Juillet.
Sous les toits de Paris.
Cooperativa Tacma. See Landeta, Matilde Soto & Cooperativa Tacma
Cranz, GmbH, Musikverlag
Symphonie concertante, op. 81.
DAISA. See Disenos Artisticos E. Industriales, SA, a.k.a. DAISA
DEG Sale Company, BV
Botta e riposta.
Le crime ne paie pas.
La decima vittima.
La donna scimmia.
Dov'e la liberta.
Il giudizio universale.
Ieri, Oggi, Domani.
James Tont, operazione UNO.
Maciste contro il vampiro.
Il mafioso.
La marcia su Roma.
Le mepris.
Le notti di Cabiria.
L'oro di Napoli.
Il processo de Verona.
Risate de gioia.
Ultimo gladiatore.
Una vita difficile.
Disenos Artisticos E. Industriales, SA, a.k.a. DAISA
A gatas con tulipanes.
A la espera del marino.
Alce con su cria.
Aldeana con vespa.
Aldeanita de fiesta.
Aldeanita geranios.
Amor de madre.
Arlequin de la rosa.
Bailarines en descanso.
Bajo la lluvia.
Ballet primer paso.
Ballet reverencia.
Ballet silfide.
Ballet tristeza.
El besito.
Beso a la madre.
Beso al padre.
Biberon a la muneca.
Biberon a su hija.
Blancanieves y la manzana.
Bordando el ajuar.
El botanico.
Burrito adornado.
[[Page 68456]]
Cabeza busto vernao.
Cabeza con flor.
Cabeza pendientes aros.
Cabeza pendientes borlas.
Cabeza pendientes plumas.
Cabeza pendientes telas.
Cabezas de caballos.
Canguro doliente.
Casita para la nena.
La castanera.
Chino agricultor.
Chupete en la mano.
Chupetin desperezo.
Cierva con su cria.
Cobrando pieza.
Cogiendo el biberon.
Colegiala E.
Colegiala I.
Colegiala O.
Colegiala U.
Comba florida.
Consolando a su hija.
Corazon de Jesus.
Cortando flores.
D. Quijote ensonador.
Dama con nina.
Dama Goyesca.
Damas junto el sauce.
Damatas platicando.
Damita atenta.
Damita rosa.
El Dante.
Don Quijote, alerta.
Doncella con dulzaina.
Durmiendo a la muneca.
Elefante de Siam.
Elefante doliente.
En el estanque.
Faldas al viento.
Fantasia azul.
Fantasia rosa.
Flores a la maceta.
Flores a remolque.
Flores del campo.
Floristilla insistente.
Fumando espero.
Galan jugueton.
Galanteo precoz.
Gato Egipcio blanco.
Gato Egipcio negro.
Gitanos voladores.
Gran jefe.
Groupo palanquin.
Grumete con cestos.
Grupo Amazonas.
Hablando a la muneca.
Haciendose el lazo.
Hada madrina.
Hermanitas con flores.
Hermano Lobo.
Holandesa florista.
Holandesita brazo atras.
Holandesita con patos.
Holandesita con tulipanes.
Holandesita en jarras.
Holandesita trenzas.
Jarron Pekin aves y almen.
Jarron Pekin aves y junc.
Jinete saltando.
Jirafa doliente.
Joven madre.
Juegos de sirenas.
Juglar estanteria.
Lady Macbeth.
Lagarteranita sentada.
Leccion de astronomia.
Lectura y sueno.
Leon doliente.
Madre holandesa.
La maestra.
Mater amabilis.
Miguel de Cervantes.
Mini-ballet acostado.
Mini-ballet asombrado.
Mini-ballet gimnastica.
Mini-ballet pose.
Mini-ballet zapatillas.
Mirando a su perrito.
Mis poemas.
Monagillo dormido.
Mono doliente.
Motorista de antano.
Nana bailadora.
Nina andando.
Nina con escoba.
Nina de la mecedora.
Nina del turbante.
Nina festival conejita.
Nina festival gatita.
Nina Mimi.
Nina mimosa.
Nina Regando.
Nina reverencia.
Nina rubores.
Nina, perro y pelota.
Ninas con el columpio.
Ninas espigadoras.
Nini festival ratita.
Observando el caracol.
Oso doliente.
Pajaros de primavera.
Pareja de pajaros.
Paseando en Versaller.
Paseo fustrado.
Payasito despertador.
Payasito pensativo.
Payasito plantado.
Payasito saxofon.
Payaso trompeta.
El payaso y la nina.
Perdiz grande.
Perrazo timido.
Perritos traviesos.
Pescador de regreso.
La pescadora.
Pintora alfarera.
Portando flores.
Presto a salir.
Presto a volar.
Primavera no. 2.
Princesita Estanteria.
Regando las plantas.
Sancho y su bota.
Sanson y Dalila.
El sereno.
Sirena de la perla.
Sirenas sobre ola.
Somorjujos mimosos.
Somormujos con su cria.
Sueno y fantasia.
Susana y las palomas.
Tocador de zanfonia.
Torerito devoto.
Torerito triunfador.
Torso desnudo.
Tres bajo el paraguas.
Triciclo con flores.
Trio de pajaros.
Vamos al colegio.
Vendedor de ceramica.
Vendedora de ceramica.
Documents Cinematographiques
Acera ou le bal des sorcieres.
Les amours de la pieuvre.
Assassins d'eau douce.
Barbe bleue.
Le bernard l'ermite.
Le chaudronnier.
Le club des sous-l'eau.
Comment naissent des meduses.
La crevette.
La crevette et son bopyre.
Crevettes (Histoires de).
Cristaus liquides.
Cristaus liquides nematiques et cholesteriques.
Les danseuses de la mer.
La Daphnie.
Descente de la mer en acceleree.
Docteur Claque.
L'economie des metaux.
L'ecriture du mouvement.
Electrolyse de nitrate d'argent.
Les fetes de Roscoff.
Forbach et sarreguemines.
Le grand cirque de Calder.
Hemioniscus balani.
Le homard.
Hyas et stenorinques.
Jeux d'enfants.
Limaille (essai de synchronisation pour etudiants).
Lourdes et ses miracles.
La lutte pour la vie.
Methode du Docteur Parrel.
Methode du Docteur Penchenat.
Mobiles de Calder.
Le monde estrange D'Axel Henricksen.
Montage des sequences filmees en 1925.
Notre planete la terre.
L'oeuf d'epinoche.
L'oeuvre scientifique de Pasteur.
Les oursins.
[[Page 68457]]
La part de l'enfant.
La pieuvre.
Les pigeons du square.
Solutions Francaises.
Les tarets.
Le tonnelier.
Traitement experiemental d'une hemorragie chez le chien.
Le vampire.
Voyage dans le ciel.
Europe 1. See Fildebroc, Antenne 2 & Europe 1
Fiduciaire, Befac.
Il pleut sur Santiago.
Fildebroc & UGC DA
Ma femme s'appelle reviens.
Fildebroc, Antenne 2 & Europe 1
Allo Beatrice, episodes 1-6.
Fildebroc, FR3 & Renn Production
Les enrages.
Fildebroc, France 2 & Capac
Force majeure.
Fildebroc, UGC & Films A2
Le Leopard.
Filmadora Mexicana, SA
Arriba el norte.
Films A2. See Fildebroc, UGC & Films A2
Films ABC
Les demoniaques.
Le frisson des vampires.
Levres de sang.
Requiem pour un vampire.
La rose de fer.
Tout le monde il en a deux.
La vampire nue.
Le viol du vampire.
Films Ariane
L'aigle a deux tetes.
FR3. See Fildebroc, FR3 & Renn Production
France 2. See Fildebroc, France 2 & Capac
Friedrich Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung, Legal Successor of G.W. Pabst
Film GmbH (Germany)
Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen.
Friedrich Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung, Legal Successor of Terra-
Filmkunst GmbH (Germany)
Adieu mascotte.
Am Rande der Welt.
Die Austreibung.
Blitzzug der Liebe.
Die Boxerbraut.
Die Bruder Schellenberg.
Der Bund der Drei.
Carmen von St. Pauli.
Die Dame mit dem Tigerfell.
Dr. Monnier und die Frauen.
Die drei Kuckucksuhren.
Die drei Portiermadel.
Der Erzieher meiner Tochter.
Der Farmer aus Texas.
Die Frau, nach der man sich sehnt.
Fraulein Chauffeur.
Haus der Luge.
Der heilige Berg.
Hurrah! Ich lebe!
Ihr dunkler Punkt.
Insel der Traume.
Jacht der sieben Sunden.
Der Kampf des Donald Westhof.
Kampf um die Scholle.
Konigin Luise.
Liebe macht blind.
Die Liebesbriefe der Baronin Von S.
Looping the loop.
Der Mann im Feuer.
Manon Lescaut.
Mein Freund, der Chauffeur.
Melodie der Welt.
Melodie des Herzens.
Phantome des Glucks.
Schatten der Welstadt.
Die Schmugglerbraut von Mallorca.
Die sieben Tochter der Frau Gyurkovics.
Die Siebzehnjahrigen.
Die Selige Exzellenz.
Der Sprung ins Leben.
Der Strafling aus Stambul.
Tragodie eines Verlorenen.
Der verlorene Schuh.
Vom Tater fehlt jede Spur.
Ein Walzertraum.
Die Weber.
Wege zu Kraft und Schonheit.
Die wunderbare Luge der Nina Petrowna.
Zur Chronik von Grieshuus.
Friedrich Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung, Legal Successor of UFA (Germany)
Die blaue Maus.
Der fidele Bauer.
Die Flucht vor der Liebe.
Frau im Mond.
Die Frau mit dem schlechten Ruf.
Die Frauengasse von Algier.
Die geheime Macht.
Geheimnisse einer Seele.
Geheimnisse des Orients.
Der Geiger von Florenz.
Der grosse Sprung.
Komodie des Herzen.
Die letzte Droschke von Berlin.
Die Liebe der Jeanne Ney.
Milak, der Gronlandjager.
Mutter Krausens Fahrt ins Gluck.
Orlac's Hande.
Pietro, der Korsar.
Die Prinzessin und der Geiger.
Der rosa Diamant.
Sein grosse Fall.
Seine Frau, die Unbekannte.
Der Turm des Schweigens.
Das unbekannte Morgen.
Ungarische Rhapsodie.
Vater und Sohn.
Vater werden ist nicht schwer.
Friedrich Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung
Der behexte Neptun.
Gaumont, SA
Dainah la metisse.
El Dorado.
Le journal tombe a cinq heures.
Taris et la natation.
Zero de conduite.
Grands Films Classiques
L'affaire est dans le sac.
Drole de drame.
Voyage surprise.
L'Herbier, Marie-Ange
Autour de l'argent.
Le diable au coeur.
Fait divers.
La galerie des monstres.
Le vertige.
Landeta, Matilde Soto & Cooperativa Tacma
Lola Casanova.
La Negra Angustias.
Lathiere, Marcel. See Ploquin, Raoul, Represented by Marcel
Minerva Film, AB
Fanny Hill.
Jorden runt med Fanny Hill.
Music Sales Corporation
Alley cat.
Alley cat dance.
Alley cat song.
Omkring et flygel.
OB Invest
Sois belle et tais-toi.
Pabst (G.W.) Film GmbH (Germany). See Friedrich Wilhelm-Murnau-
Stiftung, Legal Successor
Pathe Cinema
Boudu sauve des eaux.
Le orgueilleux.
Pathe. See Cogelda & Pathe
Ploquin, Raoul, Represented by Marcel Lathiere
L'etrange Monsieur Victor.
La belle Americaine.
Renn Production. See Fildebroc, FR3 & Renn Production
Schirmer (G.), Inc
Adagio from Cinderella, op. 97b.
L'Admiral Ushakov.
Alexander Nevsky.
La Bataille de Stalingrad.
Betrothal in a monastery, op. 86.
Cinderella suite no. 3, op. 109.
Cinderella symphonic suite no. 1, op. 107.
[[Page 68458]]
Dances of the dolls from Piano pieces for children.
Le duel.
Festive poem pieces ``Thirty years,'' for symphony orchestra, op.
Les feux de l'immoralite.
Ils ont un pays natal.
Ivan the terrible, op. 116.
Le jardin.
Man with the gun, op. 53 (Portrait of Lenin).
March in B flat for band, op. 99.
Mission secrete.
Partisans in the Ukranian steppes.
Piano sonata no. 8, op. 84.
Piano sonata no. 9, op. 103.
Prisonnier no. 217.
Prosper our mighty land, op. 114.
Le question Russe.
Romeo and Juliet, op. 64b.
Romeo and Juliet, op. 64ter.
Romeo and Juliet, symphonic suite no. 3, op. 101.
Russian folksongs for voice and piano, op. 104.
Salavat Iulaev.
Semyon Kotko symphonic suite for orchestra from opera ``Semyon
Kotko,'' op. 81bis.
Seven songs for voice and piano, op. 79.
Six pieces from Cinderella, op. 102.
Six songs for voice & piano, op. 66.
Six songs for voice & piano, op. 66 (no. 3-6).
Sonata for cello and piano, op. 119.
Sonata for piano, no. 6, op. 82.
Sonata for piano, no. 7, op. 83.
Sonata for violin and piano, no. 2, op. 94bis.
The song of the forests, op. 81.
Songs of our days, op. 76.
String quartet no. 2 (on Kabarchnian themes), op. 92.
Ten pieces from Cinderella, op. 97.
Three children's songs for piano, op. 68 (no. 1 & 2).
Three children's songs for piano, op. 68, no. 3.
Three pieces for piano, op. 96.
Three pieces from Cinderella for piano, op. 95.
Three romances by A. Pushkin for voice and piano, op. 73.
Three songs from Alexander Nevsky, op. 78b.
Le tocsin de la paix.
Two Russian folksongs for tenor, baritone, and piano, op. 106.
Violin sonata no. 1, op. 80.
The Volga meets the Don, op. 130.
Waltz suite, 3 movements from ``Cinderella'' and ``War & Peace'' for
symphony orchestra, op. 110.
Winter bonfire suite, for reciters, boys' choir, and orchestra, op.
Zdravitsa-Cantata for chorus and orchestra on folk texts, op. 85.
Schott Musik International
Lili Marleen.
Scott, Christina
The age of the gods.
The dynamics of world history.
Progress and religion.
Religion and culture.
Religion and the rise of Western culture.
The spirit of the Oxford movement.
Understanding Europe.
Screen Associates, SA
His and hers.
Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Produccion Cinematografica de la
Republica Mexicana
Un amor extrano.
Angela Morante (crimen o suicidio).
Ante el cadaver de un lider.
Aventuras de un caballo blanco y un nino.
Barrio de campeones.
La bestia acorralada.
La casa del pelicano.
La casa del sur.
Cronica roja.
Cuatro contra el imperio.
Dias de combate.
Ensayo de un crimen.
Espejismo de la ciudad.
Esposa te doy.
Los fernandez de peralvillo.
El fin de un imperio.
Las grandes aguas.
El hombre del puente.
La India.
El jardin de los cerezos.
La leyenda de Rodrigo.
El llanto de la tortuga.
La lucha con la pantera.
Las lupitas.
El mar.
Mas negro que la noche.
El mas valiente del mundo.
Mexicano tu puedes.
El Mexicano.
La mujer perfecta.
Musica de siempre.
Musica en la noche.
Las noches de Paloma.
Oficio de tinieblas.
Para usted jefa.
Paraiso escondido.
Pasajeros en transito.
El profeta Mimi.
Pueblo, canto y esperanza.
Que noche aquella.
Renuncia por motivos de salud.
El reventon.
Te quiero.
El testamento.
La trenza.
El tunel seis.
Vals sin fin.
La venida Del Rey Olmos.
Viaje al paraiso.
Vibora caliente.
La vida cambia.
Y la mujer hizo al hombre.
Yo amo, tu amas, nosotros amanos.
Zona roja.
Soyuzmultfilm Studios
25-perviy den.
Afrikanskaya skazka.
Ali-Baba i sorok razboinikov.
Alim i ego oslik.
Alioshkini skazki.
Allo vas slishu.
Automobil, lubov i gorchitsa.
Ave Maria.
Babushka udava.
Babushkin kozlik.
Ballada o stole.
Banalnaya istoriya.
Baron Munhauzen.
Bednaya Lisa.
Bez etogo nelizia.
Bobri idut po sledu.
Bolshie nepriyatnosti.
Bratiya Lu.
Bremenskie muzikanti.
Bud zdorov zeleniy les.
Chasi s kukushkoy.
Chasovie poley.
Chelovek stroit dom.
Chelovek v. ramke.
Cheloveka narisoval ya.
Chestnoe krokodilskoe.
Chetire moneti.
Chi v lesu shishki?
Chto eto za ptitsa.
Chto takoe horosho i chto takoe plouo.
Chudesa v reshete.
Chudesni koldkolchik.
Chudesniy kolodets.
Chudesniy sad.
Chudo sredi bela dnia.
Chuzhoy golos.
Chetvero s odnogo dvora.
Daru tebe zvezdu.
Dedushka i vnuchek.
Den chudestniy.
Den rozhdeniya.
Desnia o sokole.
Detskiy albom.
Detstvo Ratibora.
Devochka i slon.
Devochka v tsirke.
Ditia solntsa.
Dobrinya Nikitich.
Dogoni veter.
Dom komoriy postroil dzhek.
Doodochka i kuvshinchik.
Dorogaya kopeika.
Dostat do neba.
Diadia Stepa-militsioner.
Dva zhadnih medvezhonka.
Dve skazki.
Eto ne pro menia.
Eto v nashin silah.
Faeton-sin solntsa.
Fedia Zaitsev.
Fedorino gore.
[[Page 68459]]
Funtik i ogurtsi.
Futbolinie zvezdi.
General Taptigin.
Glavniy zvezdniy.
Gordiy korablik.
Gunan bator.
Hochu bodatsia.
Hochu bit otvazhnim.
Hrabriy olenionok.
Hrabriy Pak.
Hrabriy zaits.
I mama menia prostit.
I smeh i greh.
Ibolit i Barmaley.
Ilia Moromets i Solovey Razboinik.
Ilya Mooromets (prolog).
Ispolnenie zhelaniy.
Istoriya odnogo prestuplenie.
Istoriya Vlasa lentaya i Lobotriasa.
Ivan Ivanovich zabolel.
Kak ded velikoe ravnovesie narushil.
Kak koziol zemlu derzhal.
Kak mi vesnu delali.
Kak odin muzhik dvuh generalov prokormil.
Kak oslik schastie iskal.
Kak stat bolshim.
Kaleidoskop 68.
Kaleidoskop 70.
Kaleidoskop 71 no. 2.
Karlson vernulsia.
Karuselniy lev.
Kak Kotionku postroili dom.
Kem bit.
Kem bit?
Kogda zazhigautsia Yolki.
Kolia, Onia i Arhimed.
Konets chernoy topi.
Korolevskaya zubnaya schetka.
Koshkin dom.
Kozlionok kotoriy schital do desiati.
Krai zemli.
Krasa nenagliadnaya.
Krasheniy lis.
Kray v kotorom ti zhivesh.
Kriliya Diadushki Marabu.
Krokodil gena.
Kto perviy?
Kto poedet na vistavku?
Kto samiy silniy?
Kto skazal miau?
Kto vinovat?
Kuda poshel slon?
Legenda o Grige.
Legenda o starom maike.
Lesnaya hronika.
Lesnaya istoriya.
Lesnoy kontsert.
Letauschiy proletariat.
Lev i zaits.
Liagushonok ischet papu.
Lisa bober i drugie.
Lisa i drozd.
Lisa i medved.
Lisa i zayats.
Malchik i miachik.
Malchik s palchik.
Malish i Karlson.
Mashenka i medved.
Mashenkin kontsert.
Mashina vremeni.
Master iz Klamsey.
Medvezhonok na doroge.
Melochi zhizni.
Meteor na ringe.
Mi ischem kliaksu.
Mi risuem octiabr.
Mi takie mastera.
Mi za solnishkom idiom.
Mir domu tvoemu.
Mister Twister.
Mister Uolk.
Mitia i mikrobus.
Moi drug Martin.
Moi zeleniy krokodil.
Moskovskie novosti.
Mozhno i nelzia.
Muha tskotuha.
Multcrokodil no. 1.
Multkrokodil no. 2.
Multkrokodil no. 3.
Multkrokodil no. 4.
Multkrokodil no. 5.
Multkrokodil no. 6.
Murzilka i velikan.
Murzilka na sputnike.
Na dache.
Na krau taini.
Na lesnoi estrade.
Na perekriostke.
Na zadney parte 1.
Nash dobriy master.
Nash doktor.
Nash drug pishi-chitay.
Nash karandash.
Nashe solntse.
Ne lubo-ne slushay.
Ne v shliape schastie.
Nebesnaya istoriya.
Nebesnoye sozdanie.
Nemuhinskie musikanti.
Neobichniy drug.
Neobiknovenni match.
Neobitaemiy ostrov.
Nepiuschiy vorobei.
Neposlushniy kotionok.
Ni Bogu niChertu.
Nichto ne zabito.
No lesnoi trope.
Noch pered Rozhdestvom.
Noch vesni.
Novelli o kosmose.
Novie bolshie nepriyatnosti.
Noviy dom.
Novogodnaya noch.
Novogodnaya skazka.
Novogodniy ve ter.
Nu i rizhik.
Nu pogodi.
Odna loshadka belaya.
Ograblenie po 1.
Oh i Ah idut v pohod.
Oh i Ah.
Ohotnichie ruzhie.
Okna satiri.
Olen i volk.
Opiat dvoika.
Oranzhevoe gorlishko.
Orlinoe pero.
Osel i solovey.
Ostorozhno s ogniom.
Ostorozhno schuka.
Ostrov oshibok.
Otvazhniy Robin Gud.
Pavliniy hvost.
Peremenka 1.
Pervaya skripka.
Perviy urok.
Pes i kot.
Pesenka mishonka.
Pesenka radosti.
Pesni ognennih let.
Pesnia letit po svetu.
Pesnia o druzhbe.
Pesnia o unom barabanschike.
Petia i volk.
Petr-veseliy ormanschik.
Petuh i kraski.
Petushok-zolotoi grebeshok.
Plastilinoviy yozhik.
Plus elektrifikatsiya.
Po sledam Bremenskih muzikantov.
Pochemu ushel kotionok.
Pochtoraya ribka.
Podi tuda ne znau kuda.
Podpis nerazborchiva.
Poezd pamiat.
Pohititel krasok.
Pohozhdenia Chichikova (Nozdrev).
Pohozhdeniya Chichikova (Manilov).
Poiga i lisa.
Poliot na lunu.
Polkan i Shavka.
Poterialas vnuchka.
Prikluchenie neznaiki.
Priklucheniya Homi.
Priklucheniya krasnih galstukov.
Priklucheniya ogurechika.
[[Page 68460]]
Priklucheniya tochki i zapiatoy.
Priklushenie moorzilki.
Privet druziya.
Privet martishke.
Pro begemota kotoriy boyalsia privivok.
Pro kozla.
Pro Petrushku.
Pro zluyu machehu.
Prochti i katai Parizh i Kitai.
Prodelki v shkole.
Proishozhdenie vida.
Proroki i uroki.
Proverte vashi chasi.
Puteshestvie v stranu Vevikanou.
R vdrug poluchitsia.
Rai v shalashe.
Risunok na peske.
Rovno v tri piatnadtsat.
Russkie napevi.
S boru po sosenke.
Samiy glavniy.
Samiy malenkiy gnom no. 1.
Samiy mladshiy dozhdik.
Secha pri kirzhentse.
Segodnia den rozhdeniya.
Sekret vospitaniya.
Semeinaya hronika.
Seraya sheika.
Serdtse hrabretsa.
Sestritsa Alionushka i Bratets Ivanushko.
Shakalionok i verbliud.
Shel tramvai 10 nomer.
Shest Ivanov-shest kapitanov.
Shestomu festivalu.
Shkatulka s sekretom.
Siniaya ptitsa.
Sitsevaya ulitsa.
Skaz o Chapaeve.
Skazka dedushki Ai-Po.
Skazka dlia bolshim i malenkih.
Skazka o malchishe-kibalchishe.
Skazka o pope i rabotnike ego Balde.
Skazka o ribake i ribke.
Skazka o snegurochke.
Skazka o soldate.
Skazka o starom kedre.
Skazka o zhivom vremeni.
Skazka pro len.
Skazka skazivaetsia.
Skazka za skazkoi.
Skazki pro chuzhie kraski.
Skazki starogo duba.
Skripka pionera.
Sladka skazka.
Sledi na asfalte.
Slon i murovei.
Slovo imeut kukli.
Slovo o hlebe.
Sluchay s hudozhnikom.
Sluchilos eto zimoy.
Slushaetsia delo o....
Snezhnie ludi.
Sokrovischa zatonuvshego korarblia.
Solntse na verevochke.
Solomenniy bichok.
Spasibo aist.
Staraya fotografiya.
Staraya igrushka.
Starie zaveti.
Starie znakomie.
Starik i zhuravl.
Stariy dom.
Stekliannaya garmonika.
Strana Orkestriya.
Stranichki kalendaria.
Strannaya ptitsa.
Strekoza i murovey.
Strela uletaet v skazku.
Stadion shivorot-navivorot.
Svetliachek no. 3.
Svetliachok no. 2.
Svetliachok no. 7.
Svetliachok no. 8.
Taina daliokogo ostrova.
Taina zapechnogo sverchka.
Tanusha, Tatiana Top i Nusha.
Tayozhnaya skaska.
Tebe Moskva.
Tihaya polianka.
Timoshkina yolka.
Tolko dlia vzroslih 2.
Tolko dlia vzroslih 3.
Tolko dlia vzroslih 1.
Tolko ne seichas.
Tri banana.
Tri drovoseka.
Tri medvedia.
Tri meshka hitrosti.
Tri pingvina.
Tri tolstiaka.
Tri ziatia.
Tridtsat vosem popugaev.
Trinadtsatiy rei.
Troe is prostokvashino.
Trubka i medved.
Tsaplia i zhuravl.
U straha glaza veliki.
Umka ischet druga.
Umoreski 2.
Umoreski 3.
Umoreski no. 1.
Upriamoe testo.
Urok ne v prok.
Uroki nashih predkov.
Use naoborot.
Ustupite mne dorogu.
V gostiah u gnomov.
V mire Basen.
V strane neviuchennih urokov.
Vania Datskiy.
Vaselisa prekrasnaya.
Vashe zdorovie.
Vasilisa Mikulishna.
Velikie holoda.
Vernulsia sluzhiviy domoi.
Vershki i koreshki.
Veselaya karusel no. 2.
Veselaya karusel no. 3.
Veselaya karusel no. 4.
Veselaya karusel no. 5.
Veselaya karusel no. 6.
Veselaya karusel no. 7.
Veselaya karusel no. 8.
Veselaya karusel no. 9.
Veselaya karusel no. 10.
Veseliy ohotnik-karandash i kliaksa.
Veseliy ogorod.
Vesennaya skazka.
Vesennie melodii.
Vini-puh i den zabot.
Vinni puh idet v gosti.
Visokaya gorka.
Vlublennoe solnishko.
Vnimanie volkil.
Vodnoy storovoi.
Volk i semero kozliat.
Volshebnaya ptitsa.
Volshebnie fonariki.
Volshebniy klad.
Volshebniy magazin.
Vorona i lisa, kukushka i petukh.
Vot kakie chudesa.
Vot tak tigr.
Vovka v trideviatom tsarstve.
Vpered, vremia!
Vpervie na arene.
Vremena goda.
Ya k vam lechu vospominaniem.
Ya narisuyu solntse.
Ya vspominau.
Ya zhdu ptentsa.
Yantarni zamok.
Yunosha Friderik Engels.
Za chas do svidaniya.
Zaokeanski reporter.
Zavetnaya mechta.
Zayats Kosika i rodnichok.
Zdorovie nachinaetsia doma.
Zdravstvuy atom.
Zeleniy zmiy.
Zemlia moi.
Zerkalo vremeni.
Zhadniy kuzia.
Zheleznie druziya.
Zheltiy aist.
Zhil-bil koziavin.
Zhila bila kurochka.
Zhivie tsifri.
Zhizn i stradaniya Ivana Semenova.
Zlodeika s nakleikoy.
Znakomie kartinki.
Znakomie litsa.
Zolotie kolosiya.
Zolotie lbi.
Zolotoy malchik.
Terra-Filmkunst GmbH (Germany). See Friedrich Wilhelm-Murnau-
Stiftung, Legal Successor of
UFA (Germany). See Friedrich Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung, Legal
Successor of UFA (Germany)
UGC DA International
La fille de l'eau.
La grande illusion.
La petite marchande d'allumettes.
[[Page 68461]]
UGC DA. See Fildebroc & UGC DA
UGC. See Fildebroc, UGC & Films A2
Universal Edition, AG, Vienna
Das goldene Zeitalter, op. 22--ballet suite.
Vera Films. See Cogelda & Vera Films
Wallerstein W., Gregorio
Vivir del cuento.
Dated: December 20, 1996.
Marybeth Peters,
Register of Copyrights.
[FR Doc. 96-32760 Filed 12-26-96; 8:45 am]