99-33481. Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants: 90-Day Finding and Commencement of Status Review for a Petition to List the Sacramento Mountains Checkerspot Butterfly as Endangered  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 247 (Monday, December 27, 1999)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 72300-72302]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-33481]
    Fish and Wildlife Service
    50 CFR Part 17
    Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants: 90-Day Finding and 
    Commencement of Status Review for a Petition to List the Sacramento 
    Mountains Checkerspot Butterfly as Endangered
    AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
    ACTION: Notice of 90-day petition finding.
    SUMMARY: We, the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), announce a 
    90-day finding for a petition to list the Sacramento Mountains 
    checkerspot butterfly (Euphydryas anicia cloudcrofti) as an endangered 
    species and designate critical habitat pursuant to the Endangered 
    Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act). We find the petition provides 
    substantial scientific and commercial information to indicate that 
    listing of this animal may be warranted. Therefore, we are initiating a 
    status review to determine if the petitioned action is warranted. To 
    ensure that the review is comprehensive, we are soliciting information 
    and data regarding this action.
    DATES: The finding in this document was made on December 7, 1999. To be 
    considered in the status review and subsequent 12-month finding for the 
    petition, your information and comments must be received by February 
    25, 2000.
    ADDRESSES: You may submit data, information, comments, or questions 
    relevant to this finding to the Field Supervisor, U. S. Fish and 
    Wildlife Service, 2105 Osuna Road NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87113. 
    The petition finding, supporting data, and comments are available for 
    public inspection, by appointment, during normal business hours at the 
    above address.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Eric Hein, Endangered Species 
    Biologist (see ADDRESSESS section) (telephone 505/346-2525, extension 
        Section 4(b)(3)(A) of the Act (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.), requires 
    that we make a finding on whether a petition to list, delist, or 
    reclassify a species presents substantial scientific or commercial 
    information demonstrating that the petitioned action may be warranted. 
    We base the finding on all the information available to us at the time 
    the finding is made. To the maximum extent practicable, we make the 
    finding within 90-days of receipt of the petition, and promptly publish 
    notice of the finding in the Federal Register. If we find that 
    substantial information was presented, we must promptly commence a 
    status review of the species.
        The processing of this petition conforms with our Listing Priority 
    Guidance published in the Federal Register on October 22, 1999 (64 
    FR57114). The guidance clarifies the order in which we will process 
    rulemakings. Highest priority is processing emergency listing rules for 
    any species determined to face a significant and imminent risk to its 
    well being (Priority 1). Second priority (Priority 2) is processing 
    final determinations on proposed additions to the lists of endangered 
    and threatened wildlife and plants. Third priority is processing new 
    proposals to add species to the lists. The processing of administrative 
    petition findings (petitions filed under section 4 of the Act) is the 
    fourth priority. The processing of critical habitat determinations 
    (prudency and determinability decisions) and proposed or final 
    designations of critical habitat will no longer be subject to 
    prioritization under Listing Priority Guidance. The processing of this 
    90-day petition finding is a Priority 4 action and is being completed 
    in accordance with the current Listing Priority Guidance.
    [[Page 72301]]
        We made a 90-day finding on a petition to list the Sacramento 
    Mountains checkerspot butterfly (Euphydryas anicia [=chalcedona] 
    cloudcrofti) as endangered with critical habitat. Mr. Kieran Suckling 
    of the Southwest Center for Biological Diversity in Tucson, Arizona, 
    submitted the petition, dated November 1998, which we received on 
    January 28, 1999.
        The petitioner requested that we emergency list the Sacramento 
    Mountains checkerspot butterfly as endangered. The petitioner stated 
    that the animal merits listing because of its restricted range, adverse 
    impacts resulting from a proposed U.S. Forest Service (Forest Service) 
    land transfer, improvements to a Forest Service campground, 
    construction of homes and other structures, aggressive non-native weeds 
    that may be affecting the larval foodplants and adult nectar sources, 
    global climate change, and livestock overgrazing. The petitioner 
    requested emergency listing due to the perceived immediate threats to 
    the species' continued existence from a proposed land transfer between 
    the Forest Service and the Village of Cloudcroft in the Sacramento 
    Mountains in Otero County, New Mexico.
        Emergency listing is not a petitionable action under the Act. 
    However, our above-mentioned listing priority guidance requires that 
    petitions to list species be screened for the need to emergency list 
    them. Emergency listing is allowed under the Act whenever immediate 
    protection is needed to address a significant risk to the species' well 
    being. Based on currently available information, we determined that 
    emergency listing is not needed for the Sacramento Mountains 
    checkerspot butterfly. The Forest Service modified its proposed land 
    transfer to the Village of Cloudcroft so that the parcels containing 
    the highest number of known butterflies are no longer under 
    consideration. In addition, overcollection of butterflies, a threat not 
    cited by the petitioner, but an activity of which we have extensive 
    knowledge, has been prohibited in portions of the Lincoln National 
    Forest, except under permit, for a period of one year. Therefore, we 
    have determined that the species is not in imminent risk of extinction.
        The Sacramento Mountains checkerspot butterfly is a small member of 
    the brush-footed butterfly family (Nymphalidae). The adults have a 
    wingspan of approximately 3 centimeters (1 inch) and they are checkered 
    with dark brown, red, orange, white, and black spots and lines. The 
    taxon was described in 1980 based on 162 adult specimens collected in 
    the vicinity of the Village of Cloudcroft in Otero County, New Mexico 
    (Ferris and Holland 1980); it is only know from this area. The 
    Sacramento Mountains checkerspot butterfly inhabits non-forested 
    openings within the mixed-conifer forest (Lower Canadian Zone) at an 
    elevation between 2,450 and 2,750 meters (8,000 and 9,000 feet) in the 
    vicinity of Cloudcroft. The adult butterfly is often found in 
    association with the larval foodplant, New Mexico penstemon (Penstemon 
    neomexicanus), and adult nectar sources such as sneezeweed (Helium 
        The Forest Service is evaluating a request from the Village of 
    Cloudcroft for a transfer of land pursuant to the Townsite Act. The 
    proposed land transfer originally included three parcels in which a 
    number of Sacramento Mountains checkerspot butterflies have been 
    observed by biologists. The Village of Cloudcroft and the Forest 
    Service agreed to eliminate these three parcels from the current land 
    transfer request (Jose Martinez, Lincoln National Forest Supervisor, in 
    litt., 1999). A decision on the other five parcels is being withheld by 
    the Forest Service until we have made the 90-day finding on the 
    petition for this species (Jose Martinez, pers. comm., 1999). 
    Sacramento Mountain checkerspot butterflies have been observed on three 
    of the five parcels that are currently being considered for the land 
    transfer (Forest Service 1999a, 1999b). However, the Forest Service 
    provided information that the vast majority of the habitat in the 
    parcels being considered for exchange is forested and not suitable for 
    the butterfly. We will attempt to gather more information on the amount 
    of actual habitat proposed for exchange, and its importance to the 
    butterfly, during the status review.
        The New Mexico State Highway and Transportation Department (NMSHTD) 
    is proposing to improve portions of an approximately 3.38-kilometer (2-
    mile)-long stretch of State Highway 130 between the Village of 
    Cloudcroft and the intersection of SH 130 and Sunspot Road (Metric 
    Corporation 1996; Steve Reed, NMSHTD, pers. comm., 1999). The project 
    consists of widening the road and shoulders, constructing retaining 
    walls, adding drainage ditches and culverts, and reconstructing a 
    curve. The curve is located adjacent to a campground, where larvae and 
    adult Sacramento Mountains checkerspot butterflies were located in 1998 
    (Forest Service 1999a, 1999b). This site would be eliminated by the 
    proposed reconstruction of SH 130. However, since this species occupies 
    open, non-forested areas, it is unknown whether this project will 
    ultimately reduce or increase the amount of butterfly habitat.
        A campground located near Cloudcroft contains one of the greatest 
    known concentrations of the Sacramento Mountains checkerspot butterfly. 
    Reconstruction activities in the campground are proposed for the year 
    2003, including replacement of existing bathroom facilities, traffic 
    control barriers, picnic tables, and campfire pits (Jose Martinez in 
    litt., 1999). The potential adverse impacts to the Sacramento Mountains 
    checkerspot butterfly are not known as the proposal remains in a 
    preliminary stage. The Forest Service has stated that it intends to 
    work closely with us in addressing public safety and health issues at 
    the campground in a manner that protects and improves management of the 
    Sacramento Mountains checkerspot butterfly (Mark Crites, Biologist, 
    Sacramento Ranger District, pers comm., 1999; Don DeLorenzo, Wildlife, 
    Fish, Rare Plants, and Forestry Staff Officer, Lincoln National Forest, 
    pers. comm., 1999).
        Roadside maintenance was cited by the petitioner as a threat to the 
    Sacramento Mountains checkerspot butterfly. The NMSHTD uses mowing, 
    rather than chemical agents, to control vegetation in the right-of-way 
    (Steve Reed, pers. comm., 1999). The effect on the animal from mowing 
    is unclear at this time.
        The petitioner stated that overgrazing by livestock is causing 
    adverse impacts that are affecting the Sacramento Mountains checkerspot 
    butterfly. This activity could result in trampling of the early stages, 
    reduction or elimination of the larval foodplant or adult nectar 
    sources, and degradation of natural habitat. Grazing currently occurs 
    in an allotment (Forest Service 1999a), where butterflies have been 
    observed. The effect of grazing by both wildlife and domestic livestock 
    is not well documented. We are aware of instances where livestock 
    grazing appeared to significantly degrade habitat used by other 
    checkerspot butterflies. Conversely, some areas currently used by the 
    Sacramento Mountains checkerspot have been grazed by wildlife and 
    domestic livestock for a number of years. We intend to further assess 
    this subject during the status review.
        The construction of homes and associated infrastructure in the 
    habitat of the Sacramento Mountains checkerspot butterfly could 
    directly affect the species or result in indirect effects, such as the 
    introduction of nonnative plants and animals, loss of
    [[Page 72302]]
    movement corridors, or habitat fragmentation. There are a number of 
    private inholdings within areas containing apparently suitable habitat 
    for the species (Don DeLorenzo, pers. comm., 1999). We are unaware of 
    any surveys conducted on private lands in the area, and available 
    information on the amount of existing habitat and potential for 
    development is insufficient to confidently predict the extent of this 
        There likely is high interest by some collectors in the Sacramento 
    Mountains checkerspot butterfly due to its extremely restricted 
    distribution and apparent low numbers. High prices for prized species 
    can provide an incentive for illegal take and trade. Listing in itself 
    increases the publicity and interest in a species' rarity, and thus may 
    directly increase the value and demand for specimens. Specimens of 
    other subspecies of the anicia checkerspot butterfly have been offered 
    for sale (Capps 1991; Entomological Clearing House 1986; Kral 1987, 
        Collecting from small colonies or repeated handling and marking, 
    particularly of females and in years of low abundance, could seriously 
    damage the populations through loss of individuals and genetic 
    variability (Gall 1984b; Murphy 1988; Singer and Wedlake 1981). Since 
    the known populations of the Sacramento Mountains checkerspot butterfly 
    occur in a public campground, along public roadways, or in other areas 
    readily accessible to the public, the species is easily collected, and 
    the limited numbers and distribution of this species make it attractive 
    to collectors and vulnerable to overcollection.
        The Forest Service issued a one-year closure order for the 
    collection of any butterflies without a permit on the Smokey Bear and 
    Sacramento Districts of the Lincoln National Forest due to the threat 
    of overcollection (Jose Martinez, in litt., 1999). This closure order 
    may offer protection from butterfly collecting; however, some butterfly 
    collectors are known to have intentionally violated a similar closure 
    order in the Uncomphagre National Forest in Colorado in order to 
    collect the endangered Uncomphagre fritillary butterfly (Boloria 
    acrocnema) (U. S. Department of Justice 1993).
        A significant long-term threat to the Sacramento Mountains 
    checkerspot butterfly may be the change in community structure due to 
    invasive exotic plants, and attempts to control them. According to the 
    Forest Service (1999a), a 1993 survey found that approximately 737 
    hectares (1,822 acres) in the vicinity of Cloudcroft had infestations 
    of noxious weeds. Infestations occurring in non-forested openings and 
    on road rights-of-way expanded and the densities of weeds increased 
    where they have not been treated. These invasive foreign species may 
    out-compete and reduce or eliminate the larvae food plant and adult 
    nectar plants, resulting in adverse effects on the animal. Efforts to 
    control the exotic plants with herbicides may pose a threat to the 
    Sacramento Mountains checkerspot butterfly.
        Periodic droughts, such as those that occurred in recent years in 
    New Mexico, may adversely affect the Sacramento Mountains checkerspot 
    butterfly. Drought is known to cause a decrease in the size of the 
    populations of some butterfly species (C. Nagano, pers. obs., 1999). In 
    addition to killing larvae by dessication, drought conditions may--(1) 
    cause the early senescence or death of the larvae food plant prior to 
    the completion of larval development; or (2) lower the nutritional 
    quality of the host plant (e.g., water content). Drought also may 
    reduce the quantity and quality of adult nectar sources. Conversely, 
    the species has evolved in an environment subject to extended droughts. 
    It is unknown whether human-caused habitat changes have increased the 
    species' susceptibility to droughts.
        We reviewed the petition, the literature cited in the petition, 
    other literature, and information in our files. Based on the best 
    scientific information available, we find the petition presents 
    substantial information that listing this species may be warranted. 
    Therefore, with the completion of this 90-day finding, we will conduct 
    a status review of the species and subsequently make a finding as to 
    whether the petitioned action is warranted pursuant to section 
    4(b)(3)(B) of the Act.
        We solicit information regarding occurrence and distribution of the 
    species, threats to its continued existence, and any additional data or 
    scientific information from the public, scientific community, Tribal, 
    local, State, and Federal governments, and other interested parties 
    concerning the status of the Sacramento Mountains checkerspot 
    butterfly. Of particular interest is information regarding:
        (1) Additional historical and current population data which may 
    assist in determining range and long-term population trends;
        (2) Pertinent information on biology and life history;
        (3) Additional information about habitat requirements; and,
        (4) Information on immediate and future threats to the Sacramento 
    Mountains checkerspot butterfly, and the areas inhabited by the 
        After consideration of additional information received during the 
    comment period (see DATES section of this notice), we will prepare a 
    12-month finding as to whether listing of the species is warranted.
    References Cited
        You may request a complete list of all references we cited, as well 
    as others, from the New Mexico Ecological Services Field Office (see 
    ADDRESSES section).
        Author: Chris Nagano (see ADDRESSES section).
        Authority: The authority for this action is the Endangered 
    Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.).
        Dated: December 7, 1999.
    Jamie Rappaport Clark,
    Director, Fish and Wildlife Service.
    [FR Doc. 99-33481 Filed 12-23-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4310-55-P

Document Information

Fish and Wildlife Service
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of 90-day petition finding.
Document Number:
The finding in this document was made on December 7, 1999. To be considered in the status review and subsequent 12-month finding for the petition, your information and comments must be received by February 25, 2000.
72300-72302 (3 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
50 CFR 17