99-33509. Vidalia Onions Grown in Georgia; Changing the Term of Office and Nomination Deadlines  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 247 (Monday, December 27, 1999)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 72267-72269]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-33509]
    Agricultural Marketing Service
    7 CFR Part 955
    [Docket No. FV00-955 2 IFR]
    Vidalia Onions Grown in Georgia; Changing the Term of Office and 
    Nomination Deadlines
    AGENCY: Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA.
    ACTION: Interim final rule with request for comments.
    SUMMARY: This rule changes the term of office for the Vidalia Onion 
    Committee (Committee), and the time for conducting and submitting 
    Committee nominations under the Vidalia onion marketing order. The 
    marketing order regulates the handling of Vidalia onions grown in 
    Georgia and is administered locally by the Committee. This rule changes 
    the term of office from a 24-month period beginning September 16 and 
    ending September 15, to a 24-month period beginning January 1 and 
    ending December 31. It also changes the month for conducting and 
    submitting Committee producer nominations from August to October of 
    each year, and for the public member and alternate member from November 
    1 to February 15. These changes are expected to improve Committee and 
    program operations.
    DATES: Effective January 1, 2000; comments received by January 26, 2000 
    will be considered prior to issuance of a final rule.
    ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit written comments 
    concerning this rule. Comments must be sent to the Docket Clerk, Fruit 
    and Vegetable Programs, AMS, USDA, room 2525-S, PO Box 96456, 
    Washington, DC 20090-6456; Fax: (202) 720-5698; or E-mail: 
    moab.docketclerk@usda.gov. All comments should reference the docket 
    number and the date and page number of this issue of the Federal 
    Register and will be made available for public inspection in the Office 
    of the Docket Clerk during regular business hours.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: William G. Pimental, Southeast 
    Marketing Field Office, F&V, AMS, USDA, P.O. Box 2276, Winter Haven, FL 
    33883-2276; telephone: (863) 299-4770, Fax: (863) 299-5169; or George 
    Kelhart, Technical Advisor, Marketing Order Administration Branch, 
    Fruit and Vegetable Programs, AMS, USDA, room 2525-S, P.O. Box 96456, 
    Washington, DC 20090-6456; telephone: (202) 720-2491, Fax: (202) 720-
        Small businesses may request information on complying with this 
    regulation by contacting Jay Guerber, Marketing Order Administration 
    Branch, Fruit and Vegetable Programs, AMS, USDA, PO Box 96456, room 
    2525-S, Washington, DC 20090-6456; telephone (202) 720-2491, Fax: (202) 
    720-5698, or E-mail: Jay.Guerber@usda.gov.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This rule is issued under Marketing 
    Agreement and Order No. 955 (7 CFR part 955) regulating the handling of 
    Vidalia onions grown in Georgia, hereinafter referred to as the 
    ``order.'' The marketing agreement and order are effective under the 
    Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, as amended (7 U.S.C. 601-
    674), hereinafter referred to as the ``Act.''
        The Department of Agriculture (Department) is issuing this rule in 
    conformance with Executive Order 12866.
        This rule has been reviewed under Executive Order 12988, Civil 
    Justice Reform. This rule is not intended to have retroactive effect. 
    This rule will not preempt any State or local laws, regulations, or 
    policies, unless they present an irreconcilable conflict with this 
        The Act provides that administrative proceedings must be exhausted 
    before parties may file suit in court. Under section 608c(15)(A) of the 
    Act, any handler subject to an order may file with the Secretary a 
    petition stating that the order, any provision of the order, or any 
    obligation imposed in connection with the order is not in accordance 
    with law and request a modification of the order or to be exempted 
    therefrom. A handler is afforded the opportunity for a hearing on the 
    petition. After the hearing the Secretary would rule on the petition. 
    The Act provides that the district court of the United States in any 
    district in which the handler is an inhabitant, or has his or her 
    principal place of business, has jurisdiction to review the Secretary's 
    ruling on the petition, provided an action is filed not later than 20 
    days after the date of the entry of the ruling.
        Section 955.21 of the order provides that the term of office for 
    Committee members and alternates begins on September 16, or such other 
    period as the Committee may recommend and the Secretary approves. In 
    addition, Sec. 955.22 provides that the Committee shall hold or cause 
    to be held not later than August 1 of each year, or such other date as 
    may be specified by the Secretary, a meeting or meetings of growers for 
    the purpose of designating one nominee for each position as member and 
    for each position as alternate member of the Committee which is vacant, 
    or which is about to become vacant. Nominations for members and 
    alternates are required to be supplied to the Secretary in such manner 
    and form as the Secretary may prescribe, not later than August 15 of 
    each year, or by such date as may be specified by the Secretary. That 
    section further provides that the producer members shall nominate the 
    public member and alternate member at the first meeting following the 
    selection of members for a new term of office. The members and 
    alternates serve two-year terms of office and approximately one-half of 
    the total Committee membership is nominated and selected each year.
    [[Page 72268]]
    Nominations for the public member and alternate member are required to 
    be supplied to the Secretary in such manner and form as the Secretary 
    may prescribe, not later than November 1, or such other date as may be 
    specified by the Secretary.
        An interim final rule was published in the Federal Register on 
    September 3, 1999 (64 FR 48243), which changed the fiscal period 
    established under the order to a calendar year basis (January 1-
    December 31) from September 16-September 15 to more closely coincide 
    with the Vidalia onion marketing season. That interim final rule has 
    been adopted, without change, in a final rule published in this issue 
    of the Federal Register. The new fiscal is specified in Sec. 955.113.
        Over the past decade, technological changes in the industry, 
    including the adoption of Controlled Atmosphere (CA) storage of Vidalia 
    onions by three-fourths of the industry handlers, have extended the 
    harvesting and marketing season from April through June to an almost 
    year-round basis. While there are some added storage costs and losses 
    due to shrinkage with CA storage, these costs are more than offset by 
    prices received for Vidalia onions during the holiday season (November 
    and December).
        On September 30, 1999, the Committee unanimously recommended that 
    the term of office continue to be established on the same basis as the 
    fiscal period. This rule changes the term of office from a 24-month 
    period beginning September 16 and ending September 15, to a 24-month 
    period beginning January 1 and ending December 31. The new fiscal 
    period is established in new Sec. 955.121. Also, for the eight members 
    and alternates whose terms of office were scheduled to end on September 
    15, 1999, their terms of office will continue through December 31, 
    1999, or until qualified successors are selected. Nominations for those 
    expiring positions already have been submitted to the Department under 
    existing regulations.
        The Committee also recommended changes in the times for conducting 
    and submitting Committee producer member and alternate member 
    nominations to maintain the same approximate nomination deadlines as 
    provided currently. The dates will be changed from August 1 and August 
    15 to October 1 and October 15, respectively, and are specified in new 
    Sec. 955.122. The deadline for submitting nominations to the Secretary 
    for the public member and alternate will be changed from November 1 to 
    February 15 to provide the same amount of time for submitting 
    nominations as currently provided after the newly selected Committee's 
    first meeting sometime after January 1. These changes are expected to 
    improve Committee and program operations.
        Pursuant to requirements set forth in the Regulatory Flexibility 
    Act (RFA), the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) has considered the 
    economic impact of this action on small entities. Accordingly, AMS has 
    prepared this initial regulatory flexibility analysis.
        The purpose of the RFA is to fit regulatory actions to the scale of 
    business subject to such actions in order that small businesses will 
    not be unduly or disproportionately burdened. Marketing orders issued 
    pursuant to the Act, and the rules issued thereunder, are unique in 
    that they are brought about through group action of essentially small 
    entities acting on their own behalf. Thus, both statutes have small 
    entity orientation and compatibility.
        There are approximately 133 producers of Vidalia onions in the 
    production area and approximately 86 handlers subject to regulation 
    under the marketing order. Small agricultural producers have been 
    defined by the Small Business Administration (13 CFR 121.601) as those 
    having annual receipts less than $500,000, and small agricultural 
    service firms are defined as those whose annual receipts are less than 
        Based on the Georgia Agricultural Statistical Service and committee 
    data, the average price for fresh Vidalia Onions during the 1998-99 
    season was $15.45 per 50-pound bag, or equivalent and shipments totaled 
    3,617,017 bags. Many Vidalia onion handlers ship other vegetable 
    products which are not included in the committee data, but would 
    contribute further to handler receipts.
        Using the average price, about 97.4 percent of Vidalia Onion 
    handlers could be considered small businesses under the SBA definition. 
    The majority of Vidalia Onion producers and handlers may be classified 
    as small entities.
        This rule adds Sec. 955.121 to change the two-year term of office 
    to January 1-December 31 from September 16-September 15 to keep the 
    term of office on a fiscal year basis. It also adds Sec. 955.122 to 
    modify the deadlines when nominations are to be held and reports of the 
    nominations are to be made to the Secretary. The new deadlines provide 
    the same amount of time for conducting and submitting nominations for 
    producer members and alternates and for the public member and alternate 
    as are provided currently. For producer member and alternate members, 
    the time for conducting nominations will be changed from August 1 to 
    October 1, and the time for submitting the nominations to Secretary 
    will be changed from August 15 to October 15. The time for submitting 
    the public member and alternate public member nominations will be 
    changed from November 1 to February 15 for a new term of office. Also, 
    for the eight Committee members and alternates whose terms of office 
    were scheduled to end on September 15, 1999, their terms of office will 
    continue through December 31, 1999, or until qualified successors are 
        The changes in the term of office and the nomination deadlines 
    should not impose any additional costs on large or small firms in the 
    Vidalia onion industry. The changes merely bring the term of office and 
    the nomination deadlines into conformity with the recent change in the 
    fiscal period which was changed to a calendar year basis (January 1-
    December 31) from September 16-September 15.
        The Committee discussed the alternative of leaving the term of 
    office and nomination deadlines as they are presently. However, the 
    Committee believes that the term of office and nomination deadlines 
    should continue to be based on the fiscal period, which now is 
    established on a calendar year basis.
        This rule will not impose any additional reporting or recordkeeping 
    requirements on either small or large Vidalia onion handlers. As with 
    all Federal marketing order programs, reports and forms are 
    periodically reviewed to reduce information requirements and 
    duplication by industry and public sectors. In addition, the Department 
    has not identified any relevant Federal rules that duplicate, overlap 
    or conflict with this rule.
        Further, the Committee's meeting was widely publicized throughout 
    the Vidalia onion industry and all interested persons were invited to 
    attend the meeting and participate in Committee deliberations. Like all 
    Committee meetings, the September 30, 1999, meeting was a public 
    meeting and all entities, both large and small, were able to express 
    their views on this issue. Finally, interested persons are invited to 
    submit information on the regulatory and informational impacts of this 
    action on small businesses.
        A small business guide on complying with fruit, vegetable, and 
    specialty crop marketing agreements and orders may be viewed at the 
    following website: http://www.ams.usda.gov/fv/moab.html. Any questions 
    about the compliance guide should be sent to Jay Guerber at the 
    previously mentioned
    [[Page 72269]]
    address in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section.
        After consideration of all relevant material presented, including 
    the Committee's recommendation, and other information, it is found that 
    this interim final rule, as hereinafter set forth, will tend to 
    effectuate the declared policy of the Act.
        This rule invites comments on a change to the term of office and 
    nomination deadlines currently prescribed under the Vidalia onion 
    marketing order. A comment period of 30 days is deemed appropriate 
    because January 1, 2000, is the beginning of fiscal period established 
    by a separate action and the term of office prescribed by this action 
    corresponds with that date. Any comments received will be considered 
    prior to finalization of this rule.
        Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553, it is also found and determined upon good 
    cause that it is impracticable, unnecessary, and contrary to the public 
    interest to give preliminary notice prior to putting this rule into 
    effect and that good cause exists for not postponing the effective date 
    of this rule until 30 days after publication in the Federal Register 
    because: (1) The change in the term of office is January 1, 2000, to 
    correspond with the beginning of the fiscal period recently established 
    in a separate action; and (2) a 30-day comment period is provided and 
    all comments received will be considered in finalizing this action.
    List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 955
        Marketing agreements, Onions, Reporting and recordkeeping 
        For the reasons set forth in the preamble, 7 CFR part 955 is 
    amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for 7 CFR part 955 continues to read as 
        Authority: 7 U.S.C. 601-674.
        2. A new Sec. 955.121 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 955.121  Change in term of office.
        Pursuant to Sec. 955.21, the term of office for the Committee shall 
    be for two years beginning January 1 and ending December 31, except 
    that, the term of office for members and alternates whose terms expired 
    on September 15, 1999, shall end on December 31, 1999, or until 
    qualified successors are selected.
        3. A new Sec. 955.122 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 955.122  Change in nomination deadlines.
        Pursuant to Sec. 955.22, the Committee shall hold or cause to be 
    held not later than October 1 of each year a meeting or meetings of 
    growers for the purpose of designating one nominee for each position as 
    member and for each position as alternate of the Committee which is 
    vacant, or about to become vacant. Such nominations shall be supplied 
    to the Secretary in such manner and form as the Secretary may 
    prescribe, not later than October 15 of each year. The grower members 
    shall nominate the public member and alternate public member at the 
    first meeting following the selection of members for a new term of 
    office. Nominations for the public member and alternate public member 
    shall be supplied to the Secretary in such manner and form as the 
    Secretary may prescribe, not later than February 15.
        Dated: December 20, 1999.
    James R. Frazier,
    Acting Deputy Administrator, Fruit and Vegetable Programs.
    [FR Doc. 99-33509 Filed 12-23-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3410-02-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Agricultural Marketing Service
Entry Type:
Interim final rule with request for comments.
Document Number:
Effective January 1, 2000; comments received by January 26, 2000 will be considered prior to issuance of a final rule.
72267-72269 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. FV00-955 2 IFR
PDF File:
CFR: (2)
7 CFR 955.121
7 CFR 955.122