94-30669. Federal Acquisition Circular 90-23; Introduction  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 248 (Wednesday, December 28, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page ]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-30669]
    [Federal Register: December 28, 1994]
    Part II
    Department of Defense
    General Services Administration
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration
    48 CFR Part 1, et al.
    Federal Acquisition Regulations; Rules
    48 CFR Chapter 1
    Federal Acquisition Circular 90-23; Introduction
    AGENCIES: Department of Defense (DOD), General Services Administration 
    (GSA), and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
    ACTION: Summary presentation of final and interim rules with request 
    for comment, and technical amendments.
    SUMMARY: This document summarizes the FAR rules which follow it in the 
    order listed below. The Civilian Agency Acquisition Council and the 
    Defense Acquisition Regulations Council are issuing Federal Acquisition 
    Circular (FAC) 90-23 to amend the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR).
                                                                                    FAR      DAR                    
               Item                                 Subject                         Case     Case        Analyst    
    I........................  Training for contracting personnel...............   93-604           DeStefano.      
    II.......................  Storage of contract files........................   91-101    91-46  Klein.          
    III......................  National security................................     93-8           Scott.          
    IV.......................  Acquisition of utility services..................    91-13   90-471  Loeb.           
    V........................  Lease with option to purchase....................     91-6   90-413  DeStefano.      
    VI.......................  Procurement from people who are blind or severely   93-610           Scott.          
    VII......................  Acquisition of helium............................     91-9   90-415  Klein.          
    VIII.....................  Paper and envelopes..............................   92-622           Klein.          
    IX.......................  Debarment, suspension, and ineligibility.........    89-89    88-96  DeStefano.      
    X........................  Revision to optional form 17, sealed bid label...   92-602           Scott.          
    XI.......................  Notification of ownership changes................    91-20   89-117  Olson.          
    XII......................  Certificates of competency.......................   91-107    91-88  Scott.          
    XIII.....................  Small business competitiveness demonstration        92-302           Scott.          
                                program (interim).                                                                  
    XIV......................  Small business concern representation............    91-61    90-46  Scott.          
    XV.......................  Prohibition of DOL implementation/administration    93-618           O'Neill.        
                                of Davis-Bacon helper regulations pursuant to                                       
                                fiscal year 1994 appropriation act.                                                 
    XVI......................  Walsh-Healey definitions.........................    92-36           O'Neill.        
    XVII.....................  Section 4(c) price adjustments...................   93-609           O'Neill.        
    XVIII....................  Collective Bargaining agreement, contingency          92-7           O'Neill.        
    XIX......................  Cost accounting standards........................    92-18           Olson.          
    XX.......................  CAS applicability and thresholds.................    93-27           Olson.          
    XXI......................  Advance agreements, composition of total cost,       91-45    90-23  Olson.          
                                and accounting for unallowable costs.                                               
    XXII.....................  Postretirement benefits-transition costs.........    91-42     91-5  Olson.          
    XXIII....................  Advance payment reporting........................   93-309           Olson.          
    XXIV.....................  Defense production act amendments (interim)......   93-304           O'Neill.        
    XXV......................  Defense Technical Information Center.............    93-29           O'Neill.        
    XXVI.....................  Construction contracting.........................    90-62   90-448  O'Neill.        
    XXVII....................  Child care services (Interim)....................   91-106   91-328  Scott.          
    XXVIII...................  Final indirect cost agreements...................   91-103    91-81  Olson.          
    XXIX.....................  Consent to subcontract...........................    91-68   90-516  Klein.          
    XXX......................  Contractors' purchasing systems reviews..........    90-53   90-453  Klein.          
    XXXI.....................  Transfers of government property.................    90-34   90-454  Klein.          
    XXXII....................  Commercial bills of lading under cost-               88-56   86-102  Klein.          
                                reimbursement contracts audit by GSA.                                               
    XXXIII...................  Qualification requirements.......................   92-612           O'Neill.        
    XXXIV....................  Small business and small disadvantaged              92-628           Scott.          
                                subcontracting plan.                                                                
    XXXV.....................  Shipments to ports and air terminals.............    91-11   90-457  O'Such.         
    XXXVI....................  Standard form 18, request for quotations.........    91-84    91-36  Scott.          
    XXXVII...................  Revisions to standard forms 1414 and 1415........     92-9           O'Such.         
    XXXVIII..................  Technical amendments.............................                                    
    XXXIX....................  Looseleaf amendments.............................                                    
    XL.......................  Annual notice of rates of inflation..............                    Olson.          
    DATES: For effective dates and comment dates, see separate documents 
    which follow. Please cite FAC 90-23 and the appropriate FAR case 
    number(s) in all correspondence related to the following documents.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: The analyst whose name appears (in the 
    table above) in relation to each FAR case or subject area. For general 
    information, contact the FAR Secretariat, room 4037, GS Building, 
    Washington, DC 20405, (202) 501-4755. Please cite FAC 90-23 and 
    specific FAR case number(s).
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Federal Acquisition Circular 90-23 amends 
    the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) as specified below:
    Item I--Training for Contracting Personnel (FAR Case 93-604)
        Subpart 1.6 is revised by, among other things, adding language at 
    FAR 1.603-1, General, that addresses the requirements of the Office of 
    Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) Policy Letter No. 92-3, ``Procurement 
    Professionalism Program Policy--Training for Contracting Personnel, 
    dated June 24, 1992. OFPP Policy Letter No. 92-3, contains OFPP's 
    standards for skill-based training in performing contracting and 
    purchasing duties. The above changes will implement in the FAR, 
    policies established by the OFPP Policy Letter.
    Item II--Storage of Contract Files (FAR Case 91-101)
        This final rule revises FAR Subparts 4.7 and 4.8 to permit the use 
    of various media (paper, electronic, microfilm, etc.) for the storage 
    of official contract files by contractors and contracting and contract 
    administration offices.
    Item III--National Security (FAR Case 93-8)
        FAR 5.303(a) is revised to clarify that the requirement for public 
    announcement of contract awards over $3 million does not apply to 
    contracts exempted from synopsis in the Commerce Business Daily for 
    reasons of national security.
    Item IV--Acquisition of Utility Services (FAR Case 91-13)
        A new Part 41, Acquisition of Utility Services, is added and 
    replaces the existing language now located at FAR Subpart 8.3. Part 41 
    provides uniform language pertaining to the acquisition of utilities 
    service which is applicable to all Executive agencies and will enable 
    agencies to delete most of their regulatory guidance on utilities from 
    their agency FAR supplements. The part includes additional guidance for 
    contracting officers in acquiring and administering contracts for 
    utility service and includes additional definitions applicable to 
    utility service contracts. Language was added delineating existing 
    statutory and delegated authority for utility service contracting and 
    providing for use of the standard forms to acquire utility services. 
    ``Standard'' specification formats and annual utility service review 
    formats have been established for use in acquiring utility services.
    Item V--Lease with Option to Purchase (FAR Case 91-6)
        This final rule amends the FAR by adding paragraph 7.402(b)(4), 
    section 7.404, and clause 52.207-5, based on the Defense Management 
    Review, to include information required to support a contracting 
    officer's decision to use a lease with an option to purchase, and to 
    outline the Government's right to purchase at any time during the 
    performance of the contract.
    Item VI--Procurement From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled 
    (FAR Case 93-610)
        FAR 8.001, 8.603, Subpart 8.7, and 9.107 are amended to reflect the 
    Committee for Purchase From the Blind and Other Severely Handicapped 
    name change and revisions to the Committee's regulations.
    Item VII--Acquisition of Helium (FAR Case 91-9)
        The FAR is being revised at 8.002; a new subpart is being added at 
    Subpart 8.5; and a new clause is being added at 52.208-8, to provide 
    guidance on the acquisition of helium. The Helium Act (50 U.S.C. 167a 
    et seq.; Pub. L. 86-777) requires that all major helium requirements be 
    purchased from the Secretary of the Interior. The coverage will assist 
    Government agencies and contractors in complying with the Helium Act by 
    ensuring that contracting officers and contractors are aware of the 
    requirements for using Bureau of Mines' helium in Government contracts.
    Item VIII--Paper and Envelopes (FAR Case 92-622)
        Paragraph (c) of 8.802, Policy, has been revised to specify that 
    paper and envelopes for use by Executive agencies outside the District 
    of Columbia, and which are stocked by the General Services 
    Administration (GSA), shall be requisitioned by agencies from GSA.
    Item IX--Debarment, Suspension, and Ineligibility (FAR Case 89-89)
        This final rule revises Subpart 9.4 to clarify to what extent, 
    absent a termination by the issuing agency, an individual may place 
    orders against an existing contract notwithstanding a debarment, 
    suspension, or proposed debarment of the contractor. The rule also 
    clarifies that an optional (permissive) user may elect to place a 
    delivery order; a compelling reason determination is not required.
    Item X--Sealed Bid Label (FAR Case 92-602)
        FAR 14.202-3, 15.408, 53.214 and 53.215-1 are amended to permit use 
    of the Optional Form 17, Offer Label, to identify offers for sealed bid 
    and negotiated acquisitions. Use of the label is limited to envelopes 
    larger than 6\1/8\ inches by 11\1/2\ inches to comply with U.S. Postal 
    Service requirements for automation-compatible mail.
    Item XI--Notification of Ownership Changes (FAR Case 91-20)
        FAR 15.804-8(g) and 52.215-40, Notification of Ownership Changes, 
    are added to require contractors to notify the Government of changes in 
    contractor ownership and their effects, and to emphasize existing 
    recordkeeping requirements. These changes are intended to enable audit 
    determinations that cost increases related to contractor ownership 
    changes are not charged to Government contracts. The clause at 52.215-
    40 requires contractors to: (i) Notify the contracting officer when a 
    change in contractor ownership, or a change in asset valuation or in 
    any other costs related to an ownership change, occurs or is pending; 
    and (ii) retain and continue to maintain, through successive changes in 
    company ownership, asset inventory records currently required under the 
    Item XII--Certificates of Competency (FAR Case 91-107)
        FAR 19.000(b) and 19.601 are revised to clarify the applicability 
    of Certificate of Competency procedures, making it clear that the 
    statutory requirement to refer nonresponsibility determinations to the 
    Small Business Administration is unrelated to a contracting agency's 
    Item XIII--Small Business Competitiveness Demonstration Program 
    (FAR Case 92-302)
        This interim rule implements Title II of Pub. L. 102-366, the Small 
    Business Credit and Business Opportunity Enhancement Act of 1992, which 
    revises Title VII of Pub. L. 100-656, the Small Business 
    Competitiveness Demonstration Program. Editorial amendments are made to 
    FAR 19.1001. FAR 19.1006(b)(2) is amended to specify that agencies may 
    reinstate the use of small business set-asides as necessary to meet 
    assigned goals, but only within the organizational unit(s) that failed 
    to meet the small business goals. FAR 19.1005(a)(3) is amended to 
    revise the description of Architect and Engineering services as a 
    Designated Industry Group.
    Item XIV--Small Business Concern Representation (FAR Case 91-61)
        FAR 19.502-4(b) is amended to clarify that questions regarding the 
    size status of offerors are matters of eligibility--not 
    responsiveness--and must be referred to the SBA. FAR 52.219-1 is 
    amended to remove the requirement for offerors to certify that all 
    supplies to be furnished will be manufactured by a small business in 
    the United States and to add a sentence to clarify that set-aside 
    clauses contain restrictions on the source of end items to be 
    Item XV--Prohibition of Department of Labor Implementation/
    Administration of Davis-Bacon Helper Regulations Pursuant to Fiscal 
    Year 1994 Appropriation Act (FAR Case 93-618)
        The Civilian Agency Acquisition Council and the Defense Acquisition 
    Regulations Council are implementing in the FAR the Department of Labor 
    (DOL) suspension of its Davis-Bacon Act ``Helper'' regulations. The DOL 
    regulations were suspended on October 21, 1993. A notice of suspension 
    was published in the Federal Register at 58 FR 58954, November 5, 1993.
    Item XVI--Walsh-Healey Definitions (FAR Case 92-36)
        FAR 22.606-2(b) is revised to add a reference to the alternate 
    ``regular dealer'' qualification requirements for information systems 
    integrators found in DOL regulations (41 CFR 50-201.101).
    Item XVII--Section 4c Price Adjustments (FAR Case 93-609)
        This final rule revises the FAR coverage at 22.1002-3, 22.1012-3, 
    and 22.1012-5 to clarify that the requirement for successor contractors 
    on contracts over $2,500, for substantially the same services performed 
    in the same locality, to pay wages and fringe benefits at least equal 
    to those contained in any bona fide collective bargaining agreement 
    entered into under the predecessor contract, is self-executing. The 
    requirement is not contingent upon incorporating a wage determination 
    or the wage and fringe benefit terms of the predecessor contractor's 
    collective bargaining agreement in the successor contract. However, the 
    contracting officer shall incorporate the wage and fringe benefit terms 
    of the collective bargaining agreement itself in contract solicitations 
    and may incorporate the terms or the agreement itself in other contract 
    Item XVIII--Collective Bargaining Agreement, Contingency Clauses 
    (FAR Case 92-7)
        This final rule revises the coverage at FAR 22.1002-3, 22.1008-3, 
    and 22.1021. These changes are necessary to implement the direction 
    contained in DOL Memorandums No. 159 and 166 concerning contingencies 
    in collective bargaining agreements subject to section 4(c) of the 
    Service Contract Act and requests for substantial variance hearing. 
    This rule also makes editorial changes to more accurately reflect DOL 
    regulations on the Service Contract Act.
    Item XIX--Cost Accounting Standards (FAR Case 92-18)
        The interim rule issued in FAC 90-12, which amended the FAR based 
    on the Cost Accounting Standards Board's recodification of the Cost 
    Accounting Standards in 48 CFR Chapter 99, is converted to a final rule 
    with revisions.
    Item XX--CAS Applicability and Thresholds (FAR Case 93-27)
        The revisions to the cost accounting standards made by the Cost 
    Accounting Standards Board at 48 CFR Chapter 99 are incorporated into 
    the FAR.
    Item XXI--Advance Agreements, Composition of Total Cost, and Accounting 
    for Unallowable Costs (FAR Case 91-45)
        This final rule amends FAR 31.109, Advance agreements; 31.201-1, 
    Composition of total cost; and 31.201-6, Accounting for unallowable 
    costs. Language is added at 31.109(a) to address the use of advance 
    agreements to clarify allowability issues under the specific cost 
    principles, in order to minimize subsequent disputes. The current 
    phrase in 31.109(a), ``particularly for firms or their divisions that 
    may not be under effective competitive constraints,'' is deleted 
    because the determination of the reasonableness, allocability, or 
    allowability of a cost under the specific cost principles is not 
    significantly impacted by the business environment in which the 
    industry operates. Changes in FAR 31.201-1 include deleting the word 
    ``allowable'' in its first sentence; redesignating the existing 
    paragraph as ``(a)''; and inserting a new paragraph ``(b)'' which makes 
    it clear that while the total cost of a contract includes all allocable 
    costs, the total allowable costs on a Government contract are limited 
    to those allocable costs which are allowable pursuant to Part 31 and 
    agency supplements. FAR 31.201-6(c) is revised to clarify that there is 
    no intended difference in the accounting and presentation of 
    unallowable costs between contracts which are covered by the Cost 
    Accounting Standards and those which are not.
    Item XXII--Postretirement Benefits--Transition Costs (FAR Case 91-
        This item converts the interim rule concerning the treatment of 
    costs for postretirement benefits other than pensions (PRB) which are 
    attributable to employees' past service to a final rule. The interim 
    rule was published in the Federal Register at 56 FR 41738, August 22, 
    1991, as Item IX of FAC 90-7. The interim rule changed FAR 31.205-6 to 
    add a new paragraph (j)(3)(v), revised the first sentence of paragraph 
    (j)(4), redesignated the existing paragraph (o)(4) as (o)(5), and added 
    a new paragraph (o)(4). The final rule differs from the interim rule in 
    that it amends FAR 31.205-6(o)(2) to allow costs generated using the 
    terminal funding method permitted for CAS-covered contractors. Both 
    terminal funding method and cash basis (pay-as-you-go) accounting are 
    allowable assignment methods under CAS but are not sanctioned by 
    Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. It is intended that the 
    methods allowed by CAS for prefunding retiree insurance programs be 
    allowable for all contractors. Subsequent paragraphs are redesignated 
    as (o)(3) through (o)(6) with minor clarifications made in paragraphs 
    (o)(3) and (5). A change is made in the clause at 52.215-39, Reversion 
    or Adjustment of Plans for Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pensions 
    (PRB), to reflect the change in paragraph numbering at 31.205-6(o).
        The amended cost principle provides guidance for any transfer of 
    pension funds to another employee benefit fund. In effect, the cost 
    principle requires any increase in current or future Government costs 
    for the pension fund due to such a withdrawal to be offset by 
    equivalent decreases in Government costs for the employee benefit fund 
    receiving the transfer. Transfers made without an advance agreement 
    shall be treated as if the contractor withdrew the funds and are 
    subject to 31.205-6(j)(4), and the deposit to the receiving fund is 
    subject to the cost allowability rules governing the receiving fund in 
    regards to measurement and assignment of costs. Under 31.205-6(j)(4), 
    the Government is entitled to its equitable share of the gross amount 
    withdrawn from pension fund assets. FAR 31.205-6(o)(5) limits the 
    allowable amount of contractor PRB transition costs for any fiscal year 
    to the amount which would be assigned to that year using the 
    amortization method described in Financial Accounting Standards Board 
    Statement 106. This limitation is necessary because Government fiscal 
    policy dictates that the past service cost element be amortized rather 
    than immediately recognized.
    Item XXIII--Advance Payment Reporting (FAR Case 93-309)
        FAR 32.402(a) is revised to delete the requirement for submitting 
    an advance notice to Congress prior to making an advance payment 
    exceeding $25 million.
    Item XXIV--Defense Production Act Amendments (FAR Case 93-304)
        This interim rule amends the FAR by adding FAR Subpart 34.1, 
    Testing, qualification and use of industrial resources developed under 
    Title III, Defense Production Act (DPA), to implement pertinent 
    provisions of the Defense Production Act Amendments of 1992 (Public Law 
    102-558). Title III of the DPA of 1950 authorizes various forms of 
    Government assistance to encourage expansion of production capacity and 
    supply of industrial resources essential to national defense. The DPA 
    Amendments of 1992 provide for the testing, qualification, and use of 
    industrial resources manufactured or developed with assistance provided 
    under Title III of the DPA. This rule expresses Government policy to 
    pay for such testing, and provides definitions, procedures, and a 
    contract clause to implement the policy.
    Item XXV--Defense Technical Information Center (FAR Case 93-29)
        FAR 35.010, Scientific and technical reports, is revised to delete 
    address information and language instructing DoD contractors to send 
    copies of scientific and technical reports resulting from DoD contracts 
    to Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC). In addition, the 
    address for the National Technical Information Service is updated.
    Item XXVI--Construction Contracting (FAR Case 90-62)
        This final rule revises FAR Parts 36 and 52 by including a new 
    section at 36.212, Preconstruction orientation, inserting a new clause 
    at 52.236-26, Preconstruction conference, and a new provision at 
    52.236-27, Site Visit (Construction). The new clause and provision have 
    previously been used by military activities and are considered to be 
    beneficial to contractors as well as civilian and defense agencies.
    Item XXVII--Child Care Services (FAR Case 91-106)
        This interim rule amends FAR Part 37 to implement 42 U.S.C. 13041 
    by adding a definition of ``child care services'' at 37.101 and adding 
    language at 37.103(d) requiring contracting officers to ensure that 
    contracts for child care services include requirements for criminal 
    history background checks on employees who will perform child care 
    Item XXVIII--Final Indirect Cost Agreements (FAR Case 91-103)
        FAR 42.705-2 and 52.216-13 are amended to eliminate the 
    requirements for contractors to execute a Certificate of Current Cost 
    or Pricing Data in conjunction with final indirect cost agreements on 
    facilities contracts and for auditors to obtain a certificate under 
    auditor determination procedures for final indirect cost rates.
    Item XXIX--Consent to Subcontract (FAR Case 91-68)
        FAR 44.201, 44.204, 52.244-1, and 52.244-2 are revised to eliminate 
    the exception for contracting officer consent for major systems and 
    subsystems. Instead, contracting officers are allowed to specify in the 
    contract schedule all subcontracts for major systems, subsystems, or 
    components needing special surveillance, for which consent to 
    subcontract must be obtained by the prime contractor.
    Item XXX--Contractors' Purchasing Systems Reviews (FAR Case 90-53)
        This final rule provides revisions to 44.302(b) and paragraphs (a) 
    and (b) of 44.304. These revisions are in keeping with efforts to 
    streamline the acquisition process and eliminate regulatory burdens on 
    both contracting officers and contractors.
    Item XXXI--Transfers of Government Property (FAR Case 90-34)
        This final rule revises the FAR at 45.311 and 45.603 to ensure that 
    Government property is transferred and documented properly.
    Item XXXII--Commercial Bills of Lading Under Cost-Reimbursement 
    Contracts Audit by GSA (FAR Case 88-56)
        FAR 47.104-4 is amended to prescribe the added clause at 52.247-67, 
    Submission of Commercial Transportation Bills to the General Services 
    Administration for Audit, in solicitations and contracts when a cost-
    reimbursement contract is contemplated and the contract or a first-tier 
    cost-reimbursement subcontract thereunder will authorize reimbursement 
    of transportation as a direct charge to the contract or subcontract.
    Item XXXIII--Qualification Requirements (FAR Case 92-612)
        FAR 52.209-1(e) is revised to allow offerors to submit evidence of 
    qualification prior to award of the contract, rather than with their 
    offers. This change corrects an inconsistency between paragraphs (b) 
    and (e) of the clause highlighted by the decision in Gardner Zemke 
    Company, Comptroller General Decision B-238334, April 5, 1990.
    Item XXXIV--Small Business and Small Disadvantaged Business 
    Subcontracting Plan (FAR Case 92-628)
        FAR 52.219-9 is amended to state that a firm may rely on the 
    information contained in the SBA Procurement Automated Source System 
    (PASS) as an accurate representation of a concern's size and ownership 
    characteristics for purposes of maintaining a small business source 
    list and as its source list.
    Item XXXV--Shipments to Ports and Air Terminals (FAR Case 91-11)
        The provision at 52.247-51, Evaluation of Export Offers, now 
    requires contracting officers to publish, with the solicitation, any 
    available information on port handling and ocean charges for DoD water 
    terminals. Several editorial and minor technical changes were also made 
    to the provision.
    Item XXXVI--Standard Form 18, Request for Quotation (FAR Case 91-
        Standard Form 18, Request for Quotations, at 53.301-18, is revised 
    by deleting the Small Business Concern Representation and the Notice of 
    Small Business Small Purchase Set-Aside from the reverse of the form, 
    and by adding the Standard Industrial Classification Code and small 
    business size standard to the face of the form. Corresponding changes 
    were made to the face of the form for the contracting officer to 
    indicate whether the Request for Quotations is a small business small 
    purchase set-aside and whether additional provisions and 
    representations are attached. Current versions of the two provisions 
    should be attached, when appropriate.
    Item XXXVII--Revisions to Standard Form 1414 and 1415 (FAR Case 92-
        Standard Form 1414, Consent of Surety, and Standard Form 1415, 
    Consent of Surety and Increase of Penalty, are revised to accommodate 
    consents by individual sureties and to provide space for dates of 
    Item XXXVIII--Technical Amendments
        Technical amendments have been made to FAR 1.105 to update the list 
    of OMB approvals under the Paperwork Reduction Act.
    Item XXXIX--Looseleaf Amendments
        The following amendments are to the looseleaf edition of the FAR:
        1. In 52.301, the Provision and Clause Matrix is reissued in its 
    entirety with the following amendments:
           Provision or clause                  Amendment to matrix         
    52.215-30-.......................  In ``UCF'' Column , remove ``I'',    
                                        insert ``L'.                        
    52.216-1-........................  In ``IBR column'' remove ``Yes'',    
                                        insert ``No''.                      
    52.219-15-.......................  In ``IBR column'' remove ``Yes'',    
                                        insert ``No''.                      
    52.219-22-.......................  In ``UCF'' column, remove ``K'',     
                                        insert ``L''.                       
    Alternate I following 52.222-35-.  In ``Prescribed In'' column, remove  
                                        ``22.1308(c)'' and insert           
    52.225-8 and 52.225-9-...........  In ``Prescribed In'' columns, remove 
                                        ``25.407(a)(1)'' and                
                                        ``25.407(a)(2)'', and insert        
                                        ``25.408(a)(1) and 25.408(a)(2),    
    52.225-16 -......................  In ``P or C'' column, remove ``C'',  
                                        insert ``P''; and in ``UCF'' column,
                                        remove ``I'', insert ``k''.         
    52.225-18 and 52.225-19-.........  In ``SP'' column, remove ``A'' both  
                                        times it appears.                   
    52.227-2-........................  In ``FP Con'' column, add ``A''.     
    52.232-1.........................  In ``LMV'' column, remove ``R''.     
    52-233-1-........................  In ``Prescribed in'' column remove   
                                        ``33.214'' and insert'' 33.215''.   
        2. The Corrections and Subscriptions Problems page found at the end 
    of the FAR is reissued due to revisions in references and format.
    Item XL--Annual Notice of Rates of Inflation
        The Civilian Agency Acquisition Council and the Defense Acquisition 
    Regulations Council have agreed to publish as an information item, the 
    rates of inflation which are used in conjunction with other factors to 
    determine the allowability of IR&D/B&P costs for major contractors 
    under 31.205-18(c)(2)(i)(C)(2). These rates were issued by the 
    Department of Defense Principal Deputy Comptroller in January 1994.
        Federal Acquisition Circular 90-13, FAR Case 91-37, Item VII, 
    published in the Federal Register at 57 FR 44264, September 24, 1992, 
    provided the rates of inflation which were to be used to determine the 
    allowability of IR&D/B&P costs for major contractors during the 3-year 
    transition period FY 1993 through 1995. FAR 31.205-18(c)(2)(i)(C)(2) 
    states that the annual rates of inflation will be published in the 
    Federal Register on an annual basis.
        FAC 90-20, published in the Federal Register at 59 FR 11370, March 
    10, 1994, provided the rates of inflation for FY 1993 through 1996. The 
    following rates of inflation are effective immediately, supersede those 
    published in the Federal Register on March 10, 1994, and shall remain 
    in effect until superseded by the next publication:
                          Fiscal year                        percentage rate
    1993..................................................  2.6             
    1994..................................................  2.7             
    1995..................................................  2.9             
    1996..................................................  3.0             
    1997..................................................  3.0             
        Dated: December 7, 1994.
    Albert A. Vicchiolla,
    Director, Office of Federal Acquisition Policy.
    Federal Acquisition Circular
    Number 90-23
        Unless otherwise specified, all Federal Acquisition Regulation 
    (FAR) and other directive material contained in FAC 90-23 are effective 
    February 27, 1995, except for the following items:
        Items XIII, XXIV, XXVII, and XXXVIII, which are effective December 
    28, 1994; and
        Item XX, which is effective February 27, 1995, except for specific 
    amendments, effective November 4, 1993, which are noted in the 
        Dated: September 19, 1994.
    Arthur E. Ronkovich,
    Acting Associate Administrator, Office of Acquisition Policy, (GSA).
        Dated: September 16, 1994.
    Deidre A. Lee,
    Associate Administrator for Procurement, NASA.
        Dated: October 4, 1994.
    Eleanor R. Spector,
    Director, Defense Procurement.
    [FR Doc. 94-30669 Filed 12-27-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6820-34-P

Document Information

National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Summary presentation of final and interim rules with request for comment, and technical amendments.
Document Number:
For effective dates and comment dates, see separate documents which follow. Please cite FAC 90-23 and the appropriate FAR case number(s) in all correspondence related to the following documents.
0-0 (None pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: December 28, 1994
CFR: (3)
48 CFR None
48 CFR None
48 CFR 1