95-31375. Fifth and Eighth District Marine Inspection and Captain of the Port Zone Boundaries  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 249 (Thursday, December 28, 1995)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 67060-67062]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-31375]
    Coast Guard
    33 CFR Part 3
    [CGD 95-081]
    RIN 2115-AF22
    Fifth and Eighth District Marine Inspection and Captain of the 
    Port Zone Boundaries
    AGENCY: Coast Guard, DOT.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Coast Guard is amending the descriptions of several Marine 
    Inspection and Captain of the Port zone boundaries in the Fifth Coast 
    Guard District as a result of the consolidation of the Marine Safety 
    Office Baltimore and Group Baltimore into a single unit, Activities 
    Baltimore. The Coast Guard is also revising the descriptions of the 
    former Marine Inspection and Captain of the Port Zones for Houston, TX 
    and Galveston, TX to reflect their merger into a single zone. These 
    changes will clarify Coast Guard geographic area responsibilities both 
    in the Fifth and in the Eighth Coast Guard Districts. These changes are 
    administrative and will not impact the type or level of Coast Guard 
    services performed.
    EFFECTIVE DATES: This rule is effective on December 28, 1995.
    ADDRESSES: Unless otherwise indicated, documents referred to in this 
    preamble are available for inspection or copying at the office of the 
    Executive Secretary, Marine Safety Council (G-LRA/3406), U.S. Coast 
    Guard Headquarters, 2100 Second Street SW., room 3406, Washington, DC 
    20593-0001 between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m., Monday through Friday, except 
    Federal holidays. The telephone number is (202) 267-1477.
    Janet Walton, Project Manager, Standards Evaluation and Development 
    Division (G-MES-2), (202) 267-0257.
    Background and Purpose
    Fifth District--Activities Baltimore
        During 1995, the Coast Guard reorganized the Marine Safety Office 
    Baltimore and Group Baltimore units by consolidating them into a single 
    unit and redefining its geographic area of responsibility. The new 
    unit, Activities Baltimore, is now the location of the Baltimore Marine 
    Inspection Office (MI) and Captain of the Port Office (COTP), and its 
    area of responsibility is now limited to the upper Chesapeake Bay and 
    its tributaries, all within the State of Maryland. The Philadelphia 
    Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone were enlarged to 
    add those portions of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, and upper 
    portions of the Nanticoke River located within the state of Delaware 
    which formerly were in the Baltimore zone. The Hampton Roads Marine 
    Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone has been expanded to 
    include portions of eastern Maryland, northern Virginia and the 
    Atlantic Ocean which formerly had been part of the Baltimore Marine 
    Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone. The boundary between the 
    Baltimore and Hampton Roads MI and COTP zones is now, starting from the 
    intersection of the Virginia-Maryland-West Virginia boundaries, the 
    southern bank of the Potomac River as it follows the Virginia-Maryland 
    and Virginia-District of Columbia boundaries, the Virginia-Maryland 
    boundary across the Chesapeake Bay and the western portion of Delmarva 
    Peninsula, and a north-south line along 75 deg.30' W. longitude from 
    the Virginia-Maryland boundary to the Maryland-Delaware boundary. The 
    entire Commonwealth of Virginia and the eastern portion of Maryland 
    along the Atlantic coast are now included within the Hampton Roads 
    Marine Inspection Zone and COTP Zone.
    Eighth District--Houston-Galveston
        Previously, the Coast Guard Marine Safety Offices in Houston and 
    Galveston each exercised MI and COTP authority in their respective 
    regions. The Coast Guard has consolidated the MI and COTP authority for 
    both of these regions into one MI and COTP zone, Houston-Galveston. 
    This merger streamlined the command and control of Marine Safety 
    activities for the Houston and Galveston areas.
    Discussion of Changes
        The current descriptions do not reflect the changes in these MI/
    COTP zones. This rule will revise these descriptions. The Coast Guard 
    is proceeding directly to a final rule under section 553(b)(3)(A) of 
    the Administrative Procedures Act (5 U.S.C. Sec. 551 et seq.) which 
    excludes rulemakings relating to agency organization, procedure, or 
    practice from the requirements of public notice and comment. These 
    changes are administrative and will not impact the type or level of 
    Coast Guard services performed.
        Sec. 3.25-05. This section, describing the Philadelphia Marine 
    Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone, is revised to add those 
    portions of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, and upper portions of 
    the Nanticoke River located within the state of Delaware which 
    previously were in the Baltimore zone. As a result, the entire state of 
    Delaware will be within the boundaries of the Philadelphia Marine 
    Inspection and Captain of the Port Zones.
        Sec. 3.25-10. This section, describing the Hampton Roads Marine 
    Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone, is being revised to add 
    the northern portion of Virginia, the eastern portion of Maryland, and 
    the portion of the Atlantic Ocean which previously were in the 
    Baltimore MI and COTP Zones. Instead of the boundary between the 
    Baltimore and Hampton Roads MI/COTP zones currently described by a line 
    through northern Virginia and the Virginia-Maryland boundary across the 
    Chesapeake Bay and the Delamarva Peninsula, the boundary is now, 
    starting from the intersection of the Virginia-Maryland-West Virginia 
    boundaries, the southern bank of the Potomac River as it follows the 
    Virginia-Maryland and Virginia-District of Columbia boundaries, the 
    Virginia-Maryland boundary across Chesapeake Bay and the western 
    portion of Delmarva Peninsula, and a north-south line along 75 deg.30' 
    W. longitude from the Virginia-Maryland boundary to the Maryland-
    Delaware boundary, and then along that boundary to the ocean and 
    further seaward. The entire Commonwealth of Virginia, the eastern 
    portion of Maryland along the Atlantic coast, and the Atlantic Ocean 
    adjacent to the Maryland coast to the outermost extent of the EEZ are 
    now included within the Hampton Roads Marine Inspection Zone and 
    Captain of the Port Zone. The Hampton Roads zones will border the 
    Philadelphia Marine Inspection and Captain of the Port Zones from a 
    point on the Maryland-Delaware boundary (75 deg.30' W. longitude) and 
    along that boundary to the ocean and further seaward in the same manner 
    as did the Baltimore MI/COTP zones.
        Sec. 3.25-15. This section, describing the Baltimore Marine 
    Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone, is revised to describe 
    its new boundaries. The Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, and Nanticoke 
    River, which were wholly within the Baltimore Marine Inspection and 
    COTP Zones, are now divided between the Baltimore and Philadelphia 
    zones at the Maryland-Delaware 
    [[Page 67061]]
    boundary. This section is also being revised so that Baltimore's common 
    boundary with the Hampton Roads Marine Inspection and COTP Zones 
    matches that described for section 3.25-10. The result will be that the 
    Baltimore Marine Inspection Zone and COTP Zone will encompass the whole 
    of the State of Maryland, including the Potomac River to the Virginia 
    and District of Columbia boundaries, with the exception of that portion 
    of Maryland east of 75 deg.30' N. longitude.
        Sec. 3.40-25. This section, describing the Houston Marine 
    Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone, is removed.
        Sec. 3.40-28. This section, describing the Houston-Galveston Marine 
    Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone, is added. The MSO Houston 
    remains at the same location, is renamed MSO Houston-Galveston, and 
    assumes MI and COTP authority. MSO Galveston remains at the same 
    location, becomes Marine Safety Unit (MSU) Galveston, and is a 
    subordinate office to MSO Houston-Galveston with no independent MI or 
    COTP authority.
        Sec. 3.40-30. This section, describing the Galveston Marine 
    Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone, is removed.
    Regulatory Evaluation
        This rule is not a significant regulatory action under section 3(f) 
    of Executive Order 12866 and does not require an assessment of 
    potential costs and benefits under section 6(a)(3) of that order. It 
    has not been reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget under that 
    order. It is not significant under the regulatory policies and 
    procedures of the Department of Transportation (DOT) (44 FR 11040; 
    February 26, 1979). The Coast Guard expects the economic impact of this 
    rule to be so minimal that a full Regulatory Evaluation under paragraph 
    10e of the regulatory policies and procedures of DOT is unnecessary. As 
    this rule involves internal agency practices and procedures, it will 
    not impose any costs to the public.
    Collection of Information
        This rule contains no collection of information requirements under 
    the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).
        The Coast Guard has analyzed this rule under the principles and 
    criteria contained in Executive Order 12612 and has determined that 
    this rule does not have sufficient federalism implications to warrant 
    the preparation of a Federalism Assessment.
        The Coast Guard considered the environmental impact of this rule 
    and concluded that under paragraph 2.B.2 of Commandant Instruction 
    M16475.1B, this rule is categorically excluded from further 
    environmental documentation. This exclusion is in accordance with 
    paragraphs 2.B.2.e.(34)(a) and (b), concerning regulations that are 
    editorial or procedural and concerning internal agency functions or 
    organization. A ``Categorical Exclusion Determination'' is available in 
    the docket for inspection or copying where indicated under ADDRESSES.
    List of Subjects in 33 CFR Part 3
        Organization and functions (Government agencies).
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, the Coast Guard amends 33 
    CFR part 3 as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 3 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 14 U.S.C. 633; 49 CFR 1.45, 1.46.
        2. In Sec. 3.25-05, paragraph (b) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 3.25-05  Philadelphia Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the 
    Port Zone.
    * * * * *
        (b) The boundary of the Philadelphia Marine Inspection Zone and 
    Captain of the Port Zone starts at the New Jersey coast at 39 deg.57' 
    N. latitude, thence proceeds westward to 39 deg.57' N. latitude, 
    74 deg.27' W. longitude; thence north-north-westerly to the 
    intersection of the New York-New Jersey-Pennsylvania boundaries at 
    Tristate; thence north following the course of and including the waters 
    of the Delaware River until it meets the New York boundary; thence west 
    along the New York-Pennsylvania boundary to 78 deg.55' W. longitude; 
    thence south to 41 deg.00' N. latitude; thence west to 79 deg.00' W. 
    longitude; thence south to the Pennsylvania-Maryland boundary; thence 
    east to the intersection of the Maryland-Delaware boundary; thence 
    south and east along the Maryland-Delaware boundary to the sea, 
    including Fenwick Island Light. The offshore boundary starts at Fenwick 
    Island Light and proceeds east along 38 deg.28' N. latitude, to 
    71 deg.00' W. longitude; thence northwesterly along a line bearing 
    122 deg.T from the New Jersey coast at 39 deg.57' N. latitude.
        3. In Sec. 3.25-10, paragraph (b) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 3.25-10  Hampton Roads Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the 
    Port Zone.
    * * * * *
        (b) The boundary of the Hampton Roads Marine Inspection Zone and 
    Captain of the Port Zone starts at the intersection of the Maryland-
    Delaware boundary and the coast and proceeds along the Maryland-
    Delaware boundary to a point 75 deg.30' W. longitude; thence southerly 
    to a point 75 deg.30' W. longitude on the Maryland-Virginia boundary; 
    thence westerly along the Maryland-Virginia boundary as it proceeds 
    across the Delmarva Peninsula, Pocomoke River, Tangier and Pocomoke 
    Sounds, and Chesapeake Bay; thence northwesterly along the Maryland-
    Virginia boundary and the District of Columbia-Virginia boundary as 
    those boundaries are formed along the southern bank of the Potomac 
    River to the intersection of the Virginia-Maryland-West Virginia 
    boundaries; thence southerly along the Virginia-West Virginia boundary 
    and the Virginia-Kentucky boundary to the Tennessee boundary; thence 
    eastward along the Virginia-Tennessee boundary to the Virginia-North 
    Carolina boundary; thence eastward along the Virginia-North Carolina 
    boundary to Kerr (Buggs Island) Lake; thence along the shore of Kerr 
    Lake in North Carolina back to the Virginia-North Carolina boundary; 
    thence eastward along the Virginia-North Carolina boundary to the west 
    bank of the Chowan River; thence southerly along the west bank of the 
    Chowan River to a point 36 deg.00' N. latitude, 76 deg.41' W. 
    longitude; thence generally southerly and easterly along the western 
    boundaries of Washington, and Hyde Counties to a point 35 deg.37' N. 
    latitude, 76 deg.32' W. longitude; thence easterly to a point 
    35 deg.37' N. latitude, 76 deg.00.5' W. longitude; thence generally 
    southwesterly to a point 35 deg.01.5' N. latitude, 76 deg.20' W. 
    longitude; thence easterly to the sea at 34 deg.59.8' N. latitude, 
    76 deg.07.8' W. longitude. The offshore boundary starts at the 
    intersection of the Maryland-Delaware boundary and the coast and 
    proceeds east to a point 38 deg.28' N. latitude, 71 deg.00' W. 
    longitude; thence southeasterly on a line bearing 122 deg.T to the 
    outermost extent of the EEZ; thence southerly along the outermost 
    extent of the EEZ to 34 deg.59.8' N. latitude; and thence westerly 
    along 34 deg.59.8' N. latitude to the coast at 76 deg.07.8' W. 
        4. In Sec. 3.25-15, paragraph (b) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 3.25-15  Baltimore Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port 
    * * * * *
    [[Page 67062]]
        (b) The boundary of the Baltimore Marine Inspection Zone and 
    Captain of the Port Zone starts at a point of 75 deg.30' W. longitude 
    on the Delaware-Maryland boundary and proceeds along the Delaware-
    Maryland boundary west and north to the Pennsylvania boundary; thence 
    west along the Pennsylvania-Maryland boundary to the West Virginia 
    boundary; thence southerly and easterly along the Maryland-West 
    Virginia boundary to the Virginia boundary; thence southeasterly along 
    the Maryland-Virginia boundary and the District of Columbia-Virginia 
    boundary as those boundaries are formed along the southern bank of the 
    Potomac River; thence easterly along the Maryland-Virginia boundary as 
    it proceeds across the Chesapeake Bay, Tangier and Pocomoke Sounds, 
    Pocomoke River, and Delmarva Peninsula to a point 75 deg.30' W. 
    longitude on the Maryland-Virginia boundary; thence northerly to a 
    point 75 deg.30' W. longitude on the Delaware-Maryland boundary.
    Sec. 3.40-25  [Removed]
        5. Section 3.40-25 is removed.
        6. Section 3.40-28 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 3.40-28  Houston-Galveston Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of 
    the Port Zone
        (a) The Houston-Galveston Marine Inspection Office and the Captain 
    of the Port Office are located in Houston, Texas. The Galveston Marine 
    Safety Unit is a subordinate unit of the Marine Safety Office and is 
    located in Galveston, Texas.
        (b) The boundary of the Houston-Galveston Marine Inspection Zone 
    and Captain of the Port Zone starts at the intersection of the sea and 
    94 deg.23' W. longitude; thence proceeds north along 94 deg.23' W. 
    longitude to 30 deg.00' N. latitude; thence west along 30 deg.00' N. 
    latitude to the east bank of the Trinity River; thence northerly along 
    the east bank of the Trinity River; thence northwesterly along the 
    eastern shore of Lake Livingston; thence northwesterly along the east 
    bank of the Trinity River to the southern boundary of Dallas County, 
    Texas; thence westerly along the southern boundary of Dallas County, 
    Texas to 97 deg.00' W. longitude; thence north along 97 deg.00' W. 
    longitude to the Texas-Oklahoma boundary; thence northwesterly along 
    the Texas-Oklahoma boundary; thence north along the New Mexico-Oklahoma 
    boundary; thence west along the New Mexico-Colorado boundary; thence 
    south along the New Mexico-Arizona boundary; thence easterly along the 
    southern boundary of New Mexico to the southeast corner of New Mexico 
    at 32 deg.00' N. latitude; thence southeasterly to 29 deg.18' N. 
    latitude, 96 deg.07' W. longitude on the east bank of the Colorado 
    River; thence southerly along the east bank of the Colorado River to 
    the sea; thence along a line bearing 140 deg.T to the outermost extent 
    of the EEZ; thence easterly along the outermost extent of the EEZ to 
    93 deg.25' W. longitude; thence north to 27 deg.49' N. latitude, 
    93 deg.25' W. longitude; thence northwesterly to 29 deg.30' N. 
    latitude, 93 deg.48' W. longitude; thence westward following a line 
    10.3 nautical miles from the coast to 29 deg.24' N. latitude, 
    94 deg.20' W. longitude; thence northwesterly to the coast at 
    94 deg.23' W. longitude.
    Sec. 3.40-30  [Removed]
        7. Section 3.40-30 is removed.
        Dated: December 19, 1995.
    J.C. Card,
    Rear Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard, Chief, Office of Marine Safety, 
    Security and Environmental Protection.
    [FR Doc. 95-31375 Filed 12-27-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-14-M

Document Information

Effective Date:
Coast Guard
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
This rule is effective on December 28, 1995.
67060-67062 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
CGD 95-081
PDF File:
CFR: (6)
33 CFR 3.25-05
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33 CFR 3.25-15
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