99-33629. Certain New Chemicals; Receipt and Status Information  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 248 (Tuesday, December 28, 1999)]
    [Pages 72660-72667]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-33629]
    [OPPTS-51939; FRL-6484-4]
    Certain New Chemicals; Receipt and Status Information
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Notice.
    SUMMARY: Section 5 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) requires 
    any person who intends to manufacture (defined by statute to include 
    import) a new chemical (i.e., a chemical not on the TSCA Inventory) to 
    notify EPA and comply with the statutory provisions pertaining to the 
    manufacture of new chemicals. Under sections 5(d)(2) and 5(d)(3) of 
    TSC, EPA is required to publish a notice of receipt of a premanufacture 
    notice (PMN) or an application for a test marketing exemption (TME), 
    and to publish periodic status reports on the chemicals under review 
    and the receipt of notices of commencement to manufacture those 
    chemicals. This status report, which covers the period from November 8, 
    1999 to December 3, 1999, consists of the PMNs, which also includes 
    Biotech PMNs, pending or expired, and the notices of commencement to 
    manufacture a new chemical that the Agency has received under TSCA 
    section 5 during this time period.
    ADDRESSES: Comments may be submitted by mail, electronically, or in 
    person. Please follow the detailed instructions for each method as 
    provided in Unit I. of the ``SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION.'' To ensure 
    proper receipt by EPA, it is imperative that you identify docket 
    control number OPPTS-51939 and the specific PMN number in the subject 
    line on the first page of your response.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Joe Carra, Deputy Director, Office of 
    Pollution Prevention and Toxics (7401), Office of Pollution Prevention 
    and Toxics, Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M St., SW., 
    Washington, DC 20460; telephone numbers: (202) 554-1404 and TDD: (202) 
    554-0551; e-mail address:TSCA-Hotline@epa.gov.
    I. General Information
    A. Does this Action Apply to Me?
        This action is directed to the public in general. As such, the 
    Agency has not attempted to describe the specific entities that this 
    action may apply to. Although others may be affected, this action 
    applies directly to the submitter of the premanufacture notices 
    addressed in the action. If you have any questions regarding the 
    applicability of this action to a particular entity, consult the person 
    B. How Can I Get Additional Information, Including Copies of this 
    Document and Other Related Documents?
        1. Electronically. You may obtain copies of this document and 
    certain other available documents from the EPA Internet Home Page at 
    http://www.epa.gov/. On the Home Page select ``Laws and Regulations'' 
    and then look up the entry for this document under the ``Federal 
    Register -- Environmental Documents.'' You can also go directly to the 
    ``Federal Register'' listings at http://www.epa.gov/fedrgstr/.
        2. In person. The Agency has established an official record for 
    this action under docket control number OPPTS-51939. The official 
    record consists of the documents specifically referenced in this 
    action, any public comments received during an applicable comment 
    period, and other information related to this action, including any 
    information claimed as confidential business information (CBI). This 
    official record includes the documents that are physically located in 
    the docket, as well as the documents that are referenced in those 
    documents. The public version of the official record does not include 
    any information claimed as CBI. The public version of the official 
    record, which includes printed, paper versions of any electronic 
    comments submitted during an applicable comment period, is available 
    for inspection in the TSCA Nonconfidential Information Center, North 
    East Mall Rm. B-607, Waterside Mall, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC. 
    The Center is open from noon to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, 
    excluding legal holidays. The telephone number of the Center is (202) 
    C. How and to Whom Do I Submit Comments?
        You may submit comments through the mail, in person, or 
    electronically. To ensure proper receipt by EPA, it is imperative that 
    you identify docket control number OPPTS-51939 and the specific PMN 
    number in the subject line on the first page of your response.
        1. By mail. Submit your comments to: Document Control Office 
    (7407), Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT), Environmental 
    Protection Agency, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460.
        2. In person or by courier. Deliver your comments to: OPPT Document 
    Control Office (DCO) in East Tower Rm. G-099, Waterside Mall, 401 M 
    St., SW., Washington, DC. The DCO is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday 
    through Friday, excluding legal holidays. The telephone number for the 
    DCO is (202) 260-7093.
        3. Electronically. You may submit your comments electronically by 
    e-mail to: oppt.ncic@epa.gov,'' or mail your computer disk to the 
    address identified in this unit. Do not submit any information 
    electronically that you consider to be CBI. Electronic comments
    [[Page 72661]]
    must be submitted as an ASCII file avoiding the use of special 
    characters and any form of encryption. Comments and data will also be 
    accepted on standard disks in WordPerfect 6.1/8.0 or ASCII file format. 
    All comments in electronic form must be identified by docket control 
    number OPPTS-51939 and the specific PMN number. Electronic comments may 
    also be filed online at many Federal Depository Libraries.
    D. How Should I Handle CBI that I Want to Submit to the Agency?
        Do not submit any information electronically that you consider to 
    be CBI. You may claim information that you submit to EPA in response to 
    this document as CBI by marking any part or all of that information as 
    CBI. Information so marked will not be disclosed except in accordance 
    with procedures set forth in 40 CFR part 2. In addition to one complete 
    version of the comment that includes any information claimed as CBI, a 
    copy of the comment that does not contain the information claimed as 
    CBI must be submitted for inclusion in the public version of the 
    official record. Information not marked confidential will be included 
    in the public version of the official record without prior notice. If 
    you have any questions about CBI or the procedures for claiming CBI, 
    please consult the person listed under ``FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 
    E. What Should I Consider as I Prepare My Comments for EPA?
        You may find the following suggestions helpful for preparing your 
        1. Explain your views as clearly as possible.
        2. Describe any assumptions that you used.
        3. Provide copies of any technical information and/or data you used 
    that support your views.
        4. If you estimate potential burden or costs, explain how you 
    arrived at the estimate that you provide.
        5. Provide specific examples to illustrate your concerns.
        6. Offer alternative ways to improve the notice or collection 
        7. Make sure to submit your comments by the deadline in this 
        8. To ensure proper receipt by EPA, be sure to identify the docket 
    control number assigned to this action in the subject line on the first 
    page of your response. You may also provide the name, date, and Federal 
    Register citation.
    II. Why is EPA Taking this Action?
        Section 5 of TSCA requires any person who intends to manufacture 
    (defined by statute to include import) a new chemical (i.e., a chemical 
    not on the TSCA Inventory to notify EPA and comply with the statutory 
    provisions pertaining to the manufacture of new chemicals. Under 
    sections 5(d)(2) and 5(d)(3) of TSCA, EPA is required to publish a 
    notice of receipt of a PMN or an application for a TME and to publish 
    periodic status reports on the chemicals under review and the receipt 
    of notices of commencement to manufacture those chemicals. This status 
    report, which covers the period from November 8, 1999 to December 3, 
    1999, consists of the PMNs, which also includes Biotech PMNs, pending 
    or expired, and the notices of commencement to manufacture a new 
    chemical that the Agency has received under TSCA section 5 during this 
    time period.
    III. Receipt and Status Report for PMNs
        This status report identifies the PMNs, which also includes Biotech 
    PMNs, pending or expired, and the notices of commencement to 
    manufacture a new chemical that the Agency has received under TSCA 
    section 5 during this time period. If you are interested in information 
    that is not included in the following tables, you may contact EPA as 
    described in Unit II. to access additional non-CBI information that may 
    be available.
        In table I, EPA provides the following information (to the extent 
    that such information is not claimed as CBI) on the PMNs received by 
    EPA during this period: the EPA case number assigned to the PMN; the 
    date the PMN was received by EPA; the projected end date for EPA's 
    review of the PMN (not including the Biotech PMNs); the submitting 
    manufacturer; the potential uses identified by the manufacturer in the 
    PMN; and the chemical identity.
                                                I.  109 Premanufacture Notices Received From: 11/08/99 to 12/03/99
                                                                  Projected Notice End
                  Case No.                    Received Date               Date           Manufacturer/Importer           Use                  Chemical
    P-00-0111                            11/09/99                02/07/00                Union Carbide          (G) Polyurethane       (G) Polycaprolactone
                                                                                          Corporation            articles for           diol
                                                                                                                 consumer or
                                                                                                                 industrial uses
    P-00-0112                            11/09/99                02/07/00                Lonza Inc.             (G) Commercial         (S) 1,2,3-
                                                                                                                 emulsiffier            propanetriol,
    P-00-0113                            11/08/99                02/06/00                CBI                    (G) Resin coating      (G) Urethane acrylate
    P-00-0114                            11/08/99                02/06/00                The Goodyear Tire &    (S) Tackifier resin    (G) 2-methyl-2-butene/
                                                                                          Rubber Company         for adhesive and       piperylene/terpene
                                                                                                                 rubber applications    resin
    P-00-0115                            11/08/99                02/06/00                Bedoukian Research,    (S) Powerful,          (S) 8-undecenal, (8z)-
                                                                                          Inc.                   pleasant aldehydic     *
                                                                                                                 odor. used in
                                                                                                                 specialty fragrances
                                                                                                                 (ffdca).; fragrance
                                                                                                                 use: (soaps,
                                                                                                                 detergents, air
                                                                                                                 fresheners, scented
    P-00-0116                            11/08/99                02/06/00                CBI                    (G) Industrial         (G) Halogenated
                                                                                                                 adhesive component     butadiene copolymer
                                                                                                                 for open non-
                                                                                                                 dispersive use
    P-00-0117                            11/08/99                02/06/00                Bedoukian Research,    (S) Chemical           (G) Mono-halo
                                                                                          Inc.                   intermediate           substituted alkene
    P-00-0118                            11/08/99                02/06/00                Bedoukian Research,    (S) Chemical           (G) Unsaturated
                                                                                          Inc.                   intermediate           dialkyl acetal
    P-00-0121                            11/09/99                02/07/00                CBI                    (S) Resin for coating  (G) Amine-salted
                                                                                                                                        polyester resin
    P-00-0122                            11/09/99                02/07/00                CBI                    (S) Resin for coating  (G) Amine-salted
                                                                                                                                        polyester resin
    P-00-0123                            11/08/99                02/06/00                CBI                    (G) Chemical additive  (G) Amino alkane
                                                                                                                 to enhance zinc
    P-00-0124                            11/08/99                02/06/00                CBI                    (G) Chemical additive  (G) Amino alkane
                                                                                                                 to enhance zinc
    [[Page 72662]]
    P-00-0125                            11/08/99                02/06/00                CBI                    (G) Chemical additive  (G) Amino alkane
                                                                                                                 to enhance zinc
    P-00-0126                            11/09/99                02/07/00                Octel America, Inc.    (S) A chelant for      (S) L-aspartic acid,
                                                                                                                 laundry detergent; a   n,n-1,2-
                                                                                                                 chelant for laundry    ethanediylbis-,
                                                                                                                 detergent              compd. with 2-
    P-00-0127                            11/09/99                02/07/00                Octel America, Inc.    (S) A chelant for      (S) L-aspartic acid,
                                                                                                                 laundry detergent; a   n,n-1,2-
                                                                                                                 chelant for laundry    ethanediylbis-,
                                                                                                                 detergent              compd. with 2-
                                                                                                                                        aminoethanol (1:1)*
    P-00-0128                            11/09/99                02/07/00                Octel America, Inc.    (S) A chelant for      (S) L-aspartic acid,
                                                                                                                 laundry detergent; a   n,n-1,2-
                                                                                                                 chelant for laundry    ethanediylbis-,
                                                                                                                 detergent              compd. with 2-
                                                                                                                                        aminoethanol (1:2)*
    P-00-0129                            11/09/99                02/07/00                Octel America, Inc.    (S) A chelant for      (S) L-aspartic acid,
                                                                                                                 laundry detergent; a   n,n-1,2-
                                                                                                                 chelant for laundry    ethanediylbis-,
                                                                                                                 detergent              compd. with 2-
                                                                                                                                        aminoethanol (1:3)*
    P-00-0130                            11/09/99                02/07/00                Octel America, Inc.    (S) A chelant for      (S) L-aspartic acid,
                                                                                                                 laundry detergent; a   n,n-1,2-
                                                                                                                 chelant for laundry    ethanediylbis-,
                                                                                                                 detergent              compd. with 2-
                                                                                                                                        aminoethanol (1:4)*
    P-00-0131                            11/09/99                02/07/00                Octel America, Inc.    (S) A chelant for      (S) L-aspartic acid,
                                                                                                                 laundry detergent; a   n,n-1,2-
                                                                                                                 chelant for laundry    ethanediylbis-,
                                                                                                                 detergent              sodium salt*
    P-00-0132                            11/09/99                02/07/00                Octel America, Inc.    (S) A chelant for      (S) L-aspartic acid,
                                                                                                                 laundry detergent; a   n,n-1,2-
                                                                                                                 chelant for laundry    ethanediylbis-,
                                                                                                                 detergent              monosodium salt*
    P-00-0133                            11/09/99                02/07/00                Octel America, Inc.    (S) A chelant for      (S) L-aspartic acid,
                                                                                                                 laundry detergent; a   n,n-1,2-
                                                                                                                 chelant for laundry    ethanediylbis-,
                                                                                                                 detergent              disodium salt*
    P-00-0134                            11/09/99                02/07/00                Octel America, Inc.    (S) A chelant for      (S) L-aspartic acid,
                                                                                                                 laundry detergent; a   n,n-1,2-
                                                                                                                 chelant for laundry    ethanediylbis-,
                                                                                                                 detergent              trisodium salt*
    P-00-0135                            11/09/99                02/07/00                Octel America, Inc.    (S) A chelant for      (S) L-aspartic acid,
                                                                                                                 laundry detergent; a   n,n-1,2-
                                                                                                                 chelant for laundry    ethanediylbis-,
                                                                                                                 detergent              tetrasodium salt*
    P-00-0136                            11/09/99                02/07/00                Octel America, Inc.    (S) A chelant for      (S) L-aspartic acid,
                                                                                                                 laundry detergent; a   n,n-1,2-
                                                                                                                 chelant for laundry    ethanediylbis-,
                                                                                                                 detergent              potassium salt*
    P-00-0137                            11/09/99                02/07/00                Octel America, Inc.    (S) A chelant for      (S) L-aspartic acid,
                                                                                                                 laundry detergent; a   n,n-1,2-
                                                                                                                 chelant for laundry    ethanediylbis-,
                                                                                                                 detergent              monopotassium salt*
    P-00-0138                            11/09/99                02/07/00                Octel America, Inc.    (S) A chelant for      (S) L-aspartic acid,
                                                                                                                 laundry detergent; a   n,n-1,2-
                                                                                                                 chelant for laundry    ethanediylbis-,
                                                                                                                 detergent              dipotassium salt*
    P-00-0139                            11/09/99                02/07/00                Octel America, Inc.    (S) A chelant for      (S) L-aspartic acid,
                                                                                                                 laundry detergent; a   n,n-1,2-
                                                                                                                 chelant for laundry    ethanediylbis-,
                                                                                                                 detergent              tripotassium salt*
    P-00-0140                            11/09/99                02/07/00                Octel America, Inc.    (S) A chelant for      (S) L-aspartic acid,
                                                                                                                 laundry detergent; a   n,n-1,2-
                                                                                                                 chelant for laundry    ethanediylbis-,
                                                                                                                 detergent              tetrapotassium salt*
    P-00-0141                            11/09/99                02/07/00                Octel America, Inc.    (S) A chelant for      (S) L-aspartic acid,
                                                                                                                 laundry detergent; a   n,n-1,2-
                                                                                                                 chelant for laundry    ethanediylbis-,
                                                                                                                 detergent              magnesium salt*
    P-00-0142                            11/09/99                02/07/00                Octel America, Inc.    (S) A chelant for      (S) L-aspartic acid,
                                                                                                                 laundry detergent; a   n,n-1,2-
                                                                                                                 chelant for laundry    ethanediylbis-,
                                                                                                                 detergent              magnesium sodium
    P-00-0143                            11/09/99                02/07/00                Octel America, Inc.    (S) A chelant for      (S) L-aspartic acid,
                                                                                                                 laundry detergent; a   n,n-1,2-
                                                                                                                 chelant for laundry    ethanediylbis-,
                                                                                                                 detergent              magnesium salt
    P-00-0144                            11/09/99                02/07/00                Octel America, Inc.    (S) A chelant for      (S) L-aspartic acid,
                                                                                                                 laundry detergent; a   n,n-1,2-
                                                                                                                 chelant for laundry    ethanediylbis-,
                                                                                                                 detergent              magnesium salt
    P-00-0145                            11/09/99                02/07/00                Octel America, Inc.    (S) A chelant for      (S) L-aspartic acid,
                                                                                                                 laundry detergent; a   n,n-1,2-
                                                                                                                 chelant for laundry    ethanediylbis-,
                                                                                                                 detergent              magnesium sodium
                                                                                                                                        salt (1:1:1)*
    P-00-0146                            11/09/99                02/07/00                Octel America, Inc.    (S) A chelant for      (S) L-aspartic acid,
                                                                                                                 laundry detergent; a   n,n-1,2-
                                                                                                                 chelant for laundry    ethanediylbis-,
                                                                                                                 detergent              magnesium sodium
                                                                                                                                        salt (1:1:2)*
    P-00-0147                            11/09/99                02/07/00                Octel America, Inc.    (S) A chelant for      (S) L-aspartic acid,
                                                                                                                 laundry detergent; a   n,n-1,2-
                                                                                                                 chelant for laundry    ethanediylbis-,
                                                                                                                 detergent              ammonium salt*
    P-00-0148                            11/09/99                02/07/00                Octel America, Inc.    (S) A chelant for      (S) L-aspartic acid,
                                                                                                                 laundry detergent; a   n,n-1,2-
                                                                                                                 chelant for laundry    ethanediylbis-,
                                                                                                                 detergent              monoammonium salt*
    P-00-0149                            11/09/99                02/07/00                Octel America, Inc.    (S) A chelant for      (S) L-aspartic acid,
                                                                                                                 laundry detergent; a   n,n-1,2-
                                                                                                                 chelant for laundry    ethanediylbis-,
                                                                                                                 detergent              diammonium salt*
    P-00-0150                            11/09/99                02/07/00                Octel America, Inc.    (S) A chelant for      (S) L-aspartic acid,
                                                                                                                 laundry detergent; a   n,n-1,2-
                                                                                                                 chelant for laundry    ethanediylbis-,
                                                                                                                 detergent              triammonium salt*
    P-00-0151                            11/09/99                02/07/00                Octel America, Inc.    (S) A chelant for      (S) L-aspartic acid,
                                                                                                                 laundry detergent; a   n,n-1,2-
                                                                                                                 chelant for laundry    ethanediylbis-,
                                                                                                                 detergent              tetraammonium salt*
    P-00-0152                            11/09/99                02/07/00                Octel America, Inc.    (S) A chelant for      (S) L-aspartic acid,
                                                                                                                 laundry detergent; a   n,n-1,2-
                                                                                                                 chelant for laundry    ethanediylbis-*
    P-00-0153                            11/09/99                02/07/00                Octel America, Inc.    (S) A chelant for      (S) L-aspartic acid,
                                                                                                                 laundry detergent; a   n,n-1,2-
                                                                                                                 chelant for laundry    ethanediylbis-
                                                                                                                 detergent              sodium salt, compd.
                                                                                                                                        with 2-aminoethanol*
    [[Page 72663]]
    P-00-0154                            11/09/99                02/07/00                Octel America, Inc.    (S) A chelant for      (S) L-aspartic acid,
                                                                                                                 laundry detergent; a   n,n-1,2-
                                                                                                                 chelant for laundry    ethanediylbis-
                                                                                                                 detergent              monosodium salt,
                                                                                                                                        compd. with 2-
                                                                                                                                        aminoethanol (1:3)*
    P-00-0155                            11/09/99                02/07/00                Octel America, Inc.    (S) A chelant for      (S) L-aspartic acid,
                                                                                                                 laundry detergent; a   n,n-1,2-
                                                                                                                 chelant for laundry    ethanediylbis-
                                                                                                                 detergent              disodium salt,
                                                                                                                                        compd. with 2-
                                                                                                                                        aminoethanol (1:2)*
    P-00-0156                            11/09/99                02/07/00                Octel America, Inc.    (S) A chelant for      (S) L-aspartic acid,
                                                                                                                 laundry detergent; a   n,n-1,2-
                                                                                                                 chelant for laundry    ethanediylbis-
                                                                                                                 detergent              trisodium salt,
                                                                                                                                        compd. with 2-
                                                                                                                                        aminoethanol (1:1)*
    P-00-0157                            11/16/99                02/14/00                CBI                    (S) Additive for       (G) Organo silane
                                                                                                                 industrial coating     ester
    P-00-0159                            11/15/99                02/13/00                CBI                    (G) Calcium carbonate  (G) Modified acrylate
                                                                                                                 scale inhibitor for    copolymer
                                                                                                                 cooling systems
                                                                                                                 containing high
    P-00-0160                            11/15/99                02/13/00                CBI                    (G) Calcium carbonate  (G) Modified acrylate
                                                                                                                 scale inhibitor for    copolymer
                                                                                                                 cooling systems
                                                                                                                 containing high
    P-00-0161                            11/15/99                02/13/00                CBI                    (G) Calcium carbonate  (G) Modified acrylate
                                                                                                                 scale inhibitor for    copolymer
                                                                                                                 cooling systems
                                                                                                                 containing high
    P-00-0162                            11/15/99                02/13/00                CBI                    (G) Calcium carbonate  (G) Modified acrylate
                                                                                                                 scale inhibitor for    copolymer
                                                                                                                 cooling systems
                                                                                                                 containing high
    P-00-0163                            11/12/99                02/10/00                CBI                    (G) Colorant for       (G) Alkylated
                                                                                                                 fuels, lubricants      phenylazophenylazona
                                                                                                                 and greases            pthylamine
    P-00-0164                            11/12/99                02/10/00                CBI                    (G) Colorant for       (G) Alkylated
                                                                                                                 fuels, lubricants      phenylazophenylazona
                                                                                                                 and greases            pthylamine
    P-00-0165                            11/12/99                02/10/00                CBI                    (G) Colorant for       (G) Alkylated
                                                                                                                 fuels, lubricants      phenylazophenylazona
                                                                                                                 and greases            pthylamine
    P-00-0166                            11/12/99                02/10/00                CBI                    (G) Colorant for       (G) Alkylated
                                                                                                                 fuels, lubricants      phenylazophenylazona
                                                                                                                 and greases            pthylamine
    P-00-0167                            11/12/99                02/10/00                CBI                    (G) Colorant for       (G) Alkylated
                                                                                                                 fuels, lubricants      phenylazophenylazona
                                                                                                                 and greases            pthylamine
    P-00-0168                            11/12/99                02/10/00                CBI                    (G) Colorant for       (G) Alkylated
                                                                                                                 fuels, lubricants      phenylazophenylazona
                                                                                                                 and greases            pthylamine
    P-00-0169                            11/15/99                02/13/00                CBI                    (G) Component for      (G) Blocked
                                                                                                                 coating with open      isocyanate
    P-00-0170                            11/15/99                02/13/00                Shell Chemical         (S) Chemical           (S) Undecene*
                                                                                          Company                intermediate (each
                                                                                                                 substance see
                                                                                                                 continuation sheet)*
    P-00-0171                            11/15/99                02/13/00                Shell Chemical         (S) Chemical           (S) Undecene,
                                                                                          Company                intermediate (each     branched*
                                                                                                                 substance see
                                                                                                                 continuation sheet)*
    P-00-0172                            11/15/99                02/13/00                Shell Chemical         (S) Chemical           (S) Dodecene,
                                                                                          Company                intermediate (each     branched*
                                                                                                                 substance see
                                                                                                                 continuation sheet)*
    P-00-0173                            11/15/99                02/13/00                Shell Chemical         (S) Chemical           (S) Tridecene*
                                                                                          Company                intermediate (each
                                                                                                                 substance see
                                                                                                                 continuation sheet)*
    P-00-0174                            11/15/99                02/13/00                Shell Chemical         (S) Chemical           (S) Tridecene,
                                                                                          Company                intermediate (each     branched*
                                                                                                                 substance see
                                                                                                                 continuation sheet)*
    P-00-0175                            11/15/99                02/13/00                CBI                    (G) Surfactant         (G) Alkyl ether
                                                                                                                 component of           carboxylic acid
                                                                                                                 industrial cleaning
    P-00-0176                            11/15/99                02/13/00                CBI                    (G) Surfactant         (G) Alkyl ether
                                                                                                                 ingredient for use     carboxylic acid
                                                                                                                 in cleaning
    P-00-0177                            11/15/99                02/13/00                CBI                    (G) Surfactant         (G) Alkyl ether
                                                                                                                 component for          carboxylic acid,
                                                                                                                 industrial cleaning    sodium salt
    P-00-0178                            11/16/99                02/14/00                CBI                    (G) Open, non-         (G) Modified acrylic
                                                                                                                 dispersive use         polymer
    P-00-0179                            11/17/99                02/15/00                Eastman Chemical       (S) Molding plastic    (S) 1,3-
                                                                                          Company                                       benzenedicarboxylic
                                                                                                                                        acid, polymer with
                                                                                                                                        l and dimethyl 1,4-
    P-00-0180                            11/17/99                02/15/00                Elf Atochem North      (S) Intermediate       (S) 2,5-furandione,
                                                                                          America, Inc.          paper processing       telomer with
                                                                                                                 solution               ethenylbenzene and
                                                                                                                                        l imide*
    P-00-0181                            11/17/99                02/15/00                CBI                    (G) Automotive         (G) Reactive hydroxy
                                                                                                                 coating additive       carbamate*
    P-00-0182                            11/18/99                02/16/00                CBI                    (S) Chemical           (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 intermediate used      phenylenediamide
                                                                                                                 for further chemical   reaction products
                                                                                                                 processing             with substituted
                                                                                                                                        and sulfur
    P-00-0183                            11/18/99                02/16/00                CBI                    (S) Leuco sulfur dye   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 for the dyeing of      phenylenediamide
                                                                                                                 cellulosic fibers      reaction products
                                                                                                                                        with substituted
                                                                                                                                        and sulfur, leuco
    P-00-0184                            11/17/99                02/15/00                CBI                    (G) Coating            (G) Reactive
                                                                                                                 intermediate           carbonate
    [[Page 72664]]
    P-00-0185                            11/18/99                02/16/00                Eastman Chemical       (S) Engineering        (S) 1,4-
                                                                                          Company                thermoplastic          cyclohexanedicarboxy
                                                                                                                                        lic acid, dimethyl
                                                                                                                                        ester, trans-,
                                                                                                                                        polymer with 1,4-
    P-00-0186                            11/19/99                02/17/00                CBI                    (G)polymeric           (G) Perflourinated
                                                                                                                 surfactant for fire    polyamine
    P-00-0187                            11/19/99                02/17/00                CBI                    (G) Open, non-         (G) Ethoxyylated
                                                                                                                 dispersive(colorant    phenol, styrenated*
    P-00-0188                            11/19/99                02/17/00                CBI                    (G) Open- non-         (G) Alkylanyl poly
                                                                                                                 dipersive(colorant     glycol ether
    P-00-0189                            11/22/99                02/20/00                Ashland Chemical       (G) Laminating         (G) Modified
                                                                                          Company                adhesive               polyurethane
    P-00-0190                            11/22/99                02/20/00                CBI                    (S) Resin for          (G) Amine functional
                                                                                                                 coatings applied by    acrylic polymer
                                                                                                                 electrodeposition      salted with an
                                                                                                                                        organic acid
    P-00-0191                            11/22/99                02/20/00                CBI                    (S) Resin for          (G) Amine functional
                                                                                                                 coatings applied by    acrylic polymer
                                                                                                                 electrodeposition      salted with an
                                                                                                                                        organic acid
    P-00-0192                            11/22/99                02/20/00                CBI                    (S) Resin for          (G) Amine functional
                                                                                                                 coatings applied by    acrylic polymer
                                                                                                                 electrodeposition      salted with an
                                                                                                                                        organic acid
    P-00-0193                            11/22/99                02/20/00                CBI                    (S) Resin for          (G) Amine functional
                                                                                                                 coatings applied by    acrylic polymer
                                                                                                                 electrodeposition      salted with an
                                                                                                                                        organic acid
    P-00-0194                            11/22/99                02/20/00                CBI                    (S) Resin for          (G) Amine functional
                                                                                                                 coatings applied by    acrylic polymer
    P-00-0195                            11/22/99                02/20/00                CBI                    (S) Resin for          (G) Amine functional
                                                                                                                 coatings applied by    acrylic polymer
    P-00-0196                            11/19/99                02/17/00                International          (S) Dye transfer       (S) Pyridine, 4-
                                                                                          Specialty Poducts      inhibitor for          ethehyl-,
                                                                                                                 detergents             homopolymer, sodium
    P-00-0197                            11/19/99                02/17/00                Reichhold,Inc.         (S) Binder in amine    (G) Urethane acrylate
                                                                                                                 cured inks and         ester
    P-00-0198                            11/19/99                02/17/00                Reichhold,Inc.         (S) Binder in amine    (G) Urethane acrylate
                                                                                                                 cured inks and         ester
    P-00-0199                            11/19/99                02/17/00                Dow Corning            (S) Binder resin for   (S) Siloxanes and
                                                                                          Corporation            pressure sensitive     silicones, di-me,
                                                                                                                 tapes                  hydroxy-terminated,
                                                                                                                                        polymers with
                                                                                                                                        silicic acid*
    P-00-0200                            11/23/99                02/21/00                CBI                    (S) Coating            (S) 1,3-
                                                                                                                                        acid, polymer with
                                                                                                                                        hexanedioic acid,
                                                                                                                                        1,6-hexanediol, 3-
                                                                                                                                        methylpropanoic acid
                                                                                                                                        and 5-isocyanato-1-
    P-00-0201                            11/23/99                02/21/00                Condea Servo LLC       (G) Reactive monomer   (G) Dimerdiol
    P-00-0202                            11/22/99                02/20/00                CBI                    (G) Foam insulation    (G) Aromatic poyether
    P-00-0203                            11/23/99                02/21/00                CBI                    (G) Synthetic          (G) Fatty acid ester
                                                                                                                 lubricant base stock
    P-00-0204                            11/23/99                02/21/00                CBI                    (S) Thickening agent   (G) Sodium salt of
                                                                                                                 for use in cosmetic    acrylic acid/vinyl
                                                                                                                 and detergents         ester copolymer
    P-00-0205                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0206                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0207                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0208                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0209                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0210                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0211                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0212                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0213                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0214                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0215                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0216                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0217                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0218                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0219                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0220                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0221                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0222                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0223                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0224                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0225                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0226                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0227                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0228                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0229                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    [[Page 72665]]
    P-00-0230                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0231                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0232                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0233                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0234                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0235                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Laminating         (G) Urethane
                                                                                                                 adhesive               prepolymer
    P-00-0236                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0237                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0238                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0239                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0240                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0241                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0242                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0243                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0244                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0245                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0246                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0247                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0248                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0249                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0250                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0251                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0252                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0253                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0254                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0255                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0256                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0257                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0258                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0259                            11/24/99                02/22/00                CBI                    (G) Consumer product   (G) Substituted
                                                                                                                 ingredient             aliphatic alcohol
    P-00-0260                            11/26/99                02/24/00                CBI                    (S) Resin for          (G) Amine salted
                                                                                                                 coatings               acrylic modified
                                                                                                                                        polyurethane resin
    P-00-0261                            11/26/99                02/24/00                CBI                    (S) Resin for          (G) Amine salted
                                                                                                                 coatings               acrylic modified
                                                                                                                                        polyurethane resin
    P-00-0262                            11/29/99                02/27/00                CBI                    (G) Open, non-         (G) Imidazole
                                                                                                                 dispersive use         functional polyalkyl
    P-00-0263                            11/26/99                02/24/00                CBI                    (S) Polymer            (G) Amine salted
                                                                                                                 intermediate for       polyurethane resin
                                                                                                                 final polymer
    P-00-0264                            11/26/99                02/24/00                CBI                    (S) Polymer            (G) Amine salted
                                                                                                                 intermediate for       polyurethane resin
                                                                                                                 final polymer
    P-00-0265                            11/29/99                02/27/00                CBI                    (G) Open, non-         (G) Tin functional
                                                                                                                 dispersive use         aliphatic copolymer
    P-00-0266                            11/29/99                02/27/00                CBI                    (S) Oil field          (G) Acrylic acid,
                                                                                                                 production aid;site-   polymer with partial
                                                                                                                 limited intermediate   salt of acylate
    P-00-0267                            11/29/99                02/27/00                CBI                    (S) Oil field          (G) Acrylic acid,
                                                                                                                 production aid         polymer with partial
                                                                                                                                        salt of acylate
                                                                                                                                        ester, reaction
                                                                                                                                        product with
    P-00-0268                            11/24/99                02/22/00                Asahi Chemical         (G) Intermediate for   (G) Acetyl
                                                                                          Industry America,      industrial product     heterocyclic
                                                                                          Inc.                                          compound
    P-00-0269                            11/26/99                02/24/00                CBI                    (G) Component in a     (G) Polyurethane
                                                                                                                 sealant                prepolymer
    P-00-0270                            11/26/99                02/24/00                CBI                    (S) Cosmetic additive  (G) Dimethicone
    P-00-0271                            11/26/99                02/24/00                Kowa American          (G) Textile            (S) 1,3-dioxolane,
                                                                                          Corporation            processing agent       2,2-(1,7-
    P-00-0272                            11/26/99                02/24/00                Kowa American          (G) Textile            (S) 1,3-dioxolane,
                                                                                          Corporation            processing agent       2,2-(1-methyl-1,6-
    P-00-0273                            11/29/99                02/27/00                Solutia Inc.           (G) Flame retardant    (G) 3-substituted
                                                                                                                                        propanoic acid,
                                                                                                                                        glycol ester
    P-00-0274                            11/30/99                02/28/00                CBI                    (S) Resin for          (G) Amine-salted
                                                                                                                 coatings               polyester resin
    P-00-0275                            11/30/99                02/28/00                CBI                    (S) Resin for          (G) Amine-salted
                                                                                                                 coatings               polyester resin
    P-00-0276                            11/30/99                02/28/00                International          (S) Protectant for     (S) 2-propenamide, n-
                                                                                          Specialty Products     digital printing       [3-
                                                                                                                 inks                   (dimethylamino)propy
                                                                                                                                        polymer with 1-
    P-00-0277                            11/30/99                02/28/00                Union Carbide          (G) Solvents           (G) Ethoxylated
                                                                                          Corporation                                   alcohol
    P-00-0278                            11/30/99                02/28/00                Union Carbide          (G) Solvents           (G) Diethoxylated
                                                                                          Corporation                                   alcohol
    P-00-0279                            11/30/99                02/28/00                Union Carbide          (G) Solvents           (G) Triethoxylated
                                                                                          Corporation                                   alcohol
    P-00-0280                            11/30/99                02/28/00                Union Carbide          (G) Solvents           (G) Polyethoxylated
                                                                                          Corporation                                   alcohol
    [[Page 72666]]
    P-00-0281                            12/01/99                02/29/00                Pilot Chemical         (S) Surfactant/        (G) Alkarylsulfonic
                                                                                          Company                emulsifier for metal-  acid, sodium salts
                                                                                                                 working fluids and
    P-00-0282                            12/01/99                02/29/00                Pilot Chemical         (S) Surfactant/        (G) Alkarylsulfonic
                                                                                          Company                emulsifier for metal-  acid, cpds with
                                                                                                                 working fluids and     ethanolamine
    P-00-0283                            12/01/99                02/29/00                Pilot Chemical         (S) Surfactant/        (G) Alkarylsulfonic
                                                                                          Company                emulsifier for metal-  acid, potassium
                                                                                                                 working fluids and     salts
    P-00-0284                            12/01/99                02/29/00                Pilot Chemical         (S) Surfactant/        (G) Alkarylsulfonic
                                                                                          Company                emulsifier for metal-  acid, magnesium
                                                                                                                 working fluids and     salts
    P-00-0285                            12/01/99                02/29/00                Pilot Chemical         (S) Demulsifier and    (G) Alkarylsulfonic
                                                                                          Company                corrosion inhibitor    acid, calcium salts
                                                                                                                 in hydraulic fluids
    P-00-0286                            12/01/99                02/29/00                Pilot Chemical         (S) Demulsifier and    (G) Alkarylsulfonic
                                                                                          Company                corrosion inhibitor    acid, barium salts
                                                                                                                 in hydraulic fluids
    P-00-0287                            12/01/99                02/29/00                Pilot Chemical         (S) Surfactant/        (G) Alkaryl sulfonic
                                                                                          Company                emulsifier for metal-  acid, sodium salts
                                                                                                                 working fluids and
    P-00-0288                            12/01/99                02/29/00                Pilot Chemical         (S) Surfactant/        (G) Alkarylsulfonic
                                                                                          Company                emulsifier for metal-  acid, cpds with
                                                                                                                 working fluids and     ethanolamine
    P-00-0289                            12/01/99                02/29/00                Pilot Chemical         (S) Surfactant/        (G) Alkarylsulfonic
                                                                                          Company                emulsifier for metal-  acid, potassium salt
                                                                                                                 working fluids and
    P-00-0290                            12/01/99                02/29/00                Pilot Chemical         (S) Surfactant/        (G) Alkarylsulfonic
                                                                                          Company                emulsifier for metal-  acid, magnesium
                                                                                                                 working fluids and     salts
    P-00-0291                            12/01/99                02/29/00                Pilot Chemical         (S) Demulsifier and    (G) Alkarylsulfonic
                                                                                          Company                corrosion inhibitor    acid, calcium salts
                                                                                                                 in hydraulic fluids
    P-00-0292                            12/01/99                02/29/00                Pilot Chemical         (S) Demulsifier and    (G) Alkarylsulfonic
                                                                                          Company                corrosion inhibitor    acid, barium salts
                                                                                                                 in hydraulic fluids
    P-00-0293                            12/01/99                02/29/00                Ciba Specialty         (S) Extreme pressure   (G)
                                                                                          Chemicals              anti-wear addititve    Organophosphinothioy
                                                                                          Corporation            for lubricating oils   l ester
    P-00-0294                            12/02/99                03/01/00                CBI                    (G) Colorants for      (G) Alkayated
                                                                                                                 pertroleum products,   phenylamino
                                                                                                                 inks and grease        anthraquinone
    P-00-0295                            12/01/99                02/29/00                CBI                    (G) Monomer for use    (G) Alkyl vinyl ester
                                                                                                                 in copolymer
    P-00-0296                            12/02/99                03/01/00                3M Company             (G) Mixing agent       (G) Styrene copolymer
    P-00-0297                            12/01/99                02/29/00                Pilot Chemical         (G) Chemical           (G) Alkarylsulfonic
                                                                                          Company                intermediate-          acid
                                                                                                                 destructive use
    P-00-0298                            12/01/99                02/29/00                Pilot Chemical         (G) Chemical           (G) Alkylbenzene
                                                                                          Company                intermediate,
                                                                                                                 destructive use
    P-00-0299                            12/02/99                03/01/00                CIBA Specialty         (G) Textile dye        (G) 1,5-
                                                                                          Chemicals                                     naphthalenedisulfoni
                                                                                          Corporation                                   c acid, 3-[[2-
                                                                                                                                        , trisodium salt
    P-00-0300                            12/01/99                02/29/00                CBI                    (S) Hydrate inhibitor  (G) Alkyl acid
                                                                                                                                        halides, reaction
                                                                                                                                        products with
                                                                                                                                        alkylhalide and
    P-00-0301                            12/02/99                03/01/00                Reichhold, Inc.        (S) Coating Addtive    (G) Triethylamine
                                                                                                                                        salt of aliphatic
                                                                                                                                        polyurethane polymer
    G00-001                              10/22/99                None                    Prolume Ltd.           Enzyme production      Microorganism
    G00-002                              11/19/99                None                    Aureozme, Inc.         Enzyme production      Microorganism
        In table II, EPA provides the following information (to the extent 
    that such information is not claimed as CBI) on the Notices of 
    Commencement to manufacture received:
                                II.  35 Notices of Commencement From: 11/08/99 to 12/03/99
                   Case No.                      Received Date                Date                   Chemical
    P-91-1409                              11/29/99                 11/09/99                 (G) Heterocyclic
    P-96-0001                              11/22/99                 11/05/99                 (G) Mono-amine/acid
                                                                                              salt carboxylates
    P-98-0039                              11/10/99                 11/02/99                 (G) Organic yellow
    P-98-0521                              11/08/99                 11/02/99                 (G) Tdi/ mdi
    P-98-0522                              11/08/99                 11/02/99                 (G) Tdi/ mdi polymer
                                                                                              polyol prepolymer
    [[Page 72667]]
    P-99-0153                              11/15/99                 11/01/99                 (G) Polyoxyalkylene
    P-99-0254                              11/10/99                 11/02/99                 (S) Phosphinic acid, (2-
                                                                                              potassium salt;
                                                                                              phosphinic acid, (3-
                                                                                              potassium salt;
                                                                                              phosphinic acid, (4-
                                                                                              potassium salt*
    P-99-0320                              11/19/99                 10/26/99                 (S) Acetic acid,
                                                                                              diisodium salt; acetic
                                                                                              acid, hydroxysulfo-,
                                                                                              diisodium salt*
    P-99-0482                              11/12/99                 11/07/99                 (G) Organometallic
    P-99-0638                              11/12/99                 11/04/99                 (G) Alanine, n-[5-
                                                                                              (substituted alkoxy)-,
                                                                                              methyl ester
    P-99-0639                              11/22/99                 11/12/99                 (G) Chlorohydroxy
                                                                                              substituted amine
                                                                                              reaction products with
                                                                                              leuco sulphur dye
    P-99-0696                              11/12/99                 11/05/99                 (G) Aliphatic, aromatic
    P-99-0697                              11/12/99                 11/05/99                 (G) Aliphatic, aromatic
    P-99-0707                              11/18/99                 11/04/99                 (G) Silicone polymer
    P-99-0744                              11/12/99                 11/04/99                 (G) 2,7-
                                                                                              acid, 3-amino-4-[[4-
                                                                                              hydroxy-, trisodium
    P-99-0753                              11/16/99                 11/04/99                 (G) Substituted
                                                                                              heterocyclic pyrazole
                                                                                              carboxylic acid salt
    P-99-0794                              11/15/99                 11/08/99                 (G) Acrylic acid,
                                                                                              polymer with alkyl
                                                                                              acrylates and
                                                                                              substituted ethene
    P-99-0826                              11/12/99                 10/28/99                 (G) Epoxidized
                                                                                              copolymer of phenol
                                                                                              and aromatic
    P-99-0827                              11/12/99                 10/28/99                 (G) Epoxidized
                                                                                              copolymer of phenol
                                                                                              and aromatic
    P-99-0852                              11/15/99                 11/09/99                 (G) Fatty acid
    P-99-0855                              11/12/99                 11/04/99                 (G) Cashew nutshell
                                                                                              liquid, reaction
                                                                                              products with
                                                                                              formaldehyde and
                                                                                              aliphatic amine
    P-99-0955                              11/23/99                 10/26/99                 (G) Phosphoric acid
                                                                                              ester oligomer
    P-99-0961                              11/24/99                 11/17/99                 (G) Modified fatty acid
    P-99-0967                              11/15/99                 11/03/99                 (G) Colorant
    P-99-0969                              11/15/99                 11/03/99                 (G) Polyoxyalkylene
    P-99-0980                              11/17/99                 10/18/99                 (G) Polyester/aliphatic
                                                                                              dispersion in water
    P-99-0996                              11/12/99                 10/14/99                 (G) Urethane acrylate
    P-99-1033                              11/19/99                 10/31/99                 (G) Acrylate copolymer
                                                                                              with 2-
    P-99-1054                              11/15/99                 10/25/99                 (G) Polyoxyalkylene,
                                                                                              alkylene succinate
    P-99-1065                              11/22/99                 10/25/99                 (G) Organic silicon
    P-99-1066                              11/22/99                 10/25/99                 (G) Organic silicon
    P-99-1128                              11/23/99                 11/17/99                 (G) Styrene-
                                                                                              methacrylate copolymer
    P-99-1177                              11/08/99                 11/05/99                 (G) Acylonitrile and
                                                                                              butadadiene extended
                                                                                              epoxy resin
    P-99-1178                              11/08/99                 11/05/99                 (G) Acylonitrile and
                                                                                              butadadiene extended
                                                                                              epoxy resin
    P-99-1198                              11/18/99                 11/10/99                 (G) Hot melt
                                                                                              polyurethane adhesive
    List of Subjects
        Environmental protection, Chemicals, Premanufacturer Notices.
        Dated: December 21, 1999.
    Allan S. Abramson,
    Director, Information Management Division, Office of Pollution 
    Prevention and Toxics.
    [FR Doc. 99-33629 Filed 12-27-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-F

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Document Number:
72660-72667 (8 pages)
Docket Numbers:
OPPTS-51939, FRL-6484-4
PDF File: