94-31617. Standards for the Management and Use of Slag Residues Derived From HTMR Treatment of K061, K062, and F006 Wastes  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 249 (Thursday, December 29, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-31617]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: December 29, 1994]
    40 CFR Parts 261, 266, and 268
    RIN 2050-AE15
    Standards for the Management and Use of Slag Residues Derived 
    From HTMR Treatment of K061, K062, and F006 Wastes
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency.
    ACTION: Proposed rule and request for comment.
    SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA or the Agency) is 
    proposing to allow materials resulting from the treatment of certain 
    hazardous wastes to be used as a product in road construction and as an 
    anti-skid/deicing material on road surfaces. These materials are 
    residues (``slags'') generated from the treatment of pollution control 
    dusts resulting from scrap metal recycling (electric arc furnace dust). 
    The Agency evaluated the potential risks that might arise from the use 
    of these ``slags'', and determined that these uses do not present a 
    significant risk. This action would reclassify these treated materials 
    as nonhazardous and allow these uses, but only if the toxic metals in 
    the waste are reduced to safe levels by treatment.
        The Agency is proposing this action to clarify two seemingly 
    inconsistent parts of the regulations governing residual materials 
    generated from the treatment of hazardous wastes. This rule clarifies 
    what uses of the treatment residues are allowed, and specifies what 
    conditions must be met for these materials to be used in this manner. 
    Furthermore, this action partially fulfills a settlement agreement 
    entered into by the Agency with the Natural Resources Defense Council 
    (NRDC) and the Hazardous Waste Treatment Council (HWTC) to resolve the 
    apparent inconsistency in the regulations.
        The Agency believes these proposed actions will promote recycling 
    and resource recovery in two ways. This action will directly encourage 
    the recovery of metals from the hazardous electric arc furnace dust and 
    other metal wastes by allowing the ``slag'' residuals to be used in a 
    beneficial and environmentally sound way. Furthermore, this proposed 
    rule will encourage the recycling of scrap metal by helping to reduce 
    the costs that result from the treatment and disposal of the electric 
    arc furnace dust. The Agency believes that this rule would satisfy the 
    goals of resource recovery, while also ensuring protection of human 
    health and the environment.
    DATES: EPA will accept public comments on this proposed rule until 
    February 13, 1995. Comments postmarked after this date will be marked 
    ``late'' and may not be considered.
    ADDRESSES: The public must send an original and two copies of their 
    comments to EPA RCRA Docket Number F-94-SRTP-FFFFF, room 2616 (Mail 
    Code 5305), 401 M Street S.W., Washington, DC 20460. The docket is open 
    from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except on Federal 
    holidays. The public must make an appointment to review docket 
    materials by calling (202) 260-9327. A maximum of 100 pages may be 
    copied at no cost. Additional copies cost $0.15 per page.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For general information contact the 
    RCRA Hotline, toll free at (800) 424-9346, or at (703) 412-9810. For 
    specific questions concerning this notice, contact Narendra Chaudhari, 
    Office of Solid Waste (Mail Code 5304), U.S. Environmental Protection 
    Agency, 401 M Street, S.W., Washington, DC 20460, (202) 260-4787.
    I. Background
    A. Existing Regulations for Hazardous Wastes Used in a Manner 
    Constituting Disposal
        Currently, hazardous wastes that are used in a manner constituting 
    disposal (applied to or placed on land), including waste-derived 
    products that are produced in whole or in part from hazardous wastes 
    and used in a manner constituting disposal, are not subject to 
    hazardous waste disposal regulations provided the products produced 
    meet two conditions. First, the hazardous wastes must undergo a 
    chemical reaction in the course of becoming products so as to be 
    inseparable by physical means (see Sec. 266.20(b)). A second condition 
    for exemption is that the waste-derived products must meet best 
    demonstrated available technology (BDAT) treatment standards under the 
    land disposal restrictions program for every prohibited hazardous waste 
    that they contain before they are placed on land (see Sec. 266.20(b)).
        The exemption in Sec. 266.20 is used for slag residues (slags) 
    generated from the treatment of hazardous waste K061 (and, to a limited 
    extent, K062 and F006) using high temperature metal recovery (HTMR) 
    processes. Section 266.20 is applicable because the majority of this 
    slag is used in highway construction materials (e.g., as road subbase), 
    and a limited amount is also used by directly applying it to road 
    surfaces (i.e., top grade and as an anti-skid or deicing agent). (See 
    56 FR 15020, April 12, 1991.)
        On August 19, 1991 and August 18, 1992 (see 56 FR 41164 and 57 FR 
    37194), EPA finalized ``generic exclusions'' for nonwastewater slag 
    residues generated from the HTMR treatment of several metal-bearing 
    hazardous wastes (K061, K062, and F006). These HTMR slag residues are 
    excluded from the hazardous waste regulations provided they meet 
    designated concentration levels (generic exclusion levels) for 13 
    metals, are disposed of in Subtitle D units, and exhibit no 
    characteristics of hazardous waste (see Sec. 261.3(c)(2)(ii)(C)). The 
    generic exclusion levels for the metals were based on the use of the 
    EPA Composite Model for Landfills (EPACML), which predicts the 
    potential for groundwater contamination from wastes that are placed in 
    a landfill. EPA limited the generic exclusion to residues disposed of 
    in a Subtitle D unit because, at that time, the Agency could not 
    properly evaluate concerns over potential releases to other media 
    resulting from uses of the HTMR slag as product, especially as an anti-
    skid material on road surfaces (see 56 FR 41164, August 19,1991).
        As EPA noted in the final rule for the initial generic exclusion 
    for K061 residues (see 56 FR 41164, August 19, 1991), the use of HTMR 
    residues as anti-skid material was not prohibited, provided the residue 
    meets the exemption conditions given in Sec. 266.20. EPA also noted in 
    the same notice that it would further evaluate the uses of K061 HTMR 
    residues that constitute disposal, and would consider amendments to 
    Sec. 266.20 for HTMR slags that might require further controls on such 
    B. Summary of Petition and Settlement Agreement
        The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and the Hazardous 
    Waste Treatment Council (HWTC) filed a petition for review challenging 
    EPA's decision not to apply ``generic exclusion levels''--levels at 
    which K061 slags are deemed nonhazardous--to K061 slags used as waste-
    derived ``products'' and applied to or placed on land. The generic 
    exclusion levels established for some metals in the K061 HTMR slags are 
    lower than the BDAT standards that apply to K061. Therefore, while the 
    generic exclusion requires that the nonhazardous K061 slag that meets 
    exclusion levels be disposed of in a Subtitle D unit, K061 HTMR slag 
    that may exhibit metal levels above the exclusion levels (but below 
    BDAT) may be used as a product in a manner constituting disposal under 
    the exemption in Sec. 266.20(b). The petitioners pointed out the 
    seeming anomaly of the slag used in an uncontrolled manner being 
    effectively subject to lesser standards than slag disposed in a 
    controlled landfill.
        On August 13, 1993, EPA entered into a settlement agreement with 
    these petitioners which would address their concerns through two 
    separate notice-and-comment rulemakings. EPA agreed to propose the 
    first rule within 6 months of the settlement date (and issue a final 
    rule within 12 months) to either establish generic exclusion levels for 
    ``non-encapsulated'' uses of K061 slags, or effectively prohibit such 
    uses of K061 slags on the land. EPA also agreed to propose a second 
    rule within 16 months of the settlement date (and issue a final rule 
    within 28 months), to establish generic exclusion levels for 
    encapsulated uses of K061 slags on the land. The agreement specified 
    that the generic exclusion levels for K061 slags will be based on an 
    evaluation of the potential risks to human health and the environment 
    from the use of K061 slags as waste-derived products, taking into 
    account all relevant pathways of exposure.
    C. Implementation of Settlement Agreement
        This action represents the second proposed rule required under the 
    settlement agreement. EPA has promulgated the first rules required 
    under the settlement agreement. (See 59 FR 8583, February 23, 1994 
    (proposed) and 59 FR 43496, August 24, 1994 (final)). The final rule 
    will effectively prohibit, beginning on February 24, 1995, anti-skid/
    deicing uses of HTMR slags derived from K061, K062, and F006, as waste-
    derived products placed on land. Today's proposal contains EPA's risk-
    based determinations for all major K061, K062, and F006 HTMR slag uses, 
    including anti-skid/deicing uses, and thus implements the remaining 
    portion of the agreement.
    II. Overview of Production, Processing, and Uses
    A. Production of HTMR Slags
        According to information available to EPA, HTMR slags are by-
    products of metal recovery operations (which involve recovery of metals 
    from metal-bearing hazardous wastes) produced primarily at two 
    facilities, Horsehead Resource Development Company, Inc. (HRD) and 
    International Metal Reclamation Company (Inmetco). HRD is currently the 
    major generator of HTMR slags which are at issue in this proposed rule. 
    In 1992, HRD processed 376,000 tons of electric arc furnace (EAF) dust, 
    which is reportedly 68 percent of the EAF dust generated domestically. 
    From this amount of EAF dust, HRD produced 120,000 tons of zinc 
    calcine, 19,000 tons of lead concentrate, and 237,000 tons of slag (see 
    EPA's Report to Congress on Metal Recovery, Environmental Regulation & 
    Hazardous Waste; EPA 530-R-93-018). Inmetco provided information that 
    it processed a total of 58,100 tons of wastes in 1993, recovering 
    22,196 tons of metals and producing 15,000 tons of slag (See docket for 
    information submitted by Inmetco at a meeting with EPA on March 10, 
    B. Process Description
        There are a number of HTMR processes, all of which are multi-step 
    processes. The rotary kiln is the HTMR process primarily used to 
    recover metals from K061, K062, and F006 wastes. The process steps are 
    generally these: (1) wastes are mixed with coal or coke and fluxes to 
    prepare feed materials, (2) high temperature processing is used to 
    reduce metal oxides to their metallic form, 3) volatile metals 
    (primarily cadmium, zinc, and lead) are recovered by collection 
    systems, and 4) residual materials are discharged from the process and 
    cooled to form a slag (see BDAT Background Document for K061). It 
    should be noted that not all metal-bearing hazardous wastes are 
    amenable to recovery by HTMR processes, possibly because their metal 
    content is too low or because of significant quantities of impurities 
    or contaminants that cannot be removed due either to economic or 
    technical limitations. Therefore, metal reclaimers usually set 
    specifications for materials that they will accept for processing (see 
    EPA's Report to Congress on Metal Recovery, Environmental Regulation & 
    Hazardous Waste; EPA 530-R-93-018).
    C. Properties and Uses of HTMR Slags
        According to information provided by the generators on the 
    physical/chemical properties of HTMR slags (see RCRA docket), these 
    slags are highly dense, chemically stable (inert), and highly durable 
    (resistant to breakdown). These are all properties which the generators 
    claim make HTMR slags desirable construction materials.
        HTMR slags are primarily used as subbase materials (e.g., in 
    construction of roads, parking lots, and driveways) and as additive 
    ingredients in cement or concrete/asphalt mixtures. Because the subbase 
    is covered by a relatively hard/impermeable material and cement or 
    concrete/asphalt mixtures lock in any additive ingredients, EPA 
    considers these uses of HTMR slags to be ``encapsulated'' uses. A 
    smaller portion of HTMR slags (believed to be less than 25 percent) are 
    used as anti-skid/deicing materials, as top grade or surfacing 
    materials (e.g., in construction of roads), and for other similar uses. 
    Because anti-skid/deicing materials are dispersed freely on roads 
    (during icy or snowy conditions to provide traction for vehicles) and 
    top grade materials result in uncovered (unpaved) roads, parking lots, 
    driveways, and the like, EPA considers these uses of HTMR slags to be 
    ``non-encapsulated'' uses.
    III. Proposed Standards for the Management and Use of HTMR Slags
        EPA is proposing that risk-based generic exclusion levels in 
    Sec. 261.3(c)(2)(ii)(C), in addition to being exclusion standards for 
    disposing HTMR slags derived from hazardous wastes K061, K062, and F006 
    in a Subtitle D unit, also become exclusion standards for managing 
    these slags and for using these slags as follows: 1) covered subbase 
    materials (e.g., in construction of paved roads, parking lots, and 
    driveways), 2) additive ingredients in cement or concrete/asphalt 
    mixtures, 3) top grade or surfacing materials (e.g., in construction of 
    roads, parking lots, and driveways), and 4) anti-skid/deicing 
        The Agency is proposing this action for the following reasons. 
    Based on the results of a very conservative risk assessment completed 
    by EPA for the relevant management practices and end-uses of HTMR slags 
    (see Section IV. for details), EPA has tentatively determined that the 
    wastepile, transport, road subbase, and landfill waste management 
    scenarios for HTMR-derived slags do not require regulation in order to 
    protect human health and the environment, if these slags meet the 
    generic exclusion levels. In addition, EPA is proposing that use of 
    HTMR slags as additive ingredients in cement or concrete/asphalt 
    mixtures would also not require regulation, if these slags meet the 
    generic exclusion levels. This is primarily because the cement or 
    concrete/asphalt mixtures would mix with and chemically bind or 
    encapsulate the portion of HTMR slags that are added, and any 
    significant releases of slag constituents into the environment are 
    unlikely. Finally, the risk assessment results, which are based on very 
    conservative release and exposure assumptions, indicated little 
    potential risk for the top grade and anti- skid/deicing end-uses of 
    HTMR slags that meet the generic exclusion levels. Therefore, EPA is 
    also proposing that uses of HTMR slags as top grade and anti-skid/
    deicing materials would also not require regulation, if these slags 
    meet the generic exclusion levels.
        As a consequence of the above proposed changes, EPA is also 
    proposing to amend the existing regulations under Sec. 266.20 that 
    conditionally exempt hazardous waste-derived products used in a manner 
    constituting disposal from RCRA Subtitle C regulation. Specifically, 
    the language of Sec. 266.20 would be revised to prohibit the uses of 
    products containing HTMR slags derived from hazardous wastes K061, 
    K062, and F006 when these slags are still hazardous wastes, i.e., 
    contain hazardous constituents at concentrations exceeding the 
    exclusion levels. This prohibition implements RCRA section 3004(g)(5) 
    and 3004(m), which require EPA to prohibit land disposal of hazardous 
    wastes that have not been pre-treated so as to minimize the short-term 
    and long-term threats posed by their land disposal. In addition, EPA is 
    including a cross-reference in the table ``Treatment Standards for 
    Hazardous Wastes'' in Sec. 268.40 (the Land Disposal Restriction 
    treatment standards) which notes the changes concerning utilization of 
    HTMR slags in Secs. 261.3 and 266.20.
        As described in section IV.C, the Agency is also taking this 
    opportunity to update the generic exclusion levels to reflect the 
    changes in the drinking water Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for 
    some of the metals of concern. Therefore, the Agency is proposing to 
    amend the generic exclusion levels for antimony, beryllium, and nickel.
        EPA requests comments on the proposed changes. EPA also requests 
    comments on the data used in the risk assessment, the methodology and 
    assumptions used in the risk assessment, and other analysis supporting 
    the proposed rule. Further, EPA requests comments on whether the uses 
    of HTMR slags identified in this proposal are the only uses in practice 
    or whether there are other uses practiced or planned. If EPA is alerted 
    to other significant uses, the Agency could use the information to 
    determine whether or not further analysis of those uses would be 
    IV. Overview of Risk Assessment Supporting This Proposal
        EPA performed a very conservative assessment of the potential risks 
    to human health and the environment from the relevant management 
    practices and uses of K061, K062, and F006 HTMR slags. This section 
    summarizes the methods and results of EPA's risk assessment. A more 
    detailed presentation of the risk assessment and uncertainties involved 
    is provided in a technical background document entitled ``Assessment of 
    Potential Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Management and 
    Uses of HTMR Slags,'' which is included in the docket for this proposed 
    A. Methodology of Risk Assessment
        EPA's methodology consisted of four primary steps. First, a 
    lifecycle analysis for the HTMR slags was performed, starting from the 
    point of manufacture and ending at the point of disposal, to identify 
    potential contaminant release scenarios (air, ground water, surface 
    water, and soil) associated with slag management, use, and disposal 
    practices. Second, based on the release scenarios, exposure pathways 
    and receptor locations relevant to contaminants in HTMR slags were 
    identified. Third, appropriate release, fate, and transport models were 
    used to compute contaminant concentrations at receptor points for each 
    release and exposure pathway. Finally, the media-specific 
    concentrations for air, ground water, surface water, and soil were 
    compared to the appropriate human health and ecological effects 
    reference concentrations to determine the quantitative risks from 
    exposures to contaminants in HTMR slags.
        EPA focused on selecting high-end values for use in the models to 
    estimate the individual risk for those persons at the upper end (>90th 
    percentile of the population distribution) of the risk distribution. 
    The Agency chose this very conservative approach in order to identify 
    any pathways or chemicals which would warrant a more in depth risk 
    assessment and characterization. A summary of the data sources and risk 
    assessment methodology for HTMR slags is provided below.
    1. Sources of Constituents Data for HTMR Slags
        The constituents of concern in HTMR slags were identified in the 
    Land Disposal Restrictions for Electric Arc Furnace Dust (K061) - Final 
    Rule (56 FR No. 160, p 41164) and supported by the Best Demonstrated 
    Available Technology (BDAT) Background Document for K061 (US EPA, 
    1988). Specifically, the K061 Final Rule identified fourteen metals 
    requiring BDAT treatment standards for K061, including: antimony, 
    arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, nickel, 
    selenium, silver, thallium, vanadium, and zinc. However, for various 
    reasons discussed in the K061 Final Rule, EPA promulgated the standard 
    for vanadium as ``reserved.''
        For the purposes of the risk assessment, total concentrations of 
    constituents of concern in HTMR residuals were based on the EPA-
    collected data base presented in the BDAT Background Document for K061 
    (US EPA, 1988). For each constituent of concern, the 95th percentile 
    upper confidence limit of the mean (95th UCLM) was calculated for the 
    total metal concentration (in ppm or, equivalently, mg constituent per 
    kg HTMR residual). EPA selected this value to represent a reasonable 
    high-end measure of constituent concentrations in HTMR residuals. Table 
    1 presents the total concentrations and summary statistics for that 
    data set, including maximum concentration, mean, and the range of 
        For exposure scenarios involving HTMR leachate (e.g., landfilling 
    of HTMR-derived slag), the leachate concentration was assumed to be 
    equal to the maximum levels allowed under the generic exclusion 
    established in the K061 final rule. Table 1 also presents the generic 
    exclusion levels (in mg/L).
                     Table 1.--Summary Statistics for Constituent Concentrations for HTMR Residuals                 
                                             Total constituent concentrations in HTMR residuals                     
                                                        fromrotary kiln incinerator                Generic exclusion
                 Constituent             ---------------------------------------------------------     levels for   
                                             Range (ppm)         Mean (ppm)       95% UCLM (ppm)    leachate (mg/L) 
    Antimony............................            111-405                195                266               0.10
    Arsenic.............................             75-113                 86                 98               0.50
    Barium..............................            331-467                374                408                7.6
    Beryllium...........................              1.7-4                  2                  3               0.01
    Cadmium.............................                <15><15><15 0.05="" total="" chromium......................="" 205-978="" 612="" 797="" 0.33="" lead................................="" 365-4270="" 1926="" 2863="" 0.15="" mercury.............................=""><0.1><0.1><0.1 0.009="" nickel..............................="" 422-952="" 588="" 727="" 1.0="" selenium............................="" 2.5-8.8="" 5="" 6="" 0.16="" silver..............................="" 32-59="" 39="" 46="" 0.30="" thallium............................=""><><1.0><1><1 0.02="" zinc................................="" 4550-27400="" 14634="" 22117="" 70="" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" note:="" concentration="" of="" chromium="" vi="" was="" estimated="" to="" be="" 1%="" of="" total="" chromium,="" based="" on="" leaching="" data="" for="" total="" chromium.="" 2.="" release,="" fate,="" and="" transport="" models="" to="" assess="" the="" risks="" from="" relevant="" management="" practices="" and="" uses="" of="" htmr="" slags,="" epa="" used="" fate="" and="" transport="" models="" to="" compute="" contaminant="" concentrations="" at="" exposure="" points="" for="" each="" release="" and="" exposure="" scenario.="" epa="" used="" the="" appropriate="" algorithms="" from="" the="" mmsoils="" model,="" a="" multimedia="" contaminant="" fate,="" transport,="" and="" exposure="" model,="" to="" simulate="" fate="" and="" transport="" of="" metals="" in="" htmr="" slags="" through="" overland="" and="" subsurface="" transport.="" the="" overland="" transport="" of="" metals="" in="" htmr="" slags="" incorporated="" transport="" to="" nearby="" soils="" and="" surface="" water="" (including="" dissolved="" contaminants="" and="" contaminants="" sorbed="" to="" slag="" particles).="" epa="" used="" the="" fugitive="" dust="" model="" (fdm)="" to="" compute="" dispersion="" and="" transport="" of="" particulates="" in="" air="" from="" ground-based="" sources.="" fdm="" is="" a="" computerized="" air="" quality="" model="" which="" was="" specifically="" designed="" to="" calculate="" air="" concentrations="" from="" fugitive="" dust="" sources.="" the="" model="" is="" based="" on="" the="" gaussian="" plume="" algorithm="" for="" computing="" air="" concentrations,="" adapted="" to="" incorporate="" a="" gradient-transfer="" deposition="" algorithm.="" the="" minteq="" metals="" speciation="" model="" was="" used="" to="" estimate="" soil="" adsorption="" coefficients="" for="" the="" metal="" constituents="" in="" htmr="" slags="" whenever="" possible.="" the="" minteq="" model="" is="" an="" aqueous="" speciation="" geochemical="" model="" which="" estimates="" metal="" adsorption="" as="" a="" function="" of="" ph,="" metal="" concentrations="" in="" the="" dissolved="" phase,="" iron="" oxide="" content="" of="" potential="" sorbents,="" organic="" matter="" content="" of="" potential="" sorbents,="" pore="" water="" chemistry,="" and="" temperature.="" further="" details="" of="" the="" models="" used="" are="" provided="" in="" the="" docket="" for="" this="" proposed="" rulemaking.="" 3.="" sources="" of="" environmental="" releases="" epa="" identified="" the="" potential="" sources="" of="" metals="" releases="" from="" htmr="" slags="" based="" on="" known="" management="" practices="" and="" end-uses="" of="" htmr="" slags:="" disposal="" in="" landfills,="" storage="" in="" wastepiles,="" transportation="" in="" trucks,="" use="" as="" road="" construction="" material="" underlying="" pavement="" (subbase="" or="" base="" material),="" use="" as="" additive="" ingredient="" in="" cement="" or="" aggregate="" in="" concrete/asphalt="" mixtures,="" use="" as="" road="" surface="" material="" (top="" grade),="" and="" use="" as="" anti-="" skid/deicing="" agent="" on="" road="" surfaces.="" potential="" releases="" under="" these="" scenarios="" are="" described="" below.="" a.="" wastepile--four="" practices="" associated="" with="" the="" generation="" and="" management="" of="" wastepiles="" of="" htmr="" slags="" may="" result="" in="" potential="" releases="" to="" the="" environment:="" (1)="" outdoor="" storage="" of="" an="" uncovered="" wastepile,="" (2)="" adding="" htmr="" slags="" to="" the="" wastepile,="" (3)="" loading/unloading="" operations="" associated="" with="" transport="" of="" the="" wastepile,="" and="" (4)="" transport="" of="" slags="" from="" the="" facility="" to="" points="" of="" use.="" the="" htmr="" slags="" generated="" at="" the="" manufacturing="" facility="" may="" be="" stored="" outside="" in="" an="" uncovered="" wastepile="" at="" the="" facility="" until="" it="" is="" transported="" offsite.="" since="" the="" wastepiles="" are="" uncovered,="" air="" releases="" may="" occur="" if="" particulates="" from="" the="" wastepile="" become="" entrained="" in="" the="" atmosphere.="" the="" slag="" particulates="" also="" may="" be="" eroded="" from="" the="" wastepile="" as="" a="" result="" of="" wind="" and="" rain.="" in="" addition,="" since="" the="" slags="" could="" be="" stored="" directly="" on="" top="" of="" the="" soil="" (i.e.,="" no="" liner),="" release="" to="" the="" ground="" water="" may="" occur="" if="" metals="" from="" the="" slags="" leach="" as="" a="" result="" of="" precipitation.="" as="" slags="" are="" added="" to="" the="" wastepile,="" the="" resulting="" disturbance="" may="" cause="" particles="" to="" become="" entrained="" in="" the="" atmosphere.="" particulate="" emissions="" of="" slag="" material="" may="" also="" be="" caused="" by="" the="" loading/unloading="" operations="" associated="" with="" transport="" vehicles.="" finally,="" particulate="" emissions="" of="" slag="" material="" may="" result="" from="" the="" transport="" of="" the="" wastepile,="" assuming="" that="" the="" transport="" vehicles="" are="" not="" fully="" covered.="" b.="" road="" subbase--the="" htmr="" slags="" may="" be="" transported="" from="" the="" manufacturing="" facility="" to="" a="" site="" for="" use="" as="" a="" road="" subbase="" material.="" the="" subbase="" layer="" is="" then="" covered="" by="" a="" relatively="" impermeable="" road="" surfacing="" material,="" typically="" asphalt.="" although="" there="" is="" potential="" for="" environmental="" releases="" from="" the="" subbase="" material="" prior="" to="" road="" surfacing="" and="" when="" road="" surfaces="" are="" broken="" up="" for="" repair,="" such="" releases="" are="" expected="" to="" be="" short-="" term,="" temporary="" events,="" and="" any="" releases="" would="" be="" relatively="" minor.="" therefore,="" atmospheric="" and="" erosion="" releases="" were="" not="" modeled="" for="" the="" use="" of="" htmr="" slags="" as="" a="" road="" subbase="" material.="" however,="" even="" while="" the="" subbase="" is="" covered,="" the="" metals="" in="" the="" slag="" could="" potentially="" be="" released="" during="" a="" high="" water="" table="" event.="" in="" this="" circumstance,="" the="" water="" table="" may="" become="" elevated="" to="" the="" extent="" that="" it="" contacts="" and="" saturates="" the="" road="" subbase="" layer.="" the="" metals="" in="" the="" slag="" could="" leach="" from="" the="" road="" subbase,="" pass="" through="" the="" unsaturated="" soil="" zone,="" and="" discharge="" into="" the="" groundwater.="" c.="" additives="" in="" cement="" or="" concrete/asphalt="" mixtures--htmr="" slag="" material="" may="" also="" be="" used="" as="" an="" ingredient="" in="" the="" production="" of="" cement="" (as="" a="" source="" of="" iron="" in="" cement="" kilns).="" alternatively,="" the="" slag="" may="" be="" used="" as="" aggregate="" in="" the="" production="" of="" concrete="" or="" asphalt.="" in="" these="" uses,="" the="" cement="" or="" concrete/asphalt="" mixtures="" would="" mix="" with="" and="" chemically="" bind="" or="" encapsulate="" the="" portion="" of="" htmr="" slags="" that="" are="" added.="" therefore,="" there="" is="" not="" likely="" to="" be="" any="" significant="" releases="" from="" this="" use="" by="" any="" scenario.="" there="" is="" the="" possibility,="" if="" pieces="" of="" cement="" or="" concrete/asphalt="" are="" ultimately="" disposed="" in="" a="" landfill,="" that="" environmental="" releases="" may="" occur.="" this="" type="" of="" scenario="" was="" considered="" under="" disposal="" of="" htmr="" slags="" directly="" in="" a="" landfill;="" this="" represents="" a="" ``worst="" case''="" for="" the="" concrete/asphalt="" mixtures="" because="" the="" landfill="" was="" assumed="" to="" contain="" the="" htmr="" slags,="" and="" not="" slags="" mixed="" with="" or="" encapsulated="" in="" concrete="" or="" asphalt.="" d.="" top="" grade--the="" htmr="" slags="" may="" be="" used="" as="" a="" top="" grade="" material,="" as="" the="" surface="" material="" for="" an="" unpaved="" road.="" atmospheric="" releases="" of="" the="" slag="" particulate="" as="" a="" result="" of="" vehicular="" traffic,="" particulate="" releases="" resulting="" from="" both="" wind="" erosion="" and="" surface="" runoff,="" and="" contaminant="" releases="" from="" the="" top="" grade="" layer="" resulting="" from="" leaching="" processes="" are="" all="" possible="" release="" pathways,="" and="" were="" considered="" in="" the="" agency's="" assessment.="" e.="" anti-skid/deicing--the="" htmr="" slags="" can="" be="" used="" as="" anti-="" skid/="" deicing="" agents="" on="" ice="" and/or="" snow="" covered="" roads.="" a="" thin="" layer="" of="" the="" slag="" material="" is="" spread="" over="" the="" road="" surface="" in="" an="" effort="" to="" provide="" better="" traction="" for="" vehicle="" tires.="" during="" warm="" periods="" in="" which="" the="" snow="" and="" ice="" melt,="" the="" metals="" present="" in="" the="" slag="" material="" may="" leach="" from="" an="" unpaved="" road="" through="" the="" unsaturated="" zone="" and="" into="" the="" surficial="" aquifer.="" in="" addition,="" the="" slag="" material="" may="" erode="" from="" the="" site="" by="" wind="" and="" rain="" and="" be="" deposited="" on="" adjacent="" property.="" lastly,="" slag="" particulates="" may="" become="" entrained="" in="" the="" atmosphere="" as="" a="" result="" of="" vehicle="" traffic,="" and="" may="" result="" in="" atmospheric="" emissions="" similar="" to="" that="" of="" the="" top="" grade="" scenario.="" f.="" disposal="" in="" landfill--one="" of="" the="" lifecycle="" phases="" considered="" in="" this="" analysis="" involves="" disposal="" of="" slag="" in="" a="" solid="" waste="" landfill.="" the="" potential="" leaching="" of="" constituents="" from="" the="" slag="" in="" the="" landfill="" into="" groundwater="" was="" evaluated="" previously="" in="" the="" rulemaking="" that="" established="" the="" generic="" exclusion="" levels="" for="" htmr="" slag="" (see="" august="" 18,="" 1992,="" 57="" fr="" 37194).="" other="" potential="" release="" scenarios="" from="" the="" landfill="" that="" were="" identified="" include:="" (1)="" erosion="" of="" particulates="" from="" the="" landfill,="" and="" (2)="" air="" releases="" and="" deposition="" to="" nearby="" soils.="" particulates="" from="" slag="" may="" be="" eroded="" from="" the="" landfill="" as="" a="" result="" of="" the="" forces="" of="" wind="" and="" rain.="" the="" eroded="" material="" may="" ultimately="" be="" deposited="" onto="" a="" nearby="" residential="" plot="" of="" land="" or="" into="" a="" nearby="" surface="" water="" body.="" particulates="" entrained="" in="" the="" atmosphere="" as="" a="" result="" of="" waste="" management="" activities="" at="" the="" landfill="" may="" also="" be="" transported="" to="" off-="" site="" receptors.="" 4.="" exposure="" pathways="" epa="" considered="" various="" direct="" and="" indirect="" exposure="" pathways="" for="" htmr="" slag="" materials="" and="" believes="" that="" the="" potential="" for="" risk="" from="" most="" indirect="" pathways="" (e.g.,="" food="" chain="" pathways)="" would="" not="" be="" significant.="" the="" comparison="" of="" risks="" associated="" with="" direct="" and="" indirect="" exposure="" pathways="" for="" metals="" suggested="" that="" the="" direct="" pathways="" typically="" present="" higher="" risks="" due="" to="" the:="" (1)="" weak="" uptake="" of="" soil-bound="" metals="" in="" plants,="" (2)="" limited="" ability="" of="" metals="" to="" bioaccumulate="" on="" a="" whole-="" body="" basis="" (with="" the="" exception="" of="" mercury;="" however="" levels="" of="" mercury="" in="" htmr="" slags,="" as="" presented="" in="" table="" 1,="" are="" not="" significant),="" and="" (3)="" tendency="" of="" metals="" to="" remain="" bound="" in="" the="" slag="" matrix="" in="" a="" form="" that="" further="" reduces="" their="" bioavailability.="" therefore,="" epa="" evaluated="" four="" direct="" exposure="" pathways="" that="" were="" identified="" as="" being="" relevant="" based="" on="" the="" presence="" of="" metal="" contaminants="" in="" htmr="" slags="" and="" the="" uses="" of="" the="" material.="" the="" four="" direct="" exposure="" pathways="" of="" concern="" are:="">  air pathway: emission and dispersion of respirable 
    particulates (<10 microns="" in="" size);="">  groundwater pathway: release of contaminants to 
    subsurface soils and subsequent leaching into groundwater;
          surface water pathway: overland transport (via runoff and 
    soil erosion) of contaminants to surface water; and
          soil pathway: overland transport of contaminants via soil 
    erosion to offsite residential soils.
    In addition to these direct exposure pathways, EPA identified one 
    indirect exposure pathway with respect to potential release scenarios, 
    i.e., release of nonrespirable particulates (30 microns in size) 
    followed by deposition to soil.
        EPA did not model each of these four pathways for every source of 
    HTMR slags. The exposure pathways evaluated by EPA for each exposure 
    source/scenario are summarized in matrix form in Table 2. Only those 
    pathways relevant to a given source scenario were modeled for that 
    scenario. For example, as noted previously, direct air pathways for the 
    road subbase scenario were not evaluated because the subbase is 
    essentially a covered source that is not subject to wind erosion, 
    overland transport, or air dispersion. Similarly, EPA did not 
    explicitly include HTMR slags contained in cement or concrete/asphalt 
    mixtures for any of the exposure scenarios of concern.
      Table 2.--Exposure Pathways Evaluated for Sources/Scenarios Associated With the Use or Disposal of HTMR Slag  
                                                                   Exposure source/scenario                         
              Exposure pathway                             Top grade                                                
                                            Wastepile     andanti-skid   Slaglandfill     Subbase     Transportation
    Ground Water Ingestion..............  X              X              X1             X                            
    Surface Water.......................  X              X              X                                           
    Soil Ingestion......................  X              X              X                                           
    Air Deposition to Soil and Ingestion  X              X              X                                           
    Particulate Inhalation..............  X              X              X              .............  X             
    1Evaluated previously (see 57 FR 37194; August 18, 1992)                                                        
    5. Evaluation Criteria
        EPA used human health and ecological (aquatic) effects criteria to 
    evaluate levels of hazardous constituents in various media.
        a. Human Health--The human health reference values for the 
    constituents of concern includes carcinogenic slope factors (CSFs), 
    reference doses (RfDs), and reference concentrations (RfCs). The CSFs, 
    a measure of carcinogenic potency, were used for both the inhalation 
    and ingestion routes of exposure. The RfD is an estimate of the daily 
    intake of a substance, within an order of magnitude, to which the adult 
    human population (including sensitive subgroups) may be exposed without 
    any adverse noncarcinogenic effects. The RfC is the analog to the RfD 
    for inhalation exposure, although the RfC units are typically converted 
    to concentration (mg/m3), using default exposure assumptions for 
    breathing rate and body weight. Virtually all the reference values 
    (i.e., CSFs, RfDs, and RfCs) were obtained from the Integrated Risk 
    Information System (IRIS), EPA's primary source for verified human 
    health reference values. Reference values were also identified in the 
    Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables (HEAST). When no verified RfC 
    values were available, the RfC values were extrapolated from RfDs, 
    assuming that a 70 kg adult inhales 20 m3 of air per day. Based on 
    the human health reference values, the Agency calculated the reference 
    concentrations in Table 3 for soil, drinking water, and air. The table 
    includes Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for drinking water, when 
    available. The human health reference values, and the methods used to 
    calculate the reference concentrations, are summarized in the docket 
    for today's rule. Two constituents of concern, thallium and lead, did 
    not have reference values for ingestion or inhalation in either IRIS or 
    HEAST. The reference value (i.e., RfD) for thallium was estimated from 
    the lowest reference value of the thallium salts (e.g., thallium 
    sulfate, thallium nitrate). A reference value for lead is not available 
    at this time since Agency consensus has not been reached on how an RfD 
    or RfC should be calculated for lead. However, EPA has established 
    regulatory and recommended levels for lead in the various media, and 
    these are included in Table 3.
        b. Ecological (Aquatic) Receptors--A comparison of chemical 
    concentrations in surface water to their aquatic benchmarks was used to 
    determine if any given constituent would pose a threat to aquatic 
    organisms. Those chemicals whose surface water concentrations exceeded 
    their aquatic water quality criteria would be identified as 
    constituents of concern. The National Ambient Water Quality Criteria 
    (NAWQC) were selected as the ecological reference concentrations for 
    the protection of aquatic organisms (e.g., fish and daphnids). Since 
    NAWQC were not available for all constituents, alternate criteria or 
    advisory values were identified in the open literature. A complete 
    description of the methods used to estimate the advisory NAWQC may be 
    found in Toxicological Benchmarks for Screening of Potential 
    Contaminants of Concern for Effects on Aquatic Biota on the Oak Ridge 
    Reservation, Oak Ridge, Tennessee (Suter et al., 1992). Table 3 
    provides the NAWQC and advisory NAWQC for aquatic organisms for each of 
    the constituents of concern.
    6. Characterization of Risk
        The modeling results for the ground-water, surface water, soil, and 
    air pathways were compared to the reference concentrations for the 
    different media to assess the potential risk to human health and 
    aquatic receptors. The resulting risk ratios (i.e., media concentration 
    divided by reference concentration) were then evaluated to determine 
    whether any of the metals of concern in HTMR slag would pose 
    significant risks to humans or aquatic receptors for any of the 
    exposure scenarios evaluated.
            Table 3.--Reference Concentrations for Soil, Water, and Air for the HTMR Constituents of Concern        
                                                                   Reference                       Reference Surface
                                              Reference Soil     Drinking Water    Reference Air         Water      
                  Constituent                Concentration\1\  Concentrations\2\  Concentrations3  Concentrations\4\
                                                  (mg/kg)            (mg/L)          (ug/m\3\)            (mg/      
    Antimony...............................         3.2E+01              0.006          1.4E+00           0.018     
    Arsenic................................         9.7E-01              0.05           5.7E-04           0.190     
    Barium.................................         5.6E+03              2              5.0E-01           0.109     
    Beryllium..............................         4.0E+02              0.004          1.0E-03           0.00061   
    Cadmium................................         8.0E+01              0.005          1.4E-03           0.0011    
    Chromium III...........................         8.0E+04              0.1            3.5E+03           0.210     
    Chromium VI............................         4.0E+02              0.1            2.0E-04           0.011     
    Lead...................................         4.0E+02              0.015          1.5E-01           0.0032    
    Mercury................................         2.4E+01              0.002          3.0E-01           0.000012  
    Nickel.................................         1.6E+03              0.1            7.0E+01           0.160     
    Selenium...............................         4.0E+02              0.05           1.8E+01           0.035     
    Silver.................................         4.0E+02              0.18           1.8E+01           0.00039   
    Thallium...............................         6.4E+00              0.002          2.8E-01           0.0025    
    Zinc...................................         2.4E+04             10              1.1E+03           0.110     
    \1\RfDs and CSFs were used to calculate reference soil values, except for lead; the value for lead is a         
      recommended screening level for lead in soil for residential land use which is contained in the Agency's      
      interim soil lead guidance (this guidance suggests use of this screening level to identify sites that do not  
      require further study, and not as a clean up goal).                                                           
    \2\Reference values for drinking water are MCLs, when available; the values for thallium and zinc are based on  
      RfDs, and the value for lead is the action level.                                                             
    \3\Air reference values are based on CSFs or RfCs, when available; other values extrapolated from oral RfDs,    
      except for lead, which is based on 10% of the existing National Ambient Air Quality Standard.                 
    \4\Reference values are National Ambient water Quality Criteria (NAWQC) for aquatic toxicity, except for        
      antimony, barium, beryllium, silver, and thallium, which are based on advisory NAWQC (see Section IV.A.5.b.)  
    B. Results of Risk Assessment
        The results from EPA's very conservative risk assessment for the 
    relevant management practices and uses of HTMR slags indicate that 
    constituents of concern in HTMR slags pose little or no risk to human 
    health or the environment. Based on this assessment, no significant 
    risks were found for storage, transport, disposal, and encapsulated 
    uses of HTMR slags (use as subbase, as an ingredient in cement or 
    concrete/asphalt) that meet the generic exclusion levels. The non-
    encapsulated uses of HTMR slags (top grade and anti-skid uses) that 
    meet the generic exclusion levels showed the potential for some excess 
    risk (i.e., risk above 1x10-6). The risk analysis indicates that 
    direct inhalation exposure to arsenic from non-encapsulated uses may 
    present an excess risk of cancer of 2.9x10-6. In other words, a 
    maximum of approximately 3 additional cases of cancer would be 
    predicted per million people exposed to the arsenic in the slag used in 
    this manner. The results also suggest that areal deposition of arsenic 
    from these non-encapsulated uses and subsequent ingestion of 
    contaminated soil may also present a comparable excess risk of cancer 
    (2.7x10-6). None of the other metals evaluated posed any 
    significant increase in risk for these uses.
        These risks (from non-encapsulated uses) are at the low end of 
    EPA's risk range of 1x10-4 to 1x10-6. Furthermore, for this 
    assessment, EPA selected very conservative values for use in fate and 
    transport models and for exposure scenarios. If the risk assessment had 
    used a central tendency value (instead of a high-end value) for one of 
    the high-end exposure assumptions, then the calculated risks from these 
    uses would drop below the 1x10-6 level. For example, had the 
    Agency used a 9 year exposure period for an individual exposed instead 
    of the 30 year exposure period used in this risk calculation, the risk 
    from non-encapsulated uses would have dropped to 8.7x10-7 cancer 
    risk. This risk level is below the typical level of concern used by the 
    C. Changes to the Generic Exclusion Levels
        The generic exclusion levels promulgated for HTMR slags derived 
    from K061, K062, and F006 were based on the health-based levels and 
    MCLs in effect when the rule was put into place. Since then, the 
    drinking water standards (i.e., MCLs) for some constituents have 
    changed somewhat (see July 17, 1992, 57 FR 231776). Therefore, the 
    Agency is taking this opportunity to propose to update the exclusion 
    levels to reflect these changes. The original exclusion levels were 
    calculated by multiplying the MCLs by a dilution-attenuation factor of 
    10 (see August 18, 1992, 57 FR 37194). This factor is based on the 
    EPACML model (see July 18, 1991, 56 FR 32993 for a description of the 
    model used). Using this same factor, the new MCLs for antimony (0.006 
    mg/L) and beryllium (0.004 mg/L) would result in new generic exclusion 
    levels of 0.06 mg/L and 0.04 mg/L for antimony and beryllium, 
    respectively. Therefore, the Agency is proposing to replace the 
    existing exclusion levels in Sec. 261.3(c)(2)(ii)(C) for antimony and 
    beryllium with these values as part of today's rule. The Agency 
    promulgated an MCL for nickel in 1992. That regulatory standard was 
    challenged by a coalition of industry groups in a lawsuit filed in 
    September, 1992. See Nickel Development Institute et al. v. EPA, No. 
    92-1407, 1410, 1416 (D.C. Cir.). For the past two years, the Agency has 
    been involved in discussions with these industry parties in an effort 
    to resolve this litigation. Because of the uncertainties that currently 
    surround the outcome of this litigation over the nickel MCL, EPA 
    believes it is appropriate to consider alternative criteria to 
    establish the generic exclusion level for nickel. EPA considered using 
    the health-based level for nickel (0.7 mg/L) which is derived from the 
    existing RFD for nickel of 0.02 mg/kg/day (see IRIS). Based on the 
    calculations described in the above paragraph, this would result in a 
    generic exclusion level of 7 mg/L for nickel. The existing BDAT 
    treatment standard for nickel contained in the slags derived from HTMR 
    processing of K061, K062, and F006 wastes is 5 mg/L. Between these two 
    alternative criteria, EPA believes that it is appropriate to use the 
    lower (more conservative) BDAT standard at this time. Therefore, EPA is 
    proposing to replace the existing exclusion level in 
    Sec. 261.3(c)(2)(ii)(C) for nickel with the nickel BDAT treatment 
    standard of 5 mg/L.
    V. Conclusions
        Based on the results of the risk assessment, EPA is proposing that 
    HTMR slags that meet the generic exclusion levels in 
    Sec. 261.3(c)(2)(ii)(C) will be classified as nonhazardous waste, and 
    also allowed to be managed or used as described in this proposal.
        Furthermore, the Agency is also proposing to amend Sec. 266.20 so 
    that all uses constituting disposal of hazardous HTMR slag (i.e., HTMR 
    slag that does not meet the generic exclusion levels) are no longer 
    exempt from RCRA Subtitle C regulation. Because it is highly unlikely 
    that users of hazardous HTMR slag will choose to meet the stringent 
    requirements of Subtitle C, this change would effectively prohibit all 
    uses of slags that do not meet the generic exclusion levels. As a 
    consequence of the proposed changes to the generic exclusion in 
    Sec. 261.3(c)(2)(ii)(C), HTMR slags that are used as described in this 
    proposal would not be affected by the changes in Sec. 266.20, because 
    the HTMR slags used in these ways would not be hazardous waste 
    (provided the slags meet the generic exclusion levels and all of the 
    other requirements specified in Sec. 261.3(c)(2)(ii)(C)).
        Finally, as described in section IV.C above, the Agency is also 
    proposing to update the generic exclusion levels for changes in MCLs 
    for antimony, beryllium, and nickel.
    VI. Effective Date
        The Agency is proposing that this rule be effective six months 
    after the date of publication of the final rule. (See RCRA section 
    3010(a)). The Agency believes that this would provide sufficient time 
    for affected parties to comply with the proposed changes.
    VII. State Authority
    A. Applicability of Rule in Authorized States
        Under section 3006 of RCRA, EPA may authorize qualified States to 
    administer and enforce the RCRA program within the State. Following 
    authorization, EPA retains enforcement authority under sections 3008, 
    3013, and 7003 of RCRA, although authorized States have primary 
    enforcement responsibility. The standards and requirements for 
    authorization are found in 40 CFR part 271.
        Prior to the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984, a 
    State with final authorization administered its hazardous waste program 
    in lieu of EPA administering the Federal program in that State. The 
    Federal requirements no longer applied in the authorized State, and EPA 
    could not issue permits for any facilities that the State was 
    authorized to permit. When new, more stringent Federal requirements 
    were promulgated or enacted, the State was obliged to enact equivalent 
    authority within specified time frames. New Federal requirements did 
    not take effect in an authorized State until the State adopted the 
    requirements as State law.
        In contrast, under RCRA section 3006(g), new requirements and 
    prohibitions imposed by HSWA take effect in authorized States at the 
    same time that they take effect in nonauthorized States. EPA is 
    directed to carry out these requirements and prohibitions in authorized 
    States, including the issuance of permits, until the State is granted 
    authorization to do so. While States must still adopt HSWA-related 
    provisions as State law to retain final authorization, HSWA applies in 
    authorized States in the interim.
    B. Effect on State Authorization
        EPA views today's proposed rule as a HSWA regulation. The proposed 
    rule can be viewed as part of the process of establishing land disposal 
    prohibitions and treatment standards for K061, K062, and F006 hazardous 
    wastes. (See 56 FR 41175). The ultimate goal of the land disposal 
    prohibition provisions is to establish standards which minimize short-
    term and long-term threats to human health and the environment posed by 
    hazardous waste land disposal. (See RCRA section 3004(m)(l)). In 
    addition, EPA must ensure that land disposal of hazardous wastes K061, 
    K062, and F006 are ultimately protective. (See RCRA Sec. 3004(g)(5)). 
    The proposed exclusion levels would implement these provisions by 
    assuring that these types of land disposal are ultimately protective 
    and establish levels at which pretreatment minimizes the threats to 
    human health and the environment posed by these types of land disposal.
        Today's proposed rule will result in more stringent Federal 
    standards under Sec. 266.20, since it prohibits uses of hazardous HTMR 
    slags. Section 271.21(e)(2) requires that States that have final 
    authorization must modify their programs to reflect Federal program 
    changes and must subsequently submit the modifications to EPA for 
        Authorized States are only required to modify their programs when 
    EPA promulgates Federal regulations that are more stringent or broader 
    in scope than the existing Federal regulations. For those Federal 
    program changes that are less stringent or reduce the scope of the 
    Federal program, States are not required to modify their programs. This 
    is a result of section 3009 of RCRA, which allows States to impose 
    regulations in addition to those in the Federal program. EPA has 
    determined that the proposed changes to the generic exclusion are less 
    stringent or reduce the scope of the Federal program. Therefore, 
    authorized States are not required to modify their programs to adopt 
    regulations that are equivalent or substantially equivalent.
        States with authorized RCRA programs may already have requirements 
    similar to those in today's proposed rule. These State regulations have 
    not been assessed against the Federal regulations being proposed today 
    to determine whether they meet the tests for authorization. Thus, a 
    State is not authorized to implement these requirements in lieu of EPA 
    until the State program modifications are approved. Of course, States 
    with existing standards could continue to administer and enforce their 
    standards as a matter of State law. In implementing the Federal 
    program, EPA will work with States under agreements to minimize 
    duplication of efforts. In many cases, EPA will be able to defer to the 
    States in their efforts to implement their programs rather than take 
    separate actions under Federal authority.
    VIII. Regulatory Impact
    A. Executive Order 12866
        Under Executive Order 12866 (see 58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993), EPA 
    must determine whether the regulatory action is ``significant'' and 
    therefore subject to OMB review and the requirements of the Executive 
    Order. The order defines ``significant regulatory action'' as one that 
    is likely to result in a rule that may:
        (1) have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more or 
    adversely affect in a material way the economy, a sector of the 
    economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, public 
    health or safety, or State, local, or tribal governments or 
        (2) create a serious inconsistency or otherwise interfere with an 
    action taken or planned by another agency;
        (3) materially alter the budgetary impact of entitlements, grants, 
    user fees, or loan programs or the rights and obligations of recipients 
    thereof; or
        (4) raise novel legal or policy issues arising out of legal 
    mandates, the President's priorities, or the principles set forth in 
    the Executive Order.
        Pursuant to the terms of Executive Order 12866, it has been 
    determined that this rule is a ``significant regulatory action'' 
    because it raises novel policy issues in terms of defining when 
    products used in a manner constituting disposal should be regulated. As 
    such, this action was submitted to OMB for review. Changes made in 
    response to OMB suggestions or recommendations will be documented in 
    the public record.
    B. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq., 
    whenever an Agency is required to issue a general notice of rulemaking 
    for any proposed or final rule, it must prepare and make available for 
    public comment a regulatory flexibility analysis that describes the 
    impact of the rule on small entities (i.e., small businesses, small 
    organizations, and small governmental jurisdictions). No regulatory 
    flexibility analysis is required, however, if the head of the Agency 
    certifies that the rule will not have any impact on any small entities.
        This proposed rule will not have any impact on any small entities, 
    since the regulated community will continue to have readily available 
    options for using and managing HTMR slags. Therefore, pursuant to 
    section 605(b) of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, the Administrator 
    certifies that this regulation will not have a significant economic 
    impact on a substantial number of small entities. This regulation, 
    therefore, does not require a regulatory flexibility analysis.
    C. Paperwork Reduction Act
        The Agency has determined that there are no additional reporting, 
    notification, or recordkeeping provisions associated with this proposed 
    rule. Such provisions, were they included, would be submitted for 
    approval to OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et 
    List of Subjects
    40 CFR Part 261
        Environmental protection, Hazardous waste, Recycling, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements.
    40 CFR Part 266
        Energy, Hazardous waste, Recycling, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    40 CFR Part 268
        Hazardous waste, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
        Dated: December 16, 1994.
    Carol M. Browner,
        For the reasons set forth in the preamble, 40 CFR Chapter I is 
    amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 261 continues to read as 
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 6905, 6912(a), 6921, 6922, and 6938.
        2. Section 261.3 paragraphs (c)(2)(ii)(C)(1) and (c)(2)(ii)(C)(2) 
    are revised as follows:
    Sec. 261.3  Definition of hazardous waste.
        (c) * * *
        (2) * * *
        (ii) * * *
        (C)(1) Nonwastewater residues, such as slag, resulting from high 
    temperature metals recovery (HTMR) processing of K061, K062, and F006 
    waste, in units identified as rotary kilns, flame reactors, electric 
    furnaces, plasma arc furnaces, slag reactors, rotary hearth furnace/
    electric furnace combinations or industrial furnaces (as defined in 
    paragraphs (6), (7), and (13) of the definition for ``Industrial 
    furnace'' in 40 CFR 260.10)--provided that these residues meet the 
    generic exclusion levels identified in the tables in this paragraph for 
    all constituents, and exhibit no characteristics of hazardous waste and 
    are disposed in Subtitle D units, or used as covered subbase materials 
    (e.g., in construction of paved roads, parking lots, and driveways) or 
    as additive ingredients in cement or concrete/asphalt mixtures, or as 
    top-grade (e.g., surfacing material for roads, parking lots, and 
    driveways), or as anti-skid/deicing materials. Testing requirements 
    must be incorporated in a facility's waste analysis plan or a 
    generator's self-implementing waste analysis plan; at a minimum, 
    composite samples of residues must be collected and analyzed quarterly 
    and/or when the process or operation generating the waste changes. 
    Persons claiming this exclusion in an enforcement action will have the 
    burden of proving by clear and convincing evidence that the material 
    meets all of the exclusion requirements.
                                                                 Maximum for
                                                                 any single 
                            Constituent                           composite 
                    Generic exclusion level for K061 and K062               
                           nonwastewater HTMR residues                      
    Antimony..................................................         0.06 
    Arsenic...................................................         0.50 
    Barium....................................................         7.6  
    Beryllium.................................................         0.04 
    Cadmium...................................................         0.05 
    Chromium (total)..........................................         0.33 
    Lead......................................................         0.15 
    Mercury...................................................         0.009
    Nickel....................................................         5    
    Selenium..................................................         0.16 
    Silver....................................................         0.30 
    Thallium..................................................         0.02 
    Zinc......................................................        70    
                        Generic exclusion level for F006                    
                          nonwastewater HTMR residues                       
    Antimony..................................................         0.06 
    Arsenic...................................................         0.50 
    Barium....................................................         7.6  
    Beryllium.................................................         0.04 
    Cadmium...................................................         0.05 
    Chromium (total)..........................................         0.33 
    Cyanide (total) (mg/kg)...................................         1.8  
    Lead......................................................         0.15 
    Mercury...................................................         0.009
    Nickel....................................................         5    
    Selenium..................................................         0.16 
    Silver....................................................         0.30 
    Thallium..................................................         0.02 
    Zinc......................................................        70    
        (2) A one-time notification and certification must be placed in the 
    facility's files and sent to the EPA region or authorized state for 
    K061, K062, or F006 HTMR residues that meet the generic exclusion 
    levels for all constituents and do not exhibit any characteristics that 
    are sent to Subtitle D units, or used as described in paragraph 
    (c)(2)(ii)(C)(1). The notification and certification that is placed in 
    the generators or treaters files must be updated if the process or 
    operation generating the waste changes and/or if the subtitle D unit 
    receiving the waste changes. However, the generator or treater need 
    only notify the EPA region or an authorized state on an annual basis if 
    such changes occur. Such notification and certification should be sent 
    to the EPA region or authorized state by the end of the calendar year, 
    but no later than December 31. The notification must include the 
    following information: The name and address of the subtitle D unit 
    receiving the waste shipments; the EPA Hazardous Waste Number(s) and 
    treatability group(s) at the initial point of generation; and, the 
    treatment standards applicable to the waste at the initial point of 
    generation. The certification must be signed by an authorized 
    representative and must state as follows: ``I certify under penalty of 
    law that the generic exclusion levels for all constituents have been 
    met without impermissible dilution and that no characteristic of 
    hazardous waste is exhibited. I am aware that there are significant 
    penalties for submitting a false certification, including the 
    possibility of fine and imprisonment.
    * * * * *
        3. The authority citation for part 266 continues to read as 
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 6905, 6912(a), 6924, and 6934.
    Subpart C--Recyclable Materials Used in a Manner Constituting 
        4. Section 266.20 is amended by revising paragraph (c) to read as 
    Sec. 266.20  Applicability.
    * * * * *
        (c) Slags, generated from high temperature metals recovery (HTMR) 
    processing of hazardous waste K061, K062, and F006, that are used in a 
    manner constituting disposal are not covered by the exemption in 
    paragraph (b) of this section and remain subject to regulation. 
    However, these slags are not hazardous wastes if they meet the 
    concentration levels as specified in Sec. 261.3(c)(2)(ii)(C) and are 
    used or disposed of as specified in Sec. 261.3(c)(2)(ii)(C).
        5. The authority citation for part 268 continues to read as 
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 6905, 6912(a), 6921, and 6924.
        6. Table ``Treatment Standards for Hazardous Wastes'' in 
    Sec. 268.40 is amended by adding a footnote ``8'' at the end of the 
    table and in the second column in the table,''Waste Description and 
    Treatment/Regulatory Subcategory'', for waste codes F006, K061, and 
    K062 to read as follows:
    Sec. 268.40  Applicability of treatment standards.
        \8\See also restrictions on use of slags in Sec. 261.3(c)(2)(ii)(C) 
    and Sec. 266.20(c).
    [FR Doc. 94-31617 Filed 12-28-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Proposed rule and request for comment.
Document Number:
EPA will accept public comments on this proposed rule until February 13, 1995. Comments postmarked after this date will be marked ``late'' and may not be considered.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: December 29, 1994, SW-FRL-5127-2
2050-AE15: Standards for the Management and Use of Slag Residues Derived from High Temperature Metals Recovery (HTMR) Treatment of KO61, KO62 and F006 Wastes
RIN Links:
CFR: (3)
40 CFR 261.3
40 CFR 266.20
40 CFR 268.40