97-33640. Inspection and Certification Fees and Charges  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 248 (Monday, December 29, 1997)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 67585-67588]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-33640]
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    50 CFR Part 260
    [Docket No. 971128280-7280-01; I.D. 090997C]
    Inspection and Certification Fees and Charges
    AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
    Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
    ACTION: Notice of inspection fees.
    SUMMARY: NMFS announces changes in its fees and charges for voluntary 
    fishery products inspection, grading, and certification services. NMFS 
    increased the basic fee for full-time in-plant inspection services by 
    $1.95, making the hourly rate $44.40. This fee reflects increases in 
    salary and includes a 3-percent base salary increase and varying 
    locality pay increases effective January 1998. NMFS is continuing its 
    separate fee structure for facilities with less than full-time contract 
    DATES: These fee changes are effective on December 29, 1997.
    [[Page 67586]]
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Richard V. Cano, Chief, Seafood 
    Inspection Division, 301-713-2355.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 (7 
    U.S.C. 1621-1627) authorizes the voluntary fishery products inspection, 
    grading, and certification program, as well as ``assessment and 
    collection of such fees as will be reasonable and as nearly as may be 
    to cover the cost of the service rendered.'' Reorganization Plan No. 4 
    of 1970 delegated these authorities to NMFS. Regulations at 50 CFR 
    260.70 authorize the Secretary of Commerce to review and revise 
    annually the rates for voluntary fishery products inspection, grading, 
    and certification services by publishing a notice of fee changes in the 
    Federal Register. NMFS' annual review of the projected income and costs 
    for its various services serves as the basis for determining the fees 
    as set forth below.
        Effective October 1, 1997, the National Seafood Inspection Program 
    (Program) increased the basic fee for full-time in-plant inspection 
    services by $1.95, making the hourly rate $44.40. This fee reflects 
    increases in salary, general operating, and overhead costs that are 
    charged by NMFS and NOAA.
        The basic fee will continue to apply to establishments contracting 
    for 40 hours of inspection service per week. However, to recover 
    estimated additional costs associated with servicing contract 
    establishments receiving less than full-time inspection services, the 
    fee for establishments with Type 1 and Type 3 contracts from 25 to 39 
    hours per week will be 5 percent above the basic fee; and for 
    establishments with contracts less than 25 hours per week, the fee will 
    be 10 percent above the basic fee.
        NMFS' annual analysis of the actual costs and projected revenue for 
    Type 2 and Type 3 services indicates that these fees are determined by 
    adding factors of 60 and 35 percent, respectively, to the Type 1 
    service fee. Similarly, to ensure cost recovery, the fee for the Hazard 
    Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)-based service is calculated by 
    adding a factor of 65 percent to the Type 1 service fee.
        Users of in-plant (Type 1) services are advised that the Program 
    will charge for certain label reviews. There is a mechanism to permit 
    pre-approval on labels reviewed by facilities that have demonstrated an 
    adequate understanding of basic labeling requirements and proper use of 
    the Program's marks. Charges for label review will be assessed at the 
    consultative rate to those facilities not given pre-approval authority.
        The Program will continue to require that new users of inspection 
    services, except label review services, that are not under contract 
    prepay via certified check, money order, Master Card or VISA, or 
    maintain a surety (bond or check) equivalent to 3 months of estimated 
    inspection services. Current users not under contract that have a 
    record of late or nonpayment as determined by each Regional Inspection 
    Branch will also be required to prepay or submit a surety. Prepayment 
    is recommended for all non-contract users.
        Effective October 1, 1997, the fees and charges for Type 1, 2, and 
    3 fishery products inspection services (except Alaska) are as follows.
                                                                   Per hour 
                     a. Type 1--In-Plant Inspection Services                
    Non-HACCP 40 Hr/Wk Contracts:                                           
        Regular time...........................................       $44.40
        Overtime...............................................        66.60
        Sunday and legal holidays..............................        88.80
    Non-HACCP 25-39 Hr/Wk Contracts:                                        
        Regular time...........................................        46.62
        Overtime...............................................        69.93
        Sunday and legal holidays..............................        93.24
    Non-HACCP <25 hr/wk="" contracts:="" regular="" time...........................................="" 48.84="" overtime...............................................="" 73.26="" sunday="" and="" legal="" holidays..............................="" 97.68="" haccp="" contracts:="" regular="" time...........................................="" 73.26="" overtime...............................................="" 109.89="" sunday="" and="" legal="" holidays..............................="" 146.52="" ------------------------------------------------------------------------="" b.="" type="" 2--lot="" inspection--officially="" and="" unofficially="" drawn="" samples="" ------------------------------------------------------------------------="" regular="" time...........................................="" $71.04="" overtime...............................................="" 106.56="" sunday="" and="" legal="" holidays..............................="" 142.08="" ------------------------------------------------------------------------="" c.="" type="" 3--miscellaneous="" inspection="" and="" consultative="" services="" ------------------------------------------------------------------------="" 40="" hr/wk="" contracts:="" regular="" time...........................................="" $59.94="" overtime...............................................="" 89.91="" sunday="" and="" legal="" holidays..............................="" 119.88="" 25-39="" hr/wk="" contracts:="" regular="" time...........................................="" 62.94="" overtime...............................................="" 94.41="" sunday="" and="" legal="" holidays..............................="" 125.87="" under="" 25="" hr/wk="" contracts="" and="" non-contract="" consultative="" services:="" regular="" time...........................................="" 65.93="" overtime...............................................="" 98.90="" sunday="" and="" legal="" holidays..............................="" 131.87="" ------------------------------------------------------------------------="" [[page="" 67587]]="" the="" basis="" for="" determining="" the="" appropriate="" fee="" to="" be="" charged="" is="" as="" follows:="" a.="" type="" 1--in-plant="" inspection="" services="" 1.="" regular="" time--services="" provided="" during="" any="" 8-hour="" shift.="" 2.="" overtime--services="" provided="" in="" excess="" of="" 8="" hours="" per="" shift="" per="" day.="" in="" addition="" to="" any="" hourly="" service="" charge,="" a="" night="" differential="" fee="" of="" $2.25="" per="" hour="" will="" be="" charged="" for="" each="" hour="" of="" service="" provided="" after="" 6="" p.m.="" and="" before="" 6="" a.m.="" similarly,="" a="" sunday="" differential="" fee="" of="" $5.75="" per="" hour="" will="" be="" charged="" for="" each="" hour="" of="" service="" provided="" between="" midnight="" saturday="" and="" midnight="" sunday.="" a="" cost="" of="" living="" allowance="" (cola)="" fee="" of="" $2.25="" per="" hour="" will="" be="" charged="" for="" services="" in="" puerto="" rico;="" $5.75="" per="" hour="" will="" be="" charged="" for="" services="" in="" american="" samoa="" and="" alaska.="" b.="" type="" 2="" and="" 3--lot="" inspection="" and="" miscellaneous="" services="" 1.="" regular="" time--services="" provided="" within="" the="" inspector's="" normal="" work="" schedule,="" monday="" through="" friday.="" 2.="" overtime--services="" provided="" outside="" the="" inspector's="" normal="" work="" schedule,="" monday="" through="" friday,="" and="" on="" saturdays.="" it="" is="" the="" intent="" of="" the="" authorizing="" legislation="" and="" the="" policy="" of="" the="" program="" to="" charge="" fees="" to="" recover,="" as="" nearly="" as="" possible,="" the="" costs="" of="" providing="" inspection="" services.="" therefore,="" the="" hourly="" rates="" charged="" to="" contract="" lot="" inspection="" users="" who="" provide="" complete="" and="" acceptable="" inspection="" facilities="" will="" be="" those="" delineated="" under="" type="" 1.="" in="" all="" other="" cases,="" contract="" lot="" inspection="" users="" will="" be="" charged="" type="" 3="" rates.="" analytical="" services="" applicants="" requesting="" specific="" analyses="" to="" be="" performed="" in="" a="" nmfs="" laboratory="" will="" be="" charged="" at="" the="" following="" rates.="" shipping="" costs="" for="" samples="" will="" also="" be="" assessed.="" analyses="" performed="" in="" a="" private="" laboratory="" will="" be="" charged="" at="" the="" current="" rate="" of="" that="" laboratory.="" charges="" based="" on="" these="" fees="" will="" be="" in="" addition="" to="" any="" hourly="" rates="" charged="" for="" lot,="" miscellaneous,="" and="" consultative="" inspection="" service="" as="" well="" as="" to="" any="" hourly="" rates="" charged="" for="" inspection="" services="" provided="" under="" a="" contract.="" ------------------------------------------------------------------------="" per="" analysis="" ------------------------------------------------------------------------="" microbiology="" ------------------------------------------------------------------------="" total="" aerobic="" plate="" count..................="" $19.00.="" presumptive="" coliform.......................="" 15.00.="" confirmed="" total/fecal="" coliforms............="" 15.00="" additional.="" e.="" coli....................................="" 15.00="" additional.="" staph.="" aureus..............................="" 54.00.="" salmonella="" bam="" method:="" step="" 1.................................="" 40.00.="" step="" 2.................................="" 18.00="" additional.="" step="" 3.................................="" 26.00="" additional.="" listeria:="" presumptive............................="" 28.00.="" confirmed..............................="" 42.00.="" chemistry:="" histamine..............................="" 120.00.="" indole.................................="" 90.00.="" ammonia................................="" 66.00.="" sodium="" bisulfite.......................="" 108.00.="" isoelectric="" focusing:="" (species="" 108.00.="" identification)="" methylmercury..............................="" 225.00.="" chlorinated="" pesticides.....................="" 300.00.="" polychlorinated="" biphenyls..................="" 300.00.="" domoic="" acid................................="" 90.00.="" ------------------------------------------------------------------------="" bioassay="" ------------------------------------------------------------------------="" paralytic="" shellfish="" poison:="" (minimum="" of="" 3="" 150.00="" per="" sample="" samples)="" ------------------------------------------------------------------------="" notes="" on="" analytical="" services="" sampling="" time="" and="" travel="" time="" where="" applicable="" will="" be="" assessed="" using="" the="" type="" 2="" rates.="" mileage="" costs="" will="" be="" assessed="" at="" the="" current="" rate.="" for="" other="" analyses="" not="" shown="" or="" not="" frequently="" requested,="" the="" charge="" will="" be="" assessed="" at="" the="" type="" 3="" hourly="" rate="" of="" $65.93="" (2-hour="" minimum)="" or="" separately="" established="" based="" on="" the="" particular="" issues="" of="" the="" case="" involved.="" all="" charges="" are="" per="" sample.="" charges="" for="" services="" provided="" in="" alaska="" by="" nmfs="" inspectors="" will="" be="" at="" the="" rates="" specified="" below,="" plus="" cost="" of="" living="" allowances.="" the="" rates="" outlined="" below="" for="" the="" state="" of="" alaska="" are="" for="" services="" provided="" by="" cross-licensed="" state="" of="" alaska="" inspectors.="" the="" rates="" charged="" in="" the="" state="" of="" alaska="" are="" subject="" to="" change="" based="" on="" information="" supplied="" by="" the="" alaska="" department="" of="" environmental="" conservation.="" [[page="" 67588]]="" state="" of="" alaska="" ------------------------------------------------------------------------="" southeast="" &="" aleutian="" south="" chain,="" central,="" remainder="" bristol="" anchorage,="" of="" alaska,="" bay,="" kenai,="" including="" dillingham="" juneau,="" kodiak="" (per="" hour)="" ketchikan="" (per="" hour)="" (per="" hour)="" ------------------------------------------------------------------------="" type="" 1:="" non-haccp:="" regular="" time.............="" $55.88="" $46.10="" $49.38="" overtime.................="" 83.82="" 69.15="" 74.07="" sunday/holiday...........="" 111.76="" 92.20="" 98.76="" haccp:="" regular="" time.............="" 83.82="" 69.15="" 74.07="" overtime.................="" 125.75="" 103.73="" 111.05="" sunday/holiday...........="" 167.64="" 138.30="" 148.14="" type="" 2:="" regular="" time.................="" 95.00="" 78.37="" 83.95="" overtime.....................="" 142.50="" 117.56="" 125.92="" sunday/holiday...............="" 190.00="" 156.74="" 167.90="" type="" 3:="" regular="" time.................="" 83.82="" 69.15="" 74.07="" overtime.....................="" 125.73="" 103.74="" 111.11="" sunday/holiday...............="" 167.64="" 138.03="" 148.14="" ------------------------------------------------------------------------="" a.="" classification="" under="" executive="" order="" 12866="" this="" action="" is="" taken="" under="" the="" authority="" of="" 50="" cfr="" 260.70="" and="" has="" been="" determined="" to="" be="" not="" significant="" for="" purposes="" of="" e.o.="" 12866.="" b.="" regulatory="" flexibility="" act="" analysis="" the="" provisions="" of="" the="" administrative="" procedure="" act="" (5="" u.s.c.="" 553)="" requiring="" notice="" of="" proposed="" rulemaking,="" the="" opportunity="" for="" public="" participation,="" and="" delayed="" effectiveness="" are="" inapplicable="" because="" this="" rule="" falls="" within="" the="" proprietary="" exception="" of="" subparagraph="" (a)(2)="" of="" section="" 553.="" further,="" no="" other="" law="" requires="" that="" a="" notice="" of="" proposed="" rulemaking="" and="" an="" opportunity="" for="" public="" comment="" be="" given="" for="" this="" rule.="" because="" a="" notice="" of="" proposed="" rulemaking="" and="" an="" opportunity="" for="" public="" comment="" are="" not="" required="" to="" be="" given="" for="" this="" rule="" under="" 5="" u.s.c.="" 553="" or="" by="" any="" other="" law,="" the="" requirements="" of="" the="" regulatory="" flexibility="" act="" (5="" u.s.c.="" 601="" et="" seq.)="" are="" not="" applicable.="" c.="" paperwork="" reduction="" act="" of="" 1980="" these="" regulations="" will="" impose="" no="" information="" collection="" requirements="" subject="" to="" the="" paperwork="" reduction="" act="" of="" 1980.="" d.="" e.o.="" 12612="" this="" rule="" does="" not="" contain="" policies="" with="" sufficient="" federalism="" implications="" to="" warrant="" preparation="" of="" a="" federalism="" assessment="" under="" executive="" order="" 12612.="" list="" of="" subjects="" in="" 50="" cfr="" part="" 260="" food="" grades="" and="" standards,="" food="" labeling,="" seafood.="" authority:="" 16="" u.s.c.="" 742e="" and="" 7="" u.s.c.="" 1622,="" 1624.="" dated:="" december="" 17,="" 1997.="" david="" l.="" evans,="" deputy="" assistant="" administrator="" for="" fisheries,="" national="" marine="" fisheries="" service.="" [fr="" doc.="" 97-33640="" filed="" 12-24-97;="" 8:45="" am]="" billing="" code="" 3510-22-p="">

Document Information

Effective Date:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Entry Type:
Notice of inspection fees.
Document Number:
These fee changes are effective on December 29, 1997.
67585-67588 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 971128280-7280-01, I.D. 090997C
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
50 CFR 260