97-31707. Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Bycatch Rate Standards for the First Half of 1998  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 232 (Wednesday, December 3, 1997)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 63878-63880]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-31707]
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    50 CFR Part 679
    [Docket No. 961107312-7021-02; I.D. 112497E]
    Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Bycatch Rate 
    Standards for the First Half of 1998
    AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
    Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
    ACTION: Pacific halibut and red king crab bycatch rate standards; 
    request for comments.
    SUMMARY: NMFS announces Pacific halibut and red king crab bycatch rate 
    standards for the first half of 1998. Publication of these bycatch rate 
    standards is necessary under regulations implementing the vessel 
    incentive program. This action is necessary to implement the bycatch 
    rate standards for trawl vessel operators who participate in the Alaska 
    groundfish trawl fisheries. The intent of this action is to reduce 
    prohibited species bycatch rates and promote conservation of groundfish 
    and other fishery resources.
    DATES: Effective 1201 hours, Alaska local time (A.l.t.), January 20, 
    1998, through 2400 hours, A.l.t., June 30, 1998. Comments on this 
    action must be received at the following address no later than 4:30 
    p.m., A.l.t., January 2, 1998.
    ADDRESSES: Comments should be mailed to the Assistant Regional 
    Administrator, Sustainable Fisheries Division, NMFS, P.O. Box 21668, 
    Juneau, AK 99802-1668, Attn: Lori Gravel; or be delivered to 709 West 
    9th Street, Federal Building, Room 401, Juneau, AK.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Alan Kinsolving, 907-586-7228.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The domestic groundfish fisheries in the 
    exclusive economic zone of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands 
    management area (BSAI) and Gulf of Alaska (GOA) are managed by NMFS 
    according to the Fishery Management Plan for the Groundfish Fishery of 
    the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Area and the Fishery Management 
    Plan for Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska (FMPs). The FMPs were 
    prepared by the North Pacific Fishery Management Council (Council) 
    under the authority of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and 
    Management Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act) and are implemented by 
    regulations governing the U.S. groundfish fisheries at 50 CFR part 679.
        Regulations at Sec. 679.21(f) implement a vessel incentive program 
    to reduce halibut and red king crab bycatch rates in the groundfish 
    trawl fisheries. Under the incentive program, operators of trawl 
    vessels may not exceed Pacific halibut bycatch rate standards specified 
    for the BSAI and GOA midwater pollock and ``other trawl'' fisheries, 
    and the BSAI yellowfin sole and ``bottom pollock'' fisheries. Vessel 
    operators also may not exceed red king crab bycatch standards specified 
    for the BSAI yellowfin sole and ``other trawl'' fisheries in Bycatch 
    Limitation Zone 1 (defined in Sec. 679.2). The fisheries included under 
    the incentive program are defined in regulations at Sec. 679.21(f)(2).
        Regulations at Sec. 679.21(f)(3) require that halibut and red king 
    crab bycatch rate standards for each fishery included under the 
    incentive program be published in the Federal Register. The standards 
    are in effect for specified seasons within the 6-month periods of 
    January 1 through June 30, and July 1 through December 31. Because the 
    Alaskan groundfish fisheries are closed to trawling from January 1 to 
    January 20 of each year (Sec. 679.23(c)), the Administrator, Alaska 
    Region, NMFS (Regional Administrator) is promulgating bycatch rate 
    standards for the first half of 1998 effective from January 20, 1998, 
    through June 30, 1998.
        As required by Sec. 679.21(f)(4), bycatch rate standards are based 
    on the following information:
        (A) Previous years' average observed bycatch rates;
        (B) Immediately preceding season's average observed bycatch rates;
    [[Page 63879]]
        (C) The bycatch allowances and associated fishery closures 
    specified under Secs. 679.20 and 675.21;
        (D) Anticipated groundfish harvests;
        (E) Anticipated seasonal distribution of fishing effort for 
    groundfish; and
        (F) Other information and criteria deemed relevant by the Regional 
        At its September 1997 meeting, the Council reviewed halibut and red 
    king crab bycatch rates experienced by vessels participating in the 
    fisheries under the incentive program during 1993-1997. Based on this 
    and other information presented below, the Council recommended halibut 
    and red king crab bycatch rate standards for the first half of 1998. 
    These standards are unchanged from those specified for the past 4 
    years. The Council's recommended bycatch rate standards are listed in 
    Table 1.
     Table 1.--Bycatch Rate Standards, By Fishery and Quarter, for the First
      Half of 1998 for Purposes of the Vessel Incentive Program in the BSAI 
                                     and GOA                                
                          Fishery and quarter                          1998 
    Halibut bycatch rate standards (kilogram (kg) of halibut/metric         
                      ton (mt) of groundfish catch                          
    BSAI Midwater pollock:                                                  
        Qt 1.......................................................      1.0
        Qt 2.......................................................      1.0
    BSAI Bottom pollock:                                                    
        Qt 1.......................................................      7.5
        Qt 2.......................................................      5.0
    BSAI Yellowfin sole:                                                    
        Qt 1.......................................................      5.0
        Qt 2.......................................................      5.0
    BSAI Other trawl:                                                       
        Qt 1.......................................................     30.0
        Qt 2.......................................................     30.0
    GOA Midwater pollock:                                                   
        Qt 1.......................................................      1.0
        Qt 2.......................................................      1.0
    GOA Other trawl:                                                        
        Qt 1.......................................................     40.0
        Qt 2.......................................................     40.0
     Zone 1 red king crab bycatch rate standards (number of crab/mt         
                          of groundfish catch)                              
    BSAI yellowfin sole:                                                    
        Qt 1.......................................................      2.5
        Qt 2.......................................................      2.5
    BSAI Other trawl:                                                       
        Qt 1.......................................................      2.5
        Qt 2.......................................................     2.5 
    \1\ 1998 bycatch rate standard.                                         
    Bycatch Rate Standards for Pacific Halibut
        As in past years, the halibut bycatch rate standard recommended for 
    the BSAI and GOA midwater pollock fisheries (1 kg halibut/mt of 
    groundfish) is higher than the bycatch rates normally experienced by 
    vessels participating in these fisheries. The recommended standard is 
    intended to encourage vessel operators to maintain off-bottom trawl 
    operations and limit further bycatch of halibut in the pollock fishery 
    when halibut bycatch restrictions at Sec. 679.21 prohibit directed 
    fishing for pollock by vessels using non-pelagic trawl gear.
        The recommended halibut bycatch rate standards for the BSAI 
    ``bottom pollock'' fishery continue to approximate the average annual 
    rates observed on trawl vessels participating in this fishery during 
    1993 (7.49 kg halibut/mt groundfish). Though the average bycatch rate 
    has decreased since that time, the recommended halibut bycatch rate 
    standards remain at a relatively high level to discourage unacceptably 
    high halibut bycatch rates. During the first quarter of 1997, the 
    average halibut bycatch rate in this fishery was only 1.35 kg halibut/
    mt groundfish. The pollock roe season begins January 20 and ends April 
    15. In 1997, the inshore and offshore component fisheries for pollock 
    were closed 3 to 8 weeks prior to April 15, depending on the processing 
    component and area. Directed fishing for pollock by the inshore and 
    offshore component fisheries did not reopen until September 1, the 
    start of the pollock nonroe season. Directed fishing for pollock by 
    vessels participating in the community development quota program could 
    continue after the end of roe season. However, the community 
    development quota pollock fishery did not resume until just prior to 
    September 1. As in past years, the directed fishing allowances 
    specified for the 1998 pollock roe season likely will be reached before 
    the end of the roe season on April 15.
        Data available on halibut bycatch rates in the yellowfin sole 
    fishery during the first and second quarters of 1997 showed an average 
    bycatch rate of 6.1 and 5.0 kg halibut/mt of groundfish, respectively. 
    As in past years, the Council has presumed that a bycatch rate standard 
    of 5.0 kg halibut/mt of groundfish for the yellowfin sole fishery will 
    continue to encourage vessel operators to take action to avoid 
    excessively high bycatch rates of halibut.
        For the ``other trawl'' fisheries, a 30-kg halibut/mt of groundfish 
    bycatch rate standard was recommended for the BSAI and a 40-kg halibut/
    mt of groundfish bycatch rate standard was recommended for the GOA. 
    Observer data collected from the 1997 BSAI ``other trawl'' fishery show 
    first and second quarter halibut bycatch rates of 8.9 and 10.1 kg 
    halibut/mt of groundfish, respectively. Observer data collected from 
    the 1997 GOA ``other trawl'' fishery show first and second quarter 
    halibut bycatch rates of 20.3 and 63.7 kg halibut/mt of groundfish, 
        With the exception of the GOA second quarter ``other trawl'' 
    fishery, the average bycatch rates experienced by vessels participating 
    in the GOA and BSAI ``other trawl'' fisheries generally have been lower 
    than the Council's recommended bycatch rate standards for these 
    fisheries. The Council determined that its recommended halibut bycatch 
    rate standards for the ``other trawl'' fisheries, including the second 
    quarter GOA fishery, would continue to provide an incentive to vessel 
    operators to avoid unusually high halibut bycatch rates while 
    participating in these fisheries and contribute towards an overall 
    reduction in halibut bycatch rates experienced in the Alaska trawl 
    fisheries. Furthermore, these standards would provide some leniency to 
    those vessel operators that choose to use large mesh trawl gear as a 
    means to reduce groundfish discard amounts. The bycatch rates of 
    halibut and crab could increase for those vessels using large mesh 
    sizes, but observer data do not exist on which to base a revised 
    bycatch rate standard. The Council recommended maintaining the current 
    bycatch rate standards for the ``other trawl'' fisheries until observer 
    data becomes available that would provide a basis for bycatch rate 
    standards for vessels using large mesh trawl gear.
    Bycatch Rate Standards for Red King Crab
        For the BSAI yellowfin sole and ``other trawl'' fisheries in Zone 1 
    of the Bering Sea subarea, the Council's recommended red king crab 
    bycatch rate standard is 2.5 crab/mt of groundfish. This standard is 
    unchanged since 1992. The red king crab bycatch rates experienced by 
    the yellowfin sole fishery in Zone 1 during the first and second 
    quarters of 1997 averaged 0.07 and 0.13 crab/mt of groundfish, 
    respectively. The average bycatch rates of red king crab experienced in 
    the ``other trawl'' fishery during the first and second quarter of 1997 
    were 0.40 and 0.02 crab/mt groundfish, respectively. The low 1997 red 
    king crab bycatch rates primarily were due to trawl closures in Zone 1 
    that were implemented to reduce red king crab bycatch. The yellowfin 
    sole and Pacific cod fisheries were closed in Zone 1 on May 13 and 
    April 23, respectively,
    [[Page 63880]]
    because C. bairdi Tanner crab bycatch allowances were reached.
        During 1997 through October, the total bycatch of red king crab by 
    vessels participating in the yellowfin sole and ``other trawl'' 
    fisheries is estimated at 48,000 crab, considerably less than the 
    100,000 red king crab bycatch limit established for the trawl fisheries 
    in Zone 1. NMFS anticipates that the 1998 red king crab bycatch rates 
    in Zone 1 will be similar to those experienced in 1997 and that the red 
    king crab bycatch limit will remain unchanged.
        In spite of anticipated 1998 red king crab bycatch rates being 
    significantly lower than 2.5 red king crab/mt of groundfish, the 
    Council recommended the red king crab bycatch rate standards be 
    maintained at this level to avoid unusually high crab bycatch rates 
    while providing some leniency to those vessel operators who choose to 
    use large mesh trawl gear as a means to reduce groundfish discard 
        The Regional Administrator has determined that Council 
    recommendations for bycatch rate standards are appropriately based on 
    the information and considerations necessary for such determinations 
    under Sec. 679.21(f). Therefore, the Regional Administrator concurs in 
    the Council's determinations and recommendations for halibut and red 
    king crab bycatch rate standards for the first half of 1998 as set 
    forth in Table 1. These bycatch rate standards may be revised and 
    published in the Federal Register when deemed appropriate by the 
    Regional Administrator pending his consideration of the information set 
    forth at Sec. 679.21(f)(4).
        As required in Sec. 679.2 and Sec. 679.21(f)(5), the 1998 fishing 
    months are specified as the following periods for purposes of 
    calculating vessel bycatch rates under the incentive program:
    Month 1: January 1 through January 31;
    Month 2: February 1 through February 28;
    Month 3: March 1 through March 28;
    Month 4: March 29 through May 2;
    Month 5: May 3 through May 30;
    Month 6: May 31 through June 27;
    Month 7: June 28 through August 1;
    Month 8: August 2 through August 29;
    Month 9: August 30 through October 3;
    Month 10: October 4 through October 31;
    Month 11: November 1 through November 28; and
    Month 12: November 29 through December 31.
        This action is taken under 50 CFR 679.21(f) and is exempt from OMB 
    review under E.O. 12866.
        Authority: 16 U.S.C. 773 et seq., 1801 et seq. and 3631 et seq.
        Dated: November 26, 1997.
    Bruce C. Morehead,
    Acting Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, National Marine 
    Fisheries Service.
    [FR Doc. 97-31707 Filed 12-2-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3510-22-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Entry Type:
Pacific halibut and red king crab bycatch rate standards; request for comments.
Document Number:
Effective 1201 hours, Alaska local time (A.l.t.), January 20, 1998, through 2400 hours, A.l.t., June 30, 1998. Comments on this
63878-63880 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 961107312-7021-02, I.D. 112497E
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
50 CFR 679