[Federal Register Volume 61, Number 251 (Monday, December 30, 1996)]
[Pages 68743-68745]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 96-33141]
Science Advisory Board; Notification of Public Advisory Committee
Meetings; January 1997
Pursuant to the Federal Advisory Committee Act, Public Law 92-463,
notice is hereby given that several committees of the Science Advisory
Board (SAB) will meet on the dates and times described below. All times
noted are Eastern Time. All meetings are open to the public, however,
seating is limited and available on a first come basis. Documents that
are the subject of SAB reviews are normally available from the
originating EPA office and are not available from the SAB Office.
Public drafts of SAB reports are available to the Agency and the public
from the SAB office. Details on availability are noted below.
1. Executive Committee (EC)
The Science Advisory Board's (SAB's) Executive Committee (EC) will
conduct a public meeting on Wednesday and Thursday, January 15-16,
1997. The meeting will convene at 8:30 am in the Administrator's
Conference Room 1103--West Tower of the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency Headquarters Building at 401 M Street SW, Washington, DC 20460,
and adjourn no later than 5:30 pm each day.
At this meeting, the Executive Committee will receive updates from
its committees and subcommittees concerning their recent and planned
activities. As part of these updates, some committees will present
draft reports for Executive Committee review and approval. Expected
drafts include: (a) Disinfection Byproducts Research Plan Review Report
(Drinking Water Committee); and (b) Marsh Management Report (Ecological
Processes and Effects Committee)
The Post-Report Activities Subcommittee, appointed by the Chair
following the last meeting, will present recommendations to guide SAB
members' behavior as it relates to discussing SAB reports once they
have been transmitted to the Administrator.
Other items currently on the agenda include the following:
(a) Discussions with Agency officials: (1) Ms. Jeanie Nelson,
Counsel to the Administrator, subject: Impact of the SAB's Beyond the
Horizon Report on EPA programs; and (2) Dr. Penny Fenner-Crisp,
subject: Activities of the Food Quality Protection Act Advisory
Committee, and Activities of the Advisory Committee on Endocrine
(b) A Consultation on the assessment of Peer Review at EPA.
(c) On Wednesday afternoon, a subset of the Executive Committee
will function as a ``Lookout Panel'' by meeting with leaders of the
Agency's Office of Pesticides Program to consider different 20-year
scenarios of the future.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Any member of the public wishing
further information concerning the meeting or who wishes to submit
comments should contact Dr. Donald G. Barnes, Designated Federal
Official for the Executive Committee, Science Advisory Board (1400),
U.S. EPA, Washington, DC 20460, phone (202)-260-4126; fax (202)-260-
9232; or via Email at: [email protected] Copies of the draft
meeting agenda and available draft reports listed above can be obtained
from Ms. Priscilla Tillery-Gadson at the above phone and fax numbers or
via the Internet at: [email protected]
2. Integrated Risk Project: Risk Reduction Options Subcommittee (RROS)
The Risk Reduction Options Subcommittee (RROS) of the Science
Advisory Board's (SAB) Integrated Risk Project (IRP) will meet Thursday
and Friday, January 16-17, 1997. Through the courtesy of the School of
Public Policy the meeting will be held in Press Room A (conference
room) and Skyboxes 21, 22 and 23 (breakout rooms) in the Bill Moore
Student Success Center, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta GA.
The meeting will begin at 8:30 am Thursday and end by 5:00 pm Friday.
The Student Success Center is located between the stadium and Tech
Tower just north of North Avenue, off the main entrance to Georgia
Tech. To reach the Success Center from North Avenue, go up the stairs
immediately before the pedestrian overpass on North Avenue. To reach
the Student Success Center from MARTA (the subway), get off at the
North Avenue stop, and walk west on North Avenue until you reach the
pedestrian overpass (just before the main entrance to Tech), go up the
stairs. The Student Success Center is the first building on the right
after crossing the lawn at the top of the stairs. It is attached to the
stadium, to the west of the Wardlaw Center.
Purpose of the Meeting: The main purpose of the meeting is to discuss
and test a draft methodology for developing risk reduction options for
environmental problems. The Subcommittee's activities are part of an
SAB project to update the 1990 SAB report, Reducing Risk: Setting
Priorities and Strategies for Environmental Protection. In a letter
dated October 25, 1995, to Dr. Matanoski, Chair of the SAB Executive
Committee, Deputy Administrator Fred Hansen charged the SAB to: (a)
Develop an updated ranking of the relative risk of different
environmental problems based upon explicit scientific criteria; (b)
provide an assessment of techniques and criteria that could be used to
discriminate among emerging environmental risks and identify those that
merit serious, near-term Agency attention; (c) assess the potential for
risk reduction and propose alternative technical risk reduction
strategies for the environmental problems identified; and (d) identify
the uncertainties and data quality issues associated with the relative
rankings. The project is being conducted by several SAB panels,
including RROS, working at the direction of an ad hoc Steering
[[Page 68744]]
Committee established by the Executive Committee.
Further Information: An agenda and a roster can be obtained from the
Subcommittee Secretary, Mrs. Dorothy Clark, tel. (202) 260-8414, fax
(202) 260-7118, or Email
[email protected]
Members of the public desiring additional information about the meeting
should contact Mrs. Kathleen Conway, Designated Federal Official, Risk
Reduction Options Subcommittee, Science Advisory Board (1400), U.S.
EPA, 401 M Street, SW, Washington, DC 20460; telephone/voice mail at
(202) 260-2558; fax at (202) 260-7118; or via Email at
[email protected]
Members of the public who wish to make a brief oral presentation to
the Committee must contact Mrs. Conway in writing (by letter or by
fax--see previously stated information) no later than 12 noon Eastern
Time, Wednesday, January 8, 1997 in order to be included on the Agenda.
Public comments will be limited to five minutes per speaker or
organization. The request should identify the name of the individual
who will make the presentation, the organization (if any) they will
represent, any requirements for audio visual equipment (e.g., overhead
projector, 35mm projector, chalkboard, etc), and at least 35 copies of
an outline of the issues to be addressed or the presentation itself.
3. Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual
(MARSSIM) Review Subcommittee (MARSSIMRS) of the Radiation Advisory
Committee (RAC)
The Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual
(MARSSIM) Review Subcommittee (MARSSIMRS) of the Science Advisory
Board's (SAB's) Radiation Advisory Committee (RAC), will review the
technical basis of the draft Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site
Investigation Manual (MARSSIM), dated December 1996 in a public meeting
on Wednesday, January 22 and Thursday, January 23, 1997. The meeting
will begin at 9:00 am on Wednesday, January 22, 1997 and end no later
than 5:00 pm Thursday, January 23, 1996. On the morning of the first
and second day of the meeting, Wednesday, January 22, 1997 and
Thursday, January 23, 1997, the MARSSIMRS will meet in South Conference
Room No. 4 from 9:00 am. to 12:00 noon at the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency Headquarters Building, 401 M Street, SW, Washington,
D.C. 20460. On the afternoon of each day January 22 and 23, 1996, from
1:00 pm to 5:00 pm, the MARSSIMRS Workgroups will meet in ``break-out''
sessions for each of three MARSSIMRS workgroups in South Conference
Room Numbers 8, 10, and 12, and may also utilize the Science Advisory
Board Conference Room 2103 in Waterside Mall, depending on space needs
at that time. Workgroup No. 1 will deal with Integration Issues,
Workgroup No. 2 will deal with Monitoring, and Workgroup No. 3 will
deal with Statistics. The Subcommittee previously met on July 31 and
August 1, 1996 (See Federal Register Vol. 61, No. 123, Tuesday, June
25, 1996, pages 32796-32798) to plan for the upcoming review.
The charge to the Subcommittee is as follows: (a) Is the overall
approach to the planning, data acquisition, data assessment, and data
interpretation as described in the MARSSIM technically acceptable? (b)
Are the methods and assumptions for demonstrating compliance with a
dose- or risk-based regulation technically acceptable?
Are the hypothesis and statistical tests and their method of
application appropriate?
The draft document being reviewed by the MARSSIMRS at this meeting
is the draft MARSSIM Manual, dated December 1996. Copies of this draft
document are available from the originating EPA office (see below) and
are not available from the SAB Office. The EPA document number is EPA
402-R-96-018. A limited supply of single copies of this document will
be available at no cost at the meeting on January 22 and 23, 1997. This
document will also be available via the INTERNET at http://www.epa.gov/ radiation/cleanup around mid-December. This EPA document will also be
available from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) in
this same time-frame (mid-December) for a fee. The NTIS document number
is NTIS-PB97-117659. The NTIS sales desk is open between 8:30 am and
5:00 pm Eastern Time, Monday through Friday at (703) 487-4650. For the
hearing impaired, call (703) 487-4639. For RUSH service (which entails
an additional fee), call 1-800-NTIS. Fax orders can be sent to (703)
321-8547. To order by mail, send orders to: NTIS, 5285 Port Royal Road,
Springfield, VA 22161. The background documents that support this
review, as well as the draft MARSSIM, dated December 1996 (EPA draft
document number EPA 402-R-96-018; also referred to as NUREG-1575)) will
be available in the Agency's Air and Radiation Docket around mid-
December. Please address written inquiries as follows: USEPA, Attn: Air
and Radiation Docket, Mail Stop 6102, Air Docket No. A-96-44, Room
M1500, First Floor, Waterside Mall, 401 M Street, SW, Washington, DC
20460. The docket may be inspected from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday
through Friday, excluding Federal holidays, in Room M1500. A reasonable
fee may be charged for copies of docket materials. Inquiries regarding
access to the public information docket should be directed to Mr. Mark
Doehnert, ORIA Staff at (202) 233-9386. To discuss technical aspects of
the draft document or any supporting or background information, please
contact Mr. Doehnert, Radiation Protection Division (6603J), Office of
Radiation and Indoor Air (ORIA), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
401 M Street, SW, Washington, DC 20460, tel. (202) 233-9386; FAX (202)
233-9650; Email at [email protected]
Members of the public who wish to make a brief oral presentation at
this meeting must contact Mrs. Diana L. Pozun in writing (via fax or
letter), Staff Secretary, in writing via fax (202) 260-7118 or Email
[email protected]) no later than noon, Eastern Time on
Wednesday, January 15, 1997, in order to have time reserved on the
agenda. For a copy of the proposed agenda, please contact Ms. Pozun at
the numbers given above. For questions regarding technical issues to be
discussed, please contact Dr. K. Jack Kooyoomjian, Designated Federal
Official, Science Advisory Board (1400), US EPA, 401 M Street, SW,
Washington DC 20460, by telephone at (202) 260-2560, fax at (202) 260-
7118, or via the Email at: [email protected]
4. Radiation Advisory Committee (RAC)
The Radiation Advisory Committee (RAC) of the Science Advisory
Board (SAB) will conduct a planning, coordination and review meeting on
Friday, January 24, 1997 from 9:00 a.m. and ending no later than 3:00
p.m. that day. The RAC last met on July 31 & August 1, 1996 (See
Federal Register Vol. 61, No. 123, Tuesday, June 25, 1996, pages 32796-
32798). The meeting will take place at the Washington Information
Center Conference Room No. 17. If additional space is needed, the RAC
may also utilize the Science Advisory Board Conference Room 2103 at the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Headquarters Building, 401 M
Street, SW, Washington, D.C. 20460. Additional space needs will be
[[Page 68745]]
determined at the time of the meeting. Expected topics include the
following: an update on the recently initiated MARSSIM review;
discussions on the Office of Radiation and Indoor Air (ORIA) efforts to
revise the NORM (Naturally-Occurring Radioactive Material) Draft
Scoping Document; an update on the status of the Biological Effects of
Ionizing Radiation (BEIR) VI study and the scoping study for BEIR VII,
a briefing on the conclusions of the National Academy of Science review
of the risk of Electro-Magnetic Fields (EMF), and continued discussion
on ORIA's radon activities. Other topics will be reviewed as time
To discuss technical aspects of the ORIA projects, or any
supporting or background information, please contact Mr. Brian
Littleton, (6601J), Office of Radiation and Indoor Air (ORIA), U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M Street, SW, Washington, D.C.
20460, tel. (202) 233-9216; fax (202) 233-9651; or Email:
[email protected]
Members of the public who wish to make a brief oral presentation at
this meeting must contact Mrs. Diana L. Pozun, Staff Secretary, in
writing (via fax or letter) fax (202) 260-7118 or Email
[email protected]) no later than noon eastern time Wednesday,
January 15, 1997, in order to have time reserved on the agenda. For a
copy of the proposed agenda, please contact Ms. Pozun at the numbers
given above. For questions regarding technical issues to be discussed,
please contact Dr. K. Jack Kooyoomjian, Designated Federal Official,
Science Advisory Board (1400), US EPA, 401 M Street, SW, Washington DC
20460, tel. (202) 260-2560, fax (202) 260-7118, or via Email at:
[email protected]
Providing Oral or Written Comments at SAB Meetings
The Science Advisory Board expects that public statements presented
at its meetings will not be repetitive of previously submitted oral or
written statements. In general, for meetings, opportunities for oral
comment will usually be limited to no more than five minutes per
speaker and no more than thirty minutes total. Written comments (at
least 35 copies) received in the SAB Staff Office sufficiently prior to
a meeting date (usually one week before the meeting), may be mailed to
the relevant SAB committee or subcommittee; comments received too close
to the meeting date will normally be provided to the committee at its
meeting. Written comments may be provided to the relevant committee or
subcommittee up until the time of the meeting.
Information concerning the Science Advisory Board, its structure,
function, and composition, may be found in The FY1996 Annual Report of
the Staff Director which is available from the SAB Committee Evaluation
and Support Staff (CESS) by contacting US EPA, Science Advisory Board
(1400), Attention: CESS, 401 M Street, SW, Washington, DC 20460 or via
fax (202) 260-1889. Additional information concerning the SAB can be
found on the SAB Home Page at: HTTP://WWW.EPA/SCIENCE1/.
Dated: December 23, 1996.
Donald G. Barnes,
Staff Director, Science Advisory Board.
[FR Doc. 96-33141 Filed 12-27-96; 8:45 am]