97-33740. Total Mercury and Particulate Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems; Measurement of Low Level Particulate Emissions; Implementation at Hazardous Waste Combustors; Proposed RuleNotice of Data Availability and Request for Comments  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 249 (Tuesday, December 30, 1997)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 67788-67818]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-33740]
    40 CFR Parts 60 and 63
    Total Mercury and Particulate Continuous Emissions Monitoring 
    Systems; Measurement of Low Level Particulate Emissions; Implementation 
    at Hazardous Waste Combustors; Proposed Rule--Notice of Data 
    Availability and Request for Comments
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Notice of data availability and request for comments.
    SUMMARY: This announcement is a notice of data availability and 
    invitation for comment on the following reports pertaining to total 
    mercury and particulate continuous emissions monitoring systems: DRAFT: 
    Total Mercury CEMS Demonstration, Summary Table, dated December 1997; 
    and DRAFT: Particulate Matter CEMS Demonstration, Volume I (with 
    appendices), dated December 1997. EPA proposed requiring these monitors 
    for hazardous waste combustors in the hazardous waste combustor 
    proposed rule published on April 19, 1996. In addition, this document 
    discusses topics for implementing particulate matter continuous 
    emissions monitoring systems at hazardous waste combustors.
        Readers should note that only comments about new information 
    discussed in this document will be considered. Issues related to the 
    April 19, 1996, proposed rule and subsequent documents that are not 
    directly affected by the documents or data referenced in this Notice of 
    Data Availability are not open for further comment.
    DATES: Written comments on these documents and this document must be 
    submitted by January 29, 1998.
    ADDRESSES: Commenters must send an original and two copies of their 
    comments referencing Docket Number F-97-CS6A-FFFFF to: RCRA Docket 
    Information Center, Office of Solid Waste (5305G), U.S. Environmental 
    Protection Agency Headquarters (EPA, HQ), 401 M Street, SW, Washington, 
    D.C. 20460. Comments may also be submitted electronically through the 
    Internet to: rcra-docket@epamail.epa.gov. Comments in electronic format 
    should also be identified by the docket number F-97-CS6A-FFFFF. All 
    electronic comments must be submitted as an ASCII file avoiding the use 
    of special characters and any form of encryption. Commenters should not 
    submit electronically any confidential business information (CBI). An 
    original and two copies of the CBI must be submitted under separate 
    cover to: RCRA CBI Document Control Officer, OSW (5305W), 401 M Street, 
    SW, Washington D.C. 20460.
        For other information regarding submitting comments electronically, 
    viewing the comments received, and supporting information, please refer 
    to the proposed rule (61 FR 17358 (April 19, 1996)). The RCRA 
    Information Center is located at Crystal Gateway One, 1235 Jefferson 
    Davis Highway, First Floor, Arlington, Virginia and is open for public 
    inspection and copying of supporting information for RCRA rules from 
    9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except for Federal 
    holidays. The public must make an appointment to view docket materials 
    by calling (703) 603-9230. The public may copy a maximum of 100 pages 
    from any regulatory document at no cost. Additional copies cost $0.15 
    per page.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For general information, call the RCRA 
    Hotline at 1-800-424-9346 or TDD 1-800-553-7672 (hearing impaired) 
    including directions on how to access some of the documents and data 
    referred to in this notice electronically. Callers within the 
    Washington Metropolitan Area must dial 703-412-9810 or TDD 703-412-3323 
    (hearing impaired). The RCRA Hotline is open Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. 
    to 6:00 p.m., Eastern Time.
        The documents referred to in this notice are available over the 
    Internet. The documents can be accessed by typing the following 
    universal resource locator (URL):
        This URL provides a home page through which all electronically 
    available documents can be downloaded. The Technology Transfer Network 
    (TTN) also provides a link to this page. CEMS information is available 
    on TTN at the following URL:
        The home page contains links to the files that are available 
    electronically. The files are in an executable, compressed format to 
    [[Page 67789]]
    downloading. Once extracted, each compressed file may result in more 
    than one decompressed file. The reports are in Adobe 
    Acrobat, PDF format. The reader should note that 
    figures, diagrams, and appendices may not be available electronically 
    or may only be available in other formats.
        For other information regarding the information contained in 
    Sections I, II, IV, and V of this notice, contact Mr. Scott Postma, 
    (5302W), Office of Solid Waste, 401 M Street, SW, Washington, D.C. 
    20460, phone (703) 308-6120, E-MAIL: postma.scott@epamail.epa.gov. For 
    information regarding Section III of this notice, contact Mr. H. Scott 
    Rauenzahn (5302W), Office of Solid Waste, 401 M Street, SW, Washington, 
    D.C. 20460, phone (703) 308-8477, e-mail: 
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On April 19, 1996, EPA proposed revised 
    standards (herein referred to as ``the proposed rule'') for hazardous 
    waste combustors (HWCs, i.e., incinerators and cement and lightweight 
    aggregate kilns that burn hazardous waste). See 61 FR 17358. Comments 
    received from the public in response to the proposed rule are found in 
    RCRA docket F-96-RCSP-FFFFF.
        A previous notice of data availability (NODA), published on March 
    21, 1997, gave the public the opportunity to review the Agency's 
    approach to demonstrating CEMS for HWCs. This previous NODA is herein 
    referred to as ``the first CEMS NODA'' or ``CEMS NODA 1.'' See 62 FR 
    13776. Comments received from the public in response to the first CEMS 
    NODA are found in RCRA docket F-97-CS3A-FFFFF.
        Readers should note that a separate docket was established for this 
    document. See the Addresses section above for more information.
    Table of Contents
    I.  Introduction and Background
    II.  The Hg CEMS Demonstration Tests
    III.  The PM CEMS Demonstration Tests
        A.  PM performance Specification (PS) 11 Levels
        1.  Revised Specification Levels for the Correlation 
    Coefficient, Confidence Interval, and Tolerance Interval
        2.  Data Availability
        3.  Data Quality Objectives: New Procedures to Appendix F of 40 
    CFR Part 60
        B.  Manual Method Accuracy
        1.  Modification of the Filter Recovery Process
        2.  Improved Sample Collection
        3.  Elimination of Contamination
        4.  Improved Sample Analysis
        5.  Comparison of M5 and M5i Method Precision
        6.  Paired Data
        C.  Transferability of These Demonstration Test Results to Other 
    HWC Sources
    IV.  PM CEMS: Implementation and Compliance
        A.  PM CEMS Compliance Schedule
        B.  PM CEMS Operating Parameter Limit
        1.  Introduction
        2.  Data Excluded from Calculating the PM CEMS Operating 
    Parameter Limit
        3.  Determining the Normality of the Data
        4.  Averaging Periods for the PM CEMS Operating Parameter Limit
        5.  Options for Calculating the PM CEMS Operating Parameter 
        a.  Using rank statistics to calculate the PM CEMS-based 
    operating parameter limit at one, fixed averaging period
        b.  The traditional standard setting approach
        6.  Consideration of a Variance Procedure to Project a Higher PM 
    CEMS Operating Parameter Limit
        a.  HAPs for which PM control is necessary to ensure compliance
        b.  Projecting a higher PM CEMS operating parameter limit 
    considering the ratio of the standard to the measured level of a HAP
        c.  Ensuring that the higher projected PM CEMS operating 
    parameter limit does not exceed the MACT PM standard
        d.  Establishing revised operating parameter limits for the PM 
    control device corresponding to the higher projected PM CEMS 
    operating parameter limit
        e.  Implementing the variance
        7.  EPA's PM CEMS Testing to Identify a CEMS-Based Emission 
    Level Achievable by MACT-Controlled Sources
        C.  RCA Test Frequency
        D.  Extrapolating PM CEMS Calibration Data
        1.  Extrapolating Light-Scattering PM CEMS Calibration Data
        2.  Extrapolation of Beta-gage Calibration Data
        E.  Need to Calibrate to Twice the Emission Standard
        F.  Allowing PM CEMS to be Used In-lieu of Method 5 Tests
        G.  Waivers from the PM CEMS Requirements
        1.  Waiver of PM and Hg CEMS Requirements for Small On-Site 
        2.  PM CEMS Waiver for Sources with Short Life-Spans
        3.  Other Sources
    V. Other Issues Concerning CEMS and Test Methods for HWCs
        A.  Performance Specifications for Optional CEMS
        B.  Stack Sampling Test Methods
    I. Introduction and Background
        In the proposed rule, EPA proposed that continuous emissions 
    monitoring systems (CEMS) be used for compliance with the HWC total 
    mercury (Hg) and particulate matter (PM) standards. See 61 FR at 17426 
    and 17435. To require CEMS for compliance the Agency, among other 
    things, must determine that the CEMS are commercially available and 
    have been demonstrated to meet certain performance specifications. To 
    make these determinations, the Agency tested various Hg and PM CEMS 
    being marketed in the U.S. and Europe. The first CEMS NODA described 
    the approach EPA is using to demonstrate the feasibility of PM and Hg 
    CEMS and requested comment on certain technical issues arising from 
    this program. This testing is now complete. Today the Agency is 
    providing notice of an opportunity to comment on the following 
    documents resulting from these CEMS demonstration test program: DRAFT: 
    Total Mercury CEMS Demonstration, Summary Table, dated December 1997; 
    and DRAFT: Particulate Matter CEMS Demonstration, Volume I (with 
    appendices), dated December 1997.
        The remainder of this notice describes important information 
    bearing upon how the reports' results relate to EPA's approach to 
    demonstrating Hg and PM CEMS and how PM CEMS could be used for 
    compliance. Many of these issues were raised by commenters in response 
    to CEMS NODA 1 and the proposed rule. The reader is referred to the 
    referenced documents for specific information regarding the Hg and PM 
    CEMS demonstration test program and the comments cited here.
    II. The Hg CEMS Demonstration Tests
        EPA seeks comment on the document DRAFT: Total Mercury CEMS 
    Demonstration, Summary Table, dated December 1997, provided in the 
    above referenced docket for this NODA. This table summarizes results 
    from the Hg CEMS demonstration tests EPA conducted.
        In summary, the Agency found certain aspects of the testing program 
    revealed substantial problems regarding the measurement of the Hg CEMS 
    accuracy and precision. EPA found it difficult to dynamically spike 
    known amounts of mercury (in the elemental and ionic form) and obtain 
    manual method and Hg CEMS measurements that agree at the test source. 
    As a result, the Agency now believes it has not sufficiently 
    demonstrated the viability of Hg CEMS as a compliance tool at all 
    hazardous waste combustors and should not require their use. 
    Nonetheless, EPA still believes Hg CEMS can and will work at some 
    sources but does not have sufficient confidence that all HWC conditions 
    are conducive to proper operation of the Hg CEMS tested. Facilities 
    should have the choice of using Hg CEMS if desired so long as the
    [[Page 67790]]
    permitting agency approves on a site-specific basis the Hg CEMS and its 
    site-specific performance specifications. See a related issue in 
    section V.A. of this NODA regarding the implementation of optional 
    III. The PM CEMS Demonstration Tests
        This section describes the report DRAFT: Particulate Matter CEMS 
    Demonstration, Volume I (with appendices), dated December 1997, 
    contained in the docket identified in the Addresses section, above. EPA 
    issued previous notices asking vendors to participate in this program 
    (see 61 FR 7232, February 27, 1996) and to allow the public to comment 
    on the Agency's approach to demonstrating these monitors (see 62 FR 
    13775, March 21, 1997). Since this could represent the first time EPA 
    requires PM CEMS for compliance at stationary sources, the technical 
    discussion contained in this section is expected to have general 
    applicability beyond sources that burn hazardous waste. In particular, 
    EPA invites comment from all parties concerning the following documents 
    attached to this notice: Method 5I for the determination of low level 
    particulate emissions; Performance Specification 11 for PM CEMS; and 
    Quality Assurance Requirements for PM CEMS.
    A. PM Performance Specification (PS) 11 Levels
        In CEMS NODA 1, the Agency stated it intended to loosen the 
    proposed PM CEMS Performance Specification (PS) 11 to reflect what was 
    achievable by the monitors during this demonstration test. The test was 
    designed to be a reasonable worst case investigation of what 
    performance (relative to the proposed PS11) the monitors could achieve. 
    Many comments received in response to CEMS NODA 1 stated that the 
    proposed performance specifications were not sufficiently stringent and 
    opposed loosening the specification levels.
        Concurrent with the Agency's invitation in CEMS NODA 1 to comment 
    on our approach to demonstrate PM CEMS, EPA determined that much of the 
    variability in the calibration curves resulted from inaccuracies in 
    performing the manual method, Method 5 (M5). Since the fundamental 
    approach in PS11 involves correlating manual method results to PM CEMS 
    outputs, the PS11 statistical results reflected this variability in the 
    manual method. Consequently, EPA undertook a systematic effort to 
    identify and remove this error from the manual method measurement 
    process. Manual method improvements were developed and observed, and 
    performance specification results for the PM CEMS improved as a result. 
    (See a related discussion in section III.B, below, regarding these 
    improvements to the manual method.)
    1. Revised Specification Levels for the Correlation Coefficient, 
    Confidence Interval, and Tolerance Interval
        As a result of comments on CEMS NODA 1, EPA decided to accept a 
    slightly modified version of the more stringent International Standards 
    Organization (ISO) specification 10155 for PM CEMS. Four of the five PM 
    CEMS tested during the PM CEMS demonstration tests were able to meet 
    all three performance specifications (i.e., those for the correlation 
    coefficient (r), confidence interval (CI), and Tolerance Interval (TI)) 
    at all three of the emissions levels discussed in the May 2, 1997, NODA 
    as alternatives to the proposed emissions standards (69 mg/dscm for 
    cement kilns, 50 mg/dscm for light-weight aggregate kilns, and 34 mg/
    dscm for hazardous waste incinerators.) See 62 FR 24212 for a 
    discussion of those alternative emissions standards. One technology, an 
    extractive light-scattering technology, did not meet all the 
    performance specification levels at all of the alternative 
    standards.1 Since EPA must show that at least one 
    commercially available PM CEMS can meet the proposed performance 
    specification, the fact that 4 of the 5 monitors were able to meet 
    these performance levels under reasonable worst-case test conditions 
    adequately shows that the modified specification levels are achievable. 
    The revised performance specification levels are presented in Table 1, 
        \1\ This technology did meet 10 of the 14 specification 
             Table 1: Revised Performance Specifications for PM CEMS        
                                                     Confidence   Tolerance 
                Correlation coefficient               interval     interval 
    0.90                                            10%  25%
        As previously stated, these performance levels are nearly identical 
    to the ISO specification for PM CEMS. The only major difference between 
    these and the ISO specification levels is the correlation coefficient, 
    which is 0.95 in ISO 10155 and 0.90 in the modified PS11. This is 
    acceptable since the correlation coefficient does not directly relate 
    to measurement error while the confidence and tolerance intervals 
    do.2 The revised PS11 also requires that a minimum of 15 
    runs be used for the calibration while the ISO specification requires 
    only 9 runs. The ISO specification is also vague regarding the PM 
    concentration ranges required for a calibration. The revised PS11 
    stipulates three ranges: 0 to 30, 30 to 60, and 60 to 100% of the 
    facility's range of PM emissions.
        \2\ The correlation coefficient is defined as the ratio 
    Sxy divided by the square root of the quantity 
    Sxx times Syy. Sxy is a measurement 
    of error as x relates to y, while Sxx and Syy 
    are a reflection of the range of the data set. As a result, the 
    correlation coefficient is not as useful a tool to evaluate 
    measurement error as the correlation and tolerance intervals. This 
    is particularly true as the correlation coefficient approaches 1.
    2. Data Availability
        EPA had proposed that PM CEMS be used at all times that hazardous 
    waste is in the unit. See 61 FR at 17441. Commenters to the proposed 
    rule did not view this favorably. They said this proposal is equivalent 
    to a 100% data availability requirement for PM CEMS. Commenters stated 
    that this requirement is not achievable since all mechanical devices 
    fail at some point, often without warning. They said a data 
    availability requirement in the 85, 90, or 95% range would be more 
    acceptable. Commenters suggested that when the PM CEMS were not 
    available, the PM-related operating parameter limits EPA proposed 
    should be used in place of the PM CEMS.
        EPA largely agrees with this comment. The PM CEMS demonstration 
    tests show that a 100% data availability requirement is not achievable 
    for all PM CEMS in all instances. The Agency also agrees that when PM 
    CEMS are not operating, it is reasonable to provide for some back-up 
    compliance system in lieu of requiring sources to either stop burning 
    hazardous waste or have a back-up PM CEMS available. The PM APCD 
    operating parameters proposed in the event there is no PM CEMS 
    requirement are a good starting point for identifying such a back-up 
    system. See the discussion later in this section for more information 
    on this issue.
        Based on these demonstration tests and the comments received, EPA 
    concludes that a 95% data availability requirement is achievable for 
    most PM CEMS. Therefore, EPA intends that PM CEMS be used 95% of the 
    time for compliance. However, there are useful technologies that cannot 
    meet this 95% data availability requirement. This data availability 
    requirement should be relaxed in certain instances. For instance, beta-
    gages did not meet the 95% data availability requirement during the PM 
    CEMS tests. EPA believes beta-gages, with their relatively superior
    [[Page 67791]]
    performance and ability to measure PM emissions at truly wet stacks 
    (i.e., those with entrained water droplets in the stack gas), will be 
    useful at some sources for compliance. Therefore, EPA will consider an 
    85% data availability requirement for beta-gage technology PM 
    CEMS.3 The Agency anticipates other case-by-case 
    determinations will be made in the future as more is learned about the 
    performance, benefits, and data availability limitations of other PM 
    CEMS technologies.
        \3\ One of the beta gage PM CEMS experienced a 74% data 
    availability during the PM CEMS demonstration test program. Much of 
    the additional downtime was because no U.S.-based technicians were 
    fully trained to service this instrument during this program and 
    parts and personnel had to be brought to the U.S. Once EPA requires 
    a new technology, such as PM CEMS, the market for that new 
    technology is expected to mature in the US similar to how one exists 
    overseas. As a result, data availability will be better than what 
    was experienced here.
        Finally, EPA believes that increasing the amount of PM data 
    available will enable sources to improve their understanding and better 
    define the relationship between operating parameters and emission 
    levels. EPA is aware of two relevant examples which are described here. 
    The first one is an ongoing cooperative effort with industry, 
    regulatory agencies, and the local public. This effort is focused on a 
    venturi scrubber-controlled lime kiln at a pulp and paper plant where 
    testing is being conducted to evaluate the feasibility of a predictive 
    emission monitoring system (PEMS). Following preliminary measurements 
    and an experimentally designed test matrix, 595 Method 5 runs were 
    performed over a wide variety of process and scrubber operating 
    conditions, and PM emission levels. A correlation coefficient above 0.9 
    was obtained in correlating PM emission levels with 54 operating 
    parameters. In comparison, use of PM CEMS represents a powerful tool 
    for accumulating much data at a cost that is far less than performing 
    hundreds of Method 5 runs. As a result, PM CEMS allow for a cost-
    effective way to implement a PM PEMS model than making hundreds of 
    Method 5 measurements.
        The second example directly relates to the first. The Electric 
    Power Research Institute (EPRI) has already produced a means to 
    characterize and correlate PM emissions with operating conditions at 
    coal-fired utility boilers. PM emissions from utility boilers are 
    similar to HWCs in that their emissions are affected by a complexity of 
    variations from a number of fuel and feed characteristics, combustor 
    operations, and electrostatic precipitator (ESP) operations. As in the 
    lime kiln case mentioned above, use of PM CEMS represents a more 
    powerful tool for accumulating and correlating vast amounts of PM 
    emission data with PM-related operating parameters at a cost that is 
    far less than performing a large number of Method 5 runs.
        These two examples, therefore, lead EPA to believe that a PM CEMS 
    requirement will allow HWC facilities to better define what PM APCD 
    operating parameter limits correspond to a given PM emissions 
    concentration. As a result, the Agency encourages HWC facilities to use 
    PM CEMS data to better define what operating parameters correspond to 
    compliance with a facility's PM CEMS limit. The site-specific limit is 
    discussed further in section IV.B. of this notice.
    3. Data Quality Objectives: New Procedure 2 to Appendix F of 40 CFR 
    Part 60
        EPA intends to expand the ISO specification to include certain data 
    quality objectives. For example, PM CEMS routinely and automatically 
    check and correct their raw outputs to compensate for phenomena such as 
    ``fogging'' of the optics and drift of the measurement signal. A large 
    and sudden auto correction is indicative of the need to perform 
    maintenance on the PM CEMS. To address this concern, EPA intends to 
    include certain data quality objectives such as: The (PM CEMS internal) 
    calibration drift not exceed 8% during any drift check; the (PM CEMS 
    internal) calibration drift not exceed more than 4% per day for five 
    consecutive days; and the automated (PM CEMS internal) calibration 
    drift adjustment not exceed 2% for five consecutive days.
        These data quality criteria would appear in a new Procedure 2 of 
    Appendix F to 40 CFR part 60. Just as Procedure 1 of Appendix F deals 
    with data quality objectives for gaseous CEMS for other CAA rules (CEMS 
    such as NOX and SOX), Procedure 2 would address 
    data quality objectives for PM CEMS. Procedure 2 would also include the 
    following data quality objectives: treatment of ``flagged data;'' PM 
    CEMS automatic zero and calibration span requirements; conduct of the 
    Absolute Calibration Audit and the quality of the standards used for 
    these audits; sample volume audit requirements for extractive systems; 
    relative calibration audit (RCA) requirements; the treatment of audit 
    failures; how manual method paired data outliers (see the CEMS NODA 1, 
    62 FR at 13780) are handled; definition of ``out-of-control'' 
    situations; and how facilities are to respond to these ``out-of-
    control'' situations. See Procedure 2 (which appears at the end of this 
    notice) and the draft final PM CEMS Demonstration Test Report for more 
    information regarding these requirements and Procedure 2.
    B. Manual Method Accuracy
        One outgrowth of these PM CEMS demonstration tests is that EPA has 
    made significant improvements in making Method 5 particulate 
    measurements. As previously mentioned, the calibration process for PM 
    CEMS involves correlating PM CEMS outputs to manual method results. 
    High variability in the manual method results will negatively affect 
    the PS11 calibration statistics. Therefore, one important way to 
    improve PS11 statistics is to improve the way manual method 
    measurements are made. These improvements involve the use of a new 
    Method 5I (M5i) for low level PM emissions. M5i consists of the 
    following improvements: improved sample collection; elimination of 
    possible contamination; and improved sample analysis. Each will be 
    discussed in the following paragraphs. M5i will be instrumental in 
    correlating PM CEMS outputs to manual method results. EPA also expects 
    this new method will be preferred in all cases where low level (i.e., 
    below 45 mg/dscm [ cents0.02 gr/dscf]) measurements are 
    required. In practice, this means that M5i is expected to become the 
    standard method for most HWCs and many other MACT sources. EPA expects 
    many of the improvements in M5i can and will be implemented whenever 
    Method 5 (collectively, including Method 5, 5A, ..., 5H) is used to 
    make particulate measurements.
        M5i is almost identical to the traditional M5. Differences are 
    discussed below. We also present a comparison of the precision of M5i 
    (which fully implements these improvements) and the traditional M5 
    (which largely does not use these improvements) and discuss the need 
    for and handling of paired M5 data.
    1. Modification of the Filter Recovery Process
        One way M5i differs from the traditional M5 is through the use of a 
    light-weight and integrated filter and filter assembly that can be 
    tared and weighed together. This improves M5 by eliminating the filter 
    recovery step. The filter recovery step can be a significant source of 
    measurement error at some sources. In some cases as the filter dries, 
    the filter adheres itself to the filter assembly. Recovery of the 
    filter then involves scraping the filter off the filter assembly 
    leaving some of the filter (and sample) on the filter assembly or 
    otherwise losing it to the environment. In other cases, the filter 
    [[Page 67792]]
    process can lead to the loss of sample to the environment as light-
    weight particles are lost to the air during handling. It can also lead 
    to contamination of the sample in cases where fugitive dust from the 
    environment lands on the filter during the recovery step. Simplifying 
    the recovery step through the use of a light-weight, integrated filter 
    and assembly addresses these concerns and thereby improves the 
    reliability of making PM measurements.
        One consequence of this improvement, though, is that the filter 
    used M5i is smaller than that used in the traditional M5 (47 mm 
    compared to approximately 90 to 100 mm in the traditional M5). This 
    smaller filter can plug at higher emissions levels. For this reason, 
    this aspect of M5i may not be implementable at sources with emissions 
    above 45 mg/dscm (that is, total train catches exceeding 50 mg).
    2. Improved Sample Collection
        Another important improvement to M5 is to the sample collection 
    process itself. These improvements include: ensuring that the nozzle is 
    90 deg. to the direction of flow at each traverse location; and using 
    Pesticide Grade (i.e., low residue) acetone for probe rinse. Each is 
    discussed in the following paragraphs. These improvements to the sample 
    collection process may also be implemented over time into other 
    versions of Method 5.
        Test crews routinely check the ``level'' of the probe only once 
    during sampling--prior to or at the beginning of the sampling process 
    itself. As the traverse progresses, the probe can become ``unlevel,'' 
    i.e., it is no longer at a right (90 deg.) angle to the direction flow 
    in the stack gas. As the angle of the probe departs from 90 deg., 
    inconsistent amounts of sample are collected and thereby causes error 
    in M5 measurements. This can be corrected by applying a level to the 
    sample probe and checking the level continuously throughout the 
    traverse. Ensuring that the probe angle is constant and level 
    throughout the traverse eliminates this potential source of measurement 
        Finally, residue contained in the acetone used for the probe rinse 
    is another source of sampling error. Acetone is used for the probe 
    rinse since it is a solvent that evaporates readily at room 
    temperatures and thereby allows rapid weighing of the specimen 
    following sampling. The standard M5 procedures require that acetone 
    residue blank levels be determined and that reagent-grade acetone in 
    glass bottles with no more than 0.001% residue be used for probe 
    rinses. Acetone comes in many grades, including reagent grade, 
    depending on how the purchaser intends to use the acetone. Some grades 
    of acetone contain higher levels of residue. This residue remains after 
    the acetone evaporates and contaminates the probe rinse, making the 
    ``catch'' during the probe rinse greater than what it really is. 
    Acetone blanks above 0.001% are not allowed by M5, so the acetone 
    itself must have a concentration of residue no more than this 
    requirement for the blanks. M5 also requires that the acetone be stored 
    in glass containers because acetone from metal containers generally 
    have a high residue blank level. Test crews routinely use reagent-grade 
    acetone purchased in small, glass containers since large quantity 
    purchases create a fire safety and storage issue. Though ordered with 
    the intent of meeting specifications, acetone suppliers often store 
    bulk, reagent grade acetone in metal containers and transfer this 
    acetone to glass containers only to ship the small quantities sold. 
    This means that the residue concentrations found in reagent grade 
    acetone are often higher than what is allowed by M5. The unallowable 
    amount of residue from high blank levels would have a negative effect 
    on the accuracy and precision of M5 results. This can be avoided by 
    requiring low-residue, Pesticide grade acetone.
    3. Elimination of Contamination
        In a general sense, eliminating contamination in the filter 
    handling processes will eliminate potential sources of error. 
    Contamination can be avoided by: using a portable desiccator for use in 
    transporting and holding the filters to and on the stack; using glass 
    plugs on the filter assemblies to keep them ``pure'' prior to and after 
    sampling; covering the desiccant with a 0.1 micron screen to eliminate 
    potential external contamination of filter housing during transport; 
    and handling the filter assemblies with powder free latex gloves. As 
    previously discussed, contamination in the M5 process will make 
    measured PM levels appear to be higher than what they truly are. Each 
    of these steps to eliminate contamination of the sample will ensure 
    that fugitive particulate from the environment does not contaminate, 
    thereby inadvertently causing a positive bias to the measured PM 
    4. Improved Sample Analysis
        Finally, improved sample analysis will help eliminate error in the 
    Method 5 measurement process. Specific steps to improve M5 sample 
    analysis include: Elimination of all sources of static charge (such as 
    those on the operator, beakers, liners, and balance); use of light 
    weight Teflon beaker liners for gravimetric analysis of the probe 
    rinse; maintaining the laboratory area at a humidity level of 30% or 
    less; and putting a covered desiccant container in the balance weighing 
    chamber. Each is discussed in the following paragraphs.
        High, varying levels of static charge typically produce variations 
    in repeated weighing of susceptible materials such as glass filter 
    holder assemblies and Teflon beakers (probe rinse catches). The need 
    for maintaining a relatively dry atmosphere in the analytical room 
    further exaggerates the negative effect of static charge on the 
    weighing process. To control and minimize the consequences of static 
    charge, EPA found it was necessary to preclude any and all aspects of 
    static electricity. This entailed using: (1) A static-free mat on the 
    floor area under the desiccator and balance; (2) a small charge-
    neutralizer in the desiccator; (3) another small charge-neutralizer in 
    the weighing chamber of the balance; and (4) a static dissipator 
    aerosol spray to prevent static buildup on the Teflon beakers. EPA 
    found it was not possible to consistently reproduce the same weight 
    results (that is, within 0.5 mg) until all four measures were done.
        The particulate, filter assembly, and filter are often hydrophilic 
    in nature, i.e., they tend to adsorb water from the air. The amount of 
    water these materials adsorb depends on the amount of water in the air. 
    The moisture content of air is often quantified in terms of the 
    relative atmospheric humidity, or what percentage the actual water 
    concentration of the air is relative to the saturation concentration. 
    The higher the relative humidity of the air, the more water is 
    adsorbed. The converse is also true. As a result, if the relative 
    humidity in the analysis room is high, the amount of water adsorbed 
    onto the particulate, filter, and assembly becomes variable and it 
    becomes increasingly difficult to obtain a stable measurement. Ensuring 
    that the relative humidity in the analysis room remains at a constant, 
    low level will ensure that the amount of water adsorbed by these 
    materials remains relatively small and constant. EPA found that 
    maintaining the relative humidity of the room to below 30% will control 
    this source of error.4
        \4\ As humidity levels decrease, static charge tends to 
    increase. The elimination of static charge, previously discussed, 
    will aid at eliminating this problem.
        To further control and minimize the adverse affects of humidity on 
    reproducing results in the weighing
    [[Page 67793]]
    process, a small covered desiccant container was placed in the 
    balance's weighing chamber. This ensures that the humidity level in the 
    weighing chamber is consistent with the humidity level in the 
    desiccator. The desiccant in the weighing chamber dries fugitive air 
    entering the chamber from the room, preventing the adsorption of room 
    air humidity on the materials being weighed.
    5. Comparison of M5 and M5i Method Precision
        M5i has been validated against Method 5.5 It is also 
    important to quantify the improvements to M5 just discussed. This can 
    be done by comparing the precision of both methods at each of the three 
    proposed PM standards: 34, 50, and 69 mg/dscm for hazardous waste 
    burning incinerators, LWAKs, and cement kilns, respectively. Precision 
    at the standards is important since measurements at the standard deal 
    with compliance determinations at facilities. The best estimate of the 
    standard deviation is presented to represent this precision.
        \5\ Only the filter, extraction, and weighing steps were tested.
        For M5i, the results presented are the best estimate of the 
    standard deviation at each of the three proposed emissions standards. 
    These results are calculated directly from the data obtained during the 
    PM CEMS demonstration tests. The relative standard deviation (e.g., the 
    best estimate of the standard deviation at an emissions concentration, 
    divided by that emissions concentration) for M5i is in all cases less 
    than 5%.
        Historical data from Method 5 was derived from PM concentrations 
    ranging from 80 to 255 mg/dscm. This data indicates that the relative 
    standard deviation for M5 is constant at 10%. Therefore, if one were to 
    multiple the emissions standard by 10%, one can derive the best 
    estimate of the standard deviation at the three proposed emissions 
        Table 2, below, illustrates this comparison and shows that M5i is 
    an improvement to M5.
        Table 2: Comparison of Method 5 and Method 5i Standard Deviations   
                                                      Best estimate of the  
                                                    standard deviation  (mg/
    Proposed PM emissions standard (mg/dscm) at 7%            dscm)         
                        oxygen                     -------------------------
                                                      Method 5    Method 5i 
    34                                                      3.4         1.67
    50                                                      5.0         2.24
    69                                                      6.9         2.85
    6. Paired Data
        Throughout most of the PM CEMS demonstration tests, EPA used two 
    simultaneous Method 5i sampling trains. These two simultaneous trains 
    are called ``paired trains'' and the paired train data are called 
    ``paired data.'' The average of the paired data from the two trains was 
    considered the method result. If the ``paired data'' differed by more 
    than 30% from the method result, EPA eliminated the method result from 
    the calculation of the calibration.
        EPA's experience is that, despite the efforts just discussed to 
    control method variability, intangibles which are unknown or 
    unquantifiable can cause variability in M5 (and M5i) measurements. 
    Since it is important that highly accurate M5 measurements be obtained 
    for calibrating PM CEMS, these intangibles must be identified in some 
    way and data affected by these intangibles must be eliminated from the 
    PM CEMS calibration. The fact that two simultaneously run M5 (or M5i) 
    measurements do not agree is ample evidence that something in the 
    sample collection and analysis process was not consistent.
        Comments received during the comment period for CEMS NODA 1 stated 
    that this process would not be allowed if a facility were doing a 
    calibration for compliance. To address this concern, EPA has 
    incorporated this outlier procedure in the new Procedure 2 and M5i. 
    Having this procedure in the regulations will allow facilities to 
    exclude this type of erroneous data from their PM CEMS calibrations. 
    Please note that this procedure applies only if paired data are 
    obtained. Single measurements obtained at different times are not 
    paired data. Single runs cannot be eliminated by comparing these 
    results to other single measurements.
        EPA strongly encourages facilities to use paired data during their 
    calibrations. Beyond the ability to eliminate paired data outliers from 
    the PM CEMS calibration, using the average of two runs as the method 
    result has a moderating affect on the calibration statistics EPA 
    calculated and used to base the PS11 revised in today's notice. This 
    moderating effect improves the PS11 criteria relative to what they 
    would be if paired data were not used. Some facilities may find it 
    difficult to obtain a suitable calibration using only single M5 
    measurements. However, while we encourage using paired data, we are not 
    requiring paired data for PM CEMS calibrations. This choice can be left 
    to the facilities to determine what makes the most economic and 
    technical sense at their site.
    C. Transferability of These Demonstration Test Results to Other HWC 
        EPA believes this demonstration test program adequately shows that 
    PM CEMS will meet PS11 at most hazardous waste incinerators, cement 
    kilns, and light-weight aggregate kilns. These tests were conducted at 
    a reasonable worst-case facility for performance relative to the 
    proposed performance specifications6. Therefore, a PM CEMS 
    should pass the performance measures described in the revised draft 
    PS11 at most HWC sources. The paragraphs below discuss specific aspects 
    of PM CEMS and their applicability to each HWC source category.
        \6\ For more on EPA's rationale that this is a reasonable worst-
    case test, see CEMS NODA 1 and the PM CEMS Demonstration Test report 
    sited here.
        For cement kilns, in-situ light scattering PM CEMS are 
    operationally very similar to continuous opacity monitors (COMs), a 
    technology employed at these sources for many years. Light-scattering 
    PM CEMS differ from COMs only in the way they obtain and interpret the 
    light from the source. As shown in the LaFarge tests,7 
    though, an informed decision is required to determine what type of in-
    situ light-scattering PM CEMS is best suited for these sources. One PM 
    CEMS used at LaFarge was built with a heated air purge system to blow 
    cement kiln dust away from and out of the optics of the monitor while 
    the other was not. The monitor with the heated air purge performed very 
    well over the course of the tests, though improvements to the Method 5 
    measurements and a routine cleaning of the optics could have improved 
    performance. The PM CEMS without the heated air purge suffered 
    operational difficulty. In addition, PM from cement kilns is mostly 
    process dust (i.e., raw material). As such, its physical properties are 
    not significantly affected by changes in waste or fuel feeds. 
    Accordingly, in-situ light-scattering PM CEMS will pass performance 
    specifications at cement kilns if an informed decision is made to
    [[Page 67794]]
    purchase a monitor that is designed to address the dusty environment at 
    these facilities.
        \7\ See section 2.6.7 of the PM CEMS Demonstration Test Report.
        EPA believes that LWAKs are very similar to cement kilns relative 
    to the applicability of PM CEMS, and therefore the conclusions drawn in 
    the preceding paragraph also apply to LWAKs.
        For incinerators, there are certain unique situations which must be 
    discussed: incinerators with truly wet stacks; incinerators with waste 
    heat boilers; and mobile incinerators.
        As was the case with cement kilns, HWC incinerators with truly wet 
    stacks (i.e., those with entrained water droplets in the stack gas) 
    need to make an informed choice regarding what PM CEMS technology they 
    elect to use. In-situ light-scattering PM CEMS are likely to have 
    operational difficulty since the water droplets entrained in the stack 
    gas will be mistaken for particulate. This is a readily accepted source 
    of error and means that in-situ light-scattering PM CEMS are not a 
    practical choice for these sources. Beta-gage and certain other light-
    scattering PM CEMS, however, are designed with extractive reheat 
    systems which heat up the extracted gas to above the water condensation 
    temperature. Incinerator groups are currently working to test these 
    types of systems to gain first-hand experience and data regarding the 
    use of PM CEMS at facilities with truly wet stacks. EPA encourages 
    these tests since they will result in valuable data which can be 
    communicated to personnel at incinerators with truly wet stacks to 
    assist their PM CEMS purchasing decisions.
        Incinerators equipped with waste heat boilers (WHBs) downstream of 
    the combustion chamber(s) also require special consideration. Like 
    boilers, these incinerators blow soot periodically to clean the boiler 
    tubes. PM emissions will increase and the physical properties 
    (pertinent to PS11) of the PM may change during periods of soot 
    blowing. To help address the impact of soot-blowing, sources would be 
    required to include soot-blowing episodes during a minimum of three 
    calibration runs. This will ensure that calibration captures the higher 
    emissions that can occur during soot-blowing, thus minimizing the need 
    to extrapolate the calibration curve beyond measured values. In 
    addition, including soot-blowing during calibration runs will enable 
    the source to determine whether any change in the physical properties 
    of the PM during soot-blowing has adversely affected the calibration 
    (i.e., as evidenced by an inability to meet PS 11 when the soot-blowing 
    runs are included).
        EPA requests comment on this approach to address the special 
    problems that soot-blowing may cause. In particular, EPA seeks the 
    following information:
    --How many incinerators are currently equipped with WHBs? Are sources 
    likely to remove WHBs to facilitate compliance with the MACT standards 
    (e.g., D/F)?
    --The normal frequency and duration of soot-blowing. Under what 
    conditions does the frequency and duration of soot-blowing change? How 
    often does this change(s) occur?
    --How do PM emissions for runs that include episodes of soot blowing 
    compare to runs without soot blowing?
    --How does the effect of the APCS, waste and fuel types, and other 
    relevant factors impact changes to the PM concentrations and physical 
    properties when one compares PM during soot-blowing and PM at other 
        The reader should note that EPA intends to promulgate MACT 
    standards for hazardous waste boilers as part of Phase II of the HWC 
    rulemaking. EPA intends to address the applicability of PM CEMS to 
    boilers then. If because of unforeseen reasons EPA provides a PM CEMS 
    waiver for incinerators with WHBs, EPA would readdress the 
    applicability of PM CEMS to hazardous waste incinerators with waste 
    heat boilers in Phase II.
        Finally, another class of hazardous waste incinerators are used at 
    Superfund sites during the clean-up process. These mobile incinerators 
    have small, limited waste processing capacity and are often trucked to 
    the site as needed. EPA is concerned that the variability of the feed 
    to mobile incinerators is beyond what was experienced at the DuPont 
    facility. As such, a unique calibration might be required for every 
    clean-up site, which is unnecessarily burdensome. Given the PM CEMS 
    implementation schedule discussed in section IV.A., below, implementing 
    PM CEMS at these incinerators may not be feasible, and EPA is 
    considering whether to waive the PM CEMS requirement for Superfund 
    mobile incinerators.
        If the PM CEMS requirement is waived for certain facilities, the 
    other, traditional operating parameters discussed in this NODA would be 
    used instead to document compliance.
    IV. PM CEMS: Implementation and Compliance 8
        \8\ The reader should note that HWCs are currently regulated 
    under RCRA. Sources with a different regulatory history are likely 
    to have a different compliance regime than the one described here. 
    One should not assume that the compliance and implementation scheme 
    described here will necessarily be applied to sources with a 
    different regulatory history.
    A. PM CEMS Compliance Schedule
        Many comments received in response to the proposed rule stated that 
    facility personnel are not familiar with the operation and maintenance 
    characteristics of PM CEMS, or how to control their operating 
    conditions to ensure compliance using PM CEMS. For this and reasons 
    explained in section IV.B., EPA plans to allow a 12-month phase-in 
    period before PM CEMS would be used as a compliance parameter. This 
    section describes this compliance schedule.
        Prior to the date PM CEMS would be used for compliance (i.e., 
    during the 12-month phase-in period), limits on key PM-related and 
    other key operating parameters (e.g., metals feedrate) would be used to 
    ensure compliance with the MACT standards for PM, SVM, and LVM. This 
    one year phase-in period has four key milestones: The Compliance Date; 
    the performance Test Date; the Certification of Compliance (CoC) date; 
    and the Certification of PM CEMS performance date. By the Compliance 
    Date,9 facilities would determine, using engineering 
    judgment, the operating parameter limits necessary to ensure compliance 
    with the standards. These initial operating parameter limits would be 
    specified in a Precertification of Compliance (Pre-CoC) that would be 
    submitted to the permitting authority by the Compliance Date. By the 
    Test Date, which is nominally no later than six months after the 
    Compliance Date, facilities would have to conduct a performance test to 
    document compliance with the MACT emissions standards and identify 
    operating parameter limits based on levels achieved during the test. 
    Results of the performance tests and these revised operating parameter 
    limits would be submitted to the permitting authority in a 
    Certification of Compliance (CoC) nominally no more than nine months 
    after the Compliance Date. The operating parameter limits in the CoC 
    would be used as surrogate compliance measures to ensure that the 
    efficiency of
    [[Page 67795]]
    the PM control device was maintained at performance test levels until 
    the one-year anniversary date of the Compliance Date. Beginning at that 
    time, facilities would start using the PM CEMS and cease using the 
    operating parameters as their primary operating parameter for PM 
        \9\ The Clean Air Act states that the Compliance Date can be no 
    more than three years after the effective date of the rule (i.e., 
    date of publication in the Federal Register), unless a source 
    obtains an (up to) one-year time extension of the Compliance Date.
        During this phase-in year, there are important PM CEMS-related 
    activities being performed. For instance, the PM CEMS, like all other 
    equipment necessary for compliance with the MACT standards, must be 
    installed by the Compliance Date. Like all other tests for the rule, 
    the PM CEMS calibrations and initial certifications (see section 8.3 of 
    PS11 and section 4 of Procedure 2) must also be performed by the Test 
        As discussed in the PM CEMS Demonstration Test Report, the 
    mathematical characteristics of a light-scattering PM CEMS calibration 
    curve can be difficult to determine. For this reason, a second 
    calibration would be required within 9 months of the Compliance Date if 
    a light-scattering PM CEMS is used. After this second calibration is 
    performed the source would compare the two calibrations separately to 
    determine which mathematical model best represents the data. This 
    information (i.e., the analysis of which mathematical model is best 
    suited for the calibration at this source and the calibration comprised 
    of all valid calibration data obtained) would be included in a 
    Certification of PM CEMS Performance (CoP) submitted within 12 months 
    after the Compliance Date. (A CoP for beta-gage CEMS would also be 
    submitted at this time, but would certify performance based on a single 
        This CoP would also include (for all types of CEMS) the analysis of 
    CEMS data to identify an achievable CEMS-based PM operating parameter 
    limit. See section IV.B., below, for more information regarding the PM 
    CEMS operating parameter limit. On the one-year anniversary of the 
    Compliance Date, facilities would also cease using the PM control 
    device operating parameter limits (such as pressure drop across a 
    fabric filter or total power input to an ESP) and start using the PM 
    CEMS operating parameter limit as their primary compliance parameter 
    for the PM control device.
        A source using a light-scattering PM CEMS would be required to 
    perform a third calibration of the PM CEMS within 12 months of the 
    Compliance Date. The third calibration would verify that the 
    mathematical model selected by comparing the first two calibrations is 
    correct. If not, to the approach must be modified based on the new 
    data. If the model needed to be revised, the source would be required 
    to recalculate the PM CEMS operating parameter limit considering the 12 
    months of data following the Compliance Date. If the model did not need 
    to be revised, the source could elect to recalculate the PM CEMS 
    operating parameter limit considering the full 12 months of CEMS 
    recordings. (We request comment on whether all sources required to 
    perform a third calibration should be required to recalculate the PM 
    CEMS operating limit even if the calibration curve model did not need 
    to be revised.) The results of the third calibration,10 
    reassessment of the calibration model, and recalculation of the PM CEMS 
    operating parameter limit would be submitted in a second CoP. This 
    second CoP would be provided to the permitting authority within 15 
    months of the Compliance Date. Note that this second CoP would not be 
    required if a source uses a beta-gage type PM CEMS that needs only one 
    calibration. A source using a PM CEMS that requires only one 
    calibration (i.e., a beta-gage) would have the option, however, of 
    submitting a second CoP if it wants to update the PM CEMS operating 
    parameter limit based on a full year of data.
        \10\ This would involve the verification that the mathematical 
    model used for the calibration is correct, a recalculation of the 
    ``master'' calibration comprised of all three calibration curves, 
    and a revised site-specific PM CEMS operating parameter limit (this 
    time, using the first 12 months of data).
        Table 3 summarizes how PM CEMS would be implemented for compliance. 
    Following this implementation schedule, facilities would be required to 
    document compliance with the MACT PM standard during periodic 
    performance testing. As discussed in section IV.F. below, a source 
    would have the option of using the PM CEMS or the manual method for 
    this determination. In addition, sources would be required to 
    recalculate their PM CEMS operating parameter limit based on the 
    previous year of CEMS data recorded when the source operated within the 
    operating parameter limits established during the new performance test. 
    This recalculation of the PM CEMS operating parameter limit is 
    necessary since the new performance test is likely to result in 
    numerically different PM-related APCD operating parameters than 
    resulted from the previous test.11 Facilities would submit 
    the revised operating parameter limits, including the revised PM CEMS 
    operating parameter limit, in a CoC describing the results of the new 
    performance test.
        \11\ If the PM concentration and operating parameter limits 
    resulting from the subsequent performance test are more stringent 
    than those from the previous test, the facility would have the 
    option of not recalculating their PM CEMS operating parameter limit 
    and continue to operate under the older, more stringent limit.
    [[Page 67796]]
                                          Table 3: PM CEMS Compliance Schedule                                      
                    By this date                              These PM CEMS activities would be performed           
    Compliance date.............................  PM CEMS installed                                                 
                                                  Precertification of Compliance (Pre-CoC) submitted that           
                                                   establishes PM APCD (and other) operating parameter limits to    
                                                   ensure compliance with the SVM and LVM (and possibly D/F)        
                                                   standards based on engineering judgment.                         
    CD + 6 months (the ``Test Date'')...........  PM CEMS calibration tests performed during MACT performance test. 
                                                  Method 5i used to demonstrate compliance with the manual method-  
                                                   based PM standard.                                               
    CD + 9 months...............................  Certification of Compliance (CoC) submitted that establishes PM   
                                                   APCD (and other) operating parameter limits to ensure compliance 
                                                   with the SVM and LVM (and possibly D/F) standards based on what  
                                                   levels were determined to correspond to compliance with the      
                                                   standard during the Performance Test. (These limits supersede    
                                                   those identified in the Pre-CoC.)                                
                                                  A second calibration of light-scattering PM CEMS is performed.    
    CD + 12 months..............................  Source identifies calibration curve, calculates the PM CEMS       
                                                   operating parameter limit (through 9 months), recommends         
                                                   alternative PM control device operating parameters and their     
                                                   numerical limits, and submits a Certification of PM CEMS         
                                                   Performance (CoP).                                               
                                                  Source ceases using PM control device operating parameters as the 
                                                   primary mode of compliance for PM and starts using the PM CEMS.  
                                                   The operating parameters defined in the CoC are used for         
                                                   compliance only when the PM CEMS is unavailable.                 
                                                  Source reports initial calibration (composite of all calibrations 
                                                   through 9 months), PM CEMS-based limit, and revised operating    
                                                   parameter limits (for use during CEMS malfunctions) to permitting
                                                  A third calibration of light-scattering PM CEMS is performed.     
    CD + 15 months..............................  Sources using light-scattering PM CEMS revise the calibration     
                                                   curve if necessary based on the third calibration, recalculate   
                                                   the PM CEMS operating parameter limit (through 12-months), update
                                                   the PM control device operating parameter limits for use during  
                                                   CEMS malfunctions, and submit a second CoP documenting this      
                                                  The source starts using the revised operating parameters reported 
                                                   in the CoP during periods when the PM CEMS is unavailable unless 
                                                   those alternatives have been disapproved by the permitting       
    B. PM CEMS Operating Parameter Limit
        EPA proposed using site-specific limits on key operating parameters 
    of the PM control device (e.g., pressure drop across a fabric filter) 
    to ensure that the device maintained its collection efficiency at 
    performance test levels. These limits, in combination with other 
    operating parameter limits (e.g., metals feedrate controls) would 
    ensure compliance with the semivolatile metal (SVM) and low volatile 
    metal (LVM) MACT standards. See 61 FR 17376 and 17430 (April 19, 1996). 
    These operating parameter limits on the PM control device would also 
    ensure compliance with the MACT PM standard 12, and possibly 
    the MACT dioxin and furan (D/F) and mercury (Hg) standards if the 
    source uses activated carbon injection to control these HAPs. 
    13 The availability of PM CEMS allows the Agency to improve 
    upon this approach through the use of PM CEMS as the sole PM control 
    device operating parameter 14. PM CEMS are a more sensitive 
    and accurate operating parameter than the conventional PM-related 
    operating parameters now used.
        \12\ The Agency has proposed a MACT PM standard as a surrogate 
    to control emissions of non-enumerated metals HAPs (i.e., metal HAPs 
    other than those for which specific standards have been proposed--
    Hg, SVM, and LVM). Those non-enumerated HAPs are Sb, Co, Mn, Ni, and 
        \13\ The Agency proposed that the site-specific PM limit be a 
    compliance parameter for the D/F standard irrespective of whether 
    activated carbon injection was used as a control device. This 
    requirement was grounded upon EPA's initial view that a significant 
    amount of D/F (and other heavy organic compounds) are adsorbed onto 
    particulate. As a result, PM needed to be controlled to ensure 
    continuous compliance with the D/F standard. The Agency is now 
    considering comments that significant D/F may not be adsorbed onto 
    PM. Cement and lightweight kiln PM, in particular, is generally 
    process dust (i.e., processed raw material). This process dust has 
    little affinity for adsorbing D/F. However, EPA's ultimate decision 
    on whether to limit PM on a site-specific basic does not depend on 
    whether there is a need to control PM at all HWCs for D/F control. A 
    site-specific PM limit is still needed to ensure compliance with the 
    SVM and LVM standards at all HWCs. Sources that use activated carbon 
    injection, howver, would be expected to have a significant amount of 
    D/F on the PM.
        \14\ Note that the MACT standard for PM would continue to be a 
    manual methods-based standard. See subsection IV.F., below, for 
    options facilities could have to use PM CEMS for direct compliance 
    with this PM standard.
        This section describes how PM CEMS would be implemented as an 
    operating parameter for the SVM, LVM, PM, and possibly D/F and Hg 
    standards. The reader should note that the proposed MACT standard for 
    PM is and will continue to be a manual methods-based standard. The 
    reader is referred to section IV.F., below, for options a facility 
    could choose to use PM CEMS as a direct indicator of compliance with 
    the MACT PM standard.
    1. Introduction
        The PM CEMS operating parameter limit would be determined using the 
    PM CEMS data obtained during normal operations from the Compliance Date 
    to the time when the calculation of the operating parameter limit is 
    performed. Although the PM CEMS would be used as an operating parameter 
    limit here, an approach to establishing this limit could be very 
    similar to how EPA establishes national standards from CEMS data. The 
    municipal waste combustor rule published on February 11, 1991, has an 
    example of how this is done 15.
        \15\The methods used for establishing CEMS standards in the 
    February 1991 MWC rule are described in Appendices A and B of EPA 
    document number EPA-450/3-91-004, dated December 1990. This document 
    can also be found in the Air Docket, located in the Mall area of EPA 
    Headquarters, 401 M Street, SW, Washington, DC 20460. It is part of 
    docket number A-89-08-V-B-3.
        EPA notes that even though the PM CEMS operating parameter limit 
    and the manual methods-based PM standard are both in units of 
    particulate concentration, it is likely that the PM CEMS operating 
    parameter limits will have a different numerical value than the manual 
    methods-based MACT PM standards. This is because the MACT PM standards 
    would be based on manual methods testing with no fixed averaging 
    period. PM CEMS operating parameter limits would have both a fixed 
    averaging period and a calculated
    [[Page 67797]]
    numerical limit. As discussed in section 4, below, the numerical value 
    of a limit or standard is a function of the averaging period. Since it 
    is likely that the PM MACT standard and the PM CEMS operating parameter 
    would have different averaging periods, one would expect the numerical 
    value of the PM CEMS operating parameter limit that indicates 
    compliance with the MACT standards would differ from the numerical 
    value of the MACT PM standard.
    2. Data Excluded From Calculating the PM CEMS Operating Parameter Limit
        Before calculating the PM CEMS operating parameter limit, the PM 
    CEMS data set must be screened to remove PM CEMS data recorded when the 
    PM CEMS was not available or the source was out of compliance with the 
    operating parameter limits established during the CoC.
        First, the facility must remove from the data set all PM CEMS data 
    accumulated while the PM CEMS was not available or not performing 
    acceptably as defined by the regulations. Examples of the data not 
    included in the calculation of the PM CEMS operating parameter limit 
    include data obtained when the PM CEMS was ``out-of-control'' as 
    defined in Procedure 2 and PS11, periods when the PM CEMS was not 
    analyzing stack gas (as would happen during calibrations, maintenance, 
    etc.), and periods when the facility was not in operation.
        Next, the facility would further screen the data to exclude times 
    when the facility was not operated in accordance with the operating 
    parameter limits resulting from the performance test and reported in 
    the CoC 16. Note that the CoC operating parameter limits 
    would supersede the Pre-CoC operating parameter limits for this 
    screening purpose. Although the Pre-CoC operating parameter limits may 
    be less stringent than the CoC limits and were valid limits prior to 
    submitting the CoC, the CoC limits are based on performance testing and 
    as such show what operating parameter levels reflect compliance with 
    the standards. The facility must also remove any data collected during 
    periods of PM APCS upset irrespective of whether the operating 
    parameter limits were exceeded. 17
        \16\ For simplicity, EPA proposes to exclude data from all 
    periods in which the facility operated outside of the operating 
    envelope defined in the CoC irrespective of whether the parameter in 
    question affects PM control. Defining what operating parameters are 
    or are not related to PM control would force another layer of 
    complexity in this step.
        \17\ Episodes of high PM emissions caused by periodic, routine 
    maintenance cycles (e.g., ESP rapping; soot-blowing for waste heat 
    boiler equipped incinerators, etc.) would not be considered upset 
    conditions. We request information on how to objectively distinguish 
    between high PM emissions attributable to PM control device upset 
    conditions versus normal emissions variability.
    3. Determining the Normality of the Data
        To calculate the PM CEMS operating parameter limit, the CEMS 
    recordings 18 must be averaged over an appropriate averaging 
    period. (See the discussion in the following section.) Accordingly, 
    sources would be required to identify the mathematical model that best 
    fits the screened CEMS data for purposes of averaging the data. For 
    example, a log-or exponential fit may better represent a ``normal'' fit 
    relative to an arithmetic model. To identify which mathematical model 
    represents the best fit, facilities would calculate the Shapiro-Wilk 
    Normality test statistic (W) at the 95% confidence level using the data 
    obtained from the PM CEMS 19. The mathematical model with a 
    Shapiro-Wilk test statistic closest to one (1) would be the model used 
    for averaging at the facility. This mathematical model would be used 
    for all PM CEMS emissions averaging at the facility.
        \18\ The light-scattering CEMS provide instantaneous data, 
    recorded every minute as one-minute block averages. Beta-gage CEMS 
    have sampling periods longer than 1 minute.
        \19\ Note that batch CEMS, such as beta-gages, may have sampling 
    periods longer than 1 minute. In this case, the test statistic would 
    be performed using the batch results.
    4. Averaging Periods for the PM CEMS Operating Parameter Limit
        Fundamental to any emissions control parameter is the way averaging 
    affects an emissions standard or limit. At a fixed numerical value, a 
    standard or limit is more stringent as the averaging period decreases 
    and less stringent as the averaging period increases because of 
    emissions variability. In the proposed rule, EPA said that an 
    appropriate averaging period for PM CEMS would be the length of time it 
    takes to make three Method 5 runs. The Agency still believes this is an 
    appropriate point of departure for the averaging period for the PM CEMS 
    operating parameter limit.
        We proposed a 2 hour averaging period for PM CEMS, reasoning that 
    it would take 40 minutes to accumulate enough PM sample to meet Method 
    5 requirements for sample ``catch.'' See 61 FR at 17379. Commenters 
    argued, however, that although it takes 40 minutes to accumulate enough 
    sample, test crews routinely sample for one hour. In addition, comments 
    received in response to CEMS NODA 1 said the sampling time for a Method 
    5 run can vary from 1 to 8 hours. Basing the averaging period for the 
    PM CEMS operating parameter limit on the length of time it takes to 
    perform three Method 5 runs would result in an averaging period in the 
    range of 3 to 24 hours 20. This is still being evaluated.
        \20\ Three to 24 hours is within the range of CEMS averaging 
    periods EPA typically promulgates. From a broader perspective, 
    averaging periods vary from regulation to regulation depending on 
    the analysis of issues pertaining to the technical, policy, and 
    regulatory history of each particular situation. Therefore, other 
    source categories may or may not have the same averaging period as 
    the one established for PM CEMS at HWC, depending on the outcome of 
    this analysis of issues.
    5. Options for Calculating the PM CEMS Operating Parameter Limit
        As discussed above, the stringency of the standard is a function of 
    two variables--its numerical limit and the averaging period. Equally 
    stringent standards would have a higher numerical limit at shorter 
    averaging period and a lower numerical limit at a longer averaging 
    period. Thus, to calculate the PM CEMS operating parameter limit, one 
    of these two variables must be held constant--either the numerical 
    limit or the averaging period. This section discusses two options for 
    calculating an achievable PM CEMS operating parameter limit by defining 
    the averaging period. EPA investigated ways to define the numerical 
    limit and allow facilities to calculate the averaging period associated 
    with that numerical limit, but found these alternatives often resulted 
    in trial-and-error type calculations and might result in all facilities 
    having different limits and averaging periods. We believe these 
    alternatives are too labor intensive and confusing--both for facilities 
    and the enforcement authority--and rejected this approach. Based on 
    comments and further analysis, the Agency will prescribe one 
    methodology in the final rule.
        a. Using Rank Statistics to Calculate the PM CEMS-based Operating 
    Parameter Limit at One, Fixed Averaging Period. Under this approach, 
    the Agency would establish an averaging period common to all sources 
    and each source would calculate its PM CEMS operating parameter limit 
    using rank statistics. (As discussed above, EPA is considering 
    selecting an averaging period from within the range of three to 24 
    hours.) The averaging period would be the same for all facilities but 
    the numerical value of the PM CEMS operating parameter limit would 
    differ from facility-to-facility based on the historical data obtained 
    at each facility.
    [[Page 67798]]
        Using the rank statistics option to calculate the limit would 
    involve the following steps. First, the facility would take the 
    screened PM CEMS data (i.e., after non-compliance data has been 
    removed) and calculate rolling averages sequentially from the 
    Compliance Date 21 using the best-fit mathematical model and 
    the averaging period EPA promulgates. The facility would then take the 
    resulting rolling averages and sort them in order from lowest to 
    highest. The facility's PM CEMS operating parameter limit would be the 
    95th percentile highest PM CEMS rolling average, by rank, experienced 
    during the period the PM CEMS data was accumulated. The 95th percentile 
    is proposed here because it is the percentile level EPA historically 
    uses for these types of calculations. EPA could promulgate some other 
    percentile level, the 90th or 99th for example, if another percentile 
    level is achievable and better represents good PM control.
        \21\ For simplicity, we believe it is best for facilities to 
    ignore periods when the CEMS recorded data which was screened out 
    and calculate the rolling averages as if the remaining data occurred 
    sequentially. EPA specifically requests comment on this approach.
        This rank statistics option is easier to implement, relative to the 
    other options. It also would result in a PM CEMS operating parameter 
    limit that is in the range of actual emissions experienced by the 
    facility (i.e., as opposed to statistically projected emissions) and 
    demonstrated by the facility to be achievable over time. Since the 
    limit for all sources would be based on an averaging period that would 
    be fixed in the rulemaking, the limit would be easier to enforce as 
        b. The Traditional Standard Setting Approach. Another approach the 
    Agency is considering to determine the PM CEMS operating parameter 
    limit is to use the way EPA has established CEMS-based standards in the 
    past. This approach involves calculating the average and standard 
    deviation of the data set and projecting an emissions level associated 
    with the data. As discussed in the MWC rule, EPA calculated 
    ``continuous compliance levels'' for each source using the equation, 
    where: y=x+K*5
        y = the continuous compliance level;
        ``x-bar'' = the sample average
        k = a constant associated with the averaging period and one 
    exceedance per year; and
        s = the sample standard deviation.
        This option has some benefits and weaknesses. As discussed, it 
    reflects a procedure EPA has previously used to establish CEMS-based 
    standards. It would also result in every facility having the same 
    averaging period and thus making it easier to track and enforce. 
    However, more complicated statistics are involved. EPA also compares 
    emissions from more than one facility when it uses this approach to set 
    standards and would be unable to oversee the application of this 
    approach on a site-specific basis. As a result, this approach may be 
    unworkable as a way to establish a PM CEMS operating parameter limit.
    6. Consideration of a Variance Procedure to Project a Higher PM CEMS 
    Operating Parameter Limit
        As discussed previously in today's notice, the PM CEMS operating 
    parameter limit would be based on CEMS recordings during the nine 
    months after the Compliance Date during those periods of time that the 
    source was operating within the operating parameter limits established 
    during the performance test (i.e., the operating parameter limits 
    established in the Certification of Compliance (CoC)). Comments 
    received in response to the proposed rule questioned the need to 
    establish PM-related operating parameters based on the performance test 
    if: (1) PM emissions measured using manual methods during the 
    performance test were well below the PM MACT standard; and (2) 
    emissions of HAPs (i.e., SVM, LVM, and possibly Hg, and D/F) for which 
    PM would be used as an operating parameter limit were well below their 
    MACT standards. Commenters were concerned that, although their sources 
    may readily achieve the MACT PM standard, it may be difficult 
    22 or expensive to ensure that performance test PM levels 
    are representative of the full range of levels achieved during 
    operations. The same situation could occur with the PM CEMS operating 
    parameter limit just discussed. Infrequent exceedances of the PM CEMS 
    operating parameter limit might or might not be an indication that the 
    SVM, LVM, Hg, D/F, or PM MACT emission standards have been exceeded. 
    Accordingly, commenters recommended that the rule allow sources to 
    project higher PM-related operating parameters based on how much 
    performance test emissions for these HAPs were below their MACT 
        \22\ For example, some PM control devices are so over-designed 
    that it is difficult to force them to operate at elevated PM levels 
    for the duration of a performance test.
        EPA agrees in theory that establishing the PM CEMS operating 
    parameter limit considering performance test operations (i.e., 
    historical CEMS data when the source operated within the CoC operating 
    parameter limits) could result in an overly conservative operating 
    parameter for PM control at sources with low PM and low HAPs that 
    require PM control to ensure compliance. To address the concerns 
    expressed in the comments received on the proposed rule, the Agency is 
    considering a variance procedure to establish an higher projected PM 
    CEMS operating parameter limit.
        The variance procedure would allow facilities with very low 
    concentrations of PM and HAPs requiring PM control for compliance to 
    increase their PM CEMS operating parameter limit (derived from 
    operations within the CoC operating parameter limits). The factor used 
    to increase the PM CEMS operating parameter limit could be defined as 
    the ratio of the MACT standards for which PM control is required to 
    assure compliance, to the performance test levels of those HAPs. To 
    ensure that the source is still be in compliance with the MACT PM 
    standard, the same ratio would be calculated for the PM standard to the 
    unadjusted PM CEMS operating parameter limit. This approach is based on 
    the principle that, at a facility which has experienced no changes in 
    facility operations, the ratio of emissions of HAPs which require PM 
    control to ensure compliance to the PM concentration in the stack is 
    either constant or decreases as PM increases. In addition, revised 
    (i.e., less stringent) traditional operating parameter limits for the 
    PM control devices corresponding to the higher projected PM CEMS 
    operating parameter limit could be established based on historical 
    operating data at levels near the higher projected PM CEMS operating 
    parameter limit.
        For illustration, an example follows. Assume that a hazardous waste 
    incinerator has low metals in the feed and uses a HEPA filter for PM 
    control. Further assume that: This incinerator's measured metals 
    emissions during the performance test were 10 g/dscm and 7 
    g/dscm for SVM and LVM, respectively; that the PM 
    concentration measured during the performance test was 5 g/
    dscm; for simplicity that PM control is not required to assure 
    compliance with the D/F and Hg standards; the unadjusted PM CEMS 
    operating parameter limit is 15 mg/dscm; and from the HWC NODA 
    published on May 2, 1997, that the promulgated standards are 100 
    g/dscm, 55 g/dscm, and 34 mg/dscm for SVM, LVM, and 
    PM, respectively. The ratio of the standard to the measured levels are 
    10 and 7.8 for SVM and LVM. For PM,
    [[Page 67799]]
    the ratio is 6.8. The unadjusted PM CEMS operating parameter limit 
    would be increased by a factor of 6.8 since the ratio calculated for PM 
    has the lowest numerical value.
        a. HAPs for which PM control is necessary to ensure compliance. PM 
    would be used as an operating parameter limit for semivolatile metals 
    (SVM), low volatility metals (LVM), and if activated carbon is used, 
    dioxin and furan (D/F) and mercury (Hg). See 61 FR 17422 and 17430 
    (April 19, 1996). Although the Agency is reconsidering whether PM is an 
    appropriate operating parameter to ensure compliance with the D/F 
    standard in some cases,23 PM would be an appropriate 
    operating parameter if activated carbon injection were used to control 
    D/F or mercury. This is because D/F and mercury adsorb onto the 
    activated carbon, and as PM emissions increase, emissions of activated 
    carbon with adsorbed D/F and mercury increase.
        \23\ The Agency is considering comments that significant D/F may 
    not be adsorbed on emitted PM in all cases. Cement and lightweight 
    kiln PM, in particular, is generally process dust (i.e., raw 
    material) that has little affinity for absorbing D/F.
        b. Projecting a higher PM CEMS operating parameter limit 
    considering the ratio of the standard to the measured level of a HAP. 
    The variance would be based on the principle that, as PM emissions 
    increase, the ratio of emissions of each HAP for which PM is an 
    operating parameter limit (i.e., SVM, LVM, and possibly D/F and Hg) to 
    PM emissions either is constant or decreases. Thus, the PM CEMS 
    operating parameter limit derived from operations within the CoC 
    operating parameter limits could be increased without exceeding the 
    MACT standards for those HAPs by a factor considering the ratio of the 
    standard for each of those HAPs to the performance test level of each 
        LVM are generally not volatilized in the combustion chamber and 
    thus are evenly distributed over all sizes of particulates. Thus, as PM 
    emissions increase, the ratio of LVM emissions to PM emissions will be 
        SVM are generally volatilized during combustion and condense 
    preferentially on small particulates prior to (or in) the PM control 
    device. Thus for many PM control devices, as PM emissions increase, the 
    ratio of larger particulates to smaller particulates increases, and the 
    ratio of SVM emissions to total particulate emissions decreases (i.e., 
    because the larger particulates have a lower concentration of SVM). For 
    emission control trains where PM particle size may remain constant with 
    an increase in PM emissions, the ratio of SVM emissions to PM emissions 
    would remain constant.
        D/F and Hg are adsorbed onto the surface of carbonaceous 
    particulates (e.g., activated carbon). Smaller particulates have a 
    larger surface area per mass of particulate than larger particulates, 
    and thus D/F and Hg concentrations would be higher for smaller 
    particulates. Thus, similar to SVM, as PM emissions increase and the 
    ratio of larger particulates to smaller particulates increases, the 
    ratio of D/F and Hg emissions to total particulate emissions should 
    decrease (i.e., because the larger particulates have a lower 
    concentration of D/F and Hg).
        The PM CEMS operating parameter limit derived from performance test 
    operations (i.e., calculated from historical CEMS data when the source 
    operated within the regulations) could be increased without exceeding 
    (theoretically) the MACT standards for SVM, LVM, and possibly D/F and 
    Hg by the ratio of the standard for each of those HAPs to the 
    performance test level of each HAP. It would be reasonably 
    conservative, however, to project the higher PM operating parameter 
    limit by the ratio of some fraction of the standard for those HAPs to 
    the performance test level of each HAP. This fraction of the standard 
    would need to allow for adequate flexibility for sources with low PM 
    and HAPs for which PM control is required while ensuring that the 
    standards are being met continuously. A specific percentage of the 
    standard within the range of reasonable values--50% to 100%-- could be 
    selected and would be appropriate given the uncertainty of projecting a 
    PM operating limit that is a primary compliance measure for several 
    MACT emissions standards. EPA believes choosing 75% of the standard as 
    the basis for calculating the ratio is a reasonable balance of these 
    issues. The percentage that would be appropriate is a point of interest 
    for the Agency.
        Given that the PM CEMS operating parameter limit is a compliance 
    measure for SVM, LVM, and possibly D/F and Hg the allowable higher 
    projected PM CEMS operating parameter limit would be the lowest of the 
    values projected for each of these standards. For example, if the 
    projected PM CEMS operating parameter limit based on the ratio of 75% 
    of the SVM standard to the SVM performance test level was lower than 
    the PM CEMS operating parameter limit projections for LVM (and possibly 
    D/F and Hg), then the SVM-projected PM CEMS operating parameter limit 
    would be used to ensure that the SVM standard was not exceeded at the 
    higher projected PM operating parameter limit.
        The Agency is concerned, however, about increasing the PM CEMS 
    operating parameter limit itself by the ratios discussed above. This is 
    because the limit would be established at the upper end of the range of 
    actual CEMS readings, or perhaps at levels that statistically exceed 
    what would be expected. See above discussion of options for calculating 
    the PM CEMS operating parameter limit. It may be more appropriate to 
    project the higher limit using the following options.
        Under option 1, the ratio determined above would be applied to the 
    average PM emissions over time determined by the PM CEMS instead of 
    applying the ratio directly to the unadjusted PM CEMS limit itself. The 
    product of the ratio and the average PM emissions would then be 
    subtracted from the average emissions to determine the correction to 
    the PM CEMS operating parameter limit. This correction would then be 
    added to the PM CEMS operating parameter limit to determine the revised 
    PM CEMS operating parameter limit. Using the example described above 
    and assuming average PM CEMS emissions are 2 mg/dscm, the lowest ratio 
    (6.8 for PM) would be multiplied by the average PM emissions (2x6.8 = 
    13.6) and the average emissions would be subtracted from this product 
    (13.6-2). This difference (11.6) would be added to the PM CEMS 
    operating parameter limit to obtain the revised PM CEMS operating 
    parameter limit.
        Under option 2, the PM CEMS recordings during the performance test 
    would be analyzed to calculate a PM CEMS operating parameter limit and 
    that limit would be increased by the factor defined by the ratio 
    discussed above (e.g., 6.8 in the first example). This approach would 
    ensure that infrequent high PM episodes that occurred over months of 
    CEMS operations would not be driving a PM CEMS limit that was then 
    projected further upward using the factors discussed above (unless 
    those high PM episodes actually occurred during the performance test). 
    Given the truncated emissions database (i.e., the performance test) for 
    calculating the higher projected limit under this option, however, the 
    limit may in fact be lower than the limit normally calculated from the 
    full CEMS emissions database (i.e., without attempted to project a 
    higher limit). In this case, the limit which is numerically higher 
    would be used.
        The Agency requests information on which approach would be more 
    appropriate for projecting a higher PM CEMS operating parameter limit.
        c. Ensuring that the higher projected PM CEMS operating parameter 
    [[Page 67800]]
    does not exceed the MACT PM standard. The PM CEMS operating parameter 
    limit would also be used to ensure compliance with the MACT PM 
    standard. We reiterate that the PM CEMS operating parameter limit is 
    not a measure of the emissions standard--the emissions standard is 
    defined in the rule as being measured by using manual methods--it is 
    instead an operating parameter limit used to ensure compliance with the 
    applicable standards. As discussed in section 1, above, it is likely 
    that due to several factors the PM CEMS operating parameter would have 
    a different numerical value that the MACT PM standard.
        One reason for different numerical values is the use of different 
    techniques (i.e., one is manual methods based while the other is CEMS-
    based) to determine a PM emissions value. The use of a manual method 
    test to determine a value is only a limited-time (e.g., 3 to 24 hours 
    every five years) measure of emissions, whereas a CEMS is a continuous 
    measure of emissions (e.g., 1 minute readings all the 
    time). Although the manual method will likely be a measure of ``high-
    end'' PM emissions during performance testing, it may not account for 
    all potential variability during normal operations. The use of a CEMS 
    to monitor PM emissions is a way to continuously measure the 
    variability of (both low and high) PM emissions, inherent in any 
    engineered system.
        Additionally, different values may be a result of the different 
    averaging periods stated for manual methods-based PM standard and the 
    PM CEMS operating parameter limit. See section 4, above, for a 
    discussion of the interrelationship between a numerical value of a 
    limit or standard and the averaging period. Having a PM CEMS operating 
    parameter limit with a different, possibly higher, numerical limit is 
    permissible and does not negate the value of the PM CEMS operating 
    parameter, provided there is reasonable correlation between the 
    operating parameter and the MACT PM standard. This section explains how 
    EPA would ensure that the numerically larger, revised PM CEMS operating 
    parameter limit would not violate the national PM standard.
        Ensuring that the higher projected PM CEMS operating parameter 
    limit does not exceed the MACT PM standard is complicated by the fact 
    that the PM operating parameter limit would be CEMS-based while the 
    MACT PM standard would be manual method-based. Nonetheless, compliance 
    with the MACT PM standard can be ensured by limiting the increase in 
    the PM CEMS operating parameter limit (i.e., the projected PM CEMS 
    operating parameter limit divided by the limit prior to projection) to 
    the ratio of the MACT PM standard to the performance test PM level on a 
    manual method basis. Given that projections rather than measured values 
    would be used to ensure compliance with a standard, it may be prudent 
    to limit the increase in the projected PM CEMS operating parameter 
    limit to the ratio of 75% of the MACT PM standard to the performance 
    test PM level. A conservative factor of 75% is within the range of 
    reasonable values the Agency could have selected--50% to 100%. 
    Regarding the specific percentage EPA chooses, the reader is referred 
    to the previous discussion regarding the percentage EPA chooses for the 
    HAP standards that require PM control to ensure compliance.
        Using the example from above and making the same assumptions, the 
    ratios would be calculated using 75 /dscm, 41/dscm, 
    and 26 mg/dscm in the numerator for SVM, LVM, and PM. These values are 
    75% of the standards for incinerators EPA discussed in the May 2, 1997, 
    HWC NODA. The resulting rations would be 7.5, 5.9, and 5.1. Since the 
    ratio calculated for PM is the lowest, ratio used to determine the 
    revised PM CEMS operating parameter limit would be 5.1.
        d. Establishing Revised Operating Parameter Limits for the PM 
    Control Device Corresponding to the Higher Projected PM CEMS Operating 
    Parameter Limit. Ideally, PM control device operating parameter limits 
    (e.g, pressure drop across a fabric filter) should be established to 
    ensure compliance with the higher projected PM CEMS operating parameter 
    limit for compliance purposes while the CEMS is malfunctioning. Absent 
    these revised (i.e., less stringent) operating parameter limits, the 
    source would be required to: (1) Comply with the more stringent 
    operating parameter limits established during the performance test that 
    correspond to the original PM CEMS operating parameter limit; or (2) 
    ensure that a back-up CEMS is always available.
        The Agency is considering an approach to establish revised 
    operating parameter limits for the PM control device corresponding to 
    operations at the higher projected PM CEMS operating parameter limit. 
    Under this approach, the source would analyze the historical operating 
    parameter values during those periods of time that PM emissions were 
    close to the higher projected PM CEMS operating parameter limit. Issues 
    that must be addressed, include: (1) What range of PM CEMS operating 
    parameter limit values should be considered to develop the database for 
    PM control device operating parameter values; and (2) how should the 
    database be analyzed to identify appropriate limits.
        It may be appropriate to establish the revised PM control device 
    operating parameter limits based on the 90th percentile of values that 
    occur when PM levels are within 75% of the higher projected PM CEMS 
    operating parameter limit. This would help ensure that a significant 
    data set was available for evaluation and that the limits were not 
    based on the most lenient values recorded. This is important because 
    the higher projected PM CEMS operating parameter limit is likely to be 
    well beyond the calibration curve. 24
        \24\ A source would be allowed to operate infrequently at levels 
    approaching a higher, projected PM CEMS operating parameter limit 
    that is beyond the calibration curve. If, however, a source operates 
    for prolonged periods at levels above the calibration curve, it must 
    perform Method 5 tests at those higher concentrations and include 
    those higher PM levels in the POM CEMS calibration. See discussion 
    on extrapolating PM CEMS calibration data elsewhere in today's 
        Based on further analysis, the Agency may consider other approaches 
    to define an appropriate data set of PM control device operating limits 
    and identify appropriate limits (e.g., considering a different 
    percentage of the historical data and/or basing the limit on a 
    different percentile of data). Alternatively, the Agency may conclude 
    that these approaches to revise the performance test-based operating 
    parameter limits would be too complicated or difficult for regulatory 
    officials to oversee, or that it would be difficult to confirm 
    compliance with the standards. In this event, sources would be required 
    to continue to comply with the PM control device operating parameter 
    limits established during the performance test when the CEMS 
    malfunctions even though the PM CEMS operating parameter limit has been 
    projected upward under procedures discussed above.
        e. Implementing the Variance. Sources requesting the variance to 
    project a higher PM CEMS operating parameter limit would include the 
    request with the Certification of PM CEMS Performance (CoP) that would 
    be submitted within 12 months after the Compliance Date. The variance 
    request must include documentation of the analyses described above to 
    identify the higher projected PM CEMS operating parameter limit and the 
    revised, PM control device operating parameters associated with the 
    higher projected PM
    [[Page 67801]]
    operating parameter limit. Sources would be allowed to comply with the 
    higher projected PM CEMS operating parameter limit immediately upon 
    submitting the CoP. Regulatory officials would have three months to 
    review the variance request, however, and to notify the source of 
    intent to disapprove the higher projected PM CEMS operating parameter 
    limit (or the associated revised PM control device operating parameter 
    limits for use during CEMS malfunctions). In such cases, the regulatory 
    officials would provide the basis of their initial decision and provide 
    the source with an opportunity to present, within 30 calendar days, 
    additional information before final action on the variance.
    7. EPA's PM CEMS Testing Program to Identify a CEMS-Based Emission 
    Level Achievable by MACT-Controlled Sources
        The Agency is undertaking an additional PM CEMS testing program to 
    identify CEMS-based emission levels that are achievable by hazardous 
    waste combustors (i.e., hazardous waste burning incinerators, cement 
    kilns, and lightweight aggregate kilns) using MACT control. The testing 
    is scheduled to begin in December 1997 and results should be analyzed 
    by December 1998. The Agency is working with representatives of the 
    regulated community to identify one source in each of the three source 
    categories that is using MACT control and that would be likely to 
    define the most achievable level (i.e., considering average PM 
    emissions and emissions variability) for MACT-controlled sources.
        Although these test results will not be used as part of the final 
    rule, the data will be valuable to permitting authorities and the 
    regulated community as a PM CEMS emission benchmark that is achievable 
    using MACT controls. Permitting authorities could use the data to 
    identify sources that appear to have established an anomalously high 
    CEMS-based PM operating parameter limit, and as a framework within 
    which to review Certifications of Performance in a cost-effective 
    manner. Likewise, sources wanting to ensure that their facility is 
    operating in a manner representative of MACT control could use this 
    information to see if their CEMS-based PM operating parameter limits 
    are below the levels that MACT sources show are achievable using MACT 
    C. RCA Test Frequency
        In the proposed rule, EPA said that facilities would be required to 
    perform relative calibration audits (RCAs) on their PM CEMS every 18 
    months. This testing interval would be relaxed to 30 months for small 
    on-site incinerators. These time intervals coincided with the proposed 
    Performance Test intervals. If these tests can be performed at the same 
    time as the performance tests, cost savings can be realized by the 
    facility relative to what the costs would be if the tests were not 
    conducted at the same time. As a result of the analysis of comments on 
    the performance test frequency, the Agency is considering requiring all 
    facilities to conduct comprehensive performance tests every five (5) 
    years. Therefore, we prefer that RCA tests be performed every five 
        One of the goals of the PM CEMS Demonstration Test program was to 
    quantitatively define what RCA frequency is appropriate for PM CEMS. 
    Unfortunately, variability in the manual method masks any error that 
    can be identified as being caused by drift in the PM CEMS over time. 
    Therefore, we are unable to use the PM CEMS data from the demonstration 
    tests to extrapolate to an appropriate re-test frequency \25\.
        \25\ In fact as method accuracy improved, the PM CEMS 
    calibration statistics got better over time. Extrapolating this data 
    would lead to erroneous conclusion that no retesting is ever needed, 
    since the PM CEMS calibration keeps getting better.
        Lacking these long-term data, it is important to look at what is 
    done in other countries to qualitatively determine this RCA test 
    frequency. The United Kingdom (UK) requires that retesting be conducted 
    at least every year, and in Germany testing is required every 3 to 5 
    years. The RCA test frequency could therefore reasonably be between one 
    and five years. The UK, though, heavily relies on manual methods 
    testing--so much so that they believe using gas bottles is cost 
    prohibitive for gaseous (e.g., NOx and SOx) CEMS 
    testing and rely on manual methods testing instead. EPA is inclined to 
    believe that the German's longer retest frequency is more consistent 
    with our regulatory framework.
    D. Extrapolating PM CEMS Calibration Data
        One-minute or batch PM CEMS readings during the course of 
    operations are likely to occasionally exceed the highest M5i 
    calibration point during the course of PM CEMS use. This is because the 
    manual method results used to derive the calibration are (nominally) 
    one hour block averages of emissions over the sampling period while the 
    PM CEMS readings are averages of emissions on the order of minutes. See 
    section 4, above, regarding the interrelationship the numerical limits 
    of a standard or limit and its associated averaging period. In 
    addition, emissions variability within the sampling period of M5 is not 
    likely to represent the full range of emissions variability over all 
    periods of PM CEMS operation. Therefore, a system is needed to allow 
    the extrapolation of data beyond the calibration curve.
        The revised calibration and implementation scheme described in 
    today's notice (i.e., multiple calibrations (for light-scattering PM 
    CEMS) over the full range of emissions at the facility) will result in 
    a calibration from which some reasonable and limited extrapolation is 
    reasonable. Therefore, the Agency proposes to allow the calibration 
    curve to be used for measurements up to 25% more than the maximum M5 
    \26\ measurement observed during the calibration. (This will be 
    referred to as the ``125% point.'') Beyond this point (125% of the 
    highest M5 measurement) EPA is concerned that extrapolating the 
    calibration data might lead to false compliance determinations. 
    Therefore, some environmentally conservative approach must be employed.
        \26\ In this context, M5 is meant to refer to all the methods 
    (Method 5, Method 5A, . . ., Method 5I) used to calibrate PM CEMS.
        Note that the ability to extrapolate beyond the calibration curve 
    in no way would mitigate the facility's requirement to calibrate over 
    its full range of PM emissions. If a facility experiences continuous 
    periods of PM emissions beyond the calibration curve, it would be 
    obligated to perform tests to capture these data into the calibration 
    curve. For example, a facility may determine that it occasionally has 
    several continuous hours of PM CEMS readings which are greater than the 
    125% point. Several continuous hours are enough time to conduct a M5 
    test, so the facility would be obligated to conduct M5 tests at this 
    emissions level and include these data in the calibration curve used at 
    the facility. EPA requests comment on how long a period of sustained 
    operations at emissions levels greater than the 125% point would be 
    necessary to require these additional calibration data points.
    1. Extrapolating Light-Scattering PM CEMS Calibration Data
        If it is necessary to extrapolate beyond the 125% point, an 
    environmentally conservative approach would consist of determining the 
    slope of the calibration curve at the 125% point and have the 
    calibration continue with a slope equal to or greater than the slope of 
    the curve at the 125% point. For example if the
    [[Page 67802]]
    curve is a log-normal relation, the slope of the curve at the 125% 
    point would be positive, but less than the slope of a straight line 
    that would also describe the correlation between method results and PM 
    CEMS outputs. Therefore, if a log-normal relationship best describes 
    the calibration curve, facilities should extrapolate beyond the 125% 
    point using a straight line beyond the 125% point. The slope of the 
    straight line would be the slope of the log-normal curve, taken from 
    the points on the calibration curve associated with the lowest M5 
    measurement and the 125% point.
        If the calibration curve is best described by a straight line 
    arithmetic fit, then extrapolating beyond this 125% point would depend 
    on the slope of any quadratic fit of the data. If the quadratic curve 
    slopes negative at higher values of PM CEMS outputs, then the straight 
    line defined by the calibration would be used to extrapolate beyond the 
    125% point. If the quadratic fit slopes positive at higher values of PM 
    CEMS outputs, then the quadratic fit would be used beyond the 125% 
        Finally, if the calibration curve is a quadratic fit, then the 
    quadratic fit can be used to extrapolate all data \27\.
        \27\ Note: If the slope of the quadratic fit is ever less than 
    zero for values of PM CEMS output above what was measured by the 
    manual method (that is, it ever has a negative slope), this 
    indicates that the correlation between M5 measurements and PM CEMS 
    output is not represented by a quadratic fit and that another 
    mathematical model should be used.
    2. Extrapolation of Beta-gage Calibration Data
        For Beta-gage PM CEMS, extrapolating beyond the 125% point would 
    involve continuing the straight line defined by its linear calibration 
    equation. Beta-gage PM CEMS apparently are not sensitive to particle 
    changes in the physical characteristics of particulate, as the light-
    scattering PM CEMS are. Therefore, a straight-line fit best represents 
    the calibration for beta-gage PM CEMS at all times.
    E. Need to Calibrate to Twice the Emissions Standard
        One issue raised by commenters during the comment period for the 
    proposed rule was EPA's proposal that facilities calibrate the PM CEMS 
    to twice the emissions limit. Commenters raised concerns that 
    facilities might not be able to emit PM at a concentration equal to 
    twice the standard. They also said this aspect of the proposal in 
    essence asks facilities to violate the emission standard and could lead 
    to an enforcement action against the facility. Commenters also had 
    concerns that facility personnel may not be sufficiently familiar with 
    the various process and APCD factors to acceptably calibrate the PM 
    CEMS over the full range of operations experienced at the facility. 
    Each of these points are discussed in the following paragraphs.
        EPA agrees that it would be difficult for many facilities to emit 
    PM at any prescribed level. Many facilities have redundancies in their 
    PM APCDs to such an extent that emitting to the emissions limit may be 
    problematic. However to have accurate PM CEMS measurements, facilities 
    need to calibrate the PM CEMS over the full range of emissions 
    experienced at the facility. As a result, it would be necessary to 
    require facilities to calibrate the PM CEMS over the full range of 
    operations, including PM emissions. This would eliminate the 
    prescriptive nature of how high the calibration needs to be while still 
    addressing the issue that the site-specific calibration of PM CEMS 
    covers the broad range of PM emissions experienced at the facility.
        EPA does not agree, however, that this approach could cause 
    facilities to violate the manual method MACT PM standard. The PM 
    standard would be defined as the average of three manual method 
    measurements. Any single run above the standard would not be a 
    violation by itself. Average emissions over the calibration would be 
    below the standard for a source equipped with MACT controls. Therefore, 
    we expect that sources would be able to calibrate PM CEMS at levels 
    higher than the PM emissions standard and still remain in compliance 
    with the standard. If this is not practical, however, EPA may consider 
    a waiver of the manual method PM standard during periods of calibrating 
    (and performing RCA tests of) the PM CEMS. The need to obtain and audit 
    an accurate calibration at and above the PM standard may override any 
    concerns about high short-term PM emissions. EPA would want to limit 
    the frequency and duration of calibration runs that exceed the 
    standard, however. We request comment regarding how such limits could 
    be implemented. One way this could occur is to require that sources 
    request in the performance test plan approval to exceed the standard 
    during calibration. Approval to exceed the standard would only be 
    required if the average of all PM CEMS calibration runs is greater than 
    the PM standard.
        The revised draft PS 11 states that different PM levels should be 
    obtained by varying process conditions or, alternatively, by adjusting 
    the APC system. It is relatively silent in presenting a well-defined 
    protocol with guidelines on how EPA expects calibration tests to be 
    performed. This is because individual sources should know best how to 
    vary their PM emissions. For instance, inserting a throttle plate in 
    lieu of one (or several) bags in a baghouse and varying the opening of 
    the throttle plate(s) is likely an effective way to vary PM 
    concentration for the calibration at a facility equipped with a 
    baghouse. Varying power to an ESP and simulating various failure modes 
    (such as lowering the temperature in the ESP to cause condensation on 
    the plates) is likely vary PM sufficiently for the calibration at 
    sources equipped with an ESP.
        The experience gained during the PM CEMS Demonstration tests 
    suggests that one can obtain a suitable range of emissions by varying 
    process conditions that affect inlet PM loading to the last in a series 
    of PM APCDs and adjusting the performance of that last APCD. Exactly 
    how this is accomplished at a given facility will vary and depend on 
    the waste fed to the unit, how the facility is designed and operated, 
    and in what order the APCDs are configured. Therefore, the language in 
    the revised PS11 is adequate. More prescriptive language may not work 
    in most cases.
        Finally, EPA, will be working with industry representatives to 
    develop approaches to better describe how calibration tests should be 
    performed at individual HWC facilities. EPA expects to provide this 
    information in a technical implementation guide.
    F. Allowing PM CEMS to be Used In-lieu of Method 5 Tests
        Although the PM CEMS would be required only as an operating 
    parameter, EPA intends to allow facilities to voluntarily elect to use 
    the PM CEMS for compliance with manual methods-based PM standards. 
    Using the PM CEMS for compliance is expected to provide a cost savings 
    to the facility since the facility would not have to conduct periodic 
    Method 5 tests to document compliance with PM standards. Instead a 
    facility could elect to use the PM CEMS measurements during these 
    periodic tests. This would be acceptable if the facility uses the block 
    average of the PM CEMS readings during the M29 tests for the SVM and 
    LVM standards as the particulate ``method result.''
    G. Waivers from the PM CEMS Requirements
        In the proposed rule, EPA requested comment on waiving the PM and 
    Hg CEMS requirement for small, on-site incinerators. See 61 FR at 
    17439. Upon
    [[Page 67803]]
    further consideration, EPA has identified other classes of incinerators 
    where a PM CEMS requirement may be impractical. If the PM CEMS 
    requirement is waived for a given source, the facility would have to 
    comply with operating parameter limits to assure compliance for PM. Of 
    course, a facility could always elect to use a PM CEMS for compliance 
    even if a waiver procedure is promulgated for that facility.
    1. Waiver of PM and Hg CEMS Requirements for Small On-site Incinerators
        EPA is considering whether to waive the PM and Hg CEMS requirements 
    for small, on-site incinerators (SOSI). See the proposed rule, 61 FR at 
    17439. If a waiver is promulgated, a SOSI would be required to use 
    existing operating parameters in lieu of a PM CEMS to document 
    compliance with the PM, SVM, and LVM standards.
    2. PM CEMS Waiver for Sources With Short Life-Spans
        Given the PM CEMS compliance schedule discussed in section IV.A, 
    above, facilities with short, fixed life-spans raise several issues. 
    For instance, certain government-run incinerators are constructed for 
    the purposes of destroying waste that is too hazardous to transport 
    off-site. These incinerators often have short life spans (ranging from 
    months to a few years) and are constructed to fulfill the requirements 
    of a consent decree, memorandum of understanding (MOU), or other 
    legally binding enforcement agreement. For example the Department of 
    Defense (DoD), acting under a MOU with EPA, may construct an 
    incinerator to destroy nerve-gas agents that are too hazardous to 
    transport. When this activity is complete, the MOU would obligate DoD 
    to dismantle and destroy the incinerator.
        It does not seem practical to mandate that these facilities use PM 
    CEMS if they will be in service for less than, or slightly longer than, 
    the implementation schedule just discussed. Therefore, EPA is 
    considering a waiver of the PM CEMS requirement for HWCs operating 
    under a legally binding agreement that ensures the source will stop 
    burning hazardous waste within three years of the Compliance Date.
        EPA could likewise grant a waiver from the PM CEMS requirement for 
    facilities with short life-spans that lack the legally binding 
    agreement discussed above. However, EPA is concerned that without a 
    legally binding agreement to cease operations, the Agency lacks 
    certainty that operations will cease by a prescribed date. For this 
    reason, EPA would consider a waiver for other facilities that plan to 
    cease operations within the first year of compliance with the HWC 
    regulations, that is, prior to the need to use PM CEMS as the operating 
    parameter for PM control. Facilities that operate after the first year 
    would need to have PM CEMS installed, calibrated, meet data 
    availability requirements, determine the PM CEMS operating parameter 
    limit, and use the PM CEMS as the primary operating parameter for PM 
    3. Other Sources
        As discussed in section III.C. of this NODA, EPA may be unable to 
    determine whether the results of the PM CEMS demonstration test can be 
    transferred to two classes of incinerators: Those with waste heat 
    boilers and mobile incinerators. See section III.C. for more 
    V. Other Issues Concerning CEMS and Test Methods for HWCs
    A. Performance Specifications for Optional CEMS
        In the proposed rule, EPA proposed other performance specifications 
    for multi-metals, hydrochloric acid (HCl), and chlorine gas 
    (Cl2) CEMS. These performance specifications were proposed 
    as PS10, 13, and 14, respectively. Based on what EPA has learned during 
    the course of demonstrating PM and Hg CEMS, EPA expects not to 
    promulgate the draft performance specifications (PS) for these CEMS at 
    the time of the HWC final rule. As discussed in section II of today's 
    notice, EPA does not plan to promulgate a PS for total mercury (Hg) 
    CEMS either. The Agency has not tested MM and Cl2 CEMS to 
    determine what performance is achievable by the CEMS. Hg CEMS have not 
    been demonstrated as a compliance tool for universal application to all 
    HWCs. EPA has tested HCl CEMS in preparation for the medical waste 
    incinerator rulemaking but did not require the use of HCl CEMS in that 
    rulemaking (see discussion starting at 62 FR 48360, September 15, 1997) 
    and does not believe requiring HCl CEMS for the HWC rulemaking is 
    appropriate either (see 61 FR at 17433).
        Instead, EPA will consider enabling sources to demonstrate these 
    CEMS on a site-specific basis and to develop performance levels for the 
    CEMS as part of the demonstration. The Agency's only concern is that 
    the CEMS be proven to be a better and more reliable indicator of 
    compliance for the HAP or standard than the requirements specified in 
    the regulations. This approach is now being used to demonstrate a 
    multi-metals CEMS at the Von Roll incinerator in East Liverpool, Ohio.
        EPA intends to accumulate the CEMS demonstration results and 
    experience and will share that information with permitting authorities 
    and sources wishing to document compliance with CEMS. Since the HCl 
    CEMS have been demonstrated by EPA, we believe the HCl CEMS performance 
    specification could more easily be used as a point of departure for 
    implementing HCl CEMS at a given facility.
    B. Stack Sampling Test Methods
        Another question is whether EPA should simplify the task of 
    determining the appropriate manual method tests to be used for 
    compliance. Currently, stack sampling and analysis methods for HWCs are 
    (with a few exceptions) located in RCRA's SW-846 for compliance with 
    the BIF and incinerator rules, and in 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A for 
    compliance with the NSPS and other air rules. Facilities could be 
    required to perform two identical tests, one for compliance with MACT 
    or RCRA and one for compliance with other air rules, using identical 
    test methods simply because one method is an ``SW-846'' method and the 
    other an ``air method.''
        Stack test methods HWCs use for compliance should be found in one 
    place to facilitate compliance. EPA intends to reference 40 CFR part 
    60, Appendix A, when it requires a specific stack-sampling test method. 
    A few SW-846 methods do not have equivalents in 40 CFR part 60, 
    Appendix A, namely the VOST and semi-VOST methods. In these few cases, 
    EPA would continue to refer to these SW-846 methods as well.
        This discussion only affects stack sampling methods and has no 
    affect on feedstream sampling and analysis.
        Dated: December 19, 1997.
    Matt Hale,
    Acting Director, Office of Solid Waste.
    Appendix I--Method 5i
    Method 5I--Determination of Low Level Particulate Matter Emissions From 
    Stationary Sources
    1.  Applicability and Principal
        1.1  Applicability. This method applies to the determination of 
    low level particulate matter (PM) emissions from stationary sources 
    and facilities performing calibrations or calibration audits of 
    particulate matter continuous emission monitors as specified in the 
    regulations. The method is effective for total train catches of 50 
    mg or less. The minimum detection limit for this method can be 
    determined by repeatedly collecting and analyzing blank samples. A 
    blank sample is a sample of blank air collected and analyzed
    [[Page 67804]]
    in the normal manner. The limit of detection can be calculated by 
    collecting and analyzing seven blank samples and then calculating an 
    estimate of the sample standard deviation of these blanks. The limit 
    of detection would be three times the estimated sample standard 
        1.2  Principal. The PM is withdrawn isokinetically from the 
    source and collected on a 47 mm glass fiber filter maintained at a 
    temperature of 120 deg. 14 deg.C (248 deg. 
    25 deg.F). The PM mass, which includes any material that 
    condenses at or above the filtration temperature, is determined 
    gravimetrically after the removal of uncombined water.
    2. Apparatus
        2.1  Sampling Train. The sampling train configuration is the 
    same as shown in Method 5, Figure 5-1. The sampling train consists 
    of the following components: Pitot Tube, Probe liner Differential 
    Pressure Gauge, Filter Heating System, Condenser, Metering System, 
    Barometer, and Gas Density Determination Equipment. Same as Method 
    5, Sections 2.1.2 to 2.1.4, 2.1.6 and 2.1.7 to 2.1.10, respectively.
        2.1.1  Probe Nozzle. Same as Method 5, Sections 2.1.1 with the 
    exception that it is constructed of Borosilicate or quartz glass 
    tubing with sharp, tapered leading edge.
        2.1.2  Filter Holder. The filter holder for this sampling train 
    is constructed of Borosilicate or quartz glass front cover designed 
    to hold a 47 mm glass fiber filter, with a stainless steel filter 
    support, a silicone rubber or Viton O-ring and Teflon tape seal. The 
    holder design will provide a positive seal against leakage from the 
    outside or around the filter. The filter holder assembly fits into a 
    stainless steel filter holder and attaches immediately at the outlet 
    of the probe (or cyclone, if used). The tare weight of the filter, 
    Borosilicate or quartz glass, stainless steel filter support, 
    silicone rubber or Viton O-ring and Teflon tape seal will not exceed 
    31 grams. The filter holder is designed to use a 47 mm glass fiber 
    filter meeting the criteria in section 3.1.1 of Method 5. Figure 5I-
    1 presents a schematic of the filter holder system. These units are 
    commercially available.
        2.1.3  Glass Plugs and Clamps. Once the filter holder has been 
    assembled, desiccated and tared it is critical that the filter be 
    isolated from any external sources of contamination. This can be 
    accomplished by covering the leak-free ground glass or O-ring socket 
    on the front half glass filter cover with a Borosilicate or quartz 
    ground glass plug. The plug shall be secured in place with the 
    appropriate sized laboratory impinger clamp or any system that can 
    ensure a leak-free fitting. It is beneficial to place the glass plug 
    on the inlet socket as soon as the unit is assembled, however do not 
    tare the assembly with the plug in place, as this will increase the 
    tare weight introducing additional error into the final weighings.
        2.2  Sample Recovery. Is the same as Method 5 for: Glass Sample 
    Storage Containers, Graduated Cylinder and/or Balance, Plastic 
    Storage Containers, Funnel and Rubber Policeman (Method 5 sections 
    2.2.3, 2.2.5--2.2.8, respectively) with the following exceptions:
        2.2.1  Probe-Liner and Probe-Nozzle Brushes. Teflon 
    and nylon bristle brushes with stainless steel wire handles, should 
    be used to clean the probe. The probe brush shall have extensions 
    (at least as long as the probe) of Nylon, Teflon, or 
    similarly inert material. The brushes shall be properly sized and 
    shaped to brush out the probe liner and nozzle.
        2.2.2  Wash Bottles--Two. Teflon wash bottles are 
    recommended however, polyethylene wash bottles may be used at the 
    option of the tester. It is recommended that acetone not be stored 
    in polyethylene bottles for longer than a month.
        2.2.3  Sample Holder: A portable carrying case with clean 
    compartments of sufficient size to accommodate each filter assembly. 
    The filters shall be able to lay flat with the stainless steel 
    filter support placed down in the compartment. This system should 
    have an air tight seal to prevent contamination to the filters 
    during transport to and from the field. It is recommended that 
    desiccant be used in this case. The desiccant, if used, is housed in 
    a container that is capped with a 0.1 micron screen to ensure that 
    no dust particles can contaminate the outside of the filter housings 
    during transport.
        2.3  Analysis. The same as Method 5 for sections 2.3.2-2.3.7 
    with the following exception:
        2.3.1  Teflon Liner: Teflon liners are used for the 
    analysis of the probe and nozzle particulate catch. The liners are 
    washed with soap (Alconox or similar low residue laboratory soap) 
    and water. Each liner is then rinsed with DI Water followed by an 
    acetone (low residue) rinse. The static charge on the liners is 
    removed using an anti-static rinse and then the liners are oven 
    dried and desiccated.
    3. Reagents
        3.1  Sampling. The reagents used in sampling are the same as 
    Method 5 for: Silica Gel, Water, Crushed Ice, Sample Recovery 
    Reagents, and Desiccant (sections 3.1.2-3.1.5, 3.2-3.3.2) with the 
    following exceptions:
        3.1.1  Filters. 47 mm Glass fiber filters, without organic 
    binder, exhibiting at least 99.95 percent efficiency (<0.05 percent="" penetration)="" on="" 0.3-micron="" dioctyl="" phthalate="" smoke="" particles.="" the="" filter="" efficiency="" test="" shall="" be="" conducted="" in="" accordance="" with="" astm="" standard="" method="" d2986-71="" (reapproved="" 1978)="" (incorporated="" by="" reference--see="" sec.="" 60.17).="" test="" data="" from="" the="" supplier's="" quality="" control="" program="" are="" sufficient="" for="" this="" purpose.="" in="" sources="" containing="">2 or SO3, the filter material 
    must be of a type that is unreactive to SO2 or 
    SO3. Citation 10 in the Bibliography for Method 5, may be 
    used to select the appropriate filter.
        3.1.2  Stopcock Grease. Stopcock grease cannot be used with this 
    sampling train. It is recommended that the sampling train be 
    configured with glass joints, using o-ring seals or screw-on 
    connectors with Teflon sleeves, or similar.
        3.1.3  Acetone. Pesticide grade or equivalent low residue type 
    Acetone is used for the recovery of particulate matter from the 
    probe and nozzle.
        3.1.4  Latex Gloves. Disposable, powder free, latex surgical 
    gloves are used for all handling of the filter housings at all 
    4. Procedure
        4.1  Sampling. The complexity of this method is such that, in 
    order to obtain reliable results, testers should be trained and 
    experienced with the test procedures. The sampling procedures are 
    the same as Method 5 for: Preliminary Determinations, Leak-Check 
    Procedures, Particulate Train Operation (sections 4.1.2, 4.1.4, 
    4.1.5 respectively ) with the following exceptions:
        4.1.1  Pretest Preparation. Is the same as Method 5, section 
    4.1.1 with the following exception: Label filter supports prior to 
    loading filters into the holder assembly. This can be accomplished 
    with a diamond scribe. As an alternative, label the shipping 
    container compartments (glass or plastic) and keep the filter holder 
    assemblies in these compartments at all times except during sampling 
    and weighing. Using the powder free latex surgical gloves (surgical 
    gloves must be used at all times when handling the filter holder 
    assemblies). Place the Viton O-ring on the back of the 
    filter housing in the O-ring grove. Place a 47mm glass fiber filter 
    on the O-ring with the face down. Place a stainless steel filter 
    holder against the back of the filter. Carefully wrap \1/4\ inch 
    wide Teflon tape one time around the outside of the 
    filter holder overlapping the stainless steel filter support by 
    approximately \1/8\ inch. Gently brush the Teflon tape 
    down on the back of the stainless steel filter support. Desiccate 
    the filter holder assemblies at 205.6 deg. C 
    (6810 deg. F) and ambient pressure for at least 24 hours 
    and weigh at intervals of at least 6 hours to a constant weight, 
    i.e., 0.5 mg change from previous weighing; record results to the 
    nearest 0.1 mg. During each weighing the filter holder assemblies 
    must not be exposed to the laboratory atmosphere for a period 
    greater than 2 minutes and a relative humidity above 30 percent. 
    Alternatively (unless otherwise specified by the Administrator), the 
    filters holder assemblies may be oven dried at 105 deg. C (220 deg. 
    F) for 2 to 3 hours, desiccated for 2 hours, and weighed.
        4.1.2  Same as Method 5, section 4.1.2.
        4.1.3  Preparation of Collection Train. Is the same as Method 5, 
    section 4.1.3 with the following exception: During preparation and 
    assembly of the sampling train, keep all openings where 
    contamination can occur covered until just prior to assembly or 
    until sampling is about to begin. Using clean disposable powder free 
    latex surgical gloves, place a labeled (identified) and weighed 
    filter holder assembly in the stainless holder for the assembly. 
    Then place this whole unit in the Method 5 hot box and attach it to 
    the probe using clean standard connectors. Do not use any stopcock 
        4.2  Sample Recovery. Proper cleanup procedure begins as soon as 
    the probe is removed from the stack at the end of the sampling 
    period. Allow the probe to cool. When the probe can be safely 
    handled, wipe off all external particulate matter near the tip of 
    the probe nozzle and place a cap over it to prevent losing or 
    gaining particulate matter. Do not cap off the probe tip tightly 
    while the sampling train is cooling down as this would create a 
    vacuum in the filter holder, thus drawing water from the impingers 
    into the filter holder. Before
    [[Page 67805]]
    moving the sample train to the cleanup site, remove the probe from 
    the sample train and cap the open outlet of the probe. Be careful 
    not to lose any condensate that might be present. Cap the filter 
    inlet using a standard ground glass plug and secure the cap with an 
    impinger clamp. Remove the umbilical cord from the last impinger and 
    cap the impinger. If a flexible line is used between the first 
    impinger or condenser and the filter holder, disconnect the line at 
    the filter holder and let any condensed water or liquid drain into 
    the impingers or condenser. Transfer the probe and filter-impinger 
    assembly to the cleanup area. This area should be clean and 
    protected from the wind so that the chances of contaminating or 
    losing the sample will be minimized. Save a portion of the acetone 
    used for cleanup of the probe and nozzle as a blank. Take 200 ml of 
    this acetone directly from the wash bottle being used and place it 
    in a glass sample container labeled ``acetone blank.'' Inspect the 
    train prior to and during disassembly and note any abnormal 
    conditions. Treat the samples as follows:
        Container No. 1. Carefully remove the filter holder assembly 
    from the Method 5 hot box and place it in the transport case. Use a 
    pair of clean disposable powder free latex surgical gloves to handle 
    the filter holder assembly. If the transport case is being used to 
    identify and track the filter holder assemblies the entire transport 
    container will need to be of sufficient size and shape to fit in the 
    desiccator at the laboratory. It is important to ensure that the 
    assemblies have cooled sufficiently to prevent the surgical gloves 
    from melting on the filter holder assembly.
        Container No. 2. Same as Method 5 Container No. 2 with the 
    exception that it is recommended that only glass sample containers 
    be used for collection of the sample from the probe and nozzle to 
    minimize the potential for background contamination.
        Container No. 3. Same as Method 5 Container No. 3.
        4.3  Analysis. Same as Method 5 section 4.3 with the following 
        Container No. 1. Same as Method 5 Section 4.3 Container No. 1 
    with the following exception: Use disposable powder free latex 
    surgical gloves to remove each of the filter holder assemblies from 
    the desiccator or transport container.
        Container No. 2. Same as Method 5 Section 4.3 Container No. 2 
    with the following exception: It is recommended that the contents of 
    Container 2 be transferred to a 250 ml beaker with a Teflon\ liner 
    or similar container that has a minimal tare weight prior to 
    bringing to dryness.
        Container No. 3. Same as Method 5 Section 4.3 Container No. 3
        4.4  Quality Control Procedures. The Quality Control Procedures 
    used in sampling are the same as Method 5 for: Meter Orifice Check 
    and Calibrated Critical Orifice (sections 4.4.1--4.4.2).
    5. Calibration.
        The Calibration Procedures used are the same as Method 5: Probe 
    Nozzle, Pitot Tube, Metering System, Probe Heater Calibration, 
    Temperature Gauges, Leak Check of Metering System Shown in Method 5 
    Figure 5-1, Barometer (sections 5.1--5.7).
    6. Calculations
        The Calculations used are the same as Method 5 for: 
    Nomenclature, Average Dry Gas Meter Temperature and Average Orifice 
    Pressure Drop, Dry Gas Volume, Volume of Water Vapor, Acetone Blank 
    Concentration, Total Particulate Weight, Particulate Concentration, 
    Conversion Factors, Isokinetic Variation, Acceptable Results, Stack 
    Gas Velocity and Volumetric Flow Rate (sections 6.1--6.13).
    7. Alternative Procedures
        The Alternative Procedures used are the same as Method 5 for: 
    Dry Gas Meter as a Calibration Standard, Critical Orifices As 
    Calibration Standards, (sections 7.1--7.2).
    8. Bibliography
        The Bibliography used is the same as Method 5.
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P
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    BILLING CODE 6560-50-C
    [[Page 67807]]
    Appendix II--Performance Specification 11
    PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION 11--Specifications and test procedures for 
    particulate matter continuous emission monitoring systems in stationary 
    211.0 Scope and Application
        1.1  Analyte. Particulate matter as defined and determined by 
    the Reference Method--Method 5 or Method 5I.
        1.2  Applicability.
        1.2.1  This specification is for evaluating the acceptability of 
    particulate matter (PM) continuous emission monitoring systems 
    (CEMS) at the time of or soon after installation and whenever 
    specified in the regulations. The CEMS may include, for certain 
    stationary sources, (a) a diluent monitor (i.e., O2, CO, 
    or other CEMS specified in the applicable regulation), which must 
    meet its own performance specifications found in this appendix, (b) 
    auxiliary monitoring equipment to allow measurement, determination, 
    or input of the gas temperature, pressure, moisture content, and/or 
    dry volume of stack effluent sampled, and (c) an automatic sampling 
        This performance specification requires site specific 
    calibration of the PM CEMS response against manual gravimetric 
    Reference Method measurements. Procedures for extrapolating results 
    beyond the range of particulate mass loadings used to develop the 
    calibration are found in the applicable regulations. A new 
    calibration may be required if conditions at the facility change and 
    result in conditions which are unrepresentative of the previous 
    calibration (i.e., changes in emission control system, concentration 
    of PM emitted, or feed inputs to the device). Since the validity of 
    the calibration may be affected by changes in the physical 
    properties of the particulate (such as density, index of refraction, 
    and size distribution), the limitations of the CEMS used should be 
    evaluated with respect to these possible changes on a site specific 
        1.2.2  This specification is not designed to evaluate the 
    installed CEMS performance over an extended period of time nor does 
    it identify specific calibration techniques and auxiliary procedures 
    to assess CEMS performance. The source owner or operator, however, 
    is responsible to properly calibrate, maintain, and operate the 
    CEMS. The Administrator may require, under Section 114 of the Act, 
    the operator to conduct CEMS performance evaluations at other times 
    besides the initial test to evaluate the CEMS performance. See 
    Appendix F to Part 60--Procedure 2, Quality Assurance Requirements 
    For Particulate Matter Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems Used 
    For Compliance Determination.
    2.0  Summary of Performance Specification.
        Procedures for establishing the CEMS calibration are outlined in 
    this performance specification. CEMS installation and measurement 
    location specifications, equipment specifications, performance 
    specifications, and data reduction procedures are also included. 
    Conformance of the CEMS with the Performance Specifications is 
    3.0 Definitions
        3.1  Batch Sampling means the technique of sampling the stack 
    effluent continuously and concentrating the pollutant in some 
    capture medium. The capture medium is moved periodically for 
    analysis after sufficient time has elapsed to concentrate the 
    pollutant to levels detectable by the analyzer. Continuous sampling 
    is ensured by sampling (either on a different part of the capture 
    medium or a different capture medium) while analysis is being 
    performed on a previous sample.
        3.2  Calibration Drift (CD) means the difference in the CEMS 
    output readings from the established reference value after a stated 
    period of operation during which no unscheduled maintenance, repair, 
    or manual adjustment took place.
        3.3  Calibration means the site-specific correlation between the 
    CEMS output and the PM mass concentration measured by the Reference 
        3.4  Calibration Standard means a reference material that 
    produces a known and unchanging response when presented to the 
    pollutant analyzer portion of the CEMS, and used to calibrate the 
    drift or response of the analyzer.
        3.5  Centroidal Area means a concentric area that is 
    geometrically similar to the stack or duct cross section and is no 
    greater than 1 percent of the stack or duct cross sectional area.
        3.6  Confidence Interval means the interval defined by equations 
    13 and 23 of this performance specification with upper and lower 
    limits within which the CEMS response calibration relation lies with 
    a given level of confidence.
        3.7  Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) means the 
    total equipment required for the determination of particulate matter 
    mass concentration in units of the emission standard. The sample 
    interface, pollutant analyzer, diluent analyzer, other auxiliary 
    data monitor(s) and data recorder are the major subsystems of the 
        3.8  Correlation coefficient means that portion of the 
    statistical evaluation that measures how well the CEMS and Reference 
    Method calibration relation data fit the regression line as defined 
    by equation 16 of this performance specification.
        3.9  Data Recorder means that portion of the CEMS that provides 
    a permanent record of the analyzer output and the final PM 
    concentration result in units of the emission standard. The data 
    recorder may provide automatic data reduction and CEMS control 
        3.10  Diluent Analyzer and Other Auxiliary Data Monitor(s) (if 
    applicable) means that portion of the CEMS that sense or otherwise 
    provide the diluent gas (such as O2 or CO, as specified 
    by the applicable regulations), temperature, pressure, and/or 
    moisture content, and generates an output proportional to the 
    diluent gas concentration or data property.
        3.11  Linear Calibration means a CEMS response which is linear 
    relative to the measured PM concentration produced by the Reference 
        3.12  Path CEMS means a CEMS that measures particulate matter 
    mass concentrations along a path across the stack or duct cross 
    section which is representative of results of the cross-sectional PM 
    concentrations produced by the Reference Method.
        3.13  Point CEMS means a CEMS that measures particulate matter 
    mass concentrations either at a single point, or over a small fixed 
    volume or path, which is representative of the cross-sectional PM 
    concentrations produced by the Reference Method.
        3.14  Pollutant Analyzer means that portion of the CEMS that 
    senses the particulate matter concentration and generates a 
    proportional output.
        3.15  Quadratic Calibration Relation means a CEMS response which 
    has a second order equation to define its relationship to the 
    measured PM concentration produced by the Reference Method.
        3.16  Reference Method. The Reference Method for particulate 
    measurements is those methods collectively known as Method 5, found 
    in Appendix A of 40 CFR Part 60. Unless other variants are specified 
    in the regulations, Method 5 shall be used for total train catches 
    exceeding 50 mg (i.e., emissions concentrations of more than 45 mg/
    dscm). Method 5I shall be used for total train catches of less than 
    or equal to 50 mg (i.e., emissions concentrations of 45 mg/dscm or 
    less). If variants other than Method 5I are used, care should be 
    taken to follow the general procedures described in Method 5I to aid 
    in the elimination of measurement error. Other Reference Methods may 
    be applicable, such as Method 1, 3, or 4. Methods other than Method 
    5 are referred to in this specification individually by name.
        3.17 Representative Results means the results consistent with 
    the acceptance criteria found in section 13.2 of this specification.
        3.18 Response Time means the time interval between the start of 
    a step change in the system input and the time when the pollutant 
    analyzer output reaches 95 percent of the final value.
        3.19 Sample Interface means that portion of the CEMS used for 
    one or more of the following: sample acquisition, sample delivery, 
    sample conditioning, or protection of the monitor from the effects 
    of the stack effluent.
        3.20 Span Value means the upper limit of the CEMS measurement 
    range. The span value shall be documented by the CEMS manufacturer 
    with laboratory data.
        3.21 Tolerance Interval means the interval with upper and lower 
    limits within which are contained a specified percentage of the 
    population with a given level of confidence as defined by equation 
    14 of this performance specification.
        3.22 Zero Drift (ZD) means the difference in the CEMS output 
    readings for zero input after a stated period of operation during 
    which no unscheduled maintenance, repair, or adjustment took place.
    4.0 Interferences
        In the Reference Method a representative sample of particulate 
    is collected on a filter maintained at a temperature in the range
    [[Page 67808]]
    specified by the method, and includes any material that deposits in 
    sample delivery and condenses at or above this filtration 
    temperature after removal of any combined water. Consequently, 
    condensible water droplets or condensible acid gas aerosols (i.e., 
    those with condensation temperatures above those specified by the 
    method) at the measurement location can be interferences for PM CEMS 
    if the necessary precautions are not systematically met. 
    Interferences may develop for CEMS installed downstream of a wet air 
    pollution control system or any other conditions that produce flue 
    gases which are normally or occasionally saturated with water or 
    acid gases prior to release to the atmosphere. For such conditions, 
    the CEMS must extract and heat a representative sample of the flue 
    gas for measurement to simulate results produced by the Reference 
    Method. Independent of the CEMS measurement technology and 
    extractive technique, a configuration simulating the Reference 
    Method is required to assure that: (1) there is no formation or 
    deposition of particulate in sample delivery from the stack or duct; 
    and (2) the pollutant analyzer portion of the CEMS measures only 
    native particulate. Performance of a CEMS design configured to 
    eliminate interferences with condensible water and/or acid gases 
    must be documented by the CEMS manufacturer (see Section 6.1.3 of 
    this performance specification for specific equipment heating 
    requirements). In-situ CEMS measurement technologies that are not 
    free of interferences from any condensible constituent in the flue 
    gas are prohibited in stack or duct flue gas conditions which are 
    normally or occasionally saturated with water or acid gases.
    5.0 Safety
        The procedures required under this performance specification may 
    involve hazardous materials, operations, site conditions, and 
    equipment. This performance specification does not purport to 
    address all of the safety problems associated with these procedures. 
    It is the responsibility of the user to establish appropriate safety 
    and health practices and determine the applicable regulatory 
    limitations prior to performing these procedures. The CEMS users' 
    manual and materials recommended by the Reference Method should be 
    consulted for specific precautions to be taken.
    6.0 Equipment and Supplies
        6.1  CEMS Equipment Specifications
        6.1.1  Data Recorder Scale. The CEMS data recorder output range 
    must include zero and a high level value. The high level value is 
    chosen by the source owner or operator and is defined as follows: For a CEMS installed to measure emissions as required 
    with an applicable regulation, the high level value between 1.5 
    times the emission standard and the span value specified in the 
    applicable regulation is adequate. Alternative high-level values may be used, provided the 
    source can measure emissions throughout the full range of emissions 
    concentrations experienced by the facility. The data recorder output must be established so that the 
    high level value would read between 90 and 100 percent of the data 
    recorder full scale. (This scale requirement may only be applicable 
    to analog data recorders.) The zero and high level calibration gas, 
    filter, or other appropriate media values should be used to 
    establish the data recorder scale. The high level value must be equal to the span value. If 
    a lower high level value is used, the CEMS must have the capability 
    of providing multiple outputs with different high level values (one 
    of which is equal to the span value) or be capable of automatically 
    changing the high level value as required (up to the span value) 
    such that the measured value does not exceed 95 percent of the high 
    level value. Span. The span of the instrument shall be sufficient to 
    determine the highest concentration of pollutant at the facility. 
    The span value shall be documented by the CEMS manufacturer with 
    laboratory data.
        6.1.2 The CEMS design should also allow daily determination and 
    recording of calibration drift at the zero and high-level values. If 
    this is not possible or practical, the design must allow these 
    determinations and recordings to be conducted at a low-level (zero 
    to 20 percent of the high-level value) and at a value between 50 and 
    100 percent of the high-level value. In special cases, the 
    Administrator may approve a single-point calibration drift 
        6.1.3 Specification for Saturated Flue Gas. For a CEMS installed 
    downstream of a wet air pollution control system such that the flue 
    gases are normally or occasionally saturated with water, then the 
    CEMS must have equipment to extract and heat a representative sample 
    of the flue gas for measurement so that the pollutant analyzer 
    portion of the CEMS measures only dry particulate. Heating shall be 
    sufficient to raise the temperature of the extracted flue gas to 
    above the water condensation temperature and shall be maintained at 
    all times and at all points in the sample line from where the flue 
    gas is extracted to and including the pollutant analyzer. 
    Performance of a CEMS design configured in this manner must be 
    documented by the CEMS manufacturer.
        6.2 Sampling and Response Time. The CEMS shall sample the stack 
    effluent continuously or intermittently for batch sampling CEMS. 
    Averaging time, the number of measurements in an average, the 
    minimum sampling time, and the averaging procedure for reporting and 
    determining compliance shall conform with those specified in the 
    applicable emission regulation.
        6.2.1 Response Time. The response time of the CEMS should not 
    exceed 2 minutes to achieve 95 percent of the final stable value 
    (except for Batch CEMS: see 6.2.2). The response time shall be 
    documented and provided by the CEMS manufacturer. Any changes in the 
    response time following installation shall be documented and 
    maintained by the facility.
        6.2.2  Response Time for Batch CEMS. The response time 
    requirement of Section 6.2.1 does not apply to batch CEMS. Instead 
    it is required that the response time, which is the equivalent to 
    the cycle time, be no longer than one tenth of the averaging period 
    for the applicable standard or no longer than fifteen minutes, 
    whichever is greater. In addition, the delay between the end of the 
    sampling time and reporting of the sample analysis shall be no 
    greater than three minutes. Any changes in the response time 
    following installation shall be documented and maintained by the 
    owner or operator.
        6.2.3 Sampling Time for Batch CEMS. Sampling is required to be 
    continuous except during brief pauses when the collected pollutant 
    on the capture media is being moved for analysis and the next 
    capture medium starts sampling. In addition, the sampling time 
    should be no less than thirty-five percent of the averaging period 
    for the applicable standard or no less than thirty-five percent of 
    the response time.
        6.3 Other equipment and supplies, as needed by the applicable 
    Reference Method(s) (see Section 8.4.2 of this Performance 
    Specification) or as specified by the CEMS manufacturer, may be 
    7.0 Reagents and Standards
        7.1 Reference Gases, Optical filters, or other technology-
    appropriate reference media. As specified by the CEMS manufacturer 
    for internal calibration (i.e., to adjust drift or response) of the 
    CEMS. These need not be certified but shall be documented by the 
    manufacturer to give results consistent with this performance 
        7.2 Reagents and Standards. May be required as needed by the 
    applicable Reference Method(s) (see Section 8.4.2) of this 
    performance specification).
    8.0 Performance Specification Test Procedure
        8.1 Installation and Measurement Location Specifications.
        8.1.1 CEMS Installation. Install the CEMS at an accessible 
    location downstream of all pollution control equipment where the 
    particulate matter mass concentrations measurements are 
    representative or can be corrected to be representative of the total 
    emissions as determined by the Reference Method from the affected 
    facility or at the measurement location cross section. It is 
    important to select a representative measurement point(s) or path(s) 
    for monitoring in location(s) that the CEMS will pass the 
    calibration test (see Section 8.4). If the cause of failure to meet 
    the calibration relation test is determined to be the measurement 
    location and a satisfactory correction technique cannot be 
    established, the Administrator may require the CEMS to be relocated. 
    Suggested measurement locations and points or paths that are most 
    likely to provide data that will meet the calibration requirements 
    are listed below.
        8.1.2 Measurement Location. It is suggested that the measurement 
    location be: (1) at least eight equivalent diameters downstream from 
    the nearest flow disturbance, such as a control device, point of 
    pollutant generation, bend, expansion, contraction in the stack/
    duct, point of discharge, or other point at which a change of 
    pollutant concentration or gas streamlines may occur; and (2) at 
    least two equivalent
    [[Page 67809]]
    diameter upstream from the effluent exhaust or a flow disturbance. Point CEMS. It is suggested that the measurement point 
    be: (1) no less than 30% of the stack or duct diameter from the 
    stack or duct wall; or (2) within or centrally located over the 
    centroidal area of the stack or duct cross section. Path CEMS. It is suggested that the effective 
    measurement path be : (1) totally within the inner area bounded by a 
    line 30 percent of the stack/duct diameter from the stack or duct 
    wall; (2) have at least 70 percent of the path within the inner 50 
    percent of the stack or duct cross sectional area; or (3) be 
    centrally located over any part of the centroidal area.
        8.1.3 Reference Method Measurement Location and Traverse Points. Select, as appropriate: (1) an accessible Reference 
    Method measurement point at least eight equivalent diameters 
    downstream from the nearest flow disturbance, such as a control 
    device, point of pollutant generation, bend, expansion, contraction 
    in the stack or duct discharge point, or other point at which a 
    change of pollutant concentration or gas flow direction may occur; 
    and (2) at least two equivalent diameters upstream from the flow 
    disturbance, such as the effluent exhaust. When pollutant 
    concentration changes are due solely to diluent leakage (e.g., air 
    heater leakages) and pollutants and diluents are simultaneously 
    measured at the same location, a half diameter may be used in lieu 
    of two equivalent diameters. The CEMS and Reference Method locations 
    need not be the same so long as the Reference Method is placed at a 
    location specified by the method and the CEMS output is 
    representative of pollutant emissions determined by the Reference 
    Method.  Select traverse points that assure acquisition of 
    representative samples over the stack or duct cross section. 
    Selection of traverse points to determine the representativeness of 
    the measurement location should be made according to 40 CFR part 60, 
    Appendix A, Method 1, Section 2.2 and 2.3.
        8.2  Pretest Preparation. Install the CEMS, prepare the 
    Reference Method test site according to the specifications in 
    Section 8.1, and prepare the CEMS for operation according to the 
    manufacturer's written instructions.
        8.3  Calibration Drift Test Procedure.
        8.3.1  CD test Period. While the affected facility is operating 
    more than 50 percent of normal load, or as specified in an 
    applicable Subpart, determine the magnitude of the CD once each day 
    (at 24-hour intervals) for 7 consecutive days according to the 
    procedure given in Sections 8.3.2 and 8.3.3.
        8.3.2  The purpose of the CD measurement is to verify the 
    ability of the CEMS to conform to the established CEMS calibration 
    used for determining the emission concentration or emission rate. 
    Therefore, if periodic automatic or manual adjustments are made to 
    the CEMS zero and calibration settings, conduct the CD test 
    immediately before these adjustments, or conduct it in such a way 
    that the CD can be determined.
        8.3.3  Conduct the CD test at the two points specified in 
    Section 6.1.2. Introduce to the CEMS the reference gases, optical 
    filters, or other suitable calibration reference media (these need 
    not be certified). Record the CEMS response and subtract this value 
    from the reference value.
        8.4  Calibration Test Procedure
        8.4.1  Calibration Test Period. Conduct the calibration test 
    according to the procedure given in Sections 8.4.2 through 8.4.7 
    while the affected facility is operating at more than 50 percent of 
    normal load or as specified in an applicable Subpart. The 
    calibration test may be conducted during the CD test period.
        8.4.2  Reference Methods. Unless otherwise specified in an 
    applicable Subpart of the regulations, Method 3B, 4, and 5I, or 
    other approved alternatives, are the Reference Methods for diluent 
    (O2), moisture, and PM, respectively. Method 5 should be 
    used instead of Method 5I if PM emissions exceed 45 mg/dscm (0.02 
        8.4.3  Sampling Strategy for Reference Method tests. Conduct the 
    Reference Method tests in such a way that they will yield results 
    representative of the emissions from the source and can be 
    correlated to the CEMS data. Conduct the diluent (if applicable), 
    moisture, (if needed), and PM measurements simultaneously. In order 
    to correlate the CEMS and Reference Method data properly, make sure 
    the time from the CEMS data recorder and the time instrument used 
    for the Reference Method agree and note the beginning and end of 
    each Reference Method test period of each run (including the exact 
    time of day) on the CEMS chart recordings or other permanent record 
    of output. Make two sample traverses for a total of at least 60 
    minutes, sampling for an equal time at each traverse point (see 
    Section for discussion of traverse points). The use of 
    paired Method 5I (or Method 5 as appropriate) trains (that is, 
    simultaneously traversing across two 90 deg.-opposed axes) is 
    recommended to improve and assure data quality.
        Note: At times, CEMS calibration tests may be conducted during 
    new source performance standards, performance tests or other 
    compliance tests subject to the Clean Air Act or other statutes, 
    such as the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. In these cases, 
    Reference Method results obtained during CEMS calibration test may 
    be used to determine compliance as long as the source and test 
    conditions are consistent with the applicable regulations.
        8.4.4  Number of Runs in a Calibration Relation Test. Conduct a 
    minimum of 15 runs each consisting of simultaneous CEMS and 
    Reference Method measurements sets.
        Note: More than 15 sets of CEMS and Reference Method measurement 
    sets may be performed. If this option is chosen, certain test 
    results may be rejected so long as the total number of test results 
    used to determine the calibration relation is greater than or equal 
    to 15. However, all data must be reported, including the rejected 
    data. The basis for rejecting data must be explicitly stated in: (1) 
    The Reference Method, this Performance Specification, or Procedure 
    2; or (2) the site's QA plan approved by the Administrator.
        8.4.5  Structure of Tests. CEMS calibration tests shall be 
    carried out by making simultaneous CEMS and Reference Method 
    measurement sets at three (or more) different levels of PM mass 
    concentrations over the full range of operations experienced by the 
    facility, including emissions. Three (or more) sets of measurements 
    shall be obtained at each level. The different levels of PM mass 
    concentration should be obtained by varying process or PM control 
    device conditions as much as the process allows. If it is not 
    possible or practical to obtain PM measurement at the standard, it 
    is recommended that at least six measurement sets be performed at 
    the maximum PM emission level achievable to produce the most 
    accurate and representative results. This will help obtain the 
    smallest confidence and tolerance intervals at the maximum emission 
    level. Irrespective of the extent of the range, the three PM 
    concentration levels developed in the calibration tests must be 
    distributed over the complete operating range experienced by the 
    facility, and at least three of the minimum 15 measured data points 
    must lie within each of the following levels:
         Level 1: 0 to 30% of the maximum PM concentration;
         Level 2: 30 to 60% of the maximum PM concentration; and
         Level 3: 60 to 100% of the maximum PM concentration.
        8.4.6  Correlation of Reference Method and CEMS Data. If 
    necessary, adjust the CEMS outputs and Reference Method test data to 
    the same time. Determine the integrated (arithmetic average) CEMS 
    output over each Reference Method test period. Consider system 
    response time, if important, and confirm that the pair of results 
    are on a consistent moisture, temperature, and diluent concentration 
    basis. Adjust the Reference Method results to ensure they are on the 
    same basis as the CEMS measurements. Depending on the particular 
    CEMS measurement conditions, the CEMS and Method 5I (or Method 5 
    where applicable) correlations are based on either:
        (a) Actual in-stack conditions and actual PM concentrations for 
    in-situ CEMS in mg/acm (i.e., account for the in-stack temperature, 
    pressure, and moisture),
        (b) Actual CEMS measurement conditions for extractive CEMS in 
    mg/acm (i.e., account for the elevated temperature of the extracted 
    flue gas if heated), or
        (c) Dry standard conditions and corresponding PM concentrations 
    in mg/dscm (i.e., do not correct the Reference Method results if the 
    CEMS outputs are on the same temperature and moisture basis as the 
    Reference Method). Calculate the appropriate PM concentrations as 
    specified by CEMS manufacturer using the applicable equations in 
    Section 12.0.
        8.4.7  Calculate the correlation coefficient, confidence 
    interval, and tolerance interval for the complete set of CEMS/RM 
    data according to the procedures in Section 12.0.
        8.5  Number of Calibration Tests
        Because of the need to develop a calibration curve 
    representative of the facility/APC system, the following strategy 
    will ensure that the calibration curve facilities develop adequately 
    corresponds to measured PM concentrations:
        Perform the initial calibration test and develop a correlation 
    within the time period
    [[Page 67810]]
    specified in the applicable regulation. For CEMS with measurement 
    technologies insensitive to changes in PM properties (e.g., Beta-
    gage), this would be the only calibration test required.
        For CEMS with measurement technologies sensitive to PM property 
    changes (e.g., Light-scattering), perform a second calibration 
    within the time period specified in the applicable regulation. 
    Compare the results of the two calibrations to determine what type 
    of mathematical model (e.g., arithmetic, log-normal, or quadratic) 
    best correlates with measured PM concentrations. The calibration for 
    the facility is a composite of both sets of calibration data. 
    Perform a third calibration test within the time period specified in 
    the applicable regulation. Compare the third calibration to the 
    first two. If this calibration relation confirms the findings of the 
    original two calibrations, then this is the last calibration test to 
    be performed. The final calibration relation for the facility is a 
    composite of all three sets of calibration data. If the third 
    calibration shows some fit other than the one originally determined 
    best correlates CEMS response to PM emission concentrations, then a 
    fourth calibration test must be performed within the time period 
    specified in the applicable regulation. This process of performing 
    additional calibration test continues until the facility can 
    determine what fit best correlates CEMS output to PM concentrations. 
    The final calibration is a composite of all calibration data 
        8.6  Reporting. At a minimum, (check with the appropriate 
    regional office, State, or Local agency for additional requirements, 
    if any), summarize in tabular form the results of the CD tests and 
    the calibration tests, as appropriate. Include all data sheets, 
    calculations, charts (records of CEMS responses), process data 
    records including PM control equipment operating parameters, and 
    manufacturer's reference calibration media certifications necessary 
    to confirm that the performance of the CEMS met the performance 
    9.0  Quality Control. [Reserved]
    10.0  Calibration and Standardization. [Reserved]
    11.0  Analytical Procedure.
        Sample collection and analysis are concurrent for this 
    Performance Specification (see Section 8.0). Refer to the Reference 
    Method for specific analytical procedures.
    12.0  Calculations and Data Analysis.
        Summarize the results on a data sheet similar to that shown in 
    Table III (in Section 18.0).
        12.1  Calibration and Zero Drift
        12.1.1  Calibration Drift. Calculate the CD according to:
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP30DE97.029
        CD=the calibration drift of the CEMS in percent
        RCEM=the CEMS response; and
        RV=the reference value of the high level calibration 
        12.1.2  Calculate the ZD according to:
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP30DE97.030
        ZD=the zero drift of the CEMS in percent.
        12.2  Calibration Evaluation
        12.2.1  Treatment of Reference Method Data. All data from the 
    Reference Method and CEMS must be on the same basis. Correct the 
    Reference Method data for moisture, temperature, and pressure to the 
    same units as the CEMS using the equations below. Depending on the 
    particular CEMS measurement conditions, the CEMS and Reference 
    Method correlation is based on either:
        (a) Actual in-stack conditions and actual PM concentrations for 
    in-situ monitors expressed in mg/acm (i.e., to account for the in-
    stack temperature and moisture),
        (b) Elevated CEMS temperature conditions and corresponding PM 
    concentrations in mg/acm at the analyzer (i.e., to account for the 
    increased temperature, relative to in-stack levels, in extracted 
    sample gas temperature), or
        (c) Dry standard conditions and corresponding PM concentrations 
    in mg/dscm (i.e., to account for the moisture condensed in drying 
    the extracted sample before measuring gas volume, analogous to the 
    Reference Method).
        Calculate the respective PM concentrations using the equations, 
        Refer to the Results produced from the CFR Method 5, Section 
    6.9, Equation 5-6; Particulate Concentration Calculation in dry 
    standard units.
        Cs=Concentration in mg/dscm
        mn=Total amount of particulate matter collected, mg.
        Vm(std)=Volume of gas sample as measured by dry gas 
    meter, corrected to standard condition, dscm.
        12.2.2  Conversion of Reference Method Particulate 
    Concentrations to Other Units
        C=Concentration at actual stack conditions (mg/Acm),
        Cs=Concentration at mg/dscm,
        Cs@7%=Concentration at mg/dscm at 7% O2,
        ts=Average stack gas temperature  deg.F,
        P=Absolute stack pressure (in Hg),
        Bws=Water Vapor in the gas stream, proportion by 
    volume, and
        O2=Stack Gas Oxygen Content.
        (a) From dry standard concentration conditions to actual in 
    stack conditions (as applicable).
        (b) From dry standard concentration conditions to dry standard 
    concentration at 7 %O2.
        (c) From actual stack conditions to dry standard concentration.
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP30DE97.034
    [[Page 67811]]
        12.2.3  Linear Calibration. A linear calibration (i.e., linear 
    correlation) shall be calculated from the calibration data by 
    performing a linear least squares regression. The CEMS data appear 
    on the x axis, and the Reference Method data appear on the y axis. 
    Whether this fit is used depends on the outcome of the calculations 
    described in section 12.2.5 of this performance specification.  Linear Regression. The linear regression, which gives 
    the predicted mass emission,y, based on the CEMS response x, is 
    given by the equation:
        The mean values of the x and y data sets are given by
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP30DE97.038
    where xi and yi are the absolute values of the 
    individual measurements and n is the number of data points. The 
    values Sxx, Syy, and Sxy are given 
    from which the scatter of y values about the regression line 
    (calibration) sL can be determined:
     Confidence Interval. The two-sided confidence 
    interval, yc,, for the predicted concentration y at point 
    x is given by the equation:
     Tolerance Interval. The two-sided tolerance interval 
    yt for the regression line is given by the equation:
    at the point x with kT=un' and f=n-2, where
    [[Page 67812]]
        The tolerance factor unbullet for 75% of 
    the population is given in Table I as a function of n'. The factor 
    vf as a function of f is also given in Table I as well as 
    the t-factor at the 95% confidence level.  Correlation Coefficient. The correlation coefficient r 
    may be calculated from
        12.2.4  Quadratic Calibration Relation. In some cases, a 
    quadratic regression will provide a better fit to the calibration 
    data than a linear regression. The CEMS data appear on the x axis, 
    and the Reference Method data appear on the y axis. A test to 
    determine whether the quadratic regression gives a better fit to the 
    data than a linear regression must be performed. The relation with 
    the best fit must be used.  Quadratic Regression. A least-squares quadratic 
    regression gives the best fit coefficients b0, 
    b1, and b2 for the calibration relation:
        The coefficients b0, b1, and b2 
    are determined from the solution to the matrix equation Ab=B
        The solutions to b0, b1, and b2 
     Confidence Interval. For any positive value of x, the 
    confidence interval is given by:
        f = n-3,
    tf is given in Table I,
    [[Page 67813]]
        The C coefficients are given below:
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP30DE97.054
     Tolerance Interval. For any positive value of x, the 
    tolerance interval is given by:
        The vf and un' factors can also be found 
    in Table I.
        12.2.5  Test to Determine Best Regression Fit. The test to 
    determine if the fit using a quadratic regression is better than the 
    fit using a linear regression is based on the values of s calculated 
    in the two formulations. If sL denotes the value of s 
    from the linear regression and sQ the value of s from the 
    quadratic regression, then the quadratic regression gives a better 
    fit at the 95% confidence level if the following relationship is 
    with f = n-3 and the value of Ff at the 95% confidence 
    level as a function of f taken from Table II below.
        12.2.6  Alternative Mathematical Approaches to the Calibration. 
    Other non-linear relations may provide a better fit to the 
    calibration data than linear or quadratic relations because of the 
    monitor's response to some measurable property indicative of the PM 
    concentration. These approaches may serve as alternative approaches 
    for defining the mathematical relation between the CEMS response and 
    the Reference Method. The basis for developing such alternative 
    approaches must be explicitly included in the calibration relation 
    test report with supporting data demonstrating a better fit than 
    linear and quadratic relations and is subject to approval by the 
    13.0  Method Performance
        13.1  Calibration Drift Performance Specification. The CEMS 
    internal calibration must not drift or deviate from the value of the 
    reference light, optical filter, Beta attenuation signal, or other 
    technology-suitable calibration reference media by more than 2 
    percent of the span value. If the CEMS includes diluent and/or 
    auxiliary monitors (for temperature, pressure, and/or moisture) that 
    are employed as a necessary part of this performance specification, 
    the CD must then be determined separately for each in terms of its 
    respective output (see the appropriate Performance Specification for 
    the diluent CEMS specification). None of the CDS may exceed the 
        13.2  Calibration Relation Performance Specifications. The CEMS 
    calibration relation must meet each of the following minimum 
    specifications for all three criteria.
        Criterion A. The correlation coefficient shall be greater than 
    or equal to 0.90.
        Criterion B. The confidence interval (95%) at the emission limit 
    shall be within 10% of the emission limit value specified in the 
        Criterion C. The tolerance interval at the emission limit shall 
    have 95% confidence that 75% of all possible values are within 25% 
    of the emission limit value specified in the regulations.
        13.3  PM Compliance Monitoring. The CEMS measurements shall be 
    reported to the Agency in the units of the standard expressed in the 
    regulations (i.e., mg/dscm,
    14.0  Pollution Prevention. [Reserved]
    15.0  Waste Management. [Reserved]
    16.0  Alternative Procedures. [Reserved]
    17.0  References
        1. 40 CFR part 60, Appendix B, ``Performance Specification 2--
    Specifications and Test Procedures for S02 and 
    NOx, Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems in Stationary 
        2. 40 CFR part 60, Appendix B, ``Performance Specification I--
    Specification and Test Procedures for Opacity Continuous Emission 
    Monitoring Systems in Stationary Sources.
        3. 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, ``Method 1--Sample and Velocity 
    Traverses for Stationary Sources.''
        4. 40 CFR part 266, Appendix IX, Section 2, ``Performance 
    Specifications for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems.''
        5. ISO 10155, ``Stationary Source Emissions--Automated 
    Monitoring of Mass Concentrations of Particles: Performance 
    Characteristics, Test Procedures, and Specifications,'' dated 1995, 
    American National Standards Institute, New York City.
        6. G. Box, W. Hunter, J. Hunter, Statistics for Experimenters 
    (Wiley, New York, 1978).
        7. M. Spiegel, Mathematical Handbook of Formulas and Tables 
    (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1968).
    18.0  Reference Tables, Example Calculations, Diagrams, Flowcharts, 
    and Validation Data.
        18.1  Reference Tables
     Table I: Factors for Calculation of Confidence and Tolerance Intervals 
                      f                     tn-2     vn-2      n'    un'(75)
    7...................................    2.365   1.7972        7    1.233
    [[Page 67814]]
    8...................................    2.306   1.7110        8    1.223
    9...................................    2.262   1.6452        9    1.214
    10..................................    2.228   1.5931       10    1.208
    11..................................    2.201   1.5506       11    1.203
    12..................................    2.179   1.5153       12    1.199
    13..................................    2.160   1.4854       13    1.195
    14..................................    2.145   1.4597       14    1.192
    15..................................    2.131   1.4373       15    1.189
    16..................................    2.120   1.4176       16    1.187
    17..................................    2.110   1.4001       17    1.185
    18..................................    2.101   1.3845       18    1.183
    19..................................    2.093   1.3704       19    1.181
    20..................................    2.086   1.3576       20    1.179
    21..................................    2.080   1.3460       21    1.178
    22..................................    2.074   1.3353       22    1.177
    23..................................    2.069   1.3255       23    1.175
    24..................................    2.064   1.3165       24    1.174
    25..................................    2.060   1.3081       25    1.173
    30..................................    2.042   1.2737       30    1.170
    35..................................    2.030   1.2482       35    1.167
    40..................................    2.021   1.2284       40    1.165
    45..................................    2.014   1.2125       45    1.163
    50..................................    2.009   1.1993       50    1.162
                            Table II: Values for Ff.                        
                       f                         Ff         f          Ff   
    1......................................      161.4         16       4.49
    2......................................      18.51         17       4.45
    3......................................      10.13         18       4.41
    4......................................       7.71         19       4.38
    5......................................       6.61         20       4.35
    6......................................       5.99         22       4.30
    7......................................       5.59         24       4.26
    8......................................       5.32         26       4.23
    9......................................       5.12         28       4.20
    10.....................................       4.96         30       4.17
    11.....................................       4.84         40       4.08
    12.....................................       4.75         50       4.03
    13.....................................       4.67         60       4.00
    14.....................................       4.60         80       3.96
    15.....................................       4.54        100       3.94
                                                                               Table III: Field Test Data for Calibration                                                                           
                                                               CEMS PM response     M 5 Conc.  (mg/                                                                                                 
            Run No.  (mg/Acm)                  Date           (arbitrary units)          dscm)           ave Ts  ( deg.F)           Bws             Abs P  (in Hg)             O2           M5 Conc 
    1................................  ....................  ...................  ...................  ...................  ...................  ...................  ...................  .........
    2................................  ....................  ...................  ...................  ...................  ...................  ...................  ...................  .........
    3................................  ....................  ...................  ...................  ...................  ...................  ...................  ...................  .........
    4................................  ....................  ...................  ...................  ...................  ...................  ...................  ...................  .........
    5................................  ....................  ...................  ...................  ...................  ...................  ...................  ...................  .........
    6................................  ....................  ...................  ...................  ...................  ...................  ...................  ...................  .........
        18.2  Example Calculations
        18.2.1  Method 5 concentrations conversions
        Example (a): CEMS measurement conditions were made at actual 
    stack conditions, requiring that the Method 5 concentration must be 
    converted from dry standard to actual stack conditions.
        C= Concentration at actual stack conditions (mg/Acm): is unknown
        Cs= 38.66 mg/dscm
        ts= 291.7 deg.F
        P = 30.13 in Hg
        O2=Assumed to be 11.63% O2
        Bws= .226
    [[Page 67815]]
        C = 21.17 mg/Acm
        Example (b) CEMS measurement conditions were made at the dry 
    standard condition. Convert the concentration to units of the 
    emission regulation (dry standard conditions at 7% O2).
        C [email protected]%= Concentration at standard conditions @ 7% 
    O2; is unknown
        O2=Assumed to be 11.63% O2
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP30DE97.061
        C s @7%=57.97 mg/dscm @ 7% O2
        Example (c): The emission regulation (dry standard conditions at 
    7% O2) must be converted to actual stack conditions.
        Using the Proposed Emission Limit: 50 mg/dscm @ 7% O2
        C s @7%= 50 mg/dscm @ 7% O2
        ts = 291.4 deg.F, average temperature during initial 
        Bws = .201, average moisture during initial 
        P = 30.08, average absolute stack pressure during initial 
        O2=Assumed to be 11.63% O2
        C @7%= 28.22 mg/Acm 7% O2
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP30DE97.063
        C=18.82 mg/Acm
        Example (d) The following table is the data set of a 
    representative monitor and its initial calibration. These CEMS 
    measurement conditions are at actual stack conditions. X is the CEMS 
    arbitrary unit measurements and Y is the corresponding Method 5 
    concentration at actual stack conditions.
                               Run                               x       y  
    1.......................................................   18.48   10.93
    2.......................................................   21.85   11.19
    3.......................................................   27.10   13.80
    4.......................................................   31.54   16.70
    5.......................................................   32.33   16.61
    6.......................................................    8.35    2.64
    7.......................................................   15.83    6.65
    8.......................................................   11.95    6.01
    9.......................................................    8.43    3.02
    10......................................................    9.59    4.15
    11......................................................   13.81    7.31
    12......................................................   21.48   11.93
    13......................................................   27.64   11.27
    14......................................................    7.08    3.11
    15......................................................    6.15    2.21
    16......................................................    8.92    5.50
    17......................................................    8.77    3.59
    18......................................................   17.10    6.96
    19......................................................   13.58    5.33
    20......................................................   14.14    6.70
    21......................................................   15.28    6.59
    22......................................................   13.92    7.00
    23......................................................   14.00    6.52
    24......................................................   15.09    4.76
    25......................................................   17.43    9.78
    26......................................................   21.63   10.22
    27......................................................   18.56   10.83
    28......................................................   48.53   18.81
    29......................................................   82.25   29.01
    30......................................................   83.04   28.88
    31......................................................   21.20    8.98
    32......................................................   60.00   22.38
    33......................................................   32.08   15.94
    34......................................................   43.05   20.19
    35......................................................   30.51   13.77
    36......................................................   12.45    3.84
        Sxx = 12338.81
        Syy = 1690.99
        Sxy = 4410.24
        x__ave = 23.699
        y__ave = 10.365
        SL = 1.836
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP30DE97.064
        From equations 7,8, and 9, the line regression is
    Correlation coefficient
        From equation 16, the correlation coefficient is 0.966
    Confidence interval
        Using the Proposed Emission Limit: 50 mg/dscm @ 7% O2 
    converted to actual conditions in example (c) C=18.82 mg/Acm. 
    Calculate CEMS response (x) using line regression calculated above.
        tf = 2.032
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP30DE97.065
    [[Page 67816]]
        =18.82 mg/Acm1.0
        Tolerance interval
        n' = 13
        vf = 1.253
        kT = 1.498
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP30DE97.066
        18.3  Diagrams [Reserved]
        YT=18.82 mg/Acm2.75
        18.4  Flowcharts [Reserved]
        18.5  Validation Data [Reserved]
    Appendix III--Procedure 2
    Procedure 2. Quality Assurance Requirements for Particulate Matter 
    Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems Used for Compliance 
    1.  Applicability and Principal
        1.1  Applicability. Procedure 2 is used to evaluate the 
    effectiveness of quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) 
    procedures and the quality of data produced by any particulate 
    matter (PM) continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS) that is 
    used for determining compliance with the emission standards on a 
    continuous basis as specified in the applicable regulation. The CEMS 
    may include diluent (e.g., O2) monitors and other 
    auxiliary monitoring equipment for measurement, determination, or 
    input of the gas temperature, pressure, moisture content, or sample 
    volume .
        This procedure specifies the minimum QA requirements necessary 
    for the control and assessment of the quality of CEMS data submitted 
    to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Source owners and 
    operators responsible for one or more CEMS's used for compliance 
    monitoring must meet these minimum requirements and are encouraged 
    to develop and implement a more extensive QA program or to continue 
    such programs where they already exist.
        Data collected as a result of QA and QC measures required in 
    this procedure are to be submitted to the Agency. These data are to 
    be used by both the Agency and the CEMS operator in assessing the 
    effectiveness of the CEMS QC and QA procedures in the maintenance of 
    acceptable CEMS operation and valid emission data.
        Appendix F, Procedure 2 applicability and the CEMS accuracy 
    assessments are determined by individual regulations.
        1.2  Principal. The QA procedure consist of two distinct and 
    equally important functions. One function is the assessment of the 
    quality of the CEMS data by estimating accuracy. The other function 
    is the control and improvement of the quality of the CEMS data by 
    implementing QC policies and corrective actions. These two functions 
    form a control loop: When the assessment function indicates that the 
    data quality is inadequate, the control effort must be increased 
    until the data quality is acceptable. In order to provide uniformity 
    in the assessment and reporting of data quality, this procedure 
    explicitly specifies the assessment methods for response drift and 
    accuracy. The methods are based on procedures included in the 
    applicable performance specifications (PS's) in general, and are 
    specifically applicable to PS 11, in appendix B of 40 CFR part 60. 
    Procedure 2 also requires CEMS measurements of samples concurrent 
    with reference method (RM) measurements.
        Because the control and corrective action function encompasses a 
    variety of policies, specifications, standards, and corrective 
    measures, this procedure treats QC requirements in general terms to 
    allow each source owner or operator to develop a QC system that is 
    most effective and efficient for the circumstances.
    2.  Definitions
        2.1  Continuous Emissions Monitoring System means the total 
    equipment required for the determination of a particulate matter 
    mass concentration in units of the emission standard. The sample 
    interface, pollutant analyzer, diluent analyzer, other auxiliary 
    data monitor(s) and data recorder are the major subsystems of the 
        2.2  Calibration Drift (CD) means the difference in the CEMS 
    output readings from the established reference value after a stated 
    period of operation during which no unscheduled maintenance, repair, 
    or adjustment took place.
        2.3  Calibration relation means the relationship between a CEMS 
    response and measured PM concentrations by the reference method 
    which is defined by a mathematical equation.
        2.4  Calibration Standard means a reference material that 
    produces a known and unchanging response when presented to the 
    pollutant analyzer portion of the CEMS, and used to calibrate the 
    drift or response of the analyzer.
        2.5  Flagged data means data marked by the CEMS indicating that 
    the response value is suspect or invalid.
        2.6  Span Value means the upper limit of the CEMS measurement 
    range. The span value shall be documented by the CEMS manufacturer 
    with laboratory data.
        2.7  Zero Drift (ZD) means the difference in the CEMS output 
    readings for zero input after a stated period of operation during 
    which no unscheduled maintenance, repair, or adjustment took place.
    3.  QC Requirements
        Each source owner or operator must develop and implement a QC 
    program. As a minimum, each QC program must include written 
    procedures which should describe in detail, complete, step-by-step 
    procedures and operations for each of the following activities:
        1. Internal-Calibration of CEMS relative to assessing CD.
        2. CD determination and adjustment of CEMS.
        3. Preventative maintenance of CEMS (including spare parts 
    inventory and sampling probe integrity).
        4. Data recording, calculations, and reporting.
        5. Accuracy audit procedures including sampling and analysis 
    methods, sampling strategy, and structuring test conditions over the 
    prescribed range of PM concentrations.
        6. Program of corrective action for malfunctioning CEMS, 
    including flagged data periods.
        As described in Section 5.2, whenever excessive inaccuracies 
    occur, the source owner or operator must revise the current written 
    procedures or modify or replace the CEMS to correct the deficiency 
    causing the excessive inaccuracies.
        These written procedures must be kept on record and available 
    for inspection by the enforcement agency.
    4.  CD Assessment
        4.1  CD Requirement. As described in 40 CFR 60.13(d), source 
    owners and operators of CEMS must check, record, and quantify the CD 
    at two concentration values at least daily (approximately 24 hours) 
    in accordance with the method prescribed by the manufacturer. The 
    CEMS calibration must, as minimum, be adjusted whenever the daily 
    zero drift or the daily span value exceeds two times the limits of 
    PS 11 in appendix B of this regulation.
        4.2  Recording Requirement for Automatic CD Adjusting Monitors. 
    Monitors that automatically adjust the instrument responses to the 
    corrected calibration values (e.g., microprocessor control) must be 
    programmed to record the unadjusted concentration measured in the CD 
    prior to resetting the calibration, if performed, or record the 
    amount of adjustment.
        4.3  Criteria for Excessive CD. If either the zero drift or the 
    daily span value exceeds twice the PS 11 drift specification for 
    five, consecutive, daily periods, the CEMS is out-of-control. If 
    either the zero drift or the daily span value exceeds four times the 
    PS 11 drift specification during any CD check, the CEMS is out-of-
    control. If the CEMS is out-of-control, take necessary corrective 
    action. Following corrective action, repeat the CD checks.
        4.3.1  Out-Of-Control Period Definition. The beginning of the 
    out-of-control period is the time corresponding to the completion of 
    the fifth, consecutive, daily CD check with a CD in excess of two 
    times the allowable limit, or the time corresponding to the 
    completion of the daily CD check that results in a CD in excess of 
    four times the allowable limit. The end of the out-of-control period 
    is the time corresponding to the completion of the CD check 
    following corrective action that results in the CD's at both the 
    zero or the daily span value points being within the corresponding 
    allowable CD limit (i.e., either two times or four times the 
    allowable limit in appendix B).
        4.3.2  CEMS Data Status During Out-Of-Control Period. During the 
    period the CEMS is out-of-control, the CEMS data may not be used in 
    calculating emission compliance nor be counted towards meeting 
    minimum data availability as required and described in the 
    applicable subpart [e.g., 60.47a(f)].
        4.4  Data Recording and Reporting. As required in 60.7(d) of 
    this regulation (40 CFR part 60), all measurements from the CEMS 
    must be retained on file by the source owner for at least 2 years. 
    However emission data obtained on each successive day while the CEMS 
    is out-of-control may not be included as part of the minimum daily 
    requirement of the applicable subpart [e.g., 60.47a(f)] nor be used 
    in the calculation of reported emissions for that period.
    [[Page 67817]]
    5.  Data Accuracy Assessment
        5.1  Auditing Requirements. Each CEMS must be audited at least 
    once each calender quarter. Successive quarterly audits shall occur 
    no closer than 2 months. The audits shall be conducted as follows:
        5.1.1  Response Calibration Audit (RCA). The RCA must be 
    conducted at the frequency specified in the applicable regulation. 
    Conduct the RCA test according to the sampling strategy described in 
    Section 8.4.3 and according to the structure of test described in 
    Section 8.4.5, both of which are in PS 11 in appendix B, except that 
    the minimum of runs required shall be 12 in the RCA instead of 15 as 
    specified in PS 11. If it is not possible/practical to obtain three 
    measured data points in all three PM concentration ranges as 
    specified in Section 8.4.5 of PS 11, a minimum of three measured 
    data points in any of the two ranges specified in Section 8.4.5 is 
    acceptable, as long as at least all 12 data points lie within the 
    range of the calibration relation test.
        5.1.2  Absolute Calibration Audit (ACA). If applicable, an ACA 
    shall be conducted each quarter except in the quarters when a RCA is 
        To conduct an ACA: (1) Challenge the CEMS with an audit standard 
    or an equivalent audit reference to reproduce the monitor's 
    measurement at three points within the following ranges:
                    Audit point                          Audit range        
    1.........................................  0 to 20% of span value.     
    2.........................................  40 to 60% of span value and.
    3.........................................  80 to 100% of span value.   
        Challenge the CEMS three times at each audit point, and use the 
    average of the three responses in determining accuracy.
        Use a separate audit standard or an equivalent audit reference 
    for audit points 1, 2, and 3.
        The monitor should be challenged at each audit point for a 
    sufficient period of time to assure that the CEMS response has 
        (2) Operate each monitor in the mode, manner and range specified 
    by the manufacturer.
        (3) Use only audit standards or equivalent audit references 
    specified and provided by the manufacturer. Store, maintain, and use 
    audit standards or equivalent audit references as specified by the 
    manufacturer. When National Institute of Standards and Testing 
    (NIST)-traceable audit standards become available for PM CEMS, their 
    use will be required.
        The difference between the actual known value of the audit 
    standard or equivalent audit reference specified by the manufacturer 
    and the response of the monitor is used to assess the accuracy of 
    the CEMS.
        5.1.3  Relative Accuracy Audit (RAA) [Reserved].
        5.1.4  Sample Volume Audit (SVA). For applicable units with a 
    sampling system, an audit of the equipment to determine sample 
    volume (e.g., equipment measuring sampling flowrate for a known 
    time) must be performed once a year. The SVA procedure specified by 
    the manufacturer will be followed to assure that sample volume is 
    accurately measured across the normal range of sample volumes made 
    over the past year.
        5.1.5  Other Alternative Audits. Other alternative audit 
    procedures may be used as approved by the Administrator for the 
    quarters when ACAs are to be conducted.
        5.2  Excessive Audit Inaccuracy. If the audit results using the 
    RCA, ACA, RAA, or SVA, do not meet the criteria in Section 5.2.3, 
    the CEMS is out-of-control. If the CEMS is out-of-control, take 
    necessary corrective action to eliminate the problem. Following 
    corrective action, the source owner or operator must audit the CEMS 
    with a calibration relation test, ACA, RAA, or SVA to determine if 
    the CEMS is operating within the specifications. A calibration 
    relation test must always be used following an out-of-control period 
    resulting from a RCA. If audit results show the CEMS to be out-of-
    control, the CEMS operator shall report both the audit showing the 
    CEMS to be out-of-control and the results of the audit following 
    corrective action showing the CEMS to be operating within 
        5.2.1  Out-Of-Control Period Definitions. The beginning of the 
    out-of-control period is the time corresponding to the completion of 
    an unsuccessful RCA, ACA, RAA, or SVA. The end of the out-of-control 
    period is the time corresponding to the completion of the subsequent 
    successful calibration test or audit.
        5.2.2  CEMS Data Status During Out-Of-Control Period. During the 
    period the monitor is out-of-control, the CEMS data may not be used 
    in calculating emission compliance nor be counted towards meeting 
    minimum data availability as required and described in the 
    applicable subpart.
        5.2.3  Criteria for Excessive Audit Inaccuracy. Unless specified 
    otherwise in the applicable subpart, the criteria for excessive 
    inaccuracy are:
        (1) For the RCA, at least 75% of a minimum number of 12 sets of 
    CEMS/reference method measurements from the test must fall within a 
    specified area on a graph developed by the calibration relation 
    regression line over the calibration range and the tolerance 
    interval set at +/-25% of the emission limit. The specified area on 
    a graph is (a) bounded by two lines parallel with the calibration 
    regression line, and offset at a distance +/-25% of the numerical 
    emission limit from the calibration regression line on the y-axis, 
    and (b) traversing across the calibration range bounded by the 
    lowest and the highest CEMS reading of the calibration test on the 
        (2) For the ACA, +/-15 percent of the average audit value or 
    7.5% of the applicable standard, whichever is greater.
        (3) For the SVA, +/-5 percent of the average sample volume audit 
    value .
        5.3   Criteria For Acceptable QC Procedure. Repeated excessive 
    inaccuracies (i.e., out-of-control conditions resulting from the 
    quarterly audits) indicates the QC procedures are inadequate or that 
    the CEMS is incapable of providing quality data. Therefore, whenever 
    excessive inaccuracies occur for two consecutive quarters, the 
    source owner or operator must revise the QC procedures (see Section 
    3) or modify or replace the CEMS.
    6. Calculations for CEMS Data Accuracy and Acceptability 
        6.1  RCA Calculations and Determination of Acceptability.
        6.1.1  RCA Calculations. Follow the equations described in 
    Section 12 of appendix B, PS 11 to calculate results from the RCA 
    tests. The reference method results from the RCA must be calculated 
    in units consistent with the CEMS measurement approach in use (e.g., 
    mg/m3 or mg/dscm).
        6.1.2  Acceptability Determination of RCA Data. Plot each of the 
    CEMS/reference method data from the RCA test on a figure based on 
    the calibration relation regression line to determine if the 
    appropriate criterion in Section 5.2.3 (1) is met.
        6.2  ACA Accuracy Calculation. Use Equations 1 and 2 to 
    calculate results from the ACA tests.
        A = Accuracy of the CEMS, percent.
        RCEM = Average CEMS response during audit.
        RV = Reference value of the audit calibration 
    standard or the equivalent audit.
        A = Accuracy of the CEMS, percent.
        RCEM = Average CEMS response.
        RV = Reference value of the audit calibration 
    standard or the equivalent audit.
        REM = the emission limit value.
        6.3  SVA Accuracy Calculation. The appropriate SVA calculations 
    will be provided by the CEMS manufacturer.
        6.4  Treatment of Flagged Data. All flagged CEMS data are 
    considered invalid; as such, these data may not be used in 
    determining compliance nor be counted towards meeting minimum data 
    availability as required and described in the applicable subpart.
        6.5  Alternative Calibration Relation Approaches. Certain PM 
    CEMS have technologies established on principles measuring PM 
    concentration directly, whereas other technologies measure PM 
    properties indirectly indicative of PM concentration. It has been 
    shown empirically that a linear relationship can exist between these 
    properties and PM concentration over a narrow range of 
    concentrations, provided all variables remain essentially constant. 
    However, if all variables affecting this relationship do not remain 
    constant, then a linear relationship will probably not occur. Such 
    is the case expected for facilities with PM emissions over a wide 
    range of PM concentrations with certain process and air pollution 
    control configurations. Other non-linear relations may provide a 
    better fit to the calibration data than linear relations because the 
    monitor's response is based on some measurable, and changing, 
    property of the PM concentrations. These non-linear
    [[Page 67818]]
    approaches may serve as improved approaches for defining the 
    mathematical relation between the CEMS response and reference method 
    measured PM concentrations. The basis and advantage for developing 
    and implementing such alternative approaches for determining 
    compliance must be explicitly included in the calibration relation 
    test report with supporting data demonstrating a better fit than a 
    linear relation. Use of these alternative approaches is subject to 
    approval by the Administrator.
        6.6  Example Accuracy Calculation. Example calculations and 
    illustration for the RCA are available in Citation 1. Example 
    calculations for the ACA are available in Citation 3 of Appendix F--
    Procedure 1 and will be available in Citation 2.
    7.  Reporting Requirements
        At the reporting interval specified in the applicable 
    regulation, report for each CEMS the accuracy results from Section 6 
    and the CD assessment results from Section 4. Report the drift and 
    accuracy information as a Data Assessment Report (DAR), and include 
    one copy of this DAR for each quarterly audit with the report of 
    emissions required under the applicable subparts of this part.
        As a minimum, the DAR must contain the following information:
        1. Source owner or operator name and address
        2. Identification and location of monitors in the CEMS.
        3. Manufacturer and model number of each monitor in the CEMS.
        4. Assessment of CEMS data accuracy/acceptability and date of 
    assessment as determined by a RCA, ACA, RAA, or SVA described in 
    Section 5 including the acceptability determination for the RCA, the 
    A for the ACA or RAA or SVA, the RM results, the calibration audit 
    standards or equivalent audit references, the CEMS responses, and 
    the calculation results as defined in Section 6. If the accuracy 
    audit results show the CEMS to be out-of-control, the CEMS operator 
    shall report both the audit results showing the CEMS to be out-of-
    control and the results of the audit following corrective action 
    showing the CEMS to be operating within specifications.
        5. Summary of all corrective actions taken when CEMS was 
    determined out-of-control, as described in Sections 4 and 5.
        An example of a DAR format will be shown later in Figure 1.
    8.  Bibliography
        To Be Determined
    Figure 1--Example Format For Data Assessment Report: To Be Determined
    [FR Doc. 97-33740 Filed 12-29-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of data availability and request for comments.
Document Number:
Written comments on these documents and this document must be submitted by January 29, 1998.
67788-67818 (31 pages)
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40 CFR 60
40 CFR 63