98-34549. Agency Information Collection Activities: Announcement of Board Approval under Delegated Authority and Submission to OMB  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 250 (Wednesday, December 30, 1998)]
    [Pages 71928-71929]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-34549]
    Agency Information Collection Activities: Announcement of Board 
    Approval under Delegated Authority and Submission to OMB
    AGENCY: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
    SUMMARY: Background. Notice is hereby given of the final approval of 
    proposed information collection by the Board of Governors of the 
    Federal Reserve System (Board) under OMB delegated authority, as per 5 
    CFR 1320.16 (OMB Regulations on Controlling Paperwork Burdens on the 
    Public). Board-approved collections of information are incorporated 
    into the official OMB inventory of currently approved collections of 
    information. Copies of the OMB 83-Is and supporting statements and 
    approved collection of information instrument(s) are placed into OMB's 
    public docket files. The Federal Reserve may not conduct or sponsor, 
    and the respondent is not required to respond to, an information 
    collection that has been extended, revised, or implemented on or after 
    October 1, 1995, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control 
    Chief, Financial Reports Section--Mary M. McLaughlin--Division of 
    Research and Statistics, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve 
    System, Washington, DC 20551 (202-452-3829).
    OMB Desk Officer--Alexander T. Hunt--Office of Information and 
    Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, New Executive 
    Office Building, Room 3208, Washington, DC 20503 (202-395-7860).
        Final approval under OMB delegated authority of the extension for 
    three years, with major revision, of the following report:
    Report title: Interagency Bank Merger Act Application.
        Agency form number: FR 2070
        OMB control number: 7100-0171
        Frequency: On occasion
        Reporters: Individuals or households; Businesses or other for-
        Annual reporting hours: Nonaffiliate--1,710; Affiliate--1,422.
        Total: 3,132 burden hours
        Estimated average hours per response: Nonaffiliate--30; Affiliate--
        Number of respondents: Nonaffiliate--57; Affiliate--79.
    Small businesses are affected.
        General description of report: This information collection is 
    mandatory (12 U.S.C. 321, 1828(c), and 4804). Except for select 
    sensitive items, this information collection is not given confidential 
        Abstract: State member banks are required to file this application 
    prior to merging with any other insured depository institution, 
    consolidating with an insured depository institution, acquiring assets 
    from an insured depository institution (either directly or indirectly), 
    or assuming the liability to pay any of an insured depository 
    institution's deposits (either directly or indirectly).
        This extension proposal includes a revision to make uniform the 
    merger application forms currently submitted to the Office of the 
    Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), the Office of Thrift Supervision 
    (OTS), the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), and the Board 
    of Governors (Board)
    [[Page 71929]]
    (collectively, the Agencies) for both affiliated and nonaffiliated 
    institutions. The form name is the Interagency Bank Merger Act 
    Application. The Agencies need the information collected to insure that 
    the proposed transactions are permissible under law and regulation and 
    are consistent with safe and sound banking practices. The Agencies are 
    required, for example, to consider financial and managerial resources, 
    future prospects, convenience and needs of the community, community 
    reinvestment, and competition.
        Some of the Agencies will collect limited supplemental information 
    in certain cases. For example, the OCC and OTS will collect information 
    regarding CRA commitments, the Federal Reserve will collect information 
    on debt servicing from certain institutions, and all Agencies will 
    require additional information on the competitive impact of proposed 
        Current actions: On January 5, 1998, the Board granted initial 
    approval of the proposal. A joint notice of the proposed action was 
    published in the Federal Register on January 21, 1998 (63 FR 3182), and 
    the comment period expired on March 23, 1998. The Agencies received 
    five public comments from the Texas Department of Banking, the 
    Independent Bankers Association of America, the National Community 
    Investment Coalition, the Center for Community Change, and the 
    Conference of State Bank Supervisors, as well as comments from staff at 
    each agency. Most of the commenters suggested modifications to the 
    forms and instructions. As a result of the comments, the application 
    was further revised to include an ``Other'' category under the ``Filed 
    Pursuant To'' section and information on Tier 3 capital (if any), the 
    addresses of directors and senior executive officers, how the proposal 
    will meet the convenience and needs of the community (including needs 
    of the community under the applicable criteria of the Community 
    Reinvestment Act, and debt servicing (if applicable). In addition, 
    certain branch information requested in the initial proposal was 
    eliminated. The additional changes proposed in response to the comments 
    would not affect most applicants; on average for all applicants, the 
    estimated burden would be unchanged. The other agencies submitted the 
    same revised information collection to OMB for approval.
        Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, December 23, 
    Jennifer J. Johnson,
    Secretary of the Board.
    [FR Doc. 98-34549 Filed 12-29-98; 8:45AM]
    Billing Code 6210-01-F