99-33614. Pipeline Safety: Areas Unusually Sensitive to Environmental Damage  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 250 (Thursday, December 30, 1999)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 73464-73476]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-33614]
    Research and Special Programs Administration
    49 CFR Part 195
    [Docket RSPA-99-5455]
    RIN 2137-AC34
    Pipeline Safety: Areas Unusually Sensitive to Environmental 
    AGENCY: Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA), DOT.
    ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
    SUMMARY: This proposed rule defines drinking water and ecological areas 
    that are unusually sensitive to environmental damage if there is a 
    hazardous liquid pipeline release. We refer to these areas as unusually 
    sensitive areas (USAs). The proposed definition was created through a 
    series of public workshops and our collaboration with a wide-range of 
    federal, state, public, and industry stakeholders. RSPA is working on a 
    pilot test that implements the proposed definition and identifies USAs 
    in three states: Texas, Louisiana, and California. Other government 
    agencies, environmental groups, and academia will evaluate the final 
    results of this pilot test. RSPA will publish the results of the pilot 
    test and technical analysis once they are complete. This proposed rule 
    would not require specific action by pipeline operators. However, this 
    proposed definition would be used as criteria in evaluating 
    requirements by certain existing and future regulations.
    DATES: Send written comments by June 27, 2000.
    ADDRESSES: Send written comments in duplicate to the Dockets Facility, 
    U.S. Department of Transportation, Room #PL-401, 400 Seventh Street, 
    SW, Washington, DC 20590-0001. Persons who want confirmation of mailed 
    comments must include a self-addressed stamped postcard. Comments may 
    also be e-mailed to
    [[Page 73465]]
    ops.comments@rspa.dot.gov in ASCII or text format. The Dockets Facility 
    is open from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except on 
    Federal holidays when the facility is closed. Persons interested in 
    receiving future information, including the final pilot results, should 
    visit the OPS Home Page at http://ops.dot.gov, or send their name, 
    affiliation, address, and phone number to Christina Sames, U.S. 
    Department of Transportation, Office of Pipeline Safety, 400 Seventh 
    Street SW, DPS-11, Washington, D.C. 20590-0001.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Christina Sames at (202) 366-4561 or 
    christina.sames@rspa.dot.gov. Copies of this document or other material 
    in the docket, including material from the public workshops, can be 
    obtained from the Dockets Facility. The public may also review material 
    in the docket by accessing the Docket Management System's home page at 
    http://dms.dot.gov. An electronic copy of any document published in the 
    Federal Register may be downloaded from the Government Printing Office 
    Electronic Bulletin Board Service at (202) 512-1661.
    Legislative Mandates
        In 1992, Congress amended the federal pipeline safety statute to 
    require the Secretary of Transportation (Secretary) to prescribe 
    regulations that establish criteria for identifying each hazardous 
    liquid pipeline facility and gathering line located in an area that the 
    Secretary describes as unusually sensitive to environmental damage if 
    there is a hazardous liquid pipeline accident (USAs). The Secretary was 
    to consider all hazardous liquid pipeline facilities and gathering 
    lines, whether or not they are subject to safety regulation under 49 
    U.S.C. Chapter 601. The Secretary also had to consult with the 
    Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in establishing the criteria.
        The following were to be considered:
         Earthquake zones and areas subject to substantial ground 
    movements, such as landslides;
         Areas where ground water contamination would be likely in 
    the event of the rupture of a pipeline facility;
         Freshwater lakes, rivers, and waterways; and
         River deltas and other areas subject to soil erosion or 
    subsidence from flooding or other water action, where pipeline 
    facilities are likely to become exposed or undermined.
        In 1996, Congress amended the USA identification requirements (49 
    U.S.C. Section 60109). The Secretary was still required to prescribe 
    standards that establish criteria for identifying each hazardous liquid 
    pipeline facility and gathering line located in an USA. However, in 
    establishing criteria, the Secretary was now to consider areas where a 
    pipeline rupture would likely cause permanent or long-term 
    environmental damage, including:
         Locations near pipeline rights-of-way that are critical to 
    drinking water, including intake locations for community water systems 
    and critical sole source aquifer protection areas; and
         Locations near pipeline rights-of-way that have been 
    identified as critical wetlands, riverine or estuarine systems, 
    national parks, wilderness areas, wildlife preservation areas or 
    refuges, wild and scenic rivers, or critical habitat areas for 
    threatened and endangered species.
         A Presidential memorandum that accompanied the 1996 
    statute clarified Administration policy on USAs. The memorandum said 
    that the listed examples should be considered, but are not exclusive 
    and that DOT was to accord full protection to all wetlands and other 
    aquatic areas. DOT was also to consider both the potential for short 
    term and permanent or long term injuries to natural resources or the 
        The Secretary was to use the identification of these unusually 
    sensitive environmental areas in future rulemakings, that include 
    requiring additional prevention and inventory measures in these 
    sensitive areas. For instance, 49 U.S.C. 60109(a)(2) directs the 
    Secretary to require operators to identify unusually sensitive 
    environmental areas through maps and pipeline inventories.
        The Secretary is to consider requiring each pipeline in an 
    unusually sensitive environmental area to be inspected periodically and 
    to prescribe when an instrumented internal inspection device should be 
    used to inspect the pipeline (49 U.S.C. 60102(f)(2)). Also, the 
    Secretary is to survey and assess the effectiveness of emergency flow 
    restricting devices and other procedures, systems, and equipment used 
    to detect and locate hazardous liquid pipeline ruptures, and to 
    prescribe regulations on the circumstances under which an operator of a 
    hazardous liquid pipeline facility must use an emergency flow 
    restricting device or such other procedure, system, or equipment (49 
    U.S.C. 60102(j)).
    June 1994 Public Meeting: Consideration of an OPA Approach to USAs
        On June 28, 1994, RSPA held a public meeting to gather data that 
    would allow RSPA to establish criteria for identifying environmentally 
    sensitive areas on or near hazardous liquid pipelines. RSPA would then 
    use the established criteria to carry out the requirements of the Oil 
    Pollution Act (OPA) and 49 U.S.C. Section 60109.
        Under our regulations that implement OPA requirements for pipelines 
    (49 CFR part 194), an operator of an onshore oil pipeline that, because 
    of its location, could reasonably be expected to cause substantial harm 
    or significant and substantial harm to the environment by a release 
    into or on any navigable waters or adjoining shorelines, must prepare 
    and submit an oil spill response plan. These requirements are intended 
    to improve response capabilities and to reduce the environmental impact 
    of oil discharged from onshore oil pipelines.
        The OPA regulations require an operator to identify the areas 
    potentially affected by its pipeline that are of greatest vulnerability 
    to an oil discharge, including navigable waters, public drinking water 
    intakes, and environmentally sensitive areas. Environmentally sensitive 
    areas were defined as ``an area of environmental importance which is in 
    or adjacent to navigable waters.'' These areas included wetlands, 
    national parks, wilderness and recreational areas, wildlife refuges, 
    marine sanctuaries, and conservation areas.
        We hoped to create a single definition for environmentally 
    sensitive areas that could be used for OPA spill response planning and 
    for the preventive measures intended by the pipeline safety statute. As 
    previously discussed, these pipeline safety requirements included 
    increased inspection requirements, emergency flow restricting devices, 
    and maps and pipeline inventories of pipelines in unusually sensitive 
        Participants at the meeting included representatives from the EPA, 
    U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Agriculture, Department of Interior, 
    Department of Commerce, hazardous liquid pipeline industry, and the 
    public. Participants discussed a draft definition that focused on areas 
    where a hazardous liquid release could create significant long-term 
    environmental harm or represent an imminent threat to human health. 
    These areas included community water intakes; freshwater lakes, rivers 
    and waterways; state or Federal wetlands, parks, natural areas, 
    wilderness areas,
    [[Page 73466]]
    wild or scenic rivers, wildlife refuges or wildlife sanctuaries 
    specifically designated, identified, and located by the Area 
    Contingency Plans; and river deltas and other areas subject to soil 
    erosion or subsidence from flooding or other water action, where 
    pipeline facilities are likely to become exposed or undermined. 
    Participants also discussed whether common criteria could be created 
    for both spill response planning and prevention measures.
    Meetings With Other Federal Agencies and the Pipeline Industry
        RSPA held several meetings with other federal agencies and the 
    pipeline industry following the June 1994 public meeting. The meetings 
    were held to obtain additional information on sensitive resources that 
    should be considered when defining USAs. Participants at the meetings 
    included the EPA; the U.S. Coast Guard; the Departments of Interior, 
    Commerce, and Agriculture; and the hazardous liquid pipeline industry.
        Several participants at the meetings stated that it would be better 
    to separate the OPA definition of environmentally sensitive areas from 
    the USA definition. They stated that it would be better to maintain a 
    broad definition within OPA for spill response functions and that a 
    narrow definition should be created for USAs and the prevention 
    measures the USA definition would be applied to.
        Participants at the meetings also discussed the resources that 
    should be considered when defining USAs. These included community 
    drinking water intakes, threatened and endangered species, populated 
    areas, economic resources, and commercial water intakes. Participants 
    stated that a decision tree or matrix should be developed to help 
    identify which environmentally sensitive areas were USAs.
        RSPA used the information gathered at these meetings to create a 
    revised draft definition for USAs. The definition built upon the values 
    other Federal agencies had established for activities under OPA, but 
    more narrowly identified those areas that were unusually sensitive to 
    damage from a hazardous liquid release. The revised definition focused 
    on areas where a release would reach the sensitive area before the 
    release was contained or before the area was protected.
    June 1995 Public Workshop: Consideration of a Three Tier Approach 
    to USAs
        On June 15 and 16, 1995, RSPA held a public workshop to openly 
    discuss the revised draft definition for USAs (60 FR 27948, May 26, 
    1995). Participants included representatives from the U.S. Coast Guard; 
    the Departments of Interior, Agriculture, and Commerce; the EPA; non-
    government agencies; the hazardous liquid pipeline industry; and the 
        The revised draft definition considered three tiers of USAs. RSPA 
    considered phasing in the three tiers to give operators more time to 
    determine which USAs could be affected by a hazardous liquid pipeline 
        Tier One consisted of areas that could affect human health if 
    contaminated, such as intakes for community drinking water systems and 
    sole source aquifers. Sole source aquifers supply at least half of the 
    drinking water consumed in the area above the aquifer and have no 
    alternative sources that could supply all those who get their drinking 
    water from the aquifer. In the tier model, community drinking water 
    systems and sole source aquifers that could reasonably be expected to 
    be affected by a release would be considered the most sensitive and 
    highest priority areas.
        We gave Tier Two, USAs along surface water, the second highest 
    priority. Tier Two took into account the surface water habitat's 
    natural ability to restore itself to the condition that existed before 
    the release, and the biological and human use resources in the body of 
    water and along the water's edge. The habitat, the biological 
    resources, and the human use resources were assigned numerical 
    sensitivity ratings. Combining the numerical ratings of these three 
    resources determined if a particular area was an USA.
        Tier Three, USAs within terrestrial environments, was given the 
    third highest priority. Tier Three, like Tier Two, took into account 
    biological resources and human use resources be studied to determine if 
    a given area is an USA. Each was assigned a numerical sensitivity 
    rating; the combination of these ratings determined if a particular 
    area was an USA.
        Participants at the workshop discussed the above approach and 
    criteria. Participants stated the tiered approach was complicated and 
    that operators may not be able to carry out the process. Participants 
    requested that additional workshops be held to further discuss this 
    complex topic.
    October 1995 Public Workshop: Discussions on the Three Tier 
    Approach Continue and Discussions on the USA Process
        On October 17, 1995, RSPA held a second public workshop on USAs (60 
    FR 44824; August 29, 1995) that focused on developing a process that 
    could be used to determine if an area is an USA. Participants asked 
    that the process include a series of workshops on topics such as 
    guiding principles, defining terms that may be used when referring to 
    USAs, and protecting drinking water sources, biological resources, and 
    human use resources.
        The hazardous liquid pipeline industry provided information on its 
    current research on USAs and recommended that a definition consider the 
    resource to be protected, the likelihood of a given pipeline impacting 
    that resource, and what can be done to reduce the risk to the resource. 
    Other participants recommended integrating factors on the likelihood of 
    a rupture occurring and the severity of the consequence into the USA 
    definition. Participants also discussed guiding principles that could 
    be used when determining if a given area is a USA.
    January 1996 Public Workshop: Guiding Principles and the Creation 
    of a USA Model
        RSPA held a third workshop on January 18, 1996, to further discuss 
    the guiding principles for determining USAs (61 FR 342; January 4, 
    1996). Participants at the workshop included the EPA; the Departments 
    of Interior, Agriculture, and Commerce; the hazardous liquid pipeline 
    industry, and the public. The participants stated that significant 
    drinking water and ecological resources should be considered USAs, but 
    that economic or recreational areas should not. They maintained that 
    economic and recreational areas could be restored following a hazardous 
    liquid release, but certain drinking water or ecological resources 
    could be irreparable if affected by a release. Several participants 
    also questioned including cultural resources as USAs. These 
    participants stated that most cultural resources can be repaired or 
    replaced if they are impacted by a hazardous liquid release. Indian 
    tribal concerns were also discussed and participants requested that 
    additional research be conducted in this area.
        Participants at the workshop identified consensus guiding 
    principles to help RSPA determine which resources we should concentrate 
    on (areas of primary concern), which areas of primary concern are the 
    most sensitive to a hazardous liquid release, and how to collect and 
    process resource data. The following is the list of those guiding 
         Human health and safety and serious threat of 
    contamination are always to be considered.
    [[Page 73467]]
         A functional definition of significant must be developed 
    to determine USAs.
         Only areas in the trajectory of a potential spill, e.g. 
    down gradient, should be considered.
         It is expected that no pipeline operator will be required 
    to collect natural field resource data to determine USAs.
         USAs should be subject to a systematic review process. 
    USAs may change through time as species migrate, change location, or 
    for other reasons. The USA definition should be explicit and practical 
    in application.
         All phases of the USA definition process should be pilot 
    tested for validity, practicality, and workability, to the extent 
         The government agencies must describe and identify USAs so 
    that the data will not be subject to various interpretations and will 
    be applied consistently.
         Sources of USA data must be readily available to the 
    public and uniform in criteria and standards.
         The standards and criteria for resource sensitivity should 
    be uniform on a national basis such that equivalent resources receive 
    equivalent sensitivity assessments regardless of regionally based 
        In addition to the guiding principles, the following guidelines 
    were created:
         Workshops for each phase of developing a USA definition 
    should include technical experts, representatives, and field personnel 
    with appropriate experience from agencies as well as from industry.
         Public workshops should be used to gather information on 
    the criteria that will determine USAs.
         The USA definition should be complete before its use in a 
         The implementation of resource assessment and protection 
    under the USA definition could be phased.
         All terms in the USA definition should be defined.
         National consistency in application of the USA definition 
    should be the goal.
         Guidelines for data quality should include consistency, 
    accuracy, and scope.
         Encourage open communication with land or resource 
    managers in USAs.
         The ranking of resources or adding of values of several 
    resources to reach a threshold USA quantity, as discussed in the June 
    1995 workshop, is not practical for many pipeline operators.
        Participants at the workshop also created the following model of 
    how the USA process could work. In this model, all areas that have been 
    designated as environmentally sensitive are considered. From this large 
    set, areas of greater concern due to their sensitivity to a hazardous 
    liquid release are identified. These resource areas are called areas of 
    primary concern. Filter criteria are then applied to the areas of 
    primary concern to determine which areas of primary concern are 
    unusually sensitive to damage from a potential hazardous liquid 
    release. Filter criteria are designed to consider the likelihood that 
    the resource could be impacted by a release, the guiding principles, 
    the sensitivity of the resource, if the resource is irreparable or 
    irreplaceable, if there are substitutes for the resource, and the 
    criticality of the resource.
    [[Page 73468]]
        This model was used in all of the ensuing workshops and technical 
    meetings and continues to be used in the current proposal. Finally, 
    participants considered and identified the USA terms that they thought 
    needed to be clarified.
    April 1996 Public Workshop: USA Terms
        The fourth public workshop on April 10-11, 1996, (61 FR 13144; 
    March 26, 1996; Docket PS-140(d)), focused on criteria, components, and 
    parameters of terms that have been used when describing USAs. These 
    terms include the following: Significant, Threat of significant 
    contamination, Contamination, Ecological, Drinking water resources, 
    Recreational areas, Economic areas, Cultural areas, Readily available, 
    and Uniform. Participants also discussed the scope and objectives of 
    any additional USA workshops.
    API Technical Meeting on Drinking Water Resources
        On May 9-10, 1996, the API held a meeting of technical experts to 
    discuss drinking water resources. RSPA and EPA attended this meeting 
    and discussed our draft paper on drinking water resources that RSPA 
    intended to present at its public workshop on drinking water resources. 
    The draft discussed possible resource areas of primary concern and 
    filtering criteria that could be used in determining which drinking 
    water resources are unusually sensitive to damage from a hazardous 
    liquid pipeline release.
    June 1996 Public Workshop: Drinking Water Resources
        RSPA held a fifth workshop on June 18-19, 1996, (61 FR 27323; May 
    31, 1996; Docket PS-140(e)) to discuss drinking water resources. 
    Participants at this workshop included the EPA, the American Waterworks 
    Association, Stanford University, the University of Alaska, and the 
    public. This workshop focused on identifying critical drinking water 
    resources (drinking water areas of primary concern) and possible 
    filtering criteria that could be used to identify drinking water 
    resources that are USAs.
        Participants identified public water systems, wellhead protection 
    areas, and sole source aquifers as drinking water areas of primary 
    concern. Filtering criteria discussed include the depth of the aquifer, 
    the geology surrounding the drinking water resource, and if the public 
    water system has an adequate alternative drinking water supply.
    Additional Technical Meetings
        In addition to the five public workshops, we have had over a dozen 
    meetings with other government agencies to discuss drinking water, 
    ecological, and cultural resources. The API has also held meetings of 
    technical experts to discuss unusually sensitive drinking water and 
    ecological resources. RSPA, EPA, the Departments of Interior, Commerce, 
    and Agriculture, The Nature Conservancy, and academia attended the API 
        API's technical meetings were on October 23-24, 1996, and June 25-
    26, 1997. Attendees discussed possible ecological areas of primary 
    concern and filtering criteria that could be used to determine which 
    ecological resources are unusually sensitive to damage from a hazardous 
    liquid pipeline release. The significant ecological resources that were 
    identified during the meetings included threatened and endangered 
    species, critically imperiled and imperiled species, depleted marine 
    mammals, and areas containing a large percent of the world's population 
    of a migratory waterbird species. Filtering criteria focused on the 
    extent to which a species is endangered, areas that are critical to 
    multiple sensitive species, and areas where a large percent of a 
    species population could be impacted. Notes from these technical 
    meetings are in the Docket.
    How RSPA Will Use the USA Definition
        RSPA will use the definition for identifying USAs in current and 
    future regulations. Any regulatory application of this definition will 
    be aimed at ensuring that operators implement appropriate protective 
    measures for pipelines in USAs.
        Regulations where operators may have to identify USAs include the 
    Risk-based Alternative to Pressure Testing Older Hazardous Liquid and 
    Carbon Dioxide Pipelines (63 FR 59475; November 4, 1998), Response 
    Plans for Onshore Oil Pipelines (62 FR 67292; December 24, 1997), 
    Hazardous Liquid Pipelines Operated at 20% or Less of Specified Minimum 
    Yield Strength (49 CFR Part 195), Emergency Flow Restricting Devices, 
    (Docket PS-133), Increased Inspection Requirements, (Docket PS-141) and 
    Pipeline Safety: Enhanced Safety and Environmental Protection for Gas 
    Transmission and Hazardous Liquid Pipelines in High Consequence Areas, 
    (64 FR 56725; October 21, 1999)
        Under the ``Risk-based Alternative to Pressure Testing Older 
    Hazardous Liquid and Carbon Dioxide Pipelines'' rule (49 CFR 
    Sec. 195.303), operators may elect a risk-based alternative in lieu of 
    hydrostatically testing certain older pipelines. The alternative 
    establishes test priorities based on the inherent risk of a given 
    pipeline segment. One of the risk factors is to determine the pipeline 
    segment's proximity to environmentally sensitive areas when we issued 
    the final rule (63 FR 59475; November 4, 1998), we explained that until 
    we defined these areas, operators were to use their best judgement in 
    applying this factor. We further said that we may define the 
    environmental factor in a future rulemaking.
        Under 49 CFR part 194, ``Response Plans for Onshore Oil 
    Pipelines,'' operators must consider areas of environmental importance 
    that are in or adjacent to navigable waters for spill response 
    planning. These regulations were mandated by the Federal Water 
    Pollution Control Act as amended by the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 
    (OPA). RSPA intends to amend the definition of environmental importance 
    to include USAs, once USAs are defined.
        Hazardous liquid pipelines that operate at 20% of the specified 
    minimum yield strength (SMYS) or less are currently exempt from 49 CFR 
    part 195 regulations if they are in rural areas. When we issued the 
    final rule extending 49 CFR part 195 regulations to certain pipelines 
    operating at 20% SMYS or less (59 FR 35465; July 12, 1994), we deferred 
    proposing to regulate non-hazardous volatile liquid low stress 
    pipelines in rural environmentally sensitive areas. We did this because 
    a definition of environmentally sensitive areas did not exist. We 
    stated that we would revisit the issue once we defined such areas.
        In 49 USC 60102(j), we are required to survey and assess the 
    effectiveness of EFRDs and other procedures, systems, and equipment 
    used to detect and locate hazardous liquid pipeline ruptures, and to 
    prescribe regulations on the circumstances under which an operator of a 
    hazardous liquid pipeline facility must use an EFRD or other device. In 
    an EFRD rulemaking (Docket PS-133), we will consider requiring 
    operators to use an EFRD or other procedure or equipment on their 
    pipelines located in USAs to mitigate the extent and impact of a 
    release in the event of a failure.
        We must also (49 USC 60102(f)(2)) prescribe, if necessary, 
    additional standards that require the periodic inspection of certain 
    pipelines in USAs using an instrumented internal inspection device or 
    another inspection method that is at least as effective as using the 
    device. RSPA plans to address this mandate in a proposed rule in early 
    CY 2000 (Docket PS-141).
    [[Page 73469]]
        RSPA recently held a public meeting to discuss the need for 
    additional protection in high consequence areas. (Pipeline Safety: 
    Enhanced Safety and Environmental Protection for Gas Transmission and 
    Hazardous Liquid Pipelines in High Consequence Areas, 64 FR 56725; 
    October 21, 1999). We stated that we planned to strengthen current 
    pipeline safety regulations with respect to high consequence areas, 
    including USAs. We will consider increased inspection, enhanced damage 
    prevention, improved emergency response, and other preventive measures 
    for pipelines in these areas.
        We recognize that inventories of USAs will have to be updated on a 
    periodic basis to incorporate new information and databases, and to 
    reflect changes in species listings and their locations and the 
    availability of drinking water resources. We intend to identify the 
    locations of USAs through a comprehensive collection and analysis of 
    drinking water and ecological resource data, contingent on the 
    availability of funding and resources. These areas will be mapped using 
    the National Pipeline Mapping System. Operators will have access to 
    these maps through the internet. Operators will then be able to 
    determine which areas of their pipeline intersect USAs. Operators may 
    need to contact resource agencies to obtain additional information on a 
    particular species or drinking water intake.
    Existing Protections for Environmentally Sensitive Areas
        Currently, pipeline safety regulations on pipeline design, 
    construction, operation, maintenance, emergency and spill response 
    planning generally protect all environmentally sensitive areas, 
    cultural resources, and economic resources. The pipeline design and 
    construction standards specify how pipeline components must be 
    designed, welded together, installed in the ditch, and replaced to 
    ensure the pipeline is constructed in a safe manner. The design and 
    construction standards also cover the design and location of valves and 
    flanges to minimize any potential release. The operation and 
    maintenance standards specify the pipeline's acceptable operating 
    pressure, require personnel training, and require operators to perform 
    inspection, monitoring, and testing to assure that the pipeline 
    continues to operate in a safe manner. Emergency and spill response 
    planning regulations are also in place that require the identification 
    of areas of environmental importance and that operators have response 
    capabilities in place to minimize the release and impact of a pipeline 
    accident on these resources.
        In addition to current and intended future pipeline safety 
    regulations, there are many other Federal, state, and local government 
    regulations in place to protect sensitive resources. These include 
    regulations to protect drinking water resources, threatened and 
    endangered species, critical habitats for various species, and spawning 
    areas. Areas have been created and designated to protect and maintain 
    aquatic life, wildlife, various natural resources, and water resources. 
    Permits from various Federal, state, and local agencies are needed 
    before a pipeline can be installed or construction to modify or repair 
    an existing line take place. Environmental reviews and consultations 
    with resource experts are routinely conducting as part of the permit 
    process. RSPA's existing and planned regulations complement these other 
    Federal, state, and local government regulations on sensitive drinking 
    water and ecological resources.
    Our Current Proposal for Identifying USAs
        We have developed our current proposed process for identifying USAs 
    after extensive consultation with drinking water experts, conservation 
    biologists, government agencies, and other stakeholders. This 
    identification uses a process that begins by designating and assessing 
    environmentally sensitive areas (ESAs), determining which of these ESAs 
    are potentially more susceptible to permanent or long term damage from 
    a hazardous liquid release (areas of primary concern), and finally 
    identifying filtering criteria to determine which areas of primary 
    concern can be reached by a release and sustain permanent or long-term 
    damage. The areas that result are USAs.
        RSPA has considered, but has not included, everything listed in the 
    pipeline safety statute and the Presidential memorandum that 
    accompanied the 1996 statute. RSPA has focused on the resources that 
    could suffer permanent or long-term environmental damage if affected by 
    a hazardous liquid release. RSPA has looked beyond the boundaries of 
    the national parks, wetlands, wildlife preservation areas, refuges, 
    etc. to the ecological species and drinking water resources that could 
    suffer irreparable harm if affected by a hazardous liquid release.
        Cultural resources, recreational resources, and economic resource 
    areas are not being considered in this NPRM. These areas should be 
    addressed as a separate risk factor and under separate regulations. We 
    also believe that drinking water and ecological resources that do not 
    qualify as USAs should also be addressed as a separate risk factor and 
    under separate regulations. RSPA currently protects these resources 
    under OPA's spill response plan requirements and will consider if 
    additional measures are needed to better protect these areas. RSPA will 
    issue additional regulations to protect these resources if it is 
    determined that additional protections are needed.
        The following discusses the areas of primary concern and filtering 
    criteria that RSPA proposes as standards for drinking water and 
    ecological resources.
    Drinking Water Resources: Areas of Primary Concern
        Drinking water resource areas of primary concern are a subset of 
    all surface intakes and groundwater-based drinking water supplies that 
    provide potable water for domestic, commercial, and industrial users. 
    Drinking water resource areas of primary concern include drinking water 
    resources for permanent communities such as cities and towns, transient 
    communities such as campgrounds, or individual domestic supplies for 
    residential consumption. As defined by the EPA, the drinking water 
    areas of primary concern that we are proposing include the following:
        A. Public Water Systems (PWS): provide piped water for human 
    consumption to at least 15 service connections or serve an average of 
    at least 25 people for at least 60 days each year. These systems 
    include the sources of the water supplies--i.e., surface or ground. PWS 
    can be community, non-transient non-community, or transient non-
    community systems, as described below:
        1. Community Water System (CWS): a PWS that provides water to the 
    same population year round.
        2. Non-transient Non-community Water System (NTNCWS): a PWS that 
    regularly serves at least 25 of the same people at least six months of 
    the year. Examples of these systems include schools, factories, and 
    hospitals that have their own water supplies.
        3. Transient Non-community Water System (TNCWS): a PWS that caters 
    to transitory customers in nonresidential areas. Examples of these 
    systems include campgrounds, motels, rest stops, and gas stations.
        B. Wellhead Protection Areas (WHPA): the surface and subsurface 
    area surrounding a well or well field that supplies a public water 
    system through which contaminants are likely to pass
    [[Page 73470]]
    and eventually reach the water well or well field.
        C. Sole Source Aquifers (SSA): areas designated by the U.S. 
    Environmental Protection Agency under the Sole Source Aquifer program 
    as the ``sole or principal'' source of drinking water for an area. Such 
    designations are made if the aquifer's ground water supplies 50% or 
    more of the drinking water for an area, and if that aquifer were to 
    become contaminated, it would pose a public health hazard.
    Drinking Water Resources: Filtering Criteria
        Filtering criteria would be applied to the drinking water areas of 
    primary concern to determine which of these areas are USAs. We believe 
    the following filtering criteria would help identify which drinking 
    water areas of primary concern are necessary for uninterrupted 
    consumption by human populations and could be permanently affected, or 
    have long term damage, from a hazardous liquid release.
        A. Filter Criterion #1: TNCWS intakes would not be designated as 
        B. Filter Criterion #2: For CWS and NTNCWS that obtain their water 
    supply primarily from surface water sources, and do not have an 
    adequate alternative source of water, the water intakes would be 
    designated as USAs.
        C. Filter Criterion #3: For CWS and NTNCWS that obtain their water 
    supply primarily from ground water sources, where the source aquifer is 
    identified as a Class I or Class IIa (as identified in Pettyjohn et 
    al., 1991; EPA Document: EPA/600/2-91/043, August 1991; see Attachment 
    A), and do not have an adequate alternative source of water, the WHPAs 
    for such systems would be designated as USAs.
        D. Filter Criterion #4: For CWS and NTNCWS that obtain their water 
    supply primarily from ground water sources, where the source aquifer is 
    identified as a Class IIb, III, or Class U (as identified in Pettyjohn 
    et al., 1991; EPA Document: EPA/600/2-91/043, August 1991; see 
    Attachment A,) the public water systems that rely on these aquifers 
    would not be designated as USAs.
        E. Filter Criterion #5: For CWS and NTNCWS that obtain their water 
    supply primarily from ground water sources, where the source aquifer is 
    identified as a Class I or Class IIa (as identified in Pettyjohn et 
    al., 1991; EPA Document: EPA/600/2-91/043, August 1991; see Attachment 
    A), and the aquifer is designated as a sole source aquifer, an area 
    twice the WHPA would be designated a USA.
    Ecological Resources: Areas of Primary Concern
        On April 10-11, 1996, RSPA held a public workshop to discuss the 
    elements that should define ecological resources (61 FR 13144, March 
    26, 1996). Participants concluded that ecological resources should 
    include fish, wildlife, plants, biota and their habitats which may 
    include land, air, and/or water. Examples of ecological resources are 
    provided in a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 
    Guidance Document issued in March 1994 (59 FR 14714). Ecological 
    resources include sensitive fish, wildlife, plant, and habitat 
    resources that are at risk from hazardous liquid spills. These include 
    such resources as breeding, spawning, and nesting areas; early life 
    stage concentration and nursery areas; wintering or migratory areas; 
    rare, threatened, and endangered species locations; and other types of 
    high concentration or sensitive areas.
        Ecological areas of primary concern are a subset of all ecological 
    resources. These areas of primary concern are areas that contain 
    ecological resources that are potentially more susceptible to permanent 
    or long term environmental damage.
        We are proposing four resource categories as ecological areas of 
    primary concern. These categories are susceptible to permanent or long 
    term ecological damage due to inherent characteristics of rarity, 
    imperilment, or the potential for loss of large segments of an abundant 
    population during periods of migratory concentration.
        A. Areas Containing Critically Imperiled and Imperiled Species and 
    Subtaxa: These areas contain known occurrences of animal and plant 
    species that have such limited distribution that a hazardous liquid 
    pipeline release could affect a significant percentage of the species 
    population. There are a number of species that are at risk of 
    extinction due to their extremely restricted distribution or limited 
    numbers. These resources are identified, ranked, and inventoried by 
    Natural Heritage Programs and Conservation Data Centers in conjunction 
    with The Nature Conservancy (TNC). Under the TNC approach, each species 
    is assigned a Global (or range-wide) Conservation Status Rank. This 
    rank is based on several specific factors, including the number of 
    known occurrences or populations, number of individuals, health of the 
    population, its extinction potential, whether it is experiencing an 
    increasing or decreasing trend, and if there are known threats to the 
    species. Ecological areas of primary concern include occurrences of 
    species and subtaxa with the following Global Ranks:
        1. Critically imperiled: These species demonstrate extreme rarity 
    (5 or fewer occurrences or fewer than 1,000 individuals) or extreme 
    vulnerability to extinction due to some natural or man-made factor. 
    There are approximately 1,300 species in the United States which are 
    ranked as critically imperiled globally. Rare or extremely vulnerable 
    subtaxa which are critically imperiled are included in this category, 
    despite the conservation status of the species as a whole.
        2. Imperiled: These species demonstrate rarity (6 to 20 occurrences 
    or 1,000 to 3,000 individuals) or vulnerability to extinction due to 
    some natural or man-made factor. There are approximately 1,800 species 
    in the United States ranked as imperiled. Rare or vulnerable subtaxa 
    which are imperiled are included in this category, despite the 
    conservation status of the species as a whole.
        B. Areas Containing Federally Listed Threatened and Endangered 
    (T&E) Species: These areas contain known occurrences of animal and 
    plant species that have been listed and are protected under the 
    Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (ESA73) (16 U.S.C. 1531 et 
    seq.). A summary of these listed species is published annually as the 
    ``List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants'' (50 CFR 17.11 
    and 17.12). There are currently more than 1,000 listed T&E species in 
    the United States.
        The term ``endangered species'' is defined as ``any species which 
    is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of 
    its range'' (16 U.S.C. 1532). The term ``threatened species'' is 
    defined as ``any species which is likely to become an endangered 
    species within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant 
    portion of its range'' (16 U.S.C. 1532). The term species includes 
    species, subspecies, and distinct vertebrate populations.
        In addition, a species that has been proposed or is a candidate to 
    become a T&E species will become an ecological area of primary concern 
    upon its final listing as a T&E species in the Federal Register.
        C. Areas Containing Depleted Marine Mammal Species: These areas 
    contain known occurrences of depleted species identified and protected 
    under the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, as amended (MMPA) (16 
    U.S.C. 1361 et seq.). The term ``depleted'' refers to marine mammal 
    species that are listed
    [[Page 73471]]
    as T&E or are below their optimum sustainable populations (16 U.S.C. 
    1362). The term ``species'' includes species, subspecies, or population 
    stocks. There are currently 18 species listed as ``depleted'' under the 
    MMPA. Eleven of these species are also listed as endangered and three 
    of these species are listed as threatened under the ESA73.
        The term ``marine mammal'' is defined as ``any mammal which is 
    morphologically adapted to the marine environment (including sea otters 
    and members of the orders Sirenia, Pinnipedia, and Cetacea), or 
    primarily inhabits the marine environment (such as the polar bear)'' 
    (16 U.S.C. 1362). The order Sirenia includes manatees, the order 
    Pinnipedia includes seals, sea lions, and walruses, and the order 
    Cetacea includes dolphins, porpoises, and whales.
        D. Areas Containing a Large Percentage of the World's Population of 
    a Migratory Waterbird Species: These areas contain very high 
    concentrations of the world's population of a species for a short time. 
    An example would be those areas of the Delaware Bay where a major 
    portion of the world population of red knot (a shorebird species) stop-
    over to feed during migration.
        Two programs of international significance are responsible for 
    identifying and delimiting areas where significant populations of 
    migratory waterbirds congregate during critical periods. The first 
    program, the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN), 
    ranks migratory shorebird concentration areas into four different 
    categories on the basis of biological criteria. These four categories 
        1. Hemispheric reserves--these areas host at least 500,000 
    shorebirds annually or 30% of a species flyway population;
        2. International reserves--these areas host 100,000 shorebirds 
    annually or 15% of a species flyway population;
        3. Regional reserves--these areas host 20,000 shorebirds annually 
    or 5% of a species flyway population; and
        4. Endangered species reserves--these areas are critical to the 
    survival of endangered species and no minimum number of birds is 
        Eighteen WHSRN sites have been established in the United States 
    (Table 1).
        A second program, The Convention on Wetlands of International 
    Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat (Ramsar), is dedicated to 
    identifying globally critical wetland areas supporting migratory 
    waterfowl. The establishment of a Ramsar site (Ramsar Articles, 1996) 
    includes the following specific criteria for waterfowl:
        1. A wetland area that regularly supports 20,000 waterfowl, or
        2. A wetland area that regularly supports substantial numbers of 
    individuals from particular groups of waterfowl, indicative of wetland 
    values, productivity, or diversity, or
        3. Where data on populations are available, a wetland area that 
    regularly supports 1% of the individuals in a population of one species 
    or subspecies of waterfowl.
        There are a total of 17 Ramsar sites in the United States. See 
    table 1 in the appendix to this document.
        Additional information on the Ramsar and WHSRN sites is available 
    on the internet or from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of 
    International Affairs.
    Ecological Resources: Filter Criteria
        Filter criteria would be applied to the ecological resource areas 
    of primary concern to determine which are most susceptible to permanent 
    or long term environmental damage from a hazardous liquid pipeline 
    spill. These resources would be ecological USAs.
        We are proposing three ecological filter criteria that are 
    consistent with current trends in conservation ecology to identify 
    areas with critically imperiled species, multi-species protection 
    sites, and migratory waterbird concentrations. The three criteria would 
    be applied in a multi-tiered process where all ecological areas of 
    primary concern receive repetitive consideration for USA status. For 
    example, an ecological area of primary concern is first subjected to 
    filter criterion 1, areas with critically imperiled species, and may be 
    designated an USA at this point. If the ecological area of primary 
    concern does not meet filter criterion 1, it then receives 
    consideration under filter criterion 2, multi-species protection areas, 
    and may be designated an USA at this point. If the ecological area of 
    primary concern does not meet filter criterion 2, it receives 
    consideration under filter criterion 3, migratory waterbird 
    concentration areas, and may be designated an USA at this point. If the 
    ecological area of primary concern does not meet filter criterion 3, it 
    remains an ecological area of primary concern. All ecological areas of 
    primary concern must be periodically reviewed to consider changes in 
    resource information or status. An ecological area of primary concern 
    would become a USA once it meets one of the filtering criteria.
    A. Filter Criterion 1: Areas With Critically Imperiled Species
        Filter criterion 1 selects those ecological areas of primary 
    concern that contain viable occurrences of species or subtaxa 
    designated as critically imperiled globally to be USAs. These species 
    or subtaxa demonstrate extreme rarity or extreme vulnerability to 
    extinction due to some natural or man-made factor. They typically have 
    five or fewer occurrences or fewer than 1,000 individuals globally. In 
    some cases, species or subtaxa may be identified as critically 
    imperiled because they are subject to an extreme threat of extinction 
    due to factors other than low number of occurrences or individuals.
        The critically imperiled designation includes a wide variety of 
    plant and animal species and subtaxa. It includes approximately 64% of 
    the listed threatened and endangered species and 53% of those species 
    currently designated by the Departments of Interior and Commerce as 
    proposed or as candidates for listing under ESA73. This filter 
    criterion also selects an additional number of plant and animal species 
    and subtaxa not designated under ESA73. All ecological areas of primary 
    concern meeting this criterion would be considered USAs. Ecological 
    areas of primary concern that do not meet filter criterion 1 would then 
    be considered under filter criteria 2 and 3.
    B. Filter Criterion 2: Multi-species Protection Areas
        Filter criterion 2 selects the ecological areas of primary concern 
    that form multi-species assemblages. Multi-species assemblages are 
    defined as areas where three or more different critically imperiled or 
    imperiled species, threatened or endangered species, depleted marine 
    mammals, or migratory waterbird concentrations co-occur. These areas 
    are valuable since they often represent unique ecosystems. Multi-
    species protection areas also protect a greater number of sensitive 
    resources per site location.
    C. Filter Criterion 3: Migratory Waterbird Concentration Areas
        Filter criterion 3 selects the ecological areas of primary concern 
    that are designated Ramsar sites. Filter criterion 3 also selects the 
    ecological areas of primary concern that are WHSRN sites ranked as 
    hemispheric, international, or endangered species reserves. These areas 
    are valuable since significant populations of migratory waterbirds 
    congregate in these areas during critical periods. Relatively common 
    species may be at risk at such sites. In some
    [[Page 73472]]
    cases, as much as 80% of the entire North American population of a 
    particular species may occur at one of these sites during critical 
    concentration periods.
    Pilot Test
        RSPA published a Notice of Intent to Pilot Test (64 FR 38173) on 
    July 15, 1999. This notice announced the commencement of a pilot test 
    to determine if the definition described in this NPRM could be used to 
    identify and locate unusually sensitive drinking water and ecological 
    resources using available data from government agencies and 
    environmental organizations. RSPA is conducting the pilot test using 
    the States of Texas, California, and Louisiana to test this proposed 
    USA definition due to the large number of hazardous liquid pipelines in 
    these states and the considerable drinking water and ecological 
    resources that exist in these states. RSPA and others will use the 
    results to evaluate whether the proposed definition identifies the 
    majority of unusually sensitive areas and whether environmental data is 
    accessible and appropriate to support the proposed definition. The 
    results of this pilot test will be used to create an industry guidance 
    document on unusually sensitive areas.
        In this pilot test RSPA is:
         Identifying pertinent drinking water data that have been 
    created and maintained by Federal or state government agencies, 
    environmental groups, or private organizations. This includes data on 
    public drinking water systems, aquifers, sole source aquifers, wellhead 
    protection areas, alternative drinking water resources, and aquifer 
         Identifying pertinent ecological data that have been 
    created and maintained by Federal or state government agencies, 
    environmental groups, or private organizations. This includes data on 
    threatened and endangered species, critically imperilled and imperilled 
    species, depleted marine mammal species, and areas containing a large 
    percentage of the world's population of a migratory waterbird species.
         Identifying data on land features, such as the location of 
    wetlands, rivers, transportation networks, and water routes (including 
    flow direction).
         Obtaining, where possible, all pertinent drinking water, 
    ecological, and land feature data. All problems encountered in 
    gathering the data are being documented.
         Determining if the obtained data can be used with the 
    proposed USA definition to identify and locate USAs. This includes 
    reviewing the data for accuracy, attributes, format, restrictions on 
    use, and determining if the resources and features were mapped with 
    sufficient precision.
         Processing the data, using a geographic information system 
    (GIS), according to the proposed USA definition. Identifying all 
    problems encountered in processing the data.
         Comparing the USA pilot results to other preservation area 
    identification efforts, where possible, and to all threatened and 
    endangered specie areas.
        RSPA will publish a Notice of Availability in the Federal Register 
    and put the results of this pilot test on the OPS's Web Page: http://
    ops.dot.gov for review and comment as soon as the results are 
    available. We currently expect to have the results in April 2000.
    Technical Review
        Drinking water and ecological resource experts will review the 
    pilot test to determine whether the results identify the majority of 
    unusually sensitive areas within the three pilot states. These experts 
    will come from the Departments of Interior, Agriculture, and Commerce, 
    the Environmental Protection Agency, state Nature Conservancies and 
    Heritage Programs. We will also use experts on drinking water and 
    ecological resources from state agencies, including the Texas Railroad 
    Commission, Texas Parks and Wildlife, the Louisiana Department of 
    Environmental Quality, the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and 
    Fisheries, the California Department of Fish and Game, and the 
    California State Fire Marshals Office.
        These peer reviewers will help to identify other data sets that 
    might be utilized and other resources that might be considered, and to 
    improve the capability of the proposed USA definition to identify the 
    majority of USAs within the three states. RSPA will publish a Notice of 
    Availability in the Federal Register and the results of this peer 
    review on OPS's Web Page: http://ops.dot.gov as soon as the results are 
        RSPA will also present this NPRM and the USA pilot results to the 
    Technical Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety Standards Committee 
    (THLPSSC). The THLPSSC is responsible for reviewing proposed federal 
    hazardous liquid pipeline safety standards and reporting on their 
    feasibility, reasonableness, and practicability. Representatives on the 
    THLPSSC include the Minerals Management Service, City of Fredericksburg 
    Virginia, U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Commerce, 
    Virginia State Corporation Commission, Environmental Defense Fund, The 
    Nature Conservancy, Kenai Peninsula, Atlantic Consultants, Southwest 
    Research Institute, Buckeye Pipe Line, Lakehead Pipe Line, Kinder 
    Morgan Energy Partners, and Mobil Pipe Line.
    Regulatory Analyses and Notices
    A. Executive Order 12866 and DOT Policies and Procedures
        The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) does not consider this 
    proposed rulemaking to be a significant regulatory action under Section 
    3(f) of Executive Order 12866 (58 FR 51735; October 4, 1993). 
    Therefore, OMB has not reviewed this rulemaking document. DOT does not 
    consider this proposed rulemaking significant under its regulatory 
    policies and procedures (44 FR 11034; February 26, 1979).
        This proposed definition will have no cost impact on the pipeline 
    industry or the public because it is only a definition. It requires no 
    immediate action on the part of pipeline operators. Potentially, it 
    could impact current or future regulations but this would require 
    specific rulemaking action. Because there is no accompanying action 
    requiring anything of pipeline operators, there is no need to examine 
    the cost impact. If future rulemakings require that operators take any 
    specific actions on pipelines that are in unusually sensitive areas, 
    then RSPA will perform a cost-benefit analysis to determine any 
    potential impact. Because operators are taking no actions there are 
    also no specific benefits attributable to this proposed definition.
    B. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The proposed rule would not impose additional requirements on 
    pipeline operators, including small entities that operate regulated 
    pipelines. Based on the above information showing that there is no 
    economic impact of this proposed rulemaking, I certify, pursuant to 
    Section 605 of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 605), that this 
    proposed rulemaking would not have a significant economic impact on a 
    substantial number of small entities.
    C. Executive Order 13084
        The proposed rule has been analyzed in accordance with the 
    principles and criteria contained in Executive Order 13084, 
    ``Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments.'' 
    Because the proposed rules would not significantly or uniquely affect 
    the Indian tribal governments, the funding and consultation 
    requirements of Executive Order 13084 do not apply.
    [[Page 73473]]
    D. Paperwork Reduction Act
        This proposed rulemaking contains no information collection that is 
    subject to review by OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
    E. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
        This proposed rulemaking would not impose unfunded mandates under 
    the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995. It would not result in costs 
    of $100 million or more to either State local, or tribal governments, 
    in the aggregate, or to the private sector, and would be the least 
    burdensome alternative that achieves the objective of the rule.
    F. National Environmental Policy Act
        We have analyzed the proposed rule for purposes of the National 
    Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) The information and 
    analysis provided in the Environmental Assessment demonstrate that the 
    proposed action to define USAs in Part 195.2 and 195.6 will not have 
    any significant environmental impact. However, as discussed in the 
    Environmental Assessment, RSPA is considering several rulemakings that 
    will provide additional protection for the USAs that will be identified 
    using this definition. At the time these rulemakings are proposed, RSPA 
    will perform Environmental Assessments to determine the impacts on the 
    environment of these new requirements. The Environmental Assessment 
    document is available for review in the docket.
    G. Impact on Business Processes and Computer Systems
        Many computers that use two digits to keep track of dates will, on 
    January 1, 2000, recognize ``double zero'' not as 2000 but as 1900. 
    This glitch, the Year 2000 problem, could cause computers to stop 
    running or to start generating erroneous data. The Year 2000 problem 
    poses a threat to the global economy in which Americans live and work. 
    With the help of the President's Council on Year 2000 Conversion, 
    Federal agencies are reaching out to increase awareness of the problem 
    and to offer support. We do not want to impose new requirements that 
    would mandate business process changes when the resources necessary to 
    implement those requirements would otherwise be applied to the Year 
    2000 Problem. This notice of proposed rulemaking does not propose 
    business process changes or require modifications to computer systems. 
    Because this notice apparently does not affect the ability of 
    organizations to respond to the Year 2000 problem, we do not intend to 
    delay the effectiveness of the regulatory definition proposed in this 
    H. Executive Order 12612
        This action would not have substantial direct effects on states, on 
    the relationship between the Federal Government and the states, or on 
    the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels 
    of government. Therefore, in accordance with Executive Order 12612 (52 
    FR 41685; October 30, 1987), RSPA has determined that the proposed 
    regulation does not have sufficient federalism implications to warrant 
    preparation of a Federalism Assessment.
    List of Subjects in 49 CFR Part 195
        Anhydrous Ammonia, Carbon dioxide, Hazardous liquids, Petroleum, 
    Pipeline Safety.
        In consideration of the foregoing, RSPA hearby proposes to amend 49 
    CFR Part 195 as follows:
    PART 195--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for Part 195 continues to read as 
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5103, 60102, 60104, 60108, 60109, 60118, 
    and 49 CFR 1.53.
        2. Section 195.2 would be revised by adding the following 
    definition in alphabetical order to read as follows:
    Sec. 195.2  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        Unusually sensitive area (USA) means a drinking water or ecological 
    resource area that is unusually sensitive to environmental damage from 
    a hazardous liquid pipeline release, as identified under Sec. 195.6.
        3. Section 195.6 would be added to read as follows:
    Sec. 195.6  Unusually Sensitive Areas (USAs).
        As used in this part, an USA means a drinking water or ecological 
    resource area that is unusually sensitive to environmental damage from 
    a hazardous liquid pipeline release.
        (a) For drinking water resources: (1) The water intake for a 
    Community Water System (CWS), as defined under Sec. 195.6(c), or a Non-
    transient Non-community Water System (NTNCWS), as defined under 
    Sec. 195.6(c), that obtains its water supply primarily from a surface 
    water source and does not have an adequate alternative source of water,
        (2) The Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA) for a CWS, as defined under 
    Sec. 195.6(c), or a NTNCWS that obtains its water supply from a Class I 
    or Class IIA aquifer, as defined under Sec. 195.6(c), and does not have 
    an adequate alternative source of water, or
        (3) An area twice the WHPA for a CWS or a NTNCWS that obtains its 
    water supply primarily from a sole source Class I or Class IIa aquifer 
    and does not have an alternative source of water.
        (b) For ecological resources: (1) An area containing critically 
    imperiled species, as defined under Sec. 195.6(c),
        (2) A multi-species protection area, as defined under 
    Sec. 195.6(c), or
        (3) A migratory waterbird concentration area, as defined under 
    Sec. 195.6(c).
        (c) As used in this part--Class I Aquifer means an aquifer that is 
    surficial or shallow, permeable, and is highly vulnerable to 
    contamination. A Class I aquifer may be a:
        (1) Unconsolidated Aquifer (Class Ia) that consists of surficial, 
    unconsolidated, and permeable alluvial, terrace, outwash, beach, dune 
    and other similar deposits. These aquifers generally contain layers of 
    sand and gravel that, commonly, are interbedded to some degree with 
    silt and clay. Not all Class Ia aquifers are important water-bearing 
    units, but they are likely to be both permeable and vulnerable. The 
    only natural protection of these aquifers is the thickness of the 
    unsaturated zone and the presence of fine-grained material.
        (2) Soluble and Fractured Bedrock Aquifer (Class Ib). Lithologies 
    in this class include limestone, dolomite, and, locally, evaporitic 
    units that contain documented karst features or solution channels, 
    regardless of size. Generally these aquifers have a wide range of 
    permeability. Also included in this class are sedimentary strata, and 
    metamorphic and igneous (intrusive and extrusive) rocks that are 
    significantly faulted, fractured, or jointed. In all cases groundwater 
    movement is largely controlled by secondary openings. Well yields range 
    widely, but the important feature is the potential for rapid vertical 
    and lateral ground water movement along preferred pathways, which 
    result in a high degree of vulnerability.
        (3) Semiconsolidated Aquifer (Class Ic) that generally contains 
    poorly to moderately indurated sand and gravel that is interbedded with 
    clay and silt. This group is intermediate to the unconsolidated and 
    consolidated end members. These systems are common in the Tertiary age 
    rocks that are exposed throughout the Gulf and Atlantic coastal states. 
    Semiconsolidated conditions also arise from the presence of 
    intercalated clay and caliche within primarily unconsolidated to poorly 
    [[Page 73474]]
    units, such as occurs in parts of the High Plains Aquifer.
        (4) Covered Aquifer (Class Id) that is any Class I aquifer overlain 
    by less than 50 feet of low permeability, unconsolidated material, such 
    as glacial till, lacustrian, and loess deposits.
        Class IIa aquifer means a Higher Yield Bedrock Aquifer that is 
    consolidated and is moderately vulnerable to contamination. These 
    aquifers generally consist of fairly permeable sandstone or 
    conglomerate that contain lesser amounts of interbedded fine grained 
    clastics (shale, siltstone, mudstone) and occasionally carbonate units. 
    In general, well yields must exceed 50 gallons per minute to be 
    included in this class. Local fracturing may contribute to the dominant 
    primary porosity and permeability of these systems.
        Community Water System (CWS) means a public water system that 
    provides water to the same population year round.
        Critically imperiled species means a species of extreme rarity, 
    based on The Nature Conservancy's Global Conservation Status Rank. 
    These species have 5 or fewer occurrences or fewer than 1,000 
    individuals, or are extremely vulnerable to extinction due to some 
    natural or man-made factor.
        Depleted Marine Mammal species means a species that has been 
    identified and is protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 
    1972, as amended (MMPA) (16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq.). The term ``depleted'' 
    refers to marine mammal species that are listed as threatened or 
    endangered, or are below their optimum sustainable populations (16 
    U.S.C. 1362). The term ``marine mammal'' means ``any mammal which is 
    morphologically adapted to the marine environment (including sea otters 
    and members of the orders Sirenia, Pinnipedia, and Cetacea), or 
    primarily inhabits the marine environment (such as the polar bear)'' 
    (16 U.S.C. 1362). The order Sirenia includes manatees, the order 
    Pinnipedia includes seals, sea lions, and walruses, and the order 
    Cetacea includes dolphins, porposes, and whales.
        Imperiled species means a rare species, based on The Nature 
    Conservancy's Global Conservation Status Rank. These species have 6 to 
    20 occurrences or 1,000 to 3,000 individuals, or are vulnerable to 
    extinction due to some natural or man-made factor.
        Migratory waterbird concentration area means a designated Ramsar 
    site or Western Hemisphere Shoreline Reserve Network site ranked as 
    hemispheric, international, or endangered species reserve.
        Multi-species protection area means an area where three or more 
    different critically imperiled or imperiled species, threatened or 
    endangered species, depleted marine mammals, or migratory waterbird 
    concentrations co-occur.
        Non-transient Non-community Water System (NTNCWS) means a public 
    water system that regularly serves at least 25 of the same people at 
    least six months of the year. Examples of these systems include 
    schools, factories, and hospitals that have their own water supplies.
        Public Water System (PWS) means a system that provides piped water 
    for human consumption to at least 15 service connections or serves an 
    average of at least 25 people for at least 60 days each year. These 
    systems include the sources of the water supplies--i.e., surface or 
    ground. PWS can be community, non-transient non-community, or transient 
    non-community systems.
        Ramsar site means a site that has been designated under The 
    Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as 
    Waterfowl Habitat program. Ramsar sites are globally critical wetland 
    areas that support migratory waterfowl. These include wetland areas 
    that regularly support 20,000 waterfowl; wetland areas that regularly 
    support substantial numbers of individuals from particular groups of 
    waterfowl, indicative of wetland values, productivity, or diversity; or 
    wetland areas that regularly support 1% of the individuals in a 
    population of one species or subspecies of waterfowl.
        Sole Source Aquifer (SSA) means an area designated by the U.S. 
    Environmental Protection Agency under the Sole Source Aquifer program 
    as the ``sole or principal'' source of drinking water for an area. Such 
    designations are made if the aquifer's ground water supplies 50% or 
    more of the drinking water for an area, and if that aquifer were to 
    become contaminated, it would pose a public health hazard.
        Species means species, subspecies, population stocks, or distinct 
    vertebrate populations.
        Threatened and Endangered Species (T&E) means an animal or plant 
    species that has been listed and is protected under the Endangered 
    Species Act of 1973, as amended (ESA73) (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). 
    ``Endangered species'' is defined as ``any species which is in danger 
    of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range'' 
    (16 U.S.C. 1532). ``Threatened species'' is defined as ``any species 
    which is likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable 
    future throughout all or a significant portion of its range'' (16 
    U.S.C. 1532).
        Transient Non-Community Water System (TNCWS) means a public water 
    system that caters to transitory customers in nonresidential areas. 
    Examples of these systems include campgrounds, motels, rest stops, and 
    gas stations.
        Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA) means the surface and subsurface 
    area surrounding a well or well field that supplies a public water 
    system through which contaminants are likely to pass and eventually 
    reach the water well or well field.
        Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN) site means an 
    area that contains migratory shorebird concentrations and has been 
    designated as a hemispheric reserve, international reserve, regional 
    reserve, or endangered species reserve. Hemispheric reserves host at 
    least 500,000 shorebirds annually or 30% of a species flyway 
    population. International reserves host 100,000 shorebirds annually or 
    15% of a species flyway population. Regional reserves host 20,000 
    shorebirds annually or 5% of a species flyway population. Endangered 
    species reserves are critical to the survival of endangered species and 
    no minimum number of birds is required.
    Richard B. Felder,
    Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety.
        Note:  This appendix will not appear in the Code of Federal 
                     Table 1.--Currently Recognized Migratory Waterbird Protection Areas in the U.S.
                  Site name                        State             Size  (ha)           Location coordinates
    Ramsar Sites:
        Ash Meadows National Wildlife     Nevada.................           9,509  36 deg.25'N 116 deg.20'W
        Bolinas Lagoon..................  California.............             445  37 deg.55'N 112 deg.41'W
    [[Page 73475]]
        Cache-Lower White Rivers........  Arkansas...............          81,376  34 deg.40'N 091 deg.11'W
        Cache River-Cypress Creek         Illinois...............          24,281  37 deg.13'N 089 deg.08'W
        Caddo Lake......................  Texas..................           8,382  32 deg.45'N 094 deg.08'W
        Catahoula Lake..................  Louisiana..............          12,150  31 deg.30'N 092 deg.06'W
        Chesapeake Bay Estuarine Complex  Virginia...............          45,000  38 deg.00'N 076 deg.20'W
        Cheyenne Bottoms State Game Area  Kansas.................           8,036  38 deg.29'N 098 deg.40'W
        Connecticut River Estuary &       Connecticut............           6,484  41 deg.15'N 072 deg.18'W
         Tidal Wetland Complex.
        Delaware Bay Estuary............  Delaware and New Jersey          51,252  39 deg.11'N 075 deg.14'W
        Edwin B Forsythe National         New Jersey.............          13,080  39 deg.36'N 074 deg.17'W
         Wildlife Refuge.
        Everglades National Park MR.....  Florida................         566,143  25 deg.00'N 080 deg.55'W
        Horicon Marsh...................  Wisconsin..............          12,911  43 deg.30'N 088 deg.38'W
        Izembek Lagoon National Wildlife  Alaska.................         168,433  55 deg.45'N 162 deg.41'W
        Okefenokee National Wildlife      Georgia, Florida.......         159,889  30 deg.49'N 082 deg.20'W
        Pelican Island National Wildlife  Florida................           1,908  27 deg.48'N 080 deg.25'W
        Sand Lake National Wildlife       South Dakota...........           8,700  45 deg.45'N 098 deg.15'W
    WHSRN Sites:
        Copper River Delta..............  Alaska.................
        Kachemak Bay....................  Alaska.................
        Mono Lake.......................  California.............
        Grasslands......................  California.............
        San Francisco Bay...............  California.............
        Delaware Bay....................  Delaware, New Jersey...
        American Falls..................  Idaho..................
        Cheyenne Bottoms................  Kansas.................
        Quivira.........................  Kansas.................
        Barrier Islands.................  Maryland, Virginia.....
        Benton Lake.....................  Montana................
        Stillwater......................  Nevada.................
        Salt Plains.....................  Oklahoma...............
        Cape Roman......................  South Carolina.........
        Bolivar Flats...................  Texas..................
        Brazoria Refuge Complex.........  Texas..................
        Great Salt Lake.................  Utah...................
        Gray's Harbor...................  Washington.............
    Attachment A
        Recommended Data Source: EPA Report 600/2-91/043. Regional 
    Assessment of Aquifer Vulnerability and Sensitivity in the 
    Conterminous United States. Office of Research and Development. 
    Washington, DC. 319pp.
        The following information was obtained from pages 6-8 of the 
    above report:
    Class I Aquifers (Surficial or Shallow, Permeable Units; Highly 
    Vulnerable to Contamination)
    Unconsolidated Aquifers (Class Ia)
        Class Ia aquifers consist of surficial, unconsolidated, and 
    permeable alluvial, terrace, outwash, beach, dune and other similar 
    deposits. These units generally contain layers of sand and gravel 
    that, commonly, are interbedded to some degree with silt and clay. 
    Not all deposits mapped as Class Ia are important water-bearing 
    units, but they are likely to be both permeable and vulnerable. The 
    only natural protection of aquifers of this class is the thickness 
    of the unsaturated zone and the presence of fine-grained material.
    Soluble and Fractured Bedrock Aquifers (Class Ib)
        Lithologies in this class include limestone, dolomite, and, 
    locally, evaporitic units that contain documented karst features or 
    solution channels, regardless of size. Generally these systems have 
    a wide range in permeability. Also included in this class are 
    sedimentary strata, and metamorphic and igneous (intrusive and 
    extrusive) rocks that are significantly faulted, fractured, or 
    jointed. In all cases groundwater movement is largely controlled by 
    secondary openings. Well yields range widely, but the important 
    feature is the potential for rapid vertical and lateral ground water 
    movement along preferred pathways, which result in a high degree of 
    Semiconsolidated Aquifers (Class Ic)
        Semiconsolidated systems generally contain poorly to moderately 
    indurated sand and gravel that is interbedded with clay and silt. 
    This group is intermediate to the unconsolidated and consolidated 
    end members. These systems are common in the Tertiary age rocks that 
    are exposed throughout the Gulf and Atlantic coastal states. 
    Semiconsolidated conditions also arise from the presence of 
    intercalated clay and caliche within primarily unconsolidated to 
    poorly consolidated units, such as occurs in parts of the High 
    Plains Aquifer.
    Covered Aquifers (Class Id)
        This class consists of any Class I aquifer that is overlain by 
    less than 50 feet of low permeability, unconsolidated material, such 
    as glacial till, lacustrian, and loess deposits.
    Class II Aquifers (Consolidated Bedrock Aquifers; Moderately 
    Higher Yield Bedrock Aquifers (Class IIa)
        These aquifers generally consist of fairly permeable sandstone 
    or conglomerate that contain lesser amounts of interbedded fine 
    grained clastics (shale, siltstone, mudstone) and occasionally 
    carbonate units. In general, well yields must exceed 50 gpm to be 
    included in this class. Locally fracturing may contribute to the 
    dominant primary porosity and permeability of these systems.
    Lower Yield Bedrock Aquifers (Class IIb)
        In most cases, these aquifers consist of sedimentary or 
    crystalline rocks. Most commonly, lower yield systems consist of the 
    same clastic rock types present in the higher yield systems, but in 
    the former case grain size is generally smaller and the degree of 
    cementation or induration is greater, both of which lead to a lower 
    permeability. In many existing and ancient mountain regions, such as 
    the Appalachians (Blue Ridge and Piedmont), the core consists of 
    crystalline rocks that are fractured to some degree. Well yields are 
    commonly less than 50 gpm, although they may be larger in valleys 
    than on interstream divides.
    Covered Bedrock Aquifers (Class IIc)
        This group consists of Class IIa and IIb aquifers that are 
    overlain by less than 50 feet of unconsolidated material of low
    [[Page 73476]]
    permeability, such as glacial till, lacustrian, or loess deposits. 
    It is assumed that most Class V wells are relatively shallow and, 
    therefore, 50 feet or less of fine grained cover could reduce but 
    not necessarily eliminate the vulnerability of underlying Class II 
     Class III (Consolidated or Unconsolidated Aquifers That Are 
    Overlain by More Than 50 Feet of Low Permeability Material; Low 
        Aquifers of this type are the least vulnerable of all the 
    classes because they are naturally protected by a thick layer of 
    fine grained material, such as glacial till or shale. Examples 
    include parts of the Northern Great Plains where the Pierre Shale of 
    Cretaceous age crops out over thousands of square miles and is 
    hundreds of feet thick. In many of the glaciated states, till forms 
    an effective cover over bedrock or buried outwash aquifers, and 
    elsewhere alternating layers of shale, siltstone, and fine grained 
    sandstone insulate and protect the deeper major water bearing zones 
    * * *
    Class U (Undifferentiated Aquifers)
        This classification is used where several lithologic and 
    hydrologic conditions are present within a mappable area. Units are 
    assigned to this class because of constraints of mapping scale, the 
    presence of undelineated members within a formation or group, or the 
    presence of nonuniformly occurring features, such as fracturing. 
    This class is intended to convey a wider range of vulnerability than 
    is usually contained within any other single class.
    Subclass V (Variable Covered Aquifers)
        The modifier ``v'', such as Class IIa-v, is used to describe 
    areas where an undetermined or highly variable thickness of low 
    permeability sediments overlie the major water bearing zone. To 
    provide the largest amount of information, the underlying aquifer 
    was mapped as if the cover were absent, and the ``v'' designation 
    was added to the classification. The ``v'' indicates that a variable 
    thickness of low permeability material covers the aquifer and, since 
    the thickness of the cover, to a large degree, controls 
    vulnerability, this aspect is undefined.
    [FR Doc. 99-33614 Filed 12-29-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-60-P

Document Information

Research and Special Programs Administration
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of proposed rulemaking.
Document Number:
Send written comments by June 27, 2000.
73464-73476 (13 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket RSPA-99-5455
2137-AC34: Pipeline Safety: Areas Unusually Sensitive to Environmental Damage (USAs)
RIN Links:
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CFR: (4)
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