96-33264. Implementation of the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program Provisions of the Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 252 (Tuesday, December 31, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 69004-69011]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-33264]
    Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
    7 CFR Part 404
    Commodity Credit Corporation
    7 CFR Part 1437
    RIN 0560-AE85
    Implementation of the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program 
    Provisions of the Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 
    AGENCIES: Commodity Credit Corporation, Federal Crop Insurance 
    Corporation, USDA.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: This final rule moves the noninsured crop disaster assistance 
    program (NAP) provisions currently in 7 CFR part 404 to 7 CFR part 
    1437, and implements the amendments to NAP made in Title I of the 
    Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996 (the 1996 Act). 
    The 1996 Act changes the administration of the program from the Federal 
    Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) to the Secretary through the 
    Commodity Credit Corporation. The NAP program will continue to be 
    operated through the Farm Service Agency (FSA). Other amendments 
    include the addition of seed crops and aquaculture (including 
    ornamental fish) as crops eligible for benefits under this part, and 
    relaxes the acreage and production reporting requirements.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: December 31, 1996.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Leona Dittus, Director, Emergency and 
    Noninsured Assistance Program Division, FSA, USDA, AG Box 0526, P. O. 
    Box 2415, Washington, D.C. 20013-2415. Telephone (202) 720-3168.
    Executive Order 12866
        This final rule is issued in conformance with Executive Order 12866 
    and has been determined to be significant and has been reviewed by the 
    Office of Management and Budget.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        It has been determined that the Regulatory Flexibility Act is not 
    applicable to this rule because neither FSA nor the CCC is required by 
    5 U.S.C. 553 or any other provision of law to publish a notice of 
    proposed rulemaking with respect to the subject matter of this rule.
    Environmental Evaluation
        It has been determined by an environmental evaluation that this 
    action will have no significant impact on the quality of the human 
    environment. Therefore, neither an environmental assessment nor an 
    environmental impact statement is needed.
    Executive Order 12778
        The final rule has been reviewed in accordance with Executive Order 
    12778. The provisions of this final rule preempt State laws to the 
    extent such laws are inconsistent with the provisions of this rule. The 
    provisions of this rule are not retroactive. Before any judicial action 
    may be brought concerning the provisions of this rule, the 
    administrative remedies must be exhausted.
    Executive Order 12372
        This program is not subject to the provisions of Executive Order 
    12372, which require intergovernmental consultation with State and 
    local officials. See the Notice related to 7 CFR part 3015, subpart V, 
    published at 48 FR 29115 (June 24, 1983).
    Unfunded Mandates
        The provisions of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 are not 
    applicable to this rule because neither FSA nor CCC is required by 5 
    U.S.C. 553 or any other provision of the law to publish a notice of 
    proposed rulemaking with respect to the subject matter of this rule.
    Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996
        The Agency gave notice of the proposed rule and accepted comments 
    from the public prior to the publication of the final rule. After the 
    publication of the final rule, Congress passed both the 1996 Act and 
    the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996. Due to 
    fact that this rule makes slight changes to a rule that was already 
    final when Congress passed these two Acts, it has been determined in 
    accordance with section 808 of the Small Business Regulatory 
    Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, that it is impracticable, unnecessary 
    and contrary to the public interest to require this rule to conform to 
    the requirements of section 801 of that Act. Accordingly, this rule is 
    effective upon publication in the Federal Register.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        The amendments to 7 CFR 1437 set forth in this final rule involve a 
    change in the existing information collection requirements. In 
    accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, CCC received 
    approval from OMB for the
    [[Page 69005]]
    collection of information in this rule that is not related to acreage 
    reports. That collection was cleared as a revision to OMB docket number 
    0563-0016 at the time this rule was proposed. No comments were received 
    regarding information collections contained in OMB docket 0563-0016.
        Upon analysis of the current clearances of information collections 
    associated with the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP), 
    CCC found that information collection of acreage reports for this 
    program are not currently approved by OMB. The agency has submitted an 
    emergency information collection request (ICR) to OMB for the approval 
    of these reports as necessary for the proper functioning of the 
        A copy of this emergency ICR, with applicable supporting 
    documentation, may be obtained from Sean O'Neill, FSA, ENAPD, NAB, room 
    6701-S, STOP 0526, P.O. Box 2415, Washington, DC 20013-2415. Comments 
    and questions about the ICR listed below should be directed to the 
    Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attn. OMB Desk Officer 
    for Agriculture, Office of Management and Budget, Room 10202, 
    Washington, DC 20503 ((202) 395-7340).
        Title: Annual Certification Requirements, Assignment of Payments, 
    and Power of Attorney (7 CFR Parts 12, 718, 1437, and 720).
        OMB Control Number: 0560-0004.
        Description: To be eligible for NAP benefits, producers must report 
    all acreage in the county of the eligible crop (for each planting in 
    the event of multiple planting) in which the producer has a share. 
    Because NAP assistance is calculated on a unit basis, similar to 
    catastrophic risk protection, it is necessary that producers report all 
    acreage of the crop in which they have an interest in the county, not 
    just the acreage which suffered a loss. The 1996 Act mandates the use 
    of a producer's actual production history over a four to ten year 
    period, necessitating precise records. The FSA-578 acreage report form 
    is used under the NAP to collect data used to determine a producer's 
    production of a crop and loss of production (on a yield basis) in the 
    event a disaster occurs. The acreage report is also used in determining 
    the estimated NAP area loss for a crop. If the annual planted acreage 
    were not known the task of determining area, crop, crop production, and 
    producer eligibility for the NAP could be difficult.
    Executive Order 12612
        It has been determined that this rule does not have sufficient 
    federalism implications to warrant the preparation of a Federalism 
    Assessment. The provisions contained in this rule will not have a 
    substantial direct effect on States or their political subdivisions, or 
    on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various 
    levels of government.
    Federal Assistance Programs
        This program is listed in the Catalog of Federal Domestic 
    Assistance under No. 10.450.
        Title I of the Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 
    1996 (the 1996 Act) enacted on April 4, 1996, changes the 
    administration of the noninsured crop disaster assistance program (NAP) 
    from Federal Crop Insurance (FCIC) to the Secretary of Agriculture 
    through the Commodity Credit Corporation. NAP will continue to be 
    operated through the Farm Service Agency. Because the program will now 
    be administered by the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC), the NAP 
    regulations will be moved from 7 CFR part 404 to 7 CFR part 1437. Upon 
    publication of this rule, the current provision for NAP will be removed 
    from part 404 and that part will be reserved.
        The regulation reflects a change in references from FCIC and FCIC 
    Manager to CCC and Executive Vice President, CCC, or a designee. Other 
    major changes include:
        (1) Section 1437.11 is amended to include seed crops and 
    aquacultural species (including ornamental fish) as crops eligible for 
    benefits under this part.
        (2) Section 1437.17 is amended to provide that producers are 
    required to report production for acreage previously reported to CCC as 
    being planted by the immediately subsequent crop year acreage reporting 
    date for the crop.
    List of Subjects in 7 CFR Parts 404 and 1437
        Agricultural commodities, Disaster assistance, reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements.
        For reasons set out in the Preamble and under the authority of 5 
    U.S.C. 553, 7 CFR Chapters IV and XIV are amended as set forth below:
        1. Chapter XIV is amended by adding part 1437 to read as follows:
    1437.1  Applicability.
    1437.2  Administration.
    1437.3  Definitions.
    1437.4  Eligibility.
    1437.5  Assistance
    1437.6  Area.
    1437.7  Yield Determinations.
    1437.8  Acreage and Production Reports.
    1437.9  Loss Requirements.
    1437.10  Application for Payment and Notice of Loss.
    1437.11  Payments for Reduced Yield and Prevented Planting.
    1437.12  Multiple Benefits.
    1437.13  Payment and income limitations.
    1437.14  Violations of Highly Erodible Land and Wetland Conservation 
    1437.15  Violations Regarding Controlled Substances.
    1437.16  Misrepresentation and scheme or device.
    1437.17  Refunds to the Corporation.
    1437.18  Offsets and assignments.
    1437.19  Cumulative Liability.
    1437.20  Appeals.
    1437.21  Estates, trusts, and minors.
    1437.22  Death, incompetence, or disappearance.
    1437.23  OMB control numbers.
        Authority: 15 U.S.C. 714b and 714c; and 7 U.S.C. 7333
    Sec. 1437.1  Applicability.
        For the 1996 and susbsequent crop years, NAP is intended to provide 
    eligible producers of eligible crops with protection comparable to the 
    catastrophic risk protection plan of crop insurance. NAP is also 
    designed to help reduce production risks faced by producers of crops 
    for which Federal crop insurance under the Federal Crop Insurance Act, 
    as amended, is not available. NAP will reduce financial losses that 
    occur when natural disasters cause a catastrophic loss of production or 
    prevented planting of an eligible crop. Payment eligibility is based on 
    an expected yield for the area and the producer's approved yield based 
    on actual production history, or a transitional yield if sufficient 
    production records are not available. Production for both the 
    applicable area expected yield and the individual producer approved 
    yield for the unit must fall below specified percentages in order to be 
    eligible for payments under this part.
        The provisions contained in this part are applicable to each 
    eligible producer and each eligible crop for which catastrophic 
    coverage is not otherwise available.
    [[Page 69006]]
    Sec. 1437.2  Administration.
        (a) NAP is administered under the general supervision of the 
    Executive Vice-President, CCC (Administrator, Farm Service Agency), and 
    shall be carried out by State and county FSA committees (State and 
    county committees).
        (b) State and county committees, and representatives and their 
    employees, do not have authority to modify or waive any of the 
    provisions of the regulations of this part.
        (c) The State committee shall take any action required by these 
    regulations that the county committee has not taken. The State 
    committee shall also:
        (1) Correct, or require a county committee to correct any action 
    taken by such county committee that is not in accordance with the 
    regulations of this part; or
        (2) Require a county committee to withhold taking any action that 
    is not in accordance with this part.
        (d) No provision or delegation to a State or county committee shall 
    preclude the Executive Vice President, CCC, or a designee, from 
    determining any question arising under the program or from reversing or 
    modifying any determination made by a State or county committee.
        (e) The Deputy Administrator may authorize State and county 
    committees to waive or modify deadlines, except statutory deadlines, 
    and other program requirements in cases where lateness or failure to 
    meet such other requirements does not adversely affect operation of the 
        (f) The State committee will, in accordance with this part, 
    recommend the geographical size and shape of the area where a natural 
    disaster has occurred, and whether the area eligibility requirement has 
    been satisfied. The recommendation of eligibility must be approved by 
    the Executive Vice President, CCC, or a designee.
        (g) The Executive Vice President, CCC, or a designee, will 
    determine all yields and prices under this part.
    Sec. 1437.3  Definitions.
        The definitions set forth in this section shall be applicable for 
    all purposes of administering the noninsured crop disaster assistance 
    program. The terms defined in part 718 of this title and 1400 of this 
    chapter shall also be applicable, except where those definitions 
    conflict with the definitions set forth in this section.
        Act means the Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 
    1996, Public Law 104-127 (7 U.S.C. 7201 et seq).
        Actual production history means the history determined in 
    accordance with part 400, subpart G, of this title, except that when 
    referring to NAP the terms of subpart G will mean as follows:
                  Insurance terms                         NAP terms         
    Agent.....................................  Local office representative.
    Claim.....................................  Application for payment.    
    Claim for indemnity.......................  Application for payment.    
    Indemnity payment.........................  NAP payment.                
    Insurable acreage.........................  Eligible acreage.           
    Insurable cause...........................  Natural disaster.           
    Insurable crop............................  Eligible crop.              
    Insurance company.........................  Provider.                   
    Insurance purposes........................  NAP purposes.               
    Insured...................................  Eligible producer.          
    Insured producer..........................  Eligible producer.          
    Uninsurable acreage.......................  Ineligible acreage.         
    Uninsurable production....................  Ineligible production.      
    Uninsured cause of loss...................  Assigned production         
    Uninsured production......................  Ineligible production       
        Approved yield means an actual production history yield calculated 
    and approved by CCC, used to determine any NAP payment in accordance 
    with part 400, subpart G, of this title.
        Aquacultural species means any species of aquatic organism grown as 
    food for human consumption, or fish raised as feed for fish that are 
    consumed by humans, or ornamental fish propagated and reared in an 
    aquatic medium by a commercial operator on private property in water in 
    a controlled environment.
        Area means the geographic region recommended by the State FSA 
    committee, and approved by CCC in accordance with Sec. 1437.6, where a 
    natural disaster has occurred which may qualify producers in the area 
    for NAP payments.
        Assigned yield means a yield assigned for a crop year in the base 
    period, in accordance with part 400, subpart G, of this title, if the 
    producer does not file an acceptable production report by the 
    production reporting date.
        Average market price means the price, or dollar equivalent on an 
    appropriate basis; for example, pound, bushel, ton, for an eligible 
    crop established by CCC for determining NAP payments. Such price will 
    be on a harvested basis without the inclusion of transportation, 
    storage, processing, packing, marketing or other post-harvest expenses 
    and will be based, in part, on historical data.
        Catastrophic coverage means a catastrophic risk protection plan of 
    insurance offered by FCIC in accordance with part 402 of this title.
        CCC means the Commodity Credit Corporation, a wholly owned 
    Government corporation within the United States Department of 
        County expected yield means the eligible crop yield established by 
    the State FSA committee and approved by CCC for the county. Such yield 
    information may be obtained from National Agricultural Statistics 
    Service, Cooperative States Research, Education, and Extension Service, 
    credible nongovernmental studies, yields in similar areas, and similar 
    reference material. For planted annual crops, such yield will be based 
    on the acreage planted for harvest.
        Crop year means the period of time within which the crop is 
    normally grown and designated by the calendar year in which the crop is 
    normally harvested in the area. For crops harvested over two calendar 
    years, the crop year will be the calendar year in which the majority of 
    the crop would have been harvested. For crops grown over more than two 
    calendar years, each year in the growing period will be considered as a 
    separate crop year designated by the calendar year in which the crop 
    sustained a loss. For crops for which catastrophic coverage is 
    available, the crop year will be as defined by such coverage.
        Eligible crop means an agricultural commodity for which 
    catastrophic coverage is not available and which is commercially 
    produced for food or fiber as specified in this part. Eligible crop 
    shall also include floricultural, ornamental nursery, and Christmas 
    tree crops, turfgrass sod, seed crops, aquaculture (including 
    ornamental fish), and industrial crops. In the case of a crop that 
    historically has multiple plantings in the same crop year that are 
    planted or are prevented from being planted, each planting may be 
    considered a different crop for determining payments under this part. 
    In the case of a crop that has different varieties or types, each 
    variety or type may be considered a separate crop for determining 
    payments under this part, if CCC determines there is a significant 
    difference in price or yield between the varieties or types.
        Expected area yield means the eligible crop yield established and 
    approved by CCC for the geographic area.
        Forage means land covered with grass or other vegetation, produced 
    under such range management practices as are necessary to sustain 
    sufficient quality and quantity of grass or vegetation each year to be 
    suitable for grazing or mechanical harvest to feed livestock in a 
    commercial operation. NAP benefits
    [[Page 69007]]
    for forage produced on any Federal or state owned lands are available 
    only for seeded forage.
        Good farming practices means the cultural practices generally used 
    in the area for the crop to make normal progress toward maturity and 
    produce at least the individual unit approved yield. The practices are 
    normally those recognized by Cooperative State Research, Education, and 
    Extension Service as compatible with agronomic and weather conditions 
    in the area.
        Harvested means a single harvest crop is considered harvested when 
    the producer has, by hand or mechanically, removed the crop from the 
    field. Crops with multiple harvests in one year or harvested over 
    multiple years are considered harvested when the producer has, by hand 
    or mechanically, removed at least one mature crop from the field. The 
    crop is considered harvested once it is removed from the field and 
    placed in a truck or other conveyance, except:
        (1) Hay is considered harvested when in the bale, whether removed 
    from the field or not; and
        (2) Grazing is not considered harvesting for the purpose of 
    determining a payment rate factor.
        Livestock means any farm or other animal excluding aquacultural 
    species and, including but not limited to domestic avian, ruminant, 
    equine, and swine species grown or maintained for any purpose.
        Local office means the FSA office or other USDA office designated 
    by CCC.
        Native forage means grass or other vegetation occurring naturally 
    without seeding.
        Natural disaster means damaging weather, including but not limited 
    to drought, hail, excessive moisture, freeze, tornado, hurricane, 
    excessive wind, or any combination thereof; or adverse natural 
    occurrence such as earthquake, flood, or volcanic eruption; or related 
    condition, including but not limited to heat, insect infestation, or 
    disease, which occurs as a result of an adverse natural occurrence or 
    damaging weather occurring prior to or during harvest that directly 
    causes, accelerates, or exacerbates the destruction or deterioration of 
    an eligible crop, as determined by the Secretary.
        Ornamental fish means a decorative fish produced in a commercial 
    fishery for sale.
        Ornamental nursery crop means a decorative plant grown in a 
    container or controlled environment for commercial sale.
        Prevented planting means the inability to plant a crop with proper 
    equipment during the planting period for the crop or commodity. A 
    producer must prove that the producer intended to plant the eligible 
    crop and that such crop could not be planted due to natural disaster 
    reasonably related to the basis for the area designation under 
    Sec. 1437.6, as determined by the Executive Vice President. The natural 
    disaster that caused the prevented planting must have occurred after 
    the final planting date for the previous crop year and before the final 
    planting date for the crop year in which a request for NAP payment was 
    made. For crops with multiple plantings in a single crop year and one 
    crop has been harvested, the natural disaster must occur, after the 
    harvest of the harvested crop and before the end of the planting period 
    for the next planting of the crop.
        Production report means a written record showing the commodity's 
    annual production and used to determine the producer's yield for NAP 
    purposes. The report contains yield history by unit, if applicable, 
    including planted acreage for annual crops, eligible acreage for 
    perennial crops, and harvested and FCIC or CCC appraised production for 
    the previous crop years. This report must be supported by verifiable 
    written records, measurement of farm-stored production, or by other 
    records of production approved by CCC. Information contained in an 
    application for payment is considered a production report for the unit 
    for the crop year for which the application was filed.
        Qualifying gross revenues means:
        (1) With respect to a person who receives more than 50 percent of 
    such person's gross income from farming, ranching, and forestry 
    operations, the annual gross income for the taxable year from such 
    operations; and
        (2) With respect to a person who receives 50 percent or less of 
    such person's gross income from farming, ranching, and forestry 
    operations, the person's total gross income for the taxable year from 
    all sources.
        Reseeded or replanted crop means the same crop planted on the same 
    acreage after the first planting of the crop has failed.
        Seed crop means a crop produced for the purpose of, or intended for 
    use as, commercial propagation for sale.
        Seeded forage means acreage which is mechanically seeded with 
    grasses or other vegetation at regular intervals, at least every 7 
    years, in accordance with good farming practices.
        Share means the producer's percentage of interest in the eligible 
    crop as an owner, operator, or tenant. For the purpose of determining 
    eligibility for payments under this part, the producer's share will not 
    exceed the producer's share at the earlier of the time of loss or the 
    beginning of harvest. Acreage or interest attributed to a spouse, 
    child, or member of the same household may be considered part of the 
    producer's share unless such individual is considered to be a separate 
    person under part 1400 of this chapter.
        Type or Variety means a scientifically recognized subspecies of a 
    crop or commodity having a particular characteristic or set of 
        Unit means, for NAP, all acreage of the eligible crop in the county 
    for the crop year:
        (1) In which the person has 100 percent crop share; or
        (2) Which is owned by one person and operated by another person on 
    a share basis.
        Land rented for cash, a fixed commodity payment, or any 
    consideration other than a share in the crop on such land will be 
    considered as owned by the lessee. No unit other than that stated 
    herein will be permitted.
    Sec. 1437.4  Eligibility.
        (a) Eligible crops are any commercial agricultural crop (excluding 
    livestock and their by-products), commodity, or acreage of a commodity 
    grown for food or fiber for which catastrophic coverage is not 
    available under part 402 of this title. Different types or varieties of 
    a crop or commodity may be treated as a separate eligible crop, if CCC 
    determines there is a significant difference in price or yield.
        (b) NAP payments will be made available for:
        (1) Any commercial crop grown for food;
        (2) Any commercial crop planted and grown for livestock 
    consumption, including but not limited to grain and forage crops;
        (3) Any commercial crop grown for fiber, excluding trees grown for 
    wood, paper, or pulp products;
        (4) Any commercially produced aquacultural species (including 
    ornamental fish);
        (5) Floriculture crops;
        (6) Ornamental nursery crops;
        (7) Christmas tree crops;
        (8) Turfgrass sod;
        (9) Industrial crops;
        (10) Seed Crops; and
        (11) Any crop, for which crop insurance under the Federal Crop 
    Insurance Act is available in the county, that is affected by a natural 
    disaster that is not named as an insurable peril under the producer's 
    crop insurance policy.
        (c) NAP payments will not be available for any acreage in any area 
    for any crop for which catastrophic coverage is available, unless the 
    [[Page 69008]]
    was caused by a natural disaster that is not covered by catastrophic 
    coverage and all other eligibility requirements under this part are 
    Sec. 1437.5  Assistance.
        (a) Producers who are eligible to receive NAP payments for crop 
    years 1996 through 1998 will receive assistance against loss in yield 
    greater than 50 percent of the producer's approved yield for the 
    eligible crop payable at 60 percent of the established average market 
    price for the crop.
        (b) Producers who are eligible to receive NAP payments after crop 
    year 1998 will receive assistance against loss in yield greater than 50 
    percent of the producer's approved yield for the eligible crop payable 
    at 55 percent of the established average market price for the crop.
        (c) CCC will adjust the NAP payment rate for crops that are 
    produced with significant and variable expenses that are not incurred 
    because the crop acreage was prevented from being planted or planted 
    but not harvested.
        (d) NAP payments will be determined by unit based on all the 
    acreage and production of the crop and eligible prevented from being 
    planted acreage of the crop.
        (e) Each producer's NAP payment will be based on the producer's 
    share of the eligible crop.
    Sec. 1437.6  Area.
         (a) For the purposes of this part, acreage affected by a natural 
    disaster, or any adjustment thereto, will be included in the area 
    recommended by the state FSA committee and submitted to CCC for 
    approval, regardless of whether the commodity produced on the affected 
    acreage suffered a loss.
        (b) Except for eligible areas identified in paragraph (f) of this 
    section, an approved area shall include at least five producers of 
    crops on separate and distinct farms for which the area has been 
    approved for NAP payments. Notwithstanding this provision, CCC may 
    approve an area having fewer than five producers if the Executive Vice 
    President, or a designee, determines that such area will suffer 
    significant economic consequences as a result of the disaster.
        (c) An area may be designated as follows:
        (1) A county;
        (2) Aggregated acreage that is at least 320,000 acres; or
        (3) Aggregated acreage with not less than $80 million average value 
    for all crops produced annually.
        (d) If the aggregated acreage affected by the natural disaster does 
    not meet the minimum requirement specified in paragraph (c) (2) or (3) 
    of this section, the aggregated acreage will be expanded by adding 
    acres from around the affected acreage, until the minimum requirement 
    is met.
        (e) The area may not be defined in any manner that intentionally 
    includes or excludes producers or crops.
        (f) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs (a) and (c) of 
    this section, for areas outside the 50 states of the United States, the 
    area shall include 10 or more producers of the crop except CCC may 
    approve an area outside the 50 United States having fewer than 10 
    producers of the crop for which the area is requested if the Executive 
    Vice President determines that such area will suffer significant 
    economic consequences as a result of the disaster.
    Sec. 1437.7  Yield determinations.
        (a) CCC will establish expected area yields for eligible crops for 
    each county or area for which the NAP is available, using available 
    information, which may include, but is not limited to, National 
    Agricultural Statistics Service data, Cooperative State Research, 
    Education, and Extension Service records, Federal Crop Insurance 
    Corporation data, credible nongovernment studies, yields in similar 
    areas, and reported approved yield data. For planted annual crops, such 
    yields will be based on the acreage planted for harvest.
        (b) CCC may make county yield adjustments taking into consideration 
    different yield variations due to different farming practices in the 
    county such as: irrigated, nonirrigated, organic, nonorganic, different 
    types and varieties of a crop and intended use.
        (c) In establishing expected area yields for eligible crops:
        (1) If the approved area corresponds to a single county, the 
    expected area yield will be the yield established by CCC for that 
    county, including any adjustments permitted by this section;
        (2) If the approved area encompasses portions of counties or more 
    than one county, the expected area yield will be the weighted average 
    of the yields established by CCC for those counties in the area, 
    including any adjustments permitted by this section; and
        (3) CCC may adjust expected area yields if:
        (i) The cultural practices, including the age of the planting or 
    plantings, are different from those used to establish the yield; or
        (ii) The expected area yield established on a state or county level 
    is determined to be incorrect for the area.
        (d) CCC will establish approved yields for purposes of providing 
    assistance under this part. Approved yields for the eligible crop will 
    be based on the producer's actual production history in accordance with 
    the provisions of part 400, subpart G, of this title.
        (e) The approved yield established for the producer for the year in 
    which the NAP payments are offered will be equal to the average of the 
    consecutive crop year yields, as established by CCC, reported and 
    certified by that producer for that eligible crop.
        (f) If a producer receives an assigned yield for a year of natural 
    disaster because production records were not submitted by the 
    production reporting deadline, the producer will be ineligible to 
    receive an assigned yield for the year of the next natural disaster 
    unless adequate production records for the eligible crop from all the 
    interim crop years are provided to the local office. The producer shall 
    receive a zero yield for those years the producer is ineligible to 
    receive an assigned yield.
        (g) CCC will select certain producers on a random or targeted basis 
    and require those selected to provide records acceptable to CCC to 
    support the information provided. Producers may also be required to 
    support the yield certification at the time of loss adjustment or on 
    post-audit. Each certification must be supported by records acceptable 
    to CCC. Failure to produce records acceptable to CCC will result in CCC 
    establishing the yield in accordance with actual production history and 
    may subject the producer to criminal and civil false claims actions 
    under various Federal statutes as well as refund of any amount 
    received. In addition, sanctions, as set out at Sec. 1437.16, may be 
    imposed for false certification.
        (h) Records acceptable to CCC may include:
        (1) commercial receipts, settlement sheets, warehouse ledger 
    sheets, or load summaries if the eligible crop was sold or otherwise 
    disposed of through commercial channels provided the records are 
    reliable or verifiable; and
        (2) Such documentary evidence as is necessary in order to verify 
    the information provided by the producer if the eligible crop has been 
    sold, fed to livestock, or otherwise disposed of other than through 
    commercial channels such as contemporaneous measurements, truck scale 
    tickets, and contemporaneous diaries, provided the records are reliable 
    or verifiable.
        (i) Any producer who has a contract to receive a guaranteed payment 
    for production, as opposed to delivery, of an eligible crop will have 
    the production adjusted upward by the amount of the production 
    [[Page 69009]]
    to the amount of the contract payment received.
        (j)(1) Producers will not be eligible to receive an assigned yield 
    if the acreage of the crop in a county for the crop year has increased 
    by more than 100 percent over any year in the preceding seven crop 
    years, unless:
        (i) The producer provides adequate records of production costs, 
    acres planted, and yield for the crop year for which NAP payments are 
    being sought; or
        (ii) CCC determines that the records provided under this paragraph 
    are inadequate. CCC may require proof that the eligible crop could have 
    been marketed at a reasonable price had the crop been harvested.
        (2) The provisions of this section will not apply if:
        (i) The crop has been inspected prior to the occurrence of a loss 
    by a third party acceptable to CCC; or
        (ii) The FSA county executive director, with the concurrence of the 
    FSA state director, makes a recommendation for an exemption from the 
    requirements and such recommendation is approved by CCC.
    Sec. 1437.8  Acreage and production reports.
        (a) Producers must file one or more acreage reports at the local 
    office no later than the date specified by CCC for each crop the 
    producer wants to insure future eligibility for the NAP program. The 
    acreage report may be filed by the farm operator. Any producer will be 
    bound by the acreage report filed by the farm operator unless the 
    producer files a separate acreage report prior to the acreage reporting 
        (b) Acreage reports required by paragraph (a) must include all of 
    the following information:
        (1) All acreage in the county of the eligible crop (for each 
    planting in the event of multiple planting) in which the producer has a 
        (2) The producer's share at the time of planting or the beginning 
    of the crop year;
        (3) The FSA farm serial number;
        (4) The crop, practice, and intended use;
        (5) All persons sharing in the crop (including the identity of any 
    person having an interest in the crop as producer) and the person's 
    employer identification number or social security number, if the person 
    wishes to receive any payment under the Act;
        (6) The date the crop was planted; and
        (7) Acreage prevented from being planted.
        (c) For each crop for which an acreage report is filed in 
    accordance with this section, the producer must report the production 
    for that acreage by the immediately subsequent crop year acreage 
    reporting date for the crop.
        (d) A person's failure to submit the required information by the 
    designated acreage reporting dates may result in the denial of payments 
    under this part. If there is a change of ownership, operation, or share 
    within the farming operation after the acreage reporting date, the 
    local office must be notified not later than 30 calendar days after the 
    change and proof of the change must be provided to maintain eligibility 
    for payments under this part.
    Sec. 1437.9  Loss requirements.
        (a) To qualify for payment under this part, the loss or prevented 
    planting of the eligible crop must be due to a natural disaster.
        (b) Assistance under this part will not cover losses due to:
        (1) The neglect or malfeasance of the producer;
        (2) The failure of the producer to reseed or replant to the same 
    crop in the county where it is customary to reseed or replant;
        (3) The failure of the producer to follow good farming practices 
    for the commodity and practice;
        (4) Water contained or released by any governmental, public, or 
    private dam or reservoir project, if an easement exists on the acreage 
    affected for the containment or release of the water;
        (5) Failure or breakdown of irrigation equipment or facilities; or
        (6) Except for tree crops and perennials, inadequate irrigation 
    resources at the beginning of the crop year.
        (c) A producer of an eligible crop will not receive payments under 
    this part unless the projected average or actual yield for the crop, or 
    an equivalent measurement if yield information is not available, in the 
    area falls below 65 percent of the expected area yield. Once this area, 
    and all other, eligibility requirements have been satisfied:
        (1) A reduced yield payment will be made to a producer if the total 
    quantity of the eligible crop that the producer is able to harvest on 
    the unit is less than 50 percent of the approved yield for the crop due 
    to natural disaster reasonably related to the basis for the area 
    designation under Sec. 1437.6, factored for the share of the producer 
    for the crop. Production from the entire unit will be used to determine 
    whether the producer qualifies for a payment under this part. The 
    quantity will not be reduced for any quality consideration unless a 
    zero value is established; and
        (2) A prevented planting payment under this part will be made if 
    the producer is prevented from planting more than 35 percent of the 
    total eligible acreage intended for planting to the eligible crop. 
    Producers must have intended to plant the crop and prove that they were 
    prevented from planting the crop due to natural disaster reasonably 
    related to the basis for the area designation under Sec. 1437.6, and 
    the producer may be required to prove that such producer had the 
    resources available to plant, grow, and harvest the crop, as 
        (d) NAP payments under this part for prevented planting will not be 
    available for:
        (1) Tree crops and other perennials, unless the producer can prove 
    resources were available to plant, grow, and harvest the crop, as 
        (2) Land that planting history or conservation plans indicate would 
    remain fallow for crop rotation purposes; or
        (3) Land used for conservation purposes or intended to be or 
    considered to have been left unplanted under any program administered 
    by USDA, including the Conservation Reserve Program and Wetland Reserve 
    Sec. 1437.10  Application for payment and notice of loss.
        (a) Any person with a share in the eligible crop who would be 
    entitled to a payment under this part must provide a notice of damage 
    or loss within 15 calendar days after the occurrence of the prevented 
    planting (the end of the planting period) or recognizable damage to the 
    crop. The notice must be filed at the local office serving the area 
    where the producer's unit is located. The farm operator may provide the 
    notice for all producers with an interest in the crop. All producers on 
    a farm will be bound by the operator's filing or failure to file the 
    application for payment unless the individual producers elect to timely 
    file their notice.
        (b)(1) Applications for payments under this part must be filed, on 
    Form FCI-74, by the applicant with the local office no later than the 
    first acreage reporting date for the crop in the crop year immediately 
    following the crop year in which the loss occurred.
        (2) If the producer chooses not to harvest the crop, all eligible 
    acres and crop units for which the producer intends to make an 
    application for payment must be left intact until the units have been 
    appraised or released by an FCIC or CCC approved loss adjuster.
        (3) If the producer harvests the crop, the producer must provide 
    such documentary evidence of crop production as CCC may require which
    [[Page 69010]]
    may include leaving representative samples of the crop for inspection.
        (c) Failure to make timely application or to supply the required 
    documentary evidence shall result in the denial of payments under this 
    Sec. 1437.11  Payments for reduced yields and prevented planting.
        In the event that the area loss requirement has been satisfied for 
    the crop and either:
        (a) The producer has sustained a loss in yield in excess of 50 
    percent of the producer's approved yield established for the crop, the 
    NAP low yield payment will be determined by:
        (1) Multiplying the producer's approved yield by the total eligible 
    acreage planted to the eligible crop;
        (2) Multiplying the product of paragraph (a)(1) by 50 percent;
        (3) Subtracting the total production from the total eligible 
    acreage from the result in paragraph (a)(2);
        (4) Multiplying the product of paragraph (a)(3) by the producer's 
    share of the eligible crop;
        (5) Multiplying the result of paragraph (a)(4) by the applicable 
    payment factor in accordance with Sec. 1437.5(c); and
        (6) Multiplying the result in paragraph (a)(5) by:
        (i) For the 1996 through 1998 crop years, 60 percent of the average 
    market price, as determined by CCC, or any comparable coverage, as 
    determined by CCC; or
        (ii) For the 1999 and subsequent years, 55 percent of the average 
    market price, as determined by CCC, or any comparable coverage, as 
    determined by CCC; or
        (b) The producer has been unable to plant at least 35 percent of 
    the acreage intended for the eligible crop, the NAP payment will be 
    determined by:
        (1) Multiplying the producer's acreage intended to be planted to 
    the eligible crop by 35 percent;
        (2) Subtracting the result in (b)(1) from the number of eligible 
    prevented planting acres as determined in Sec. 1437.9(c)(2);
        (3) Multiplying the result of (b)(2) by the producer's share of the 
    eligible crop;
        (4) Multiplying the producer's approved yield by the result of 
        (5) Multiplying the result of (b)(4) by the approved prevented 
    planting payment factor in accordance with Sec. 1437.5(c); and
        (6) Multiplying the result of (b)(5) by:
        (i) For the 1996 through 1998 crop years, 60 percent of the average 
    market price, as determined by CCC, or any comparable coverage, as 
    determined by CCC; or
        (ii) For the 1999 and subsequent years, 55 percent of the average 
    market price, as determined by CCC, or any comparable coverage, as 
    determined by CCC.
    Sec. 1437.12  Multiple benefits.
        If a producer is eligible to receive payments under this part and 
    benefits under any other program administered by the Secretary for the 
    same crop loss, the producer must choose whether to receive the other 
    program benefits or payments under this part. The producer is not 
    eligible for both. Such election does not relieve the producer from the 
    requirements of making a production and acreage report. However, if the 
    other USDA program benefits are not available until after an 
    application for benefits has been filed under this part, the producer 
    may refund the total amount of the payment to the local office from 
    which the payment was received.
    Sec. 1437.13  Payment and income limitations.
        (a) NAP payments shall not be made:
        (1) In excess of $100,000 per person per crop year under this part, 
        (2) To a person who has qualifying gross revenues in excess of $2 
    million for the most recent tax year preceding the year for which 
    assistance is requested.
        (b) Simple interest on payments to the producer which are delayed 
    will be computed on the net payments ultimately found to be due, from 
    and including the 31st day after the latter of the date the producer 
    signs, dates, and submits a properly completed application for payment 
    on the designated form, the date disputed applications are adjudicated, 
    or the date the area and crop is approved for NAP payments. Interest 
    will be paid unless the reason for failure to timely pay is due to the 
    producer's failure to provide information or other material necessary 
    for the computation or payment.
    Sec. 1437.14  Violations of Highly Erodible Land and Wetland 
    Conservation Provisions.
        The provisions of part 12 of this title, apply to this part.
    Sec. 1437.15  Violations Regarding Controlled Substances.
        The provisions of Sec. 718.11 of this title apply to this part.
    Sec. 1437.16  Misrepresentation and scheme or device.
        (a) If CCC determines that any producer has misrepresented any fact 
    or has knowingly adopted, participated in, or benefitted from, any 
    scheme or device that has the effect of defeating, or is designed to 
    defeat the purpose of this part, such producer will not be eligible to 
    receive any payments applicable to the crop year for which the scheme 
    or device was adopted.
        (b) If any misrepresentation, scheme or device, or practice has 
    been employed for the purpose of causing CCC to make a payment which 
    otherwise would not make under this part:
        (1) CCC will withhold all or part of the payment that would 
    otherwise be due.
        (2) All amounts paid by CCC to any such producer, applicable to the 
    crop year in which the offense occurred, must be refunded to CCC 
    together with interest and other amounts as determined in accordance 
    with this part.
        (3) CCC may impose such other penalties or administrative sanctions 
    as authorized by section Sec. 1437.19.
        (c) Scheme and device may include, but is not limited to:
        (1) Concealing any information having a bearing on the application 
    of the rules of this part;
        (2) Submitting false information to the CCC or any county or state 
    FSA committee; or
        (3) Creating fictitious entities for the purpose of concealing the 
    interest of a person in the farming operation.
    Sec. 1437.17  Refunds to the CCC.
        In the event that there is a failure to comply with any term, 
    requirement, or condition for payment made in accordance with this 
    part, or the payment was established as a result of erroneous 
    information provided by any person, or was erroneously computed, all 
    such payments or overpayments will be refunded to CCC on demand, plus 
    interest determined in accordance with part 1403 of this chapter.
    Sec. 1437.18  Offsets and assignments.
        (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b), any payment or portion 
    thereof to any person shall be made without regard to questions of 
    title under State law and without regard to any claim or lien against 
    the crop, or proceeds thereof, in favor of the owner or any other 
    creditor except agencies of the U.S. Government. The regulations 
    governing offsets and withholdings found at part 1403 of this chapter 
    shall be applicable to payments under this part.
        (b) Any producer entitled to any payment may assign any payments in 
    accordance with regulations governing assignment of payment found at 
    part 1404 of this chapter.
    Sec. 1437.19  Cumulative liability.
        (a) The liability of any producer for any payment or refunds, which 
    [[Page 69011]]
    determined in accordance with this part to be due to CCC will be in 
    addition to any other liability of such producer under any civil or 
    criminal fraud statute or any other statute or provision of law 
    including, but not limited to, 15 U.S.C. 714; 18 U.S.C. 286, 287, 371, 
    641, 651, 1001, 1014; 15 U.S.C. 714m; and 31 U.S.C. 3729.
        (b) All producers on the unit receiving payments under this part 
    will be jointly and severally liable to repay any unearned payments 
    under this part.
    Sec. 1437.20  Appeals.
        The appeal, reconsideration, or review of all determinations made 
    under this part, except the eligibility provisions for crops, areas, or 
    producers for which there are no appeal rights because they are 
    determined rules of general applicability, must be in accordance with 
    part 780 of this title.
    Sec. 1437.21  Estates, trusts, and minors.
        (a) Program documents executed by persons legally authorized to 
    represent estates or trusts will be accepted only if such person 
    furnishes evidence of the authority to execute such documents.
        (b) A minor who is otherwise eligible will be eligible for payments 
    under this part only if such person meets one of the following 
        (1) The minor establishes that the right of majority has been 
    conferred on the minor by court proceedings or by statute;
        (2) A guardian has been appointed to manage the minor's property 
    and the applicable program documents are executed by the guardian; or
        (3) A bond is furnished under which the surety guarantees any loss 
    incurred for which the minor would be liable had the minor been an 
    Sec. 1437.22  Death, incompetence, or disappearance.
         In the case of death, incompetence or disappearance of any person 
    who is eligible to receive payments under this part, such payments will 
    be disbursed in accordance with part 18 of this title.
    Sec. 1437.23  OMB control numbers.
         These regulations amend the information collection requirements 
    previously approved by the Office of Management and Budget (``OMB'') 
    under OMB control number 0563-0016.
    Chapter IV [AMENDED]
    Part 404 [REMOVED]
        2. 7 CFR part 404 is removed.
        Signed at Washington, D.C., on December 24, 1996.
    Bruce R. Weber,
    Acting Executive Vice President, Commodity Credit Corporation.
        Signed at Washington, D.C., on December 27, 1996.
    Kenneth D. Ackerman,
    Manager, Federal Crop Insurance Corporation.
    [FR Doc. 96-33264 Filed 12-30-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3410-05-P

Document Information

Commodity Credit Corporation
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
December 31, 1996.
69004-69011 (8 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (28)
7 CFR 1437.21
7 CFR 1437.22
7 CFR 1437.23
7 CFR 1437.19
7 CFR 1437.20
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