X97-21231. CUMULATIVE LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS This is a Cumulative List of Public Laws for the 105th Congress, First Session. Other cumulative lists (1993-1996) are available online at http://www.nara.gov/nara/fedreg/fedreg.html. Comments may be ...  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 250 (Wednesday, December 31, 1997)]
    [Pages 68365-68369]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: X97-21231]
    [[Page 68365]]
    Part II
    Reader Aids
    Cumulative List of Public Laws
    105th Congress, First Session
    [[Page 68366]]
        This is a Cumulative List of Public Laws for the 105th Congress, 
    First Session. Other cumulative lists (1993-1996) are available online 
    at http://www.nara.gov/nara/fedreg/fedreg.html. Comments may be 
    addressed to the Director, Office of the Federal Register, Washington, 
    DC 20408 or send e-mail to info@nara.fedreg.gov.
        The List of Public Laws will resume when bills are enacted into 
    public law during the second session of the One Hundred Fifth Congress, 
    which convenes January 27, 1998. The text of laws may be ordered in 
    individual pamphlet form (referred to as ``slip laws'') from the 
    Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, 
    Washington, DC 20402 (phone, 202-512-2470). The text will also be made 
    available on the Internet from GPO Access at http://www.access.gpo.gov/
    su--docs. Some laws are not yet available online or for 
       Public Law                                Title                                    Approved         111 Stat.
    105-1...........  Making technical corrections to the Omnibus Consolidated     Feb. 3, 1997.........  3         
                       Appropriations Act, 1997 (Public Law 104-208), and for                                       
                       other purposes.                                                                              
    105-2...........  Airport and Airway Trust Fund Tax Reinstatement Act of 1997  Feb. 28, 1997........  4         
    105-3...........  Approving the Presidential finding that the limitation on    Feb. 28, 1997........  9         
                       obligations imposed by section 518A(a) of the Foreign                                        
                       Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs                                           
                       Appropriations Act, 1997, is having a negative impact on                                     
                       the proper functioning of the population planning program.                                   
    105-4...........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Mar. 3, 1997.........  10        
                       Service under construction at 7411 Barlite Boulevard in                                      
                       San Antonio, Texas, as the ``Frank M. Tejeda Post Office                                     
    105-5...........  Waving certain provisions of the Trade Act of 1974 relating  Mar. 17, 1997........  11        
                       to the appointment of the United States Trade                                                
    105-6...........  Victim Rights Clarification Act of 1997....................  Mar. 19, 1997........  12        
    105-7...........  District of Columbia Inspector General Improvement Act of    Mar. 25, 1997........  14        
    105-8...........  To extend the effective date of the Investment Advisers      Mar. 31, 1997........  15        
                       Supervision Coordination Act.                                                                
    105-9...........  Oroville-Tonasket Claim Settlement and Conveyance Act......  Apr. 14, 1997........  16        
    105-10..........  To designate the J. Phil Campbell, Senior, Natural Resource  Apr. 24, 1997........  21        
                       Conservation Center.                                                                         
    105-11..........  To make a technical correction to title 28, United States    Apr. 25, 1997........  22        
                       Code, relating to jurisdiction for lawsuits against                                          
                       terrorist states.                                                                            
    105-12..........  Assisted Suicide Funding Restriction Act of 1997...........  Apr. 30, 1997........  23        
    105-13..........  To extend the term of appointment of certain members of the  May 14, 1997.........  31        
                       Prospective Payment Assessment Commission and the                                            
                       Physician Payment Review Commission.                                                         
    105-14..........  To authorize the President to award a gold medal on behalf   May 14, 1997.........  32        
                       of the Congress to Francis Albert ``Frank'' Sinatra in                                       
                       recognition of his outstanding and enduring contributions                                    
                       through his entertainment career and humanitarian                                            
                       activities, and for other purposes.                                                          
    105-15..........  To amend title XVIII and XIX of the Social Security Act to   May 15, 1997.........  34        
                       permit a waiver of the prohibition of offering nurse aide                                    
                       training and competency evaluation programs in certain                                       
                       nursing facilities.                                                                          
    105-16..........  To authorize the President to award a gold medal on behalf   June 2, 1997.........  35        
                       of the Congress to Mother Teresa of Calcutta in                                              
                       recognition of her outstanding and enduring contributions                                    
                       through humanitarian and charitable activities, and for                                      
                       other purposes.                                                                              
    105-17..........  Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of    June 4, 1997.........  37        
    105-18..........  1997 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Recovery  June 12, 1997........  158       
                       from Natural Disasters, and for Overseas Peacekeeping                                        
                       Efforts, Including Those in Bosnia.                                                          
    105-19..........  Volunteer Protection Act of 1997...........................  June 18, 1997........  218       
    105-20..........  Drug-Free Communities Act of 1997..........................  June 27, 1997........  224       
    105-21..........  To consent to certain amendments enacted by the Legislature  June 27, 1997........  235       
                       of the State of Hawaii to the Hawaiian Homes Commission                                      
                       Act, 1920.                                                                                   
    105-22..........  To extend certain privileges, exemptions, and immunities to  June 27, 1997........  236       
                       Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices.                                                        
    105-23..........   To amend section 2118 of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 to   July 3, 1997.........  237       
                       extend the Electric and Magnetic Fields Research and                                         
                       Public Information Dissemination program.                                                    
    105-24..........  Riegle-Neal Amendments Act of 1997.........................  July 3, 1997.........  238       
    105-25..........  To amend the President John F. Kennedy Assassination         July 3, 1997.........  240       
                       Records Collection Act of 1992 to extend the authorization                                   
                       of the Assassination Records Review Board until September                                    
                       30, 1998.                                                                                    
    105-26..........  Charitable Donation Antitrust Immunity Act of 1997.........  July 3, 1997.........  241       
    105-27..........  To amend the Federal Property and Administrative Service     July 18, 1997........  244       
                       Act of 1949 to authorize donation of Federal law                                             
                       enforcement canines that are no longer needed for official                                   
                       purposes to individuals with experience handling canines                                     
                       in the performance of law enforcement duties.                                                
    105-28..........  Department of Energy Standardization Act of 1997...........  July 18, 1997........  245       
    105-29..........  To direct the Secretary of the Interior to design and        July 24, 1997........  246       
                       construct a permanent addition to the Franklin Delano                                        
                       Roosevelt Memorial in Washington, D.C., and for other                                        
    105-30..........  To clarify that the protections of the Federal Tort Claims   July 25, 1997........  248       
                       Act apply to the members and personnel of the National                                       
                       Gambling Impact Study Commission.                                                            
    105-31..........  To waive temporarily the Medicaid enrollment composition     July 25, 1997........  249       
                       rule for the Better Health Plan of Amherst, New York.                                        
    105-32..........  Waiving certain enrollment requirements with respect to two  Aug. 1, 1997.........  250       
                       specified bills of the One Hundred Fifth Congress.                                           
    105-33..........  Balanced Budget Act of 1997................................  Aug. 5, 1997.........  251       
    105-34..........  Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997................................  Aug. 5, 1997.........  788       
    105-35..........  Taxpayer Browsing Protection Act...........................  Aug. 5, 1997.........  1104      
    105-36..........  National Geologic Mapping Reauthorization Act of 1997......  Aug. 5, 1997.........  1107      
    105-37..........  New Mexico Statehood and Enabling Act Amendments of 1997...  Aug. 7, 1997.........  1113      
    105-38..........  To amend the Immigration and Nationality Technical           Aug. 8, 1997.........  1115      
                       Corrections Act of 1994 to eliminate the special                                             
                       transition rule for issuance of a certificate of                                             
                       citizenship for certain children born outside the United                                     
    105-39..........  To direct the Secretary of the Interior to convey certain    Aug. 11, 1997........  1116      
                       land to the City of Grants Pass, Oregon.                                                     
    105-40..........  Warner Canyon Ski Hill Land Exchange Act of 1997...........  Aug. 11, 1997........  1117      
    105-41..........  Stamp Out Breast Cancer Act................................  Aug. 13, 1997........  1119      
    [[Page 68367]]
    105-42..........  International Dolphin Conservation Program Act.............  Aug. 15, 1997........  1122      
    105-43..........  Need-Based Educational Aid Antitrust Protection Act of 1997  Sept. 17, 1997.......  1140      
    105-44..........  To designate the reservoir created by Trinity Dam in the     Sept. 30, 1997.......  1141      
                       Central Valley project, California, as ``Trinity Lake''.                                     
    105-45..........  Military Construction Appropriations Act, 1998.............  Sept. 30, 1997.......  1142      
    105-46..........  Making continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 1998,   Sept. 30, 1997.......  1153      
                       and for other purposes..                                                                     
    105-47..........  To authorize appropriations for carrying out the Earthquake  Oct. 1, 1997.........  1159      
                       Hazards Reduction Act of 1977 for fiscal years 1998 and                                      
                       1999, and for other purposes.                                                                
    105-48..........  To provide permanent authority for the administration of au  Oct. 1, 1997.........  1165      
                       pair programs.                                                                               
    105-49..........  To provide for the conveyance of a parcel of unused          Oct. 6, 1997.........  1166      
                       agricultural land in Dos Palos, California, to the Dos                                       
                       Palos Ag Boosters for use as a farm school.                                                  
    105-50..........  To amend the Federal Property and Administrative Services    Oct. 6, 1997.........  1167      
                       Act of 1949 to authorize the transfer of surplus personal                                    
                       property to States for donation to nonprofit providers of                                    
                       necessaries to impoverished families and individuals, and                                    
                       to authorize the transfer of surplus real property to                                        
                       States, political subdivisions and instrumentalities of                                      
                       States, and nonprofit organizations for providing housing                                    
                       or housing assistance for low-income individuals or                                          
    105-51..........  To authorize the President to award a gold medal on behalf   Oct. 6, 1997.........  1170      
                       of the Congress to Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in                                       
                       recognition of his outstanding and enduring contributions                                    
                       toward religious understanding and peace, and for other                                      
    105-52..........  To designate the Federal building located at 601 Fourth      Oct. 6, 1997.........  1172      
                       Street, NW., in the District of Columbia, as the ``Federal                                   
                       Bureau of Investigation, Washington Field Office Memorial                                    
                       Building'', in honor of William H. Christian, Jr., Martha                                    
                       Dixon Martinez, Michael J. Miller, Anthony Palmisano, and                                    
                       Edwin R. Woodriffe.                                                                          
    105-53..........  To provide for the authorization of appropriations in each   Oct. 6, 1997.........  1173      
                       fiscal year for arbitration in United States district                                        
                       courts, and for other purposes.                                                              
    105-54..........  To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to extend the   Oct. 6, 1997.........  1175      
                       special immigrant religious worker program, to amend the                                     
                       Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility                                      
                       Act of 1996 to extend the deadline for designation of an                                     
                       effective date for paperwork changes in the employer                                         
                       sanctions program, and to require the Secretary of State                                     
                       to waive or reduce the fee for application and issuance of                                   
                       a nonimmigrant visa for aliens coming to the United States                                   
                       for certain charitable purposes.                                                             
    105-55..........  Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 1998................  Oct. 7, 1997.........  1177      
    105-56..........  Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 1998.............  Oct. 8, 1997.........  1203      
    105-57..........  National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997....  Oct. 9, 1997.........  1252      
    105-58..........  Oklahoma City National Memorial Act of 1997................  Oct. 9, 1997.........  1261      
    105-59..........  To provide for the release of the reversionary interest      Oct. 10, 1997........  1268      
                       held by the United States in certain property located in                                     
                       the County of Iosco, Michigan.                                                               
    105-60..........  Hood Bay Land Exchange Act of 1997.........................  Oct. 10, 1997........  1269      
    105-61..........  Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act, 1998...  Oct. 10, 1997........  1272      
    105-62..........  Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, 1998......  Oct. 13, 1997........  1320      
    105-63..........  To designate the United States courthouse at 500 State       Oct. 22, 1997........  1342      
                       Avenue in Kansas City, Kansas, as the ``Robert J. Dole                                       
                       United States Courthouse''.                                                                  
    105-64..........  Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal      Oct. 23, 1997........  1343      
                       year 1998, and for other purposes.                                                           
    105-65..........  Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban        Oct. 27, 1997........  1344      
                       Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act,                                    
    105-66..........  Department of Transportation and Related Agencies            Oct. 27, 1997........  1425      
                       Appropriations Act, 1998.                                                                    
    105-67..........  To confer status as an honorary veteran of the United        Oct. 30, 1997........  1452      
                       States Armed Forces on Leslie Townes (Bob) Hope.                                             
    105-68..........  Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal      Nov. 7, 1997.........  1453      
                       year 1998, and for other purposes.                                                           
    105-69..........  Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal      Nov. 9, 1997.........  1454      
                       year 1998, and for other purposes.                                                           
    105-70..........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Nov. 10, 1997........  1455      
                       Service located at 551 Kingstown Road in South Kingstown,                                    
                       Rhode Island, as the ``David B. Champagne Post Office                                        
    105-71..........  Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal      Nov. 10, 1997........  1456      
                       year 1998, and for other purposes.                                                           
    105-72..........  To amend title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security  Nov. 10, 1997........  1457      
                       Act of 1974 to clarify treatment of investment managers                                      
                       under such title.                                                                            
    105-73..........  To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to exempt       Nov. 12, 1997........  1459      
                       internationally adopted children 10 years of age or                                          
                       younger from the immunization requirement in section                                         
                       212(a)(1)(A)(ii) of such Act.                                                                
    105-74..........  To require the Secretary of the Interior to exchange         Nov. 12, 1997........  1460      
                       certain lands located in Hinsdale County, Colorado.                                          
    105-75..........  To provide for the expansion of the Eagles Nest Wilderness   Nov. 12, 1997........  1462      
                       within the Arapaho National Forest and the White River                                       
                       National Forest, Colorado, to include land known as the                                      
                       Slate Creek Addition.                                                                        
    105-76..........  To provide for a boundary adjustment and land conveyance     Nov. 12, 1997........  1463      
                       involving the Raggeds Wilderness, White River National                                       
                       Forest, Colorado, to correct the effects of earlier                                          
                       erroneous land surveys.                                                                      
    105-77..........   To transfer the Dillon Ranger District in the Arapaho       Nov. 12, 1997........  1465      
                       National Forest to the White River National Forest in the                                    
                       State of Colorado.                                                                           
    105-78..........  Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and         Nov. 13, 1997........  1467      
                       Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1998.                                    
    105-79..........  Hoopa Valley Reservation South Boundary Adjustment Act.....  Nov. 13, 1997........  1527      
    105-80..........  To make technical amendments to certain provisions of title  Nov. 13, 1997........  1529      
                       17, United States Code.                                                                      
    105-81..........  To require the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a study  Nov. 13, 1997........  1537      
                       concerning grazing use and open space within and adjacent                                    
                       to Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, and to extend                                         
                       temporarily certain grazing privileges.                                                      
    105-82..........  Marjory Stoneman Douglas Wilderness and Ernest F. Coe        Nov. 13, 1997........  1540      
                       Visitor Center Designation Act.                                                              
    105-83..........  Department of the Interior and Related Agencies              Nov. 14, 1997........  1543      
                       Appropriations Act, 1998.                                                                    
    105-84..........  Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal      Nov. 14, 1997........  1628      
                       year 1998, and for other purposes.                                                           
    105-85..........  National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1998....  Nov. 18, 1997........  1629      
    105-86..........  Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug                Nov. 18, 1997........  2079      
                       Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act,                                     
    [[Page 68368]]
    105-87..........  To designate the United States Post Office building located  Nov. 19, 1997........  2113      
                       at 153 East 110th Street, New York, New York, as the                                         
                       ``Oscar Garcia Rivera Post Office Building''.                                                
    105-88..........  To designate the United States Post Office building located  Nov. 19, 1997........  2114      
                       at 313 East Broadway in Glendale, California, as the                                         
                       ``Carlos J. Moorehead Post Office Building''.                                                
    105-89..........  Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997.....................  Nov. 19, 1997........  2115      
    105-90..........  To designate the building in Indianapolis, Indiana, which    Nov. 19, 1997........  2137      
                       houses the operations of the Indianapolis Main Post Office                                   
                       as the ``Andrew Jacobs, Jr. Post Office Building''.                                          
    105-91..........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Nov. 19, 1997........  2138      
                       Service under construction at 150 West Margaret Drive in                                     
                       Terre Haute, Indiana, as the ``John T. Myers Post Office                                     
    105-92..........  Savings Are Vital to Everyone's Retirement Act of 1997.....  Nov. 19, 1997........  2139      
    105-93..........  To designate the Federal building and United States          Nov. 19, 1997........  2146      
                       courthouse located at 300 Northeast First Avenue in Miami,                                   
                       Florida, as the ``David W. Dyer Federal Building and                                         
                       United States Courthouse''.                                                                  
    105-94..........  To redesignate the United States courthouse located at 100   Nov. 19, 1997........  2147      
                       Franklin Street in Dublin, Georgia, as the ``J. Roy                                          
                       Rowland United States Courthouse''.                                                          
    105-95..........  John F. Kennedy Center Parking Improvement Act of 1997.....  Nov. 19, 1997........  2148      
    105-96..........  Asian Elephant Conservation Act of 1997....................  Nov. 19, 1997........  2150      
    105-97..........  To designate the United States Post Office located at 150    Nov. 19, 1997........  2154      
                       North 3rd Street in Steubenville, Ohio, as the ``Douglas                                     
                       Applegate Post Office''.                                                                     
    105-98..........  Veterans' Compensation Rate Amendments of 1997.............  Nov. 19, 1997........  2155      
    105-99..........  To designate the United States Post Office located at 450    Nov. 19, 1997........  2159      
                       North Centre Street in Pottsville, Pennsylvania, as the                                      
                       ``Peter J. McCloskey Postal Facility''.                                                      
    105-100.........  Making appropriations for the government of the District of  Nov. 19, 1997........  2160      
                       Columbia and other activities chargeable in whole or in                                      
                       part against the revenues of said District for the fiscal                                    
                       year ending September 30, 1998, and for other purposes.                                      
    105-101.........  Veterans' Cemetery Protection Act of 1997..................  Nov. 19, 1997........  2202      
    105-102.........  To codify without substantive change laws related to         Nov. 20, 1997........  2204      
                       transportation and to improve the United States Code.                                        
    105-103.........  To waive time limitations specified by law in order to       Nov. 20, 1997........  2218      
                       allow the Medal of Honor to be awarded to Robert R. Ingram                                   
                       of Jacksonville, Florida, for acts of valor while a Navy                                     
                       Hospital Corpsman in the Republic of Vietnam during the                                      
                       Vietnam conflict.                                                                            
    105-104.........  Granting the consent of Congress to the Apalachicola-        Nov. 20, 1997........  2219      
                       Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin Compact.                                                     
    105-105.........  Granting the consent of Congress to the Alabama-Coosa-       Nov. 20, 1997........  2233      
                       Tallapoosa River Basin Compact.                                                              
    105-106.........  To provide for the acquisition of the Plains Railroad Depot  Nov. 20, 1997........  2247      
                       at the Jimmy Carter National Historic Site.                                                  
    105-107.........  Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1998........  Nov. 20, 1997........  2248      
    105-108.........  United States Fire Administration Authorization Act for      Nov. 20, 1997........  2264      
                       Fiscal Years 1998 and 1999.                                                                  
    105-109.........  To permit the city of Cleveland, Ohio, to convey certain     Nov. 20, 1997........  2268      
                       lands that the United States conveyed to the city.                                           
    105-110.........  To amend the Act incorporating the American Legion to make   Nov. 20, 1997........  2270      
                       a technical correction.                                                                      
    105-111.........  To amend title 38, United States Code, to allow revision of  Nov. 21, 1997........  2271      
                       veterans benefits decisions based on clear and                                               
                       unmistakable error.                                                                          
    105-112.........  Law Enforcement Technology Advertisement Clarification Act   Nov. 21, 1997........  2273      
                       of 1997.                                                                                     
    105-113.........  Census of Agriculture Act of 1997..........................  Nov. 21, 1997........  2274      
    105-114.........  Veterans' Benefits Act of 1997.............................  Nov. 21, 1997........  2277      
    105-115.........  Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act of 1997.....  Nov. 21, 1997........  2296      
    105-116.........  To amend title 38, United States Code, to prohibit           Nov. 21, 1997........  2381      
                       interment or memorialization in certain cemeteries of                                        
                       persons committing Federal or State capital crimes.                                          
    105-117.........  To amend the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real          Nov. 21, 1997........  2384      
                       Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 to prohibit an                                     
                       alien who is not lawfully present in the United States                                       
                       from receiving assistance under that Act.                                                    
    105-118.........  Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs   Nov. 26, 1997........  2386      
                       Appropriations Act, 1998.                                                                    
    105-119.........  Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary,  Nov. 26, 1997........  2440      
                       and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1998.                                               
    105-120.........  Waiving certain enrollment requirements with respect to      Nov. 26, 1997........  2527      
                       certain specified bills of the One Hundred Fifth Congress.                                   
    105-121.........  Export-Import Bank Reauthorization Act of 1997.............  Nov. 26, 1997........  2528      
    105-122.........  To designate the United States courthouse at 200 South       Dec. 1, 1997.........  2532      
                       Washington Street in Alexandria, Virginia, as the ``Martin                                   
                       V. B. Bostetter, Jr. United States Courthouse''.                                             
    105-123.........  To designate the Federal building courthouse at Public       Dec. 1, 1997.........  2533      
                       Square and Superior Avenue in Cleveland, Ohio, as the                                        
                       ``Howard M. Metzenbaum United States Courthouse''.                                           
    105-124.........  50 States Commemorative Coin Program Act...................  Dec. 1, 1997.........  2534      
    105-125.........  To amend the Communications Act of 1934 to provide for the   Dec. 1, 1997.........  2540      
                       designation of common carriers not subject to the                                            
                       jurisdiction of a State commission as eligible                                               
                       telecommunications carriers.                                                                 
    105-126.........  To extend the authorization of use of official mail in the   Dec. 1, 1997.........  2542      
                       location and recovery of missing children, and for other                                     
    105-127.........  Hispanic Cultural Center Act of 1997.......................  Dec. 1, 1997.........  2543      
    105-128.........  Museum and Library Services Technical and Conforming         Dec. 1, 1997.........  2548      
                       Amendments of 1997.                                                                          
    105-129.........  To amend the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal   Dec. 1, 1997.........  2551      
                       Year 1998 to make certain technical corrections.                                             
    105-130.........  Surface Transportation Extension Act of 1997...............  Dec. 1, 1997.........  2552      
    105-131.........  To designate the United States Post Office building located  Dec. 2, 1997.........  2562      
                       at 1919 West Bennett Street in Springfield, Missouri, as                                     
                       the ``John N. Griesemer Post Office Building''.                                              
    105-132.........  Lower Brule Sioux Tribe Infrastructure Development Trust     Dec. 2, 1997.........  2563      
                       Fund Act.                                                                                    
    105-133.........  To provide for the establishment of not less than 2,500      Dec. 2, 1997.........  2568      
                       Boys and Girls Clubs of America facilities by the year                                       
    105-134.........  Amtrak Reform and Accountability Act of 1997...............  Dec. 2, 1997.........  2570      
    105-135.........  Small Business Reauthorization Act of 1997.................  Dec. 2, 1997.........  2592      
    105-136.........  To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to authorize    Dec. 2, 1997.........  2639      
                       appropriations for refugee and entrant assistance for                                        
                       fiscal years 1998 and 1999.                                                                  
    105-137.........  Aviation Insurance Reauthorization Act of 1997.............  Dec. 2, 1997.........  2640      
    [[Page 68369]]
    105-138.........  To provide for the design, construction, furnishing, and     Dec. 2, 1997.........  2642      
                       equipping of a Center for Historically Black Heritage                                        
                       within Florida A&M University.                                                               
    105-139.........  To make technical corrections to the Nicaraguan Adjustment   Dec. 2, 1997.........  2644      
                       and Central American Relief Act.                                                             
    105-140.........  To provide for the convening of the Second Session of the    Dec. 2, 1997.........  2646      
                       One Hundred Fifth Congress.                                                                  
    105-141.........  To require the Attorney General to establish a program in    Dec. 5, 1997.........  2647      
                       local prisons to identify, prior to arraignment, criminal                                    
                       aliens and aliens who are unlawfully present in the United                                   
                       States, and for other purposes.                                                              
    105-142.........  To make clarifications to the Pilot Records Improvement Act  Dec. 5, 1997.........  2650      
                       of 1996, and for other purposes.                                                             
    105-143.........  Michigan Indian Land Claims Settlement Act.................  Dec. 15, 1997........  2652      
    105-144.........  To authorize acquisition of certain real property for the    Dec. 15, 1997........  2667      
                       Library of Congress, and for other purposes.                                                 
    105-145.........  Granting the consent of Congress to the Chickasaw Trail      Dec. 15, 1997........  2669      
                       Economic Development Compact.                                                                
    105-146.........  Atlantic Striped Bass Conservation Act Amendments of 1997..  Dec. 16, 1997........  2672      
    105-147.........  No Electronic Theft (NET) Act..............................  Dec. 16, 1997........  2678      
    105-148.........  To amend title 49, United States Code, to require the        Dec. 16, 1997........  2681      
                       National Transportation Safety Board and individual                                          
                       foreign air carriers to address the needs of families of                                     
                       passengers involved in aircraft accidents involving                                          
                       foreign air carriers.                                                                        
    105-149.........  To amend the Federal charter for Group Hospitalization and   Dec. 16, 1997........  2684      
                       Medical Services, Inc., and for other purposes.                                              
    105-150.........  To amend section 13031 of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget    Dec. 16, 1997........  2685      
                       Reconciliation Act of 1985, relating to customs user fees,                                   
                       to allow the use of such fees to provide for customs                                         
                       inspectional personnel in connection with the arrival of                                     
                       passengers in Florida, and for other purposes.                                               
    105-151.........  Granting the consent and approval of Congress for the State  Dec. 16, 1997........  2686      
                       of Maryland, the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the                                           
                       District of Columbia to amend the Washington Metropolitan                                    
                       Area Transit Regulation Compact.                                                             
    105-152.........  Army Reserve-National Guard Equity Reimbursement Act.......  Dec. 17, 1997........  2688      
    105-153.........  Federal Advisory Committee Act Amendments of 1997..........  Dec. 17, 1997........  2689      

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