97-31726. Recovery of Overpayments  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 233 (Thursday, December 4, 1997)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 64161-64167]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-31726]
    20 CFR Part 255
    RIN 3220-AA44
    Recovery of Overpayments
    AGENCY: Railroad Retirement Board.
    [[Page 64162]]
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Railroad Retirement Board (Board) revises part 255 of its 
    regulations, currently entitled ``Recovery of Erroneous Payments'', to 
    clarify and update its regulations with respect to recovery of 
    overpayments. The revisions more clearly identify the individuals from 
    whom recovery may be sought and under what circumstances recovery of an 
    overpayment of benefits will be made. The revisions also cover the 
    circumstances under which such recovery may be waived, and the 
    circumstances under which such recovery may be terminated or suspended 
    under the Board's authority concerning administrative relief from 
    DATE: Effective December 4, 1997.
    ADDRESSES: Secretary to the Board, Railroad Retirement Board, 844 Rush 
    Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Thomas W. Sadler, Senior Attorney 
    Railroad Retirement Board, 844 Rush Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611, 
    (312) 751-4513, TDD (312) 751-4701.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Part 255 of the Board's regulations has not 
    been revised since 1967. Although section 10 of the Railroad Retirement 
    Act of 1974 (45 U.S.C. 231i) includes provisions for recovery and 
    waiver of overpayments of benefits which are substantially the same 
    provisions included in the Railroad Retirement Act of 1937 (45 U.S.C. 
    228i, superseded), internal procedures dealing with overpayments of 
    benefits have been developed which should properly be included in the 
    regulations of the Board. In addition, in the Board's view, waiver 
    should not be available with respect to certain types of overpayments 
    and this proposed rule reflects those proposals.
        The title of part 255 is revised to ``Recovery of Overpayments''. 
    The title, ``Recovery of Erroneous Payments'', mistakenly implies that 
    all such payments were caused by ``fault''. Overpayments can and do 
    occur through no fault of the recipients of such payments. The purpose 
    of part 255 is to set out regulations to govern those instances where 
    more than the correct amount of benefits has been paid, regardless of 
    whether or not ``fault'' exists.
        Section 255.1 replaces previous Sec. 255.1, which sets out 
    statutory provisions, with an introductory statement to summarize what 
    is included in part 255.
        Section 255.2 defines ``overpayment'' using essentially the same 
    language that is used in previous Sec. 255.2 which defined ``erroneous 
        Section 255.3 states the general rule that overpayments shall be 
    recovered in all cases except where recovery is waived under 
    Sec. 255.10 or administrative relief from recovery is granted under 
    Sec. 255.16 or where collection is suspended or terminated under these 
    regulations or the Federal Claims Collection Standards.
        Section 255.4 replaces previous Sec. 255.4, which simply stated in 
    a summary manner the methods by which erroneous payments may be 
    recovered, with a detailed description of those individuals from whom 
    overpayments may be recovered.
        Sections 255.5-255.8 set out the methods by which an overpayment of 
    benefits may be recovered. These methods include recovery by cash 
    payment (Sec. 255.5), recovery by setoff from any subsequent payment 
    determined to be payable on the basis of the same record of 
    compensation (Sec. 255.6), recovery by deduction in the computation of 
    a residual lump-sum death benefit payable under the Railroad Retirement 
    Act (Sec. 255.7), and recovery by actuarial adjustment of an annuity 
    (Sec. 255.8). These sections are substantially similar to previous 
    Secs. 255.5-255.8. However, Sec. 255.8, unlike its predecessor, 
    provides that an actuarial adjustment is not effective until the 
    overpaid annuitant negotiates the first check which reflects the 
    actuarially adjusted rate.
        Section 255.9 provides that where recovery of an overpayment is by 
    setoff which can be effected within 5 months and the individual from 
    whom recovery is sought is an enrollee under Medicare Part B, the 
    individual's monthly Medicare premium will be paid and the balance of 
    the annuity amount will be applied toward recovery of the overpayment. 
    This section is new and is intended both to save the agency the 
    administrative costs of billing an annuitant for his or her Part B 
    Medicare premium where his or her annuity would be offset in its 
    entirety to recover an overpayment and also to avoid a lapse of 
    Medicare coverage.
        Section 255.10 sets out the general requirements for waiver of 
    recovery of an overpayment as set forth in the Railroad Retirement Act 
    and replaces the present Secs. 255.10 and 255.11.
        Section 255.11 defines ``fault'' and gives examples of when an 
    individual is or is not at fault based upon past agency decisions. 
    Section 255.12 defines when recovery is contrary to the purpose of the 
    Railroad Retirement Act, based upon past agency decisions. Section 
    255.13 defines when recovery is against equity or good conscience.
        Sections 255.14 and 255.15 are new sections which describe special 
    situations where waiver of recovery of an overpayment is not available 
    or is limited. Specifically, Sec. 255.14 provides that waiver is not 
    available under certain circumstances when recovery can be made from an 
    accrual of social security benefits. Section 255.15 provides that when 
    considering waiver to an estate of an individual, recovery will never 
    be found to be contrary to the purpose of the Railroad Retirement Act.
        Section 255.16 sets out internal Board policy governing those 
    situations where recovery of an overpayment may not be waived under 
    section 10(c) of the Railroad Retirement Act, thus extinguishing the 
    debt, but where recovery will not be sought for equitable reasons.
        Section 255.17 is new and explains how an overpayment is recovered 
    when that overpayment was made to a representative payee under part 266 
    of this chapter.
        Sections 255.18 and 255.19, which deal with compromise, suspension, 
    or termination of the collection of overpayments are substantively 
    identical to previous Secs. 255.14 and 255.15 with the exception that 
    references to the Federal Claims Collection Standards (4 CFR Chapter 2) 
    have been added.
        This rule was published as a proposed rule on December 28, 1995, 
    (60 FR 67108). The Labor Member of the Board dissented from publication 
    of the proposed rule. His reasons for doing so were published in the 
    supplementary information section of the proposed rule (60 FR 67109). 
    Comments on the proposed rule were invited by January 29, 1996.
        Four comments were received; one from an individual, two from 
    individuals representing railway labor organizations and one from an 
    association of retired railroad workers. All of the commenters 
    expressed agreement with the views of the Labor Member set forth in the 
    proposed rule. (60 FR 67109). In addition, the Board received the joint 
    comments of rail labor and rail management.
        Two commenters requested that the Board adopt the Labor Member's 
    suggestion to include in the regulation a rule under which an 
    individual who is overpaid because of an incorrect annuity rate caused 
    by Board error and where the rate continues for at least 5 months after 
    the Board has been put on notice of the error, would be presumed to be 
    without fault for any payments after the fifth month.
    [[Page 64163]]
        In response to these comments and suggestions from rail labor and 
    management the Board has added a new paragraph (3) to Sec. 255.11(e) 
    which provides that an individual shall not be considered at fault with 
    respect to an overpayment caused by the agency's failure to reduce his 
    or her annuity after he or she has put the Board on notice of an event 
    which, had the Board acted, would have triggered the reduction.
        Another commenter criticized section 255.12(c)(2), which permits 
    the Board to consider non-liquid assets in determining whether an 
    overpaid individual has the financial ability to repay the overpayment. 
    The commenter stated that one should not have to sell his or her 
    tangible personal property or real estate to repay an overpayment. The 
    Board believes that it is not unreasonable to require an individual who 
    has received an overpayment of benefits and who has substantial equity 
    in real estate or significant holdings in tangible personal property 
    such as precious metals, antiques, or art work to liquidate or borrow 
    against such holdings to repay the overpayment he or she received where 
    such repayment would not affect his or her ability to meet ordinary and 
    necessary living expenses. However, the Board has revised 
    Sec. 255.12(c)(2) to provide that an individual does not have to sell 
    his or her principal residence in order to repay the debt.
        A commenter also objected to Example 1 under section 255.12. In the 
    commenter's view, the example indicated that future medical expenses 
    could not be taken into consideration when determining whether an 
    individual is financially able to repay the overpayment. In response to 
    this comment and the suggestions of rail labor and rail management this 
    example has been revised to better explain how medical expenses will be 
    considered in determining whether waiver is appropriate.
        Another comment was directed toward section 255.15 which provides 
    that waiver is not available to an estate. The commenter argues that 
    waiver should be available to an estate where recovery of the 
    overpayment would be against equity or good conscience. Based on this 
    comment and the suggestions of rail labor and rail management, the 
    Board has modified the wording of section 255.15 to provide that 
    recovery from an estate will never be contrary to the purpose of the 
    Railroad Retirement Act, but could be against equity and good 
        Finally, another commenter criticized proposed section 255.16 which 
    provides that de minimis overpayments (overpayments under $500) shall 
    not be waived. The commenter argued that many of these overpayments are 
    the result of Board computational error and that the administrative 
    costs of pursuing such small amounts--not to mention the ill will 
    caused--would suggest that overpayments this small should automatically 
    be waived. Based on this comment and the views of rail labor and 
    management, the Board has removed this section.
        In addition to the comments discussed above, two persons requested 
    the Board to delay final action on this regulation to allow railroad 
    labor and railroad management to reach agreement on the substance of 
    the rule. The Board notes that the promulgation of regulations is the 
    sole province of the Board, and although, any agreement resulting from 
    negotiations between the parties is not controlling with respect to the 
    Board's actions, the Board has considered and adopted various 
    suggestions made by rail labor and management in adopting this rule.
        The Office of Management and Budget determined that this is a 
    significant regulatory action for purposes of Executive Order 12866. 
    There are no information collections associated with this rule.
    List of Subjects in 20 CFR Part 255
        Railroad employees, Railroad retirement.
        1. For the reasons set out in the preamble, title 20, chapter II, 
    part 255 of the Code of Federal Regulations is revised as follows:
    255.1  Introduction.
    255.2  Overpayments.
    255.3  When overpayments are to be recovered.
    255.4  Persons from whom overpayments may be recovered.
    255.5  Recovery by cash payment.
    255.6  Recovery by setoff.
    255.7  Recovery by deduction in computation of death benefit.
    255.8  Recovery by adjustment in connection with subsequent 
    255.9  Individual enrolled under supplementary medical insurance 
    255.10  Waiver of recovery.
    255.11  Fault.
    255.12  When recovery is contrary to the purpose of the Railroad 
    Retirement Act.
    255.13  When recovery is against equity or good conscience.
    255.14  Waiver not available when recovery can be made from accrual 
    of social security benefits.
    255.15  Waiver to an estate.
    255.16  Administrative relief from recovery.
    255.17  Recovery of overpayments from a representative payee.
    255.18  Compromise of overpayments.
    255.19  Suspension or termination of the collection of overpayments.
        Authority: 45 U.S.C. 231f(b)(5); 45 U.S.C. 231i.
    Sec. 255.1  Introduction.
        Section 10 of the Railroad Retirement Act provides for the recovery 
    of an overpayment of benefits to an individual. This part explains when 
    an overpayment must be recovered, from whom an overpayment may be 
    recovered, and when recovery of the overpayment may be waived or 
    administrative relief from recovery granted, and circumstances under 
    which the overpayment may be compromised, or circumstances under which 
    recovery of the overpayment may be suspended or terminated.
    Sec. 255.2  Overpayments.
        An overpayment, within the meaning of this part, is made in any 
    case in which an individual receives a payment under the Railroad 
    Retirement Act, all or part of which payment he or she is not entitled 
    to receive.
    Sec. 255.3  When overpayments are to be recovered.
        Overpayments shall be recovered in all cases except those in which 
    recovery is waived under Sec. 255.10 of this part or administrative 
    relief from recovery is granted under Sec. 255.16 of this part, or 
    where the overpayment is compromised or recovery is terminated or 
    suspended under Secs. 255.18 or 255.19 of this part.
    Sec. 255.4  Persons from whom overpayments may be recovered.
        (a) Overpaid individual. The Board may recover an overpayment from 
    the individual to whom the overpayment has been made by any method 
    permitted by this part, or by the Federal Claims Collection Standards 
    (4 CFR chapter 2) (Example 1 of this section). If the overpaid 
    individual dies before recovery is completed, then recovery may be 
    effected by recovery from the estate or the heirs of such individual.
        (b) Other than overpaid individual. The Board may recover an 
    overpayment from a person other than the overpaid individual if such 
    person is receiving benefits based upon the same record of compensation 
    as the overpaid individual under a statute administered by the Board. 
    In such a case, the Board will ordinarily recover the overpayment by 
    setoff against such benefits as are provided for in Sec. 255.6 of this 
    part (Example 2 of this section). However, the Board may ask for a cash 
    refund of the overpayment.
    [[Page 64164]]
        (c) Individual not in the same household. Recovery under paragraph 
    (b) of this section may be made from an individual who was not living 
    in the same household, as defined in part 216 of this chapter, as the 
    overpaid individual at the time of the overpayment, if the individual 
    from whom recovery is to be made either was aware that benefits were 
    being paid incorrectly or benefitted from the overpayment. (Example 3 
    of this section).
        (d) Examples. This section may be illustrated by the following 
        Example (1). An employee receiving a disability annuity returns 
    to work without notifying the Board. The Board discovers that the 
    employee is working and determines that the employee has recovered 
    from his disability and has been overpaid. The Board requests that 
    the employee repay the overpayment by cash refund either in one lump 
    sum or in installment payments. If the employee refuses, the Board 
    may refer the debt to a collection agency or the Department of 
    Justice for civil suit or may collect the debt in any other manner 
    permitted by law.
        Example (2). The employee in Example 1 agrees to refund the 
    overpayment by cash installment payments. However, the employee dies 
    before repaying the total amount of the overpayment. At his death 
    the employee's widow, who was living with the employee at the time 
    the overpayment was incurred, becomes entitled to a widow's annuity. 
    The Board may recover the remainder of the overpayment from any 
    benefits due the widow.
        Example (3). C, a child of a deceased employee by his first 
    marriage, is receiving a disability annuity on the employee's record 
    of compensation. W, the employee's second wife, is receiving a 
    widow's annuity on the employee's record of compensation. C lives 
    with his mother, the employee's first wife. C marries without 
    notifying the Board. Marriage terminates a child's annuity. W is not 
    aware of C's marriage. Upon discovery of C's marriage, the Board 
    demands that C refund the overpaid annuities; C refuses. Even though 
    W is receiving an annuity based upon the same record of compensation 
    as that of C, the Board will not recover the overpayment from W 
    because she is not in the same household as C, was not aware of the 
    incorrect benefits paid, and did not benefit from them.
    Sec. 255.5  Recovery by cash payment.
        The Board shall have the right to require that an overpayment to an 
    individual be immediately and fully repaid in cash by that individual. 
    However, if the Board determines that the individual is financially 
    unable to pay the amount of the indebtedness in a lump sum, payment may 
    be accepted in regular installments in accordance with the Federal 
    Claims Collection Standards, found in 4 CFR chapter 2. These standards 
    provide that whenever possible installment payments should be 
    sufficient in amounts and frequency to liquidate the debt in not more 
    than 3 years.
    Sec. 255.6  Recovery by setoff.
        An overpayment may be recovered by setoff from any subsequent 
    payment determined to be payable under any statute administered by the 
    Board to the individual who received the overpayment. An overpayment 
    may be recovered from someone other than the overpaid individual by 
    setoff from a subsequent payment determined to be payable to that other 
    individual on the basis of the same record of compensation as that of 
    the overpaid individual.
    Sec. 255.7  Recovery by deduction in computation of death benefit.
        In computing the residual lump sum provided for in part 234, 
    subpart D, of this chapter, the Board shall include in the benefits to 
    be deducted from the applicable percentages of the aggregate 
    compensation provided for in that part all overpayments, whether waived 
    under Sec. 255.10 of this part or otherwise not recovered, that were 
    paid to the employee or to his or her spouse or to his or her survivors 
    with respect to the employee's employment.
    Sec. 255.8  Recovery by adjustment in connection with subsequent 
        Recovery of an overpayment may be made by permanently reducing the 
    amount of any annuity payable to the individual or individuals from 
    whom recovery is sought. This method of recovery is called an actuarial 
    adjustment of the annuity. The Board cannot require any individual to 
    take an actuarial adjustment in order to recover an overpayment nor is 
    an actuarial adjustment available as a matter of right. An actuarial 
    adjustment does not become effective until the overpaid individual 
    negotiates the first annuity check which reflects the annuity rate 
    after actuarial adjustment.
        Example. An annuitant agrees to recovery of a $5,000 overpayment 
    by actuarial adjustment. However, the annuitant dies before 
    negotiating the first annuity check reflecting the actuarially-
    reduced rate. The $5,000 is not considered recovered. If the 
    annuitant had negotiated the check before he died, the $5,000 would 
    be considered fully recovered.
    Sec. 255.9  Individual enrolled under supplementary medical insurance 
        Where recovery of the overpayment is by setoff as provided for in 
    Sec. 255.6 of this part, and where recovery of the overpayment by such 
    means will be accomplished within a period of 5 months, and the 
    individual from whom recovery is sought is an enrollee under Part B of 
    Title XVIII of the Social Security Act (Supplementary Medical Insurance 
    Benefits for the Aged and Disabled), an amount of such individual's 
    monthly benefit which is equal to his or her obligation for 
    supplementary medical insurance premiums will be applied toward payment 
    of such premiums, and the balance of the monthly benefit will be 
    applied toward recovery of the overpayment.
    Sec. 255.10  Waiver of recovery.
        There shall be no recovery from any person in any case where more 
    than the correct amount of annuities or other benefits has been paid to 
    an individual or where payment has been made to an individual not 
    entitled thereto if in the judgment of the Board:
        (a) The overpaid individual is without fault, and
        (b) Recovery would be contrary to the purpose of the Railroad 
    Retirement Act or would be against equity or good conscience.
    Sec. 255.11  Fault.
        (a) Before recovery of an overpayment may be waived, it must be 
    determined that the overpaid individual was without fault in causing 
    the overpayment. If recovery is sought from other than the overpaid 
    individual but the overpaid individual was not without fault, then 
    waiver is not available. However, see Sec. 255.16 of this part for 
    provisions as to when administrative relief from recovery may be 
    granted in such circumstances.
        (b) Fault means a defect of judgment or conduct arising from 
    inattention or bad faith. Judgment or conduct is defective when it 
    deviates from a standard of reasonable care taken to comply with the 
    entitlement provisions of this chapter. Conduct includes both action 
    and inaction. Unlike fraud, fault does not require a deliberate intent 
    to deceive.
        (c) Whether an individual is at fault in causing an overpayment 
    generally depends on all circumstances surrounding the overpayment. 
    Among the factors the Board will consider are: the ability of the 
    overpaid individual to understand the reporting requirements of the 
    Railroad Retirement Act or to realize that he or she is being overpaid 
    (e.g., age, education, comprehension, physical and mental condition); 
    the particular cause of non-entitlement to benefits; and the number of 
    instances in which the individual may have made erroneous statements.
    [[Page 64165]]
        (d)(1) Circumstances in which the Board will find an individual at 
    fault include but are not limited to:
        (i) Failure to furnish to the Railroad Retirement Board information 
    which the individual knew or should have known to be material;
        (ii) An incorrect statement made by the individual which he or she 
    knew or should have known was incorrect (including furnishing an 
    opinion or conclusion when asked for facts); and
        (iii) Failure to return a payment which the individual knew or 
    should have known was incorrect.
        (2) Where any of the circumstances listed in paragraph (d)(1) are 
    found to have occurred, the individual shall be presumed to be not 
    without fault. This presumption may be rebutted, but the burden of 
    presenting evidence to rebut the presumption is on the individual.
        (3) For purposes of paragraph (d)(1)(i), furnishing information to 
    the Social Security Administration or any other agency shall not be 
    considered to constitute furnishing information to the Railroad 
    Retirement Board.
        (4) For purposes of this section, an error on the part of the 
    agency shall not extinguish fault on the part of the individual.
        (e) Circumstances in which the Board will find an individual not at 
    fault include but are not limited to:
        (1) The overpayment is the result of Board error of which the 
    overpaid individual was not aware and could not reasonably have been 
    expected to be aware (Example 1 of this section).
        (2) The overpayment is the result of an adjustment to the overpaid 
    individual's annuity because of entitlement of another individual to an 
    annuity on the same record of compensation as that of the overpaid 
    individual (Example 2 of this section).
        (3) The overpayment is the result of the Board's continuing to pay 
    an individual after he or she has notified the Board of an event which 
    caused or should have caused a reduction in his or her benefit; 
    provided that continued payment of the unreduced benefit led the 
    individual to believe in good faith that he or she was entitled to the 
    payments subsequently received.
        (f) The application of this section may be illustrated by the 
    following examples:
        Example (1). The Board makes a mathematical error in the 
    computation of an employee's annuity, thus giving the employee a 
    higher rate than he or she is entitled to but which is sufficiently 
    close to the estimated rate given the employee at the time he or she 
    applied for the annuity that the employee believed, in good faith, 
    that the amount was correct. The employee is not at fault in causing 
    the overpayment in this case. The overpayment may be waived if the 
    requirements of Sec. 255.12 or Sec. 255.13 of this part are met.
        Example (2). The widow and four minor children of a railroad 
    employee are receiving benefits from the Board under the family 
    maximum. Another minor child not living in the same household as the 
    above individuals is also determined to be the child of the deceased 
    employee. The widow was not aware of the existence of this child. An 
    award of benefits to this child causes a reduction in benefits to 
    the other individuals under the family maximum benefit provision of 
    the Social Security Act. Because of normal administrative delay this 
    reduction does not take place for a period of 2 months after its 
    effective date. The widow and her children are without fault with 
    respect to this overpayment. The overpayment may be waived if the 
    requirements of Sec. 255.12 or Sec. 255.13 of this part are met.
    Sec. 255.12  When recovery is contrary to the purpose of the Railroad 
    Retirement Act.
        (a) The purpose of the Railroad Retirement Act is to pay retirement 
    and survivor annuities and other benefits to eligible beneficiaries. It 
    is contrary to the purpose of the Act for an overpayment to be 
    recovered from income and resources which the individual requires to 
    meet ordinary and necessary living expenses. If either income or 
    resources, or a combination thereof, are sufficient to meet such 
    expenses, recovery of an overpayment is not contrary to the purpose of 
    the Act.
        (b) For purposes of this section, income includes any funds which 
    may reasonably be considered available for the individual's use, 
    regardless of source, including inheritance prospects. Income to the 
    individual's spouse or dependents is available to the individual if the 
    spouse or dependent lived with the individual at the time waiver is 
    considered. Types of income include but are not limited to:
        (1) Government benefits, such as Black Lung, Social Security, 
    Workers' Compensation, and Unemployment Compensation benefits;
        (2) Wages and self-employment income;
        (3) Regular incoming payments, such as rent or pensions; and
        (4) Investment income.
        (c) For purposes of this section, resources may include:
        (1) Liquid assets, such as cash on hand, the value of stocks, 
    bonds, savings accounts, mutual funds and the like;
        (2) Non-liquid assets (except an individual's primary residence) at 
    their fair market value; and
        (3) Accumulated, unpaid Federal benefits.
        (4) For purposes of paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this section, 
    assets concealed or improperly transferred on and after the date of 
    notification of the overpayment, other than cash expended to meet 
    ordinary and necessary living expenses, shall be included.
        (d) Whether an individual has sufficient income and resources to 
    meet ordinary and necessary living expenses depends not only on the 
    amount of his or her income and resources, but also on whether the 
    expenses are ordinary and necessary. While the level of expenses which 
    is ordinary and necessary may vary among individuals, it must be held 
    at a level reasonable for an individual who is living on a fixed 
    income. The Board will consider the discretionary nature of an expense 
    in determining whether it is reasonable. Ordinary and necessary living 
    expenses include:
        (1) Fixed living expenses such as food and clothing, rent, mortgage 
    payments, utilities, maintenance, insurance (e.g., life, accident, and 
    health insurance), taxes, installment payments, etc.;
        (2) Medical, hospital, and other similar expenses;
        (3) Expenses for the support of others for whom the individual is 
    legally responsible; and
        (4) Miscellaneous expenses (e.g., newspapers, haircuts).
        (e) Where recovery of the full amount of an overpayment would be 
    made from income and resources required to meet ordinary and necessary 
    living expenses, but recovery of a lesser amount would leave income or 
    resources sufficient to meet such expenses, recovery of the lesser 
    amount is not contrary to the purpose of the Act.
        (f) This section may be illustrated by the following examples:
        Example (1). A remarried widow, W, is overpaid $6000 due to 
    receipt of benefits on the wage records of both her late husbands. 
    It has been determined that she is without fault. Her financial 
    disclosure statement reveals monthly income greater than monthly 
    expenses, and assets of $12,000, $10,000 of which is in cash. She 
    claims to be saving these funds for future medical expenses, because 
    she has a progressive disease. While it is not necessarily contrary 
    to the purposes of the Act to recover the overpayment in these 
    circumstances, the legitimate medical expenses associated with the 
    disease must be considered.
        Example (2). A disability annuitant, D, is overpaid $33,000 
    because of simultaneous entitlement to workers' compensation 
    payments. He is determined to be without fault. He claims he has 
    assumed financial responsibility for his adult child and her 
    children. A claimed expense for which the annuitant has no legal 
    obligation to pay does not make recovery contrary to the purposes of 
    the Act.
    [[Page 64166]]
    Sec. 255.13  When recovery is against equity or good conscience.
        (a) Recovery is considered to be against equity or good conscience 
    if a person, in reliance on payments made to him or her or on notice 
    that payment would be made, relinquished a significant and valuable 
    right (Example 1 of this section) or changed his or her position to his 
    or her substantial detriment (Example 2 of this section).
        (b) An individual's ability to repay an overpayment is not material 
    to a finding that recovery would be against equity or good conscience 
    but is relevant with respect to the credibility of a claim of 
    detrimental reliance under paragraph (a) of this section.
        (c) This section may be illustrated by the following examples:
        Example (1). After being informed by the Board that he had been 
    credited with sufficient years of railroad service to retire at age 
    60, an employee quit his railroad job and applied for benefits under 
    the Railroad Retirement Act. He receives benefits for six months 
    when it is discovered that he had insufficient railroad service to 
    retire at age 60 and was not entitled to the benefits he received. 
    His annuity was terminated. Because the employee gave up his 
    seniority rights when he quit his railroad job, he cannot get his 
    job back. It is determined that the employee was not at fault in 
    causing the overpayments. In this situation recovery of the 
    overpayment would be against equity or good conscience because the 
    overpaid individual gave up a valuable right.
        Example (2). A widow, having been awarded annuities for herself 
    and her daughter, entered her daughter in a private school. The 
    widow did not have substantial assets and her income, apart from the 
    annuities she received in the amounts payable, would not have been 
    sufficient for her to have undertaken the obligation to send her 
    daughter to private school. In order to pay for the schooling she 
    took out a loan and used the monthly annuities to pay interest and 
    principal on the loan. After the widow and her daughter had received 
    payments for almost a year, the deceased employee was found not to 
    have been insured under the Railroad Retirement Act. Therefore, all 
    payments to the widow and child were erroneous and the annuities 
    were terminated. It is determined that the widow was not at fault in 
    causing the overpayment. Having incurred a financial obligation (the 
    school loan) toward which the benefits had been applied, the widow 
    was in a worse position financially than if she and her daughter had 
    never been entitled to benefits. In this situation, the recovery of 
    the overpayment would be against equity or good conscience.
    Sec. 255.14  Waiver not available when recovery can be made from 
    accrual of social security benefits.
        Where the overpayment is the result of a reduction of benefits 
    payable under the Railroad Retirement Act due to the overpaid 
    individual's entitlement to social security benefits and recovery of 
    such overpayment may be made by offset against an accrual of social 
    security benefits, it shall not be considered to be against equity or 
    good conscience or contrary to the purpose of the Railroad Retirement 
    Act to recover the overpayment by offset against the accrual. 
    Consequently, in such a case recovery of an overpayment is not subject 
    to waiver consideration.
    Sec. 255.15  Waiver to an estate.
        It shall never be considered contrary to the purpose of the 
    Railroad Retirement Act to recover an overpayment from the estate of an 
    overpaid individual.
    Sec. 255.16  Administrative relief from recovery.
        (a) Where the Board seeks to recover an overpayment from someone 
    other than the overpaid individual, as provided for in Sec. 255.4 of 
    this part, and where waiver of recovery, as provided for in Sec. 255.10 
    of this part, is not available because the overpaid individual was at 
    fault as defined in Sec. 255.11 of this part, the Board may forego 
    recovery of the overpayment where the individual from whom recovery is 
    sought was not at fault in causing the overpayment and where recovery 
    is contrary to the purpose of the Railroad Retirement Act as defined in 
    Sec. 255.12 of this part.
        (b) Application of administrative relief from recovery with respect 
    to a given person from whom recovery may be made shall have no effect 
    on the authority of the Board to recover the overpayment from anyone 
    else from whom recovery may be sought.
        (c) This section may be illustrated by the following examples:
        Example (1): An employee, through his own fault, causes an 
    overpayment in his annuity. The employee dies before the overpayment 
    can be recovered from him and he leaves no estate. A widow's annuity 
    is payable on the employee's compensation record. The widow was not 
    at fault in causing the overpayment. The Board may recover the 
    remainder of the overpayment by setoff against the widow's annuity. 
    However, it may forego recovery under this section if such recovery 
    would be contrary to the purpose of the Railroad Retirement Act as 
    defined in Sec. 255.12 of this part. Since this is not a waiver of 
    the overpayment, the Board is free to recover the overpayment from 
    the widow at a later date, for example, if an accrual of benefits 
    should become payable, or if it determines that such recovery would 
    not be against the purpose of the Railroad Retirement Act.
        Example (2): A representative payee for a retarded child, 
    through her own fault, causes an overpayment in the child's annuity. 
    The overpaid amounts were used for the benefit of the child. The 
    representative payee dies before the overpayment can be recovered 
    from her and she leaves no estate. The Board may not waive the 
    remainder of the overpayment with respect to the child since for 
    purposes of waiver the representative payee is considered the 
    overpaid individual (see Sec. 255.17 of this part) and the overpaid 
    individual was at fault. However, if the child was not at fault in 
    causing the overpayment and recovery would be contrary to the 
    purpose of the Railroad Retirement Act as defined in Sec. 255.12 of 
    this part, then the Board may forego recovery of the overpayment 
    from the child's annuity under this section.
    Sec. 255.17  Recovery of overpayments from a representative payee.
        (a) Joint liability. In general, if an overpayment is made to an 
    individual receiving benefits as a representative payee (see part 266 
    of this chapter) the Board may recover the overpayment from either the 
    representative payee or the beneficiary, or both. If the beneficiary is 
    currently receiving benefits, either in his or her own right or through 
    a representative payee, the Board will generally propose to recover the 
    overpayment by setoff against those benefits as provided for in 
    Sec. 255.6 of this part. If the beneficiary is not currently receiving 
    benefits but the representative payee is receiving benefits, then the 
    Board will generally propose to recover the overpayment by setoff 
    against those benefits.
        (b) Waiver of overpayments. For purposes of Sec. 255.10 of this 
    part (Waiver of recovery), if it is determined that the representative 
    payee was at fault in causing the overpayment there may be no waiver of 
    the overpayment either as to the representative payee or the 
    beneficiary. However, if the beneficiary was not at fault in causing 
    the overpayment he or she may be eligible for administrative relief 
    from recovery under Sec. 255.16 of this part.
        (c) This section may be illustrated by the following examples:
        Example (1). M is receiving a child's annuity as a 
    representative payee for her disabled son, S. With M's knowledge S 
    marries. Although both M and S know that marriage terminates the 
    child's annuity, neither of them informs the Board of this event. 
    Both M and S are liable for any overpayment caused. Waiver is not 
    available since M would be considered at fault in causing the 
    overpayment. Administrative relief from recovery is not available to 
    S since he would also be considered at fault.
        Example (2). R is a representative payee for B, who resides in a 
    skilled-care facility. R is found to be at fault in causing an 
    overpayment of benefits to B. The Board may recover the overpayment 
    from either R or B. Waiver is not available because R was at fault 
    in causing the overpayment. However, if B was not at fault in 
    causing the overpayment
    [[Page 64167]]
    he or she may be entitled to administrative relief from recovery 
    under Sec. 255.16 of this part.
    Sec. 255.18  Compromise of overpayments.
        (a) This section sets forth the principal standards which the Board 
    applies in exercising its authority under 31 U.S.C. 3711 to compromise 
    an overpayment. In addition, the Board may compromise an overpayment 
    under the Federal Claims Collection Standards set forth in 4 CFR part 
        (b) An overpayment may be compromised only if it is in the best 
    interest of the agency. Circumstances and factors to be considered are:
        (1) The overpayment cannot be collected because of the overpaid 
    individual's inability to pay the full amount of the overpayment within 
    a reasonable time;
        (2) The overpaid individual refuses to pay the overpayment in full 
    and it appears that enforced collection procedures will take an 
    inordinate amount of time or that the cost of collecting does not 
    justify the enforced collection of the full amount; or
        (3) There is doubt that the Board could prove its case in court for 
    the full amount claimed because of a bona fide dispute as to the facts 
    or because of the legal issues involved.
    Sec. 255.19  Suspension or termination of the collection of 
        This section sets forth the principal standards which the Board 
    applies in approving the suspension or termination of the collection of 
    an overpayment. In addition the Board may suspend or terminate 
    collection under the Federal Claims Collection Standards set forth in 4 
    CFR part 104.
        (a) Collection action on a Board claim may be suspended temporarily 
    when the debtor cannot be located and there is reason to believe future 
    collection action may be productive or collection may be effected by 
    offset in the near future.
        (b) Collection action may be terminated when:
        (1) The debtor is unable to make any substantial payment;
        (2) The debtor cannot be located and offset is too remote to 
    justify retention of the claim;
        (3) The cost of collection action will exceed the amount 
    recoverable; or
        (4) The claim is legally without merit or cannot be substantiated 
    by the evidence.
        Dated: November 21, 1997.
    By Authority of the Board.
    Beatrice Ezerski,
    Secretary to the Board.
    [FR Doc. 97-31726 Filed 12-03-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 7905-01-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Railroad Retirement Board
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
Effective December 4, 1997.
64161-64167 (7 pages)
3220-AA44: Recovery of Overpayments
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