X09-141207. [No title available]  

  • [Federal Register Volume 74, Number 233 (Monday, December 7, 2009)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Pages 64264-64282]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: X09-141207]
    [[Page 64264]]
    Statement of Regulatory and Deregulatory Priorities
    Executive Summary
    The Department of Labor's (DOL) mission is to protect workers by 
    improving working conditions, advancing opportunities for employment, 
    protecting retirement and health care benefits, helping employers find 
    workers, and strengthening collective bargaining. Secretary of Labor 
    Hilda L. Solis' vision is that the work of the Labor Department will 
    ensure there are good jobs for everyone.
    To achieve this broad vision, the Secretary has established a series of 
    12 specific strategic outcomes, which span across all of the 
    Department's agencies. These outcomes are:
     Increasing workers' incomes and narrowing wage and income 
     Securing safe and healthy workplaces, wages and overtime, 
                particularly in high-risk industries.
     Assuring skills and knowledge that prepare workers to succeed 
                in a knowledge-based economy, including in high-growth and 
                emerging industry sectors like ``green'' jobs.
     Breaking down barriers to fair and diverse work places so that 
                every worker's contribution is respected.
     Improving health benefits and retirement security for all 
     Providing work place flexibility for family and personal care-
     Facilitating return to work for workers experiencing work 
                place injuries or illnesses who are able to work and 
                sufficient income and medical care for those who are unable 
                to work.
     Income support when work is impossible or unavailable.
     Helping workers who are in low-wage jobs or out of the labor 
                market find a path into middle class jobs.
     Ensuring workers have a voice in the work place.
     Assuring that global markets are governed by fair market rules 
                that protect vulnerable people, including women and 
                children, and provide workers a fair share of their 
                productivity and voice in their work lives.
     Helping middle-class families remain in the middle class.
    Critical to this vision is ensuring these outcomes achieve good jobs 
    for everyone. This includes vulnerable workers, workers in 
    traditionally less safe industry sectors, farmworkers, health care 
    workers and seniors, and those facing barriers to good employment.
    The Secretary has directed each agency to ensure that all priority 
    regulatory projects support achievement of one or more of the strategic 
    outcomes that support the good jobs for everyone vision. The DOL Fall 
    2009 Regulatory Plan reflects this direction.
    Openness and Transparency
    Using regulatory changes to produce greater openness and transparency 
    is an integral part of a Department-wide compliance strategy. These 
    efforts will not only enhance DOL agencies' enforcement tool set, but 
    will encourage greater levels of compliance by the regulated community 
    and enhance awareness among workers of their rights and benefits.
    The Department's commitment to achieving greater openness and 
    transparency is exemplified in its Regulatory Plan and Agenda. Several 
    proposals from the Employee Benefits Security Administration expand 
    disclosure requirements, substantially enhancing the availability of 
    information to pension plan participants and beneficiaries and 
    employers, and strengthening the retirement security of America's 
    workers. These rulemakings are:
     Fiduciary Requirements for Disclosure in Participant-Directed 
                Individual Account Plans, which would increase transparency 
                between individual account pension plans and their 
                participants and beneficiaries by ensuring that 
                participants and beneficiaries are provided the information 
                they need, including information about fees and expenses, 
                to make informed investment decisions.
     Amendment of Standards Applicable to General Statutory 
                Exemption for Services, which would require service 
                providers to disclose to plan fiduciaries services, fees, 
                compensation and conflicts of interest information.
     Annual Funding Notice for Defined Benefit Plans, which would 
                require defined benefit plan administrators to provide all 
                participants, beneficiaries and other parties with detailed 
                information regarding their plan's funding status.
     Periodic Pension Benefits Statements, which would require 
                pension plans to provide participants and certain 
                beneficiaries with periodic benefit statements.
     Multiemployer Plan Information Made Available on Request, 
                which would require pension plan administrators to provide 
                copies of financial and actuarial reports to participants 
                and beneficiaries, unions and contributing employers on 
    Several other Labor Department agencies will also be proposing 
    regulatory projects that will foster greater openness and transparency. 
    These include:
     The Mine Safety and Health Administration's proposed 
                regulation on Notification of Legal Identity, which aims to 
                require mine operators to provide increased identification 
                information, would allow the agency to better target the 
                most egregious and persistent violators and deter future 
     The Office of Labor-Management Standards' proposed regulations 
                on Notification of Employee Rights Under Federal Labor 
                Laws, which would implement Executive Order 13496 and 
                require all Government contracting agencies to include a 
                contract clause requiring contractors to inform workers of 
                their rights under Federal labor laws.
     The Wage and Hour Division's rulemaking, Records to be Kept by 
                Employers Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, which would 
                update decades old recordkeeping regulations in order to 
                enhance the transparency and disclosure to workers as to 
                how their wages are computed and to allow for new workplace 
                practices such as telework and flexiplace arrangements.
     The Occupational Safety and Health Administration's 
                modification of its Hazard Communication Standard, which 
                would adopt standardized labeling requirements and order of 
                information for safety data sheets.
     The Occupational Safety and Health Administration's 
                Occupational Injury and Illness Recording and Reporting 
                Requirements rule, which would propose the collection of 
                additional data to help employers and workers track 
                injuries at individual workplaces, improve the Nation's 
                occupational injury and illness information data, and 
                assist the agency in its enforcement of the safety and 
                health workplace requirements.
    [[Page 64265]]
    The Department's Regulatory Priorities
    The Department of Labor's (DOL) 2009 Regulatory Plan highlights the 
    most noteworthy and significant regulatory projects that will be 
    undertaken by its regulatory agencies: the Employment Standards 
    Administration (ESA), Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), 
    Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Employee Benefits 
    Security Administration (EBSA), and Employment and Training 
    Administration (ETA). The initiatives and priorities in the regulatory 
    plan represent those that are essential to the fulfillment of the 
    Secretary's vision for the Department and America's workforce.
    Employment and Training Administration
    ETA is charged with assuring our Nation's workers have the skills and 
    knowledge that will prepare them to succeed in a knowledge-based 
    economy, including high-growth and emerging industry sectors such as 
    ``green jobs.'' For those workers who are in low-wage jobs or out of 
    the labor market, ETA programs will help them find a path to self-
    sufficiency and good, middle class jobs. And for those who are unable 
    to work, or for whom work is unavailable, ETA programs provide income 
    support and a path to self-sufficiency. ETA is playing a pivotal role 
    in the implementation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 
    2009 (Recovery Act) to jumpstart our economy, create or save millions 
    of jobs, and make a down payment on addressing long-neglected 
    challenges so our country can thrive. Through these efforts and others, 
    ETA is transforming the way it provides services to all workers.
    ETA is highlighting four regulatory priorities that reflect the 
    Secretary's vision to advance good jobs for everyone with measurable 
    and substantial outcomes. These are:
     The Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) for Workers Program 
                Regulations propose to implement changes to the TAA program 
                that arose when the program was re-authorized and expanded 
                in the Recovery Act. The Recovery Act amended the 
                certification criteria, expanded the types of workers who 
                may be certified, and expanded the available program 
                benefits. The TAA regulations will help provide 
                opportunities for participants to acquire skills and 
                knowledge needed to become, or remain, employable in the 
                middle-class jobs market. The TAA regulations will also 
                help provide guidance on supplying participants with income 
                support for times when work is impossible or unavailable. 
                The overarching outcomes for the completion of the TAA 
                regulations are to help middle-class families remain middle 
                class and help workers who are out of the labor market find 
                a path into the middle class.
     The Trade Adjustment Assistance: Merit Staffing of State 
                Administration and Allocation of Training Funds to States 
                Regulation proposes that personnel carrying out the worker 
                adjustment assistance provisions of the TAA program must be 
                State employees covered by the merit system of personnel 
                administration and addresses how the Department distributes 
                TAA training funds to the States. It will be finalized 
                after the public comments on the regulation have been 
                analyzed and considered. The Allocation of Training Funds 
                portion of this regulation explains, for the first time, 
                the new formula that the Department uses to allocate 
                training funds to the States.
     The Temporary Agricultural Employment of H-2A Aliens in the 
                United States regulatory revisions set forth the 
                requirements for using temporary foreign agricultural 
                workers and establish wages and working conditions to cover 
                both U.S. and foreign agricultural workers. The H-2A 
                program assists in achieving the Secretary's goal to 
                increase workers' incomes and narrow wage and income 
                inequality by protecting the wages and working conditions 
                of both American workers and foreign nationals working in 
                the United States.
     The YouthBuild Program regulation proposes to implement the 
                YouthBuild Transfer Act of 2006, which transferred the 
                YouthBuild program from the Department of Housing and Urban 
                Development to DOL, and amended certain program features to 
                emphasize skill training and connections to the public 
                workforce system. The YouthBuild regulations will help 
                achieve the Secretary's goals by assuring participants gain 
                the skills and knowledge that will prepare them to succeed 
                in a knowledge-based economy, including in high-growth and 
                emerging industry sectors like ``green jobs.''
    In addition, the proposed amendments to regulations for equal 
    employment opportunity (EEO) in apprenticeship and training are a 
    critical second phase of regulatory updates to modernize the National 
    Apprenticeship System. The first phase was completed in October 2008 
    with the publication of a final rule updating regulations for 
    Apprenticeship Programs and Labor Standards for Registration. The 
    existing companion EEO regulations for apprenticeship were promulgated 
    over 30 years ago. Proposed amendments to these regulations will help 
    achieve the Secretary's goal of a fair and diverse workplace free of 
    discrimination and harassment by reflecting current EEO law.
    Finally, the Department proposes amendments to the temporary non-
    agricultural foreign worker (H-2B Worker) regulations. As part of its 
    statutory responsibility as an advisor to the Department of Homeland 
    Security, the Department certifies that there is not sufficient U.S. 
    worker(s) able, available, willing and qualified at the time of an 
    application for a visa, and that the employment of the alien will not 
    adversely affect the wages and working conditions of similarly employed 
    U.S. workers. The Department currently administers such certification 
    through an attestation-based program. The regulatory review of the H-2B 
    program will assist in achieving the Secretary's goal to increase 
    workers' incomes and narrow wage and income inequality by protecting 
    the wages and working conditions of both American workers and foreign 
    nationals working in the United States.
    Employee Benefits Security Administration
    The Employee Benefits Security Administration is responsible for 
    administering and enforcing the fiduciary, reporting and disclosure, 
    and health coverage provisions of Title I of the Employee Retirement 
    Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). This includes recent amendments 
    and additions to ERISA enacted in the Pension Protection Act of 2006, 
    as well as new COBRA Continuation Coverage Provisions under the 
    Recovery Act. EBSA's regulatory plan initiatives are intended to 
    improve health benefits and retirement security for workers in every 
    type of job at every income level.
    Health Benefits for Workers
    EBSA will issue guidance implementing the Genetic Information 
    Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA)
    [[Page 64266]]
    amendments to ERISA. Generally, GINA prohibits group health plans from 
    discriminating in health coverage based on genetic information and from 
    collecting genetic information. This rulemaking helps ensure that 
    workers will have access to high quality health coverage, free from 
    discrimination based on a genetic predisposition towards a disease. 
    This is a joint rulemaking with the Departments of Health and Human 
    Services and the Treasury.
    EBSA also will be providing guidance regarding the Paul Wellstone and 
    Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 
    (MHPAEA) amendments to ERISA. MHPAEA creates parity for mental health 
    and substance use disorder benefits under group health plans by 
    mandating that any financial requirements and treatment limitations 
    applicable to mental health and substance abuse disorder benefits to be 
    no more restrictive than predominant requirements or limitations 
    applied to substantially all medical and surgical benefits covered by a 
    plan. EBSA's MHPAEA guidance will help ensure the desired outcome of 
    affording workers access to reliable and high quality health benefits.
    EBSA also will issue guidance clarifying the circumstances under which 
    health care arrangements established or maintained by state or local 
    governments for the benefit of non-governmental employees do not 
    constitute an employee welfare benefit plan for purposes of ERISA. Such 
    clarification is intended to remove perceived impediments to state and 
    local government efforts to improve access to and opportunities for 
    quality and affordable health care coverage for vulnerable, uninsured 
    populations. The clarifications provided by this regulation also will 
    reduce uncertainty and, therefore, potential regulatory and litigation 
    costs for both plan sponsors and state and local governments concerning 
    the scope of ERISA regulation.
    Retirement Security for Workers
    EBSA will propose amendments to its regulations to clarify the 
    circumstances under which a person will be considered a fiduciary when 
    providing investment advice to employee benefit plans and their 
    participants and beneficiaries of such plans. EBSA also will explore 
    steps it can take by regulation, or otherwise, to encourage the 
    offering of lifetime annuities or similar lifetime benefits 
    distribution options for participants and beneficiaries of defined 
    contribution plans. These initiatives are intended to assure retirement 
    security for workers in all jobs regardless of income level by ensuring 
    that financial advisers and similar persons are required to meet 
    ERISA's strict standards of fiduciary responsibility and helping to 
    ensure that participants and beneficiaries have the benefit of their 
    plan savings throughout retirement.
    Occupational Safety and Health Administration
    The Secretary's vision for workers requires securing a safe and healthy 
    workplace. OSHA's regulatory program is designed to help workers and 
    employers identify hazards in the workplace, prevent the occurrence of 
    injuries and adverse health effects, and communicate with the regulated 
    community regarding hazards and how to effectively control them. 
    Longstanding health hazards such as silica and beryllium and emerging 
    hazards such as food flavorings containing diacetyl and airborne 
    infectious diseases place American workers at risk of serious disease 
    and death and are initiatives on OSHA's regulatory agenda. OSHA's 
    regulatory program demonstrates a renewed commitment to worker health 
    by addressing health hazards and the prevention of construction 
    injuries and fatalities.
    First, OSHA is proposing to address worker exposures to crystalline 
    silica through the promulgation and enforcement of a comprehensive 
    health standard. Exposure to silica causes silicosis, a debilitating 
    respiratory disease, and may cause cancer, other chronic respiratory 
    diseases, and renal and autoimmune disease as well. Over 2 million 
    workers are exposed to crystalline silica in general industry, 
    construction, and maritime industries and workers are often exposed to 
    levels that exceed current OSHA permissible limits, which is frequent 
    in the construction industry where workers are exposed at levels that 
    exceed current limits by several fold. It has been estimated that 
    between 3,500 and 7,000 new cases of silicosis arise each year in the 
    U.S., and that 1,746 workers died of silicosis between 1996 and 2005.
    Reducing these hazardous exposures through promulgation and enforcement 
    of a comprehensive health standard supports both the Secretary's vision 
    and will contribute to OSHA's goal of reducing occupational fatalities 
    and illnesses. As a part of the Secretary's strategy for securing safe 
    and healthy workplaces, the Mine Safety and Health Administration will 
    also be undertaking regulatory action related to silica utilizing 
    information provided by OSHA.
    OSHA's second health initiative would revise its Hazard Communication 
    Standard (HCS) to make it consistent with a globally harmonized 
    approach to hazard communication. The HCS covers over 945,000 hazardous 
    chemical products in seven million American workplaces and gives 
    workers the ``right to know'' about chemical hazards they are exposed 
    to. OSHA and other Federal agencies have participated in long-term 
    international negotiations to develop the Globally Harmonized System of 
    Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS). Revising the HCS to be 
    consistent with the GHS is expected to significantly improve the 
    communication of hazards to workers in American workplaces, reducing 
    exposures to hazardous chemicals, and reducing occupational illnesses 
    and fatalities.
    Workers in construction suffer the most fatalities of any industry. In 
    2008, OSHA estimated that crane-related accidents in construction cause 
    over 80 fatalities a year. Therefore, OSHA's major construction 
    initiative is an update of the 1971 Cranes and Derricks Standards. 
    Completion of this standard will contribute to a reduction in 
    occupational injuries and fatalities, which helps achieve the 
    Secretary's outcome goal of securing safe and healthy workplaces in 
    high-risk industries. The Agency is currently evaluating the public 
    comments and planning to issue a final rule in July 2010.
    Mine Safety and Health Administration
    MSHA's regulatory projects support the Secretary's vision by protecting 
    the health and safety of the Nation's miners. Despite the agency's past 
    efforts, miners face safety and health hazards daily at levels unknown 
    in most other occupations. While the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act 
    of 1977 (Mine Act) places primary responsibility for preventing unsafe 
    and unhealthful working conditions in mines on the operators, the 
    collective commitment of miners, mine operators, and government is 
    needed to ensure safe workplaces.
    The agency's proposed regulatory actions exemplify a commitment to 
    protecting the most vulnerable populations while assuring broad-based 
    compliance. Health hazards are pervasive in both coal and metal/
    nonmetal mines (including
    [[Page 64267]]
    surface and underground mines) and large and small mines.
    Recent data from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and 
    Health indicate increased prevalence of coal workers pneumoconiosis 
    (CWP) ``clusters'' in several geographical areas, particularly in the 
    Southern Appalachian Region. MSHA plans to publish a notice of proposed 
    rulemaking to address continued risk to coal miners from exposure to 
    respirable coal mine dust.
    On January 16, 2009, MSHA and NIOSH published a proposed rule that 
    would revise requirements for the approval of coal mine personal dust 
    sampling devices. The proposed rule would also establish performance-
    based and other requirements for approval of the continuous personal 
    dust monitor (CPDM) and revise requirements for the existing sampler. 
    As a part of the agency's efforts in this area, MSHA plans to publish a 
    Request for Information on the use of the CPDM to measure a miner's 
    exposure to respirable coal mine dust. The CPDM represents advanced 
    technology and the RFI will solicit information from the public to help 
    the Agency determine how to best use the technology to assess coal 
    miners' dust exposures. MSHA is also considering a rulemaking to 
    address ways in which mine operators can improve protections in their 
    dust control plans, emphasizing that the burden of compliance is on the 
    mine operator, rather than relying exclusively on enforcement 
    These regulatory actions are a part of MSHA's Comprehensive Black Lung 
    Reduction Strategy for reducing miners' exposure to respirable dust. 
    This strategy includes enhanced enforcement, education and training, 
    and health outreach and collaboration.
    As a part of the Secretary's strategy for securing safe and healthy 
    workplaces, both MSHA and OSHA will be undertaking regulatory action 
    related to silica. Overexposure to crystalline silica can result in 
    some miners developing silicosis, an irreversible but preventable lung 
    disease which ultimately may be fatal. Both the coal mine and metal/
    nonmetal formulas are designed to limit exposures to 0.1 mg/m\3\ (100 
    [micro]g) of silica. MSHA plans to follow the recommendation of the 
    Secretary of Labor's Advisory Committee on the Elimination of 
    Pneumoconiosis Among Coal Mine Workers, NIOSH, and other industry 
    groups by publishing a proposed rule to address the exposure limit for 
    respirable crystalline silica. To assure consistency within the 
    Department, MSHA intends to use OSHA's work on the health effects of 
    occupational exposure to silica and OSHA's risk assessment, adapting it 
    as necessary for the mining industry.
    MSHA is placing an emphasis on routinely evaluating the success of 
    existing enforcement and regulatory strategies and plans to issue an 
    Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) on dams in metal and 
    nonmetal mines. Mining operations regularly find it necessary to 
    construct dams to dispose of large volumes of mine waste from 
    processing operations, or to provide water supply, sediment control, or 
    water treatment. The failure of these structures can have a devastating 
    effect on both the mine and nearby communities. MSHA evaluated its 
    existing requirements for metal and nonmetal dams and has determined 
    that the current standards do not provide sufficient guidance to 
    determine what is needed to effectively design and construct dams with 
    high or significant hazard potential. The ANPRM will solicit 
    information on proper design, construction and other safety issues for 
    impoundments at metal and nonmetal mines whose failure could cause loss 
    of life or significant property damage.
    Employment Standards Administration
    ESA's Wage and Hour Division enforces several statutes that establish 
    minimum labor standards and protect the Nation's workers, including the 
    Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), the Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural 
    Worker Protection Act, the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the 
    Service Contract Act, the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts, the Employee 
    Polygraph Protection Act, and certain provisions of the Immigration and 
    Nationality Act. The regulatory initiatives required to implement these 
    statutory workplace protections represent an important aspect of the 
    Division's work and affect over 130 million workers across all sectors 
    of the economy.
    Updating the child labor regulations issued under the FLSA will help 
    meet the challenge of ensuring good jobs for the Nation's working 
    youth, by balancing their educational needs with job-related 
    experiences that are safe, healthy, and fair. This will enhance young 
    workers' opportunities to gain the skills to find and hold good jobs 
    with the potential to increase their earnings over time.
    The Wage and Hour Division will review the implementation of the new 
    military family leave amendments to the Family and Medical Leave Act 
    that were included in the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 
    2008, as well as other provisions of the FMLA regulations that were 
    revised and implemented in January 2009. This regulatory initiative 
    assists in achieving the Secretary's goal of workplace flexibility for 
    family and personal care-giving and, particularly through the job 
    protection and the maintenance of health benefits provisions, helps 
    middle-class families remain in the middle class.
    The Wage and Hour Division also intends to initiate rulemaking to 
    update the recordkeeping regulation issued under the Fair Labor 
    Standards Act. Consistent with the Secretary's strategic vision, this 
    proposal will foster more openness and transparency by demonstrating 
    employers' compliance with minimum wage and overtime requirements to 
    workers. In turn, this will better ensure compliance by regulated 
    entities and assist the Department with its enforcement efforts.
    ESA's Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) is charged 
    with assuring that the door to opportunity is open to every American 
    regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, veteran 
    status, or disability. OFCCP enforces Executive Order 11246, as 
    amended, and selected provisions of the Vietnam Era Veterans' 
    Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974 (VEVRAA), and Section 503 of the 
    Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (Section 503). Regulations 
    issued under the Executive Order and the two acts govern the 
    nondiscrimination and affirmative action obligations for Federal 
    contractors and subcontractors. OFCCP's enforcement of these statutory 
    obligations contributes to achieving several of the Secretary's desired 
    outcomes, including increasing workers' incomes and narrowing wage and 
    income inequality, breaking down barriers to fair and diverse work 
    places so that every worker's contribution is respected and helping 
    workers who are in low-wage jobs or out of the labor market find a path 
    into middle-class jobs.
    OFCCP is highlighting three regulatory initiatives that reflect the 
    Secretary's vision of good jobs for everyone. The Evaluation of 
    Recruitment and Placement Results under Section 503 ANPRM will invite 
    the public to provide input on how the Department can strengthen 
    affirmative action requirements by requiring Federal contractors and 
    subcontractors to conduct more substantive analyses and monitoring of 
    their recruitment and
    [[Page 64268]]
    placement efforts targeted to individuals with disabilities.
    The Evaluation of Recruitment and Placement Results under VEVRRA NPRM 
    will propose to revise provisions in the regulations to strengthen 
    compliance with affirmative action requirements, including the 
    establishment of outreach, recruitment, and placement goals for the 
    employment and advancement of covered veterans. This effort will help 
    support the creation of good jobs for veterans, especially those 
    returning from recent service in Iraq and Afghanistan. Through this 
    initiative, OFCCP will help servicemen and women successfully 
    transition into civilian life.
    The Construction Contractor Affirmative Action Requirements proposed 
    rule would revise the regulations implementing the affirmative action 
    requirements of Executive Order 11246 that are applicable to federal 
    and federally-assisted construction contractors. The initiative would 
    update regulatory provisions that set forth the actions construction 
    contractors are required to take to implement their affirmative action 
    ESA's Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) administers and 
    enforces most provisions of the Labor-Management Reporting and 
    Disclosure Act of 1959 (LMRDA). The LMRDA requires unions, employers, 
    labor-relations consultants, and others to file financial disclosure 
    reports, which are publicly available. The LMRDA includes provisions 
    protecting union member rights to participate in their union's 
    governance, to run for office and fully exercise their union 
    citizenship, as well as procedural safeguards to ensure free and fair 
    union elections.
    OLMS intends to publish a Request for Information regarding the use of 
    Internet voting in union officer elections conducted under the LMRDA to 
    better inform the agency in administering its obligation under the 
    union democracy provisions of the Act to ensure that the voting right 
    of each union member is protected. OLMS also will propose a regulatory 
    initiative to better implement the public disclosure objectives of the 
    LMRDA regarding employer-consultant agreements to persuade employees 
    concerning their rights to organize and bargain collectively. Under 
    LMRDA section 203 an employer must report any agreement or arrangement 
    with a third party consultant to persuade employees as to their 
    collective bargaining rights or to obtain certain information 
    concerning the activities of employees or a labor organization in 
    connection with a labor dispute involving the employer. The consultant, 
    also, is required to report concerning such an agreement or arrangement 
    with an employer. An exemption to these reporting requirements is set 
    forth in LMRDA section 203(c), which provides, in part, that employers 
    and consultants are not required to file a report by reason of the 
    consultant's giving or agreeing to give ``advice'' to the employer. The 
    Department believes that current policy concerning the scope of the 
    ``advice exemption'' is over-broad and that a narrower construction 
    would better allow for the employer and consultant reporting intended 
    by the LMRDA. Regulatory action is needed to provide workers with 
    information critical to their effective participation in the workplace. 
    When workers or union members have more information about what 
    arrangements have been made by their employer to persuade them whether 
    or not to join a union, this information helps them make more informed 
    choices and acts to level the labor-management relations playing field. 
    Both initiatives support the Secretary's vision of good jobs for 
    everyone by advancing the goal to ensure that workers and union members 
    have a voice in the workplace.
    ESA's Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP) administers four 
    major disability compensation programs that provide wage replacement 
    benefits, medical treatment, vocational rehabilitation and other 
    benefits (such as survivors benefits) to certain workers who experience 
    work-related injury or occupational disease. The Federal Employees' 
    Compensation Act (FECA) provides workers' compensation benefits to 
    federal workers for employment related injuries and occupational 
    diseases as well as survivor benefits for a covered employee's 
    employment-related death. The Longshore and Harbor Workers' 
    Compensation Act (LHWCA) provides vocational rehabilitation, medical 
    benefits, and financial compensation to covered maritime workers who 
    incurred occupational injuries or illnesses as a result of exposure to 
    their employment. The LHWCA provides similar coverage for employees 
    covered by the Defense Base Act (DBA).
    These programs serve to advance the Secretary's vision of good jobs for 
    everyone by securing the desired outcomes of facilitating return to 
    work for workers experiencing workplace injuries or illnesses who are 
    able to work and sufficient income and medical care for those who are 
    unable to work; providing income support when work is impossible or 
    unavailable; and providing compensation to eligible survivors after the 
    death of a covered worker, thereby helping middle class families remain 
    in the middle class.
    OWCP plans to update its regulations governing administration of claims 
    under the FECA. The regulations will be revised to reflect changes 
    already in place since the regulations were comprehensively updated ten 
    years ago and to incorporate new procedures that will enhance OWCP's 
    ability to administer FECA. Among other benefits, changes to the 
    regulations will facilitate the return to work of injured workers who 
    are able to work, will enhance OWCP's ability to efficiently provide 
    sufficient income and medical care for those who are unable to work, 
    and will foster greater openness and transparency by better explaining 
    the increased automation of the medical billing process.
    In addition, OWCP will modernize the provision of compensation for 
    employees situated overseas who are neither citizens nor residents of 
    the United States to reflect current realities in regard to such 
    employees. The regulations will also be revised to reflect a recent 
    statutory change to the FECA moving the three-day waiting period before 
    qualifying for wage-loss compensation for employees of the Postal 
    Service. These revisions will increase the transparency of program 
    operations and improve program implementation with efficiency providing 
    better service in a more timely fashion.
    OWCP plans to issue regulations under the LHWCA to clarify the 
    application of the waiver provisions of the DBA, by explaining the DOL 
    procedures for reviewing and granting a waiver. These rules will 
    facilitate return to work for employees experiencing workplace injuries 
    or illnesses who are able to work and sufficient income and medical 
    care for those who are unable to work.
    [[Page 64269]]
    DOL--Employment Standards Administration (ESA)
                              PROPOSED RULE STAGE
    Economically Significant. Major status under 5 USC 801 is undetermined.
    Legal Authority:
    29 USC 2654
    CFR Citation:
    29 CFR 825
    Legal Deadline:
    The Department of Labor continues to review the implementation of the 
    new military family leave amendments to the Family and Medical Leave 
    Act included in the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2008, and 
    other revisions of the current regulations implemented in January 2009.
    Statement of Need:
    The FMLA requires covered employers to grant eligible employees up to 
    12 workweeks of unpaid, job-protected leave a year for specified family 
    and medical reasons, and to maintain group health benefits during the 
    leave as if the employees continued to work instead of taking leave. 
    When an eligible employee returns from FMLA leave, the employer must 
    restore the employee to the same or an equivalent job with equivalent 
    pay, benefits, and other conditions of employment. FMLA makes it 
    unlawful for an employer to interfere with, restrain, or deny the 
    exercise of any right provided by the FMLA. In addition, section 585(a) 
    of the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2008 (NDAA), Public 
    Law 110-181, amended the FMLA effective January 28, 2008, to permit an 
    eligible employee who is the ``spouse, son, daughter, parent, or next 
    of kin of a covered servicemember'' to take up to a total of 26 
    workweeks of leave during a single 12-month period to care for the 
    covered servicemember, defined as ``a member of the Armed Forces, 
    including a member of the National Guard or Reserves, who is undergoing 
    medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy, is otherwise in outpatient 
    status, or is otherwise on the temporary disability retired list, for a 
    serious injury or illness.'' The NDAA amendment to FMLA also permits an 
    eligible employee to take up to 12 workweeks of FMLA leave for ``any 
    qualifying exigency (as the Secretary [of Labor] shall, by regulation, 
    determine) arising out of the fact that the spouse, or a son, daughter, 
    or parent of the employee is on active duty (or has been notified of an 
    impending call or order to active duty) in the Armed Forces in support 
    of a contingency operation.'' Regulations implementing these amendments 
    were published November 17, 2008, and took effect January 16, 2009 (73 
    FR 67934). The Department is reviewing the implementation of these new 
    military family leave amendments and other revisions of the current 
    Summary of Legal Basis:
    These regulations are authorized by section 404 of the Family and 
    Medical Leave Act, 29 U.S.C. 2654.
    After completing a review of the implementation of the new military 
    family leave amendments and other revisions of the regulations 
    implemented in January 2009, regulatory alternatives will be developed 
    for notice-and-comment rulemaking.
    Anticipated Cost and Benefits:
    Preliminary estimates of the anticipated costs and benefits of this 
    initiative will be determined once regulatory alternatives are 
    This rulemaking action does not directly affect risks to public health, 
    safety, or the environment.
    Action                            Date                        FR Cite
    NPRM                            11/00/10
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required:
    Government Levels Affected:
    Local, State, Tribal
    Agency Contact:
    Richard M. Brennan
    Director, Division of Interpretations and Regulatory Analysis, Wage and 
    Hour Division
    Department of Labor
    200 Constitution Avenue NW.
    FP Building
    Room S-3502
    Washington, DC 20210
    Phone: 202 693-0051
    Fax: 202 693-1387
    RIN: 1215-AB76
    Other Significant. Major status under 5 USC 801 is undetermined.
    Legal Authority:
    29 USC 211(c)
    CFR Citation:
    29 CFR 516
    Legal Deadline:
    The Department of Labor proposes to update the recordkeeping 
    regulations under the Fair Labor Standards Act in order to enhance the 
    transparency and disclosure to workers of how their pay is computed, 
    and to modernize other recordkeeping requirements for employees under 
    ``telework'' and ``flexiplace'' arrangements.
    Statement of Need:
    The recordkeeping regulation issued under the Fair Labor Standards Act 
    (FLSA), 29 CFR part 516, specifies the scope and manner of records 
    covered employers must keep that demonstrate compliance with minimum 
    wage, overtime, and child labor requirements under the FLSA, or the 
    records to be kept that confirm particular exemptions from some of the 
    Act's requirements may apply. This proposal intends to update the 
    recordkeeping requirements to foster more openness and transparency in 
    demonstrating employers' compliance with applicable requirements to 
    their workers, to better ensure compliance by regulated entities and to 
    assist in enforcement. In addition, the proposal intends to modernize 
    the requirements, consistent with the increasing emphasis on flexi-
    place and telecommuting, to allow for
    [[Page 64270]]
    automated or electronic recordkeeping systems instead of the mandatory 
    manual preparation of ``homeworker'' handbooks currently required for 
    all work that an employee may perform in the home.
    Summary of Legal Basis:
    These regulations are authorized by section 11 of the Fair Labor 
    Standards Act, 29 U.S.C. 211.
    Alternatives will be developed in considering proposed revisions to the 
    current recordkeeping requirements. The public will be invited to 
    provide comments on the proposed revisions and possible alternatives.
    Anticipated Cost and Benefits:
    Preliminary estimates of anticipated costs and benefits of this 
    regulatory initiative have not been determined at this time and will be 
    determined at a later date as appropriate.
    This action does not affect public health, safety, or the environment.
    Action                            Date                        FR Cite
    NPRM                            08/00/10
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required:
    Government Levels Affected:
    Local, State, Tribal
    Agency Contact:
    Richard M. Brennan
    Director, Division of Interpretations and Regulatory Analysis, Wage and 
    Hour Division
    Department of Labor
    200 Constitution Avenue NW.
    FP Building
    Room S-3502
    Washington, DC 20210
    Phone: 202 693-0051
    Fax: 202 693-1387
    RIN: 1215-AB78
    Other Significant. Major status under 5 USC 801 is undetermined.
    Legal Authority:
    29 USC 433; 29 USC 438
    CFR Citation:
    29 CFR 405; 29 CFR 406
    Legal Deadline:
    The Department intends to publish notice and comment rulemaking seeking 
    consideration of a revised interpretation of Section 203(c) of the 
    Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA). That statutory 
    provision creates an ``advice'' exemption from reporting requirements 
    that apply to employers and other persons in connection with persuading 
    employees about the right to organize and bargain collectively. A 
    proposed revised interpretation would narrow the scope of the advice 
    Statement of Need:
    The Department of Labor is proposing a regulatory initiative to better 
    implement the public disclosure objectives of the Labor-Management 
    Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA) regarding employer-consultant 
    agreements to persuade employees concerning their rights to organize 
    and bargain collectively. Under LMRDA section 203 an employer must 
    report any agreement or arrangement with a third party consultant to 
    persuade employees as to their collective bargaining rights or to 
    obtain certain information concerning the activities of employees or a 
    labor organization in connection with a labor dispute involving the 
    employer. The consultant, also, is required to report concerning such 
    an agreement or arrangement with an employer. Statutory exceptions to 
    these reporting requirements are set forth in LMRDA section 203(c), 
    which provides, in part, that employers and consultants are not 
    required to file a report by reason of the consultant's giving or 
    agreeing to give ``advice'' to the employer. The Department believes 
    that its current policy concerning the scope of the ``advice 
    exception'' is over-broad and that a narrower construction would better 
    allow for the employer and consultant reporting intended by the LMRDA. 
    Regulatory action is needed to provide workers with information 
    critical to their effective participation in the workplace.
    Summary of Legal Basis:
    This proposed rulemaking is authorized under U.S.C. Sec. Sec.  433 and 
    438 and applies to regulations at 29 CFR Part 405 and 29 CFR Part 406.
    Alternatives will be developed and considered in the course of notice 
    and comment rulemaking.
    Anticipated Cost and Benefits:
    Anticipated costs and benefits of this proposed regulatory initiative 
    have not been assessed and will be determined at a later date, as 
    This action does not affect public health, safety, or the environment.
    Action                            Date                        FR Cite
    NPRM                            11/00/10
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required:
    Small Entities Affected:
    Government Levels Affected:
    URL For More Information:
    URL For Public Comments:
    Agency Contact:
    Andrew R. Davis
    Chief, Division of Interpretations and Standards, Office of Labor-
    Management Standards
    Department of Labor
    Employment Standards Administration
    200 Constitution Avenue NW.
    FP Building
    Room N-5609
    Washington, DC 20210
    Phone: 202 693-0123
    Fax: 202 693-1340
    Email: davis.andrew@dol.gov
    RIN: 1215-AB79
    [[Page 64271]]
                                FINAL RULE STAGE
    Other Significant
    Legal Authority:
    29 USC 203(l); 29 USC 212; 29 USC 213(c)
    CFR Citation:
    29 CFR 570
    Legal Deadline:
    The Department of Labor continues to review the Fair Labor Standards 
    Act child labor provisions to ensure that the implementing regulations 
    provide job opportunities for working youth that are healthy and safe 
    and not detrimental to their education, as required by the statute (29 
    U.S.C. sections 203(l), 212(c), 213(c), and 216(e)). This proposed rule 
    will update the regulations to reflect statutory amendments enacted in 
    2004, and will propose, among other updates, revisions to address 
    several recommendations of the National Institute for Occupational 
    Safety and Health (NIOSH) in its 2002 report to the Department of Labor 
    on the child labor Hazardous Occupations Orders (HOs) (available at 
    Statement of Need:
    The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires the Secretary of Labor to 
    issue regulations on the employment of minors between 14 and 16 years 
    of age, ensuring that the periods and conditions of their employment do 
    not interfere with their schooling, health, or well-being, and to 
    designate occupations that are particularly hazardous for minors 16 and 
    17 years of age. Child Labor Regulation No. 3 sets forth the 
    permissible industries and occupations in which 14- and 15-year-olds 
    may be employed, specifies the number of hours in a day and in a week, 
    and time periods within a day, that such minors may be employed. 
    Updating the child labor regulations issued under the FLSA will help 
    meet the challenge of ensuring good jobs that are safe, healthy, and 
    fair for the Nation's working youth, while balancing their educational 
    needs with job-related experiences that are safe. Updated child labor 
    regulations that better address the safety needs of today's workplaces 
    will ensure our young workers have permissible job opportunities that 
    are safe, enhancing their opportunity to gain the skills to find and 
    hold good jobs with the potential to increase their earnings over time. 
    Ensuring safe and reasonable work hours for working youth will also 
    ensure that top priority is given to their education, consistent with 
    the purposes of the statute.
    Summary of Legal Basis:
    These regulations are issued pursuant to sections 3(1), 11, 12, and 13 
    of the Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 U.S.C. 203(1), 211, 121, and 213.
    When developing regulatory alternatives in the analysis of 
    recommendations of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and 
    Health in its 2002 report to the Department on the child labor 
    hazardous occupations orders and other proposals, the Department has 
    focused on assuring healthy, safe, and fair workplaces for young 
    workers that are not detrimental to their education, as required by the 
    statute. Some of the regulatory alternatives were developed based on 
    recent legislative amendments.
    Anticipated Cost and Benefits:
    Preliminary estimates of the anticipated costs and benefits of this 
    rulemaking initiative indicated it was not economically significant. 
    Benefits to the public, including employers and workers, will include 
    safer working conditions and the avoidance of injuries and lost 
    productivity involving young workers.
    The Department's child labor regulations, by ensuring that permissible 
    job opportunities for working youth are safe and healthy and not 
    detrimental to their education, produce positive benefits by reducing 
    health-related and lost-productivity costs employers might otherwise 
    incur from higher accident and injury rates to young and inexperienced 
    workers. Because of the limited nature of the regulatory revisions 
    contemplated under this initiative, a detailed assessment of the 
    magnitude of risk was not prepared.
    Action                            Date                        FR Cite
    NPRM                            04/17/07                    72 FR 19337
    NPRM Comment Period End         07/16/07
    Final Action                    04/00/10
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required:
    Small Entities Affected:
     Businesses, Governmental Jurisdictions
    Government Levels Affected:
    Local, State
    Agency Contact:
    Richard M. Brennan
    Director, Division of Interpretations and Regulatory Analysis, Wage and 
    Hour Division
    Department of Labor
    200 Constitution Avenue NW.
    FP Building
    Room S-3502
    Washington, DC 20210
    Phone: 202 693-0051
    Fax: 202 693-1387
    RIN: 1215-AB57
    DOL--Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
                              PROPOSED RULE STAGE
    Other Significant
    Legal Authority:
    PL 109-281
    CFR Citation:
    Not Yet Determined
    Legal Deadline:
    The YouthBuild Transfer Act of 2006, Public Law 109-281, enacted on 
    September 22, 2006, transfers oversight and administration of the 
    YouthBuild program from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban 
    Development (HUD) to the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). The YouthBuild 
    program model targets are high school dropouts, adjudicated youth, 
    youth aging out of foster care, and other at-risk youth populations. 
    The program model
    [[Page 64272]]
    balances in-school learning, geared toward a high school diploma or 
    GED, and construction skills training, geared toward a career placement 
    for the youth. DOL intends to develop regulations in response to the 
    legislation and to guide the program implementation and management.
    Statement of Need:
    The YouthBuild Transfer Act of 2006 (Transfer Act), PL 109-281, 
    transfers the YouthBuild program from the HUD to the DOL. The transfer 
    incorporates technical modifications and amends certain program 
    features. The Employment and Training Administration is proposing new 
    regulations which will govern its administration of the YouthBuild 
    The Transfer Act maintains all the goals of the YouthBuild program as 
    originally developed under HUD, including supporting the development of 
    affordable housing, but shifts the emphasis to skills training for 
    youth participants. The Transfer Act makes the YouthBuild program 
    consistent with the job training, education, and employment goals under 
    the Workforce Investment Act, PL 105-220, as amended. This includes 
    authorizing DOL to apply the common performance measures developed for 
    Federal youth activities employment and training programs. The Transfer 
    Act authorizes education and workforce investment, such as occupational 
    skills training, internships, and job shadowing, as well as community 
    service and peer-centered activities. In addition, the Transfer Act 
    allows for greater coordination of the YouthBuild program with the 
    workforce investment system, including local workforce investment 
    boards, and One-Stop Career Centers, and their partner programs. These 
    strengthened connections will enhance the job training and employment 
    opportunities available to participating at-risk youth.
    Summary of Legal Basis:
    These regulations are authorized by Public Law 109-281, The YouthBuild 
    Transfer Act of 2006, to implement changes to the amendments to 
    subtitle D of Title I of the Workfoce Investment Act of 1998 as amended 
    The public will be afforded an opportunity to provide comments on the 
    YouthBuild program changes when the Department publishes the NPRM in 
    the Federal Register. A Final Rule will be issued after analysis and 
    incorporation of public comments to the NPRM.
    Anticipated Cost and Benefits:
    Preliminary estimates of the anticipated costs of this regulatory 
    action have not been determined at this time and will be determined at 
    a later date.
    This action does not affect public health, safety, or the environment.
    Action                            Date                        FR Cite
    NPRM                            06/00/10
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required:
    Government Levels Affected:
    Agency Contact:
    Grace A. Kilbane
    Administrator, Office of Workforce Investment
    Department of Labor
    Employment and Training Administration
    200 Constitution Avenue NW.
    FP Building, Room S-4231
    Washington, DC 20210
    Phone: 202 693-3980
    Email: kilbane.grace@dol.gov
    RIN: 1205-AB49
    Other Significant
    Legal Authority:
    19 USC 2320; Secretary's Order 3-2007, 72 FR 15907
    CFR Citation:
    20 CFR 617, 618, 665, 671; 29 CFR 90
    Legal Deadline:
    The Trade and Globalization Assistance Act of 2009 (Act), Div. B, Title 
    I, Subtitle I of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, 
    reauthorizes the Trade Adjustment Assistance for Workers program. More 
    specifically, the law amends the criteria for certification of worker 
    groups as eligible to apply for benefits and services and substantially 
    expands those benefits and services. It also requires reports on the 
    program's effectiveness. The Act amends section 248 of the Trade Act of 
    1974 (19 U.S.C. 2320) and requires that the Secretary issue regulations 
    to carry out these provisions.
    Statement of Need:
    The Trade and Globalization Adjustment Assistance Act of 2009 (TGAAA) 
    is the portion of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 
    (Recovery Act) (Pub. L. No. 111-5, Div. B, Title I, Subtitle I) that 
    reauthorized and substantially amended the Trade Adjustment Assistance 
    for Workers (TAA) program. Significant program changes enacted in the 
    TGAAA include amending the certification criteria to expand the types 
    of workers who may be certified and expanding the available program 
    benefits. This proposed rule is important because it will update the 
    program's regulations to be in concert with the notable program changes 
    wrought by the TGAAA.
    Summary of Legal Basis:
    These regulations are authorized by sections 248 of the Trade Act (19 
    U.S.C. 2320), as amended by the TGAAA.
    The public will be afforded an opportunity to provide comments on the 
    proposed regulatory changes when the Department publishes the NPRM in 
    the Federal Register. A final rule will be issued after analysis of, 
    and response to, public comments.
    Anticipated Cost and Benefits:
    Preliminary estimates of the anticipated costs of this regulatory 
    action have not been determined at this time and will be determined at 
    a later date.
    Action                            Date                        FR Cite
    NPRM                            12/00/10
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required:
    Small Entities Affected:
    Government Levels Affected:
    [[Page 64273]]
    Agency Contact:
    Erin Fitzgerald
    Office of Trade Adjustment Assistance
    Department of Labor
    Employment and Training Administration
    200 Constitution Avenue NW.
    Room C-5311, FP Building
    Washingon, DC 20210
    Phone: 202 693-3500
    Fax: 202 693-3149
    Email: fitzgerald.erin@dol.gov
    RIN: 1205-AB57
    Other Significant
    Legal Authority:
    Sec. 1, 50 Stat. 664, as amended (29 USC 50; 40 USC 276c; 5 USC 301); 
    Reorganization Plan No. 14 of 1950, 64 Stat. 1267 (5 USC App. P. 534)
    CFR Citation:
    29 CFR 30 (Revision)
    Legal Deadline:
    Revisions to the equal opportunity regulatory framework for the 
    National Apprenticeship Act are a critical element in the Department's 
    vision to promote and expand registered apprenticeship opportunities in 
    the 21st century while continuing to safeguard the welfare and safety 
    of apprentices. In October 2008, the Agency issued a Final rule 
    updating regulations for Apprenticeship Programs and Labor Standards 
    for Registration. These regulations, codified at Title 29 Code of 
    Federal Regulations (CFR) part 29, had not been updated since first 
    promulgated in 1977. The companion regulations, 29 CFR part 30, Equal 
    Employment Opportunity (EEO) in Apprenticeship and Training, have not 
    been amended since first promulgated in 1978.
    The Agency now proposes to update 29 CFR part 30 to ensure that the 
    National Registered Apprenticeship System is consistent and in 
    alignment with changes in Affirmative Action regulations and EEO laws 
    and court cases that have occurred over the past three decades [e.g. 
    Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Age Discrimination in 
    Employment Act (ADEA)], and recent revisions to Title 29 CFR part 29. 
    This second phase of regulatory updates will ensure that Registered 
    Apprenticeship is positioned to continue to provide economic 
    opportunity for millions of Americans while keeping pace with these new 
    Statement of Need:
    Federal regulations for Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) in 
    Apprenticeship and Training have not been updated since first 
    promulgated in 1978. Updates to these regulations are necessary to 
    ensure that DOL regulatory requirements governing the National 
    Registered Apprenticeship System are consistent with the current state 
    of EEO law, including affirmative action, the passage of, for example, 
    the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Age Discrimination in 
    Employment Act (ADEA), and recent revisions to Title 29 CFR part 29, 
    regulations for Apprenticeship Programs and Labor Standards for 
    Summary of Legal Basis:
    These regulations are authorized by the National Apprenticeship Act of 
    1937 (29 U.S.C. 50) and the Copeland Act (40 U.S.C. 276c). These 
    regulations will set forth policies and procedures to promote equality 
    of opportunity in apprenticeship programs registered with the U.S. 
    Department of Labor or in State Apprenticeship Agencies recognized by 
    the U.S. Department of Labor.
    The public will be afforded an opportunity to provide comments on the 
    proposed amendment to Apprenticeship EEO regulations when the 
    Department publishes a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in the 
    Federal Register. A Final Rule will be issued after analysis and 
    incorporation of public comments to the NRPM.
    Anticipated Cost and Benefits:
    Preliminary estimates of anticipated costs and benefits of this 
    regulatory action have not been determined at this time. The Department 
    will explore options for conducting a cost-benefit analysis for this 
    regulatory action, if necessary.
    Action                            Date                        FR Cite
    NPRM                            01/00/11
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required:
    Small Entities Affected:
    Government Levels Affected:
    Federal, State, Tribal
     This action may have federalism implications as defined in EO 13132.
    Agency Contact:
    John V. Ladd
    Office of Apprenticeship
    Department of Labor
    Employment and Training Administration
    200 Constitution Avenue NW
    Room N5311
    FP Building
    Washington, DC 20210
    Phone: 202 693-2796
    Fax: 202 693-3799
    Email: ladd.john@dol.gov
    RIN: 1205-AB59
                                FINAL RULE STAGE
    Other Significant
    Legal Authority:
    8 USC 1101(a)(15)(H)(ii)(a); 8 USC 1188
    CFR Citation:
    20 CFR 655
    Legal Deadline:
    The Department of Labor (the Department of DOL) proposes to amend its 
    regulations governing the certification of temporary employment of 
    nonimmigrant workers in temporary or seasonal agricultural employment 
    and the enforcement of the contractual obligations applicable to 
    employers of such nonimmigrant workers. This Notice of Proposed 
    Rulemaking would reexamine the process by which employers obtain a 
    temporary labor certification from the Department for use in 
    petitioning the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to employ a 
    nonimmigrant worker in H-2A status.
    Statement of Need:
    The Department has determined for a variety of reasons that a new
    [[Page 64274]]
    rulemaking effort is necessary for the H-2A program. The Department 
    believes that the policy underpinnings of the 2008 Final Rule, e.g., 
    streamlining the H-2A regulatory process to defer many determinations 
    of program compliance until after an application has been fully 
    adjudicated, do not provide an adequate level of protection for either 
    U.S. or foreign workers.
    In addition, the Department's experience under the program since 
    January 2009 demonstrates that the policy goals of the 2008 Final Rule 
    have not been met. One of the clear goals of the 2008 Final Rule was to 
    increase the use of the H-2A program and to make the program easier and 
    more affordable to use for the average employer. However, applications 
    have actually decreased since the implementation of the new program. 
    Not only has usage not increased under the program revisions, there has 
    actually been a reversal of an existing multi-year trend toward 
    increased program use. While factors other than the regulatory changes 
    may play a role in this decrease, the Department can not justify the 
    significant decrease in worker protections if the prior rules' goal of 
    increasing program use is not being accomplished.
    The Department believes that there are insufficient worker protections 
    in the attestation-based model in which employers merely confirm, and 
    do not actually demonstrate, that they have performed an adequate test 
    of the U.S. labor market. Even in the first year of the attestation 
    model, it has come to the Department's attention that employers, either 
    from a lack of understanding or otherwise, are attesting to compliance 
    with program obligations with which they have not complied. Such non-
    compliance appears to be sufficiently substantial and widespread for 
    the Department to revisit the use of attestations, even with the use of 
    back-end integrity measures for demonstrated non-compliance.
    The Department has also determined that the area in which agricultural 
    workers are most vulnerable -- wages -- has been adversely impacted to 
    a far more significant extent than anticipated by the 2008 Final Rule. 
    The shift from the AEWR as calculated under the 1987 Rule to the AEWR 
    of the 2008 Final Rule resulted in a substantial reduction of 
    farmworker wages in a number of labor categories, and the obvious 
    effects of that reduction on the workers' and their families' ability 
    to meet necessary costs is an important concern.
    Summary of Legal Basis:
    These proposed regulations are authorized under Section 
    101(a)(15)(H)(ii)(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as 
    amended. 8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)(H)(ii)(a); see also 8 U.S.C. 1184(c)(1) 
    and 1188.
    The Department took into account both the regulations promulgated in 
    1987, as well as the significant reworking of the regulations in the 
    2008 Final Rule, in order to arrive at a balance between the worker 
    protections of the 1987 Rule and the program integrity measures of the 
    2008 Final Rule.
    Anticipated Cost and Benefits:
    Preliminary estimates of the anticipated monetized costs of this 
    proposed regulatory action are $10.56 million in 2009 to $18.07 million 
    in 2018. A final estimate of costs and benefits will be prepared at the 
    Final Rule stage in response to public comments.
    Action                            Date                        FR Cite
    NPRM                            02/13/08                     73 FR 8538
    NPRM Comment Period End         03/31/08
    NPRM Comment Period 
        Extended                    04/14/08                    73 FR 16243
    Final Rule                      12/18/08                    73 FR 77110
    Final Rule Effective            01/17/09
    Notice of Proposed 
        Suspension                  03/17/09                    74 FR 11408
    Comment Period End              03/27/09
    Notice of Final 
        Suspension                  05/29/09                    74 FR 25972
    NPRM                            09/04/09                    74 FR 45905
    NPRM Comment Period End         10/05/09
    NPRM Comment Period 
        Extended                    10/20/09                    74 FR 50929
    Final Rule                      02/00/10
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required:
    Small Entities Affected:
    Government Levels Affected:
    Federal, State
    Agency Contact:
    Dr. William L. Carlson
    Administrator, Office of Foreign Labor Certification
    Department of Labor
    Employment and Training Administration
    FP Building
    Room C-4312
    200 Constitution Avenue NW.
    Washington, DC 20210
    Phone: 202 693-3010
    Email: carlson.william@dol.gov
    RIN: 1205-AB55
    DOL--Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA)
                                 PRERULE STAGE
    Other Significant. Major status under 5 USC 801 is undetermined.
    Unfunded Mandates:
    Legal Authority:
    29 USC 1135; ERISA sec 505
    CFR Citation:
    Not Yet Determined
    Legal Deadline:
    This initiative will explore what steps, if any, that the Department 
    could or should take, by regulation or otherwise, to enhance the 
    retirement security of American workers by facilitating access to and 
    use of lifetime income or income arrangements designed to provide a 
    stream of income after retirement.
    Statement of Need:
    With a continuing trend away from defined benefit plans to defined 
    contribution plans, employees are not only increasingly responsible for 
    the adequacy of their retirement savings, but also for ensuring that 
    their savings last throughout their retirement. Employees may benefit 
    from access to and use of lifetime income or other arrangements that 
    will reduce the risk of running out of funds during the retirement 
    years. However, both access to and use of such arrangements in defined 
    contribution plans is limited.
    [[Page 64275]]
    The Department, taking into consideration recommendations of the ERISA 
    Advisory Council and others, intends to explore what steps, if any, it 
    could or should take, by regulation or otherwise, to enhance the 
    retirement security of workers by increasing access to and use of such 
    Summary of Legal Basis:
    Section 505 of ERISA provides that the Secretary may prescribe such 
    regulations as she finds necessary and appropriate to carry out the 
    provisions of title I of the Act.
    Alternatives will be considered following a determination of the scope 
    and nature of the regulatory guidance needed by the public.
    Anticipated Cost and Benefits:
    Preliminary estimates of the anticipated costs and benefits will be 
    developed, as appropriate, following a determination regarding the 
    alternatives to be considered.
    Action                            Date                        FR Cite
    RFI                             01/00/10
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required:
    Government Levels Affected:
    Agency Contact:
    Jeffrey J. Turner
    Chief, Division of Regulations, Office of Regulations and 
    Department of Labor
    Employee Benefits Security Administration
    200 Constitution Avenue NW.
    FP Building
    Rm N-5655
    Washington, DC 20210
    Phone: 202 693-8500
    RIN: 1210-AB33
                              PROPOSED RULE STAGE
    Economically Significant. Major under 5 USC 801.
    Unfunded Mandates:
    Legal Authority:
    29 USC 1002; ERISA sec 3(21); 29 USC 1135; ERISA sec 505
    CFR Citation:
    29 CFR 2510.3-21(c)
    Legal Deadline:
    This rulemaking would amend the regulatory definition of the term 
    ``fiduciary'' set forth at 29 CFR 2510.3-21 (c) to more broadly define 
    as employee benefit plan fiduciaries persons who render investment 
    advice to plans for a fee within the meaning of section 3(21) of ERISA. 
    The amendment would take into account current practices of investment 
    advisers and the expectations of plan officials and participants who 
    receive investment advice.
    Statement of Need:
    This rulemaking is needed to bring the definition of ``fiduciary'' into 
    line with investment advice practices and to recast the current 
    regulation to better reflect relationships between investment advisers 
    and their employee benefit plan clients. The current regulation may 
    inappropriately limit the types of investment advice relationships that 
    should give rise to fiduciary duties on the part of the investment 
    Summary of Legal Basis:
    Section 505 of ERISA provides that the Secretary may prescribe such 
    regulations as she finds necessary and appropriate to carry out the 
    provisions of title I of the Act. Regulation 29 CFR 2510.3-21(c) 
    defines the term fiduciary for certain purposes under section 3(21) of 
    Alternatives will be considered following a determination of the scope 
    and nature of the regulatory guidance needed by the public.
    Anticipated Cost and Benefits:
    Preliminary estimates of the anticipated costs and benefits will be 
    developed, as appropriate, following a determination regarding the 
    alternatives to be considered.
    Action                            Date                        FR Cite
    NPRM                            06/00/10
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required:
    Government Levels Affected:
    Agency Contact:
    Jeffrey J. Turner
    Chief, Division of Regulations, Office of Regulations and 
    Department of Labor
    Employee Benefits Security Administration
    200 Constitution Avenue NW.
    FP Building
    Rm N-5655
    Washington, DC 20210
    Phone: 202 693-8500
    RIN: 1210-AB32
    Other Significant. Major status under 5 USC 801 is undetermined.
    Unfunded Mandates:
    Legal Authority:
    29 USC 1135; ERISA sec 505
    CFR Citation:
    29 CFR 2510.3-1
    Legal Deadline:
    Department of Labor regulation 29 C.F.R. 2510.3-1 clarifies the 
    definition of the terms ``employee welfare benefit plan'' and ``welfare 
    plan'' for purposes
    [[Page 64276]]
    of title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 
    (ERISA) by identifying certain practices which do not constitute 
    employee welfare benefit plans. This rulemaking would amend that 
    regulation to clarify the circumstances under which health care 
    arrangements established or maintained by state or local governments 
    for the benefit of non-governmental employees do not constitute an 
    employee welfare benefit plan for purposes of section 3(1) of ERISA and 
    29 CFR 2510.3-1.
    Statement of Need:
    Questions have been raised regarding the extent to which health care 
    reform efforts on the part of state and local governments result in the 
    creation of ERISA-covered employee welfare benefit plans or otherwise 
    implicate ERISA. This regulation is needed to provide certainty to both 
    governmental bodies and employers concerning the application of ERISA 
    to such efforts.
    Summary of Legal Basis:
    Section 505 of ERISA provides that the Secretary may prescribe such 
    regulations as she finds necessary and appropriate to carry out the 
    provisions of title I of the Act. Regulation 29 CFR 2510.3-1 clarifies 
    definitions of the terms ``employee welfare benefit plan'' and 
    ``welfare plan'' for purposes of title I of ERISA.
    Alternatives will be considered following a determination of the scope 
    and nature of the regulatory guidance needed by the public.
    Anticipated Cost and Benefits:
    Preliminary estimates of the anticipated costs and benefits will be 
    developed, as appropriate, following a determination regarding the 
    alternatives to be considered.
    Action                            Date                        FR Cite
    NPRM                            09/00/10
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required:
    Government Levels Affected:
    Agency Contact:
    Jeffrey J. Turner
    Chief, Division of Regulations, Office of Regulations and 
    Department of Labor
    Employee Benefits Security Administration
    200 Constitution Avenue NW.
    FP Building
    Rm N-5655
    Washington, DC 20210
    Phone: 202 693-8500
    RIN: 1210-AB34
                                FINAL RULE STAGE
    Other Significant
    Legal Authority:
    29 USC 1182; 29 USC 1191b(d); 29 USC 1132
    CFR Citation:
    Not Yet Determined
    Legal Deadline:
    Final, Statutory, May 21, 2009, As per GINA section 101(f)(1).
    Pursuant to ERISA sections 702, 733(d), and 502, as amended by the 
    Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA) (Pub. L. 110-
    233) enacted May 21, 2008, the Department is developing regulatory 
    guidance. Regulatory guidance will provide clarification regarding 
    GINA's prohibition against discrimination in group premiums based on 
    genetic information, its limitations on genetic testing, its 
    prohibition on collection of genetic information, and its new civil 
    monetary penalties under ERISA.
    Statement of Need:
    GINA section 101(f)(1) requires the Secretary to issue regulations to 
    carry out its statutory provisions no later than May 21, 2009.
    Summary of Legal Basis:
    Section 505 of ERISA provides that the Secretary may prescribe such 
    regulations as she considers necessary and appropriate to carry out the 
    provisions of title I of ERISA. Section 734 of ERISA provides that the 
    Secretary may promulgate such regulations as may be necessary or 
    appropriate to carry out the provisions of part 7 of ERISA. In 
    addition, GINA section 101(f) requires the Secretary to issue 
    regulations to carry out GINA's amendments.
    Alternatives will be considered following a determination of the scope 
    and nature of the regulatory guidance needed by the public.
    Anticipated Cost and Benefits:
    Preliminary estimates of the anticipated costs and benefits will be 
    developed, as appropriate, following a determination regarding the 
    alternatives to be considered.
    Action                            Date                        FR Cite
    Request for Information         10/10/08                    73 FR 60208
    Request for Information 
        Comment Period End          12/09/08
    Interim Final Rule              10/07/09                    74 FR 51664
    Interim Final Rule 
        Effective                   12/07/09
    Interim Final Rule 
        Comment Period End          01/05/10
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required:
    Government Levels Affected:
    Agency Contact:
    Amy J. Turner
    Senior Advisor
    Department of Labor
    Employee Benefits Security Administration
    200 Constitution Avenue NW.
    FP Building
    Room N-5653
    Washington, DC 20210
    Phone: 202 693-8335
    Fax: 202 219-1942
    RIN: 1210-AB27
    Other Significant. Major status under 5 USC 801 is undetermined.
    Unfunded Mandates:
    [[Page 64277]]
    Legal Authority:
    29 USC 1185a
    CFR Citation:
    Not Yet Determined
    Legal Deadline:
    Final, Statutory, October 8, 2009, as per MHPAEA section 512(d).
    Pursuant to ERISA section 712, as amended by the Paul Wellstone and 
    Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 
    (MHPAEA) (Pub. L. 110-343) enacted on October 8, 2008, the Department 
    is developing regulatory guidance.
    Statement of Need:
    In response to a Request for Information in April 2008, over 400 
    comment letters were received raising questions regarding compliance 
    with the federal parity provisions. This regulation is needed to 
    provide clarifications to participants, beneficiaries, health care 
    providers, employment-based health plans, health insurance issuers, 
    third-party administrators, brokers, underwriters, and other plan 
    service providers regarding such provisions.
    Summary of Legal Basis:
    Section 505 of ERISA provides that the Secretary may prescribe such 
    regulations as she finds necessary and appropriate to carry out the 
    provisions of title I of the Act. Section 734 of ERISA provides that 
    the Secretary may prescribe regulations necessary or appropriate to 
    carry out the provisions of ERISA Part 7. MHPAEA created new federal 
    parity provisions in ERISA section 712 and provides, in section 512(d), 
    that the Secretary shall issue regulations to carry out the provisions 
    of MHPAEA.
    Alternatives will be considered following a determination of the scope 
    and nature of the regulatory guidance needed by the public.
    Anticipated Cost and Benefits:
    Preliminary estimates of the anticipated costs and benefits will be 
    developed, as appropriate, following a determination regarding the 
    alternatives to be considered.
    Action                            Date                        FR Cite
    Request for Information         04/28/09                    74 FR 19155
    Request for Information 
        Comment Period End          05/28/09
    Interim Final Rule              04/00/10
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required:
    Government Levels Affected:
    Agency Contact:
    Amy J. Turner
    Senior Advisor
    Department of Labor
    Employee Benefits Security Administration
    200 Constitution Avenue NW.
    FP Building
    Room N-5653
    Washington, DC 20210
    Phone: 202 693-8335
    Fax: 202 219-1942
    Related RIN: Related to 0938-AP65, Related to 1545-BI70
    RIN: 1210-AB30
    DOL--Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)
                                 PRERULE STAGE
    Other Significant
    Unfunded Mandates:
    Legal Authority:
    30 USC 811; 30 USC 812
    CFR Citation:
    30 CFR 56; 30 CFR 57
    Legal Deadline:
    Water, sediment, and slurry impoundments for metal and nonmetal mining 
    and milling operations are located throughout the country. Some of 
    these impoundments would impact homes, well-traveled roads, and other 
    important infrastructure if they were to fail. Impoundment failures 
    could endanger lives and cause property damage. MSHA will issue an 
    advance notice of proposed rulemaking to solicit information relative 
    to proper design, construction, operation, maintenance, and other 
    safety issues for impoundments at metal and nonmetal mines whose 
    failure could cause loss of life or significant property damage.
    Statement of Need:
    Mining operations regularly find it necessary to construct dams to 
    dispose of large volumes of mine waste (tailings or slurry) from 
    processing operations, or to provide water supply, sediment control, or 
    water treatment. Impoundments are structures that are used to impound 
    water, sediment, or slurry or any combination of materials. Dams that 
    form impoundments must be designed to be stable under the various 
    conditions they will be subjected to, including runoff from rainfall, 
    seepage, and possibly earthquake shaking. The failure of these 
    structures can have a devastating effect on both the mine and nearby 
    Every two years since 1980, a report has been prepared by the Federal 
    Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and sent to Congress on the status 
    of dam safety in the U.S. These reports are required by a 1979 
    Presidential Memorandum which directed the Federal agencies responsible 
    for dams to adopt and implement the Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety. 
    MSHA has been criticized in these biennial reports for its lack of 
    regulation of metal and nonmetal dams. MSHA's Metal and Nonmetal 
    standards do not provide sufficient guidance to determine what is 
    needed to effectively design and construct dams with high or 
    significant hazard potential. The Metal and Nonmetal standards need to 
    more effectively address requirements for dam design, construction, 
    operation and maintenance.
    Summary of Legal Basis:
    Promulgation of this regulation is authorized by the Federal Mine 
    Safety and Health Act of 1977 as amended by the Mine Improvement and 
    New Emergency Response Act of 2006.
    MSHA is considering amendments, revisions, and additions to existing 
    Anticipated Cost and Benefits:
    MSHA will develop a preliminary regulatory economic analysis to
    [[Page 64278]]
    accompany any proposed rule that may be developed.
    The failure of impoundments can have a devastating affect on both the 
    mine and nearby communities by causing loss of life and property 
    Action                            Date                        FR Cite
    ANPRM                           06/00/10
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required:
    Small Entities Affected:
    Government Levels Affected:
    Agency Contact:
    Patricia W. Silvey
    Director, Office of Standards, Regulations, and Variances
    Department of Labor
    Mine Safety and Health Administration
    1100 Wilson Boulevard
    Room 2350
    Arlington, VA 22209-3939
    Phone: 202 693-9440
    Fax: 202 693-9441
    Email: silvey.patricia@dol.gov
    RIN: 1219-AB70
                              PROPOSED RULE STAGE
    Other Significant
    Legal Authority:
    30 USC 811; 30 USC 813
    CFR Citation:
    30 CFR 56 to 57; 30 CFR 70 to 72; 30 CFR 90
    Legal Deadline:
    Current standards limit exposures to quartz (crystalline silica) in 
    respirable dust. The coal mining industry standard is based on the 
    formula 10mg/m3 divided by the percentage of quartz where the quartz 
    percent is greater than 5.0 percent calculated as an MRE equivalent 
    concentration. The metal and nonmetal mining industry standard is based 
    on the 1973 American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists 
    (ACGIH) Threshold Limit Values formula: 10 mg/m3 divided by the 
    percentage of quartz plus 2. Overexposure to crystalline silica can 
    result in some miners developing silicosis, an irreversible but 
    preventable lung disease, which ultimately may be fatal. Both formulas 
    are designed to limit exposures to 0.1 mg/m3 (100ug) of silica. The 
    Secretary of Labor's Advisory Committee on the Elimination of 
    Pneumoconiosis Among Coal Mine Workers made several recommendations 
    related to reducing exposure to silica. NIOSH recommends a 50 ug/m3 
    exposure limit for respirable crystalline silica, and ACGIH recommends 
    a 25 ug/m3 exposure limit. MSHA will publish a proposed rule to address 
    miners' exposure to respirable crystalline silica.
    Statement of Need:
    MSHA standards are outdated; current regulations may not protect 
    workers from developing silicosis. Evidence indicates that miners 
    continue to develop silicosis. MSHA's proposed regulatory action 
    exemplifies the agency's commitment to protecting the most vulnerable 
    populations while assuring broad-based compliance. MSHA will regulate 
    to eliminate or reduce the hazards with the broadest and most serious 
    consequences based on sound science. MSHA intends to use OSHA's work on 
    the health effects and risk assessment, adapting it as necessary for 
    the mining industry.
    Summary of Legal Basis:
    Promulgation of this standard is authorized by sections 101 and 103 of 
    the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977.
    This rulemaking would amend and improve health protection from that 
    afforded by the existing standard. MSHA will consider alternative 
    methods of addressing miners' exposure based on the capabilities of the 
    sampling and analytical methods.
    Anticipated Cost and Benefits:
    MSHA will prepare estimates of the anticipated costs and benefits 
    associated with the proposed rule.
    For over 70 years, toxicology information and epidemiological studies 
    have shown that exposure to respirable crystalline silica presents 
    potential health risks to miners. These potential adverse health 
    effects include simple silicosis, progressive massive fibrosis (lung 
    scarring). Evidence indicates that exposure to silica may cause cancer. 
    MSHA believes that the health evidence forms a reasonable basis for 
    reducing miners' exposure to respirable crystalline silica.
    Action                            Date                        FR Cite
    NPRM                            04/00/11
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required:
    Small Entities Affected:
     Businesses, Governmental Jurisdictions
    Government Levels Affected:
    Local, State
    URL For More Information:
    URL For Public Comments:
    Agency Contact:
    Patricia W. Silvey
    Director, Office of Standards, Regulations, and Variances
    Department of Labor
    Mine Safety and Health Administration
    1100 Wilson Boulevard
    Room 2350
    Arlington, VA 22209-3939
    Phone: 202 693-9440
    Fax: 202 693-9441
    Email: silvey.patricia@dol.gov
    RIN: 1219-AB36
    Other Significant
    Unfunded Mandates:
    Legal Authority:
    30 USC 811; 30 USC 812
    CFR Citation:
    30 CFR 70; 30 CFR 71; 30 CFR 75; 30 CFR 90
    Legal Deadline:
    [[Page 64279]]
    The Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969 established the 
    first comprehensive respirable dust standards for coal mines. These 
    standards were designed to reduce the incidence of coal workers' 
    pneumoconiosis (black lung) and silicosis and eventually eliminate 
    these diseases. While significant progress has been made toward 
    improving the health conditions in our Nation's coal mines, miners 
    continue to be at risk of developing occupational lung disease, 
    according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health 
    (NIOSH). In September 1995, NIOSH issued a Criteria Document in which 
    it recommended that the respirable coal mine dust permissible exposure 
    limit (PEL) be cut in half. In February 1996, the Secretary of Labor 
    convened a Federal Advisory Committee on the Elimination of 
    Pneumoconiosis Among Coal Miners (Advisory Committee) to assess the 
    adequacy of MSHA's current program and standards to control respirable 
    dust in underground and surface coal mines, as well as other ways to 
    eliminate black lung and silicosis among coal miners. The Committee 
    represented the labor, industry and academic communities. The Committee 
    submitted its report to the Secretary of Labor in November 1996, with 
    the majority of the recommendations unanimously supported by the 
    Committee members. The Committee recommended a number of actions to 
    reduce miners' exposure to respirable coal mine dust. MSHA will publish 
    a proposed rule to address miners' exposure to respirable coal mine 
    Statement of Need:
    Comprehensive respirable dust standards for coal mines were designed to 
    reduce the incidence, and eventually eliminate, CWP and silicosis. 
    While significant progress has been made toward improving the health 
    conditions in our Nation's coal mines, miners remain at risk of 
    developing occupational lung disease, according to NIOSH. Recent NIOSH 
    data indicates increased prevalence of CWP ``clusters'' in several 
    geographical areas, particularly in the Southern Appalachian Region.
    Summary of Legal Basis:
    Promulgation of this regulation is authorized by the Federal Mine 
    Safety and Health Act of 1977 as amended by the Mine Improvement and 
    New Emergency Response Act of 2006.
    MSHA is considering amendments, revisions, and additions to existing 
    Anticipated Cost and Benefits:
    MSHA will develop a preliminary regulatory economic analysis to 
    accompany the proposed rule.
    Respirable coal dust is one of the most serious occupational hazards in 
    the mining industry. Occupational exposure to excessive levels of 
    respirable coal mine dust can cause workers' pneumoconiosis and 
    silicosis, which are potentially disabling and can cause death. MSHA is 
    pursuing both regulatory and nonregulatory actions to eliminate these 
    diseases through the control of coal mine respirable dust levels in 
    mines and reduction of miners' exposure. MSHA will develop a risk 
    assessment to accompany the proposed rule.
    Action                            Date                        FR Cite
    NPRM                            09/00/10
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required:
    Small Entities Affected:
    Government Levels Affected:
    Additional Information:
    1219-AB14 (Verification of Underground Coal Mine Operators' Dust 
    Control Plans and Compliance Sampling for Respirable Dust) and 1219-
    AB18 (Determination of Concentration of Respirable Coal Mine Dust) have 
    been integrated.
    Agency Contact:
    Patricia W. Silvey
    Director, Office of Standards, Regulations, and Variances
    Department of Labor
    Mine Safety and Health Administration
    1100 Wilson Boulevard
    Room 2350
    Arlington, VA 22209-3939
    Phone: 202 693-9440
    Fax: 202 693-9441
    Email: silvey.patricia@dol.gov
    Related RIN: Related to 1219-AA81, Related to 1219-AB14, Related to 
    RIN: 1219-AB64
    DOL--Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
                                 PRERULE STAGE
    Economically Significant. Major under 5 USC 801.
    Unfunded Mandates:
    This action may affect State, local or tribal governments.
    Legal Authority:
    29 USC 655(b); 29 USC 657
    CFR Citation:
    29 CFR 1910; 29 CFR 1915; 29 CFR 1917; 29 CFR 1918; 29 CFR 1926
    Legal Deadline:
    Crystalline silica is a significant component of the earth's crust, and 
    many workers in a wide range of industries are exposed to it, usually 
    in the form of respirable quartz or, less frequently, cristobalite. 
    Chronic silicosis is a uniquely occupational disease resulting from 
    exposure of employees over long periods of time (10 years or more). 
    Exposure to high levels of respirable crystalline silica causes acute 
    or accelerated forms of silicosis that are ultimately fatal. The 
    current OSHA permissible exposure limit (PEL) for general industry is 
    based on a formula recommended by the American Conference of 
    Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) in 1971 (PEL=10mg/cubic 
    meter/(% silica + 2), as respirable dust). The current PEL for 
    construction and maritime (derived from ACGIH's 1962 Threshold Limit 
    Value) is based on particle counting technology, which is considered 
    obsolete. NIOSH and ACGIH recommend 50[micro]g/m3 and 25[micro]g/m3 
    exposure limits, respectively, for respirable crystalline silica.
    Both industry and worker groups have recognized that a comprehensive 
    standard for crystalline silica is needed to provide for exposure 
    monitoring, medical surveillance, and worker training. The American 
    Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) has published a recommended 
    standard for addressing the hazards of crystalline silica. The Building 
    Construction Trades Department of the AFL-CIO has
    [[Page 64280]]
    also developed a recommended comprehensive program standard. These 
    standards include provisions for methods of compliance, exposure 
    monitoring, training, and medical surveillance.
    Statement of Need:
    Workers are exposed to crystalline silica dust in general industry, 
    construction, and maritime industries. Industries that could be 
    particularly affected by a standard for crystalline silica include: 
    Foundries, industries that have abrasive blasting operations, paint 
    manufacture, glass and concrete product manufacture, brick making, 
    china and pottery manufacture, manufacture of plumbing fixtures, and 
    many construction activities including highway repair, masonry, 
    concrete work, rock drilling, and tuckpointing. The seriousness of the 
    health hazards associated with silica exposure is demonstrated by the 
    fatalities and disabling illnesses that continue to occur; between 1990 
    and 1996, 200 to 300 deaths per year are known to have occurred where 
    silicosis was identified on death certificates as an underlying or 
    contributing cause of death. It is likely that many more cases have 
    occurred where silicosis went undetected. In addition, the 
    International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has designated 
    crystalline silica as a known human carcinogen. Exposure to crystalline 
    silica has also been associated with an increased risk of developing 
    tuberculosis and other nonmalignant respiratory diseases, as well as 
    renal and autoimmune respiratory diseases. Exposure studies and OSHA 
    enforcement data indicate that some workers continue to be exposed to 
    levels of crystalline silica far in excess of current exposure limits. 
    Congress has included compensation of silicosis victims on Federal 
    nuclear testing sites in the Energy Employees' Occupational Illness 
    Compensation Program Act of 2000. There is a particular need for the 
    Agency to modernize its exposure limits for construction and maritime 
    workers, and to address some specific issues that will need to be 
    resolved to propose a comprehensive standard.
    Summary of Legal Basis:
    The legal basis for the proposed rule is a preliminary determination 
    that workers are exposed to a significant risk of silicosis and other 
    serious disease and that rulemaking is needed to substantially reduce 
    the risk. In addition, the proposed rule will recognize that the PELs 
    for construction and maritime are outdated and need to be revised to 
    reflect current sampling and analytical technologies.
    Over the past several years, the Agency has attempted to address this 
    problem through a variety of non-regulatory approaches, including 
    initiation of a Special Emphasis Program on silica in October 1997, 
    sponsorship with NIOSH and MSHA of the National Conference to Eliminate 
    Silicosis, and dissemination of guidance information on its Web site. 
    The Agency is currently evaluating several options for the scope of the 
    Anticipated Cost and Benefits:
    The scope of the proposed rulemaking and estimates of the costs and 
    benefits are still under development.
    A detailed risk analysis is under way.
    Action                            Date                        FR Cite
    Completed SBREFA Report         12/19/03
    Initiate Peer Review of 
        Health Effects and 
        Risk Assessment             05/22/09
    Complete Peer Review            01/00/10
    NPRM                            07/00/10
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required:
    Small Entities Affected:
    Government Levels Affected:
     This action may have federalism implications as defined in EO 13132.
    Agency Contact:
    Dorothy Dougherty
    Director, Directorate of Standards and Guidance
    Department of Labor
    Occupational Safety and Health Administration
    200 Constitution Avenue NW.
    FP Building
    Room N-3718
    Washington, DC 20210
    Phone: 202 693-1950
    Fax: 202 693-1678
    Email: dougherty.dorothy@dol.gov
    RIN: 1218-AB70
                              PROPOSED RULE STAGE
    Economically Significant. Major under 5 USC 801.
    Unfunded Mandates:
    This action may affect the private sector under PL 104-4.
    Legal Authority:
    29 USC 655(b); 29 USC 657
    CFR Citation:
    29 CFR 1910.1200; 29 CFR 1915.1200; 29 CFR 1917.28; 29 CFR 1918.90; 29 
    CFR 1926.59; 29 CFR 1928.21
    Legal Deadline:
    OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) requires chemical 
    manufacturers and importers to evaluate the hazards of the chemicals 
    they produce or import, and prepare labels and material safety data 
    sheets to convey the hazards and associated protective measures to 
    users of the chemicals. All employers with hazardous chemicals in their 
    workplaces are required to have a hazard communication program, 
    including labels on containers, material safety data sheets (MSDS), and 
    training for employees. Within the United States (U.S.), there are 
    other Federal agencies that also have requirements for classification 
    and labeling of chemicals at different stages of the life cycle. 
    Internationally, there are a number of countries that have developed 
    similar laws that require information about chemicals to be prepared 
    and transmitted to affected parties. These laws vary with regard to the 
    scope of substances covered, definitions of hazards, the specificity of 
    requirements (e.g., specification of a format for MSDSs), and the use 
    of symbols and pictograms. The inconsistencies between the various laws 
    are substantial enough that different labels and safety data sheets 
    must often be used for the same product when it is marketed in 
    different nations.
    The diverse and sometimes conflicting national and international 
    requirements can create confusion among those who seek to use hazard 
    information. Labels and safety data sheets may include
    [[Page 64281]]
    symbols and hazard statements that are unfamiliar to readers or not 
    well understood. Containers may be labeled with such a large volume of 
    information that important statements are not easily recognized. 
    Development of multiple sets of labels and safety data sheets is a 
    major compliance burden for chemical manufacturers, distributors, and 
    transporters involved in international trade. Small businesses may have 
    particular difficulty in coping with the complexities and costs 
    As a result of this situation, and in recognition of the extensive 
    international trade in chemicals, there has been a long-standing effort 
    to harmonize these requirements and develop a system that can be used 
    around the world. In 2003, the United Nations adopted the Globally 
    Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS). 
    Countries are now adopting the GHS into their national regulatory 
    systems. OSHA is considering modifying its HCS to make it consistent 
    with the GHS. This would involve changing the criteria for classifying 
    health and physical hazards, adopting standardized labeling 
    requirements, and requiring a standardized order of information for 
    safety data sheets.
    Statement of Need:
    Multiple sets of requirements for labels and safety data sheets present 
    a compliance burden for U.S. manufacturers, distributors, and 
    transports involved in international trade. Adoption of the GHS would 
    facilitate international trade in chemicals, reduce the burdens caused 
    by having to comply with differing requirements for the same product, 
    and allow companies that have not had the resources to deal with those 
    burdens to be involved in international trade. This is particularly 
    important for small producers who may be precluded currently from 
    international trade because of the compliance resources required to 
    address the extensive regulatory requirements for classification and 
    labeling of chemicals. Thus every producer is likely to experience some 
    benefits from domestic harmonization, in addition to the benefits that 
    will accrue to producers involved in international trade.
    Most importantly, comprehensibility of hazard information and worker 
    safety will be enhanced as the GHS will: (1) provide consistent 
    information and definitions for hazardous chemicals; (2) address 
    stakeholder concerns regarding the need for a standardized format for 
    material safety data sheets; and (3) increase understanding by using 
    standardized pictograms and harmonized hazard statements. The increase 
    in comprehensibility and consistency will reduce confusion and thus 
    improve worker safety and health.
    Several nations, including the European Union, have adopted the GHS 
    with an implementation schedule through 2015. U.S. manufacturers, 
    employers, and employees will be at a disadvantage in the event that 
    our system of hazard communication is not compliant with the GHS.
    Summary of Legal Basis:
    The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 authorizes the Secretary 
    of Labor to set mandatory occupational safety and health standards to 
    assure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women 
    (29 U.S.C. 651).
    The alternative to the proposed rulemaking would be to take no 
    regulatory action.
    Anticipated Cost and Benefits:
    The estimates of the costs and benefits are still under development.
    OSHA's risk analysis is under development.
    Action                            Date                        FR Cite
    ANPRM                           09/12/06                    71 FR 53617
    ANPRM Comment Period End        11/13/06
    Complete Peer Review of 
        Economic Analysis           11/19/07
    NPRM                            09/30/09                    74 FR 50279
    NPRM Comment Period End         12/29/09
    Hearing                         02/00/10
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required:
    Government Levels Affected:
    Local, State
     This action may have federalism implications as defined in EO 13132.
    Agency Contact:
    Dorothy Dougherty
    Director, Directorate of Standards and Guidance
    Department of Labor
    Occupational Safety and Health Administration
    200 Constitution Avenue NW.
    FP Building
    Room N-3718
    Washington, DC 20210
    Phone: 202 693-1950
    Fax: 202 693-1678
    Email: dougherty.dorothy@dol.gov
    RIN: 1218-AC20
                                FINAL RULE STAGE
    Economically Significant. Major under 5 USC 801.
    Legal Authority:
    29 USC 651(b); 29 USC 655(b); 40 USC 333
    CFR Citation:
    29 CFR 1926
    Legal Deadline:
    A number of industry stakeholders asked OSHA to update the cranes and 
    derricks portion of subpart N (29 CFR 1926.550), specifically 
    requesting that negotiated rulemaking be used.
    In 2002, OSHA published a notice of intent to establish a negotiated 
    rulemaking committee. A year later, in 2003, committee members were 
    announced and the Cranes and Derricks Negotiated Rulemaking Committee 
    was established and held its first meeting. In July 2004, the committee 
    reached consensus on all issues resulting in a final consensus 
    Statement of Need:
    There have been considerable technological changes since the consensus 
    standards upon which the 1971 OSHA standard is based were developed. In 
    addition, industry consensus standards for derricks and crawler, truck 
    and locomotive cranes were updated as recently as 2004.
    The industry indicated that over the past 30 years, considerable 
    changes in
    [[Page 64282]]
    both work processes and crane technology have occurred. There are 
    estimated to be 64 to 89 fatalities associated with cranes each year in 
    construction, and a more up-to-date standard would help prevent them.
    Summary of Legal Basis:
    The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 authorizes the Secretary 
    of Labor to set mandatory occupational safety and health standards to 
    assure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women 
    (29 USC 651).
    The alternative to the proposed rulemaking would be to take no 
    regulatory action and not update the standards in 29 CFR 1926.550 
    pertaining to cranes and derricks.
    Anticipated Cost and Benefits:
    The estimates of the costs and benefits are still under development.
    OSHA's risk analysis is under development.
    Action                            Date                        FR Cite
    Notice of Intent To 
        Establish Negotiated 
        Rulemaking                  07/16/02                    67 FR 46612
    Comment Period End              09/16/02
    Request for Comments on 
        Proposed Committee 
        Members                     02/27/03                     68 FR 9036
    Request for Comments 
        Period End                  03/31/03                     68 FR 9036
    Established Negotiated 
        Rulemaking Committee        06/12/03                    68 FR 35172
    Rulemaking Negotiations 
        Completed                   07/30/04
    SBREFA Report                   10/17/06
    NPRM                            10/09/08                    73 FR 59714
    NPRM Comment Period 
        Extended                    12/02/08                    73 FR 73197
    NPRM Comment Period End         01/22/09
    Public Hearing                  03/20/09
    Close Record                    06/18/09
    Final Rule                      07/00/10
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required:
    Small Entities Affected:
    Government Levels Affected:
    Agency Contact:
    Noah Connell
    Deputy Director, Directorate of Construction
    Department of Labor
    Occupational Safety and Health Administration
    200 Constitution Avenue NW.
    FP Building
    Room N-3468
    Washington, DC 20210
    Phone: 202 693-2020
    Fax: 202 693-1689
    RIN: 1218-AC01
    BILLING CODE 4510-23-S

Document Information

Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Document Number:
64264-64282 (19 pages)
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