06-9550. Medicare Program; Revisions to Payment Policies, Five-Year Review of Work Relative Value Units, and Changes to the Practice Expense Methodology Under the Physician Fee Schedule, and Other Changes to Payment Under Part B; Corrections  

  • Start Preamble


    Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.




    This correction document corrects a limited number of technical and typographical errors in the final rule with comment period that appeared in the December 1, 2006 Federal Register (71 FR 69624). The final rule with comment period addressed Medicare Part B payment policy, including the physician fee schedule (PFS) that is applicable for calendar year (CY) 2007, finalized the CY 2006 interim relative value units (RVUs), and established interim RVUs for new and revised procedure codes for CY 2007.


    This correction notice is effective January 1, 2007.

    Start Further Info


    Diane Milstead, (410) 786-3355.

    End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information


    I. Background

    In FR Doc. 06-9086 (71 FR 69624), the final rule with comment period entitled “Medicare Program; Revisions to Payment Policies, Five-Year Review of Work Relative Value Units, and Changes to the Practice Expense Methodology Under the Physician Fee Schedule, and Other Changes to Payment Under Part B; Revisions to the Payment Policies of Ambulance Services Under the Fee Schedule for Ambulance Services; Ambulance Inflation Factor Update for CY 2007” (hereinafter referred to as the CY 2007 final rule with comment period), there were technical and typographical errors that are identified and corrected in this correction notice. The provisions of this correction notice are effective January 1, 2007.

    II. Summary of Errors

    A. Preamble

    In the preamble of the CY 2007 final rule with comment period, there were a number of technical errors and omissions.

    On page 69634, in step 8 of the Practice Expense (PE) methodology calculation, we erroneously stated in the parenthetical note that unadjusted work RVUs are used to calculate the service level allocators for indirect practice expenses (PEs) in this final rule.

    On pages 69636 and 69637, in Table 1, “Calculation of PE RVUs under Methodology For Selected Codes”, we found numerous errors that include amounts and row headings.

    On page 69640, under the discussion titled, “(4) Indirect PE RVUs Methodology” in the last sentence of the first response concerning the use of budget-neutralized work RVUs, we erroneously stated that we did not use the budget-neutralized work RVUs to calculate indirect PE.

    On page 69646, clarifying language was inadvertently omitted from the response.

    On page 69654, in Table 6, “Practice Expense Equipment Item Additions for CY 2007”, one of the equipment items is misspelled.

    On page 69692, the word “a” was inadvertently omitted from a response.

    On page 69694, the word “receiving” was erroneously omitted from a response.

    On pages 69741 through 69743, in Table 15, “AMA RUC and HCPAC recommendations and CMS' Decisions for New and Revised 2007 CPT Codes,” the title of the last column “2006 work RVUs” is incorrect.

    On page 69744, in Table 16, “AMA RUC Anesthesia Recommendations and CMS Decisions for New and Revised CPT codes”, the RUC-recommended base value for CPT code 00626 is incorrect.

    On page 69744, under section E. “Discussion of Codes for Which There Were No RUC recommendations or For Which the RUC Recommendations Were Not Accepted”, we inadvertently omitted the discussion related to CPT code 15830.

    On page 69747, we incorrectly stated that pricing information for an item was not provided.

    On page 69760, in section B “Anesthesia Fee Schedule Conversion Factor,” the discussion concerning the adjustment factor in Table 32 did not address all the included adjustments. In addition, Table 32 did not reflect the additional adjustment.

    On page 69768, in Table 35, a footnote was inadvertently omitted.

    On page 69770, in Table 36, a footnote was inadvertently omitted.

    These corrections are reflected in section III.A. of this correction notice.

    B. Addenda

    The following errors in Addenda B and C are revised under this correction notice. These addenda will not appear in the Code of Federal Regulations.

    In Addendum B, pages 69796 through 70011, we are making the following corrections:

    (1) An indicator “+” denoting that the published RVUs are not used was omitted from the following Physicians' Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) or alphanumeric Healthcare Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) codes:

    • 11000: 11975, 11977;
    • 15000: 15850;
    • 37000: 37216;
    • 38000: 38204, 38207, 38208, 38209, 38210, 38211, 38212, 38213, 38214, 38215;
    • 43000: 43842;
    • 58000: 58300;
    • 61000: 61630, 61635, 61640, 61641, 61642;
    • 72000: 72159, 72159-TC, 72159-26;
    • 73000: 73225, 73225-TC, 73225-26;
    • 76000: 76390, 76390-TC, 76390-26;
    • 78000: 78350, 78350-TC, 78350-26, 78351, 78890, 78890-TC, 78890-26, 78891, 78891-TC, 78891-26;
    • 90000: 90875, 90876, 90885, 90887, 90918, 90919, 90920, 90921, 90922, 90923, 90924, 90925; Start Printed Page 71063
    • 92000: 92015, 92310, 92314, 92340, 92341, 92342, 92352, 92353, 92354, 92355, 92358, 92370, 92371, 92551;
    • 93000: 93668, 93740, 93740-TC, 93740-26, 93770, 93770-TC, 93770-26;
    • 94000: 94005, 94150, 94150-TC, 94150-26;
    • 96000: 96040, 96155, 96902;
    • 97000: 97010, 97014, 97810, 97811, 97813, 97814;
    • 98000: 98943, 98960, 98961, 98962;
    • 99000: 99091, 99173, 99339, 99340, 99358, 99359, 99360, 99363, 99364, 99374, 99375, 99377, 99378, 99379, 99380, 99381, 99382, 99383, 99384, 99385, 99386, 99387, 99391, 99392, 99393, 99394, 99395, 99396, 99397, 99401, 99402, 99403, 99404, 99411, 99412, 99420;
    • G codes: G0122, G0122-TC, G0122-26, G0252-26, G0337.

    (2) Incorrect RVUs were listed for the following CPT codes: 38207, 38210, 38211, 38212, 38213, 38214, and 38215.

    (3) Incorrect practice expense RVUs were listed for the following CPT and HCPCS codes: 73223, 73323-TC, 76775, 76775-TC, 76775-26, 95060, 95065, G0389, G0389-TC, G0389-26, G0392, and G0393.

    (4) Incorrect status indicators and RVUs were listed for CPT codes 93235, 93624, and 93624-TC.

    In Addendum C, page 70015, an indicator “+” denoting that the published RVUs are not used was omitted from the following Physicians' Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) or alphanumeric Healthcare Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) codes:

    • 90000: 94005, 96040, 99363, and 99364.

    These corrections are reflected in section III.B. of this correction notice.

    III. Correction of Errors

    A. Correction of Errors in the Preamble

    1. On page 69634, in the 2nd column, in the 8th full paragraph, lines 11 through 13, in step 8 of the PE methodology calculation, the sentence “In this final rule, unadjusted work RVUs are used” is removed.

    2. On pages 69636 through 69637, in Table 1: Calculation of PE RVUs under Methodology for Selected Codes, the table is corrected to read as follows:

    Start Printed Page 71064

    Start Printed Page 71065

    Start Printed Page 71066

    3. On page 69640, in the 2nd column, the 1st full paragraph, the response beginning with the phrase “As discussed in section III.D.3. of this final rule with comment period * * *” and ending with the phrase “* * * budget-neutralized work RVUs to calculate indirect PE” is corrected to read as follows:

    “As discussed elsewhere in this rule, we do not believe it would be appropriate to allow the increases in work RVUs for certain services as a result of the 5-Year Review to reduce aggregate payments for PEs and professional liability under the Medicare PFS. Our final policy to use the budget-neutralized work RVUs in the calculation of indirect PEs appropriately maintains the current relationships between the work, PE, and professional liability (malpractice insurance expense) components of the PFS. We also believe it is important to apply the revised, budget-neutralized work RVUs consistently within the PFS framework. It would not be consistent to apply one set of work RVUs for work payments, but a different set for purposes of calculating indirect PEs. Therefore, we will base the calculation of both the work payments and the indirect PEs on the revised, budget-neutralized work RVUs adopted as part of this final rule, and maintain the overall current relationships between work, PE, and professional liability. The PE RVUs in Addendum B and throughout the rest of this rule reflect this policy.”

    4. On page 69646, in the 2nd column, the 4th full paragraph, the response “We will implement these changes for CY 2007” is corrected to read as follows: “We are implementing these changes for CY 2007. Because we are implementing the bottom-up methodology, which utilizes the direct inputs to determine the PE RVUs for CY 2007, a separate payment for the contrast media used in various imaging procedures will be available. In addition to the CPT code representing the imaging procedure, providers are instructed to use the appropriate HCPCS Q-code, Q9942 through Q9964, to separately bill for the contrast medium utilized in performing the service.”

    5. On page 69654, in Table 6, Practice Expense Equipment Item Additions for CY 2007, column 2, line 16, the word “Acerine” is corrected to read “Aerocrine.”

    6. On page 69692, in the 3rd column, 1st paragraph, line 10, the phrase “verified in large trial” is corrected to read as “verified in a large trial.”

    7. On page 69694, in the 3rd column, 3rd paragraph, lines 8 through 9, the phrase “may also be FDA-approved” is corrected to read “may also be receiving FDA-approved.”

    8. On pages 69741 through 69743, in Table 15, “AMA RUC and HCPAC recommendations and CMS” Decisions for New and Revised 2007 CPT Codes”, last column, the column heading, “2006 work RVU” is corrected to read “2007 work RVU”.

    9. On page 69744, in Table 16: AMA RUC Anesthesia Recommendations and CMS Decisions for New and Revised CPT Codes, column 3 (RUC-recommendation), line 2 (CPT code 00626), the value “13.00” is corrected to read “15.00.”

    10. On page 69744, in the 1st column, after the 2nd full paragraph following the table, after the sentence “This summary refers only to work RVUs” and before the sentence beginning “For CPT code 22857 * * * ” the following paragraph is added to read as follows:

    “For CPT code 15830, Excision, excessive skin and subcutaneous tissue (includes lipectomy); abdomen, infraumbilical panniculectomy, the RUC recommended 15.60 work RVUs. We reviewed the summary of recommendations for an add-on procedure to CPT code 15830, CPT code 15847, Excision, excessive skin and subcutaneous tissue (includes lipectomy); abdomen (eg, abdominoplasty) (includes umbilical transposition and fascial pilcation (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure), in which the RUC and the specialty society recommended that this code be carrier-priced to reduce the potential for abuse. In order to reduce the potential for abuse, we believe that, payment for CPT code 15830 should be similarly restricted and medical necessity should be established prior to payment. Therefore, we have assigned a status indicator of “R” (Restricted) to this code.”

    11. On page 69747, in the 3rd column, 1st paragraph, lines 2 through 5, the sentence “We were not able to include a price for the pedigree software equipment as it was not provided with the PE inputs” is corrected to read as “We included a price of $950 for the pedigree software desktop version as the typical equipment used in a physician office.”

    12. On page 69760,

    a. In the 3rd column, 1st full paragraph, lines 10 through 12, the sentence “The adjustment factor in Table 32 includes the combined effect of the PE adjustment and the BN adjustment” is corrected to read “The adjustment factor in Table 32 includes the combined effect of the PE adjustment, the BN adjustment and the adjustment to anesthesia work to account for the increase in the work of the E/M codes.”

    b. In the 3rd column, Table 32 is corrected as follows:

    Table 32

    2006 Anesthesia Conversion Factor$17.7663
    2007 Update−5.0 percent (0.94953)
    2007 Combined Adjustment PE and BN0.9110
    2007 Anesthesia Conversion Factor$15.3682

    13. On page 69768, Table 35 is corrected by adding a footnote to read as follows:

    “**Components may not sum due to rounding error.”

    14. On page 69770, Table 36 is corrected by adding a footnote to read as follows:

    “Note: When applying the 0.8994 work adjuster to the work relative values printed in Addendum B, you must round the product to two decimal places.”

    B. Addenda

    1. On pages 69796 through 70011, in Addendum B: Relative Value Units (RVUs) And Related Information the following entries are corrected to read as follows: Start Printed Page 71067

    Addendum B.—Relative Value Units (RVUs) and Related Information—Corrections

    CPT 1/HCPCS 2ModStatusDescriptionPhysician work RVUs 3Fully implemented non-facility PE RVUsYear 2007 transitional non-facility PE RVUsFully implemented facility PE RVUsYear 2007 transitional facility PE RVUsMalpractice RVUsFully implemented non-facility totalYear 2007 transitional non-facility totalFully implemented facility totalYear 2007 transitional facility total
    11975NInsert contraceptive cap1.48+1.521.450.340.510.
    11977NRemoval/reinsert contra cap3.30+1.972.200.761.140.375.645.874.434.81
    15850BRemoval of sutures0.78+1.191.470.
    37216NTranscath stent, cca w/o eps18.85+NANA5.758.051.04NANA25.6427.94
    38204BBl donor search management2.00+0.910.910.910.910.062.972.972.972.97
    38207ICryopreserve stem cells0.89+0.410.410.410.410.011.311.311.311.31
    38208IThaw preserved stem cells0.56+
    38209IWash harvest stem cells0.24+
    38210IT-cell depletion of harvest1.57+0.720.720.720.720.032.322.322.322.32
    38211ITumor cell deplete of harvst1.42+0.650.650.650.650.
    38212IRbc depletion of harvest0.94+0.430.430.430.430.021.391.391.391.39
    38213IPlatelet deplete of harvest0.24+
    38214IVolume deplete of harvest0.81+0.370.370.370.370.
    38215IHarvest stem cell concentrte0.94+0.430.430.430.430.021.391.391.391.39
    43842NV-band gastroplasty20.90+NANA6.757.532.45NANA30.1030.88
    58300NInsert intrauterine device1.01+0.621.220.230.340.121.752.351.361.47
    61630NIntracranial angioplasty22.07+NANA6.4410.982.02NANA30.5335.07
    61635NIntracran angioplsty w/stent24.28+NANA6.9511.892.21NANA33.4438.38
    61640NDilate ic vasospasm, init12.32+NANA2.852.850.71NANA15.8815.88
    61641NDilate ic vasospasm add-on4.33+NANA1.001.000.25NANA5.585.58
    61642NDilate ic vasospasm add-on8.66+NANA2.002.000.50NANA11.1611.16
    72159NMr angio spine w/o&w/dye1.80+14.4913.31NANA0.7417.0315.85NANA
    72159TCNMr angio spine w/o&w/dye0.00+14.0712.69NANA0.6414.7113.33NANA
    7215926NMr angio spine w/o&w/dye1.80+0.420.620.420.620.102.322.522.322.52
    73223AMri joint upr extr w/o&w/dye2.1516.7423.38NANA0.9419.8326.47NANA
    7322326AMri joint upr extr w/o&w/dye2.150.610.690.610.690.102.862.942.862.94
    73225NMr angio upr extr w/o&w/dye1.73+14.4712.38NANA0.6916.8914.80NANA
    73225TCNMr angio upr extr w/o&w/dye0.00+14.0711.78NANA0.5914.6612.37NANA
    7322526NMr angio upr extr w/o&w/dye1.73+0.400.600.400.600.102.232.432.232.43
    76390NMr spectroscopy1.40+9.3110.94NANA0.6611.3713.00NANA
    76390TCNMr spectroscopy0.00+8.9910.51NANA0.599.5811.10NANA
    7639026NMr spectroscopy1.40+0.320.430.320.430.071.791.901.791.90
    76775AUs exam abdo back wall, lim0.582.231.77NANA0.112.922.46NANA
    76775TCAUs exam abdo back wall, lim0.002.061.58NANA0.082.141.66NANA
    7677526AUs exam abdo back wall, lim0.580.
    78350NBone mineral, single photon0.22+0.000.82NANA0.060.281.10NANA
    78350TCNBone mineral, single photon0.00+0.000.75NANA0.050.050.80NANA
    7835026NBone mineral, single photon0.22+
    78351NBone mineral, dual photon0.30+NANA0.070.110.01NANA0.380.42
    78890BNuclear medicine data proc0.05+0.381.10NANA0.070.501.22NANA
    78890TCBNuclear medicine data proc0.00+0.371.08NANA0.060.431.14NANA
    7889026BNuclear medicine data proc0.05+
    78891BNuclear med data proc0.10+0.862.22NANA0.141.102.46NANA
    78891TCBNuclear med data proc0.00+0.842.18NANA0.130.972.31NANA
    7889126BNuclear med data proc0.10+
    90875NPsychophysiological therapy1.20+0.520.810.280.420.041.762.051.521.66
    90876NPsychophysiological therapy1.90+0.671.040.440.660.052.622.992.392.61
    90885BPsy evaluation of records0.97+0.220.330.220.330.021.211.321.211.32
    90887BConsultation with family1.48+0.610.770.340.510.
    90918IESRD related services, month11.16+4.685.753.745.520.3616.2017.2715.2617.04
    90919IESRD related services, month8.53+3.023.762.553.640.2911.8412.5811.3712.46
    90920IESRD related services, month7.26+2.733.502.273.380.2310.2210.999.7610.87
    90921IESRD related services, month4.46+1.702.261.612.230.146.306.866.216.83
    90922IESRD related services, day0.37+
    90923IEsrd related services, day0.28+
    90924IEsrd related services, day0.24+
    Start Printed Page 71068
    90925IEsrd related services, day0.15+
    92310NContact lens fitting1.17+
    92314NPrescription of contact lens0.69+1.130.990.
    92340NFitting of spectacles0.37+0.440.640.
    92341NFitting of spectacles0.47+0.460.670.
    92342NFitting of spectacles0.53+0.480.690.
    92352BSpecial spectacles fitting0.37+0.560.650.
    92353BSpecial spectacles fitting0.50+0.590.700.
    92354BSpecial spectacles fitting0.00+0.286.72NANA0.100.386.82NANA
    92355BSpecial spectacles fitting0.00+0.443.36NANA0.010.453.37NANA
    92358BEye prosthesis service0.00+0.230.79NANA0.050.280.84NANA
    92370NRepair & adjust spectacles0.32+0.390.510.
    92371BRepair & adjust spectacles0.00+0.240.53NANA0.020.260.55NANA
    92551NPure tone hearing test, air0.00+0.250.25NANA0.010.260.26NANA
    93235CECG monitor/report, 24 hrs0.000.000.00NANA0.000.000.00NANA
    93624CElectrophysiologic evaluation0.
    93624TCCElectrophysiologic evaluation0.
    93668NPeripheral vascular rehab0.00+0.400.40NANA0.010.410.41NANA
    93740BTemperature gradient studies0.16+0.040.15NANA0.020.220.33NANA
    93740TCBTemperature gradient studies0.00+0.000.11NANA0.010.010.12NANA
    9374026BTemperature gradient studies0.16+
    93770BMeasure venous pressure0.16+0.040.07NANA0.020.220.25NANA
    93770TCBMeasure venous pressure0.00+0.000.02NANA0.010.010.03NANA
    9377026BMeasure venous pressure0.16+
    94005BHome vent mgmt supervision1.50+0.690.69NANA0.062.252.25NANA
    94150BVital capacity test0.07+0.480.48NANA0.020.570.57NANA
    94150TCBVital capacity test0.00+0.460.45NANA0.010.470.46NANA
    9415026BVital capacity test0.07+
    95060AEye allergy tests0.000.720.440.720.440.020.740.460.740.46
    95065ANose allergy test0.000.650.310.650.310.010.660.320.660.32
    96040BGenetic counseling, 30 min0.00+0.970.97NANA0.010.980.98NANA
    96155NInterv hlth/behav fam no pt0.44+
    97010BHot or cold packs therapy0.06+0.070.06NANA0.010.140.13NANA
    97014IElectric stimulation therapy0.18+0.180.19NANA0.010.370.38NANA
    97810NAcupunct w/o stimul 15 min0.60+0.260.350.
    97811NAcupunct w/o stimul addl 15m0.50+
    97813NAcupunct w/stimul 15 min0.65+0.270.370.
    97814NAcupunct w/stimul addl 15m0.55+
    98943NChiropractic manipulation0.40+
    98960BSelf-mgmt educ & train, 1 pt0.00+0.480.480.
    98961BSelf-mgmt educ/train, 2-4 pt0.00+
    98962BSelf-mgmt educ/train, 5-8 pt0.00+
    99091BCollect/review data from pt1.10+0.250.25NANA0.041.391.39NANA
    99173NVisual acuity screen0.00+0.060.06NANA0.010.070.07NANA
    99339BDomicil/r-home care supervis1.25+0.580.58NANA0.061.891.89NANA
    99340BDomicil/r-home care supervis1.80+0.760.76NANA0.072.632.63NANA
    99358BProlonged serv, w/o contact2.10+0.510.510.510.510.092.702.702.702.70
    99359BProlonged serv, w/o contact1.00+
    99360XPhysician standby services1.20+
    99363BAnticoag mgmt, init1.65+
    99364BAnticoag mgmt, subseq0.63+0.380.380.
    99374BHome health care supervision1.10+0.540.660.250.380.051.691.811.401.53
    99375IHome health care supervision1.73+0.751.350.401.260.072.553.152.203.06
    99377BHospice care supervision1.10+0.540.660.250.380.051.691.811.401.53
    Start Printed Page 71069
    99378IHospice care supervision1.73+0.751.640.401.560.072.553.442.203.36
    99379BNursing fac care supervision1.10+0.540.660.250.380.041.681.801.391.52
    99380BNursing fac care supervision1.73+0.750.930.400.600.062.542.722.192.39
    99381NInit pm e/m, new pat, inf1.19+0.991.370.270.410.052.232.611.511.65
    99382NInit pm e/m, new pat 1-4 yrs1.36+1.031.410.310.470.052.442.821.721.88
    99383NPrev visit, new, age 5-111.36+1.021.370.310.470.052.432.781.721.88
    99384NPrev visit, new, age 12-171.53+1.061.430.350.530.062.653.021.942.12
    99385NPrev visit, new, age 18-391.53+1.061.430.350.530.062.653.021.942.12
    99386NPrev visit, new, age 40-641.88+1.141.590.430.650.073.093.542.382.60
    99387NInit pm e/m, new pat 65+ yrs2.06+1.271.720.480.710.073.403.852.612.84
    99391NPer pm reeval, est pat, inf1.02+0.860.980.240.350.041.922.041.301.41
    99392NPrev visit, est, age 1-41.19+0.891.040.270.410.
    99393NPrev visit, est, age 5-111.19+0.891.020.270.410.
    99394NPrev visit, est, age 12-171.36+0.931.080.310.470.052.342.491.721.88
    99395NPrev visit, est, age 18-391.36+0.931.100.310.470.052.342.511.721.88
    99396NPrev visit, est, age 40-641.53+0.971.180.350.530.062.562.771.942.12
    99397NPer pm reeval est pat 65+ yr1.71+1.111.300.400.600.062.883.072.172.37
    99401NPreventive counseling, indiv0.48+0.360.560.
    99402NPreventive counseling, indiv0.98+0.470.770.230.340.021.471.771.231.34
    99403NPreventive counseling, indiv1.46+0.580.960.340.510.042.082.461.842.01
    99404NPreventive counseling, indiv1.95+0.701.170.450.680.052.703.172.452.68
    99411NPreventive counseling, group0.15+
    99412NPreventive counseling, group0.25+
    99420NHealth risk assessment test0.00+0.220.22NANA0.010.230.23NANA
    G0122NColon ca scrn; barium enema0.99+5.583.32NANA0.186.754.49NANA
    G0122TCNColon ca scrn; barium enema0.00+5.352.98NANA0.135.483.11NANA
    G012226NColon ca scrn; barium enema0.99+0.230.340.230.340.051.271.381.271.38
    G025226NPET imaging initial dx1.50+0.000.600.000.600.041.542.141.542.14
    G0337XHospice evaluation preelecti1.34+0.310.460.310.460.091.741.891.741.89
    G0389AUltrasound exam AAA screen0.582.231.77NANA0.112.922.46NANA
    G0389TCAUltrasound exam AAA screen0.002.061.58NANA0.082.141.66NANA
    G038926AUltrasound exam AAA screen0.580.
    G0392AAV fistula or graft arterial9.4847.4853.953.253.480.6257.5864.0513.3513.58
    G0393AAV fistula or graft venous6.0335.6142.451.972.260.3441.9848.828.348.63
    1 CPT codes and descriptions only are copyright 2006 American Medical Association. All Rights Reserved. Applicable FARS/DFARS Apply.
    2 Copyright 2006 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.
    3 + Indicates RVUs are not used for Medicare payment.
    Start Printed Page 71070 Start Amendment Part

    2. On page 70015, in Addendum C: Codes with Interim RVUs the following entries are corrected to read as follows: Start Printed Page 71071

    End Amendment Part

    Addendum C.— Codes With Interim RVUs—Corrections

    CPT 1/HCPCS 2ModStatusDescriptionPhysician work RVUs3Fully implemented non-facility PE RVUsYear 2007 transitional non-facility PE RVUsFully implemented facility PE RVUsYear 2007 transitional facility PE RVUsMalpractice RVUsFully implemented non-facility totalYear 2007 transitional non-facility totalFully implemented facility totalYear 2007 transitional facility totalGlobal
    94005BHome vent mgmt supervision1.50+0.690.69NANA0.062.252.25NANAXXX
    96040BGenetic counseling, 30 min0.00+0.970.97NANA0.010.980.98NANAXXX
    99363BAnticoag mgmt, init1.65+
    99364BAnticoag mgmt, subseq0.63+0.380.380.
    1 CPT codes and descriptions only are copyright 2006 American Medical Association. All Rights Reserved. Applicable FARS/DFARS Apply.
    2 Copyright 2006 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.
    3 + Indicates RVUs are not used for Medicare payment.
    Start Printed Page 71072

    IV. Waiver of Proposed Rulemaking and Delay in Effective Date

    We ordinarily publish a notice of proposed rulemaking in the Federal Register to provide a period for public comment before the provisions of a rule take effect in accordance with section 553(b) of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) (5 U.S.C. 553(b)). However, we can waive the notice and comment procedures if the Secretary finds, for good cause, that the notice and comment process is impracticable, unnecessary or contrary to the public interest, and incorporates a statement of the finding and the reasons therefore in the rule.

    Section 553(d) for the APA ordinarily requires a 30-day delay in effective date of final rules after the date of their publication. This 30-day delay in effective date can be waived, however, if an agency finds for good cause that the delay is impracticable, unnecessary, or contrary to the public interest, and the agency incorporates a statement of the findings and its reasons in the rule issued.

    This correction notice addresses technical errors and omissions made in FR Doc. 06-9086, entitled “Medicare Program; Revisions to Payment Policies, Five-Year Review of Work Relative Value Units, and changes to the Practice Expense Methodology Under the Physician Fee Schedule, and Other Changes to Payment Under Part B; Revisions to the Payment Policies of Ambulance Services Under the Fee Schedule for Ambulance Services; Ambulance Inflation Factor Update for CY 2007,” which appeared in the December 1, 2006 Federal Register (71 FR 69624), and is effective January 1, 2007. The provisions of this final rule with comment period have been previously subjected to notice and comment procedures. These corrections are consistent with the discussion and text of the final rule with comment period, and do not make substantive changes to the CY 2007 published rule. As such, this correction notice is intended to ensure the CY 2007 final rule with comment period accurately reflects the policies adopted in that rule. Therefore, we find that undertaking further notice and comment procedures to incorporate these corrections into the final rule with comment is unnecessary and contrary to the public interest.

    For the same reasons, we are also waiving the 30-day delay in effective date for this correction notice. We believe that it is in the public interest to ensure that the CY 2007 final rule with comment period accurately states our policies relating to the PFS and other Part B payment policies. Therefore, delaying the effective date of these corrections beyond the January 1, 2007 effective date of the final rule with comment period would be contrary to the public interest. In so doing, we find good cause to waive the 30-day delay in the effective date.

    (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Program No. 93.774, Medicare—Supplementary Medical Insurance Program)

    Start Signature

    Dated: November 30, 2006.

    Ann C. Agnew,

    Executive Secretary to the Department.

    End Signature End Supplemental Information

    BILLING CODE 4120-01-P

    BILLING CODE 4120-01-C

    [FR Doc. 06-9550 Filed 12-4-06; 9:46 am]

    BILLING CODE 4120-01-M

Document Information

Effective Date:
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Entry Type:
Document Number:
This correction notice is effective January 1, 2007.
71062-71072 (11 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (6)
42 CFR 405
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