94-30263. Applications, Hearings, Determinations, etc.; First Investors Corp., et al.  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 236 (Friday, December 9, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-30263]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: December 9, 1994]
    [Rel. No. IC-20752; No. 812-8880]
    Applications, Hearings, Determinations, etc.; First Investors 
    Corp., et al.
    December 2, 1994.
    AGENCY: Securities and Exchange Commission (``Commission'' or ``SEC'').
    ACTION: Notice of Application for an Order under the Investment Company 
    Act of 1940 (the ``1940 Act'').
    APPLICANTS: First Investors Corporation (``FIC''); First Investors Life 
    Insurance Company (``First Investors''); First Investors Cash 
    Management Fund, Inc. (``Cash Management Fund''), First Investors 
    Global Fund, Inc., First Investors Government Fund, Inc. (``Government 
    Fund''), First Investors High Yield Fund, Inc. (``High Yield Fund''), 
    First Investors Fund for Income, Inc. (``Fund for Income''), First 
    Investors Insured Tax Exempt Fund, Inc., First Investors Multi-State 
    Insured Tax Free Fund, First Investors New York Insured Tax Free Fund, 
    Inc., First Investors Series Fund (``Series Fund''), First Investors 
    Series Fund II, Inc., First Investors Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund, 
    Inc. (``First Investors Money Market Fund''), and First Investors U.S. 
    Government Plus Fund (``Government Plus Fund'') (collectively, 
    ``Funds''); First Investors Life Insurance Company Separate Account A 
    (``Separate Account A''), and First Investors Life Insurance Company 
    Separate Account C (``Separate Account C'') (collectively, ``Separate 
    Accounts''); First Investors Single Payment and Periodic Payment Plans 
    for the Accumulation of Shares of First Investors Global Fund, Inc., 
    First Investors Single Payment and Periodic Payment Plans for 
    Investment in First Investors Government Fund, Inc., First Investors 
    Periodic Payment Plans for Investment in First Investors High Yield 
    Fund, Inc. (``High Yield Plan''), First Investors Single Payment and 
    Periodic Payment Plans for Investment in First Investors Fund for 
    Income, Inc. (``Fund for Income Plan''), and First Investors Single 
    Payment and Periodic Payment Plans for Investment in First Investors 
    Insured Tax Exempt Fund, Inc. (collectively, ``Plans''); and any mutual 
    funds, separate accounts, and contractual plans that may be 
    subsequently organized or sponsored by First Investors or its 
    RELEVANT 1940 ACT SECTIONS: An order of the Commission is requested 
    under Section 11 of the 1940 Act.
    SUMMARY OF APPLICATION: Applicants seek: (a) an order of the Commission 
    approving the terms of certain offers of exchange involving certain 
    mutual funds, variable annuity contracts and contractual plans; and (b) 
    an amendment to a prior order issued by the Commission relating to 
    certain offers of exchange involving certain contractual plans and 
    mutual funds.
    FILING DATE: The application was filed on March 10, 1994, and amended 
    on September 26, 1994.
    HEARING OR NOTIFICATION OF HEARING: If no hearing is ordered, the 
    application will be granted. Any interested person may request a 
    hearing on this application, or ask to be notified if a hearing is 
    ordered. Any requests must be received by the Commission by 5:30 p.m. 
    on December 28, 1994. Request a hearing in writing, giving the nature 
    of your interest, the reason for the request and the issues you 
    contest. Serve the applicant with the request, either personally or by 
    mail, and also send it to the Secretary of the Commission, along with 
    proof of service by affidavit, or for lawyers, by certificate. Request 
    notification of the date of a hearing by writing to the Secretary of 
    the Commission.
    ADDRESSES: Secretary, SEC, 450 5th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 
    20549. Applicants: Larry R. Lavoie, Esq., Secretary and General 
    Counsel, First Investors Corporation, 95 Wall Street, New York, New 
    York 10005.
    Yvonne M. Hunold, Senior Counsel, at (202) 942-0670, Office of 
    Insurance Products (Division of Investment Management).
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Following is a summary of the application; 
    the complete application is available for a fee from the Commission's 
    Public Reference Branch.
    Applicant's Representations
        1. First Investor, a stock life insurance company, established 
    Separate Account A and Separate Account C as separate accounts 
    registered under the 1940 Act as unit investment trusts. FIC, a 
    registered broker-dealer, is the depositor and sponsor of each Plan as 
    well as the principal underwriter of each Fund, Separate Account and 
    Plan. FIC and First Investors are wholly-owned subsidiaries of First 
    Investors Consolidated Corporation (``FICON''), and affiliates of each 
        2. The Funds are each open-end diversified management investment 
    companies registered under the 1940 Act. Each Fund is managed by a 
    registered investment adviser which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of 
        Shares of the Cash Management Fund and First Investors Money Market 
    Fund (collectively, ``Money Market Funds'') are sold without a sales 
    charge. First Investors Insured Intermediate Tax Exempt Fund 
    (``Intermediate Tax Exempt Fund''), a series of the Series Fund, is 
    sold with a maximum front-end sales charge of 3.5% on investments under 
    $100,000, with discounts on larger investments. Shares of each of the 
    other Funds are sold with a maximum front-end sales charge of 6.25% on 
    investments under $25,000, with discounts on larger investments. The 
    Government Plus Fund is no longer offering its shares for sale.
        3. With the exception of the Money Market Funds and the Government 
    Plus Fund, and subject to the conditions described below, cash 
    distributions from one Fund may be invested in shares of another Fund 
    at net asset value (``NAV''). Systematic withdrawal plan payments from 
    a Fund, other than the Government Plus Fund, where a commensurate sales 
    charge was paid, may be invested in another Fund at NAV. Shareholders 
    of all of the Funds, except the Money Market Funds, Intermediate Tax 
    Exempt Fund and Government Plus Fund, have the right to exchange their 
    shares for shares of other Funds at relative NAV. Exchanges at relative 
    NAV from the Money Market Fund and Intermediate Tax Exempt Fund to 
    other Funds may only be made if the shares being exchanged were 
    acquired through an exchange from any of the Funds with an equivalent 
    sales charge; otherwise, a sales charge differential is imposed on any 
    exchanges into the other Funds. Shareholders of the Government Plus 
    Fund currently have no exchange privilege with any other Fund.
        4. The Separate Accounts are used to fund variable annuity 
    contracts (``Contracts'') issued by First Investors. Separate Account A 
    invests in shares of First Investors Special Bond Fund, Inc., and 
    Separate Account C invests in shares of First Investors Life Series 
    Fund (currently consisting of nine separate series). First Investors 
    Special Bond Fund and Life Series Fund are each a registered 
    diversified open-end management investment company under the 1940 Act.
        Units of the Separate Accounts are sold with a maximum front-end 
    sales charge of 7% for an investment of less than $25,000, with 
    discounts for larger investments. Investments must be annuitized or 
    withdrawn by a Contract Owner no later than the first day of the 
    calendar month following the Contract Owner's 85th birthday (``Maturity 
    Date''). Separate Account A Contracts may be exchanged at relative NAV 
    for Separate Account C Contracts, in accordance with Rule 11a-2 under 
    the 1940 Act.
        5. The Plans are registered unit investment trusts under the 1940 
    Act and invest in shares of the corresponding underlying Fund. An 
    investor (``Planholder'') may purchase a Plan either by means of a 
    single payment (``Single Payment Plan'') or periodic payments 
    (``Periodic Payment Plan''). The maximum sales charge as a percentage 
    of the offering price is 6.25% on a Single Payment Plan investment of 
    less than $25,000, and 6.15% on a Periodic Payment Plan, with discounts 
    for larger Plans. On a purchase of a Periodic Payment Plan, a portion 
    of the total sales charge is deducted from each payment, with most of 
    the charges allocated to earlier payments.
        6. The Fund for Income and the High Yield Fund Plans were 
    authorized temporarily to substitute the Government Fund as the 
    underlying investment of each of these two Plans due to the 
    unavailability for sale of the underlying high yield bond funds. Rel. 
    No. IC-17987 (Feb. 5, 1991) (``Exemptive Order''). As of December 20, 
    1993, these two Plans resubstituted the high yield funds as their 
    underlying investments with respect to new Plan payments, in accordance 
    with the terms of the Exemptive Order. Planholders of the Fund for 
    Income and High Yield Plans have the right to exchange at relative NAV 
    into any other First Investors Single Payment or Periodic Payment Plan 
    of the same denomination, subject to the same sales charge on 
    additional payments and the same rights and privileges under the new 
    Plan as under the current Plan. There currently are no other privileges 
    to exchange at NAV from Plan to Plan, or from Fund to Fund.
        7. Applicants propose to: (a) Offer investors four types of 
    exchange privileges, at relative NAV: (1) Fund-to-Separate Account; (2) 
    Separate Account-to-Fund; (3) Plan-to-Plan; and (4) Fund-to-Single 
    Payment Plan; and (b) eliminate one of the special termination/exchange 
    privileges that were previously created for the Fund for Income Plan 
    and the High Yield Plan.
    a. Exchange Offers
        (1) Fund-to-Separate Account. Fund investors may move investments 
    at relative NAV to a variable annuity sponsored by First Investors 
    without a sales charge. Shareholders remain subject to all of the 
    rights and obligations of Contract holders, including insurance-related 
        (2) Separate Account-to-Fund: Investors will have an alternative to 
    annuitization without an additional sales change. Front-end sales 
    charges will be waived on fund shares purchased with the proceeds of a 
    Contract. Back-end (surrender) sales charges will not be imposed on 
    liquidation of a Contract. The exchange privilege will be available 
    only during the one-year period preceding the Maturity Date of a 
    Contract. Applicants reserve the right to extend the offer throughout 
    the term of the Contact.
        (3) Plan-to-Plan: Planholders may exchange directly into any other 
    Single or Periodic Payment Plan of the same type and denomination, at 
    relative NAV, without a sales charge. The same sales charges paid on 
    additional payments and the same rights and privileges that apply under 
    the current Plan will apply under the new Plan. This privilege is now 
    available only to income Planholders and High Yield Planholders.
        (4) Fund-to-Single Payment Plan: Fund shareholders may use 
    redemption proceeds of a Fund account to purchase a Single Payment Plan 
    in the same way as the Fund shareholder can now exchange into other 
    Funds. Proceeds of the Fund redemption are to be transferred directly 
    to the sponsor for the purchase of Plan units.
        In connection with the four proposed exchange privileges, 
    Applicants reserve the right to: (a) Require an investors to hold 
    investments for a period of time before taking advantage of the 
    proposed exchange offers; (b) makes the exchange privileges unavailable 
    for exchanges among Funds, Separate Accounts and Plans which have 
    different sales charges structures; and (c) impose reasonable 
    redemption and/or administrative fees to pay for the costs of 
    processing exchanges. Applicants also would limit the right of Cash 
    Management Fund and Money Market Fund shareholders to exchange into 
    Separate Accounts or Plans to those situations in which they could 
    exchange at NAV into other Funds. Applicants do not intend to impose 
    any holding period requirement. Applicants do not intend to impose any 
    redemption or administrative fees on the proposed exchanges, other than 
    the nominal redemption fees that are currently imposed on liquidation 
    of Plans. A $5.00 exchange fee is charged for each exchange from one 
    Fund into another Fund. This fee is borne by the Fund into which the 
    exchange is being made and could add to that Fund's expenses. 
    Additionally, an exchange of Fund shares for shares of another Fund 
    generally will have similar consequences to that of a redemption of a 
    Fund's shares and, this, is a taxable event.
        Applicants reserve the right to refrain from commencing, or to 
    terminate at any time, any of these exchange offers, subject to certain 
    conditions set forth below. Each exchange offer will be contingent on 
    the acquired product being legally available at relative NAV, all 
    necessary state and federal approvals being obtained, and satisfaction 
    of the product's minimum investment requirements.
    b. Amended Order
        Applicants also request that the Commission amend its Exemptive 
    Order. The Exemptive Order, in relevant part, gave shareholders of the 
    Fund For Income and High Yield Plans five alternatives, one of which 
    allowed termination of the relevant Plan with direct purchases of 
    shares of another Fund under a special discounted sales change 
    structure (``Termination Option''). Applicants propose to eliminate the 
    Termination Option because: (1) It is unduly burdensome for Applicants 
    to keep track of and apply the special sales charge and maintain and 
    administer special records and procedures to ensure that Planholders 
    electing to exercise this right receive the special discounted sales 
    charge; and (2) it is no longer necessary or appropriate because Plan 
    shareholders affected by the unavailability of the underlying two Funds 
    have had ample opportunity to take action within the more than two 
    years since the Exemptive Order authorized the five options, and the 
    circumstances which necessitated the privilege no longer exist because 
    the Income Fund and High Yield Fund have again become available for 
    purchase by the Plans.
    Applicant's Legal Analysis
        1. Section 11(a) of the 1940 Act makes it unlawful, in relevant 
    part, for a registered open-end investment company or any of its 
    principal underwriter:
        To make or cause to be made an offer to the holder of a security 
    of such company or of any other open-end investment company to 
    exchange his security for a security in the same or another such 
    company on any basis other than the relative net asset values of the 
    respective securities to be exchanged, unless the terms of the offer 
    have first been submitted to and approved by the Commission or are 
    in accordance with such rules and regulations as the Commission may 
    have prescribed in respect of such offers which are in effect at the 
    time such offer is made.
        2. Section 11(c) of the 1940 Act provides that, irrespective of the 
    basis of exchange, subsection (a) shall be applicable:
        (1) To any offer of exchange of any security of a registered 
    open-end investment company for a security of a registered unit 
    investment trust * * * and (2) any type of offer of exchange of the 
    securities of registered unit investment trusts * * * for the 
    securities of any other investment company.
        3. Applicants' state that, because the proposed offers of exchange 
    will be based on the relative NAV of the units or shares being 
    exchanged, there is no possibility of the abuse contemplated by Section 
    11(a) (i.e., offer of exchange made solely for the purpose of assessing 
    additional selling charges). Nevertheless, Section 11(c) makes Section 
    11(a) applicable because each of the proposed exchanges involve a unit 
    investment trust; the basis of the exchange is irrelevant.
        4. Applicants believe that exemptive relief is necessary, 
    appropriate and fully consistent with the purpose of Section 11(a). The 
    proposed exchanges will be offered exclusively at relative NAV and no 
    deferred sales charge will be imposed on liquidation of the investment 
    in the new Fund, Plan or Separate Account being acquired in the 
    exchange. Further, the offers of exchange provide substantial benefits 
    to Contract Owners, Plan Shareholders and Fund Shareholders by 
    providing new investment options and attractive ways to exchange 
    existing securities for other securities without a sales charge.
        5. Applicants will describe for investors the various exchanges 
    that are possible and may promote the ability to effect such exchanges 
    as an advantage of investing in Applicants' family of funds and 
    variable insurance products. However, no sales commission or other 
    remuneration will be paid to any First Investors' sales representative 
    as compensation for any proposed exchange.
        6. Although the exchanges will be offered at relative NAV, 
    Applicants reserve the rights to impose reasonable redemption and 
    administrative fees to compensate for the costs incurred in processing 
    redemptions, as expressly permitted by Rules 11a-3 and 11a-3 under the 
    1940 Act. As conditions to this relief, Applicants represent that:
        (a) No redemption or administrative fee will be imposed in 
    connection with the proposed exchanges unless the fee would be 
    permissible under Rules 11a-2 and 11a-3 for exchanges authorized by 
    these Rules.
        (b) At the commencement of each exchange offer, and at all times 
    thereafter, the prospectus or the statement of additional information, 
    as appropriate, of the offering investment company will disclose:
        (i) The amount of any administrative or redemption fee, if any, 
    imposed in connection with the exchange transaction;
        (ii) That the exchange offer is subject to termination and its 
    terms are subject to change; and
        (iii) That exchanges may constitute taxable events.
        (c) Whenever an exchange offer is to be terminated or its terms are 
    to be amended materially, any holder of a security subject to that 
    offer shall be given prominent notice of the impending termination or 
    amendment at least 60 days prior to the date of termination or the 
    effective date of the amendment, provided that:
        (i) No such notice need be given if the only material effect of an 
    amendment is to reduce or eliminate fees or sales charges payable at 
    the time of an exchange, and
        (ii) No notice need be given if, under extraordinary circumstances, 
        (A) There is either a suspension of the redemption of the exchanged 
    security under Section 22(e) of the 1940 Act and the rules and 
    regulations thereunder, or
        (B) The offering investment company temporarily delays or ceases 
    the sale of the security to be acquired because it is unable to invest 
    amounts effectively in accordance with applicable investment 
    objectives, policies and restrictions.
        Other than in the circumstances set forth in (c)(i) and (c)(ii), 
    above, Applicants would dispense with the 60-day notice requirement 
    only upon obtaining further relief from the Commission authorizing them 
    to do so.
    Applicants' Legal Conclusion
        The proposed offers of exchange are consistent with the intent and 
    purpose of Section 11 and none of the abuses for which Section 11 of 
    the 1940 Act was enacted to prevent are present. The proposed exchanges 
    may benefit Contract owners, Plan shareholders and Fund shareholders. 
    The proposed offers of exchange as well as the proposed amendment of 
    the Commission Order, are consistent with the protection of investors 
    and with the purposes fairly intended by the policy and provisions of 
    the 1940 Act.
        For the Commission, by the Division of Investment Management, 
    pursuant to delegated authority.
    Margaret H. McFarland,
    Deputy Secretary.
    [FR Doc. 94-30263 Filed 12-8-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 8010-01-M

Document Information

Securities and Exchange Commission
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Notice of Application for an Order under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the ``1940 Act'').
Document Number:
The application was filed on March 10, 1994, and amended on September 26, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: December 9, 1994, Rel. No. IC-20752, No. 812-8880