[Federal Register Volume 61, Number 22 (Thursday, February 1, 1996)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 3555-3568]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 96-1575]
Bureau of Export Administration
15 CFR Parts 771 and 799
[Docket No. 960111006-6006-01]
RIN 0694-AB29
Revision to the Commerce Control List: Items Controlled for
Nuclear Nonproliferation Reasons, Addition of Argentina, New Zealand,
Poland, South Africa, and South Korea to GNSG Eligible Countries
AGENCY: Bureau of Export Administration, Commerce.
ACTION: Interim rule.
SUMMARY: The Bureau of Export Administration (BXA) maintains the
Commerce Control List (CCL), which identifies those items subject to
the Export Administration Regulations. The items on the CCL that are
subject to nuclear nonproliferation controls are referred to as the
Nuclear Referral List (NRL). This interim rule amends a number of
Export Control Classification Numbers (ECCNs) on the CCL in order to
make the NRL conform more closely with the items contained in the Annex
to the ``Nuclear-Related Dual-Use Equipment, Materials, and Related
Technology List'' (the Annex) published by the International Atomic
Energy Agency and adhered to by the United States and other subscribing
governments in the Nuclear Suppliers Group.
In addition, this rule removes Poland from General License GNSG
national security item country restrictions. In May 1994, Poland was
moved from Country Group W to Country Group V to conform with changes
in licensing policies for national security-based proscribed countries.
Lastly, this rule adds Argentina, New Zealand, South Africa and
South Korea to the countries that are eligible to receive exports under
General License GNSG, because they were admitted to the Nuclear
Suppliers Group. The subscribing governments have agreed to establish
export licensing procedures for the transfer of items identified on the
While some of the changes in this rule increase the validated
license requirements for certain commodities and technology, the fact
that other member countries of the Nuclear Suppliers Group have agreed
to implement equivalent export licensing procedures for these items and
the addition of GNSG eligible countries should limit the economic
impact on U.S. exporters.
DATES: This rule is effective February 1, 1996. Comments must be
received by March 4, 1996.
ADDRESSES: Written comments (six copies) should be sent to Sharron
Cook, Department of Commerce, Bureau of Export Administration, Office
of Exporter Services, Regulation Policy Division, P.O. Box 273,
Washington, DC 20044.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For questions of a general nature,
call Sharron Cook, Regulatory Policy Division, at (202) 482-2440.
For questions of a technical nature, the following persons in the
Bureau of Export Administration are available:
Category 1: Jeff Tripp--(202) 482-4188
Category 2: George Loh--(202) 482-3570
Category 3: Robert Lerner--(202) 482-3710
Category 4: Joseph Young--(202) 482-4197
Category 5: Dale Jensen--(202) 482-4188
Category 6: Joseph Chuchla--(202) 482-4188
Categories 7, 8 and 9: Steve Clagett--(202) 482-4188
This rule amends a number of entries on the Commerce Control List
(CCL) by revising the items that are subject to nuclear non-
proliferation controls, i.e., the Nuclear Referral List (NRL). As more
fully described in Sec. 778.2 of the EAR, NRL items are defined as
those ``that could be of significance for nuclear explosive purposes if
used for activities other than those authorized at the time of
export''. The changes made by this rule are intended to revise the NRL
to conform more closely with the items contained in the Annex to the
``Nuclear-Related Dual-Use Equipment, Materials, and Related Technology
List'' (the Annex), as published by the International Atomic Energy
Agency in INFCIRC/254/Part 2. The adherents to INFCIRC/254/Part 2,
which include the Nuclear Suppliers Guidelines, have agreed to
establish export licensing procedures for the transfer of items
identified in the Annex.
In addition, this rule removes Poland from General License GNSG
national security item country restrictions. There are some ECCNs that
have both National Security (NS) and Nuclear Proliferation (NP) reasons
for control. For these ECCNs, GNSG eligibility stated ``Yes, except
Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, or Russia'', i.e., all NP items in that ECCN
were eligible for General License GNSG to all GNSG eligible countries,
except Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, or Russia. Although Poland is a NSG
member, the more restrictive control, in this case NS, was applied. In
May 1994, Poland was moved from Country Group W to Country Group V to
conform with changes in licensing policies for proscribed countries.
Therefore, NS reasons for control no longer apply to Poland and GNSG
privileges now extend to all ECCNs that have both NS and NP controls
for Poland.
Lastly, this rule will add Argentina, New Zealand, South Africa,
and South Korea to the countries that are eligible to receive exports
under General License GNSG, because they were admitted to the Nuclear
Suppliers Group. General License GNSG permits certain items subject to
nuclear nonproliferation controls to be exported under general license
to a number of countries whose governments have subscribed to the Annex
to the ``Guidelines for Transfers of Nuclear-Related Dual-Use
Equipment, Material,
[[Page 3556]]
and Related Technology'' (the Annex) published by the International
Atomic Energy Agency and adhered to by the United States and other
subscribing governments. The subscribing governments have agreed to
establish export licensing procedures for the transfer of items
identified on the Annex.
Saving Clause
Shipments of items removed from general license authorizations as a
result of this regulatory action that were on dock for loading, on
lighter, laden aboard an exporting carrier, or en route aboard carrier
to a port of export pursuant to actual orders for export before
February 15, 1996 may be exported under the previous general license
provisions up to and including February 29, 1996. Any such items not
actually exported before midnight, February 29, 1996, require a
validated export license in accordance with this regulation.
Summary of ECCNs Added and Revised by This Rule
The following listing is intended to serve as a guide to the
revisions to the Commerce Control List contained in this rule. It is
not a complete summary of all the CCL changes made by this rule.
Specific questions concerning these changes should be answered by
referring to the actual entries in the CCL.
I. The following ECCNs are amended to revise the items subject to
nuclear nonproliferation controls (Unless specifically stated the scope
of the ECCN is not revised):
1A46B Aluminum and titanium alloys in the form of tubes or solid
forms; a clarification to scope of control of solid forms was added
1B16A Plants for the production of uranium hexafluoride (UF6)
and specially designed or prepared equipment (including UF6
purification equipment); Poland was added to GNSG eligibility
1B17 Electrolytic cells for the production of fluorine with a
production capacity greater than 250 grams of fluorine per hour;
Poland was added to GNSG eligibility
1B50B Furnaces; the ECCN title is expanded to include ``(inert gas)
induction'' furnaces and clarifications are added that define which
furnaces are controlled in paragraph (a)--result will be a decrease
in scope of controls
1B51B Pressure sensing elements/measuring instruments; the entry
was restructured to remove controls on differential pressure
transducers and stainless steel was removed as a material of
construction--result will be a decontrol in these areas
1B52B Water-hydrogen sulfide exchange tray columns; materials of
construction is clarified
1B53B Hydrogen-cryogenic distillation columns; materials of
construction is clarified
1B54B Ammonia synthesis converters; clarification is made to the
entry and a technical note is removed
1B58B Facilities or plants for prod/recovery/extract/concentration/
handling of tritium; the entry is reorganized for better clarity
1C10A ``Fibrous and filamentary materials'' that may be used in
organic ``matrix'', metallic ``matrix'' or carbon ``matrix''
``composite'' structures or laminates; Poland is added to GNSG
eligibility and GCT is corrected to state ``Yes, except NP items''
1C19A Items on the International Atomic Energy List (e.g.,
zirconium, nickel powder, lithium, beryllium, wet-proofed platinized
catalysts, hafnium); Poland is added to GNSG eligibility; the scope
is narrowed by applying the hafnium content parameter to all entries
of Zirconium in paragraph (a); in paragraph (b), pertaining to
porous nickel metal, the exception is increased from 930 cm\2\ to
1000 cm\2\ per sheet and a technical note is revised; and in
paragraph (d), an exception for bore-hole logging devices and Beryl
(silicate of beryllium and aluminum) in the form of emeralds or
aquamarines is added--the result of these changes will be a decrease
in licensing requirements
1C50B Fibrous and filamentary materials not controlled by 1C10; an
exception for certain aramid ``fibrous or filamentary materials'' is
added--result will be a decrease in licenses; the controls on
prepregs is clarified; and definitions are added to the technical
1C54B Alpha-emitting radionuclides; minor clarifications are made
to the entry
1C55B Helium isotopically enriched in the helium-3 isotope; the
entry is restructured for clarification purposes
1C58B Radium-226; the entry is restructured for clarification
1D01A ``Software'' specially designed or modified for the
``development'', ``production'', or ``use'' of equipment controlled
by 1B01, 1B02, 1B03, 1B16, 1B17, or 1B18; Poland is added to GNSG
1E01A Technology according to the General Technology Note for the
``development'' or ``production'' of equipment or materials
controlled by 1A01.b, 1A01.c, 1A02, 1A03, 1B01, 1B02, 1B03, 1B18,
1C01, 1C02, 1C03, 1C04, 1C05, 1C06, 1C07, 1C08, 1C09, 1C10, or 1C18;
Poland is added to GNSG eligibility
1E19A Technology according to the General Technology Note for the
``development'', ``production'', or ``use'' of equipment or
materials controlled by 1B16, 1B17, or 1C19; Poland is added to GNSG
1E41B Technology for items controlled by 1A44, 1A45, 1A46, 1A47,
1A50, 1B41, 1B42, 1B50, 1B51, 1B52, 1B53, 1B54, 1B58, 1B59, 1C48,
1C49, 1C50, 1C51, 1C52, 1C53, 1C54, 1C55, 1C56, 1C57, or 1C58; 1B55
and 1B57 are added to entry title to reflect new ECCNs
2A19A Commodities on the International Atomic Energy List (e.g.,
power generating and/or propulsion equipment, neutron generator
systems, and valves for gaseous diffusion separation process);
Poland is added to GNSG eligibility
2A48B Valves not controlled by 2A19.c that are made of or lined
with aluminum, aluminum alloy, nickel, or alloy containing 60
percent or more nickel; revisions are made to the title and
technical note for clarification purposes
2A50B Equipment related to nuclear material handling and processing
and to nuclear reactors; in paragraph (c), a clarification is made
to the parameters; in paragraph (e), the paragraph is restructured
and a note added for clarification purposes
2A52B Vacuum pumps; the title is corrected, and a technical note
added for clarification
2B01A ``Numerical control'' units, ``motion control boards''
specially designed for ``numerical control'' applications on machine
tools, machine tools, and specially designed components therefor;
Poland is added to GNSG eligibility and a note added to the
Requirement section
2B06A Dimensional inspection or measuring systems or equipment;
Poland is added to GNSG eligibility and a note added to the
Requirement section
2B07A Robots, controllers, and end-effectors; Poland is added to
GNSG eligibility
2B08A Assemblies, units or inserts for machine tools; NP controls
have been removed because of NSG October 1995 agreement on machine
2B09A Specially designed printed circuit boards with mounted
components and software therefor, or ``compound rotary tables'' or
``tilting spindles'', capable of upgrading, according to the
manufacturer's specifications, ``numerical control'' units, machine
tools or feed-back devices to or above the levels specified in ECCNs
2B01, 2B02, 2B03, 2B04, 2B05, 2B06, 2B07, and 2B08; NP controls have
been removed because of NSG October 1995 agreement on machine tools
2B41B ``Numerically controlled'' machine tools not controlled by
ECCN 2B01A; turning capacity parameter has been increased from 2m to
2B50B Spin-forming and flow-forming machines; a new parameter and
note are added to clarify the scope of control and the scope of GNSG
eligibility is amended to reflect the clarifying revisions made to
the list of items controlled
2D01A Software for equipment controlled by 2A01, 2A02, 2A03, 2A04,
2A05, 2A06, 2B01, 2B02, 2B03, 2B04, 2B05, 2B06, 2B07, 2B08, or 2B09;
Poland is added to GNSG eligibility and GNSG eligibility is
clarified to include revisions made by this rule
2D19A ``Software'' for the ``development'', ``production'', or
``use'' of equipment controlled by 2A19; Poland is added to GNSG
2D50B Software for the equipment controlled by 2A50B or 2B50B; GNSG
eligibility is clarified
2E01A Technology according to the General Technology Note for the
``development'' of equipment or ``software'' controlled by 2A01,
2A02, 2A03, 2A04, 2A05, 2A06,
[[Page 3557]]
2B01, 2B02, 2B03, 2B04, 2B05, 2B06, 2B07, 2B08, 2B09, 2D01, or 2D02;
Poland is added to GNSG eligibility
2E02A Technology according to the General Technology Note for the
``production'' of equipment controlled by 2A01, 2A02, 2A03, 2A04,
2A05, 2A06, 2B01, 2B02, 2B03, 2B04, 2B05, 2B06, 2B07, 2B08, or 2B09;
Poland is added to GNSG eligibility
2E03A Other technology; Poland is added to GNSG eligibility
2E19A Technology for the ``development'', ``production'', or
``use'' of equipment controlled by 2A19; Poland is added to GNSG
2E50B Technology for the equipment controlled by 2A50B or 2B50B;
the Reason for control is corrected to include MT controls; and NP
and MT notes are added for clarification
3A01A Electronic devices and components; Poland is added to GNSG
3D01A ``Software'' specially designed for the ``development'' or
``production'' of equipment controlled by 3A01.b to 3A01.f, 3A02,
and 3B01; Poland is added to GNSG eligibility
3E01A Technology according to the General Technology Note for the
``development'' or ``production'' of equipment or materials
controlled by 3A01, 3A02, 3B01, 3C01, 3C02, 3C03, or 3C04; Poland is
added to GNSG eligibility
6A03A Cameras; Poland is added to GNSG eligibility
6A05A ``Lasers'', components and optical equipment; Poland is added
to GNSG eligibility
6A43B Cameras and components not controlled by 6A03--includes
radiation-hardened television cameras; paragraphs (a) and (c) are
restructured and a note added to paragraph (a) for clarification
6E01A Technology according to the General Technology Note for the
``development'' of equipment, materials or ``software'' controlled
by 6A01, 6A02, 6A03, 6A04, 6A05, 6A06, 6A07, 6A08, 6B04, 6B05, 6B07,
6B08, 6C02, 6C04, 6C05, 6D01, 6D02, or 6D03; Poland is added to GNSG
6E02A Technology according to the General Technology Note for the
``production'' of equipment or materials controlled by 6A01, 6A02,
6A03, 6A04, 6A05, 6A06, 6A07, 6A08, 6B04, 6B05, 6B07, 6B08, 6C02,
6C04, or 6C05; Poland is added to GNSG eligibility
9B26B Other vibration test equipment; the reason for controls is
corrected to add NP controls which was inadvertently omitted in a
previous rule; NP controls are increased by adding all of paragraph
(a) to the NP scope--the result will not be an increase in
licensing, because these entries are already controlled for MT
reasons; and a NP note is clarified
II. The following new ECCNs are added to control items listed in
the Annex, but not previously controlled on the CCL:
1B55B Turboexpanders or turboexpander-compressor sets designed for
operation below 35K and a throughput of hydrogen gas of 1000 kg/hr
or greater
1B57B Lithium isotope separation facilities, plants and equipment.
III. Although Commerce will retain unilateral nuclear
nonproliferation controls on the following items, the United States
Government will continue to urge multilateral adoption of comparable
controls. Please note that ECCNs 2A49E, 2A50B, 2D49E, and 2E49E are the
only entries revised in this list.
1A48B Depleted uranium
2A49E The following items, previously requiring a validated license
to Country Groups S&Z, South African military and police, and
countries listed in Supplement No. 4 to Part 778, now only require a
validated license to Country Groups S, Z and countries listed in
Supplement No. 4 to Part 778: Generators, turbine generator sets,
steam turbines, heat exchangers, and heat exchanger type condensers
and process control systems therefor
2A50B Reactor and power plant simulators and analytical models for
reactor and power plant simulators; in paragraph (c), clarification
to parameters; in paragraph (e), restructured and note added for
2A51B Piping, fittings, and valves made of, or lined with,
stainless steel, copper-nickel alloy or other alloy steel containing
10% or more nickel and/or chromium
2A53B Pumps designed to move molten metals by electromagnetic
2D49E The following items, previously requiring a validated license
to Country Groups S & Z, South African military and police, and
countries listed in Supplement No. 4 to Part 778, now only require a
validated license to Country Groups S, Z and countries listed in
Supplement No. 4 to Part 778: Software for equipment controlled by
2E49E The following items, previously requiring a validated license
to Country Groups S & Z, South African military and police, and
countries listed in Supplement No. 4 to Part 778, now only require a
validated license to Country Groups S, Z and countries listed in
Supplement No. 4 to Part 778: Technology for equipment controlled by
4A01A Electronic computers that are radiation-hardened, specially
designed for operation at extreme temperatures, or capable of
performing functions exceeding the limits of the ``information
security'' entries in Category 5 (NP controls apply to computers
with a CTP of 500 Mtops or more to countries listed in Supplement
No. 4 to Part 778)
4A02A Hybrid computers (NP controls apply to computers with a CTP
of 500 Mtops or more to countries listed in Supplement No. 4 to Part
4A03A Digital computers (NP controls apply to computers with a CTP
of 500 Mtops or more to countries listed in Supplement No. 4 to Part
Although the Export Administration Act (EAA) expired on August 20,
1994, the President invoked the International Emergency Economic Powers
Act and continued in effect, to the extent permitted by law, the
provisions of the EAA and the EAR in Executive Order 12924 of August
19, 1994, and extended by a notice published in the Federal Register on
August 15, 1995.
Rulemaking Requirements
1. This interim rule has been determined to be significant for the
purposes of Executive Order 12866.
2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person is
required to respond to nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for
failure to comply with a collection of information subject to the
requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of
information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. This rule
involves collections of information subject to the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1980 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). These collections have been
approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control numbers
0694-0005, and 0694-0010.
3. This rule does not contain policies with Federalism implications
sufficient to warrant preparation of a Federalism assessment under
Executive Order 12612.
4. The provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act, (5 U.S.C.
553), requiring notice of proposed rulemaking, the opportunity for
public participation, and a delay in effective date, are inapplicable
because this regulation involves a military or foreign affairs function
of the United States. No other law requires that a notice of proposed
rulemaking and an opportunity for public comment be given for this
5. Because a notice of proposed rulemaking and an opportunity for
public comment are not required to be given for this rule under 5
U.S.C. 553 or by any other law, under sections 3(a) and 4(a) of the
Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 603(a) and 604(a)) no initial or
final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis has to be or will be prepared.
However, because of the importance of the issues raised by these
regulations, this rule is issued in interim form and comments will be
considered in the development of final regulations. Accordingly, the
Department encourages interested persons who wish to comment to do so.
The period for submission of comments will close March 4, 1996. The
Department will consider all comments received on or before the close
of the comment period in developing final regulations. Comments
received after the end of the comment period will be considered if
possible, but their
[[Page 3558]]
consideration cannot be assured. The Department will not accept public
comments accompanied by a request that a part or all of the material be
treated confidentially because of its business proprietary nature or
for any other reason. The Department will return such comments and
materials to the person submitting the comments and will not consider
them in the development of final regulations. All public comments on
these regulations will be a matter of public record and will be
available for public inspection and copying. In the interest of
accuracy and completeness, the Department requests comments in written
Oral comments should be followed by written memoranda, which will
also be a matter of public record and will be available for public
review and copying. Communications from agencies of the United States
Government or foreign governments will not be made available for public
The public record concerning these regulations will be maintained
in the Bureau of Export Administration Freedom of Information Records
Inspection Facility, Room 4525, Department of Commerce, 14th Street and
Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20230. Records in this
facility, including written public comments and memoranda summarizing
the substance of oral communications, may be inspected and copied in
accordance with regulations published in Part 4 of Title 15 of the Code
of Federal Regulations. Information about the inspection and copying of
records at the facility may be obtained from Theodore Zois, Bureau of
Export Administration Freedom of Information Officer, at the above
address or by calling (202) 482-1525.
List of Subjects in 15 CFR Parts 771 and 799
Exports, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
Accordingly, Parts 771 and 799 of the Export Administration
Regulations (15 CFR Parts 730-799) are amended as follows:
1. The authority citation for 15 CFR Parts 771 and 799 continues to
read as follows:
Authority: 50 U.S.C. App. 5, as amended; Pub. L. 264, 59 Stat.
619 (22 U.S.C. 287c), as amended; Pub. L. 90-351, 82 Stat. 197 (18
U.S.C. 2510 et seq.), as amended; sec. 101, Pub. L. 93-153, 87 Stat.
576 (30 U.S.C. 185), as amended; sec. 103, Pub. L. 94-163, 89 Stat.
877 (42 U.S.C. 6212), as amended; secs. 201 and 201(11)(e), Pub. L.
94-258, 90 Stat. 309 (10 U.S.C. 7420 and 7430(e)), as amended; Pub.
L. 95-223, 91 Stat. 1626 (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.); Pub. L. 95-242,
92 Stat. 120 (22 U.S.C. 3201 et seq. and 42 U.S.C. 2139a); sec. 208,
Pub. L. 95-372, 92 Stat. 668 (43 U.S.C. 1354); Pub. L. 96-72, 93
Stat. 503 (50 U.S.C. App. 2401 et seq.), as amended; sec. 125, Pub.
L. 99-64, 99 Stat. 156 (46 U.S.C. 466c); Pub. L. 102-484, 106 Stat.
2575 (22 U.S.C. 6004); E.O. 11912 of April 13, 1976 (41 FR 15825,
April 15, 1976); E.O. 12002 of July 7, 1977 (42 FR 35623, July 7,
1977), as amended; E.O. 12058 of May 11, 1978 (43 FR 20947, May 16,
1978); E.O. 12214 of May 2, 1980 (45 FR 29783, May 6, 1980); E.O.
12851 of June 11, 1993 (58 FR 33181, June 15, 1993); E.O. 12867 of
September 30, 1993 (58 FR 51747, October 4, 1993); E.O 12918 of May
26, 1994 (59 FR 28205, May 31, 1994); E.O. 12924 of August 19, 1994
(59 FR 43437 of August 23, 1994); and E.O. 12938 of November 14,
1994 (59 FR 59099 of November 16, 1994); and Notice of August 15,
1995 (60 FR 42767).
2. In Sec. 771.24 paragraphs (b) and (c) are revised to read as
Sec. 771.24 General License GNSG.
(a) * * *
(b) Eligible countries. The countries that are eligible to receive
exports under this general license are Argentina, Australia, Austria,
Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea (Republic of),
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Russia, the Slovak Republic, South Africa, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. Canada is also a member of the
Nuclear Suppliers Group, but generally there is no license requirement
for shipments to Canada (see Sec. 770.3).
(c) Eligible commodities, software, and technology. The items that
are eligible for export under this General License GNSG are indicated
in the GNSG paragraph under the Requirements heading for each entry on
the CCL that contains eligible items. Entries that contain no eligible
items do not have a GNSG paragraph. General License GNSG may only be
used for items controlled for nuclear proliferation reasons. Items that
are subject to the missile technology controls described in Sec. 778.7
are not eligible for General License GNSG. Items controlled for
national security reasons (i.e., entries that end in the code letter
``A'') are not eligible for shipment under General License GNSG to
Bulgaria, Romania, or Russia. All shipments under General License GNSG
are subject to the prohibitions contained in Sec. 771.2(c), except that
the prohibitions in Sec. 771.2(c)(2) do not apply to Russia for items
controlled by entries that do not end in the code letter ``A''.
* * * * *
Supplement No. 1 to Sec. 799.1 [Amended]
The following amendments are made to Supplement No. 1 to
Sec. 799.1:
3. In Category 1 (Materials), ECCNs 1A46B, 1B50B and heading,
1B51B, 1B52B, 1B53B, 1B54B, 1B58B, 1C19A, 1C50B, 1C54B, 1C55B, 1C58B,
and 1E41B and heading are revised, ECCNs 1B16A, 1B17A, 1C10A, 1D01A,
1E01A, 1E19A are amended by revising the requirements sections and new
ECCNs 1B55B and 1B57B are added, as follows:
1A46B Aluminum and titanium alloys in the form of tubes or cylindrical
solid forms (including forgings) with an outside diameter of more than
75 mm (3 inches).
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: $ value.
Reason for Control: NP.
GLV: $0.
GCT: No.
GFW: No.
GNSG: Yes.
List of Items Controlled
Alloys in the form of tubes or cylindrical solid forms (including
forgings) with an outside diameter of more than 75 mm (3 inches), as
a. Aluminum alloys capable of an ultimate tensile strength of 460
MPa (0.46 x 109 N2) or more at 293 K (20 deg. C);
b. Titanium alloys capable of an ultimate tensile strength of 900
MPa (0.9 x 109 N/m2) (130,500 lbs./in2) or more at 293
K (20 deg. C).
Technical Note: Alloys ``capable of'' a specified tensile
strength include those having that strength at the time of export,
as well as those capable of attaining that strength as a result of
heat treatment.
1B16A Plants for the production of uranium hexafluoride (UF6) and
specially designed or prepared equipment (including UF6
purification equipment), and specially designed parts and accessories
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: $ value.
Reason for Control: NS, NPP (items appear on International Atomic
Energy List).
GLV: $0.
[[Page 3559]]
GCT: No.
GFW: No.
GNSG: Yes, except Bulgaria, Romania, or Russia, for NP only (see
Note: See 10 CFR Part 110 for nuclear plants subject to the
export licensing authority of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
(i.e., fuel fabrication facilities, enrichment facilities,
reprocessing facilities, and heavy water production facilities).
* * * * *
1B17A Electrolytic cells for the production of fluorine with a
production capacity greater than 250 grams of fluorine per hour, and
specially designed parts and accessories therefor.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: $ value.
Reason for Control: NS, NP.
GLV: $0.
GCT: No.
GFW: No.
GNSG: Yes, except Bulgaria, Romania, or Russia.
* * * * *
1B50B Vacuum or controlled environment (inert gas) induction furnaces.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: $ value.
Reason for Control: NP.
GLV: $0.
GCT: No.
GFW: No.
GNSG: Yes.
List of Items Controlled
a. Vacuum or controlled environment (inert gas) induction furnaces
capable of operation above 850 deg. C and having induction coils 600 mm
(24 in.) or less in diameter, and designed for power inputs of 5kW or
more; and power supplies specially designed therefor with a specified
power output of 5 kW or more;
b. Vacuum and controlled atmosphere metallurgical melting and
casting furnaces, as follows, and specially configured computer control
and monitoring systems therefor:
b.1. Arc remelt and casting furnaces with consumable electrode
capacities equal to or greater than 1,000 cm3, and less than or
equal to 20,000 cm3, and capable of operating with melting
temperatures above 1,700 deg. C;
b.2. Electron beam melting and plasma atomization and melting
furnaces with a power of 50 kW or greater and capable of operating with
melting temperatures above 1,200 deg. C.
Note: This ECCN does not control furnaces designed for
semiconductor wafer manufacturing or processing (see ECCN 3B96).
1B51B Pressure transducers which are capable of measuring absolute
pressure at any point in the range 0 to 13 kPa, with pressure sensing
elements made of or protected by nickel, nickel alloys with more than
60% nickel by weight, aluminum or aluminum alloys as follows:
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: $ value.
Reason for Control: NP.
GLV: $0.
GCT: No.
GFW: No.
GNSG: Yes.
List of Items Controlled
a. Transducers with a full scale of less than 13 kPa and an
accuracy of better than 1% of full scale;
b. Transducers with a full scale of 13 kPa or greater and an
accuracy of better than 130 Pa.
Technical Notes: 1. Pressure transducers are devices that
convert pressure measurements into an electrical signal.
2. For the purposes of this entry, ``accuracy'' includes non-
linearity, hysteresis and repeatability at ambient temperature.
1B52B Water-hydrogen sulfide exchange tray columns constructed from
fine carbon steel with a diameter of 1.8 m (6 ft.) or greater, which
can operate at a nominal pressure of 2 Mpa (300 psi) or greater, and
internal contactors therefor.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: $ value.
Reason for Control: NP.
GLV: $0.
GCT: No.
GFW: No.
GNSG: Yes.
Note: This ECCN does not control columns specially designed or
prepared for the production of heavy water. See 10 CFR Part 110 for
heavy water production equipment subject to the export licensing
authority of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Technical Notes: 1. For columns which are especially designed or
prepared for the production of heavy water, see INFCIRC/254/Part 1.
2. Internal contactors of the columns are segmented trays with
an effective assembled diameter of 1.8 m (6 ft.) or greater, are
designed to facilitate countercurrent contacting and constructed of
materials resistant to corrosion by hydrogen sulfide/water mixtures.
These may be sieve trays, valve trays, bubble cap trays or turbogrid
3. Fine carbon steel in this entry is defined to be steel with
the austenitic ASTM (or equivalent standard) grain size number of 5
or greater.
4. Materials resistant to corrosion by hydrogen sulfide/water
mixtures in this entry are defined to be stainless steels with a
carbon content of 0.03% or less.
1B53B Hydrogen-cryogenic distillation columns.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: $ value.
Reason for Control: NP.
GLV: $0.
GCT: No.
GFW: No.
GNSG: Yes.
List of Items Controlled
Hydrogen-cryogenic distillation columns having all of the following
a. Designed to operate at internal temperatures of -238 deg. C (35
K) or less;
b. Designed to operate at internal pressure of 0.5 to 5 MPa (5 to
50 atmospheres);
c. Constructed of fine-grain stainless steels of the 300 series
with low sulfur content or equivalent cryogenic and H2-compatible
materials; and
d. With internal diameters of 1 m or greater and effective lengths
of 5 m or greater.
Technical Note: Fine-grain stainless steels in this item are
defined to be fine-grain austenitic stainless steels with an ASTM
(or equivalent standard) grain size number of 5 or greater.
Note: See 10 CFR 110 for heavy water production equipment
subject to the export licensing authority of the Nuclear Regulatory
1B54B Ammonia synthesis converters or synthesis units in which the
synthesis gas (nitrogen and hydrogen) is withdrawn from an ammonia/
hydrogen high-pressure exchange column and the synthesized ammonia is
returned to said column.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: $ value.
Reason for Control: NP.
GLV: $0.
GCT: No.
GFW: No.
GNSG: Yes.
1B55B Turboexpanders or turboexpander-compressor sets designed for
operation below 35K
[[Page 3560]]
and a throughput of hydrogen gas of 1000 kg/hr or greater.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: $ value.
Reason for Control: NP.
GLV: $0.
GCT: No.
GFW: No.
GNSG: Yes.
1B57B Lithium isotope separation facilities, plants and equipment.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: $ value.
Reason for Control: NP.
GLV: $0.
GCT: No.
GFW: No.
GNSG: Yes.
Lithium isotope separation facilities, plants and equipment, as
a. Facilities or plants for the separation of lithium isotopes;
b. Equipment for the separation of lithium isotopes, as follows:
b.1. Packed liquid-liquid exchange columns specially designed for
lithium amalgams;
b.2 Mercury and/or lithium amalgam pumps;
b.3 Lithium amalgam electrolysis cells;
b.4 Evaporators for concentrated lithium hydroxide solution.
1B58B Tritium facilities, plants and equipment, as follows:
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: $ value.
Reason for Control: NP.
GLV: $0.
GCT: No.
GFW: No.
GNSG: Yes.
List of Items Controlled
a. Facilities or plants for the production, recovery, extraction,
concentration, or handling of tritium;
b. Equipment for tritium facilities or plants, as follows:
b.1. Hydrogen or helium refrigeration units capable of cooling to
23 K (-250 deg.C) or less, with heat removal capacity greater than 150
b.2. Hydrogen isotope storage and purification systems using metal
hydrides as the storage, or purification medium.
Note: This ECCN 1B58B does not control tritium, tritium
compounds, and mixtures containing tritium, or products or devices
thereof. Tritium is subject to the export licensing authority of the
Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
1C10A ``Fibrous and filamentary materials'' that may be used in
organic ``matrix'', metallic ``matrix'' or carbon ``matrix''
``composite'' structures or laminates.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: kilograms.
Reason for Control: NS, MP (see Note).
GLV: $1500, except $0 for NP items (see Note).
GCT: Yes, except NP items (see Note).
GFW: No.
GNSG: Yes, except Bulgaria, Romania, or Russia, for NP only (see
Notes: NP controls apply to 1C10.a (all aramid ``fibrous and
filamentary materials''), 1C10.b. (all carbon ``fibrous and
filamentary materials''), 1C10.c. (all glass ``fibrous and
filamentary materials''), and 1C10.e.1.
* * * * *
1C19A Zirconium, nickel powder and porous nickel metal, lithium,
beryllium metal, wet-proofed platinized catalysts, and hafnium.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: Kilograms.
Reason for Control: NS, NP (see Notes).
GLV: $0.
GCT: No.
GFW: No.
GNSG: Yes, except Bulgaria, Romania, or Russia, for NP only (see
Notes: 1. NP controls apply to entire entry, except shipments of
zirconium foil or strip having a thickness not exceeding 0.10 mm.
2. NS controls apply to entire entry, except for zirconium
metal, alloys, or compounds in shipments of 5 kg or less and
shipments of 200 kg or less of zirconium foil or strip having a
thickness not exceeding 0.10 mm.
List of Items Controlled
a. Zirconium, with a hafnium content of less than 1 part hafnium to
500 parts zirconium by weight, in the form of:
a.1. Zirconium metal;
a.2. Alloys containing more than 50% zirconium by weight;
a.3. Compounds;
a.4. Manufactures wholly of zirconium metal, alloys, or compounds
described in 1C19.a.1, a.2, or a.3;
a.5. Waste and scrap from zirconium metal, alloys, compounds, or
manufactures wholly thereof controlled by 1C19.a.1, a.2, a.3, or a.4.
Note 1: This ECCN 1C19 does not control zirconium in the form of
foil having a thickness not exceeding 0.10 mm (0.004 in.).
Note 2: Zirconium metal and alloys in the form of tubes or
assemblies of tubes, specially designed or prepared for use in a
reactor are subject to the export licensing authority of the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (see 10 CFR Part 110).
b. Nickel powder and porous nickel metal, as follows:
b.1. Powder with a nickel purity content of 99.0% or more and a
mean particle size of less than 10 micrometers measured by the ASTM B
330 standard, except filamentary nickel powders;
b.2. Porous nickel metal produced from materials controlled for
export by 1C19.b.1, except single porous nickel metal sheets not
exceeding 1000 cm\2\, per sheet.
Note: 1C19.b.2 controls porous nickel metal formed by compacting
and sintering nickel powder, described in 1C19.b.1, to form a metal
material with fine pores interconnected throughout the structure.
c. Lithium (isotopically enriched in lithium-6), as follows:
c.1. Metal, hydrides, or alloys containing lithium enriched in the
6 isotope (\6\Li) to a concentration higher than the one existing in
nature (7.5% on an atom percentage basis);
c.2. Any other materials containing lithium enriched in the 6
isotope (including compounds, mixtures, and concentrates), except
lithium enriched in the 6 isotope incorporated in thermoluminescent
d. Beryllium, as follows:
d.1. Beryllium metal;
d.2. Alloys containing more than 50% beryllium by weight;
d.3. Beryllium compounds;
d.4. Manufactures of beryllium metal, alloys, or compounds
described in 1C19.d.1, d.2, or d.3;
d.5. Waste and scrap from beryllium metal, alloys, compounds, or
manufactures thereof described in 1C19.d.1, d.2, d.3, or d.4.
Note: 1C19.d does not control:
a. Metal windows for X-ray machines, or for bore-hole logging
b. Oxide shapes in fabricated or semi-fabricated forms specially
designed for electronic component parts or as substrates for
electronic circuits; and
c. Beryl (silicate of beryllium and aluminum) in the form of
emeralds or aquamarines.
e. Wet-proofed platinized catalysts specially designed or prepared
for promoting the hydrogen isotope exchange reaction between hydrogen
and water for the recovery of tritium from heavy water or for heavy
water production.
f. Hafnium, as follows:
f.1. Hafnium metal;
f.2. Alloys and compounds of hafnium containing more than 60
percent hafnium by weight;
[[Page 3561]]
f.3. Manufactures of hafnium metal, alloys, or compounds described
in f.1 or f.2.
1C50B ``Fibrous or filamentary materials'' not controlled by 1C10.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: Kilograms.
Reason for Control: NP, FP (see Note).
GLV: $0.
GCT: No.
GFW: No.
GNSG: Yes.
Note: FP controls apply to Iran and Syria for the items
described in 1C50.b.
List of Items Controlled
``Fibrous or filamentary materials'' not controlled by 1C10, as
a. Carbon or aramid ``fibrous and filamentary materials'' having:
a.1. A ``specific modulus'' of 12.7 x 10\6\ m or greater; or
a.2. A ``specific tensile strength'' of 23.5 x 10\6\ m or greater;
Note: 1C50.a does not include aramid ``fibrous or filamentary
materials'' having 0.25 percent or more by weight of an ester based
fiber surface modifier.
b. Glass ``fibrous or filamentary materials'' having:
b.1. A ``specific modulus'' of 3.18 x 10 \6\ m or greater; and
b.2. A ``specific tensile strength'' of 7.62 x 10 \4\ m or greater;
c. Thermoset resin impregnated continuous yarns, rovings, tows or
tapes with a width no greater than 15 mm (prepregs), made from carbon
or glass ``fibrous or filamentary materials'' described in 1C50.a or
Note: The resin forms the matrix of the composite.
d. Composite structures in the form of tubes with an inside
diameter greater than 75 mm (3 in.), but less than 400 mm (16 in.),
made with ``fibrous or filamentary materials'' described in 1C50.a or
carbon prepreg materials described in 1C50.c.
Technical Note: 1. For the purpose of this entry, the term
``fibrous or filamentary materials'' means continuous monofilaments,
strands, rovings, yarns, tows or tapes.
Filament or Monofilament is the smallest increment of fiber,
usually several m in diameter.
Strand is a bundle of filaments (typically over 200) arranged
approximately parallel.
Roving is a bundle (typically 12-120) of approximately parallel
Yarn is a bundle of twisted stands.
Tow is a bundle of filaments, usually approximately parallel.
Tape is a material constructed of interlaced or unidirectional
filaments, strands, rovings, tows or yarns, etc., usually
preimpregnated with resin.
2. Specific modulus is the Young's modulus in N/m2 divided by
the specific weight in M/m3, measured at a temperature of
232 deg. C and a relative humidity of 505
3. Specific tensile strength is the ultimate tensile strength in N/
m2 divided by specific weight in N/m3, measured at a
temperature of 232 deg. C and a relative humidity of
505 percent.
1C54B Alpha-emitting radionuclides having an alpha half-life of 10 days
or greater but less than 200 years, compounds or mixtures containing
any of these radionuclides with a total alpha activity of 1 curie per
kilogram (37 GBq/kg) or greater, and products or devices containing any
of the forgoing.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: Millicuries.
Reason for Control: NP.
GLV: $0.
GCT: No.
GFW: No.
GNSG: Yes.
Technical Note: This ECCN does not control products or devices
containing less than 3.7 GBq (100 millicuries) of alpha activity.
Note: See 10 CFR Part 110 for alpha-emitting radionuclides
subject to the export licensing authority of the Nuclear Regulatory
1C55B Helium-3 or helium isotopically enriched in the helium-3
isotope, mixtures containing helium-3, and products or devices
containing any of the foregoing.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: Liters.
Reason for Control: NP.
GLV: $0.
GCT: No.
GFW: No.
GNSG: Yes.
Note: 1C55 does not control a product or device containing less
than 1g of helium-3.
1C58B Radium-226, radium-226 compounds, or mixtures containing radium-
226, and products or devices containing any of the foregoing.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: $ value.
Reason for Control: NP.
GLV: $0.
GCT: No.
GFW: No.
GNSG: Yes.
Technical Note: This ECCN does not control radium contained in
medical applicators, or a product or device containing not more than
0.37 GBq (10 millicuries) of radium-226 in any form.
1D01A ``Software'' specially designed or modified for the
``development'', ``production'', or ``use'' of equipment controlled by
1B01, 1B02, 1B03, 1B16, 1B17, or 1B18.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: $ value.
Reason for Control: NS, MT, NP (see Notes).
GTDR: Yes, except MT and NP (see Notes).
GNSG: Yes, except Bulgaria, Romania, or Russia, for NP only (see
Notes: 1. MT controls apply to software for the ``development'',
``production'', or ``use'' of equipment controlled by 1B01 (except
1B01.d.4 and 1B01.f) and 1B18.a.
2. NP controls apply to software for the ``development'',
``production'', or ``use'' of filament winding machines described in
1B01.a that are capable of winding cylindrical rotors with diameters
between 75 mm (3 in.) and 400 mm (16 in.) and lengths of 600 mm (24
in.) or greater.
* * * * *
1E01A Technology according to the General Technology Note for the
``development'' or ``production'' of equipment or materials controlled
by 1A01.b, 1A01.c, 1A02, 1A03, 1B01, 1B02, 1B03, 1B18, 1C01, 1C02,
1C03, 1C04, 1C05, 1C06, 1C07, 1C08, 1C09, 1C10, 1C18 or 1C50.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Reason for Control: NS, NP, MT, FP (see Notes).
GTDR: Yes, except NP, MT, and FP (see Notes).
GNSG: Yes, except Bulgaria, Romania, or Russia, for NP only (see
Notes: 1. NP controls apply to exports to all destinations of
technology for the ``development'' or ``production'' of the
a. Filament winding machines controlled by 1B01.a that are
capable of winding cylindrical rotors having a diameter between 3
inches and 16 inches and a length of 24 inches or greater;
b. ``Fibrous or filamentary materials'' controlled by 1C10 or
[[Page 3562]]
2. MT controls apply to technology for items controlled for missile
technology reasons by 1A02 or 1B01 (except 1B01.d.4 and f).
3. FP controls apply to all technology described in this entry for
Iran and Syria.
Related ECCNs: See 1E40B for NP controls on technology for the
``use'' of filament winding machines controlled by 1B01A.a.
* * * * *
1E19A Technology according to the General Technology Note for the
``development'', ``production'', or ``use'' of equipment or materials
controlled by 1B16, 1B17, or 1C19.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Reason for Control: NS, NP (see Note).
GNSG: Yes, except Bulgaria, Romania, or Russia, for NP only (see
Note: NP controls apply to technology for the ``development'',
``production'', or ``use'' of plants controlled by 1B16, equipment
controlled by 1B17, or materials controlled by 1C19.
* * * * *
1E41B Technology for the ``development'', ``production'', or ``use''
of items controlled by 1A44B, 1A45B, 1A46B, 1A47B, 1A48B, 1A50B, 1B41B,
1B42B, 1B50B, 1B51B, 1B52B, 1B53B, 1B54B, 1B55B, 1B57B, 1B58B, 1B59B,
1C49B, 1C50B, 1C51B, 1C52B, 1C53B, 1C54B, 1C55B, 1C56B, 1C57B, or 1C58B
or for the ``use'' of items controlled by 1C10.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Reason for Control: NP, FP (see Note).
GNSG: Yes.
Note: FP controls apply to Iran and Syria for technology for the
``development'', ``production'', or ``use'' of glass ``fibrous and
filamentary materials'' controlled by 1C50.b.
4. In Category 2 (Materials Processing), ECCNs 2A48B and heading,
2A49E, 2A50B, 2A52B and heading, 2B01A, 2B08A, 2B41B, 2B50B, 2D01A,
2D49E, 2D50B, 2E49E, and 2E50B are revised, and ECCNs 2A19A, 2B06A,
2B07A, 2B09A, 2D19A, 2E01A, 2E02A, 2E03A, and 2E19A are amended by
revising the Requirements sections as follows:
2A19A Commodities on the International Atomic Energy List (e.g., power
generating and/or propulsion equipment, neutron generator systems, and
valves for gaseous diffusion separation process).
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: Number; $ value for parts and accessories.
Reason for Control: NS and NP (see Note).
GLV: $0.
GCT: No.
GFW: No.
GNSG: Yes for 2A19.b and c, except to Bulgaria, Romania, or Russia.
Note: NP controls apply to items described in 2A19.b or c.
* * * * *
2A48B Valves not controlled by 2A19.c that are 5 mm (0.2 in.) or
greater in nominal size, with a bellows seal, wholly made of or lined
with aluminum, aluminum alloy, nickel, or alloy containing 60 percent
or more nickel, either manually or automatically operated.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: $ value.
Reason for Control: NP.
GLV: $0.
GCT: No.
GFW: No.
GNSG: Yes.
Technical Note: For valves with different inlet and outlet
diameter, the nominal size parameter above refers to the smallest
Note: See 10 CFR Part 110 for valves subject to the export
licensing authority of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
2A49E Generators and other equipment specially designed, prepared, or
intended for use with nuclear plants.
Validated License Required: SZ, and countries listed in Supplement
No. 4 to Part 778.
Unit: $ value.
Reason for Control: NP.
GLV: $0.
GCT: No.
GFW: No.
List of Items Controlled
a. Generators, turbine-generator sets, steam turbines, heat
exchangers, and heat exchanger type condensers designed or intended for
use in a nuclear reactor;
b. Process control systems intended for use with the equipment
controlled by 2A49.a.
Note: See 10 CFR Part 110 for nuclear equipment subject to the
export licensing authority of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
2A50B Equipment related to nuclear material handling and processing
and to nuclear reactors.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: $ value.
Reason for Control: NP.
GLV: $0.
GCT: No.
GFW: No.
GNSG: Yes.
List of Items Controlled
a. Reactor and power plant simulators and analytical models for
reactor and power plant simulators, models or mock-ups;
b. Process control systems, except those controlled by 2A49.b,
intended for use with nuclear reactors;
c. High density (lead glass or other) radiation shielding windows
greater than 0.09 m2 on cold area and with a density greater than
3 g/cm3 and a thickness of 100 mm or greater; and specially
designed frames therefor;
d. Casks that are specially designed for transportation of high
level radioactive material and that weigh more than 1,000 kg;
e. Remote manipulators that can be used to provide remote actions
in radiochemical separation operations and ``hot cells'', as follows:
1. Having a capability of penetrating 0.6 m or more (2 ft. or more)
of hot cell wall (`through-the-wall' operation); or
2. Having a capability of bridging over the top of a hot cell wall
with a thickness of 0.6 m or more (2 ft. or more) (`over-the-wall'
Note: Remote manipulators provide translation of human operator
actions to a remote operating arm and terminal fixture.
They may be of a `master/slave' type or operated by joystick or
f. Commodities, parts and accessories specially designed or
prepared for use with nuclear plants (e.g., snubbers, airlocks, reactor
and fuel inspection equipment), except items licensed by the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission pursuant to 10 CFR, part 110.
Note: See 10 CFR part 110 for nuclear equipment subject to the
export licensing authority of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
2A52B Vacuum pumps with an input throat size of 38 cm (15 in.) or
greater with a pumping speed of 15,000 liters/second or greater and
capable of producing an ultimate vacuum better than 10-4 Torr
(1.33 x 10-4 mbar).
[[Page 3563]]
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: $ value.
Reason for Control: NP.
GLV: $0.
GCT: No.
GFW: No.
GNSG: Yes.
Technical Notes: 1. The ultimate vacuum is determined at the
input of the pump with the input of the pump blocked off.
2. The pumping speed is determined at the measurement point with
nitrogen gas or air.
Note: See 10 CFR part 110 for vacuum pumps for gaseous diffusion
separation process subject to the export licensing authority of the
Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
2B01A ``Numerical control'' units, specially designed ``motion control
boards'' for ``numerical control'' applications on machine tools,
``numerically controlled'' machine tools and specially designed
components therefor.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: Number; $ value for parts and accessories.
Reason for Control: NS and NP (See Note).
GLV: $0.
GCT: No.
GFW: No.
GNSG: Yes, except Bulgaria, Romania, or Russia.
Note: NP controls apply to entire entry except 2B01.a and .b
unless controlled software in 2D01 or 2D02.b resides there in,
2B01.c.1.b.1 (turning machines only), c.1.b.2, c.1.b.3, c.1.b.4,
c.1.b.5.a, c.2 and c.4, milling machines with greater than 2 meters
travel and worse than 30 micron accuracy, or crankshaft and camshaft
grinding machines.
List of Items Controlled
Technical Notes: 1. Secondary parallel contouring axes, e.g.,
the w-axis on horizontal boring mills or a secondary rotary axis the
center line of which is parallel to the primary rotary axis, are not
counted in the total number of contouring axes.
Note: Rotary axes need not rotate over 360 deg.. A rotary axis
can be driven by a linear device, e.g., a screw or a rack-and-
2. Axis nomenclature shall be in accordance with International
Standard ISO 841, `Numerical Control Machines--Axis and Motion
a. ``Numerical control'' units for machine tools, as follows, and
specially designed components therefor:
a.1. Having more than four interpolating axes that can be
coordinated simultaneously for ``contouring control''; or
a.2. Having two, three or four interpolating axes that can be
coordinated simultaneously for ``contouring control'' and one or more
of the following:
a.2.a. Capable of ``real-time processing'' of data to modify the
tool path during the machining by automatic calculation and
modification of part program data for machining in two or more axes by
means of measuring cycles and access to source data;
a.2.b. Capable of receiving directly (on-line) and processing
computer-aided-design (CAD) data for internal preparation of machine
instructions; or
a.2.c. Capable, without modification, according to the
manufacturer's technical specifications, of accepting additional boards
that would permit increasing the number of interpolating axes that can
be coordinated simultaneously for ``contouring control'', above the
control levels specified in 2B01, even if they do not contain these
additional boards;
b. ``Motion control boards'' specially designed for machine tools
and having any of the following characteristics:
b.1. Providing interpolation in more than four axes;
b.2. Capable of ``real time processing'' as described in
2B01.a.2.a; or
b.3. Capable of receiving and processing CAD data as described in
Note: 2B01.a does not control ``numerical control'' units and
``motion control boards'' if:
a. Modified for and incorporated in uncontrolled machines; or
b. Specially designed for uncontrolled machines.
c. Machine tools, as follows, for removing or cutting metals,
ceramics or composites, which, according to the manufacturer's
technical specifications, can be equipped with electronic devices
for simultaneous ``contouring control'' in two or more axes:
Technical Note: a. The c-axis on jig grinders used to maintain
grinding wheels normal to the work surface is not considered a
contouring rotary axis.
b. Not counted in the total number of contouring axes are
secondary parallel contouring axes, e.g., a secondary rotary axis,
the center line of which is parallel to the primary rotary axis.
c. Axis nomenclature shall be in accordance with International
Standard ISO 841, ``Numerical control Machines Axis and Motion
d. Rotary axes do not necessarily have to rotate over 360 deg..
A rotary axis can be driven by a linear device, e.g., a screw or a
c.1. Machine tools for turning, grinding, milling or any
combination thereof that:
c.1.a. Have two or more axes that can be coordinated simultaneously
for ``contouring control''; and
c.1.b. Have any of the following characteristics:
c.1.b.1. Two or more contouring rotary axes;
c.1.b.2. One or more contouring ``tilting spindles'';
Note: 2B01.c.1.b.2 applies to machine tools for grinding or
milling only.
c.1.b.3. ``Camming'' (axial displacement) in one revolution of the
spindle less (better) than 0.0006 mm total indicator reading (TIR);
Note: 2B01.c.1.b.3 applies to machine tools for turning only.
c.1.b.4. ``Run out'' (out-of-true running) in one revolution of the
spindle less (better) than 0.0006 mm total indicator reading (TIR);
c.1.b.5. The ``positioning accuracies'', with all compensations
available, are less (better) than:
c.1.b.5.a. 0.001 deg. on any rotary axis; or
c.1.b.5.b.1. 0.004 mm along any linear axis (overall positioning)
for grinding machines;
c.1.b.5.b.2. 0.006 mm along any linear axis (overall positioning)
for milling or turning machines; or
Note: 2B01.c.1.b.5.b.2 does not control milling or turning
machine tools with a positioning accuracy along one linear axis,
with all compensations available, equal to or greater (worse) than
0.005 mm.
Technical Note: The positioning accuracy of ``numerically
controlled'' machine tools is to be determined and presented in
accordance with ISO/DIS 230/2, paragraph 2.13, in conjunction with
the requirements below:
a. Test conditions (paragraph 3):
1. For 12 hours before and during measurements, the machine tool
and accuracy measuring equipment will be kept at the same ambient
temperature. During the premeasurement time, the slides of the
machine will be continuously cycled identically to the way they will
be cycled during the accuracy measurements;
2. The machine shall be equipped with any mechanical,
electronic, or software compensation to be exported with the
3. Accuracy of measuring equipment for the measurements shall be
at least four times more accurate than the expected machine tool
4. Power supply for slide drives shall be as follows:
a. Line voltage variation shall not be greater than
10% of nominal rated voltage;
b. Frequency variation shall not be greater than 2
Hz of normal frequency;
c. Lineouts or interrupted service are not permitted.
b. Test program (paragraph 4):
1. Feed rate (velocity of slides) during measurement shall be
the rapid traverse rate;
Note: In the case of machine tools that generate optical quality
surfaces, the feed rate shall be equal to or less than 50 mm per
[[Page 3564]]
2. Measurements shall be made in an incremental manner from one
limit of the axis travel to the other without returning to the starting
position for each move to the target position;
3. Axes not being measured shall be retained at mid travel during
test of an axis.
c. Presentation of test results (paragraph 2): The results of the
measurement must include:
1. ``Positioning accuracy'' (A); and
2. The mean reversal error (B).
Note 1: 2B01.c.1 does not control cylindrical external,
internal, and external-internal grinding machines having all of the
following characteristics:
a. Not centerless (shoe-type) grinding machines;
b. Limited to cylindrical grinding;
c. A maximum workpiece outside diameter or length of 150 mm;
d. Only two axes which can be coordinated simultaneously for
``contouring control''; and
e. No contouring c axis.
Note 2: 2B01.c.1 does not control machines designed specifically
as jig grinders having both of the following characteristics:
a. Axes limited to x, y, c and a, where the c-axis is used to
maintain the grinding wheel normal to the work surface and the a-
axis is configured to grind barrel cams; and
b. A spindle ``run out'' not less (not better) than 0.0006 mm.
Note 3: 2B01.c.1 does not control tool or cutter grinding
machines having all of the following characteristics:
a. Shipped as a complete system with ``software'' specially
designed for the production of tools or cutters;
b. No more than two rotary axes that can be coordinated
simultaneously for ``contouring control'';
c. ``Run out'' (out-of-true running) in one revolution of the
spindle not less (not better) than 0.0006 mm total indicator reading
(TIR); and
d. The ``positioning accuracies'', with all compensations
available, are not less (not better) than:
1. 0.004 mm along any linear axis for overall positioning; or
2. 0.001 deg. on any rotary axis.
c.2. Electrical discharge machines (EDM):
c.2.a. Of the wire feed type that have five or more axes that can
be coordinated simultaneously for ``contouring control'';
c.2.b. Non-wire EDMs that have two or more contouring rotary axes
and that can be coordinated simultaneously for ``contouring control'';
c.3. Other machine tools for removing metals, ceramics or
c.3.a. By means of:
c.3.a.1. Water or other liquid jets, including those employing
abrasive additives;
c.3.a.2. Electron beam; or
c.3.a.3. ``Laser'' beam; and
c.3.b. Having two or more rotary axes that:
c.3.b.1. Can be coordinated simultaneously for ``contouring
control''; and
c.3.b.2. Have a ``positioning accuracy'' of less (better) than
0.003 deg.;
2B06A Dimensional inspection or measuring systems or equipment.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: Number.
Reason for Control: NS and NP (see Note).
GLV: $0.
GCT: Yes, for 2B06.d only.
GFW: No.
GNSG: Yes for 2B06.a, b, and c, except Bulgaria, Romania, or
Note: NP controls apply to items described in 2B06.a, b or c.
* * * * *
2B07A ``Robots'' or ``end-effectors'' and specially designed
controllers therefor.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: $ value.
Reason for Control: NS and NP (see Note).
GLV: $5,000, except for $0 for NP (see Note).
GCT: Yes, except NP (see Note).
GFW: No.
GNSG: Yes, except Bulgaria, Romania, or Russia, for NP only (see
Note: NP controls apply to 2B07.b robots, to specially designed
or rated as radiation hardened robots to withstand greater than 5
x 104 grays (Silicon) (5 x 106 rad (Silicon)) without
operational degradation, and to specially designed controllers and
``end-effectors'' therefor.
* * * * *
2B08A Assemblies, units or inserts specially designed for machine
tools, or for equipment controlled by 2B06 or 2B07.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: $ value.
Reason for Control: NS.
GLV: $0.
GCT: No.
GFW: No.
List of Items Controlled
a. Spindle assemblies, consisting of spindles and bearings as a
minimal assembly, with radial (``run out'') or axial (``camming'') axis
motion in one revolution of the spindle less (better) than 0.0006 mm
total indicator reading (TIR);
b. Linear position feedback units, e.g., inductive type devices,
graduated scales, infrared systems or ``laser'' systems, having with
compensation an overall ``accuracy'' less (better) than (800 + (600 x
L x 10-3))nm (L equals the effective length in millimeters of
the linear measurement);
c. Rotary position feedback units, e.g., inductive-type devices,
graduated scales, ``laser'', or infrared systems, having with
compensation an ``accuracy'' less (better) than 0.00025 deg. of arc;
d. Slide way assemblies consisting of a minimal assembly of ways,
bed and slide having all of the following characteristics:
d.1. A yaw, pitch or roll of less (better) than 2 seconds of arc
total indicator reading (reference: ISO/DIS 230-1) over full travel;
d.2. A horizontal straightness of less (better) than 2 micrometer
per 300 mm length; and
d.3. A vertical straightness of less (better) than 2 micrometer
over full travel per 300 mm length;
e. Single point diamond cutting tool inserts, having all of the
following characteristics:
e.1. Flawless and chip-free cutting edge when magnified 400 times
in any direction;
e.2. Cutting radius out-of-roundness less (better) than 0.002 mm
total indicator reading (TIR) (also peak-to-peak); and
e.3. Cutting radius from 0.1 to 5 mm inclusive;
Note: This ECCN does not control measuring interferometer
systems, without closed or open loop feedback, containing a
``laser'' to measure slide movement errors of machine-tools,
dimensional inspection machines or similar equipment.
2B09A Specially designed printed circuit boards with mounted
components and software therefor, or ``compound rotary tables'' or
``tilting spindles'', capable of upgrading, according to the
manufacturer's specifications, ``numerical control'' units, machine
tools or feed-back devices to or above the levels specified in ECCNs
2B01, 2B02, 2B03, 2B04, 2B05, 2B06, 2B07, and 2B08.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: $ value.
Reason for Control: NS.
GLV: $0.
GCT: No.
GFW: No.
* * * * *
[[Page 3565]]
2B41B ``Numerically controlled'' machine tools not controlled by ECCN
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: Number; $ value for parts and accessories.
Reason for Control: NP.
GLV: $0.
GCT: No.
GFW: No.
GNSG: Yes.
List of Items Controlled
Numerically controlled machine tools for vertical or horizontal
turning, milling, or boring that, according to the manufacturer's
technical specifications, can be equipped with ``numerical control''
units controlled for export under ECCN 2B01A (even if not equipped with
such units at the time of delivery) and that have:
a. Turning machines or combination turning/milling machines which
are capable of machining diameters greater than 2.5 m.
2B50B Flow forming machines and spin forming machines capable of flow
forming functions, and mandrels.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: Number; $ value for parts and accessories.
Reason for Control: NP, MT (see Notes).
GLV: $0.
GCT: No.
GFW: No.
GNSG: Yes, for 2B50.a and .b only.
Notes: 1. MT controls apply to items described by 2B50.a.2,
except those that are not usable in the production of propulsion
components and equipments (e.g., motor cases) for ``missile''
2. NP controls apply to items described by 2B50.a.1 and .b.
List of Items Controlled
a. Spin-forming and flow-forming machines, and specially designed
components therefor, that according to the manufacturer's technical
specifications, can be equipped with ``numerical control'' units or a
computer control; and
1. Have three or more rollers (active or guiding); and
Note: This entry includes machines which have only a single
roller designed to deform metal plus two auxiliary rollers which
support the mandrel, but do not participate directly in the
deformation process.
2. Have two or more axes that can be coordinated simultaneously for
``contouring control''.
b. Rotor-forming mandrels designed to form cylindrical rotors of
inside diameter between 75 mm (3 in.) and 400 mm (16 in.).
Note: The only spin-forming machines controlled by this ECCN
2B50B are those capable of flow forming functions.
2D01A ``Software'' specially designed or modified for the
``development'', ``production'' or ``use'' of equipment controlled by
2A01, 2A02, 2A03, 2A04, 2A05, 2A06, 2B01, 2B02, 2B03, 2B04, 2B05, 2B06,
2B07, 2B08, or 2B09.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: $ value.
Reason for Control: NS, MT, and NP (see Notes).
GTDR: Yes, except MT and NP (see Notes).
GNSG: Yes for software for 2B01, 2B06.a, .b, and .c, and 2B07.b and
.c, (see Notes), except to Bulgaria, Romania, or Russia. ``Software''
(including documentation) for ``numerical control'' units must be:
a. In machine executable form only; and
b. Limited to the minimum necessary for the use (i.e.,
installation, operation, and maintenance) of the units.
Notes: 1. MT controls apply to ``software'' specially designed
or modified for the ``development'', ``production'', or ``use'' of
equipment described in 2B04.
2. NP controls apply to ``software'' described in this ECCN for
the ``development'', ``production'', or ``use'' of equipment
described in ECCNs 2B01, 2B04, 2B06.a, .b, and .c, and 2B07.b and
.c. Specially designed ``software'' for the systems described in
2B06.c includes ``software'' for simultaneous measurements of wall
thickness and contour.
2D19A ``Software'' for the ``development'', ``production'', or ``use''
of equipment controlled by 2A19.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: $ value.
Reason for Control: NS, NP (see Note).
GNSG: Yes, except Bulgaria, Romania, or Russia, for NP only (see
Note: NP controls apply to Country Groups QSTVWYZ for
``software'' for the ``development'', ``production'', or ``use'' of
neutron generator systems and valves described in 2A19.b and c,
* * * * *
2D49E ``Software'' specially designed or modified for the
``development'', ``production'' or ``use'' of equipment controlled by
Validated License Required: SZ, and countries listed in Supp. No. 4
to Part 778.
Unit: $ value.
Reason for Control: NP.
GTDU: Yes, except destinations listed under Validated License
2D50B ``Software'' specially designed or modified for the
``development'', ``production'' or ``use'' of equipment controlled by
2A50 or 2B50.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: $ value.
Reason for Control: NP, MT (see Notes).
GNSG: Yes, for NP only (see Note).
Note: 1. NP controls apply to ``software'' specially designed or
modified for the ``development'', ``production'' or ``use'' of items
controlled by 2A50 and 2B50.a and .b.
2. MT controls apply to `software' specially designed or
modified for the ``development'', ``production'' or ``use'' of items
controlled by 2B50.a, except those that are not usable in the
production of propulsion components and equipments (e.g., motor
cases) for ``missile'' systems.
2E01A Technology according to the General Technology Note for the
``development'' of equipment or ``software'' controlled by 2A01, 2A02,
2A03, 2A04, 2A05, 2A06, 2B01, 2B02, 2B03, 2B04, 2B05, 2B06, 2B07, 2B08,
2B09, 2D01, or 2D02.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Reason for Control: NS, MT, NP (see Notes).
GTDR: Yes, except MT and NP (see Notes).
GNSG: Yes for NP, except technology for 2B04 (see Notes) and except
Bulgaria, Romania, or Russia.
Notes: 1. MT controls apply to technology for the
``development'' of commodities controlled by 2B04.
2. NP controls apply to technology for the ``development'' of
commodities controlled by 2B01, 2B04, 2B06.a, .b, and .c, and 2B07.b
[[Page 3566]]
and .c, and technology for the ``development'' of ``software''
controlled by 2D01 for NP reasons.
Related ECCNs: See 2E40B for NP controls on technology for the
``use'' of equipment controlled by 2B04, 2B06.a, b, or c, or 2B07.b.
* * * * *
2E02A Technology according to the General Technology Note for the
``production'' of equipment controlled by 2A01, 2A02, 2A03, 2A04, 2A05,
2A06, 2B01, 2B02, 2B03, 2B04, 2B05, 2B06, 2B07, 2B08, or 2B09.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Reason for Control: NS, MT, NP (see Notes).
GTDR: Yes, except MT and NP (see Notes).
GNSG: Yes for NP, except technology for 2B04 (see Notes) and except
Bulgaria, Romania, or Russia.
Notes: 1. MT controls apply to technology for the ``production''
of commodities controlled by 2B04.
2. NP controls apply to technology for the ``production'' of
commodities controlled by 2B01, 2B04, 2B06.a, .b, and .c, and 2B07
.b and .c.
Related ECCNs: See 2E40B for NP controls on technology for the
``use'' of equipment controlled by 2B04, 2B06.a, b, or c, or 2B07.b.
* * * * *
2E03A Other technology.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Reason for Control: NS, NP (see Note).
GTDR: Yes, except 2E03.a, a.3, b, and d.
GNSG: Yes except Bulgaria, Romania, or Russia, for 2E03.a and a.3
only (see Note).
Note: NP controls apply to technology described in 2E03.a or
* * * * *
2E19A Technology for the ``development'', ``production'', or ``use''
of equipment controlled by 2A19.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Reason for Control: NS, NP (see Note).
GNSG: Yes except Bulgaria, Romania, or Russia.
Note: NP controls apply to Country Groups QSTVWYZ for technology
for the ``development'', ``production'', or ``use'' of neutron
generator systems and valves described in 2A19.b and c,
* * * * *
2E49E Technology for the ``development'', ``production'', or ``use''
of equipment controlled by 2A49E.
Validated License Required: SZ and countries listed in Supp. No. 4
to Part 778.
Reason for Control: NP.
GTDU: Yes, except destinations listed under Validated License
2E50B Technology for the ``development'', ``production'' or ``use'' of
equipment controlled by 2A50 or 2B50.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Reason for Control: NP, MT (see Notes).
GNSG: Yes, for NP only.
Notes: 1. MT controls apply to ``technology'' specially designed
or modified for the ``development'', ``production'' or ``use'' of
items described by 2B50.a.2, except those that are not usable in the
production of propulsion components and equipments (e.g., motor
cases) for ``missile'' systems.
2. NP controls apply to ``technology'' specially designed or
modified for the ``development'', ``production'' or ``use'' of items
controlled by 2B50.a.1 and .b.
5. In Category 3, (Electronics Design, Development and Production),
ECCNs 3A01A, 3D01A, and 3E01A are amended by revising the Requirements
sections to read as follows:
3A01A Electronic devices and components.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: Number.
Reason for Control: NS, MT, NP (see Notes).
GLV: $1,500: 3A01.c; $3,000: 3A01.b.1 to b.3, 3A01.d to 3A01.f;
$5,000: 3A01.a, 3A01.b.4 to b.7.
GCT: Yes, except 3A01.a.1.a and 3A01.e.5 (see Notes).
GFW: Yes, except 3A01.a.1.a, 3A01.b.1 and b.3 to b.7, 3A01.c to f.
GNSG: Yes, except Bulgaria, Romania, or Russia, for NP only (see
Notes: 1. MT controls apply to 3A01.a.1.a.
2. NP controls apply to 3A01.e.5.
* * * * *
3D01A ``Software'' specially designed for the ``development'' or
``production'' of equipment controlled by 3A01.b to 3A01.f, 3A02, and
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: $ value.
Reason for Control: NS, NP (see Note).
GTDR: Yes, except 3A01.e.5 (see Note).
GNSG: Yes, except Bulgaria, Romania, or Russia, for ``software''
for 3A01.e.5 only (see Note).
Note: NP controls apply to ``software'' for the ``development''
or ``production'' of items controlled by 3A01.e.5.
* * * * *
3E01A Technology according to the General Technology Note for the
``development'' or ``production'' of equipment or materials controlled
by 3A01, 3A02, 3B01, 3C01, 3C02, 3C03, or 3C04.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: $ value.
Reason for Control: NS, MT, and NP (see Notes).
GTDR: Yes, except MT and NP.
GNSG: Yes, except Bulgaria, Romania, or Russia, for technology for
3A01.e.5 only (see Notes).
Note 1: MT controls apply to technology specially designed for
the ``development'' or ``production'' of items described in
Note 2: NP controls apply to technology specially designed for
the ``development'' or ``production'' of items described in
Note 3: 3E01 does not control technology for the ``development''
or ``production'' of:
a. Microwave transistors operating at frequencies below 31 GHz;
b. Integrated circuits controlled by 3A01.a.3 to a.11, having
both of the following characteristics:
1. Using technology of one micrometer or more, and
2. Not incorporating multi-layer structures.
N.B.: This Note does not preclude the export of multilayer
technology for devices incorporating a maximum of two metal layers and
two polysilicon layers.
* * * * *
In Category 6 (Sensors), ECCN 6A43B is revised, and ECCNs 6A03A,
6A05A, 6E01A and 6E02A are amended by revising the Requirements
sections as follows:
6A03A Cameras.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
[[Page 3567]]
Unit: Number.
Reason for Control: NS, FP and NP (see Notes).
GLV: $1,500, except $0 for 6A03.a.2 through a.5, b.1, b.3 and b.4.
GCT: Yes, except NP and FP (see Notes).
GFW: No.
GNSG: Yes, except Bulgaria, Romania, or Russia, for NP only (see
Notes: 1. FP controls for regional stability apply to items
controlled in 6A03.b.3 and b.4.
2. NP controls apply to items controlled in 6A03.a.2, a.3, a.4,
a.5 and b.1.
3. The items listed in 6A03.b.3 and b.4 are subject to the
United Nations Security Council arms embargo against Rwanda
described in Sec. 785.4(a) of this subchapter.
* * * * *
6A05A ``Lasers'', components and optical equipment, as follows.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: Number; $ value for parts and accessories.
Reason for Control: NS, NP (see Note).
GLV: $0 for NP items (see Note); $3,000 for all other items.
GCT: Yes, except NP (see Note).
GFW: Yes, except NP (see Note), for items in Advisory Notes 5.3 and
GNSG: Yes, except Bulgaria, Romania, or Russia, for NP only (see
Note: NP controls apply to lasers described in 6A05.a.1.c,
a.2.a, a.4.c, a.6 (argon ion lasers only), a.7.b, c.1.b, c.2.c.2,
c.2.c.3, c.2.d.2, and d.2.c.
Related ECCNs: See 6A50B for NP controls on lasers, laser
amplifiers, and oscillators not controlled by 6A05A.
* * * * *
6A43B Cameras and components not controlled by ECCN 6A03A.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: Number; $ value for parts and accessories.
Reason for Control: NP.
GLV: $0.
GCT: No.
GFW: No.
GNSG: Yes.
List of Items Controlled
a. Mechanical rotating mirror cameras, as follows; and specially
designed components therefor:
a.1. Framing cameras with recording rates greater than 225,000
frames per second;
a.2. Streak cameras with writing speeds greater than 0.5 mm per
Technical Note: Components of such cameras include their
synchronizing electronics units and rotor assemblies consisting of
turbines, mirrors, and bearings.
b. Electronic streak and framing cameras and tubes, as follows:
b.1. Electronic streak cameras capable of 50 ns or less time
resolution and streak tubes therefor;
b.2. Electronic (or electrically shuttered) framing cameras capable
of 50 ns or less frame exposure time;
b.3. Framing tubes and solid state imaging devices for use with
cameras described in 6A43.b.2, as follows:
b.3.a. Proximity focused image intensifier tubes having a
photocathode deposited on a transparent conductive coating to decrease
photocathode sheet resistance;
b.3.b. Gated silicon intensifier target (SIT) vidicon tubes, where
a fast system allows gating the photoelectrons from the photocathode
before they impinge on the SIT plate;
b.3.c. Kerr or pocket cell electro-optical shuttering; or
b.3.d. Other framing tubes and solid-state imaging devices having a
fast-image gating time of less than 50 ns specially designed for
cameras controlled by 6A43.b.2;
c. Radiation-hardened Television cameras, or lenses therefor,
specially designed or rated as radiation hardened to withstand greater
than 5 x 10 \4\ grays (Silicon) (5 x 10 \6\ rad (Silicon)) without
operational degradation.
6E01A Technology according to the General Technology Note for the
``development'' of equipment, materials or ``software'' controlled by
6A01, 6A02, 6A03, 6A04, 6A05, 6A06, 6A07, 6A08, 6B04, 6B05, 6B07, 6B08,
6C02, 6C04, 6C05, 6D01, 6D02, or 6D03.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Reason for Control: NS, MT, NP, and FP (see Notes).
GTDR: Yes, except MT, NP, and FP (see Notes).
GNSG: Yes, except Bulgaria, Romania, or Russia, for NP only (see
Notes: 1. MT controls apply to technology for the
``development'' of equipment controlled by 6A02.a, a.3, or a.4,
6A07.b or c, or 6A08. MT controls on technology for 6A08 equipment
apply only when the equipment is designed for airborne applications
and is usable in the systems described in Sec. 778.7(a) of this
2. FP controls for regional stability apply to technology for
the ``development'' of items controlled by 6A02.a, a.2, a.3, or c
and 6A03.b.3 and b.4 (see Sec. 776.16(b) of this subchapter).
3. FP controls for human rights apply to all destinations except
Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and members of NATO for technology
for the ``development'' of police-model infrared viewers controlled
by 6A02.c (see Sec. 776.14 of this subchapter).
4. NP controls apply to technology for the ``development'' of
equipment controlled by 6A03.a.2, a.3, a.4, a.5, or b.1 or
6A05.a.1.c., a.2.a, a.4.c, a.6 (argon ion lasers only), a.7.b,
c.1.b, c.2.c.2, c.2.c.3, c.2.d.2, or d.2.c.
5. Technology for the ``development'' of items controlled by
6A02.a, a.2, a.3, or c and 6A03.b.3 or b.4 is subject to the United
Nations Security Council arms embargo against Rwanda described in
Sec. 785.4(a) of this subchapter.
Related ECCNs: See 6E21B for MT controls on technology for the
``development'' of equipment controlled by 6A22, 6A28, 6A29, or 6A30.
See 6E40B for NP controls on technology for the ``use'' of cameras or
lasers controlled by 6A03 or 6A05, respectively. See 6E41B for NP
controls on technology for the ``development'', ``production'', or
``use'' of cameras or lasers controlled by 6A43 or 6A50, respectively.
* * * * *
6E02A Technology according to the General Technology Note for the
``production'' of equipment or materials controlled by 6A01, 6A02,
6A03, 6A04, 6A05, 6A06, 6A07, 6A08, 6B04, 6B05, 6B07, 6B08, 6C02, 6C04,
or 6C05.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Reason for Control: NS, MT, NP, and FP (see Notes).
GTDR: Yes, except MT, NP, and FP (see Notes).
GNSG: Yes, except Bulgaria, Rumania, or Russia, for NP only (see
1. MT controls apply to technology for the ``production'' of
equipment controlled by 6A02.a, a.3, or a.4, 6A07.b or c, or 6A08.
MT controls on technology for 6A08 equipment apply only when the
equipment is designed for airborne applications and is usable in the
systems described in Sec. 778.7(a) of this subchapter.
2. FP controls for regional stability apply to technology for
the ``development'' of items controlled by 6A02.a, a.2, a.3, or c
and 6A03.b.3 and b.4 (see Sec. 776.16(b) of this subchapter).
3. FP controls for human rights apply to all destinations except
Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and members of NATO for technology
for the ``development'' of police-model infrared viewers controlled
by 6A02.c (see Sec. 776.14 of this subchapter).
4. NP controls apply to technology for the ``development'' of
equipment controlled by 6A03.a.2, a.3, a.4, a.5, or b.1 or
6A05.a.1.c., a.2.a, a.4.c, a.6 (argon ion lasers only), a.7.b,
c.1.b, c.2.c.2, c.2.c.3, c.2.d.2, or d.2.c.
5. Technology for the ``development'' of items controlled by
6A02.a, a.2, a.3, or c and
[[Page 3568]]
6A03.b.3 or b.4 is subject to the United Nations Security Council arms
embargo against Rwanda described in Sec. 785.4(a) of this
Related ECCNs: See 6A22B for MT controls on technology for the
``production'' of equipment controlled by 6A22, 6A28, 6A29, or 6A30.
See 6E40B for NP controls on technology for the ``use'' of cameras
or lasers controlled by 6A03 or 6A05, respectively. See 6E41B for NP
controls on technology for the ``development'', ``production'', or
``use'' of cameras or lasers controlled by 6A43 or 6A50,
* * * * *
7. In Category 9 (Propulsion systems and transportation equipment),
ECCN 9B26B is revised, as follows:
9B26B Vibration test systems, equipment, and components therefor.
Validated License Required: QSTVWYZ.
Unit: $ Value.
Reason for Control: MT, NP (See Notes).
GLV: $0 for 9B26.a; $3,000 for 9B26.b.
GCT: No.
GFW: No.
Notes: 1. NP controls apply to 9B26.a, and in paragraph 9B26.a
NP controls only apply to electrodynamic vibration test systems
meeting all of the parameters in paragraph 9B26.a.1.
2. MT controls apply to 9B26.a and .b, and in paragraph 9B26.a
MT controls only apply to vibration test systems employing feedback
or closed loop techniques and incorporating a digital controller,
capable of vibrating a system at 10 g RMS or more over the entire
range 20 Hz to 2,000 Hz and imparting forces of 50 kN (11,250 lbs.),
measured ``bare table'', or greater.
List of Items Controlled
a. Vibration test systems and components therefor, as follows:
a.1. Vibration test systems employing feedback or closed loop
techniques and incorporating a digital controller, capable of vibrating
a system at 10 g RMS or more between 20 Hz and 2,000 Hz and imparting
forces of 50 kN (11,250 lbs.), measured ``bare table'', or greater;
a.2. Digital controllers, combined with specially designed
vibration test software, with a real-time bandwidth greater than 5 kHz
and designed for use with vibration test systems described in 9B26.a.1;
a.3. Vibration thrusters (shaker units), with or without associated
amplifiers, capable of imparting a force of 50 kN (11,250 lbs.),
measured ``bare table'', or greater, which are usable for the vibration
test systems described in 9B26.a.1;
a.4. Test piece support structures and electronic units designed to
combine multiple shaker units into a complete shaker system capable of
providing an effective combined force of 50 kN, measured ``bare
table'', or greater, and usable in vibration test systems described in
Note: The term ``digital control'' refers to equipment, the
functions of which are, partly or entirely, automatically controlled
by stored and digitally coded electrical signals.
b. Environmental chambers and anechoic chambers.
b.1. Environmental chambers and anechoic chambers capable of
simulating the following flight conditions:
b.1.a. Altitude of 15,000 meters or greater; or
b.1.b. Temperature of at least minus 50 degrees C to plus 125
degrees C; and either
b.1.c. Vibration environments of 10 g RMS or greater between 20 Hz
and 2,000 Hz imparting forces of 5 kN or greater, for environmental
chambers; or
b.1.d. Acoustic environments at an overall sound pressure level of
140 dB or greater (referenced to 2 x 10-5 N per square meter) or
with a rated power output of 4 kiloWatts or greater, for anechoic
Dated: January 24, 1996.
Sue E. Eckert,
Assistant Secretary for Export Administration.
[FR Doc. 96-1575 Filed 1-31-96; 8:45 am]