[Federal Register Volume 60, Number 28 (Friday, February 10, 1995)]
[Pages 8156-8162]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 95-3426]
[[Page 8155]]
Part XI
Department of Commerce
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
Telecommunications and Information Infrastructure Assistance Program
(TIIAP); Notice
Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 28 / Friday, February 10, 1995 /
[[Page 8156]]
[Docket Number: 950124024-5024-01]
RIN 0660-AA04
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
Telecommunications and Information Infrastructure Assistance
Program (TIIAP)
CFDA: 11.552.
AGENCY: National Telecommunications and Information Administration,
ACTION: Notice of availability of funds.
SUMMARY: The National Telecommunications and Information Administration
(NTIA) announces the availability of funds to promote the widespread
use of advanced telecommunications and information technologies in the
public and non-profit sectors. By providing targeted, matching
demonstration and planning grants, this program will help to develop a
nationwide, interactive, multimedia information infrastructure that is
accessible to all citizens, in rural as well as urban areas.
DATES: In order to facilitate planning for and scheduling of the review
process, all applicants are required to send NTIA a non-binding letter
of intent to submit an application. All letters of intent should be
received by 5 p.m. est on March 23, 1995. Any exceptions to this policy
will be determined on a case-by-case basis for good cause shown.
The 1995 TIIAP grant cycle will include three primary application
categories. Program deadlines vary, depending on the category in which
a proposal is being submitted.
For Category One applications requesting less than $1 million, and
for all other categories, complete applications must be mailed or hand
carried to the address indicated below and received by NTIA by 5 p.m.
edt on April 20, 1995. NTIA anticipates that it will take between 4 and
6 months to process each application and make final funding
For Category One applications requesting $1 million or more from
the TIIAP, applicants are required to submit abbreviated preliminary
proposals. Preliminary proposals must be received by NTIA by 5 p.m. edt
on April 6, 1995. The purpose of requiring preliminary proposals is to
reduce the burden on the applicant by providing the applicant with
feedback on the proposed project without requiring the applicant to
submit a complete application.
Each preliminary proposal will be reviewed based on the criteria in
this Notice by an expert panel, which will advise the TIIAP staff about
whether or not to recommend that the applicant submit a full proposal.
Note that the TIIAP's recommendation on submission of a full proposal
is not binding; applicants whose preliminary proposals are not
recommended may choose to submit full applications at their discretion.
Furthermore, the review of a preliminary proposal will not prejudice
the review of the subsequent full proposal. Full proposals for Category
One applicants requesting $1 million or more from the TIIAP must be
received at NTIA by 5 p.m. edt on June 22, 1995. No full proposals for
Category One projects requesting $1 million or more will be accepted by
the TIIAP unless a corresponding preliminary proposal was submitted by
the April 6 deadline.
February-March--Regional workshops for prospective applicants (contact
TIIAP for additional information about dates and locations)
March 23--Deadline for receipt of letters of intent (by 5 p.m. est)
April 6--Deadline for receipt of preliminary proposals in Category One
(applies only to proposals requesting $1 million or more) (by 5 p.m.
April 20--Deadline for receipt of proposals in Category One (proposals
requesting less than $1 million), Category Two, and Category Three (by
5 p.m. edt)
June 22--Deadline for receipt of final proposals in Category One
(proposals requesting $1 million or more) (by 5 p.m. edt)
ADDRESSES: Telecommunications and Information Infrastructure Assistance
Program, National Telecommunications and Information Administration,
United States Department of Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution
Avenue NW., Room 6043 HCHB, Washington, D.C. 20230. Fax: 202/501-5136.
Internet: tiiap@ntia.doc.gov.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. Laura Breeden, Director of the
Telecommunications and Information Infrastructure Assistance Program,
Telephone: 202/482-2048; fax: 202/501-5136; e-mail: tiiap@ntia.doc.gov.
Program Description
NTIA announces the second annual round of a competitive matching
grant program, the TIIAP, created to promote the development and
widespread availability of advanced telecommunications and information
technologies to serve the public interest.
The TIIAP will provide matching grants to state and local
governments, non-profit health care and public health providers, school
districts, libraries, universities, public safety providers, community-
based organizations, and other non-profit entities. Grants will be
awarded after a competitive merit review process and will be used to
fund projects that improve the quality of, and the public's access to,
education and lifelong learning; reduce the cost, improve the quality,
and/or increase the accessibility of health care and other social
services; promote the accessibility and responsiveness of state and
local governments to their citizens and encourage citizen participation
in government; improve the efficiency and efficacy of government
services; enhance public safety; and promote economic development in
rural and urban areas.
NTIA expects that the level of competition will be extremely
strong, as it was in fiscal year 1994, when NTIA received 1,088
applications, collectively requesting more than $550 million in grant
funds. On October 12, 1994, the Department of Commerce announced 92
TIIAP awards amounting to a total of $24.4 million in Federal funds.
Eligibility Criteria
Eligible Organizations
The fiscal year 1995 TIIAP grant cycle is divided into three
categories. State and local governments and non-profit entities are
eligible to apply in all categories. Individuals and for-profit
organizations are not eligible.
Interactive Services
All services and networks proposed under the TIIAP must be
interactive; the program does not support the construction or
augmentation of one-way networks.
Matching Funds Requirements
Grant recipients under this program will be required to provide
matching funds toward the total project cost. A project will not be
considered eligible for funding unless the applicant can document the
capacity to supply matching funds. Matching funds may be in the form of
cash or in-kind contributions (see OMB Circular A-110). Grant funds
under this program will be released in direct proportion to local
matching funds raised and/or documented. Except as noted below in the
case of demonstration projects for which the request is $1 million or
more in NTIA funding, NTIA will supply up to 50% of the total project
cost, unless extraordinary circumstances warrant a [[Page 8157]] grant
to up to 75%. Federal funds generally may not be used as matching
monies. However, when authorized by Federal statute, other Federal
funds may be used for cost sharing or matching. Please contact the
TIIAP for more information, if you have questions about matching funds
For demonstration projects for which the request is $1 million or
more, the following conditions apply. NTIA will supply up to 25% of the
``total NTIA-supported project cost'' (the total NTIA-supported project
cost refers to the NTIA grant funds plus matching funds). However, if a
proposed NTIA-supported project is a component of a more comprehensive
initiative, for which the applicant has obtained or is seeking funding
from another Federal agency or agencies, then NTIA will consider
supplying up to one-third of the total NTIA-supported project cost. The
proposal must clearly describe the scope of work supported by NTIA and
be supported by a budget and a budget narrative indicating the
expenditure of both NTIA and matching funds. The success of a proposal
and the level of funding from NTIA may depend on the applicant's
ability to have components funded through other Federal sources.
Past Performance
Unsatisfactory performance under prior Federal financial assistance
awards may result in an application not being considered for funding.
Delinquent Federal Debts
No award of Federal funds shall be made to an applicant who has an
outstanding delinquent Federal debt until either:
1. The delinquent account is paid in full;
2. A negotiated repayment schedule is established and at least one
payment is received; or
3. Other arrangements satisfactory to the Department of Commerce
are made.
No Funding for Sectarian Purposes
The Department of Commerce has a long standing policy of not
funding projects for purposes the essential thrust of which is
sectarian. Consistent with this policy. TIIAP will not fund projects
the essential thrust of which is sectarian. Sectarian organizations,
however, are eligible applicants and may request funds for non-
sectarian purposes. [Cf. NTIA Public Telecommunications Facilities
Program (PTFP) regulations at 15 C.F.R. Secs. 2301.1 and 2301.22(d);
Fordham University v. Brown, No. 93-2120 (CRR) (D.D.C. June 29, 1994),
appeal docketed, No. 94-5229 (D.C. Cir. Aug. 22, 1994)]
Program Categories
The 1995 TIIAP grant cycle is divided into three separate
categories. Category One is comprised of Demonstration projects.
Category Two is comprised of Access projects. Category Three is
comprised of Planning projects. Categories One and Three are further
divided into two sub-categories each.
NTIA will award approximately 60% of the funds in this program to
support demonstration projects (Category One), with approximately 25%
of the funds to support access projects (Category Two) and
approximately 15% to support planning projects (Category Three), unless
the quality and/or submissions in any category does not, in NTIA's
judgment, merit the proposed allocation of funds.
All TIIAP proposals will be evaluated using the same criteria, as
explained below, but the relative weights of the criteria vary from
category to category. Please keep this in mind as you read the
following section.
Note that while there is no upper limit on the amount of funds that
any organization may request in Category One or in Category Three, the
overall level of funding will place obvious limits on the amount of
funding available for individual grants. The largest award made in
fiscal year 1994 was $733,424.
Category One (Demonstration Projects)
Category One is for exemplary projects that involve the deployment,
use, and attendant evaluation of the national information
infrastructure to solve a particular problem or set of problems, and
that have high potential to serve as models for other communities to
follow. Category One is divided into two subcategories based on the
amount of NTIA funds requested by the applicant. Proposals requesting
$1 million or more from NTIA are subject to a different application
process and to different matching funds requirements than proposals
requesting less than $1 million. Applicants who choose to apply in
Category One should read carefully the sections on Dates, Matching
Funds Requirements, Application Forms, and Selection Process.
NTIA's priority in Category One is to leverage the Federal
Government's investments by supporting demonstration projects that can
serve as national models. Demonstration projects must involve the
delivery of useful, practical services in real-world environments
within the grant award period. Therefore, while some software
development may be required to integrate existing systems or
components, it may not be a major emphasis of any demonstration
project. Similarly, the TIIAP will not support projects whose primary
focus is the development of information content rather than the
practical application of information infrastructure.
Projects proposed under this category must address important
problems and must demonstrate high-impact, useful applications of
information infrastructure. These projects should hold significant
potential for replication in other communities. Applicants in this
category must explain how their project will add to what is already
known about the problems that the project addresses. Applicants must
keep in mind that it is the application of the technology to specific
needs or problems that is to be demonstrated, not the technology
itself. Furthermore, the emphasis in this category is not on showing
that an approach is technically feasible, but that the approach is cost
effective and appropriate. Demonstration projects should be innovative
to the extent that they represent promising approaches whose benefits
and costs may not be fully understood.
By supporting demonstration projects, NTIA intends to stimulate the
effective and efficient use of the NII. However, without a rigorous
evaluation and active dissemination of results, the potential of any
project to play such a catalyzing role is severely limited. Therefore,
the TIIAP will use high standards in reviewing the evaluation and
dissemination plans presented by proposals in this category.
Category Two (Access Projects)
In this category the TIIAP will support projects whose principal
aim is to provide greater access to a national information
infrastructure for underserved communities, populations, and/or
geographic areas. The emphasis is on basic connectivity, rather than
uniqueness or innovation. An access project may build on or emulate a
successful model project, either one previously supported by the TIIAP
or a model that has gained widespread acceptance in the field.
The primary goals of Category Two projects will be: (1) To reduce
disparities in access to and use of the national information
infrastructure; (2) to promote high levels of support from diverse
members of the community; and (3) to support projects that are guided
by the needs of end users. Applicants are strongly urged to provide the
TIIAP with a thorough breakdown of the [[Page 8158]] various end user
groups to be brought on-line; the services to be provided; the
information resources to be made available; the public and private
organizations and agencies that will participate in the project; and
the mechanisms to be employed for informing end users about the
existence of the system, ensuring that prospective end users possess
adequate skills to use the system, and providing ongoing training for
end users.
As in the case of demonstration projects, the emphasis is on the
application of technology, rather than the technology itself. Proposals
must include compelling evidence that the technology to be employed is
both appropriate to the proposed task and cost-effective. Examples of
applications in this category would include the establishment of
community information networks; creation of wide-area networks within
school systems or districts; and provision of Internet access to an
isolated group or population. Projects that include extensive software
or hardware development will not be considered.
Note: No award in Category Two will exceed $250,000.
Category Three (Planning Projects)
In this category the TIIAP will support planning processes in which
organizations, or groups of organizations, develop strategies and plans
for the enhanced application of information infrastructure. Planning
projects are encouraged for rural or underserved populations where
telecommunications could provide enhanced economic opportunity or where
business development is insufficient to sustain growth.
Proposals in this category must include clear descriptions both of
the planning process (or methodology) to be employed and of the
expected outcomes of the process. Each planning project should address
how end users will have access to information and will be connected to
one another. Applicants should identify the anticipated end users of
the information infrastructure and describe the number and diversity of
end users, as well as the social and economic benefits expected from
In addition, NTIA encourages applications that demonstrate
partnerships among groups, communities, and entities for the purpose of
sharing or leveraging resources. These partnerships or coalitions
should demonstrate that, if appropriate, they will continue to operate
effectively once TIIAP support is concluded and/or the project plans
are implemented. Applicants should also clearly document the
administrative or institutional support that has been generated for any
planning grant.
Planning grants are divided into two sub-categories:
1. Statewide or Local
This sub-category includes planning proposals that illustrate that
the economic and social benefits from an advanced information
infrastructure are many and can encompass many sectors, including
business, education and training, public and social services, and
environmental goals. Planning grants in this sub-category should be
multidisciplinary in scope and should focus on the needs of several
sectors (e.g., education, health, public information, etc.). For
example, the TIIAP awarded grants in fiscal year 1994 to state
governments and universities to develop comprehensive statewide
information infrastructure plans.
2. Regional or National
Planning activities in this subcategory may focus on a single
sector or topic, as long as the project is regional (i.e., involving
multiple states) or national in scope. For example, the TIIAP awarded a
grant in fiscal year 1994 to the Western Interstate Commission for
Higher Education to develop a plan to build an ongoing capacity to
``broker'' the educational resources of western colleges and
universities by using existing telecommunications networks to make
higher education more widely available in rural areas of 15 states in
the West.
Evaluation Criteria
Proposals will be reviewed according to the following evaluation
criteria. The weight of each criterion will vary according to the
category of the proposal, as explained below.
(1) Problem Definition
Applicants must clearly explain why the proposed project is needed,
and how the project will meet the needs identified. This may seem
obvious; however, a proposal will often fail to survive the competition
because the applicant has spent too much effort on unnecessary
rhetoric, and too little effort on clearly defining the actual problem
to be solved or the need to be addressed by the project. It is
essential that the problem definition present a convincing case as to
why and how a particular problem, task, or social need can best be
addressed through the application of information infrastructure.
(2) Applicant Qualifications
Every applicant must present evidence that it has both the
experience and the expertise to bring the project to a successful
conclusion. Applicants should take care to describe the qualifications
of the participating organizations, the key personnel associated with
the project, their relationship to the applicant organization, and the
applicant's experience in addressing information-related issues.
Experience may be demonstrated in a variety of ways, including projects
successfully completed and participation in comprehensive planning
activities. In addition, each applicant should present evidence that it
is not only a capable organization but also an appropriate and credible
organization to undertake the project it proposes.
(3) Support for End Users
Since the success of the NII will depend on both its accessibility
and the value it offers to end users, projects supported by the TIIAP
must demonstrate a high degree of attention to the needs, skills, and
working conditions of the targeted end users. The program will look
carefully at the degree of end user involvement in the design of
proposed projects and at the plans for training users and/or upgrading
their skills. Applicants should explain clearly how targeted end users
will benefit from the services offered, or how the project will provide
the public with easily accessible, useful and useable information. NTIA
expects applicants to consider carefully safeguards to protect the
privacy of the end users of the information infrastructure funded
through this grant program. In addition, applicants proposing projects
dealing with individually identifiable information (student grades,
medical records, etc.) will be required to prescribe mechanisms for
protecting the confidentiality of such information and the privacy of
any individuals involved.
(4) Partnerships and Community Support
Broad community support is essential to the viability of TIIAP
projects. Partnerships will diverse sectors of the community will be
considered an integral part of the proposal. The most successful
partnerships are those that create ``win-win'' situations for all
parties involved; every partner both contributes to and benefits from
the partnership. Partners must also demonstrate the ability to work
together. Evidence of strong community support [[Page 8159]] also
includes a solid commitment of a high-quality, non-Federal match.
Beyond the mandatory commitment of a non-Federal match, TIIAP is
concerned with the long term sustainability of a project. Applicants
should discuss how they plan to sustain the project after the period of
Federal funding is over. Finally, a representative sample of thoughtful
letters of support from diverse elements of the community may provide
evidence of solid support that will help assure the project's success.
(5) Reducing Disparities in Access to and Use of the Natural
Information Infrastructure
One of the Administration's primary NII goals is reducing gaps
between information ``haves'' and ``have-nots.'' Therefore, TIIAP will
support projects that increase an underserved population's access to
social services and information made available via information
infrastructure. Of primary importance is the applicant's plan to
redress disparities of access. For example, difficulties in access to
information infrastructure may arise from living in a remote rural area
or from economic hardship in the inner city. Redressing these
disparities in access may involve unique sharing arrangements,
innovative outreach strategies, or sensitivity to local conditions of
populations that are traditionally underserved. Whatever a particular
situation, the applicant must demonstrate that the project will reduce
disparities of access and use.
(6) Technical Quality
Technical quality in the TIIAP focuses not on innovation for its
own sake, but on consistency with the vision of a nationwide, seamless,
interactive network of networks. Therefore, projects proposed to the
TIIAP must demonstrate an awareness of, and a realistic approach to,
questions of interoperability and scalability. The TIIAP will not
support standalone small- or large-scale systems that cannot
communicate effectively with other systems. Similarly, the program will
not consider proposals for systems that are likely to limit rather than
permit growth in the number of sites served, the number of end users
accommodated, the number of institutions connected, or the range of
information and communication services provided. Where feasible,
applicants should seek to build upon existing information
infrastructure. Applicants must demonstrate knowledge of existing
information infrastructure in the area to be served by the project.
Applicants must also address how they intend to deal with the issue of
rapid obsolescence by describing their plans to accommodate advances in
information and telecommunications technologies. In addition to
demonstrating technological soundness, applicants must show that the
approach proposed is both cost-effective and appropriate to the need or
problem that is to be addressed. Proposals in Category Three (Planning
Projects) will also be rated on the soundness of the planning
methodology that is presented in the application.
(7) Evaluation and Dissemination
An evaluation of each project is critical in order to answer the
essential question of whether or not the project has achieved its
goals. Evaluation summaries will be particularly important as projects
progress and comparisons can be made and conclusions drawn. For these
reasons, every project proposed to the TIIAP must present a clearly
defined evaluation strategy that offers rational criteria for measuring
the effectiveness of the project in reaching its goals during the grant
award period and identifies specific evaluation instruments to be
employed. The applicant should also demonstrate adequate experience in
arranging and conducting a project evaluation, with the attendant
budget for a thorough and useful evaluation. In conjunction with the
evaluation strategy, the TIIAP will review the applicant's plan to
disseminate the knowledge gained as a result of implementing the
(8) Ability to Serve as a Model
In Category One, the TIIAP is interested in supporting projects
whose ultimate impact will extend far beyond the scope of the
activities funded. Therefore, the program will examine closely the
degree to which a proposed project has the potential to serve as a
model for others to follow. A focus of this criterion will be the
extent to which a project is innovative, not necessarily in terms of
the technology to be used, but rather in the application of the
technology in a particular setting, in the service of a particular
population, or in the solution of a particular problem. Projects will
also be judged on whether they can be replicated in other communities
and can serve as a catalyst or blueprint for other sectors of society
or other providers of services. In addition, the program will examine
whether a subsequent evaluation of the project can contribute
significantly to our understanding of how the national information
infrastructure can be used to improve the delivery of a wide range of
social services and promote economic development. Implicit in this
concept of a model project is financial viability. Therefore,
applicants who intend for their projects to be considered as models
must address the issue of the sustainability of the project beyond the
grant period.
The above evaluation criteria are weighted as follows:
Category Category Category
Criteria one two three
(percent) (percent) (percent)
(1) Problem Definition................. 10 10 10
(2) Applicant Qualifications........... 10 10 10
(3) Support for End Users.............. 10 15 15
(4) Partnerships and Community Support. 10 15 20
(5) Reducing Disparities............... 10 25 15
(6) Technical Quality.................. 15 10 10
(7) Evaluation and Dissemination....... 15 10 10
(8) Ability to Serve as a Model........ 20 5 10
Selection Process
TIIAP grants are awarded on the basis of a competitive review
process. Each application will be thoroughly reviewed by a panel of
outside readers, who have demonstrated expertise in both the
programmatic and technological aspects of the application. The review
panels will evaluate applications according to the criteria listed in
this Notice and make non-binding recommendations to the program staff.
Under the guidance of the TIIAP Director, staff will prepare proposed
slates of the highest rated projects to be funded for consideration by
the NTIA Administrator, who is the selecting official.
The TIIAP Director will propose the slates to the NTIA
Administrator in two stages: a slate of Category Two applications, and
a slate of applications in Categories One and Three. Acting on these
recommendations, the Administrator will select the applications to be
negotiated for possible grant award.
In making their decisions, the Program Director and the
Administrator will consider the following:
1. The evaluations of the outside reviewers; [[Page 8160]]
2. The degree to which each slate of applications, taken as a
whole, satisfies the program's stated purposes for the applicable
program categories;
3. The geographic distribution of the proposed grant awards;
4. The diversity of the technologies employed by the proposed grant
5. The diversity of projects represented by the proposed grant
6. The promotion of equitable access to and use of the information
infrastructure for traditionally disadvantaged or under-served groups;
7. Avoidance of redundancy and conflicts with the initiatives of
other Federal agencies; and
8. The availability of funds.
After applications have been selected in this manner, negotiations
will take place between TIIAP staff and the applicant. These
negotiations are intended to resolve any differences that exist between
the applicant's original request and what TIIAP proposes to fund. Not
all applicants who are contacted for negotiation will necessarily
receive a TIIAP award.
When the negotiations are completed for Category Two, the TIIAP
Director will recommend final award actions to the NTIA Administrator.
Applying the same factors listed above, the Administrator will then
make the final selection of grant recipients from the pool of
negotiated applications in Category Two. This process is repeated for
the set of projects approved for negotiation in Categories One and
Eligible Costs
Eligible Costs
Allowable costs incurred under approved projects shall be
determined in accordance with applicable Federal costs principles,
i.e., OMB Circular A-21, A-87, or A-122. If included in the approved
project budget, the TIIAP will allow costs for personnel, fringe
benefits, computer hardware and software, other end-user equipment,
telecommunication services and related equipment, consultants and other
contractual services, travel, rental of office equipment, furniture and
space, supplies, etc. that are reasonable and directly related to the
project. Construction costs are not eligible.
Note that costs that are ineligible for TIIAP support may not be
included as part of the applicant's matching fund contribution.
Indirect Costs
The total dollar amount of the indirect costs proposed in an
application under TIIAP must not exceed the indirect cost rate
negotiated and approved by a cognizant Federal agency prior to the
proposed effective date of the award, or 100% of the total proposed
direct costs dollar amount in the application, whichever is less.
Award Period
Successful applicants in Category One will have between 12 and 24
months to complete their projects. Successful applicants in Categories
Two and Three will have between 12 and 18 months to complete their
projects. The actual time will vary depending on the complexity of the
Other Information
Electronic Information
Information about NTIA and the TIIAP, including this document and
the Guidelines for Preparing Applications, can be retrieved
electronically via the Internet through ftp, gopher and the World Wide
To reach the ftp server, ftp to ftp.ntia.doc.gov. Use the login
name of `anonymous' and use your email address as the password. Change
to the /grantinfo directory to find TIIAP files.
To reach the gopher server, point your gopher client at
gopher.ntia.doc.gov and login as `gopher'.
To reach the www server, use http://www.ntia.doc.gov to reach the
NTIA Home Page. Follow the link entitled `What's New' to reach TIIAP
TIIAP can also be reached via electronic mail at
Technical Assistance
TIIAP program staff are available to provide technical assistance
to applicants on a first-come, first-served basis until the time that a
proposal has been submitted to NTIA. All applicants are asked to read
carefully both this Notice and the Guidelines for Preparing
Applications before contacting staff for technical assistance. In
addition to outreach through professional conferences and meetings,
NTIA will be conducting a series of regional workshops to provide
potential applicants with information on the program and application
procedures. Information on these workshops is provided in the Dates
Application Forms
Standard Forms 424, Application for Federal Assistance; 424A,
Budget Information--Non-Construction Programs; and 424B, Assurances--
Non-Construction Programs, (Rev. 4-92), and other Department of
Commerce forms shall be used in applying for financial assistance.
These forms are included in the Guidelines for Preparing Applications,
which can be obtained by contacting NTIA by telephone, fax, or
electronic mail, as described in the Address section above. The TIIAP
requires one original and five copies of the application. Applicants
for whom the submission of five copies presents financial hardship may
submit one original and two copies of the application.
Because of the high level of public interest in projects supported
by the TIIAP, the program anticipates receiving requests for copies of
applications. Applicants are hereby notified that the applications they
submit are subject to the Freedom of Information Act. Applicants may
identify sensitive information and label it ``confidential'' to assist
NTIA in making disclosure determinations.
Abbreviated proposals under Category One do not need to include the
above standard forms. Instructions for preparing an abbreviated
proposal are included in the Guidelines for Preparing Applications.
As noted above, all applicants are required to submit a non-binding
letter of intent in advance of submitting a full proposal. The letter
of intent shall contain information on how to contact the applicant,
the category in which the applicant intends to apply, the subject area
of the intended proposal, and a brief description of the project that
is to be proposed. Detailed instructions for preparing a letter of
intent are included in the Guidelines for Preparing Applications.
Type of Funding Instrument
The funding instrument for awards under this program shall be a
Authority and Funding Availability
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration
(NTIA), Department of Commerce, serves as the President's principal
adviser on telecommunications and information policy. NTIA's functions
were codified as part of the Telecommunications Authorization Act of
1992, Pub. L. No. 102-538, 106 Stat. 3533, 47 U.S.C. Secs. 901-04
As specified in the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State,
the Judiciary and Related Agencies Appropriations Act of 1994, Pub. L.
No. 103-317, 108 Stat. 1724, 1747 (1994), Congress has provided the
Department of Commerce $64 million for the TIIAP for fiscal year 1995.
The grant funds may be used for the planning and construction of
telecommunications networks for the provision of
[[Page 8161]] educational, cultural, health care, public information,
public safety, or other social services (notwithstanding the
requirements of 47 U.S.C. 392 (a) and (c)).
Federal Policies and Procedures
Recipients and subrecipients are subject to all applicable Federal
laws and Federal and Department of Commerce policies, regulations, and
procedures applicable to Federal financial assistance awards.
Purchase of American-Made Equipment and Products
Applicants are hereby notified that they will be encouraged, to the
greatest extent practicable, to purchase American-made equipment and
products with funding provided under this program in accordance with
Congressional intent as set forth in the resolution contained in Public
Law 103-317, Sections 607 (a) and (b).
Pre-Award Activities
If applicants incur any costs prior to an award being made, they do
so solely at their own risk of not being reimbursed by the government.
Applicants are hereby notified that, notwithstanding any oral or
written assurance that they may have received, there is no obligation
on the part of the Department of Commerce or NTIA to cover pre-award
No Obligation for Future Funding
If an application is selected for funding, the Department of
Commerce has no obligation to provide any additional future funding in
connection with that award. Renewal of an award to increase funding or
extend the period of performance is at the total discretion of the
Department of Commerce. Receipt of a TIIAP grant, however, will not
eliminate the recipient from consideration for future funding.
Name Check Review
All non-profit and for-profit applicants are subject to a name
check review process. Name checks are intended to reveal if any key
individuals associated with the applicant have been convicted of or
presently facing criminal charges such as fraud, theft, perjury, or
other matters that significantly reflect on the applicant's management,
honesty, or financial integrity.
Primary Applicant Certifications
All primary applicants must submit a completed Form CD-511,
``Certifications Regarding Debarment, Suspension and Other
Responsibility Matters; Drug-Free Workplace Requirements and
Lobbying,'' and the following explanations are hereby provided:
1. Nonprocurement Debarment and Suspension--Prospective
participants (as defined at 15 CFR Part 26, Section 105) are subject to
15 CFR Part 26, ``Nonprocurement Debarment and Suspension'' and the
related section of the certification from prescribed above applies;
2. Drug-Free Workplace--Grantees (as defined at 15 CFR Part 26,
Section 605) are subject to 15 CFR Part 26, Subpart F, ``Governmentwide
Requirements for Drug-Free Workplace (Grants)'' and the related section
of the certification form prescribed above applies;
3. Anti-Lobbying--Persons (as defined at 15 CFR Part 28, Section
105) are subject to the lobbying provisions of 31 U.S.C. 1352,
``Limitation on use of appropriated funds to influence certain Federal
contracting and financial transactions,'' and the lobbying section of
the certification form prescribed above applies to applications/bids
for grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts for more than
$100,000, and loans and loan guarantees for more than $150,000, or the
single family maximum mortgage limit for affected programs, whichever
is greater; and
4. Anti-Lobbying Disclosure--Any applicant that has paid or will
pay for lobbying in connection with a covered Federal action, such as
the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant,
the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative
agreement, or the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or
modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative
agreement using any funds must submit an SF-LLL, ``Disclosure of
Lobbying Activities,'' as required under 15 CFR part 28, Appendix B.
Lower Tier Certifications
Recipients shall require applicants/bidders for subgrants,
contracts, subcontracts, or other lower tier covered transactions at
any tier under the award to submit, if applicable, a completed Form CD-
512, ``Certifications Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility
and Voluntary Exclusion-Lower Tier Covered Transactions and Lobbying''
and disclosure from SF-LLL, ``Disclosure of Lobbying Activities.'' Form
CD-512 is intended for the use of recipients and should not be
transmitted to DOC. SF-LLL submitted by any tier recipient or
subrecipient should be submitted to DOC in accordance with the
instructions contained in the award document.
False Statements
A false statement on an application is grounds for denial or
termination of funds and grounds for possible punishment by a fine or
imprisonment as provided in 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001.
Intergovernmental Review
Applications under this program are subject to Executive Order
12372, ``Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs.'' This Notice
was reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget under Executive
Order 12866.
The capacity of one system or device to link to a second system or
device to complete a connection and provide continuing service.
Connectivity is established among systems when it is possible for an
end-user on one system to gain access to another system.
Content Development
The creation of information resources for the purpose of
dissemination through one or more on-line services. Typically, content
development involves the collection and organization of data, the
design of an appropriate user interface, and the creation of software
to allow information retrieval.
Demonstration Project
The deployment, use, and attendant evaluation of information
infrastructure in the solution of a particular problem or set of
End User
A person who customarily employs or seeks access to, rather than
provides, information infrastructure. An end-user may be a consumer of
information (e.g., a member of the public employing a touch-screen
public access terminal); may be involved in an interactive
communication with other end users; or may use information
infrastructure to provide services to the public.
Information Infrastructure
The telecommunication networks, computers, other end-user devices,
software, standards, and skills that collectively enable people to
connect to each other and to a vast array of services and information
The capacity of a communications system to allow end users to
communicate directly with other users, either in real time (as in a
video teleconference) or on a store-and-forward basis (as with
electronic mail), [[Page 8162]] or to seek and gain access to
information on an on-demand basis, as opposed to a broadcast basis.
The condition achieved among information and communication systems
when information (i.e., data, voice, image, audio, or video) can be
easily and cost-effectively shared across acquisition, transmission,
and presentation technologies, equipment, and services.
Financial assistance award authorized by law to support autonomous
projects or activities of state or local governments, or non-profit
groups. This term does not include direct United States government cash
assistance to an individual, a subsidy, a loan, a loan guarantee, or
A project that employs a novel, innovative, and replicable
approach. The ultimate impact of a model project should extend far
beyond the community or communities to be served by the project itself.
National Information Infrastructure (NII) Initiative
A Federal policy initiative to facilitate and accelerate the
development and utilization of the nation's information infrastructure.
The Administration's vision for the NII is of a seamless web of
communications networks, computers, databases, and consumer electronics
that will put vast amounts of information at users' fingertips. For
more detailed information on various aspects of the NII initiative, see
e.g., The National Information Infrastructure: Agenda for Action, 58 FR
49,025 (September 21, 1993).
Planning Project
A deliberative process in which an organization, or group of
organizations, develops plans and strategies for the enhanced
application of information infrastructure. The outcome of a planning
project should be a plan for improved delivery of social services,
economic development, or increased citizen access to information
The ability of a system to accommodate a significant growth in the
size of the system (i.e., services provided, end users served) without
the need for substantial redesign. A scalable approach that is
demonstrated on a small scale can also be applied on a larger scale.
Social Services
Activities performed by public or private entities to meet basic
community needs. Examples include education, health care and public
health, public information, public safety, and economic development.
End users who are subject to barriers that limit or prevent their
access to either social services or information infrastructure. In
terms of information infrastructure, these barriers may be linguistic,
geographic, economic, or cultural. A rural community may be physically
isolated from circuits adequate to allow for data access; inner city
neighborhoods may contain large numbers of potential end users for whom
ownership of computer hardware is unlikely; residents of isolated
ethnic communities may lack the requisite language skills to permit
ease of access to on-line information resources.
Larry Irving,
Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information.
[FR Doc. 95-3426 Filed 2-9-95; 8:45 am]