97-3495. Reporting Occupational Injury and Illness Data to OSHA; Final Rule  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 28 (Tuesday, February 11, 1997)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 6434-6442]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-3495]
    [[Page 6433]]
    Part V
    Department of Labor
    Occupational Safety and Health Administration
    29 CFR Part 1904
    Reporting Occupational Injury and Illness Data to OSHA; Final Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 28 / Tuesday, February 11, 1997 / 
    Rules and Regulations
    [[Page 6434]]
    Occupational Safety and Health Administration
    29 CFR Part 1904
    [Docket No. R-02]
    RIN 1218-AB24
    Reporting Occupational Injury and Illness Data to OSHA; Final 
    AGENCY: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), U.S. 
    Department of Labor.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: This final rule amends 29 CFR Part 1904 by adding section 
    1904.17. Section 1904.17 requires employers to report information to 
    OSHA contained in records that employers are required to create and 
    maintain pursuant to Part 1904, and the number of workers they employed 
    and hours their employees worked during designated periods.
        Section 1904.17 will clarify OSHA's authority to collect 
    establishment-specific data by mail for use in agency self-evaluation, 
    deployment of agency resources, periodic reassessment of existing 
    regulations and standards, and rulemaking.
        Section 1904.17 was proposed (as section 1904.13) as part of a 
    comprehensive proposal to revise Part 1904. 61 FR 4030 (Feb. 2, 1996). 
    OSHA has determined, however, to take final agency action with respect 
    to section 1904.17 at this time, and to take final action on the 
    remaining Part 1904 issues, including other records access issues, at a 
    later date.
    DATES: This final regulation will become effective on March 13, 1997. 
    However, affected parties do not have to comply with the information 
    collection requirements until the Department publishes in the Federal 
    Register the control numbers assigned by the Office of Management and 
    Budget (OMB) to these information collection requirements. Publication 
    of the control numbers notifies the public that OMB has approved these 
    information collection requirements under the Paperwork Reduction Act 
    of 1995.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Bonne Friedman, U.S. Department of 
    Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Office of 
    Information and Consumer Affairs, Room N-3647, 200 Constitution Avenue, 
    NW., Washington, DC 20210, phone (202) 219-8148. For electronic copies 
    of documents, contact the Labor News Bulletin Board at (202) 219-4784, 
    or OSHA's WebPage on the Internet at http://www.osha.gov/. For news 
    releases, fact sheets, and other short documents, contact OSHA FAX at 
    (900) 555-3400 at $1.50 per minute.
    I. Background
        In 1971, OSHA issued the occupational injury and illness recording 
    and reporting regulation, 29 CFR Part 1904. Part 1904 includes 
    regulations pertaining to criteria for determining whether an 
    occupational injury or illness should be recorded, and provisions that 
    require employers to give employees and OSHA access to such records. It 
    also provides for collection by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) of 
    data to be used in an occupational injury and illness statistical 
    program administered by BLS. 1904.20, 1904.21, and 1904.22.
        In 1990, the Secretary of Labor transferred some of BLS's 
    statistic-gathering functions to OSHA. 55 FR 9033 (Mar. 9, 1990). BLS 
    retains responsibility for conducting its Annual Survey of Occupational 
    Injuries and Illnesses and will continue to issue data that is 
    aggregated by SIC group. But OSHA will also be responsible for 
    administering a national recordkeeping system for occupational injuries 
    and illnesses whose data will be site-specific.
        OSHA's February 1996 proposal to revise Part 1904 sought, among 
    other things, to reflect OSHA's new statistics-gathering 
    responsibilities. OSHA proposed to replace sections 1904.20, 1904.21, 
    and 1904.22 with a single reporting provision at 1904.13, which would 
    apply to both BLS and OSHA collections of information by mail or other 
    remote transmittal.
        OSHA received 449 written comments and held six days of public 
    meetings. Approximately 124 comments and two oral presentations 
    specifically addressed proposed section 1904.13.
        On further consideration, OSHA determined that BLS and OSHA need 
    separate provisions for collection of data by mail. Thus, a single 
    provision applicable to both agencies would not be appropriate, and a 
    new provision specifically addressed to OSHA reporting requirements and 
    procedures should be developed. OSHA further determined to take final 
    action on proposed 1904.13 at this time, and to take final action with 
    respect to the remainder of the proposed revisions of Part 1904 at a 
    later date.
        This final rule revises the proposed section 1904.13 and renumbers 
    it as section 1904.17, the next available number in Part 1904. This 
    final rule does not modify or delete the existing regulations at 
    1904.13, 1904.20, 1904.21, or 1904.22.
    II. Explanation of the Final Rule
        OSHA has long had in effect rules pertaining to OSHA access to 
    certain information. Section 1904.7 requires employers ``to provide, 
    upon request, records provided for in Secs. 1904.2, 1904.4, and 1904.5 
    [OSHA-required injury and illness logs and forms] for inspection and 
    copying by any representative of the Secretary of Labor. * * *'' 
    Section 1910.1020 requires employers to give OSHA and employees the 
    right and opportunity to examine and copy exposure and medical records. 
    Some standards contain requirements for OSHA and employee access to 
    exposure and monitoring data required to be created and maintained by 
    those particular standards. E.g., 29 CFR 1910.1001(m)(5)(I) and (ii) 
    (requiring that OSHA and employee be given access to asbestos exposure 
    monitoring and medical surveillance records).
        Section 1904.17 establishes a procedural mechanism for conduct of 
    an annual survey of ten or more employers by mail or other remote 
    transmittal. Information covered by section 1904.17 is information 
    contained in records required to be created and maintained pursuant to 
    Part 1904, the number of workers the respondent employed and the number 
    of hours worked by its employees during designated periods. The rule 
    also specifies that both the request and the response will be made by 
    mail or other remote transmittal. Thus, it is more limited than 
    existing records-access provisions that use terms such as ``permit 
    access to'' or ``make available'' and therefore permit OSHA to collect 
    information by on-site record reviews as well as via mail response. The 
    mail-in provision also permits OSHA to coordinate its annual survey 
    with the BLS annual survey. In conducting its 1995 and 1996 annual 
    surveys (1995 data was collected in 1996, 1996 data will be collected 
    in 1997) OSHA provided employers with a carbon-pack form that the 
    employer could complete, separate, and return--one copy to BLS and 
    another to OSHA. OSHA intends to continue this practice or an 
    equivalent means of avoiding duplicate reporting burdens for employers.
        The requests for data reports may be made directly by OSHA, or may 
    be sent to employers by a designee of the Agency, such as a state 
    governmental agency, a government contractor, or another Federal agency 
    such as the National Institute for Occupational
    [[Page 6435]]
    Safety and Health (NIOSH). Designating others to exercise this 
    authority will permit a variety of collection methods to be used, 
    depending on which method is the most effective, efficient, and cost 
    effective for the government.
        Employers who are normally exempt from keeping injury and illness 
    records under 29 CFR 1904.15 and 29 CFR 1904.16 may be notified by OSHA 
    that they will be required to participate in a particular information 
    collection under 1904.17(a). OSHA will notify these employers in 
    writing in advance of the year for which injury and illness records 
    will be required. OSHA does not expect, in the near term, to take 
    action against Sec. 1904.15 and 16 exempt employers based on survey 
    non-response under Sec. 1904.17.
    III. Issues
    1. Use of Data
        As explained above and in the proposal, site-specific data reported 
    pursuant to section 1904.13 (now section 1904.17) will be used for a 
    variety of purposes: injury/illness surveillance; development of 
    information for promulgating, revising or evaluating OSHA's safety and 
    health standards; evaluating the effectiveness of OSHA's enforcement, 
    training and voluntary programs; public information; and for directing 
    OSHA's program activities, including scheduled workplace inspections 
    and non-enforcement programs, such as targeted mailings of safety and 
    health information to employers.
        Many commenters acknowledged OSHA's need for a reporting 
    requirement or affirmatively stated they had no objections to it. (Ex. 
    15: 80, 184, 239, 313, 341, 359, 384, 418, 449)
        However, some commenters who had no objection to the principle of a 
    reporting requirement, expressed concern about the uses to which the 
    data would be put. (Ex. 15: 117, 181, 304) The National Federation of 
    Independent Business argued, for example, that the data should be used 
    for compliance efforts only:
        NFIB strongly objects to this provision unless it is expanded to 
    provide adequate safeguards to prevent abuses of written requests, 
    especially for reasons other than OSHA compliance--i.e., research, 
    surveillance, or public information. In fact, NFIB questions the 
    need for OSHA to have access to data for non-compliance reasons at 
    all. This is another instance where it appears as if OSHA has 
    overstepped its legislative bounds and is attempting to transform a 
    recordkeeping/compliance system into a comprehensive research system 
    of occupational safety and health statistics.
    (Ex. 15: 304, p. 25)
        Others contended that the data should be used for statistical 
    purposes only. See e.g., Heat Transfer Equipment Company (Ex. 15: 
    117)(``rules must be in place that the information will be used for 
    statistical purposes only and not as a method for determining 
    individual audits and retribution'').
        The OSH Act directs OSHA to operate a broad program to assure safe 
    and healthy workplace conditions in the majority of America's 
    workplaces, nearly 6,000,000 individual workplace establishments 
    employing approximately 100,000,000 workers. A vital component of this 
    broad program involves the effective use of information to provide for 
    the purposes discussed in the introduction to the OSH Act: for 
    workplace safety and health enforcement, research, information, 
    education, and training. 29 U.S.C. 651.
        Section 24 of the Act, 29 U.S.C. 673, directs the Secretary of 
    Labor, in consultation with the Secretary of Health and Human Services, 
    to develop and maintain a program of collection, compilation, and 
    analysis of occupational safety and health statistics. Section 8(c) 
    also directs the Secretary of Labor, in cooperation with the Secretary 
    of Health and Human Services, to prescribe regulations requiring 
    employers to maintain accurate records of, and to make periodic reports 
    on, work-related deaths, injuries, and illnesses.
        Additionally, the Government Performance and Results Act of 
    1993(GPRA)(31 U.S.C. 1101) requires Federal agencies to implement a 
    program of strategic planning, develop systematic measures of 
    performance to assess the impact of individual government programs, and 
    produce annual performance reports.
        OSHA believes that collecting injury, illness and employment data 
    from employers to meet these responsibilities represents the most 
    appropriate policy. OSHA also needs establishment-specific data to 
    better target its program activities, including workplace inspections 
    and non-enforcement information and incentive programs, to the more 
    hazardous workplaces. Given budget and personnel constraints, OSHA and 
    the 23 states with OSHA-approved workplace safety and health plans are 
    unable to work directly with all of these workplaces. In fiscal year 
    1996, OSHA and the States conducted enforcement inspections at 
    approximately 80,000 workplaces (unpublished OSHA analysis of FY 1996 
    inspection data). At this rate, 75 years would be needed to inspect all 
    of America's workplaces.
        Several independent reports concerning occupational injury and 
    illness recordkeeping and occupational safety and health policy have 
    documented and supported OSHA's need for establishment-specific data. 
    In a 1987 report, Counting Injuries and Illnesses in the Workplace: 
    Proposals for a Better System, published by the National Research 
    Council (NRC), the Panel on Occupational Safety and Health Statistics 
    recognized OSHA's need for access to individual establishment data:
        The Occupational Safety and Health Administration should be able 
    to obtain individual establishment data and that this might be 
    achieved through the development of an administrative data system, 
    such as that maintained, for example, by the Internal Revenue 
    (Ex. 4, p. 10)
        The panel believed that this data could be used to improve OSHA's 
    enforcement program:
        It could provide systematic detailed data that the current 
    program does not now provide; it could give OSHA more effective ways 
    of using its inspection resources to reduce workplace injuries; and 
    it could provide a more systematic bases for monitoring the quality 
    of recordkeeping and reporting.
    (Ex. 4, p. 113)
        The NRC Panel further suggested that an administrative data system 
    based on the OSHA 200 logs could provide a valuable database for other 
    uses as well, including standard setting, enforcement, program 
    evaluation, and research. (Ex. 4, p. 113)
        In a 1989 report, the Keystone National Policy Dialogue on Work-
    Related Illness and Injury Recordkeeping, a group of industry, labor, 
    government and academic representatives with an interest in 
    occupational injury and illness data stated:
        The Dialogue group agreed that injury and illness statistics 
    from recordkeeping can and should be used to target (prioritize) 
    enforcement/compliance activity at OSHA.
    * * * * *
        The data should be usable for macro purposes by SIC codes (high 
    risk--low risk) as well as in a performance oriented micro targeting 
    of workplace visits. OSHA needs to conserve its resources and should 
    be able to decide upon which industries and workplaces should 
    receive the most attention. However, statistics alone should not be 
    used to exempt any site from inspection. The records and rates at 
    the site level should be used in decision making in conjunction with 
    a review of site programs and spot check inspections.
    (Ex. 5, p. 35)
        In a 1990 report, Options for Improving Safety and Health in the
    [[Page 6436]]
    Workplace, the General Accounting Office (GAO) discussed an option for 
    improving the use of inspection resources by targeting inspection 
    activity with the use of establishment-specific injury and illness 
        OSHA could focus its enforcement, as well as education and 
    training efforts, on employers with high injury and illness rates in 
    industries known to be hazardous.
    (Ex. 36, p. 32)
        OSHA believes that it can improve the effectiveness and efficiency 
    of its programs by focusing its resources on employers and workplaces 
    that are experiencing serious, ongoing workplace safety and health 
    problems reflected by high rates of workplace injuries and illnesses. 
    At the same time, data that shows workplaces with good safety and 
    health records reflected by low injury and illness rates would allow 
    OSHA to have greater flexibility in working cooperatively and in 
    partnership with safer workplaces. These programs include enforcement 
    programs as well as non-enforcement programs that encourage employers 
    to voluntarily implement effective safety and health programs that 
    protect workers from death, injury and illness.
    2. The Use of Alternative Data Sources
        Several commenters suggested that the Agency use data from existing 
    data sources, such as state workers' compensation agencies, insurance 
    companies, hospitals or OSHA inspection files instead of collecting 
    information from employers. (Ex. 15: 2, 28, 58, 63, 97, 184, 195, 289, 
    327, 341, 374, 444) For example, Mr. Alex F. Gimble, CSP observed:
        Since similar data are readily available from other sources, 
    such as the National Safety Council, insurance carriers, etc., why 
    not use these statistics, rather than go through this duplication of 
    effort at taxpayer expense? Another approach would be to utilize 
    data collected by OSHA and State Plan compliance officers during 
    site visits over the past 25 years.
    (Ex. 15: 28)
        Several commenters suggested that OSHA use injury and illness data 
    from workers' compensation systems. The comments of the American Health 
    Care Association (AHCA) are representative:
        AHCA encourages OSHA to consider the use of workers' 
    compensation data in lieu of proposed OSHA 300 and 301 forms. 
    Pursuing the enactment of legislation that would allow OSHA access 
    to every state's workers' compensation data would eliminate the need 
    for employers to maintain two sets of records, provide OSHA with 
    necessary safety and health data, and ease administrative and cost 
    burdens now associated with recordkeeping for employers in every 
    industry across the country.
    (Ex. 15: 341)
        Ms. Diantha M. Goo recommended the use of data from treatment 
        The accuracy and usefulness of OSHA's reporting system would be 
    vastly improved if it were to shift responsibility from employers 
    (who have a vested interest in concealment) to the emergency rooms 
    of hospitals and clinics. Hospitals are accustomed to reporting 
    requirements, use the correct terminology in describing the accident 
    and its subsequent treatment and are computerized.
    (Ex. 15: 327)
        OSHA believes that injury and illness information compiled pursuant 
    to Part 1904, plus employment figures, will be much more reliable and 
    suited to OSHA's needs than any available alternative. While many State 
    workers' compensation programs voluntarily provide injury and illness 
    data to OSHA for various purposes, others do not. And the data vary 
    widely from state to state. Differing workers' compensation laws and 
    administrative systems result in large variations in content, format, 
    accessibility and computerization. Often, workers' compensation 
    databases do not include injury and illness data from employers who 
    elect to self-insure. Additionally, most workers' compensation 
    databases do not include information on the number of workers employed 
    or the number of hours worked by employees, and incidence rates of 
    occupational injury and illness cannot be computed. Workers' 
    compensation data are also based on insurance accounts, and not on the 
    safety and health experience of individual workplaces. As a result, an 
    individual account often reflects the experience of several workplaces 
    involved in differing business activities.
        Only a survey of every member of a selected set of employers about 
    a selected set of data gathered in a relatively short time can tell 
    OSHA which members of the group have the highest or lowest illness and 
    injury rates, how the injury and illness rates are distributed over the 
    field, and the types of injuries and illnesses being experienced in 
    that field, etc. As more surveys are conducted over time, a reliable 
    historical record will emerge.
        While OSHA does not believe that alternate source data are 
    satisfactory substitutes for the information covered by 1904.17, the 
    agency does recognize they have value. To the extent information from 
    workers' compensation programs, BLS, insurance companies, trade 
    associations, etc., are available and appropriate for OSHA's purposes, 
    OSHA intends to continue to use them to supplement its own data systems 
    and assess the quality of its own data. However, consistent with the 
    Congressional mandate of the OSH Act, OSHA needs to maintain its own 
    recordkeeping system and to gather the data for it through a reporting 
    3. Scope Issues
        Many commenters objected to the breadth of the proposed regulatory 
    text, arguing that it would give the Secretary unfettered discretion to 
    demand any information related to the Act's purposes, at any time, for 
    virtually any reason. (Ex. 25, 58X, 15: 55, 80, 102, 124, 135, 144, 
    158, 162, 165, 193, 206, 207, 209, 211, 212, 220, 228, 239, 240, 243, 
    252, 255, 257, 258, 261, 264, 267, 274, 275, 276, 286, 293, 305, 306, 
    309, 313, 341, 348, 351, 368, 375, 389, 397, 406, 420, 427) A comment 
    by the National Association of Manufacturers sums up the point of view 
    expressed by many others:
        It is one thing to have an objectively identified set of 
    employers that must make an annual filing of a census-type survey on 
    a non-discriminatory basis; it is another to give an enforcement 
    agency the authority--at its sole whim or discretion--to selectively 
    require one or more employers to file reports that an entire class 
    of employers is required to maintain. It is one thing to have an 
    objectively identified set of information or records that must be 
    included in an annual filing; it is another to give an enforcement 
    agency the authority--at its sole whim or discretion--to selectively 
    require one or more employers to generate and file reports 
    containing whatever information the agency identifies so long as it 
    can be described as ``regarding [the employer's] activities relating 
    to this [OSH] Act.''
    (Ex. 25, 15: 305)
        It was not OSHA's intention to exercise unfettered discretion to 
    collect any data related to the Act. It was, however, OSHA's intention 
    to create a reliable mechanism for routinized collections, by mail or 
    other remote transmittal, of a limited class of information without 
    unduly burdening employers. Consistent with that goal, and in light of 
    the comments of record, the final reporting rule is carefully 
    circumscribed. The rule authorizes an annual survey--which, because it 
    will go to more than ten employers, will be subject to the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act (PRA) (See 42 U.S.C. 3502 et seq. and 5 CFR part 1320)--
    concerning information contained in records required to be created and 
    maintained by Part 1904 plus employment figures. The rule specifies the 
    time within which responses are to be provided to OSHA. Employers will 
    be able to determine which employers are within the survey group and 
    what information will be collected each year before the
    [[Page 6437]]
    survey begins because that information will be made available to the 
    public under a Federal Register notice pursuant to the PRA. Once a 
    survey has received an OMB control number under the PRA, any 
    substantive or material modification would require a new PRA clearance. 
    As indicated in Section IX of this preamble entitled ``Paperwork 
    Reduction Act of 1995'' the OMB control number for the current annual 
    survey form is 1218-0209. (Section 1904.17 defines the class of 
    information and respondents subject to survey under the rule. The set 
    of employers and information (from within the covered class) to be 
    targeted in each year is fixed as each survey is designed.)
        One commenter was concerned that the proposed rule could apply to 
    information dating back ``decades,'' creating substantial burdens for 
    employers. (Ex: 15:395, p. 67) Since the final rule establishes an 
    annual survey of information in Part 1904 records, which are required 
    to be kept no more than five years, plus employment information, it 
    presents no issues about ``decades-long'' records.
        A number of commenters argued that as proposed, section 1904.13 
    violated Fourth Amendment guarantees against unreasonable searches. 
    (Ex. 15:154, 174, 193, 215, 258, 305, 318, 346, 375, 390, 395, 397) 
    Most of these commenters referred to Marshall v. Barlow's, Inc., 436 
    U.S. 305 (1978), McLaughlin v. Kings Island, 849 F.2d 990 (6th Cir. 
    1988), and Brock v. Emerson Electric Co, 834 F.2d 994 (11th Cir. 1987).
        Barlow's concerned the question whether OSHA must have a warrant to 
    inspect a work site if the employer does not give consent. Kings Island 
    and Emerson Electric concerned on-site records inspections by 
    compliance officers. Section 1904.17 is a reporting requirement; no 
    entry of premises or compliance officer decision making is involved. 
    Thus, these decisions provide little if any support to the commenter's 
    sweeping Fourth Amendment objections. See, Donovan v. Lone Steer, Inc., 
    464 U.S. 408, 414 (1984) (reasonableness of a subpoena is not to be 
    determined on the basis of physical entry law, because subpoena 
    requests for information involve no entry into nonpublic areas).
        Moreover, in its final form the rule is extremely narrow in scope 
    and leaves the agency with limited discretion. Section 1904.17 is 
    restricted to a limited class of information. This information is 
    highly relevant to accomplishment of OSHA's mission. The reporting is 
    done by mail or other remote transmittal, without any intrusion into 
    the employer's premises by OSHA, and is not unduly burdensome. Much of 
    the injury and illness information to be reported is taken from records 
    employers are already required to create, maintain, post, and provide 
    to workers and government officials on request, which means that the 
    employer has a reduced expectation of privacy in the information. 
    Employment figures are critical to OSHA's ability to evaluate the 
    injury and illness data, whereas they are not information that 
    employers may expect to keep secret from the government. In addition, 
    as explained earlier, there is no substitute for a large body of site-
    specific information gathered by the survey method. The results of the 
    surveys will be uniquely useful to OSHA in meeting Congress' mandate to 
    use reporting requirements and build an effective statistical program 
    around them.
        Some commenters argued that the Fourth Amendment requires OSHA to 
    use a subpoena or warrant to get information from employers who do not 
    provide it voluntarily. Since the proposed reporting rule made no 
    explicit provision for enforcement via subpoena or warrant, they 
    contended that the rule was constitutionally deficient. ``Production 
    may not be compelled without a search warrant, administrative subpoena 
    or other appropriate vehicle.'' (National Beer Wholesalers Association. 
    Ex. 15:215.) ``The Fourth Amendment * * * requires OSHA to obtain a 
    subpoena or warrant prior to obtaining access to any of the information 
    identified in proposed * * * 1904.13.'' (The Fertilizer Institute. Ex. 
    15: 154.) ``The proposed rules make no provision for a subpoena or 
    warrant and appear to contemplate that OSHA will use neither. * * * 
    These provisions, to the extent they purport to authorize inspections 
    of records without a warrant or subpoena, violate the Fourth 
    Amendment.'' (American Iron and Steel Institute. Ex. 15:395.)
        Certainly, under many circumstances employers can force OSHA to 
    secure a warrant or subpoena enforcement order before giving OSHA 
    access to workplace injury and illness data. These commenters, however, 
    appear to be arguing that including a subpoena or warrant enforcement 
    mechanism in the text of the rule is necessary to adequately protect 
    their Fourth Amendment right to privacy. This is not so. The Fourth 
    Amendment protects against ``unreasonable'' intrusions by the 
    government into private places and things. Reporting rules that do not 
    incorporate subpoena or warrant procedures are not ``unreasonable'' per 
    se. See e.g., California Bankers Ass'n v. Shultz, 416 U.S. 21, 67 
    (1974) (upholding reporting regulation issued under the Bank Secrecy 
    Act of 1970 that did not provide for subpoenas or warrants where the 
    ``information was sufficiently described and limited in nature and 
    sufficiently related to a tenable Congressional determination'' that 
    the information would have a high degree of usefulness in criminal, 
    tax, or regulatory investigations or proceedings). For example, OSHA 
    has long required employers to report promptly all fatal workplace 
        The totality of circumstances surrounding a warrantless or 
    ``subpoena-less'' reporting requirement or administrative investigation 
    determines its reasonableness. For example, in McLaughlin v. A.B. 
    Chance, 842 F.2d at 727 (4th Cir. 1988), the Fourth Circuit upheld a 
    records access citation against an employer who refused an OSHA 
    inspector access to its OSHA Logs and Forms on the ground that it had a 
    right to insist on a warrant or subpoena. The court upheld the citation 
    because a summary of the information was posted annually on the 
    employee bulletin board, thus diminishing the employer's argument that 
    it has a reasonable expectation of privacy in the information, and the 
    inspector was lawfully on the premises to investigate a safety 
    complaint. In New York v. Burger, 482 U.S. 691, 702-703 (1987), the 
    Supreme Court noted that agencies may gather information without a 
    warrant, subpoena, or consent if the information would serve a 
    substantial governmental interest, a warrantless (or subpoena-less) 
    inspection is necessary to further the regulatory scheme, and the 
    agency acts pursuant to an inspection program that is limited in time, 
    place, and scope. The Burger court went on to uphold a warrantless 
    inspection of records during an administrative inspection of business 
    premises. Consider also the Kings Island and Emerson Electric 
    decisions' concern about the inspector's broad field discretion. Kings 
    Island (noting that under Burger a warrantless or subpoena-less 
    inspection of records might be reasonable, but concluding that the 
    facts of the case did not satisfy Burger analysis); Emerson Electric 
    (noting that under California Bankers an agency may gain access to 
    information without a subpoena or warrant but concluding that facts of 
    that case were not comparable to those reviewed in California Bankers).
        It is not OSHA's intention to resolve, in this rulemaking, the 
    question of the procedures the Fourth Amendment may require to enforce 
    the regulatory obligation. Not only are Fourth Ammendment issues 
    ultimately for
    [[Page 6438]]
    courts, not agencies to resolve, such issues are rarely suitable for 
    judgement in the abstract. If for example, OSHA were at some future 
    time to issue a citation for nonresponse to a survey questionaire, the 
    Fourth Amendment evaluation would depend on all the particulars of the 
    case. (While the participation in the OSHA Data Collection Initiative 
    is mandatory, OSHA has made a policy decision that it will not issue 
    citations for the failure to respond to the first survey conducted 
    under authority of this rule, which will collect data for calendar year 
    1996; nor does OSHA intend to issue citations for the 1995 survey 
    already conducted. OSHA will take into consideration its experience 
    with the Data Collection Initiatives when developing policy for future 
    years. However, the nonrespondents to the 1995 and 1996 survey 
    instrument may be subject to an on-site records inspection by an OSHA 
    compliance officer or issued an administrative subpoena.)
        Further analysis under the principles set forth in the Burger 
    decision must await a specific application of 1904.17 when the 
    particulars of the information request are known. OSHA has, however, 
    structured the final rule to respond to concerns expressed in the case 
    law and to limit its own discretion and eliminate discretion of 
    officials in the field. Section 1904.17 surveys are constrained first 
    by the regulatory text--the surveys occur no more than once per year, 
    they involve ten or more employers covered by the Act, they are limited 
    to injury and illness information contained in records created and 
    maintained pursuant to Part 1904 and to employment and hours worked, 
    they are accomplished by mail or other remote transmittal, and 
    respondents have at least thirty days to respond. The data from within 
    the covered field and the set of employers or establishments to be 
    canvassed for each survey are definitively fixed during the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act clearance process and are available to the public in 
    connection with Federal Register notices published during the clearance 
        Employers will have ample opportunity to test the Fourth Amendment 
    reasonableness of any survey with which they are faced. Under any 
    follow-up scenario--warrant records inspection, subpoena demand or 
    notice of a 1904.17 violation--employers would have advance notice that 
    a response was required, and would have an opportunity to provide the 
    survey data in order to avoid legal process. Employers faced with a 
    survey that they consider an infringement of Fourth Amendment rights of 
    privacy may refuse to respond and raise objections in a warrant 
    enforcement or subpoena proceeding or as a defense if they are issued 
    citations by OSHA. Under the Act, employers are entitled to contest 
    citations and receive an administrative hearing, administrative review 
    of the hearing officer's decision, and federal court of appeals review. 
    29 U.S.C. 659(c), 660(a).
        Some commenters asserted that using reported information for 
    enforcement targeting would violate their privilege against self-
    incrimination. (Ex. 15:203, 397) These commenters did not explain how 
    the privilege against self-incrimination would be implicated in the 
    reporting requirement or cite any supporting authorities. OSHA would 
    point out, that the privilege against self-incrimination derives from 
    the Fifth Amendment and pertains to criminal proceedings. It has long 
    been settled that the privilege cannot be invoked to resist the 
    disclosure needed for a regulatory purpose unrelated to the enforcement 
    of criminal laws even if a criminal proceeding is a possible 
    consequence of an administrative investigation. See, for example, 
    Shapiro v. United States, 335 U.S. 1, 32-33 (1948) (Fifth Amendment not 
    violated by regulation requiring individuals to keep and produce 
    records ``of transactions which are the appropriate subjects of 
    governmental regulation'').
    4. OSHA's Statutory Authority To Collect Data With a Reporting Rule
        Some commenters argued that the proposed reporting rule was not 
    consistent with Sections 8(c) and 24(e) of the Act. Sections 8(c)(2) 
    directs that ``the Secretary of Labor * * * shall prescribe regulations 
    requiring employers to maintain accurate records of, and to make 
    periodic reports on, work-related deaths, injuries and illnesses other 
    than minor injuries * * *.'' 29 U.S.C. 657(c)(2). Section 24(e) 
    provides that ``[o]n the basis of the records made and kept pursuant to 
    section 8(c) of this Act, employers shall file such reports with the 
    Secretary as he shall prescribe by regulation * * *.'' 29 U.S.C. 
        These commenters argued that the proposed rule merely reiterated 
    the Secretary's entire range of statutory authority to collect 
    information and did not itself prescribe anything, much less limit 
    itself to the injury and illness records mentioned in section 8(c)(2). 
    Moreover, some claimed, it left the compliance officer in the field 
    with unfettered discretion to decide what information to demand. (Ex. 
    15: 154, 313, 352, 353, 358, 375, 397.)
        There are several responses to be made on this point. First, OSHA 
    has had the ability to access injury and illness records for many years 
    and is simply clarifying its authority to collect the information 
    through the mail. Second is the fact that the final rule is extremely 
    narrow and specific about the information it covers and how that 
    information is to be gathered. Third, compliance officers do not 
    implement the rule; the agency implements it by conducting large annual 
    surveys, by mail, requesting information within the scope of the rule 
    from employer or establishment groups whose responses the agency judges 
    to be necessary in meeting its multiple responsibilities. Finally, the 
    final rule fits within the terms of Section 8(c).
    5. Time Allowed for Employers To File Reports
        The proposed rule would have required employers to submit data to 
    OSHA, when OSHA sends them a written request for records, within 21 
    calendar days of receiving the request. Several commenters provided 
    remarks on the 21 calendar day limitation. (Ex. 15: 65, 127, 347, 405)
        Some comments supported the 21 day time frame as a reasonable time 
    for employers to comply with a request for information. (Ex. 15: 347, 
    405) For example, the Westinghouse Company (Ex. 15: 405, P. 4) stated: 
    ``This change is acceptable and the time limitations appear 
        OSHA also received comments stating that 21 calendar days is too 
    short a time frame for reporting, and that longer times should be 
    adopted in the final rule. (Ex. 15: 65, 127) For example, the Aluminum 
    Company of America (Alcoa) remarked:
        Alcoa believes this is too short and restrictive a time frame 
    given current staff levels and resource demands on employers and 
    their health and safety professionals. * * * OSHA should provide 30 
    days advanced notification (for planning purposes) and 21 days for 
    response following the advanced notification to the specific 
    employers to be surveyed.
    (Ex. 15: 65)
        The Laboratory Corporation of America stated:
        Reports to be required of employers mentioned in 29 CFR 1904.13 
    should be handled in one of two ways. The content of the reports 
    needs to be established in advance and a specific date for a 
    deadline for submission provided. Alternatively, if the report 
    content has not yet been established, then a period of time longer 
    than 21 days is needed for response. A period of 45 to 60 days is 
    suggested. Unless the information requested is known in advance to 
    employers, it will take time to communicate and collect
    [[Page 6439]]
    this data in a multi-state, multi-location operation. Either of 
    these two options would give more appropriate time for more accurate 
    information to be compiled for these types of employers.
    (Ex. 15:127 P. 2)
        Other comments supported the 21 day requirement, but suggested that 
    the Secretary maintain some flexibility and discretion to provide more 
    than 21 days for a specific request.
        The American Petroleum Institute (API), for example, observed:
        Twenty-one days should be the minimum time allowed for employers 
    to respond to such requests.
        Recommended language: The employer shall file the requested 
    reports with the Secretary within 21 calendar days of receipt of the 
    request, unless the Secretary allows more than 21 days.
    (Ex. 15:375 P. b25)
        In light of these comments, OSHA has increased the reporting time 
    to 30 calendar days in this final rule. OSHA believes that the 21 day 
    time frame may be too short for some employers to comply with the 
    request, but believes that 45 or 60 days is too long a time frame for a 
    relatively simple request for summary information contained in existing 
    records. A longer deadline would make it more difficult for OSHA to 
    collect data in a timely fashion, or to conduct quality control 
    measures such as follow-up mailings and phone calls to verify 
    questionable or erroneous data.
        Additionally, OSHA agrees that the time frame in the rule should be 
    a minimum time that can be lengthened at the discretion of OSHA. In 
    other words, the final rule requires employers to file reports within 
    30 calendar days of receipt of the request, unless the written 
    instructions contained in the request specifically allow more than 30 
    calendar days.
    6. Reporting With Computers
        OSHA received several comments on the potential role of computers 
    in reporting data to OSHA. (Ex. 15: 011, 163, 184, 390, 402) The OSHA 
    Data Company (Ex. 15: 011) suggested that computer reporting should be 
    a mandatory feature of the data collection system, remarking: ``We 
    suggest that recordkeeping in computer readable format should be 
    mandatory and data should be submitted to OSHA in that format.''
        Other commenters suggested that computer reporting be allowed and 
    encouraged (Ex. 15: 163, 184, 390, 402). The comments of US West Inc. 
    are representative of these comments:
        US West requests that OSHA move to implement systems that will 
    allow employers to electronically provide data, such as the data 
    requested in the BLS Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses. 
    Such a method will be more effective, in terms of receiving 
    consistently formatted data, and will be more cost efficient for 
    both employers and the Department of Labor.
    (Ex. 15-184)
        OSHA believes that there is enormous potential for reducing 
    collection burden on both employers and the government, while improving 
    data quality and consistency, by allowing employers to submit data 
    through computerized reporting systems. However, OSHA does not believe 
    that computerized reporting systems should be mandatory for all 
    employers. Mandatory computer systems could actually increase the 
    burden on those employers who do not have computer systems and on those 
    employers who have computer systems that do not provide simple 
    electronic communications options.
        OSHA intends to implement, as soon as possible, options for 
    individual data collection projects that will allow employers to submit 
    data either electronically or through paper forms. For those data 
    collections where computerized submission of data is an option, OSHA 
    will include instructions for computerized submissions in the 
    instructions accompanying the request for information.
    7. Miscellaneous Issues
        OSHA also received comments on a variety of issues that the Agency 
    believes are worthy of discussion, as follows.
    A. The Ability of OSHA To Designate its Collection Authority to Another 
    Entity. The Proposed Rule Did Not Indicate That a Designee Could 
    Collect Information for the Agency
        Often, OSHA and the Bureau of Labor Statistics have used grants to 
    the states and independent government contractors to collect data on 
    behalf of the Department of Labor. These arrangements allow the 
    Department to collect information using a variety of administrative 
    options that are advantageous to the Federal government and do not 
    increase the burden on respondents. One commenter suggested: ``Data 
    should continue to be collected through state agencies.'' (Ex. 15: 41)
        In order to maintain the Agency's flexibility to collect data via 
    grants to the states, or to use government contractors, and to be able 
    to collect data through cooperative interagency efforts with the 
    Department of Health and Human Services, OSHA has modified the final 
    rule to require employers to submit information to either OSHA or 
    OSHA's designee.
    B. Unfair Effect on Specific Industry Sectors
        Several commenters raised concerns over what they regarded as 
    potentially unfair effects of the data collection on smaller employers, 
    small establishments, and employers who rely heavily on part time 
    employees (Ex. 15: 304, 384, 424, 449). Another commenter was concerned 
    that OSHA would attempt to compare data from the longshoring industry 
    to that of other industries and argued that such comparisons would be 
    invalid because longshoring is subject to a different workers' 
    compensation insurance system than other industry sectors (Ex. 15: 95).
        Several commenters expressed concern over a perceived and 
    potentially unfair effect of data collections on smaller employers, 
    arguing that the same small number of cases would result in a higher 
    incidence rate for a smaller employer than for a larger employer, or 
    that a small employer may have a high rate for only one year and may 
    have had no cases for many years before and after the year for which 
    the information is collected. (Ex. 15: 304, 384, 449) For example, the 
    Akzo Nobel Corporation observed:
        We support this concept, but caution OSHA about using data from 
    only one year, especially for small sites where a single medical 
    case in a plant of 20 employees will give a total recordable rate of 
    about 5. We would consider that a ``high'' rate, possibly targetable 
    by OSHA, but it might be the first OSHA recordable incident in 3 or 
    5 years. Caution is advised.
    (Ex. 15: 384)
        United Parcel Service (UPS) (Ex. 15: 424, p. 9) expressed a concern 
    about the possible effect on firms who rely heavily on part-time labor, 
        The agency's current practice of determining injury rates as a 
    ratio to hours worked, rather than to employees, has the consequence 
    of inflating injury and illness rates for companies with more 
    workers per hour worked: at least when an outside limit of an 8-hour 
    workday is established, the likelihood, per hour, of injury 
    decreases when more hours are worked. To put it another way, the 
    more workers who work per 8-hour day, the more likely those hours 
    will generate discrete employee complaints. Therefore, OSHA's 
    current practices already distort the apparent safety of workplaces 
    relying heavily on part-time labor.
        The Pacific Maritime Association (Ex. 15: 95, p. 10) expressed a 
    concern that injury and illness reports would not provide an accurate 
    comparison with other industries because the longshoring industry is 
    covered by a separate workers' compensation system, stating:
    [[Page 6440]]
        Another very important recommendation concerns the inequities of 
    comparing an industry covered by the Long Shore and Harbor Workers Act 
    compensation program with those covered by Workers' Compensation. 
    Compensation provided by the Long shore program is much more generous 
    than Workers' Compensation and may encourage individuals to remain on 
    compensation longer. This disparity between the two systems is not 
    often acknowledged particularly when injury incident and severity rates 
    are used to identify high hazard industries. It is recommended that 
    OSHA recognize the impact of the Long shore compensation by 
    establishing a specific category for employees who are covered by the 
    Long shore Act. For an example, SIC 4491, Long shoring, may be used as 
    a specific category where employer incident and severity rates may be 
        These objections are premature, as they relate to certain possible 
    uses of data, not to usefulness for all purposes, and not to the 
    Agency's authority to collect the data in the first instance. Moreover, 
    as the comments themselves made clear, when the time comes for using 
    survey data, it will be possible to factor in special circumstances for 
    subgroups of employers. For example, small employer data could be 
    adjusted to omit smaller employers with only one injury from any 
    analysis of the data.
        In regards to the longshoring industry, OSHA has traditionally 
    performed separate analyses of broader databases to prepare employer 
    lists specific to the longshoring industry. OSHA recognizes the unique 
    qualities of this industry, has developed separate standards for 
    maritime industries, including longshoring, and normally performs 
    specialized investigations for longshoring facilities. The problems 
    with data from the longshoring industry can be solved by continuing to 
    look at this industry in a way that does not compare these employers to 
    employers in other industries.
        In general, OSHA believes that different approaches to the use of 
    data can effectively deal with differences among different 
    subpopulations of employers, depending on the unique qualities of those 
    subpopulations. OSHA will continue to tailor its analysis of data when 
    these unique situations are encountered.
    C. Data Quality Issues
        Several commenters discussed the possible adverse impacts on the 
    quality of the data if reporting is required. (Ex. 15: 50, 122, 176, 
    273, 301, 310, 374, 401, 414). Mr. George R. Cook, CCC-A (Ex. 15: 50) 
        If the OSHA Form 300 is to be used to prioritize compliance 
    visits, it is felt this policy will add undue pressure for companies 
    to keep entries off the Form.
        The Laborers' Health & Safety Fund of North America (Ex. 15: 310) 
        The premise of employers self-reporting injuries and illnesses 
    to an agency which may inspect them based on that data is a 
    prescription for mis-reporting.
        The Chemical Manufacturers Association (CMA) remarked:
        CMA supports targeting of inspections in order for OSHA to 
    better use its resources, but cautions OSHA to carefully consider 
    its approach. CMA is concerned that OSHA carefully consider the 
    relationship between targeting and OSHA's ability to collect 
    accurate and credible data. Valid data collection and analysis are 
    the cornerstone of effective targeting.
        CMA recognizes that currently OSHA is not collecting adequate 
    data to target effectively. It is important that OSHA review 
    existing data sources, examine existing targeting programs (e.g. 
    Maine 200) and revise its data collection mechanisms. However, the 
    Administration must carefully evaluate the context in which that 
    data has been collected, as well as identify characteristic flaws in 
    such programs.
    (Ex. 15: 301, p. 16)
        The quality of any data collected from employers is an ongoing 
    concern for the Agency. OSHA agrees that misreporting, whether 
    intentional or unintentional, can affect the value of the collected 
    data and any conclusions drawn from that data. Misreporting is not, 
    however, an insoluble problem. Controls are available for assuring a 
    reasonable quality of data for use by OSHA, as well as employers and 
    workers. For example, OSHA is implementing a quality control initiative 
    for the current collection of injury and illness records data required 
    by Part 1904 that will include three components; outreach and training 
    for the regulated community to reduce unintentional errors, error 
    screening and follow-back procedures to correct or verify questionable 
    data reported to the agency, and, under certain circumstances, on-site 
    records inspections. OSHA is also planning to use other sources of 
    data, e.g., workers' compensation records and inspection histories, 
    when available, for comparison purposes as an external check on records 
    D. Effect on Existing Authority
        Nothing in Section 1904.17 affects the Secretary's general 
    investigatory authority under Section 8 of the Act or his broad 
    rulemaking authority under Section 8(g)(2).
    IV. Economic Analysis
        Section 1904.17 applies to all employers within OSHA jurisdiction, 
    including those in general industry, construction, shipyard employment, 
    long shoring, marine terminals, and agriculture. OSHA has determined 
    that the Section 1904.17 regulation does not require the Agency to 
    develop a Final Economic Analysis because it is not a ``significant 
    regulatory action'' as defined by section 3(f)(1) of Executive Order 
    (E.O.) 12866. This provision of the E.O. covers a regulatory action 
    that is likely to result in a rule that may:
        (1) Have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more or 
    adversely affect in a material way the economy, a sector of the 
    economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, public 
    health or safety, or State, local, or tribal governments or 
        Pursuant to this section 1904.17 individual data collections 
    conducted under this regulation will require employers to assemble data 
    and file reports to OSHA. To provide employers with examples 
    illustrative of the kinds of costs and paperwork burdens potentially 
    associated with such data collections, the following paragraphs 
    describe the costs and burden hours associated with two recent Agency 
    data collection efforts. The examples chosen include the two recent 
    data collection initiatives undertaken by OSHA in 1995 and 1996.
        The impact analyses developed for the 1995 and 1996 data 
    collections initiatives were published in the Federal Register (60 FR 
    35231; 61 FR 38227, respectively). OSHA estimated that employers 
    responding to those data collection efforts would be required to spend 
    an estimated $6.95 per response, based on 30 minutes of clerical time 
    at $13.90 per hour. OSHA believes that most firms will assign the 
    survey form to a personnel or payroll clerk with an average wage of 
    $13.90 per hour. This figure is based on a wage rate with benefits for 
    a secretary-typist from Employment and Earnings, January 1996, U.S. 
    Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (OSHA has recently 
    updated its wage rate data with more current statistics). The 
    information collected from employers in the 1995 and 1996 data 
    collection initiatives was summary information from the establishment's 
    OSHA Log and Form 200, in addition to information on the number of 
    workers employed and the number of hours worked by these employees in 
    the applicable calendar year. Approximately 70,000 employers were 
    targeted in each of these data
    [[Page 6441]]
    collection initiatives, for a total burden estimate of 35,000 hours, or 
    $486,500. OSHA anticipates that future data collection initiatives 
    conducted under section 1904.17 will impose similar burdens--
    approximately 30 minutes of clerical time per respondent--and will 
    therefore not impose a substantial burden on any employer.
        The record contains many comments about the burden of recording 
    employment and hours worked information on the OSHA Log--some favorable 
    but more unfavorable. However, the negative commenters provided no 
    empirical basis by which their burden claims could be quantified. In 
    the absence of such data, OSHA turned to the long experience BLS has 
    accumulated while collecting these same types of data for statistical 
    purposes. For over 25 years, until the BLS injury and illness survey 
    was revised to collect additional data from employers, the BLS 
    collected data identical to the data collected by OSHA in 1996. BLS 
    estimated that completion of its pre-1992 surveys required one half 
    hour of time. A 1992 BLS test conducted on 92 respondents completing 
    only part 1 of the BLS survey form (equivalent to the OSHA form) 
    measured the average respondents completion time at 30.55 minutes.
        The occupational injury and illness information from the OSHA 
    records is required by regulation and is easily transferred to the OSHA 
    survey form. The information on employment and hours worked by 
    employees is generally easy to obtain from payroll systems for 
    employees who are paid on an hourly basis, and can be estimated for 
    salaried employees. The survey forms used by OSHA provide the employer 
    with instructions and worksheets to make the calculations as easy as 
    possible. In many cases, the employment and hours worked data are 
    already being reported to unemployment insurance and workers' 
    compensation agencies and can easily be transferred to the OSHA survey 
        As discussed above, OSHA has concluded that promulgation of this 
    regulation, in and of itself, imposes few if any economic costs on 
    potentially affected firms. Individual data collections conducted under 
    this regulation will be subject to OMB review under the procedures 
    specified by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. Employers will thus 
    have an opportunity to comment on any burdens imposed by such data 
    collections when they are carried out in the future.
        OSHA has determined that this rule is a significant regulatory 
    action as defined by 3(f)(4) of E.O. 12866. This provision of the E.O. 
    covers a regulatory action that is likely to result in a rule that may:
        (4) Raise novel legal or policy issues arising out of legal 
    mandates, the President's priorities, or the principles set forth in 
    the Executive Order.
    V. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        OSHA is required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act, as amended in 
    1996, to assess whether its regulations will have a significant impact 
    on a substantial number of small entities. As explained in the Economic 
    Analysis section of this preamble, above, this regulation (section 
    1904.17, Annual OSHA Injury and Illness Survey of Ten or More 
    Employers) imposes few, if any costs on affected employers, although 
    future data collection efforts conducted under this regulation may 
    impose minimal cost and paperwork burdens on those employers affected 
    by a given data collection effort. OSHA will carefully assess the 
    impacts of individual data collections on employers, including small 
    employers, at the time such efforts are initiated. Pursuant to the 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act, OSHA thus certifies that section 1904.17 
    will not have a significant impact on a substantial number of small 
    VI. Environmental Impacts
        The provisions of this final regulation have been reviewed in 
    accordance with the requirements of the National Environmental Policy 
    Act (NEPA) of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 432, et seq.), the Council on 
    Environmental Quality (CEQ) NEPA regulations [40 CFR part 1500], and 
    OSHA's DOL Procedures [29 CFR part 11]. As a result of this review, 
    OSHA has determined that this final rule will have no significant 
    effect on air, water, or soil quality, plant or animal life, use of 
    land, or other aspects of the environment.
    VII. Federalism
        This rule has been reviewed in accordance with Executive Order 
    12612 (52 FR 41685), regarding Federalism. Because this rulemaking 
    action involves a ``regulation'' issued under Sec. 8 of the OSH Act, 
    and not a ``standard'' issued under Sec. 6 of the Act, the rule does 
    not preempt State law, see 29 U.S.C. 667 (a).
    VIII. State Plans
        The 25 States and territories with their own OSHA approved 
    occupational safety and health plans are: Alaska, Arizona, California, 
    Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, 
    New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, 
    Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Virgin Islands, Washington, and 
    Wyoming; Connecticut and New York have state plans covering state and 
    local Government employees only.
        Section 18(c)(7) of the OSH Act requires employers in state plan 
    states to ``make reports to the Secretary in the same manner and to the 
    same extent as if the plan were not in effect.'' Today's amendment to 
    29 CFR part 1904 relates to periodic data surveys which federal OSHA 
    will conduct in all states, including those which administer approved 
    state plans; accordingly, states with state plans are not required to 
    adopt a comparable regulation. In state plan states, the data collected 
    by the federal OSHA survey will be shared with the states for use in 
    administering their plans, and also provide relevant information for 
    OSHA's use in monitoring the state plan as required by section 18(f). 
    Because OSHA's nationwide data survey is not an issue currently 
    addressed by any of the state plans, OSHA's authority to implement the 
    survey is not affected either by operational agreements with state plan 
    states or by the granting of final approval under section 18(e). OSHA's 
    authority under the Act, to take appropriate enforcement action when 
    necessary to compel responses to the survey and to assure the accuracy 
    of the data submitted by employers, will be exercised in consultation 
    with the state in state plan states. The states may also exercise such 
    authority under state law or regulation.
    IX. Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
        This final regulation contains information collection requirements. 
    As required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the U.S. Department 
    of Labor has submitted a copy of these sections to OMB for its review. 
    (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq., and 5 CFR part 1320.
        Separately, the Department of Labor has received renewed approval 
    for the Annual Survey Form under the Paperwork Reduction Act (OMB 
    number 1218-0209)
    List of Subjects in 29 CFR Part 1904
        Reports by employers, occupational injuries and illnesses, 
    Occupational Safety and Health, Occupational Safety and Health 
    Administration, Recordkeeping, Reporting.
        This document was prepared under the direction of Greg Watchman, 
    Acting Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health, 
    U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 
    [[Page 6442]]
        Accordingly, pursuant to sections 8 and 24 of the Occupational 
    Safety and Health Act of 1970 (29 U.S.C. 657, 673), Secretary of 
    Labor's Order No. 1-90 (55 FR 9033), and 5 U.S.C. 553, 29 CFR part 1904 
    is hereby amended by adding Sec. 1904.17 as set forth below.
        Signed in Washington, D.C., this 7th day of 1997.
    Greg Watchman,
    Acting Assistant Secretary of Labor.
    PART 1904--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for Part 1904 is revised to read as 
        Authority: Secs. 8, 24, Occupational Safety and Health Act of 
    1970 (29 U.S.C. 657, 673), Secretary of Labor's Order No. 12-71 (36 
    FR 8754), 8-76 (41 FR 25059), 9-83 (48 FR 35736), 1-90 (55 FR 9033) 
    or 6-96 (62 FR 111), as applicable.
        Section 1904.7, 1904.8 and 1904.17 are also issued under 5 
    U.S.C. 553.
        2. Section 1904.17 immediately following 1904.16 is added to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 1904.17  Annual OSHA Injury and Illness Survey of Ten or More 
        (a) Each employer shall, upon receipt of OSHA's Annual Survey Form, 
    report to OSHA or OSHA's designee the number of workers it employed and 
    number of hours worked by its employees for periods designated in the 
    Survey Form and such information as OSHA may request from records 
    required to be created and maintained pursuant to 29 CFR part 1904.
        (b) Survey reports shall be sent to OSHA by mail or other means 
    described in the Survey Form within 30 calendar days, or the time 
    stated in the Survey Form, whichever is longer.
        (c) Employers exempted from keeping injury and illness records 
    under Secs. 1904.15 and 1904.16 shall maintain injury and illness 
    records required by Secs. 1904.2 and 1904.4, and make Survey Reports 
    pursuant to this Section, upon being notified in writing by OSHA, in 
    advance of the year for which injury and illness records will be 
    required, that the employer has been selected to participate in an 
    information collection.
        (d) Nothing in any State plan approved under Section 18 of the Act 
    shall affect the duties of employers to comply with this section.
        (e) Nothing in this section shall affect OSHA's exercise of its 
    statutory authorities to investigate conditions related to occupational 
    safety and health.
    [FR Doc. 97-3495 Filed 2-10-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4510-26-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Labor Department
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
This final regulation will become effective on March 13, 1997. However, affected parties do not have to comply with the information collection requirements until the Department publishes in the Federal Register the control numbers assigned by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to these information collection requirements. Publication of the control numbers notifies the public that OMB has approved these information collection requirements under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
6434-6442 (9 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. R-02
1218-AB24: Recording and Reporting Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (Simplified Injury/Illness Recordkeeping Requirements)
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
29 CFR 1904.17