99-3245. Fishing Capacity Reduction Program  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 28 (Thursday, February 11, 1999)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 6854-6869]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-3245]
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    50 CFR Part 253
    [Docket No. 980812215-8215-01, I.D. 072898D]
    RIN 0648-AK76
    Fishing Capacity Reduction Program
    AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
    Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: NMFS (hereinafter we or us) proposes framework regulations 
    specifying procedures for requesting us to conduct a fishing capacity 
    reduction program in a specific fishery and governing the conduct of 
    programs initiated in response to a request or on our own initiative. 
    Fishing capacity reduction programs pay harvesters in fisheries with 
    too much harvesting capacity to surrender their fishing permits and/or 
    withdraw their vessels from fishing. Reduction costs can be paid by 
    post-reduction harvesters, taxpayers, or others. The intent of reducing 
    excess harvesting capacity in a fishery is to increase harvesting 
    productivity and help conserve and manage the fishery's resources.
    DATES: Comments must be received by April 12, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: Comments should be sent to Michael L. Grable, Chief, 
    Financial Services Division, NMFS, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver 
    Spring, MD 20910.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Michael L. Grable, (301) 713-2390.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Most U.S. fisheries have excess fishing 
    capacity. Excess capacity decreases earnings, complicates management, 
    and imperils conservation. To provide for fishing capacity reduction 
    (reduction), Congress amended the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation 
    and Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1861 et seq.)(Magnuson Act) by adding a 
    new section 312(b)-(e) (16 U.S.C. 1861a(b)-(e)). To finance reduction 
    costs, Congress amended Title XI of the Merchant Marine Act, 1936 (46 
    App. U.S.C. 1271 et seq.) by adding new sections 1111 and 1112 (the 
    portions applicable to capacity reduction loans have been codified at 
    46 App. U.S.C. 1279f & 1279g). This action would add a subpart D to 50 
    CFR part 253 setting forth framework regulations for requesting us to 
    conduct a reduction program in a specific fishery (reduction program) 
    and governing the conduct of reduction programs initiated in response 
    to a request or on our own initiative.
        Under section 312(b)(2) of the Magnuson Act, a reduction program's 
    objective is ``to obtain the maximum sustained reduction in fishing 
    capacity at the least cost and in a minimum period of time.'' The 
    reduction program pays harvesters in a program fishery (reduction 
    fishery) either to surrender their fishing permits or both surrender 
    their fishing permits and withdraw their vessels from all domestic 
    fishing. Harvesters can withdraw vessels either by scrapping them or 
    (for federally-documented vessels) by subjecting them to title 
    restrictions that prevent the vessels' use for fishing.
        Reduction cost can be funded in several ways: a loan from us 
    (loan), Federal appropriations, and/or contributions from states or 
    other public or private sources. If a loan finances any part of the 
    reduction cost, we refer to the reduction program as a financed 
    program. If the reduction cost is not in any part financed by a loan, 
    we refer to the reduction program as a subsidized program.
        A loan from us is a practical way to finance reduction cost. Under 
    sections 1111 and 1112 of Title XI of the
    [[Page 6855]]
    Merchant Marine Act, a loan for a program cannot exceed $100 million, 
    the repayment maturity may be no longer than 20 years, and the annual 
    repayment interest rate is set at two percent of the principal amount 
    outstanding plus the interest rate we are obligated to pay the U.S. 
    Treasury for borrowing the money we in turn loan.
        The loans are not conventional because they involve no promissory 
    notes, mortgages, or other contractual loan documentation or security. 
    Section 312(d) of the Magnuson Act requires the harvesters remaining in 
    the fishery after a reduction program reduces capacity to repay the 
    loan through a loan-repayment fee (fee) deducted by the first ex-vessel 
    purchaser from the proceeds otherwise payable to the harvester for fish 
    landed from the reduction fishery (fee fish). Under section 312(d) of 
    the Magnuson Act, such fees cannot exceed five percent of the ex-vessel 
    value of all fee fish that the harvesters deliver. Collectively, the 
    post-reduction harvesters are the borrower, and they all make 
    repayments on the loan each time they deliver fee fish to a fish buyer.
        Besides being required to collect the fee by deducting it from the 
    trip proceeds otherwise payable to the harvesters, the first ex-vessel 
    buyers (buyers) of fee fish must account for fee revenues and forward 
    them to us. We then apply the fee revenues to reduce the loan balance.
        Under sections 312(d)&(e) of the Magnuson Act, we may not impose an 
    industry fee system (fee system) unless two thirds of the votes cast in 
    a referendum of the fishing permit or fishing vessel owners in the 
    reduction fishery first approve the fee system.
        Section 312(b) requires that a reduction program:
        (1) Be cost-effective and capable of repaying any debt obligations 
        (2) Be necessary to prevent or end overfishing, rebuild stocks of 
    fish, or achieve measurable and significant improvements in the 
    conservation and management of the reduction fishery; and
        (3) Be consistent with the Federal or state fishery management plan 
    (FMP) or management program in effect for the reduction fishery.
        Section 312(b) also requires that the FMP or management program in 
    effect for the reduction program fishery:
        (1) Prevent the replacement of capacity that the reduction program 
    removes through a moratorium on new entrants, restrictions on vessel 
    upgrades, and other effort control measures (taking into account the 
    reduction fishery's full potential fishing capacity); and
        (2) Establish a specified or target total allowable catch or other 
    measures that trigger closure of the reduction fishery or adjustments 
    to reduce catch when fisheries conservation and management so require.
        These requirements (and other reduction program aspects, such as 
    post-reduction allocation) generally require an amendment to the 
    controlling FMP or management program (reduction amendment).
        For a fishery managed by a Federal fishery management council 
    (council), the council must request a reduction program before we can 
    start the reduction program process. For a state-managed fishery, the 
    Governor of the state must request a reduction program before we can 
    start. If a fishery is managed by more than one council, all the 
    managing councils must join in the request. If a fishery is managed by 
    more than one state, the Governors of all managing states must join in 
    the request. Each requester must hold a public hearing on each request 
    before sending it to us. For fisheries that are neither managed by a 
    council nor managed by a state (such as fisheries for highly migratory 
    species), we may initiate the reduction program process on our own 
        For a council-managed fishery, the proposed framework regulations 
    would require the council to prepare and adopt any needed reduction 
    amendment to the FMP and to draft regulations implementing it before 
    requesting a program. We would review and, if appropriate, approve the 
    reduction amendment, and issue regulations implementing it (after 
    notice and opportunity for public comment), before we propose a program 
    implementation plan (program plan) or propose regulations to implement 
    that program plan (program regulations).
        Provisions of the reduction amendment could be made effective 
    independent of implementation of the reduction program or effective 
    dependent on the initiation of the reduction program or on the 
    completion of the capacity reduction stage of the reduction program. 
    All provisions of a reduction amendment would be considered by us to be 
    dependent, unless the reduction amendment expressly designates a 
    provision as independent. Dependent provisions made initially effective 
    to enable completion of pre-capacity reduction stage program steps 
    would have no further effect if the reduction is not completed.
        Under section 312(e) of the Magnuson Act, we must, for each 
    reduction program, prepare a program plan for adoption and propose 
    program regulations, and after 60-days opportunity for public comment, 
    issue final program regulations and adopt (subject, for a financed 
    program, to the condition precedent that the industry fee system needed 
    to repay the loan be approved by a referendum), a final program plan. 
    In a subsidized program, all provisions of the program regulations 
    would go into effect at the same time. In a financed program, however, 
    the industry fee system and related provisions of the program 
    regulations would not be made effective until a subsequent referendum 
    approves the fee system. These provisions would include those governing 
    the performance of the obligations of all parties under the reduction 
    contracts and of the post-reduction permit holders to repay the loan 
    through the fee system. The obligations under the reduction contracts 
    would include us disbursing the funds specified in each reduction 
    contract and the vessel owners whose bids were accepted surrendering 
    their fishing permits or both surrendering their permits and 
    withdrawing their vessels from all domestic fishing. The provisions 
    effective initially would be those necessary to conduct pre-referendum 
    and referendum activities. Pre-referendum activities include: (1) 
    inviting bids, (2) bidding, (3) receiving the bids, and (4) accepting, 
    subject to a subsequent referendum approving the fee system, those bids 
    meeting the criteria for bid acceptance.
        For a financed program, the proposed framework regulations would 
    require the council or Governor to submit a final business plan with 
    the request for a reduction program. A business plan is a detailed 
    reduction proposal from proponents within the proposed reduction 
    fishery whose post-reduction fishing permit holders would repay the 
    loan. The proponents would submit the business plan to the appropriate 
    potential requester. The proposed framework regulations would require 
    the requester to base its request on the business plan.
        A business plan must specify: (1) how the potential borrower 
    (collectively, all post-reduction harvesters in the reduction fishery) 
    proposes that we accomplish reduction, (2) the minimum amount of 
    capacity that we must reduce, and (3) the maximum reduction cost the 
    potential borrower is willing, in the form of a loan, to repay. The 
    business plan must also justify the proposed reduction program by 
    demonstrating: (1) the program's cost effectiveness, (2) how it will 
    enable post-reduction earnings sufficient to repay the loan, and (3) 
    the likelihood both that the required
    [[Page 6856]]
    amount of capacity can be reduced at the reduction cost proposed and 
    that a subsequent referendum will approve the industry fee system 
    required to repay the loan. A business plan must also propose specific 
    provisions for all other technical aspects of the reduction program. 
    These include reduction amendments (involving matters such as post-
    reduction upgrading restrictions and fish allocations) and other 
    matters such as the provisions of invitations to bid. If we decide to 
    conduct the financed program requested, we would base our program plan 
    and program regulations on the business plan.
        A business plan not broadly supported by harvesters in a proposed 
    reduction fishery would have little chance of producing a successful 
    referendum. Business planners must, consequently, be responsive to the 
    practical necessity that their business plan reflect fairly the needs 
    of most harvesters in the proposed reduction fishery. These include the 
    needs of both those who wish to receive reduction payments to leave the 
    fishery and those who wish to remain and repay the loan. To ensure that 
    the business plan fairly reflects these needs, business planners should 
    conduct surveys designed to ascertain needs and extensively coordinate 
    business plan preparation with all affected harvesters.
        A business plan is a complex undertaking. Reduction involves many 
    variables which differ from one fishery to the next. Consequently, 
    preparing a business plan requires local ingenuity and fisheries 
    knowledge. We will not attempt to prescribe reduction design, 
    methodology, or other such details. Harvesters who remain in the 
    program fishery after reduction are the beneficiaries of a financed 
    program. They are the borrower responsible for repaying the loan. Any 
    business plan upon which any loan is based should be their plan.
        Each business plan must be sufficient to: (1) convince a requester 
    to request the reduction program, (2) convince us to finance the 
    reduction program requested, (3) allow us to readily prepare a program 
    plan and program regulations, (4) enable bidding results that convince 
    referendum voters to approve the required industry fee system, and (5) 
    enable us to collect fee revenues sufficient to repay the loan.
        All requests will involve a large investment of effort. This will 
    be wasted if reduction programs are not thoroughly analyzed, realistic, 
    and well planned. Each requester should, consequently, require business 
    planners to demonstrate a high degree of diligence consistent with that 
        Until we invite bids, receive them, and decide which ones to 
    accept, no one really knows how much capacity can be reduced for what 
    cost. Under section 312(d) of the Magnuson Act, the criteria for 
    determining the types and numbers of vessels which are eligible to 
    participate in the reduction program and the procedures for reduction 
    program participation (such as the procedures for the submission of 
    bids by vessel owners) must be part of the program plan and program 
    regulations. However, for a financed program, section 312(e) of the 
    Magnuson Act prohibits us from ``adopt[ing] a final implementation plan 
    involving industry fees or debt obligation unless an industry fee 
    system has been approved by a referendum * * *.'' This reflects 
    Congressional intent that, before we make a loan, fulfill our 
    obligations under the reduction contracts (i.e., pay out the loan funds 
    in exchange for permit surrender or permit surrender and vessel 
    withdrawal), obligate the remaining harvesters in the fishery to repay 
    the loan, and impose and collect the fees, we obtain, through a 
    referendum, the collective consent of those who would be obligated to 
    repay the loan. However, in order to make an informed decision, the 
    referendum voters must know how much capacity will be reduced and how 
    much that reduction will cost. We and they cannot determine this unless 
    bids are invited, received, and accepted before the referendum is 
    conducted, and we cannot conduct the bid process without knowing what 
    the final program plan will be and without having the program 
    regulations governing the bidding process in effect.
        While for a financed program section 312(e) forbids us from 
    adopting a final program plan before the fee system needed to repay the 
    loan is approved by a referendum, we are not prohibited from proposing 
    a program plan or from proposing regulations to implement it, or from 
    publishing, after 60-days opportunity for public comment, what would be 
    the program plan we would adopt if, and after, a referendum approves 
    the fee system. Nor does section 312 prohibit us from issuing and 
    making effective any portion of the program plan implementing 
    regulations, such as the regulations governing the bidding process, not 
    imposing any fee obligations or dealing with fee related matters.
        Accordingly, we have proposed framework procedures that would allow 
    us to determine the amount of reduction and the cost of such reduction 
    and to disseminate that information to the fee referendum voters before 
    they vote, while complying with the statutory prohibition against 
    adopting a final program plan (which implicitly prohibits us from 
    making the loan and imposing repayment obligations) before the industry 
    approves, by referendum, the fee system needed to repay the loan.
        Under our proposed procedures, we would not adopt a final program 
    plan for a financed program before a referendum approves the fee 
    system. However the framework procedures would require us before 
    conducting a fee referendum to publish the final program plan we will 
    adopt if the referendum approves the fee system and issue program 
    regulations that are effective for all reduction aspects except those 
    related to the fee system.
        Thus, under the framework rules, we would not conduct a referendum 
    on the fee system until we first:
        (1) Approve a reduction amendment (and, in the case of a Federal 
    fishery, issue appropriate implementing regulations);
        (2) Propose a program plan and program regulations for a 60-day 
    public comment period;
        (3) After considering the public comments:
        (a) Publish the final program plan that we will adopt if a 
    referendum subsequently approves the fee system; and
        (b) Issue the final program regulations and make effective all 
    provisions except for those involving the fee system;
        (4) Issue invitations to bid;
        (5) Receive all bids; and
        (6) Conditionally accept the bids meeting the bid acceptance 
    criteria in the published final program plan.
        We would then conduct a fee referendum with ballots specifying, 
    among other things, the amount of reduction, the reduction cost, the 
    reduction loan amount (if different from the reduction cost), and the 
    reduction loan term, the fee rate prospectively necessary to amortize 
    the reduction loan over its term, and the actual fee rate for the year 
    following reduction. Thus, the subsequent referendum would be on 
    whether to approve the fee system needed to repay a known loan amount 
    that accomplishes a known amount of reduction. If the referendum 
    approves the fee system, we would adopt the previously published final 
    program plan and, by a notice published in the Federal Register, 
    announce the adoption of the final program plan as well as the 
    effective date of the fee system related provisions of the final 
    program regulations.
    [[Page 6857]]
        Under the proposed regulations, submitting a bid (i.e., making an 
    offer to surrender a permit and/or surrender a permit and withdraw a 
    vessel from all domestic fishing for the sum specified in the bid) 
    would be voluntary. However, once a bid is submitted, it would be 
    irrevocable. If we accept a bid, we would be entitled to specific 
    performance of the resulting reduction contract. Making all bids 
    irrevocable bids and enabling us to require the specific performance of 
    the reduction contracts resulting from bid acceptance ensures that 
    bidder non-performance cannot change the reduction cost and the amount 
    of reduction upon which the referendum voters based their votes. Our 
    pre-referendum acceptance of a reduction bid creates a conditional 
    reduction contract. The condition is that the fee system necessary to 
    repay the loan is approved by a subsequent industry referendum. If the 
    referendum does not approve the necessary fee system, the bid 
    acceptances and the resulting contracts are then null and void, the 
    program plan would not be adopted, the loan would not be made, the fee 
    provisions in the program regulations would not become effective, and 
    any program regulations in effect would be revoked. If the referendum 
    approves the fee system, the bid acceptances and resulting contracts 
    are then unconditional and in full force and effect, entitling us to 
    the contracts' specific performance. We then would adopt the program 
    plan, publish a notice in the Federal Register announcing the adoption 
    of the plan and the effective date of all program regulations not yet 
    effective, make the loan, disburse the loan funds in exchange for the 
    surrender of fishing permits and or the surrender of fishing permits 
    and the withdrawal of vessels from all domestic fishing, and make the 
    fee system provisions in the program regulations effective.
        Commercial reality requires that the time between accepting bids 
    and subsequently conducting a referendum be as short as possible. 
    Consequently, we must accept bids and conduct referenda with all 
    possible dispatch. All other required components of a potential 
    reduction program must be in place before we invite bids, accept bids, 
    and conduct referenda based on bid results. Once we invite bids, the 
    remaining process must proceed without delay.
        This proposed framework rule addresses some components of the 
    reduction sequence directly and others only indirectly.
        Under the proposed regulations, the following sequence would apply 
    to a financed program that is in a council-managed fishery, requires a 
    reduction amendment, and results in a referendum approving the fee 
    system for a loan equal to the total reduction cost:
        (1) The reduction's fishing-industry proponents:
        (a) Prepare a business plan, and
        (b) Submit the business plan to the appropriate council;
        (2) The appropriate council:
        (a) Approves the business plan;
        (b) Prepares a reduction amendment to the applicable FMP and draft 
    regulations to implement it;
        (c) Holds a public hearing about the reduction program; and
        (d) Submits a reduction program request (including the business 
    plan, the reduction amendment to the FMP, and the draft regulations to 
    implement the reduction amendment) to us; and
        (3) We:
        (a) Determine that the requested reduction program meets all 
    statutory and regulatory requirements;
        (b) Approve a loan (assumes availability of sufficient 
    appropriation and/or apportionment authority);
        (c) Announce the availability of the reduction amendment to the FMP 
    for public comment and propose regulations to implement it;
        (d) Approve the reduction amendment;
        (e) Issue regulations to implement the reduction amendment (except 
    for any independent provisions,
        these regulations become effective only when we actually reduce 
        (f) Propose a program plan and program regulations;
        (g) Publish the final program plan we will adopt if the fee system 
    is approved by a subsequent referendum and issue the program 
    regulations (provisions not necessary for program activities that 
    precede a referendum and for conducting the referendum itself would not 
    be effective at this point);
        (h) Invite bids;
        (i) Receive and tally the bids;
        (j) Conditionally accept the bids that meet the bid acceptance 
    criteria (acceptance is expressly subject to the condition that a 
    subsequent referendum approves the fee system);
        (k) Conduct a referendum;
        (l) Notify all who were mailed ballots that the referendum approved 
    the fee system and notify all whose bids we accepted that our 
    previously conditional acceptance of their bids is now unconditional, 
    and that the reduction contracts resulting from bid acceptance are now 
    in full force and effect;
        (m) Adopt the previously published final program plan and by a 
    notice published in the Federal Register announce the adoption and make 
    the program regulations fully effective including those implementing 
    the fee system;
        (n) Reduce the capacity through distributing the loan's proceeds to 
    those whose bids we accepted (all dependent provisions of the reduction 
    amendment are effective at this point);
        (o) Begin to receive fees and continue to receive them until the 
    loan is paid in full; and
        (p) After the loan is repaid, repeal the program regulations.
        For a subsidized program, the framework regulations would require 
    the requester to prepare and submit to us a preliminary development 
    plan for the reduction program. A preliminary development plan is a 
    more precursory and generalized reduction proposal than the business 
    plan required for a financed program. Because the reduction cost of a 
    subsidized program is not borrowed, a development plan does not include 
    anything about a loan, fees, or a referendum.
        We would use the preliminary development plan to prepare a final 
    development plan. We would then submit the final development plan to 
    the requester for approval and for reaffirmance of the request. The 
    requester would prepare and adopt a reduction amendment based on our 
    final program development plan and submit, along with its 
    reaffirmation, the reduction amendment (and draft regulations to 
    implement it if the reduction amendment is to a Federal FMP) to us for 
    approval (and if for a Federal FMP, for proposal and issuance of 
    regulations to implement the reduction amendment). We would then 
    prepare a program plan and proposed program regulations based on the 
    final development plan, and after 60-days notice and opportunity for 
    comment, adopt the final program plan and issue the program 
        The reason we require a request for a financed program to include a 
    final business plan (instead of a preliminary business plan, with us 
    preparing a final business plan) is that a financed program involves a 
    loan. We are the lender, and the harvesters remaining in the program 
    fishery after reduction are the borrower. It would be inappropriate for 
    a lender to develop any part of a borrowers' business plan.
        Under the proposed regulations, the following sequence would apply 
    to a subsidized program that is in a council-managed fishery, requires 
    a reduction amendment to the applicable FMP, has Federal appropriations 
    available to fund the reduction program's total reduction
    [[Page 6858]]
    cost, and results in our decision to conduct a reduction program:
        (1) The appropriate council:
        (a) Prepares a preliminary development plan;
        (b) Holds a public hearing; and
        (c) Submits a program request (based on the preliminary development 
    plan) to us;
        (2) We:
        (a) Preliminarily determine that the reduction program meets all 
    statutory and regulatory requirements;
        (b) Prepare a final development plan; and
        (c) Submit the final development plan to the council for approval;
        (3) The council:
        (a) Approves the final development plan;
        (b) Reaffirms (based on the final development plan) its request for 
    a reduction program; and
        (c) Prepares and submits to us a reduction amendment and draft 
    regulations to implement the reduction amendment; and
        (4) We:
        (a) Determine that the request meets all statutory and regulatory 
        (b) Determine the sufficiency of all required appropriation and 
    apportionment authority;
        (c) Announce the availability for public comment of the reduction 
    amendment and propose regulations to implement it;
        (d) Approve the reduction amendment;
        (e) Issue regulations to implement the reduction amendment (except 
    for any independent provisions,
        these regulations become effective only when we actually reduce 
        (f) Propose a program plan and program regulations;
        (g) Adopt the final program plan and issue the final program 
        (h) Invite bids;
        (i) Receive and tally the bids;
        (j) Accept the bids which meet the bid acceptance criteria; and
        (k) Complete the program (all dependent provisions of the reduction 
    amendment become effective at this point).
        A financed program might sometimes be limited to harvesters in a 
    fishery who use a particular fishing-gear type. Some harvesters in a 
    fishery may, for example, use trawl gear, while others may use pot or 
    long-line gear. A program in that fishery could, for example, involve: 
    (1) only trawl harvesters, (2) only pot harvesters, (3) only long-line 
    harvesters, (4) some combination of any of them, or (5) all of them.
        When a financed program does not involve all gear types in a 
    fishery, reduction amendments must appropriately allocate post-
    reduction fish resources between harvesters who are included in the 
    program and those who are not. This ensures that the harvesters who 
    must repay the loan that funded the reduction both receive the 
    reduction's long-term benefit and remain capable of repaying the loan.
        Paramount fishery conservation and management considerations might, 
    however, require post-reduction reallocation between gear types 
    different from the allocations upon which reduction decisions were 
    based. Assume, for example, that a financed program involves trawl-gear 
    fishing permits. Assume that the reduction amendment contained 
    allocation provisions designed to ensure that the holders of trawl-gear 
    permits realize the post-reduction benefit of their reduction 
    investment and remain capable of repaying the loan. Assume that 
    paramount post-reduction fishery conservation and management 
    considerations later, however, require reallocating all trawl-gear 
    allocations to pot and long-line gear allocations. How can trawl-gear 
    operators (the borrower) and the loan be protected?
        One potential way is for all reallocations to belong to the trawl-
    gear operators, even though they may be unable to use the reallocations 
    with their trawl gear. Under this approach, the trawl fishing permits 
    would simply be changed to pot or long-line fishing permits, but the 
    permit holders would remain the same. The permit holders might, 
    depending on the provisions of the reduction-amendment, then have 
    several alternatives. First, they might use the reallocations by 
    changing their gear types. Second, they might dispose, for value, of 
    their permits involving the reallocations to other gear operators who 
    are prepared to use the permits. At any rate, the fee obligations 
    necessary to repay the loan follow the original permits upon which the 
    loan was based, regardless of changes in gear type, fishing permit 
    owners, or fishing permit users.
        However it may be accomplished, reduction amendments must contain 
    provisions adequate to protect both the reduction borrower and lender. 
    Whenever any program is restricted to fewer than all the operators or 
    areas of operations in a fishery, the reduction amendment must fully 
    dispose of this allocation issue to our and the borrower's 
        Subsidized programs involve neither borrowers nor lenders. Instead, 
    they usually would involve large expenditures of public resources. If 
    we receive a request for a subsidized program, we would consult with 
    all interested parties in preparing a final development plan designed 
    to ensure that reduction is an effective and equitable expenditure of 
    public funds.
        Reduction involves either revoking fishing permits or both revoking 
    fishing permits and withdrawing vessels from all domestic fishing. 
    Owners could withdraw vessels by scrapping them. The owners of 
    federally-documented vessels also could withdraw them by subjecting 
    their titles to permanent restrictions that prevent their vessels from 
    being used in any domestic fishing. In financed programs involving the 
    withdrawal of vessels from domestic fishing, for federally documented 
    vessels we will not require the vessels to be scrapped or subject the 
    vessels to any restriction other than a prohibition on their use for 
    domestic fishing. This accords with the statutory objective of 
    achieving the maximum reduction for the minimum cost and in the minimum 
    time. Reduction is more cost-effective, and loan amounts that must be 
    repaid are reduced, when vessel owners are free to seek the highest 
    market return available for vessels that can no longer be used to fish 
    domestically. The owners of federally-documented vessels, thus, would 
    be free, in financed programs that involve the withdrawal vessels from 
    domestic fishing, to submit bids that reflect their vessels' residual 
    value for any use other than for domestic fishing. The owners of non-
    federally documented vessels would not have that freedom since their 
    vessels would have to be scrapped. Because subsidized programs involve 
    the expenditure of public funds, they may require a different approach. 
    If the public wants to pay for the extra cost of scrapping federally-
    documented vessels, we can require both federally-documented vessels 
    and non-federally documented vessels in a subsidized program to be 
        Some vessels have fishing permits for multiple fisheries. For a 
    financed program for a reduction program fishery, we would not require 
    the surrendering of fishing permits in any non-reduction fishery. 
    Neither would we impose any restrictions on any fishing permit in a 
    non-reduction fishery. This makes a financed program more cost-
    effective and reduces the amount of the loan required to fund reduction 
    in the reduction fishery. Again, because subsidized programs involve 
    the expenditure of public funds, they may require a different approach. 
    If the public wants to pay the extra cost of having an owner surrender 
    all of his or her fishing permits, we can require the surrender of both 
    the fishing permit
    [[Page 6859]]
    in the reduction fishery and all other fishing permits associated with 
    the reduction vessel in non-reduction fisheries.
        A financed program that reduces fishing permits in the reduction 
    fishery may result in vessel owners shifting into other fisheries for 
    which they also have permits. This shift could, however, occur at any 
    time without a reduction program. Moreover, we cannot expect post-
    reduction harvesters in a reduction fishery to borrow and repay the 
    cost of reducing capacity in non-reduction fisheries. This would not be 
    equitable to them or to the permit holders in the non-reduction fishery 
    who would receive a reduction benefit that the permit holders in the 
    reduction fishery pay for instead of them.
        Requiring permit holders in a reduction fishery to borrow and repay 
    the cost of reducing permits in any non-reduction fishery would also 
    frustrate the statutory requirements in several ways. First, it would 
    impede the statutory objective of achieving the maximum reduction for 
    the minimum cost. Second, it would functionally make every reduction 
    program virtually a permit and vessel reduction, rather than enabling 
    the statutory option of either a permit reduction or a permit and 
    vessel reduction. This is true because a fishing vessel that cannot 
    fish has a greatly reduced value.
        Permit holders in non-reduction fisheries are free to support 
    reducing capacity in their own fisheries at any time. They can do so 
    either with loans of their own or with whatever other resources may 
    otherwise be available for funding reduction costs in their fisheries.
        Federal appropriations (or appropriation authority) is a 
    prerequisite for all programs except those that are completely funded 
    by non-Federal sources. These are the types of reduction programs that 
    require Federal appropriation action (and the type of appropriation 
    action that each requires):
        (1) Subsidized programs paid for by Federal appropriations. Actual 
    funds equal to the entire federally-funded portion of a reduction 
    program's reduction cost must be appropriated.
        (2) Financed programs with no Federal Credit Reform Act (FCRA) 
    cost. The principal amount of the loan must be authorized in an 
    appropriations act. No actual funds are, however, appropriated. 
    Basically, this involves an appropriation act establishing a loan 
    ceiling. After we approve the loan, we borrow the loan's principal from 
    the U.S. Treasury. We then re lend to the program borrower what we 
    borrowed from the Treasury. As the borrower repays us, we repay the 
        (3) Financed programs with FCRA cost. Actual funds equal to a 
    loan's FCRA cost must be appropriated. The FCRA cost is the net present 
    value of any loan principal that we project we may be unable to collect 
    over the loan's life. The amount of loan authority available depends on 
    how the FCRA cost-rate determination relates to the FCRA cost 
    appropriated. For example, a one percent FCRA cost and a $1 million 
    FCRA cost appropriation produce a loan authority of $100 million. As in 
    a financed program with no FCRA cost, we borrow the loan principal from 
    the U.S. Treasury (less the FCRA cost appropriation). We then re-lend 
    to the program borrower both the appropriated FCRA cost plus what we 
    borrowed from the Treasury (which, together, equal the principal amount 
    of the loan). As the borrower repays us, we repay the Treasury.
        We believe these loans involve no FCRA cost. The interest income we 
    earn from these loans is two percent higher than the interest expense 
    we pay to the U.S. Treasury for the loan capital we borrow. Our loan-
    loss risk should not exceed this risk premium. Our risk is low for 
    several reasons. First, up to the first five percent of an entire 
    fishery's delivered value is available for loan repayment. This means 
    we are paid before anyone else. Second, fish buyers deduct the loan 
    repayment fee from the sales proceeds of each post-reduction fishing 
    trip before they pay harvesters anything. This means the borrower's 
    loan repayment is automatic. These are major loan-repayment advantages.
        A loan's initial amortization cannot exceed 20 years. Should 
    unforeseen circumstances prevent repayment within that maximum 
    amortization period, however, the fee would continue for as long as 
    full loan repayment requires.
        Thus, only complete and permanent biological or market failure of 
    an entire fishery resource could reasonably prevent a loan's eventual 
    payment in full. Both are so unlikely as to exclude us from projecting 
    them as a realistic basis for initially assigning positive FCRA cost to 
    these loans. Reduction will generally occur only in fisheries whose 
    resources have a long-established market presence. The Magnuson Act 
    requires fisheries conservation and management that preserve the 
    maximum sustainable yield of fishery resources. Reduction programs 
    facilitate fisheries conservation and management.
        Unless they are multi-year appropriations, FCRA appropriations and 
    loan authorities cease to exist at the end of the fiscal year for which 
    they were appropriated if they are not obligated during that fiscal 
    year. The Federal budgetary cycle occurs over several years. This cycle 
    and reduction's uncertain appropriation needs may not be a good match. 
    Unless the Federal budget cycle makes provision several years in 
    advance for programs that may never be implemented (or might not even 
    yet have then been requested), reduction appropriations may have to 
    proceed as supplemental appropriation requests. Otherwise, we may have 
    to postpone a program until appropriation authority is available 
    through the regular budget cycle. This may involve significant delay in 
    the reduction process.
        We would not adopt a final program plan and program regulations 
    unless appropriation and apportionment authority adequate to effect the 
    program first exists. Moreover, in a financed program, we would not 
    adopt a final program plan and program regulations unless a loan 
    adequate to support the program has first received all required 
    approvals. This is because we must be prepared to disburse loan funds 
    immediately after a referendum approves the fee required to repay the 
        Regulations for fisheries assistance programs appear at 50 CFR part 
    253. Part 253 now has three subparts. This proposed framework rule 
    would add a fourth, subpart D, to govern reduction programs. Sections 
    253.25 through 253.38 of subpart D would be framework rules common to 
    all potential programs. Section 253.39 would be reserved for individual 
    program regulations (to be individually proposed and adopted as we 
    implement each program). It should be noted that the program 
    regulations may contain provisions governing fee payment, fee 
    collection, fee collection deposit, and/or fee collection records in 
    addition to, or different from, those contained in Sec. 253.36 and/or 
    Sec. 253.37 of this subpart if special circumstances in the reduction 
    fishery make those additional or different provisions necessary to 
    ensure full, complete, accurate and timely fee payment and/or full, 
    complete, accurate and timely fee deposit, disbursement, accounting, 
    records keeping, and reporting. It is the responsibility of the 
    business planners and requester of a financed program to include such 
    conditions in the business plan. However, we will deviate from the 
    framework regulations in this regard only to the minimum extent 
    [[Page 6860]]
        This proposed rule has been determined to be significant for 
    purposes of E.O. 12866.
        The Assistant General Counsel for Legislation and Regulation of the 
    Department of Commerce certified to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of 
    the Small Business Administration that this proposed rule, if adopted, 
    does not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of 
    small entities. The proposed rule does not implement any program. 
    Instead, the proposed rule only establishes a framework for 
    implementing future programs in specific fisheries. Each program 
    requires its own program regulations to implement its own program plan. 
    We cannot at this time determine the future effect on small entities 
    resulting from program regulations implementing reduction in individual 
    fisheries. We will consider this effect at the time that we 
    individually propose program regulations for each reduction in each 
    program fishery. Consequently, we did not prepare a regulatory 
    flexibility analysis.
        The proposed rule contains collection-of-information requirements 
    subject to Office of Management and Budget review and approval under 
    the Paperwork Reduction Act.
        Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person is required 
    to respond to, nor is any person subject to a penalty for failure to 
    comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements of 
    the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information 
    displays a currently valid Control Number assigned by the Office of 
    Management and Budget.
        For a financed program, the collection of information subject to 
    these requirements includes preparing the business plan, bidding, 
    voting in a referendum, and all fee payment and collection (including 
    records keeping and reporting) during the first year after a loan as 
    well as each subsequent year of loan repayment. We estimate that the 
    public reporting burden for this would average 10,075 hours if a 
    council requests the program and 10,344 hours if a state requests the 
    program. In both cases, this estimate is through the first year of loan 
    repayment. We estimate that the public reporting burden for each 
    subsequent year of loan repayment would average 241 hours per year.
        For a subsidized program that a council requests, bidding is the 
    only public reporting burden subject to these requirements. We estimate 
    that this burden would average a total of 1,600 hours per program. When 
    a state makes the same request, however, we estimate that total 
    reporting burden would increase to an average of 8,504 hours.
        The above estimates are based on individual response times of 6,634 
    hours to prepare a business plan, 270 hours to prepare a state request, 
    4 hours for a referenda vote, 4 hours to prepare a bid, 10 minutes to 
    submit a fish ticket for a trip, 3 hours to prepare a monthly buyer 
    report, 4 hours to prepare an annual buyer report, and 2 hours to 
    prepare a seller/buyer report.
        We have submitted this collection of information to the Office of 
    Management and Budget for approval and we invite the public to comment 
    on it. Is this collection of information necessary for properly 
    conducting reduction? Does the information we propose to collect have 
    practical utility? Is the burden-hour estimate accurate? How could we 
    improve the quality, utility, and clarity of the information we propose 
    to collect? How could we minimize the collection-of-information burden? 
    Would the use of automated-collection techniques or other forms of 
    information technology help? Send comments regarding this burden 
    estimate, or any other aspect of this collection of information, to us 
    (see ADDRESSES) and to the Office of Information and Regulatory 
    Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, DC 20503 (ATTN: 
    NOAA Desk Officer).
    List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 253
        Fishing capacity reduction, Fisheries, Fishing vessels, 
    Intergovernmental relations, Loan programs-business, Reporting and 
    record keeping requirements, Research.
        For the reasons set out the preamble, 50 CFR part 253 is proposed 
    to be amended by adding a subpart D to read as follows:
    Subpart  D--Fishing Capacity Reduction
    253.25  Definitions.
    253.26  Requests for a program.
    253.27  Content of a request for a financed program.
    253.28  Acceptance of a request for, and determinations as to 
    whether to initiate a, financed program.
    253.29  Content of a request for a subsidized program.
    253.30  Acceptance of a request for, and determinations as to 
    whether to conduct a, subsidized program.
    253.31  Reduction amendments.
    253.32  Program plan and program regulations.
    253.33  Bids.
    253.34  Referenda.
    253.35  Reduction methods.
    253.36  Fee payment and collection.
    253.37  Fee collection deposits and records.
    253.38  Prohibitions and penalties.
    253.39  Program regulations for each reduction program. [Reserved]
    Subpart D--Fishing Capacity Reduction
        Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1861a (b) through (e).
    Sec. 253.25  Definitions.
        In addition to the definitions in the Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries 
    Conservation and Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.) and in 
    Sec. 600.10 of this chapter, the terms used in this subpart have the 
    following meanings:
        Borrower means each post-reduction permit holder or vessel owner 
    fishing in the program fishery.
        Business plan means the document containing the information 
    specified in Sec. 253.27(q) and required to be submitted with a request 
    for a financed program.
        Consistency requirement means the requirement of section 
    312(b)(1)(B) of the Magnuson Act that each reduction program be 
    consistent with the management plan in effect for a reduction fishery.
        Control requirement means the requirement of section 
    312(b)(1)(B)(ii) of the Magnuson Act that each management plan in 
    effect for a reduction fishery establish a specified or target total 
    allowable catch or other measures that trigger closure of the reduction 
    fishery or other adjustments to reduce the reduction fishery's catch 
    whenever fishery conservation and management require it;
        Council means a Fishery Management Council established under the 
    Magnuson Act.
        Delivery value means the full, fair-market value that a fish buyer 
    pays, in an arm's-length transaction, to a fish seller for each pound 
    of fee fish (in the form in which the fee fish exists at the time of 
    fish delivery) that the fish seller delivers to the fish buyer, before 
    any deductions whatsoever.
        Deposit principal means all collected fees that a fish buyer 
    deposits in a segregated account maintained at a federally-chartered 
    national bank for the sole purpose of aggregating collected fees before 
    sending them to NMFS for repaying a reduction loan.
        Fee means the amount deducted for reduction loan repayment (under 
    the industry fee system provided for in section 312(d) of the Magnuson 
    Act) from the delivery value of fee fish and calculated by multiplying 
    the applicable fee rate by the delivery value.
        Fee fish means all fish harvested from a reduction fishery 
    involving a financed program during the period in which any
    [[Page 6861]]
    amount of the program's reduction loan remains unpaid.
        Final development plan means the document NMFS prepares for a 
    subsidized program containing the information specified in 
    Sec. 253.29(g) and based on the initial development plan the reduction 
    program requester submits.
        Financed means funded by a reduction loan.
        Fish buyer means the first ex-vessel party who, in an arm's- length 
    transaction, purchases fee fish from a fish seller.
        Fish delivery means the point at which a fish buyer first takes 
    title to, or possession of, fee fish from a fish seller.
        Fish seller means the party who catches and, in an arm's-length 
    transaction, first sells fee fish to a fish buyer.
        Federal Fishery Management Plan or Federal FMP means any plan 
    (including amendments thereto) approved or adopted by the Secretary of 
    Commerce pursuant to section 303 of the Magnuson Act.
        Fund means the Fishing Capacity Reduction Fund (and each subaccount 
    for each reduction program) established in the U.S. Treasury for the 
    deposit into, and disbursement from, all funds (including all reduction 
    loan capital and all fee revenue) involving each reduction program.
        Management plan means any Federal FMP or state fishery management 
    plan or program pursuant to which a fishery is managed.
        Necessity requirement means the requirement in section 312(b)(1)(A) 
    of the Magnuson Act that each reduction program be necessary to prevent 
    or end overfishing, rebuild stocks of fish, or achieve measurable and 
    significant improvements in the conservation and management of the 
    reduction fishery;
        Nonreplacement requirement means the requirement in section 
    312(b)(1)(B)(i) of the Magnuson Act that each management plan in a 
    reduction fishery prevent the replacement of the fishing capacity that 
    the reduction program removes through a moratorium on new entrants to 
    the reduction fishery, restrictions on vessel upgrades, and whatever 
    other effort control measures may be required, taking into account the 
    reduction fishery's full potential fishing capacity.
        Post-reduction means after a reduction program reduces capacity in 
    a reduction fishery.
        Preliminary development plan means the document containing the 
    information specified in Sec. 253.29(g) and required to be submitted 
    with a request for a subsidized program.
        Program plan means the implementation plan that section 312(e) of 
    the Magnuson Act requires for implementing each reduction program.
        Program regulations mean the implementation regulations that 
    section 312(e) of the Magnuson Act requires for implementing each 
    reduction program.
        Reduction means the act of reducing fishing capacity under any 
    reduction program.
        Reduction amendment means any amendment to a management plan that 
    this subpart requires for a reduction program.
        Reduction contract means the contents of a reduction bid and NMFS' 
    conditional or non-conditional acceptance of such a bid.
        Reduction cost means the total dollar amount of all reduction 
    payments to fishing permit owners, fishing vessel owners, or both, in a 
    reduction fishery.
        Reduction fishery means the portion of a fishery to which a 
    reduction program applies.
        Reduction loan means a loan, under sections 1111 and 1112 of Title 
    XI of the Merchant Marine Act, 1936, as amended (46 App. U.S.C. 1279f & 
    1279g), for financing any portion, or all, of a program's reduction 
        Reduction payment means the Federal Government's fishing capacity 
    reduction payment to a fishing permit owner, fishing vessel owner, or 
    both, under a program.
        Reduction permit means any permit covered by a reduction contract.
        Reduction program means a fishing capacity reduction program 
    authorized under section 312(b)-(e) of the Magnuson Act and this 
    subpart, starting with a request for a reduction program and ending 
    (for a financed program) with full reduction loan repayment.
        Reduction vessel means any vessel covered by a reduction contract.
        Referendum means the referendum that section 312(d)(1) of the 
    Magnuson Act requires to authorize an industry fee system for repaying 
    a reduction loan for any reduction program.
        Requester means a council or a Governor identified in 
    Sec. 253.26(b) and (c).
        Scrap a vessel means to completely and permanently reduce to small 
    fragments having value, if any, only as raw materials for reprocessing, 
    a vessel's hull, superstructures, and other fixed structural components
        Subsidized means not funded in whole or in part by a reduction 
    Sec. 253.26  Requests for a program.
        (a) A council managing a proposed reduction fishery or the Governor 
    of a state managing a proposed reduction fishery may request NMFS to 
    conduct a reduction program in such fishery. Each request must be in 
    writing and must be addressed to the Chief, Financial Services 
    Division, NMFS, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910. Each 
    request must satisfy the requirements of Sec. 253.27 or Sec. 253.29, as 
    applicable, of this subpart, and enable NMFS to make the determinations 
    required by Sec. 253.28 or Sec. 253.30, as applicable, of this subpart.
        (b) For a council-managed fishery, only the council can make the 
    request. If two or more councils manage the fishery, they must make a 
    joint request. No council may make a request (or join in making a 
    request) until after it conducts a public hearing about the request.
        (c) For a state-managed fishery, only the Governor of that state 
    can make the request. If two or more states manage the fishery, the 
    Governors of those states must make a joint request. No Governor of a 
    state may make a request (or join in making a request) until the state 
    conducts a public hearing about the request.
        (d) NMFS cannot conduct a reduction program in any council- or 
    state-managed fishery, unless NMFS first receives a request from the 
    council or the Governor of the state managing the reduction fishery. 
    For a fishery subject to U.S. jurisdiction, but not council or state 
    managed, NMFS may conduct a reduction program on its own motion by 
    fulfilling so much of the request requirements of this subpart as NMFS, 
    in its discretion, determines reasonably applies to a reduction program 
    not initiated by a request.
    Sec. 253.27  Content of a request for a financed program.
        A request for a financed program must:
        (a) Specify the reduction fishery;
        (b) Project the amount of the reduction and specify what a 
    reduction of that amount achieves;
        (c) Project the reduction cost and specify the amount of the 
    reduction cost to be financed and, if less than 100 percent of such 
    cost is to be financed, specify the amounts of, and document the 
    availability of, all funding from sources other than a reduction loan;
        (d) Project the availability of all Federal appropriation authority 
    or other funding, if any, that the reduction program requires 
    (including timing in relation to the projected reduction program 
        (e) Demonstrate how the reduction program meets the necessity 
    [[Page 6862]]
        (f) Demonstrate how the reduction program meets the consistency 
        (g) Demonstrate how the business plan is consistent with the 
    management plan including any reduction amendment;
        (h) Demonstrate how the management plan including any reduction 
    amendment meets the nonreplacement requirement;
        (i) Demonstrate how the management plan including any reduction 
    amendment meets the control requirement.
        (j) If the reduction fishery involves only one of several types of 
    harvesting gear in a fishery (or is otherwise limited by area or other 
    circumstance), demonstrate how the management plan ensures post-
    reduction allocations between gear types (or between operating areas or 
    other circumstances) in the fishery, that adequately protect both NMFS' 
    reduction-loan interest and the borrower's interest in the pre-
    reduction allocations involved in the fishing capacity that the 
    reduction program reduces;
        (k) Include any required reduction amendment. The reduction 
    amendment must be based on the business plan. If the requester is a 
    council, the requester must, at the time of the request, have adopted 
    the reduction amendment and drafted proposed regulations to implement 
        (l) Request that NMFS conduct, at the appropriate time, a 
    referendum under this subpart;
        (m) List the names and addresses of record of all fishing permit or 
    fishing vessel owners who are currently authorized to harvest fish from 
    the reduction fishery. This must be based on the best information 
    available to the requester and take into account any limitation by type 
    of fishing gear operated, area of operation, or other consideration 
    that the reduction program involves;
        (n) Specify the annual total allowable catch of fish during each of 
    the past five years and the allocations of it for each of those years 
    to those listed under paragraph (m) of this section;
        (o) Specify the criteria for determining the types and number of 
    fishing permits or fishing permits and fishing vessels that are 
    eligible for reduction under the reduction program. The criteria must 
    take into account: the characteristics of the fishery, whether the 
    program is limited to a particular gear type in the fishery (or 
    otherwise limited by some other operational consideration), whether the 
    reduction program is limited to fishing permits or involves both 
    fishing permits and fishing vessels, the management plan requirements, 
    the needs of fishing communities, and minimizing the reduction cost;
        (p) Include any other information or guidance that would assist 
    NMFS in developing a program plan and program regulations;
        (q) Include a business plan, prepared by, or on behalf of, 
    knowledgeable and concerned harvesters in the reduction fishery, that:
        (1) Specifies a detailed reduction methodology that accomplishes 
    the most reduction at the least reduction cost and in the shortest time 
    and otherwise achieves the reduction program result the requester 
    specifies under paragraph (b) of this section. The methodology must be 
    sufficiently detailed to enable NMFS to readily design, propose, and 
    adopt a timely and reliable program plan, to propose and issue timely 
    and reliable program regulations, to invite bids, to accept or reject 
    bids, to conduct a referendum, and to complete a reduction program in 
    accordance with this subpart. The methodology must include: contents 
    and terms of invitations to bid, eligible bidders, type of information 
    that bidders must supply, criteria for accepting or rejecting bids, 
    terms of bid acceptances, referendum procedures, and all other 
    technical matters required to conduct a program;
        (2) Based on actual experience for a reasonable number of past 
    years in the reduction fishery, projects and justifies (with documented 
    analysis) the reduction fishery's annual delivery value during the 
    reduction loan's repayment period;
        (3) Specifies the principal amount and repayment term of the 
    reduction loan (if the reduction loan's principal amount is less than 
    the reduction cost, the business plan must adjust all affected aspects 
    accordingly). The reduction loan's principal amount cannot (at the 
    interest rate most likely to prevail) exceed the principal amount that 
    can be amortized in 20 years by five percent of the projected delivery 
    value of fee fish;
        (4) Specifies the minimum amount of reduction required for the 
    reduction loan (and the reduction cost, if greater than the reduction 
    loan) to be cost effective;
        (5) Fully analyzes and justifies the reduction loan's cost 
    effectiveness at the minimum reduction level and at various reduction-
    level increments reasonably greater than the minimum one, based on the:
        (i) Best historical fishing revenue and expense data (and any other 
    relevant productivity measures) available in the reduction fishery; and
        (ii) Projected effect of the reduction program on the post-
    reduction operating economics of typical harvesters in the reduction 
    fishery (particularly, the extent to which the reduction increases the 
    ratio of delivery value to fixed cost and improves harvesting's other 
    relevant productivity measures);
        (6) Specifies how the management plan including any reduction 
    amendment meets the nonreplacement requirement;
        (7) Specifies how the management plan including any reduction 
    amendment meets the control requirement;
        (8) If the reduction program involves only one of several types of 
    fishing gear operating in the reduction fishery (or is limited by 
    operational area or other considerations), specifies management-
    authority provisions for the post-reduction allocation of the fish for 
    which capacity will be reduced that both allow the borrower to repay 
    the reduction loan and preserve for the borrower the reduction benefit 
    contemplated by the borrower's obligation to repay the reduction loan.
        (9) Specifies the names and addresses of record of all fish buyers 
    who can, after reduction, reasonably be expected to receive deliveries 
    of fee fish;
        (10) Specifies any special circumstances in the reduction fishery 
    that may require fee payment, fee collection, fee collection deposit, 
    and/or fee collection record keeping program regulations in addition 
    to, or different from, those contained in Sec. 253.36 and/or 
    Sec. 253.37 of this subpart to ensure full, complete, accurate, and 
    timely fee payment and collection and/or full, complete, accurate, and 
    timely fee deposit, disbursement, accounting, record keeping, and 
        (11) Demonstrates by the results of a survey of potential 
    referendum voters, or by other convincing means, a widespread degree of 
    support by potential referendum voters for the business plan and 
    confidence in its feasibility; and
        (r) Includes the requester's certification that, in the requester's 
    best judgment, the business plan, the management plan, and all other 
    request aspects constitute a complete, realistic, and practical 
    prospect for successfully completing a reduction program in accordance 
    with this subpart.
    Sec. 253.28  Acceptance of a request for, and determinations as to 
    whether to initiate a, financed program.
        (a) Acceptance of a request. NMFS will review any request submitted 
    to it to determine whether the request conforms with the requirements 
    [[Page 6863]]
    Sec. 253.27. If the request conforms, NMFS will accept the request. If 
    the request does not conform, NMFS will return the request to the 
    requester with guidance on how to make the request conform.
        (b) Determination of whether to initiate a financed program. After 
    receipt of a conforming request for a financed reduction program, NMFS 
    will initiate the reduction program if it determines that:
        (1) The reduction program meets the necessity requirement;
        (2) The reduction program meets the consistency requirement;
        (3) The management plan including any reduction amendment meets the 
    nonreplacement requirement;
        (4) The management plan including any reduction amendment meets the 
    control requirement;
        (5) The management plan including any reduction amendment contains 
    post-reduction allocation provisions adequate to ensure reduction-loan 
        (6) The reduction program is cost effective;
        (7) The business plan is complete, comprehensive, practical, and 
    supports a determination that the reduction program is reasonably 
    capable of being successfully implemented and the borrower is capable 
    of repaying the reduction loan. This includes enabling NMFS to readily 
    design, propose, and adopt a timely and reliable program plan and 
    propose and issue timely and reliable program regulations and otherwise 
    complete the reduction program in accordance with this subpart;
        (8) The reduction program is consistent with the business plan; and
        (9) The reduction program is in accord with all other applicable 
    provisions of the Magnuson Act and this subpart.
    Sec. 253.29  Content of a request for a subsidized program.
        A request for a subsidized program must:
        (a) Specify the reduction fishery;
        (b) Project the amount of the reduction and specify what a 
    reduction of that amount achieves;
        (c) Project the reduction cost and specify the amount of the 
    reduction cost to be funded by Federal appropriations and the amount, 
    if any, to be funded by other sources;
        (d) Project the availability of Federal appropriations or other 
    funding, if any, that completion of the reduction program requires 
    (including timing in relation to the projected reduction program 
        (e) Specify the number of fishing permits authorizing the harvest 
    of fish from the reduction fishery or the number of fishing vessels 
    authorized to harvest fish from the reduction fishery, or both, and the 
    conditions under which permit or vessel owners are authorized to fish;
        (f) Specify the annual total allowable catch of fish from the 
    reduction fishery during each of the past five years and the 
    allocations of it for each of those years to those currently authorized 
    to harvest fish from the reduction fishery;
        (g) Include a preliminary development plan that:
         (1) Specifies a detailed reduction methodology that accomplishes 
    the most reduction at the least reduction cost and in the shortest time 
    and otherwise achieves the reduction-program result that the requester 
    specifies under paragraph (b) of this section. The methodology must be 
    sufficiently detailed to enable NMFS to prepare a final development 
    plan to serve as the basis for NMFS to readily design, propose, and 
    adopt a timely and reliable program plan and propose and issue timely 
    and reliable program regulations. The methodology must include: 
    contents and terms of invitations to bid, eligible bidders, type of 
    information that bidders must supply, criteria for accepting or 
    rejecting bids, and terms of bid acceptances;
        (2) Specifies criteria for determining the types and numbers of 
    fishing permits or fishing permits and fishing vessels eligible to 
    participate in the reduction program. The criteria must take into 
    account: the characteristics of the fishery, whether the reduction 
    program is limited to a particular gear type in the fishery (or is 
    otherwise limited by some other operational consideration), whether the 
    reduction program is limited to fishing permits or involves both 
    fishing permits and fishing vessels, the management plan requirements, 
    the needs of the fishing communities, and the need to minimize the 
    reduction program's reduction cost; and
        (3) Demonstrates the reduction program's cost effectiveness;
        (h) Demonstrate how the reduction program meets the necessity 
        (i) Demonstrate how the reduction program meets the consistency 
        (j) Demonstrate that the preliminary development plan is consistent 
    with the management plan or would be consistent after any needed 
    reduction amendment;
        (k) Specify the management plan measures included those in any 
    reduction amendment to be submitted that meet the nonreplacement 
        (l) Specify the management plan measures included those in any 
    reduction amendment to be submitted that meet the control requirement;
        (m) Specify any other information or guidance that assists NMFS in 
    preparing a final development plan and a proposed program plan and 
    proposed program regulations; and
        (n) State why the requester believes that, in its best judgment, 
    the reduction program constitutes a reasonably realistic and practical 
    prospect for successfully completing a reduction program in accordance 
    with this subpart.
    Sec. 253.30  Acceptance of a request for, and determinations as to 
    whether to conduct a, subsidized program.
        (a) Acceptance of a request. NMFS will review any request submitted 
    to it to determine whether it conforms with the requirements of 
    Sec. 253.29. If the requests conforms, NMFS will accept the request. If 
    the request does not conform, NMFS will return the request to the 
    requester with guidance on how the request can conform.
        (b) Determination as to whether to prepare, and preparation of, a 
    final development plan. After receipt of a conforming request, NMFS 
    will prepare a final development plan if it determines that the 
    reduction program requested constitutes a realistic and practical 
    prospect for successfully completing a reduction in accordance with 
    this subpart and enables NMFS to readily design, propose, and adopt a 
    timely and reliable program plan and propose and issue timely and 
    reliable program regulations and otherwise complete the reduction 
    program in accordance with this subpart. NMFS will based the final 
    development plan on the requester's preliminary development plan. NMFS 
    will consult, as NMFS deems appropriate, with the requester, Federal 
    agencies, state and regional authorities, affected fishing communities, 
    participants in the program fishery, conservation organizations, and 
    other interested parties in preparing of the final development plan.
        (c) Reaffirmation of the request. After completing the final 
    development plan, NMFS will submit it to the requester for its 
    reaffirmation of the request. Based on the final development plan, the 
    reaffirmation must:
        (1) Certify that the final development plan is consistent with the 
    management plan including any reduction amendment;
    [[Page 6864]]
        (2) Demonstrate that the management plan including any reduction 
    amendment meets the nonreplacement requirement;
        (3) Demonstrate that the management plan including any reduction 
    amendment meets the control requirement; and
        (4) Include any required reduction amendment and, if the requester 
    is a council, proposed regulations to implement it. The requester must 
    base the reduction amendment on the final development plan;
        (d) Determinations as to whether to conduct a subsidized program. 
    After NMFS' receipt of the requester's reaffirmation and any needed 
    reduction amendment and any needed proposed regulations to implement 
    it, NMFS will conduct the reduction program if it determines that:
        (1) The reduction program meets the necessity requirement;
        (2) The reduction program meets the consistency requirement;
        (3) The reduction program is consistent with the management plan 
    including any reduction amendment;
        (4) The management plan including any reduction amendment meets the 
    nonreplacement requirement;
        (5) The management plan including any reduction amendment meets the 
    control requirement;
        (6) The reduction program is reasonably capable of being 
    successfully implemented;
        (7) The reduction program, if successfully implemented, will be 
    cost effective; and
        (8) The reduction program is in accord with all other applicable 
    provisions of the Magnuson Act and this subpart.
    Sec. 253.31  Reduction amendments.
        (a) Each reduction amendment may contain provisions that are either 
    dependent upon a reduction program or independent of a reduction 
    program. Each provision of a reduction amendment is considered to be a 
    dependent provision unless the amendment expressly designates the 
    provision as independent.
        (b) Independent provisions are effective without regard to any 
    subsequent reduction program actions.
        (c) Dependent provisions are initially effective only to enable 
    initiation and completion of the pre-capacity reduction stage of a 
    reduction program, i.e., to enable inviting bids, bidding, and 
    accepting bids, and, if a financed program is involved, to enable the 
    conduct of a referendum.
        (d) All dependent provisions of each reduction amendment for a 
    financed program not initially effective become fully in force and 
    effective when NMFS, under Sec. 253.34(f) of this subpart, notifies 
    those who were mailed referendum ballots that the industry fee system 
    for the reduction program was approved by referendum; provided, 
    however, that nothing subsequently prevents actual reduction payment 
    and reduction. If a referendum, in accordance with this subpart and any 
    special referendum provisions in the program regulations, does not 
    approve the required industry fee system, no dependent provision of the 
    reduction amendment then has any further force or effect.
        (e) All dependent provisions of a reduction amendment for a 
    subsidized program not initially effective become fully in force and 
    effective when NMFS, under Sec. 253.33(e), notifies bidders that NMFS 
    accepts the bidders' offers; provided, however, that nothing 
    subsequently prevents actual reduction payment and reduction. If NMFS 
    does not, in accordance with this subpart and any special provisions in 
    the program regulations, accept the bidders' offers, no dependent 
    provision of the reduction amendment then has any further force or 
    Sec. 253.32  Program plan and program regulations.
        (a) As soon as practicable after deciding to initiate a reduction 
    program, NMFS will prepare and publish for a 60-day, public-comment 
    period, a proposed program plan and program regulations. During the 
    public-comment period, NMFS will conduct a public hearing of the 
    proposed program plan and program regulations in each state that the 
    program would affect.
        (b) To the greatest extent practicable, NMFS will base the program 
    plan and program regulations for a financed program on the business 
    plan. The program plan for a financed program will describe in detail 
    all relevant aspects of implementing the reduction program, including:
        (1) The reduction fishery;
        (2) The reduction methodology;
        (3) The maximum reduction cost;
        (4) The maximum reduction loan amount (if different from the 
    maximum reduction cost);
        (5) The reduction-cost funding, if any, other than a reduction 
        (6) The minimally acceptable reduction level;
        (7) The fee;
        (8) The criteria for determining the types and number of fishing 
    permits or fishing permits and fishing vessels eligible to participate 
    in the reduction program;
        (9) The invitation-to-bid and bidding procedures;
        (10) The criteria for determining bid acceptance;
        (11) The referendum eligibility criteria, including a list of 
    eligible voters and their addresses of record, with notice and 
    opportunity to respond for:
        (i) Parties who are not, but believe they should be, listed as 
    eligible voters; and
        (ii) Parties whose address of record is incorrect;
        (12) The referendum procedures; and
        (13) Any relevant post-referendum reduction procedures other than 
    those in the program regulations or this subpart.
        (c) NMFS will base each program plan and program regulations for a 
    subsidized program on the final development plan. The program plan will 
    describe in detail all relevant aspects of implementing the reduction 
    program, including:
        (1) The reduction program fishery;
        (2) The reduction methodology;
        (3) The maximum reduction cost;
        (4) The reduction-cost funding (if any) other than Federal 
        (5) The minimally acceptable reduction level;
        (6) The fee;
        (7) The criteria for determining the types and number of fishing 
    permits or fishing permits and fishing vessels eligible to participate 
    in the reduction program;
        (8) The invitation-to-bid and bidding procedures;
        (9) The criteria for determining bid acceptance; and
        (10) Any relevant post-bidding program procedures other than those 
    in the program regulations or this subpart.
        (d) The program regulations will:
        (1) Specify, for invitations to bid, bids, and reduction contracts 
    under Sec. 253.33:
        (i) Bidder eligibility;
        (ii) Bid submission requirements and procedures;
        (iii) A bid opening date (before which a bidder may not bid) and a 
    bid closing date (after which a bidder may not bid);
        (iv) A bid expiration date after which the irrevocable offer 
    contained in each bid expires unless NMFS, before that date, accepts 
    the bid by mailing a written acceptance notice to the bidder;
        (v) The manner of bid submission and the information each bidder 
    must supply for NMFS to deem a bid responsive;
        (vi) The conditions under which NMFS will accept or reject a bid;
        (vii) The manner in which NMFS will accept or reject a bid; and
        (viii) The manner in which NMFS will notify each bidder of bid 
    acceptance or rejection;
    [[Page 6865]]
        (2) Specify any other special referendum procedures or criteria; 
        (3) Specify such other provisions, in addition to and consistent 
    with those in this subpart, necessary to regulate the individual 
    circumstances of each reduction program and reduction loan. This 
    includes, but is not limited to:
        (i) The borrower's obligation to repay a reduction loan in a 
    certain principal amount, at a certain interest rate, and over a 
    certain term (and the consequences of not doing so);
        (ii) Fee rates or amount determinations; and
        (iii) Any other aspect of fee payment, collection, deposit, 
    disbursement, reporting, and accounting.
        (e) NMFS will issue final program regulations and, except for a 
    financed program, adopt a final program plan within 45 days of the 
    close of the public-comment period. For a subsidized program, all the 
    program regulations issued will go into effect 30 days after the date 
    of filing for public inspection with the Office of the Federal 
    Register. For a financed program, NMFS will publish in the Federal 
    Register the final program plan it will adopt after, and if, a 
    referendum approves the industry fee system. For a financed program, 
    all the program regulations issued will go into effect 30 days after 
    the date of filing for public inspection with the Office of the Federal 
    Register, except for those involving the industry fee system. Thus, the 
    program regulations governing inviting bids, bidding, accepting bids, 
    any other program activities required to precede and conduct a 
    referendum, will go into effect. If a referendum does not approve an 
    industry fee system, the program regulations involving the industry fee 
    system will not become effective and all other program regulations will 
    be repealed. If a referendum approves an industry fee system, NMFS will 
    immediately publish a document in the Federal Register adopting the 
    final program plan previously published in the Federal Register and 
    making the program regulations fully effective. NMFS will then complete 
    the reduction.
    Sec. 253.33  Bids.
        (a) Each invitation to bid, bid, bid acceptance, reduction 
    contract, and bidder (or any other party in any way affected by any of 
    the foregoing) under this subpart is subject to the terms and 
    conditions in this section:
        (1) Each invitation to bid constitutes the entire terms and 
    conditions of a reduction contract under which:
        (i) Each bidder makes an irrevocable offer to the United States of 
    fishing capacity for reduction; and
        (ii) NMFS accepts or rejects, on behalf of the United States, each 
    bidder's offer;
        (2) NMFS may, at any time before the bid expiration date, accept or 
    reject a bid;
        (3) In a financed program, NMFS' acceptance of any bid is subject 
    to the express condition subsequent, that the industry fee system 
    necessary to repay the reduction loan is approved by a referendum 
    conducted under Sec. 253.34. Approval or disapproval of the industry 
    fee system by referendum is an event that neither the United States nor 
    the bidders can control. Disapproval of the industry fee system by 
    referendum fully excuses both parties from any performance, and fully 
    discharges all duties, under any reduction contract;
        (4) All bids are subject to the express condition that, upon NMFS' 
    acceptance of the bid, (provided, however, that NMFS' later tenders a 
    reduction payment to the bidder in an amount equal to the bid amount) 
    the bidder gives the bidder's full, irrevocable, and incontestible 
    consent for:
        (i) NMFS to forever revoke any reduction permit; and
        (ii) Where the reduction program also involves the withdrawal of 
    reduction vessels from fishing (with or without scrapping):
        (A) For the U.S. Coast Guard, upon NMFS' request, to restrict the 
    title of any reduction vessel that is federally-documented to forever 
    prohibit and effectively prevent any future use of that vessel for 
    fishing in any area subject to the jurisdiction of the United States or 
    any state, territory, commonwealth, or possession of the United States; 
        (B) Where reduction vessel scrapping is involved and the vessel 
    owner does not comply with the owner's obligation under the reduction 
    contract to scrap the vessel, for NMFS to enter upon the premises where 
    the vessel is located and (at the vessel owner's risk and expense) take 
    such measures as necessary to cause the vessel's prompt scrapping. 
    Afterwards, NMFS will take such action as may be necessary to recover 
    from the vessel owner any cost or expense NMFS incurred in causing the 
    vessel to be scrapped;
        (5) Money damages not being an adequate remedy for a bidder's 
    breach of a reduction contract, the United States is, in all 
    particulars, entitled to specific performance of each reduction 
    contract. This includes, but is not limited to, reduction vessel 
    scrapping in programs involving scrapping;
        (6) Any reduction payment is available, upon adequate notice to 
    NMFS, to satisfy liens against any reduction permit or reduction 
    vessel; provided, however, that:
        (i) No reduction payment to any bidder either relieves the bidder 
    of responsibility to discharge the obligation which gives rise to any 
    lien or relieves any lien holder of responsibility to protect the lien 
    holder's interest;
        (ii) No reduction payment in any way gives rise to any liability of 
    the United States or of any of its officers or agents for the 
    obligation underlying any lien;
        (iii) No lien holder has any right against the United States or any 
    of its officers or agents in connection with the revocation of any 
    reduction permit or the title restriction or scrapping of any reduction 
    vessel under this subpart; and
        (iv) No lien holder has any right or standing to seek to set aside 
    any revocation of any reduction permit or the title restriction or 
    scrapping of any reduction vessel for which the United States made any 
    reduction payment, but is, in lieu of the reduction permit and/or 
    reduction vessel, limited to recovery against the reduction payment 
    itself or otherwise against the reduction permit or reduction vessel 
    owner's other assets; and
        (7) Each invitation to bid will specify such other terms and 
    conditions as NMFS believes necessary to enforce specific performance 
    of each reduction contract and otherwise to ensure completing each 
    program (including, but not limited to, each bidder's certification, 
    subject to the penalties in Sec. 253.38, of its full authority to 
    submit each bid and to dispose of the property involved in the bid in 
    the manner contemplated by each invitation to bid).
        (b) NMFS will not invite bids for any reduction program until NMFS 
    determines that:
        (1) Any necessary reduction amendment is fully and finally approved 
    and all provisions except those dependent on the completion of 
    reduction are implemented;
        (2) The final program regulations are issued and the final program 
    plan for a subsidized program is adopted or for a financed program is 
        (3) All required program funding is approved and in place 
    (including all Federal appropriation and apportionment authority);
        (4) Any reduction loan involved is fully approved;
        (5) Any non-Federal funding involved is fully available for NMFS 
    disbursement as reduction payments; and
        (6) All other actions prerequisite to disbursing reduction payments 
    (except for matters involving bidding and referenda) are completed.
        (c) Promptly after making the affirmative determinations required
    [[Page 6866]]
    under paragraph (b) of this section, NMFS will file with the Office of 
    the Federal Register for publication a document inviting eligible 
    bidders to offer, under this subpart, fishing capacity to the United 
    States for reduction.
        (d) For good cause shown, NMFS may extend a bid closing date and/or 
    a bid expiration date for a reasonable period. NMFS may also issue 
    serial invitations to bid (if the program regulations so provide).
        (e) After the bid expiration date, NMFS, without delay, will:
        (1) Analyze responsive bids;
        (2) Determine which bids, if any, NMFS accepts; and
        (3) Notify, by U.S. mail, those bidders whose bids NMFS accepts, 
    that a reduction contract (subject, in the case of a financed program, 
    to the express condition subsequent that a following referendum approve 
    the necessary industry fee system) now exists between them and the 
    United States.
        (f) NMFS will keep strictly confidential the identity of all 
    bidders whose bids NMFS does not accept. In financed programs, NMFS 
    also will keep strictly confidential the identity of all bidders whose 
    bids NMFS accepts until after completing a referendum under Sec. 253.34 
    approving the industry fee system.
    Sec. 253.34  Referenda.
        For a financed program, after NMFS accepts bids and notifies 
    accepted bidders under Sec. 253.33(e), it will conduct, without delay, 
    a referendum on the industry fee system needed to repay the reduction 
    loan. NMFS will conduct the referendum in accordance with the 
        (a) Ballot issuance. By U.S. certified mail, return receipt 
    requested, NMFS will mail a ballot to each fishing permit or fishing 
    vessel owner whose name appears on the list referred to in 
    Sec. 253.27(m). All owners whose names appear on this list are eligible 
    referendum voters. Each ballot will bear a randomly derived, 5-digit 
    number assigned to each eligible voter. Each ballot will contain a 
    place for the voter to vote ``for'' (yes) or ``against'' (no) the 
    proposed industry fee system and a place, adjacent to the 5-digit 
    number, for the signature of the permit or vessel owner to whom the 
    ballot is addressed or if the permit or vessel owner is an 
    organization, the person purported to have authority to vote the ballot 
    on the organization's behalf. Each ballot also will contain a place for 
    the person signing the ballot to print his or her name. NMFS will 
    enclose with each ballot a specially-marked, postage-paid, pre-
    addressed envelope that each voter must use to return the ballot to 
        (b) Voter certification. Each ballot also will contain a 
    certification, subject to the penalties set forth in Sec. 253.38, that 
    the person signing the ballot is the permit or vessel owner to whom the 
    ballot is addressed or if the permit or vessel owner is an 
    organization, the person having authority to vote the ballot on the 
    organization's behalf.
        (c) Information included on a ballot. Each ballot mailing will:
        (1) Summarize the referendum's nature and purpose;
        (2) Specify the date by which NMFS must receive a ballot in order 
    for the ballot to be counted as a referendum vote. This date may be no 
    later than the end of the twentieth day from the date on which NMFS 
    mails the ballot unless the twentieth day is a Saturday, Sunday, or a 
    Federal holiday, in which event the receipt date may be no later than 
    the next business day. NMFS will not count as referendum votes any 
    ballot received after such date;
        (3) Identify the place on the ballot for the voter to vote ``for'' 
    (yes) or ``against'' (no) the industry fee system, the place on the 
    ballot where the voter must sign the ballot, and the purpose of the 
    return envelope;
        (4) Specify the amount of reduction, the reduction cost, the 
    reduction loan amount (if different from the reduction cost), and the 
    reduction loan term;
        (5) Specify the fee rate prospectively necessary to amortize the 
    reduction loan over its term and the actual fee rate for the year 
    following reduction; and
        (6) Specify whatever else NMFS deems appropriate.
        (d) Enclosures to accompany a ballot. Each ballot mailing will 
        (1) A specially-marked, postage-paid, and pre-addressed envelope 
    that a voter must use to return the original of a ballot to NMFS by 
    whatever means of delivery the voter chooses;
        (2) A copy of the program plan and program regulations; and
        (3) Such other material as NMFS deems appropriate.
        (e) Vote qualification. When NMFS receives a ballot returned by a 
    voter, NMFS will enter the date of receipt and whether the ballot 
    qualifies to be counted as a referendum vote. A completed ballot 
    qualifies to be counted as a referendum vote if the ballot:
        (1) Is physically received by NMFS on or before the last day NMFS 
    specified for receipt;
        (2) Is cast ``for'' (yes) or ``against'' (no);
        (3) If from a voter that is an individual, purports to be signed by 
    that individual;
        (4) If from a voter that is a corporation or other limited 
    liability organization, purports to be signed by an official of that 
    organization authorized to vote the ballot on the organization's 
        (5) If from a voter that is a partnership or other joint venture 
    organization, purports to be signed by an official of that organization 
    authorized to vote the ballot on the organization's behalf;
        (6) Is the original ballot sent to the voter bearing the same 5-
    digit number that NMFS assigned to the voter; and
        (7) Was returned to NMFS in the specially-marked envelope that NMFS 
    provided for the ballot's return.
        (f) Vote tally and notification. No later than seven business days 
    after the last day for receipt of a ballot, NMFS will:
        (1) Tally all ballots qualified to be counted as referendum votes;
        (2) By U.S. mail, notify all parties to whom ballots were mailed 
        (i) The number of potential voters;
        (ii) The number of actual voters who returned a ballot;
        (iii) The number of returned ballots that qualified to be counted 
    as referendum votes;
        (iv) The number of votes for and against the industry fee system; 
        (v) Whether the referendum approved or disapproved the industry fee 
        (3) If the referendum approved the industry fee system, NMFS, at 
    the same time and in the same way, will notify the bidders whose bids 
    were conditionally accepted that the express condition subsequent 
    pertaining to the reduction contracts between them and the United 
    States is fulfilled.
        (g) Conclusiveness of referendum determinations. NMFS' ballot 
    qualification and determinations about other vote matters are 
    conclusive and final.
    Sec. 253.35  Reduction methods.
        Programs may involve either the surrender of reduction permits or 
    both the surrender of reduction permits and the withdrawal from fishing 
    or scrapping of reduction vessels.
        (a) Reduction permit revocation and surrender. Each reduction 
    permit is, upon NMFS' tender of the reduction payment for such permit, 
    forever revoked. The holder of a reduction permit must, upon NMFS' 
    tender of reduction payment, surrender the original of the permit to 
    NMFS. The reduction permit holder, upon NMFS' tender of the reduction 
    payment, forever relinquishes any claim associated with the reduction 
    permit and with the fishing vessel that was used to harvest fishery 
    resources under that permit that could qualify the permit holder or the 
    fishing vessel owner for any present or future limited access system 
    fishing permit in the reduction program fishery.
    [[Page 6867]]
        (b) Reduction vessel title restriction or scrapping. Each reduction 
    vessel that is not required to be scrapped, is, upon NMFS' tender of 
    the reduction payment, forever prohibited from any future use for any 
    fishing in any area subject to the jurisdiction of the United States or 
    any State, territory, possession, or commonwealth of the United States. 
    NMFS will request the U.S. Coast Guard to permanently restrict each 
    such reduction vessel's title to exclude the vessel's future use for 
    fishing. The owner of each reduction vessel required to be scrapped 
    (and any reduction vessel that is not federally-documented must always 
    be scrapped) must, upon NMFS' tender of the reduction payment, 
    immediately cease all further use of vessel and arrange, without delay, 
    to scrap the vessel to NMFS' satisfaction. The owner of each such 
    reduction vessel, upon NMFS' tender of the reduction payment, forever 
    relinquishes any claim associated with the reduction vessel that could 
    qualify the owner for any present or future limited access system 
    fishing permit in the reduction program fishery.
        (c) Fishing permits in a non-reduction fishery. No financed program 
    may either require any holder of a reduction permit in a reduction 
    fishery to surrender any fishing permit in any non-reduction fishery or 
    involve any restriction or revocation of any fishing permit other than 
    a reduction permit in the reduction fishery. Any subsidized program 
    may, however, require surrendering and revoking all fishing permits 
    (except those that constitute an individual fishing quota whose title 
    the permit's title holder can transfer exclusively of the title to any 
    fishing vessel) that the holder of a reduction permit in the reduction 
    fishery also holds in any non-reduction fishery.
        (d) Reduction vessel dispositions. No financed program involving 
    reduction vessels may require, for federally-documented vessels, 
    anything other than the prohibition from any future use for any fishing 
    in any area subject to the jurisdiction of the United States or any 
    state, territory, possession, or commonwealth of the United States. Any 
    subsidized program may, however, require the scrapping of federally-
    documented reduction vessels. Reduction vessels that are not federally-
    documented must always be scrapped, regardless of whether the reduction 
    program is financed or subsidized.
        (e) Reduction payments. NMFS will make all reduction payments in 
    the amount and in manner prescribed in its reduction contracts. For 
    financed programs, the total amount of all reduction payments NMFS 
    disburses (or appropriate portion of the reduction payment's amount if 
    a financed program is partially funded from some source other than a 
    reduction loan) equals the reduction loan's principal amount and is 
    exclusively repayable by fees.
    Sec. 253.36  Fee payment and collection.
        (a) Amount. The fee amount is the delivery value of fee fish times 
    the fee rate.
        (b) Rate. NMFS will establish the fee rate. The fee rate may never 
    exceed five percent of delivery value. NMFS will establish the initial 
    fee rate by determining the fee revenues annually required to amortize 
    a reduction loan over its term, projecting the annual delivery value of 
    fee fish, and expressing the former as a percentage of the latter. 
    Before each anniversary of the initial fee-rate determination, NMFS 
    will redetermine the fee rate reasonably required to ensure reduction 
    loan repayment. This will include any changed delivery value 
    projections and any adjustment required to correct for previous 
    delivery values higher or lower than projected. NMFS' fee rate 
    determinations are conclusive and final.
        (c) Payment and collection. (1) The full fee is due and payable at 
    fee fish delivery. The fish buyer must collect the fee at the time of 
    the fish seller's fee fish delivery by deducting the fee from the 
    delivery value before paying the delivery value, minus the fee, to the 
    fish seller. The fish seller must pay the fee at the time of the fish 
    seller's fee fish delivery by receiving from the fish buyer the 
    delivery value minus the fee.
        (2) In the event of any bonus or other retrospective payment, whose 
    amount depends on conditions subsequent to fee fish delivery, that 
    increases the delivery value of fee fish, the fish seller shall pay, 
    and the fish buyer shall collect, at the time the fish buyer pays the 
    bonus or retrospective payment to the fish seller, the additional fee 
    that would otherwise have been due and payable as if the amount of the 
    retrospective payment had been known, and as if the retrospective 
    payment had consequently occurred, at the time of initial delivery of 
    the fee fish.
        (3)(i) Each fish seller shall, for the purposes of the fee 
    collection, deposit, disbursement, and accounting requirements of this 
    subpart, be both the fish seller and the fish buyer (and all 
    requirements and penalties under this subpart applicable to both a fish 
    seller and a fish buyer shall equally apply to the fish seller) each 
    time the fish seller sells fee fish to:
        (A) Any party whose place of business is not located in the United 
    States, who does not take delivery, title, or possession of the fee 
    fish in the United States, who is not otherwise subject to this 
    subpart, or to whom or against whom NMFS cannot otherwise apply or 
    enforce this subpart;
        (B) Any party who is a restaurant, a retailer, a consumer, or some 
    other type of end-user; or
        (C) Any other party who the fish seller has good reason to believe 
    will not comply with the fee collection, deposit, disbursement, and 
    accounting requirements of this subpart applicable to a fish seller.
        (ii) In each such case the fish seller shall, with respect to the 
    fee fish involved in each such case, discharge all the fee collection, 
    deposit, disbursement, and accounting requirements this subpart 
    otherwise imposes on the fish buyer, and the fish seller shall be 
    subject to all the penalties this subpart provides for the fish buyer's 
    failure to discharge such requirements.
        (4) Fee payment begins on the date NMFS specifies under the 
    notification procedures of paragraph (d) of this section and continues 
    without interruption at the fee rates specified by NMFS in accordance 
    this subpart's requirements until NMFS determines that the reduction 
    loan is fully repaid. If a reduction loan is not fully repaid at the 
    maturity of the reduction loan's original amortization period, fee 
    payment and collection will continue until the reduction loan is fully 
    repaid (notwithstanding that the time required to fully repay the 
    reduction loan exceeds the reduction loan's initially permissible 
        (d) Notification. (1) At least 30 days before the effective date of 
    any fee or of any fee-rate change, NMFS will file with the Office of 
    the Federal Register for publication a document establishing the date 
    from and after which the fee or fee-rate change is effective. NMFS then 
    also will send, by U.S. mail, an appropriate notification to each 
    affected fish seller and fish buyer of whom NMFS has notice.
        (2) When NMFS determines that a reduction loan is fully repaid, 
    NMFS will file with the Office of the Federal Register for publication 
    a document that the fee is no longer in effect and should no longer be 
    either paid or collected. NMFS then will also send, by U.S. mail, 
    notification to each affected fish seller and fish buyer of whom NMFS 
    has knowledge.
        (3) If NMFS fails to notify a fish seller or a fish buyer by U.S. 
    mail (or if the fish seller or fish buyer otherwise does not receive 
    the notice) of the date fee payments start or of the fee rate in 
    effect, each fish seller is, nevertheless, obligated to pay the fee at 
    the fee rate
    [[Page 6868]]
    in effect and each fish buyer is, nevertheless, obligated to collect 
    the fee at the fee rate in effect.
        (e) Failure to pay or collect. (1) If a fish buyer refuses to 
    collect the fee in the amount and manner that this subpart requires, 
    the fish seller must then advise the fish buyer of the fish seller's 
    fee payment obligation and of the fish buyer's fee collection 
    obligation. If the fish buyer still refuses to properly collect the 
    fee, the fish seller, within the next 24 hours, must forward the fee to 
    NMFS. The fish seller at the same time must also advise NMFS in writing 
    of the full particulars, including:
        (i) The fish buyer's and fish seller's name, address, and telephone 
        (ii) The name of the fishing vessel from which the fish seller made 
    fee fish delivery and the date of doing so;
        (iii) The quantity and delivery value of each species of fee fish 
    that the fish seller delivered; and
        (iv) The fish seller's reason (if known) for refusing to collect 
    the fee in accordance with this subpart.
        (2) If a fish seller refuses to pay the fee in the amount and 
    manner that this subpart requires, the fish buyer must then advise the 
    fish seller of the fish buyer's collection obligation and of the fish 
    seller's payment obligation. If the fish seller still refuses to pay 
    the fee, the fish buyer must then either deduct the fee over the fish 
    seller's protest or refuse to buy the fee fish. The fish buyer must 
    also, within the next 24 hours, advise NMFS in writing of the full 
    particulars, including:
        (i) The fish buyer's and fish seller's name, address, and telephone 
        (ii) The name of the fishing vessel from which the fish seller made 
    or attempted to make fee fish delivery and the date of doing so;
        (iii) The quantity and delivery value of each species of fee fish 
    the fish seller delivered or attempted to deliver;
        (iv) Whether the fish buyer deducted the fee over the fish seller's 
    protest or refused to buy the fee fish; and
        (v) The fish seller's reason (if known) for refusing to pay the fee 
    in accordance with this subpart.
        (f) Program regulations. If any special circumstances in a 
    reduction fishery require fee payment and/or collection regulations in 
    addition to, or different from, those contained in this section in 
    order to ensure full, complete, accurate and timely fee payment and/or 
    collection, NMFS may include such regulations in the program 
    regulations for that reduction program.
    Sec. 253.37  Fee collection deposits and records.
        (a) Deposit accounts. Each fish buyer this subpart requires to 
    collect fees must maintain a segregated account at a federally-
    chartered national bank for the sole purpose of depositing collected 
    fees and disbursing them directly to NMFS in accordance with paragraph 
    (c) of this section.
        (b) Fee collection deposits. Each fish buyer, no more infrequently 
    than at the end of each business week, must deposit, in the deposit 
    account established under paragraph (a) of this section, all fees, not 
    previous deposited, that the fish buyer collects through a date not 
    more than two days before the date of deposit. Neither the deposit 
    account nor the principal amount of deposits in the account may be 
    pledged, assigned, or used for any purpose other than aggregating 
    collected fees for disbursement to the Fund in accordance with 
    paragraph (c) of this section. The fish buyer is entitled, at any time, 
    to withdraw deposit interest (if any), but never deposit principal, 
    from the deposit account for the fish buyer's own use and purposes.
        (c) Deposit principal disbursement. On the last business day of 
    each calendar month, the fish buyer must disburse to NMFS the full 
    amount of deposit principal then in the deposit account. The fish buyer 
    must do this by check made payable to ``NOAA Fishing Capacity Reduction 
    Fund.'' The fish buyer must mail each such check to the Fund lockbox 
    account that NMFS establishes for the receipt of the disbursements. 
    Each reduction program has its own lockbox. Each disbursement must be 
    accompanied by the fish buyer's settlement sheet completed in the 
    manner and form that NMFS specifies. NMFS will specify the Fund's 
    lockbox account and manner and form of settlement sheet by means of the 
    notification in Sec. 253.36(d).
        (d) Records maintenance. Each fish buyer, on or in such forms as 
    NMFS specifies, must maintain accurate records of all transactions 
    involving fees. Each fish buyer must maintain the records in a secure 
    and orderly manner for a period of at least three years from the date 
    of each transaction involved.
        (1) Each fish buyer must maintain the following information 
    (including the fish tickets or other materials documenting such 
    information) for all deliveries of fee fish that the fish buyer buys 
    from each fish seller:
        (i) Delivery date;
        (ii) Fish seller's name;
        (iii) Number of pounds of each species of fee fish bought;
        (iv) Name of fishing vessel from which the fee fish off-loaded;
        (v) Delivery price per pound of each species of fee fish bought;
        (vi) Total delivery value of fee fish bought;
        (vii) Net delivery value of fee fish bought;
        (viii) Name of party to whom net delivery value paid if other than 
    the fish seller;
        (ix) Date net delivery value paid;
        (x) Total fee amount collected; and
        (xi) Such other information as NMFS decides is reasonably necessary 
    for each program.
        (2) Each fish buyer must maintain the following information for all 
    fee collection deposits to and disbursements from the deposit account:
        (i) Dates and amounts of deposits; and
        (ii) Dates and amounts of disbursements to the Fund's lockbox 
    account that NMFS designates.
        (e) Annual report. In each year (on the date to be specified in 
    each program regulations) succeeding the year during which NMFS first 
    implemented a fee, each fish buyer must submit to NMFS a report, on or 
    in the form NMFS specifies, containing the following information for 
    the preceding year (or whatever longer period may be involved in the 
    first annual report) for all fee fish each fish buyer purchases from 
    each fish seller:
        (1) Total pounds;
        (2) Total net ex-vessel paid;
        (3) Total fee amounts collected;
        (4) Total fee collection amounts deposited by month;
        (5) Dates and amounts of monthly disbursements to each Fund lockbox 
        (6) Total amount of deposit interest fish buyer withdrew; and
        (7) Depository account balance at year-end.
        (f) Audits. NMFS may cause agents that NMFS selects to audit, in 
    whatever manner NMFS believes reasonably necessary, the books and 
    records of fish buyers (including, but not limited, to fish tickets) 
    and fish sellers in each program fishery in order to ensure proper fee 
    payment, collection, deposit, disbursement, record keeping, and 
    reporting. Fish buyers and fish sellers must make records (including, 
    but not limited to, fish tickets) of all program transactions involving 
    post-reduction fish catches and deliveries, fee payment, collection, 
    deposit, and disbursement available to NMFS or its agents at reasonable 
    times and places and promptly provide all requested information 
    reasonably related to these records. No state law or regulations 
    involving the confidentiality of fish tickets shall prevent NMFS from 
    having full access to such fish tickets for the purposes of this 
        (g) Refunds. When NMFS determines that a reduction loan is fully 
    [[Page 6869]]
    NMFS will refund any excess fee receipts, on a last-in/first-out basis, 
    to the fish buyers. Fish buyers must return the refunds, on a last-in/
    first-out basis, to the fish sellers who paid the amounts refunded.
        (h) Program regulations. If any special circumstances in a 
    reduction fishery require fee collection deposit and/or record keeping 
    regulations in addition to, or different from, those contained in this 
    section in order to ensure full, complete, accurate and timely fee 
    deposit, disbursement, accounting, record keeping, and reporting, NMFS 
    may include such regulations in the program regulations for that 
    reduction program.
    Sec. 253.38  Prohibitions and penalties.
        (a) The following activities are prohibited, and it is unlawful for 
    any party to:
        (1) Vote in any referendum under this subpart if the party is 
    ineligible to do so;
        (2) Vote more than once in any referendum under this subpart;
        (3) Sign or otherwise cast a ballot on behalf of a voter in any 
    referendum under this subpart unless the voter has fully authorized the 
    party to do so and doing so otherwise comports with this subpart;
        (4) Interfere with or attempt to hinder, delay, buy, or otherwise 
    unduly influence any eligible voter's vote in any referendum under this 
        (5) Submit a fraudulent, unauthorized, incomplete, misleading, 
    unenforceable (by specific performance) or inaccurate bid in response 
    to an invitation to bid under this subpart or, in any other way, 
    interfere with or attempt to interfere with, hinder, or delay, any 
    invitation to bid, any bid submitted under any invitation to bid, or 
    any other reduction program process in connection with any invitation 
    to bid;
        (6) Revoke or attempt to revoke any bid under this subpart;
        (7) Fail to comply with the terms and conditions of any invitation 
    to bid, bid, or reduction contract under this subpart;
        (8) Avoid, decrease, interfere with, hinder, or delay payment, 
    collection, deposit, or disbursement of any fee due and payable under 
    this subpart or convert any paid, collected, or deposited fee or 
    otherwise use any fee for any purpose other than the purpose this 
    subpart intends;
        (9) Fail to fully and properly deposit on time all fees collected 
    under this subpart into a deposit account and to disburse deposit 
    principal to the Fund's lockbox account--all as this subpart requires;
        (10) Fail to maintain full, timely, and proper fee payment, 
    collection, deposit, and/or disbursement records or to make full, 
    timely, and proper reports of such information to NMFS--all as this 
    subpart requires;
        (11) Fail to advise NMFS of any fish seller's refusal to pay, or of 
    any fish buyer's refusal to collect, any fee due and payable under this 
        (12) Refuse to allow agents designated by NMFS to review and audit 
    at reasonable times all books and records reasonably pertinent to fee 
    payment, collection, deposit, and disbursement under this subpart or 
    otherwise to interfere with, hinder, or delay agents in the course of 
    their activities under this subpart;
        (13) Make false statements to NMFS, any of the its employees, or 
    any of its agents about any of the matters in this subpart; and
        (14) Obstruct, prevent, or unreasonably delay or attempt to 
    obstruct, prevent, or unreasonably delay any investigation
        NMFS or its agents conduct, or attempt to conduct, in connection 
    with any of the matters in this subpart.
        (b) Any party who violates one or more of the prohibitions of 
    paragraph (a) of this section is subject to the full range of penalties 
    the Magnuson-Stevens Act and 15 CFR part 904 provide (including, but 
    not limited to: civil penalties, sanctions, forfeitures, and punishment 
    for criminal offenses) and to the full penalties and punishments 
    otherwise provided by any other applicable law of the United States.
    Sec. 253.39  Implementation regulations for each reduction program. 
        Dated: February 4, 1999.
    Gary C. Matlock,
    Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries 
    [FR Doc. 99-3245 Filed 2-10-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3510-22-F

Document Information

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Comments must be received by April 12, 1999.
6854-6869 (16 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 980812215-8215-01, I.D. 072898D
0648-AK76: Fishing Capacity Reduction Program
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (19)
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