[Federal Register Volume 60, Number 29 (Monday, February 13, 1995)]
[Pages 8226-8228]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 95-3494]
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
[Docket No. EG95-29-000, et al.]
Austin Cogeneration Corporation, et al.; Electric Rate and
Corporate Regulation Filings
February 6, 1995.
Take notice that the following filings have been made with the
1. Austin Cogeneration Corporation
[Docket No. EG95-29-000]
On February 1, 1995, Austin Cogeneration Corporation
(``Applicant''), filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission an
application for determination of exempt wholesale generator status
pursuant to 18 CFR Part 365.
Applicant is a Delaware corporation formed to acquire an indirect
ownership interest in a 255 MW natural gas-fired cogeneration facility
to be located in the City of Austin, Texas, and/or operate such
facility and engage in project development activities with respect
Comment date: February 24, 1995, in accordance with Standard
Paragraph E at the end of this notice. The Commission will limit its
consideration of comments to those that concern the adequacy or
accuracy of the application.
2. CINergy Services, Inc.
[Docket No. ER95-501-000]
Take notice that on January 30, 1995, CINergy Services, Inc., on
behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company and PSI Energy, Inc.,
made an abbreviated filing to amend each of its coordination schedules
to add guidelines for the recovery of emission allowance costs. The
rate schedules affected by this filing are the following:
Rate schedule Other signatory(ies)
CG&E Rate Schedule FERC No. 13..... Indiana Michigan Power Co. and Ohio
Power Company.
CG&E Rate Schedule FERC No. 38..... Columbus Southern Power Co.
CG&E Rate Schedule FERC No. 39..... Dayton Power & Light Co.
CG&E Rate Schedule FERC No. 43..... East Kentucky Power Cooperative,
[[Page 8227]]
CG&E Rate Schedule FERC No. 33..... Louisville Gas & Electric Co.
CG&E Rate Schedule FERC No. 45..... Ohio Valley Electric Corp.
CG&E Rate Schedule FERC No. 47..... Cleveland Public Power.
CG&E Rate Schedule FERC No. 48..... City of Piqua, Ohio.
PSI Rate Schedule FERC No. 257..... Big Rivers Electric Co.
PSI Rate Schedule FERC No. 260..... Blue Ridge Power Agency.
PSI Rate Schedule FERC No. 263..... Electric Clearinghouse, Inc.
PSI Rate Schedule FERC No. 262..... Enron Power Marketing, Inc.
PSI Rate Schedule FERC No. 222..... Hoosier Energy Rural Electric
Cooperative, Inc. and Southern
Indiana Gas and Electric Co.
PSI Rate Schedule FERC No. 231..... Hoosier Energy Rural Electric
Cooperative, Inc. and Southern
Indiana Gas and Electric Co.
PSI Rate Schedule FERC No. 250..... Illinois Municipal Electric Agency.
PSI Rate Schedule FERC No. 49...... Indiana Michigan Power Co.
PSI Rate Schedule FERC No. 234..... Indiana Municipal Power Agency.
PSI Rate Schedule FERC No. 247..... Indianapolis Power & Light Co.
PSI Rate Schedule FERC No. 254..... Kentucky Utilities Co.
PSI Rate Schedule FERC No. 266..... LG&E Power Marketing, Inc.
PSI Rate Schedule FERC No. 256..... City of Logansport, Indiana.
PSI Rate Schedule FERC No. 261..... Louis Dreyfus Electric Power, Inc.
PSI Rate Schedule FERC No. 208..... Louisville Gas & Electric Co.
PSI Rate Schedule FERC No. 227..... Northern Indiana Public Service Co.
PSI Rate Schedule FERC No. 255..... City of Piqua.
Ohio PSI Rate Schedule FERC No. 265 Rainbow Energy Marketing Corp.
PSI Rate Schedule FERC No. 264..... Tennessee Valley Authority.
PSI Rate Schedule FERC No. 241..... Wabash Valley Power Authority, Inc.
PSI Rate Schedule FERC No. 233..... Wabash Valley Power Association,
PSI Rate Schedule FERC No. 242..... American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc.
PSI Rate Schedule FERC No. 205..... Central Illinois Public Service Co.
PSI Rate Schedule FERC No. 207..... Southern Indiana Gas and Electric
PSI Rate Schedule FERC No. 245..... Baltimore Gas & Electric Co.
PSI Rate Schedule FERC No. 258..... AES Power, Inc.
Each of the customers under the aforementioned rate schedules were
served with a copy of the filing.
Comment date: February 21, 1995, in accordance with Standard
Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
3. Central Illinois Public Service Company
[Docket No. ER95-502-000]
Take notice that on January 30, 1995, Central Illinois Public
Service Company (CIPS), submitted an abbreviated filing for the limited
purpose of including the cost of SO2 Emission allowances as an
incremental out-of-pocket cost in CIPS' rates for coordination sales.
The Commission's December 15, 1994 Policy Statement and Interim Rule
Regarding Ratemaking Treatment of the Cost of Emissions Allowances in
Coordination Rates (Interim Rule) contemplated that utilities such as
CIPS, affected by the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments as of January 1,
1995, would make such a filing.
As permitted by the Interim Rule, CIPS seeks an effective date of
January 1, 1995 for the proposed change in rates and, accordingly,
seeks waiver of the Commission's notice requirements. Copies of the
filing were served on all customers under CIPS's Coordination Sales
Tariff and on all parties to various bilateral or trilateral agreements
with CIPS affected by the proposed change. Copies of the filing are
available for public inspection in CIPS' offices in Springfield,
Comment date: February 21, 1995, in accordance with Standard
Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
4. Northern States Power Company (Minnesota) Northern States Power
Company (Wisconsin)
[Docket No. ER95-503-000]
Take notice that on January 30, 1995, Northern States Power Company
(Minnesota), and Northern States Power Company (Wisconsin),
(hereinafter NSP Companies) are Parties to various Diversity Exchange
and Interconnection and Interchange Agreements. This filing contains
amendments to coordination agreements to recover the replacement cost
of emission allowances in coordination rates. The purpose of this
filing is to comply with the Policy Statement and Interim Rule
Regarding Ratemaking Treatment of the Cost of Emission Allowances in
Coordination Rates, Docket No. PL95-1-000, issued on December 15, 1994.
In this Policy Statement and Interim Rule the Commission stated
that in exchange for granting waiver of notice, a utility may implement
this emission allowance replacement cost treatment, as of January 1,
1995, if it agrees to refund any allowance-related charges assessed
between January 1, 1995, and the date the Commission issues an order
accepting the filing without investigation or hearing. NSP Companies
request that the Commission grant waiver of its Part 35 notice
provisions and accept this filing effective January 1, 1995, subject to
Comment date: February 21, 1995, in accordance with Standard
Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
5. Wisconsin Public Service Corporation
[Docket No. ER95-504-000]
Take notice that on January 31, 1995, the Wisconsin Public Service
Corporation (WPSC), tendered for filing Supplement No. 6 to its partial
requirements service agreement with Manitowoc Public Utilities (MPU),
Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. Supplement No. 6 provides MPU's contract
demand nominations for January 1995-December 1999, under WPSC's W-2
partial requirements tariff and MPU's applicable service agreement.
The company states that copies of this filing have been served upon
MPU and to the State Commissions where WPSC serves at retail.
[[Page 8228]]
Comment date: February 21, 1995, in accordance with Standard
Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
6. Wisconsin Public Service Corporation
[Docket No. ER95-505-000]
Take notice that on January 31, 1995, Wisconsin Public Service
Corporation (WPSC), tendered for filing Supplement No. 8 to its service
agreement with Consolidated Water Power Company (CWPCO). Supplement No.
8 provides CWPCO's contract demand nominations for January 1994-
December 1999, under WPSC's W-3 tariff and CWPCO's applicable service
The company states that copies of this filing have been served upon
CWPCO and to the State Commissions where WPSC serves at retail.
Comment date: February 21, 1995, in accordance with Standard
Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
7. Illinois Power Company
[Docket No. ER95-506-000]
Take notice that on January 30, 1995, Illinois Power Company
(Illinois Power), tendered for filing an Addendum to its coordination
agreements. Illinois Power states that the purpose of the Addendum is
to explain how the cost of emission allowances are to be calculated.
Comment date: February 21, 1995, in accordance with Standard
Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
8. Ohio Edison Company Pennsylvania Power Company
[Docket No. ER95-507-000]
Take notice that on January 30, 1995, Ohio Edison Company and
Pennsylvania Power Company, tendered for filing amendments to the
agreements. The purpose of this filing is to amend energy rates
contained in the foregoing agreements to reflect the energy-related
costs incurred by Ohio Edison Company and Pennsylvania Power Company to
ensure compliance with the Phase I sulfur dioxide emissions limitations
of the Clean Air Act Amendment of 1990.
Comment date: February 21, 1995, in accordance with Standard
Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
9. Northern States Power Company (Minnesota), Northern States Power
Company (Wisconsin)
[Docket No. ER95-508-000]
Take notice that on January 30, 1995, Northern States Power Company
(Minnesota), and Northern States Power Company (Wisconsin),
(hereinafter NSP Companies) are Parties to various coordination
agreements. This filing contains amendments to these coordination
agreements to recover the replacement cost of emission allowances in
coordination rates. The contents of this filing comply with the Policy
Statement and Interim Rule Regarding Ratemaking Treatment of the Cost
of Emission Allowances in Coordination Rates, Docket No. PL95-1-000,
issued on December 15, 1994.
In accordance with the waiver of notice provisions contained in the
Policy Statement and Interim Rule, NSP Companies request that the
Commission grant waiver of its Part 35 notice provisions and accept
this filing effective January 1, 1995, subject to refund.
Comment date: February 21, 1995, in accordance with Standard
Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
10. Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc.
[Docket No. ER95-509-000]
Take notice that on January 30, 1995, Consolidated Edison Company
of New York, Inc. (Con Edison), tendered for filing proposed
supplements to its Rate Schedules FERC No. 92 and FERC No. 96.
The proposed Supplement No. 7 to Rate Schedule FERC No. 96
increases the rates and charges for electric delivery service furnished
to public customers of the New York Power Authority (NYPA) by
$22,367,000 annually based on the 12-month period ending March 31,
The proposed Supplement No. 6 to Rate Schedule FERC No. 96,
applicable to electric delivery service to NYPA's non-public, economic
development customers, and the proposed supplement No. 4 to Rate
Schedule FERC No. 92, applicable to electric delivery service to
commercial and industrial economic development customers of the county
of Westchester Public Agency (COWPUSA) or the New York City Public
Utility Service (NYCPUS), increase the rates and charges for the
service by $217,000 annually based on the 12-month period ending March
31, 1996.
The proposed increases are a part of a Company-wide general
electric rate increase application by the Edison which is pending
before the New York Public Service Commission (NYPSC).
Although the proposed supplements bear a nominal effective date of
April 1, 1995, Con Edison will not seek permission to make these
effective until the effective date, estimated to be April 1, 1995 of
the rate changes authorized by the NYPSC.
A copy of this filing has been served on NYPA, COWPUSA, NYCPUS, and
the New York Public Service Commission.
Comment date: February 21, 1995, in accordance with Standard
Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
11. Iowa-Illinois Gas and Electric Company
[Docket No. ES95-20-000]
Take notice that on January 31, 1995, Iowa-Illinois Gas and
Electric Company filed an application under Sec. 204 of the Federal
Power Act seeking authorization to issue up to $150 million of
unsecured short-term debt during the period commencing June 30, 1995
and ending June 30, 1997, with a final maturity date not later than
June 30, 1998.
Comment date: March 1, 1995, in accordance with Standard Paragraph
E at the end of this notice.
Standard Paragraphs
E. Any person desiring to be heard or to protest said filing should
file a motion to intervene or protest with the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, 825 North Capitol Street, N.E., Washington, D.C.
20426, in accordance with Rules 211 and 214 of the Commission's Rules
of Practice and Procedure (18 CFR 385.211 and 18 CFR 385.214). All such
motions or protests should be filed on or before the comment date.
Protests will be considered by the Commission in determining the
appropriate action to be taken, but will not serve to make protestants
parties to the proceeding. Any person wishing to become a party must
file a motion to intervene. Copies of this filing are on file with the
Commission and are available for public inspection.
Lois D. Cashell,
[FR Doc. 95-3494 Filed 2-10-95; 8:45 am]