98-3725. Notice of Policy Change; Elimination of Prior Approval for Proprietary Substances and Nonfood Compounds  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 30 (Friday, February 13, 1998)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 7319-7322]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-3725]
    Proposed Rules
                                                    Federal Register
    This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains notices to the public of 
    the proposed issuance of rules and regulations. The purpose of these 
    notices is to give interested persons an opportunity to participate in 
    the rule making prior to the adoption of the final rules.
    Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 30 / Friday, February 13, 1998 / 
    Proposed Rules
    [[Page 7319]]
    Food Safety and Inspection Service
    9 CFR Parts 308, 318, and 381
    [Docket No. 97-007N]
    Notice of Policy Change; Elimination of Prior Approval for 
    Proprietary Substances and Nonfood Compounds
    AGENCY: Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA.
    ACTION: Notice of policy change; request for comments.
    SUMMARY: The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is revising its 
    policy regarding Agency approval of nonfood compounds and proprietary 
    substances prior to use in official meat and poultry establishments. 
    The compounds and substances currently subject to prior approval 
    include maintenance and operating chemicals (sanitizers, cleaning 
    compounds, water treatments, lubricants, and pesticides) and 
    proprietary food processing chemicals (branding inks, scalding agents, 
    rendering agents, and denaturants). FSIS recently proposed to eliminate 
    the sanitation regulations requiring prior approval of some of these 
    compounds and substances (contained in 9 CFR Parts 308 and 381, Subpart 
    H). FSIS now is announcing that it is eliminating the prior approval 
    system for all-nonfood compounds and proprietary substances and 
    specifically requests comment on alternatives to the current prior 
    approval system.
    DATES: Comments must be received on or before April 14, 1998.
    ADDRESSES: Submit one original and two copies of written comments to 
    FSIS Docket Clerk, Docket #97-007N, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 
    Food Safety and Inspection Service, Room 102, Cotton Annex, 300 12 St., 
    SW, Washington, DC 20250-3700. All comments submitted in response to 
    this notice will be available for public inspection in the Docket 
    Clerk's Office between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Patricia F. Stolfa, Assistant Deputy 
    Administrator, Regulations and Inspection Methods, Food Safety and 
    Inspection Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture (202) 205-0699.
        FSIS is planning to discontinue approving nonfood compounds and 
    proprietary substances prior to use in official meat and poultry 
    products establishments. Nonfood compounds are compounds used in 
    official establishments, but which are not expected to become 
    components of their products. Nonfood compounds subject to prior 
    approval by FSIS include cleaning compounds, compounds for laundry use, 
    paint removers, sanitizers, hand washing compounds, pesticides, boiler 
    and water treatments, lubricants, solvents, and sewer and drain 
    cleaners. Proprietary substances are used in the preparation of 
    products. They are considered proprietary because all of their 
    ingredients are not identified, either on the containers by common or 
    chemical name or by some other means. Proprietary substances subject to 
    prior approval by FSIS include: marking agents, such as branding and 
    tattoo inks; food processing substances, such as poultry and hog scald 
    agents and tripe denuding agents; denaturants; substances to control 
    foaming in soups, stews, rendered fats, and curing pickle; and 
    substances for cleaning or treating feet or other edible parts.
        FSIS receives annually between 16,000 and 20,000 applications for 
    approval of nonfood compounds and proprietary substances. It is 
    important to note that many of these applications are requests for 
    approval of formulation changes in or new use patterns for compounds 
    and substances already approved for use in meat and poultry 
    establishments. FSIS approves approximately 9,000 applications per year 
    and rejects approximately 1,000. FSIS returns around 40 percent of the 
    applications to applicants each year, for a variety of reasons: the 
    application paperwork may not be complete; FSIS may request additional 
    information, changes in chemical formulation, or revisions to the 
    requested use patterns. FSIS annually publishes a list of the approved 
    substances and compounds in FSIS Miscellaneous Publication No. 1419, 
    ``List of Proprietary Substances and Nonfood Compounds'' ( hereafter 
    referred to as the List). This publication currently lists 
    approximately 115,000 compound and substances produced by about 8,000 
        FSIS does not test the products submitted for approval but 
    evaluates them based on information submitted by manufacturers and 
    other information in the Agency's files, including chemical 
    formulations and information on proposed uses and labeling. FSIS also 
    consults with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Environmental 
    Protection Agency (EPA), and the Occupational Safety and Health 
    Administration (OSHA) in regard to those Agencies' determinations 
    concerning the safety and suitability of the compound for the requested 
    use. Generally, FSIS consults with FDA regarding the status of the 
    substance or compound as an FDA-approved direct or indirect food 
    additive. Also, FSIS sometimes consults with FDA regarding nonfood 
    compounds that have been reviewed as drugs, such as hand washing 
    agents. FSIS generally consults with EPA concerning that Agency's 
    review and registration of pesticides with labeling claims. FSIS may 
    consult with OSHA if the intended use of the substance or compound 
    raises worker health and safety concerns.
        FSIS's prior approval program obviously is somewhat redundant with 
    those of the aforementioned agencies. However, the approval of these 
    compounds prior to their intended use provides some assurance to meat 
    and poultry processors that use of the compounds and substances will 
    not result in the adulteration or contamination of food products, 
    providing they are used properly. Prior approval has also ensured that 
    certain compounds, such as sanitizers, meet minimum standards of 
    effectiveness when used as directed. Consequently, as an additional 
    unintended benefit of the prior approval program, the FSIS List has 
    served as a marketing tool for chemical manufacturers and distributors; 
    inclusion in the List immediately renders a nonfood compound or 
    proprietary substance more marketable to meat and poultry processors.
    [[Page 7320]]
        However, this prior approval program is inconsistent with the new 
    food safety strategy and approach set forth in FSIS Docket No. 93-016F, 
    ``Pathogen Reduction; Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point 
    (HACCP) Systems'' (61 FR 38806). Under these new regulations, every 
    official meat and poultry establishment will be required to develop and 
    implement HACCP, a science-based process control system designed to 
    improve the safety of meat and poultry products. Establishments will be 
    responsible for developing and implementing HACCP plans incorporating 
    the controls necessary and appropriate to produce safe meat and poultry 
    products. Consequently, establishments, not FSIS, will be responsible 
    for determining whether the nonfood compounds and proprietary 
    substances they use are safe and effective.
        By terminating the prior approval program for nonfood compounds and 
    proprietary substances and discontinuing publication of the List, FSIS 
    will be able to redirect resources to better implement inspection under 
    the HACCP regulations. FSIS will maintain, however, a small staff with 
    expertise in nonfood compounds and proprietary substances. That staff 
    will keep abreast of developments in this sector of chemical 
    manufacturing, maintain liaison with outside organizations that have an 
    interest in the area, and issue technical guidance, particularly to 
    small meat and poultry plants, from time to time, as circumstances 
        FSIS will, of course, continue to require that meat and poultry 
    products be neither adulterated nor misbranded through the misuse of 
    proprietary additives and nonfood compounds. Enforcement activities in 
    this regard will include, but are not limited to: organoleptic 
    inspection of establishment premises and product; sampling for chemical 
    residues as necessary; review of establishment records, including 
    sanitation standard operating procedures, HACCP plans, and the use 
    directions, pest control certifications, and other materials furnished 
    to establishments by chemical manufacturers and suppliers; and requests 
    for formulation information from chemical manufacturers themselves. In 
    light of this, FSIS anticipates that establishments considering 
    purchasing and using nonfood compounds and proprietary substances will 
    demand formulation and other information from chemical manufacturers as 
    part of their decision-making in the private marketplace. Manufacturers 
    failing to provide such information could expect to lose their market 
        FSIS already has proposed to eliminate regulatory requirements for 
    prior approval of certain nonfood compounds and proprietary substances 
    in FSIS Docket No. 96-037P, ``Sanitation Requirements for Official Meat 
    and Poultry Establishments'' (62 FR 45045; August 25, 1997). In that 
    document, the Agency has proposed to clarify and consolidate the 
    sanitation requirements for meat and poultry establishments, eliminate 
    unnecessary differences between those regulations, make the existing 
    sanitation regulations more compatible with the HACCP and sanitation 
    Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) requirements, and convert command-
    and-control requirements to performance standards. As part of this 
    comprehensive revision, FSIS proposed to eliminate the sanitation 
    regulations that require certain equipment, processes, and nonfood 
    compounds be approved by FSIS prior to use in meat or poultry 
    establishments (contained in 9 CFR parts 308 and 381, subpart H). 
    Compounds and substances currently requiring prior approval under the 
    sanitation regulations include pesticides used in meat establishments 
    (Sec. 308.3 (h)); disinfectants for implements used in dressing 
    diseased meat carcasses (Sec. 308.8 (b)); and germicides, insecticides, 
    rodenticides, detergents, and wetting agents used in poultry 
    establishments (Sec. 381.60).
    Compliance with Executive Order 12866
        This action has been reviewed for compliance with Executive Order 
    12866. As this action is determined to be significant for purposes of 
    Executive Order 12866, the Office of Management and Budget has reviewed 
    it. FSIS has estimated that the adoption of this action is likely to 
    generate net social benefits.
        Executive Order 12866 requires identification and, if possible, 
    quantification and monetization of incremental benefits and costs of 
    this action. FSIS has identified two types of incremental benefits in 
    the form of avoidance of costs that are currently being incurred by 
    chemical manufacturers/distributors and by FSIS. These benefits are 
    discussed below.
        First, the action would eliminate the requirement that the chemical 
    manufacturers file applications and obtain approval for nonfood 
    compounds and proprietary substances prior to use. As stated above, 
    FSIS receives between 16,000 and 20,000 applications per year. The 
    economic burden of requesting FSIS approval of nonfood compounds and 
    proprietary substances includes the administrative, mailing, and labor 
    costs associated with preparing the required Agency forms. FSIS 
    estimates that it takes about 25 minutes to prepare each submission. 
    Assuming an hourly earnings rate of $20-$25 for each person preparing 
    requests for prior approval, the annual economic burden is between 
    $150,000 and $187,000. The elimination of this burden associated with 
    the adoption of the proposed action would, therefore, translate into an 
    incremental benefit of $150,000 and $187,000.
        Second, FSIS incurs considerable costs in processing and approval 
    or disapproval of the products. FSIS could re-allocate these resources 
    to better implement the new HACCP requirements. One measure of this 
    allocative efficiency is the amount of savings in administrative costs 
    if FSIS were to eliminate the approval/disapproval program without 
    redirecting resources to administration of the performance-based 
    standards. The value of this allocative efficiency could not, however, 
    be quantified because of uncertainty and unavailability of the required 
    data. The required budgetary data overlap with the data for other 
    regulatory functions of FSIS.
        To sum up, the value of incremental benefits of the proposed action 
    could be monetized only partially and amounts to $150,000 to $187,000 
    per year.
    Social Costs
        The incremental benefits of the proposed action need be compared 
    with the incremental social costs to obtain the net social benefit (if 
    the benefits exceed the costs) or the net social cost (if the costs 
    exceed the benefits). FSIS has identified two types of social costs. 
    The first type of social cost is the additional marketing expense that 
    would be incurred by the industry. Currently, the industry is not 
    required to incur much of this expense, because, as noted earlier, 
    inclusion of the industry's products in FSIS's List serves as a 
    marketing tool. After FSIS discontinues publication of the List, the 
    chemical industry might have to develop additional methods to advertise 
    and publicize its products for marketing. These marketing expenditures 
    would represent incremental costs to society. Ideally, these costs 
    should be quantified and juxtaposed against the value of incremental 
    benefits referred to above. Unfortunately, FSIS could not quantify 
    these costs because currently the industry does not incur these costs 
    so that the required data are not available.
    [[Page 7321]]
        The second type of cost item is the expenditure on research 
    required to develop and test nonfood compounds and proprietary 
    substances that are demonstrably safe and effective. FSIS anticipates, 
    however, that the elimination of the FSIS prior approval would not 
    significantly change these costs. Chemical manufacturers will continue 
    to be required to demonstrate the safety and efficacy of their products 
    to FDA, EPA, and/or OSHA, as required. Because FDA, EPA, and OSHA will 
    review the safety and efficacy of these compounds and substances in 
    food processing environments, FSIS assumes that chemical manufacturers 
    will continue to conduct the same sort of research to determine whether 
    or not their products are safe and effective.
        Furthermore, FSIS expects that meat and poultry establishments will 
    request, as a condition of purchase, that chemical manufacturers 
    somehow certify the safety and efficacy of their products. 
    Establishments will keep on file any information provided by chemical 
    manufacturers (written approvals from other agencies, letters of 
    guaranty, etc.) as part of sanitation SOP, HACCP, or other records. 
    FSIS inspectors may ask to review such information if they have 
    questions about the composition or use of nonfood compounds and 
    proprietary substances. FSIS anticipates, therefore, that manufacturers 
    will continue to conduct research on nonfood compounds and proprietary 
    substances in order to demonstrate their safety and efficacy to meat 
    and poultry establishments, as well as to Federal Agencies.
        It is acknowledged that the chemical manufacturing and distributing 
    industry's costs of marketing would increase, but such an increase 
    would bring about greater economic efficiency as it would internalize 
    their costs by elimination of the external subsidy that was provided by 
    FSIS. The industry's cost of research and development to demonstrate 
    safety and efficacy of nonfood compounds and proprietary substances 
    would not decrease because the industry would be required to continue 
    this practice to comply with similar requirements by EPA, FDA or OSHA. 
    Therefore, the only increase in the cost would be the additional 
    expenditures on marketing the products. Moreover, this cost increase 
    would be voluntary on the chemical manufacturers and distributors and 
    would not be required by the proposed action.
        Conceptually, it is possible that the value of subsidy provided by 
    FSIS by publishing the List is greater than the marketing cost to be 
    incurred by the chemical manufacturers and distributors. This is 
    because publication of the List increases the value of information 
    provided to the public at large. Such a provision tends to encourage 
    entry of newer firms into the meat and poultry industries to compete 
    with the existing firms. The non-publication of the List would, 
    therefore, reduce the value of this information and hence reduce the 
    social benefit. In practice, we could not quantify or monetize the 
    value of this information to the society at large because of non-
    availability of data.
    Net Social Benefits
        FSIS believes that the incremental costs of marketing would be less 
    than the incremental benefits identified and monetized above. These 
    benefits include the benefits to the industry in the form of savings 
    from the expenses of avoiding the economic burden of mailing and filing 
    the Agency forms. Furthermore, the internalization of marketing costs 
    by the firms in the industry would bring about a more competitive 
    industry where product prices would more accurately reflect the 
    marginal costs of production. The current system of publishing the List 
    is tantamount to subsidization of the industry by FSIS. This subsidy 
    brings about inefficiencies in the industry. Adoption of the proposed 
    action would remove this subsidy and bring about a more competitive and 
    efficient industry. A competitive industry is more likely to bring 
    about greater product innovations in the chemical industry to ensure 
    safer meat and poultry products. Also, the transparency in the chemical 
    industry where prices reflect marginal costs would enable the chemical 
    industry to make more informed choices.
        To sum up, FSIS believes the incremental benefits are likely to 
    exceed the incremental costs so that there are net social benefits 
    associated with the proposed action. Also, the distribution burden of 
    the incremental costs and benefits is not likely to be inequitable 
    because, while the marketing costs for chemical manufacturers and 
    distributors would increase, these businesses would also realize the 
    benefits of reduced costs of filing forms required for approval of 
    their products by FSIS.
    Compliance with Regulatory Flexibility Act
        FSIS certifies that the proposed action will not bring about a 
    significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities 
    in the chemical manufacturing and distribution industry. The costs of 
    developing and testing their products would not increase because, as 
    noted earlier, these firms already incur similar development and 
    testing costs to comply with health and safety requirements of FDA, 
    EPA, and OSHA. Furthermore, production and distribution of proprietary 
    substances and nonfood compounds is such a small segment of total 
    production of these firms that it is not listed separately as a 4-digit 
    industry in the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Manual 
    published by the Office of Management and Budget (1987). For example, 
    some of the proprietary substances and nonfood compounds are grouped in 
    SIC 2842 with over a dozen other products.
        FSIS also assures that there will not be any adverse economic 
    impact on small meat and poultry plants as a result of discontinuation 
    of publication of the List. This assurance is based on two reasons. As 
    noted earlier, the manufacturers and distributors of proprietary 
    substances and nonfood compounds will be required to continue their 
    research and testing of their products to comply with FDA, EPA, and 
    OSHA requirements. Small meat and poultry plants would also rely on 
    documentation submitted by the chemical manufacturers and distributors 
    to these agencies for meeting of their products. Also, in the long run, 
    competition should ensure that chemical manufacturers and distributors 
    maintain or improve the safety and efficacy features of their products 
    so as to preserve or increase their market shares.
        There will be no adverse economic impact on small communities, 
    cities, and municipalities because these entities are not engaged 
    either in production or distribution of proprietary substances and 
    nonfood compounds, or in the meat and poultry products.
    Alternatives to the Proposed Action
    No Action
        FSIS considered continuing the current prior approval program 
    requirements, i.e., taking no action, but has decided against it 
    because the prior approval requirements are inconsistent with HACCP, 
    economically inefficient, and somewhat inequitable. The HACCP 
    requirements clearly define industry's responsibility for the safety of 
    meat and poultry products, but provide the industry with greater 
    flexibility to innovate and to customize their processes to the nature 
    and volume of their production. The current prior approval requirements 
    are inconsistent with HACCP and economically inefficient because they 
    are based on a ``command and control'' regulatory
    [[Page 7322]]
    system that often fails to provide incentives to entrepreneurs to 
    innovate new products, processes, and technologies which can result in 
    safer meat and poultry products. Also, as noted earlier, the 
    incremental costs of continuing the current system are likely to exceed 
    the incremental benefits. The existing program is inequitable because 
    it imposes the same amount of administrative burden on small and large 
    chemical manufacturers and distributors; the relative burden is greater 
    on small plants because, unlike large size plants, they cannot spread 
    the costs over a larger quantity of output.
    User Fees
        FSIS considered the alternative of setting up a system of user fees 
    charged to chemical manufacturers and distributors to cover the costs 
    of approval or disapproval of the products. FSIS did not propose this 
    alternative for several reasons. One is that the incremental costs of 
    setting up such a system would probably exceed the incremental 
    benefits. The incremental costs of this alternative would include the 
    costs of setting up an administrative system of user charges for over 
    100,000 proprietary substances and nonfood compounds. The user fees 
    should recover the total costs of administration of the program. These 
    costs cannot be identified, let alone quantified, making it virtually 
    impossible to set up a structure of user fees.
        Alternatively, the user fees could be based on the value of 
    benefits to the firms in the industry or to society at large. This 
    approach would require quantification of the benefits. As noted above, 
    only a small part of the benefits to chemical manufacturers and 
    distributors could be quantified, so that this amount would fail to 
    cover comprehensive costs of the program.
        Finally, FSIS did not propose this alternative because the Agency 
    does not have legislative authority to levy user charges to recover the 
    costs of such a program. Although the Agricultural Marketing Service 
    (AMS) has authority to levy user fees, it is not responsible for 
    ensuring the safety of meat, poultry, and egg products. The 
    Agricultural Reorganization Act of 1994 (Public Law 103-354) 
    consolidated food safety responsibility with respect to these products 
    under FSIS. Therefore, AMS is unlikely to be suitable to administer a 
    user fee-funded program with a food safety objective.
    Prior Approval by Third Parties
        FSIS considered the feasibility of allowing industry recognized, 
    non-government organizations or laboratories to test and certify 
    nonfood compounds and proprietary substances for safety and efficacy. 
    Chemical manufacturers could voluntarily submit samples of their 
    products to third-party organizations, or qualified independent 
    laboratories (e.g., Underwriters Laboratories) for testing and 
    consequent approval or disapproval. The theoretical rationale for this 
    option is that competing firms in compliance with the standards or 
    exceeding them would have ample incentive to publicize the fact that 
    their product(s) are approved by third party organizations and/or 
    independent laboratories.
        However, FSIS sees several disadvantages to this alternative. 
    First, there is the potential for conflict of interest. For example, a 
    laboratory testing and approving nonfood compounds and proprietary 
    substances for a particular chemical manufacturer could be testing 
    other products for that same manufacturer; hence there could be a 
    perception that, to maintain its business, it would readily approve the 
    proprietary substances and nonfood compounds.
        Second, the complexity of the task of approving 16,000 to 20,000 
    products per year would probably require numerous laboratories 
    specializing in different substances; the economies of scale associated 
    with a standardized testing and rating system would not be realized.
        Finally, the incremental costs of the approval/disapproval process 
    to the laboratory or organization would likely exceed the incremental 
    benefits of revenues from the fees earned by the laboratory 
    organization, unless the fees were set so high that they covered the 
    total costs plus a reasonable profit. If the fees were set too high, 
    they could drive many small and marginal manufacturers and distributors 
    of proprietary substances and nonfood compounds out of the market. Such 
    an outcome would render this industry less competitive.
        Nevertheless, FSIS specifically requests comments on whether an 
    industry-recognized, non-government organization or laboratory could 
    provide prior approval or a similar service to chemical manufacturers 
    and distributors of nonfood compounds and proprietary substances. It is 
    possible that a centralized, technically expert, third party could play 
    an effective role in facilitating the marketing and appropriate use of 
    nonfood compounds and proprietary substances. Economic theory suggests 
    that, where the primary users and beneficiaries of a Federal service 
    are a relatively circumscribed group, that group should bear the cost 
    of the service. Therefore, FSIS requests comments on whether prior 
    approval should be provided by a non-government agency, what type of 
    prior approval system that would be appropriate and feasible within a 
    user fee system, and whether interest in obtaining such a service is 
    sufficient to support its costs.
        In conclusion, FSIS is eliminating its prior approval program for 
    nonfood compounds and proprietary substances. This prior approval 
    program is somewhat redundant with the reviews performed by other 
    Federal agencies and inconsistent with FSIS's HACCP regulations. FSIS 
    is requesting comment on possible alternatives to its prior approval 
    program for nonfood compounds and proprietary substances, including the 
    feasibility of industry-recognized, non-government organizations or 
    laboratories providing prior approval or similar services to chemical 
    manufacturers .
        Done in Washington, DC, February 4, 1998.
    Thomas J. Billy,
    Administrator, Food Safety Inspection Service.
    [FR Doc. 98-3725 Filed 2-12-98; 8:45 am]

Document Information

Food Safety and Inspection Service
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of policy change; request for comments.
Document Number:
Comments must be received on or before April 14, 1998.
7319-7322 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 97-007N
PDF File:
CFR: (3)
9 CFR 308
9 CFR 318
9 CFR 381