2019-02096. 30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Statement of Registration  

  • Start Preamble


    Notice of request for public comment and submission to OMB of proposed collection of information.


    The Department of State has submitted the information collection described below to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for approval. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 we are requesting comments on this collection from all interested individuals and organizations. The purpose of this Notice is to allow 30 days for public comment.


    Submit comments directly to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) up to March 15, 2019.


    Direct comments to the Department of State Desk Officer in the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs at the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). You may submit comments by the following methods:

    • Email: oira_submission@omb.eop.gov. You must include the DS form number, information collection title, and the OMB control number in the subject line of your message.
    • Fax: 202-395-5806. Attention: Desk Officer for Department of State.
    Start Further Info


    Direct requests for additional information regarding the collection listed in this notice, including requests for copies of the proposed collection instrument and supporting documents, to Andrea Battista, who may be reached on 202-663-3136 or at battistaal@state.gov.

    End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information


    • Title of Information Collection: Statement of Registration.
    • OMB Control Number: 1405-0002.
    • Type of Request: Revision of a Currently Approved Collection.
    • Originating Office: Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC).Start Printed Page 3847
    • Form Number: DS-2032.
    • Respondents: Respondents are any person/s who engages in the United States in the business of manufacturing or exporting or temporarily importing defense articles.
    • Estimated Number of Respondents: 14,800.
    • Estimated Number of Responses: 15,540.
    • Average Time per Response: 1 hour to complete the registration; 5 minutes to amend the form as necessary.
    • Total Estimated Burden Time: 14,862 hours.
    • Frequency: Annually, with amendments as necessary.
    • Obligation to Respond: Required to Obtain or Retain a Benefit.

    We are soliciting public comments to permit the Department to:

    • Evaluate whether the proposed information collection is necessary for the proper functions of the Department.
    • Evaluate the accuracy of our estimate of the time and cost burden for this proposed collection, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used.
    • Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected.
    • Minimize the reporting burden on those who are to respond, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology.

    Please note that comments submitted in response to this Notice are public record. Before including any detailed personal information, you should be aware that your comments as submitted, including your personal information, will be available for public review.

    Abstract of Proposed Collection

    Pursuant to Part 122 of the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), and section 38 of the Arms Export Control Act, 22 U.S.C. 2778, any person who engages in the United States in the business of manufacturing or exporting or temporarily importing defense articles or furnishing defense services is required to register with the Department of State, Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC). Pursuant to Part 129 of the ITAR, any U.S. person wherever located, and any foreign person located in the United States or otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, who engages in the business of brokering activities, is required to register with DDTC. DDTC uses the information provided by registrants to meet the mandates described in Part 122 and Part 129 of the ITAR. As appropriate, such information may be shared with other U.S. Government entities. This information is currently used in the review and action on registration requests and to ensure compliance with defense trade laws and regulations.


    Statement of Registration submissions are made via a completed DS-2032 which may be accessed from DDTC's website and submitted electronically.

    Response to Public Comment

    DDTC received a single response removal of home address and Social Security Number (SSN) for members of the applicant's board of directors, senior officers, partners and owners from the information collection. DDTC has reevaluated the need to collect home address and SSN for these individuals and determined the home address and SSN fields will be removed from the information collection (Block 6 of the DS-2032). The same commenting party recommended updating or removing payment information from the information collection. DDTC notes that the payment information was previously removed from the information collection under a previous OMB review and approval.

    Start Signature

    Anthony M. Dearth,

    Chief of Staff, Directorate of Defense Trade Controls, U.S. Department of State.

    End Signature End Supplemental Information

    [FR Doc. 2019-02096 Filed 2-12-19; 8:45 am]

    BILLING CODE 4710-25-P

Document Information

State Department
Entry Type:
Notice of request for public comment and submission to OMB of proposed collection of information.
Document Number:
Submit comments directly to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) up to March 15, 2019.
3846-3847 (2 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Public Notice 10669
PDF File:
Supporting Documents:
» Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals: Electronic Choice of Address and Agent
» Presidential Permits: NuStar Logistics, L.P.
» Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals: Overseas Pre-Assignment Medical History and Examination, Non-Foreign Service Personnel and Their Family Members
» Meetings: International Maritime Organization's Technical Cooperation Committee
» Culturally Significant Objects Imported for Exhibition: Cristobal de Villalpando: Mexican Painter of the Baroque Exhibition
» Culturally Significant Objects Imported for Exhibition: Mystical Symbolism: The Salon de la Rose+Croix in Paris, 1892-1897
» Culturally Significant Objects Imported for Exhibition: Tarsila do Amaral-Inventing Modernism in Brazil Exhibition
» Culturally Significant Objects Imported for Exhibition: Lines of Thought: Drawing from Michelangelo to Now: from British Museum
» Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.: Foreign Missions Center at the Former Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, DC
» Intercountry Adoptions; Withdrawal