99-3507. Taking of Marine Mammals Incidental to Commercial Fishing Operations; Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan Regulations  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 30 (Tuesday, February 16, 1999)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 7529-7556]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-3507]
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    50 CFR Part 229
    [Docket No. 970129015-9044-09; I.D. 031997C]
    RIN 0648-AI84
    Taking of Marine Mammals Incidental to Commercial Fishing 
    Operations; Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan Regulations
    AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
    Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: NMFS by this action issues a final rule implementing a plan to 
    reduce serious injury and mortality to four large whale stocks that 
    occur incidental to certain fisheries. The target whale stocks are the 
    North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) western North Atlantic 
    stock; humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) western North Atlantic 
    stock; fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) western North Atlantic stock; 
    and minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), Canadian East Coast 
    stock. Covered by the plan are fisheries for multiple groundfish 
    species, including monkfish and dogfish, in the New England 
    Multispecies sink gillnet fishery; multiple species in the U.S. mid-
    Atlantic coastal gillnet fisheries; lobster in the Gulf of Maine and 
    U.S. mid-Atlantic trap/pot fisheries; and sharks in the Southeastern 
    U.S. Atlantic gillnet fishery. This final rule includes time and area 
    closures for the lobster, anchored gillnet and shark gillnet fisheries; 
    gear requirements, including a general prohibition on having line 
    floating at the surface in these fisheries; a prohibition on storing 
    inactive gear at sea; and restrictions on setting shark gillnets off 
    the coasts of Georgia and Florida and drift gillnets in the mid-
    Atlantic. The plan also contains non-regulatory aspects, including gear 
    research, public outreach, scientific research, a network to inform 
    mariners when right whales are in an area, and increasing efforts to 
    disentangle whales caught in fishing gear.
    DATES: The regulations in this final rule are effective April 1, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: Copies of progress reports on implementation of the Atlantic 
    Large Whale Take Reduction Plan (ALWTRP) and of the Final Regulatory 
    Flexibility Analysis for this rule may be obtained by writing Doug 
    Beach, NMFS, 1 Blackburn Dr., Gloucester, MA 01930. Copies of the most 
    recent Stock Assessment Reports for northern right whales, humpback 
    whales, fin whales and minke whales may be obtained by writing to 
    Gordon Waring, NMFS, 166 Water St., Woods Hole, MA 02543.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kevin Chu, NMFS, Northeast Region, 
    508-495-2367; Katherine Wang, NMFS, Southeast Region, 727-570-5312; or 
    Greg Silber, NMFS, Office of Protected Resources, 301-713-2322.
        The Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) requires commercial 
    fisheries to reduce the incidental mortality and serious injury of 
    marine mammals to insignificant levels approaching a zero mortality and 
    serious injury rate by April 30, 2001 (section 118(b)(1)).
        For some marine mammal stocks and some fisheries, section 118(f) 
    requires NMFS to develop and implement take reduction plans to assist 
    in recovery or to prevent depletion. The immediate goal of a take 
    reduction plan is to reduce, within 6 months of its implementation, the 
    mortality and serious injury of stocks incidentally taken in the course 
    of U.S. commercial fishing operations to below the Potential Biological 
    Removal (PBR) levels established for such stocks. The PBR level is 
    defined in the MMPA as the maximum number of animals, not including 
    natural mortalities, that may be removed from a marine mammal stock 
    while allowing that stock to reach or maintain its optimum sustainable 
    population. The long-term goal of a take reduction plan is to reduce, 
    within 5 years of its implementation, the incidental mortality and 
    serious injury of strategic marine mammals taken in the course of 
    commercial fishing operations to insignificant levels approaching a 
    zero mortality and serious injury rate, taking into account the 
    economics of the fishery, the availability of existing technology, and 
    existing state or regional fishery management plans.
        On July 22, 1997, NMFS published in the Federal Register an ALWTRP, 
    or a ``Plan'', and interim final regulations implementing that Plan (62 
    FR 39157). In this notice, NMFS reports on actions taken pursuant to 
    the Plan, and issues a final rule for it. The final rule makes minor 
    changes to the regulations in the interim final rule, but the general 
    outline of the Plan remains the same.
        The Plan, in conjunction with other management actions, is intended 
    to meet the goals stated here for right whales, humpback, and fin 
    whales, all of which are listed as endangered species under the 
    Endangered Species Act (ESA), and for minke whales. The Plan may be 
    amended in the future to take account of new information or 
        The fisheries most affected by this plan are: anchored gillnet 
    fisheries, including the New England sink gillnet fishery; the Gulf of 
    Maine/U.S. Mid-Atlantic lobster trap/pot fishery; the U.S. mid-Atlantic 
    coastal gillnet fisheries; and the Southeastern U.S. Atlantic shark 
    gillnet fishery. The New England Multispecies sink gillnet fishery has 
    an historical incidental bycatch of humpback, minke, and possibly fin 
    whales. This gear type has been documented to entangle right whales in 
    Canadian waters. Additionally, entanglements of right whales in 
    unspecified gillnets have been recorded for U.S. waters, although U.S. 
    sink gillnets have not been conclusively identified as having entangled 
    right whales. The Gulf of Maine/U.S. mid-Atlantic lobster trap/pot 
    fishery has an historical bycatch of right, humpback, fin, and minke 
    whales. The mid-Atlantic coastal gillnet fisheries have an historical 
    incidental bycatch of humpback whales. The Southeastern U.S. Atlantic 
    gillnet fishery (for which sharks are generally the target species) is 
    believed to be responsible for bycatch of at least one right whale.
        Some waters are exempt from this plan. The basic rule for the 
    exempted water boundaries is that all waters landward of the first 
    bridge over any embayment, harbor, or inlet will be exempted. Some bays 
    that do not have bridges over them are also exempted, including Long 
    Island Sound and Delaware Bay. South of the Virginia/
    [[Page 7530]]
    North Carolina border, all waters landward of the demarcation line of 
    the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 
    (72 COLREGS line) are exempted. These are all areas where large whale 
    occurrences are so rare that NMFS believes gear requirements will have 
    no measurable effect on reducing entanglements. In a change from the 
    interim final rule, the only exempted waters in the Gulf of Maine are 
    those waters landward of the first bridge over any embayment. For a 
    discussion of the rationale for this change, see ``Changes From the 
    Interim Final Rule''. For a precise definition of the exempted areas, 
    see the regulation section of this final rule.
    Current Entanglement Rates and Population Status
        The information in this section is from the 1996 Stock Assessment 
    Reports (Waring et al., 1997) compiled by NMFS, as required by the 
    MMPA, from information collected for the 1998 Stock Assessment Reports, 
    and from 1997 and 1998 entanglement reports compiled by NMFS. 
    Additional information about the population biology and human-caused 
    sources of mortalities and serious injuries is included in the 1996 
    Stock Assessment Reports, which are available from NMFS (see 
    ADDRESSES). The 1998 Stock Assessment Reports are currently under 
        Some entanglements of large whales were observed by the NMFS sea 
    sampling program; however, most records come from various sources such 
    as small vessel operators. Limitations on the use of the available 
    entanglement data include (1) not all observed events are reported; (2) 
    most reports are opportunistic rather than arriving from systematic 
    data collection, and, thus, conclusions cannot be made regarding actual 
    entanglement levels; (3) identification of the gear type or of the 
    fishery involved is often problematic; and (4) identification of the 
    location where the entanglement first occurred is often difficult since 
    the first observation usually occurs after the animal has left the 
    original location.
    North Atlantic Right Whales
        The northern right whale is the rarest of all large cetaceans and 
    one of the most endangered species in the world. The western North 
    Atlantic population is estimated at 295 animals (Knowlton et al., 1994) 
    and is unlikely to be significantly higher. The best published estimate 
    of the population growth rate is 2.5 percent per year (Knowlton et al., 
    1994). However, many uncertainties exist in this estimate, and further 
    assessment is required, notably in light of the known high levels of 
    anthropogenic mortality in this species. The PBR level for this 
    population is 0.4 incidents of serious injury or mortality per year.
        Approximately one-third of all known right whale mortality is 
    caused by human activities (Kraus, 1990). Further, the small population 
    size and low annual reproductive rate suggest that human sources of 
    mortality may have a greater effect on population growth rates of the 
    right whale than on those of other whales. The principal factors 
    retarding growth of the population are believed to be ship strikes and 
    entanglement in fishing gear.
        For the period 1991 through 1996, the total human-caused mortality 
    and serious injury to right whales is estimated as 2.3 incidents per 
    year. Of this figure, 1.0 incident per year is attributed to 
    entanglements and 1.3 to ship strikes. Note that some injuries or 
    mortalities may go undetected, particularly those that occur offshore. 
    Therefore, the estimates above should be considered minimum estimates.
        In June 1997 (prior to the publication of the interim final rule), 
    there was an entanglement in U.S. offshore lobster gear off Chatham, 
    MA. This whale was disentangled without evidence of compromising injury 
    and is not likely to be classified as a ``serious injury'' when 
    analysis of the event is complete. There was another entanglement also 
    reported in U.S. waters in 1997, in which a right whale was seen 
    carrying a line from unknown gear. This whale was later seen by 
    researchers from the New England Aquarium, who believe the line may 
    have been shed during the summer.
        Four entangled right whales were sighted in the Bay of Fundy in 
    1997, after the interim final rule was published. At least two of these 
    entanglements are likely to be classified as serious injuries or 
    mortalities when the reports are reviewed. None of these entanglements 
    can be positively attributed to U.S. fisheries. No entangled right 
    whales were seen in U.S. waters during the first 6 months of the 
    implementation of the Plan (from July 22, 1997, to January 22, 1998). 
    In 1998, there were extensive aerial surveys of right whale critical 
    habitats in the United States; no entangled right whales were seen 
    during these surveys.
        In 1998, four right whales were reported entangled. On July 12, two 
    right whales were trapped in a weir near Grand Manan Island, Canada. 
    Both whales were released 2 days later with apparently minor scratches.
        One right whale was seen entangled in rope of unidentified origin 
    on August 15 near Mingan Island in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The whale 
    was too active to approach safely to disentangle it. It appeared to 
    free itself of most of the gear but may still be trailing some line.
        One right whale was entangled twice (and actually disentangled 
    three times) in Cape Cod Bay. The whale had been first seen entangled 
    in 1997 in the Bay of Fundy. On July 24, 1998, the whale was seen near 
    Dennis, MA (Cape Cod Bay). Most, but not all, of the gear it had been 
    carrying from the 1997 entanglement was removed by the disentanglement 
    team on that date. (NMFS has not been able to identify the type of gear 
    responsible for this 1997 entanglement. However, the gear is still 
    being studied.) The same whale was seen again near Provincetown, MA, on 
    September 12 with a lobster buoy line through its mouth. This line was 
    cut but not completely removed at that time. The right whale was seen 
    again 2 days later (September 14) near Barnstable, MA. In the interim, 
    it had picked up additional lobster gear, which was entirely removed. 
    At last report, the whale was swimming freely but still had a thin line 
    in its mouth from the entanglement in 1997.
        A final evaluation as to whether these entanglements will be 
    considered serious injuries has not yet been made. The agency is in the 
    process of developing guidelines to standardize this kind of 
    Humpback Whales
        The best estimate of abundance for North Atlantic humpback whales 
    is 10,600 (Coefficient of Variation (CV) = 0.067, Smith et al., 1998). 
    The minimum population estimate for this stock is 10,019 (CV = 0.067) 
    (Waring et al., in prep). Within this population, the humpback whales 
    in the Gulf of Maine constitute a distinct, relatively small, feeding 
    sub-population. However, it is not genetically distinct from other sub-
    populations in the western North Atlantic, which are all treated as a 
    single stock for the purposes of the Plan and the estimation of PBR. 
    For purposes of the current stock assessment, the maximum net 
    productivity rate for western North Atlantic humpback whales is assumed 
    to be 0.065 (Barlow and Clapham, 1997). The PBR level for this stock is 
    32.6 humpback whales per year.
        For the period 1991 through 1996, the total estimated human-caused 
    mortality and serious injury to humpback whales in U.S. waters is 
    estimated as 5.8 per year. This is derived from three components: (1) 
    Entanglements that have been reported by NMFS observers, (2) additional 
    fishery interaction records, and (3) vessel collision records.
    [[Page 7531]]
    Fin Whales
        The best available estimate of abundance for the western North 
    Atlantic fin whale is 2,700 (CV = 0.59), which is considered 
    conservative (Waring et al., in prep). The minimum population estimate 
    is 1,704 (CV = 0.59) (ibid.). For purposes of the current stock 
    assessment, the maximum net productivity rate for fin whales is assumed 
    to be 0.04. The PBR for this stock is 3.4.
        Entanglements of fin whales are rarely documented. Because of the 
    paucity of stranded animals or other records, NMFS has not calculated 
    an average entanglement rate, although it believes that serious 
    injuries or mortalities due to entanglements of fin whales occur at a 
    rate below 10 percent of PBR. A review of 26 records of stranded or 
    floating (dead or injured) fin whales for the period of 1992 through 
    1996 showed that three had formerly been entangled in fishing gear. Two 
    of these had net or rope marks on the body, and one had line through 
    the mouth and around the tail.
    Minke Whales
        Minke whales off the eastern coast of the United States are 
    considered to be part of the Canadian east coast population, which 
    inhabits the area from the eastern half of Davis Strait south to the 
    Gulf of Mexico. The best estimate of the population is 2,760 (CV = 
    0.32) (Waring et al., in prep.), which is considered conservative. The 
    minimum population estimate for Canadian east coast minke whales is 
    2,145 (CV = 0.32) (ibid.). The current and maximum net productivity 
    rates are not known, but the maximum rate is assumed to be 0.04. The 
    PBR for this stock of minke whales is 17.
        Accurate estimates of human-caused mortality are not available for 
    this species because it is likely that many entanglements, injuries, 
    and mortalities go unobserved and/or unrecorded. The total annual 
    estimated average fishery-related mortality and serious injury to this 
    stock in fisheries that have been observed by NMFS is 0.8 minke whales. 
    However, the total number of entanglements from all fisheries is 
    unknown. The figure is believed to be less than PBR but greater than 10 
    percent of PBR. Entanglements are known to occur in Canadian waters as 
    Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan
        As stated earlier and as required by the MMPA, the Plan has two 
    goals. The short-term goal is to reduce serious injuries and 
    mortalities of right whales in U.S. commercial fisheries to below 0.4 
    animals per year by January 1998. The long-term goal is to reduce by 
    April 30, 2001, entanglement-related serious injuries and mortalities 
    of right whales, humpback whales, fin whales, and minke whales to 
    insignificant levels approaching a zero mortality and serious injury 
    rate, taking into account the economics of the fisheries, the 
    availability of existing technology, and existing state and regional 
    fishery management plans.
        To reach the short-term goal, the Plan was expected to achieve the 
    necessary take reductions within 6 months through (1) establishing 
    closures of critical habitats to some gear types during times when 
    right whales are usually present; (2) restricting the way strike nets 
    are set in the southeastern U.S. gillnet fishery to minimize the risk 
    of entanglement and requiring observers on shark gillnet vessels 
    operating adjacent to the southeast U.S. critical habitat; (3) 
    requiring that all lobster and sink gillnet gear be set in such a way 
    as to prevent line from floating at the surface; (4) requiring all 
    lobster and anchored gillnet gear to have at least some additional 
    characteristics that may reduce the risks of entanglements, (5) 
    requiring that drift gillnets in the mid-Atlantic be either tended or 
    stored on board at night; (6) improving the voluntary network of 
    persons trained to assist in disentangling right whales; and (7) 
    prohibiting storage of inactive gear in the ocean.
        Although NMFS is not aware of any right whales entangled in U.S. 
    fishing gear during the first 6 months of the implementation of the 
    Plan, it is unable to determine whether the short-term goal of the Plan 
    was met. Because right whale entanglements are rare and because there 
    is no way of knowing that all entanglements were detected, it is 
    impossible to demonstrate conclusively that the goals of the MMPA were 
    achieved. At the same time, NMFS cannot conclude that PBR was exceeded. 
    The 1997 entanglements that might be classified as serious injuries or 
    mortalities were first observed in Canadian waters. The two known 
    entanglements that occurred in U.S. waters during the first 6 months of 
    the Plan did not appear to be serious. It is clear, however, that 
    entanglement in fishing gear remains a danger to individual right 
    whales and that continued reductions in the risk of such entanglements 
    would be prudent, given the endangered status of the population.
        The steps in the implementation of the Plan designed to achieve the 
    long-term goal include (1) improving public involvement in take 
    reduction efforts, including conducting outreach and educational 
    workshops for fishermen; (2) instituting ``Take Reduction Technology 
    Lists'' from which fishermen must choose gear characteristics that are 
    intended to decrease the risks of entanglement; (3) facilitating 
    research and development of fishing gear that will reduce the risk of 
    entanglement; (4) continuing to improve the disentanglement effort, 
    including encouraging more cooperation from fishermen; (5) implementing 
    a gear marking program, (6) developing contingency plans in cooperation 
    with states for when right whales are present at unexpected times and 
    places; (7) working with Canada to decrease entanglements in its 
    waters; (8) improving monitoring of the right whale population 
    distribution and biology; (9) conducting aerial surveys to monitor 
    whale distribution, fishing effort and shipping traffic, (10) 
    maintaining a network to alert maritime users about right whale 
    distribution; and (11) establishing the framework of an abbreviated 
    rule-making process to allow NMFS to change the requirements of the 
    plan through notification in the Federal Register, thereby improving 
    the responsiveness of NMFS.
        NMFS intends to make active use of the Atlantic Large Whale Take 
    Reduction Team (TRT), an advisory group that includes fishermen, 
    scientists, and representatives of environmental groups and state 
    governments, to review progress on reaching the goals of the ALWTRP and 
    to make recommendations on how to continue to decrease serious injuries 
    and mortalities due to entanglements. NMFS also intends to continue to 
    seek technical advice on matters pertaining to gear development for its 
    Gear Advisory Group (GAG), which is composed of persons with direct 
    knowledge of fishing gear or disentangling large whales. NMFS convened 
    the GAG on October 7-8, 1998, and will convene the TRT on February 8-
    10, 1999. NMFS may modify the plan if it receives a recommendation from 
    the teams to do so.
    Report of First Year Activities
        During the first year of the Plan, NMFS raised the level of funding 
    for research and development of fishing gear that reduces the risks of 
    entanglement, expanded its disentanglement efforts, increased efforts 
    to raise awareness of marine mammal entanglement problems, conducted or 
    contributed funds to conduct aerial surveys to monitor the distribution 
    of right whales, to collect
    [[Page 7532]]
    photographs for individual identification, and to alert ship operators 
    of the locations of right whales, and increased funding for basic 
    research on right whale population and conservation biology.
        The goal of the gear research is to develop new fishing gear or 
    methods that minimize the risk of entanglements by large whales, either 
    by reducing the chances that a whale will encounter the gear or by 
    reducing the likelihood that gear, when encountered, will entangle the 
    animal. Since the publication of the Plan in 1997, research has been 
    conducted in the following areas: (1) Design, development, testing, and 
    manufacture of inexpensive weak links, (2) remotely operated vehicle 
    observations of the configuration of gillnets and lobster gear, (3) 
    estimation of the tractive (pulling) force of right whales, (4) land 
    testing of gillnet modifications, (5) baleen tests with various lines, 
    knots, and splices (to understand how a line gets caught in baleen), 
    and (6) design and fabrication of underwater and dry load cell systems 
    for measuring the hauling and towing loads of fishing gear and the 
    tractive force of animals.
        The current disentanglement effort consists of a primary team which 
    has field station support in the northern Gulf of Maine/Bay of Fundy, 
    central Gulf of Maine, southern Gulf of Maine, and Georgia/Florida. The 
    northern Gulf of Maine/Bay of Fundy field station is operational only 
    when biologists are conducting seasonal right whale research. The U.S. 
    Coast Guard (USCG) provides critical support in monitoring initial 
    entanglement reports and transporting persons experienced in 
    disentangling whales. Although the Disentanglement Team currently 
    attempts to respond to all legitimate entanglement reports, the 
    priority for response is for any immediately life-threatening event of 
    endangered right and humpback whales. NMFS has also created a permanent 
    contact point in Maine to supplement the existing infrastructure 
    operating out of the Center for Coastal Studies in Provincetown, 
    Massachusetts. Plans are also underway to establish a disentanglement 
    team in the mid-Atlantic region.
        The success of the Plan depends on the cooperation of fishermen in 
    assisting disentanglement efforts as well as in providing ideas for 
    gear research. During the first year of the Plan, NMFS hired a person 
    in Maine to work directly with the fishermen on these matters. NMFS has 
    held 21 meetings in Maine to date, with over 300 fishermen in 
    attendance, of which about 200 have indicated they wish to participate 
    in additional training to further assist in any disentanglement effort 
    in their area. From this series of meetings, a network of qualified 
    responders will be established to coordinate reports, carry out 
    monitoring, and assist the existing Team in response to entangled 
    whales along the coast of Maine. NMFS also met with fishermen directly 
    at fishermen's forums and contracted Sea Grant to discuss proper 
    reporting and operational procedures regarding entangled whales and to 
    gather ideas for appropriate gear modifications. Continued outreach 
    activities in Maine, southern New England, the southeast U.S. and in 
    the Mid-Atlantic are planned.
        Existing partnerships with the USCG and the Massachusetts Division 
    of Marine Fisheries and Massachusetts Environmental Trust have resulted 
    in significant additional resources for carrying out the tasks outlined 
    in the Plan. Similar partnerships with the 5th, 7th, and 8th U.S. Coast 
    Guard (USCG) districts are currently being finalized. The USCG 
    conducted aerial surveys for large whales, assisted in disentanglement 
    response support, and provided funds for additional aerial survey 
    contracts carried out by NMFS. The State of Massachusetts funded aerial 
    survey coverage of Cape Cod Bay, as well as a habitat characterization 
    study of the Bay in 1998. Right whale sightings information from all 
    sources were provided to the northeast right whale alert system, 
    designed to inform mariners of the presence of right whales in critical 
    habitats. The sighting data were coordinated, verified, and processed 
    by NMFS. Verified sightings for each survey day are disseminated by an 
    automated fax system immediately after processing, and made available 
    to all marine resource users through various media. The coordinates of 
    the right whale sightings were broadcast for 24 hours by USCG via 
    Broadcast Notice to Mariners and NAVTEX, NOAA Weather Radio, and Army 
    Corps of Engineers Traffic Controllers at Cape Cod Canal to both target 
    shipping traffic as well as other marine resource users. Maps with 
    right whale sightings boxes are also posted on Massachusetts and NMFS 
    web pages and linked to other sites such as WHALENET. An NMFS Inquiry 
    Line at the Northeast Regional Office provides right whale sighting 
    faxes on demand to all interested callers.
        During the first year of the Plan, NMFS drafted a memorandum of 
    Agreement (MOA) with USCG districts 5, 7, and 8 to formalize 
    cooperation in protecting marine mammals and endangered species, 
    especially in implementing a disentanglement network. (This MOA is 
    currently undergoing final review within the Department of Commerce.) 
    An MOA was also signed with the Navy, USCG, and the Army Corps of 
    Engineers to formalize cooperation in measures to protect northern 
    right whales in the southeast United States. This has provided a 
    mechanism for funding the southeast U.S. aerial surveys of right whale 
    critical habitat and the associated right whale alert system. NMFS has 
    continued to provide administrative support for the right whale alert 
    system. It has also conducted aerial surveys to the east, north, and 
    south of critical habitat in order to determine whether there may be a 
    need to extend current critical habitat boundaries.
        Aerial surveys are also being conducted in the U.S. coastal waters 
    of the mid-Atlantic states to document abundance and distribution of 
    humpback whales in relation to vessel traffic and fishing effort.
        Outreach activities are an integral part of all components of the 
    ALWTRP. NMFS contracted the Sea Grant offices at the University of 
    Maine and University of Rhode Island to set up an outreach program in 
    the New England and Mid-Atlantic areas. Sea Grant organized meetings, 
    workshops, and seminars at key fishermen's forums held from Fall 1997 
    through Spring 1998, covering the area from North Carolina to Rhode 
    Island. Sea Grant also prepared outreach handout materials and videos 
    for use at these and other forums and for the local meetings set up in 
    the Northeast. A letter was sent to all state and Federal lobster and 
    gillnet fishermen in the Northeast providing information about right 
    whales, the entanglement problem, and fishermen's responsibilities 
    under the ALWTRP. As mentioned above, NMFS also hired a Maine Plan 
    Coordinator to work closely with the Maine Lobster Zone Council system 
    to carry out outreach education and gear research collaboration.
        In 1998, NMFS also met with shark gillnetters to develop awareness 
    of right whales and their current plight. This meeting was designed to 
    explain threats to right whales in the southeast United States and to 
    discuss the precautions necessary around them and what additional 
    measures the fishery might take to decrease the risk of interactions. 
    In addition to the above mentioned meeting, letters were sent to all 
    known shark gillnetters explaining the ALWTRP regulations. The letters 
    explained the need to contact NMFS to arrange for observer coverage 
    during the right whale calving season. During the
    [[Page 7533]]
    year, this observer program was established.
        The Northeast Fisheries Science Center has increased its Protected 
    Species Branch staff to include a large whale research coordinator. Key 
    research on large whales conducted or funded by NMFS include (1) 
    maintaining the right and humpback whale photo ID catalogues where 
    individual identification of animals from photographs taken throughout 
    the western north Atlantic are processed; (2) analyzing data collected 
    from the right whale photo-identification catalogue for population 
    assessment; (3) expanding right whale genetics studies to determine the 
    matriarchal lines that make up the population; (4) supporting right 
    whale stranding response to maximize the information collected from 
    each carcass; (5) conducting directed right whale photo-identification 
    surveys in the Great South Channel; (6) assessing capabilities to 
    locate whales acoustically; (7) evaluating the status of the North 
    Atlantic humpback whale, and (8) surveying potential offshore summer 
    habitats for right whales.
    Changes From the Interim Final Rule
        1. Definition of ``Lobster Trap.'' The definition of the term 
    ``lobster trap'' in the interim final rule was not as precise as it 
    should have been. Broadly interpreted, it could have been construed as 
    applying to gillnets and to bottom trawls that can catch lobster as 
    well as to traps. These gear types were not intended to be covered by 
    this term. Therefore, in this final rule, NMFS changes the definition 
    of ``lobster trap'' to be: ``any trap, structure or other enclosure 
    that is placed on the ocean bottom and is designed to or is capable of 
    catching lobsters.'' The intent of this definition is to include traps 
    and pots into which lobsters may crawl and be caught by virtue of their 
    inability to find their way out, and not to include mobile gear or 
    devices that catch lobsters through entanglement. The definition 
    includes black sea bass traps and scup traps. The terminology ``lobster 
    trap'' is used in this final rule, instead of ``lobster pot'' (used in 
    the interim final rule) solely to make the terminology consistent with 
    fishery management regulations. The Plan applies to the same gear, 
    whether called ``traps'' or ``pots.''
        2. Definition of ``Gillnet''. The definition of ``gillnet'' in the 
    interim final rule could cause confusion as to which nets were included 
    in the regulations. Therefore, in this final rule, NMFS is amending the 
    definition to be as follows: ``fishing gear consisting of a wall of 
    webbing (meshes) or nets, designed or configured so that the webbing 
    (meshes) or nets are placed in the water column, usually held 
    approximately vertically, and are designed to capture fish by 
    entanglement, gilling, or wedging. The term `gillnet' includes gillnets 
    of all types, including but not limited to, sink gillnets, other 
    anchored gillnets (e.g. stab and set nets), and drift gillnets. 
    Gillnets may or may not be attached to a vessel.'' The term is intended 
    to include gillnets with or without tie-downs.
        3. Elimination of exempted waters in the Gulf of Maine. The State 
    of Maine and groups representing Maine fishermen did not agree with the 
    lines delineating the exempted waters in the Gulf of Maine. These 
    groups commented that the lines chosen by NMFS were confusing and 
    difficult to enforce. On any given day, most lobstermen in Maine fish 
    on both sides of the exemption lines established in the interim final 
    rule. Because most fishermen in Maine waters will need to comply with 
    the ALWTRP regulations for some of their gear (that are set in waters 
    not exempted by the interim final rule), NMFS eliminates the exempted 
    waters in the Gulf of Maine until such time as the TRT can advise NMFS 
    on the most appropriate boundaries for exempted waters in that area. 
    Note, however, that the gear marking provisions that would have applied 
    in all non-exempted waters under the interim final rule have also been 
    changed and will not apply in most coastal waters in the Gulf of Maine.
        4. Addition of exempted waters in Rhode Island. The State of Rhode 
    Island noted that the interim final rule failed to exempt some coastal 
    ponds from its regulations. In this final rule, waters are intended to 
    include the following rivers and coastal ponds where right whales have 
    never been seen: Winnapaug Pond, Green Hill Pond, Potter Pond, and the 
    Sakonnet River.
        5. Gear marking requirements. In the interim final rule, the gear 
    marking system required the application of two color codes on the buoy 
    lines. In this final rule, the method of applying the marks has not 
    been changed from the interim final rule. However, gear marking is no 
    longer required in most areas.
        The gear marking requirements of the interim final rule were 
    criticized by many. Some persons felt they were not specific enough to 
    give clear information about where entanglement problems occur. Others 
    were concerned that if gear was lost in a storm or towed by a boat to 
    another region and then entangled whales, it might give a false 
    impression of where the entanglement problem occurred. Some questioned 
    whether gear marking would provide any useful information, and others 
    wondered whether the method of marking would work.
        In this final rule, NMFS no longer requires gear marking of lobster 
    and gillnet gear in most affected waters. Instead, it requires these 
    types of gear to be marked only in right whale critical habitat, in the 
    southeast observer area and on Stellwagen Bank and Jeffreys Ledge in 
    the Gulf of Maine. These are the areas where the risk of entanglement 
    is highest. If entanglements occur in the critical habitat areas during 
    times of high right whale use, they are subject to closure. The 
    Jeffreys Ledge/Stellwagen Bank area is an area used year-round by large 
    whales, and there have been calls for more action to lower 
    entanglements in that area. The marking scheme in the final rule could 
    give NMFS relatively precise information about entanglements that occur 
    in these key areas without requiring an extremely complex system that 
    would have to be devised to identify a large number of areas. It also 
    allows NMFS and the TRT to assess the value of gear marking and to 
    refine the technique without burdening most of the industry. If gear 
    marking proves workable and useful, the system could be expanded after 
    consultation with the Gear Advisory Group and the Take Reduction Team.
        In a further change from the interim final rule, gillnetters in the 
    southeast U.S. need only mark their lines every 100 yards (91.4 m), not 
    every 100 feet (30.5 m), when this requirement comes into effect in 
    November 1999. The purpose of this change is to ease the marking burden 
    until it is known whether the system works as expected.
        This gear marking requirement constitutes a collection of 
    information under the Paperwork Reduction Act. The Office of Management 
    and Budget (OMB) has given its approval to this collection of 
    information (OMB No. 0648-0364).
        6. Gear requirements for lobster fishers in Cape Cod Bay critical 
    habitat. Several persons commented that the Federal government's 
    regulations for lobster gear in Cape Cod Bay critical habitat from 
    January 1 to May 15 were different from the regulations of the 
    Commonwealth of Massachusetts for the same area. NMFS believes that the 
    Commonwealth, working directly with the affected fishermen, has 
    developed a workable plan that has the allegiance of the fishermen to 
    lower the risk of entanglement. Therefore, in this final
    [[Page 7534]]
    rule, NMFS adopts the current version of the regulations established by 
    the Commonwealth for lobster gear set in this area and time. 
    Specifically, during the period from January 1 to May 15, weak links 
    with a breaking strength of no more than 500 lb (226.7 kg) must be 
    installed in all buoy lines, and it is permissible to set traps in 
    ``doubles'', in which only two traps are joined together by a ground 
    line. Doubles can have only one buoy line. In the interim final rule, 
    the NMFS' regulations for Cape Cod Bay from Jan. 1 to May 15 called for 
    a breaking strength of 1100 lb (498.8 kg). The lower breaking strength 
    required by this final rule will reduce the risk that an entanglement 
    becomes serious. Fishing conditions in Cape Cod Bay appear to be such 
    that a 500 lb (226.7 kg). breaking strength does not pose a difficulty 
    for the industry. Allowing the use of doubles may reduce the number of 
    buoy lines in Cape Cod Bay. At least some fishermen have been using 
    four trap trawls (which may have two buoy lines) where they would 
    prefer to use a double (with one buoy line).
        7. Elimination of anchoring options from the gillnet take reduction 
    technology list. The Gillnet Take Reduction Technology List in the 
    interim final rule allowed gillnets to hold down the lead line with 
    anchors, weights, or heavy rope as a bycatch reduction option. Allowing 
    the methods that increased the holding power of the lead line as 
    separate options without also requiring weak links to be installed in 
    the net panels has been determined to be ineffective. Without the weak 
    links, the extra weight could make it harder for the whale to carry a 
    net rather than help it to break free of the net as intended. 
    Therefore, in this final rule, NMFS eliminates from the Gillnet Take 
    Reduction Technology List the options for anchoring the lead line with 
    22-lb (10 kg) danforth-style anchors, 50 lb (22.7 kg) dead weights or 
    lead lines weighing 100 lb (45.4 kg) or more per 300 ft (92.4 m).
        NMFS retains on the Gillnet Take Reduction Technology List the 
    option of putting weak links in the net panels. Although weak links 
    will only fail if the resistance to movement by the net is greater than 
    the breaking strength of the link (which was the original intent of the 
    anchoring requirements), NMFS notes that many gillnets are set with 22-
    lb (10 kg) danforth-style anchors or weights with similar holding 
    capacity, whether or not such characteristics are on the Gillnet Take 
    Reduction Technology List.
        The genesis of the anchoring options was a discussion within the 
    TRT of a suite of gear modifications consisting of weak links in the 
    nets and weighted lead lines. These discussions were based on a more 
    complex suite of gillnet modifications used in California with the aim 
    of reducing marine mammal entanglements. The TRT did not have before it 
    the full suite of modifications required by California. NMFS will 
    provide this to the TRT and to the GAG and will ask those groups to 
    consider the likely effectiveness of the California modifications and 
    the feasibility of applying those modifications to the New England 
    gillnet fishery. NMFS is also funding research on the forces that 
    gillnets can withstand under a range of conditions, including those 
    that might occur if a whale becomes entangled in the net. The GAG and 
    the TRT will also be asked to review the results of these tests.
        8. The definition of ``anchored gillnet'' is modified slightly to 
    make clear that ``stab nets'' are included in this definition. 
    Likewise, the definition of ``sink gillnet'' is amended to clarify that 
    the regulations applying to sink gillnets are intended to apply to 
    ``stab nets''. Similarly, the definition of ``gillnet'' has been 
    modified to clarify that what is termed ``meshes'' in some places is 
    included in the definition. The definition of ``Strikenet or to fish 
    with strikenet gear'' is amended slightly to make clear that strikenets 
    are considered a category of gillnets for the purposes of this rule and 
    that persons fishing with strikenets must comply with the call-in 
    requirement to fish anywhere within the SEUS observer area.
        9. Several definitions were modified slightly to correct for 
    grammatical errors or to add clarity, including: (1) ``driftnet, drift 
    gillnet, or drift entanglement gear'', (2) ``tended gear or tend'', and 
    (3) ``weak link.''
        10. New definitions for ``shark gillnetting'' and ``to strikenet 
    for sharks'' are included to clarify the fisheries affected by this 
    rule. These new definitions do not change the fisheries intended to be 
    covered by the Plan.
    Fishery-Specific Measures of the Plan
    American Lobster Trap/Pot Fisheries
        Except for gear set in exempted waters, all lobster trap gear must 
    be set in such a way as to avoid having line floating at the surface at 
    any time. Floating line is allowed between two buoys on the same buoy 
    line and between a buoy and a high flyer.
        Throughout the year, lobster trap buoy lines in the Great South 
    Channel must be marked with red and yellow marks. Lobster trap gear is 
    prohibited from the Great South Channel critical habitat area from 
    April 1 through June 30, until the Assistant Administrator for 
    Fisheries (AA) determines that alternative fishing practices or gear 
    modifications have been developed that reduce the risk of serious 
    injury or mortality to whales to acceptable levels. From July 1 through 
    March 31, lobster trap gear set in the Great South Channel critical 
    habitat must have at least two characteristics from the Take Reduction 
    Technology List that follows. Note that, although portions of the Great 
    South Channel critical habitat would be considered offshore, NMFS 
    believes that the weaker maximum breaking strengths allowed for inshore 
    gear are more appropriate in the critical habitat, since right whales 
    may return to the area when not expected. Therefore, the Great South 
    Channel critical habitat is not considered ``offshore'' for the 
    purposes of the Plan. Lobster trap gear set in this area must comply 
    with the inshore gear characteristics.
        From January 1 through May 15, lobster trap gear may not be set in 
    the Cape Cod Bay critical habitat unless it meets certain criteria. All 
    lobster trap gear set during that time must have all four of the 
    following characteristics: (1) All buoys must be attached to the buoy 
    line with a weak link with a maximum breaking strength of up to 500 lb 
    (226.7 kg). (2) All traps must be set in either ``doubles'' (two trap 
    trawls with a single buoy line) or trawls of four or more traps. Single 
    traps and trawls with exactly three traps are not allowed. (3) All buoy 
    lines must be made of sinking line, except for the bottom third of the 
    line, which may be floating line. (4) All ground lines between traps 
    must be made of sinking line. These measures are intended to conform to 
    the current requirements set by the State of Massachusetts for its 
    portion of the critical habitat during that period. From May 16 to 
    December 31, lobster trap gear set in the Federal portion of the Cape 
    Cod Bay critical habitat must have at least two characteristics from 
    the Take Reduction Technology List. Throughout the year, the buoy lines 
    of lobster trap gear set in the Cape Cod Bay critical habitat must be 
    marked with red and orange marks.
        The Stellwagen Bank/Jeffreys Ledge (SB/JL) area is defined as all 
    Federal waters in the Gulf of Maine that lie to the south of the 
    43 deg.15' N lat. line and west of the 70 deg. W long. line, except 
    right whale critical habitat. In this area, lobster trap gear must 
    always have at least two characteristics from the Lobster Take 
    Reduction Technology list. In addition, the buoy lines of lobster trap 
    gear set in this area must be marked with red and black marks. 
    [[Page 7535]]
    should be aware that humpback and/or right whales are present in this 
    area most months of the year. If the gear modifications are not 
    sufficient to reduce serious injury and mortality to right and humpback 
    whales to achieve the 5-year zero mortality and serious injury rate 
    goal, additional restrictions or closures in some or all of this area 
    may be necessary. A decision to close any portion of this area would be 
    made in consultation with the TRT, and after public comment.
        In all other areas, lobster trap gear must be set with at least one 
    characteristic from the Lobster Take Reduction Technology list. This 
    requirement applies year-round in the inshore and offshore lobster 
    fishery north of 41 deg.30' N lat. and from December 1 through March 31 
    in the inshore and offshore lobster fishery south of 41 deg.30' N lat. 
    Some of the gear characteristics are applicable only to offshore 
    lobster fishing because conditions offshore require heavier gear. 
    However, fishermen using offshore gear are encouraged to use the 
    inshore standards. No gear marking is required in these other areas.
        Figure 1 shows the boundaries of the areas where the requirements 
    for the lobster fishery apply.
        The Lobster Take Reduction Technology List is as follows:
        1. All buoy lines are \7/16\ inches (1.11 cm) in diameter or less.
        2. All buoys are attached to the buoy line with a weak link having 
    a maximum breaking strength of up to 1100 lb (498.8 kg). Weak links may 
    include swivels, plastic weak links, rope of appropriate breaking 
    strength, hog rings, or rope stapled to a buoy stick.
        3. For lobster traps set in offshore lobster areas only, all buoys 
    are attached to the buoy line with a weak link having a maximum 
    breaking strength of up to 3780 lb (1714.3 kg).
        4. For traps set in offshore lobster areas only, all buoys are 
    attached to the buoy line by a section of rope no more than \3/4\ the 
    diameter of the buoy line.
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        5. All buoy lines are composed entirely of sinking line.
        6. All ground lines are made of sinking line.
    Anchored Gillnet Fisheries
        All sink gillnet gear and other anchored gillnet gear must be set 
    in such a way as to avoid having line floating at the surface at any 
    time. Floating line is allowed between two buoys on the same buoy line 
    and between a buoy and a high flyer attached to the same buoy line.
        Sink gillnet gear is prohibited from most of the Great South 
    Channel critical habitat area from April 1 through June 30, until the 
    AA determines that alternative fishing practices or gear modifications 
    have been developed that reduce the risk of serious injury or mortality 
    to whales to acceptable levels. Sink gillnets may be used year-round in 
    the ``sliver area'' and from July 1 to March 31 in the entire Great 
    South Channel critical habitat, provided that such gear has at least 
    two characteristics from the Gillnet Take Reduction Technology list. 
    Throughout the year, gillnet buoy lines in the Great South Channel must 
    be marked with yellow and green marks.
        From January 1 to May 15, the Cape Cod Bay critical habitat is 
    closed to sink gillnet gear. From May 16 to December 31, gillnet gear 
    set in the Cape Cod Bay critical habitat must have at least two 
    characteristics from the Gillnet Take Reduction Technology List. 
    Throughout the year, the buoy lines of gillnet gear set in the Cape Cod 
    Bay critical habitat must be marked with green and orange marks.
        Gillnet gear in the SB/JL area (as defined in this notice under 
    ``Fishery-specific Measures of the Plan, American Lobster Trap/Pot 
    Fisheries'') must always have at least two characteristics from the 
    Gillnet Take Reduction Technology List. In addition, the buoy lines of 
    gillnet gear set in this area must be marked with green and black 
    marks. Fishermen should be aware that humpback and/or right whales are 
    present in the SB/JL area most months of the year. If the gear 
    modifications are not sufficient to reduce serious injury or mortality 
    to right and humpback whales to achieve the 6-month PBR goal or the 5-
    year zero mortality and serious injury rate goal, additional 
    restrictions or closures of certain portions of the SB/JL area may be 
        In all other ``northeast waters'' (defined as Federal and state 
    waters east of 72 deg.30' W long.), gillnet gear must be set with at 
    least one characteristic from the Gillnet Take Reduction Technology 
    List at all times. Mid-Atlantic gillnets (gillnets set west of 
    72 deg.30' W long. and north of 33 deg.51' N lat.) must have at least 
    one characteristic from this list from December 1 to March 31. No gear 
    marking is required in either area.
        Figure 2 shows the boundaries of the areas where the requirements 
    for the sink gillnet fishery apply.
        The Gillnet Take Reduction Technology List is as follows:
        1. All buoy lines are \7/16\ inches (1.11 cm) in diameter or less.
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        2. All buoys are attached to the buoy line with a weak link having 
    a maximum breaking strength of up to 1100 lb (498.8 kg). Weak links may 
    include swivels, plastic weak links, rope of appropriate breaking 
    strength, hog rings, or rope stapled to a buoy stick.
        3. Weak links with a breaking strength of up to 1100 lb (498.8 kg) 
    are installed in the float rope between net panels.
        4. All buoy lines are composed entirely of sinking line.
    Mid-Atlantic Coastal Gillnet Fishery--Drift Gillnets
        From December 1 to March 31, all vessels using driftnets in the 
    mid-Atlantic gillnet area are required to haul all such gear and stow 
    all such gear on the vessel before returning to port. If driftnets are 
    set at night, they must remain attached to the vessel.
    Southeast U.S. Shark Gillnet Fishery
        The area from 27 deg.51' N lat. (near Sebastian Inlet, FL) to 
    32 deg.00' N lat. (near Savannah, GA) extending from the shore outward 
    to 80 deg. W long. is closed to shark gillnet fishing, except for 
    strikenetting, each year from November 15 to March 31. Strikenetting is 
    permitted under certain conditions set forth in the rule. In addition, 
    observer coverage is required for the use of gillnets in the area from 
    West Palm Beach (26 deg.46.5' N lat.) to Sebastian Inlet (27 deg.51' N 
    lat.) from November 15 through March 31 and for the use of strikenets 
    in the area between West Palm Beach, FL, and Savannah, GA, for the same 
    time period. Vessel operators intending to use these gear types in 
    these areas must notify NMFS at least 48 hours in advance of departure 
    to arrange for observer coverage. It should be noted that state waters 
    in this area presently ban gillnetting. In addition, shark gillnets, 
    including strikenets, must be marked with green and blue marks to 
    identify the fishery and region in which the gear is fished.
        Figure 3 shows the boundaries of the areas where the requirements 
    for the shark gillnet fishery apply.
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    Other Entanglement Reduction Measures Not Specified in This Plan:
        Other measures under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and 
    Management Act that are expected to decrease the risk of entanglement 
    of whales in sink gillnets are either currently in effect or under 
    consideration. Reductions in allowable days at sea and seasonal or 
    year-round area closures to protect groundfish will reduce the risk of 
    entangling right whales. A significant portion of the SB/JL restricted 
    area is closed year-round to all gillnets (and other gear capable of 
    catching groundfish). In addition, currently there are 1-month closures 
    to gillnet and other groundfish fish gear in March, April, May, and 
    June along the coast of the Gulf of Maine. Additional closures are 
    being considered by the New England Fishery Management Council. A 
    prohibition against setting gillnets with mesh size greater than 7 
    inches in the mid-Atlantic (from the South Carolina/North Carolina 
    border to Delaware) from February 15 to March 15 coincides with a 
    portion of the time when humpback whales are present in the area and 
    when right whales may be migrating through the area on their way north. 
    Proposed closures to monkfish gillnets in the Mid-Atlantic coincide 
    with the time when humpback whales are likely to be in the area.
        Some level of lobster trap gear effort reduction is expected to be 
    proposed and implemented under the provisions of the Atlantic Coast 
    Marine Fisheries Cooperative Act. The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries 
    Commission has recommended that the maximum number of traps a person 
    may set be limited in state and inshore Federal waters of the Gulf of 
    Maine to 800 traps and to 2000 traps in Gulf of Maine offshore waters 
    by the year 2000. Trap reductions may occur in areas south of Cape Cod 
    as well. Some offshore areas south of Georges Bank are closed to 
    lobster trap gear during some summer months in order to reduce 
    conflicts with mobile gear. While the closed areas are not the usual 
    right whale habitat, the times when lobster gear is prohibited include 
    periods when right whales may wander into the areas. Gear conflict 
    reduction measures are also expected to decrease the amount of lost 
    gear, which should reduce the risk that whales would become entangled 
    in ``ghost'' gear. Any effort reduction measures implemented for the 
    lobster fishery would reduce the risk of entanglement of whales in that 
    Comments and Responses
        Comments on the interim final rule were received from the States of 
    Maine and Rhode Island; the New England Fishery Management Council; the 
    Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management Council; 19 conservation 
    organizations including the Center for Marine Conservation, Chequamegon 
    Audubon Society, Greenpeace, Humane Society of the U.S., the 
    International Wildlife Coalition, and a joint letter from 18 
    conservation organizations (including most of the aforementioned ones); 
    6 fishermen's organizations, including Cape Cod Gillnetter's 
    Association, Maine Lobster Promotion Council, Maine Lobstermen's 
    Association, Maine Zone E Council, Offshore Lobster ad hoc Whale 
    Working Group, and the New Hampshire Commercial Fishermen's 
    Association; Cetacean Research Unit; Marine Mammal Commission; New 
    England Aquarium; Washington Legal Foundation; and 23 individuals. 
    Approximately 4700 signatures were received on petitions urging NMFS to 
    strengthen the regulations in the interim final rule.
    Comments in Support of the Interim Final Rule
        Comment 1: A number of commenters expressed support for the interim 
    final rule and appreciation for NMFS responsiveness to the concerns and 
    suggestions made by the fishing industry on the proposed rule. These 
    commenters felt that the interim final rule was a good step toward 
    developing a cooperative relationship with the fishing industry to 
    reduce the bycatch of large whales.
        Response: NMFS appreciates the expressions of support. It believes 
    that the cooperation of the fishing industry is essential to make the 
    ALWTRP achieve its goals.
        Comment 2: Several commenters believed that the ALWTRP had a 
    realistic potential of achieving its stated goals.
        Response: NMFS agrees, provided that the partnership with the 
    industry continues to make progress in reducing serious injuries and 
    mortalities of large whales in fishing gear. The zero mortality rate 
    goal may be difficult to achieve. To reach it will require continued 
    efforts to develop effective gear modifications and to improve the 
    disentanglement teams.
        Comment 3: The State of Maine expressed appreciation for NMFS 
    commitment to fund a position to function as a liaison among the 
    fishermen, coastal communities, the State, and NMFS.
        Response: This position is important to the outreach and gear 
    research efforts of NMFS in Maine to improve cooperation on the ALWTRP. 
    When funding is available, NMFS hopes to fund a second such liaison 
    position for southern New England.
    Comments in General Opposition to the Plan and the Interim Final 
        Comment 4: Many comments and petitions were received urging NMFS to 
    strengthen the interim final rule on the grounds that the interim 
    regulations offer virtually no protection for right whales and would 
    probably not prevent future entanglements.
        Response: NMFS acknowledges that some persons and groups are 
    disappointed in the regulations implemented by the interim final rule. 
    NMFS continues to believe that the approach taken by the ALWTRP has a 
    reasonable chance of achieving its difficult goals. The ALWTRP is not 
    just a set of regulations. It is a series of intertwined activities 
    that include gear research, outreach and education, disentanglement, 
    closed periods and gear restrictions. The Plan emphasizes cooperation 
    with the fishing industry, which is essential for progress on gear 
    development and is helpful for disentangling whales. Because there were 
    no known cases of serious entanglements of right whales in U.S. waters 
    during the first 6 months of the plan, because fishermen are developing 
    and testing new ways to rig their gear to avoid entanglements, and 
    because of the assistance of and the interest in disentanglement on the 
    part of the fishing community, NMFS believes that the Plan has already 
    reduced the risk of serious injury and mortality due to bycatch in U.S. 
    fishing gear.
        The ALWTRP is not a static plan. If it is not achieving its goals 
    or if better ways to achieve the goals are identified, it can be 
    modified. The support and cooperation of the fishing communities will 
    be important in continuing to make progress on right whale 
        Comment 5: The ALWTRP will do nothing to fulfill the obligations of 
    NMFS to reduce the take of northern right whales under section 118 of 
    the MMPA.
        Response: NMFS disagrees. The ALWTRP balances cooperation and 
    regulation. NMFS believes the ALWTRP has a realistic chance of 
    achieving its goals.
        Comment 6: NMFS cannot quantitatively measure the level of risk 
    reduction of various measures, and, therefore, it cannot assert that 
    the plan is expected to achieve the necessary take reductions within 6 
    [[Page 7542]]
        Response: NMFS agrees that it is impossible to quantify the risk 
    reduction of any of the measures in the ALWTRP. It acknowledged this 
    when it published the interim final rule. However, the same problem 
    besets all the measures seriously considered by NMFS or the TRT because 
    entanglements are so unpredictable and take place at such a low rate. 
    The TRT recognized this during its discussions. Even wide-scale 
    closures cannot be quantified as to the degree of risk reduction. The 
    impossibility of quantifying risk reduction should not force the 
    Government into choosing the only quantifiable approach to the 
    problem--total closure of all fixed gear fisheries where right whales 
    might occur.
        Comment 7: There is no guarantee that the ALWTRP or the associated 
    interim final rule will result in the needed cooperation with the 
    fishing industry. That cooperation can only be achieved through an 
    intensive constituent outreach program.
        Response: NMFS agrees. Constituent outreach is a key component of 
    the ALWTRP, even though the benefits are not quantifiable. Outreach 
    efforts have expanded greatly in the past year. Fishermen are reporting 
    entangled whales, and they are experimenting with various gear 
    modifications. Although more work may need to be done, progress is 
    being made.
        Comment 8: NMFS must balance a cooperative approach with the 
    implementation of a take reduction plan that prevents entanglements 
    rather than merely relies on disentanglement as a take reduction 
        Response: The ALWTRP contains specific measures to prevent 
    entanglements, such as closures of critical habitat to some gear types 
    and restrictions on ways that gear can be rigged. In addition to these 
    measures and to strengthening the disentanglement program, NMFS has a 
    third key component of the plan, namely research and development of 
    gear that will either lower the risk of entanglement or reduce the risk 
    that an entanglement will result in a serious injury.
        Comment 9: A number of commenters criticized various aspects of the 
    ALWTRP because they were weaker than the consensus portions of the TRT 
    report, particularly in the mid-Atlantic anchored gillnet fisheries and 
    for the SB/JL area.
        Response: The TRT report was not a consensus document. Although the 
    TRT reached consensus on parts of a plan, the understanding within the 
    team was that these parts were contingent on reaching agreement on a 
    complete set of recommendations. Because no overall consensus was 
    reached, NMFS is unable to assume that all members of the TRT still 
    support any particular part of the negotiations.
        Comment 10: Several commenters criticized the ALWTRP because it was 
    weaker than proposals that the industry had submitted to NMFS for 
    various areas, including for Cape Cod Bay and the SB/JL area.
        Response: Prior to the publication of the proposed ALWTRP, a group 
    of industry and state agencies in the Gulf of Maine formed an informal 
    Industry/State Agency Take Reduction Team (ISATRT) to advise NMFS on 
    bycatch reduction measures. After the comment period for the proposed 
    rule, it was no longer apparent that the industry supported the 
    recommendations made by its representatives on the ISATRT.
        Comment 11: The ALWTRP is almost worse than doing nothing, as it 
    creates the appearance of meaningful action when, in fact, nothing has 
    been done to reduce risk.
        Response: As explained earlier, NMFS believes that the ALWTRP has a 
    reasonable chance of reducing the risk of entanglement.
    Comments Regarding Gear and Take Reduction Technology Lists
        Comment 12: Several commenters liked the ``menu'' approach allowed 
    by the Take Reduction Technology Lists and believed this approach 
    allowed flexibility in adapting individual fishing operations to the 
    requirements of the ALWTRP.
        Response: NMFS appreciates this support for the flexibility allowed 
    by the Take Reduction Technology Lists. Note, however, that many 
    comments were received that opposed the Take Reduction Technology 
        Comment 13: Many commenters opposed the gear technology lists 
    because they are not a departure from current fishing practices that 
    have entangled whales. Therefore, the lists would not achieve the 
    required bycatch reductions.
        Response: The gear technology lists were not intended by themselves 
    to meet the short-term goal of the ALWTRP, i.e., reducing right whale 
    entanglements to below PBR. The reason for implementing the gear 
    technology lists is to initiate a flexible process of gear modification 
    over the next 4 years. As progress is made in developing fishing gear 
    and practices that lower the risk of a serious entanglement beyond that 
    gained from using the options on the current lists, new options will be 
    added, and, if appropriate, less effective options may be deleted. 
    There may also be a small immediate risk reduction because some 
    fishermen not using any of these options would have to improve the way 
    they set their gear. The gear technology lists may be modified in the 
    future if new gear is developed and tested in field trials or if any of 
    the characteristics on the list are determined by NMFS to be 
    insufficient to reduce entanglement risks.
        Comment 14: NMFS should revise the gear technology lists to require 
    the use of gear characteristics that are more risk averse than is 
    current practice.
        Response: NMFS intends to continue funding research into gear 
    technologies that reduce entanglement in order to upgrade the lists. 
    Various possible weak links are being investigated. The operational 
    forces exerted on fixed gear are being measured and the theoretical and 
    actual forces exerted by whales are being studied to determine the best 
    breaking strengths to use. So far, however, no new technology has been 
    tested and determined to both lower the risk of a serious entanglement 
    and be operationally feasible. NMFS intends to seek the advice of the 
    TRT and the GAG, and to seek public comment, before changing the lists.
        Comment 15: The gear technology lists undermine NMFS authority 
    because these are regulations that serve no functional purpose.
        Response: NMFS disagrees that the regulations serve no functional 
    purpose and, therefore, does not agree with the conclusion that the 
    lists undermine the authority of NMFS. As explained above, NMFS expects 
    some fishermen to improve the way their gear is set, providing a small 
    decrease in the risk of entanglement. Also, by establishing the concept 
    of gear technology lists now and by working with fishermen and gear 
    technology experts to develop gear modifications that will further 
    reduce entanglement risk, more progress can be made in the future as we 
    strive to achieve the long-term goal of the Plan.
        Comment 16: A number of the options included on the gear technology 
    lists have been proposed without adequate research to indicate that 
    they may reduce entanglements.
        Response: Because the process (or processes) by which entanglements 
    occur is not known, it is difficult to conduct definitive research on 
    whether any particular option on the gear technology lists is 
    effective. The items on the gear technology lists were recommended by 
    the GAG, based on descriptions by members of the disentanglement team 
    of ways in which entanglements might occur. NMFS will
    [[Page 7543]]
    ask the GAG and the TRT to review the lists.
        Comment 17: It would be useful to rank the options on the gear 
    technology lists in order of their anticipated benefit.
        Response: NMFS agrees, but is unable to rank the options at this 
    time. It will refer this suggestion to the GAG and the TRT.
        Comment 18: NMFS should postpone requiring compliance with the gear 
    technology lists in areas where the risk of entanglement is low (i.e., 
    those areas where only one option from the Gear Technology lists is 
    required under the Plan).
        Response: Entanglements have been reported from state and Federal 
    waters throughout the northeastern U.S. waters. Therefore, there is 
    value in requiring gear modifications in most waters. Part of the value 
    of requiring compliance with the gear technology lists in all affected 
    waters is to gain acceptance of the concept of a list of take reduction 
    technologies. As technology is improved, NMFS believes it will be 
    easier to make changes to the list than to get agreement to having the 
    lists themselves. Also, if all persons fishing in affected waters are 
    at least aware that they are subject to the lists, there may be more 
    people thinking creatively about how to reduce bycatch without 
    affecting the fishing characteristics of the gear.
        Comment 19: Requiring only one option from the Gear Technology 
    lists in lower risk areas is not enough.
        Response: There was a divergence of views on this subject (see 
    Comment 18). NMFS will refer this comment to the TRT and the GAG, which 
    will review the gear technology lists.
        Comment 20: Several commenters stated that a lead line weighing 100 
    pounds per 300 feet (91.4 m) is not manufactured. Some urged that the 
    requirement be changed; others urged that it be dropped.
        Response: Lead line with these characteristics is available, though 
    it is not in common usage. However, since the option of using this kind 
    of line is no longer on the gillnet gear technology list, the issue of 
    availability is moot.
        Comment 21: The breaking strengths of weak links may need to be 
    adjusted for different fishing areas due to tide, current, and setting 
    protocols, but the link should be the weakest link possible that is 
    consistent with practical fishing gear handling and whale safety.
        Response: NMFS agrees, but believes it needs more information 
    before establishing region-specific breaking strengths. NMFS is 
    collecting data on forces exerted on gear as well as by whales. This 
    information will be presented to the GAG and the TRT.
        Comment 22: There was support for allowing sinking buoy lines to 
    have a section of floating line at the bottom to avoid snagging.
        Response: This option is available to all fishing operations. The 
    purpose of allowing the section of floating line is to minimize the 
    risk of lost gear due to chafing on the ocean bottom.
        Comment 23: The name ``Take Reduction Technology List'' is 
    misleading and should be changed.
        Response: For now, NMFS prefers the formal name because it is 
    descriptive of its goal. However, ``gear technology list'' is already a 
    more common informal term of the option lists.
        Comment 24: One commenter urged NMFS not to amend gear or marking 
    requirements without first obtaining the advice and consent of the GAG.
        Response: NMFS intends to seek the advice of the GAG before 
    changing the gear marking requirements or the Take Reduction Technology 
    Lists. However, the consent of the GAG will not be a requirement of any 
        Comment 25: The procedure NMFS has set forth for evaluating whether 
    gear modifications may be allowed into closed areas is too vague. 
    Setting a standard of reducing the risk of entanglement to ``acceptable 
    levels'' is also too vague. A rigorous standard must be set.
        Response: NMFS agrees that the standards are vague. Because the 
    degree of risk reduction required to achieve the goals of the MMPA is 
    not quantifiable, any standards are likely to be vague (see following 
    comment). The value of engaging both the GAG and the TRT in review of 
    any gear modifications is to ensure as much as possible that changes to 
    the gear technology lists are appropriate from a variety of viewpoints.
        Comment 26: The option of allowing lobster or gillnet gear into the 
    closed areas should be exercised only if the gear reduces the risk of 
    serious injury or mortality to whales to levels approaching zero.
        Response: NMFS agrees with the point of view reflected in this 
    suggestion, but notes that this standard is vague. The probability of 
    entanglement in any given piece of fishing gear is already extremely 
    low. Bycatch is a problem because right whales are so rare that even 
    this low probability could harm the population. The suggested standard 
    does not clarify (and perhaps cannot quantify) how much a gear 
    modification must reduce that very low risk to be ``levels approaching 
        Comment 27: There were many comments making specific suggestions 
    for changes to the gear technology lists. Included in these suggestions 
    were (1) The 1100 lb (498.8 kg) maximum breaking strength for weak 
    links is too great and will neither reduce the risk of entanglement to 
    whales nor facilitate the whale breaking free from the gear; (2) 
    Floating line at the bottom of a buoy line should be no longer than 10 
    percent of the depth of the water column; (3) There should be sinking 
    ground lines between lobster traps year round in Cape Cod Bay, where 
    the bottom is primarily sand and is less likely to cause extensive 
    chafing or hinder the retrieval of lost gear as in the case of a rocky 
    bottom; (4) NMFS should require four options of the Take Reduction 
    Technology Lists in Cape Cod Bay, the Great South Channel and 
    Stellwagen Bank/Jeffreys Ledge, instead of requiring only two; (5) NMFS 
    should reduce the allowed diameter of line in critical habitat and the 
    SB/JL area to \5/16\ (0.79 cm); (6) NMFS should reduce the maximum 
    breaking strength of weak links allowed in Cape Cod Bay and Stellwagen 
    Bank/Jeffreys Ledge to 400 lb (181.4 kg); (7) NMFS should reduce the 
    maximum breaking strength of weak links allowed on Stellwagen Bank/
    Jeffreys Ledge to 750 lb (340.1 kg); (8) NMFS should reduce the maximum 
    breaking strength of weak links allowed in the Great South Channel to 
    less than 1000 lb (453.5 kg); (9) NMFS should increase the maximum 
    breaking strength of weak links allowed in the Great South Channel area 
    to 1500 lb (680.3 kg); (10) In the Great South Channel, the floating 
    line allowed for the bottom ten fathoms of the buoy line should be up 
    to \1/2\ inch (1.27 cm) diameter because of the problem of chafing in 
    that region; (11) Lobster trawls should be required to use sinking 
    ground line or at least to put a weight on each ground line to reduce 
    the risk of entanglement in the ground line; (12) In Cape Cod Bay 
    critical habitat and in the SB/JL area, NMFS should require gillnets to 
    have (a) a floatline that is \5/16\ inch (0.79 cm) diameter 
    polypropylene when using net floats or \1/2\ inch (1.27 cm) diameter 
    polypropylene foam core for use in flounder nets; (b) weak links at or 
    near the surface buoy of a breaking strength less than or equal to 400 
    lb (181.4 kg); (c) Danforth-style anchors to anchor the net instead of 
    weights to increase the likelihood of the weak links parting; (d) nets 
    attached to a lead line weighing 100 lb (45.4 kg) or more per 300 feet 
    (91.4 m); (e) weak links between the net bridles on the float line; (f) 
    sinking line for buoy line not to exceed \5/16\ inch
    [[Page 7544]]
    (0.79 cm) diameter, except for the last 10 fathoms, which may be up to 
    \1/2\ inch (1.27 cm) polypropylene spliced in to prevent formation of a 
    knot and to create no more than 2 fathoms of vertical lift; and (g) 15 
    fathom bridle and groundlines to anchors, and (13) In the Great South 
    Channel critical habitat, NMFS should require gillnets to have: (a) a 
    floatline that is \5/16\ (0.79 cm) to \3/8\ inch (0.95 cm) diameter 
    polypropylene when using net floats or \1/2\ inch (1.27 cm) diameter 
    polypropylene foam core for use in flounder or monkfish nets; (b) weak 
    links at or near the surface buoy of a breaking strength less than or 
    equal to 1000 lb (453.5 kg); (c) Danforth-style anchors to anchor the 
    net instead of weights to increase the likelihood of the weak links 
    parting; (d) nets attached to a lead line weighing 100 lb (45.4 kg) or 
    more per 300 feet (91.4 m); (e) weak links between the net bridles on 
    the float line; (f) sinking line for buoy line not to exceed \5/16\ 
    inch (0.79 cm) to \3/8\ inch (0.95 cm) diameter, except for the last 10 
    fathoms, which may be up to \1/2\ inch (1.27 cm) polypropylene spliced 
    in to prevent formation of a knot and to create no more than 2 fathoms 
    of vertical lift; and (g) 15 fathom bridle and groundlines to anchors.
        Response: These suggestions are useful. Some of them are 
    conflicting; others may not work in all areas and, if implemented, 
    could increase the amount of lost gear. NMFS intends to refer all these 
    comments to the GAG and the TRT for their review.
    Comments Regarding Gear Research
        Comment 28: NMFS must make a strong financial commitment to an 
    aggressive gear research and development program immediately.
        Response: NMFS agrees and intends to continue to fund gear research 
    for the foreseeable future. In the 1998 fiscal year, NMFS allocated 
    $130,000 for gear research. Additional funds were dedicated to 
    outreach. NMFS expects to allocate the same or more funds in 1999, 2000 
    and 2001.
        Comment 29: The ALWTRP provides little incentive for the fishing 
    industry to cooperate in gear research. NMFS must state clearly the 
    implications of failing to find a technological solution to the 
    entanglement problem.
        Response: NMFS acknowledges the concern regarding the commitment of 
    the fishing industry to cooperate in gear research. In actuality, the 
    cooperation from the industry has been high, both in terms of ideas and 
    testing. NMFS believes that the outreach efforts have informed the 
    industry of the difficulties of reaching the zero mortality rate level, 
    especially for right whales, and that the industry is working actively 
    to find a technological solution to the problem.
        Comment 30: NMFS should conduct research into the development of a 
    weak buoy line, which might be more likely to reduce whale 
    entanglements than weak links alone.
        Response: NMFS agrees. NMFS is now in the process of awarding 
    contracts to develop this kind of system.
        Comment 31: Research should be done with baleen from dead whales to 
    see how rope passes through it.
        Response: NMFS agrees and has tested how rope passes through the 
    baleen from several species this year. The results were presented to 
    the GAG this fall.
        Comment 32: NMFS should continue its research to determine whether 
    a weaker breaking strength could be used in Cape Cod Bay.
        Response: This research is now being undertaken; preliminary 
    results were presented to the GAG this fall.
        Comment 33: NMFS should not conduct research on weak links with 
    1100 lb (498.8 kg) breaking strengths, as this represents no risk 
        Response: NMFS agrees. It is not trying to develop a better link 
    that breaks at 1100 lb (498.8 kg). Instead, it is trying to develop 
    weaker links and is seeking information about what breaking strengths 
    are appropriate in each region.
        Comment 34: It would be useful to review photographs of entangled 
    whales to try to determine how many of them have just line wrapped 
    around the body (in which case a weak link at the buoy may not be 
        Response: NMFS agrees that this would be useful information. It is 
    conducting detailed investigations of all entanglements reported in 
        Comment 35: Research should be done on how to put weak links at the 
    bottom of fishing gear.
        Response: NMFS agrees that this could be an important breakthrough, 
    although it will take some creativity to design a weak bottom link that 
    will still allow gear to be hauled. Research is now being conducted to 
    develop a workable weak link to be used between the gear and the buoy 
        Comment 36: There should be research on ways to put weak links into 
    offshore lobster gear because they are so much heavier than inshore 
        Response: Offshore lobster gear tends to be substantially heavier 
    than inshore gear. This may make it more difficult for a whale to break 
    free if it becomes entangled. This heavier gear also makes the 
    development of weak links more difficult. However, NMFS agrees that 
    solving the problem of putting weak links into offshore lobster gear 
    could be an important step forward in bycatch reduction and has issued 
    a Request for Proposals to address this concern.
        Comment 37: Research should be done on the configuration of ground 
    lines between lobster traps; an upward bow of line between traps 
    represents an entanglement risk.
        Response: This is being done through in situ observations of both 
    lobster and gillnet configurations while the gear is in the water.
    Comments Regarding Gear Marking
        Comment 38: Many commenters were opposed to the gear marking scheme 
    as outlined in the interim final rule. Some commenters believed that 
    the information that the gear marking would provide would not be 
    specific enough to determine where entanglements were occurring. Others 
    thought information about location might be misleading, since marked 
    gear could be dragged to another location before an entanglement 
    occurred. Some questioned whether the markings would remain detectable. 
    Several believed that whatever benefit gear marking might provide would 
    not outweigh the burden to the fishermen. Several commenters suggested 
    that gear marking should not be required in exempted waters.
        Response: The purpose of requiring gear marking is to obtain better 
    information about where entanglements are taking place. NMFS agrees, 
    therefore, that the marking scheme in the interim final rule was too 
    general and would not have provided useful information about the 
    specific region where an entanglement took place. However, a color-
    coded marking scheme that is specific for every region and gear type of 
    interest would be extremely complicated. Given the reservations about 
    gear marking, NMFS has decided that it would be best to have a 
    relatively small-scale pilot program to determine whether the gear 
    marking process works and if it provides useful information. Therefore, 
    gear marking will only be required in critical habitats, in the 
    southeast U.S. observer area, and in the SB/JL area. This scheme should 
    provide specific information about where gear that entangles a whale 
    was first set, provided the entanglements take place in one of these 
    regions (which are the areas of greatest concern). It will also allow 
    NMFS to determine whether gear marking works on an operational basis 
    before requiring wide-scale marking. NMFS acknowledges that this gear 
    marking scheme does not surmount the problem of gear that is dragged by 
    some other force from one region to another and then entangles a whale. 
    [[Page 7545]]
    implementation of gear marking in this pilot program may help to 
    evaluate how big a problem this might be.
        Comment 39: Gear marking is an important data gathering device that 
    may assist in designing future bycatch reduction measures to achieve 
    the zero mortality rate goal.
        Response: NMFS believes that gear marking has the potential of 
    providing important data on where entanglements occur. This information 
    could contribute to future measures to reduce entanglement risk. There 
    are questions about gear marking, both from an operational standpoint 
    and with regard to the interpretation of the data it might provide. 
    NMFS believes that the relatively restricted gear marking scheme in the 
    final rule will help resolve those questions.
        Comment 40: Gear marking does not reduce risk; it simply allows 
    NMFS the possibility of knowing where entanglement occurred.
        Response: NMFS agrees. However, the purpose of gear marking is 
    exactly to know more about where an entanglement occurs in order to 
    focus future take reduction measures on the places where the risk is 
        Comment 41: NMFS should consult with state governments, the TRT, 
    and the GAG with a view to improving the gear marking system by 1999.
        Response: NMFS will ask the GAG and the TRT to keep the gear 
    marking scheme in this final rule under review. If major improvements 
    are recommended, NMFS may modify the gear marking scheme again. 
    However, NMFS expects to implement the current scheme for at least two 
    years in order to get a better picture of its value. The states will be 
    involved in the GAG and the TRT and their experience and concerns will 
    be taken into account during the discussions in these groups.
        Comment 42: Gear marking should not apply in exempted areas.
        Response: NMFS no longer requires gear marking in exempted areas.
    Area-specific Comments
        Comment 43: The closures in critical habitats are not likely to 
    result in significant risk reduction, even though they occur at times 
    when right whales are most likely to be present, because the closures 
    take place at times when fishing effort is low.
        Response: NMFS believes the current closures are sufficient to 
    achieve the short-term goal of the ALWTRP by providing protection in 
    areas and times when right whales congregate. If it becomes apparent 
    that the long-term goal cannot be met through gear modifications, 
    further closures or other actions may be necessary.
        Comment 44: The Cape Cod Bay critical habitat area should be closed 
    to lobster gear as well as to sink gillnet gear from January 1 to May 
        Response: NMFS believes that the restrictions imposed on lobster 
    gear in Cape Cod Bay are sufficient to protect large whales from 
    entanglement. If there is evidence that this belief is unfounded, NMFS 
    will consider further restrictions in that area, including prohibiting 
    lobster fishing from January 1 to May 15. The Commonwealth of 
    Massachusetts is closely monitoring lobster fishing effort in Cape Cod 
    Bay during the winter, so the effectiveness of the regulations in Cape 
    Cod Bay should be determinable. The gear marking requirements for 
    lobster gear in that area may also help to monitor the effectiveness of 
    the regulations.
        Comment 45: The decision to exempt Long Island Sound is 
    appropriate, since no right whales have been seen there in 20 years.
        Response: NMFS agrees.
        Comment 46: The closure of the Great South Channel critical habitat 
    to lobster gear from April 1 to June 30 is appropriate.
        Response: NMFS agrees.
        Comment 47: It is irresponsible to allow gillnetting in the 
    ``sliver area'' of the Great South Channel because right whales are 
    known to use the area during that time period.
        Response: NMFS agrees that right whales and gillnet gear may occur 
    in this area at the same time, as seen in the 1998 aerial surveys. It 
    will consider closing this area in the future if the MMPA goals are not 
    being met and will urge the TRT to discuss this option as a way to 
    continue progress toward the long-term goal of the Plan. However, as 
    explained in the interim final rule, NMFS understands that the 
    gillnetters in the Sliver Area generally tend their gear, and hence are 
    likely to see and report entangled whales quickly. One right whale that 
    had been entangled elsewhere was disentangled based on a call from a 
    gillnetter in the vicinity of the Sliver Area in 1997.
        Comment 48: Gillnetting should be allowed in the Great South 
    Channel once gear has been modified to prevent the potential of 
        Response: NMFS agrees in concept but notes that this is another 
    ``vague standard.'' It will be difficult to demonstrate that a gear 
    modification will prevent entanglements, given our limited 
    understanding of how entanglements occur. Because there will be 
    differences in opinions of what constitutes an adequate demonstration 
    of risk reduction, NMFS will seek the advice of the TRT and the GAG on 
    whether to allow modified gear into a closed area.
        Comment 49: The gillnet closure in the Great South Channel should 
    only extend from April 1 to May 31 because the right whales are 
    generally in the ``Area 1'' groundfish closure (where gear is 
    prohibited year round) by June.
        Response: NMFS is not aware of any analysis to support this 
    assertion. Therefore, it will not change the timing of the closure in 
    the Great South Channel in this final rule, but it will ask the TRT for 
    advice on this suggestion.
        Comment 50: The offshore lobster fishery represents a significant 
    risk to right whales because the gear is heavier and because the 
    chances of seeing an entangled whale and the ability to disentangle it 
    are lower than the chances for inshore lobster gear. Therefore, more 
    stringent measures should be applied to the offshore lobster gear.
        Response: NMFS agrees that the gear used in the offshore lobster 
    fishery is generally heavier than inshore gear. Furthermore, offshore 
    lobster gear is known to entangle right whales. However, it is not 
    clear that offshore lobster gear poses a greater threat to right whales 
    than inshore gear. Lobster gear is sparse offshore, and right whales do 
    not appear to be resident in any offshore area for predictable times of 
    the year. NMFS notes that the heavier nature of the offshore gear will 
    make it more difficult to devise a technological solution to the 
    entanglement problems that may occur there. However, NMFS is funding 
    gear research to find a solution to this problem.
        Comment 51: There was support for the ALWTRP closure of the Cape 
    Cod Bay critical habitat to gillnet gear for the period of 1 January to 
    15 May.
        Response: NMFS continues to believe that a closure in this area for 
    this duration is prudent. It notes, however, that there was support for 
    allowing more flexibility in opening the area early if right whales 
    leave before May 15. (See the following comment.)
        Comment 52: The regulations for Cape Cod Bay critical habitat allow 
    NMFS to lift restrictions if right whales have been determined to have 
    left the Bay early. There should be a similar provision that allows 
    NMFS to keep the area closed if right whales have not yet departed.
        Response: Paragraph (g)(2)(v) of Sec. 229.32 would allow NMFS to 
    publish in the Federal Register criteria either to open an area if 
    right whales had departed earlier than expected or to keep the area 
    closed if right whales are
    [[Page 7546]]
    remaining in the area longer than expected.
        Comment 53: The western boundary of the SB/JL area extends too far 
    toward the coast. There have been whale sightings there, but no 
    incidents of serious entanglements.
        Response: Because there have been whale sightings in this area and 
    because the actual locations of most entanglements are unknown, NMFS 
    considers it prudent to keep the boundaries of the SB/JL area as in the 
    interim final rule. It will seek the advice of the TRT as to whether 
    the boundaries should be changed.
        Comment 54: There is no need for gear modifications or gear marking 
    in New Hampshire state waters.
        Response: This final rule does not require gear marking in New 
    Hampshire state waters. NMFS believes that the proximity to the 
    relatively high-risk SB/JL restricted area, where several species of 
    whales are commonly found, justifies requiring the use of at least one 
    option from the Take Reduction Technology Lists.
        Comment 55: There was support for the driftnet gear fishing 
    practices requirements in mid-Atlantic waters.
        Response: NMFS appreciates this statement of support. Note that the 
    full rationale for this provision was presented in the Federal Register 
    document containing the interim final rule.
        Comment 56: One commenter supported the requirement that driftnets 
    in the mid-Atlantic be tended, even though the commenter did not 
    believe that it reduced risk. The commenter believed that tended nets 
    were not less likely to entangle whales than were untended nets and 
    that the only advantage would be the immediate knowledge that an 
    entanglement occurred. Since the nearest disentanglement team was in 
    New England, there would be no benefit to this knowledge.
        Response: NMFS believes detecting an entanglement immediately 
    improves the chances of a successful disentanglement. As the commenter 
    noted, a whale caught in a tended driftnet would be noticed quickly. 
    The exact position of that animal would then be known, and the 
    fisherman could assist in keeping track of that animal until the 
    disentanglement team could get to the site. This should increase the 
    chances of disentangling the whale.
        NMFS is expanding the disentanglement network to cover the mid-
    Atlantic area. The first workshop to train fishermen in the mid-
    Atlantic area to assist in responding to entanglements was held in 
    early December 1998, and additional training sessions are planned for 
    the future. NMFS hopes to avoid a similar situation as that which 
    occurred in March 1998 when a humpback whale died in gillnet gear 
    before a disentanglement team could reach the site.
        Comment 57: There was support for the boundaries of the southeast 
    U.S. restricted area and the southeast U.S. observer area and for the 
    prohibition on driftnet use in the southeast U.S. restricted area 
    during the times when right whales are likely to be present.
        Response: NMFS appreciates the statement of support. The rationale 
    for the boundaries was explained in the interim final rule.
        Comment 58: The best dates for the closure of the southeast U.S. 
    restricted area would be from November 1 through April 1.
        Response: The dates of the southeast U.S. closure were selected by 
    the TRT based on historical sighting data. Only two whales have been 
    sighted in this area prior to November 15--one in 1986 and one in 1988. 
    Therefore, NMFS believes the November 15 starting date for this closure 
    is appropriate.
        Comment 59: There was support for the strikenet provisions in the 
    southeast U.S. restricted area.
        Response: NMFS appreciates the statement of support. The rationale 
    for the strikenet provisions was explained in the interim final rule.
        Comment 60: There is no evidence that strikenetting has posed a 
    risk to right whales. Therefore, restrictions on strikenetting offer 
    little reduction in risk to right whales.
        Response: As explained in the interim final rule, the southeast 
    U.S. drift gillnet fishery for sharks is believed to be responsible for 
    the entanglement of at least one right whale. Although strikenetting 
    may pose less of a problem than other forms of gillnetting (and 
    therefore is not prohibited during the closed season), the ALWTRP 
    imposes some regulations to further reduce the potential for 
    entanglement. Therefore, NMFS believes it is appropriate to take 
    precautionary steps to reduce the risk of future entanglements.
        Comment 61: NMFS should require that observers be on board vessels 
    operating with strike nets in the southeast U.S. restricted area during 
    the closed period.
        Response: NMFS will attempt to place an observer on every vessel 
    fishing for sharks with strikenets in the southeast U.S. restricted 
    area during the closed period. It does not seem appropriate, however, 
    to prohibit a person to fish in cases when NMFS fails to provide an 
    observer for that trip.
        Comment 62: Gear set adjacent to critical habitat should be subject 
    to the same restrictions as that placed on gear fished within the 
    critical habitat because animals do not respect lines drawn on maps.
        Response: The boundaries of right whale critical habitats were 
    selected because they enclosed about 85 percent of the historical right 
    whale sightings. While it is true that right whales must pass through 
    adjacent waters to reach any critical habitat, the chances of finding a 
    right whale in an area adjacent to a critical habitat are substantially 
    less than of finding a right whale in the critical habitat. Therefore, 
    less restrictive measures are appropriate.
        Because the right whale sighting record in the southeast U.S. area 
    is relatively new, the critical habitat boundaries there may possibly 
    be less appropriate than those in the northeast. As sighting data are 
    collected, NMFS may consider revising the southeast U.S. critical 
    habitat boundaries. However, gillnet restrictions in this area have 
    been expanded north, south, and east beyond the critical habitat 
    boundaries, encompassing all known sightings of right whales in the 
    Comments Regarding Disentanglement Efforts
        Comment 63: NMFS is placing too much faith in disentanglement as a 
    key component of the ALWTRP. No serious wildlife management plan relies 
    on first aid to injured animals in preference to preventing death and 
    injury in the first place.
        Response: NMFS agrees that preventing entanglement is preferable to 
    disentangling whales if the cost and effectiveness of each method are 
    equivalent. The ALWTRP relies on a mixture of measures to lower the 
    risk of entanglement, such as closures of critical habitats and gear 
    restrictions, and on disentanglements when whales do encounter gear. In 
    addition, the ALWTRP encompasses research on cost-effective gear 
    technologies that will further reduce entanglement risk and on outreach 
    and education to show fishermen ways to set their gear that could 
    reduce risk, to get ideas from fishermen as to fruitful avenues for 
    gear research, and to encourage fishermen to assist in 
        Comment 64: The ALWTRP does not have a specific proposal to 
    establish, train, and equip regional disentanglement response teams.
        Response: NMFS is in the process of expanding the disentanglement 
    teams. A permanent coordinator has been established in Maine, and 
    efforts to set
    [[Page 7547]]
    up teams in the southeast and mid-Atlantic are underway.
        Comment 65: Simply calling in an entanglement does not necessarily 
    result in an animal being disentangled.
        Response: NMFS agrees. However, reporting an entanglement is a 
    necessary first step to removing the gear from an animal. The fishing 
    industry can provide a wide-ranging sighting network in regions where 
    other vessels rarely go. In addition, fishermen who call in an 
    entanglement are sometimes able to keep track of the animal until the 
    disentanglement team arrives and to assist in removing the gear. All 
    these efforts can help improve the chances of removing the gear without 
    serious injury to the whale.
        Comment 66: Improving the disentanglement effort is more 
    appropriate for achieving the long-term goal than the short-term goal.
        Response: Improving the disentanglement effort is appropriate to 
    achieve both the short-term and the long-term goal of the ALWTRP. NMFS 
    intends to continue to improve the disentanglement effort to help 
    achieve the long-term goal of the Plan.
        Comment 67: Right whales are notoriously difficult to disentangle 
    because they tend to thrash wildly, whereas other species may become 
    more docile during disentanglements. Therefore, disentanglement should 
    not be viewed as a long-term solution to the bycatch problem.
        Response: NMFS acknowledges the difficulties in disentangling right 
    whales. Although it intends to continue to improve the capabilities of 
    the disentanglement network, it is also seeking to develop gear 
    technologies that will reduce entanglements to help achieve the long-
    term goal of the Plan. NMFS will continue to support the 
    disentanglement effort until an effective solution involving fishing 
    gear or practices is found.
        Comment 68: Because no vessel is allowed within 500 yd (457 m) of 
    right whales, detecting entangled whales will be difficult, making 
    reliance on disentanglement even more problematic.
        Response: NMFS acknowledges the difficulties in detecting entangled 
    right whales. Nevertheless, if an entangled right whale is seen, an 
    effort should be made to remove the gear. The MMPA regulations 
    specifically provide an exception for a vessel to approach a right 
    whale closer than 500 yd (457 m) to investigate an entanglement, 
    provided the vessel is authorized by NMFS to do so.
    Comments Regarding Contingency Measures
        Comment 69: Several commenters asked for clarification of the 
    process by which NMFS could keep an area closed if right whales remain 
    longer than expected or could open an area earlier than expected if the 
    whales leave early.
        Response: A timely process invoking the regulations of this final 
    rule is not yet available. Because the criteria for opening an area 
    early or for keeping an area closed are likely to both be 
    controversial, NMFS intends to seek a recommendation from the TRT as to 
    an acceptable process. Note, however, that section 118(g) of the MMPA 
    gives NMFS authority to implement emergency closures to protect marine 
    mammals if certain criteria are met. Likewise, the ESA allows emergency 
    closures to protect right whales, humpback whales, and fin whales. 
    These authorities could be used to keep critical habitats closed to 
    fishing gear if right whales remain longer than expected (provided 
    relevant criteria are met), although they cannot be used to open an 
    area if right whales leave earlier than expected.
        Comment 70: Several commenters expressed concern about the 
    possibility that the SB/JL area might be closed to gillnetting if 
    further take reduction measures are necessary. They asked for 
    clarification on the process of making such a decision.
        Response: Except when there is a need to implement emergency 
    measures under the MMPA or the ESA as explained in response to comment 
    69, a decision to close the SB/JL area to gillnetting for the purposes 
    of whale conservation would be made by NMFS after consultation with the 
    TRT and after public comment on a proposed rule.
        Comment 71: There was support for the provision to close critical 
    habitat to a gear type if its allowance to be set in that area during a 
    closed period results in a serious injury or mortality. However, if 
    NMFS must take this action, it should consult with the TRT.
        Response: NMFS intends to consult with the TRT if it is considering 
    taking this action, unless an emergency situation exists.
        Comment 72: One group felt that the provision that would require 
    closure of critical habitat if gear that is allowed to be set there 
    entangles a whale should not be mandatory. There are many factors in 
    dealing with people, animals and the ocean, and some flexibility is 
    needed. If fishermen believe that reporting an entanglement will lead 
    to the closure of the fishery in that area, there will be less 
    incentive to cooperate.
        Response: NMFS is aware that regulations cannot account for every 
    contingency, and that the possibility of closure could be a 
    disincentive to reporting entangled whales. However, there is some risk 
    in allowing gear to be set in areas when right whales are expected to 
    be in the area. Although NMFS believes this risk is justifiable, it 
    believes that it should have a clear contingency plan in case this risk 
    is underestimated. It will, however, ask the TRT to provide advice on 
    this matter.
        Comment 73: Several commenters expressed disappointment that NMFS 
    had removed specific criteria for extending gear requirements or 
    closing an area in the event of anomalous right whales distributions. 
    Some felt that the final rule must specify criteria for mandatory 
    institution of closures in the case of anomalous right whale 
    distribution. Others felt that NMFS should, at a minimum, implement an 
    early warning mechanism to notify fishermen if right whales are in an 
        Response: The criteria contained in the proposed rule for closing 
    an area in the event of anomalous right whale distributions were 
    unilaterally developed by NMFS. During the comment period, a number of 
    difficulties and ambiguities in the criteria were pointed out. 
    Therefore, NMFS did not include the criteria in the interim final rule 
    or in this final rule. It will, however, ask the TRT to develop 
    appropriate ways of dealing with this situation. Note that NMFS has 
    established a right whale alert program to inform marine users of the 
    presence of right whales in an area.
    Comments Regarding Constituent Outreach
        Comment 74: Many commenters urged NMFS to continue and improve its 
    outreach efforts, especially by going to where the fishermen are 
    gathered, such as on the docks and at their forums and association 
    meetings, rather than require industry to attend meetings convened by 
        Response: NMFS intends to continue its outreach efforts, which are 
    a key component of the ALWTRP.
    Comments Regarding Process and Relationships
        Comment 75: NMFS should clarify the roles of the TRT and the GAG.
        Response: Each group serves a different function. The TRT is 
    composed of persons representing all stakeholders and having a wide 
    range of expertise on fishing practices and on scientific, technical, 
    and policy matters. NMFS intends to use the TRT to advise
    [[Page 7548]]
    it on general strategies for reducing serious injuries and mortalities 
    of large whales due to entanglements and for monitoring the progress of 
    the ALWTRP toward its goals. The GAG is a technical body composed of 
    persons with first-hand experience with fishing gear or 
    disentanglements. Its function is specifically to provide technical 
    advice on matters pertaining to fishing gear.
        Comment 76: Several commenters supported the creation of a GAG and 
    urged that it be continued.
        Response: NMFS intends to continue to seek advice from the GAG on 
    matters pertaining to development and use of technology that can reduce 
    the risk of entangling large whales. NMFS convened a second meeting of 
    the GAG in October 1998 and plans to convene the group at least once in 
        Comment 77: NMFS usurped the authority of the TRT by creating a 
    competing body in the GAG. There was no representation from the 
    conservation community in that Group.
        Response: The TRT and the GAG are both advisory bodies to NMFS, 
    and, as such, neither has authority to make decisions. One member of 
    the conservation community with expertise in gear development was asked 
    to participate on the GAG but was unable to do so. NMFS intends to 
    continue to seek participation on the GAG from the conservation 
    community, subject to the requirement that the participant have first-
    hand experience with fishing gear.
        Comment 78: NMFS should require that recommendations of the GAG be 
    reviewed by the TRT.
        Response: To the extent that timing allows, NMFS will ask the TRT 
    to review the recommendations of the GAG. In this regard, it will try 
    to convene meetings of the GAG prior to meetings of the TRT in order 
    that the work of the former can be reviewed by the latter.
        Comment 79: Several commenters questioned the value of seeking the 
    advice of the TRT on matters regarding the Take Reduction Technology 
    Lists, since many of the TRT members are not fishermen or gear 
    specialists. The GAG should have the lead responsibility for developing 
    and recommending gear modifications.
        Response: NMFS believes the GAG should have a leading role in 
    developing and recommending gear modifications. However, the GAG need 
    not be the only source of new ideas for gear modifications; the TRT or 
    any person may make recommendations to NMFS about gear research. NMFS 
    notes that keeping the TRT informed of the activities of the GAG will 
    be essential for the TRT to fulfill its role of monitoring the progress 
    of the ALWTRP.
        Comment 80: All gear marking and modification proposals should be 
    approved by the GAG.
        Response: NMFS intends to consult with the GAG on matters 
    pertaining to gear technology. However, the GAG does not have authority 
    to approve gear or gear marking proposals.
        Comment 81: The commitment to improving the involvement of the 
    fishing industry in whale bycatch reduction is laudable but of 
    questionable concrete benefit, especially if it results in 
    recommendations to continue current fishing practice.
        Response: NMFS believes that involving the fishing industry in 
    whale bycatch reduction is the only practical way to achieve the goals 
    of the ALWTRP. The fishing community has much to offer in the form of 
    ideas for better gear and fishing techniques and in cooperation with 
    disentanglements. NMFS recognizes that there are no guarantees that the 
    Plan will reach its goals and that the success of the Plan will only be 
    determined in retrospect, but it believes that the cooperation of the 
    fishing community is essential to whatever actions are taken to reduce 
    bycatch. Current research efforts are aimed at developing fishing 
    practices and gear to protect whales that are feasible and, in some 
    cases, can improve either fishing effectiveness or cost effectiveness.
        Comment 82: NMFS should change its procedures for making changes to 
    the regulations affecting the Cape Cod Bay critical habitat so as to 
    keep in line with the regulations of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
        Response: The regulations in this final rule are intended to be 
    identical to the current regulations of the Commonwealth of 
    Massachusetts regarding fishing in Cape Cod Bay critical habitat, 
    except that NMFS cannot implement the Commonwealth's provisions to open 
    the area early without going through a more formal rule making process.
        Comment 83: NMFS and the New England Fishery Management Council 
    should discuss the procedure for reviewing and testing gillnet gear 
    modifications discussed in Framework 23 to the Northeast Multispecies 
    Fishery Management Plan.
        Response: NMFS agrees and will seek such a discussion.
    Comments Regarding Exempted Waters
        Comment 84: Several commenters felt that the boundary lines for 
    exempted waters in the Gulf of Maine were confusing, especially as most 
    coastal lobstermen in Maine set their gear on both sides of the 
    exemption line. Some felt that NMFS should exempt all Maine state 
    waters from the ALWTRP.
        Response: Because right whales are known to move through Maine 
    state waters, NMFS does not believe it would be prudent to exempt all 
    state waters from the ALWTRP. Instead, to avoid the confusion caused by 
    the exemption lines in the interim final rule, NMFS will exempt only 
    the area designated in the proposed rule, i.e., waters landward of the 
    first bridge. All other waters in the Gulf of Maine (including New 
    Hampshire and Massachusetts State waters) are subject to the 
    regulations in this final rule. NMFS notes that the gear marking 
    requirement in the interim final rule no longer applies to Maine or New 
    Hampshire State waters, and much of Massachusetts State waters is also 
    exempt from gear marking.
        Comment 85: The State of Rhode Island believed that the Sakonnet 
    River and some coastal ponds were inadvertently omitted from the list 
    of exempted areas.
        Response: NMFS agrees. NMFS is not aware of any right whale 
    sightings in these areas and, therefore, exempts them from the ALWTRP 
    in this final rule.
        Comment 86: One commenter believed that there was no justification 
    for requiring any gear requirements in Rhode Island State waters, since 
    right whale sightings are so rare there.
        Response: Right whales occur in Rhode Island State waters from time 
    to time, and therefore, the regulations in this final rule will apply 
    to Rhode Island State waters (with limited exceptions). In 1998, one 
    right whale was seen within 50 yards (45.7 m) of Watch Hill, RI, and 23 
    right whales were seen in one day east of Block Island off the mouth of 
    Narragansett Bay.
    Comments Regarding Other Aspects of the ALWTRP
        Comment 87: The definition of ``lobster trap'' is too broad and 
    could be construed to include black sea bass traps and even trawl gear.
        Response: The definition in this final rule has been changed to 
    clarify that it is intended to restrict only trap or pot-like gear, 
    including black sea bass traps and scup pots, because they are so 
    similar to lobster traps in the way they are set that it seems likely 
    that large whales would have the same entanglement problems with this 
    kind of gear.
        Comment 88: Several persons felt that the prohibition on wet 
    storage is unenforceable. At least one person believed that NMFS should 
    require that gear that is not being actively fished be
    [[Page 7549]]
    removed from the water. While this requirement may be difficult to 
    enforce, it has a greater potential for reducing entanglement risk to 
    whales than simply requiring that gear be hauled at least every 30 
        Response: NMFS recognizes that the prohibition on wet storage is 
    difficult to enforce. It intends to seek the advice of the TRT on 
    better ways to accomplish the purpose of this provision, which is to 
    minimize the risk of entanglement in gear that is not actively being 
        Comment 89: One commenter asked for clarification of whether the 
    30-day ``inspection'' requirement meant that gear had to be hauled back 
    to land every 30 days to be inspected.
        Response: Gear must be hauled at sea by its owner or designee at 
    least once every 30 days. It does not need to be brought back to land 
    every 30 days.
        Comment 90: The prohibition on ``wet storage'' offers no risk 
    reduction, because it only requires that a fisherman haul his gear once 
    every 30 days. The gear does not need to be brought to land and can be 
    left unbaited in the water.
        Response: The intent of this provision was to reduce the practice 
    of ``wet storage'' of inactive gear. The requirement that gear be 
    hauled at least once every 30 days may not be the best way to achieve 
    this. NMFS will ask the TRT to develop a better system for reducing 
    entanglements in gear that is not being actively fished.
        Comment 91: NMFS was asked to clarify the requirement that gear be 
    set in such a way as to prevent line from floating at the surface at 
    any time. One commenter pointed out that there will be line floating at 
    the surface at some time during all normal lobster or gillnet fishing 
        Response: The intent of this provision is that there should be no 
    line floating at the surface when gear is not being hauled. NMFS 
    understands that when gear is being set or hauled there will be time 
    when some line floats at the surface. This is acceptable.
        Comment 92: The prohibition on floating line at the surface will 
    not result in any meaningful risk reduction, as current practice 
    results in line that does not usually float at the surface.
        Response: Not all fishermen set their gear so that there is no line 
    floating at the surface, although doing so is considered to be the 
    current best fishing practice. NMFS believes that this requirement will 
    reduce the risk of entanglement, although the degree of risk reduction 
    cannot be quantified.
        Comment 93: There was support for the requirement that gear be set 
    with no floating line at the surface, even though it might not result 
    in any meaningful risk reduction.
        Response: See response to Comment 92.
        Comment 94: NMFS should develop an Early Warning System to alert 
    fishermen to the presence of right whales in the high risk areas.
        Response: In 1997, NMFS established a right whale alert system 
    operating in and around Cape Cod Bay and Great South Channel critical 
    habitats that informs any interested party of all reliable reports it 
    receives of right whale sightings in the northeast. A similar program 
    has been operating in the southeast U.S. for a number of years. Aerial 
    surveys are flown every day that weather permits during the times when 
    critical habitats are closed to fishing gear. All information is 
    disseminated to a fax network, is available through a ``fax on demand'' 
    system, and is posted on several web sites on the internet. The primary 
    purpose of this alert system is to lower the risk of ship strikes, but 
    the fishing community can avail itself of the information as well.
        NMFS will ask the TRT to review the adequacy of this system.
        Comment 95: NMFS must make a substantial financial commitment to 
    improve monitoring the movements of large whales, as well as studying 
    changes in the distribution of fixed gear.
        Response: NMFS spent $1,000,000 in FY98 on right whale research and 
    management along the U.S. east coast. NMFS expects the financial 
    commitment to remain the same or to increase in FY99.
    Comments on Other Matters
        Comment 96: Several commenters expressed concern about the effects 
    of ship strikes on the right whale population.
        Response: NMFS is also concerned about the effects of ship strikes 
    on right whales, although it cannot address these concerns under this 
    Take Reduction Plan, which is limited under the MMPA to addressing 
    interactions with commercial fishing. Several steps are being taken to 
    address the ship strike problem in other ways. For example, the U.S. 
    Government proposed and the International Maritime Organization (IMO) 
    agreed that ships entering the Great South Channel call the Coast 
    Guard, which can alert the ship when right whales are in the channel 
    and can inform the ship of the general dangers of ships to right 
    whales. The IMO approved this proposal in December, 1998. 
    Implementation is scheduled to begin by July, 1999.
        NMFS conducted aerial surveys to study the distribution of whales 
    and ships during 1998. During these surveys, ships in the vicinity of 
    right whales are contacted and informed of the importance of avoiding 
    the whales. In addition, the right whale information in the Coast 
    Pilots is being updated. Revisions to Coast Pilots 1 and 2 were 
    published in May and June, 1998 (respectively); revisions to Coast 
    Pilot 3 is scheduled to be published October, 1999 and to Coast Pilot 4 
    in June, 1999. Nearly all relevant navigation charts have been revised 
    and updated with information on the 500-yard (457 m) approach rule and 
    right whale critical habitat.
        NMFS is also trying to develop cooperative agreements with 
    individual shipping companies, both U.S. and foreign flagged, that 
    operate routinely through right whale habitats.
        Comment 97: Two commenters noted that NMFS had not commented on an 
    analysis prepared by the State of Maine of the economic impact of the 
    proposed rule.
        Response: The analysis prepared by the State of Maine pertained to 
    the proposed rule. The interim final rule was so different from the 
    proposed rule that it was believed that a detailed response to the 
    State's analysis was not necessary in the interim final rule. NMFS 
    agreed in concept with the State of Maine's conclusion that the 
    proposed regulations would have imposed a substantial economic impact 
    on the Maine lobster fishery, although it disagreed with some of the 
    specific assertions of the authors of the paper. NMFS has forwarded 
    more detailed comments on the State of Maine's analysis to the State.
        Comment 98: A suggestion was made that NMFS monitor the mid-water 
    trawl fishery to determine its potential for takes of marine mammals.
        Response: NMFS has placed some observers on mid-water trawl 
    vessels, but it does not yet have information suggesting that this is 
    an urgent or high priority situation for large whales. No large whales 
    have been seen by observers to be entangled by this fishery.
        Comment 99: One commenter noted that NMFS had said that it would 
    continue to assess the appropriateness of the Category III fishery 
    classification for the tuna hand line/hook-and-line fishery, groundfish 
    longline/hook-and-line fishery, surface gillnet fishery for small 
    pelagic fishes, trap fisheries other than lobster trap, finfish staked 
    trap fisheries, and weir/stop seine fisheries. This commenter urged 
    NMFS to change the classification of these fisheries to Category II in 
    order to more effectively monitor them. The commenter also
    [[Page 7550]]
    recommended that NMFS require these fisheries to mark their gear.
        Response: NMFS reviews the list of fisheries every year and seeks 
    comments and information on the list through a Federal Register 
    notification. So far, there has not been enough information submitted 
    to justify classifying the preceding fisheries in Category II. NMFS 
    intends to see if the gear marking scheme in this final rule provides 
    useful information before broadening the scope of the gear marking 
        Comment 100: One commenter believed that NMFS could not issue an 
    incidental take statement for right, humpback and fin whales, and felt, 
    therefore, that NMFS does not have the authority to exempt fishermen 
    from liability for illegal takes of listed species under the ESA. This 
    commenter urged NMFS to inform fishermen that they should report 
    entangled whales and that such a report would not result in prosecution 
    if the whale is swimming with the entangled gear.
        Response: NMFS agrees that it cannot exempt fishermen from 
    liability for illegal takes of species listed under the ESA. It does, 
    however, have discretion as to which cases it will prosecute. Unless 
    there is evidence of willful harm to the whale, it is unlikely that 
    NMFS would prosecute anyone calling in an entangled whale.
        Comment 101: One commenter supported NMFS's plan to notify all 
    Atlantic fisheries permit holders of the importance of bringing gear 
    back to shore to be discarded.
        Response: This has been done in the Northeast Region, where this 
    problem is of greatest concern.
        Comment 102: One commenter supported NMFS's decision to postpone 
    further consideration of market incentives as a way to reduce bycatch.
        Response: NMFS will refer the matter of market incentives to the 
    TRT for further discussion.
        Comment 103: NMFS should conduct a Regulatory Flexibility Analysis 
    (RFA) of the ALWTRP regulations.
        Response: NMFS conducted a regulatory impact review of the 
    provisions of the interim final rule, describing the impact it was 
    expected to have on small entities. Based on that review, NMFS 
    certified that a Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (FRFA) was not 
    necessary. The thresholds for Regulatory Flexibility Analysis 
    determinations are: 5 percent loss of revenue for 20 percent of the 
    participants; 5 percent increase in operations costs for 20 percent of 
    the participants; and two percent of participants cease operations. 
    None of these thresholds were met by the interim final rule.
        Although no information was provided that called into question the 
    conclusions of the Regulatory Impact Review for the interim final rule, 
    NMFS conducted a FRFA for this rule. The FRFA concluded that the final 
    rule of the ALWTRP would not constitute a significant regulatory 
    action. In this final rule, the overall costs of compliance for the 
    affected fisheries are expected to be less than for the interim final 
    rule, because the gear marking requirement will apply to substantially 
    fewer vessels.
        The regulations in this final rule were also evaluated for purposes 
    of E.O. 12866. It was determined that they would not have an annual 
    impact on the economy of $100M or more and would not adversely affect 
    the productivity, environment, public health or safety, or state, 
    local, or tribal governments or communities in the long run. The final 
    rule does not interfere with an action planned by another agency. It 
    does not raise any novel legal and policy issues because it is 
    implementing the provisions of the 1994 Amendments to the MMPA and the 
    regulations already set in place to promulgate that statute.
        An environmental assessment (EA) describing the impacts to the 
    human environment that would result from the implementation of the 
    ALWTRP was prepared for the interim final rule. The conclusion of that 
    EA was that the action would pose no significant impact. There were no 
    comments received disputing this conclusion. Because this final rule is 
    substantially the same as the interim final rule, no further EA has 
    been carried out.
        NMFS prepared an Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (IFRA) 
    that described the impact the proposed rule was expected to have on 
    small entities. The conclusion of this IFRA was that the economic 
    impact on small entities was likely to be significant. This was due to 
    the gear modifications which would have been required by the proposed 
    rule. The interim final rule was substantially different than the 
    proposed rule, which mitigated most of the economic consequences of the 
    proposed rule. NMFS prepared a Regulatory Impact Review for the interim 
    final rule. Based on that review, NMFS certified that the action would 
    not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities, nonetheless, a Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (FRFA) 
    was prepared for the final rule.
        NMFS received only one public comment relating to the certification 
    of the interim final rule. The commenter questioned the conclusion that 
    the interim final rule would not have a significant impact on small 
    businesses and asked that NMFS prepare a Regulatory Flexibility 
    Analysis. No economic information was provided disputing the 
    conclusions of the Regulatory Impact Review for the interim final rule. 
    The final rule makes only minor changes to the interim final rule. 
    However, to ensure that this final rule's economic impacts on small 
    entities are fully considered, NMFS has prepared a FRFA. A copy of this 
    analysis is available from NMFS (see ADDRESSES).
        The final rule is expected to have an economic impact on 
    approximately 1100 lobster fishing operations and approximately 160 
    gillnet vessels (substantially fewer than the interim final rule). 
    Based on 1996 logbook data, 8 gillnet vessels will have their revenue 
    reduced by more than 5 percent. Approximately 72 lobster fishing 
    operations may see their costs increase more than 10 percent. It is 
    unlikely that 2 percent of participants will cease operations as a 
    result of this action. The objectives and need for this action are 
    described above in the preamble. In this final rule, the gear marking 
    requirement will apply to substantially fewer vessels, thereby 
    mitigating the overall economic burden of the interim final rule.
        This final rule does not constitute a significant regulatory action 
    under Executive Order 12866. (1) The action will not have an annual 
    effect on the economy of more than $100 million. (2) The action will 
    not adversely affect in a material way the economy, productivity, 
    competition and jobs. (3) The action will not affect competition, jobs, 
    the environment, public health or safety, or state, local or tribal 
    governments and communities. (4) The action will not create an 
    inconsistency or otherwise interfere with an action taken or planned by 
    another agency. No other agency has indicated that it plans an action 
    that will affect these fisheries. (5) The action will not materially 
    alter the budgetary impact of entitlement, grants, user fees, or loan 
    programs or the rights and obligations of their recipients. (6) The 
    action does not raise novel legal or policy issues.
        NMFS determined that this action is consistent to the maximum 
    extent practicable with the approved coastal management program of the 
    U.S. Atlantic coastal states. This determination was submitted for 
    review by the responsible state agencies under section 307 of the 
    Coastal Zone
    [[Page 7551]]
    Management Act. The NMFS letter to the states indicated that responses 
    regarding concurrence were due within 45 days of receipt of the letter 
    and that lack of a response would be an assumption of concurrence with 
    the consistency determination. No state disagreed with our conclusion 
    that the ALWTRP is consistent with the approved coastal management 
    program for that state.
        This action contains two collection-of-information requirements and 
    therefore is subject to the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act: 
    (1) Persons setting lobster or gillnet gear in some areas of the 
    Atlantic Ocean would be required to paint or otherwise mark their gear 
    with two color codes, one color designating the type of gear, the other 
    designating the area where the gear is set. These marking requirements 
    apply in right whale critical habitats and in areas described below as 
    the southeast Observer Area and as the SB/JL Restricted Area. The goal 
    of this collection of information is to obtain more information on 
    where large whales are being entangled and on what kind of gear is 
    responsible for the entanglement. (2) From November 15 to March 31, 
    persons netting for sharks in Atlantic waters off Florida and Georgia 
    would be required to call NMFS 48 hours prior to departure to arrange 
    for an observer. The purpose of this collection of information is to 
    allow NMFS to coordinate fisheries observer coverage of the fishery.
        The affected public includes business and other for-profit 
    organizations (persons participating in the lobster and gillnet 
    fisheries in specified areas). The gear marking requirements are 
    expected to affect 1100 lobster fishermen and 160 gillnet fishermen. 
    The call-in requirement in the southeast U.S. Observer Area is expected 
    to affect 30 shark gillnet fishermen.
        In a Federal Register document on June 5, 1998 (63 FR 30720), the 
    public was asked to comment on the estimates of time and cost of 
    compliance with the gear marking and call-in requirements. No comments 
    were received during the comment period, which closed on August 4, 
    1998. The OMB has approved the gear marking requirement (OMB Control 
    Number: 0648-0364). The call-in requirement is part of a general 
    requirement for the shark industry and was approved earlier by OMB (OMB 
    Control Number: 0648-0205). Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 
    no person is required to respond to nor shall any person be subject to 
    a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information 
    subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that 
    collection of information displays a currently valid OMB control 
        The ALWTRP incorporates the reasonable and prudent alternatives of 
    the three ESA Section 7 Biological Opinions on commercial fisheries for 
    lobster, multispecies, and sharks, which remove the threat of jeopardy 
    to the northern right whale. Furthermore, the ALWTRP incorporates other 
    measures to reduce impacts to the other species of endangered large 
    whales. In addition, a Section 7 consultation was conducted on the 
    interim final rule implementing the ALWTRP. This consultation concluded 
    that operation of the fisheries under the elements of this plan may 
    affect but will not jeopardize the continued existence of any listed 
    species under NMFS jurisdiction. This final rule incorporates few 
    changes to the scope of the action considered in the biological opinion 
    (July 15, 1997) prepared for the interim final rule, and a 
    determination was made that no further consultation under Section 7 was 
    necessary at this time. Therefore, all agency responsibilities under 
    the ESA have been addressed.
        Several marine mammal species, other than those listed as 
    endangered or threatened under the ESA, are known to become entangled 
    in gillnet and lobster gear. However, NMFS has determined that this 
    action does not exacerbate the existing problem. Therefore, this action 
    will not have an adverse impact on the marine mammals.
        This rule does not contain policies with federalism implications 
    sufficient to warrant preparation of a federalism assessment under 
    Executive Order 12612.
        NMFS has complied with the Administrative Procedures Act through 
    publishing a proposed rule with a request for written comments, and by 
    holding 12 public hearings in the action area of this rule. Because of 
    substantial changes to the proposed rule based on public comments and 
    the Gear Advisory Group, NMFS then published an interim final rule to 
    allow for further comment on the plan. This final rule addresses the 
    comments received on the interim final rule.
        Barlow, J. et al. 1995. U.S. Marine Mammal Stock Assessments: 
    Guidelines for preparations, background, and a summary of the 1995 
    assessments. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-OPR-6. U.S. Department of 
    Commerce, Washington, DC, p. 73.
        Knowlton, A.R. et al. 1994. Reproduction in North Atlantic right 
    whales (Eubalaena glacialis). Can. J. Zool. 72:1287-1305.
        Kraus, S.D. 1990. Rates and potential causes of mortality in North 
    Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis). Mar. Mamm. Sci. 6(4):278-
        Smith, T.D. et al. 1998. An ocean-basin-wide mark-recapture study 
    of the North Atlantic humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae). Mar. 
    Mamm. Sci. (in press).
    Waring, G.T. et al. 1997. U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Marine 
    Mammal Stock Assessments--1996. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NE-
    114. U.S. Department of Commerce, Northeast Fisheries Science 
    Center, Woods Hole, MA. p. 250.
    Waring, G.T. et al. in prep. U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Marine 
    Mammal Stock Assessments--1998. Submitted for public comment.
    Team Report. 1997. Draft Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Report. 
    Report prepared by the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Team and 
    submitted to the National Marine Fisheries Service February 4, 1997. 
    p. 79.
    List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 229
        Administrative practice and procedure, Confidential business 
    information, Fisheries, Marine mammals, Reporting and record-keeping 
        Dated: February 8, 1999.
    Gary C. Matlock,
    Acting Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries 
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, 50 CFR part 229 is amended 
    to read as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 229 continues to read as 
        Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq.
        2. In Sec. 229.2, definitions of ``Sink gillnet'', ``Lobster pot'', 
    and ``Lobster pot trawl'' are removed. Definitions of ``Anchored 
    gillnet'', ``Driftnet, drift gillnet or drift entanglement gear'', 
    ``Gillnet'', ``Groundline'', ``Offshore lobster waters'', ``Strikenet 
    or to fish with strikenet gear'', ``Tended gear or tend'', and ``Weak 
    Link'' are revised, and the definitions of ``Lobster trap'', ``Lobster 
    trap trawl'', ``Night'', ``Shark gillnetting'', ``Sink gillnet or stab 
    net'' and ``To strikenet for sharks'' are added in alphabetical order 
    to read as follows:
    Sec. 229.2  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        Anchored gillnet means any gillnet gear, including a sink gillnet 
    or stab net,
    [[Page 7552]]
    that is set anywhere in the water column and which is anchored, secured 
    or weighted to the bottom of the sea. Also called a set gillnet.
    * * * * *
        Driftnet, drift gillnet, or drift entanglement gear means a gillnet 
    or gillnets that is/are unattached to the ocean bottom and not 
    anchored, secured or weighted to the bottom, regardless of whether 
    attached to a vessel.
    * * * * *
        Gillnet means fishing gear consisting of a wall of webbing (meshes) 
    or nets, designed or configured so that the webbing (meshes) or nets 
    are placed in the water column, usually held approximately vertically, 
    and are designed to capture fish by entanglement, gilling, or wedging. 
    The term ``gillnet'' includes gillnets of all types, including but not 
    limited to sink gillnets, other anchored gillnets (e.g. stab and set 
    nets), and drift gillnets. Gillnets may or may not be attached to a 
        Groundline, with reference to lobster trap gear, means a line 
    connecting lobster traps in a lobster trap trawl, and, with reference 
    to gillnet gear, means a line connecting a gillnet or gillnet bridle to 
    an anchor or buoy line.
    * * * * *
        Lobster trap means any trap, pot or other similar type of enclosure 
    that is placed on the ocean bottom and is designed to or is capable of 
    catching lobsters. This definition includes but is not limited to 
    lobster pots, black sea bass pots and scup pots.
        Lobster trap trawl means two or more lobster traps attached to a 
    single groundline.
    * * * * *
        Night means any time between one half hour before sunset and one 
    half hour after sunrise.
    * * * * *
        Offshore lobster waters comprises entirely federal waters as 
    defined by the area bounded by straight lines connecting the following 
    points, in the order stated, except for waters in the Great South 
    Channel critical right whale habitat:
                                                              Longitude (
                  Point                 Latitude ( deg.N)        deg.W)
    A................................  43 deg. 58'         67 deg. 22'
    B................................  43 deg. 41'         68 deg. 00'
    C................................  43 deg. 12.5'       69 deg. 00'
    D................................  42 deg. 49'         69 deg. 40'
    E................................  42 deg. 15.5'       69 deg. 40'
    F................................  42 deg. 10'         69 deg. 56'
    K................................  41 deg. 10'         69 deg. 06.5'
    N................................  40 deg. 45.5'       71 deg. 34'
    M................................  40 deg. 27.5'       72 deg. 14'
    U................................  40 deg. 12.5'       72 deg. 48.5'
    V................................  39 deg. 50'         73 deg. 01'
    X................................  38 deg. 39.5'       73 deg. 40'
    Y................................  38 deg. 12'         73 deg. 55'
    Z................................  37 deg. 12'         74 deg. 44'
    ZA...............................  36 deg. 33'         74 deg. 47'
    From point ``ZA'' east to the EEZ boundary and thence along the seaward 
    EEZ boundary to point ``A''.
    * * * * *
        Shark gillnetting means to fish a gillnet in waters south of the 
    South Carolina/Georgia border with webbing of 5 inches or greater 
    stretched mesh.
        Sink gillnet or stab net means any gillnet, anchored or otherwise, 
    that is designed to be, or is fished on or near the bottom in the lower 
    third of the water column.
        Strikenet or to fish with strikenet gear means a gillnet that is 
    designed so that, when it is deployed, it encircles or encloses an area 
    of water either with the net or by utilizing the shoreline to complete 
    encirclement, or to fish with such a net and method.
    * * * * *
        Tended gear or tend means fishing gear that is physically attached 
    to a vessel in a way that is capable of harvesting fish, or to fish 
    with gear attached to the vessel.
        To strikenet for sharks means to fish with strikenet gear in waters 
    south of the South Carolina/Georgia border with webbing of 5 inches or 
    greater stretched mesh.
    * * * * *
        Weak link means a breakable component of gear that will part when 
    subject to a certain tension load.
        3. In Sec. 229.3, paragraphs (g) through (j) are revised to read as 
    Sec. 229.3  Prohibitions.
    * * * * *
        (g) It is prohibited to fish with lobster trap gear in the areas 
    and for the times specified in Sec. 229.32(c)(3) through (c)(9) unless 
    the lobster trap gear complies with the closures, marking requirements, 
    modifications, and restrictions specified in Sec. 229.32(c)(1) through 
        (h) It is prohibited to fish with anchored gillnet gear in the 
    areas and for the times specified in Sec. 229.32(d)(2) through (d)(7) 
    unless that gillnet gear complies with the closures, marking 
    requirements, modifications, and restrictions specified in 
    Sec. 229.32(d)(1) through (d)(8).
        (i) It is prohibited to fish with drift gillnets in the areas and 
    for the times specified in Sec. 229.32(e)(1) unless the drift gillnet 
    gear complies with the restrictions specified in Sec. 229.32(e)(1).
        (j) It is prohibited to fish with shark gillnet gear in the areas 
    and for the times specified in Sec. 229.32(f)(1) and (3) unless the 
    gear meets the marking requirements specified in Sec. 229.32(f)(2) and 
    complies with the restrictions and requirements specified in 
    229.32(f)(1) and (f)(3).
    * * * * *
        4. Section 229.32, in subpart C, is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 229.32  Atlantic large whale take reduction plan regulations.
        (a)(1) Regulated waters. The regulations in this section apply to 
    all U.S. waters in the Atlantic except for the areas exempted in 
    paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
        (2) Exempted waters. The regulations in this section do not apply 
    to waters landward of the first bridge over any embayment, harbor, or 
    inlet and to waters landward of the following lines:
    Rhode Island
    41 deg. 27.99' N 71 deg. 11.75' W TO 41 deg. 28.49' N 71 deg. 14.63' W
        (Sakonnet River)
    41 deg. 26.96' N 71 deg. 21.34' W TO 41 deg. 26.96' N 71 deg. 25.92' W
        (Narragansett Bay)
    41 deg. 22.41' N 71 deg. 30.80' W TO 41 deg. 22.41' N 71 deg. 30.85' W
        (Pt. Judith Pond Inlet)
    41 deg. 21.31' N 71 deg. 38.30' W TO 41 deg. 21.30' N 71 deg. 38.33' W
        (Ninigret Pond Inlet)
    41 deg. 19.90' N 71 deg. 43.08' W TO 41 deg. 19.90' N 71 deg. 43.10' W
        (Quonochontaug Pond Inlet)
    41 deg. 19.66' N 71 deg. 45.75' W TO 41 deg. 19.66' N 71 deg. 45.78' W
        (Weekapaug Pond Inlet)
    New York
        West of the line from the Northern fork of the eastern end of Long 
    Island, NY (Orient Pt.) to Plum Island to Fisher's Island to Watch 
    Hill, RI. (Long Island Sound)
    41 deg. 11.40' N 72 deg. 09.70' W TO 41 deg. 04.50' N 71 deg. 51.60' W
        (Gardiners Bay)
    40 deg. 50.30' N 72 deg. 28.50' W TO 40 deg. 50.36' N 72 deg. 28.67' W
        (Shinnecock Bay Inlet)
    40 deg. 45.70' N 72 deg. 45.15' W TO 40 deg. 45.72' N 72 deg. 45.30' W
        (Moriches Bay Inlet)
    40 deg. 37.32' N 73 deg. 18.40' W TO 40 deg. 38.00' N 73 deg. 18.56' W
        (Fire Island Inlet)
    40 deg. 34.40' N 73 deg. 34.55' W TO 40 deg. 35.08' N 73 deg. 35.22' W
        (Jones Inlet)
    [[Page 7553]]
    New Jersey
    39 deg. 45.90' N 74 deg. 05.90' W TO 39 deg. 45.15' N 74 deg. 06.20' W
        (Barnegat Inlet)
    39 deg. 30.70' N 74 deg. 16.70' W TO 39 deg. 26.30' N 74 deg. 19.75' W
        (Beach Haven to Brigantine Inlet)
    38 deg. 56.20' N 74 deg. 51.70' W TO 38 deg. 56.20' N 74 deg. 51.90' W
        (Cape May Inlet)
    39 deg. 16.70' N 75 deg. 14.60' W TO 39 deg. 11.25' N 75 deg. 23.90' W
        (Delaware Bay)
    38 deg. 19.48' N 75 deg. 05.10' W TO 38 deg. 19.35' N 75 deg. 05.25' W
        (Ocean City Inlet)
    37 deg. 52.50' N 75 deg. 24.30' W TO 37 deg. 11.90' N 75 deg. 48.30' W
        (Chincoteague to Ship Shoal Inlet)
    37 deg. 11.10' N 75 deg. 49.30' W TO 37 deg. 10.65' N 75 deg. 49.60' W
        (Little Inlet)
    37 deg. 07.00' N 75 deg. 53.75' W TO 37 deg. 05.30' N 75 deg. 56.50' W
        (Smith Island Inlet)
    North Carolina to Florida
        All marine and tidal waters landward of the 72 COLREGS demarcation 
    line (International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 
    1972), as depicted or noted on nautical charts published by the 
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Coast Charts 1:80,000 
    scale), and as described in 33 CFR part 80.
        (b) Gear marking provisions--(1)(i) Specified gear. Specified 
    fishing gear consists of lobster trap gear and gillnet gear set in 
    specified areas.
        (ii) Specified areas. Specified areas are: Southeast U.S. Observer 
    Area, Great South Channel Restricted Areas (including the Great South 
    Channel Sliver Restricted Area), Cape Cod Bay Restricted Area, and the 
    Stellwagen Bank/Jeffreys Ledge Restricted Area.
        (iii) Requirement. From January 1, 1999, and as otherwise required 
    in paragraphs (c)(3)(ii), (c)(4)(ii), (c)(5)(ii), (d)(2)(ii), 
    (d)(3)(ii), (d)(4)(ii), (d)(5)(ii), and (f)(2) of this section, any 
    person who owns or fishes with specified fishing gear in specified 
    areas must mark that gear as specified in paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) 
    of this section, unless otherwise required by the Assistant 
    Administrator under paragraph (g) of this section.
        (2) Color code. Specified gear must be marked with the appropriate 
    colors to designate gear-types and areas as follows:
    Lobster trap gear--red
    Gillnet gear--green
    Southeast U.S. Observer Area--blue
    Great South Channel Restricted Areas--yellow
    Cape Cod Bay Restricted Area--orange
    Stellwagen Bank/Jeffreys Ledge Area--black
        (3) Markings. All specified gear in specified areas must be marked 
    with two color codes, one designating the gear type, the other 
    indicating the area where the gear is set. Each color of the color 
    codes must be permanently marked on or along the line or lines 
    specified under paragraphs (c)(3)(ii), (c)(4)(ii), (c)(5)(ii), 
    (d)(2)(ii), (d)(3)(ii), (d)(4)(ii), (d)(5)(ii), and (f)(2) of this 
    section. Each color mark of the color codes must be clearly visible 
    when the gear is hauled or removed from the water. Each mark must be at 
    least 4 inches (10.2 cm) long. The two color marks must be placed 
    within 6 inches (15.2 cm) of each other. If the color of the rope is 
    the same as or similar to a color code, a white mark may be substituted 
    for that color code. (For example, buoy lines of gillnet gear set in 
    the Great South Channel Sliver Restricted Area must have a yellow mark 
    and a green mark, each at least 4 inches (10.2 cm) long, with the 
    yellow and green marks placed within 6 inches (15.2 cm) of each other. 
    If the buoy line is yellow, the gear must have white and green marks.) 
    In marking or affixing the color code, the line may be dyed, painted, 
    or marked with thin colored whipping line, thin colored plastic or heat 
    shrink tubing, or other material, or a thin line may be woven into or 
    through the line, or the line may be marked as approved in writing by 
    the Assistant Administrator.
        (4) Changes to requirements. If the Assistant Administrator revises 
    the gear marking requirements under paragraph (g) of this section, the 
    gear must be marked in compliance with those requirements.
        (c) Restrictions applicable to lobster trap gear in regulated 
    waters--(1) No line floating at the surface. No person may fish with 
    lobster trap gear that has any portion of the buoy line floating at the 
    surface at any time, except that, if more than one buoy is attached to 
    a single buoy line or if a high flyer and a buoy are used together on a 
    single buoy line, floating line may be used between these objects.
        (2) No wet storage of gear. Lobster traps must be hauled out of the 
    water at least once in 30 days.
        (3) Cape Cod Bay Restricted Area--(i) Area. The Cape Cod Bay 
    restricted area consists of the Cape Cod Bay Critical Habitat area 
    specified under 50 CFR 216.13(b), unless the Assistant Administrator 
    changes that area in accordance with paragraph (g) of this section.
        (ii) Gear marking requirements. No person may fish with lobster 
    trap gear in the Cape Cod Bay Restricted Area unless that gear is 
    marked according to the gear marking code specified under paragraph (b) 
    of this section. All buoy lines used in connection with lobster trap 
    gear must be marked within 2 ft (0.6 m) of the top of the buoy line (or 
    2 ft (0.6 m) below a weak link) and midway along the length of the buoy 
        (iii) Winter restricted period. The winter restricted period for 
    this area is from January 1 through May 15 of each year. During the 
    winter restricted period, no person may fish with lobster trap gear in 
    the Cape Cod Bay Restricted Area unless that person's gear complies 
    with the following requirements:
        (A) Weak links--All buoy lines are attached to the buoy with a weak 
    link. The breaking strength of this weak link must be no more than 500 
    lb (226.7 kg).
        (B) Multiple trap trawls--All traps are set in either a two-trap 
    string or in a trawl of four or more traps. Single traps and three trap 
    trawls are not allowed. A two-trap string must have only one buoy line.
        (C) Sinking buoy lines--All buoy lines are comprised of sinking 
    line except the bottom portion of the line, which may be a section of 
    floating line not to exceed one-third the overall length of the buoy 
        (D) Sinking ground line--All ground lines are made entirely of 
    sinking line.
        (iv) Other restricted period. From May 16 through December 31 of 
    each year, no person may fish with lobster trap gear in the Cape Cod 
    Bay Restricted Area unless that person's gear complies with at least 
    two of the characteristics of the Lobster Take Reduction Technology 
    List in paragraph (c)(10) of this section. The Assistant Administrator 
    may revise this restricted period in accordance with paragraph (g) of 
    this section.
        (4) Great South Channel Restricted Lobster Area--(i) Area. The 
    Great South Channel restricted area consists of the Great South Channel 
    Critical Habitat area specified under 50 CFR 216.13(a) unless the 
    Assistant Administrator changes that area in accordance with paragraph 
    (g) of this section.
        (ii) Gear marking requirements. No person may fish with lobster 
    trap gear in the Great South Channel Restricted Area unless that gear 
    is marked according to the gear marking code specified under paragraph 
    (b) of this section. All buoy lines used in connection with lobster 
    trap gear must be marked within 2 ft (0.6 m) of the top
    [[Page 7554]]
    of the buoy line (or 2 ft (0.6 m) below a weak link) and midway along 
    the length of the buoy line.
        (iii) Spring closed period. The spring closed period for this area 
    is from April 1 through June 30 of each year unless the Assistant 
    Administrator revises the closed period in accordance with paragraph 
    (g) of this section. During the spring closed period, no person may 
    fish with or set lobster trap gear in the Great South Channel 
    restricted lobster area unless the Assistant Administrator specifies 
    gear modifications or alternative fishing practices in accordance with 
    paragraph (g) of this section and the gear or practices comply with 
    those specifications.
        (iv) Other restricted period. From July 1 through March 31 no 
    person may fish with lobster trap gear in the Great South Channel 
    Restricted Lobster Area unless that person's gear complies with at 
    least two of the characteristics of the Lobster Take Reduction 
    Technology List in paragraph (c)(10) of this section. The Assistant 
    Administrator may revise this restricted period in accordance with 
    paragraph (g) of this section.
        (5) Stellwagen Bank/Jeffreys Ledge Restricted Area--(i) Area. The 
    Stellwagen Bank/Jeffreys Ledge restricted area consists of all Federal 
    waters of the Gulf of Maine that lie to the south of the 43 deg.15' N 
    lat. line and west of the 70 deg. W long. line, except for right whale 
    critical habitat, unless the Assistant Administrator changes that area 
    in accordance with paragraph (g) of this section.
        (ii) Gear marking requirements. No person may fish with lobster 
    trap gear in the Stellwagen Bank/Jeffreys Ledge Restricted Area unless 
    that gear is marked according to the gear marking code specified under 
    paragraph (b) of this section. All buoy lines used in connection with 
    lobster trap gear must be marked within 2 ft (0.6 m) of the top of the 
    buoy line (or 2 ft (0.6 m) below a weak link) and midway along the 
    length of the buoy line.
        (iii) Gear requirements. No person may fish with lobster trap gear 
    in the Stellwagen Bank/Jeffreys Ledge Restricted Area unless that 
    person's gear complies with at least two of the characteristics of the 
    Lobster Take Reduction Technology List in paragraph (c)(10) of this 
    section. The Assistant Administrator may revise this requirement in 
    accordance with paragraph (g) of this section.
        (6) Northern offshore lobster waters--(i) Area. The northern 
    offshore lobster waters area includes all offshore lobster waters (as 
    defined in Sec. 229.2) north of 41 deg.30 N lat., except for areas 
    included in the Great South Channel Critical Habitat.
        (ii) Gear requirements. No person may fish with lobster trap gear 
    in the northern offshore lobster waters area unless that person's gear 
    complies with at least one of the characteristics of the Lobster Take 
    Reduction Technology List in paragraph (c)(10) of this section. The 
    Assistant Administrator may revise this requirement in accordance with 
    paragraph (g) of this section.
        (7) Southern offshore lobster waters--(i) Area. The southern 
    offshore lobster waters area includes all offshore lobster waters (as 
    defined in Sec. 229.2) south of 41 deg.30 N lat., except for areas 
    included in the Great South Channel Critical Habitat.
        (ii) Gear requirements. From December 1 through March 31, no person 
    may fish with lobster trap gear in the southern offshore lobster waters 
    area unless that person's gear complies with at least one of the 
    characteristics of the Lobster Take Reduction Technology List in 
    paragraph (c)(10) of this section. The Assistant Administrator may 
    revise this requirement in accordance with paragraph (g) of this 
        (8) Northern inshore lobster waters--(i) Area. Northern inshore 
    lobster waters consist of all inshore lobster waters (as defined in 
    Sec. 229.2) north of 41 deg.30' N lat., except the Cape Cod Bay 
    restricted area, Great South Channel restricted area and the Stellwagen 
    Bank/Jeffreys Ledge restricted area.
        (ii) Gear Requirements. No person may fish with lobster trap gear 
    in the northern inshore lobster waters area unless that person's gear 
    complies with at least one of the characteristics of the Lobster Take 
    Reduction Technology List in paragraph (c)(10) of this section. The 
    Assistant Administrator may revise this requirement in accordance with 
    paragraph (g) of this section.
        (9) Southern inshore lobster waters--(i) Area. The southern inshore 
    lobster waters consist of all inshore lobster waters (as defined in 
    Sec. 229.2) south of 41 deg.30' N lat., except the Great South Channel 
    restricted area.
        (ii) Gear requirements. From December 1 through March 31, no person 
    may fish with lobster trap gear in the southern inshore lobster waters 
    area unless that person's gear complies with at least one of the 
    characteristics of the Lobster Take Reduction Technology List in 
    paragraph (c)(10) of this section. The Assistant Administrator may 
    revise this requirement in accordance with paragraph (g) of this 
        (10) Lobster Take Reduction Technology List. The following gear 
    characteristics comprise the Lobster Take Reduction Technology List:
        (i) All buoy lines are \7/16\ inches (1.11 cm) in diameter or less.
        (ii) All buoys are attached to the buoy line with a weak link 
    having a maximum breaking strength of up to 1100 lb (498.8 kg). Weak 
    links may include swivels, plastic weak links, rope of appropriate 
    diameter, hog rings, rope stapled to a buoy stick, or other materials 
    or devices approved in writing by the Assistant Administrator.
        (iii) For gear set in offshore lobster areas only, all buoys are 
    attached to the buoy line with a weak link having a maximum breaking 
    strength of up to 3780 lb (1714.3 kg).
        (iv) For gear set in offshore lobster areas only, all buoys are 
    attached to the buoy line by a section of rope no more than three 
    fourths the diameter of the buoy line.
        (v) All buoy lines are composed entirely of sinking line.
        (vi) All ground lines are made of sinking line.
        (d) Restrictions applicable to anchored gillnet gear--(1) No line 
    floating at the surface. No person may fish with anchored gillnet gear 
    that has any portion of the buoy line floating at the surface at any 
    time, except that, if more than one buoy is attached to a single buoy 
    line or if a high flyer and a buoy are used together on a single buoy 
    line, floating line may be used between these objects.
        (2) Cape Cod Bay Restricted Area--(i) Area. The Cape Cod Bay 
    Restricted Area consists of the Cape Cod Bay Critical Habitat area 
    specified under 50 CFR 216.13(b), unless the Assistant Administrator 
    changes that area under paragraph (g) of this section.
        (ii) Gear marking requirements. No person may fish with anchored 
    gillnet gear in the Cape Cod Bay Restricted Area unless that gear is 
    marked according to the gear marking code specified under paragraph (b) 
    of this section. All buoy lines used in connection with anchored 
    gillnets must be marked within 2 ft (0.6 m) of the top of the buoy line 
    (or 2 ft (0.6 m) below a weak link) and midway along the length of the 
    buoy line.
        (iii) Winter restricted period. The winter restricted period for 
    this area is from January 1 through May 15 of each year, unless the 
    Assistant Administrator revises the restricted period under paragraph 
    (g) of this section. During the winter restricted period, no person may 
    fish with anchored gillnet gear in the Cape Cod Bay Restricted Area 
    unless the Assistant Administrator specifies gear modifications or 
    alternative fishing practices under paragraph (g) of this section and 
    the gear or practices comply with those specifications. The Assistant
    [[Page 7555]]
    Administrator may waive this closure for the remaining portion of any 
    year through a notification in the Federal Register if NMFS determines 
    that right whales have left the critical habitat and are unlikely to 
    return for the remainder of the season.
        (iv) Other restricted period. From May 16 through December 31 of 
    each year, no person may fish with anchored gillnet gear in the Cape 
    Cod Bay Restricted Area unless that person's gear complies with at 
    least two of the characteristics of the Gillnet Take Reduction 
    Technology List in paragraph (d)(8) of this section. The Assistant 
    Administrator may revise this restricted period in accordance with 
    paragraph (g) of this section.
        (3) Great South Channel Restricted Gillnet Area--(i) Area. The 
    Great South Channel Restricted Gillnet Area consists of the area 
    bounded by lines connecting the following four points: 41 deg.02.2' N/
    69 deg.02' W, 41 deg.43.5' N/69 deg.36.3' W, 42 deg.10' N/68 deg.31' W, 
    and 41 deg.38' N/68 deg.13' W, unless the Assistant Administrator 
    changes that area in accordance with paragraph (g) of this section. 
    This area includes the Great South Channel critical habitat area 
    specified under 50 CFR 216.13(a), except for the ``sliver area'' 
    identified in paragraph (d)(4) of this section.
        (ii) Gear marking requirements. No person may fish with anchored 
    gillnet gear in the Great South Channel Restricted Gillnet Area unless 
    that gear is marked according to the gear marking code specified under 
    paragraph (b) of this section. All buoy lines used in connection with 
    anchored gillnets must be marked within 2 ft (0.6 m) of the top of the 
    buoy line (or 2 ft (0.6 m) below a weak link) and midway along the 
    length of the buoy line.
        (iii) Spring closed period. The spring closed period for this area 
    is from April 1 through June 30 of each year unless the Assistant 
    Administrator revises the closed period in accordance with paragraph 
    (g) of this section. During the spring closed period, no person may set 
    or fish with anchored gillnet gear in the Great South Channel 
    Restricted Gillnet Area unless the Assistant Administrator specifies 
    gear modifications or alternative fishing practices in accordance with 
    paragraph (g) of this section and the gear or practices comply with 
    those specifications.
        (iv) Other restricted period. From July 1 through March 31 no 
    person may fish with anchored gillnet gear in the Great South Channel 
    Restricted Gillnet Area unless that person's gear complies with at 
    least two of the characteristics of the Gillnet Take Reduction 
    Technology List in paragraph (d)(8) of this section. The Assistant 
    Administrator may revise this restricted period in accordance with 
    paragraph (g) of this section.
        (4) Great South Channel Sliver Restricted Area--(i) Area. The Great 
    South Channel Sliver Restricted Area consists of the area bounded by 
    lines connecting the following points: 41 deg.02.2' N/69 deg.02' W, 
    41 deg.43.5' N/69 deg.36.3' W, 41 deg.40' N/69 deg.45' W, and 
    41 deg.00' N/69 deg.05' W, unless the Assistant Administrator changes 
    that area in accordance with paragraph (g) of this section.
        (ii) Gear marking requirements. No person may fish with anchored 
    gillnet gear in the Great South Channel Sliver Restricted Area unless 
    that gear is marked according to the gear marking code specified under 
    paragraph (b) of this section. All buoy lines used in connection with 
    anchored gillnets must be marked within 2 ft (0.6 m) of the top of the 
    buoy line (or 2 ft below a weak link) and midway along the length of 
    the buoy line.
        (iii) Gear requirements. No person may fish with anchored gillnet 
    gear in the Great South Channel Sliver Restricted Area unless that 
    person's gear complies with at least two of the characteristics of the 
    Gillnet Take Reduction Technology List in paragraph (d)(8) of this 
    section. The Assistant Administrator may revise these requirements in 
    accordance with paragraph (g) of this section.
        (5) Stellwagen Bank/Jeffreys Ledge Restricted Area--(i) Area. The 
    Stellwagen Bank/Jeffreys Ledge Restricted Area consists of all Federal 
    waters of the Gulf of Maine that lie to the south of the 43 deg.15' N 
    lat. line and west of the 70 deg. W long. line, except right whale 
    critical habitat, unless the Assistant Administrator changes that area 
    in accordance with paragraph (g) of this section.
        (ii) Gear marking requirements. No person may fish with anchored 
    gillnet gear in the Stellwagen Bank/Jeffreys Ledge Restricted Area 
    unless that gear is marked according to the gear marking code specified 
    under paragraph (b) of this section. All buoy lines used in connection 
    with anchored gillnets must be marked within 2 ft (0.6 m) of the top of 
    the buoy line (or 2 ft below a weak link) and midway along the length 
    of the buoy line.
        (iii) Gear requirements. No person may fish with anchored gillnet 
    gear in the Stellwagen Bank/Jeffreys Ledge Restricted Area unless that 
    person's gear complies with at least two of the characteristics of the 
    Gillnet Take Reduction Technology List in paragraph (d)(8) of this 
    section. The Assistant Administrator may revise these requirements in 
    accordance with paragraph (g) of this section.
        (6) Other Northeast Waters Area--(i) Area. The ``Other Northeast 
    Waters Area'' consists of all northeast waters (as defined in 
    Sec. 229.2) except for the Cape Cod Bay Restricted Area, the Great 
    South Channel Restricted Gillnet Area, Great South Channel Sliver 
    Restricted Area and the Stellwagen Bank/Jeffreys Ledge Restricted Area.
        (ii) Gear requirements. No person may fish with anchored gillnet 
    gear in the Other Northeast Waters Area unless that person's gear 
    complies with at least one of the characteristics of the Gillnet Take 
    Reduction Technology List in paragraph (d)(8) of this section. The 
    Assistant Administrator may revise these requirements in accordance 
    with paragraph (g) of this section.
        (7) Mid-Atlantic Coastal Waters Area--(i) Area. The mid-Atlantic 
    Coastal Waters Area is defined in Sec. 229.2.
        (ii) Gear requirements. From December 1 through March 31, no person 
    may fish with anchored gillnets in the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Waters Area 
    unless that person's gear complies with at least one of the 
    characteristics of the Gillnet Take Reduction Technology List in 
    paragraph (d)(8) of this section. The Assistant Administrator may 
    revise these requirements in accordance with paragraph (g) of this 
        (8) Gillnet Take Reduction Technology List. The following gear 
    characteristics comprise the Gillnet Take Reduction Technology List:
        (i) All buoy lines are \7/16\ inches (1.11 cm) in diameter or less.
        (ii) All buoys are attached to the buoy line with a weak link 
    having a maximum breaking strength of up to 1100 lb (498.8 kg). Weak 
    links may include swivels, plastic weak links, rope of appropriate 
    diameter, hog rings, rope stapled to a buoy stick, or other materials 
    or devices approved in writing by the Assistant Administrator.
        (iii) Weak links with a breaking strength of up to 1100 lb (498.8 
    kg) are installed in the float rope between net panels.
        (iv) All buoy lines are composed entirely of sinking line.
        (e) Restrictions applicable to mid-Atlantic driftnet gear--(1) 
    Restrictions. From December 1 through March 31 of the following year, 
    no person may fish with driftnet gear at night in the mid-Atlantic 
    coastal waters area unless that gear is tended. During that time, all 
    driftnet gear set by that vessel in the mid-Atlantic coastal waters 
    area must be removed from the water and stowed on board the vessel 
    before a vessel returns to port. The Assistant Administrator
    [[Page 7556]]
    may revise these requirements in accordance with paragraph (g) of this 
        (f) Restrictions applicable to shark gillnet gear--(1) Management 
    areas--(i) Southeast U.S. restricted area. The southeast U.S. 
    restricted area consists of the area from 32 deg.00' N lat. (near 
    Savannah, GA) south to 27 deg.51' N lat. (near Sebastian Inlet, FL), 
    extending from the shore eastward to 80 deg.00' W long., unless the 
    Assistant Administrator changes that area in accordance with paragraph 
    (g) of this section.
        (ii) Southeast U.S. observer area. The southeast U.S. observer area 
    consists of the southeast U.S. restricted area and an additional area 
    along the coast south to 26 deg.46.5' N lat. (near West Palm Beach, FL) 
    and extending from the shore eastward out to 80 deg.00' W long., unless 
    the Assistant Administrator changes that area in accordance with 
    paragraph (g) of this section.
        (2) Gear marking requirements. From November 15 through March 31 of 
    the following year, no person may fish with gillnet gear in the 
    southeast U.S. observer area unless that gear is marked according to 
    the gear marking code specified under paragraph (b) of this section. 
    All buoy lines must be marked within 2 ft (0.6 m) of the top of the 
    buoy line and midway along the length of the buoy line. From November 
    15, 1999, each net panel must be marked along both the float line and 
    the lead line at least once every 100 yards (92.4 m).
        (3) Restrictions--(i) Observer requirement. No person may fish with 
    shark gillnet gear in the southeast U.S. observer area from November 15 
    through March 31 of the following year unless the operator of the 
    vessel calls the SE Regional Office in St. Petersburg, FL, not less 
    than 48 hours prior to departing on any fishing trip in order to 
    arrange for observer coverage. If the Regional Office requests that an 
    observer be taken on board a vessel during a fishing trip at any time 
    from November 15 through March 31 of the following year, no person may 
    fish with shark gillnet gear aboard that vessel in the southeast U.S. 
    observer area unless an observer is on board that vessel during the 
        (ii) Closure. Except as provided under paragraph (f)(3)(iii) of 
    this section, no person may fish with shark gillnet gear in the 
    southeast U.S. restricted area during the closed period. The closed 
    period for this area is from November 15 through March 31 of the 
    following year, unless the Assistant Administrator changes that closed 
    period in accordance with paragraph (g) of this section.
        (iii) Special provision for strikenets. Fishing for sharks with 
    strikenet gear is exempt from the restriction under paragraph 
    (f)(3)(ii) of this section if:
        (A) No nets are set at night or when visibility is less than 500 
    yards (460 m).
        (B) Each set is made under the observation of a spotter plane.
        (C) No net is set within 3 nautical miles of a right, humpback, fin 
    or minke whale.
        (D) If a right, humpback, fin or minke whale moves within 3 
    nautical miles of the set gear, the gear is removed immediately from 
    the water.
        (g) Other provisions. In addition to any other emergency authority 
    under the Marine Mammal Protection Act, the Endangered Species Act, the 
    Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, or other 
    appropriate authority, the Assistant administrator may take action 
    under this section in the following situations:
        (1) Entanglements in critical habitat. If a serious injury or 
    mortality of a right whale occurs in the Cape Cod Bay critical habitat 
    from January 1 through May 15, in the Great South Channel Restricted 
    Area from April 1 through June 30, or in the Southeast U.S. Restricted 
    Area from November 15 through March 31 as a result of an entanglement 
    by lobster or gillnet gear allowed to be used in those areas and times, 
    the Assistant Administrator shall close that area to that gear type for 
    the rest of that time period and for that same time period in each 
    subsequent year, unless the Assistant Administrator revises the 
    restricted period in accordance with paragraph (g)(2) of this section 
    or unless other measures are implemented under paragraph (g)(2).
        (2) Other special measures. The Assistant Administrator may revise 
    the requirements of this section through a publication in the Federal 
    Register if:
        (i) NMFS verifies that certain gear characteristics are both 
    operationally effective and reduce serious injuries and mortalities of 
    endangered whales;
        (ii) New gear technology is developed and determined to be 
        (iii) Revised breaking strengths are determined to be appropriate;
        (iv) New marking systems are developed and determined to be 
        (v) NMFS determines that right whales are remaining longer than 
    expected in a closed area or have left earlier than expected;
        (vi) NMFS determines that the boundaries of a closed area are not 
        (vii) Gear testing operations are considered appropriate; or
        (viii) Similar situations occur.
    [FR Doc. 99-3507 Filed 2-10-99; 2:45 pm]
    BILLING CODE 3510-22-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
The regulations in this final rule are effective April 1, 1999.
7529-7556 (28 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 970129015-9044-09, I.D. 031997C
0648-AI84: Taking of Marine Mammals Incidental to Commercial Fishing Operations; Take Reduction Plan Regulations and Emergency Regulations
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (5)
50 CFR 229.2)
50 CFR 229.32(d)(1)
50 CFR 229.2
50 CFR 229.3
50 CFR 229.32