[Federal Register Volume 64, Number 30 (Tuesday, February 16, 1999)]
[Pages 7660-7661]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 99-3655]
Fish and Wildlife Service
Information Collection To Be Submitted to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for Approval Under the Paperwork Reduction
AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
ACTION: Notice; request for comments.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will submit the collection
of information listed below to OMB for approval under the provisions of
the Paperwork Reduction Act. A copy of the information collection
requirement is included in this notice. If you wish to obtain copies of
the proposed information collection requirement, related forms, and
explanatory material, contact the Service Information Collection
Clearance Officer at the address listed below.
DATES: You must submit comments on or before April 19, 1999.
ADDRESSES: Send your comments and suggestions on the requirement to the
Information Collection Clearance Officer, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, ms 222-ARLSQ, 1849 C Street NW., Washington, DC 20204.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: To request a copy of the information
collection request, explanatory information and related forms, contact
Rebecca A. Mullin at (703) 358-2287, or electronically to
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
regulations at 5 CFR 1320, which implement provisions of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13), require that interested members
of the public and affected agencies have an opportunity to comment on
information collection and recordkeeping activities (see 5 CFR
1320.8(d)). The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (We) plan to submit a
request to OMB to renew its approval of the collection of information
for the North American Woodcock Singing Ground Survey. We are
requesting a 3-year term of approval for this information collection
Federal agencies may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not
required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays
a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this
collection of information is 1018-0019.
The Migratory Bird Treaty Act (16 U.S.C. 703-711) and Fish and
Wildlife Act of 1956 (16 U.S.C. 742d) designate the Department of the
Interior as the key agency responsible for the wise
[[Page 7661]]
management of migratory bird populations frequenting the United States
and for the setting of hunting regulations that allow appropriate
harvests that are within the guidelines that will allow for those
populations' well being. These responsibilities dictate the gathering
of accurate data on various characteristics of migratory bird
populations. The North American Woodcock Singing-Ground Survey is an
essential part of the migratory bird management program. This survey is
conducted annually by State and Federal conservation agencies to
provide the necessary data to determine the population status of the
woodcock. In addition, the information is vital in assessing the
relative changes in the geographic distribution of the woodcock. The
information is used primarily by us to develop recommendations for
hunting regulations. It is also used by us, State conservation
agencies, University associates and other interested parties for
various research and management projects. Without information on the
population's status, we might promulgate hunting regulations that were
too liberal thus causing harm to the woodcock population, or too
conservative, thus unduly restricting recreational opportunities
afforded by woodcock hunting.
Title: North American Woodcock Singing Ground Survey.
Approval Number: 1018-0019.
Service Form Number: 3-156.
Frequency of Collection: Annually.
Description of Respondents: State, local, tribal, provincial, or
Federal employees.
Total Annual Burden Hours: The reporting burden is estimated to
average 0.67 hours per respondent. The Total Annual Burden hours is 500
Total Annual Responses: About 750 individuals are expected to
participate in the survey.
We invite comments concerning this renewal on: (1) whether the
collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of
our migratory bird management functions, including whether the
information will have practical utility; (2) the accuracy of our
estimate of the burden of the collection of information; (3) ways to
enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be
collected; and, (4) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of
information on respondents. The information collections in this program
are part of a system of record covered by the Privacy Act (5 U.S.C.
Dated: February 9, 1999.
Paul R. Schmidt,
Acting Assistant Director for Refuges and Wildlife.
[FR Doc. 99-3655 Filed 2-12-99; 8:45 am]