94-3766. U.S. Department of Energy, Receipt of a Petition for Rulemaking  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 34 (Friday, February 18, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
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    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-3766]
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    [Federal Register: February 18, 1994]
                                                        VOL. 59, NO. 34
                                              Friday, February 18, 1994
    10 CFR Part 71
    [Docket No. PRM-71-11]
    U.S. Department of Energy, Receipt of a Petition for Rulemaking
    AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
    ACTION: Petition for rulemaking; Notice of receipt.
    SUMMARY: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has received and 
    requests public comment on a petition for rulemaking filed by the U.S. 
    Department of Energy (DOE). The petition has been docketed by the 
    Commission and has been assigned Docket No. PRM-71-11. The petitioner 
    requests that the NRC amend its regulations governing packaging and 
    transportation of radioactive materials to specifically exempt 
    canisters containing vitrified high-level waste from the double 
    containment requirement specified in NRC's regulations. The petitioner 
    believes such an amendment would permit more cost-effective high-level 
    radioactive waste management by DOE in the geologic repository and 
    would not adversely affect the safety of the transportation package.
    DATES: Submit comments by May 4, 1994. Comments received after this 
    date will be considered if it is practical to do so, but assurance of 
    consideration cannot be given except as to comments received on or 
    before this date.
    ADDRESSES: Submit comments to: Secretary, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory 
    Commission, Washington, DC 20555. Attention: Docketing and Service 
        Deliver comments to 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland, 
    between 7:45 am and 4:15 pm on Federal workdays.
        For a copy of the petition, write: Rules Review Section, Rules 
    Review and Directives Branch, Division of Freedom of Information and 
    Publications Services, Office of Administration, U.S. Nuclear 
    Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Michael T. Lesar, Office of 
    Administration, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 
    20555. Telephone: 301-492-7758 or Toll Free: 800-368-5642.
        The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) received a petition for 
    rulemaking dated November 30, 1993, submitted by the U.S. Department of 
    Energy (DOE). The petition was docketed as PRM-71-11 on December 6, 
    1993. The petitioner requests that the NRC amend its regulations 
    specified in 10 CFR part 71 that govern packaging and transport of 
    radioactive materials. Specifically, the petitioner is seeking a 
    specific exemption for canisters containing vitrified high-level waste 
    (HLW) from the requirements currently contained in 10 CFR 71.63(b) 
    regarding special requirements for plutonium shipments. The petitioner 
    notes that current NRC special requirements for plutonium shipments (10 
    CFR 71.63) specify that all shipments of plutonium with an activity 
    greater than 20 curies per package must meet the double containment 
    requirement in 10 CFR 71.63(b).
        Under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 (NWPA), as amended, DOE 
    is responsible for developing a geologic repository for the disposal of 
    high-level radioactive waste and spent fuel. Shipments of HLW must be 
    approved for shipment through DOE's Civilian Radioactive Waste 
    Management System (CRWMS) for transport to and disposal in the geologic 
    repository. Also, under the NWPA, all packages used to transport spent 
    fuel and HLW must be certified by NRC. On June 17, 1974 (39 FR 20960), 
    the NRC published a final rule requiring that shipments of plutonium 
    with activity greater than 20 curies per package meet the double 
    containment requirement of 10 CFR 71.63(b).
        The petitioner admits that 10 CFR 71.63(b) applies to the shipments 
    of vitrified HLW. However, the petitioner also claims that these 
    shipments should be exempt from the double containment requirement 
    because this material is analogous to spent fuel. As the petitioner 
    notes, the preamble to the final rule states that spent fuel is exempt 
    from the double containment requirement specified in 10 CFR 71.63(b) 
    because these solid forms of plutonium were determined to be 
    ``essentially nonrespirable.'' The petitioner also indicates that the 
    evaluation of the respirability potential of canisters filled with 
    vitrified HLW is based mainly on the results of impact tests.
        In support of the petition for rulemaking, the petitioner has 
    included a document entitled ``Technical Justification to Support the 
    PRM by the DOE to Exempt HLW Canisters from 10 CFR 71.63(b)'' 
    (technical justification). The petitioner claims that the tests 
    described in the technical justification demonstrate that the canisters 
    containing vitrified HLW compare favorably with the physical integrity 
    of the metal cladding surrounding the spent fuel pellets in reactor 
    assemblies. The petitioner believes that because canisters containing 
    vitrified HLW are analogous to spent fuel, these canisters should be 
    exempt from the double containment requirement specified in 10 CFR 
        The NRC is soliciting public comment on the petition submitted by 
    DOE that requests the changes to the regulations in 10 CFR part 71 as 
    discussed below.
    The Petitioner
        Pursuant to the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, as amended 
    (NWPA), the petitioner is the Federal agency responsible for developing 
    and administering a geologic repository for the deep disposal of high-
    level radioactive waste and spent fuel. The petitioner proposes to ship 
    the HLW from each of its three storage locations at Aiken, South 
    Carolina; Hanford, Washington; and West Valley, New York, directly to 
    the geologic repository in casks certified by the NRC. The HLW 
    currently exists mostly in the form of liquid and sludge resulting from 
    the reprocessing of defense reactor fuels. The petitioner proposes to 
    solidify (vitrify) this material into a borosilicate glass form in 
    which the HLW is dispersed and immobilized and place it into stainless 
    steel canisters for storage and transport to the geologic repository. 
    The petitioner indicates that it is submitting this petition for 
    rulemaking to amend 10 CFR part 71 so that it can manage the 
    transportation and disposal of high-level waste in a cost-effective and 
    efficient manner without adversely affecting the safety of the 
    transportation package.
    Discussion of the Petition
        The petitioner has submitted this petition for rulemaking because 
    it believes it will be adversely affected by the current regulations 
    that require plutonium shipments with activity greater than 20 curies 
    per package to be shipped in a double containment format. The 
    petitioner's primary concern is that the double containment requirement 
    specified in 10 CFR 71.63(b) will prevent it from effectively 
    performing its responsibility under the NWPA to administer the 
    transportation of canisters containing vitrified high-level radioactive 
    waste for disposal in the geologic repository in an efficient and cost-
    effective manner.
        The petitioner states that although the current regulations are 
    appropriate in exempting reactor fuel elements from the double 
    containment requirement specified in 10 CFR 71.63(b), canisters 
    containing vitrified HLW should also be exempted. The petitioner states 
    that spent fuel was exempted from the double containment requirement in 
    10 CFR 71.63(b) because the fuel pellet itself and the surrounding 
    metal cladding were found to provide adequate protection against the 
    possible dispersion of plutonium particles both under normal transport 
    conditions and during hypothetical accident conditions. The petitioner 
    believes that the tests described in the technical justification 
    provide sufficient technical information to indicate that the 
    borosilicate glass mixture and the storage canisters are analogous to 
    spent fuel that is exempt from the double containment requirement.
        In the technical justification, the petitioner describes the 
    physical characteristics of the austenitic stainless steel canisters 
    that will house the vitrified HLW and indicates that the packages will 
    pass a 7-meter drop test onto a flat, essentially unyielding surface 
    without a release of its contents. The petitioner emphasized that this 
    test should not be confused with the hypothetical accident tests 
    specified in 10 CFR 71.73, ``Hypothetical Accident Conditions.'' The 
    petitioner also clarifies that the 9-meter drop test required in 10 CFR 
    71.73(c)(1) applies to the entire package, including the cask which 
    must be certified by the NRC used to transport the canisters containing 
    the vitrified HLW.
        The petitioner provides a detailed comparison in the technical 
    justification between the steel canister that will house vitrified HLW 
    and the reactor fuel elements that are exempt from the double 
    containment requirement in 10 CFR 71.63(b). The petitioner notes that 
    the plutonium contained in reactor fuel elements is encased in solid 
    ceramic fuel pellets surrounded by a sealed, sturdy metal cladding that 
    inhibits dispersion of radioactive particles. The petitioner believes 
    the impact tests performed during the past 20 years on canisters 
    containing simulated HLW glass forms indicate that these canisters 
    qualify for exemption from the double containment requirement.
        Helium leak tests and dye penetrant tests performed after the 
    impact testing have demonstrated that the vitrified HLW canisters can 
    withstand a 9-meter drop test. The petitioner acknowledges that reactor 
    fuel elements were exempted from the double containment requirement in 
    10 CFR 71.63(b) because they are considered to be ``essentially 
    nonrespirable.'' The petitioner believes that because the canisters 
    have not been exposed to the high levels of radiation present in a 
    commercial reactor, these packages will not be subject to molecular-
    level changes in material properties, such as increased embrittlement, 
    unlike spent reactor fuel cladding. The petitioner concludes that the 
    numerous impact and followup tests on simulated vitrified HLW canisters 
    indicate that the canisters provide, at minimum, protection comparable 
    to that provided by spent fuel cladding.
        In the technical justification, the petitioner also compares the 
    physical and chemical characteristics of the vitrified HLW glass 
    mixture to spent fuel pellets. The petitioner notes that production of 
    potentially respirable particles from the glass mixture could result 
    from cooldown processes after being poured into the HLW canister, 
    normal handling and transport conditions, and hypothetical accident 
    conditions. Because impact studies of simulated waste glass from the 
    DOE Savannah River site have shown comparable levels of fracture 
    resistance and similar fractions of respirable particles when compared 
    to unirradiated uranium fuel pellets and other potential waste form 
    materials, the petitioner believes that the fracture resistance of 
    simulated HLW glass is comparable to that of uranium fuel pellets. The 
    petitioner asserts that leak tests performed for both normal transport 
    and hypothetical accident scenarios indicate that the quantity of 
    respirable material produced is minute and fully supports the 
    conclusion that the vitrified HLW canister waste form is ``essentially 
    nonrespirable'' and, therefore, analogous to reactor fuel elements.
        The petitioner also notes that evaluations show that the total 
    concentration of plutonium in an individual fuel assembly is more than 
    100 times greater than that in an HLW canister from the Savannah River 
    site. The petitioner indicates that the maximum quantity of plutonium 
    projected for the Hanford and West Valley HLW canisters is much less 
    than that of the Savannah River HLW canisters. The petitioner also 
    notes that canisters containing vitrified HLW will be enclosed within a 
    shipping cask that has been certified by NRC during actual transport 
    conditions. The petitioner concludes that this arrangement will further 
    reduce the potential for canister damage and for a release of 
    respirable particles of radionuclides.
        The petitioner asserts that proposed disposal criteria would result 
    in a cost-effective option that would not adversely affect public 
    health, environmental quality, the safety of the transportation 
    package, or the safety of workers who handle the transportation 
    package. The petitioner also asserts that the current regulatory limits 
    on radioactivity in the transportation package are intended to protect 
    not only individuals who transport and handle the waste but also the 
    general public if a transportation accident en route to the geologic 
    repository site results in a release of radioactive material.
    Adverse Effects on the Petitioner
        The petitioner believes that it will be adversely affected if the 
    double containment requirement in 10 CFR 71.63(b) is applied to 
    canisters containing vitrified HLW. The petitioner notes that the only 
    alternative would be to design and construct a double containment 
    transportation cask. The petitioner believes that a double containment 
    requirement would add additional handling steps to the loading and 
    unloading of the HLW canister, resulting in an increase of time and 
    expense in HLW shipments. The additional handling process would 
    increase the radiation dose received by workers and create additional 
    contaminated metal hardware, resulting in increased disposal effort and 
    expense. The petitioner also asserts that a double containment 
    requirement for this HLW form would require additional shipments 
    because of a potential decrease in payload capacity of the cask. 
    Additional shipments would create a corresponding increase in risk to 
    affected populations along the transportation route to the geologic 
    repository. The petitioner believes that the double containment 
    requirement would impose an unnecessary and unduly burdensome rule that 
    cannot be justified in terms of any incremental benefits to public 
    health and safety.
    The Petitioner's Proposed Amendment
        The petitioner requests that 10 CFR part 71 be amended to overcome 
    the problems the petitioner has itemized and recommends the following 
    revision to the regulations:
        The petitioner proposes that Sec. 71.63 be amended by revising 
    paragraph (b) to redesignate paragraph (b)(3) as paragraph (b)(4) and 
    adding a new paragraph (b)(3) to read as follows:
    Sec. 71.63  Special requirements for plutonium shipments.
    * * * * *
        (b) Plutonium in excess of 20 curies per package must be packaged 
    in a separate inner container placed within outer packaging that meets 
    the requirements of Subparts E and F for packaging of material in 
    normal form. If the entire package is subjected to the tests specified 
    in Sec. 71.71 (Normal Conditions of Transport), the separate inner 
    container must not release plutonium, as demonstrated to a sensitivity 
    of 10-6 A2 per hour. If the entire package is subjected to 
    the tests specified in Sec. 71.73 (Hypothetical Accident Conditions), 
    the separate inner container must restrict the loss of plutonium to not 
    more than A2 in one week. Solid plutonium in the following forms 
    is exempt from the requirements of this paragraph:
        (1) Reactor fuel elements;
        (2) Metal or metal alloy;
        (3) Canisters containing vitrified high-level waste; and
        (4) Other plutonium-bearing solids that the Commission determines 
    should be exempt from the requirements of this section.
    The Petitioner's Conclusion
        The petitioner has concluded that the double containment 
    requirement specified in 10 CFR 71.63(b) should not be applied to 
    shipments of canisters containing vitrified HLW because this waste form 
    is analogous to spent reactor fuel elements, which are exempt. The 
    petitioner believes that impact and leak tests on the canisters, 
    chemical analyses of spent fuel and simulated HLW borosilicate glass 
    mixtures, and other studies of the levels of radioactivity present in 
    the proposed transportation packages demonstrate that canisters 
    containing vitrified HLW are analogous to spent reactor fuel elements 
    and, therefore, should be exempt from the double containment 
    requirement in 10 CFR 71.63(b). The petitioner has proposed an 
    amendment to the current regulations in 10 CFR part 71 that it believes 
    will permit more cost-effective disposal of high-level waste without 
    adversely affecting the safety of the transportation package, the 
    workers who handle the package, affected populations along the 
    transportation corridor, or the environment.
        Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 14th day of February, 1994.
        For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
    Samuel J. Chilk,
    Secretary of the Commission.
    [FR Doc. 94-3766 Filed 2-17-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 7590-01-P

Document Information

Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Petition for rulemaking; Notice of receipt.
Document Number:
Submit comments by May 4, 1994. Comments received after this date will be considered if it is practical to do so, but assurance of consideration cannot be given except as to comments received on or before this date.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: February 18, 1994, Docket No. PRM-71-11