98-3898. Improved Standards for Determining Rejected Takeoff and Landing Performance  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 32 (Wednesday, February 18, 1998)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 8298-8321]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-3898]
    [[Page 8297]]
    Part IV
    Department of Transportation
    Federal Aviation Administration
    14 CFR Parts 1 et al.
    Improved Standards for Determining Rejected Takeoff and Landing 
    Performance; Final Rule Proposed Revisions to Advisory Circular--Flight 
    Test Guide for Certification of Transport Category Airplanes; Notice
    Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 32 / Wednesday, February 18, 1998 / 
    Rules and Regulations
    [[Page 8298]]
    Federal Aviation Administration
    14 CFR Parts 1, 25, 91, 121, and 135
    [Docket No. 25471; Amendment Nos. 1-48, 25-92, 91-256, 121-268, 135-71]
    RIN 2120-AB17
    Improved Standards for Determining Rejected Takeoff and Landing 
    AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: This action amends the airworthiness standards for transport 
    category airplanes to: revise the method for taking into account the 
    time needed for the pilot to accomplish the procedures for a rejected 
    takeoff; require that takeoff performance be determined for wet 
    runways; and require that rejected takeoff and landing stopping 
    distances be based on worn brakes. The FAA is taking this action to 
    improve the airworthiness standards, reduce the impact of the standards 
    on the competitiveness of new versus derivative airplanes without 
    adversely affecting safety, and harmonize with revised standards of the 
    European Joint Aviation Requirements-25 (JAR-25). These standards, 
    which affect manufacturers and operators of transport category 
    airplanes, are not being applied retroactively to either airplanes 
    currently in use or airplanes of existing approved designs that will be 
    manufactured in the future.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: March 20, 1998.
    Donald K. Stimson, FAA, Airplane & Flightcrew Interface Branch, ANM-
    111, Transport Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service, 
    1601 Lind Avenue SW., Renton, WA 98055-4056; telephone (425) 227-1129, 
    facsimile (425) 227-1320.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: An electronic copy of this document may be 
    downloaded using a modem and suitable communications software from the 
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        Internet users may reach the FAA's web page at http://www.faa.gov 
    or the Federal Register's webpage at http://www.access.gpo.gov/su__docs 
    for access to recently published rulemaking documents.
        Any person may obtain a copy of this final rule by submitting a 
    request to the Federal Aviation Administration, Office of Rulemaking, 
    ARM-1, 800 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20591, or by 
    calling (202) 267-9680. Communications must identify the amendment 
    number or document number of this final rule.
        Persons interested in being placed on the mailing list for future 
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    should request from the above office of copy of Advisory Circular No. 
    11-2A, Notices of Proposed Rulemaking Distribution System, that 
    describes the application procedure.
    Small Entity Inquiries
        The Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 
    (SBREFA) requires the FAA to report inquiries from small entities 
    concerning information on, and advice about, compliance with statutes 
    and regulations within the FAA's jurisdiction, including interpretation 
    and application of the law to specific sets of facts supplied by a 
    small entity.
        The FAA's definitions of small entities may be accessed through the 
    FAA's web page (http://www.faa.gov.avr/arm/sbrefa.htm), by contacting a 
    local FAA official, or by contacting the FAA's Small Entity Contact 
    listed below.
        If you are a small entity and have a question, contact your local 
    FAA official. If you do not know how to contact your local FAA 
    official, you may contact Charlene Brown, Program Analyst Staff, Office 
    of Rulemaking, ARM-27, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 
    Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20591, 1-888-551-1594. Internet 
    users can find additional information on SBREFA in the ``Quick Jump'' 
    section of the FAA's web page at http://www.faa.gov and may send 
    electronic inquiries to the following internet address: 9-AWA-
    [email protected]
        These amendments are based on notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) 
    93-8, which was published in the Federal Register on July 8, 1993 (58 
    FR 36738). In that notice, the FAA proposed amendments to 14 CFR parts 
    1, 25, 91, 121, and 135 to improve the standards for determining the 
    accelerate-stop and landing distances for transport category airplanes. 
    The FAA received over 100 comments from 22 different commenters on the 
    proposals contained in NPRM 93-8. As a result of these comments, the 
    FAA has modified some of the original proposals.
        As explained in NPRM 93-8, the operator of a turbine-powered 
    category airplane must determine that the runway being used, plus any 
    available stopway or clearway, is long enough to either safely continue 
    or reject the takeoff from a defined go/no-go point. The go/no-go point 
    occurs while the airplane is accelerating down the runway for takeoff 
    when the airplane reaches a speed known as V1.
        The assure that the takeoff can be safely continued from the go/no-
    go point, the length of the runway plus any clearway must be long 
    enough for the airplane to reach a height of 35 feet by the end of that 
    distance, even if a total loss of power from the most critical engine 
    occurs just before reaching the V1 speed. This distance is 
    commonly referred to as the accelerate-go distance.
        In case the pilot finds it necessary to reject the takeoff, the 
    runway plus any stopway must be long enough for the airplane to be 
    accelerated to the V1 speed and then brought to a complete 
    stop. This distance is known as the accelerate-stop distance.
        The choice of V1 speed affects the accelerate-go and 
    accelerate-stop distances. A lower V1 speed, corresponding 
    to an engine failure early in the takeoff roll, increases the 
    accelerate-go distance and decreases the accelerate-stop distance. 
    Conversely, a higher V1 speed decreases the accelerate-go 
    distance and increases the accelerate-stop distance. When V1 
    is selected such that the accelerate-stop distance is equal to the 
    accelerate-go distance, this distance is known as the balanced field 
    length. In general, the balanced field length represents the minimum 
    runway length that can be used for takeoff.
        The V1 speed selected for any takeoff depends on several 
    variables, including the airplane's takeoff weight and configuration 
    (flap setting), the runway length, the air temperature, and the runway 
    surface elevation (airport altitude). The takeoff performance and 
    limitation charts in the Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) are developed in 
    accordance with the FAA airworthiness standards in subpart B of the 
    Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR), part 25--``Airworthiness Standards: 
    Transport Category Airplanes,'' using data gathered during 
    comprehensive flight tests completed as a part of the FAA's approval of 
    the airplane's type design.
        Part 25, subpart B, also prescribes the FAA airworthiness standards 
    for determining the length of runway required for safe landing under 
    various airplane and atmospheric conditions. Landing performance charts 
    must be published in the AFM, and are used by
    [[Page 8299]]
    the operator to determine whether a particular runway is long enough 
    for landing.
        The FAA, through the general operating rules contained in parts 91, 
    121, and 135, requires operators to use the appropriate performance and 
    limitation charts published in the AFM to plan their takeoffs and 
        In NPRM 93-8, the FAA proposed amendments to several sections of 
    parts 25, 91, 121, and 135 concerning the methods for determining and 
    applying the takeoff and landing performance standards for turbine-
    powered transport category airplanes. Also, the FAA proposed to amend 
    part 1, which contains terms and abbreviations used in the FAR, to add 
    a definition of the term ``takeoff decision speed'' and an explanation 
    for the abbreviation ``VEF.''
        The proposed amendments retained the fundamental principle that the 
    pilot should be able to either safety complete a takeoff or bring the 
    airplane to a complete stop, even if power is lost from the most 
    critical engine just before the airplane reaches a defined go/no-go 
    point. This principle has formed the basis of the takeoff performance 
    standards required for the type certification of turbine-powered 
    transport category airplanes since Special Civil Air Regulation No. SR-
    422, effective August 27, 1957. The amendments proposed in NPRM 93-8 
    were intended to provide a more rational method to take into account 
    the various operational aspects affecting the takeoff distance. By the 
    phrase ``more rational method,'' the FAA means a method that explicitly 
    addresses the specific elements affecting the takeoff distance, rather 
    than providing for critical conditions by applying more restrictive 
    standards to all takeoffs.
        If the takeoff performance standards are made more restrictive, 
    longer distances are needed for takeoff. However, the operator cannot 
    change the length of the runway (although a longer runway, if 
    available, could be used). Instead, the operator must usually reduce 
    the airplane's takeoff weight in order to shorten the distance needed 
    for takeoff. The more restrictive the takeoff performance standards 
    are, the more takeoff weight may have to be reduced to be able to 
    operate from a particular runway.
        To reduce the airplane's takeoff weight, the operator must either 
    reduce the amount of fuel to be carried, or reduce the number of 
    passengers or amount of cargo to be transported. Since the amount of 
    fuel to be carried is dictated primarily by the route being flown, the 
    operator's only option may be to reduce the number of passengers or 
    amount of cargo to be transported. When the number of passengers or 
    amount of cargo must be reduced for a given flight, the airplane 
    operator can suffer a loss of revenue.
        Amendment 25-42, which became effective on March 1, 1978, revised 
    the takeoff performance standards to make them more restrictive. Prior 
    to Amendment 25-42, variations in pilot reaction time were provided for 
    in the AFM accelerate-stop distances by adding one second to the flight 
    test demonstrated time interval between each of the pilot actions 
    necessary to stop the airplane. Typically, there are three such 
    actions. The pilot reduces the power, applies the brakes, and raises 
    the spoilers. Adding one second between each of these actions results 
    in a total of two seconds being added to the time taken by the flight 
    test pilots to accomplish the procedures for stopping the airplane. In 
    calculating the resulting accelerate-stop distances for the AFM, no 
    credit was allowed for any deceleration during this two-second time 
        The revised standards of Amendment 25-42 required the accelerate-
    stop distance to include two seconds of continued acceleration beyond 
    V1 speed before the pilot takes any action to stop the 
    airplane. This revision resulted in longer accelerate-stop distances 
    for airplanes whose application for a type certificate was made after 
    Amendment 25-42 became effective. Consequently, turbine-powered 
    transport category airplanes that are currently being manufactured 
    under a type certificate that was applied for prior to March 1, 1978, 
    have a significant operational economic advantage over airplanes whose 
    type certificate was applied for after that date. This competitive 
    disparity resulting from applying different performance standards 
    created a compelling need to amend the takeoff performance standards of 
    part 25 without adversely affecting safety. In addition, operational 
    experience indicated a need to specifically address the detrimental 
    effects of worn brakes and wet runways on airplane stopping 
        Amendment 25-42 was a broad brush approach, applying to all 
    takeoffs, to increase the required accelerate-stop distance. This broad 
    brush approach did not explicitly account for many of the important 
    operational factors that may affect takeoff performance. For example, 
    the standards did not distinguish between dry and wet runways, nor were 
    the effects of worn brakes taken into account. Wet runways and worn 
    brakes typically result in longer accelerate-stop distances than with 
    new brakes on a dry runway. By requiring wet runway performance to be 
    determined and included in the AFM, and by requiring the use of worn 
    brakes to determine the airplane's stopping capability, the proposed 
    amendments would provide additional accelerate-stop distance for the 
    conditions in which it is specifically needed in operational service.
        Because wet runways and worn brakes would be specifically addressed 
    in the revised standards proposed in NPRM 93-8, the FAA also proposed 
    to replace the two seconds of continued acceleration beyond 
    V1 with a distance equal to two seconds at the V1 
    speed. The distance equal to two seconds at constant V1, 
    while shorter than that resulting from the continued acceleration 
    beyond V1 required by Amendment 25-42, is a distance margin 
    that must be added to the accelerate-stop distance demonstrated during 
    flight testing for type certification. The FAA intends for this 
    distance margin to take into account the variability in the time it 
    takes for pilots, in actual operations, to accomplish the procedures 
    for stopping the airplane.
        Amendment 25-42 required the two seconds of time delay to be 
    applied prior to the pilot taking any action to stop the airplane. This 
    more restrictive approach assumes that the airplane reaches a higher 
    speed during the accelerate-stop maneuver and, therefore, results in a 
    longer distance than the distance equal to two seconds at constant 
    V1 speed. Inserting the time delay before the pilot takes 
    any action to stop the airplane, however, does not accurately reflect 
    the procedures that pilots are trained to use in operational service. 
    V1 is intended to be the speed by which the pilot has 
    already made the decision to rejected the takeoff and has begun taking 
    action to stop the airplane. The time it takes for the pilot to 
    recognize the need for a rejected takeoff, which occurs before 
    V1 is reached, is considered separately within the 
    airworthiness standards. Therefore, the amendments proposed in NPRM 93-
    8 were intended to more accurately reflect the rejected takeoff 
    procedures taught in training and the intended use of the V1 
        In summary, the purpose of the amendments to the takeoff 
    performance standards of parts 25, 91, 121, and 135, as proposed in 
    NPRM 93-8, was to more rationally reflect the operational factors 
    involved and reduce the impact of the standards on the competitiveness 
    of new versus derivative airplanes. More restrictive standards were 
    proposed for takeoffs from wet runways. In addition, the proposed 
    standards would require accelerate-stop distances to be
    [[Page 8300]]
    determined with brakes that are worn to their overhaul limit. Lastly, 
    the two seconds of continued acceleration beyond V1 speed 
    would be replaced by a distance equal to two seconds at V1 
        In NPRM 93-8, the FAA also proposed to amend the landing distance 
    standards of part 25 to account for worn brakes. The FAA proposed this 
    change to be consistent with the proposal for taking worn brakes into 
    account for the takeoff accelerate-stop distances. Because airplanes 
    generally require more distance to take off than to land, the allowable 
    landing weight is rarely limited by the available runway length. 
    Therefore, the proposed landing distance rule change was not expected 
    to have a significant effect on the number of passengers or amount of 
    cargo that can be carried.
    International Harmonization of Airworthiness Standards
        For more than ten years, the FAA has been cooperating with the 
    Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) of Europe to promote harmonization 
    between the FAR, particularly the airworthiness standards, and the 
    European Joint Aviation Requirements (JAR). The aircraft certification 
    authorities of 23 European countries are members of JAA. An annual 
    meeting is held between FAA senior management officials and senior 
    management officials of the JAA member authorities to identify 
    technical subject areas where cooperation is needed to promote greater 
    harmonization between the FAR of the United States and the European 
    JAR. A large portion of these meetings have been open to the public. A 
    comprehensive study of this activity was completed by Professor George 
    A. Bermann, Columbia University School of Law, in May 1991 as a 
    consultant to the Administrative Conference of the United States 
    (ACUS). A copy of Professor Bermann's final report to ACUS, titled: 
    ``Regulatory Cooperation with Counterpart Agencies Abroad: The FAA's 
    Aircraft Certification Experience,'' dated May 1991, is included in the 
    docket. Based on Professor Bermann's report. ACUS has confirmed the 
    administrative appropriateness of this effort and has indicated strong 
    support for this activity in their Recommendation 91-1, titled 
    ``Federal Agency Cooperation with Foreign Government Regulators,'' 
    adopted June 13, 1991.
        At the annual FAA/JAA meeting in June 1989, the FAA and JAA 
    discussed the competitive disparity caused by the differences between 
    the takeoff performance standards applied to airplanes that met the 
    later standards of Amendment 25-42, as compared with airplanes that 
    were only required to meet the takeoff performance standards that 
    preceded Amendment 25-42. Even though the airplane types were 
    originally type certificated at different times, thus allowing the use 
    of different amendments, both groups of airplanes are continuing in 
    production and both are competing for sales and for use over some 
    common routes. Airplanes whose designs were type certificated to the 
    standards introduced by Amendment 25-42 could be penalized in terms of 
    the number of passengers or amount of cargo they can carry over a 
    common route, even though the airplane's takeoff performance might be 
    better from a safety perspective than a competing airplane design that 
    was not required to meet the later standards. Currently, most of the 
    transport category airplane types that have been required to meet the 
    later standards of Amendment 25-42 were designed and manufactured 
    outside the U.S. (mostly in Europe). These airplanes are competing for 
    sales against airplanes that were designed and manufactured in the U.S. 
    that were not required to meet the standards of Amendment 25-42. This 
    situation has led to claims by a major European manufacturer of 
    transport category airplanes that this disparity in the airworthiness 
    standards has created an unfair international trade situation affecting 
    the competitiveness of their airplane types of a later design.
        At the June 1990 annual meeting, the FAA and JAA agreed to jointly 
    review the current takeoff performance standards and their 
    applicability with respect to airplanes currently in use and airplanes 
    produced in the future under existing approved designs. The goal was to 
    reduce the inequities described above without adversely affecting 
    safety. The study consisted of two parts: First, the current takeoff 
    performance standards were reviewed to determine if they were too 
    restrictive; and second, the merits of making the resulting standards 
    apply retroactively were considered for both airplanes currently in use 
    and airplanes produced in the future under existing approved designs. 
    The FAA and JAA also agreed to initiate substantively the same 
    rulemaking within their respective systems to harmonize the European 
    and U.S. takeoff performance standards for transport category 
        The FAA concluded that the takeoff performance standards of part 25 
    could be made more rational, and thus less restrictive overall, without 
    adversely affecting safety and proposed to amend the standards 
    accordingly. However, considering the safety benefits and available 
    economic impact information, the FAA could not support a recommendation 
    to make the standards proposed by NPRM 93-8 retroactive to either 
    airplanes currently in use or future production airplanes of designs 
    that have already been type certificated. If additional information to 
    support making these proposed standards retroactive became available at 
    a later date, the FAA proposed to review such information and determine 
    if further rulemaking would be appropriate.
        In March 1992, the JAA issued its Notice of Proposed Amendment 
    (NPA) 25B, D, G-244: ``Accelerate-Stop Distances and Related 
    Performance Matters'' to amend the takeoff performance standards of 
    JAR-25. The amendments proposed in NPRM 93-8 were substantively the 
    same as the amendments proposed by the JAA NPA for JAR-25.
    Discussion of the Proposals
        In NPRM 93-8, the FAA proposed the following rule changes:
        1. Replace the two seconds of continued acceleration beyond 
    V1 (mandated by Amendment 25-42) with a distance margin 
    equal to two seconds at V1 speed;
        2. Require that the runway surface condition (dry or wet) be taken 
    into account when determining the runway length that must be available 
    for takeoff; and
        3. Require that the capability of the brakes to absorb energy and 
    stop the airplane during landings and rejected takeoffs be based on 
    brakes that are worn to their overhaul limit.
    Proposal 1
        The FAA proposed to amend the method of determining the accelerate-
    stop distance prescribed in Sec. 25.109 by replacing the two seconds of 
    continued acceleration after reaching V1 with a distance 
    equal to two seconds at V1 speed. This proposal would reduce 
    the accelerate-stop distance that must be available for a rejected 
    takeoff because the airplane would be assumed to begin stopping from a 
    lower speed (from V1, rather than from the speed reached 
    after two seconds of acceleration beyond V1). The FAA's 
    intent was to replace the most costly aspect of Amendment 25-42 with a 
    requirement that closely represents the pre-Amendment 25-42 criteria of 
    Sec. 25.109, as applied to the certification of recent U.S.-
    manufactured airplanes.
    Proposal 2
        The FAA proposed to amend Sec. 25.105 to require that airplane 
    takeoff performance data be based on wet, in
    [[Page 8301]]
    addition to dry, runways. Section 25.1587(b) would be amended to 
    require that performance information for wet runways be included in the 
    Airplane Flight Manual (AFM). Sections 91.605, 121.189, and 135.379 of 
    the operating rules would be amended to require that wet runways be 
    taken into account when determining the runway length that must be 
    available for takeoff, if wet runway performance information exists in 
    the AFM. Thus, this rule would apply only to airplane designs for which 
    the application for type certification occurs after the amendment 
    becomes effective, and to those previously certificated airplane 
    designs for which the manufacturer chooses to re-certify to the amended 
        Section 25.109 would be revised to provide the details of how the 
    accelerate-stop distance would be calculated for a wet runway. The FAA 
    proposed the following approach to determining the wet runway takeoff 
    performance: (1) Take into account the reduced braking force due to the 
    wet surface; (2) permit performance credit for using available reverse 
    thrust as an additional stopping force; and (3) permit the minimum 
    airplane height over the end of the runway after takeoff to be reduced 
    from 35 feet to 15 feet. This approach would reduce the risk of 
    overruns during rejected takeoffs on wet runways while retaining safety 
    margins for continued takeoffs similar to those required for dry 
        The reduced braking force available is the most significant 
    variable affecting the stopping performance on a wet runway. The FAA 
    proposed to revise Sec. 25.109 to specify that the wet runway braking 
    force would be one-half the dry runway braking force, unless the 
    applicant demonstrated a higher wet runway braking force. Under this 
    proposal, the one-half of the dry braking force level would apply 
    regardless of whether the dry runway braking force is limited by the 
    torque capability of the brake (which is the friction force generated 
    within the brake) or the friction capability of the runway surface. 
    Although it can be argued that the torque capability of a brake is 
    independent of the runway surface condition, the proposed use of this 
    simple relationship between wet and dry runway braking capability would 
    depend on using the one-half dry relationship throughout the braking 
        Data published in Engineering Science Data Unit (ESDU) 71026, 
    entitled ``Frictional and Retarding Forces on Aircraft Types--Part II: 
    Estimation of Braking Force,'' shows that the relationship between wet 
    and dry braking coefficient varies significantly with speed. At high 
    speeds, the wet runway braking coefficient is typically less than one-
    half the dry runway braking coefficient. At low speeds, the wet runway 
    braking coefficient is typically more than one-half the dry runway 
    braking coefficient. Used over the entire speed range for the stopping 
    portion of a rejected takeoff, however, the wet runway braking 
    coefficient can justifiably be approximated as one-half the dry braking 
    coefficient. The ESDU report is included in the docket.
        Under this proposal, Sec. 25.109 would also be revised to permit 
    the use of available reverse thrust when determining the accelerate-
    stop distance for a wet runway. ``Available'' reverse thrust was 
    interpreted as meaning the thrust from engines with thrust reversers 
    that are operating during the stopping portion of the rejected takeoff. 
    Credit for reverse thrust was included in the proposal because the most 
    significant variable that affects the stopping performance on a wet 
    runway, reduced braking friction, was also included as part of the 
    rational approach to wet runway rejected takeoff.
        On dry runways, the FAA proposed to explicitly deny credit for 
    reverse thrust when calculating the accelerate-stop distance. This 
    proposal would codify current FAA policy. Although reverse thrust 
    should and probably would be used during most rejected takeoffs, the 
    FAA believes that the additional safety provided by not accounting for 
    reverse thrust in calculating the accelerate-stop distance on a dry 
    runway is necessary to offset other variables that can significantly 
    affect the dry runway accelerate-stop performance determined under the 
    current standards. For wet runways, credit for reverse thrust would be 
    permitted because taking into account the reduced braking force 
    available on the wet surface, as proposed in this notice, greatly 
    outweighs the effects of these other variables. Examples of variables 
    that can significantly affect the dry runway accelerate-stop 
    performance include: runway surfaces that provide poorer friction 
    characteristics than the runway used during flight tests to determine 
    stopping performance, dragging brakes, brakes whose stopping capability 
    is reduced because of heat retained from previous braking efforts, etc.
        The FAA proposed to revise Sec. 25.113 to allow the distance 
    required for a continued takeoff from a wet runway to include taking 
    off and climbing to a height of 15 feet, rather than the height of 35 
    feet required on a dry runway. This lower screen height (which is the 
    height of an imaginary screen that the airplane would just clear with 
    the wings in a level attitude when taking off or landing) would reduce 
    the balanced field length V1 speed, thereby reducing the 
    number of high-speed rejected takeoffs on wet runways. The FAA 
    considers lowering the screen height to 15 feet to be an acceptable 
    method of reducing the risk of overruns on wet runways because of the 
    similarity to current rules when operating from dry runways that have a 
    clearway. The minimum height permitted over the end of the runway for 
    current dry runway takeoffs may be 13 to 17 feet, depending on the 
    airplane, when a clearway is present. In addition, a 15-foot minimum 
    screen height and vertical obstacle clearance distance has been allowed 
    for many years by the United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority for wet 
    runway operations without any problems being reported.
        The combination of a clearway with the proposed 15-foot screen 
    height for wet runways could result in a minimum height over the end of 
    the runway of near zero (i.e., liftoff very near the end of the 
    runway), if clearway credit were to be permitted for wet runways in the 
    same manner that it is currently permitted for dry runways. The FAA 
    considers this situation to be unacceptable. The possible presence of 
    standing water or other types of precipitation (e.g., slush or snow) 
    and numerous operational factors (e.g., late or slow rotation to 
    liftoff attitude) emphasize the need to provide more of a safety margin 
    than would be present if liftoff were permitted so near the end of the 
    runway. Therefore, the proposed Sec. 25.113 would not permit the 
    combination of clearway credit and a 15-foot screen height. The FAA 
    proposed to modify Sec. 25.113, however, to ensure that the presence of 
    a clearway does not result in requiring longer runway lengths than if 
    there were no clearway.
        In addition to the reduced screen height for wet runways, the 
    minimum vertical distance required between the takeoff flight path 
    defined in Sec. 25.115 and obstacles (e.g., trees, hills, buildings, 
    etc.) would be reduced by a corresponding amount. To accomplish this, 
    the FAA proposed to revise Sec. 25.115 to state that the takeoff flight 
    path shall be considered to begin at a height of 35 feet at the end of 
    the takeoff distance.
        This revised definition of the takeoff flight path would apply 
    equally to dry and wet runways, even though the height of the airplane 
    at the end of the takeoff distance (i.e., the screen height)
    [[Page 8302]]
    for wet runways is proposed to be only 15 feet. The effect of this 
    proposal would be to make it possible to use the flight path 
    information currently contained in the AFM even if the runway is wet. 
    Because the screen height would be reduced from 35 feet to 15 feet for 
    a wet runway, the height of an airplane at any point in the flight path 
    will therefore be approximately 20 feet lower from a wet runway than 
    from a dry runway. Under this proposal, the airplane's actual height 
    over obstacles would be reduced by approximately 20 feet when taking 
    off from a wet runway.
        Under the current regulations, the airplane's flight path must be 
    higher than any obstacles by a combination of an increment of height 
    and an increment of gradient (i.e., the slope of the flight path). 
    Although this proposal would reduce the height increment by 
    approximately 20 feet, the gradient increment would be unchanged. As 
    the distance from the end of the takeoff distance increases, the 
    gradient increment provides an increasingly greater portion of the 
    total height difference between the airplane and the obstacle. 
    Therefore, the effect of reducing the height increment over obstacles 
    by 20 feet diminishes as the distance from the end of the takeoff 
    distance increases.
    Proposal 3
        The FAA proposed to amend Sec. 25.101(i) to require that 
    accelerate-stop and landing distances must be determined with all the 
    airplane brakes at the fully worn limit of their allowable wear range. 
    Section 25.735 would be revised to require that the maximum brake 
    energy capacity rating must be determined with each brake at the fully 
    worn limit of the allowable wear range. In addition Sec. 25.735 would 
    be amended to add a requirement for a flight test demonstration of the 
    maximum kinetic energy rejected takeoff with not more than 10 percent 
    of the allowable brake wear range remaining.
        Additionally, the FAA proposed to add one new definition and one 
    new abbreviation to part 1, Definitions and Abbreviations.
        As a result of their special investigation of rejected takeoff 
    accidents, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) recommended 
    that the FAA clearly define the term ``takeoff decision speed'' 
    (V1) in part 1. This recommendation is contained in the 
    NTSB's Special Investigative Report, ``Runway Overruns Following High 
    Speed Rejected Takeoffs,'' published on February 27, 1990.
        Concurring with the NTSB recommendation, the FAA proposed to add a 
    definition of takeoff decision speed to Sec. 1.1 in order to remove 
    apparent confusion over the meaning of this term. The FAA's proposed 
    definition was intended to make it clear that the decision to reject 
    the takeoff, indicated by the pilot activating the first deceleration 
    device, must be made no later than V1 for the airplane to be 
    stopped within the accelerate-stop distance.
        The abbreviation VEF is used in several places within 
    part 25. The FAA proposed to amend Sec. 1.2 to add the definition of 
    VEF, which currently appears in Sec. 25.107(a)(1). 
    VEF is the speed at which the critical engine is assumed to 
    fail during takeoff.
        As stated previously, the FAA did not intend to apply these 
    proposed amendments retroactively to either airplanes currently in use 
    or future production airplanes of designs that have already been 
    approved. However, manufacturers or operators of these airplanes may 
    elect to comply with these proposed amendments by a change to the type 
    design. The benefits of the revision to the time delay criteria of 
    Sec. 25.109 would then be available to relieve the economic burden 
    imposed by Amendment 25-42. The proposed amendments to take into 
    account the effects of wet runways and worn brakes must also be 
    included in such a recertification. The FAA expects that, for airplanes 
    whose certification basis includes Amendment 25-42, most applicants 
    will elect to comply with this proposal because it will be economically 
    beneficial for them to do so.
    Discussion of the Comments
        The FAA received over 100 comments from 22 different commenters 
    regarding the proposals presented in NPRM 93-8. The commenters include 
    airplane pilots, manufacturers, operators, and the associations 
    representing them, foreign airworthiness authorities, and another 
    agency of the U.S. government. Because of the increasing emphasis 
    placed on international harmonization of the airworthiness standards, 
    and because the JAA issued substantively the same proposals to amend 
    JAR-25, the FAA also received many comments from foreign and 
    international sources.
        In general, the pilots, and the airworthiness authorities of Canada 
    and the Netherlands oppose the proposed amendments unless the FAA 
    imposes the new standards retroactively. Conversely, the airplane 
    manufacturers and operators generally support the proposals as long as 
    they are not imposed retroactively. The JAA strongly supports the 
    proposals, but also believes that these requirements should be imposed 
    retroactively. The association representing European manufacturers 
    supports applying the proposed standards to new derivatives of existing 
    approved designs as well as to completely new airplane designs.
        Another issue that generated strong contrasting views concerns the 
    distance needed to align an airplane on the runway for takeoff. 
    Typically, airplanes enter the takeoff runway from an intersecting 
    taxiway. The airplane must then be turned so that it is pointed down 
    the runway in the direction for takeoff. FAA regulations do not 
    explicitly require airplane operators to take into account the runway 
    distance used to align the airplane on the runway for takeoff. The 
    commenters who support retroactivity also support amending the 
    regulations to require operators to take this runway alignment distance 
    into account. Those who oppose retroactivity also oppose proposals to 
    require taking into account the runway alignment distance.
        In NPRM 93-8, the FAA stated that ``with the safety benefits and 
    economic impact information available at this time, the FAA cannot 
    support a recommendation to make the standards proposed by this notice 
    retroactive to either airplanes currently in use or future production 
    airplanes of designs that have already been type certificated.'' This 
    conclusion was reached after a review of the estimated costs and the 
    potential benefits that would result from applying the proposed 
    standards retroactively and mandating that operators take into account 
    the runway alignment distance.
        It should be noted, however, that one part of the proposed 
    standards has effectively already been imposed retroactively. The FAA 
    has issued airworthiness directives (AD's) concerning brake wear limits 
    for every FAA-certificated transport category airplane with a maximum 
    takeoff weight of over 75,000 pounds. These AD's ensure that the brakes 
    on these airplanes, even when fully worn, can absorb the energy from a 
    maximum energy rejected takeoff.
        In addition to the economic impact of retroactively applying the 
    proposed standards, the FAA was influenced by the increasing emphasis 
    on international harmonization of the airworthiness standards. 
    Retroactivity of the proposed standards and the requirement to take 
    runway alignment distance into account, had the FAA decided to proceed 
    with these provisions, would have been
    [[Page 8303]]
    accomplished through revisions to the operating rules of the FAR. At 
    the time NPRM 93-8 was being developed, the JAA lacked operating rules 
    with which to impose these requirements. Although the introduction and 
    justification sections of JAA NPA 25B, D, G-244 discussed an intent to 
    apply the standards retroactively, and to require that runway alignment 
    distance be taken into account, the JAA lacked a regulatory mechanism 
    for doing so. Therefore, the proposed standards would not have been 
    harmonized had the FAA proposed such amendments to the part 91, 121, 
    and 135 operating rules.
        Shortly thereafter, the JAA published NPA OPS-2, containing 
    proposed JAR operating rules for commercial air transportation (JAR-OPS 
    1). In this NPA, the JAA proposed to retroactively require operators to 
    take into account the performance effects of wet runways and runways 
    contaminated by slush, snow, ice or standing water, and to require 
    operators to apply adjustments for runway alignment distance. NPA OPS-2 
    did not address retroactive application of the proposed requirements 
    related to worn brakes. The JAR-OPS 1 final rule, which retained the 
    proposals noted above, was issued by the JAA on May 22, 1995. It 
    becomes effective on April 1, 1998, for operators of airplanes with a 
    maximum takeoff weight of over 10,000 pounds or a maximum approved 
    seating capacity of 20 or more passengers.
        Due to the controversial nature of the issues of retroactivity and 
    runway alignment distance, the FAA has decided to: (1) Proceed with the 
    proposed rules without requiring retroactive application of these 
    standards or adding a new requirement concerning runway alignment 
    distance, and (2) recommend that the issues of retroactive application 
    of these standards and runway alignment distance be added to the FAA/
    JAA harmonization work program. Except in the treatment of these two 
    issues, the final rule adopted by this amendment is completely 
    harmonized with the applicable JAA standards. These two issues reflect 
    differences between the FAA and JAA operating rules; the applicable 
    airworthiness standards of part 25 and JAR-25 are completely harmonized 
    by this amendment and a corresponding amendment to JAR-25.
        The harmonization work program is the formal method developed by 
    the FAA and the JAA to harmonize relations and policies. Tasks on the 
    harmonization work program are assigned to FAR/JAR harmonization 
    working groups in accordance with the respective rulemaking procedures 
    of the FAA and the JAA. For the FAA, these tasks are assigned to the 
    Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee (ARAC).
        The ARAC was established to provide advice and recommendations to 
    the FAA on all rulemaking activity. There are over 60 member 
    organizations on the committee, representing a wide range of interest 
    within the aviation community. Meetings of the committee are open to 
    the public, except as authorized by section 10(d) of the Federal 
    Advisory Committee Act. For issues on the harmonization work program, 
    the ARAC assigns members, who work on behalf of the FAA, to the FAR/JAR 
    harmonization working group. Although working group meetings are 
    generally not open to the public, working group task assignments are 
    published in the Federal Register, and all interested parties are 
    invited to participate as working group members. Working groups report 
    directly to the ARAC, and the ARAC must concur with a working group 
    proposal before that proposal can be presented to the FAA as an 
    advisory committee recommendation. After an ARAC recommendation is 
    received and found acceptable by the FAA, the agency proceeds with the 
    normal public rulemaking procedures.
        Most of the commenters who oppose the proposed rulemaking also 
    claim that the proposals would degrade the level of safety provided by 
    the current standards. Specifically, these commenters oppose the 
    proposal to replace the two seconds of continued acceleration beyond 
    V1 with a distance margin equal to two seconds at 
    V1 speed (Proposal 1), because it would allow an increase in 
    the maximum allowable takeoff weight when that weight is limited by the 
    length of the runway. Although the FAA agrees with the commenters on 
    the effect of this particular proposal on takeoff weight limits, and 
    discussed this effect in NPRM 93-8, the FAA disagree that safety is 
    degraded when this proposal is considered in combination with the other 
    proposals presented in NPRM 93-8.
        In addition to Proposal 1, the FAA proposed other amendments that 
    would make the current standards more stringent. As explained in NPRM 
    93-8, the purpose of the FAA proposals was to present a more rational 
    approach of explicitly providing for the specific elements affecting 
    takeoff performance, rather than the broad brush approach represented 
    by the two seconds of acceleration beyond V1. The FAA 
    considers the proposed standards for worn brakes and wet runways, which 
    the current standards do not explicitly address, to significantly 
    improve takeoff safety. Combined with Proposal 1, the proposed 
    amendments provide an equivalent or higher level of safety than the 
    current standards.
        Depending on whether the runway is wet or dry and on the particular 
    airplane's stopping capability with worn brakes, the maximum allowable 
    takeoff weight for a given runway length could end up being either 
    increased or decreased under the proposed standards. Although its 
    effects are variable, the FAA estimates that Proposal 1 would reduce, 
    on average, the runway length needed for takeoff by 150 feet. For 
    airplanes equipped with typical steel brakes, the proposed worn brake 
    requirements would add an average of 150 feet to the runway length 
    needed for takeoff. The FAA estimates that the proposed wet runway 
    requirements would result in an average increase of 220 feet in the 
    runway length required for takeoff when the runway is wet. It should be 
    emphasized that these estimates are average effects that can vary 
    considerably depending on the airplane type and the specific takeoff 
    conditions. For example, airplanes equipped with carbon brakes or 
    certain heavy-duty steel brakes, usually will be uaffected by the worn 
    brake requirements because these brakes provide the same stopping 
    capability in the worn condition as the new condition. (The proposed 
    worn brake requirement represent an important safety improvement, 
    however, regardless of whether this improvement comes from taking into 
    account a loss in brake capability, or because the requirements act as 
    an incentive to provide brakes that do not suffer this loss in 
        Along with this rulemaking effort, the FAA also participated in a 
    joint FAA/industry team to produce the Takeoff Safety Training Aid. 
    This training aid, first made available in August 1992, represents the 
    findings of the team relative to training and procedural actions that 
    could be taken to increase takeoff safety. The goal of the training aid 
    is to minimize the probability of rejected takeoff accidents and 
    incidents by: (1) Improving the ability of pilots to take advantage of 
    opportunities to maximize takeoff performance margins; (2) improving 
    the ability of pilots to make appropriate go/no-go decisions; and (3) 
    improving the ability of crews to effectively accomplish the rejected 
    takeoff procedures. Simulation trials and in-depth analyses of takeoff 
    accidents and incidents were used to develop the training aid material. 
    The FAA urges operators to use the Takeoff
    [[Page 8304]]
    Safety Training Aid in their qualification and recurrent aircrew 
    training programs. The FAA is convinced that adoption of this material 
    will further improve safety during the critical takeoff phase of 
        The FAA received a large number of comments on the proposed 
    definition of takeoff decision speed (V1), including its 
    relationship to the broader subject of the process by which the pilot 
    recognizes a failure, decides to reject the takeoff, and acts on that 
    decision. One commenter submitted several documents as additional 
    supporting material, including a detailed study of pilot reaction times 
    during rejected takeoff accidents. This commenter, accompanied by 
    several others, believes that the proposed standards inadequately 
    provide for the time it takes the average pilot to complete the 
    recognition, decision, and reaction process. Other commenters support 
    the FAA proposal, and some of these commenters also offered suggestions 
    to further clarify the purpose of the V1 speed.
        The diversity displayed in the comments illustrates a great deal of 
    misunderstanding and disagreement regarding the definition and use of 
    the V1 speed. In general, inconsistent terminology used over 
    the years in reference to V1 has probably contributed to 
    this confusion. As noted by the commenters, V1 has been 
    referred to at various times as the critical engine failure speed, the 
    engine failure recognition speed, and the takeoff decision speed.
        Special Civil Air Regulation No. SR-422, effective August 27, 1957, 
    originally referred to V1 as ``the critical engine failure 
    speed.'' These same standards, which were later recodified into part 
    25, defined the accelerate-stop distance as the distance to accelerate 
    to V1, and then to stop from that speed. Although an 
    allowance was required for any time delays that may reasonably be 
    expected in service, SR-422 did not explicitly state where or how the 
    time delays should be introduced relative to V1. For 
    certification purposes, the FAA considered V1 to be the 
    speed at which the pilot took the first action to stop the airplane. 
    Time delays for recognition and reaction to that failure were applied 
    prior to V1, and delays in accomplishing each subsequent 
    action for stopping the airplane were applied after V1. 
    Allowing for the time delays, the actual engine failure was therefore 
    assumed to occur prior to V1.
        With Amendment 25-42, effective March 1, 1978, the FAA amended the 
    airworthiness standards to clarify and standardize the method of 
    applying these time delays. V1 was referred to as the 
    ``takeoff decision speed,'' which turned out to be ambiguous in that it 
    could be interpreted to mean either the beginning or the end of the 
    pilot's decision process. The preamble to Amendment 25-42, however, 
    states that ``V1 is determined by adding to VEF 
    [the speed at which the critical engine is assumed to fail] the speed 
    gained with the critical engine inoperative during the time interval 
    between the instant at which the critical engine is failed and the 
    instant at which the test pilot recognizes and reacts to the engine 
    failure, as indicated by the pilot's application of the first retarding 
    means during accelerate-stop tests.'' This same definition was codified 
    as Sec. 25.107(a)(2). Not only is V1 intended to occur at 
    the end of the decision process, but it also includes the time it takes 
    for the pilot to perform the first action to stop the airplane.
        The FAA requires applicants to demonstrate, by flight test, the 
    time intervals between VEF and V1, and between 
    each subsequent action taken by the pilot to stop the airplane. FAA 
    pilots and engineers witness and participate in these tests, which must 
    include at least six rejected takeoffs. Because the test pilots know 
    that they are going to reject the takeoff, human factors literature 
    refers to this process as a simple task. In actual operations, the 
    rejected takeoff maneuver is unexpected, and is referred to as a 
    complex task. In consideration of this complex task, the time intervals 
    measured during certification flight tests are increased when the 
    accelerate-stop distances published in the AFM are calculated. These 
    additional time increments are not intended to allow extra time for 
    making a decision to stop after passing through V1. Their 
    purpose is to allow sufficient time (and distance) for a pilot, in 
    actual operations, to accomplish the procedures for stopping the 
        The first adjustment is made to the time interval between 
    VEF and V1. During the certification flight 
    tests, the pilot expects to reject the takeoff and reacts very quickly. 
    To take this into account, the time interval used to calculate the AFM 
    accelerate-stop distances must be the longer of either the demonstrated 
    time or one second. This standard has been applied to the certification 
    of every turbine-powered transport category airplane since the late 
    1960's, and the FAA has not proposed to change it.
        The second adjustment concerns the time increment applied after 
    V1. The method of determining this adjustment has varied, 
    but the objective has always been the same--to provide enough time and 
    distance for a pilot to accomplish the procedures for stopping the 
    airplane. Prior to Amendment 25-42, a one-second increment was added to 
    the time interval between each pilot action occurring after 
    V1. For most transport category airplanes, the rejected 
    takeoff involves three separate pilot actions. The pilot applies the 
    brakes, reduces the thrust or power, and raises the spoilers. The 
    applicant defines the order in which the actions occur, but must 
    demonstrate that the resulting procedures do not require exceptional 
    skill to perform. Since the test pilot's first action determines 
    V1, there are typically two pilot actions occurring after 
    V1. Therefore, two seconds of additional time (and the 
    resulting distance) were added to the time intervals determined by the 
    certification flight tests.
        Amendment 25-42 changed the method of applying these time 
    increments. The provisions added by Amendment 25-42 require the AFM 
    accelerate-stop distance to be calculated by inserting a two-second 
    time increment after V1, but before the pilot takes the 
    first action to stop the airplane. During this two-second time 
    increment, the airplane continues to accelerate. No further time 
    increments are added to the time intervals between the actions taken by 
    the pilot to stop the airplane.
        It is important to note that Amendment 25-42 did not change the 
    certification flight test procedures. The two-second time increment is 
    applied analytically during the calculation of the AFM accelerate-stop 
    distances, not by directing the pilot to delay action for two seconds 
    after V1 during the rejected takeoff flight tests.
        The proposal presented in NPRM 93-8 would change the method of 
    applying this two second time increment to a method similar to that 
    existing prior to Amendment 25-42. However, the proposed method uses a 
    distance increment rather than a time increment, to ensure that no 
    credit is taken during this time period for system transient effects 
    (e.g., engine spindown, brake pressure ramp-up, etc.). The distance 
    increment is equal to the distance traversed in two seconds at the 
    V1 speed. Unlike the pre-Amendment 25-42 method, this 
    distance increment cannot be reduced when fewer than three pilot 
    actions are used in the rejected takeoff procedures (e.g., for 
    airplanes using automated systems that take the place of one or more of 
    the usual pilot actions). The FAA considers the distance traveled in 
    two seconds at V1 speed to be the minimum acceptable
    [[Page 8305]]
    distance allowance needed to provide for the element of surprise and 
    other operational factors missing from the certification flight test 
        As long as there are no more than three pilot actions needed to 
    accomplish a rejected takeoff, the accelerate-stop distance is 
    determined using the demonstrated time intervals between pilot actions 
    with no additional time or distance increments applied. For each 
    additional pilot action beyond the first three actions, however, a one-
    second time (and distance) increment must be added to the demonstrated 
    time interval for that action.
        The FAA disagrees with those commenters who believe that the 
    proposed standards inadequately provide for the time it takes the 
    average pilot to complete the recognition, decision, and reaction 
    process. Not only does the FAA require applicants to determine by 
    flight test the length of time needed for the pilot to complete this 
    process, but this demonstrated time interval is also increased to take 
    into account the element of surprise and other operational factors 
    missing from the certification flight test demonstrations.
        Operationally, V1 represents the minimum speed from 
    which the takeoff can be safely continued within the takeoff distance 
    shown in the AFM, and the maximum speed from which the airplane can be 
    stopped within the accelerate-stop distance shown in the AFM. 
    Typically, the pilot not flying the airplane will call out 
    V1 as the airplane accelerates through this speed. If the 
    pilot flying the airplane has not taken action to stop the airplane 
    before this callout is made, the takeoff should be continued unless the 
    airplane is unsafe to fly.
        One commenter states that airplane manufacturers produce 
    performance data for use by the U.S. military that provides the engine 
    failure speed, rather than the speed at which the pilot must respond to 
    the failure. This commenter believes that the military airworthiness 
    rejected takeoff standards, which provide the crew with the engine 
    failure speed, are safer than the civil airworthiness standards, which 
    provide the crew with the V1 speed. The commenter further 
    notes that many commercial pilots with a military background operate 
    under the belief that the civil airworthiness standards provide 
    equivalent safety to the military standards. In the commenter's 
    opinion, the civil standards provide a lower level of safety, and these 
    pilots have been given a false sense of security.
        The FAA is aware of many differences between the civil and military 
    takeoff requirements. These differences are indicative of the different 
    operating needs and environments between civil and military flight 
    operations. For example, the military standards allow liftoff to occur 
    at the very end of the runway and obstacles to be cleared with no 
    safety margin in the event of the failure of the critical engine at the 
    designated ``go'' speed. In contrast, part 25 requires the airplane to 
    be at a height of 35 feet at the end of the takeoff distance (on a dry 
    runway), and obstacles must be cleared by 35 feet plus an additional 
    safety margin related to the flight path gradient. In summary, the 
    civil and military airworthiness standards provide for safe operations 
    within their respective operating environments. It would be 
    inappropriate, however, to apply unique procedures and techniques from 
    one operating environment to the other.
        One commenter noted that the proposed definition for takeoff 
    decision speed tends to perpetuate the confusion over the meaning and 
    use of the V1 speed. The commenter points out that 
    V1 is really a ``pilot action speed'' that occurs 
    immediately after the pilot makes the decision to reject the takeoff. 
    Another commenter suggests that the proposed definition is technically 
    inaccurate because reducing thrust during a rejected takeoff would not 
    normally be construed as activating a deceleration device. Hence, the 
    commenter suggested alternative wording for the words ``the pilot 
    activates the first deceleration device.''
        The FAA agrees with these commenters and has revised the proposal 
    accordingly. The term ``takeoff decision speed'' has been deleted both 
    from the proposed definition and from Sec. 25.107(a)(2). The proposal 
    to define takeoff decision speed in Sec. 1.1 is also withdrawn. The 
    adopted definition represents a change to the definition of 
    V1 in Sec. 1.2, rather than an addition to Sec. 1.1. This 
    revised definition clarifies that V1 represents the minimum 
    speed from which the takeoff can be safely continued within the takeoff 
    distance shown in the AFM and the maximum speed from which the airplane 
    can be stopped within the accelerate-stop distance shown in the AFM. In 
    addition, the preamble discussion of the proposals has been edited for 
    additional clarity to present a consistent description of the 
    V1 concept.
        The proposed addition of the definition for VEF to 
    Sec. 1.2 is adopted as proposed. One commenter misunderstood this 
    proposal as representing the first time the FAA has sought to define 
    VEF. For clarification, the term VEF and its 
    definition were originally added to Sec. 25.107(a)(1) by Amendment 25-
    42. The amendment adopted in this rule adds the existing definition for 
    VEF to the list of abbreviations and symbols in Sec. 1.2.
        In addition to the definitions proposed in NPRM 93-8, one commenter 
    suggests revising the definition of rated takeoff thrust to allow its 
    use for up to ten minutes of operation. The current definition in 
    Sec. 1.1 limits the use of takeoff thrust to five minutes or less. The 
    FAA is currently considering the change proposed by this commenter as 
    part of a harmonization effort with the European JAA. In the interim, 
    the FAA has developed a procedure to review and approve specific 
    requests for the use of takeoff thrust for up to ten minutes duration 
    on transport category airplanes in the event of an engine failure or 
        One commenter recommended adding ``wet and dry runway conditions'' 
    to the variables listed in Sec. 25.101(e) for which the airplane 
    configuration may vary. The rationale the commenter provides for this 
    recommendation is to encourage optimization of the airplane 
    configuration. The FAA does not believe that the suggested change will 
    accomplish the commenter's goal. Section 25.101(e) does not require 
    applicants to establish an optimum configuration to meet the applicable 
    requirements. Instead, Sec. 25.101(e) allows applicants to establish 
    different configurations (e.g., flap settings) to obtain better 
    performance at different weight, altitude, and temperature conditions.
        The same commenter recommends revising Sec. 25.105(a)(2) to require 
    the takeoff data to be determined in the optimum configuration for the 
    takeoff conditions specified in Sec. 25.105(c). The commenter believes 
    that this change would require operators to use the optimum flap 
    setting for takeoff, rather than allow the use of any flap setting that 
    meets the applicable regulations. The FAA does not concur with this 
    recommendations for the following reasons. First, the commenter's 
    recommendation should be directed at the airplane operating 
    requirements, rather than the part 25 airworthiness standards. The 
    effect of the recommended revision to part 25 would be to prohibit 
    takeoff data from being provided for configurations that were not 
    deemed to be the optimum configuration. Second, the commenter does not 
    define how to determine the optimum configuration. The commenter 
    appears to support using the configuration that would provide the 
    shortest takeoff and accelerate-stop
    [[Page 8306]]
    distances. However, this configuration also typically results in the 
    poorest climb capability after takeoff, and may not be the optimum 
    configuration from the standpoint of obstacle clearance, noise, 
    standardization of crew procedures, or fuel use.
        The FAA received several comments regarding the proposed change to 
    Sec. 25.101(i). One commenter recommends deletion of the proposed 
    requirement to determine the landing distances with worn brakes. This 
    commenter claims that the effects of worn brakes on landing is 
    insignificant, and notes that the FAA does not expect this requirement 
    to reduce the amount of payload that can be carried. The commenter also 
    notes that there has never been a landing incident or accident in which 
    a deficiency in brake energy due to wear was a factor, nor is there any 
    reasonable likelihood that there would ever be one. The commenter goes 
    on to say that the proposed requirement would result in additional 
    certification test and flight manual development costs with no 
    resultant safety benefit to the public.
        Although the FAA agrees that the proposed requirement is not likely 
    to reduce the amount of payload that can be carried for most landings, 
    the FAA disagrees that the effects of worn brakes on landing will 
    always be insignificant. The effect of brake wear at the braking energy 
    levels associated with a landing stop depends on the particular brake 
    design. To provide for those cases in which the landing distance is 
    critical, the AFM landing distance data must be based on fully worn 
    brakes. The proposed requirement only specifies the wear condition of 
    the brakes for determining the landing distances. No additional AFM 
    information, and, therefore, no additional flight manual development 
    costs would be required. The proposed requirement also would not 
    necessarily result in additional certification testing. The only flight 
    test that must be performed with worn brakes is the maximum energy 
    rejected takeoff condition, in which the brakes must be worn to within 
    10 percent of the fully worn condition. All other data must only meet 
    the condition that sufficient data be available from airplane flight 
    tests or wheel-brake dynamometer tests to enable adjustment of all of 
    the takeoff and landing flight test results to the fully worn level. 
    For example, the testing performed to determine the effect of worn 
    brakes on accelerate-stop distances may also be used to determine the 
    effect of worn brakes on landing distances, if it can be shown to be 
        Another commenter suggests adding the stipulation that the 
    determination of the accelerate-stop and landing distances must be 
    based on the demonstrated results obtained by flight test in accordance 
    with the proposed Sec. 25.735(g). The FAA concurs with the intent of 
    this suggestion. Instead of modifying the proposed Sec. 25.101(i), 
    however, the FAA is revising the proposed Sec. 25.735(g) and relocating 
    it as a new Sec. 25.109(i). The adopted wording clarifies that the 
    applicant must conduct a flight test demonstration of the maximum brake 
    kinetic energy accelerate-stop distance with no more than 10 percent of 
    the allowable wear range remaining on each of the airplane wheel 
    brakes. This change to the original proposal is also discussed later 
    relative to the comments received on the proposed Sec. 25.735(g).
        A commenter proposes a wording change to Sec. 25.101(i) to 
    anticipate possible future brake materials that might show an improving 
    brake performance as the brake wears. This commenter suggests that the 
    proposed requirement should reference the wear condition that 
    dynamometer testing indicates as producing the least effective braking 
    performance. The FAA agrees that the most critical wear condition 
    should be used to determine the stopping distances and energy capacity 
    of the brakes. In practice, however, the FAA believes this condition 
    will always be the fully worn brake. The FAA does not believe that an 
    extensive dynamometer survey of different wear states is warranted.
        One commenter suggests that stopping distances be based on brakes 
    that are worn to 90 percent of the allowable wear level instead of the 
    proposed level of fully worn. This commenter states that, in actual 
    operations, it would be virtually impossible for all the airplane's 
    brake assemblies to simultaneously be at the fully worn limit of their 
    allowable wear range. In addition, this commenter believes that such 
    conservatism in determining the stopping distances to be unwarranted 
    when combined with the worn brake requirements relating to brake energy 
    absorption capability. As an alternative, this commenter, joined by a 
    second commenter, proposes that Sec. 25.101(i) optionally allow 
    stopping performance to be based on the actual amount of brake wear 
    existing at the time of each flight. The two commenters state that it 
    is unnecessary and inappropriate for the regulations to assume the 
    worst case capability when satisfactory means to determine the actual 
    capability can be provided. They believe that the proposed regulation 
    would inhibit the development of technical and procedural advances that 
    would take into account the actual wear condition of the brakes.
        The FAA does not concur with the recommendation to base the 
    stopping distances on brakes worn to 90 percent of the allowable wear 
    level. Although operators may typically overhaul brakes before they are 
    fully worn, and the brakes on different wheels are usually at different 
    levels of wear, airplanes may legally be operated with all of the brake 
    assemblies in their fully worn condition. The FAA agrees that it would 
    be inappropriate for the regulations to assume the worst case 
    capability when satisfactory means exist to determine the true 
    capability; however, the operational aspects must also be 
    satisfactorily addressed.
        Regarding the commenters' proposal to allow stopping distances to 
    be based on the actual brake wear level, the FAA has significant 
    concerns over the operational aspects. Although it may be possible to 
    determine the accelerate-stop and landing distances as a function of 
    brake wear, the FAA considers it unacceptable to use, on a flight-by-
    flight basis, the brake wear level as an additional takeoff performance 
    variable. The added complexity caused by this additional variable would 
    increase the chances of error in determining the allowable takeoff 
    weight and the takeoff speeds. Also, the FAA questions whether an 
    acceptable means can be developed to accurately and reliably determine 
    the actual wear state of the brake under all operational and 
    environmental conditions. Finally, extensive certification testing 
    would be required to determine the stopping distances as a function of 
    the brake wear level. A linear relationship between these variables 
    cannot be assumed. Therefore, Sec. 25.101(i) is adopted as proposed, 
    except for a minor editorial revision for clarification purposes.
        Since the certified accelerate-stop and landing distances will 
    correspond to brakes that are at the fully worn limit of their 
    allowable wear range, the allowable brake wear range must be specified 
    as part of the approved type design for the airplane. This information 
    should be provided on the type certificate data sheet. The allowable 
    wear range should be defined in terms of a linear dimension in the 
    axial direction, which is typically determined by measuring the 
    extension of a pin used to indicate the amount of wear. At the fully 
    worn limit of the allowable brake wear range, the brake must be removed 
    from the airplane for overhaul.
        Both favorable and adverse comments were received on the FAA's 
    proposal to
    [[Page 8307]]
    amend Sec. 25.109 to replace two seconds of acceleration beyond 
    V1 speed with the distance traversed in two seconds at 
    V1 speed. The commenters who objected to the proposed 
    amendments believe the proposal would reduce safety. One commenter who 
    disagrees with the proposed amendment also states that the comparison 
    between the one-engine-inoperative and all-engines-operating 
    accelerate-stop distances, as required by the proposed Sec. 25.109(a), 
    would become almost meaningless. This commenter claims that ``test 
    pilot response in the order of milliseconds preempts any significant 
    difference in acceleration distance between engine out and all engine 
    acceleration before V1.'' Also, the proposed distance 
    traversed during two seconds at V1 speed is the same for 
    both cases, as is the deceleration distance from V1 until 
    the airplane is stopped.
        As discussed previously, the FAA considers the proposed additions 
    of worn brake and wet runway requirements to significantly improve 
    takeoff safety. These additional requirements, along with the proposal 
    to replace the two seconds of acceleration with a distance equal to two 
    seconds at V1 speed, would provide more rational takeoff 
    airworthiness standards and an equivalent or higher level of safety 
    than the current standards. Regarding the comparison of one-engine-
    inoperative and all-engines-operating distances, the minimum time 
    between the critical engine failure speed (VEF) and 
    V1, as discussed earlier, is one second. During the period 
    after V1, unless reducing thrust is the first pilot action 
    following the engine failure, there will be another time interval 
    before thrust is reduced on the remaining operating engine(s). Since 
    thrust reversers may not be used in determining the dry runway 
    accelerate-stop distances, the operating engines (on a turbojet powered 
    airplane) will continue to produce forward thrust. Therefore (for 
    turbojet airplanes), the distance to stop from V1 will 
    usually be longer for all-engines-operating case than for the one-
    engine-inoperative case. Whether the sum of the accelerate and stop 
    distances is greater for the all-engines-operating case as opposed to 
    the one-engine-inoperative case depends on the time intervals between 
    VEF and V1, V1 and the pilot action to 
    reduce thrust, and on the engine transient response (spindown) 
    characteristics. For wet runways, in which the effect of reverse thrust 
    would be included, the stopping distance with one-engine-inoperative 
    will usually be longer than that with all-engines-operating. In 
    general, the FAA expects the dry runway accelerate-stop distances to be 
    based on the all-engines-operating case, and the wet runway accelerate-
    stop distances to be based on the one-engine-inoperative case.
        One commenter suggests that the FAA should provide a statement 
    proclaiming that the standards proposed in NPRM 93-8 ``reflect the full 
    intent of the accelerate-stop transition segment AFM distance 
    construction'' and that ``additional time delays are not envisioned.'' 
    This commenter states that FAA advisory material imposed an additional 
    two-second time delay beyond that prescribed by Amendment 25-42, and 
    the commenter desires a clarification that such a situation will not 
    recur. The FAA intends to revise Advisory Circular (AC) 25-7, ``Flight 
    Test Guide for Certification of Transport Category Airplanes,'' to be 
    consistent with this adopted rule and the description of the time 
    delays provided in this preamble discussion regarding the definition of 
        In reviewing the comments, the FAA discovered that the proposed 
    wording for Sec. 25.109(a) could be interpreted such that speeds 
    greater than V1 need not be considered in determining the 
    accelerate-stop distances. However, the airplane will typically exceed 
    V1 speed during the stop, particularly with all-engines-
    operating, even when the pilot applies the brakes at V1. The 
    proposed amendments to Sec. 25.109(a) have been modified to clarify 
    that the accelerate-stop distances must include the highest speed 
    reached during the rejected takeoff maneuver. As modified, these 
    proposed amendments to Sec. 25.109(a) are adopted.
        The FAA received a large number of comments regarding the proposed 
    method for determining takeoff performance on wet runways. One of the 
    provisions of the proposed method would allow applicants to use a 
    simplified approach to determine the braking capability on a wet runway 
    without the need for specific wet runway flight testing. Based on the 
    extensive wet runway testing conducted over the past 30 years by the 
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the FAA, the 
    aerospace industry, and other organizations around the world (a 
    compilation of which appears in the docket in ESDU item number 71026), 
    the FAA proposed using a braking coefficient of one-half the 
    demonstrated dry braking coefficient. The FAA intended for this one-
    half factor to be applied even if the dry runway braking coefficient is 
    limited by the maximum torque capability of the brake, rather than the 
    maximum friction capability available from the runway surface.
        Several commenters disagree with using a simple one-half factor to 
    determine the wet runway braking coefficient. One commenter feels the 
    factor is arbitrary and that using a simple factor is inappropriate. 
    Another commenter claims that other easily applied methods exist and 
    should be used to provide a wet runway braking coefficient. This 
    commenter believes that the proposed method effectively makes the low 
    speed accelerate-stop data more conservative than the high speed data, 
    which would be the opposite of what the commenter feels should be done 
    to increase safety. These commenters did not propose any alternative 
    methods for determining the wet runway braking coefficient.
        Several commenters object to the specific aspect of applying the 
    one-half factor when the dry runway braking coefficient corresponds to 
    the maximum torque capability of the brake. In spite of the explanation 
    provided in the preamble discussion in NPRM 93-8, these commenters 
    oppose this provision on the basis that the maximum torque capability 
    of the brake is independent of the runway surface condition. One 
    commenter conducted laboratory tests of a simulated wet runway to show 
    that the stopping ability of an airplane on a wet runway is not a 
    function of the size or torque limit of the brakes. Another commenter 
    claims that this provision appears to prohibit the effective and safe 
    use of braking capacity up to the limit of the wet runway braking 
    coefficient. This commenter points out that an airplane with brakes 
    that have a low maximum torque capability would be unfairly penalized 
    relative to an airplane equipped with brakes of a higher maximum torque 
    capability. Another commenter questions whether the proposed 
    requirement is a conservative approach resulting from a lack of 
    appropriate test data.
        The FAA agrees that the torque capability of the brake is usually 
    not a limiting factor on a smooth wet runway. The FAA proposed applying 
    a factor to the torque limited braking coefficient to represent the 
    varying relationship between the wet and dry runway braking 
    coefficients as a function of ground speed. At higher ground speeds, 
    the wet runway braking coefficient is typically less than one-half the 
    dry runway braking coefficient. At these higher speeds, the dry runway 
    braking coefficient is usually limited by the brake's maximum torque 
    capability. For the typical airplane/brake combination, factoring the 
    torque limited braking coefficient obtained on a dry runway by one-half 
    provides a reasonable approximation to the significantly
    [[Page 8308]]
    reduced braking coefficients observed at high speeds on wet runways. 
    Because the total stopping distance for a high speed stop is affected 
    more by the stopping capability at high speeds than at low speeds, 
    applying the one-half factor only to the non-torque limited braking 
    coefficient would be inadequate for determining the total distance 
    needed to stop on a wet runway.
        The FAA does not concur with the comment that this proposal would 
    prohibit the safe and effective use of braking capability on a wet 
    runway. This proposal only addressed the method for determining the wet 
    runway accelerate-stop distances presented in the AFM. It would not 
    affect the manner in which the pilot uses the brakes. The FAA 
    recognizes, however, that not all airplanes share the same relationship 
    between V1 speeds and maximum brake torque capability, and 
    that some airplane types could be affected more than others by this 
    provision. In recognition of this potential disparity, the proposed 
    Sec. 25.109(b)(2) would have allowed applicants the option of 
    demonstrating a higher wet runway braking coefficient.
        One commenter suggested that an advisory circular may be necessary 
    to provide guidance regarding an acceptable method for demonstrating a 
    wet runway braking coefficient higher than one-half the dry runway 
    value. Another commenter noted that one flight test, for example, 
    performed on a damp grooved runway with excellent friction capability 
    would be an insufficient basis for developing the AFM information 
    applicable to all wet runways. Another commenter recommended a change 
    to the FAA proposal to allow the use of methods other than flight 
    testing to demonstrate a higher wet runway braking coefficient. This 
    commenter believes that in the near future it may become feasible to 
    use data obtained from either an analysis, a simulation of the 
    airplane's braking system, or other sources.
        One of the commenters who opposed portions of the FAA proposal 
    submitted an alternative proposal based on the same ESDU 71026 data 
    source used to develop the FAA proposal. The commenter proposes an 
    alternative method to replace the option for demonstrating a braking 
    coefficient higher than one-half the dry runway braking coefficient. 
    The following summary represents a brief synopsis of the commenter's 
    detailed proposal:
        a. Derive a standard wet runway braking coefficient versus speed 
    curve from the ESDU 71026 data. This curve, representing the maximum 
    braking coefficient available from the runway surface, would be used 
    for all transport category airplanes as the basis for developing 
    airplane type specific curves.
        b. Apply adjustments to this curve to reflect the capability of an 
    individual airplane type's anti-skid system on a wet runway. The anti-
    skid system capability would be determined either directly from wet 
    runway testing, or a conservative capability (i.e., somewhat worse than 
    would be expected if testing were performed) would be assumed, based on 
    the capability of existing comparable anti-skid systems.
        c. Allow higher braking coefficients for suitably maintained 
    grooved or porous friction course runways.
        d. Use the brake torque limitations (i.e., the amount of torque the 
    brake is capable of producing) that are determined on a dry runway for 
    both wet and dry runways.
        The FAA considers the commenter's proposal to have considerable 
    merit, not just as a replacement for the demonstration option as the 
    commenter proposes, but also as a replacement for the one-half the dry 
    braking coefficient methodology. The commenter's proposal addresses the 
    shortcomings inherent in the NPRM 93-8 methodology of determining the 
    wet runway braking coefficient by applying a single adjustment factor 
    to the dry runway braking coefficient. Under the commenter's proposal, 
    the wet runway braking capability would more accurately reflect the 
    significant variation in braking capability with speed that occurs on a 
    wet runway. Properly reflecting this variation with speed would remove 
    the need to apply a factor to the dry runway brake torque capability.
        As adopted, Sec. 25.109(b) has been revised and new Secs. 25.109 
    (c) and (d) have been added to prescribe wet runway accelerate-stop 
    distance standards in a manner consistent with the commenter's 
    proposal. This final rule is based on the same information as the 
    original FAA proposal; however, the methodology for determining wet 
    runway accelerate-stop distances has been changed to more rationally 
    reflect the various factors affecting wet runway braking. The 
    methodology adopted by this amendment provides a more accurate 
    portrayal of wet runway stopping performance than had been proposed in 
    NPRM 93-8.
        Significant issues related to the commenter's proposal, which had 
    to be addressed prior to preparing this final rule, included:
        a. Defining the standard wet runway braking coefficient versus 
    speed curve, considering the various parameters that affect wet runway 
    stopping performance.
        b. Defining a method for determining the capability of an 
    airplane's anti-skid system on a wet runway.
        c. Establishing conservative levels of anti-skid capability that 
    could be used in lieu of determining this capability directly from test 
        d. Determining whether a higher braking capability is appropriate 
    for use with grooved or porous friction course runways. (This issue is 
    discussed later along with other comments received on this topic).
        ESDU 71026 contains curves of wet runway braking coefficients 
    versus speed for smooth and treaded tires at varying inflation 
    pressures. These data are presented for runways of various surface 
    roughness, including grooved and porous friction course runways. 
    Included in the data presentation are bands about each of the curves, 
    which represent variations in: water depths from damp to flooded, 
    runway surface texture within the defined texture levels, tire 
    characteristics, and experimental methods. From these data, it is 
    readily apparent that wet runway stopping performance is significantly 
    affected by many more variables than dry runway stopping performance. 
    In order to determine the wet runway stopping distance, a value must be 
    specified (or assumed) for each of these variables. Since it would be 
    impractical to try to measure or evaluate each of these variables for 
    every takeoff, the takeoff data must take into account the conditions 
    likely to occur in operational service.
        It was the FAA's intent with the proposals of NPRM 93-8 to define a 
    wet runway performance level that would ensure safe operation for the 
    vast majority of wet runway rejected takeoffs likely to occur. This 
    same principle was used in specifying values for each of the variables 
    considered by the adopted wet runway methodology. The resulting 
    accelerate-stop distances, coupled with information provided to 
    operators and pilots concerning the use of these data, should greatly 
    reduce the risk of runway overruns during wet runway operations.
        In defining the standard curves of wet runway braking coefficient 
    versus speed that are prescribed by the equations in Sec. 25.109(c)(1), 
    the effects of the following variables were considered: Tire pressure, 
    tire tread depth, runway surface texture, and the depth of the water on 
    the runway.
    Tire Pressure
        The effect of tire pressure is taken into account by providing 
    separate curves (i.e., equations) in Sec. 25.109(c)(1) for
    [[Page 8309]]
    several tire pressures. As stated in the adopted rule, linear 
    interpolation may be used for tire pressures other than those listed. 
    To provide additional safety, Sec. 25.109(c)(1) requires applicants to 
    base the accelerate-stop distances on the maximum tire pressure 
    approved for operation. Operating at a tire pressure that is lower than 
    the maximum tire pressure approved for that airplane will tend to 
    improve the airplane's stopping capability on a wet runway. Typically, 
    manufacturer recommended tire pressures are a function of airplane 
    weight; for operations at less than the maximum approved weight, the 
    recommended tire pressure would be less than the maximum approved tire 
    Tire Tread Depth
        The degree to which water can be channeled out from under the tires 
    significantly affects wet runway stopping capability. Airplane tires 
    have ribbed grooves around the circumference of the tire for this 
    purpose. The texture of the runway surface plays an equally important 
    role. ESDU 71026 provides braking data for both ribbed and smooth tires 
    on runways of different surface textures. A method is also provided in 
    ESDU 71026 for assessing the effects of tire wear. As ribbed tires 
    wear, the depth of the ribbed grooves decreases, impairing their 
    ability to channel water out from under the tire.
        Surveys conducted by U.S. airplane and tire manufacturers, and 
    information from major tire retreaders, indicate that the typical 
    groove depth remaining at the time of tire removal can vary from about 
    1.5 to 5 mm. Airplane manufacturers' maintenance manuals usually 
    recommend removal when the tread depth is less than \1/32\ inch (1.2 
    mm), although operation with zero tread depth is not prohibited. Loss 
    of tread depth is not the sole criterion for tire removal, however. 
    Tires with significant tread depth remaining may be removed for other 
    reasons. Also, it is unlikely that all the tires on a particular 
    airplane would be worn to the same extent.
        The standard curves (i.e., equations) of braking coefficient versus 
    speed prescribed in Sec. 25.109(c)(1) are based on a tire tread depth 
    of 2 mm. Since the tread depth of new tires is usually 10-12 mm, 2 mm 
    represents no more than 20 percent of the original tread depth. FAA 
    Advisory Circular 121.195(d)-1A, which provides guidance for 
    determining operational landing distances on wet runways, specifies 
    that the tires used in flight tests to determine wet runway landing 
    distances should be worn to a point where no more than 20 percent of 
    the original tread depth remains. Therefore, the adopted rule, which 
    reflects industry practice, is also consistent with existing FAA 
    guidance in this area.
    Runway Surface Texture
        ESDU 71026 groups runways into five categories. These categories 
    are labeled ``A'' through ``E,'' with ``A'' being the smoothest and 
    ``C'' the most heavily textured ungrooved runways. Categories ``D'' and 
    ``E'' represent grooved and other open textured surfaces. Category A 
    represents a very smooth texture (an average texture depth of less than 
    0.004 inches), and is not very prevalent in runways used by transport 
    category airplanes. The majority of ungrooved runways fall into the 
    category C grouping. The curves represented in Sec. 25.109(c)(1), as 
    adopted, represent a texture midway between categories B and C.
    Depth of Water on the Runway
        Obviously, the greater the water depth, the greater the degradation 
    in braking capability. The curves prescribed in Sec. 25.109(c)(1) 
    represent a well-soaked runway, but with no significant areas of 
    standing water.
        In summary, the curves prescribed in Sec. 25.109(c)(1) represent 
    the maximum tire-to-ground braking coefficient likely to be available 
    from a wet runway during a rejected takeoff. They were derived by 
    interpolating between the curves presented in ESDU 71026 for runway 
    surface categories B and C, adjusted to represent tires with 2 mm tread 
    depth remaining, and extrapolated to cover the range of V1 
    speeds to be expected. The resulting curves were then smoothed and 
    reduced to a mathematical form for inclusion in the rule. The 
    capability for a particular airplane type to achieve this braking 
    coefficient depends on: (1) The amount of torque its brakes are capable 
    of producing, and (2) the performance of its anti-skid system. How the 
    revised regulation addresses these two components is discussed in the 
    ensuring paragraphs.
        The torque capability of the brakes is evaluated during the flight 
    testing that applicants conduct to determine the dry runway accelerate-
    stop distance. Since the torque capability is independent of the runway 
    surface condition, the torque capability demonstrated by the dry runway 
    flight tests also represents the maximum torque available during a wet 
    runway stop. As adopted, Sec. 25.109(b)(2)(i) limits the stopping force 
    from the wheel brakes used to determine the wet runway accelerate-stop 
    distance to the stopping force determined in meeting the requirements 
    of Sec. 25.101(i) (worn brakes) and Sec. 25.109(a) (the dry runway 
    accelerate-stop distance). This provision prohibits applicants from 
    using a brake torque that exceeds the dry runway torque limits when 
    determining the wet runway accelerate-stop distance.
        An airplane's anti-skid system varies the braking action to prevent 
    locked wheel skids and to maximize stopping performance to the extent 
    possible. How close the anti-skid system comes to obtaining the maximum 
    braking friction available between the tires and the runway is referred 
    to as the anti-skid system efficiency.
        As adopted, Sec. 25.109(c)(2) requires applicants to adjust the 
    maximum tire-to-ground wet runway braking coefficient determined in 
    Sec. 25.109(c)(1) for the efficiency of the anti-skid system. 
    Applicants will have the option of either determining the anti-skid 
    system efficiency directly from flight tests on a wet runway, or using 
    one of the anti-skid efficiency values specified in Sec. 25.109(c)(2). 
    Regardless of which method is used, an appropriate level of flight 
    testing must be performed to verify that the anti-skid system operates 
    in a manner consistent with the efficiency value used, and that the 
    system has been properly tuned for operation on wet runways.
        For applicants using the anti-skid efficiency values specified in 
    Sec. 25.109(c)(2), a minimum of one complete wet runway stop, or 
    equivalent segmented stops, should be conducted at an appropriate speed 
    and energy to cover the critical operating mode of the anti-skid 
    system. This testing can be performed as part of the anti-skid 
    compatibility testing on a wet runway that is already required for 
    brake and anti-skid system approval under Sec. 25.735. Therefore, for 
    applicants using the anti-skid efficiency values specified in 
    Sec. 25.109(c)(2), no additional flight tests need actually be 
    performed. Existing flight test may need to be modified somewhat to 
    ensure that appropriate data are obtained to verify that the anti-skid 
    system operates in a manner consistent with the efficiency value used, 
    and that the system has been properly tuned for operation on wet 
        As revised, Sec. 25.109(c)(2) identifies three different classes of 
    anti-skid systems, and specifies a unique efficiency value associated 
    with each one. This classification of anti-skid system types and the 
    assigned efficiency values are based on information contained in 
    Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Aerospace Information Report 
    (AIR) 1739, title ``Information on
    [[Page 8310]]
    Anti-Skid Systems.'' The efficiency values prescribed in 
    Sec. 25.109(c)(2) represent the worst system performance expected for 
    each type of system after being properly tuned for operation on wet 
    runways. The SAE document is available in the public docket for this 
        The three classes of anti-skid systems represent evolving levels of 
    technology and differing performance capabilities on dry and wet 
    runways. On/off systems are the simplest of the three types of anti-
    skid systems. For these systems, full metered brake pressure (as 
    commanded by the pilot) is applied until wheel locking is sensed. Brake 
    pressure is then released to allow the wheel to spin back up. When the 
    system senses that the wheel is accelerating back to synchronous speed 
    (i.e., ground speed), full metered pressure is again applied. The cycle 
    of full pressure application/complete pressure release is repeated 
    throughout the stop (or until the wheel ceases to skid with pressure 
        Quasi-modulating systems, the second type of anti-skid system, 
    attempt to continuously regulate brake pressure as a function of wheel 
    speed. Typically, brake pressure is released when the wheel 
    deceleration rate exceeds a preselected value. Brake pressure is re-
    applied at a lower level after a length of time appropriate to the 
    depth of the skid. Brake pressure is then gradually increased until 
    another incipient skid condition is sensed. In general, the corrective 
    actions taken by these systems to exit the skid condition are based on 
    a pre-programmed sequence rather than the wheel speed time history.
        Fully modulating systems, the third type of anti-skid system, are a 
    further refinement of the quasi-modulating systems. The major 
    difference between these two types of anti-skid systems is in the 
    implementation of the skid control logic. During a skid, corrective 
    action is based on the sensed wheel speed signal, rather than a pre-
    programmed response. Specifically, the amount of pressure reduction or 
    reapplication is based on the rate at which the wheel is going into or 
    recovering from a skid. Also, higher fidelity transducers and upgraded 
    control systems are used, which respond more quickly.
        For applicants who elect to determine the anti-skid efficiency 
    directly from flight tests, sufficient flight testing, with adequate 
    instrumentation, must be conducted to ensure confidence in the 
    efficiency obtained. Although additional flight testing will be 
    necessary, the FAA does not expect applicants to use this method for 
    determining the anti-skid efficiency unless proportionate benefits 
    (i.e., an increase in takeoff weight) are obtained. A minimum of three 
    complete stops, or equivalent segmented stops, should be conducted on a 
    wet runway at appropriate speeds and energies to cover the critical 
    operating modes of the anti-skid system.
        As adopted, Sec. 25.109(b)(2)(ii) also requires applicants to 
    adjust the wheel brakes stopping force to take into account the effect 
    of the distribution of the normal load between braked and unbraked 
    wheels at the most adverse center-of-gravity position approved for 
    takeoff. The stopping force due to braking is equal to the braking 
    coefficient multiplied by the normal load (i.e., the effective weight) 
    on the braked wheels. The location of the airplane's center-of-gravity, 
    which is a function of the airplane's configuration and how it is 
    loaded (i.e., the position of passengers, baggage, cargo, etc.), 
    affects how the load is distributed between braked and unbraked wheels. 
    Typically, the nose wheels of transport category airplanes are 
    unbraked, although some airplanes also have some of the main gear 
    wheels unbraked). This effect must be taken into account for the most 
    adverse center-of-gravity position approved for takeoff. The most 
    adverse center-of-gravity position is that which results in the least 
    load on the braked wheels.
        For the following reasons, the FAA regards the wet runway 
    methodology issued in this final rule to be a logical outgrowth of the 
    proposal published in NPRM 93-8. First, the final rule methodology 
    relies on the same technical basis as the original proposal. Second, it 
    responds to a comment raised during the NPRM 93-8 public comment 
    process. And third, it is consistent with the overall intent of this 
    rulemaking, which is to more rationally address relevant operational 
    factors rather than applying more restrictive standards to all 
    operating conditions. This methodology also provides applicants with 
    the ability to better control any increased costs resulting from the 
    addition of wet runway accelerate-stop requirements to part 25, while 
    ensuring safer wet runway operations. Depending on the desired balance 
    between manufacturing costs (including design and flight testing) and 
    operational capabilities, an applicant can make informed choices 
    regarding design characteristics (e.g., type of anti-skid system, 
    takeoff speeds) and the level of wet runway testing to perform (i.e., 
    use of the anti-skid efficiency values provided in the rule versus 
    determining the efficiency directly from flight tests).
        The FAA recognizes that extensive guidance material will be 
    necessary to assist applicants in complying with the wet runway 
    accelerate-stop distance requirements incorporated in this amendment. 
    Published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register is a notice 
    of availability for a proposed revision to AC 25-7, ``Flight Test Guide 
    for Certification of Transport Category Airplanes.'' A request for 
    comments is included in that notice of availability. The proposed 
    revision includes detailed guidance for:
        a. Using reverse thrust in determining wet runway accelerate-stop 
        b. classifying the types of anti-skid systems;
        c. Verifying the type of anti-skid system installed on the airplane 
    and that it is properly tuned for operation on wet and slippery 
        d. Determining the anti-skid efficiency value; and
        e. Developing an analytical model of wet runway braking performance 
    in accordance with Sec. 25.109(c).
        One commenter points out that many operators already use a form of 
    wet runway takeoff performance data, which is provided to them by the 
    airplane manufacturers as unapproved guidance information. These data, 
    used on a voluntary basis to provide additional safety on wet runways, 
    are typically developed using criteria similar to those proposed in 
    NPRM 93-8. Another commenter believes that the proposed wording for 
    Secs. 91.605(b)(3), 121.189(e), and 135.379(e) would result in 
    retroactive changes to those airplanes for which the AFMs contain wet 
    runway information carried over from previous foreign certifications. 
    (Some foreign certification authorities, notably the United Kingdom 
    Civil Aviation Authority, have required wet runway performance 
    information to be included in the AFM.) This commenter notes that use 
    of such data has not been required in the past in U.S. operations and 
    does not necessarily reflect the standards proposed in NPRM 93-8. 
    Although the commenter supports the proposal in general, it is 
    suggested that the wording be changed to specify that the wet runway 
    requirements apply only to airplanes certificated after the proposed 
    amendment becomes effective.
        The FAA acknowledges that airplane manufacturers have for many 
    years produced guidance information, including takeoff performance 
    data, for wet runway operations. In general, the FAA supports the 
    voluntary use of these available data to provide additional safety on 
    wet runways for existing transport category airplanes, as long as 
    compliance with the applicable
    [[Page 8311]]
    airworthiness and operating rules is maintained.
        The FAA did not intend, by the proposed wording Secs. 91.605(b)(3), 
    121.189(e), and 135.379(e), to effectively apply the proposed wet 
    runway standards retroactively. Operators should be aware that the 
    approved portion of the AFM (containing the operating limitations) for 
    a U.S. operator should only reflect the FAR and should not contain 
    extraneous information carried over from a foreign certification. Such 
    information may, however, appear in an unapproved portion of the AFM as 
    supplementary guidance information. Operators may use this information 
    (as long as it does not conflict with the FAR), but are not required to 
    abide by it.
        The FAA does not agree with the comment to limit application of the 
    proposed operating rules only to those airplanes certificated after 
    this amendment becomes effective. Some manufacturers have elected to 
    comply with the standards proposed in NPRM 93-8 prior to the adoption 
    of this final rule. The AFMs for the affected airplane types contain 
    takeoff and accelerate-stop distance limitations for takeoffs on wet 
    runways, and operators must comply with these limitations, regardless 
    of the date the airplane was certificated. Therefore, these amendments 
    to Secs. 91.605(b)(3), 121.189(e), and 135.379(e) are adopted 
    essentially as proposed, but with a clarification that this provision 
    applies to operating limitations, if they exist, associated with the 
    minimum distances required for takeoff from wet runways. As discussed 
    earlier, further consideration of retroactive application of the 
    requirements adopted by this final rule will be added to the FAA/JAA 
    harmonization work program.
        Several commenters recommend that the proposed standards be revised 
    to allow a higher wet runway braking coefficient to be used for grooved 
    runways or runways treated with a porous friction course (PFC) overlay, 
    without the need for additional flight testing. These commenters point 
    out that runway friction measurement tests show that a wet runway with 
    grooves or a PFC surface overlay has much better friction 
    characteristics than a smooth surface. According to these commenters, 
    providing credit for the improved stopping capability on these surfaces 
    will result in significant public safety benefits by helping to 
    expedite future runway improvements and by providing a strong incentive 
    to properly maintain these surfaces. The commenters believe it is 
    neither necessary nor in the public interest to avoid or defer this 
    issue, considering the significant effort that has already been made by 
    airport operators, both domestic and foreign, to improve runway 
        To facilitate timely action on this issue, these commenters propose 
    that the FAA initially adopt a value that the commenters consider to be 
    very conservative (i.e., a much lower wet runway braking coefficient 
    than would be expected). Most of these commenters propose using a wet 
    runway braking coefficient for grooved and PFC runways equal to 70 
    percent of the dry runway braking coefficient, although one commenter 
    proposed a factor of 80 percent. For comparison purposes, one commenter 
    reports that tests conducted using a Boeing 737-300 airplane showed wet 
    grooved runway braking capability that was equal to, or in some cases 
    greater than, 95 percent of that obtained on a dry runway. The 
    commenters note that a longer term rulemaking activity could be 
    undertaken in the future to establish a higher factor, if warranted.
        One of these commenters provided information relative to grooved 
    and PFC runway credit in Japan. This commenter states that the Japanese 
    Civil Aviation Bureau allows a wet runway braking coefficient of 70 to 
    80 percent of the dry runway value to be used for grooved or PFC 
    runways. In Japan, Most of the runways at civil airports are grooved, 
    and periodic friction surveys are conducted to assure that the surfaces 
    are properly maintained. These surveys are done by using a combination 
    of visual inspections and friction measuring devices.
        The FAA agrees that grooved and PFC runways can offer substantial 
    safety benefits in wet conditions. The FAA has taken an active role 
    since the late 1960's in evaluating the benefits of these runway 
    surface treatments and supports their use throughout the U.S. Tests 
    conducted by the FAA, NASA, and others confirm that applying a factor 
    of 70 percent to the dry runway braking coefficient, as proposed by the 
    commenters, would conservatively represent the stopping performance on 
    properly designed, constructed, and maintained grooved and PFC runways. 
    A summary of these test data has been placed in the docket. The actual 
    friction capability of grooved and PFC runways varies, however, 
    depending on variables such as groove shape, depth, and spacing, method 
    used to construct the grooves, type of pavement surface, volume and 
    type of airplane traffic, frequency of pavement evaluations, and 
    maintenance. The FAR currently do not contain mandatory standards 
    regarding the design, construction, and maintenance of grooved or PFC 
    runways, but AC 150/5320-12B, ``Measurement, Construction, and 
    Maintenance of Skid-Resistant Airport Pavement Surfaces,'' provides 
    relevant guidelines and procedures.
        The FAA concurs with the commenters' proposal and agrees that it 
    presents an opportunity to provide an additional incentive for airport 
    operators to install and maintain grooved and PFC runways. The FAA 
    agrees that 70 percent of the dry runway braking coefficient 
    conservatively represents the stopping performance on properly 
    designed, constructed, and maintained grooved or PFC runways. Using a 
    simple factor applied to the dry runway braking coefficient is 
    appropriate for grooved and PFC runways because the braking 
    coefficient's variation with speed is much lower on these types of 
        As noted in the earlier discussion of the parameters affecting wet 
    runway stopping performance, ESDU 71026 contains data corresponding to 
    grooved and PFC surfaces. An evaluation of the ESDU data reveals that 
    using a surface texture mid-way between surfaces D and E in combination 
    with typical anti-skid efficiencies provides approximately the same 
    airplane stopping performance as using 70 percent of the dry runway 
    braking capability.
        In response to the comments regarding grooved and PFC runways, a 
    new Sec. 25.109(d) is adopted to establish an optional wet runway 
    braking coefficient for grooved or PFC runways. The braking coefficient 
    for determining the accelerate-stop distance on grooved and PFC runways 
    is defined in Sec. 25.109(d) as either 70 percent of the value used to 
    determine the dry runway accelerate-stop distances, or a value based on 
    the ESDU data and derived in a manner consistent with that used for 
    ungrooved runways. Section 25.105(c)(1) is revised to allow applicants, 
    at their option, to provide data for grooved and PFC runways, in 
    addition to the smooth surface runway data that is currently required. 
    In addition, the existing Sec. 25.109(d) is revised to remove the words 
    ``smooth'' and ``hard-surfaced'' and redesignated as Sec. 25.109(h).
        Section 25.1533(a)(3) is amended to allow wet runway takeoff 
    distances on grooved and PFC runways to be established as additional 
    operating limitations, but approval to use these distances is limited 
    to runways that have been designed, constructed, and maintained in a 
    manner acceptable to the FAA Administrator. In conjunction, 
    Secs. 91.605(b)(3), 121.189(e), and 135.379(e) of the operating rules 
    [[Page 8312]]
    amended to limit the use of the grooved and PFC wet runway accelerate-
    stop distances to runways that the operator has determined have been 
    designed, constructed, and maintained in a manner acceptable to the FAA 
    Administrator. The page(s) in the AFM containing the wet runway 
    accelerate-stop distances for grooved and PFC runways should contain a 
    note equivalent to the following: ``These accelerate-stop distances 
    apply only to runways that are grooved or treated with a porous 
    friction course (PFC) overlay that the operator has determined have 
    been designed, constructed, and maintained in a manner acceptable to 
    the FAA Administrator.''
        Airplane operators who wish to use the grooved or PFC runway 
    accelerate-stop distances must determine that the design, construction, 
    and maintenance aspects are acceptable for each runway for which such 
    credit is sought. In making these determinations, operators may rely on 
    certifications from airport operators or independent evaluations of 
    runways. In either case, it is expected that operators will be able to 
    demonstrate that their determinations are well founded. Acceptable 
    runways should be listed in Part C of the operator's approved 
    operations specifications (for those operators required to have 
    operations specifications).
        FAA AC 150/5320-12B provides guidance regarding grooved and PFC 
    runway construction and maintenance techniques that are considered 
    acceptable to the Administrator. These criteria for obtaining 
    operational approval to use the grooved and PFC wet runway accelerate-
    stop distances are consistent with the guidance provided in AC 
    121.195(d)-1A for approval to use operational landing distance for wet 
    runways. After adoption of this final rule, the FAA also intends to 
    include this information in an update to AC 91-6A, ``Water, Slush, and 
    Snow on the Runway.''
        Under the proposals for Secs. 25.109 (c) and (d) in NPRM 93-8, wet 
    runway accelerate-stop distances may include the additional stopping 
    force provided by reverse thrust; however, including this stopping 
    force would be prohibited when determining the dry runway accelerate-
    stop distances. Most of the commenters supported the proposal for wet 
    runways, although several commenters noted that several important 
    aspects were not addressed. These aspects include issues such as 
    reliability of the trust reversers, piloting procedures, 
    controllability in crosswinds, flight test methods, etc.
        The FAA agrees that detailed guidance material is needed, relative 
    to thrust reversers, to define an acceptable means to comply with the 
    proposed requirements of Sec. 25.109(c). As mentioned earlier, the FAA 
    intends to propose specific guidance material soon as part of a 
    revision to AC 25-7. In general, the FAA intends to propose that: (1) 
    Acceptable procedures should be developed and demonstrated, including 
    the time needed to accomplish these procedures; (2) the responses and 
    interactions of airplane systems should be taken into account; (3) the 
    recommended level of reverse thrust should be easily obtainable under 
    in-service conditions (e.g., by providing a detent or other tactile 
    method of thrust selection); (4) directional control should be 
    demonstrated with maximum braking on a wet runway with a ten-knot 
    crosswind from the most adverse direction; (5) the probability of 
    failure should be no more than 1 per 1000 selections; (6) inoperative 
    thrust reversers at dispatch should be taken into account; (7) 
    satisfactory engine operating characteristics should be demonstrated; 
    and (8) appropriate flight tests should be conducted to determine the 
    effective stopping force provided by reverse thrust, and to validate 
    the total stopping force provided by all of the decelerating means.
        One commenter proposed an amendment to the existing Sec. 25.109(c) 
    to clarify that a finding of ``safe and reliable'' for any deceleration 
    means other than wheel brakes must take into account the interactions 
    and interdependencies of the various systems involved, and that 
    consistent results must be expected under all conditions covered by the 
    AFM. This comment is directed primarily at a landing situation in which 
    slippery runways and higher than normal approach speeds could thwart or 
    delay sensing logic for determining whether the airplane is on the 
    ground. Consequently, the operation of any deceleration means that can 
    only be activated on the ground (e.g., ground spoilers and thrust 
    reversers) would also be delayed.
        Under the existing Secs. 25.109(c) and 25.1309, the FAA already 
    reviews the system operation and inter-compatibility issues that would 
    be addressed by the commenter's proposed changes to Sec. 25.109(c). 
    Therefore, the FAA considers these proposed changes to be unnecessary.
        One commenter noted that the same reasons in the FAA's proposal for 
    denying accelerate-stop distance credit for the use of reverse thrust 
    on dry runways also apply to wet runways. Therefore, if dry runway 
    accelerate-stop distances need the safety margin provided by not 
    including the effects of reverse thrust, then so do the wet runway 
    accelerate-stop distances. The FAA does not concur. As stated in the 
    discussion of the proposal, the FAA believes that the additional safety 
    provided by not accounting for reverse thrust in calculating the 
    accelerate-stop distance on a dry runway is necessary to offset other 
    variables that can significantly affect the dry runway accelerate-stop 
    performance. Examples of variables that can significantly affect the 
    dry runway accelerate-stop performance include: runway surfaces that 
    provide poorer friction characteristics than the runway used during 
    flight tests to determine stopping performance, dragging brakes, brakes 
    whose stopping capability is reduced because of heat retained from 
    previous braking efforts, etc. Although these variables may also be 
    present for wet runways, their effects are adequately covered by the 
    adopted method of determining the stopping capability on a wet runway. 
    This method provides a margin of safety by using conservative 
    assumptions regarding runway surface texture, tire tread depth, tire 
    inflation pressure, anti-skid efficiency, etc.
        Despite the reasons the FAA presented in NPRM 93-8 for denying 
    accelerate-stop distance credit for the use of reverse thrust on dry 
    runways, several commenters propose that reverse thrust credit be 
    permitted, at least to the extent that it offsets any performance 
    degradation due to worn brakes. These commenters claim that the 
    majority of the factors degrading accelerate-stop performance have been 
    taken into account; therefore, it would be appropriate to include the 
    positive effect of reverse thrust. These commenters also note that 
    reverse thrust capability is provided on nearly all commercial jet 
    transport airplanes, current thrust reversers are reliable, flightcrews 
    are trained to use reverse thrust, and its use is a normal part of 
    operational stopping procedures. Also, the probability of a thrust 
    reverser failing to operate, combined with the probability of all 
    brakes being at the fully worn limit, is very low, and there would be 
    an even lower probability of these factors occurring in combination 
    with a takeoff rejected from a critically high speed. Under the 
    proposal offered by most of these commenters, the dry runway 
    accelerate-stop distance would be required to be the greater of either: 
    (1) The distance determined using new brakes without reverse thrust, or 
    (2) the distance determined using worn brakes
    [[Page 8313]]
    with reverse thrust. Since item (1) corresponds to the current 
    standards, this proposal would not reduce the accelerate-stop distance 
    to less than what is currently required. The effect of the commenters' 
    proposal would be to offset any loss in stopping capability associated 
    with worn brakes.
        As stated previously, the FAA considers that the additional safety 
    provided by not including the effect of reverse thrust for the 
    accelerate-stop distance on a dry runway is necessary to offset other 
    variables that can significantly affect the dry runway accelerate-stop 
    performance. The effect of these other variables on the dry runway 
    accelerate-stop distance are unchanged by this rulemaking. Although the 
    part 25 airworthiness standards are being made more stringent by adding 
    requirements related to worn brakes and wet runways, the overall effect 
    of these additions are partially offset by the change in the method 
    used to account for the time it takes the pilot to perform the 
    procedures for rejecting the takeoff. Further alleviating provisions 
    are inappropriate because they would unacceptably reduce the level of 
    safety. Therefore, Secs. 25.109(c) and (d) are amended as proposed in 
    NPRM 93-8, except that they have been re-designated as paragraphs (e) 
    and (f), respectively.
        As part of the proposed wet runway standards, Secs. 25.13 (a) and 
    (b) would allow the airplane's height over the end of the runway (known 
    as the screen height) to be reduced from 35 feet on dry runways to 15 
    feet on wet runways. Some commenters object to reducing the screen 
    height for wet runways, stating that safety margins would be reduced 
    for takeoffs that are continued following an engine failure. One 
    commenter would accept a reduced screen height only if operators are 
    first required to use the configuration that provides the best short 
    field performance. The FAA response to the latter comment was provided 
    in the discussion of the commenter's proposed change to 
    Sec. 25.105(a)(2).
        The FAA proposed reducing the required screen height for wet 
    runways to re-balance the available safety margins, in a manner that 
    does not impose significant costs on airplane operators, when taking 
    off from a wet runway. On a wet runway, the distance needed to stop the 
    airplane increases significantly due to the reduced braking 
    effectiveness. On the other hand, the distance needed to complete a 
    continued takeoff is generally unchanged from that needed for a dry 
    runway. By reducing the required screen height on a wet runway, a lower 
    V1 speed can be used. The effect of lower V1 
    speeds will be to reduce the number of rejected takeoffs that occur on 
    wet runways, and to reduce the speed from which these takeoffs are 
    rejected. The latter effect is considered especially important because 
    the braking capability on a wet runway is significantly poorer at 
    higher speeds.
        As noted by one of the commenters, any reduction in the number of 
    takeoffs that are rejected will produce an equal number of additional 
    continued takeoffs. Because of the lower V1 speed, the 
    airplane's height over the end of the runway for these takeoffs, as 
    well as the ensuring flight path, will be lower than would normally be 
    achieved on a dry runway. If a clearway area is available, however, the 
    minimum height of the airplane over the end of a dry runway may, under 
    the current standards, be as low as 13 to 17 feet. On this basis, the 
    FAA considers a minimum screen height of 15 feet to be acceptable when 
    the runway is wet.
        Allowing the screen height to be reduced on wet runways also 
    reduces the cost burden imposed on airplane operators by the wet runway 
    standards. By taking into account the degraded braking capability on 
    wet runways, these standards may reduce the maximum weight at which the 
    airplane would be allowed to take off from a given runway. If a screen 
    height of 35 feet were retained for wet runways, an even greater 
    reduction in takeoff weight capability could be necessary.
        In the proposed Sec. 25.113(c), the FAA intended to require that 
    the minimum screen height on a wet runway with a clearway would not be 
    lower than either: (1) 15 feet, or (2) the screen height that could be 
    achieved if the runway were dry. A clearway is an area at least 500 
    feet wide beyond the departure end of the runway that has not obstacles 
    protruding above a 1.25 percent upward sloping gradient. On a dry 
    runway, up to one-half of the distance traversed between liftoff and a 
    height of 35 feet may be over the clearway. As noted earlier, the 
    screen height (i.e., the height at the end of the runway) achieved on a 
    dry runway with clearway may end up being as low as 13 feet. 
    Accordingly, a higher takeoff weight is possible when a clearway is 
    present. The words ``but not beyond the end of the runway'' included in 
    the proposal for Sec. 25.113(b)(2) would effectively require the wet 
    runway screen height to be not less than 15 feet. Under the proposed 
    wording, therefore, the presence of clearway could not be used to 
    increase the takeoff weight on a wet runway. Also, in some instances, 
    the minimum screen height on a wet runway would be higher than that for 
    a dry runway.
        Several commenters expressed confusion over the discrepancy between 
    the FAA's intent, as expressed in the preamble to NPRM 93-8, and the 
    proposed wording for Secs. 25.113(b) (2) and (c). One commenter noted 
    that the words ``but not beyond the end of the runway'' appear to 
    inappropriately introduce an operating rule into the type design 
    standards. This commenter also notes that the quoted phrase does not 
    appear in the JAA's equivalent NPA. This commenter further suggests 
    that removing the quoted phrase would accomplish the FAA's stated 
    intent of allowing a very limited takeoff weight increase on wet 
    runways when clearway is present.
        Another commenter recommends that maximum clearway credit be 
    permitted in combination with the 15-foot screen height on a wet 
    runway. The commenter notes that V1 speed could then be 
    reduced even further, thus providing additional safety in the event of 
    a rejected takeoff on a wet runway. The FAA infers that this commenter 
    is proposing that half of the distance traversed between liftoff and a 
    height of 15 feet be permitted to occur over the clearway. Because of 
    the parabolic shape of the flight path, the airplane may end up being 
    only five to eight feet high at the end of the runway. The point at 
    which the airplane lifts off would thus be very near the end of the 
    runway. As discussed in NPRM 93-8, the FAA considers such a situation 
    to be unacceptable. The possibility of standing water on the wet 
    runway, or operational considerations such as a late or slow rotation 
    to the liftoff attitude, emphasize the need to require liftoff to occur 
    well before the end of the runway.
        Other commenters, including an international association 
    representing airplane operators, suggest that the potential benefit 
    provided by the FAA's intended proposal regarding clearway on a wet 
    runway is so small that it is insignificant. These commenters are 
    willing to accept the slight conservatism associated with prohibiting 
    credit for clearway in conjunction with the 15-foot screen height on 
    wet runways in favor of simplifying and clarifying the rule language. 
    The FAA concurs with this comment and is amending Sec. 25.113 
    accordingly. The phrase ``but not beyond the end of the runway,'' 
    contained in the proposed Sec. 25.113(b)(2), is removed. The proposed 
    Sec. 25.113(c) is clarified to prohibit a screen height of less than 15 
    feet on a wet runway. If the limiting takeoff distance is determined by 
    the all-engines-operating condition, where
    [[Page 8314]]
    the minimum height at the end of the takeoff distance remains 35 feet, 
    clearway credit is allowed on a wet runway in the same manner as it is 
    allowed on a dry runway. Also, Sec. 25.113 is amended to add the 
    provision that in the absence of clearway, the takeoff run is equal to 
    the takeoff distance. This provision is added only to ensure 
    completeness of the definition of takeoff run within the airworthiness 
    standards and is in accordance with standard industry practice. The 
    current requirement does not define the takeoff run when clearway is 
    not present.
        Some commenters apparently misunderstand some aspects of the wet 
    runway standards, especially the effect of Secs. 25.109(b)(1) and 
    25.113(b)(1). These sections require the accelerate-stop and takeoff 
    distances on a wet runway (at the wet runway V1 speed) to be 
    at least as long as the corresponding distances on a dry runway (at the 
    dry runway V1 speed). These requirements therefore ensure 
    that the maximum takeoff weight for a wet runway can never be higher 
    than that allowed when the runway is dry. In practice, applicants 
    should use the following procedure to determine takeoff performance 
    when the runway is wet. First, conduct the takeoff performance analysis 
    assuming the runway is dry. Then, repeat the analysis using wet runway 
    data, including the wet runway V1 speed. The lowest takeoff 
    weight from these analyses is the maximum takeoff weight that can be 
    used when the runway is wet. For this takeoff weight, determine and 
    compare the accelerate-stop and takeoff distances applicable to both 
    dry and wet conditions. The longer of each of these accelerate-stop and 
    takeoff distances apply when the runway is wet.
        The FAA received only one comment related to the proposed change to 
    Sec. 25.115(a). This proposed change would allow the airplane's height 
    over any obstacles to be reduced by an amount corresponding to the 
    reduced screen height allowed when taking off from a wet runway. The 
    commenter suggested that the current obstacle clearance criteria should 
    be updated to represent more realistic operational conditions. The 
    commenter is referring to the criteria used to evaluate whether the 
    obstacle must be cleared vertically, or whether an operator can 
    consider the obstacle to be laterally outside of the airplane's path. 
    The FAA is currently developing an advisory circular that will address 
    this issue in detail. Therefore, Sec. 25.115(a) is amended as proposed.
        The FAA received several comments on the proposed changes to 
    Sec. 25.735. One commenter proposed that Sec. 25.735(f) refer to the 
    wear condition that provides the least effective braking performance. 
    This comment is related to a similar comment regarding Sec. 25.101(i). 
    As discussed in response to the earlier comment, the FAA believes that 
    the fully worn condition will always provide the least effective 
    braking performance.
        This commenter also suggests that the flight test proposed under 
    Sec. 25.735(g) is unnecessary. The commenter proposes that a flight 
    test should be required only if poor correlation exists between 
    dynamometer test results and flight test results. The commenter also 
    believes that a rejected takeoff may not represent the most severe 
    stopping condition. For example, landing at the maximum landing weight 
    with the flaps retracted may involve higher stopping energies. For this 
    reason, the commenter suggests that Sec. 25.735(g) refer to the most 
    severe stop rather than a rejected takeoff.
        The flight test proposed in Sec. 25.735(g) is the only flight test 
    that would be required to be conducted at a specific brake wear level. 
    The FAA considers this test to be a necessary demonstration of the 
    airplane's ability to safely stop under the most critical rejected 
    takeoff condition. For the remainder of the flight testing to determine 
    the rejected takeoff and landing stopping distances, the brakes may be 
    at any wear level desired by the applicant (including new brakes). 
    Dynamometer testing could be used to determine the difference in 
    stopping capability between fully worn brakes and the brake wear level 
    used in the flight tests. This difference would be applied to the 
    flight test results to determine the stopping distances for fully worn 
        For the purposes of this demonstration, the FAA considers the 
    maximum kinetic energy rejected takeoff to be the most critical 
    stopping condition. Therefore, the FAA does not concur with the 
    commenter's suggestion to replace the reference to rejected takeoff in 
    the flight test demonstration with a reference to the most severe stop. 
    However, from a brake approval standpoint, the FAA agrees that the 
    brakes, in the fully worn condition, should be capable of absorbing the 
    energy produced during the most severe stopping condition. The FAA has 
    tasked a harmonization working group with recommending new or revised 
    requirements for approval of brakes installed on transport category 
    airplanes, and this working group is expected to recommend proposed 
    standards addressing this issue.
        Another commenter suggests that the flight test demonstration 
    referenced by the proposed Sec. 25.735(g) should include a two-second 
    overshoot of V1, before applying the brakes, to allow for 
    the average pilot response time. The FAA does not concur with this 
    comment because V1 represents the highest speed at which the 
    pilot should take the first action to reject the takeoff. Also, the 
    procedures used during the flight test demonstration, including the 
    time at which the pilot applies the brakes, should be consistent with 
    the rejected takeoff procedures provided by the applicant in the AFM.
        One commenter proposed that Sec. 25.735(f) be clarified to allow 
    for other devices inherent in a particular airplane design that may be 
    used to dissipate energy. Failure to allow such credit, claims the 
    commenter, will diminish the value of technological improvements in 
    energy dissipation devices that are likely to be introduced to improve 
    airplane stopping performance under wet runway conditions.
        The current Sec. 25.735(f) allows for the use of the same 
    decelerating means to determine the brake kinetic energy capacity 
    rating as are used to determine the dry runway accelerate-stop 
    distances. The energy absorption capability of the brake is generally 
    more of a concern on a dry runway than on a wet runway because of the 
    difference in deceleration capability. To receive credit for energy 
    dissipation devices that are likely to be introduced to improve 
    airplane stopping performance under wet runway conditions, these 
    devices must also provide proportionate benefits when the runway is 
    dry, as well as meet the safety and reliability criteria of the amended 
    Sec. 25.109(e). Within these constraints, the FAA will consider any 
    technological improvements in energy deceleration devices at the time 
    such devices are proposed for evaluation.
        Two commenters suggest that the proposed amendment to associate the 
    brake energy rating of Sec. 25.735(f) with brakes in the fully worn 
    condition is inappropriate and could lead to confusion during the brake 
    approval process. These commenters concur with the intent that each 
    wheel-brake assembly, when fully worn, be capable of absorbing the 
    maximum kinetic energy for which it is approved. However, these 
    commenters note that the kinetic energy level defined in Sec. 25.735(f) 
    is the same energy level used in Technical Standard Order (TSO)-C26c 
    for demonstrating the capability of the brake to successfully complete 
    100 landing stops with no refurbishment or other changes made to brake 
    system components (except for one change in
    [[Page 8315]]
    brake lining material). (TSO-C26c contains minimum performance 
    standards for aircraft landing wheels and wheel-brake assemblies and 
    specifies the brake dynamometer tests to demonstrate compliance with 
    these standard.) Because of the relationship between Sec. 25.735(f) and 
    the TSO, any change to the definition of the energy level in 
    Sec. 25.735(f) would presumably also apply to the TSO. Since the TSO 
    100-stop test is intended to verify that the brake has acceptable 
    structural durability, rather than to demonstrate the capability to 
    successfully complete a high energy stop in the fully worn condition, 
    the combination of the worn condition with the TSO energy level would 
    be inappropriate. A brake that is fully worn at the beginning of the 
    100-stop test would be unable to successfully complete the test.
        One of the commenters notes that the TSO also requires a test 
    involving one stop at the maximum rejected takeoff kinetic energy. 
    According to the commenter, it is this test that should be conducted 
    with a fully worn brake. The energy rating demonstrated by this test is 
    not explicitly referenced in part 25, but is contained in JAR-25 as JAR 
    25.735(h). The commenter proposes adding JAR 25.735(h) to part 25 to 
    harmonize the two standards and to help clarify the application of the 
    worn brake requirements. This commenter also suggests adding references 
    to the applicable TSO and clarifying that the formula provided in 
    Sec. 25.735(f)(2) need only be modified in cases of designed unequal 
    braking distributions. Uneven braking distributions can unintentionally 
    occur during flight tests, but this characteristic cannot be predicted 
    during the design or qualification stages for which Sec. 25.735(f)(2) 
    is relevant.
        The FAA concurs with these proposals. As amended, Sec. 25.735(f) 
    defines the landing kinetic energy rating to be used during 
    qualification testing per the applicable TSO or other qualification 
    testing used to show an equivalent level of safety, as necessary to 
    obtain the approval required by Sec. 25.735(a). The proposed reference 
    to a fully worn brake is inappropriate in this section and has been 
    removed. In the proposed revision to AC 25-7, for which the notice of 
    availability is published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal 
    Register, the FAA proposes to clarify that the relevant TSO 100-stop 
    test may begin with a brake in any condition representative of service 
    use, including new. In addition, a new Sec. 25.735(h), based on JAR 
    25.735(h), has been added. This section is similar to Sec. 25.735(f), 
    but defines the rejected takeoff, rather than the landing kinetic 
    energy rating used in the applicable TSO. Unlike the landing brake 
    kinetic energy rating, the rejected takeoff brake kinetic energy rating 
    must be demonstrated with a fully worn brake. Finally, both the revised 
    Sec. 25.735(f)(2) and the new Sec. 25.735(h)(2) require the referenced 
    formulae for determining the brake energy capacity rating to be 
    modified only in the case of designed unequal braking distributions. 
    The format of the existing Sec. 25.735(f)(2), with respect to this 
    provision, has been adjusted to conform to Federal Register formatting 
    guidelines, and the new Sec. 25.735(h)(2) has been formatted similarly. 
    With these changes, the final rule better matches the intent of the 
    NPRM 93-8 proposals, and also harmonizes these sections with JAR-25.
        The FAA intends to revise TSO-C26c to be consistent with these 
    amendments to Sec. 25.735. The Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee 
    (ARAC) has been chartered with recommending appropriate changes to the 
    TSO. Currently, the FAA envisions issuing the revised TSO, applicable 
    to transport category airplanes, under a new designation, TSO-C135.
        One commenter suggests that the proposed Sec. 25.735(g) should be 
    deleted. This commenter believes that this proposed flight test 
    requirement is misplaced in the brake design and construction section 
    of part 25. The commenter suggests that this issue should be addressed 
    in the flight test guidance provided in AC 25-7.
        The FAA concurs that the proposed flight test requirement would be 
    better placed elsewhere, but does not concur with completely removing 
    it from part 25. As stated previously, the FAA considers this test to 
    be a necessary demonstration of the airplane's ability to safely stop 
    under the most critical rejected takeoff condition. In addition, the 
    FAA intends for this test to determine or validate the AFM accelerate-
    stop distance for this condition. Therefore, the proposed 
    Sec. 25.735(g) has been reworded to clarify that the airplane must stop 
    within the accelerate-stop distance and is adopted as Sec. 25.109(i). 
    Existing Sec. 25.735(g), which would have been redesignated as 
    Sec. 25.735(h), remains as Sec. 25.735(g) in the adopted rule.
        The FAA received one comment regarding the proposed amendment to 
    Sec. 25.1587(b). The objective of this proposal is to require that 
    takeoff performance information for wet runways be included in the AFM. 
    The commenter agrees with this objective, but notes that 
    Sec. 25.1587(b) addresses performance information other than that which 
    would be affected by the surface condition of the takeoff runway. The 
    commenter suggests that the proposed amendment instead be placed in 
    Sec. 25.1533(a)(3), which addresses operating limitations based on the 
    minimum takeoff distances. The FAA concurs with this comment. 
    Therefore, the proposed change to Sec. 25.1587(b) has been removed, and 
    Sec. 25.1533(a)(3) is revised accordingly. The adopted amendment also 
    corrects a typographical error in existing Sec. 25.1533(a), identified 
    by this commenter, by replacing the reference to Sec. 25.103 with a 
    reference to Sec. 25.109.
        One commenter strongly endorses a requirement to add a takeoff 
    performance monitor to the flight deck of all airplanes to help pilots 
    determine whether a takeoff should be rejected or continued. The 
    commenter notes that modern transport category airplanes already 
    contain most of the necessary instrumentation. According to the 
    commenter, all that would be needed would be a display and a dedicated 
    processor to compute the data to be displayed.
        The FAA has participated in past evaluations of systems designed to 
    monitor the performance of the airplane during the takeoff. Such 
    systems typically compare the airplane's actual performance, as 
    determined by airplane instrumentation, with the performance predicted 
    by the AFM. If the airplane's performance is less than predicted, the 
    performance shortfall would be indicated by the monitor. In addition, 
    the takeoff speeds, V1 and VR, could be 
    correlated with the point on the runway at which they should be 
    reached. This information could assist pilots in determining whether it 
    is safer to reject or to continue the takeoff.
        The FAA supports efforts at improving the go/no-go decision 
    process. Advisory Circular 25-15. ``Approval of Flight Management 
    Systems in Transport Category Airplanes,'' provides a means to obtain 
    FAA approval of a takeoff performance monitor function as part of a 
    flight management system. However, takeoff performance monitors are not 
    yet sufficiently reliable nor are they sophisticated enough to warrant 
    requiring their addition to the flight deck of transport category 
    airplanes. Varying winds during the takeoff or a runway with a variable 
    slope may cause the monitor to provide a false indication. The FAA is 
    also concerned that the number of high speed rejected takeoffs could 
    increase as pilots delay action to determine, for example, if an 
    initially sub-par acceleration is corrected. Also, unnecessary rejected 
    takeoffs could occur as a result of small
    [[Page 8316]]
    differences between the predicted airplane acceleration and the actual 
    airplane's acceleration as determined by the onboard instrumentation. A 
    takeoff performance monitor would need to consider all of the variables 
    reflected in the takeoff performance data, such as atmospheric 
    conditions, airplane flap setting, thrust level (including reduced and 
    derated takeoff thrust), runway length, slope, and surface condition, 
    etc. It is possible to design such a system, but current systems have 
    not demonstrated a safety benefit over the information currently 
    available to the pilot.
        The same commenter recommends that the FAA undertake a study using 
    research simulators to validate airplane/pilot performance in obstacle 
    limited takeoffs with engine failures. The objective of this study 
    would be to determine if there is a high degree of reliability that the 
    combined airplane/pilot performance is acceptable. The commenter feels 
    that such a study is essential to considerations of lower screen 
    heights, tailwind takeoffs, and pilot decision making when the takeoff 
    weight is limited by obstacle clearance considerations. In the interim, 
    the commenter suggests that the FAA adopt more stringent obstacle 
    clearance criteria, such as those contained in the International Civil 
    Aviation Organization's (ICAO) Annex 6, Attachment C, Paragraph 3--
    Takeoff Obstacle Clearance Limitations.
        Section 25.111 currently requires applicants to determine the 
    airplane's takeoff path, which begins with the start of the takeoff 
    roll and ends approximately 1,500 feet above the takeoff surface. Under 
    Sec. 25.111(d), applicants must conduct flight tests to ensure that the 
    airplane can achieve the takeoff path presented in the AFM. The takeoff 
    path data, and the flight test demonstrations, must be based on the 
    procedures established by the applicant for operation in service, and 
    assume that one engine fails at VEF. Except for automatic 
    propeller feathering and retraction of the landing gear, the airplane 
    configuration must remain constant, and changes in power or thrust that 
    require action by a pilot may not be made until the airplane reaches a 
    height of 400 feet above the takeoff surface.
        In addition to the takeoff path determined under Sec. 25.111, 
    Sec. 25.115 requires applicants to determine the net takeoff flight 
    path. The net takeoff flight path begins at the end of the takeoff 
    distance and is equal to the takeoff flight path with the gradient of 
    climb reduced by: 0.8 percent for two-engine airplanes; 0.9 percent for 
    three-engine airplanes; and 1.0 percent for four-engine airplanes. 
    These adjustments to the airplane's demonstrated climb gradient 
    capability represent a safety margin for use in complying with the 
    obstacle clearance requirements prescribed by the applicable operating 
    rules. For airplanes operated under parts 121 or 135, the net takeoff 
    flight path not only must clear all applicable obstacles, but must 
    clear them by a height of at least 35 feet.
        The current airworthiness standards already address the issues the 
    commenter proposes for further study. For each part 25 airplane type 
    design, applicants must conduct flight tests to validate the capability 
    of the airplane, using normal piloting actions, to achieve the 
    published flight path. Safety margins are then added to ensure that 
    this flight path adequately clears all applicable obstacles.
        The obstacle clearance criteria recommended by ICAO would require 
    airplane operators to consider a larger ground area to be under the 
    takeoff flight path when determining which obstacles must be cleared 
    vertically. An obstacle that can be considered to be cleared laterally 
    under current FAA practices may have to be cleared vertically under the 
    ICAO recommendations. This change could result in restricting the 
    amount of cargo or passengers to be carried because the airplane's 
    vertical flight path capability is directly related to its takeoff 
    weight. The FAA is currently drafting an advisory circular to provide 
    standardized guidelines regarding the extent of the ground area that 
    must be considered when determining which obstacles must be cleared 
    Regulatory Evaluation Summary
        Proposed changes to Federal regulations must undergo several 
    economic analyses. First, Executive Order 12866 directs that each 
    Federal agency shall propose or adopt a regulation only upon a reasoned 
    determination that the benefits of the intended regulation justify its 
    costs. Second, the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 requires agencies 
    to analyze the economic effect of regulatory changes on small entities. 
    Third, the Office of Management and Budget directs agencies to assess 
    the effects of regulatory changes on international trade. In conducting 
    these analyses, the FAA has determined that this rule: (1) Will 
    generate benefits that justify its costs as defined in the Executive 
    Order; (2) will not have a significant impact on a substantial number 
    of small entities; and (3) will not constitute a barrier to 
    international trade. These analyses, available in the docket, are 
    summarized below.
        In order to analyze the potential net costs of the rule, this 
    evaluation considers a hypothetical production program for a 
    representative new type certification. This example assumes that: (1) 
    Incremental certification costs are incurred in year ``0'', (2) 
    production starts in year ``4'', (3) the first airplane enters service 
    in year ``5'', (4) 50 airplanes are produced per year for ten years so 
    that total production equals 500, (5) each airplane is retired at the 
    end of its 25 year design service goal, and (6) the discount rate is 7 
        The analysis of incremental costs is divided into two cases: one 
    which assumes a brake design that exhibits little decline in brake 
    performance with wear, and another which assumes a brake design that 
    exhibits a decline in brake performance with wear.
        In the former case, the average reduction in dry runway accelerate-
    stop distance associated with the revised 2-second-at-V1 
    requirement is greater than the average increase in accelerate-stop 
    distance associated with the worn brake requirement. This will result 
    in a reduction in operating costs of approximately $5,105 per airplane 
    per year, or $128,000 per airplane over its service life (in nominal 
    terms). However, approximately one third of takeoffs would be conducted 
    using the wet runway accelerate-stop distance. Under the production run 
    and cost assumptions enumerated above, the wet runway amendments will 
    add approximately $2,700 to operating costs per airplane per year, or 
    $68,000 per airplane over its service life. Therefore, net operating 
    costs under this design assumption will decline by approximately $2,400 
    per airplane per year, or $59,400 per airplane over its service life. 
    Total costs (including consideration of incremental certification and 
    development costs), then, will be reduced by approximately $28.9 
    million for the 500 airplane fleet over its 34 year service life. On a 
    discounted basis, total fleet costs will be reduced by approximately 
    $7.5 million.
        In the case where brake performance is assumed to decline with 
    wear, the average reduction in dry runway accelerate-stop distance 
    associated with the revised 2-second-at-V1 requirement is 
    offset by the average increase in dry runway accelerate-stop distance 
    associated with the worn brake requirement. Again, however, the wet 
    runway requirements will add approximately $2,700 (in nominal terms) 
    per year per airplane to operating costs. Therefore, lifetime 
    incremental costs (again including consideration of
    [[Page 8317]]
    incremental certification and development costs) for the 500 airplane 
    fleet are approximately $34.9 million, or $9.6 million on a discounted 
    basis. It should be emphasized, however, that FAA anticipates that 
    future airplane models will incorporate brake designs that exhibit 
    little reduction in braking force with wear.
        The rule will have significant safety implications owing to the 
    fact that it creates economic incentives for manufacturers, operators, 
    and airports to adopt procedures which reduce takeoff hazards. While 
    these ancillary safety benefits are not directly valued in this 
    economic analysis, they are discussed in a qualitative way below.
        The rule's worn-brake provisions will have important safety 
    impacts. For airplanes that continue to make use of brake designs in 
    which braking capacity declines with wear, the rule provides an 
    incentive to reduce the specified level of allowable wear in return for 
    some reduction in accelerate-stop distances. In this way, accelerate-
    stop distances are more closely related to actual brake performance.
        Existing regulations do not distinguish between dry and wet runway 
    surface conditions. The accident history, however, shows that wet 
    runway rejected takeoff overrun accidents account for a 
    disproportionate share of the total. In fact, the wet runway rejected 
    takeoff accident rate (involving substantial damage or hull loss) is 
    seven times greater than the dry runway accident rate. The rule 
    enhances safety by taking into account this hazardous takeoff 
    condition. First, it directly increases accelerate-stop margins for wet 
    runway conditions. Second, it creates an economic incentive to develop 
    more stringent maintenance programs for skid-resistant runway surfaces.
    Regulatory Flexibility Determination
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 (RFA) was enacted by 
    Congress to ensure that small entities are not unnecessarily and 
    disproportionately burdened by government regulations. The RFA requires 
    agencies to review rules which may have ``a significant economic impact 
    on a substantial number of small entities.'' FAA Order 2100.14A, 
    Regulatory Flexibility Criteria and Guidance, specifies small entity 
    size and cost thresholds by Standard Industrial Classification (SIC). 
    Entities potentially affected by the rule include manufacturers of 
    transport category airplanes (SIC 3721) and operators of aircraft for 
    hire (SIC 4511).
        There are no manufacturers of transport category airplanes that 
    meet the SIC 3721 size threshold for small entities (75 employees). 
    However, small air carriers operating transport category airplanes 
    could be affected by the rule. Order 2100.14A defines a small carrier 
    as one owning 9 or fewer aircraft. The definition of ``significant 
    economic impact'' varies by air carrier type: for operators whose 
    fleets consist entirely of aircraft having a seating capacity of more 
    than 60 passengers the threshold is $123,445, for other operators the 
    threshold is $69,005.
        Under the most conservative (that is, most costly) compliance 
    assumptions, the rule will increase operating costs by approximately 
    $2,700 per airplane per year; or $24,300 per year for a nine-airplane 
    fleet. Assuming that all incremental certification costs are passed on 
    to the operator, the rule would increase the price of an airplane by 
    $1,570. When this is amortized over the 25-year life of the airplane 
    (assuming a 7% discount rate), the incremental cost per airplane is 
    approximately $126 per year or $1,134 per year for a nine-airplane 
    fleet. An upper-bound estimate of the annual impact of the proposed 
    rule to small operators, then, is approximately $24,300+$1,134=$25,434. 
    FAA holds, therefore, that the rule will not have a significant 
    economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
    Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
        Title II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (the Act), 
    enacted as Pub. L. 104-4 on March 22, 1995, requires each Federal 
    agency, to the extent permitted by law, to prepare a written assessment 
    of the effects of any Federal mandate in a proposed or final agency 
    rule that may result in the expenditure by State, local, and tribal 
    governments, in the aggregate, or by the private sector, of $100 
    million or more (adjusted annually for inflation) in any one year. 
    Section 204(a) of the Act, 2 U.S.C. 1534(a), requires the Federal 
    agency to develop an effective process to permit timely input by 
    elected officers (or their designees) of State, local, and tribal 
    governments on a proposed ``significant intergovernmental mandate.'' A 
    ``significant intergovernmental mandate'' under the Act is any 
    provision in a Federal agency regulation that will impose an 
    enforceable duty upon State, local, and tribal governments, in the 
    aggregate, of $100 million (adjusted annually for inflation) in any one 
    year. Section 203 of the Act, 2 U.S.C. 1533, which supplements section 
    204(a), provides that before establishing any regulatory requirements 
    that might significantly or uniquely affect small governments, the 
    agency shall have developed a plan that, among other things, provides 
    for notice to potentially affected small governments, if any, and for a 
    meaningful and timely opportunity to provide input in the development 
    of regulatory proposals.
        The rule does not contain any Federal intergovernmental or private 
    sector mandate. Therefore, the requirements of Title II of the Unfunded 
    Mandates Reform Act of 1995 do not apply.
    Trade Impact Assessment
        Recognizing that nominally domestic regulations often affect 
    international trade, the Office of Management and Budget directs 
    Federal agencies to assess whether or not a rule or regulation will 
    have the effect of lessening the restraints of any trade-sensitive 
    actively. The FAA determines that the subject rule will reduce barriers 
    to international trade.
        The rule collectively places U.S. and foreign transport airplanes 
    on a more equitable basis regarding their marketability. The 
    standardization of certification criteria between the FAA and the Joint 
    Aviation Authorities (JAA) of Europe, and the equalization of safety 
    levels for pre- and post-Amendment 25-42 airplanes eliminates the 
    slight comparative disadvantage experienced by certain foreign 
    airplanes. The requirement regarding the two-second margin allows 
    European-produced airplanes certified under Amendment 25-42 to become 
    slightly more competitive against current production U.S. airplanes 
    that were not certified under Amendment 25-42 by marginally expanding 
    their takeoff envelope.
    Federalism Implications
        The regulations adopted herein will not have substantial direct 
    effects on the States, on the relationship between the national 
    government and the States, or on the distribution of power and 
    responsibilities among the various levels of government. Therefore, in 
    accordance with Executive Order 12612, it is determined that this final 
    rule will not have sufficient federalism implications to warrant the 
    preparation of a Federalism Assessment.
    International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and Joint Aviation 
        In keeping with U.S. obligations under the Convention on 
    International Civil Aviation, it is FAA policy to comply with ICAO 
    Standards and Recommended Practices to the maximum extent practicable. 
    The FAA has determined that this rule does not
    [[Page 8318]]
    conflict with any international agreement of the United States.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1990 (44 U.S.C. 
    3501 et seq.). there are not reporting or recordkeeping requirements 
    associated with this rule.
    Regulations Affecting Intrastate Aviation in Alaska
        Section 1205 of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 1996 (110 Stat. 
    3213) requires the Administrator, when modifying regulations in Title 
    14 of the CFR in a manner affecting intrastate aviation in Alaska, to 
    consider the extent to which Alaska is not served by transportation 
    modes other than aviation, and to establish such regulatory 
    distinctions as he or she considers appropriate. Because this final 
    rule applies to the certification of future designs of transport 
    category airplane and their subsequent operation, it could affect 
    interstate aviation in Alaska. The Administrator has considered the 
    extent to which Alaska is not served by transportation modes other than 
    a aviation, and how the final rule could have been applied differently 
    to intrastate operations in Alaska. However, the Administrator has 
    determined that airplanes operated solely in Alaska would present the 
    same safety concerns as all other affected airplanes; therefore, it 
    would be inappropriate to establish a regulatory distinction for the 
    intrastate operation of affected airplanes in Alaska.
     List of Subjects
    14 CFR Part 1
        Air transportation.
    14 CFR Part 25
        Aircraft, Aviation safety, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    14 CFR Part 91
        Aircraft, Airmen, Aviation safety, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    14 CFR Part 121
        Air carriers, Aircraft, Airmen, Aviation safety, Charter flights, 
    Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Safety, Transportation.
    14 CFR Part 135
        Aircraft, Airplane, Airworthiness, Air transportation.
    Adoption of the Amendment
        In consideration of the foregoing, the Federal Aviation 
    Administration amends 14 CFR parts 1, 25, 91, 121, and 135 of the 
    Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 1 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701.
        2. Section 1.2 is amended by adding a new abbreviation 
    ``VEF'' and revising the description for the abbreviation 
    ``V1'' to read as follows:
    Sec. 1.2  Abbreviations and symbols.
    * * * * *
        VEF means the speed at which the critical engine is 
    assumed to fail during takeoff.
    * * * * *
        V1 means the maximum speed in the takeoff at which the 
    pilot must take the first action (e.g., apply brakes, reduce thrust, 
    deploy speed brakes) to stop the airplane within the accelerate-stop 
    distance. V1 also means the minimum speed in the takeoff, 
    following a failure of the critical engine at VEF, at which 
    the pilot can continue the takeoff and achieve the required height 
    above the takeoff surface within the takeoff distance.
    * * * * *
        3. The authority citation for part 25 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701-44702, 44704.
        4. Section 25.101 is amended by adding a new paragraph (i) to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 25.101  General.
    * * * * *
        (i) The accelerate-stop and landing distances prescribed in 
    Secs. 25.109 and 25.125, respectively, must be determined with all the 
    airplane wheel brake assemblies at the fully worn limit of their 
    allowable wear range.
        5. Section Sec. 25.105 is amended by revising paragraph (c)(1) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 25.105  Takeoff.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (1) In the case of land planes and amphibians:
        (i) Smooth, dry and wet, hard-surfaced runways; and
        (ii) At the option of the applicant, grooved or porous friction 
    course wet, hard-surfaced runways.
    * * * * *
        6. Section Sec. 25.107 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(2) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 25.107  Takeoff speeds.
        (a) * * *
        (2) V1, in terms of calibrated airspeed, is selected by 
    the applicant; however, V1 may not be less than 
    VEF plus the speed gained with critical engine inoperative 
    during the time interval between the instant at which the critical 
    engine is failed, and the instant at which the pilot recognizes and 
    reacts to the engine failure, as indicated by the pilot's initiation of 
    the first action (e.g., applying brakes, reducing thrust, deploying 
    speed brakes) to stop the airplane during accelerate-stop tests.
    * * * * *
        7. Section 25.109 is amended by revising paragraph (a), 
    redesignating paragraph (b) as paragraph (e) and revising the 
    introductory text, redesignating paragraph (c) as paragraph (g) 
    redesignating paragraph (d) as paragraph (h) and revising the first 
    sentence, and adding new paragraphs (b), (c), (d), (f), and (i) to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 25.109  Accelerate-stop distance.
        (a) The accelerate-stop distance on a dry runway is the greater of 
    the following distances:
        (1) The sum of the distances necessary to--
        (i) Accelerate the airplane from a standing start with all engines 
    operating to VEF for takeoff from a dry runway;
        (ii) Allow the airplane to accelerate from VEF to the 
    highest speed reached during the rejected takeoff, assuming the 
    critical engine fails at VEF and the pilot takes the first 
    action to reject the takeoff at the V1 for takeoff from a 
    dry runway; and
        (iii) Come to a full stop on a dry runway from the speed reached as 
    prescribed in paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this section; plus
        (iv) A distance equivalent to 2 seconds at the V1 for 
    takeoff from a dry runway.
        (2) The sum of the distances necessary to--
        (i) Accelerate the airplane from a standing start with all engines 
    operating to the highest speed reached during the rejected takeoff, 
    assuming the pilot takes the first action to reject the takeoff at the 
    V1 for takeoff from a dry runway; and
        (ii) With all engines still operating, come to a full stop on dry 
    runway from the speed reached as prescribed in paragraph (a)(2)(i) of 
    this section; plus
        (iii) A distance equivalent to 2 seconds at the V1 for 
    takeoff from a dry runway.
    [[Page 8319]]
        (b) The accelerate-stop distance on a wet runway is the greater of 
    the following distances:
        (1) The accelerate-stop distance on a dry runway determined in 
    accordance with paragraph (a) of this section; or
        (2) The accelerate-stop distance determined in accordance with 
    paragraph (a) of this section, except that the runway is wet and the 
    corresponding wet runway values of VEF and V1 are 
    used. In determining the wet runway accelerate-stop distance, the 
    stopping force from the wheel brakes may never exceed:
        (i) The wheel brakes stopping force determined in meeting the 
    requirements of Sec. 25.101(i) and paragraph (a) of this section; and
        (ii) The force resulting from the wet runway braking coefficient of 
    friction determined in accordance with paragraphs (c) or (d) of this 
    section, as applicable, taking into account the distribution of the 
    normal load between braked and unbraked wheels at the most adverse 
    center-of-gravity position approved for takeoff.
        (c) The wet runway braking coefficient of friction for a smooth wet 
    runway is defined as a curve of friction coefficient versus ground 
    speed and must be computed as follows:
        (1) The maximum tire-to-ground wet runway braking coefficient of 
    friction is defined as:
    BILLING CODE 4910-13-M
    BILLING CODE 4910-13-C
    Tire Pressure=maximum airplane operating tire pressure (psi);
    t/gMAX=maximum tire-to-ground braking coefficient;
    V=airplane true ground speed (knots); and
    Linear interpolation may be used for tire pressures other than those 
        (2) The maximum tire-to-ground wet runway braking coefficient of 
    friction must be adjusted to take into account the efficiency of the 
    anti-skid system on a wet runway. Anti-skid system operation must be 
    demonstrated by flight testing on a smooth wet runway, and its 
    efficiency must be determined. Unless a specific anti-skid system 
    efficiency is determined from a quantitative analysis of the flight 
    testing on a smooth wet runway, the maximum tire-to-ground wet runway 
    braking coefficient of friction determined in paragraph (c)(1) of this 
    section must be multiplied by the efficiency value associated with the 
    type of anti-skid system installed on the airplane:
                      Type of anti-skid system                       value  
    On-Off......................................................       0.30 
    Quasi-Modulating............................................       0.50 
    Fully Modulating............................................       0.80 
        (d) At the option of the applicant, a higher wet runway braking 
    coefficient of friction may be used for runway surfaces that have been 
    grooved or treated with a porous friction course material. For grooved 
    and porous friction course runways, the wet runway braking coefficent 
    of friction is defined as either:
        (1) 70 percent of the dry runway braking coefficient of friction 
    used to determine the dry runway accelerate-stop distance; or
        (2) The wet runway braking coefficient defined in paragraph (c) of 
    this section, except that a specific anti-skid system efficiency, if 
    determined, is appropriate for a grooved or porous friction course wet 
    runway, and the maximum tire-to-ground wet runway braking coefficient 
    of friction is defined as:
    BILLING CODE 4910-13-M
    [[Page 8320]]
    BILLING CODE 4910-13-C
    Tire Pressure=maximum airplane operating tire pressure (psi);
    t/gMAX=maximum tire-to-ground braking coefficient;
    V=airplane true ground speed (knots); and
    Linear interpolation may be used for tire pressures other than those 
        (e) Except as provided in paragraph (f)(1) of this section, means 
    other than wheel brakes may be used to determine the accelerate-stop 
    distance if that means--
    * * * * *
        (f) The effects of available reverse thrust--
        (1) Shall not be included as an additional means of deceleration 
    when determining the accelerate-stop distance on a dry runway; and
        (2) May be included as an additional means of deceleration using 
    recommended reverse thrust procedures when determining the accelerate-
    stop distance on a wet runway, provided the requirements of paragraph 
    (e) of this section are met.
    * * * * *
        (h) If the accelerate-stop distance includes a stopway with surface 
    characteristics substantially different from those of the runway, the 
    takeoff data must include operational correction factors for the 
    accelerate-stop distance. * * *
        (i) A flight test demonstration of the maximum brake kinetic energy 
    accelerate-stop distance must be conducted with not more than 10 
    percent of the allowable brake wear range remaining on each of the 
    airplane wheel brakes.
        8. Section 25.113 is amended by revising the introductory text of 
    paragraph (a) and revising paragraph (a)(1), redesignating paragraph 
    (b) as paragraph (c) and revising it, and adding a new paragraph (b) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 25.113  Takeoff distance and takeoff run.
        (a) Takeoff distance on a dry runway is the greater of--
        (1) The horizontal distance along the takeoff path from the start 
    of the takeoff to the point at which the airplane is 35 feet above the 
    takeoff surface, determined under Sec. 25.111 for a dry runway; or
    * * * * *
        (b) Takeoff distance on a wet runway is the greater of--
        (1) The takeoff distance on a dry runway determined in accordance 
    with paragraph (a) of this section; or
        (2) The horizontal distance along the takeoff path from the start 
    of the takeoff to the point at which the airplane is 15 feet above the 
    takeoff surface, achieved in a manner consistent with the achievement 
    of V2 before reaching 35 feet above the takeoff surface, 
    determined under Sec. 25.111 for a wet runway.
        (c) If the takeoff distance does not include a clearway, the 
    takeoff run is equal to the takeoff distance. If the takeoff distance 
    includes a clearway--
        (1) The takeoff run on a dry runway is the greater of--
        (i) The horizontal distance along the takeoff path from the start 
    of the takeoff to a point equidistant between the point at which 
    VLOF is reached and the point at which the airplane is 35 
    feet above the takeoff surface, as determined under Sec. 25.111 for a 
    dry runway; or
        (ii) 115 percent of the horizontal distance along the takeoff path, 
    with all engines operating, from the start of the takeoff to a point 
    equidistant between the point at which VLOF is reached and 
    the point at which the airplane is 35 feet above the takeoff surface, 
    determined by a procedure consistent with Sec. 25.111.
        (2) The takeoff run on a wet runway is the greater of--
        (i) The horizontal distance along the takeoff path from the start 
    of the takeoff to the point at which the airplane is 15 feet above the 
    takeoff surface, achieved in a manner consistent with the achievement 
    of V2 before reaching 35 feet above the takeoff surface, as 
    determined under Sec. 25.111 for a wet runway; or
        (ii) 115 percent of the horizontal distance along the takeoff path, 
    with all engines operating, from the start of the takeoff to a point 
    equidistant between the point at which VLOF is reached and 
    the point at which the airplane is 35 feet above the takeoff surface, 
    determined by a procedure consistent with Sec. 25.111.
        9. Section 25.115 is amended by revising paragraph (a) to read as 
    Sec. 25.115  Takeoff flight path.
        (a) The takeoff flight path shall be considered to begin 35 feet 
    above the takeoff surface at the end of the takeoff distance determined 
    in accordance with Sec. 25.113(a) or (b), as appropriate for the runway 
    surface condition.
    * * * * *
        10. Section 25.735 is amended by revising paragraphs (f) 
    introductory text and (f)(2) and adding a new paragraph (h) to read as 
    Sec. 25.735  Brakes
    * * * * *
        (f) The design landing brake kinetic energy capacity rating of each 
    main wheel-brake assembly shall be used during qualification testing of 
    the brake to the applicable Technical Standard Order (TSO) or an 
    acceptable equivalent. This kinetic energy rating may not be less than 
    the kinetic energy absorption requirements determined under either of 
    the following methods:
        (1) * * *
        (2) Instead of a rational analysis, the kinetic energy absorption 
    requirements for each main wheel-brake assembly may be derived from the 
    following formula, which must be modified in cases of designed unequal 
    braking distributions.
    [[Page 8321]]
    KE=Kinetic energy per wheel (ft.-lb.);
    W=Design landing weight (lb.);
    V=Airplane speed in knots. V must not be less than VS0, the 
    power off stalling speed of the airplane at sea level, at the design 
    landing weight, and in the landing configuration; and
    N=Number of main wheels with brakes.
    * * * * *
        (h) The rejected takeoff brake kinetic energy capacity rating of 
    each main wheel-brake assembly that is at the fully worn limit of its 
    allowable wear range shall be used during qualification testing of the 
    brake to the applicable Technical Standard Order (TSO) or an acceptable 
    equivalent. This kinetic energy rating may not be less than the kinetic 
    energy absorption requirements determined under either of the following 
        (1) The brake kinetic energy absorption requirements must be based 
    on a rational analysis of the sequence of events expected during an 
    accelerate-stop maneuver. This analysis must include conservative 
    values of airplane speed at which the brakes are applied, braking 
    coefficient of friction between tires and runway, aerodynamic drag, 
    propeller drag or powerplant forward thrust, and (if more critical) the 
    most adverse single engine or propeller malfunction.
        (2) Instead of a rational analysis, the kinetic energy absorption 
    requirements for each main wheel brake assembly may be derived from the 
    following formula, which must be modified in cases of designed unequal 
    braking distributions:
    KE=Kinetic energy per wheel (ft.-lb.);
    W=Airplane weight (lb.);
    V=Airplane speed (knots);
    N=Number of main wheels with brakes; and
    W and V are the most critical combination of takeoff weight and ground 
    speed obtained in a rejected takeoff.
        11. Section 25.1533 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(3) to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 25.1533  Additional operating limitations.
        (a) * * *
        (3) The minimum takeoff distances must be established as the 
    distances at which compliance is shown with the applicable provisions 
    of this part (including the provisions of Secs. 25.109 and 25.113, for 
    weights, altitudes, temperatures, wind components, runway surface 
    conditions (dry and wet), and runway gradients) for smooth, hard-
    surfaced runways. Additionally, at the option of the applicant, wet 
    runway takeoff distances may be established for runway surfaces that 
    have been grooved or treated with a porous friction course, and may be 
    approved for use on runways where such surfaces have been designed 
    constructed, and maintained in a manner acceptable to the 
    * * * * *
        12. The authority citation for part 91 continues to read as 
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 1155, 40103, 40113, 40120, 44101, 
    44111, 44701, 44709, 44711, 44712, 44715, 44716, 44717, 44722, 
    46306, 46315, 46316, 46502, 46504, 46506-46507, 47122, 47508, 47528-
    47531; Articles 12 and 29 of the Convention on International Civil 
    Aviation (61 Stat. 1180), 902.
        13. Section 91.605 is amended by revising paragraph (b)(3) to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 91.605  Transport category civil airplane weight limitations.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (3) The takeoff weight does not exceed the weight shown in the 
    Airplane Flight Manual to correspond with the minimum distances 
    required for takeoff, considering the elevation of the airport, the 
    runway to be used, the effective runway gradient, the ambient 
    temperature and wind component at the time of takeoff, and, if 
    operating limitations exist for the minimum distances required for 
    takeoff from wet runways, the runway surface condition (dry or wet). 
    Wet runway distances associated with grooved or porous friction course 
    runways, if provided in the Airplane Flight Manual, may be used only 
    for runways that are grooved or treated with a porous friction course 
    (PFC) overlay, and that the operator determines are designed, 
    constructed, and maintained in a manner acceptable to the 
    * * * * *
        14. The authority citation for part 121 continues to read as 
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 40119, 44101, 44701-44702, 
    44705, 44709-44711, 44713, 44716-44717, 44722, 44901, 44903-44904, 
    44912, 46105.
        15. Section 121.189 is amended by revising paragraph (e) to read as 
    Sec. 121.189  Airplanes: Turbine engine powered: Takeoff limitations.
    * * * * *
        (e) In determining maximum weights, minimum distances, and flight 
    paths under paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section, correction must 
    be made for the runway to be used, the elevation of the airport, the 
    effective runway gradient, the ambient temperature and wind component 
    at the time of takeoff, and, if operating limitations exist for the 
    minimum distances required for takeoff from wet runways, the runway 
    surface condition (dry or wet). Wet runway distances associated with 
    grooved or porous friction course runways, if provided in the Airplane 
    Flight Manual, may be used only for runways that are grooved or treated 
    with a porous friction course (PFC) overlay, and that the operator 
    determines are designed, constructed, and maintained in a manner 
    acceptable to the Administrator.
    * * * * *
        16. The authority citation for part 135 continues to read as 
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701-44702, 44705, 44709, 
    44711-44713, 44715-44717, 44722.
        17. Section 135.379 is amended by revising paragraph (e) to read as 
    Sec. 135.379  Large transport category airplanes: Turbine engine 
    powered: Takeoff limitations.
    * * * * *
        (e) In determining maximum weights, minimum distances, and flight 
    paths under paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section, correction must 
    be made for the runway to be used, the elevation of the airport, the 
    effective runway gradient, the ambient temperature and wind component 
    at the time of takeoff, and, if operating limitations exist for the 
    minimum distances required for takeoff from wet runways, the runway 
    surface condition (dry or wet). Wet runway distances associated with 
    grooved or porous friction course runways, if provided in the Airplane 
    Flight Manual, may be used only for runways that are grooved or treated 
    with a porous friction course (PFC) overlay, and that the operator 
    determines are designed, constructed, and maintained in a manner 
    acceptable to the Administrator.
    * * * * *
        Issued in Washington, DC on February 10, 1998.
    Jane F. Garvey,
    [FR Doc. 98-3898 Filed 2-17-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-13-M

Document Information

Effective Date:
Federal Aviation Administration
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
March 20, 1998.
8298-8321 (24 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 25471, Amendment Nos. 1-48, 25-92, 91-256, 121-268, 135-71
2120-AB17: Improved Standards for Determining Rejected Takeoff and Landing Performance
RIN Links:
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CFR: (29)
14 CFR 25.105(a)(2)
14 CFR 25.115(a)
14 CFR 25.1533(a)(3)
14 CFR 25.1587(b)
14 CFR 25.109(b)(2)
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