05-3062. Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; North Carolina Update to Materials Incorporated by Reference  

  • Start Preamble


    Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).


    Notice of administrative change.


    EPA is publishing this action to provide the public with notice of the update to the North Carolina State Implementation Plan (SIP) compilation, which appears at 40 CFR 52.1770 (Subpart II). In particular, materials submitted by North Carolina that are incorporated by reference (IBR) into the North Carolina SIP are being updated to reflect EPA-approved revisions to North Carolina's SIP that have occurred since the last update. In this action EPA is also notifying the public of the correction of certain typographical errors in Table I of 40 CFR 52.1770(c).


    This rule is effective February 18, 2005.


    SIP materials which are incorporated by reference into 40 CFR part 52 are available for inspection at the following locations: Environmental Protection Agency, Region 4, 61 Forsyth Street, SW., Atlanta, GA 30303; the EPA, Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center, Air Docket (Mail Code 6102T), 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20460, and the National Archives and Records Administration. For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/​federal_​register/​Start Printed Page 8292code_​of_​federal_​regulations/​ibr_​locations.html.

    Start Further Info


    Ms. Jane Spann at the above Region 4 address or at (404) 562-9029.

    End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information


    Each state has a SIP containing the control measures and strategies used to attain and maintain the national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS). The SIP is extensive, containing such elements as air pollution control regulations, emission inventories, monitoring networks, attainment demonstrations, and enforcement mechanisms.

    Each state must formally adopt the control measures and strategies in the SIP after the public has had an opportunity to comment on them and then submit the SIP to EPA. Once these control measures and strategies are approved by EPA, after notice and comment, they are incorporated into the federally approved SIP and are identified in part 52 “Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans”, Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR part 52). The full text of the state regulation approved by EPA is not reproduced in its entirety in 40 CFR part 52, but is “incorporated by reference.” This means that EPA has approved a given state regulation with a specific effective date. The public is referred to the location of the full text version should they want to know which measures are contained in a given SIP. The information provided allows EPA and the public to monitor the extent to which a state implements a SIP to attain and maintain the NAAQS and to take enforcement action if necessary.

    The SIP is a living document which the state can revise as necessary to address the unique air pollution problems in the state. Therefore, EPA from time to time must take action on SIP revisions containing new and/or revised regulations as being part of the SIP. On May 22, 1997, (62 FR 27968), EPA revised the procedures for incorporating by reference (IBR), into the Code of Federal Regulations, materials submitted by states in their EPA-approved SIP revisions. These changes revised the format for the identification of the SIP in 40 CFR part 52, stream-lined the mechanisms for announcing EPA approval of revisions to a SIP, and stream-lined the mechanisms for EPA's updating of the IBR information contained for each SIP in 40 CFR part 52. The revised procedures also called for EPA to maintain “SIP Compilations” that contain the federally-approved regulations and source specific permits submitted by each state agency. These SIP Compilations are contained in 3-ring binders and are updated primarily on an annual basis. Under the revised procedures, EPA is to periodically publish an informational document in the rules section of the Federal Register when updates are made to a SIP Compilation for a particular state. EPA's 1997 revised procedures were formally applied to North Carolina on May 20, 1999 (64 FR 27465).

    This action represents EPA's publication of the North Carolina SIP Compilation update, appearing in 40 CFR part 52. In addition, notice is provided of the following typographical corrections to Table 1 of § 52.1770(c), as described below:

    1. Correcting typographical errors listed in Table 1 of § 52.1770(c), as described below:

    A. Where absent, the addition of Federal Register citations in the “EPA Approval Date” column.

    B. Change in Federal Register citation to reflect the beginning page of the preamble as opposed to that of the regulatory text.

    C. Change of punctuation within the section Titles.

    D. Section 2D.0306 title is revised to read as “Emission Reduction Level-Warning Plan.”

    E. Section 2D.0307 title is revised to read as “Emission Reduction Level-Emergency Plan.”

    F. Section 2D.0405 State Effective Date is revised to read “05/01/99.”

    G. Section 2D.0502 EPA Approval Date is revised to read “07/26/82.”

    H. Section 2D.0519 title is revised to read as “Control of Nitrogen Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxides Emissions.”

    I. Section 2D.0520 was repealed and replaced by new rules under Section .1900 “Open Burning,” Federal Register (62 FR 41277) dated July 01, 1997.

    J. Section 2D.0535 title is revised to read as “Excess Emission Reporting and Malfunctions.”

    K. Section 2D.0952 title is revised to read as “Petition for Alternative Controls for RACT.”

    L. Section 2D.0953 removing the duplicate rule “Vapor Return Piping for Stage II Vapor Recovery.”

    M. Section 2Q.0605 title is revised to read as “Final Action on Permit Applications.”

    EPA has determined that today's action falls under the “good cause” exemption in the section 553(b)(3)(B) of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) which, upon finding “good cause,” authorizes agencies to dispense with public participation and section 553(d)(3) which allows an agency to make an action effective immediately (thereby avoiding the 30-day delayed effective date otherwise provided for in the APA). Today's administrative action simply codifies provisions which are already in effect as a matter of law in Federal and approved State programs and corrects typographical errors appearing the Federal Register. Under section 553 of the APA, an agency may find good cause where procedures are “impractical, unnecessary, or contrary to the public interest.” Public comment for this administrative action is “unnecessary” and “contrary to the public interest” since the codification (and typographical corrections) only reflect existing law. Immediate notice of this action in the Federal Register benefits the public by providing the public notice of the updated North Carolina SIP Compilation and notice of typographical corrections to the North Carolina “Identification of Plan” portion of the Federal Register.

    Statutory and Executive Order Reviews

    A. General Requirements

    Under Executive Order 12866 (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993), this administrative action is not a “significant regulatory action” and is therefore not subject to review by the Office of Management and Budget. This action is not subject to Executive Order 13211, “Actions Concerning Regulations That Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use” (66 FR 28355, May 22, 2001) because it is not a significant regulatory action under Executive Order 12866. Because the agency has made a “good cause” finding that this action is not subject to notice-and-comment requirements under the Administrative Procedure Act or any other statute as indicated in the Supplementary Information section above, it is not subject to the regulatory flexibility provisions of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C 601 et seq.), or to sections 202 and 205 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA) (Pub. L. 104-4). In addition, this action does not significantly or uniquely affect small governments or impose a significant intergovernmental mandate, as described in sections 203 and 204 of UMRA. This administrative action also does not have a substantial direct effect on one or more Indian tribes, on the relationship between the Federal government and Indian tribes, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities between the Federal government and Indian tribes, as specified by Executive Order 13175 (65 FR 67249, November 9, 2000), nor will it have substantial direct effects on the States, on the relationship between the Start Printed Page 8293national government and the States, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of government, as specified in Executive Order 13132 (64 FR 43255, August 10, 1999). This administrative action also is not subject to Executive Order 13045 (62 FR 19885, April 23, 1997), because it is not economically significant. This administrative action does not involve technical standards; thus the requirements of section 12(d) of the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995 (15 U.S.C. 272 note) do not apply. The administrative action also does not involve special consideration of environmental justice related issues as required by Executive Order 12898 (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994). In this administrative action, EPA has taken the necessary steps to eliminate drafting errors and ambiguity, minimize potential litigation, and provide a clear legal standard for affected conduct, as required by section 3 of Executive Order 12988 (61 FR 4729, February 7, 1996). EPA has complied with Executive Order 12630 (53 FR 8859, March 15, 1998) by examining the takings implications of this administrative action in accordance with the “Attorney General's Supplemental Guidelines for the Evaluation of Risk and Avoidance of Unanticipated Takings” issued under the Executive Order. This administrative action does not impose an information collection burden under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). EPA's compliance with these Statutes and Executive Orders for the underlying rules are discussed in previous actions taken on the State's rules.

    B. Submission to Congress and the Comptroller General

    The Congressional Review Act (CRA) (5 U.S.C. 801 et seq.), as added by the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, generally provides that before a rule may take effect, the agency promulgating the rule must submit a rule report, which includes a copy of the rule, to each House of the Congress and to the Comptroller General of the United States. Section 808 allows the issuing agency to make a rule effective sooner than otherwise provided by the CRA if the agency makes a good cause finding that notice and public procedure is impracticable, unnecessary or contrary to the public interest. Today's administrative action simply codifies (and corrects) provisions which are already in effect as a matter of law in Federal and approved State programs. 5 U.S.C. 808(2). These announced actions were effective when EPA approved them through previous rulemaking actions. EPA will submit a report containing this action and other required information to the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of Representatives, and the Comptroller General of the United States prior to publication of this action in the Federal Register. This update to North Carolina's SIP Compilation and correction of typographical errors is not a “major rule” as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2).

    C. Petitions for Judicial Review

    EPA has also determined that the provisions of section 307(b)(1) of the Clean Air Act pertaining to petitions for judicial review are not applicable to this action. This action is simply an announcement of prior rulemakings that have previously undergone notice and comment rulemaking. Prior EPA rulemaking actions for each individual component of the North Carolina SIP compilation previously afforded interested parties the opportunity to file a petition for judicial review in the United States Court of Appeals for the appropriate circuit within 60 days of such rulemaking action.

    Start List of Subjects

    List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52

    • Environmental protection
    • Air pollution control
    • Carbon monoxide
    • Incorporation by reference
    • Intergovernmental relations
    • Lead
    • Nitrogen dioxide
    • Ozone
    • Particulate matter
    • Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
    • Sulfur oxides
    • Volatile organic compounds
    End List of Subjects Start Signature

    Dated: January 24, 2005.

    A. Stanley Meiburg,

    Acting Regional Administrator, Region 4.

    End Signature

    Chapter I, title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, is amended as follows:

    Start Part


    End Part Start Amendment Part

    1. The authority for citation for part 52 continues to read as follows:

    End Amendment Part Start Authority

    Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.

    End Authority

    Subpart II—North Carolina

    Start Amendment Part

    2. Section 52.1770 is amended by revising paragraph (b) and revising table 1 in paragraph (c) to read as follows:

    End Amendment Part
    Identification of plan.
    * * * * *

    (b) Incorporation by reference.

    (1) Material listed in paragraph (c) of this section with an EPA approval date prior to December 30, 2004, for North Carolina (Table 1 of the North Carolina State Implementation Plan), January 1, 2003, for Forsyth County, North Carolina (Table 2 of the North Carolina State Implementation Plan) and January 1, 2003, for Mecklenburg County, North Carolina (Table 3 of the North Carolina State Implementation Plan), was approved for incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Material is incorporated as it exists on the date of the approval, and notice of any change in the material will be published in the Federal Register. Entries in paragraphs (c) of this section with EPA approval dates after December 30, 2004, for North Carolina (Table 1 of the December 30, 2004, for North Carolina State Implementation Plan), January 1, 2003, for Forsyth County, North Carolina (Table 2 of the North Carolina State Implementation Plan) and January 1, 2003, for Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, (Table 3 of the North Carolina State Implementation Plan) will be incorporated by reference in the next update to these SIP compilation notebooks.

    (2) EPA Region 4 certifies that the rules/regulations provided by EPA in the SIP compilation at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) of this section are an exact duplicate of the officially promulgated State rules/regulations which have been approved as part of the State implementation plan as of the dates referenced in paragraph (b)(1).

    (3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference may be inspected at the Region 4 EPA Office at 61 Forsyth Street, SW., Atlanta, GA 30303; the EPA, Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center, Air Docket (Mail Code 6102T), 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20460 and the National Archives and Records Administration. For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/​federal_​register/​code_​of_​federal_​regulations/​ibr_​locations.html.

    (c) EPA approved regulations. Start Printed Page 8294

    Table 1.—EPA Approved North Carolina Regulations

    State citationTitle/subjectState effective dateEPA approval dateExplanation
    Subchapter 2D Air Pollution Control Requirements
    Section .0100 Definitions and References
    Sect .0101Definitions01/15/9811/10/99, 64 FR 61213
    Sect .0103Copies of Referenced Federal Regulations12/01/9208/15/94, 59 FR 41708
    Sect .0104Incorporation by Reference01/15/9811/10/99, 64 FR 61213
    Sect .0105Mailing List07/01/0209/17/03, 68 FR 54362
    Section .0200 Air Pollution Sources
    Sect .0201Classification of Air Pollution Sources04/12/8410/11/85, 50 FR 41501
    Sect .0202Registration of Air Pollution Sources01/15/9811/10/99, 64 FR 61213
    Section .0300 Air Pollution Emergencies
    Sect .0301Purpose02/01/7606/03/86, 51 FR 19834
    Sect. 0302Episode Criteria01/15/9811/10/99, 64 FR 61213
    Sect .0303Emission Reduction Plans04/12/8410/11/85, 50 FR 41501
    Sect .0304Preplanned Abatement Program04/14/8812/12/88, 53 FR 49881
    Sect .0305Emission Reduction Plan—Alert Level04/12/8410/11/85, 50 FR 41501
    Sect .0306Emission Reduction Plan—Warning Level04/12/8410/11/85, 50 FR 41501
    Sect .0307Emission Reduction Plan—Emergency Level04/12/8410/11/85, 50 FR 41501
    Section .0400 Ambient Air Quality Standards
    Sect .0401Purpose12/01/9208/15/94, 59 FR 41708
    Sect .0402Sulfur Oxides04/12/8410/11/85, 50 FR 41501
    Sect .0403Total Suspended Particulates07/01/8801/16/90, 55 FR 1419
    Sect .0404Carbon Monoxide10/01/893/12/90, 55 FR 9125
    Sect .0405Ozone05/01/9910/22/02, 67 FR 64989
    Sect .0407Nitrogen Dioxide10/01/8903/12/90, 55 FR 9125
    Sect .0408Lead04/12/8410/11/85, 50 FR 41501
    Sect .0409Particulate Matter07/01/8801/16/90, 55 FR 1419
    Sect .0410PM2.5 Particulate Matter05/01/9910/22/02, 67 FR 64989
    Section .0500 Emission Control Standards
    Sect .0501Compliance with Emission Control Standards04/01/0108/08/02, 67 FR 51461
    Sect .0502Purpose03/01/8107/26/82, 47 FR 32118
    Sect .0503Particulates from Fuel Burning Indirect Heat Exchangers05/01/9910/22/02, 67 FR 64989
    Sect .0504Particulates from Wood Burning Indirect Heat Exchangers07/01/0212/27/02, 67 FR 78980
    Sect .0505Control of Particulates from Incinerators07/01/8702/29/88, 53 FR 5974
    Sect .0506Particulates from Hot Mix Asphalt Plants03/20/9811/10/99, 64 FR 61213
    Sect .0507Particulates from Chemical Fertilizer Manufacturing Plants04/01/0309/17/03, 68 FR 54362
    Sect .0508Particulates from Pulp and Paper Mills03/20/9811/10/99, 64 FR 61213
    Sect .0509Particulates from Mica or Feldspar Processing Plants04/01/0309/17/03, 68 FR 54362
    Sect .0510Particulates from Sand, Gravel, or Crushed Stone Operations03/20/9811/10/99, 64 FR 61213
    Sect .0511Particluates from Lightweight Aggregate03/20/9811/10/99, 64 FR 61213
    Sect .0512Particulates from Wood Products Finishing Plants11/01/8412/19/86, 51 FR 45468
    Sect .0513Particulates from Portland Cement Plants03/20/9811/10/99, 64 FR 61213
    Sect .0514Particulates from Ferrous Jobbing Foundries03/20/9811/10/99, 64 FR 61213
    Sect .0515Particulates from Miscellaneous Industrial Processes04/01/0309/17/03, 68 FR 54362
    Start Printed Page 8295
    Sect .0516Sulfur Dioxide Emissions from Combustion Sources04/01/0309/17/03, 68 FR 54362
    Sect .0517SO2 Emissions from Plants Producing Sulfuric Acid11/01/8412/19/86, 51 FR 45468
    Sect .0519Control of Nitrogen Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxides Emissions07/01/9608/01/97, 62 FR 41277
    Sect .0520Control and Prohibition of Open Burning07/01/9608/01/97, 62 FR 41277Repealed.
    Sect .0521Control of Visible Emissions03/20/9811/10/99, 64 FR 61213
    Sect .0522Control and Prohibition of Odorous Emissions02/01/7606/03/86, 51 FR 19834
    Sect .0523Control of Conical Incinerators01/01/8509/09/87, 52 FR 33933
    Sect .0527Emissions from Spodumene Ore Roasting11/01/8412/19/86, 51 FR 45468
    Sect .0530Prevention of Significant Deterioration11/21/9610/15/99, 64 FR 55831
    Sect .0531Sources in Nonattainment Areas01/15/9811/10/99, 64 FR 61213
    Sect .0532Sources Contributing to an Ambient Violation07/01/9402/01/96, 61 FR 3584
    Sect .0533Stack Height07/01/9402/01/96, 61 FR 3584
    Sect .0535Excess Emissions Reporting and Malfunctions07/01/9608/01/97, 62 FR 41277
    Sect .0536Particulate Emissions from Electric Utility Boilers08/01/9102/14/96, 61 FR 5689
    Sect .0540Particulates from Fugitive Non-process Dust Emission Sources03/20/9811/10/99, 64 FR 61213
    Sect .0542Control of Particulate Emissions from Cotton Ginning Operations07/01/0212/27/02, 67 FR 78980
    Section .0600 Air Contaminants; Monitoring, Reporting
    Sect .0601Monitoring: Recordkeeping: Reporting04/01/9908/08/02, 67 FR 51461
    Sect .0602Definitions04/01/9908/08/02, 67 FR 51461
    Sect .0604Exceptions to Monitoring and Reporting Requirements04/01/9908/08/02, 67 FR 51461
    Sect .0605General Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements04/01/9908/08/02, 67 FR 51461
    Sect .0606Other Coal or Residual Oil Burners05/02/8812/12/88, 53 FR 49881
    Sect .0607Large Wood and Wood-Fossil Fuel Combination Units04/01/9908/08/02, 67 FR 51461
    Sect .0608Program Schedule07/01/9608/01/97, 62 FR 41277
    Sect .0609Monitoring Condition in Permit04/12/8410/04/85, 50 FR 41501
    Sect .0610Federal Monitoring Requirements04/01/9908/08/02, 67 FR 51461
    Sect .0611Monitoring Emissions from Other Sources04/01/9908/08/02, 67 FR 51461
    Sect .0612Alternative Monitoring and Reporting Procedures04/01/9908/08/02, 67 FR 51461
    Sect .0613Quality Assurance Program04/01/9908/08/02, 67 FR 51461
    Sect .0614Compliance Assurance Monitoring04/01/9908/08/02, 67 FR 51461
    Sect .0615Delegation04/01/9908/08/02, 67 FR 51461
    Section .0800 Complex Sources
    Sect .0801Purpose and Scope07/01/9402/01/96, 61 FR 3584
    Sect .0802Definitions07/01/9402/01/96, 61 FR 3584
    Sect .0803Highway Projects07/01/9402/01/96, 61 FR 3584
    Sect .0804Airport Facilities07/01/9608/01/97, 62 FR 41277
    Sect .0805Parking Facilities07/01/9608/01/97, 62 FR 41277
    Sect .0806Ambient Monitoring and Modeling Analysis07/01/9402/01/96, 61 FR 3584
    Section .0900 Volatile Organic Compounds
    Sect .0901Definitions07/01/9608/01/97, 62 FR 41277
    Sect .0902Applicability07/01/0008/27/01, 66 FR 34117
    Sect .0903Recordkeeping: Reporting: Monitoring04/01/9908/08/02, 67 FR 51461
    Sect .0905Petition for Alternative Controls11/08/8412/19/86, 51 FR 45468
    Sect .0906Circumvention11/08/8412/19/86, 51 FR 45468
    Start Printed Page 8296
    Sect .0907Compliance Schedules for Sources in Nonattainment Areas11/21/9610/15/99, 64 FR 55831Repealed.
    Sect .0908Equipment Modification Compliance Schedules11/08/8412/19/86, 51 FR 45468
    Sect .0909Compliance Schedules for Sources in New Nonattainment Areas07/01/0008/27/01, 66 FR 34117
    Sect .0910Alternate Compliance Schedules11/21/9610/15/99, 64 FR 55831Repealed.
    Sect .0911Exceptions for Compliance Schedules11/21/9610/15/99, 64 FR 55831Repealed.
    Sect .0912General Provisions on Test Methods and Procedures04/01/0309/17/03, 68 FR 54362
    Sect .0913Determination of Volatile Content of Surface Coatings07/01/8801/16/90, 55 FR 1420
    Sect .0914Determination of VOC Emission Control System Efficiency03/20/9811/10/99, 64 FR 61213
    Sect .0915Determination of Solvent Metal Cleaning VOC Emissions11/08/8412/19/86, 51 FR 45468
    Sect .0916Determination of VOC Emissions from Bulk Gasoline Terminals07/01/8801/16/90, 55 FR 1420
    Sect .0917Automobile and Light-duty Truck Manufacturing07/01/9608/01/97, 62 FR 41277
    Sect .0918Can Coating07/01/9608/01/97, 62 FR 41277
    Sect .0919Coil Coating07/01/9608/01/97, 62 FR 41277
    Sect .0920Paper Coating07/01/9608/01/97, 62 FR 41277
    Sect .0921Fabric and Vinyl Coating07/01/9608/01/97, 62 FR 41277
    Sect .0922Metal Furniture Coating07/01/9608/01/97, 62 FR 41277
    Sect .0923Surface Coating of Large Appliances07/01/9608/01/97, 62 FR 41277
    Sect .0924Magnet Wire Coating07/01/9608/01/97, 62 FR 41277
    Sect .0925Petroleum Liquid Storage12/01/8906/23/94, 59 FR 32362
    Sect .0926Bulk Gasoline Plants07/01/9608/01/97, 62 FR 41277
    Sect .0927Bulk Gasoline Terminals04/01/0309/17/03, 68 FR 54362
    Sect .0928Gasoline Service Stations Stage I07/01/9608/01/97, 62 FR 41277
    Sect .0930Solvent Metal Cleaning03/01/9106/23/94, 59 FR 32362
    Sect .0931Cutback Asphalt12/01/8906/23/94, 59 FR 32362
    Sect .0932Gasoline Truck Tanks and Vapor Collection Systems04/01/0309/17/03, 68 FR 54362
    Sect .0933Petroleum Liquid Storage in External Floating Roof Tanks07/01/9502/01/96, 62 FR 3589
    Sect .0934Coating of Miscellaneous Metal Parts and Products07/01/9608/01/97, 62 FR 41277
    Sect .0935Factory Surface Coating of Flat Wood Paneling07/01/9608/01/97, 62 FR 41277
    Sect .0936Graphic Arts12/01/8906/23/94, 59 FR 32362
    Sect .0937Manufacture of Pneumatic Rubber Tires07/01/9608/01/97, 62 FR 41277
    Sect .0938Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaning System03/20/9811/10/99, 64 FR 61213Repealed.
    Sect .0939Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions07/01/8801/16/90, 55 FR 1420
    Sect .0940Determination of Leak Tightness and Vapor Leaks07/01/8801/16/90, 55 FR 1420
    Sect .0941Alternative Method for Leak Tightness03/01/9106/23/94, 59 FR 32362
    Sect .0942Determination of Solvent in Filter Waste07/23/8008/27/81, 46 FR 43137
    Sect .0943Synthetic Organic Chemical and Polymer Manufacturing03/01/9106/23/94, 59 FR 32362
    Sect .0944Manufacture of Polyethylene, Polypropylene, and Polystyrene03/14/8511/19/86, 51 FR 41786
    Sect .0945Petroleum Dry Cleaning03/14/8511/19/86, 51 FR 41786
    Sect .0947Manufacture of Synthesized Pharmaceutical Products07/01/9405/05/95, 60 FR 22284
    Sect .0948VOC Emissions from Transfer Operations07/01/0008/27/01, 66 FR 34117
    Sect .0949Storage of Miscellaneous Volatile Organic Compounds07/01/0008/27/01, 66 FR 34117
    Sect .0951Miscellaneous Volatile Organic Compound Emissions07/01/0008/27/01, 66 FR 34117
    Sect .0952Petition for Alternative Controls for RACT05/01/9502/01/96, 62 FR 3589
    Start Printed Page 8297
    Sect .0953Vapor Return Piping for Stage II Vapor Recovery03/20/9811/10/99, 64 FR 61213
    Sect .0954Stage II Vapor Recovery04/01/0309/17/03, 68 FR 54362
    Sect .0955Thread Bonding Manufacturing04/01/9502/01/96, 62 FR 3589
    Sect .0956Glass Christmas Ornament Manufacturing04/01/9502/01/96, 62 FR 3589
    Sect .0957Commercial Bakeries04/01/9502/01/96, 62 FR 3589
    Sect .0958Work Practices for Sources of Volatile Organic Compounds07/01/0008/27/01, 66 FR 34117
    Sect .0959Reserved
    Section .1000 Motor Vehicle Emissions Control Standards
    Sect .1001Purpose07/01/0210/30/02, 67 FR 66056
    Sect .1002Applicability07/01/0210/30/02, 67 FR 66056
    Sect .1003Definitions12/01/8206/02/95, 60 FR 28726
    Sect .1004Emissions Standards07/01/0210/30/02, 67 FR 66056
    Sect .1005Measurement and Enforcement07/01/0210/30/02, 67 FR 66056
    Section .1300 Oxygenated Gasoline Standard
    Sect .1301Purpose09/01/9206/30/94, 59 FR 33683
    Sect .1302Applicability09/01/9206/30/94, 59 FR 33683
    Sect .1303Definitions09/01/9206/30/94, 59 FR 33683
    Sect .1304Oxygen Content Standard09/01/9206/30/94, 59 FR 33683
    Sect .1305Measurement and Enforcement09/01/9206/30/94, 59 FR 33683
    Section .1400 Nitrogen Oxides Emissions
    Sect .1401Definitions07/15/0212/27/02, 67 FR 78987
    Sect .1402Applicability07/15/0212/27/02, 67 FR 78987
    Sect .1403Compliance Schedules07/15/0212/27/02, 67 FR 78987
    Sect .1404Recordkeeping: Reporting: Monitoring07/15/0212/27/02, 67 FR 78987
    Sect .1409Stationary Internal Combustion Engines07/15/0212/27/02, 67 FR 78987
    Sect .1416Emission Allocations for Utility Companies07/15/0212/27/02, 67 FR 78987
    Sect .1417Emission Allocations for Large Combustion Sources07/15/0212/27/02, 67 FR 78987
    Sect .1418New Electric Generating Units, Large Boilers, and Large I/C Engines07/15/0212/27/02, 67 FR 78987
    Sect .1419Nitrogen Oxide Budget Trading Program07/15/0212/27/02, 67 FR 78987
    Sect .1420Periodic Review and Reallocations07/15/0212/27/02, 67 FR 78987
    Sect .1421Allocations for New Growth of Major Point Sources07/15/0212/27/02, 67 FR 78987
    Sect .1422Compliance Supplement Pool and Early Emission Reduction Credits07/15/0212/27/02, 67 FR 78987
    Sect .1423Large Internal Combustion Engines07/15/0212/27/02, 67 FR 78987
    Section .1900 Open Burning
    Sect .1901Purpose, Scope, and Impermissible Open Burning07/01/9608/01/97, 62 FR 41277
    Sect .1902Definitions01/15/9811/10/99, 64 FR 61213
    Sect .1903Permissible Open Burning Without a Permit01/15/9811/10/99, 64 FR 61213
    Sect .1904Air Curtain Burners07/01/9608/01/97, 62 FR 41277
    Section .2000 Transportation Conformity
    Sect .2001Purpose, Scope and Applicability04/01/9912/27/02, 67 FR 78983
    Sect .2002Definitions04/01/9912/27/02, 67 FR 78983
    Sect .2003Transportation Conformity Determination04/01/9912/27/02, 67 FR 78983Except for the incorporation by reference of 40 CFR 93.104(e) of the Transportation Conformity Rule.
    Sect .2004Determining Transportation Related Emissions04/01/9912/27/02, 67 FR 78983
    Start Printed Page 8298
    Sect .2005Memorandum of Agreement04/01/9912/27/02, 67 FR 78983
    Subchapter 2Q Air Quality Permits
    Section .0100 General Provisions
    Sect .0101Required Air Quality Permits03/20/9811/10/99, 64 FR 61213
    Sect .0102Activities Exempted from Permit Requirements07/01/0212/27/02, 67 FR 78980
    Sect .0103Definitions05/01/9910/22/02, 67 FR 64989
    Sect .0104Where to Obtain and File Permit Applications07/01/0212/27/02, 67 FR 78980
    Sect .0105Copies of Referenced Documents08/15/9402/01/96, 61 FR 3584
    Sect .0106Incorporation by Reference08/15/9402/01/96, 61 FR 3584
    Sect .0107Confidential Information05/01/9910/22/02, 67 FR 64989
    Sect .0108Delegation of Authority03/15/9811/10/99, 64 FR 61213
    Sect .0109Compliance Schedule for Previously Exempted Activities04/01/0108/08/02, 67 FR 51461
    Sect .0110Retention of Permit at Permitted Facility08/15/9402/01/96, 61 FR 3584
    Sect .0111Applicability Determinations08/15/9402/01/96, 61 FR 3584
    Section .0200 Permit Fees
    Sect .0207Annual Emissions Reporting01/15/9811/10/99, 64 FR 61213
    Section .0300 Construction and Operating Permits
    Sect .0301Applicability07/01/9407/28/95, 60 FR 38710
    Sect .0303Definitions07/01/9407/28/95, 60 FR 38710
    Sect .0304Applications07/01/9910/22/02, 67 FR 64989
    Sect .0305Application Submittal Content07/01/9407/28/95, 60 FR 38710
    Sect .0306Permits Requiring Public Participation07/01/9910/22/02, 67 FR 64989
    Sect .0307Public Participation Procedures01/15/9811/10/99, 64 FR 61213
    Sect .0308Final Action on Permit Applications07/01/9407/28/95, 60 FR 38710
    Sect .0309Termination, Modification and Revocation of Permits07/01/9910/22/02, 67 FR 64989
    Sect .0310Permitting of Numerous Similar Facilities07/01/9407/28/95, 60 FR 38710
    Sect .0311Permitting of Facilities at Multiple Temporary Sites07/01/9608/01/97, 62 FR 41277
    Sect .0312Application Processing Schedule03/20/9811/10/99, 64 FR 61213
    Sect .0313Expedited Application Processing Schedule04/17/9711/10/99, 64 FR 61213
    Sect .0314General Permitting Requirements07/01/9910/22/02, 67 FR 64989
    Sect .0315Synthetic Minor Facilities07/01/9910/22/02, 67 FR 64989
    Sect .0316Administrative Permit Amendments04/01/0108/08/02, 67 FR 51461
    Sect .0317Avoidance Conditions04/01/0108/08/02, 67 FR 51461
    Section .0600 Transportation Facility Procedures
    Sect .0601Purpose of Section and Requirements for Permit07/01/9402/01/96, 61 FR 3584
    Sect .0602Definitions07/01/9402/01/96, 61 FR 3584
    Sect .0603Applications07/28/9712/31/98, 63 FR 72193
    Sect .0604Public Participation07/01/9402/01/96, 61 FR 3584
    Sect .0605Final Action on Permit Applications07/01/9402/01/96, 61 FR 3584
    Sect .0606Termination, Modification and Revocation of Permits07/01/9402/01/96, 61 FR 3584
    Sect .0607Application Processing Schedule04/17/9711/10/99, 64 FR 61213
    Section .0800 Exclusionary Rules
    Sect .0801Purpose and Scope05/01/9910/22/02, 67 FR 64989
    Sect .0802Gasoline Servicing Stations and Dispensing Facilities08/01/9509/20/96, 61 FR 49413
    Sect .0803Coating, Solvent Cleaning, Graphic Arts Operations05/01/9910/22/02, 67 FR 64989
    Sect .0804Dry Cleaning Facilities08/01/9509/20/96, 61 FR 49414
    Sect .0805Grain Elevators04/01/0108/08/02, 67 FR 51461
    Sect .0806Cotton Gins04/01/0208/08/02, 67 FR 51461
    Start Printed Page 8299
    Sect .0807Emergency Generators04/01/0208/08/02, 67 FR 51461
    Sect .0808Peak Shaving Generators07/01/9910/22/02, 67 FR 64989
    * * * * *
    End Supplemental Information

    [FR Doc. 05-3062 Filed 2-17-05; 8:45 am]

    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Notice of administrative change.
Document Number:
This rule is effective February 18, 2005.
8291-8299 (9 pages)
Docket Numbers:
NC-200429, FRL-7868-7
Air pollution control, Carbon monoxide, Environmental protection, Incorporation by reference, Intergovernmental relations, Lead, Nitrogen dioxide, Ozone, Particulate matter, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Sulfur oxides, Volatile organic compounds
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
40 CFR 52.1770