98-4157. Disclosure of Case Information  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 33 (Thursday, February 19, 1998)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 8387-8389]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-4157]
    45 CFR Part 1644
    Disclosure of Case Information
    AGENCY: Legal Services Corporation.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: This proposed rule is a new rule intended to implement a 
    provision in the Legal Services Corporation's (LSC or Corporation) FY 
    1998 appropriations act which requires basic field recipients to 
    disclose certain information to the public and to the Corporation 
    regarding cases their attorneys file in court. The case information 
    that is provided to the Corporation will be subject to disclosure under 
    the Freedom of Information Act.
    DATES: Comments should be received on or before March 23, 1998.
    ADDRESSES: Comments should be submitted to the Office of the General 
    Counsel, Legal Services Corporation, 750 First St. NE., 11th Floor, 
    Washington, DC 20002-4250.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Office of the General Counsel, (202-
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This proposed new rule is intended to 
    implement Section 505 of the Corporation's FY 1998 appropriations act, 
    which requires basic field recipients to disclose certain information 
    to the public and to the Corporation regarding cases filed in court by 
    any attorney employed by a recipient. See Public Law 105-119, 111 Stat. 
    2440. The Corporation issued a program letter on December 9, 1997, 
    providing recipients with guidance on compliance with Section 505 until 
    such time as a rule could be promulgated by the Corporation. On 
    February 6, 1998, the Corporation's Operations and Regulations 
    Committee (Committee) of the Corporation's Board of Directors (Board) 
    met to consider a draft proposed rule to implement the case disclosure 
    requirement. After making some changes to the draft rule, the Committee 
    adopted this proposed rule for publication for public comment. A 
    section-by-section analysis follows.
    Section-by-Section Analysis
    Section 1644.1  Purpose
        The purpose section states that the rule is intended to ensure that 
    recipients disclose to the public and to the Corporation information 
    required by the case disclosure requirement on cases filed in court by 
    their attorneys.
    Section 1644.2  Definitions
        The case disclosure provision requires that recipients disclose 
    certain information, including the cause of action, for each case filed 
    in court by a recipient attorney. To clarify this requirement, this 
    proposed rule includes three definitions.
        First, paragraph (a) of Sec. 1644.2 defines to disclose the cause 
    of action. To disclose the cause of action means to provide a 
    sufficient description of a particular case to indicate the principal 
    nature of the case. Examples would include: ``breach of warranty,'' 
    ``bankruptcy,'' ``divorce,'' ``domestic violence,'' ``petition to quiet 
    title,'' ``action to recover property,'' and ``employment 
    discrimination action.''
    [[Page 8388]]
        Paragraph (b) clarifies the type of recipient subject to the case 
    disclosure requirement. Recipient is defined as a grantee which 
    receives funds under Section 1006(a)(1)(A) of the LSC Act, 42 U.S.C. 
    2996e(a)(1)(A), that is, a basic field recipient which provides direct 
    legal assistance to the poor. Section 505 does not specifically apply 
    to subrecipients. However, as a matter of policy, this proposed rule 
    extends the case disclosure requirement of Section 505 to subrecipients 
    that provide direct legal representation to eligible clients.
        Paragraph (c) clarifies that the term attorney, as used in this 
    part, means any attorney who is employed by a recipient. This would 
    include attorneys employed as regular or contract employees, regardless 
    of whether such attorneys are employed full-time or part-time. This 
    definition is not intended to mean that cases filed by part-time 
    attorneys outside of their employment with the recipient are subject to 
    this rule's case disclosure requirement. They are not. However, all 
    cases filed by a recipient's part-time attorneys under their employment 
    with the recipient must be reported.
        Finally, the definition of attorney does not include private 
    attorneys providing legal assistance under a recipient's private 
    attorney involvement (PAI) program, because such attorneys are not 
    employed by a recipient. Another section in this rule expressly 
    provides that the case disclosure requirement does not apply to cases 
    filed under a recipient's PAI program.
    Section 1644.3  Case Disclosure Requirement
        This section sets out the basic requirements of the case disclosure 
    provision. Paragraph (a) lists the information a recipient must 
    disclose about applicable cases. First, the name and full address of 
    each party to a case must be disclosed unless one of two statutory 
    protections apply. The term ``full address'' means an address 
    sufficient to contact a party to the case, such as a street address or 
    post office box number with the city, state and zip code.
        This provision is not intended to require recipients to provide a 
    name and address of a party when they have no knowledge of and no 
    access to such information. This could occur, for example, when the 
    information is not a matter of public record, the party is not a client 
    of the recipient, and the private attorney for that party refuses to 
    provide the information. However, the recipient must be able to 
    document its inability to provide the information and satisfy the 
    Corporation that a reasonable effort was made to obtain the 
        A name or address need not be disclosed if (1) The name or address 
    is protected by an order or rule of court or by State or Federal law, 
    or (2) the recipient's attorney reasonably believes that revealing the 
    information would put the client of the recipient at risk of physical 
    harm. These protections are consistent with the express legislative 
    intent of the purpose and scope of the requirement. The legislative 
    history indicates that Congress intends that the disclosure requirement 
    apply to ``the most basic information'' about a case which is already 
    public and on file in court records, but does not apply to information, 
    for example, that would risk harm to a person or that is protected by 
    the attorney-client privilege. See 143 Cong. Rec. H 8004-8008 (Sept. 
    26, 1997).
        The case disclosure requirement also requires disclosure of the 
    cause of action for any applicable case. This requirement is intended 
    to provide the public and the Corporation with information regarding 
    the nature or types of cases filed in court by legal services 
    attorneys, so that there is a public awareness of how legal services 
    funds are being expended.
        Finally, the case disclosure provision requires disclosure of the 
    name and full address of the court where a case is filed and the case 
    number assigned to the case. ``Full address'' means an address 
    sufficient to contact the court.
        Paragraph (b) of this section requires recipients to provide their 
    case information to the Corporation in semiannual reports, as specified 
    by the Corporation. The Corporation will provide guidance to recipients 
    on how and when to provide the information. This paragraph also 
    clarifies that reports submitted to the Corporation are subject to 
    disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act.
        Paragraph (c) provides that a recipient must make the case 
    information described in paragraph (a) available in written form to any 
    person who requests such information. This rule does not mandate how 
    recipients must maintain the case information for disclosure to the 
    public, except that it must be provided in written form. Recipients may 
    choose to maintain an up-to-date central file containing the case 
    information for each case filed after January 1, 1998. Alternatively, 
    recipients may choose to compile such information centrally only at the 
    time of receipt of a public request or in preparation of the semiannual 
    report to the Corporation. In either event, the case information must 
    be made available within a reasonable time after a request is made by 
    any member of the public. Recipients may charge reasonable mailing and 
    document copying fees.
    Section 1644.4  Applicability
        This section clarifies the scope of the case disclosure 
    requirement. First, it states that only actions filed on behalf of 
    plaintiffs and petitioners must be disclosed. This is consistent with 
    the language of Section 505, which requires case information about 
    ``each case filed by its [a recipient's] attorneys.'' This language 
    clearly applies to ``each case'' filed, not to individual filings in a 
    particular case. Thus, the case disclosure requirement does not require 
    updates on the status of cases for which information has already been 
    filed. In addition, the language of Section 505 refers to cases filed 
    by a recipient attorney. The general understanding of the meaning of 
    filing a case is that it refers to the initiation of a case, such as 
    the filing of a complaint by a plaintiff. Accordingly, submissions of 
    pleadings such as an answer or a cross claim on behalf of a defendant 
    in a case that was not initiated by a recipient are not covered by the 
    case disclosure requirement.
        Although the case disclosure requirement normally applies only to 
    the original filing of a case, subparagraph (a)(2) of this section 
    applies the requirement when there is an appeal filed in court by a 
    recipient and the recipient was not the attorney of record in the case 
    below. Likewise, subparagraph (a)(3) applies the requirement to any 
    judicial appeal of an administrative action when the appeal is first 
    filed in court.
        Finally, paragraph (b) clarifies that this rule does not apply to 
    private attorney involvement (PAI) programs under 45 CFR Part 1614. PAI 
    attorneys are not attorneys employed by recipients; rather, they are 
    generally private attorneys with their own private practices who have 
    been recruited by recipients to provide some pro bono or reduced fee 
    legal assistance to eligible clients. Besides, it has long been the 
    policy of the Corporation not to place discretionary burdens on PAI 
    programs that would greatly hamper the recruitment of PAI attorneys.
    Section 1644.5  Recipient Policies and Procedures
        This section requires the recipient to establish written policies 
    and procedures to guide the recipient's staff to ensure compliance with 
    this rule. Such procedures could include information regarding how any 
    person may be given access to or be provided
    [[Page 8389]]
    with copies of a recipient's case disclosure information. The 
    procedures could also set out the costs for copying or mailing such 
    List of Subjects in 45 CFR Part 1644
        Grant programs, Legal services, Reporting and recordkeeping 
        For reasons set forth in the preamble, LSC proposes to amend 
    Chapter XVI of Title 45 by adding part 1644 as follows:
    1644.1  Purpose.
    1644.2  Definitions.
    1644.3  Case disclosure requirement.
    1644.4  Applicability.
    1644.5  Recipient policies and procedures.
        Authority: Pub. L. 105-119, 111 Stat. 2440, Sec. 505; Pub. L. 
    104-134, 110 Stat. 1321; 42 U.S.C. 2996g(a).
    Sec. 1644.1  Purpose.
        The purpose of this rule is to ensure that recipients disclose to 
    the public and to the Corporation certain information on cases filed in 
    court by their attorneys.
    Sec. 1644.2  Definitions.
        For the purposes of this part:
        (a) To disclose the cause of action means to provide a sufficient 
    description of the case to indicate the type or principal nature of the 
        (b) Recipient means any grantee or contractor receiving funds from 
    the Corporation under section 1006(a)(1) of the Act and includes any 
    subrecipient which receives LSC funds from a recipient for direct 
    representation of eligible clients.
        (c) Attorney means any attorney employed by the recipient, as a 
    regular or contract employee, and regardless of whether the attorney is 
    employed full-time or part time.
    Sec. 1644.3  Case disclosure requirement.
        (a) For each case filed in court by its attorneys after January 1, 
    1998, a recipient shall disclose, in accordance with the requirements 
    of this part, the following information:
        (1) The name and full address of each party to a case, unless:
        (A) the information is protected by an order or rule of court or by 
    State or Federal law; or
        (B) the recipient's attorney reasonably believes that revealing 
    such information would put the client of the recipient at risk of 
    physical harm;
        (2) The cause of action;
        (3) The name and full address of the court where the case is filed; 
        (4) The case number assigned to the case by the court.
        (b) Recipients shall provide the information required in paragraph 
    (a) of this section to the Corporation in semiannual reports in the 
    manner specified by the Corporation. Recipients may file such reports 
    on behalf of their subrecipients for cases filed by subrecipients 
    covered by this part. Such reports will be made available to the public 
    by the Corporation upon request pursuant to the Freedom of Information 
    Act, 5 U.S.C. 552.
        (c) Upon request, a recipient shall make the information required 
    in paragraph (a) of this section available in written form to any 
    person. Recipients may charge reasonable mailing and document copying 
    Sec. 1644.4  Applicability.
        (a) The case disclosure requirements of this part apply:
        (1) Only to actions filed on behalf of plaintiffs or petitioners;
        (2) Only to the original filing of a case, except for appeals filed 
    in appellate courts by a recipient if the recipient was not the 
    attorney of record in the case below; or
        (3) To judicial appeals of administrative actions when such appeals 
    are first filed in court.
        (b) This part does not apply to cases filed by private attorneys as 
    part of a recipient's private attorney involvement activities pursuant 
    to part 1614 of this chapter.
    Sec. 1644.5  Recipient policies and procedures.
        Each recipient shall adopt written policies and procedures to 
    implement the requirements of this part.
        Dated: February 13, 1998.
    Suzanne B. Glasow,
    Senior Assistant General Counsel.
    [FR Doc. 98-4157 Filed 2-18-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 7050-01-P

Document Information

Legal Services Corporation
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Comments should be received on or before March 23, 1998.
8387-8389 (3 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (5)
45 CFR 1644.1
45 CFR 1644.2
45 CFR 1644.3
45 CFR 1644.4
45 CFR 1644.5