2018-03349. Public Availability of Fiscal Year 2016 Agency Inventories Under the Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act
Start Preamble
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Office of Management and Budget, Executive Office of the President.
Notice of public availability of Agency Inventories of Activities that are not inherently Governmental and of Activities that are inherently Governmental.
The Federal Activities Inventory Reform (FAIR) Act, requires agencies to develop inventories each year of activities performed by their employees that are not inherently governmental functions. The FAIR Act further requires OMB to review the inventories in consultation with the agencies. Once that review is complete, agencies are required to make the list available to the public and OMB must publish a notice of public availability in the Federal Register. In accordance with the FAIR Act, OMB is publishing this notice to announce the availability of inventories for Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 from the agencies listed below. These inventories identify activities that are not inherently governmental and those activities that are inherently governmental. If an agency has not yet posted its inventory on its website, the agency's point of contact should be able to assist. As provided in the FAIR Act, interested parties who disagree with the agency's initial judgment may challenge the inclusion or the omission of an activity on the list of activities that are not inherently governmental within 30 working days of this Notice and, if not satisfied with this review, may appeal to a higher level within the agency.
Start SignatureJohn Mulvaney,
Attachment: FAIR Act Release FY 2016
End PreambleAgency Point of contact Email Telephone Website Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Act Agencies 1. Department of Commerce Virna Winters vwinters@doc.gov 202-482-3483 www.commerce.gov. 2. Department of Defense Sara Streff Warren Champ Sara.l.Streff.civ@mail.mil Warren.Champ@DODIG.MIL 571-372-6843 703-699-5418 www.acq.osd.mil. http://www.dodig.mil. 3. Department of Education Michele Moore Michele.moore@ed.gov 202-245-6194 http://www.ed.gov. 4. Department of Energy Jeff Davis jeff.davis@hq.doe.gov 202-287-1877 http://energy.gov. 5. Department of Health and Human Services William Kim William.Kim@hhs.gov 202-205-1341 http://www.hhs.gov/. 6. Department of Homeland Security Katherine Chimera katherine.chimera@hq.dhs.gov 202-447-0177 www.dhs.gov. 7. Department of Housing and Urban Development Maria Milligan Maria.L.Milligan@HUD.gov 202-402-6417 http://portal.hud.gov. 8. Department of the Interior Samantha Brownstein samantha_brownstein@ios.doi.gov 202-513-0699 www.doi.gov. 9. Department of Justice Neil Ryder Neil.Ryder@usdoj.gov 202-616-5499 http://www.justice.gov/. 10. Department of Labor Tanisha Bynum-Frazier bynum.frazier.t@dol.gov 202-693-4546 www.dol.gov. 11. Department of State Kenneth Black blackkh@state.gov 202-485-7211 http://www.state.gov. 12. Department of Transportation Diane Morrison diane.morrison@dot.gov 202-366-4960 www.dot.gov. 13. Department of the Treasury Kim Steide kimberly.steide@treasury.gov 202-622-9490 http://www.treasury.gov/. 14. Department of Veterans Affairs Julie Plush Julie.Plush@va.gov 202-297-2166 http://www.va.gov. 15. Environmental Protection Agency Jennifer Cranford Cranford.Jennifer@epa.gov 202-564-0798 www.epa.gov. 16. General Services Administration James Summers James.summers@gsa.gov 202-322-0453 www.gsa.gov. 17. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Dan Walt daniel.j.walt@nasa.gov 202-358-1444 http://www.nasa.gov/. 18. National Science Foundation Kurtis Shank kshank@nsf.gov 703-292-2261 www.nsf.gov. 19. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Beverly Anker beverly.anker@nrc.gov 301-287-0853 www.nrc.gov. 20. Office of Personnel Management Greg Blaszko Gregory.Blaszko@opm.gov 215-861-3051 http://www.opm.gov/. 21. Small Business Administration Laura Wages laura.wages@sba.gov 202-205-6156 www.sba.gov. 22. Social Security Administration Mary Jo Mullin mary.jo.mullin@ssa.gov 410-966-6068 www.socialsecurity.gov. 23. United States Agency for International Development Nancy Sanders Durosseau ndurosseau@usaid.gov 202-712-4236 www.usaid.gov. 24. United States Department of Agriculture Mauricio Lainez mauricio.lainez@rma.usda.gov 202-720-8710 http://www.usda.gov. Start Printed Page 7238 Non-CFO Act Agencies 1. Broadcasting Board of Governors Chris Luer cluer@bbg.gov 202-203-4608 www.bbg.gov. 2. Commodity Futures Trading Commission Alice Macklin AMacklin@CFTC.gov 202-418-5860 www.cftc.gov. 3. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Roland Jacob Roland.Jacob@cfpb.gov 202-435-9625 www.consumerfinance.gov. 4. Consumer Product Safety Commission Barbara Denny bdenny@cpsc.gov 301-504-7246 http://www.cpsc.gov. 5. Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia Paul Girardo Paul.Girardo@csosa.gov 202-220-5718 https://www.csosa.gov/. 6. Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Gwendolyn Archer-Pailen gwendolyna@dnfsb.gov 202-694-7061 http://www.dnfsb.gov. 7. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Christine Nalli Christine.nalli@eeoc.gov 202-663-4316 http://www.eeoc.gov. 8. Farm Credit Administration Veronica McCain McCainV@fca.gov 703-883-4031 www.fca.gov. 9. Federal Communications Commission Tom Green Tom.Green@fcc.gov 202-418-0116 www.fcc.gov. 10. Federal Election Commission Gilbert Ford gford@fec.gov 202-694-1216 www.fec.gov. 11. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Nicole Yates Nicole.Yates@ferc.gov 202-502-6327 www.ferc.gov. 12. Federal Housing Financing Agency Natalie Jolly Natalie.Jolly@fhfa.gov 202-649-3781 www.fhfa.gov. 13. Federal Labor Relations Authority Mike Jeffries mjeffries@flra.gov 202-218-7982 http://www.flra.gov. 14. Federal Maritime Commission Kathleen Keys kkeys@fmc.gov 202-523-5788 www.fmc.gov. 15. Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service Paul Voight pvoight@fmcs.gov 202-606-5464 www.fmcs.gov. 16. Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board Sandra Byers Sandra.Byers@tsp.gov 202-864-8664 http://www.frtib.gov. 17. Federal Trade Commission Paula Chandler Pchandler@ftc.gov 202-326-2055 http://www.ftc.gov. 18. Holocaust Memorial Museum Helen Shepherd hshepherd@ushmm.org 202-488-0400 x396 http://www.ushmm.org. 19. International Trade Commission Debra Bridge Debra.Bridge@usitc.gov 202-205-2004 www.usitc.gov. 20. Merit Systems Protection Board Nancie Kebioh-Gray nancie.kebioh-gray@mspb.gov 202-254-4513 www.mspb.gov. 21. National Archives and Records Administration Kimberly Richardson kimberly.richardson@nara.gov 301-837-2902 www.archives.gov. 22. National Endowment for the Arts Ned Read readn@arts.gov 202-682-5782 www.arts.gov. 23. National Endowment for the Humanities Robert Straughter rstraughter@neh.gov 202-606-8237 www.neh.gov. 24. National Labor Relations Board Marsha Porter Marsha.Porter@nlrb.gov 202-273-3726 http://www.nlrb.gov. 25. National Transportation Safety Board Lisa Kleiner Lisa.Kleiner@ntsb.gov 202-314-6462 www.ntsb.gov. 26. Office of Management and Budget Amanda Sousane akepko@omb.eop.gov 202-395-4844 www.whitehouse.gov. 27. Office of Special Counsel Ryan Pope rpope@osc.gov 202-804-7105 http://www.osc.gov/. 28. Office of the United States Trade Representative Deborah Tidwell Deborah_Tidwell@ustr.eop.gov 202-395-9410 https://ustr.gov/. 29. Peace Corps Amanda Miesionczek amiesionczek@peacecorps.gov 202-509-6533 www.peacecorps.gov. 30. Railroad Retirement Board Keith Earley Keith.Earley@rrb.gov 312-751-4990 www.rrb.gov. Start Printed Page 7239 31. Securities and Exchange Commission Melissa Csigi csigim@sec.gov 202-551-7647 www.sec.gov. 32. Selective Service System Vernetta Fields Vernetta.fields@sss.gov 703-605-4040 www.sss.gov. [FR Doc. 2018-03349 Filed 2-16-18; 8:45 am]
Document Information
- Published:
- 02/20/2018
- Department:
- Management and Budget Office
- Entry Type:
- Notice
- Action:
- Notice of public availability of Agency Inventories of Activities that are not inherently Governmental and of Activities that are inherently Governmental.
- Document Number:
- 2018-03349
- Pages:
- 7237-7239 (3 pages)
- PDF File:
- 2018-03349.pdf
- Supporting Documents:
- » Conformance of the Cost Accounting Standards to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for Operating Revenue and Lease Accounting
- » Discount Rates for Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Federal Programs
- » Cumulative Report of Rescissions Proposals Pursuant to the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act
- » 2017 Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act Annual Report
- » Requests for Information: Current and Emerging Techniques for Linking and Analyzing Combined Data, etc.
- » Designation of Databases for Treasury's Working System Under the Do Not Pay Initiative
- » Proposed Designation of Databases for Treasury's Working System under Do Not Pay Initiative
- » Performance Review Board Members
- » OMB Sequestration Update Report to President and Congress for Fiscal Year 2018
- » Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards