2024-03409. Announcement of Funding Awards  

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    Office of Chief Financial Officer, HUD.




    In accordance with section 102(a)(4)(C) of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Reform Act of 1989, this announcement notifies the public of funding decisions made by the Department in competitions for funding under the Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFOs) and Notices for the following program(s): Authority to Accept Unsolicited Proposals for Research Partnerships, Impact Evaluation of the Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA), FY22 HUDRD CDBG Disaster Recovery Outcomes of Renter Households, FY22 HUDRD—Exploring the Feasibility of Linking Eviction Records to Administrative Databases for HUD's Housing Choice Voucher Program, FY21 Eviction Protection Grant Program Rounds 1 and 2, FY21 HBCU Research Center of Excellence, FY22 HUDRD–HBCU Research Center of Excellence, FY22 HUDRD—Wildfire Recovery and Resilience, FY22 HUDRD—Qualitative Data Collection for Cohort 2 MTW Expansion—Rent Reform Experiment, FY22 Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG and FY22 Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG)—Imminent Threat (IT), FY22 Foster Youth to Independence Competitive (FYI Competitive), FY22 Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grants, Housing Opportunities for Persons with HIV/AIDS (HOPWA), Rural Capacity Building for Community Development and Affordable Housing Grants, Veterans Housing Rehabilitation and Modification Pilot Program, and FY 2022 Comprehensive Housing Counseling Grant Program.

    FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONTACT: Dorthera Yorkshire, Director, Grants Management and Oversight, Office of the Chief Financial Officer (Systems), telephone (202) 402–4336; (this is not a toll-free number) email; AskGMO@hud.gov or the contact person listed in each appendix. HUD welcomes and is prepared to receive calls from individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, as well as individuals with speech or communication disabilities. To learn more about how to make an accessible telephone call, please visit https://www.fcc.gov/​consumers/​guides/​telecommunications-relay-service-trs.

    End Preamble Start Supplemental Information


    HUD posted the Authority to Accept Unsolicited Proposals for Research Partnerships NOTICE on grants.gov November 2, 2021, (FR–6500–N–USP). The notice closed on June 30, 2022. HUD rated and selected for funding based on selection criteria contained in the NOTICE. This notice awarded $2,212,251 to 7 recipients to allow greater flexibility in addressing evidence gaps concerning strategic policy questions and to better utilize external expertise in evaluating effectiveness of programs affecting residents of urban, suburban, rural, and tribal areas, as well as local innovations in the delivery of these programs.

    HUD posted the Impact Evaluation of the Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) Program NOFO on grants.gov May 26, 2022, (FR–6600–N–83). The competition closed on August 25, 2022. HUD rated and selected for funding based on selection criteria contained in the NOFO. This competition awarded $2,000,000 to 3 recipients to fund rigorous evaluations of the impact of the Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) Program on housing stability outcomes. HUD's primary outcome of interest is eviction, but applicants can propose other housing stability measures. Congress established the ERA program to provide emergency assistance for rental, utility, and other related expenses to households at risk of losing their rental units due to the COVID–19 pandemic.

    HUD posted the Authority to FY22 HUDRD CDBG Disaster Recovery Outcomes of Renter Households NOFO on grants.gov May 27, 2022 (FR–6600–N–29A). The competition closed on July 11, 2022. HUD rated and selected for funding based on selection criteria contained in the NOFO. This competition awarded $1,370,000 to 2 recipients to improve disaster recovery effectiveness for renter households by examining the disaster recovery outcomes of renter households and rental housing stock in places that received Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery grants (CDBG–DR).

    HUD posted the Authority to FY22 HUDRD-Exploring the Feasibility of Linking Eviction Records to Administrative Databases for HUD's Housing Choice Voucher Program NOFO on grants.gov May 25, 2022, (FR–6600–N–29E). The competition closed on July 14, 2022. HUD rated and selected for funding based on selection criteria contained in the NOFO. This competition awarded $500,000 to 2 recipients to link data on court-ordered evictions to HUD administrative data on tenants in the HCV program collected in the form HUD–50058.[13] Quantifying the incidence of evictions among households receiving and/or previously receiving assistance from the HCV program.

    HUD posted the FY21 Eviction Protection Grant Program Rounds 1 and 2 NOFO on grants.gov July 20, 2021, (FR–6500–N–79). The competition closed on September 10, 2021. HUD rated and selected for funding based on selection criteria contained in the NOFO. This competition awarded $40,000,000 (Round 1; $20,000,000 and round 2; $20,000,000) to 21 (Round 1; 10 and Round 2; 11) recipients to support experienced legal service providers, not limited to legal service corporations, in providing legal assistance at no cost to low-income tenants at risk of or subject to eviction. HUD's Office of Policy Development and Research is making available grant funds to non-profit or governmental entities to provide services in areas with high rates of evictions or prospective evictions, including rural areas.

    HUD posted the FY21 HBCU Research Center of Excellence NOFO on grants.gov April 29, 2021, (FR–6400–N–61). The competition closed on July 29, 2021. HUD rated and selected for funding based on selection criteria contained in the NOFO. This competition awarded $5,500,000 to 2 recipients to conduct research projects on multiple topics of strategic interest to the Department of Housing and Urban Development enabling the establishment of one, or up to two Historically Black College and Universities Center(s) of Excellence to (COE). The research projects are intended to initiate an ongoing series of reports focused on housing, community, and economic development in underserved communities that can serve as national, local, or regional benchmarks and assist in support of COE(s) that expand the housing and community development research efforts at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU).

    HUD posted the FY22 HUDRD—HBCU Research Center of Excellence NOFO on grants.gov August 29, 2022, (FR–6600–N–29F). The competition closed on December 22, 2022. HUD rated and selected for funding based on selection criteria contained in the NOFO. This competition awarded $5,500,000 to 2 recipients to conduct research projects on multiple topics of strategic interest to the Department of Housing and Urban Development and provide additional funding to a COE that received partial funding under the previous COE NOFO. Start Printed Page 12855

    HUD posted the FY22 HUDRD—Wildfire Recovery and Resilience NOFO on grants.gov May 18, 2022, (FR–6600–N–29B). The competition closed on July 19,2022. HUD rated and selected for funding based on selection criteria contained in the NOFO. This competition awarded $597,154 to 1 recipient to increase the capacity of communities affected by wildfire to use disaster assistance to enhance resilience to wildfire, especially the resilience of low- and moderate-income persons and communities.

    HUD posted the FY22 HUDRD—Qualitative Data Collection for Cohort 2 MTW Expansion-Rent Reform Experiment NOFO on grants.gov May 24, 2022, (FR–6600–N–29D). The competition closed on July 7, 2022. HUD rated and selected for funding based on selection criteria contained in the NOFO. This competition awarded $998,828 to 1 recipient to support qualitative research focused on the Moving to Work (MTW) Stepped and Tiered Rent Demonstration (STRD). In the Stepped and Tiered Rent Demonstration (STRD), ten public housing agencies (PHAs) will implement alternative rents that might be easier to administer and might incentivize assisted households to increase their earnings.

    HUD posted FY22 Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG) and FY22 Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG)—Imminent Threat (IT) Program on grants.gov July 29, 2022 (FR–6600–N–23). The competition closed October 24, 2022, and the FY22 Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG)—Imminent Threat (IT) Program was awarded based on a first come first serve basis. HUD rated and selected for funding based on selection criteria contained in the NOFO. The FY22 Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG) competition awarded $95,565,820 to 55 recipients to develop viable Indian and Alaska Native communities, including the creation of decent housing, suitable living environments, and economic opportunities primarily for persons with low- and moderate-incomes and The FY22 Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG)—Imminent Threat (IT) competition awarded $2,250,000 to 3 recipients to provide grants to Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages for community development projects.

    HUD posted the FY22 Foster Youth to Independence Competitive (FYI Competitive) NOFO on grants.gov June 06, 2022, (FR–6600–N–41). The competition closed on August 09, 2022. HUD rated and selected for funding based on selection criteria contained in the Notice. This competition awarded $12,934,503 to 16 recipients to Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) assistance available to Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) in partnership with Public Child Welfare Agencies (PCWAs).

    HUD posted the FY22 Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grants NOFO on grants.gov May 10, 2022, (FR–6600–N–38). The competition closed on July 28, 2022. HUD rated and selected for funding based on selection criteria contained in the NOFO. This competition awarded $4,409,000 to 9 recipients to focuses on the redevelopment of severely distressed public housing and HUD-assisted housing. Planning Grants support the development of comprehensive neighborhood revitalization plans which focused on directing resources to address three core goals: Housing, People and Neighborhood. To achieve these core goals, communities must develop and implement a comprehensive neighborhood revitalization strategy, or Transformation Plan. The Transformation Plan will become the guiding document for the revitalization of the public and/or assisted housing units while simultaneously directing the transformation of the surrounding neighborhood and positive outcomes for families.

    HUD posted the FY2022 Housing Opportunities for Persons with HIV/AIDS (HOPWA) Notice on grants.gov June 13, 2022, (CPD–22–08). The competition closed on August 01, 2022. HUD rated and selected for funding based on selection criteria contained in the NOTICE. This competition awarded $780,095 to 1 recipient to provide permanent supportive housing (PSH) as the primary grant activity to HOPWA-eligible clients. For the purposes of the Notice, “permanent housing” means housing in which the eligible person has a continuous legal right to remain in the unit established by a lease or legally binding occupancy agreement.

    HUD posted the FY2021 and 2022 Rural Capacity Building for Community Development and Affordable Housing NOFO on grants.gov August 10, 2022, (FR–6600–N–08). The competition closed on October 18, 2022. HUD rated and selected for funding based on selection criteria contained in the NOFO. This competition awarded $10,000,000 to 5 recipients to carry out affordable housing and community development activities in rural areas for the benefit of low- and moderate-income families and persons. The Rural Capacity Building program achieves this by funding National Organizations with expertise in rural housing and rural community development who work directly to build the capacity of eligible beneficiaries.

    HUD posted the FY2022 Veterans Housing Rehabilitation and Modification Pilot Program NOFO on grants.gov July 12, 2022, (FR–6600–N–39). The competition closed on August 24, 2022. HUD rated and selected for funding based on selection criteria contained in the NOFO. This competition awarded $5,000,000 to 5 recipients to provide nationwide or statewide programs which primarily serve low-income veterans living with disabilities who need adaptive housing to help them regain or maintain their independence. Through the VHRMP program, grantees will make necessary physical modifications to address the adaptive housing needs of eligible veterans, including wheelchair ramps, widening exterior and interior doors, reconfiguring, and reequipping bathrooms, or adding a bedroom or bathroom for the veteran.

    HUD posted FY2022 Supplemental Comprehensive Housing Counseling (CHC) Grant Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) on grants.gov on February 10, 2023 (FR–6600–N–33). The competition closed on March 13, 2023. HUD rated and selected grantees for funding based on selection criteria contained in the NOFO. HUD awarded 12 new grantees under the Supplemental CHC NOFO. FY2022 funding was also provided to 174 grantees under HUD's two-year FY2021 NOFO for the CHC Grant Program. In total, $53,068,044.88 was awarded to 186 recipients. These grants will support quality housing counseling services to help individuals and families to avoid eviction or foreclosure or to make more informed homebuying and rental choices. Included in the award amount is $3 million for housing counseling program grantees that are partnering with Minority Serving Institutions to expand housing services and counseling into underserved communities.

    In accordance with section 102(a)(4)(C) of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Reform Act of 1989 (103 Stat. 1987, 42 U.S.C. 3545(a)(4)(C)), the Department is publishing the awardees and the amounts of the awards in Appendices A thru Q of this document.

    Start Signature

    Dorthera Yorkshire,

    Director, Grants Management and Oversight, Office of the Chief Financial Officer.

    End Signature Start Printed Page 12856

    Appendix A

    Authority To Accept Unsolicited Proposals for Research Partnerships (FR–6500–N–USP)

    Contact: Carol Gilliam (202) 402–4354

    Organization nameStreet address or P.O. BoxCityStateZip codeAmount
    Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station400 Harvey Mitchell Parkway South, Suite 300College StationTexas77845$357,246
    Habitat for Humanity International285 Peach Tree Center Avenue NE Suite #2700AtlantaGeorgia30303–1229158,089
    National Institute of Building Sciences1090 Vermont Avenue NW, Suite 700WashingtonDistrict of Columbia20005–4950431,748
    New York University Furman Center139 MacDougal Street, 2nd FloorNew YorkNew York10012700,000
    Cornell University373 Pine Tree RoadIthacaNew York14850–2820350,000
    Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State UniversityNorth End Center, Suite 4200–300 Turner Street, NWBlacksburgVirginia24061–000165,277
    The German Marshall Fund1744 R Street NWWashingtonDistrict of Columbia20009149,891

    Appendix B

    FY22 Impact Evaluation of the Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) (FR–6600–N–83)

    Contact: Carol Gilliam (202) 402–4354

    Organization nameStreet address or P.O. BoxCityStateZip codeAmount
    Trustee of the University of Pennsylvania3451 Walnut Street, 5th FloorPhiladelphiaPA: Pennsylvania19104–6205$671,356
    The Trustees of Princeton UniversityP.O. Box 0036–619 Alexander Road—Ste 102PrincetonNJ: New Jersey08540–6000499,949
    Abt Associates6130 Executive BlvdRockvilleMD: Maryland20852–4907828,695

    Appendix C

    FY22 HUDRD CDBG Disaster Recovery Outcomes of Renter Households (FR–6700–N–29A)

    Contact: Carol Gilliam (202) 402–4354

    Organization nameStreet address or P.O. BoxCityStateZip codeAmount
    The Urban Institute500 L Enfant PlazaWashingtonDC: District of Columbia20024–2774$669,607
    Horne LLP1215 19th Street NorthwestWashingtonDC: District of Columbia20036–2401700,393

    Appendix D

    FY22 HUDRD—Exploring the Feasibility of Linking Eviction Records to Administrative Databases for HUD's Housing Choice Voucher Program (FR–6600–N–29E)

    Contact: Carol Gilliam (202) 402–4354

    Organization nameStreet address or P.O. BoxCityStateZip codeAmount
    The Urban Institute500 L Enfant PlazaWashingtonDC: District of Columbia20024–2774$250,000
    New York University50 West 4th StreetNew YorkNY: New York20012250,000
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    Appendix E

    FY21 Eviction Protection Grant Program Rounds 1 and 2 (FR–6500–N–79)

    Contact: Carol Gilliam (202) 402–4354

    Round 1

    Organization nameStreet address or P.O. BoxCityStateZip codeAmount
    Jacksonville Area Legal Aid, Inc126 West Adams StreetJacksonvilleFL: Florida32202–3849$2,400,000
    Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York95 Central AvenueAlbanyNY: New York12206–30012,400,000
    Advocates For Basic Legal Equality525 Jefferson Ave, #300ToledoOH: Ohio43604–10941,000,000
    Connecticut Fair Housing Center60 Popieluszko CourtHartfordCT: Connecticut06106–51122,400,000
    Legal Services of Eastern Missouri4232 Forest Park AvenueSt. LouisMO: Missouri63108–28112,400,000
    Community Legal Aid, Inc405 Main StWorchesterMA: Massachusetts01608–17252,400,000
    Idaho Legal Aid Services1447 S Tyrell LaneBoiseID: Idaho83706–40441,800,000
    Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation235 Peachtree Street, Suite 1750AtlantaGA: Georgia30303–14161,800,000.00
    Legal Assistance of Western New York, Inc361 South Main StreetGenevaNY: New York14456–26542,400,000.00
    Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada725 E Charleston BoulevardLas VegasNV: Nevada89104–15101,000,000.00

    Round 2

    Organization nameStreet address or P.O. BoxCityStateZip codeAmount
    Jacksonville Area Legal Aid, Inc126 West Adams StreetJacksonvilleFL: Florida32202–3849$2,400,000
    Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York95 Central AvenueAlbanyNew York12206–30012,400,000
    Advocates For Basic Legal Equality525 Jefferson Ave, #300ToledoOH: Ohio43604–10941,000,000
    Connecticut Fair Housing Center60 Popieluszko CourtHartfordConnecticut06106–51122,400,000
    Legal Services of Eastern Missouri4232 Forest Park AvenueSt. LouisMissouri63108–28112,400,000
    Community Legal Aid, Inc405 Main StWorchesterMassachusetts01608–17252,400,000
    Idaho Legal Aid Services1447 S Tyrell LaneBoiseIdaho83706–40441,800,000
    Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation235 Peachtree Street, Suite 1750AtlantaGeorgia30303–14161,800,000.00
    Legal Assistance of Western New York, Inc361 South Main StreetGenevaNew York14456–26542,400,000.00
    Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada725 E Charleston boulevardLas VegasNevada89104–15101,000,000.00

    Appendix F

    FY21 HBCU Research Center of Excellence (FR–6400–N–61)

    Contact: Carol Gilliam (202) 402–4354

    Organization nameStreet address or P.O. BoxCityStateZip codeAmount
    Howard University2400 Sixth Street NWWashingtonDistrict of Columbia20059–0002$4,500,000
    Texas Southern University3100 Cleburne StreetHoustonTexas77004–13911,000,000.00

    Appendix G

    FY22 HUDRD—HBCU Research Center of Excellence (FR–6600–N–29F)

    Contact: Carol Gilliam (202) 402–4354 Start Printed Page 12858

    Organization nameStreet address or P.O. BoxCityStateZip codeAmount
    Texas Southern University3100 Cleburne StreetHoustonTexas77004–4501$3,000,000
    North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University1601 E Market StreetGreensboroNorth Carolina274111–00012,500,000

    Appendix H

    FY22 HUDRD Wildfire Recovery and Resilience (FR–6600–N–29B)

    Contact: Carol Gilliam (202) 402–4354

    Organization nameStreet address or P.O. BoxCityStateZip codeAmount
    The Regents of the University of California, Merced5200 North Lake RoadMercedCalifornia95343–5001$597,154

    Appendix I

    FY22 HUDRD—Qualitative Data Collection for Cohort 2 MTW Expansion—Rent Reform Experiment (FR–6700–N–29D)

    Contact: Carol Gilliam (202) 402–4354

    Organization nameStreet address or P.O. BoxCityStateZip codeAmount
    Abt Associates6130 Executive BlvdRockvilleMaryland4907$998,828

    Appendix J

    FY2022 Indian Community Development Block Grant: ICDBG Program (FR–6600–N–23)

    Contact: Hilary Atkin, 202–402–3427

    Organization nameAddress or P.O. BoxCityStateZip codeAward amount
    Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes9097 Glacier HighwayJuneauAK99801–6922$2,000,000
    Craig Tribal AssociationP.O. Box 828CraigAK999212,000,000
    Douglas Indian Association811 W 12th StreetJuneauAK998012,000,000
    Gulkana Village CouncilP.O. Box 254GakonaAK995862,000,000
    Kokhanok VillageP.O. Box 1007KokhanokAK996062,000,000
    Petersburg Indian AssociationP.O. Box 1418PetersburgAK998832,000,000
    Wrangell Cooperative AssociationP.O. Box 2331WrangellAK999291,000,000
    Sault Ste Marie Housing Authority154 Parkside DriveKincheloeMI497881,397,500
    Bois Forte Band of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe5344 Lakeshore DriveNett LakeMN557722,000,000
    Mi'kmaq Nation Aroostook Band of Micmacs#7 Northern RoadPresque IsleME047691,950,000
    Mississippi Band of Choctaw IndiansP.O. Box 6010, 101 Industrial RdChoctawMS39350688,559
    Chickahominy Indian Tribe8200 Lott Cary RoadProvidence ForgeVA231402,000,000
    Chippewa Cree Tribe of the Rocky Boy ReservationP.O. Box 544Box ElderMT59521–05442,000,000
    Fort Belknap Housing Authority668 Agency Main StreetHarlemMT59526–94551,189,005
    Fort Peck Housing AuthorityP.O. Box 667PoplarMT59255–06772,000,000
    Northern Cheyenne Housing AuthorityP.O. Box 327Lame DeerMT59043–03272,000,000
    Salish & Kootenai Housing AuthorityP.O. Box 38PabloMT59855–00381,280,000
    Crow Creek Housing AuthorityP.O. Box 19Fort ThompsonSD57339–00192,000,000
    Oglala Sioux (Lakota) Housing AuthorityP.O. Box 603Pine RidgeSD57770–06032,000,000
    Utah Paiute Housing Authority565 North 100 EastCedar CityUT847212,000,000
    Tohono O'odham—KIKI AssociationP.O. Box 790SellsAZ85634–07903,760,000
    White Mountain Apache Housing Authority50 West Chinatown Street, P.O. Box 1270WhiteriverAZ85941–12704,000,000
    Big Valley Tribe of Pomo Indians2726 Mission Rancheria RoadLakeportCA954531,823,899
    Cahto Tribe of the Laytonville RancheriaP.O. Box 1239LaytonvilleCA95454–12391,232,831
    Start Printed Page 12859
    AMIHA for Cahuilla Band of IndiansP.O. Box 391760AnzaCA92539875,000
    Dry Creek Rancheria Band of Pomo IndiansP.O. Box 607GeyservilleCA95441–06072,000,000
    AMIHA for La Jolla Band of Mission Indians22000 Highway 76Pauma ValleyCA920611,125,000
    La Posta Band of Mission Indians8 Crestwood Road, Box 1BoulevardCA919051,656,709
    North Fork Rancheria of Mono IndiansP.O. Box 929North ForkCA93643–09292,000,000
    Northern Circle Indian Housing Authority for Mooretown Rancheria694 Pinoleville DriveUkiahCA954822,000,000
    San Pasqual Band of Mission IndiansP.O. Box 365Valley CenterCA92082969,241
    AMIHA for Santa Rosa Band of Cahuilla IndiansP.O. Box 391820AnzaCA92539–1820910,000
    AMIHA for Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Mission Indians of the Santa Ynez Reservation, CaliforniaP.O. Box 517Santa YnezCA93460–0517930,000
    Stewarts Point Rancheria—Kashia Band of Pomo1420 Guerneville Road, Suite 1Santa RosaCA954031,400,000
    AMIHA for Torres-Martinez Band of Cahuilla IndiansP.O. Box 1160ThermalCA92274–1160725,000
    Nambe Pueblo Housing Entity11 West Gutierrez, Box 3456Santa FeNM87506975,236
    Ohkay Owingeh Housing AuthorityP.O. Box 1059Ohkay OwingehNM87566–10592,000,000
    Pueblo of TaosP.O. Box 1846TaosNM87571–18462,000,000
    San Felipe Pueblo Housing AuthorityP.O. Box 4222San Felipe PuebloNM87001–42221,965,000
    Winnemucca Indian Colony433 West Plumb LaneRenoNV895091,969,980
    Prairie Band of Potawatomi Nation16281 Q RoadMayettaKS665092,000,000
    Cheyenne-Arapaho TribesP.O. Box 167, 100 Red Moon CircleConchoOK730222,000,000
    Chickasaw NationP.O. Box 1548, 520 E ArlingtonAdaOK748212,000,000
    Choctaw NationP.O. Box 1210DurantOK747022,000,000
    Citizen Potawatomi Nation1601 South Gordon Cooper DriveShawneeOK748012,000,000
    Comanche Nation Housing Authority1918 East Gore BlvdLawtonOK735012,000,000
    Kaw Nation Housing AuthorityP.O. Box 371NewkirkOK746471,000,000
    Modoc Nation22 N Eight Tribes TrailMiamiOK743542,000,000
    Ottawa TribeP.O. Box 110MiamiOK743552,000,000
    Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma Housing Authority3606 Sencay AvenueMiamiOK743541,154,000
    Quapaw NationP.O. Box 765, 5682 South 630 RoadQuapawOK74363–07652,000,000
    Seminole Nation Housing AuthorityP.O. Box 1493, 101 S Hitchite AvenueWewokaOK74884678,064
    Burns Paiute Tribe100 Pasigo StreetBurnsOR97720–2442910,796
    Warm Springs Housing AuthorityP.O. Box 1167Warm SpringsOR97761–11672,000,000
    Spokane Tribe of IndiansP.O. Box 100WellpinitWA99040–01002,000,000

    Appendix K

    FY2022 Indian Community Development Block Grant: Imminent Threat (FR–6600–N–23)

    Contact: Hilary Atkin, 202–402–3427

    Organization nameAddress or P.O. BoxCityStateZip codeAward amount
    North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians of CaliforniaP.O. Box 929North ForkCA93643$450,000
    Chinik Eskimo CommunityP.O. Box 62099GolovinAK99762900,000
    Newtok Village CouncilP.O. Box 5549NewtokAK99559900,000

    Appendix L

    FY22 Foster Youth to Independence Competitive (FYI Competitive) (FR–6600–N–41)

    Contact: Michelle Daniels, (202) 402–6051 and Ryan Jones (202) 402–2677

    Organization nameStreet address or P.O. BoxCityStateZip codeAward amount
    Los Angeles County Development Authority700 W Main StAlhambraCA91801$1,197,425.00
    County of Sacramento Housing Authority801 12th StreetSacramentoCA958141,188,671.00
    Start Printed Page 12860
    Housing Authority of the County of Santa Barbara815 W Ocean AvenueLompocCA934361,188,636.00
    Housing Authority of the City of San Jose505 West Julian StSan JoseCA951101,195,651.00
    County of Sonoma1440 Guerneville RoadSanta RosaCA95403441,242.00
    West Palm Beach Housing Authority3700 Georgia AvenueWest Palm BeachFL33405415,788.00
    Chicago Housing Authority60 E Van Buren StChicagoIL606051,064,718.00
    Housing Authority Cook County175 W Jackson Ste 350ChicagoIL60604889,884.00
    Housing Authority of the Village of Oak Park21 South BoulevardOak ParkIL60302163,310.00
    Housing Authority of Kansas City, Missouri3822 Summit StreetKansas CityMO64111672,572.00
    Housing Authority of Portland135 SW Ash StreetPortlandOR97204997,110.00
    Philadelphia Housing Authority2013 Ridge AvenuePhiladelphiaPA19121630,977.00
    Weber Housing Authority237 26th Street, Suite 224OgdenUT84401283,875.00
    Charlottesville Redev & Housing Authority500 S 1st StreetCharlottesvilleVA22902216,555.00
    Seattle Housing Authority190 Queen Anne Ave N P.O. Box 19028SeattleWA981091,197,307.00
    Housing Authority of King County600 Andover Park WestSeattleWA981881,190,782.00

    Appendix M

    FY 2022 Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grants (FR–6600–N–38)

    Contact: Luci Blackburn (202) 402–4190

    Organization nameAddress or P.O. BoxCitySTZIPAward amount
    City of Steubenville, OH115 South Third StreetSteubenvilleOH43952$500,000
    City of Salem, New Jersey17 New Market StreetSalemNJ08079500,000
    District of Columbia Housing Authority1133 North Capitol Street, NEWashingtonDC20002500,000
    Flint Housing Commission3820 Richfield RdFlintMI48506500,000
    Fort Wayne Housing Authority7315 S Hanna StreetFort WayneIN46816500,000
    Harrisburg Housing Authority351 Chestnut StHarrisburgPA17101500,000
    Housing Authority of the City of Goldsboro700 N Jefferson AveGoldsboroNC27530500,000
    Lorain Metropolitan Housing Authority1600 Kansas AveLorainOH44052500,000
    Housing Authority of New Orleans4100 Touro StreetNew OrleansLA70122409,000

    Appendix N

    FY2022 Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) Notice (CPD–22–08)

    Contact: Vanessa Larkin, Vanessa.T.Larkin@hud.gov, 202–402–2633

    Organization nameAddress or P.O. BoxCityStateZipAward amount
    Conexio Care, Inc590 Naamans RoadClaymontDE19703–2308$780,095.00

    Appendix O

    FY 2021 and 2022 Rural Capacity Building for Community Development and Affordable Housing Grants (FR–6600–N–08)

    Contact: Anupama Abhyankar 202–402–3981. Start Printed Page 12861

    Organization nameAddress or P.O. BoxCityStateZip codeAward amount
    Housing Assistance Council1025 Vermont Ave. NWWashingtonDC20005$2,325,000
    Minnesota Housing Partnership2446 University Avenue West, Suite 106Saint PaulMN551141,700,000
    National Association for Latino Community Asset Builders5404 Wurzbach RoadSan AntonioTX782381,850,000
    Rebuilding Together999 N Capitol Street NEWashingtonDC200021,800,000
    Rural Community Assistance Corporation3120 Freeboard DriveSacramentoCA956912,325,000

    Appendix P

    Veterans Housing Rehabilitation and Modification Pilot Program (FR–6600–N–39)

    Contact: Jovette G. Bryant, 877–787–2526.

    Organization nameAddress or P.O. BoxCityStateZip codeAward amount
    Habitat for Humanity International, Inc322 West Lamar StreetAmericusGA31709$1,000,000
    Habitat for Humanity Michigan618 South Creyts Road, Suite ALansingMI489171,000,000
    Coalition for Home Repair113 Heritage Place DriveJonesboroughTN376591,000,000
    Family and Community Services, Inc705 Oakwood StreetRavennaOH442661,000,000
    Rebuilding Together, Inc999 North Capitol Street NE, Suite 701WashingtonDC200021,000,000

    Appendix Q

    FY22 Comprehensive Housing Counseling Grant Program (FR–6600–N–33)

    Contact: Melissa Noe, 312–913–8468.

    Organization nameAddress or P.O. BoxCityStateZip codeAward amount
    Rural Alaska Community Action Program, Inc731 East 8th AvenueAnchorageAK99501$13,790.00
    Community Action Agency of Northwest Alabama, Inc745 Thompson StFlorenceAL35630–386741,485.00
    Community Action Partnership of North Alabama, Inc1909 Central Pkwy. SWDecaturAL35601–682229,558.00
    Community Service Programs of West Alabama, Inc601 Black Bears WayTuscaloosaAL35401–480745,572.00
    Housing Authority of The City of Prichard200 W Prichard AvenuePrichardAL3661031,234.00
    United Way of Central Alabama, IncP.O. Box 320189BirminghamAL35222–3250617,662.00
    In Affordable Housing Inc3224 Shackleford PassLittlerockAR7220517,437.00
    Northwest Regional Housing Authority317 Industrial Park RoadHarrisonAR7260222,659.00
    Southern Bancorp Community Partners400 Hardin Road, Suite 100Little RockAR72211–350138,529.00
    Universal Housing Development Corporation301 E 3rd StreetRussellvilleAR72801–510930,544.00
    Newtown Community Development Corporation2106 E Apache BlvdTempeAZ85281–708631,234.00
    Balance1655 Grant StreetConcordCA94520–2600756,950.00
    Credit.Org1450 Iowa Ave., Ste 200RiversideCA92507–0508356,926.00
    Fair Housing Advocates of Northern California1314 Lincoln AveSan RafaelCA94901–210533,798.00
    Fair Housing Council of Riverside County Inc4164 Brockton AveRiversideCA92501–340052,722.00
    Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles8739 Artesia BlvdBellflowerCA90706–633044,737.00
    National Association of Real Estate Brokers-Investment Division, Inc7677 Oakport Street, Suite 1030OaklandCA94621–19292,247,847.50
    Project Sentinel, Inc554 Valley WayMilpitasCA95035–410697,478.00
    Rural Community Assistance Corporation3120 Freeboard DriveWest SacramentoCA95691–5039822,447.00
    San Francisco Housing Development Corporation4439 3rd StSan FranciscoCA94124–210348,089.00
    Vacaville, City of40 Eldridge Ave., Ste. 2VacavilleCA95688–682420,394.00
    Colorado Housing and Finance Authority1981 Blake StDenverCO80202–1229648,871.00
    Oweesta Corporation2432 Main St., 1st FloorLongmontCO80501–1101198,270.00
    Community Renewal Team, Inc555 Windsor StHartfordCT06120–290127,587.00
    Connecticut Housing Finance Authority999 West StreetRocky HillCT06067–3011221,565.00
    Housing Counseling Services Inc2410 17th St. NW, Ste. 100WashingtonDC20009–2724191,081.88
    National CAPACD1628 16th Street NWWashington, DCDC20009–3064504,029.00
    National Community Reinvestment Coalition, Inc740 15th St. NWWashingtonDC20005–10191,168,913.00
    National Foundation for Credit Counseling, Inc2033 K St. NWWashingtonDC20006–1002743,807.00
    Neighborhood Reinvestment Corp. DBA Neighborworks America999 North Capital Street NEWashingtonDC20002–46843,000,000.00
    Unidos US1126 16th Street NW, Suite 600WashingtonDC20036–48452,807,560.00
    Adopt a Hurricane Family, Inc4700 SW 64th Avenue—Suite CDavieFL33314–443310,833.00
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    Affordable Homeownership Foundation, Inc5264 Clayton Ct., Suite 1Fort MyersFL33907–211277,833.00
    Community Equity Investments, Inc302 North Barcelona StPensacolaFL32501–480627,587.00
    Community Housing Initiative, Inc3033 College Wood DrMelbourneFL32934–832434,882.00
    Consolidated Credit Solutions, Inc5701 W Sunrise BlvdPlantationFL33313–6269104,060.00
    Credit Card Mgmt Svcs, Inc DBA ReverseMortgageHelper.Org and Debthelper.Com1325 N Congress AveWest Palm BeachFL33401–2005215,335.00
    Housing Foundation of America2400 N University Dr., Ste. 200Pembroke PinesFL33024–3629122,583.00
    Jacksonville Area Legal Aid126 W Adams StJacksonvilleFL32202–384934,065.00
    Lee County Housing Development CorporationP.O. Box 2854Ft. MyersFL33901–822632,220.00
    Mid-Florida Housing Partnership, Inc1834 Mason AvenueDaytona BeachFL32117–510124,630.00
    Ocala Housing AuthorityP.O. Box 2468OcalaFL3447863,676.00
    Opa-Locka Community Development Corporation, Inc490 OPA Locka BlvdOPA LockaFL33054–356333,205.00
    St. Johns, County of200 San Sebastian WV, Ste. 2300St AugustineFL32084–869533,500.00
    Step up Suncoast, Inc6428 Parkland DrSarasotaFL34243–403825,196.00
    The Tallahassee Urban League Incorporated923 Old Bainbridge RdTallahasseeFL32303–604274,482.00
    Tampa Bay Community Development Corporation2139 NE Coachman RdClearwaterFL33765–261237,838.00
    Tampa, City of306 E Jackson StTampaFL33602–520828,674.00
    University of Florida1024 McCarty HallGainesvilleFL32611–000192,037.00
    West Palm Beach Housing Authority3700 Georgia AvenueWest Palm BeachFL3340531,080.00
    Albany, City of230 S Jackson St., Ste. 315AlbanyGA31701–287222,674.00
    Appalachian Housing and Redevelopment CorporationP.O. Box 1428RomeGA30165–271425,616.00
    Georgia Housing and Finance Authority60 Executive Park South, NEAtlantaGA30329–22961,233,672.00
    Operation of Hope, Inc191 Peachtree St NE, Suite 3840AtlantaGA30303–1740417,550.00
    Refugee Family Assistance Program5405 Memorial Drive, Suite 101Stone MountainGA30083–323415,466.00
    Legal Aid Society of Hawaii924 Bethel StreetHonoluluHI96813–430427,247.00
    Center for Siouxland715 Douglas StSioux CityIA51101–102133,205.00
    Eastern Iowa Regional Housing Corp7600 Commerce ParkDubuqueIA52002–967317,732.00
    Home Opportunities Made Easy, Inc1618 6th AveDes MoinesIA50314–330136,558.00
    Horizons, A Family Service Alliance819 5th St SECedar RapidsIA52401–212839,809.00
    Muscatine, City of215 Sycamore StMuscatineIA52761–383917,879.00
    Idaho Housing and Finance AssociationP.O. Box 7899BoiseID83702–7675457,323.00
    Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Northern Illinois, Inc13707 W Jackson StWoodstockIL60098–318855,194.00
    Housing Action Illinois67 E Madison Street, Suite 1603ChicagoIL60603–30141,508,076.00
    Macoupin County Housing AuthorityP.O. Box 226CarlinvilleIL62626–100322,659.00
    Smart Women/Smart Money Educational Foundation3510 W Franklin BlvdChicagoIL60624–131628,676.00
    Will County Center for Community Concerns, Inc2455 Glenwood AveJolietIL60435–546431,234.00
    Affordable Housing Corp812 S Washington StMarionIN46953–196746,127.00
    Bloomington, City ofP.O. Box 100BloomingtonIN47404–372915,000.00
    Hoosier Uplands Economic Development Corporation500 W Main StMitchellIN47446–141130,249.00
    Lincoln Hills Development CorporationP.O. Box 336Tell CityIN47586–220721,000.00
    Campbellsville Housing & Redevelopment Authority400 Ingram AveCampbellsvilleKY42718–162716,746.00
    Housing Assistance and Development Services, IncP.O. Box 9637Bowling GreenKY42101–340328,843.00
    KCEOC Community Action Partnership, IncP.O. Box 490BarbourvilleKY40734–658221,674.00
    Kentucky Housing Corporation1231 Louisville RdFrankfortKY40601–6156178,171.00
    Live Dream Development Inc247 Double Springs RdBowling GreenKY42101–51607,039.00
    Louisiana Housing Corporation2415 Quail DriveBaton RougeLA70808–0120467,281.00
    Catholic Social Services F River1600 Bay StFall RiverMA02724–121633,205.00
    Citizens' Housing and Planning Association, IncOne Beacon Street 5th FloorBostonMA02108–2305683,898.00
    Neighborhood Stabilization Corporation (NACA Counseling Subsidiary)225 Centre Street, Suite 100BostonMA02119–12983,442,516.50
    PRO Home, Inc40 Summer StTauntonMA02780–342021,379.00
    Springfield Partners for Community Action, Inc721 State Street, 2nd FloorSpringfieldMA01109–410917,437.00
    The Housing Partnership Network1 Washington Mall, 12th FlBostonMA02108–2603723,002.00
    Allegany County Human Resources Development Commission, Inc125 Virginia AvenueCumberlandMD21502–395216,746.00
    Arundel Community Development Services, Inc2666 Riva RoadAnnapolisMD21401–734534,292.00
    Centro De Apoyo Familiar—Center for Assistance Familites6801 Kenilworth AveRiverdaleMD20737–1331133,161.00
    Comprehensive Housing Assistance, Inc5809 Park Heights AveBaltimoreMD21215–393125,321.00
    Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Maryland and Delaware, Inc. (CCCSMD)6315 Hillside CtColumbiaMD21046–3228520,303.00
    Diversified Housing Development Inc8025 Liberty RdWindsor MillMD21244–296634,191.00
    Garwyn Oaks/Northwest Housing Resource Center, Inc2300 Garrison BlvdBaltimoreMD21216–233512,804.00
    Hagerstown Neighborhood Development Partnership, Inc21 E Franklin StreetHagerstownMD2174035,176.00
    Harford, County of15 S Main StBel AirMD21014–872351,024.00
    Homefree—USA8401 Corporate DrLandoverMD20785–22242,543,252.50
    Housing Initiative Partnership, Inc6525 Belcrest RoadHyattsvilleMD20782–200370,813.00
    Shore Up, Inc520 Snow Hill RdSalisburyMD21804–603161,799.00
    United Communities Against Poverty1400 Dogwood LaneCapitol HeightsMD20743–101815,466.00
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    Grand Rapids Urban League745 Eastern Ave. SEGrand RapidsMI49503–554445,000.00
    Greenpath, Inc36500 Corporate DrFarmington HillsMI48331–35532,061,270.00
    Housing Services Mid-Michigan319 S Cochran AveCharlotteMI48813–155543,751.00
    Michigan State Housing Development Authority735 E Michigan AvenueLansingMI489091,150,000.00
    Northwest Michigan Community Action Agency, Inc3963 3 Mile Rd. NTraverse CityMI49686–916445,280.00
    Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency196 Cesar E Chavez AvePontiacMI48342–109431,382.00
    Oakland, County of250 Elizabeth Lake Rd., Ste. 1900PontiacMI48341–103551,149.00
    Catholic Charities of The Diocese of Saint Cloud157 Roosevelt Rd., Ste. 200Saint CloudMN56301–548552,134.00
    Minnesota Homeownership Center1000 Payne AvenueSaint PaulMN55130–3986695,273.00
    Southern Minnesota Regional Legal Services, Inc55 5th St. E, Ste. 400Saint PaulMN55101–111845,000.00
    Community Services League of Jackson County404 N Noland RdIndependenceMO64050–305721,379.00
    Housing Options Provided for the Elderly (HOPE)7300 Dartmouth Ave., Ste. 100University CityMO63130–2904195,625.00
    Housing Education and Economic Development IncP.O. Box 11853JacksonMS39213–636040,832.00
    Mississippi Home Corporation735 Riverside DriveJacksonMS39202–1166327,890.00
    Montana Homeownership Network DBA Neighborworks Montana509 1st Ave. SGreat FallsMT59401–3604625,423.00
    Chatham County Housing AuthorityP.O. Box 571Siler CityNC27344–644317,732.00
    Housing Authority of the City of Greensboro450 N Church StGreensboroNC27401–200189,882.00
    Housing Authority of the City of High Point500 E Russell AveHigh PointNC27260–674623,498.00
    North Carolina Housing Coalition3608 University Blvd., #203DurhamNC27707–62601,212,725.00
    Statesville Housing Authority Inc110 W Allison StStatesvilleNC28677–661635,176.00
    Telamon Corporation5560 Munford RoadRaleighNC27612–2635705,489.00
    Western Piedmont Council of GovernmentsP.O. Box 9026HickoryNC28601–576644,147.00
    North Dakota Housing Finance AgencyP.O. Box 1535BismarckND58504–680377,831.00
    Blue Valley Community Action Inc620 5th StFairburyNE68352–262435,029.00
    Credit Advisors' Foundation1818 S 72nd StreetOmahaNE68124–170499,270.00
    Family Housing Advisory Services, Inc2401 Lake StOmahaNE68111–387254,398.00
    High Plains Community Development Corporation, Inc803 E 3rd StChadronNE69337–285654,943.00
    New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority32 Constitution DrBedfordNH03110–6062218,868.00
    Consumer Credit and Budget Counseling, Dba National Foundation for Debt Management299 US Rte. 9 SMarmoraNJ8223–1210154,999.00
    Garden State Consumer Credit Counseling, Inc. D/B/A/Navicore Solutions200 US Highway 9ManalapanNJ07726–3072707,839.00
    Housing & Community Development Network of New Jersey145 West Hanover StreetTrentonNJ08618–4823367,957.00
    New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance AgencyP.O. Box 18550TrentonNJ08611–1811300,000.00
    North Hudson Community Action Corporation800—31st StreetUnion CityNJ07087–242816,746.00
    Northern New Jersey, Fair Housing Council of131 Main StHackensackNJ07601–714042,766.00
    Ocean Community Economic Action Now Inc40 Washington StreetToms RiverNJ08753–766925,000.00
    Paterson Housing Authority60 Van Houten StPatersonNJ07505–102817,732.00
    Senior Citizens Community Services, Inc537 W Nicholson RdAudubonNJ08106–197038,236.00
    Nevada Partners, Inc690 W Lake Mead BlvdNorth Las VegasNV89030–401740,795.00
    Allegany County Community Opportunities and Rural Development, Inc84 Schuyler StBelmontNY14813–105136,014.00
    Greater Sheepshead Bay Development Corporation1851 Marine PkwyBrooklynNY11234–44535,407.00
    National Urban League80 Pine StNew YorkNY10005–17201,635,579.50
    Neighborhood Housing Services Inc570 South AveRochesterNY14620–133739,809.00
    New York Mortgage Coalition14 Wall Street, 20th FloorNew YorkNY10005472,720.00
    New York State Housing Finance Agency38–40 State StreetAlbanyNY12207–28371,168,070.00
    Niagara Falls Neighborhood Housing Services Inc479 16th StNiagara FallsNY14303–163637,838.00
    Pathstone Corporation400 East AvenueRochesterNY14607–1910296,025.00
    West Side Neighborhood Housing Services Inc359 Connecticut StreetBuffaloNY14213–254731,925.00
    Community Housing Solutions12114 Larchmere BlvdClevelandOH44120–113951,046.00
    County Corp130 W 2nd St., Ste. 1420DaytonOH45402–150239,809.00
    Fair Housing Resource Center1100 Mentor AvePainesvilleOH44077–183259,326.00
    Great Lakes Community Action PartnershipP.O. Box 590FremontOH43420–302122,511.00
    Working in Neighborhoods1814 Dreman AveCincinnatiOH45223–231930,249.00
    Youngstown Neighborhood Development Corporation820 Canfield RdYoungstownOH44511–234534,191.00
    Community Action Agency of Oklahoma City, and Oklahoma/Canadian Counties, Inc319 SW, 25th StOklahoma CityOK73109–592119,703.00
    Community Development Support Association, Inc114 S Independence StEnidOK7370132,911.00
    Housing Authority of The Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma207 Jim Monroe RdHugoOK74743–520252,722.00
    Housing Partners of Tulsa, Inc415 E Independence StreetTulsaOK74106–572736,833.00
    Quickcert Inc7122 S Sheridan Rd., Ste. 2TulsaOK74133–2775110,852.00
    Community Connection of Northeast Oregon Inc2802 Adams AveLa GrandeOR97850–526733,205.00
    Open Door Counseling Center34420 SW Tualatin Valley HwyHillsboroOR97123–547068,717.00
    Hispanic Association of Contractors and Enterprises167 W Allegheny AvePhiladelphiaPA19140–584673,582.00
    Intercommunity Action, Inc403 Rector StPhiladelphiaPA19128–352216,452.00
    Mon Valley Initiative303–305 E 8th AvenueHomesteadPA15120–1517703,144.00
    Nueva Esperanza, Inc4261 N 5th StPhiladelphiaPA19140–2615477,780.00
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    Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency211 North Front StreetHarrisburgPA17101–14062,385,024.00
    Providence Housing Authority100 Broad StProvidenceRI02909–430662,973.00
    Charleston Trident Urban League1064 Gardner Rd., Ste. 307CharlestonSC29407–574646,391.00
    Greenville County Human Relations Commission301 University RdGreenvilleSC29601–363647,376.00
    Southeastern Housing and Community Development986 Doyle StreetOrangeburgSC29115–608733,896.00
    South Dakota Housing Development AuthorityP.O. Box 1237PierreSD57501–5876271,411.00
    Clinchpowell Resource Conservation and Development CouncilP.O. Box 379RutledgeTN37861–300336,853.00
    Tennessee Housing Development Agency502 Deaderick StreetNashvilleTN37243–0200183,571.00
    West Tennessee Legal Services, IncorporatedP.O. Box 2066JacksonTN38301–6114627,602.00
    Austin Habitat for Humanity, Inc500 W Ben White BlvdAustinTX78704–703031,234.00
    Easter Seals of Greater Houston, Inc4888 Loop Central DrHoustonTX77081–222733,601.00
    Money Management International Inc12603 Southwest Fwy., Suite 450 MB #8StaffordTX77477–38421,629,939.00
    Waco Community Development Corporation1624 Colcord AveWacoTX76707–224633,205.00
    Community Action Services and Food Bank, Inc815 S Freedom Blvd., Suite 100ProvoUT8460138,133.00
    Utah State University6435 Old Main HillLoganUT84322–000147,817.00
    Catholic Charities USA2050 Ballenger AvenueAlexandriaVA22314–6847868,693.00
    Virginia Housing (VHDA)601 S Belvidere StreetRichmondVA23220–65041,370,841.00
    Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority3202 Demarara PlazaSt. ThomasVI00802–644766,778.00
    Bennington-Rutland Opportunity Council Inc45 Union StRutlandVT05701–395658,635.00
    Washington State Housing Finance Commission1000 2nd Avenue, Suite 2700SeattleWA98104–3601200,000.00
    Acts Housing2414 West Vliet StreetMilwaukeeWI53205–183081,799.00
    Movin' Out, Inc902 Royster Oaks Drive, Ste. 105MadisonWI53714–910143,751.00
    United Community Center, Inc1028 S 9th StreetMilwaukeeWI53204–133524,336.00
    Housing Authority of Mingo County5026 Helena AvenueDelbartonWV25670–130846,827.00
    Southern Appalachian Labor School Foundation, Inc1 Church Hill RoadKincaidWV25119–012716,452.00
    Wyoming Housing Network, Inc2345 E 2nd StCasperWY82609–204867,062.00
    End Supplemental Information

    [FR Doc. 2024–03409 Filed 2–16–24; 8:45 am]

    BILLING CODE 4210–67–P

Document Information

Housing and Urban Development Department
Entry Type:
Document Number:
12854-12864 (11 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. FR-6418-N-02
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