96-3931. Family Violence Prevention and Services Programs  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 36 (Thursday, February 22, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 6791-6793]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-3931]
    Administration for Children and Families
    45 CFR Part 1370
    RIN 0970-AB21
    Family Violence Prevention and Services Programs
    AGENCY: Administration for Children and Families (ACF), HHS.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: This final rule establishes requirements for sections 303, 
    308, 311, and 314 of the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act, 
    as amended, and provides States, Indian tribes and other grantees with 
    information on grants available under these sections of the statute.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: March 25, 1996.
    ADDRESSES: Administration for Children and Families, Office of 
    Community Services, Fifth Floor, 370 L'Enfant Promenade, SW., 
    Washington, DC 20447.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: William D. Riley, (202) 401-5529.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Sections 311(h) and 312(a) of the Family 
    Violence Prevention and Services Act, as amended, require the Secretary 
    to publish regulations implementing sections 303, 308, 311, and 314, of 
    the Act. These final regulations address this requirement.
    Program Description
        The Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (the Act) 
    authorizes formula and discretionary grant programs which fund a range 
    of activities designed to both prevent family violence and provide 
    services to victims of family violence. Enacted as title III of the 
    Child Abuse Amendments of 1984, the Act was amended and reauthorized by 
    Public Law 102-295, the Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, Adoption, and 
    Family Services Act of 1992. The Act was further amended by Public Law 
    103-322, the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, 
    also known as the ``Crime Bill''.
        Under section 303 of the Act, funds are awarded as formula grants 
    to States and Indian tribes and tribal organizations to assist in 
    supporting activities to prevent incidents of family violence and to 
    provide immediate shelter and related assistance for victims of family 
    violence and their dependents. These grants have supplemented many 
    already established community-based family violence prevention and 
    service activities. They also have allowed States and tribes to expand 
    current service programs and establish additional new shelters in rural 
    and underserved areas, on reservations, and in Alaskan Native Villages 
    and Regional Corporation Areas. In most areas, there is private sector 
    as well as State and local funding for these emergency shelters.
        Under section 311 of the Act, added by the 1992 amendments, formula 
    grants are available to private non-profit State domestic violence 
    coalitions to conduct domestic violence intervention and prevention 
    activities and to increase public awareness of domestic violence 
    issues. Grant funds support training and technical assistance 
    activities as well as public education services.
        The 1992 amendments also added a new section 308 to the Act which 
    requires the Secretary to establish and maintain a national resource 
    center for family violence prevention and services and up to six 
    special issue resource centers. The Crime Bill increased the allowed 
    number of special issue resource centers to seven. The purpose of the 
    national resource center and the special issue resource centers is to 
    offer resource, policy, and technical assistance and training 
    assistance to Federal, State, and local government agencies, to 
    domestic violence service providers, and to other professionals and 
    interested parties on issues pertaining to domestic violence.
        Currently, the national resource center maintains a central 
    resource library to collect and disseminate information relating to the 
    incidence and prevention of family violence and the provision of 
    immediate shelter and related assistance. The special interest resource 
    centers provide a specialization, on a nationwide basis, in at least 
    one area of domestic violence service, prevention, or law.
        Discretionary grants also are awarded under section 314 of the Act 
    to public and private non-profit agencies, including Indian tribes and 
    tribal organizations to assist in the development of public information 
    and community awareness campaign activities that will serve as 
    information models for the prevention of family violence.
    Approach to Writing the Final Rule
        A notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) was published in the Federal 
    Register on December 10, 1993 (58 FR 64920). Two letters containing 
    comments were received in response to the NPRM. Later in the preamble, 
    we summarize the comments and respond to them. No changes have been 
    made to the regulation in response to comments received.
        In February of 1995, the President announced a Regulatory 
    Reinvention Initiative as part of the National Performance Review, 
    calling for more immediate, comprehensive regulatory reform. As part of 
    this initiative, he directed all agencies to undertake an exhaustive 
    review of all regulations--with an eye toward eliminating or modifying 
    those that are obsolete or which are otherwise in need of reform. With 
    this in mind, we reexamined the language in the NPRM to see whether the 
    final regulation could achieve the same objectives in a simpler, more 
    consistent, and more flexible manner.
        The NPRM generally did not reiterate the statute or list all 
    applicable regulations. Rather, it stated broadly that grantees must 
    meet the statutory requirements of the Act as well as all applicable 
    regulations, and it referenced the pertinent program funding 
    announcements in each of the four sections of the proposed rule. The 
    program funding announcements, which are published in the Federal 
    Register, describe the relevant statutory and regulatory requirements, 
    as well as 
    [[Page 6792]]
    information about funding availability and the grant application 
        The final rule retains the approach outlined in the NPRM while 
    removing several unnecessary paragraphs to improve regulatory 
    flexibility and consistency. The NPRM listed financial and program 
    reporting requirements for grantees under paragraphs (b) and (c) of 
    section 1370.2, paragraphs (b) and (c) of section 1370.3, paragraphs 
    (b) and (c) of section 1370.4, and paragraphs (b) and (c) of section 
    1370.5. After careful reexamination, we have removed these paragraphs 
    from the NPRM. Also, we have added clarifying language in sections 
    1370.2, 1370.3, 1370.4, and 1370.5 of the final rule which makes clear 
    that all applicable reporting requirements are to be found in the 
    program funding announcements.
        For similar reasons, we have removed paragraphs (d) and (e) of 
    Sec. 1370.2 of the NPRM to be consistent with the way in which the 
    final rule treats other statutory requirements. Paragraphs (d) and (e), 
    which concern State and Indian Tribal formula grants, spelled out 
    certain statutorily-related provisions concerning confidentiality of 
    records and tribal authorization requirements. Because they are 
    described in the funding announcement for the State and Indian Tribal 
    formula grant program, they do not need to be repeated in the 
    regulatory text. We have added clarifying language that applicable 
    statutory requirements are described in the program funding 
        No other changes have been made to the notice of proposed 
    Discussion of Part 1370--Family Violence Prevention and Services 
    Purpose (Sec. 1370.1)
        This section states that sections 303, 308, 311, and 314 of the 
    Family Violence Prevention and Services Act are addressed in 45 CFR 
    Part 1370 and states that all programs authorized under the Act are 
    funded subject to the availability of funds.
    State and Indian Tribal Grants (Sec. 1370.2)
        This section establishes requirements for formula grants to States 
    and Indian tribes and tribal organizations under section 303 of the 
    Information and Technical Assistance Center Grants (Sec. 1370.3)
        This section establishes requirements to support a national 
    resource center and up to seven special issue resource centers under 
    section 308 of the Act.
    State Domestic Violence Coalition Grants (Sec. 1370.4)
        This section establishes requirements for formula grants to State 
    domestic violence coalitions under section 311 of the Act.
    Public Information Campaign Grants (Sec. 1370.5)
        This section establishes requirements to fund discretionary grants 
    for public information campaigns under section 314 of the Act.
    Discussion of Comments Received
        Two letters containing comments were received in response to the 
    notice of proposed rulemaking published in the Federal Register on 
    December 10, 1993. One commenter represented a State program and the 
    other represented a national association.
        The comments are summarized below and are followed by the 
    Department's response.
        Comment: One commenter, representing a State program, concurred 
    with the rules and procedures proposed in the NPRM. The commenter also 
    stressed the need for State and Indian tribal grantees to have an 
    active, collaborative relationship with recipients of grants under 
    those sections of the Act covered by the regulation and recommended 
    that the Federal government establish guidelines for such 
        Response: We agree with the commenter about the importance of 
    collaboration among grantees, other governmental agencies, 
    organizations, and individuals involved in family violence prevention 
    and service activities. Currently, recipients of the State Domestic 
    Violence Coalition grants participate with the State family violence 
    grantees in monitoring and compliance activities. In addition, the 
    national resource center and the three special issue resource centers 
    we have funded have formed collaborative and participatory 
    relationships not only with State and tribal grantees but with other 
    organizations, scholars, practitioners, and individuals in the areas of 
    domestic violence prevention and services. We believe that, rather than 
    enacting a single set of Federal guidelines for collaboration, it is 
    preferable to retain the option of promoting collaboration through a 
    variety of methods which can be periodically reviewed and easily 
    refined or augmented where necessary.
        Comment: A commenter from a national association noted that family 
    violence programs have the potential to offer needed services, 
    information and support to older persons who are the victims of 
    violence occurring in the context of family relationships. The 
    commenter encouraged the Department of Health and Human Services to 
    obtain information from grantees concerning the extent to which older 
    people are served through the programs and to seek information about 
    good practices regarding services to older victims and prevention 
    activities targeted to older persons.
        Response: Recipients of State and Indian tribal formula grants are 
    asked to submit annual program activity reports which contain, among 
    other things, a description of the characteristics and demographics of 
    the persons served by service or activity. The reports also describe 
    the major activities supported by the Family Violence Prevention and 
    Services Act funds and the specific priorities addressed by the State, 
    tribe or tribal organization as well as describing the prevention 
    activities supported during the program year. We expect the annual 
    reports to provide information on the numbers of elderly served and on 
    the types of activities and services which affect this population. In 
    addition, the Administration on Aging, in cooperation with the 
    Administration for Children and Families, in the Department of Health 
    and Human Services is currently funding a study of elder abuse in 
    domestic settings. The study is being carried out by the National 
    Center on Elder Abuse.
    Regulatory Procedures
    Executive Order 12866
        Executive Order 12866 requires that regulations be reviewed to 
    ensure that they are consistent with the priorities and principles set 
    forth in the Executive Order. The Department has determined that this 
    rule is consistent with these priorities and principles. No costs are 
    associated with this rule.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act (Pub. L. 96-354) requires the 
    Federal government to anticipate and reduce the impact of regulations 
    and paperwork requirements on small entities. The primary impact of 
    these rules is on State governments, non-profit organizations and 
    individuals. We certify that these rules will not have a significant 
    impact on a substantial number of small entities because they simply 
    establish procedures for grant applications and include no standards or 
    requirements which would burden small entities. Thus, a regulatory 
    flexibility analysis is not required. 
    [[Page 6793]]
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        The regulation contains no information collection requirements 
    which are subject to review and approval by OMB under the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).
    List of Subjects in 45 CFR Part 1370
        Aged, Child welfare, Grant programs--Social programs, Domestic 
    violence, Family violence, Spouse abuse, Elder abuse and neglect.
    (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Programs: 93.671, Family 
    Violence Prevention and Services Program)
        Dated: January 31, 1996.
    Mary Jo Bane,
    Assistant Secretary for Children and Families.
        For the reasons set forth in the preamble, Title 45, Chapter XIII, 
    of the Code of Federal Regulations is amended by adding a new 
    subchapter H consisting of part 1370 to read as follows:
    1370.1  Purpose.
    1370.2  State and Indian tribal grants.
    1370.3  Information and technical assistance center grants.
    1370.4  State domestic violence coalition grants.
    1370.5  Public information campaign grants.
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 10401 et seq.
    Sec. 1370.1   Purpose.
        This part addresses sections 303, 308, 311, and 314 of the Family 
    Violence Prevention and Services Act (the Act), as amended (42 U.S.C. 
    10401 et seq.). The Act authorizes the Secretary to implement programs 
    for the purposes of increasing public awareness about and preventing 
    family violence; providing immediate shelter and related assistance for 
    victims of family violence and their dependents; and providing for 
    technical assistance and training relating to family violence programs 
    to States, tribes, local public agencies (including law enforcement 
    agencies, courts, legal, social service, and health care 
    professionals), non-profit private organizations and other persons 
    seeking such assistance. All programs authorized under the Act are 
    funded subject to the availability of funds.
    Sec. 1370.2   State and Indian tribal grants.
        Each grantee awarded funds under section 303 of the Act must meet 
    the statutory requirements of the Act and all applicable regulations. 
    An announcement which describes the application process, including 
    information on statutory requirements, other applicable regulations, 
    and any required financial and program reports, is published in the 
    Federal Register.
    Sec. 1370.3   Information and technical assistance center grants.
        Each grantee awarded funds under section 308 of the Act must meet 
    the statutory requirements of the Act and all applicable regulations. 
    An announcement which describes the application process, including 
    information on statutory requirements, other applicable regulations, 
    and any required financial and program reports, is published in the 
    Federal Register.
    Sec. 1370.4   State domestic violence coalition grants.
        Each grantee awarded funds under section 311 of the Act must meet 
    the statutory requirements of the Act and all applicable regulations. 
    An announcement which describes the application process, including 
    information on statutory requirements, other applicable regulations, 
    and any required financial and program reports, is published in the 
    Federal Register.
    Sec. 1370.5   Public information campaign grants.
        Each grantee awarded funds under section 314 of the Act must meet 
    the statutory requirements of the Act and all applicable regulations. 
    An announcement which describes the application process, including 
    information on statutory requirements, other applicable regulations, 
    and any required financial and program reports, is published in the 
    Federal Register.
    [FR Doc. 96-3931 Filed 2-21-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4184-01-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Children and Families Administration
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
March 25, 1996.
6791-6793 (3 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (5)
45 CFR 1370.1
45 CFR 1370.2
45 CFR 1370.3
45 CFR 1370.4
45 CFR 1370.5