[Federal Register Volume 60, Number 37 (Friday, February 24, 1995)]
[Pages 10446-10449]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 95-4450]
[[Page 10445]]
Part IV
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and
HOPE for Homeownership of Single Family Homes Program (HOPE 3), Funding
Availability; Notice
Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 37 / Friday, February 24, 1995 /
[[Page 10446]]
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and
[Docket No. N-95-3888; FR-3886-N-01]
HOPE for Homeownership of Single Family Homes Program (HOPE 3);
Notice of Fund Availability
AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and
Development, HUD.
ACTION: Notice of fund availability.
SUMMARY: This NOFA announces the availability of approximately $22
million in funding for implementation grants for the HOPE for
Homeownership of Single Family Homes Program (HOPE 3). The Notice
contains information concerning eligible applicants, funding available
for implementation grants, and application requirements and procedures.
The NOFA is issued under the final rule for the HOPE 3 Program
published July 7, 1993 (58 FR 36518) and codified at 24 CFR part 572.
The rule contains detailed programmatic information and the
requirements for the HOPE 3 program. Applicants are advised to consult
the regulation in order to prepare an application in compliance with
the requirements of the final rule, many of which are not repeated in
this NOFA. Failure to follow the rule will result in applications being
rejected by HUD.
DATES: Applications for implementation grants for the HOPE 3 program
must be physically received in the appropriate HUD Field Office by 4:30
p.m. local time on April 25, 1995. Applications may be hand delivered
to the appropriate HUD Field Office no later than 4:30 p.m. local time
on the deadline date. It is not sufficient for an application to bear a
postmark within the deadline. Applications sent by facsimile (FAX) will
not be accepted. HUD will not waive this deadline for actual submission
for any reason. The application deadline is firm as to date and hour.
In the interest of fairness to all competing applicants, the Department
will treat as ineligible for consideration any application that is
received after the deadline. Applicants should take this policy into
account and consider early submission to avoid any risk of loss of
eligibility brought about by any unanticipated or delivery-related
ADDRESSES: An original and two copies of the completed application must
be submitted to the HUD Field Office having jurisdiction over the
locality or areas in which the proposed program is located.
Applications should be addressed to the attention of: Director,
Community Planning and Development Division. A list of HUD Field
Offices appears at the end of this NOFA. Applicants must submit their
applications to the CPD Division in the correct Field Office, including
applicants in States with more than one Field Office. For applications
submitted by Indian tribes and IHAs, the correct Field Office is the
CPD Division in the office listed at the end of the NOFA with
jurisdiction over the geographic area covered by the application.
Indian tribes and IHAs should not submit their applications to the
Office of Native American Programs. Applicants should contact their
local office to confirm the appropriate place for submission. Failure
to submit an application to the correct Field Office in accordance with
the above procedures will result in disqualification of the
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Clifford Taffet, Office of Affordable
Housing Programs, Department of Housing and Urban Development, room
7168, 451 Seventh Street SW, Washington, DC 20410; telephone (202) 708-
3226; (TDD (202) 708-2565). (These are not toll-free numbers.)
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement
The information collection requirements contained in this NOFA have
been submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, and have been assigned OMB control
number 2506-0128.
I. Purpose and Substantive Description
A. Authority
The funding made available under this NOFA is authorized by title
IV of the National Affordable Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 12891-12898),
which created the HOPE 3 Program. The final rule for the program,
published in the Federal Register on July 7, 1993, is codified at 24
CFR part 572. If there is any conflict between this NOFA and the
regulation, the regulation shall be controlling. HUD may also issue
additional issuances containing more detailed policy with respect to
various aspects of the program, application processing instructions for
Field Offices, operation of the Cash and Management Information System,
obtaining environmental clearance, and similar matters, which shall be
subject to the regulations and will be available to the public upon
request to the applicable Field Office.
B. Allocation Amounts
The purpose of this NOFA is to announce the availability of
approximately $22 million in funds for implementation grants,
appropriated by the HUD Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 1995 (Pub.
L. 103-327, approved September 28, 1994). The amount made available for
implementation grants has been allocated to each of the 10 HUD
geographical areas (formerly Regions) by a formula described in the
final rule (24 CFR 572.210(b)). However, no former Region has been
allocated less than $1.0 million in order to ensure that national
geographic diversity is maintained. The formula results in the
following allocations based upon 1993 data. Should more recent data
become available during the application solicitation period, revised
allocations will be published in the Federal Register. (The numbered
geographical areas correspond to the number of the former HUD Region;
e.g, 1=former Region I).
1. $1,018,000
2. $1,934,000
3. $1,989,000
4. $4,311,000
5. $3,171,000
6. $3,084,000
7. $1,000,000
8. $1,000,000
9. $3,493,000
10. $1,000,000
C. Reallocation of Funds
If funds remain after HUD has approved all approvable
implementation grant applications in a HUD geographical area (formerly
Region) or if any funds become available due to deobligation of grant
amounts, the remaining amounts from each former Region may be combined
and HUD may use them in accordance with Sec. 572.310(f) of the
D. Implementation Grant Cap
1. For FY 1995, the maximum total grant amount for a single
application is $1.0 million. A single applicant may apply for more than
one implementation grant, but HUD will not approve grants for any one
applicant that total more than $1.0 million.
2. Applicants should refer to 24 CFR 572.210(c) for overall
limitations on implementation grants.
E. Eligible Applicants
An eligible applicant is a private nonprofit organization; a
cooperative association; or a public body (including a PHA, an IHA,
Indian tribe or an agency or instrumentality of a public
[[Page 10447]] body) in cooperation with a private nonprofit
organization, all as further defined in the regulations.
II. Implementation Grant Applications
A. Application Process
Application packages for implementation grants, including SF 424,
other forms, and instructions for preparing applications, are available
from HUD's Processing and Control Unit (PCU). Applicants should FAX
their written requests for an application to the PCU at (202) 708-3363.
The request should include the name and address of the applicant, the
name of the competition (HOPE 3), and the Federal Register number of
this NOFA. Only timely applications received in the appropriate Field
Office will be considered for funding. Applications (original and two
copies) must be physically received no later than 4:30 p.m. on the
deadline (see Dates at the beginning of this NOFA) at the appropriate
HUD Field Office, Attention: Director, Community Planning and
Development Division. It is not sufficient for an application to bear a
postmark within the deadline. Applications sent by facsimile (FAX) will
not be accepted.
B. Application Submission Requirements
Complete application submission requirements are contained in the
application package. All potential applicants are urged to contact
their HUD Field Office for information and guidance from HUD about
program requirements and for the time and place of any workshops or
training sessions to be held within the Field Office's jurisdiction. If
an application is being submitted by an organization that is a current
HOPE 3 grant recipient, the applicant may submit information from the
previous year's application as long as the information is still current
and accurate.
C. Consolidated Plan/Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy
On January 5, 1995, the final consolidated plan regulation (to be
codified in 24 CFR part 91) was published. The consolidated plan
combines into a single plan the requirements of the comprehensive
housing affordability strategy, the community development plan required
for the Community Development Block Grant program, and the submission
requirements for the Community Development Block Grant, HOME, Emergency
Shelter Grant, and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS formula
programs. Changes to the HOPE 3 program regulations to substitute
``consolidated plan'' for ``comprehensive housing affordability
strategy'' will be published shortly.
As provided in Sec. 572.400, the application must contain a
certification from the State or local government that the proposed
activities are consistent with the HUD-approved comprehensive housing
affordability strategy of the applicable state or local government.
During FY 1995, jurisdictions will be making the transition from the
comprehensive housing affordability strategies to the consolidated
plans. If the jurisdiction has an approved consolidated plan, the
certification of consistency must be made with respect to the
consolidated plan. If the jurisdiction still has a comprehensive
housing affordability strategy in effect, the certification of
consistency must be made with respect to the comprehensive housing
affordability strategy. The requirements in Sec. 572.400 regarding the
various types of applicants and the timing for submission of the
certification of consistency remain in effect.
D. Selection Process
The selection process for implementation grants under the HOPE 3
Program consists of a screening review, and then, for those
applications meeting all screening requirements, rating and ranking
under substantive rating criteria. Rating and ranking will only occur
if there are more applications that meet screening requirements than
funds available in that former Region.
E. Screening Process/Corrections to Deficient Applications
(1) HUD will screen each application submitted on or before the
deadline to determine if it is complete, is internally consistent,
contains correct computations, and complies will all requirements of
this NOFA and the regulation. In addition, HUD will determine whether
there appear to be a sufficient number of suitable, available
properties in the general locations identified in the application for
the proposed activities. For this purpose, at least ten suitable units
in eligible properties must be currently available or have been
available in the 12-month period prior to application submission. Where
HUD determines that an application as initially submitted is
fundamentally incomplete or would require substantial revisions, it
will not consider the application further.
(2) Where HUD determines an application is deficient in one or more
of the areas in paragraph (E)(1) of this section but is not
fundamentally incomplete and does not require substantial revisions, it
will notify the applicant in writing and give it an opportunity to
correct the technical deficiencies in its application. HUD will not
notify the applicant of any deficiencies that relate solely to the
rating of the application.
(3) The notification will require the applicant to submit
additional or corrected material so that it is received in the
appropriate HUD Field Office no later than 4:30 p.m. local time on the
14th calendar day after the date of the written notification to the
applicant giving it an opportunity to modify its application. HUD may
not extend this deadline for actual receipt of the material for any
reason. After review of all additional or corrected materials, HUD will
not consider further any applications that do not comply with the
requirements of the NOFA and the regulation.
F. Rating Criteria
All applications meeting screening requirements will be selected
for funding if sufficient funds are available within the allocation to
each HUD geographical area (formerly Region). If there are more
applications that meet screening requirements than funds available in
that former Region, all applications meeting the screening requirements
will be rated and ranked, using the following substantive rating
1. Capability of the Applicant--up to 25 points.
2. Demonstrated Public/Private Support--up to 20 points.
3. Quality of Program Design--up to 30 points.
4. Efficiency--up to 10 points.
5. Inventory--up to 5 points.
6. Minority Business Enterprise/Women-owned Business Enterprise--up
to 5 points.
7. Fair Housing Choice--up to 5 points.
Further description of the rating of applications and of the
factors considered under each rating criterion may be found in
Sec. 572.320 of the final rule.
G. Ranking and Selection
After assigning points under the selection criteria, HUD will rank
applications within the former Regions. HUD shall examine the rankings
and, where it determines that applications falling below a certain
point total are not suitable or not feasible for homeownership, it may
establish a minimum number of points for [[Page 10448]] applications to
qualify to be selected for funding.
HUD shall select for funding in rank order all fundable
applications. Further description of the procedure for selection is
contained in Sec. 572.310 of the regulation.
III. Other Matters
Environmental Impact
A Finding of No Significant Impact with respect to the environment
has been made for the program regulations in accordance with HUD
regulations at 24 CFR part 50, which implements section 102(2)(C) of
the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. The Finding is available
for public inspection between 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. weekdays in the
Office of the Rules Docket Clerk, Office of the General Counsel,
Department of Housing and Urban Development, room 10276, 451 Seventh
Street, SW, Washington, DC 20410.
Federalism Executive Order
The General Counsel, as the Designated Official for HUD under
section 6(a) of Executive Order 12612, Federalism, has determined that
the provisions in this NOFA are closely based on statutory requirements
and impose no significant additional burdens on States or other public
bodies. This NOFA does not affect the relationship between the Federal
Government and the States and other public bodies or the distribution
of power and responsibilities among various levels of government.
Therefore, the policy is not subject to review under Executive Order
Family Executive Order
The General Counsel, as the Designated Official under Executive
Order 12606, The Family, has also determined that some of the policies
in this NOFA will have a potential significant impact on the formation,
maintenance, and general well-being of the family. Achievement of
homeownership by low-income families in the program can be expected to
support family values, by helping families achieve security and
independence; by enabling them to live in decent, safe and sanitary
housing; and by giving them the skills and means to live independently
in mainstream American society. Since the impact on the family is
beneficial, no further review is necessary.
Section 102 of the HUD Reform Act--Accountability in the Provision of
HUD Assistance
HUD will ensure that documentation and other information regarding
each application submitted pursuant to this NOFA are sufficient to
indicate the basis upon which assistance was provided or denied. This
material, including any letters of support, will be made available for
public inspection for a five-year period beginning not less than 30
days after the award of the assistance. Material will be made available
in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act ( 5 U.S.C. 552) in
HUD's implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 15. In addition, HUD
publish a Federal Register notice of all recipients awarded assistance
under this NOFA. (See 24 CFR part 12 for further information on these
documentation and public access requirements.)
Section 103 of the HUD Reform Act--Prohibition against Advance
Information on Funding Decisions
Section 103 of the Housing and Urban Development Reform Act of 1989
(HUD Reform Act) proscribes the communication of certain information by
HUD employees to persons not authorized to receive that information
during the selection process for the award of assistance. HUD's
regulations implementing section 103 are at 24 CFR part 4. In
accordance with the requirements of section 103, HUD employees involved
in the review of applications and in the making of funding decisions
are restrained by 24 CFR part 4 from providing advance information to
any person (other than an authorized employee of HUD) concerning
funding decisions, or from otherwise giving any applicant an unfair
competitive advantage. Persons who apply for assistance in this
competition should confine their inquiries to the subject areas
permitted by 24 CFR part 4. Applicants who have questions should
contact the HUD Office of Ethics at the address or telephone number in
the following paragraph.
Section 112 of the HUD Reform Act
Section 112 of the HUD Reform Act added a new section 13 to the
Department of Housing and Urban Development Act (42 U.S.C. 3531).
Section 13 contains two provisions concerning efforts to influence
HUD's decisions with respect to financial assistance. The first imposes
disclosure requirements on those who are typically involved in these
efforts--those who pay others to influence this award or assistance or
the taking of a management action by the Department and those who are
paid to provide the influence. The second restricts the payment of fees
to those who are paid to influence the award of HUD assistance, if the
fees are tied to the number of housing units received or are based on
the amount of assistance received, or if they are contingent upon the
receipt of assistance. Section 13 was implemented at 24 CFR part 86.
Appendix A of the rule contains example of activities covered by the
rule. Any questions concerning the rule should be directed to the
Office of Ethics, room 2158, Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410; (202) 708-
3815 TDD/Voice. (This is not a toll-free number.) Forms necessary for
compliance with the rule may be obtained from the local HUD office.
Prohibition Against Lobbying Activities
The use of funds awarded under this NOFA is subject to the
disclosure requirements and prohibitions of section 319 of the
Department of Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for
Fiscal Year 1990 (31 U.S.C. 1352) (``Byrd Amendment'') and the
implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 87. These authorities prohibit
recipients of federal contracts, grants, or loans from using
appropriated funds for lobbying the Executive or Legislative branches
of the federal government in connection with a specific contract,
grant, or loan. The prohibition also covers the awarding of contracts,
grants, cooperative agreements, or loans unless the recipient has made
an acceptable certification regarding lobbying. Under 24 CFR part 87,
applicants, recipients, and subrecipients of assistance exceeding
$100,000 must certify that no federal funds have been or will be spent
on lobbying activities in connection with the assistance.
Indian Housing Authorities (IHAs) established by an Indian tribe as
a result of the exercise of the tribe's sovereign power are excluded
from coverage of the Byrd Amendment, but IHAs established under State
law are not excluded from the statute's coverage.
Dated: February 17, 1995.
Kenneth C. Williams,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Grant Programs.
Appendix: List of HUD Field Offices
Telephone numbers for Telecommunications Devices for the Deaf
(TDD machines) are listed for field offices; all HUD numbers,
including those noted *, may be reached via TDD by dialing the
Federal Information Relay Service on 1-800-877- [[Page 10449]] TDDY
or (1-800-877-8339) or (202) 708-9300.
Alabama--John D. Harmon, Beacon Ridge Tower, 600 Beacon Pkwy. West,
Suite 300, Birmingham, AL 35209-3144; (205) 290-7645; TDD (205) 290-
Alaska--Dean Zinck, 949 E. 36th Avenue, Suite 401, Anchorage, AK
99508-4399; (907) 271-3669; TDD (907) 271-4328.
Arizona--Lou Kislin, 400 N. 5th St., Suite 1600, Arizona Center,
Phoenix AZ 85004; (602) 379-4754; TDD (602) 379-4461.
Arkansas--Billy M. Parsley, TCBY Tower, 425 West Capitol Ave., Suite
900, Little Rock, AR 72201-3488; (501) 324-6375; TDD (501) 324-5931.
California--(Southern) Herbert L. Roberts, 1615 W. Olympic Blvd.,
Los Angeles, CA 90015-3801; (213) 251-7235; TDD (213) 251-7038.
(Northern) Steve Sachs, 450 Golden Gate Ave., P.O. Box 36003,
San Francisco, CA 94102-3448; (415) 556-5576; TDD (415) 556-8357.
Colorado--Sharon Jewell, First Interstate Tower North, 633 17th St.,
Denver, CO 80202-3607; (303) 672-5414; TDD (303) 672-5248.
Connecticut--Daniel Kolesar, 330 Main St., Hartford, CT 06106-1860;
(203) 240-4508; TDD (203) 240-4522.
Delaware--John Kane, Liberty Sq. Bldg., 105 S. 7th St.,
Philadelphia, PA 19106-3392; (215) 597-2665; TDD (215) 597-5564.
District of Columbia--James H. McDaniel, 820 First St.,
NE,Washington, DC (and MD and VA suburbs) 20002; (202) 275-0994; TDD
(202) 275-0772.
Florida--James N. Nichol, 301 West Bay St., Suite 2200,
Jacksonville, FL 32202-5121; (904) 232-3587; TDD (904) 791-1241.
Georgia--John Perry, Russell Fed. Bldg., Room 688, 75 Spring St.,
SW, Atlanta, GA 30303-3388; (404) 331-5139; TDD (404) 730-2654.
Hawaii (and Pacific)--Patti A. Nicholas, 7 Waterfront Plaza, Suite
500, 500 Ala Moana Blvd., Honolulu, HI 96813-4918; (808) 522-8180;
TDD (808) 541-1356.
Idaho--John G. Bonham, 520 SW 6th Ave., Portland, OR 97204-1596
(503) 326-7018; TDD * via 1-800-877-8339.
Illinois--Jim Barnes, 77 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, IL 60604-3507;
(312) 353-1696; TDD (312) 353-7143.
Indiana--Robert F. Poffenberger, 151 N. Delaware St., Indianapolis,
IN 46204-2526; (317) 226-5169; TDD * via 1-800-877-8339.
Iowa--Gregory A. Bevirt, Executive Tower Centre, 10909 Mill Valley
Road, Omaha, NE 68154-3955; (402) 492-3144; TDD (402) 492-3183.
Kansas--William Rotert, Gateway Towers 2, 400 State Ave., Kansas
City, KS 66101-2406; (913) 551-5484; TDD (913) 551-6972.
Kentucky--Ben Cook, P.O. Box 1044, 601 W. Broadway, Louisville, KY
40201-1044; (502) 582-5394; TDD (502) 582-5139.
Louisiana--Greg Hamilton, P.O. Box 70288, 1661 Canal St., New
Orleans, LA 70112-2887; (504) 589-7212; TDD (504) 589-7237.
Maine--David Lafond, Norris Cotton Fed. Bldg., 275 Chestnut St.,
Manchester, NH 03101-2487; (603) 666-7640; TDD (603) 666-7518.
Maryland--Harold Young, 10 South Howard Street, 5th Floor,
Baltimore, MD 21202-0000; (410) 962-2520x3116; TDD (410) 962-0106.
Massachusetts--Frank Del Vecchio, Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr., Fed.
Bldg., 10 Causeway St., Boston, MA 02222-1092; (617) 565-5342; TDD
(617) 565-5453.
Michigan--Richard Paul, Patrick McNamara Bldg., 477 Michigan Ave.,
Detroit, MI 48226-2592; (313) 226-4343; TDD * via 1-800-877-8339.
Minnesota--Shawn Huckleby, 220 2nd St. South, Minneapolis, MN 55401-
2195; (612) 370-3019; TDD (612) 370-3186.
Mississippi--Jeanie E. Smith, Dr. A. H. McCoy Fed. Bldg., 100 W.
Capitol St., Room 910, Jackson, MS 39269-1096; (601) 965-4765; TDD
(601) 965-4171.
Missouri--(Eastern) David H. Long, 1222 Spruce St., St. Louis, MO
63103-2836; (314) 539-6524; TDD (314) 539-6331.
(Western) William Rotert, Gateway Towers 2, 400 State Ave.,
Kansas City, KS 66101-2406; (913) 551-54843; TDD (913) 551-6972.
Montana--Sharon Jewell, First Interstate Tower North, 633 17th St.,
Denver, CO 80202-3607; (303) 672-5414; TDD (303) 672-5248.
Nebraska--Gregory A. Bevirt, Executive Tower Centre, 10909 Mill
Valley Road, Omaha, NE 68154-3955; (402) 492-3144; TDD (402) 492-
Nevada--(Las Vegas, Clark Cnty) Lou Kislin, 400 N. 5th St., Suite
1600, 2 Arizona Center, Phoenix, AZ 85004; (602) 379-4754; TDD (602)
(Remainder of State) Steve Sachs, 450 Golden Gate Ave., P.O. Box
36003, San Francisco, CA 94102-3448; (415) 556-5576; TDD (415) 556-
New Hampshire--David Lafond, Norris Cotton Fed. Bldg., 275 Chestnut
St., Manchester, NH 03101-2487; (603) 666-7640; TDD (603) 666-7518.
New Jersey--Frank Sagarese, 1 Newark Center, Newark, NJ 07102; (201)
622-7900; TDD (201) 645-3298.
New Mexico--Katie Worsham, 1600 Throckmorton, P.O. Box 2905, Fort
Worth, TX 76113-2905; (817) 885-5483; TDD (817) 885-5447.
New York--(Upstate) Michael F. Merrill, Lafayette Ct., 465 Main St.,
Buffalo, NY 14203-1780; (716) 846-5768; TDD * via 1-800-877-8339.
(Downstate) Jack Johnson, 26 Federal Plaza, New York, NY 10278-
0068; (212) 264-2885; TDD (212) 264-0927.
North Carolina--Charles T. Ferebee, Koger Building, 2306 West
Meadowview Road, Greensboro, NC 27407; (910) 547-4005; TDD (910)
North Dakota--Sharon Jewell, First Interstate Tower North, 633 17th
St., Denver, CO 80202-3607; (303) 672-5414; TDD (303) 672-5248.
Ohio--Jack E. Riordan, 200 North High St., Columbus, OH 43215-2499;
(614) 469-6743; TDD (614) 469-6694.
Oklahoma--Ted Allen, Murrah Fed. Bldg., 200 NW 5th St., Oklahoma
City, OK 73102-3202; (405) 231-4973; TDD (405) 231-4181.
Oregon--John G. Bonham, 520 SW 6th Ave., Portland, OR 97204-1596
(503) 326-7018; TDD * via 1-800-877-8339.
Pennsylvania--(Western) Bruce Crawford, Old Post Office and
Courthouse Bldg., 700 Grant St., Pittsburgh, PA 15219-1906; (412)
644-5493; TDD (412) 644-5747.
(Eastern) Joyce Gaskins, Liberty Sq. Bldg., 105 S. 7th St.,
Philadelphia, PA 19106-3392; (215) 597-2665; TDD (215) 597-5564.
Puerto Rico (and Caribbean)--Carmen R. Cabrera, 159 Carlos Chardon
Ave., San Juan, PR 00918-1804; (809) 766-5576; TDD (809) 766-5909.
Rhode Island--Frank Del Vecchio, Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr., Fed. Bldg.,
10 Causeway St., Boston, MA 02222-1092; (617) 565-5342; TDD (617)
South Carolina--Louis E. Bradley, Fed. Bldg., 1835-45 Assembly St.,
Columbia, SC 29201-2480; (803) 765-5564; TDD * via 1-800-877-8339.
South Dakota--Sharon Jewell, First Interstate Tower North, 633 17th
St., Denver, CO 80202-3607; (303) 672-5414; TDD (303) 672-5248.
Tennessee--Virginia Peck, 710 Locust St., Knoxville, TN 37902-2526;
(615) 545-4396; TDD (615) 545-4559.
Texas--(Northern) Katie Worsham, 1600 Throckmorton, P.O. Box 2905,
Fort Worth, TX 76113-2905; (817) 885-5483; TDD (817) 885-5447.
(Southern) John T. Maldonado, Washington Sq., 800 Dolorosa, San
Antonio, TX 78207-4563; (210) 229-6820; TDD (210) 229-6885.
Utah--Sharon Jewell, First Interstate Tower North, 633 17th St.,
Denver, CO 80202-3607; (303) 672-5414; TDD (303) 672-5248.
Vermont--David Lafond, Norris Cotton Fed. Bldg., 275 Chestnut St.,
Manchester, NH 03101-2487; (603) 666-7640; TDD (603) 666-7518.
Virginia--Joseph Aversano, 3600 W. Broad St., P.O. Box 90331,
Richmond, VA 23230-0331; (804) 278-4503; TDD (804) 278-4501.
Washington--John Peters, Federal Office Bldg., 909 First Ave., Suite
200, Seattle, WA 98104-1000; (206) 220-5150; TDD (206) 220-5185.
West Virginia--Bruce Crawford, Old Post Office & Courthouse Bldg.,
700 Grant St., Pittsburgh, PA 15219-1906; (412) 644-5493; TDD (412)
Wisconsin--Lana J. Vacha, Henry Reuss Fed. Plaza, 310 W. Wisconsin
Ave., Ste. 1380, Milwaukee, WI 53203-2289; (414) 297-3113; TDD * via
Wyoming--Sharon Jewell, First Interstate Tower North, 633 17th St.,
Denver, CO 80202-3607; (303) 672-5414; TDD (303) 672-5248.
[FR Doc. 95-4450 Filed 2-21-95; 8:45 am]