97-4196. Credible Evidence Revisions  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 36 (Monday, February 24, 1997)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 8314-8328]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-4196]
    [[Page 8313]]
    Part II
    Environmental Protection Agency
    40 CFR Part 51, et al.
    Credible Evidence Revisions; Final Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 36 / Monday, February 24, 1997 / 
    Rules and Regulations
    [[Page 8314]]
    40 CFR Parts 51, 52, 60 and 61
    RIN 2020-AA27
    Credible Evidence Revisions
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: In an October 22, 1993 Federal Register, EPA solicited public 
    comment on a proposal to amend 40 CFR Parts 51, 52, 60 and 61 to 
    eliminate language that has been read to provide for exclusive reliance 
    on reference test methods as the means of demonstrating compliance with 
    various emission limits under the Clean Air Act (``CAA'' or ``Act''). 
    These revisions--generally referred to as the ``credible evidence'' 
    revisions--were designed to clarify that non-reference test data can be 
    used in enforcement actions, and to remove any potential ambiguity 
    regarding this data's use for compliance certifications under Section 
    114 and Title V of the Act. In the same document, EPA proposed an 
    ``enhanced monitoring'' rule under Section 114 and Title V. EPA 
    subsequently decided to suspend development of the original enhanced 
    monitoring rule and develop a compliance assurance monitoring (``CAM'') 
    approach to serve the same statutory goals as the original enhanced 
    monitoring proposal. Today's rulemaking finalizes the previously 
    proposed credible evidence revisions to Parts 51, 52, 60 and 61. EPA 
    will take final action regarding enhanced monitoring and CAM in a 
    separate rulemaking.
    DATES: Effective Date: April 25, 1997. Judicial Review: Under CAA 
    section 307(b)(1), judicial review of this nationally applicable final 
    action is available only by the filing of a petition for review in the 
    U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit within 60 
    days of today's publication of this rule. Under CAA section 307(b)(2), 
    the regulations that are the subject of today's rule may not be 
    challenged later in civil or criminal proceedings brought by EPA in 
    reliance on them.
    ADDRESSES: Docket. Supporting information used in developing this 
    rulemaking is contained in Public Docket No. A-91-52. This docket is 
    available for public inspection and copying between 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 
    p.m. on weekdays, excluding federal holidays, at the EPA Air and 
    Radiation Docket and Information Center, Room M-1500, Waterside Mall, 
    401 M Street SW., Washington, DC 20460; telephone (202) 260-7548. A 
    reasonable fee may be charged for photocopying docket materials.
    Gregory Jaffe, Air Enforcement Division (Mailcode 2242-A), Office of 
    Regulatory Enforcement, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M 
    Street, SW, Washington, D.C. 20460; telephone (202) 564-2260.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The contents of the preamble are listed in 
    the following outline:
    I. Background
        A. Statutory and Regulatory Authority
        B. Benefits of the Credible Evidence Revisions
        C. Public Participation
    II. Summary of Final Rule
        A. 40 CFR Part 51, Sec. 51.212
        B. 40 CFR Part 52, Sec. 52.12
        C. 40 CFR Part 52, Sec. 52.30
        D. 40 CFR Part 60, Sec. 60.11
        E. 40 CFR Part 61, Sec. 61.12
    III. Major Issues
        A. Use of Credible Evidence in Enforcement Actions
        B. Use of Credible Evidence in Compliance Certifications
        C. EPA's Authority To Promulgate the Credible Evidence Revisions
        1. Statutory Authority
        2. The Kaiser Steel Decision Does Not Constrain EPA's Authority 
    To Amend its Regulations
        3. Despite Commenters' Claims, Clean Air Act Case Law Does Not 
    Mandate Exclusive Reference Tests
        4. The 1990 CAA Amendments Further Support EPA's Authority
        5. Commenters' Attempts To Narrow the Scope of Sections 113(e) 
    and 113(a) Are Unpersuasive
        6. EPA Can Promulgate the Credible Evidence Revisions Without 
        D. Stringency
        1. Emissions Limits Require Continuous Compliance (Consistent 
    With Any Averaging Times) Except During Periods Where Compliance is 
    Specifically Excused
        2. Commenters' Advocacy of Noncontinuous Compliance Would Lead 
    to Numerous Anomalies
        3. Comments Regarding Continuous Compliance Are Not Directed at 
    Today's Action, but Rather at Underlying Emission Standards
        4. Enforcement Using Continuous Monitoring Data Does Not 
    Increase the Stringency of Applicable Requirements
        5. Sources Must Comply Both With Good Operation and Maintenance 
    Requirements and With Emission Limits
        E. SIP Call
    IV. Administrative Requirements
        A. Docket
        B. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Review
        C. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
        D. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        E. Paperwork Reduction Act
        F. Submission to Congress and the General Accounting Office
    I. Background
    A. Statutory and Regulatory Authority
        The credible evidence revisions are based on EPA's long-standing 
    authority under the Act, and on amplified authority provided by the 
    1990 CAA Amendments. Section 113(a) of the Act authorizes EPA to bring 
    an administrative, civil or criminal enforcement action ``on the basis 
    of any information available to the Administrator.'' In this provision, 
    which predates the 1990 CAA Amendments, Congress gave EPA clear 
    statutory authority to use any available information--not just data 
    from reference tests or other federally promulgated or approved 
    compliance methods--to prove CAA violations. (The preamble will 
    generally use the phrase ``reference tests'' to include all these 
    compliance methods. Where appropriate, the phrase ``reference tests'' 
    will also include test conditions specified in individual regulations.)
        In the 1990 CAA Amendments, Congress included an enforcement title 
    (Title VII) to enhance EPA's compliance and enforcement authorities. 
    Among other things, Congress revised Section 113(e)(1) of the Act to 
    overrule a federal court decision (Kaiser Steel, discussed below) that 
    had held that only specified reference test data could prove 
    violations. Thus, although the pre-existing authority of Section 113(a) 
    forms the principal basis for today's action, the credible evidence 
    revisions are also supported by the language, history and intent of the 
    1990 CAA Amendments. See also Section III.C. below.
        In addition to clarifying EPA's, states' and citizens' enforcement 
    authorities under the Act, the credible evidence revisions eliminate 
    any potential ambiguity regarding the use of non-reference test data as 
    a basis for Title V compliance certifications. Such potential ambiguity 
    could arise from comparing the draft compliance assurance monitoring 
    (CAM) approach and associated Part 70 changes, which would allow 
    sources to include CAM data as a basis for certifying compliance, with 
    various EPA regulations that could be read on their face to specify 
    reference test methods as the sole means of determining compliance.
    B. Benefits of the Credible Evidence Revisions
        As a preliminary matter, EPA wishes to clearly state that this 
    rulemaking merely addresses an evidentiary issue. The credible evidence 
    revisions are not
    [[Page 8315]]
    intended to and will not serve to affect the stringency of underlying 
    emission standards by amending the nature of the compliance obligation. 
    This rulemaking does not amend existing emission standards nor does it 
    modify generic regulations affecting the compliance obligation such as 
    exceptions for startup, shutdown, and malfunctions. See, e.g., 40 CFR 
    60.8(c). This regulation also does not designate any particular data as 
    probative of a violation of an emission standard. Rather, this 
    regulation merely removes what some have construed to be a regulatory 
    bar to the admission of non-reference test data to prove a violation of 
    an emission standard, no matter how credible and probative those data 
    are that a violation has occurred. The credible evidence revisions do 
    not affect the compliance obligation and thus do not affect the 
    stringency of existing emission standards. What compliance obligation 
    is imposed by any given emission standard remains an issue ultimately 
    to be determined based on that emission standard and not this 
        For these reasons, we do not believe that this rulemaking affects 
    whether emission standards require intermittent or continuous 
    compliance. However, as made clear below, and in the detailed response 
    to comments document, EPA's position continues to be that an emission 
    standard requires continuous compliance unless the emission standard 
    specifically provides otherwise.
        Today's credible evidence revisions will benefit sources, state 
    environmental agencies, EPA and the public. EPA, states and citizens 
    will be able to use credible evidence to assess a source's compliance 
    status and respond to noncompliance. This will help ensure that the 
    government and citizens alike can respond to sources that are not 
    complying with air pollutant emission standards on an ongoing basis, 
    thus furthering the protection of public health and the environment. At 
    the same time, sources will be able to use credible evidence for 
    contesting allegations of noncompliance in enforcement actions. 
    Accordingly, today's rulemaking exemplifies EPA's ``common sense'' 
    approach to environmental protection, which encourages smarter, cheaper 
    and more flexible means of achieving environmental goals without 
    compromising the fundamental health and environmental protections 
    provided by federal environmental laws.
        In the past, state regulatory authorities and EPA have relied 
    primarily on infrequent on-site inspections and even more infrequent 
    reference tests in order to check compliance with emission limits at 
    major stationary sources. According to a September, 1990, General 
    Accounting Office (GAO) report, these on-site inspections were 
    performed approximately once a year; the reference tests, typically 
    once every five years. ``Air Pollution: Improvements Needed in 
    Detecting and Preventing Violations,'' GAO, No. GAO/RCED-90-155, 
    September 1990, at 12, 19. These methods are inadequate to ensure that 
    sources continuously stay within their emission limits: for example, 
    Pennsylvania officials have estimated that, in comparison with 
    continuous emissions monitoring, on-site inspections may be 50 times 
    less likely to detect non-compliance. Id. at 18. Reference tests may 
    not yield a representative emissions picture because the sources 
    typically schedule, set up and run the tests themselves. This allows 
    sources to ``fine tune'' their operations and emissions control 
    processes prior to the tests, and generate results that may not be 
    typical of day-to-day source operations. Id. at 19-20. Reference tests 
    can also be expensive and burdensome: They can cost up to $100,000, and 
    take a week or more to complete. See, e.g., 43 FR 7568, 7571 (1978).
        In contrast to the above approach, today's rule will make it clear 
    that various kinds of information other than reference test data, much 
    of which is already available and utilized for other purposes, may be 
    used to demonstrate compliance or noncompliance with emission 
    standards. (The preamble generally refers to this other information as 
    ``non-reference test data''). EPA, state agencies and industry 
    routinely rely on many types of information, including engineering 
    calculations, indirect estimates of emissions, and direct measurement 
    of emissions by a variety of means, in order to assess compliance with 
    CAA requirements. Where available, continuous emission monitoring (CEM) 
    data and well-chosen parametric monitoring data, such as the operating 
    temperature and air flow rate of a regenerative thermal oxidizer, 
    generally provide accurate data regarding a source's compliance with 
    emission limits and standards. These data also generally cover a 
    greater percentage of a source's time in operation and are more 
    representative of a source's ongoing compliance status than sporadic 
    performance testing.
        Under today's rule both sources and potential enforcers will be put 
    on the same evidentiary footing in an enforcement action. Further, 
    since 1992, EPA's Part 70 operating permit regulations have allowed the 
    use of this data in compliance certifications. Today's action reaffirms 
    this approach, and removes any potential ambiguity regarding the use of 
    such data for this purpose.
        Today's action reflects EPA's efforts to make existing regulatory 
    programs work better rather than creating additional requirements. By 
    ensuring greater compliance with existing emissions limits, the 
    credible evidence revisions will help minimize the need for further 
    requirements to achieve air quality goals. See the October, 1993, 
    proposal, 58 FR 54654.
    C. Public Participation
        The final credible evidence revisions were developed with the 
    benefit of insight from many parties that will be affected by the 
    regulations, including State and local air pollution control agencies, 
    large and small industries, trade associations and environmental 
    organizations. Many comments regarding credible evidence issues were 
    received during the development and after the proposal of the original 
    enhanced monitoring rule, in 1991 through 1995. Many additional 
    comments were received after the Agency announced that it was 
    continuing to go forward with the credible evidence revisions in 1996.
        To obtain the views of all interested parties at the early stages 
    of developing the enhanced monitoring rulemaking, EPA published a 
    notice in the Federal Register on August 8, 1991, to make available a 
    Public Information Document on enhanced monitoring and to provide 
    notice of a public meeting to be held on August 22, 1991, on the 
    subject (56 FR 37700-37701, August 8, 1991). In response to the public 
    meeting, EPA received many comments which were included in the docket 
    for the proposed regulations.
        Over the next four years, EPA held over one hundred informal 
    informational and discussion sessions with representatives of 
    interested organizations to receive their views on enhanced monitoring, 
    as well as a second informational meeting with approximately fifty 
    attendees held on August 12, 1993. Following publication of the 
    proposed enhanced monitoring regulations on October 22, 1993 at 58 FR 
    54648, EPA conducted a public hearing in Washington, D.C., on November 
    19, 1993. Testimony was given by twelve individuals, representing 
    industry and environmental organizations.
        In addition, during the public comment period, which was first 
    scheduled to close on December 30, 1993, and was extended until January 
    31, 1994, in response to requests for
    [[Page 8316]]
    extension, EPA received comments from a wide variety of interested 
    parties concerning the enhanced monitoring proposal, including numerous 
    comments on credible evidence issues. In the fall of 1994, EPA held a 
    series of informational meetings with interested parties affected by 
    the rule. The Agency then reopened the public comment period on 
    specific issues to solicit additional comments, and held an additional 
    stakeholder meeting. In response to the reopened public comment period, 
    EPA received over 200 additional comment letters.
        In April, 1995, EPA announced that it was suspending development of 
    the enhanced monitoring rule while it developed the CAM approach to 
    serve the same statutory goals. In a September, 1995, public draft of 
    the CAM approach, EPA stated that it would hold further discussions 
    with stakeholders before it proceeded to finalize the credible evidence 
    revisions. On March 8, 1996, EPA announced that a public meeting on 
    credible evidence issues would be held on April 2, 1996. To focus the 
    meeting's discussion, EPA released a paper on March 21, 1996, entitled 
    ``The Use of Information Other Than Reference Test Results for 
    Determining Compliance With the Clean Air Act'' (sometimes referred to 
    as the ``Credible Evidence White Paper''). EPA distributed this paper 
    by electronic bulletin board to the same stakeholders who were involved 
    in the enhanced monitoring and CAM rulemakings, further distributed it 
    to various other interested parties, and made it generally available to 
    the public.
        The public meeting was held on April 2, 1996, where twenty-three 
    organizations and individuals presented oral statements and written 
    comments. At the meeting, EPA announced that, although the rulemaking 
    docket would not formally be re-opened, additional written comments 
    would be accepted for at least another 30 days. Moreover, EPA stated 
    that it would meet with any interested parties to discuss the credible 
    evidence rules. As a result, many additional written comments have been 
    received, and numerous additional EPA/stakeholder meetings have been 
        Section III of this preamble contains a description of the most 
    significant public comments and EPA's responses to them. Summaries of 
    other public comments on the credible evidence revisions received over 
    the past five years, together with the Agency's responses, are 
    available in the docket in a document entitled ``Credible Evidence 
    Revisions: Detailed Response to Comments Document'' (referred to in 
    this preamble as the ``Detailed Response Document'').
    II. Summary of Final Rule
        The credible evidence revisions consist of various changes to 40 
    CFR 51.212, 52.12, 52.30, 60.11 and 61.12. These revisions provide 
    minor modifications to existing regulatory provisions to clearly allow 
    for the use of any credible evidence--that is, both reference test and 
    comparable non-reference test data--to prove or disprove violations of 
    the Act in enforcement actions. These revisions make clear that 
    enforcement authorities can prosecute actions based exclusively on any 
    credible evidence, without the need to rely on any data from a 
    particular reference test. The revisions also have the effect of 
    eliminating any potential ambiguity regarding the use of non-reference 
    test data as a basis for Title V compliance certifications. The 
    credible evidence revisions do not call for the creation or submission 
    of any new emissions or parametric data, but rather address the role of 
    existing data in enforcement actions and compliance certifications. As 
    such, today's final action is distinct and separable from the bulk of 
    the proposed enhanced monitoring rule, which addressed new monitoring 
        By clearly providing that federally approved SIP test methods or 
    Agency reference test methods are not the exclusive means of 
    establishing noncompliance or compliance, EPA in no way intends to 
    alter the underlying emission standards. The Agency will still use the 
    reference methods for exactly what they are: test methods of reference 
    against which to compare information generated by means other than the 
    reference tests. The National Bureau of Standards maintains a number of 
    standards against which other measuring devices, used in scientific or 
    commercial applications, are calibrated. Similarly, where a SIP, New 
    Source Performance Standard or permit specifies EPA Method 25A, for 
    example, for determining the amount of volatile organic compounds 
    (``VOCs'') that are emitted, the ``other evidence'' that could 
    establish compliance would have to relate to the likely measurement of 
    VOCs that would be obtained by a Method 25A measurement. This could 
    include, for example, consideration of key operating parameters for the 
    facility as correlated with emissions during a Method 25A test.
    A. 40 CFR Part 51, Sec. 51.212
        Section 51.212(c) is revised to clarify that the inclusion in a 
    state implementation plan (SIP) of enforceable test methods for SIP 
    emissions limits does not preclude enforcement based on other credible 
    evidence or information, relevant to whether a source would have been 
    in compliance with applicable requirements if the appropriate 
    performance or compliance test procedures or methods had been 
    performed. This revision does not affect the existing requirements in 
    Secs. 51.212(a) and (b) for periodic testing and inspections, and 
    establishment of a system of violation detection and investigation.
        The proposed revisions to Sec. 51.212 contained detailed lists of 
    ``presumptively credible evidence'' and ``presumptively credible 
    monitoring methods.'' After consideration of public comments, EPA has 
    decided to delete these lists because they are potentially confusing 
    and unnecessary. While EPA continues to believe that the listed 
    evidence and monitoring methods are indeed credible, the Agency 
    recognizes that both judicial and administrative tribunals routinely 
    make determinations concerning the admissibility and weight of evidence 
    on a case-by-case basis.
    B. 40 CFR Part 52, Sec. 52.12
        Section 52.12(c) is revised to clarify that, for purposes of 
    federal enforcement, any credible evidence relevant to whether a source 
    would have been in compliance with applicable requirements if the 
    appropriate performance or compliance test procedures or methods had 
    been performed may be used to establish whether or not SIP violations 
    have occurred. As with Sec. 51.212 above, EPA has deleted the proposed 
    lists of presumptively credible evidence and monitoring methods for the 
    same reasons stated above. Under today's final action, where an 
    emission limitation specifies a particular monitoring or testing method 
    approved by EPA for use in the SIP to determine compliance, data from 
    such method will continue to be the benchmark against which other 
    emissions or parametric data, or engineering analyses, will be 
    measured. Similarly, where there are no approved SIP methods, the test 
    methods specified in part 60 of this chapter will remain the standard 
    against which other such information will be evaluated.
    C. 40 CFR Part 52, Sec. 52.30
        Proposed Sec. 52.30(a), which concerned compliance certifications, 
    has been revised in accordance with Sec. 51.212 above, and the same 
    comments apply. The enforcement-related Sec. 52.30(b) is rendered 
    unnecessary by today's final Sec. 52.12(c), which effectively
    [[Page 8317]]
    encompasses it. Finally, the entire section has been renumbered as 
    Sec. 52.33.
    D. 40 CFR Part 60, Sec. 60.11
        Similar to the existing regulation, Sec. 60.11(a) states that 
    compliance with Part 60 standards shall be determined in accordance 
    with the applicable performance tests and performance testing 
    provisions in this part. A new Sec. 60.11(g) clarifies that nothing in 
    Sec. 60.11 precludes the use, including exclusive use, of any credible 
    evidence or information, relevant to whether a source would have been 
    in compliance with applicable requirements if the appropriate 
    performance or compliance test or procedure had been performed, for 
    purposes of submitting compliance certifications or establishing 
    whether or not a source has violated or is in violation of any Part 60 
    standard, including opacity standards.
        The first sentence in today's final Sec. 60.11(a) has been modified 
    from the proposal. EPA has decided to use mandatory phrasing in the 
    first sentence (``Compliance with standards * * * shall be determined 
    in accordance with the applicable performance tests * * *'') as is 
    included in the existing regulation, rather than adopt the permissive 
    language proposed in 1993 (``Compliance with standards * * * may be 
    determined by performance tests * * *). The rationale for retaining 
    this mandatory language is to make clear that, although the regulation 
    is being modified to clarify that it does not establish an exclusive 
    method of determining compliance, the reference tests remain the 
    benchmark against which other emissions or parametric data, engineering 
    analyses, or other information will be evaluated. For similar reasons, 
    EPA included in Sec. 60.11(g) the requirement that evidence or 
    information gathered by other means than the reference tests be 
    ``relevant to whether a source would have been in compliance with 
    applicable requirements if the appropriate performance or compliance 
    test or procedure had been performed''. This phrase means that the 
    evidence or information must bear on whether a facility would have been 
    found to be in compliance, during the time period in question, if the 
    appropriate performance test had been conducted. It does not mean that, 
    to prove a violation occurred, ideal testing conditions, for example 
    the sun light at a certain angle to the tester for an opacity reading, 
    must exist if other credible evidence, such as continuous opacity 
    monitor data, can establish that a violation occurred. These changes 
    have been made in response to comments that EPA's proposal did not give 
    full recognition to the role of reference tests in determining 
    compliance with emission standards. Section 60.11(g) combines the 
    requirements of the proposed subsections (g) and (h) with the exception 
    of presumptions included in those sections which have been deleted. The 
    clarifying language in Sec. 60.11(g) renders unnecessary the previously 
    proposed language in Sec. 60.11(b). Accordingly, the proposed language 
    for that subsection is deleted from today's rule. The proposed changes 
    to subsection (e) have been deleted as unnecessary due to changes to 
    subsections (a) and (g). Finally, Sec. 60.11(f) is revised so as to 
    clarify that it does not countermand subsection (g).
        Under today's revisions, information generated from an appropriate 
    and properly conducted test method established under the general 
    provisions of Part 60 or in the applicable subpart will still generally 
    be the best method for determining a source's compliance during the 
    test period. Other emissions or parametric data, or engineering 
    analyses, may be considered if relevant to the results that would have 
    been obtained by the appropriate, properly conducted reference test 
    E. 40 CFR Part 61, Sec. 61.12
        Today's revisions to Sec. 61.12 generally mirror the revisions to 
    Sec. 60.11, largely for the same reasons. Section 61.12(b) remains 
    unchanged from its current promulgated version because credible 
    evidence has always been used to establish violations of these 
    III. Major Issues
        Throughout the development of this rulemaking, various commenters 
    have expressed concerns regarding the proposed rule's potential effects 
    on CAA enforcement, compliance certifications and emissions standards. 
    The most significant of these comments, together with EPA's responses, 
    are discussed below.
    A. Use of Credible Evidence in Enforcement Actions
        Commenters raised various concerns regarding the potential use of 
    credible evidence in enforcement actions. Some commenters argued that 
    the use of such evidence would be unconstitutional, unprecedented and 
    unfair. Others expressed concern that EPA, states or citizen groups 
    would use credible evidence to bring enforcement actions for 
    insignificant violations. These comments are addressed below.
        Industry commenters have argued that the use of credible evidence 
    in enforcement actions would violate sources' constitutional right to 
    due process. Specifically, the commenters argue that EPA must 
    comprehensively identify the precise types of information that can be 
    used as credible evidence, or else sources will not have sufficient 
    ``fair warning'' regarding potential enforcement. EPA rejects this 
    view. ``Fair warning'' jurisprudence holds that regulated sources must 
    have adequate notice identifying ``the standards with which the agency 
    expects parties to conform.'' General Electric Co. v. U.S. EPA, 53 F.3d 
    1324, 1329 (D.C. Cir. 1995). Today's rule does not establish or alter 
    standards with which sources regulated under the CAA must comply. 
    Rather, today's rule only concerns the evidence that can be used to 
    prove violations of a standard, giving full recognition to the role of 
    reference test methods under the standards. The Federal Rules of 
    Evidence govern the admission of evidence in all federal district court 
    litigation, including CAA enforcement actions, without any discernible 
    constitutional infirmity. Similar evidentiary rules govern federal 
    administrative and state environmental actions. Our legal system 
    provides that a federal or administrative law judge will be the 
    ultimate, independent arbitrator of the evidence's admissibility and 
        Credible evidence is far from a new concept in judicial and 
    administrative actions. In private lawsuits such as contract disputes, 
    and in governmental and citizen enforcement actions brought under 
    environmental laws other than the CAA, litigants can and do use a wide 
    variety of information to prove their claims, or to refute the claims 
    of opposing parties. In all these lawsuits, the judge acts as the 
    final, independent arbitrator of what constitutes credible and 
    admissible evidence. Today's final rule addresses problems arising from 
    certain CAA regulations, which predate the 1990 Amendments to the CAA, 
    containing language that has been read to allow only a very limited 
    amount of information, i.e., data from reference test methods, to be 
    used as evidence of violations. As such, the rule merely corrects an 
    anomaly that has been read into these regulations, and brings their 
    potential enforcement into line with that of other CAA requirements 
    such as the ``general duty obligations'' in 40 CFR 60.11(d) (for NSPS 
    standards) and 40 CFR 61.22(c) (for National Emission Standards for 
    Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPs)), and with other environmental 
    statutes. It should be emphasized that the determination that evidence 
    or information is credible is merely a threshold determination that
    [[Page 8318]]
    the evidence or information in question is technically relevant, and 
    therefore, legally admissible in an enforcement action. In light of 
    section 113(a) providing that the Administrator may bring an 
    enforcement action based on ``any information'', EPA believes that 
    Congress intended this threshold to be a low one.
        Industry commenters have also argued that using credible evidence 
    in enforcement actions is unfair because sources will not know what 
    credible evidence may be used against them. EPA believes that this 
    claim lacks merit. This issue is no different in CAA enforcement than 
    in any civil or criminal matter resolved by our nation's courts. 
    Further, EPA disagrees with the notion that sources will likely be 
    faced with an unknown and unlimited array of evidence. To the contrary, 
    with regard to sources subject to Title V permits, EPA generally 
    expects that most if not all of the data that EPA would consider as 
    potentially credible evidence of an emission violation at a unit 
    subject to monitoring under the agency's proposed CAM rule would be 
    generated through means of appropriate, well-designed parametric or 
    emission monitoring submitted by the source itself and approved by the 
    permitting authority, or through other requirements in the source's 
    permit. Sources not subject to CAM should still be readily able to 
    discern the information, for example information about the operation of 
    pollution control devices, that is relevant to their compliance with 
    applicable regulation.
        Some industry representatives have expressed concern that the use 
    of credible evidence in compliance determinations will reveal multiple 
    minor violations for which EPA, the states or citizens will bring 
    lawsuits. It is not EPA's intent to foster frivolous lawsuits, and EPA 
    does not expect that such lawsuits will occur as the result of today's 
    action. As EPA explained in the Credible Evidence March 1996 
    memorandum, EPA generally focuses its judicial enforcement resources on 
    violations that (1) may threaten or result in harm to public health or 
    the environment, (2) are of significant duration or magnitude, (3) 
    represent a pattern of noncompliance, (4) involve a refusal to provide 
    specifically requested compliance information, (5) involve criminal 
    conduct, or (6) allow a source to reap an economic windfall. See March 
    1996 Memorandum, p. 5.
        An examination of EPA's judicial enforcement cases over the past 
    few years reveals that EPA has focused its judicial enforcement 
    resources on large, significant cases rather than a large number of 
    relatively minor matters. The Credible Evidence March 1996 memorandum 
    contains several examples that illustrate this point. In contrast, 
    EPA's approach to minor unexcused violations generally has been to 
    exercise prosecutorial discretion and use tools such as notices of 
    violation and administrative compliance and penalty orders. In every 
    case, EPA considers the nature and extent of the violation and all 
    other circumstances surrounding the violation in determining whether 
    and what kind of enforcement response is appropriate. Further, for any 
    type of noncompliance, EPA generally will not bring a federal 
    enforcement action where a state or local permitting authority has 
    taken timely and appropriate action under existing policies to resolve 
    the violations. Finally, for all violations, EPA will apply all other 
    existing specific enforcement policies, such as the May, 1996, Policy 
    on Compliance Incentives for Small Businesses, in accordance with their 
    terms. EPA does not intend to use credible evidence to change any of 
    these policies.
        EPA has a balanced enforcement program that seeks to assure 
    compliance using the mix of the compliance and enforcement tools 
    available to it. Deterrence is also an overall goal of the program. 
    Judicial enforcement against minor CAA violations generally is a lower 
    enforcement priority, because EPA believes its other enforcement and 
    compliance assistance tools allow it to respond to such violations 
    without the need to file an action in federal court. Accordingly, in 
    considering whether to bring a judicial action, or whether to use some 
    other enforcement or compliance tool, EPA generally takes into 
    consideration such factors as number and duration of the exceedances, 
    harm or risk posed by the exceedance, potential for recurrence, the 
    source's compliance history, and other circumstances surrounding the 
    violation. For example, if a source were installing a new unit subject 
    to an NSPS standard and had some difficulty getting the control 
    equipment to operate properly after the ``shakedown'' period permitted 
    before the initial performance test (see 40 CFR 60.8(a)) but solved the 
    problem promptly after the test, this generally would be a low 
    enforcement priority, absent other circumstances indicating a need for 
    judicial action.
        These same general policies regarding EPA's use of judicial and 
    administrative enforcement actions were discussed in Section I.D. of 
    the August 2, 1996, CAM draft approach. Therein, EPA provided various 
    specific examples of circumstances where the Agency was or was not 
    likely to take compliance or enforcement action based on the 
    examination of CAM data.
        Finally, the NSPS general provisions and many SIPs generally excuse 
    sources from compliance with emissions limits during periods of 
    startup, shutdown or malfunction. See 40 CFR 60.11(c). Some specific 
    NSPS standards additionally excuse sources from compliance during 
    certain operating periods. Exceedances monitored during any of these 
    specifically excused periods are not violations of the emission limit. 
    Moreover, some NSPS standards specify averaging periods for determining 
    compliance and noncompliance. As a result, many short term emissions 
    values when averaged with other values in the relevant averaging 
    period, will not constitute violations. The credible evidence proposal 
    does not change any of these general or specific periods of excused 
    noncompliance, or any averaging periods, or any of their effects on 
        Regarding citizen suits, in February, 1996, EPA performed a review 
    of citizen enforcement actions under the Clean Water Act (CWA), and 
    found that citizen enforcers generally do not focus on sporadic, 
    inconsequential violations. This analysis was summarized in the 
    Credible Evidence White Paper, and is included in the Air Docket. 
    Although to date there have been far fewer CAA citizen suits than CWA 
    citizen suits, there have been at least two notable CAA citizen cases 
    involving serious violations: National Wildlife Federation v. Copper 
    Range Co., Civil Action No. 2:92-CV-186 (W.D. Michigan), involving one 
    of the largest sources of particulate matter in Michigan's Upper 
    Peninsula, which was emitting particulates at 230 lbs/hour (over five 
    times its permitted limit) and toxic air pollutants including mercury, 
    arsenic, cadmium and lead; and Sierra Club v. Public Service Company, 
    894 F. Supp. 1455 (D.C. Col. 1995), involving a power plant that had 
    committed over 19,000 opacity emission violations, which had allegedly 
    affected a nearby wilderness area. Both of these suits were ultimately 
    settled (with the United States an intervenor) for multi-million dollar 
    penalties and significant injunctive relief, including the installation 
    of appropriate pollution controls.
        EPA notes that today's rule creates no new rights or powers for 
    citizen enforcers; instead, the rule clarifies existing EPA 
    regulations. Citizens have been free to use credible evidence in Clean 
    Air Act enforcement, and have won at least two court cases using it. 
    See Sierra Club v. PSC, cited above, and Unitek Environmental Services 
    [[Page 8319]]
    Hawaiian Cement, Civ. No. 95-00723 (D. Hawaii 1996). Also, EPA is aware 
    of no increase in citizen suits in any of the five states--Kansas, 
    Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota and Georgia--whose SIPs, based on EPA's 
    SIP Call, have specifically clarified that credible evidence can be 
    used for enforcement, or in those states that have credible evidence 
    provisions in other parts of their state law.
        Finally, EPA takes this opportunity to further elaborate on certain 
    credible evidence and enforcement issues that were discussed in the 
    August, 1996, draft CAM approach preamble. Therein, EPA explained that 
    ``the CAM rule cannot and does not replace a source's obligation to 
    comply with otherwise applicable emission limits.'' Nonetheless, as a 
    practical matter, ``EPA expects that a unit that is operating within 
    appropriately established indicator ranges as part of an approved CAM 
    plan will, in fact, be in compliance with its applicable limits.'' (See 
    draft CAM rule Sec. 64.6(c), which requires that ``the ranges shall be 
    established so as to provide a reasonable assurance of compliance with 
    emission limitations or standards for the anticipated range of 
    operations at a pollutant-specific emissions unit.'') Such a unit 
    generally will not be an enforcement target. However, if the Agency 
    obtains information that the unit is in fact exceeding its applicable 
    emission limit even though it is operating within its approved 
    indicator ranges, the Agency will consider whether or not to take 
    compliance or enforcement action in accordance with its general 
    enforcement policies. Further, under the CAM approach, the source has 
    such information, it would have to promptly remedy the exceedance and 
    notify the permitting authority and submit a proposed permit 
    modification to correct its CAM monitoring as required under draft CAM 
    rule Sec. 64.3(b)(5).
        Under today's rule, the legal burdens regarding the establishment 
    of violations or compliance in an enforcement action are not changed. 
    The means of meeting these burdens will vary in different 
    circumstances. Today's rule provides that where information (such as 
    non-reference emissions data, parametric data or engineering analyses) 
    is equivalent to information generated by reference test methods, the 
    former may be used to establish compliance or noncompliance in an 
    enforcement action. There is no need to establish that every test 
    condition specified in a reference test method has been matched by a 
    surrogate condition in the method used to generate the comparable 
    information. Typically, reference test methods (and any additional test 
    conditions specified in individual regulations) quantify the presence 
    of particular physical attributes--for example, mass or concentration 
    of a chemical or group of chemicals--over a specified period of time. 
    As long as these two elements--quantification and specified time 
    period--are retained and the data from the alternate method is related 
    to the reference test, information generated by alternate methods yield 
    data bearing on what the results of a reference test would have been, 
    and the use of such information to establish compliance or 
    noncompliance in an enforcement action will not affect the stringency 
    of the underlying standard. Of course, non-reference data that is 
    already quantified in the same units as the underlying standard, e.g., 
    emissions data generated by properly operating and calibrated non-
    reference CEMs, should generally be comparable to reference test data, 
    with all specified averaging periods still applying.
        For example, Method 9, the NSPS reference method for opacity, 
    requires that a trained visible emissions observer (VEO) view a smoke 
    plume with the sun at a certain angle to the plume in order to properly 
    illuminate it. In contrast, a continuous opacity monitor (COM) contains 
    a calibrated light source that provides for accurate and precise 
    measurement of opacity at all times. Notably, EPA uses COM data to 
    certify and re-certify the credentials of VEOs under Method 9. 
    Accordingly, since a comparable light source is provided by a COM, if 
    COM data were offered in an enforcement action to prove or disprove 
    opacity violations, there would be no need to establish that the sun 
    was shining during the period the COM data was collected. Where a 
    reference test method or test requirements in an individual regulation 
    include plant operating conditions, e.g., a requirement that testing be 
    conducted at a specified percentage of maximum plant capacity, this 
    does not mean that the underlying standard applies only when the plant 
    is operating at that capacity or that the ``other information'' would 
    have to show that the plant was operating at the specified capacity 
    during the period that the other ``credible evidence'' was obtained.
        Where a party seeks to introduce other sorts of information in an 
    enforcement action, for example, expert testimony as to whether a unit 
    was able to meet its emission limit based on the operation or 
    nonoperation of its control equipment during the period of alleged 
    violation, the information would still need to be relevant to reference 
    test data in the sense that it must be related to reference test data 
    in some fashion. In the expert testimony example, this might be 
    accomplished by a qualified expert opinion that a reference test would 
    have demonstrated noncompliance in these same circumstances. Finally, 
    where general burdens of proof for the proponent of this information 
    are reduced through statutory provisions or other means, the same 
    reduced burdens will apply in circumstances where EPA uses non-
    reference test data to assert noncompliance. See, e.g., CAA section 
    B. Use of Credible Evidence in Compliance Certifications
        Some commenters argued that today's final action will create new 
    uncertainties and burdens for sources, because sources will not know 
    what information they must consider before certifying compliance with 
    Title V permit requirements. Previously, these commenters argue, 
    sources would have needed to consider only the results of any specified 
    reference tests, whereas under the credible evidence revisions almost 
    any information could be potentially relevant to determining 
    compliance. Thus, as a practical matter sources would need to ``go 
    through every file drawer'' and examine a great deal of additional 
    information before certifying compliance. Even then, sources would not 
    know whether they had reviewed all compliance information that was 
    potentially credible. According to some commenters, even if the source 
    determined its compliance using a reference method, the source would 
    still be uncertain as to whether it could certify compliance during 
    that period, because other contemporaneous information might still 
    indicate noncompliance. Still other commenters argue that allowing a 
    broad array of information to be considered in compliance 
    certifications would render the certification requirement void for 
        At the outset, EPA notes that today's action merely eliminates any 
    potential ambiguity or conflict between Parts 51, 52, 60, and 61 and 
    Part 70 regarding the ability of sources to use non-reference test data 
    in compliance certifications. Consistent with the congressional intent 
    reflected in Title V and section 114(a)(3), Part 70 already 
    contemplates use of non-reference test data in compliance 
    certifications. There are other pending rulemakings--specifically, 
    pending actions involving the CAM approach and Part 70--that are
    [[Page 8320]]
    proposing to modify existing Part 70 requirements to provide additional 
    detail as to what information sources must consider when certifying 
    compliance. Nothing in these rule revisions is meant to specify what 
    degree of correlation there must be between CAM monitoring data and 
    emissions violations or compliance certifications; rather this issue 
    will be discussed in the CAM rulemaking.
        In addition, EPA believes that the commenters have greatly 
    exaggerated the purported uncertainties and burdens in certifying 
    compliance under Part 70 and notes that facilities routinely determine 
    their compliance with numerous statutory or regulatory obligations 
    without government imposed ``checklists.'' Under Title V, the source's 
    substantive CAA obligations (i.e., the source's applicable 
    requirements) are clearly set forth in the source's CAA operating 
        Contrary to the commenters' claims, sources that are certifying 
    compliance using properly conducted continuous reference methods may 
    generally certify compliance based solely on the continuous reference 
    method data, although naturally such sole reliance would be 
    inappropriate in the face of obvious contrary information or fraud as 
    discussed below.
        Of course, if a source becomes aware of other material information 
    that indicates that an emission unit has experienced deviations (as 
    that term is defined in the draft CAM approach) or may otherwise be out 
    of compliance with an applicable requirement even though the unit's 
    permit-identified data indicates compliance, the source must consider 
    this information, identify and address it in the compliance 
    certification, and certify accordingly. This ensures, among other 
    things, that sources will not certify compliance in circumstances where 
    doing so would constitute a violation of CAA section 113(c) and 18 
    U.S.C. Section 1001, which prohibits sources from knowingly making a 
    false certification or omitting material information, or a violation of 
    other prohibitions on fraud. EPA emphasizes, however, that its purpose 
    here is to make clear that sources may not ignore obvious relevant 
    information. EPA does not view compliance certification requirements as 
    imposing a duty on the source to search out and review every possible 
    document to determine its relevance on the issue of the source's 
        Following on the above discussion, the Agency takes this 
    opportunity to restate that while a Title V permit can include a 
    ``permit shield'' protecting it from allegations that it has failed to 
    satisfy CAA monitoring requirements, such shield does not relieve the 
    source of its obligation to comply with the underlying emission limits 
    or other applicable requirements being monitored. In other words, even 
    where a source receives a ``shield'' providing that the monitoring 
    provisions set forth in its Title V permit constitute compliance with 
    all monitoring requirements of the CAA, the source would not be 
    shielded from allegations of noncompliance with the underlying 
    substantive requirements (e.g., emission limits) being monitored even 
    if the source's required monitoring failed to detect the violation. See 
    also the October, 1993, proposal, 58 FR 54678.
        Industry commenters argued that allowing credible evidence in Title 
    V compliance certifications would render the certification requirement 
    constitutionally void for vagueness. According to these commenters, 
    reference test methods are necessary to define, in a consistent and 
    reproducible manner, the level of performance that constitutes 
    compliance; without a reference method, an emission limit would be 
    incomplete. As discussed above, EPA in no way intends to eliminate 
    reference tests or to alter their methodology. Instead, these tests, 
    performed as specified under EPA and state regulations, will remain the 
    benchmark against which to compare other emissions or parametric data, 
    or engineering analyses, regarding source compliance.
        Finally, numerous commenters argued that allowing credible evidence 
    in compliance certifications and enforcement actions would disrupt the 
    Title V permit process and cause substantial delays in the issuance of 
    these permits because local permitting authorities would have to adjust 
    many of the sources' emission limits, which the commenters contend were 
    not intended to be complied with continuously. Such Title V gridlock 
    could occur only if today's action in fact changed the stringency of 
    emission standards.
    C. EPA's Authority To Promulgate the Credible Evidence Revisions
    1. Statutory Authority
        Today's rulemaking and related SIP call are based primarily on 
    EPA's existing authority prior to the 1990 CAA Amendments. Section 
    113(a) of the Act authorizes EPA to bring an administrative, civil or 
    criminal enforcement action ``on the basis of any information available 
    to the Administrator.'' This provision provides the Agency with clear 
    statutory authority to use any available information to prove 
    violations of requirements under the Act, and demonstrates that 
    Congress did not intend to limit EPA to using reference test method 
    results in bringing enforcement actions. The language of Section 
    113(a), together with the fact that the Act nowhere prohibits the use 
    of information other than reference test results to prove violations, 
    indicates that the Act does not limit the use of any information to 
    prove a violation. Therefore, by law the Agency is limited only by 
    general evidentiary rules in what it can use to prove a violation 
    alleged in an enforcement action.
    2. The Kaiser Steel Decision Does Not Constrain EPA's Authority To 
    Amend Its Regulations
        Although the Act sets no inherent limits on EPA's authority to use 
    any type of information to prove a violation, some EPA regulations 
    provide for specific test methods for determining compliance and have 
    been read by some to constrain EPA's enforcement authority. In United 
    States v. Kaiser Steel Corp., No. CV-82-2623 IH (C.D. Cal. Jan. 17, 
    1984), the district court construed the language of EPA's regulations 
    at 40 CFR 60.11 as limiting the admissible evidence of violations of 
    opacity standards to observations utilizing Method 9, the opacity 
    reference test method. Thus, when the Agency attempted to use expert 
    testimony pertaining to opacity to prove the existence of violations 
    without Method 9 test data, the court rejected the evidence and held 
    that EPA could prove violations only on those days where the Method 9 
    test was conducted. This decision--which interpreted only EPA's 
    existing regulations, not the Act--was specifically overruled by 
    Congress in the 1990 CAA Amendments. Today's rulemaking is intended to 
    clarify that EPA's regulations do not constrain EPA to using reference 
    tests to prove a violation of an emission standard. Rather, EPA retains 
    its full authority under Section 113(a) to use ``any information'' as 
    the basis for an enforcement action.
    3. Despite Commenters' Claims, Clean Air Act Case Law Does Not Mandate 
    Exclusive Reference Tests
        At least one commenter has asserted that the decision in Portland 
    Cement Ass'n v. Ruckelshaus, 486 F.2d 375, 399 (D.C. Cir. 1973), cert. 
    denied, 417 U.S. 921 (1974), stands for the proposition that CAA 
    emission standards may be enforced only through an exclusive reference 
    test method. First, the commenter relies on the court's ruling
    [[Page 8321]]
    that a reference test method must make measurements with ``reasonable 
    accuracy'' and be ``objective.'' 486 F.2d at 401 & n. 103. Second, the 
    commenter cited the court's concern with deviations between sampling 
    methods used in gathering data to set an emission standard and sampling 
    methods used in reference methods. The court stated that ``a 
    significant difference between techniques used by the agency in 
    arriving at standards, and requirements presently prescribed for 
    determining compliance with standards [i.e., the reference method], 
    raises serious questions about the validity of the standards.'' 486 
    F.2d at 396. EPA disagrees with this reading of Portland Cement.
        These holdings, individually or together, do not support the 
    conclusion that violations of an emission standard may only be 
    demonstrated by an exclusive reference method. The court's statements 
    regarding the reliability of reference methods were made in context of 
    a challenge to an opacity standard. The industry petitioner argued that 
    testing compliance with that standard, inspector observations, is 
    inaccurate and therefore arbitrary. The court agreed that the evidence 
    called the reliability of inspector observations into question and 
    remanded to EPA for it to determine if there was a way to measure 
    compliance with the standard with ``reasonable accuracy.'' In no way 
    did the court imply that the opacity standard had to have an exclusive 
    reference test but simply rejected the test EPA proposed to use as 
    insufficiently supported.
        The Portland Cement court's discussion of a compliance method that 
    differed from the test method used to develop the standard also lends 
    no support to the conclusion that an exclusive test method is required. 
    It is true that the court mentioned reference methods ``outlined by 
    regulation.'' However, the mere description of an agency practice 
    (here, the inclusion of a reference test in a regulation setting an 
    emission standard) does not transform that practice into a statutory 
    requirement. Moreover, the thrust of the court's remarks was to caution 
    EPA that, where EPA has established by regulation a reference method 
    for sources to demonstrate compliance, the best data EPA can put forth 
    to show that a standard is in fact achievable is data generated by the 
    reference method. The D.C. Circuit, however, has specifically rejected 
    the assertion that standards can only be supported by reference test 
    data. See National Lime Ass'n v. EPA, 627 F.2d 416, 446, fn.103 (D.C. 
    Cir. 1980). None of this, thus, supports the commenter's claim that a 
    standard's supporting data must be generated using the reference 
    method, and its supposed corollary that only reference method data can 
    be used to enforce the standard, especially where, as here, that other 
    information must be related back to a reference test method. At best, 
    the commenter's arguments would apply only in the context of an 
    original standard-setting, where an emission limitation or other 
    standard newly promulgated by EPA was being challenged on the basis 
    that the standard's supporting data was inadequate. Today's rule sets 
    no new emission or work-practice standards, and amends no existing 
        Thus, the commenter is mistaken. Neither of the two passages in 
    Portland Cement cited by the commenter address whether exclusive 
    reference tests are necessary, much less mandate establishment of such 
    tests. Further, EPA regulations are inconsistent with the exclusivity 
    argument of the commenter. For example, section 60.8(a) of Title 40 of 
    the CFR provides a whole string of circumstances under which a source 
    can alter or completely replace the reference test required by the 
    regulation. Finally, today's final action regarding the use of non-
    reference test data in enforcement is fully consistent with the court's 
    requirement that reference testing be conducted in a nonarbitrary 
    4. The 1990 CAA Amendments Further Support EPA's Authority
        Various provisions of the 1990 CAA Amendments provide additional 
    support for EPA's position that reference tests are not the exclusive 
    means of proving violations. As noted above, Congress specifically 
    reversed the Kaiser Steel decision in Section 113(e) of the Amendments 
    by providing that the duration of a violation may be established ``by 
    any credible evidence (including evidence other than the applicable 
    test method).'' The legislative history for this provision shows that 
    Congress meant to clarify that in an enforcement action courts are not 
    restricted to reference test method data, but may consider any evidence 
    of violation or compliance admissible under relevant evidentiary rules. 
    See S. Rep. No. 228, 101st Cong., 1st Sess. 1, 358 (1989) (``Senate 
    Report''), reprinted in 1990 U.S. Code Cong. & Admin. News 3385, 3741 
        Other provisions of the 1990 CAA Amendments also evidence 
    Congressional intent that reference test methods should not be used as 
    the exclusive means for assessing compliance with CAA emission limits. 
    Most pointedly, the requirements in Section 114(a)(3) for enhanced 
    monitoring and for compliance certifications based on a determination 
    of whether compliance was continuous or intermittent presumes that data 
    other than reference tests would be used for these purposes. As 
    explained in the October, 1993, proposal, the use of non-reference test 
    data is also consistent with the monitoring, compliance assurance, and 
    compliance certification requirements in Sections 504(a), 504(c), and 
    503(b)(2) of the Act. See 58 FR 54649-50. In addition, Section 504(b) 
    of the Act grants discretionary authority to the Administrator to 
    prescribe procedures and methods for monitoring, and provides that 
    continuous emission monitoring systems need not be required ``if 
    alternative methods are available that provide sufficiently reliable 
    and timely information for determining compliance.'' In sum, Congress' 
    repeated emphasis on providing reliable and timely compliance 
    information is inconsistent with the notion that only data from 
    infrequently performed reference tests is relevant to compliance 
    certifications and enforcement actions.
    5. Commenters' Attempts To Narrow the Scope of Sections 113(e) and 
    113(a) Are Unpersuasive
        Several industry commenters have claimed that the legislative 
    history of the 1990 CAA Amendments shows that section 113(e)(1) does 
    not provide authority for today's final action. Additionally, these 
    commenters have asserted that the section's legislative history upon 
    which EPA has relied is ambiguous.
        In the October, 1993, proposal, EPA cited to the Senate Report's 
    discussion of Section 113(e)(1). The Senate Report stated:
        This title of the bill enhances the ability of the Environmental 
    Protection Agency * * * by making clear that the Agency may rely 
    upon any credible evidence of violations in pursuing alleged 
    Senate Report at 358, Reprint at 3741. The Report further explained:
        [T]he amendment clarifies that courts may consider any evidence 
    of violation or compliance admissible under the Federal Rules of 
    Evidence, and that they are not limited to consideration of evidence 
    that is based solely on the applicable test method in the State 
    implementation [plan] or regulation. For example, courts may 
    consider evidence from continuous emission monitoring systems, 
    expert testimony, and bypassing and control equipment malfunctions, 
    even if these are not the applicable test methods. Thus, this 
    amendment overrules the ruling in United States v. Kaiser Steel 
    Corp., No. 82-2623 (C.D. Cal. January 17, 1984) to the extent that
    [[Page 8322]]
    the court in that case excluded the consideration of such evidence.
    Senate Report at 366, Reprint at 3749. Finally, the Report notes that 
    data from enhanced monitoring and compliance certifications ``will 
    facilitate enforcement, due in part to the fact that such data and 
    certifications can be used as evidence.'' Senate Report at 368, Reprint 
    at 3751.
        The commenters, in turn, rely on the views of Senator Chafee 
    regarding S. 1630, inserted into the Congressional Record at the time 
    the legislation was introduced. Senator Chafee stated with regard to 
    Section 113(e)(1):
        Subsection 113(e) also clarifies and confirms that once EPA 
    establishes evidence of a violation using a formal test method, EPA 
    can use other credible evidence to prove additional violations, or 
    that violation has continued.
    135 Cong. Rec. S 9650, 9655 (August 3, 1989).
        EPA believes that the best reading of the legislative history still 
    supports its interpretation of Section 113(e)(1). First, there is no 
    ambiguity in the Senate Report, the language of which unreservedly 
    supports enforcement actions brought on the basis of non-reference test 
    data. Second, EPA does not believe that Senator Chafee's floor 
    statement outweighs the clear statement in the Senate Report. The 
    Senate Report is a more authoritative reflection of congressional 
    intent than a floor statement produced at the beginning of the 
    legislative process.
        Various commenters also objected to EPA's reliance on Section 
    113(a) as a basis for today's action. One commenter argued that Section 
    113(a) does not preempt regulatorily specified reference test methods. 
    Several commenters asserted that EPA's construction of Section 113(a) 
    would render superfluous the new language in Section 113(e)(1) 
    concerning credible evidence. These commenters claim that, under EPA's 
    interpretation of Section 113(a), Congress could have ``fixed'' the 
    Kaiser Steel decision simply by clarifying the scope of EPA's authority 
    under Section 113(a).
        These various commenters have misunderstood EPA's interpretation of 
    Section 113(a). EPA has not asserted that Section 113(a) preempts 
    reference test methods. Rather, EPA believes that Section 113(a) 
    provides authority to amend current regulations to make clear that data 
    from reference test methods are not the exclusive means of establishing 
    noncompliance or compliance in enforcement actions. Given this 
    interpretation of Section 113(a), Congress's passage of Section 
    113(e)(1) cannot be described as superfluous--particularly in light of 
    the decision in Kaiser Steel.
    6. EPA Can Promulgate the Credible Evidence Revisions Without 
        Several commenters have argued that finalization of the proposed 
    changes in Parts 51, 52, 60 and 61 without first reproposing those 
    changes violates the Administrative Procedure Act (APA), the CAA, and 
    due process. The commenters' main argument is based on EPA's presumed 
    change in course on implementing the requirement in Section 114(a)(3) 
    concerning enhanced monitoring and compliance certification. As noted 
    above, the changes to Parts 51, 52, 60 and 61 were proposed in the same 
    rulemaking that proposed an enhanced monitoring and compliance 
    certification program. Since that proposal, EPA has re-evaluated its 
    approach to enhanced monitoring and has made publicly available and has 
    sought comment on a revised approach--the CAM approach--for satisfying 
    the same statutory goals as the original enhanced monitoring proposal. 
    Some commenters contend that switching to CAM will fundamentally change 
    their view of the proposed changes to Parts 51, 52, 60 and 61 because 
    those proposed changes were evaluated only in terms of how they would 
    be implemented under the October, 1993, proposal on enhanced 
    monitoring. Until CAM is formally proposed, these commenters assert, 
    they cannot give meaningful comments on the credible evidence 
    revisions. Further, the commenters argue that the proposed revisions 
    provided insufficient notice and opportunity to comment because EPA has 
    not adequately defined the term ``credible evidence.''
        EPA believes today's rule has no procedural infirmities. EPA is 
    today finalizing the enforcement-related portions of the proposal it 
    made in 1993 with only minor changes.
        The commenters' claim that they cannot meaningfully comment on 
    credible evidence revisions prior to proposal of the CAM approach is 
    not well-taken for two reasons. First, EPA does not believe that any 
    knowledge of the draft CAM approach is necessary to comment on today's 
    rulemaking. In today's final rule, EPA has removed any presumptions 
    regarding the credibility of any specific data. If and when the draft 
    CAM approach is finally adopted, CAM data will be treated under today's 
    rule like any other potential source of compliance information. Thus, 
    knowledge of the draft CAM approach is not critical to commenting on 
    this rulemaking. In any event, the nature of the draft CAM approach has 
    been generally available in some detail since September, 1995--well 
    before EPA renewed its request for comment on today's rulemaking. 
    Further, EPA has sought and received additional comment on the 
    enforcement consequences of the draft CAM approach by distribution of a 
    revision of the CAM approach in August, 1996. The revised approach 
    specifically discussed the relationship of the draft CAM approach and 
    today's action.
        Second, the October, 1993, proposed rulemaking gave interested 
    parties sufficient notice of the issues raised by the proposed changes 
    to Parts 51, 52, 60 and 61. The Agency made clear that these revisions 
    were designed to remove any potential ambiguity regarding the use of 
    enhanced monitoring data in compliance certifications, and to clarify 
    that any credible evidence of a violation of an emission standard was 
    admissible to prove (or disprove) such a violation. See 58 FR 54677. To 
    clarify that these credible evidence revisions extended beyond the data 
    gathered under an enhanced monitoring program, EPA gave two specific 
    examples of evidence collected outside the enhanced monitoring program 
    that under the revised regulations could be used to prove a violation. 
    See 58 FR 54676-54677. Thus, the October, 1993, proposal clearly put 
    interested parties on notice that the credible evidence revisions were 
    not merely an adjunct to the enhanced monitoring program. In fact, 
    industry commenters on the October, 1993, proposal clearly understood 
    the central issue posed by the proposed credible evidence changes, and 
    they commented on it extensively. Today's final action promulgates 
    revisions to existing regulations, and are not contingent upon future 
    promulgation of the CAM approach or any other form of enhanced 
    monitoring requirement.
        Neither is this rulemaking procedurally deficient for not providing 
    an express regulatory definition of the term ``credible evidence''--a 
    term which Congress itself inserted, without definition, into the Act. 
    The issues of credibility, admissibility and weight of evidence have 
    been exhaustively addressed by federal and state court evidentiary 
    rules regarding evidence, and the thousands of cases decided under 
    them. Today's final action defers to those regulations and makes clear 
    that there are no bars in regulations under the CAA which prevent the 
    use of evidence or information other than reference test methods in 
    compliance certifications and enforcement actions. Of course, in 
    judicial enforcement
    [[Page 8323]]
    proceedings, what evidence is credible and admissible will be 
    determined by the court taking into account how the evidence was 
    gathered and the specifics of the emission standard and any associated 
    reference method.
        Finally, EPA believes that it has taken extensive steps, detailed 
    in Section I.C. above, to ensure that the concerns of affected parties 
    were fully aired. None of the additional public outreach actions that 
    EPA undertook in 1996 were required by the APA or the CAA; instead, EPA 
    undertook them voluntarily to ensure full input by interested parties 
    regarding the credible evidence rules.
    D. Stringency
        Industry commenters have presented several arguments in support of 
    their position that this rulemaking requires sources to be in 
    continuous compliance and thus would effectively increase the 
    stringency of underlying requirements, including SIP limits and 
    standards established by EPA under the NSPS and NESHAP programs.
        EPA believes that industry's arguments on this point are 
    fundamentally wrong. It is not EPA's intent that these rules should 
    increase the stringency of any applicable requirement. These rules do 
    not do so because they maintain the focus of the compliance 
    determination on whether or not the appropriate reference test would 
    have shown a violation.
        The commenters' arguments regarding increased stringency are as 
    follows: applicable requirements are accompanied by specified reference 
    tests. Any departure from past practice regarding the use of these 
    tests, including the use of other credible information to directly 
    assess compliance, particularly on a more frequent basis, will 
    inevitably change the results of an inquiry into the compliance status 
    of any source compared to exclusive reliance on the infrequent 
    performance of the reference tests. Therefore, industry argues, using 
    credible evidence would change the underlying applicable requirements--
    usually in a manner that makes them more stringent--without going 
    through the necessary rulemaking procedures.
        Industry's argument hinges on the premise that adoption of an 
    emission standard that includes a particular form of reference test--
    one that is not required to be performed continuously as a matter of 
    course--limits the compliance obligation. The scope of the compliance 
    obligation is not at issue in this rulemaking. The scope of the 
    compliance obligation prescribed by any particular standard shall be 
    based on the emission standard and not this rulemaking. However, to 
    fully respond to industry comments, and to give notice of the position 
    EPA will take in future enforcement proceedings, EPA believes it is 
    necessary to address in some detail the nature of the compliance 
    obligation under emission standards with particular emphasis on the 
    compliance obligation as it pertains to emission standards which have a 
    reference test method that is not required to be performed 
        While the bulk of the commenters' concerns were expressed with 
    respect to NSPS, the same concerns also apply in most cases to NESHAPs 
    and SIPs. Likewise, EPA's responses focus on NSPS, but are generally 
    applicable to other emissions limits as well.
    1. Emissions Limits Require Continuous Compliance (Consistent With Any 
    Averaging Times) Except During Periods Where Compliance Is Specifically 
        To resolve commenters' claims of increased stringency, the nature 
    of the compliance obligation facing owners and operators of sources of 
    air pollution under the Act must be addressed. Under the CAA, its 
    regulations, and the case law, a source's compliance with emission 
    limitations must be continuous (consistent with any averaging times) 
    except where a particular emission standard specifically provides for 
    periods of noncompliance.
        The Statute. The Clean Air Act defines the terms ``emission 
    limitation'' and ``emission standard'' as meaning ``a requirement 
    established by the State or the Administrator which limits the 
    quantity, rate, or concentration of emissions of air pollutants on a 
    continuous basis * * *.'' CAA section 302(k) (emphasis added). In 
    accordance with this clear statutory statement, the Act authorizes 
    penalties for multiple days of violation should a source fail to meet 
    its continuing obligation. See also CAA sections 113(e)(2) (providing 
    that ``a penalty may be assessed for each day of violation,'' and 
    establishing a presumption of continuing violation if certain 
    conditions are met) and 113(e)(1).
        CAA Regulations. The Act's general requirement of continuous 
    compliance is mirrored in the NSPS regulations, which generally require 
    that sources comply with established emission limits except during 
    certain defined time periods. NSPS provisions typically specify that 
    compliance with stated limits is required ``on and after the date'' of 
    an initial performance test conducted in accordance with 40 CFR 60.8. 
    See, e.g., 40 CFR 60.502. The need for continuous compliance is also 
    discussed in the preambles to numerous NSPS, including many older ones. 
    For example, in proposing standards for glass manufacturing plants 
    (Subpart CC), EPA stressed the need for effective monitoring to assure 
    that affected facilities are ``continuing to maintain the emission 
    reduction observed during the performance test.'' 48 FR 50670, 50675 
    (1983). EPA has also made this point clear in publicly-available 
    guidance memoranda. See Detailed Response Document at Section 4.
        In addition to requirements for continuous compliance, NSPS 
    regulations also typically contain specifically excused periods of 
    noncompliance. These periods confirm that compliance is required at 
    other times. They also confirm the basic reasonableness of this 
    compliance scheme--that is, sources must generally comply continuously 
    with their numerical emission limits, but not during periods of 
    specifically excused noncompliance, and only in accordance with any 
    specified averaging periods. For example, for many standards, 
    compliance is not required during periods of startup, shutdown or 
    malfunction. This exception is contained in the NSPS general provisions 
    and in individual standards. See 40 CFR 60.8(c); see also, e.g., 40 CFR 
        Case Law. In various judicial decisions, courts have approved of 
    the basic NSPS regulatory scheme of continuous compliance accompanied 
    by limited, specified exceptions for noncompliance. The courts have 
    stated that the specified exceptions are needed because sources must 
    comply at all other times. See, e.g., Portland Cement, 486 F.2d at 399 
    (court noted EPA's then-proposed ``startup, shutdown and malfunction'' 
    compliance exclusion regulation with approval, suggested that it was a 
    ``limited safety valve'' and stated that it imparts a construction of 
    ``reasonableness'' to the standards as a whole and adopts a more 
    flexible system of regulation that can be had by a system devoid of 
    ``give''; (Essex Chemical Corp. v. Ruckelshaus, 486 F.2d. 427, 433 
    (D.C. Cir. 1973), cert. denied, 416 U.S. 969 (1974) (in a challenge to 
    sulfuric acid plant and coal-fired steam generator NSPS standards, the 
    court again noted with approval the proposed start-up, shutdown and 
    malfunction exception and remanded the rule stating that ``such variant 
    provisions appear necessary to preserve the reasonableness of the 
    standards as a whole and that the record does not support the ``never 
    to be
    [[Page 8324]]
    exceeded'' standard currently in force'') (emphasis added); and Bunker 
    Hill Co. v. EPA, 572 F.2d 1286, 1301-02 (9th Cir. 1977) (in challenge 
    to SIP sulfur dioxide standard, court observed that EPA regulations 
    required that the standard be met ``all of the time,'' and thus EPA 
    must typically promulgate upset provisions to excuse noncompliance 
    beyond the source's control). Similarly, the proposition that 
    compliance must be continuous is reflected in numerous judicial 
    decisions involving challenges to various NSPS rulemakings. In these 
    cases, both the D.C. Circuit Court and industry petitioners have 
    emphasized that for an emission standard to be achievable it must be 
    able to be continuously complied with over wide operating ranges at 
    varied facilities. See, e.g., Portland Cement, Essex Chemical, National 
    Lime, and Sierra Club v. Costle, 657 F.2d 298 (D.C. Cir. 1981). In 
    National Lime, for example, the lime industry's trade association 
    itself complained that the data underlying the promulgated numerical 
    emission standards were insufficient to show that the standards were 
    ``in fact achievable on a continuous basis.'' 627 F.2d at 430. In 
    holding that EPA had not adequately demonstrated the achievability of 
    the standards for the industry as a whole, the court explained that 
    ``to be achievable, we think a uniform standard must be capable of 
    being met under most adverse conditions that can reasonably be expected 
    to recur . . . .'' Id. at 431. In Sierra Club v. Costle, various 
    electric utility companies challenged a particulate standard on the 
    basis that ``the data reflect only short term performance while the 
    standard requires long term continuous compliance.'' 657 F.2d at 377 
    (emphasis added). This challenge was rejected by the court based on 
    data showing that certain sources had ``consistently complied with the 
    standard.'' Id. at 382.
    2. Commenters' Advocacy of Noncontinuous Compliance Would Lead to 
    Numerous Anomalies
        Some industry commenters have argued that numerous emissions 
    limitations do not require continuous compliance or, alternatively, 
    that ``continuous'' does not have the straightforward meaning suggested 
    above. The commenters' argument centers on NSPS standards issued under 
    CAA section 111. In the commenters' view, many such standards do not 
    contemplate that facilities will operate in compliance on a continuous 
    basis with stated emissions limits, but rather require only an initial 
    demonstration of compliance with stated limits upon start-up or shortly 
    thereafter. After an initial performance test, continuous compliance is 
    required only with respect to operation and maintenance ``in a manner 
    consistent with good air pollution control practice'' as specified in 
    40 CFR 60.11(d). As to numerical emissions limits, commenters suggest 
    that these must be met only on those infrequent occasions that a 
    subsequent performance test is conducted. So long as any such 
    performance test is passed, the source is in ``continuous'' compliance 
    with numerical emissions limits without regard to whether its emissions 
    in fact exceeded the numerical limit during the time between the tests, 
    no matter how long that may be.
        EPA rejects this view of the nature of the obligation to comply 
    with NSPS and other emission limits under the CAA. See Detailed 
    Response Document. EPA and the courts have long held that emission 
    limits must be complied with continuously, consistent with any 
    associated averaging periods, except where a particular limit provides 
    otherwise. Adopting the commenters' view of compliance would lead to 
    numerous anomalies.
        In the April 2, 1996, public meeting and in follow-up written 
    comments, several commenters argued that many reference test methods 
    were selected specifically because they would only be performed 
    infrequently--for example, on a yearly basis. These once a year tests 
    would be proper for their associated emission standards, which in the 
    commenters' view were intended to be complied with only 95% of the 
    time. Specifically, performing a reference test once a year would yield 
    ``acceptable'' compliance results, because on average a source would be 
    found out of compliance only 5% of the time--that is, in one in twenty 
    tests, or once every twenty years. According to these commenters, 
    testing for compliance more frequently would be unfair, because it 
    would increase the likelihood that the source would be found out of 
    compliance during periods where the standard itself contemplated 
    noncompliance. In order to avoid being found in noncompliance, sources 
    would have to continuously stay below their emission limits--which in 
    these commenters' view would effectively increase the stringency of the 
    emission standard.
        EPA disagrees with the commenters' notion that sources must meet 
    their legal numerical air emission limits only seldomly. Further, EPA 
    rejects as inconsistent with the Act and its underlying purposes the 
    notion that sources can somehow be in routine ``compliance'' without 
    staying within these limits on an ongoing basis. The fundamental goal 
    of the CAA and the emission standards established under it, is to 
    achieve clean air. Moreover, many emission standards, such as hazardous 
    air pollutant standards under Section 112 and emission standards in 
    State Implementation Plans designed to implement national ambient air 
    quality standards, have a direct relationship to the protection of 
    human health. Routine compliance with numerical emission standards is 
    critical to achieving this goal. The commenters' view that such 
    compliance is somehow not required would completely undercut these 
    public health and safety goals.
        If the commenters' view was correct, any EPA or state targeting of 
    a specific source by requiring the source to perform more frequent 
    reference tests would be unfair and presumably illegal, because any 
    such increased frequency in reference testing would destroy the 
    delicate balance of frequent noncompliance and infrequent testing that 
    the commenters claim is contemplated by the rules. Under this view, EPA 
    and states might not be able to require an apparently violating source 
    to conduct a previously unscheduled reference test, because it would 
    improperly raise the source's chances of being found in noncompliance 
    and thereby ``increase the stringency of the underlying standards.''
        The commenters'' argument is also inconsistent with the language, 
    structure, and purpose of the CAA. For example, if the frequency of 
    testing must be limited to meet the intent of the emission limits, to 
    be fair to all sources EPA's regulations should have required that the 
    tests be performed only at infrequent intervals. EPA's rules contain no 
    such restrictions; rather, CAA section 114(a)(1)(D) grants EPA broad 
    discretion to order reference tests whenever the Administrator deems it 
    appropriate. Moreover, commenters'' argument is inconsistent with CAA 
    section 113(e)(1), which even on its narrowest reading (note that EPA's 
    reading is considerably broader) specifically provides for use of non-
    reference test data to prove continuing additional days of violation 
    after an initial violation is established by reference test data, and 
    by CAA section 113(e)(2), which establishes a presumption of continuing 
    violation after notice of the violation has been given to the source, 
    provided that EPA can make a prima facie showing that ``the conduct or 
    events giving rise to the violation are likely to have continued or 
    recurred past the date of notice.'' This presumption continues until 
    the violator ``establishes that continuous compliance has been 
    [[Page 8325]]
    Likewise, sections 114(a)(3) and 504(a)-(c) regarding enhanced 
    monitoring and certification as to whether compliance is continuous or 
    intermittent, and prompt reporting of deviations, are simply 
    inconsistent with a regulatory regime that would require only 
    occasional demonstrations of compliance with emission limits. Taken 
    together, these provisions, represent a fundamental statutory rejection 
    of the commenters' argument. See Detailed Response Document, Section 4, 
    which discusses other reasons why these comments are without merit.
    3. Comments Regarding Continuous Compliance Are Not Directed at Today's 
    Action, but Rather at Underlying Emission Standards
        Industry commenters have argued that the quality and quantity of 
    the data used in establishing emissions limitations, such as those 
    under the NSPS and NESHAP programs, reflect a conscious decision by EPA 
    that compliance with such standards would need to be demonstrated only 
    periodically. It follows that requiring continuous compliance with 
    stated limits at this juncture would effectively increase the 
    stringency of the standards. As discussed above, EPA believes that the 
    commenters' general arguments strain common sense. Commenters have 
    pointed to various NSPS standards to support their views, but EPA finds 
    these examples unpersuasive.
        In particular, commenters have pointed to the NSPS for kraft pulp 
    mills, 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart BB, and for steam electric generators 
    constructed between 1971 and 1978, Subpart D, as reflecting a general 
    acknowledgment by EPA that national standards need not be complied with 
    at all times. EPA believes that, to the contrary, Subparts BB and D and 
    other cases demonstrate that where EPA intended to allow affected 
    sources to exceed stated emissions limits, the standards in question 
    expressly so provide. It is true that in the development of some NSPS 
    and NESHAP standards, EPA was concerned with the limited number and 
    distribution of test runs and the inherent variability in levels of 
    emissions from even well-controlled facilities. Where appropriate, EPA 
    addressed those concerns by adjusting the numerical value of the 
    standard, providing excess emissions allowances and provisions for 
    noncompliance during certain upset conditions, or through changes in 
    averaging times. With other standards, EPA did not provide for any 
    departure from the general requirement that compliance must be 
    continuous. Examples of all these approaches, and specific responses to 
    comments regarding Subparts D and BB, are provided in the Detailed 
    Response Document.
        The commenters' assertions that sources cannot comply on a 
    continuous basis are really directed not to the propriety of today's 
    rules, but rather to the adequacy of the underlying NSPS and other 
    emission standards that are not at issue in this rulemaking. To the 
    extent there is any documentation that a well-run facility cannot 
    comply consistently with underlying national emission standards, or 
    applicable SIP requirements, such documentation would be relevant only 
    to those existing standards, not to today's rule. EPA notes that 
    despite several requests to commenters to identify any standards that 
    cannot be complied with on a regular basis, no specific information has 
    been provided to this rulemaking docket that demonstrates that well 
    operated and maintained facilities employing pollution control 
    technologies of the types upon which the underlying emission standards 
    were based cannot comply with those standards on a continuing basis. 
    The most that was submitted was a statistical re-analysis of the data 
    relied upon by EPA in promulgating several emission standards and a one 
    page graph purporting to show that an industrial boiler could not 
    comply with the NOX emission limit at low levels.
        The agency has considered this comment concerning the Subpart D 
    NOX standard carefully, as it does not intend to impose 
    requirements that are impossible for well-designed sources to meet, but 
    believes that this concern is largely theoretical. The information 
    provided by the commenter to EPA was vague and did not prove that the 
    undisclosed source could not comply with the emission standard. 
    Further, if a standard was impossible to achieve under some 
    circumstance, EPA and citizens are not likely to bring enforcement 
    cases in such instances. In reviewing CAA enforcement actions the 
    agency has been unable to identify any case where either the agency or 
    a citizen sought to enforce a standard that was impossible to achieve. 
    The agency was also unable to identify any case in which a defendant 
    established that compliance was not possible at the time of the alleged 
    violation. This appears to be the case even in those states and 
    localities that have had ``credible evidence'' rules for years.
        Additionally, should it be determined that a standard could not be 
    met during some relatively infrequent or inconsequential period of 
    source activity, the potential for significant adverse impact on that 
    source is remote. The agency has previously expressed its policy that, 
    generally, judicial enforcement is not the appropriate vehicle to 
    redress sporadic, infrequent violations with no environmental 
    consequence. Further, it is unlikely that a citizen could prevail in 
    enforcing a theoretically impossible standard since Courts will not 
    issue an injunction where there is nothing to be done. Similarly, where 
    one cannot establish that a source failed to act in a manner required 
    by law a significant penalty will not be imposed by the courts. The 
    agency is not aware of any situation in which it has filed, and one 
    should not anticipate large numbers of citizen suits being filed, where 
    there is nothing the source could have done or could do to achieve a 
    greater degree of compliance. Moreover, the courts today have 
    additional tools, including fee awards and sanctions available under 
    the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and other statutes to address 
    meritless suits.
        In further response to these industry comments, EPA has included in 
    the record a 1993 study conducted by EPA Region V that shows that 
    almost all (95%) of sources with sulfur dioxide CEMs were meeting their 
    federal and state sulfur dioxide emission limits approximately 97% of 
    the time, with excess emission periods totaling only 3%. See Region V 
    Study, Figure 2. Because this 3% figure included excess emissions 
    recorded during periods in which compliance is specifically not 
    required, such as startup and shutdown, the percentage of operating 
    time in noncompliance with the standard is even smaller and may mean 
    that most sources are in compliance all the time. EPA Region V sources 
    with continuous opacity monitors showed similar results: the average 
    source's percentage of opacity exceedances was less than 2%, with 95% 
    of sources at or below approximately 4%. See Study, Figure 1. As with 
    the sulfur dioxide data, opacity exceedances during periods of startup, 
    shutdown and other excused periods were not excluded. Accordingly, the 
    percentage of actual noncompliance with opacity limits was even 
    smaller. Note that these figures are for the average (50th percentile) 
    and worst (95th percentile) facilities. The best run facilities have 
    fewer excess emissions reports.
        Additional CEM data from EPA Region V that focused specifically on 
    exceedances from NSPS Subpart D SO2 emission standards shows 
    similar results. This data shows that Subpart D sources report few or 
    no excess SO2 emissions. Approximately two-thirds of the sources 
    report no excess emissions
    [[Page 8326]]
    at all, during any three month reporting period. Further, since 1990, 
    the vast majority of sources (95%) have reported total excess emissions 
    averaging less than 2.5% of operating time; since 1993, less than 1.7%. 
    Since these figures include all excess emission periods, including 
    periods that are probably excused, the actual SO2 exceedance rates 
    were even lower.
        These data show that there are not ``fundamental flaws'' in the 
    subject standards such that the standard cannot be met. Indeed, the 
    data demonstrate that most sources do comply all or nearly all of the 
        If the regulated community believes that a standard cannot be met 
    across some meaningful range of normal operating conditions, or if 
    specific exemptions beyond those currently provided are proper, we 
    believe the appropriate action is for the affected industry to file a 
    petition for amendment of the standard at issue or propose more 
    specific permit conditions so that the matter can be fully assessed and 
    addressed through the regulatory process. However, the information 
    submitted by the commenters does not show that there currently exists a 
    significant ``impossibility'' issue that is so widespread as to 
    outweigh the benefits of the proposed rule.
    4. Enforcement Using Continuous Monitoring Data Does Not Increase the 
    Stringency of Applicable Requirements
        Industry commenters have argued that the stringency of emission 
    standards will be increased if enforceable data is obtained more 
    frequently than has been ordinarily obtained in the past through 
    reference testing. Further, the commenters argue that direct 
    enforceability of this data would contradict EPA's stated positions in 
    adopting standards under the NSPS and NESHAP programs because EPA 
    intended that continuous monitoring would only show compliance with 
    good operation and maintenance procedures, i.e., general duty 
    requirements, and would not be otherwise used in enforcement. (See, 
    e.g., 38 FR 10820 (1973) (preamble to proposed startup, shutdown and 
    malfunction regulation); 43 FR 7571 (1978) (preamble to final kraft 
    pulp mill standards).
        Because the NSPS and NESHAP emission standards must be met 
    continuously, consistent with any averaging times and except during 
    periods where compliance is specifically excused, any more frequent or 
    continuous monitoring of the standards and any enforcement based on 
    violations uncovered thereby have no effect on the stringency of the 
    standards. To take a simple analogy, allowing the use of radar guns or 
    increasing the number of police checking for speeding may raise the 
    chance that a speeder will be detected, but this does not alter the 
    legal stringency of a posted speed limit.
        In some early NSPS, the agency required the installation of what 
    were styled ``indicator monitors'' and provided policy guidance that 
    such monitoring data would not be used as the sole basis of enforcement 
    actions absent further rulemaking. 38 FR 10820. To the extent that the 
    CAA Amendments of 1990 did not supersede this policy statement, today's 
    action is that future rulemaking. These policy statements, like today's 
    rulemaking, pertain only to the kinds of evidence EPA uses to prove 
    violations. The policy change that was contemplated in our 1993 
    proposal and 1996 memorandum are supported by technological advances in 
    the accuracy and reliability of continuous emission monitors, 
    deficiencies in EPA's previous practices identified by GAO and others, 
    and the language and intent of the Act and the 1990 CAA Amendments.
        EPA's past statements regarding limitations on the use of data 
    derived from continuous monitoring methods for purposes of enforcing 
    standards were motivated in part by concerns over the cost and 
    availability of such methods and their ability to accurately determine 
    compliance. See, e.g., National Lime, 627 F.2d at 450 (responding to 
    petitioners' argument that there was no adequately demonstrated 
    technology for monitoring opacity, EPA stated that the continuous 
    monitoring data would not be used to determine compliance with the 
    opacity standard but ``to keep a check on the operation and maintenance 
    of the control equipment,'' and that the monitors were reliable enough 
    to perform this limited function). For example, in the 1973 startup, 
    shutdown and malfunction regulation proposal, EPA noted that while 
    continuous monitoring data would not, at that time, be used to 
    determine compliance as a general matter, such data could be used if 
    ``approved as [an] equivalent or alternative method for performance 
    testing.'' 38 FR 10820. Indeed, the NSPS general provisions have long 
    provided that in lieu of performance tests using reference methods, a 
    source could demonstrate compliance using an approved equivalent or 
    alternative method, and that EPA can waive reference tests where the 
    source has otherwise satisfactorily demonstrated compliance. See 40 CFR 
        Since the 1970s, the availability, cost and accuracy of methods 
    that enable determinations of compliance on a continuous basis has 
    improved markedly. See, e.g., 1990 GAO report at 19, 22-23 (1986 and 
    1988 EPA studies showed CEM data highly reliable); Continuous Emission 
    Monitoring, 1993, Jahake, Thomas Publishing Co. For these reasons, EPA 
    believes it is appropriate as a technical matter to allow information 
    derived from these methods to be used in compliance certifications and 
    enforcement actions. In fact, more recent national standards issued by 
    EPA provide for determining and enforcing compliance directly by use of 
    continuous monitoring data.
    5. Sources Must Comply Both With Good Operation and Maintenance 
    Requirements and With Emission Limits
        Industry commenters have claimed that as to the NSPS program, the 
    only goal of the program was to insure that best demonstrated 
    technology was employed, such that once an initial reference test 
    demonstrated that compliance with the standards could be achieved, it 
    need not be demonstrated thereafter, and that an affected source's only 
    ongoing obligation was its ``general duty'' to employ good operation 
    and maintenance practices to minimize emissions in accordance with 40 
    CFR 60.11(d).
        EPA agrees that proper operation and maintenance of an emissions 
    unit and any associated pollution controls in accordance with 40 CFR 
    60.11(d) is vital to complying with emission standards. However, while 
    it is true that sources have a continuing duty to employ good 
    operations and maintenance practices, this duty does not substitute for 
    the sources' obligation to comply with its emission limits. The two 
    obligations, while related, are separate requirements in the NSPS 
    regulations and in legal effect.
        EPA has made these points plain as far back as 1973 in the proposed 
    NSPS startup, shutdown and malfunction rulemaking:
        It is anticipated that the initial performance test and 
    subsequent performance tests will ensure that equipment is installed 
    which will permit the standards to be attained and that such 
    equipment is not allowed to deteriorate to the point where the 
    standards are no longer maintained. In addition, the proposed 
    regulation requires that the plant operator use maintenance and 
    operating procedures designed to minimize emissions in excess of the 
    38 FR 10820 (1973) (emphasis added). This preamble text clearly states 
    both that proper equipment maintenance is vital to remaining within an 
    [[Page 8327]]
    standard (otherwise equipment would deteriorate to the point where 
    standards were not met) and that the general operation and maintenance 
    obligation is a separate regulatory requirement. Additional discussion 
    of the distinction between the emission limits and good operating 
    practice requirements can be in the Detailed Response Document. These 
    statements make it clear that good operating practices requirements are 
    separate and distinct from the need to continuously comply with 
    emissions limits.
    E. SIP Call
        In the October, 1993, proposal, EPA announced that it planned to 
    call for States to amend their applicable implementation plans to 
    ensure that owners or operators may use enhanced monitoring (or other 
    monitoring approved for the source pursuant to part 70) for compliance 
    certification purposes, and that data from this monitoring, along with 
    any other credible evidence, may be used as evidence of a violation of 
    an applicable plan. 58 FR 54660. In December, 1993, and February, 1994, 
    the Office of Air and Radiation's Stationary Source Compliance 
    Division, the division then responsible for writing and implementing 
    the enhanced monitoring rules, issued memoranda to EPA's Regional 
    offices instructing them to conduct the SIP call. As of September, 
    1996, fifteen states and local air pollution control districts, 
    together with the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, had responded to the 
    call and submitted SIP amendments for EPA approval. Kansas, Iowa, 
    Nebraska, North Dakota, Georgia and Puerto Rico had received approval; 
    the other states and districts' revisions were pending.
        For substantially the same reasons that allow EPA to go forward 
    with today's final rule, EPA has the authority to initiate and continue 
    this SIP call. EPA's decision to forego the enhanced monitoring 
    approach in favor of the CAM proposal has no effect on the basic goals 
    of the SIP call, which are to clarify that non-reference test data can 
    be used in enforcement actions, and to remove any potential ambiguity 
    regarding this data's use for Title V compliance certifications.
        Today's action ensures that the evidentiary rules for CAA 
    violations are consistent in all fifty states. EPA has surveyed those 
    states that have responded to the SIP call and has determined that the 
    credible evidence changes have not created the difficulties forecast by 
    the commenters.
    IV. Administrative Requirements
    A. Docket
        Today's final rulemaking action is subject to Section 307(d) of the 
    Act. Accordingly, EPA has established a docket (No. A-91-52), which 
    consists of an organized and complete file of all information submitted 
    to, or otherwise considered by, EPA in the development of today's 
    action and the CAM approach. The docket includes all memoranda and 
    studies cited by EPA in this preamble. The principal purposes of the 
    docket are: (1) to allow interested parties a means to identify and 
    locate documents so that they can effectively participate in the 
    rulemaking process, and (2) to serve as the record in case of judicial 
    review. The docket is available for public inspection at EPA's Air 
    Docket, which is listed under the ADDRESSES section of this document.
    B. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Review
        Today's rulemaking is not a ``significant regulatory action'' 
    because the revisions make only evidentiary changes and do not impose 
    any additional implementation costs on regulated sources. Nevertheless, 
    EPA submitted this final rule to OMB for review. Changes made in 
    response to OMB suggestions and recommendations will be documented in 
    the public record.
    C. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
        Under section 202 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 
    (UMRA), Public Law 104-4, EPA generally must prepare a budgetary impact 
    statement to accompany any proposed or final rule that includes a 
    Federal mandate that may result in expenditure by State, local, or 
    tribal governments in the aggregate, or by the private sector, of $100 
    million or more. Before promulgating a rule for which such a statement 
    is needed, section 205 of the UMRA generally requires EPA to identify 
    and consider a reasonable number of regulatory alternatives and adopt 
    the least costly, most cost-effective or least burdensome alternative 
    that achieves the objectives of the rule. The provisions of section 205 
    do not apply when they are inconsistent with applicable law. Section 
    203 requires the Agency to establish a plan for obtaining input from 
    and informing, educating, and advising any small governments that may 
    be significantly or uniquely affected by the rule.
        EPA has determined that this rule does not contain a Federal 
    mandate that may result in expenditures of $100 million or more for 
    State, local, and tribal governments, in the aggregate, or the private 
    sector in any one year. Today's rulemaking makes only evidentiary 
    changes and does not impose any additional costs on regulated sources 
    or State, local, or tribal governments. For the same reason, these 
    evidentiary changes will not significantly or uniquely affect small 
    governments. Accordingly, this rulemaking is not subject to the 
    requirements of sections 202, 203, and 205 of the UMRA.
    D. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        EPA has determined that it is not necessary to prepare a regulatory 
    flexibility analysis in connection with this final rule. EPA has also 
    determined that this rule will not have a significant economic impact 
    on a substantial number of small entities. As explained above, this 
    rulemaking does not impose any additional implementation costs on small 
    or large entities.
    E. Paperwork Reduction Act
        The information collection requirements for the proposed enhanced 
    monitoring rule were previously submitted for approval to OMB under the 
    Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA), 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. In contrast, 
    today's rule does not contain any information collection requirements 
    subject to OMB review under the PRA.
    F. Submission to Congress and the General Accounting Office
        Under 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A) of the Small Business Regulatory 
    Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 104-121, 110 Stat. 847), EPA 
    submitted a report containing this rule and other required information 
    to the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of Representatives and the 
    Controller General of the General Accounting Office prior to 
    publication of this rule in today's Federal Register. For the same 
    reasons that this rulemaking is not a ``significant regulatory action'' 
    under Executive Order 12866, this rule is not a ``major rule'' as 
    defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2).
    List of Subjects
    40 CFR Part 51
        Environmental protection, Air pollution control.
    40 CFR Part 52
        Air pollution control.
    40 CFR Part 60
        Air pollution control.
    40 CFR Part 61
        Air pollution control.
    [[Page 8328]]
        Dated: February 13, 1997.
    Carol M. Browner,
    Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, 40 CFR Chapter I is 
    amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 51 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401, 7411, 7412, 7413, 7414, 7470-7479, 
    7501-7508, 7601, and 7602.
        2. Section 51.212 is amended by revising paragraph (c) to read as 
    Sec. 51.212  Testing, inspection, enforcement, and complaints.
    * * * * *
        (c) Enforceable test methods for each emission limit specified in 
    the plan. For the purpose of submitting compliance certifications or 
    establishing whether or not a person has violated or is in violation of 
    any standard in this part, the plan must not preclude the use, 
    including the exclusive use, of any credible evidence or information, 
    relevant to whether a source would have been in compliance with 
    applicable requirements if the appropriate performance or compliance 
    test or procedure had been performed. As an enforceable method, States 
    may use:
        (1) Any of the appropriate methods in appendix M to this part, 
    Recommended Test Methods for State Implementation Plans; or
        (2) An alternative method following review and approval of that 
    method by the Administrator; or
        (3) Any appropriate method in appendix A to 40 CFR part 60.
        1. The authority citation for part 52 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.
        2. Section 52.12 is amended by revising paragraph (c) to read as 
    Sec. 52.12  Source surveillance.
    * * * * *
        (c) For purposes of Federal enforcement, the following test 
    procedures and methods shall be used, provided that for the purpose of 
    establishing whether or not a person has violated or is in violation of 
    any provision of the plan, nothing in this part shall preclude the use, 
    including the exclusive use, of any credible evidence or information, 
    relevant to whether a source would have been in compliance with 
    applicable requirements if the appropriate performance or compliance 
    test procedures or methods had been performed:
        (1) Sources subject to plan provisions which do not specify a test 
    procedure and sources subject to provisions promulgated by the 
    Administrator will be tested by means of the appropriate procedures and 
    methods prescribed in part 60 of this chapter unless otherwise 
    specified in this part.
        (2) Sources subject to approved provisions of a plan wherein a test 
    procedure is specified will be tested by the specified procedure.
        3. Subpart A is amended by adding a new Sec. 52.33 to read as 
    Sec. 52.33  Compliance certifications.
        (a) For the purpose of submitting compliance certifications, 
    nothing in this part or in a plan promulgated by the Administrator 
    shall preclude the use, including the exclusive use, of any credible 
    evidence or information, relevant to whether a source would have been 
    in compliance with applicable requirements if the appropriate 
    performance or compliance test had been performed.
        (b) For all federal implementation plans, paragraph (a) of this 
    section is incorporated into the plan.
        1. The authority citation for part 60 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401, 7411, 7413, 7414, 7416, 7601 and 
        2. Section 60.11 is amended by revising paragraphs (a) and (f) and 
    by adding paragraph (g) to read as follows:
    Sec. 60.11  Compliance with standards and maintenance requirements.
        (a) Compliance with standards in this part, other than opacity 
    standards, shall be determined in accordance with performance tests 
    established by Sec. 60.8, unless otherwise specified in the applicable 
    * * * * *
        (f) Special provisions set forth under an applicable subpart shall 
    supersede any conflicting provisions in paragraphs (a) through (e) of 
    this section.
        (g) For the purpose of submitting compliance certifications or 
    establishing whether or not a person has violated or is in violation of 
    any standard in this part, nothing in this part shall preclude the use, 
    including the exclusive use, of any credible evidence or information, 
    relevant to whether a source would have been in compliance with 
    applicable requirements if the appropriate performance or compliance 
    test or procedure had been performed.
        1. The authority citation for part 61 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401, 7412, 7413, 7414, 7416, 7601 and 
        2. Section 61.12 is amended by revising paragraph (a) and adding 
    paragraph (e) to read as follows:
    Sec. 61.12  Compliance with standards and maintenance requirements.
        (a) Compliance with numerical emission limits shall be determined 
    in accordance with emission tests established in Sec. 61.13 or as 
    otherwise specified in an individual subpart.
    * * * * *
        (e) For the purpose of submitting compliance certifications or 
    establishing whether or not a person has violated or is in violation of 
    any standard in this part, nothing in this part shall preclude the use, 
    including the exclusive use, of any credible evidence or information, 
    relevant to whether a source would have been in compliance with 
    applicable requirements if the appropriate performance or compliance 
    test had been performed.
    [FR Doc. 97-4196 Filed 2-21- 97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
8314-8328 (15 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File:
CFR: (5)
40 CFR 51.212
40 CFR 52.12
40 CFR 52.33
40 CFR 60.11
40 CFR 61.12