97-4387. Self-Regulatory Organizations; Chicago Board Options Exchange, Inc., Order Approving Proposed Rule Change Relating to the Reporting Requirements for Securities Accounts and Orders of Market-Makers and Joint Account Provisions  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 36 (Monday, February 24, 1997)]
    [Pages 8287-8289]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-4387]
    [Release No. 34-38286; File No. SR-CBOE-96-70]
    Self-Regulatory Organizations; Chicago Board Options Exchange, 
    Inc., Order Approving Proposed Rule Change Relating to the Reporting 
    Requirements for Securities Accounts and Orders of Market-Makers and 
    Joint Account Provisions
    February 13, 1997.
    I. Introduction
        On November 20, 1996, the Chicago Board Options Exchange, Inc., 
    (``CBOE'' or ``Exchange'') filed with the Securities and Exchange 
    Commission (``Commission'' or ``SEC'') pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of 
    the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (``Act''),\1\ and Rule 19b-4 
    thereunder \2\ a proposed rule change relating to the reporting 
    requirements for securities accounts and orders of market-makers and 
    joint account provisions. The proposed rule change was published for 
    comment in Securities Exchange Act Release No. 38085 (December 24, 
    1996), 62 FR 434 (January 3, 1997). The Commission received no comments 
    on the proposal.
        \1\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
        \2\ 17 CFR 240.18b-4.
    II. Description of the Proposal
        CBOE proposes amending Rule 8.9, regarding Securities Accounts and 
    Orders of Market-Makers. Specifically, CBOE is amending Rule 8.9(a), 
    regarding the identification of accounts, to eliminate the routine 
    submission of information by market-makers respecting non-market-maker 
    trading accounts, or ``outside accounts.'' Currently, Exchange market-
    makers are required to identify and report to the Exchange all accounts 
    in which the market-maker may engage in stock, option and securities 
    trading, directly or indirectly, or over which it has investment 
    discretion. The rule in its current form is broad enough to require 
    market-makers to report professional trading accounts held at clearing 
    firms, as well as outside personal accounts such as brokerage accounts. 
    The Exchange is amending the reporting requirements of Rule 8.9(a) to 
    eliminate the routine submission of information respecting non-market-
    maker trading accounts, or ``outside accounts.'' The rule change will 
    require market-makers to report outside account information only when 
    requested by the Exchange.
        CBOE also proposes amending Rule 8.9(b), regarding the reporting of 
    market-maker orders. Currently, each market-maker is required to report 
    to the Exchange every order entered into by that market-maker within 
    the specifications of the Rule. CBOE proposes amending Rule 8.9(b) to 
    require the clearing firm that maintains the market-maker's trading 
    account, rather than the market-maker personally, to report executed 
    order information to the Exchange. The Exchange believes it is 
    appropriate to limit the required order information to ``executed'' 
    orders only, based upon its position that only marginal surveillance 
    benefits are derived from gathering unexecuted order information on a 
    routine basis.
        Under the proposal, the market-maker will be held responsible for 
    the reporting requirements only if the clearing firm is not reporting 
    executed order information to the Exchange and/or if the Exchange has 
    requested that the market-maker provide the information. Furthermore, 
    the proposed rule change will clarify that this reporting requirement 
    applies to ``professional trading accounts'' (i.e., transactions 
    cleared into all accounts carried for market-makers who are the subject 
    of a clearing firm letter of guarantee issued to the Exchange pursuant 
    to CBOE Rule 8.5).
        The clearing firm thus will be the primary source for the reporting 
    of market-maker executed order information to the Exchange. However, 
    all firms which represent and execute market-maker orders, including 
    order services firms as defined in Exchange Rule 6.77, will continue to 
    [[Page 8288]]
    responsible for maintaining and retaining executed and unexecuted order 
    information as required by Rules 17a-3 and 17a-4 under the Act and by 
    Exchange Rule 15.1. The continuing recordkeeping obligations of such 
    firms pursuant to Exchange rules and other applicable securities laws 
    and regulations will be noted in an Exchange regulatory circular upon 
    approval of the proposed rule change.
        In an effort to improve reporting and move toward electronic 
    reporting in the future, CBOE proposes to eliminate the existing 
    description of specific order information required to be reported as 
    set forth in Rule 8.9(b).\3\ Upon approval of this filing, the Exchange 
    will issue a regulatory circular to clearing firms which will list the 
    order reporting requirements that were previously embodied in Rule 
    8.9(b). CBOE will issue additional circulars as reporting requirements 
    are added.
        \3\ CBOE Rule 8.9(b) states that the report pertaining to orders 
    must include the terms of each order, identification of the 
    brokerage firms through which the orders were entered, the times of 
    entry or cancellation, the times report of execution were received 
    and, if all or part of the order was executed, the quantity and 
    execution price.
        Finally, CBOE proposes to amend Interpretation and Policy .06 to 
    Rule 8.9 to clarify that the existing prohibition against a joint 
    account participant effecting a transaction with another member acting 
    on behalf of the same joint account applies whether the transaction is 
    effected in person or via order. CBOE will also revise Interpretation 
    and Policy .06 to Rule 8.9 to prohibit transactions between two joint 
    accounts if the member who causes a transaction to be executed for one 
    of the joint accounts knows or has reason to know that the two joint 
    accounts have one or more common participants.
        The addition to Interpretation .06 to Rule 8.9 codifies in the 
    rule's current provisions in regulatory circulars which seek to ensure 
    that joint account transactions result in a bona fide change in 
    beneficial ownership. Existing regulatory circulars RG96-28 (item 7(b)) 
    and RG95-64 (item 8(b)) provide that a member has the responsibility to 
    ensure that in-person transactions or the entry of orders with floor 
    brokers do not result in trades occurring ``between two joint accounts 
    that have common participants.'' The rule change expressly imposes a 
    knowledge requirement as an element of the offense of effecting a 
    transaction between joint accounts with common participants. This 
    recognizes that members are not always able to know whether there are 
    common participants in two joint accounts because of the frequency with 
    which joint account composition may change.
    III. Discussion
        The Commission believes CBOE's proposed rule change is consistent 
    with Section 6(b)(5) of the Act.\4\ Section 6(b)(5) requires, among 
    other things, that the rules of an exchange be designed to promote just 
    and equitable principles of trade, perfect the mechanism of a free and 
    open national market system, and, in general, to further investor 
    protection and the public interest.
        \4\ 15 U.S.C. Sec. 78f(b)(5).
        The Commission believes that CBOE's proposal to allow market-makers 
    to provide outside account information upon request by the Exchange 
    rather than providing such information on a routine basis is a 
    reasonable revision to CBOE's market-maker account reporting 
    procedures. This conclusion is based on CBOE's representation that 
    outside account information provides little benefit to the Exchange's 
    surveillance programs unless special circumstances exist. The 
    Commission believes that the ability of the Exchange to request outside 
    account information upon request should help preserve the Exchange's 
    ability to conduct adequate surveillance.
        The Commission believes that CBOE's proposal to make a market 
    maker's clearing firm the primary responsible source for reporting 
    market-maker executed order information to the Exchange is a reasonable 
    means of streamlining the order reporting process. The Commission also 
    recognizes the Exchange's position that clearing firms with back-office 
    systems capabilities can most accurately gather and report market-maker 
    order information to the Exchange. Accordingly, the proposed change 
    should result in more effective and efficient reporting of market-maker 
    accounts and executed order information to the Exchange, thus promoting 
    just and equitable principles of trade, perfecting the mechanism of a 
    free and open national market system, and furthering investor 
    protection and the public interest.
        The Commission believes it is appropriate to limit the required 
    submitted order information to ``executed'' orders only, based on 
    CBOE's representation that only minimal surveillance benefits are 
    gained by gathering unexecuted order information on a routine basis. 
    Where the clearing firm is not reporting the information to the 
    Exchange and if the Exchange requests that the market-maker provide the 
    information, the market-maker will be responsible for reporting 
    executed order information. Moreover, while the clearing firm is the 
    primary source for the reporting of market-maker executed order 
    information, the firms representing and executing market-maker orders 
    will continue to be responsible for maintaining and retaining executed 
    and unexecuted order information pursuant to Rules 17a-3 \5\ and 17a-
    4,\6\ of the Act and CBOE Rule 15.1. These provisions offer further 
    assurance that executed order information will be reported and records 
    of executed and unexecuted orders will be maintained.
        \5\ 17 CFR 240.17a-3.
        \6\ 17 CFR 240.17a-4.
        The Commission believes that CBOE's proposal to eliminate the 
    existing description of specific order information required to be 
    reported pursuant to Rule 8.9(b), and its proposal to issue a 
    regulatory circular to clearing firms listing the order reporting 
    requirements, will provide the CBOE with greater flexibility in adding 
    reporting requirements as needed. The Commission notes that the 
    Exchange has agreed to issue a regulatory circular to its members 
    reflecting that all of the specific order information currently 
    contained in Rule 8.9(b) \7\ will continue to be required to be 
    reported pursuant to the rule. If the CBOE in the future seeks to 
    eliminate the required reporting of any of this specific information, 
    such a change would require the submission of a rule filing pursuant to 
    Section 19(b) \8\ of the Act.\9\
        \7\ See supra note 3.
        \8\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b).
        \9\ Although the submitted filing indicated that circulars would 
    be issued to clearing members, the CBOE has clarified that all 
    members will receive a circular informing them of changes in the 
    reporting requirements. Although the circulars sent to clearing 
    firms may differ from those sent to other CBOE members, the 
    information contained therein will be the same. Phone conversation 
    between Jeff Schroer, Market Surveillance, CBOE, and Peggy Blake, 
    Division of Market Regulation, Commission (February 13, 1997).
        The Commission believes that CBOE's proposed clarifications to 
    Interpretation .06 will aid members in understanding their 
    responsibilities with regard to joint account transactions, thus 
    assuring that such transactions result in a bona fide change in 
    beneficial ownership. Finally, the Commission believes that CBOE's 
    proposed change to require knowledge as an element of the offense of 
    effecting a transaction between joint accounts with common participants 
    constitutes a reasonable clarification of CBOE's existing joint account 
    provisions, thereby serving to protect investors and the public 
    [[Page 8289]]
    IV. Conclusion
        For the foregoing reasons, the Commission finds that the proposed 
    rule change is consistent with the Act and the rules and regulations 
    thereunder applicable to the CBOE, and in particular Section 6(b)(5).
        It is therefore ordered, Pursuant to Section 19(b)(2) of the 
    Act,\10\ that the proposed rule change (File No. SR-CBOE-96-70) be and 
    hereby is approved.
        \10\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2).
        For the Commission by the Division of Market Regulation, pursuant 
    to delegated authority.\11\
        \11\ 17 CFR 200.30-3(a)(12).
    [FR Doc. 97-4387 Filed 2-21-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 8010-01-M

Document Information

Securities and Exchange Commission
Entry Type:
Document Number:
8287-8289 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Release No. 34-38286, File No. SR-CBOE-96-70
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