98-4654. Protection of Stratospheric Ozone  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 36 (Tuesday, February 24, 1998)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 9151-9156]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-4654]
    40 CFR Part 82
    Protection of Stratospheric Ozone
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency.
    ACTION: Notice of Acceptability.
    SUMMARY: This document expands the list of acceptable substitutes for 
    ozone-depleting substances (ODS) under the U.S. Environmental 
    Protection Agency's (EPA) Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) 
    EFFECTIVE DATE: February 24, 1998.
    ADDRESSES: Information relevant to this document is contained in Air 
    Docket A-91-42, Central Docket Section, South Conference Room 4, U.S. 
    Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 
    20460. Telephone: (202) 260-7548. The docket may be inspected between 
    8:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. weekdays. As provided in 40 CFR Part 2, a 
    reasonable fee may be charged for photocopying.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Carol Weisner at (202) 564-9193 or fax 
    (202) 565-2095, U.S. EPA, Stratospheric Protection Division, 401 M 
    Street, S.W., Mail Code 6205J, Washington, D.C. 20460; EPA 
    Stratospheric Ozone Protection Hotline at (800) 296-1996; EPA World 
    Wide Web Site (http://www.epa.gov/ozone/title6/snap).
    I. Section 612 Program
        A. Statutory Requirements
        B. Regulatory History
    II. Listing of Acceptable Substitutes
        A. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
        B. Foam Blowing
        C. Aerosols
        D. Solvent Cleaning
    III. Additional Information
    Appendix A--Summary of Acceptable Decisions
    I. Section 612 Program
    A. Statutory Requirements
        Section 612 of the Clean Air Act authorizes EPA to develop a 
    program for evaluating alternatives to ozone-depleting substances. EPA 
    refers to this program as the Significant New Alternatives Policy 
    (SNAP) program. The major provisions of section 612 are:
         Rulemaking--Section 612(c) requires EPA to promulgate 
    rules making it unlawful to replace any class I (chlorofluorocarbon, 
    halon, carbon tetrachloride, methyl chloroform, methyl bromide, and 
    hydrobromofluorocarbon) or class II (hydrochlorofluorocarbon) substance 
    with any substitute that the Administrator determines may present 
    adverse effects to human health or the environment where the 
    Administrator has identified an alternative that (1) reduces the 
    overall risk to human health and the environment, and (2) is currently 
    or potentially available.
         Listing of Unacceptable/Acceptable Substitutes--Section 
    612(c) also requires EPA to publish a list of the substitutes 
    unacceptable for specific uses. EPA must publish a corresponding list 
    of acceptable alternatives for specific uses.
         Petition Process--Section 612(d) grants the right to any 
    person to petition EPA to add a substance to or delete a substance from 
    the lists published in accordance with section 612(c). The Agency has 
    90 days to grant or deny a petition. Where the Agency grants the 
    petition, EPA must publish the revised lists within an additional 6 
         90-day Notification--Section 612(e) requires EPA to 
    require any person who produces a chemical substitute for a class I 
    substance to notify the Agency not less than 90 days before new or 
    existing chemicals are introduced into interstate commerce for 
    significant new uses as substitutes for a class I substance. The 
    producer must also provide the Agency with the producer's unpublished 
    health and safety studies on such substitutes.
         Outreach--Section 612(b)(1) states that the Administrator 
    shall seek to maximize the use of federal research facilities and 
    resources to assist users of class I and II substances in identifying 
    and developing alternatives to the use of such substances in key 
    commercial applications.
         Clearinghouse--Section 612(b)(4) requires the Agency to 
    set up a public clearinghouse of alternative chemicals, product 
    substitutes, and alternative manufacturing processes that are available 
    for products and manufacturing processes which use class I and II 
    B. Regulatory History
        On March 18, 1994, EPA published the Final Rulemaking (FRM) (59 FR
    [[Page 9152]]
    13044) which described the process for administering the SNAP program 
    and issued EPA's first acceptability lists for substitutes in the major 
    industrial use sectors. These sectors include: refrigeration and air 
    conditioning; foam blowing; solvent cleaning; fire suppression and 
    explosion protection; sterilants; aerosols; adhesives, coatings and 
    inks; and tobacco expansion. These sectors compose the principal 
    industrial sectors that historically consumed the largest volumes of 
    ozone-depleting compounds.
        As described in the final rule for the SNAP program (59 FR 13044), 
    EPA does not believe that rulemaking procedures are required to list 
    alternatives as acceptable with no limitations. Such listings do not 
    impose any sanction, nor do they remove any prior license to use a 
    substance. Consequently, by this notice EPA is adding substances to the 
    list of acceptable alternatives without first requesting comment on new 
        EPA does, however, believe that Notice-and-Comment rulemaking is 
    required to place any substance on the list of prohibited substitutes, 
    to list a substance as acceptable only under certain conditions, to 
    list substances as acceptable only for certain uses, or to remove a 
    substance from either the list of prohibited or acceptable substitutes. 
    Updates to these lists are published as separate notices of rulemaking 
    in the Federal Register.
        The Agency defines a ``substitute'' as any chemical, product 
    substitute, or alternative manufacturing process, whether existing or 
    new, that could replace a class I or class II substance. Anyone who 
    produces a substitute must provide the Agency with health and safety 
    studies on the substitute at least 90 days before introducing it into 
    interstate commerce for significant new use as an alternative. This 
    requirement applies to substitute manufacturers, but may include 
    importers, formulators or end-users, when they are responsible for 
    introducing a substitute into commerce.
        EPA published Notices listing acceptable alternatives on August 26, 
    1994 (59 FR 44240), January 13, 1995 (60 FR 3318), July 28, 1995 (60 FR 
    38729), February 8, 1996 (61 FR 4736), September 5, 1996 (61 FR 47012), 
    March 10, 1997, and June 3, 1997, and published Final Rulemakings 
    restricting the use of certain substitutes on June 13, 1995 (60 FR 
    31092), May 22, 1996 (61 FR 25585), and October 16, 1996 (61 FR 54030).
    II. Listing of Acceptable Substitutes
        This section presents EPA's most recent acceptable listing 
    decisions for substitutes for class I and class II substances in the 
    following industrial sectors: refrigeration and air conditioning, foam 
    blowing, aerosols, and solvent cleaning. In this Notice, EPA has split 
    the refrigeration and air conditioning sector into two parts: 
    substitutes for class I substances and substitutes for class II 
    substances. For copies of the full list, contact the EPA Stratospheric 
    Protection Hotline at (800) 296-1996.
        Parts A through D below present a detailed discussion of the 
    substitute listing determinations by major use sector. Tables 
    summarizing today's listing decisions are in Appendix A. The comments 
    contained in Appendix A provide additional information on a substitute, 
    but for listings of acceptable substitutes, they are not legally 
    binding under section 612 of the Clean Air Act. Thus, adherence to 
    recommendations in the comments is not mandatory for use as a 
    substitute. In addition, the comments should not be considered 
    comprehensive with respect to other legal obligations pertaining to the 
    use of the substitute. However, EPA encourages users of acceptable 
    substitutes to apply all comments to their use of these substitutes. In 
    many instances, the comments simply allude to sound operating practices 
    that have already been identified in existing industry and/or building-
    code standards. Thus, many of the comments, if adopted, would not 
    require significant changes in existing operating practices for the 
    affected industry.
    A. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning: Class I
    1. Clarification
    a. Secondary Loop Systems
        In the Notice published on March 10, 1997 (62 FR 10700), EPA stated 
    that it would not review secondary loop fluids under the SNAP program. 
    In the final rule of June 13, 1995 (60 FR 31092), however, EPA listed 
    the first set of acceptable substitute refrigerants for heat transfer 
    fluids. EPA has received requests to further clarify the distinction 
    between the use of a fluid in a secondary fluid system (which is not 
    regulated under SNAP), and the use of such a fluid in a heat exchange 
    system (which is regulated under SNAP).
        A key characteristic of a secondary loop system is that it 
    contains, as an integral part, a system that moves heat from a cooled 
    area to a warmer one, thereby reversing the natural flow of heat. The 
    secondary loop simply carries heat as an adjunct to the primary loop's 
    effect. For example, in a building chiller, the primary loop uses a 
    vapor compression or other cycle to refrigerate water. This chilled 
    water then circulates throughout the building and fans blow air over 
    the cold pipes to air condition occupied spaces. Under the SNAP 
    program, EPA reviews the refrigerant used in the primary system, but 
    not the fluid used to carry the chill throughout the building. Note 
    that a secondary loop moves heat from a warmer area to a cooler one. 
    Thus, neither loop within a cascade refrigeration system is considered 
    a secondary loop.
        In contrast, a heat transfer system's primary effect is to move 
    heat from a warmer area to a cooler one. Thus, the heat transfer fluid 
    is the primary refrigerant and it delivers the actual cooling. An 
    example of this type of system is a thermosyphon transformer. A liquid 
    heat transfer fluid absorbs heat from hot electrical components, 
    vaporizes, and rises into a cooling heat exchanger, where it gives off 
    the heat to the surrounding air. There are also heat transfer systems 
    that rely on a pump, but their primary function is still to move heat 
    in the direction it naturally flows. In essence, a heat transfer system 
    augments or assists natural heat flow as the primary effect, rather 
    than augmenting a primary loop that reverses the natural heat flow.
    b. Definition of MVAC Under SNAP
        Under the SNAP program, the motor vehicle air conditioning (MVAC) 
    end-use includes all forms of air conditioning that provide cooling to 
    the passenger compartments in moving vehicles. This definition includes 
    both MVACS, defined at 40 CFR 82.32, and MVAC-like equipment, defined 
    at 40 CFR 82.152. EPA regulations issued under sections 608 and 609 of 
    the Clean Air Act distinguished between MVACS and MVAC-like equipment 
    for purposes of refrigerant recycling and handling. EPA includes both 
    in the SNAP MVAC end-use and has relied on this definition since the 
    original SNAP rule of March 18, 1994 (59 FR 13044); today's Notice 
    simply clarifies this definition. All use conditions, unacceptability 
    findings, and other regulatory actions for this end-use apply equally 
    to on-road vehicles, such as automobiles and trucks, and to off-road 
    vehicles, such as tractors, combines, construction, and mining 
    c. Use of Adapters With Refrigerant Identifiers in MVACs
        In the June 3, 1997 SNAP Notice (62 FR 32075), EPA clarified that 
    manifold gauge sets may be used with multiple refrigerants, provided 
    that for each refrigerant there is a separate set of hoses with 
    permanently attached
    [[Page 9153]]
    fittings unique to that refrigerant. Today, EPA further clarifies that 
    refrigerant identifiers may be used with multiple refrigerants under 
    the same proviso. The connection between the identifier or similar 
    service equipment and the service hose may be standardized and work 
    with multiple hoses. For each refrigerant, the user must attach a hose 
    to the identifier that has a fitting unique to that refrigerant 
    permanently attached to the end going to the vehicle. Adapters may not 
    be attached for one refrigerant and then removed and replaced with the 
    fitting for a different refrigerant. The guiding principle is that once 
    attached to a hose, the fitting is permanent and is not removed. This 
    procedure allows identifiers and other service equipment to be used 
    with more than one refrigerant while still preventing the attachment 
    and detachment of unique fittings from hoses. Note that for recovery, 
    recycling, or other equipment used to transfer refrigerant, hoses must 
    include shutoff valves and must have the refrigerant recovered prior to 
    changing hoses from one refrigerant to another, but for low-flow 
    devices like refrigerant identifiers, there are no such requirements.
    2. Acceptable Substitutes
        Note that EPA acceptability does not imply that an acceptable 
    substitute is technically viable or has been optimized for a given type 
    of equipment within an end-use. Engineering expertise must be used to 
    determine the appropriate use of substitutes for ozone depleting 
    chemicals. In addition, although some alternatives are listed as 
    acceptable substitutes for multiple refrigerants, they may not be 
    appropriate for use in all equipment or under all conditions.
    a. Self-Chilling Cans Using Carbon Dioxide as the Refrigerant
        Self-chilling cans using carbon dioxide are acceptable substitutes 
    for CFC-12, R-502, and HCFC-22 in retrofitted and new household 
    refrigeration, transport refrigeration, vending machines, cold storage 
    warehouses, and retail food refrigeration.
        This technology represents a product substitute intended to replace 
    several types of refrigeration equipment. A self-chilling can includes 
    a heat transfer unit that performs the same function as one half of the 
    traditional vapor-compression refrigeration cycle. The unit contains a 
    charge of refrigerant that is released to the atmosphere when the user 
    activates the cooling unit. As the refrigerant is released to the 
    atmosphere it absorbs heat from the can's contents and evaporates, thus 
    cooling the liquid inside the can. Because this process provides the 
    same cooling effect as household refrigeration, transport 
    refrigeration, vending machines, cold storage warehouses, or retail 
    food refrigeration, it is a substitute for CFC-12, R-502, or HCFC-22 in 
    these systems.
        In a recent Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, EPA proposed that self-
    chilling cans using HFC-134a or HFC-152a as the refrigerant were 
    unacceptable substitutes (63 FR 5491; February 3, 1998). In contrast to 
    HFC-134a, which has a global warming potential (GWP) of 1300, 
    CO2 has a GWP of 1. Therefore, the potential impact of 
    CO2 use in self-chilling cans versus HFC-134a will be much 
    lower. In addition, the submitter indicates that the self-chilling cans 
    will use CO2 either recovered as a by-product from other 
    industrial activities or taken from the atmosphere, thus further 
    reducing the net impact.
        CO2 exhibits very high pressures compared to some other 
    refrigerants including HFC-134a. The submitter indicated that an 
    alternative technology would prevent internal pressures within the heat 
    exchange unit from exceeding 150 psig. EPA believes that this design is 
    within acceptable limits, since this pressure will exist within the 
    heat exchange unit rather than the outer can containing the beverage; 
    if this pressure is transmitted to the can (which is not expected), 
    existing beverage cans are designed to withstand equivalent pressure. 
    In addition, tabs used to open existing cans are designed to open 
    automatically at 200 psig, providing a safety valve if high pressures 
    do develop.
        EPA's determination that self-chilling cans using CO2 
    are acceptable substitutes in the end-uses listed above is based on the 
    maximum design pressure of 150 psig and the intent to use 
    CO2 recaptured from other activities or from the atmosphere. 
    EPA invites information about the pressures actually found in self-
    chilling cans once they are produced and on the specific sources for 
    CO2. If either the cans exceed 150 psig in pressure or use 
    newly produced CO2, EPA may revisit today's decision.
    b. THR-01
        THR-01, composed of HCFC-22 and HFC-152a, is acceptable as a 
    substitute for CFC-12 in the following new systems:
     Household Refrigerators
     Household Freezers
        Because this blend contains an HCFC, it contributes to ozone 
    depletion. However, this concern is mitigated by the scheduled phaseout 
    of this chemical. Regulations regarding recycling and reclamation 
    issued under section 608 of the Clean Air Act (58 FR 28660) apply to 
    this blend. This blend is flammable, but significantly less so than 
    pure HFC-152a. A risk assessment showed that HFC-152a can be safely 
    used in newly designed household refrigerators and freezers; since HFC-
    152a is listed as acceptable in these end-uses, and THR-01 poses lower 
    flammability risk than pure HFC-152a, THR-01 is also acceptable. The 
    GWP of HFC-152a is much less than that of HCFC-22; again, since HCFC-22 
    is listed as acceptable, THR-01 is also acceptable.
    c. FRIGC FR-12
        FRIGC FR-12, which consists of HCFC-124, HFC-134a, and butane, is 
    acceptable as a substitute for R-500 in the following new and 
    retrofitted end-uses:
     Centrifugal Chillers
     Reciprocating Chillers
     Industrial Process Refrigeration
     Cold Storage Warehouses
     Refrigerated Transport
     Retail Food Refrigeration
     Vending Machines
     Water Coolers
     Commercial Ice Machines
     Residential Dehumidifiers
    and as a substitute for CFC-12 in centrifugal chillers.
        This blend contains HCFC-124. Therefore, it contributes to ozone 
    depletion, but to a much lesser degree than R-500. Regulations 
    regarding recycling and reclamation issued under section 608 of the 
    Clean Air Act (58 FR 28660) apply to this blend. The GWPs of the 
    components are moderate to low. This blend is nonflammable, and leak 
    testing has demonstrated that the blend never becomes flammable.
    d. Galden Fluids
        Galden Fluids, which contain perfluoroethers and perfluorocarbons, 
    are acceptable substitutes for CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113, CFC-114, and 
    CFC-115 in retrofitted heat transfer systems. Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) 
    offer high dielectric resistance, noncorrosivity, thermal stability, 
    materials compatibility, chemical inertness, low toxicity, and 
    nonflammability. In addition, they do not contribute to ground-level 
    ozone formation or stratospheric ozone depletion. The principal 
    characteristic of concern for PFCs is that they have long atmospheric 
    lifetimes and have the potential to contribute to global climate 
    [[Page 9154]]
    PFCs are also included in the Climate Change Action Plan, which broadly 
    instructs EPA to use section 612 of the Clean Air Act, as well as 
    voluntary programs, to control emissions. Despite these concerns, EPA 
    is listing PFCs as acceptable in retrofitted heat transfer applications 
    because they may be the only substitutes that can satisfy safety or 
    performance requirements. For example, a transformer may require very 
    high dielectric strength, or a heat transfer system for a chlorine 
    manufacturing process could require compatibility with the process 
        In cases where users must adopt PFCs (or PFC-containing blends like 
    the Galden Fluids) to transition out of ozone depleting chemicals, they 
    should make every effort to:
         Recover and recycle these fluids during servicing;
         Adopt maintenance practices that reduce leakage as much as 
    is technically feasible;
         Recover these fluids after the end of the equipment's 
    useful life and either recycle them or destroy them; and
         Continue to search for other long-term alternatives.
        Users of PFCs should note that if other alternatives become 
    available, EPA could be petitioned to list PFCs as unacceptable due to 
    the availability of other suitable substitutes. If such a petition were 
    granted, EPA may grandfather existing uses upon consideration of cost 
    and timing of testing and implementation of new substitutes. EPA urges 
    industry to develop new alternatives for this end-use that do not 
    contain substances with such high GWPs and long lifetimes.
    e. R-508A and R-508B
        R-508A and R-508B, both of which contain HFC-23 and R-116, are 
    acceptable as substitutes for CFC-13, R-13B1, and R-503 in retrofitted 
    and new very low temperature refrigeration and industrial process 
    refrigeration. Notices published on July 28, 1995 (60 FR 38729) and 
    Feb. 8, 1996 (61 FR 4736) listed R-508 as acceptable in these end-uses. 
    At the time of these listings, only R-508 was available. Since then, 
    two blends with the same components in different percentages have 
    entered the market. Today's Notice expands the acceptable listing to 
    include both R-508A and R-508B.
    B. Foam Blowing
    1. Acceptable Substitutes
        Under section 612 of the Clean Air Act, EPA is authorized to review 
    substitutes for class I (CFCs) and class II (HCFCs) chemicals. The 
    following listing expands the list of acceptable substitutes for CFCs 
    and HCFCs in integral skin applications.
    a. Polyurethane Integral Skin Foam
    (a) Formic Acid
        Formic acid is an acceptable substitute for CFCs and HCFCs in 
    polyurethane integral skin foam. Formic acid is more flammable than 
    CFCs and HCFCs but less flammable than hydrocarbons such as n-pentane 
    and cyclopentane which are currently used in foam blowing. Use of 
    formic acid may require additional investment to assure safe handling 
    and shipping as prescribed by OSHA and DOT. The TVL-TWA for formic acid 
    is 5 ppm and a 15-minute TLV-STEL of 10 ppm. Formic acid has no ODP and 
    very low or zero global warming potential (GWP). It is a volatile 
    organic compound (VOC) and must be controlled as such under Title I of 
    the Clean Air Act. Relevant consumer product and other safety 
    requirements necessary for use of formic acid-blown integral skin foam 
    would have to be met.
    (b) Acetone
        Acetone is an acceptable substitute for CFCs and HCFCs in 
    polyurethane integral skin foam. Acetone is more flammable than CFCs 
    and HCFCs but less flammable than hydrocarbons such as n-pentane and 
    cyclopentane which are currently used for foam blowing. Use of acetone 
    may require additional investment to assure safe handling and shipping 
    as prescribed by OSHA and DOT. The OSHA PEL-TWA for acetone is 750 ppm 
    and a 15-minute STEL of 1000 ppm. Acetone has no ODP and very low or 
    zero global warming potential (GWP). Acetone has been excluded from the 
    definition of a VOC under Title I of the Clean Air Act (60 FR 31633; 6/
    15/95) but may be subject to state or local controls. Relevant consumer 
    product and other safety requirements necessary for use of acetone-
    blown integral skin foam would have to be met.
    C. Aerosols
    1. Acceptable Substitutes
        Organic solvents can be used to replace CFC-11, CFC-113, and MCF, 
    in certain cleaning operations. This classification category of 
    chemicals was previously determined under the SNAP program to include 
    C6-C20 petroleum hydrocarbons (both naturally and synthetically 
    derived) (59 FR 13044).
        Under section 612 of the Clean Air Act, EPA is authorized to review 
    substitutes for class I (CFCs) and class II (HCFCs) chemicals. The 
    following decision expands the existing acceptable listing for 
    petroleum hydrocarbons as substitutes for CFCs and HCFCs in aerosols 
    solvents to include petroleum hydrocarbon C5.
    (a) Aerosol Solvent
    (1) Petroleum Hydrocarbon (C5)
        Petroleum hydrocarbon C5 is an acceptable substitute for CFCs and 
    HCFCs in aerosol solvents. Petroleum hydrocarbons are fractionated from 
    the distillation of petroleum. These compounds are loosely grouped into 
    paraffins or aliphatic hydrocarbons and light aromatics (toluene and 
    xylene) and come in various stages of purity. Components with up to 
    twenty carbons are now also being used in an effort to reduce 
    flammability. These compounds have good solvent properties, are 
    relatively inexpensive, and are readily available from chemical 
    distributors. When a controlled substance is used only as a diluent, 
    such as automotive undercoatings, substitution using petroleum 
    hydrocarbons can be achieved with minor reformulation. Many of these 
    products containing petroleum hydrocarbons have been reported to be 
    comparable to or to outperform their chlorinated counterparts.
        Petroleum hydrocarbons are, however, flammable and thus cannot be 
    used as replacement solvents in applications where the solvent must be 
    nonflammable such as electronic cleaning applications. In addition, 
    pesticide aerosols formulated with certain petroleum hydrocarbons must 
    adhere to requirements imposed under the Federal Insecticide, 
    Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA).
    2. Clarification
    (a) n-Propyl-Bromide
        Review of the SNAP submission docket control number VI-D-114 for n-
    propyl-bromide has disclosed that a submission for the Aerosol sector 
    has yet to be received. As such, all distribution and sale into this 
    area must cease until a complete submission is obtained and the 
    necessary review period has elapsed.
    D. Solvent Cleaning
    1. Clarification
    a. Hydrofluoroether (HFE): C4F9OCH3
        In reference to the Federal Register dated September 5, 1996, HFE 
    7100 was characterized as exhibiting moderate toxicity (61 FR 47012). 
    This Notice serves to inform users that additional toxicity data 
    indicate that a characterization of low toxicity is now
    [[Page 9155]]
    warranted. This revision is made based on the 600 ppm 8-hr Time 
    Weighted Average workplace standard set by the manufacturer. As with 
    workplace exposure standards for other CFC alternatives, this standard 
    will be examined by the Workplace Environmental Exposure Limit 
    subcommittee of the American Industrial Hygiene Association.
    b. Definition of Solvent Cleaning End Uses
        In reference to the Federal Register dated March 18, 1994, the 
    solvents cleaning sector was subdivided into three end uses; metals 
    cleaning, electronics cleaning, and precision cleaning. This notice 
    serves to further clarify the definition of these end uses in order to 
    avoid any confusion as to user placement.
    (1) Electronics Cleaning
        Primarily the removal of flux residues from wiring assemblies after 
    a soldering operation has been completed. This is considered a high 
    value end use application where performance is critical.
    (2) Metals Cleaning
        The removal of a wide variety of contaminants from metal objects 
    during a manufacturing or maintenance process. At each stage in the 
    manufacturing process contaminants must be removed from the piece to 
    ensure a clean metal surface for the next step in the production 
    process or for final consumption. These parts tend to be metal objects 
    ranging from fully assembled aircraft down to small metal parts stamped 
    out in high volume. These contaminants are most often greases, cutting 
    oils, coatings, large particles, and metal chips.
    (3) Precision Cleaning
        Applies to components and surfaces of any composition for which an 
    extremely high level of cleanliness is necessary to ensure satisfactory 
    performance during the manufacturing process or in final consumption. 
    This end use is characterized as very high value end use segment based 
    on a non-cost criteria. Examples of such criteria would be: high value 
    products, protection or safeguarding of human life, compatibility 
    concerns with plastics, temperature and mechanical stress limitations, 
    precision mechanical assemblies/components with demanding machining 
    tolerances or complex geometries, and base or mix of metals readily 
    pitted, corroded, eroded or otherwise compromised.
    2. Acceptable Substitutes
        Under Section 612 of the Clean Air Act, EPA is authorized to review 
    substitutes for class I (CFCs) and class II (HCFCs) chemicals. The 
    following listing expands the list of acceptable petroleum hydrocarbon 
    substitutes for CFCs, HCFCs and MCF as used in semiaqueous and straight 
    organic solvent cleaning to include C5.
    (a) Metals, Precision and Electronics Cleaning
    (1) Semi-aqueous
        Petroleum hydrocarbon C5 is an acceptable substitute for CFCs and 
    HCFCs in semi-aqueous solvents. Semi-aqueous cleaners are alternatives 
    for cleaning in all three SNAP solvent cleaning end-uses. These 
    cleaners employ hydrocarbons/surfactant either emulsified in water 
    solutions or applied in concentrated form and then rinsed with water. 
    As both approaches involve water as part of the formulation, the system 
    is commonly referred to as ``semi-aqueous.'' The principal categories 
    of chemicals used in this formulation were previously defined under the 
    SNAP program as terpenes, C6-C20 petroleum hydrocarbons (both naturally 
    or synthetically derived), or oxygenated solvents (such as alcohols) 
    (59 FR 13044). This determination expands petroleum hydrocarbons to 
    include C5.
        An extensive discussion of various semi-aqueous cleaning 
    alternatives may be found in the Industry Cooperative for Ozone Layer 
    Protection (ICOLP) documents on the subject. Users can obtain these 
    documents from the EPA Stratospheric Protection Hotline at 1-800-296-
    (b) Straight Organic Solvent Cleaning
    (1) Petroleum Hydrocarbon (C5)
        Petroleum hydrocarbon C5 is an acceptable substitute for CFCs and 
    HCFCs as a straight organic solvent. Organic solvents can be used to 
    replace CFC-113 and MCF in certain cleaning operations. This 
    classification is defined to include terpenes, C5-C20 petroleum 
    hydrocarbons (both naturally and synthetically derived), and oxygenated 
    organic solvents such as alcohols, ethers, (including propylene glycol 
    ethers), esters and ketones. These compounds are commonly used in 
    solvent tanks at room temperature, although the solvents can also be 
    used in-line cleaning systems or be heated to increase solvency power. 
    If heated, the solvents must be used in equipment designed to control 
    vapor losses.
        These solvents, unlike class I and II compounds, do not contribute 
    to stratospheric ozone depletion, and generally have short atmospheric 
    lifetimes. Yet many of the organic solvents are regulated as VOCs 
    because they can contribute to ground level ozone formation. In 
    addition, certain of the organic solvents are toxic to human health and 
    are subject to waste handling standards under the Resource Conservation 
    and Recovery Act (RCRA) and to workplace standards set by Occupational 
    Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). For example, xylene and 
    toluene may be used as substitutes but are, once they become wastes, 
    regulated under RCRA as listed or characteristic wastes.
    E. Adhesives, Coatings & Inks
    1. Clarification
    (a) n-Propyl-Bromide
        Review of the SNAP submission, docket control number VI-D-114, for 
    n-propyl-bromide has disclosed that a submission for the Adhesives, 
    Coatings & Inks sector has yet to be received. As such, all 
    distribution and sale into this sector must cease until a complete 
    submission is obtained and the mandatory 90-day review period has 
    III. Additional Information
        Contact the Stratospheric Protection Hotline at 1-800-296-1996, 
    Monday-Friday, between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. (Eastern 
    Standard Time).
        For more information on the Agency's process for administering the 
    SNAP program or criteria for evaluation of substitutes, refer to the 
    SNAP final rulemaking published in the Federal Register on March 18, 
    1994 (59 FR 13044). Federal Register notices can be ordered from the 
    Government Printing Office Order Desk (202) 783-3238; the citation is 
    the date of publication. This Notice may also be obtained on the World 
    Wide Web at http://www.epa.gov/ozone/title6/snap/snap.html.
        The Congressional Review Act, 5 U.S.C. 801 et seq., as added by the 
    Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Act of 1996, does not apply 
    because this action is not a rule, as that term is defined in 5 U.S.C. 
    List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 82
        Environmental Protection, Administrative Practice and Procedure, 
    Air Pollution Control, Reporting and Record keeping Requirements.
    [[Page 9156]]
        Dated: February 12, 1998.
    Richard D. Wilson,
    Acting Assistant Administrator for Air and Radiation.
        Note: The following Appendix will not appear in the Code of 
    Federal Regulations.
    Appendix A: Summary of Acceptable Decisions
                    End-use                                     Substitute                                   Decision                       Comments        
                                                               Refrigeration and Air Conditioning                                                           
    CFC-12, R-502, and HCFC-22 Household    Self-chilling cans using carbon dioxide...........  Acceptable........................  This decision is based  
     Refrigeration, Transport                                                                                                        on a maximum design    
     Refrigeration, Vending Machines, Cold                                                                                           pressure of 150 psig   
     Storage Warehouses, and Retail Food                                                                                             and the use of CO2     
     Refrigeration (Retrofit and New).                                                                                               captured from either   
                                                                                                                                     other industrial       
                                                                                                                                     activities or the      
    CFC-12 Household Refrigerators and      THR01.............................................  Acceptable.                         ........................
     Freezers (New).                                                                                                                                        
    R-500 Centrifugal and Reciprocating     FR-12.............................................  Acceptable                          ........................
     Chillers, Industrial Process                                                                                                                           
     Refrigeration, Cold Storage                                                                                                                            
     Warehouses, Refrigerated Transport,                                                                                                                    
     Retail Food Refrigeration, Vending                                                                                                                     
     Machines, Water Coolers, Commercial                                                                                                                    
     Ice Machines, and Residential                                                                                                                          
     Dehumidifers, and CFC-12 Centrifugal                                                                                                                   
     Chillers (Retrofit and New).                                                                                                                           
    CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113, CFC-114, CFC-  Galden Fluids.....................................  Acceptable........................  The principal           
     115 Non-Mechanical Heat Transfer                                                                                                environmental          
     (Retrofit).                                                                                                                     characteristic of      
                                                                                                                                     concern for PFCs is    
                                                                                                                                     that they have high    
                                                                                                                                     GWPs and long          
                                                                                                                                     atmospheric lifetimes. 
    CFC-13, R-13B1, and R-503 Very Low      R-508A and R-508B.................................  Acceptable........................  This listing expands the
     Temperature Refrigeration and                                                                                                   prior determination for
     Industrial Process Refrigeration                                                                                                R-508 to R-508A and R- 
     (Retrofit and New).                                                                                                             508B.                  
                                                                          Foam Blowing                                                                      
    CFCs and HCFCs, Polyurethane Integral   Formic Acid.......................................  Acceptable........................  Formic acid is flammable
     Skin.                                                                                                                           thus additional        
                                                                                                                                     investment may be      
                                                                                                                                     required to ensure safe
                                                                                                                                     handling, use and      
                                                                                                                                     shipping for flammable 
                                                                                                                                     materials. Formic acid 
                                                                                                                                     is a VOC and subject to
                                                                                                                                     control under Title I  
                                                                                                                                     of the Clean Air Act.  
                                            Acetone...........................................  Acceptable........................  Acetone is flammable    
                                                                                                                                     thus additional        
                                                                                                                                     investment may be      
                                                                                                                                     required to ensure safe
                                                                                                                                     handling, use and      
    CFC-11, CFC-113, MCF, and HCFC-141b as  C5-C20 Petroleum hydrocarbons.....................  Acceptable........................  Petroleum hydrocarbons  
     aerosol solvents.                                                                                                               are flammable. Use with
                                                                                                                                     the necessary          
                                                                                                                                     precautions. Pesticides
                                                                                                                                     aerosols must adhere to
                                                                                                                                     FIFRA standards.       
                                                                        Solvent Cleaning                                                                    
    Metals cleaning w/CFC-113, MCF........  Straight organic solvent cleaning with petroleum    Acceptable........................  OSHA standards must be  
                                             hydrocarbon C5.                                                                         met, if applicable.    
                                            Semi-aqueous cleaners.............................  Acceptable........................  EPA effluent guidelines 
                                                                                                                                     must be met.           
    Electronics cleaning w/CFC-113, MCF...  Straight organic solvent cleaning with petroleum    Acceptable........................  OSHA standards must be  
                                             hydrocarbon C5.                                                                         met, if applicable.    
                                            Semi-aqueous cleaners.............................  Acceptable........................  EPA effluent guidelines 
                                                                                                                                     must be met.           
    Precision Cleaning w/CFC-113, MCF.....  Straight organic solvent cleaning with petroleum    Acceptable........................  OSHA standards must be  
                                             hydrocarbon C5.                                                                         met, if applicable.    
                                            Semi-aqueous cleaners.............................  Acceptable........................  EPA effluent guidelines 
                                                                                                                                     must be met.           
    [FR Doc. 98-4654 Filed 2-23-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Notice of Acceptability.
Document Number:
February 24, 1998.
9151-9156 (6 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
40 CFR 82