94-4273. Hydroelectric Applications; City of Granite Falls, et al.  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 38 (Friday, February 25, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-4273]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: February 25, 1994]
    [Project Nos. 11448-000, et al.]
    Hydroelectric Applications; City of Granite Falls, et al.
        Take notice that the following hydroelectric applications have been 
    filed with the Commission and are available for public inspection:
        1 a. Type of Application: Preliminary Permit.
        b. Project No.: 11448-000.
        c. Date filed: November 12, 1993.
        d. Applicant: City of Granite Falls.
        e. Name of Project: Minnesota Falls Project.
        f. Location: On the Minnesota River, near Granite Falls, in Yellow 
    Medicine and Chippewa Counties, Minnesota.
        g. Filed Pursuant to: Federal Power Act 16, U.S.C. 791(a)-825(r).
        h. Applicant Contact: Mr. William Lavin, City Manager, City of 
    Granite Falls, 885 Prentice, Granite Falls, MN 56241 (612) 564-3011.
        i. FERC Contact: Mary Golato (202) 219-2804.
        j. Comment Date: April 4, 1994.
        k. Description of Project: The proposed project would consist of: 
    (1) An existing dam 600 feet long and 18 feet high; (2) an existing 
    reservoir approximately 150 acres with a storage capacity of 735 acre-
    feet and a normal maximum surface elevation of 903.2 feet mean sea 
    level; (3) a proposed conduit approximately 9 feet in diameter; (4) a 
    powerhouse with two proposed turbine-generator units having a total 
    installed capacity of 1,160 kilowatts; (5) a proposed 12,470-volt 
    transmission line 2 miles long; and (6) appurtenant facilities. The 
    estimated cost of the studies is $28,500. The owner of the dam is 
    Northern States Power Company.
        l. This notice also consists of the following standard paragraphs: 
    A5, A7, A9, A10, B, C, and D2.
        2 a. Type of Application: Minor License.
        b. Project No.: 11402-000.
        c. Date Filed: April 2, 1993.
        d. Applicant: City of Crystal Falls.
        e. Name of Project: Crystal Falls.
        f. Location: On the Paint River, in the City of Crystal Falls, Iron 
    County, Michigan.
        g. Filed Pursuant to: Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. 791(a)-825(r).
        h. Applicant Contact: W.E. Hagglund, 401 Superior Ave., Crystal 
    Falls, MI 49920 (906) 875-3212.
        i. FERC Contact: Charles T. Raabe (dt) (202) 219-2811.
        j. Deadline for interventions and protests: April 1, 1994.
        k. Status of Environmental Analysis: This application is accepted 
    for filing but is not ready for environmental analysis at this time--
    see attached paragraph D8.
        l. Description of Project: The existing operating project would 
    consist of: (1) A 270-foot-long, 16-foot-high concrete gravity dam 
    having a spillway section topped with four radial steel gates; (2) a 
    reservoir having a surface area of 100 acres and a storage capacity of 
    590 acre-feet at surface elevation 1333.69 feet NGVD; (3) a 77-foot-
    long integral powerhouse having three turbine/generator units with a 
    total installed capacity of 1,000-kW; (4) a 75-foot-long, 77-foot-wide 
    tailrace; and (5) appurtenant facilities. The project is owned by the 
    Applicant. Project power would be used by the Applicant within its 
    municipal facilities.
        m. This notice also consists of the following standard paragraphs: 
    A2, A9, B1, & D8.
        n. Available Locations of Application: A copy of the application, 
    as amended and supplemented, is available for inspection and 
    reproduction at the Commission's Public Reference and Files Maintenance 
    Branch, located at 941 North Capitol Street, NE., room 3104, 
    Washington, DC 20426, or by calling (202) 219-1371. A copy is also 
    available for inspection and reproduction at the City of Crystal Falls, 
    401 Superior Ave., Crystal Falls, Michigan 49920, (906) 875-3212.
        o. Scoping Process: In gathering background information for 
    preparation of the Environmental Assessment for the issuance of a 
    Federal hydropower license, staff of the Federal Energy Regulatory 
    Commission, is using a scoping process to identify significant 
    environmental issues related to the construction and operation or the 
    continued operation of hydropower projects. The staff will review all 
    issues raised during the scoping process and identify issues deserving 
    of study and also deemphasize insignificant issues, narrowing the scope 
    of the environmental assessment as well. If preliminary analysis 
    indicates that any issues presented in the scoping process would have 
    little potential for causing significant impacts, the issue or issues 
    will be identified and the reasons for not providing a more detailed 
    analysis will be given.
        p. Request for Scoping Comments: Federal, state, and local resource 
    agencies; licensees, applicants and developers; Indian tribes; other 
    interested groups and individuals, are requested to forward to the 
    Commission, any information that they believe will assist the 
    Commission staff in conducting an accurate and thorough analysis of the 
    site-specific and cumulative environmental effects of the proposed 
    licensing activities of the project(s). Therefore you are requested to 
    provide information related to the following items:
         Information, data, maps or professional opinion that may 
    contribute to defining the geographical and temporal scope of the 
    analysis and identifying significant environmental issues.
         Identification of and information from any other EIS or 
    similar study (previous, on-going, or planned) relevant to the proposed 
    licensing activities in the subject river basin.
         Existing information and any data that would aid in 
    describing the past and present effects of the project(s) and other 
    developmental activities on the physical/chemical, biological, and 
    socioeconomic environments. For example, fish stocking/management 
    histories in the subject river, historic water quality data and the 
    reasons for improvement or degradation of the quality, any wetland 
    habitat loss or proposals to develop land and water resources within 
    the basin.
         Identification of any federal, state or local resource 
    plans and future project proposals that encompass the subject river or 
    basin. For example, proposals to construct or operate water treatment 
    facilities, recreation areas, or implement fishery management programs.
         Documentation that would support a conclusion that the 
    project(s) does not contribute, or does contribute to adverse and 
    beneficial cumulative effects on resources and therefore should be 
    excluded for further study or excluded from further consideration of 
    cumulative impacts within the river basin. Documentation should 
    include, but not limited to: How the project(s) interact with other 
    projects within the river basin or other developmental activities; 
    results from studies; resource management policies; and, reports from 
    federal, state, and local agencies.
        Comments concerning the scope of the environmental assessment 
    should be filed by the deadline for interventions and protests.
        3 a. Type of Application: Preliminary Permit.
        b. Project No.: 11450-000.
        c. Date filed: December 22, 1993.
        d. Applicant: City of Covington, Virginia.
        e. Name of Project: Gathright Hydro Project.
        f. Location: On the Jackson River, near Covington, in Allegheny 
    County, Virginia.
        g. Filed Pursuant to: Federal Power Act 16 U.S.C. 791 (a)-825(r).
        h. Applicant Contact: Mr. David H. Dew, City Manager, City of 
    Covington, 158 North Court Avenue, Covington, VA 24426 (703) 965-6303.
        i. FERC Contact: Mary Golato (202) 219-2804.
        j. Comment Date: April 04, 1994.
        k. Competing Application: Project No. 11439. Date Filed: October 1, 
        l. Description of Project: The proposed project would utilize the 
    U.S. Department of the Army Corps of Engineers Gathright dam and would 
    consist of the following: (1) A proposed powerhouse with two proposed 
    turbine-generator units having a total installed capacity of 
    approximately 3.6 megawatts; (2) a proposed 12,470-volt transmission 
    line 3 miles long; and (3) appurtenant facilities. The average annual 
    generation is estimated to be 19,000,000 kilowatthours. The estimated 
    cost of the studies is $100,000.
        m. This notice also consists of the following standard paragraphs: 
    A8, A10, B, C, and D2.
        4 a. Type of Application: Transfer of License.
        b. Project No: 2973-056.
        c. Date Filed: January 25, 1994.
        d. Applicant: Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc.
        e. Name of Project: Island Park Hydroelectric Project.
        f. Location: At the Bureau of Reclamation's Island Park dam in 
    Fremont County, Idaho, on the Henry's Fork of the Snake River (T. 13 
    N., R. 43 E., Section 28).
        g. Filed Pursuant to: Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. 791(a)-825(r).
        h. Applicant Contact:
        Fall River Rural Elec. Coop., Inc., Attn: Dee Reynolds, 714 Main 
    Street, Ashton, ID 83420, (208) 652-7431.
        Island Park Hydro L.L.C., c/o L.B. Industries, Inc., Attn: Rick S. 
    Koebbe, 1401 Shoreline Drive, Boise, ID 83701, (208) 345-7515.
        i. FERC Contact: Diane M. Murray, (202) 219-2682.
        j. Comment Date: March 21, 1994.
        k. Description of Proposed Action: Fall River Rural Electric 
    Cooperative, Inc. proposes to transfer the Island Park Hydroelectric 
    Project, No. 2973, to Island Park Hydro L.L.C.
        l. This notice also consists of the following standard paragraphs: 
    B, C1, and D2.
        5 a. Type of Application: New Major License.
        b. Project No.: 2306-008.
        c. Date filed: December 23, 1991.
        d. Applicant: Citizens Utilities Company.
        e. Name of Project: Clyde River Project.
        f. Location: On the Clyde River, near Newport in Orleans County, 
        g. Filed Pursuant to: Federal Power Act 16 U.S.C. 791 (a)-825(r).
        h. Applicant Contact: Mr. Douglas C. Anderson, High Ridge Park, 
    Stamford, CT 06905-0390, (802) 334-6538.
        i. FERC Contact: Mary Golato (202) 219-2804.
        j. Comment Date: See paragraph D10.
        k. Status of Environmental Analysis: This application is ready for 
    environmental analysis at this time--see attached paragraph D10.
        l. Description of Project: The licensed project consists of three 
    existing hydroelectric generating facilities, West Charleston, Newport 
    Dam, and Newport No. 11, on the Clyde River and two existing storage 
    reservoirs, Seymour Lake and Echo Pond, on a tributary to the Clyde 
        Seymour Lake is a natural lake with a man-made 430-foot-long rock-
    filled timber crib dam outlet structure. It has a surface area of 1,750 
    acres, a useable storage capacity of 2,040 acre-feet and a normal water 
    surface elevation of 1,279 feet USGS. Presently, Seymour Lake provides 
    annual storage for the Clyde River Project but the proposed mode of 
    operation is spillway crest controlled instantaneous run-of-river.
        Echo Pond is a natural lake having a surface area of 530 acres, a 
    useable storage capacity of 3,180 acre-feet and a normal water surface 
    elevation of 1,249 feet USGS. Presently, Echo Pond provides annual 
    storage for the Clyde River Project but the proposed mode of operation 
    is spillway crest controlled instantaneous run-of-river.
        West Charleston consists of: (1) A 197-foot-long rock-filled and 
    masonry dam; (2) a reservoir named Lubber Lake having a surface area of 
    40 acres, a storage capacity of 220 acre-feet, and a normal water 
    surface elevation of 1,059 feet USGS; (3) a 1,622-foot-long, 6-foot-
    diameter steel penstock; and (4) a powerhouse containing one generating 
    unit with a rated capacity of 800 kW.
        Newport Dam consists of: (1) A 714-foot-long concrete and masonry 
    dam; (2) a reservoir named Clyde Pond having a surface area of 200 
    acres, a storage capacity of 2,400 acre-feet, and a normal water 
    surface elevation of 879.25 feet USGS; (3) a 50-foot-long, 6-foot-
    diameter steel penstock which bifurcates into a 6-foot-diameter, 2,175-
    foot-long penstock and a 5-foot-diameter, 1,800-foot-long penstock 
    leading to a 6-foot-diameter surge tank; (4) a 4.5-foot-diameter intake 
    pipe leading to the powerhouse; and (5) a powerhouse containing three 
    generating units with a total installed capacity of 4,000 kW.
        Newport No. 11 consists of: (1) A 114-foot-long concrete gravity 
    dam; (2) a reservoir having a surface area of 1 acre, a storage 
    capacity of 3.5-acre-feet, and a normal water surface elevation of 
    740.67 feet USGS; (3) an 80-foot-long, 10-foot-diameter steel penstock; 
    and (4) a powerhouse containing one generating unit with a rated 
    capacity of 1,800 kW.
        The applicant is proposing to operate the project in a run-of-river 
    mode. The average annual net energy generation is 25,437 MWh. The 
    applicant owns all the existing project facilities.
        The existing project would also be subject to Federal takeover 
    under sections 14 and 15 of the Federal Power Act.
        m. Purpose of Project: All project energy would be utilized by the 
    applicant for sale to its customers.
        n. This notice also consists of the following standard paragraphs: 
    A4 and D10.
        o. Available Locations of Application: A copy of the application is 
    available for inspection and reproduction at the Commission's Public 
    Reference and Files Maintenance Branch, located at 941 North Capitol 
    Street, NE., room 3104, Washington, DC 20426, or by calling (202) 219-
    1371. A copy is also available for inspection and reproduction at 
    Citizens Utilities Company, High Ridge Park, Stamford, CT 06905-0390, 
    or by calling (802) 334-6538.
        6 a. Type of Application: Amendment to Application for Major 
        b. Project No.: 10455-001.
        c. Date Filed: December 23, 1993.
        d. Applicant: JDJ Energy Company.
        e. Name of Project: River Mountain Pumped Storage Project.
        f. Location: On the Arkansas River near Lake Dardanelle in Logan 
    County, Arkansas.
        g. Filed Pursuant to: Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. 791(a)-825(r).
        h. Applicant Contact: Mr. Stewart Noland, JDJ Energy Company, 5210 
    Sherwood Road, Little Rock, AR 72207 (501) 661-9228.
        i. FERC Contact: Ed Lee (202) 219-2809.
        j. Comment Date: April 8, 1994.
        k. Description of Project: The applicant has revised its project 
    boundaries to ensure that the license will encompass all lands 
    necessary for project construction and operation. The revised project 
    boundaries will include approximately 60 acres of additional land and 
    no additional landowners will be affected by the revisions. The revised 
    boundaries are shown in the attached Exhibit G-1A, sheets 1 to 3, and 
    replaces the former Exhibit G-1.
        Any comments and filings, filed on this amendment notice, will be 
    addressed and included in the River Mountain Final Environmental Impact 
        l. This notice also consists of the following standard paragraphs: 
    B1 and D1.
        m. Available Location of Application: A copy of the application, as 
    amended and supplemented, is available for inspection and reproduction 
    at the Commission's Public Reference and Files Maintenance Branch, 
    located at 941 North Capitol Street, NE, room 3104, Washington, DC, 
    20426, or by calling (202) 208-1371. A copy is also available for 
    inspection and reproduction at JDJ Energy Company, 5210 Sherwood Road, 
    Little Rock, AR or by calling (501) 661-9228.
        7 a. Type of Application: Preliminary Permit.
        b. Project No.: 11453-000.
        c. Date Filed: January 5, 1994.
        d. Applicant: Rock River Power and Light Corporation.
        e. Name of Project: Lake Altoona Dam Water Power Project.
        f. Location: On Eau Claire River, Eau Claire County, Wisconsin.
        g. Filed Pursuant to: Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. 791(a)-825(r).
        h. Applicant Contact: Mr. Thomas J. Reiss, Jr., P.O. Box 553, 319 
    Hart Street, Watertown, WI 53094 (414) 261-7975.
        i. FERC Contact: Michael Dees (202) 219-2807.
        j. Comment Date: April 8, 1994.
        k. Description of Project: The proposed project would consist of: 
    (1) An existing dam 223 feet long; (2) an existing reservoir with a 
    surface area of 836 acres; (3) a proposed penstock 12 feet in diameter 
    and 50 feet long; (4) a proposed powerhouse housing one hydropower unit 
    with a total capacity of 875 kW; (5) a 4.16-kV transmission line 200 
    feet long; (6) and appurtenant facilities. The applicant estimates that 
    the annual energy generation would be 2,468 MWh and that the cost of 
    the studies to be performed under the permit would be $40,000. The 
    energy would be sold to Northern States Power Company. The dam is owned 
    by Eau Claire County, Wisconsin.
        l. This notice also consists of the following standard paragraphs: 
    A5, A7, A9, A10, B, C, and D2.
        8 a. Type of Application: Revised Exhibits A and G.
        b. Project No.: 8864-009.
        c. Date filed: October 18, 1993.
        d. Applicant: Weyerhaeuser Company.
        e. Name of Project: Calligan Creek.
        f. Location: The proposed project would be located within the 
    Snoqualmie River Basin of King County, Washington, about 9 miles 
    northeast of the city of North Bend.
        g. Filed pursuant to: Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. 791(a)-825(r).
        h. Applicant Contact: Toby Freeman, Freeman Consulting, 1300 114th 
    Ave. SE., Belleview, WA 98004 (206) 450-4096.
        i. FERC Contact: John K. Hannula, (202) 219-1040.
        j. Comment Date: March 30, 1994.
        k. Description of Application: The applicant proposes to revise the 
    transmission line route to follow Weyerhaeuser Road #4000. The 
    applicant also proposes to bury the transmission line rather than 
    attach it to poles.
        l. This notice also consists of the following standard paragraphs: 
    B, C1, and D2.
    Standard Paragraphs:
        A2. Development Application--Any qualified applicant desiring to 
    file a competing application must submit to the Commission, on or 
    before the specified deadline date for the particular application, a 
    competing development application, or a notice of intent to file such 
    an application. Submission of a timely notice of intent allows an 
    interested person to file the competing development application no 
    later than 120 days after the specified deadline date for the 
    particular application. Applications for preliminary permits will not 
    be accepted in response to this notice.
        A4. Development Application--Public notice of the filing of the 
    initial development application, which has already been given, 
    established the due date for filing competing applications or notices 
    of intent. Under the Commission's regulations, any competing 
    development application must be filed in response to and in compliance 
    with public notice of the initial development application. No competing 
    applications or notices of intent may be filed in response to this 
        A5. Preliminary Permit--Anyone desiring to file a competing 
    application for preliminary permit for a proposed project must submit 
    the competing application itself, or a notice of intent to file such an 
    application, to the Commission on or before the specified comment date 
    for the particular application (see 18 CFR 4.36). Submission of a 
    timely notice of intent allows an interested person to file the 
    competing preliminary permit application no later than 30 days after 
    the specified comment date for the particular application. A competing 
    preliminary permit application must conform with 18 CFR 4.30(b) (1) and 
    (9) and 4.36.
        A7. Preliminary Permit--Any qualified development applicant 
    desiring to file a competing development application must submit to the 
    Commission, on or before a specified comment date for the particular 
    application, either a competing development application or a notice of 
    intent to file such an application. Submission of a timely notice of 
    intent to file a development application allows an interested person to 
    file the competing application no later than 120 days after the 
    specified comment date for the particular application. A competing 
    license application must conform with 18 CFR 4.30(b) (1) and (9) and 
        A8. Preliminary Permit--Public notice of the filing of the initial 
    preliminary permit application, which has already been given, 
    established the due date for filing competing preliminary permit 
    applications or notices of intent. Any competing preliminary permit or 
    development application or notice of intent to file a competing 
    preliminary permit or development application must be filed in response 
    to and in compliance with the public notice of the initial preliminary 
    permit application. Initial preliminary permit application. No 
    competing applications or notices of intent to file competing 
    applications may be filed in response to this notice. A competing 
    license application must conform with 18 CFR 4.30 (b) (1) and (9) and 
        A9. Notice of Intent--A notice of intent must specify the exact 
    name, business address, and telephone number of the prospective 
    applicant, and must include an unequivocal statement of intent to 
    submit, if such an application may be filed, either a preliminary 
    permit application or a development application (specify which type of 
    application). A notice of intent must be served on the applicant(s) 
    named in this public notice.
        A10. Proposed Scope of Studies under Permit--A preliminary permit, 
    if issued, does not authorize construction. The term of the proposed 
    preliminary permit will be 36 months. The work proposed under the 
    preliminary permit would include economic analysis, preparation of 
    preliminary engineering plans, and a study of environmental impacts. 
    Based on the results of these studies, the Applicant would decide 
    whether to proceed with the preparation of a development application to 
    construct and operate the project.
        B. Comments, Protests, or Motions to Intervene--Anyone may submit 
    comments, a protest, or a motion to intervene in accordance with the 
    requirements of the Rules of Practice and Procedure, 18 CFR 385.210, 
    .211, .214. In determining the appropriate action to take, the 
    Commission will consider all protests or other comments filed, but only 
    those who file a motion to intervene in accordance with the 
    Commission's Rules may become a party to the proceeding. Any comments, 
    protests, or motions to intervene must be received on or before the 
    specified comment date for the particular application.
        B1. Protests or Motions to Intervene--Anyone may submit a protest 
    or a motion to intervene in accordance with the requirements of Rules 
    of Practice and Procedure, 18 CFR 385.210, 385.211, and 385.214. In 
    determining the appropriate action to take, the Commission will 
    consider all protests filed, but only those who file a motion to 
    intervene in accordance with the Commission's Rules may become a party 
    to the proceeding. Any protests or motions to intervene must be 
    received on or before the specified deadline date for the particular 
        C. Filing and Service of Responsive Documents--Any filings must 
    bear in all capital letters the title ``COMMENTS'', ``NOTICE OF INTENT 
    ``PROTEST'', ``MOTION TO INTERVENE'', as applicable, and the Project 
    Number of the particular application to which the filing refers. Any of 
    the above-named documents must be filed by providing the original and 
    the number of copies provided by the Commission's regulations to: The 
    Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 825 North Capitol 
    Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426. An additional copy must be sent to 
    Director, Division of Project Review, Federal Energy Regulatory 
    Commission, room 1027, at the above-mentioned address. A copy of any 
    notice of intent, competing application or motion to intervene must 
    also be served upon each representative of the Applicant specified in 
    the particular application.
        C1. Filing and Service of Responsive Documents--Any filings must 
    bear in all capital letters the title ``COMMENTS'', ``RECOMMENDATIONS 
    applicable, and the Project Number of the particular application to 
    which the filing refers. Any of the above-named documents must be filed 
    by providing the original and the number of copies provided by the 
    Commission's regulations to: The Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory 
    Commission, 825 North Capitol Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426. A copy 
    of any motion to intervene must also be served upon each representative 
    of the Applicant specified in the particular application.
        D1. Agency Comments--States, agencies established pursuant to 
    federal law that have the authority to prepare a comprehensive plan for 
    improving, developing and conserving a waterway affected by the 
    project, federal and state agencies exercising administration over fish 
    and wildlife, flood control, navigation, irrigation, recreation, 
    cultural or other relevant resources of the state in which the project 
    is located, and affected Indian tribes are requested to provide 
    comments and recommendations for terms and conditions pursuant to the 
    Federal Power Act as amended by the Electric Consumers Protection Act 
    of 1986, the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, the Endangered Species 
    Act, the National Historic Preservation Act, the Historical and 
    Archeological Preservation Act, the National Environmental Policy Act, 
    Pub.L. No. 88-29, and other applicable statutes. Recommended terms and 
    conditions must be based on supporting technical data filed with the 
    Commission along with the recommendations, in order to comply with the 
    requirement in Section 313(b) of the Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. 
    8251(b), that Commission findings as to facts must be supported 
    substantial evidence.
        All other federal, state, and local agencies that receive this 
    notice through direct mailing from the Commission are requested to 
    provide comments pursuant to the statutes listed above. No other formal 
    requests will be made. Responses should be confined to substantive 
    issues relevant to the issuance of a license. A copy of the application 
    may be obtained directly from the applicant. If an agency does not 
    respond to the Commission within the time set for filing, it will be 
    presumed to have no comments. One copy of an agency's response must 
    also be sent to the Applicant's representatives.
        D2. Agency Comments--Federal, state, and local agencies are invited 
    to file comments on the described application. A copy of the 
    application may be obtain by agencies directly from the Applicant. If 
    an agency does not file comments within the time specified for filing 
    comments, it will be presumed to have no comments. One copy of an 
    agency's comments must also be sent to the Applicant's representatives.
        D8. Filing and Service of Responsive Documents--The application is 
    not ready for environmental analysis at this time; therefore, the 
    Commission is not now requesting comments, recommendations, terms and 
    conditions, or prescriptions.
        When the application is ready for environmental analysis, the 
    Commission will issue a public notice requesting comments, 
    recommendations, terms and conditions, or prescriptions.
        All filings must (1) bear in all capital letters the title 
    the heading the name of the applicant and the project number of the 
    application to which the filing responds; (3) furnish the name, 
    address, and telephone number of the person protesting or intervening; 
    and (4) otherwise comply with the requirements of 18 CFR 385.2001 
    through 385.2005. Agencies may obtain copies of the application 
    directly from the applicant. Any of these documents must be filed by 
    providing the original and the number of copies required by the 
    Commission's regulations to: The Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory 
    Commission, 825 North Capitol Street, NE., Washington, D.C. 20426. An 
    additional copy must be sent to Director, Division of Project Review, 
    Office of Hydropower Licensing, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 
    Room 1027, at the above address. A copy of any protest or motion to 
    intervene must be served upon each representative of the applicant 
    specified in the particular application.
        D10. Filing and Service of Responsive Documents--The application is 
    ready for environmental analysis at this time, and the Commission is 
    requesting comments, reply comments, recommendations, terms and 
    conditions, and prescriptions.
        The Commission directs, pursuant to section 4.34(b) of the 
    regulations (see Order No. 533 issued May 8, 1991, 56 FR 23108, May 20, 
    1991) that all comments, recommendations, terms and conditions and 
    prescriptions concerning the application be filed with the Commission 
    within 60 days from the issuance date of this notice. (April 4, 1994 
    for Project No. 2306-008). All reply comments must be filed with the 
    Commission within 105 days from the date of this notice. (May 18, 1994 
    for Project No. 2306-008).
        Anyone may obtain an extension of time for these deadlines from the 
    Commission only upon a showing of good cause or extraordinary 
    circumstances in accordance with 18 CFR 385.2008.
        All filings must (1) bear in all capital letters the title 
    CONDITIONS,'' or ``PRESCRIPTIONS''; (2) set forth in the heading the 
    name of the applicant and the project number of the application to 
    which the filing responds; (3) furnish the name, address, and telephone 
    number of the person submitting the filing; and (4) otherwise comply 
    with the requirements of 18 CFR 385.2001 through 385.2005. All 
    comments, recommendations, terms and conditions or prescriptions must 
    set forth their evidentiary basis and otherwise comply with the 
    requirements of 18 CFR 4.34(b). Agencies may obtain copies of the 
    application directly from the applicant. Any of these documents must be 
    filed by providing the original and the number of copies required by 
    the Commission's regulations to: The Secretary, Federal Energy 
    Regulatory Commission, 825 North Capitol Street, NE., Washington, DC 
    20426. An additional copy must be sent to Director, Division of Project 
    Review, Office of Hydropower Licensing, Federal Energy Regulatory 
    Commission, Room 1027, at the above address. Each filing must be 
    accompanied by proof of service on all persons listed on the service 
    list prepared by the Commission in this proceeding, in accordance with 
    18 CFR 4.34(b), and 385.2010.
        Dated: February 17, 1994, Washington, DC.
    Lois D. Cashell,
    [FR Doc. 94-4273 Filed 2-24-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6717-01-P

Document Information

Energy Department
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. proposes to transfer the Island Park Hydroelectric Project, No. 2973, to Island Park Hydro L.L.C.
Document Number:
April 4, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: February 25, 1994, Project Nos. 11448-000, et al.