98-4620. Biweekly Notice; Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses Involving No Significant Hazards Considerations  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 37 (Wednesday, February 25, 1998)]
    [Pages 9589-9618]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-4620]
    Biweekly Notice; Applications and Amendments to Facility 
    Operating Licenses Involving No Significant Hazards Considerations
    I. Background
        Pursuant to Public Law 97-415, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory 
    Commission (the Commission or NRC staff) is publishing this regular 
    biweekly notice. Public Law 97-415 revised section 189 of the Atomic 
    Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), to require the Commission to 
    publish notice of any amendments issued, or proposed to be issued, 
    under a new provision of section 189 of the Act. This provision grants 
    the Commission the authority to issue and make immediately effective 
    any amendment to an operating license upon a determination by the 
    Commission that such amendment involves no significant hazards 
    consideration, notwithstanding the pendency before the Commission of a 
    request for a hearing from any person.
        This biweekly notice includes all notices of amendments issued, or 
    proposed to be issued from February 2, 1998, through February 12, 1998. 
    The last biweekly notice was published on February 11, 1998 (63 FR 
    Notice of Consideration of Issuance of Amendments to Facility Operating 
    Licenses, Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration Determination, 
    and Opportunity for a Hearing
        The Commission has made a proposed determination that the following 
    amendment requests involve no significant hazards consideration. Under 
    the Commission's regulations in 10 CFR 50.92, this means that operation 
    of the facility in accordance with the proposed amendment would not (1) 
    involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an 
    accident previously evaluated; or (2) create the possibility of a new 
    or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated; 
    or (3) involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety. The basis 
    for this proposed determination for each amendment request is shown 
        The Commission is seeking public comments on this proposed 
    determination. Any comments received
    [[Page 9590]]
    within 30 days after the date of publication of this notice will be 
    considered in making any final determination.
        Normally, the Commission will not issue the amendment until the 
    expiration of the 30-day notice period. However, should circumstances 
    change during the notice period such that failure to act in a timely 
    way would result, for example, in derating or shutdown of the facility, 
    the Commission may issue the license amendment before the expiration of 
    the 30-day notice period, provided that its final determination is that 
    the amendment involves no significant hazards consideration. The final 
    determination will consider all public and State comments received 
    before action is taken. Should the Commission take this action, it will 
    publish in the Federal Register a notice of issuance and provide for 
    opportunity for a hearing after issuance. The Commission expects that 
    the need to take this action will occur very infrequently.
        Written comments may be submitted by mail to the Chief, Rules and 
    Directives Branch, Division of Administration Services, Office of 
    Administration, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 
    20555-0001, and should cite the publication date and page number of 
    this Federal Register notice. Written comments may also be delivered to 
    Room 6D22, Two White Flint North, 11545 Rockville Pike, Rockville, 
    Maryland from 7:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Federal workdays. Copies of 
    written comments received may be examined at the NRC Public Document 
    Room, the Gelman Building, 2120 L Street, NW., Washington, DC. The 
    filing of requests for a hearing and petitions for leave to intervene 
    is discussed below.
        By March 27, 1998, the licensee may file a request for a hearing 
    with respect to issuance of the amendment to the subject facility 
    operating license and any person whose interest may be affected by this 
    proceeding and who wishes to participate as a party in the proceeding 
    must file a written request for a hearing and a petition for leave to 
    intervene. Requests for a hearing and a petition for leave to intervene 
    shall be filed in accordance with the Commission's ``Rules of Practice 
    for Domestic Licensing Proceedings'' in 10 CFR Part 2. Interested 
    persons should consult a current copy of 10 CFR 2.714 which is 
    available at the Commission's Public Document Room, the Gelman 
    Building, 2120 L Street, NW., Washington, DC and at the local public 
    document room for the particular facility involved. If a request for a 
    hearing or petition for leave to intervene is filed by the above date, 
    the Commission or an Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, designated by 
    the Commission or by the Chairman of the Atomic Safety and Licensing 
    Board Panel, will rule on the request and/or petition; and the 
    Secretary or the designated Atomic Safety and Licensing Board will 
    issue a notice of a hearing or an appropriate order.
        As required by 10 CFR 2.714, a petition for leave to intervene 
    shall set forth with particularity the interest of the petitioner in 
    the proceeding, and how that interest may be affected by the results of 
    the proceeding. The petition should specifically explain the reasons 
    why intervention should be permitted with particular reference to the 
    following factors: (1) The nature of the petitioner's right under the 
    Act to be made a party to the proceeding; (2) the nature and extent of 
    the petitioner's property, financial, or other interest in the 
    proceeding; and (3) the possible effect of any order which may be 
    entered in the proceeding on the petitioner's interest. The petition 
    should also identify the specific aspect(s) of the subject matter of 
    the proceeding as to which petitioner wishes to intervene. Any person 
    who has filed a petition for leave to intervene or who has been 
    admitted as a party may amend the petition without requesting leave of 
    the Board up to 15 days prior to the first prehearing conference 
    scheduled in the proceeding, but such an amended petition must satisfy 
    the specificity requirements described above.
        Not later than 15 days prior to the first prehearing conference 
    scheduled in the proceeding, a petitioner shall file a supplement to 
    the petition to intervene which must include a list of the contentions 
    which are sought to be litigated in the matter. Each contention must 
    consist of a specific statement of the issue of law or fact to be 
    raised or controverted. In addition, the petitioner shall provide a 
    brief explanation of the bases of the contention and a concise 
    statement of the alleged facts or expert opinion which support the 
    contention and on which the petitioner intends to rely in proving the 
    contention at the hearing. The petitioner must also provide references 
    to those specific sources and documents of which the petitioner is 
    aware and on which the petitioner intends to rely to establish those 
    facts or expert opinion. Petitioner must provide sufficient information 
    to show that a genuine dispute exists with the applicant on a material 
    issue of law or fact. Contentions shall be limited to matters within 
    the scope of the amendment under consideration. The contention must be 
    one which, if proven, would entitle the petitioner to relief. A 
    petitioner who fails to file such a supplement which satisfies these 
    requirements with respect to at least one contention will not be 
    permitted to participate as a party.
        Those permitted to intervene become parties to the proceeding, 
    subject to any limitations in the order granting leave to intervene, 
    and have the opportunity to participate fully in the conduct of the 
    hearing, including the opportunity to present evidence and cross-
    examine witnesses.
        If a hearing is requested, the Commission will make a final 
    determination on the issue of no significant hazards consideration. The 
    final determination will serve to decide when the hearing is held.
        If the final determination is that the amendment request involves 
    no significant hazards consideration, the Commission may issue the 
    amendment and make it immediately effective, notwithstanding the 
    request for a hearing. Any hearing held would take place after issuance 
    of the amendment.
        If the final determination is that the amendment request involves a 
    significant hazards consideration, any hearing held would take place 
    before the issuance of any amendment.
        A request for a hearing or a petition for leave to intervene must 
    be filed with the Secretary of the Commission, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory 
    Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, Attention: Rulemakings and 
    Adjudications Staff, or may be delivered to the Commission's Public 
    Document Room, the Gelman Building, 2120 L Street, NW., Washington DC, 
    by the above date. A copy of the petition should also be sent to the 
    Office of the General Counsel, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 
    Washington, DC 20555-0001, and to the attorney for the licensee.
        Nontimely filings of petitions for leave to intervene, amended 
    petitions, supplemental petitions and/or requests for a hearing will 
    not be entertained absent a determination by the Commission, the 
    presiding officer or the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board that the 
    petition and/or request should be granted based upon a balancing of 
    factors specified in 10 CFR 2.714(a)(1)(I)-(v) and 2.714(d).
        For further details with respect to this action, see the 
    application for amendment which is available for public inspection at 
    the Commission's Public Document Room, the Gelman Building, 2120 L 
    Street, NW., Washington, DC, and at the local public document room for 
    the particular facility involved.
    [[Page 9591]]
    Arizona Public Service Company, et al., Docket Nos. STN 50-528, STN 50-
    529, and STN 50-530, Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units Nos. 
    1, 2, and 3, Maricopa County, Arizona
        Date of amendment request: October 4, 1996, as supplemented by 
    letters dated June 6, September 19, November 7, and December 16, 1997.
        Description of amendment request: The proposed amendment for each 
    unit identified above would change the distance criterion in Action b 
    to Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) 3/4.1.3, ``Movable Control 
    Assemblies,'' by which more than one full-length or part-length control 
    element assembly (CEA) is misaligned from any other CEA in its group. 
    Action b states, in part, that if the misalignment is greater than the 
    specified distance criterion, the reactor core is to be placed in at 
    least hot standby within 6 hours. The proposed amendment would reduce 
    the distance criterion from 19 inches to 9.9 inches, and replace hot 
    standby in 6 hours by ``open the reactor trip breakers.''
        This proposed amendment is included as a ``more restrictive'' 
    change in the conversion of the current Technical Specifications (CTS) 
    to the Improved Technical Specifications, which was noticed in the 
    Federal Register (62 FR 18153) on April 14, 1997. The proposed 
    amendment would be included in Action F to LCO 3.1.5, ``Movable Control 
    Assemblies,'' of the Improved Technical Specifications. This proposed 
    amendment is a change to the current Technical Specifications and is in 
    addition to the six proposed changes to the CTS or proposed deviations 
    to the Improved Standard Technical Specifications (NUREG-1432) which 
    were identified in the notice of April 14, 1997.
        Basis for proposed no significant hazards consideration 
    determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has 
    provided its analysis of the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration, which is presented below:
        1. The proposed change does not involve a significant increase in 
    the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.
        The proposed changes provide more stringent requirements than 
    previously existed in the CTS. The more stringent requirements will not 
    result in operation that will increase the probability of initiating an 
    analyzed event. If anything, the new requirements may decrease the 
    probability or consequences of an analyzed event by incorporating the 
    more restrictive changes discussed in the specific Discussion of 
    Changes [for specification 3.1.5]. These changes will not alter 
    assumptions relative to mitigation of an accident or transient event. 
    The more restrictive requirements will not alter the operation and will 
    continue to ensure process variables, structures, systems, or 
    components are maintained consistent with safety analyses and licensing 
    basis [for the plant]. These changes have been reviewed to ensure that 
    no previously evaluated accident has been adversely affected. 
    Therefore, these changes will not involve a significant increase in the 
    probability or consequences of an accident evaluated.
        2. The proposed change does not create the possibility of a new or 
    different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated.
        Making existing requirements more restrictive and adding more 
    restrictive requirements to the CTS will not alter the plant 
    configuration (no new or different type of equipment will be installed) 
    or change the methods governing normal plant operation. These changes 
    do impose different requirements. However, they are consistent with the 
    assumptions made in the safety analyses, licensing basis, and NUREG-
    1432 [for the plant]. Therefore, these changes will not create the 
    possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident 
    previously evaluated.
        3. The proposed change does not involve a significant reduction in 
    a margin of safety.
        The proposed changes provide more stringent requirements than 
    previously existed in the CTS. An evaluation of these changes concluded 
    that adding these more restrictive requirements either increases or has 
    no impact on the margin of safety. The changes provide additional 
    restrictions which may enhance plant safety. These changes maintain 
    requirements of the safety analysis, licensing basis, and NUREG-1432 
    [for the plant]. As such, no question of safety is involved. Therefore, 
    these changes will not involve a significant reduction in a margin of 
        The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's analysis and, based on 
    this review, it appears that the three standards of 10 CFR 50.92(c) are 
    satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine that the 
    amendment request involves no significant hazards consideration.
        Local Public Document Room Location: Phoenix Public Library, 1221 
    N. Central Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85004.
        Attorney for licensee: Nancy C. Loftin, Esq., Corporate Secretary 
    and Counsel, Arizona Public Service Company, P.O. Box 53999, Mail 
    Station 9068, Phoenix, Arizona 85072-3999.
        NRC Project Director: William H. Bateman.
    Boston Edison Company, Docket No. 50-293, Pilgrim Nuclear Power 
    Station, Plymouth County, Massachusetts
        Date of amendment request: September 19, 1997.
        Description of amendment request: The proposed amendment would 
    relocate the Radioactive Effluent Technical Specifications (RETS) and 
    the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program to the Offsite Dose 
    Calculation Manual (ODCM), in accordance with the recommendations of 
    Generic Letter 89-01 and NUREG-1433. In addition, changes to other 
    sections of the TSs are being proposed to align the current TSs with 
        Basis for proposed no significant hazards consideration 
    determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has 
    provided its analysis of the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration, which is presented below:
        1. Does the change involve a significant increase in the 
    probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated?
        Operation of PNPS in accordance with the proposed change will not 
    involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an 
    accident previously evaluated because of the following:
        Definitions perform a supporting function for other sections of the 
    TS. The proposed change to incorporate the definition for the Offsite 
    Dose Calculations Manual (ODCM) into Section 5.0, ``Programs and 
    Manuals'', subsection 5.5.1 of the proposed TS will carry forward the 
    requirements contained in the DEFINITION, with minor editorial 
    rewording to be consistent with NUREG 1433, and result in no technical 
    changes. Since the requirements will remain, the impact on initiators 
    of analyzed events or the assumptions assumed in the mitigation of 
    accidents or transient events will not change. Editorial rewording 
    (either adding or deleting) and reformatting is proposed to provide 
    clarity and does not change any technical requirements.
        The definitions being proposed for relocation do not impact reactor 
    operation, identify a parameter which is an initial condition 
    assumption for a DBA or transient, identify a significant abnormal 
    degradation of the reactor coolant pressure boundary, and do not
    [[Page 9592]]
    provide any mitigation of a design basis event.
    RAD Effluents
        All editorial rewording (either adding or deleting) and renumbering 
    is made to restructure the section accounting for the requirements 
    relocated in accordance with Generic Letter 89-01. During the editorial 
    rewording and renumbering of the Improved Technical Specifications, no 
    technical changes (either actual or interpretational) to the TS were 
    made unless they were identified and justified.
        Adding a note to clearly indicate that the first sample for noble 
    gas activity is not required for 31 days after SJAE is placed in 
    operation has always been considered the intent of this surveillance 
    requirement. This allowance is consistent with the frequency for the 
    required surveillance and allows time for concentrations of longer 
    lived isotopes to reach equilibrium. In addition, other instrumentation 
    continuously monitors the offgas to alert operators of significant 
    increases in radioactivity.
        The proposed change provides more stringent requirements than 
    previously existed in the Technical Specifications. The more stringent 
    requirements will not result in operation that will increase the 
    probability of initiating an analyzed event. If anything, the new 
    requirements may decrease the probability or consequences of an 
    analyzed event by incorporating the more restrictive changes discussed 
    above. The change will not alter assumptions relative to mitigation of 
    an accident or transient event. The more restrictive requirements will 
    not alter the operation of process variables, structures, systems, or 
    components as described in the safety analyses.
        These proposed changes relocate requirements from the Technical 
    Specifications to the T. S. BASES, FSAR, or ODCM. The licensee 
    controlled document containing the relocated requirements will be 
    maintained using the provisions of 10 CFR 50.59 or a change control 
    process in the Administrative Controls Section of the Technical 
    Specifications. Since any changes to these licensee controlled 
    documents will be evaluated per an NRC approved change control process, 
    no increase in the probability or consequences of an accident 
    previously evaluated will be allowed.
        Basing the potential fission product release rate on gross gamma 
    activity rate is more representative of the whole body dose that would 
    be received by an individual at the site boundary should a release 
    occur. Therefore, reasonable assurance that the potential whole body 
    accident dose to an individual at the exclusion area boundary will not 
    exceed a small fraction of the limits specified in 10 CFR Part 100 is 
        Allowing the sample to be taken from either pretreatment monitor 
    station will have no effect on the objective of assuring that the 
    potential whole body accident dose to an individual at the exclusion 
    area boundary will not exceed a small fraction of the limits specified 
    in 10 CFR Part 100, because both monitor stations are prior to 
    treatment, adsorption, or delay of the noble gases.
    RAD Material Source
        The requirements for miscellaneous radioactive materials do not 
    impact reactor operation, identify a parameter which is an initial 
    condition assumption for a DBA or transient, identify a significant 
    abnormal degradation of the reactor coolant pressure boundary, and do 
    not provide any mitigation of a design basis event.
    Major Design Features
        The reformatting, renumbering, and rewording along with the other 
    changes listed involve no technical changes to existing Technical 
    Specifications. The proposed changes are administrative in nature and 
    do not impact initiators or assumptions of analyzed accidents or 
    transient events.
        The proposed change provides more stringent requirements than 
    previously existed in the Technical Specifications. The more stringent 
    requirements will not result in operation that will increase the 
    probability of initiating an analyzed event. If anything, the new 
    requirements may decrease the probability or consequences of an 
    analyzed event by incorporating the more restrictive changes discussed 
    above. The change will not alter assumptions relative to mitigation of 
    an accident or transient event. The more restrictive requirements will 
    not alter the operation of process variables, structures, systems, or 
    components as described in the safety analyses.
        These proposed changes relocate requirements from the Technical 
    Specifications to the FSAR. Since any changes to the FSAR must be 
    evaluated per 10 CFR 50.59, no increase (significant or insignificant) 
    in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated 
    will be allowed.
    Administrative Controls
        The reformatting, renumbering, and rewording along with the other 
    changes listed involves no technical changes to existing Technical 
    Specifications. The change to the existing Technical Specifications was 
    done in order to be consistent with the NUREG-1433. During development 
    of NUREG-1433, certain wording preferences or English language 
    conventions were adopted. The proposed change to this section is 
    administrative in nature and does not impact initiators of analyzed 
    events. It also does not impact the assumed mitigation of accidents or 
    transient events.
        The proposed change provides more stringent requirements than 
    previously existed in the Technical Specifications. These more 
    stringent requirements are administrative in nature (e.g., specifying 
    additional responsibilities for plant personnel, ensuring overtime 
    control, incorporating program and manual requirements already in 
    place, and adding details to reports). These additional requirements 
    will not alter the plant configuration (no new or different type of 
    equipment will be installed) or changes in methods governing normal 
    plant operation, not alter assumptions relative to the mitigation of an 
    accident or transient event, or alter the operation of process 
    variables, structures, systems, or components as described in the 
    safety analyses.
        This proposed change relocates requirements from the Technical 
    Specifications to licensee controlled documents. The licensee 
    controlled documents containing the relocated requirements are required 
    to meet the applicable regulation and any change process invoked by the 
    regulation. Since any changes to the licensee controlled document must 
    continue to meet the regulation, no increase (significant or 
    insignificant) in the probability or consequences of an accident 
    previously evaluated will be allowed.
        This change proposes to provide flexibility in meeting the minimum 
    shift staffing for up to two hours in order to provide for unexpected 
    absence. The proposed change does not affect the probability of an 
    accident. The actions of an individual are not assumed to be an 
    initiator of any analyzed event. Also, the change does not negate the 
    requirement to have licensed individuals in the control room. This 
    proposed change does not impact the assumptions of any design basis 
    accident. This change will not alter assumptions relative to the 
    mitigation of an accident or transient event.
        This change proposes to relax the requirement to have an individual 
    qualified in radiation protection procedures to be onsite when fuel is 
    in the reactor. The proposed change will allow the position to be 
    vacant for up
    [[Page 9593]]
    to two hours in order to provide for unexpected absence.
        The proposed change does not affect the probability of an accident. 
    The actions of an individual qualified in radiation protection 
    procedures are not assumed to be an initiator of any analyzed event. 
    Also, the consequences of an accident are not affected by the presence 
    of an individual qualified in radiation protection. This proposed 
    change does not impact the assumptions of any design basis accident. 
    This change will not alter assumptions relative to the mitigation of an 
    accident or transient event. This change will not have any impact on 
    the plant safety because the presence of a person qualified in 
    radiation protection is not required for the mitigation of any 
        This change proposes to relax the requirement for submitting the 
    Radioactive Effluent Release Report and to relocate the report details 
    outside the TS. The current TS require the report to be submitted semi-
    annually. This proposed change will allow the report to be submitted 
    annually as required by 10 CFR 50.36a. The proposed change does not 
    affect the probability of an accident. Neither the submittal 
    requirements nor the contents of the Radioactive Effluent Release 
    Report is assumed to be an initiator of any analyzed event. Also, the 
    consequences of an accident are not affected by submittal requirements 
    nor the contents of the Radioactive Effluent Release Report. This 
    proposed change does not impact the assumptions of any design basis 
    accident. This change will not alter assumptions relative to the 
    mitigation of an accident or transient event. This change has no impact 
    on the safe operation of the plant. The report will still be required 
    to be submitted and does not affect any plant equipment or requirements 
    for maintaining plant equipment. The submittal of this report is not 
    required for the mitigation of any accident.
        The proposed alternatives for control of access to high radiation 
    areas are consistent with the intent of 10 CFR 20.1601(a) and (b). The 
    proposed changes do not affect the probability of an accident. The 
    controls used for access to high radiation areas are not assumed in the 
    initiation of any analyzed event. Also, the consequences of an accident 
    are not affected by these changes. These changes are both consistent 
    with good radiological safety practice and will provide an adequate 
    level of radiation protection. These proposed changes do not impact the 
    assumptions of any design basis accident. These changes will not alter 
    assumptions relative to the mitigation of an accident or transient 
    event. These changes have no impact on safe operation of the plant.
    Radiological Environmental Monitoring
        The proposed changes only alter the format and location of 
    procedural details and administrative controls of the radioactive 
    effluents, radiological environmental monitoring, and solid radioactive 
    waste programs. The changes are administrative in nature and do not 
    involve any change to the configuration or operation of plant 
    equipment. The Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications (RETS) 
    procedural details are being moved to the Offsite Dose Calculation 
    manual (ODCM). In addition, new administrative controls have been added 
    to the Technical Specifications which will provide an equivalent level 
    of assurance that activities involving radioactive effluents, solid 
    radioactive waste, and radiological environmental monitoring are 
    conducted in full compliance with regulatory requirements. Since any 
    changes to these requirements will require NRC approval, no increase in 
    the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated 
    will be allowed.
        2. Does the change create the possibility of a new or different 
    kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated?
        Operation of PNPS in accordance with the proposed change will not 
    create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any 
    accident previously evaluated because of the following:
        These proposed changes do not involve a physical alteration of the 
    plant (no new or different type of equipment will be installed) or 
    changes in methods governing normal plant operation. The proposed 
    change will not impose any new or different requirements or eliminate 
    any existing requirements.
        Relocating these definitions will not alter the plant configuration 
    (no new or different type of equipment will be installed) or change 
    methods governing normal plant operation. Relocating requirements will 
    not impose different requirements and adequate control of information 
    will be maintained. Relocating these definitions will not alter 
    assumptions made in the safety analysis and licensing basis.
    RAD Effluents
        The proposed change does not involve a physical alteration of the 
    plant (no new or different type of equipment will be installed) or 
    changes in methods governing normal plant operation. The proposed 
    change will not impose any new or different requirements or eliminate 
    any existing requirements.
        Making existing requirements more restrictive and adding more 
    restrictive requirements to the Technical Specifications will not alter 
    the plant configuration (no new or different type of equipment will be 
    installed) or change methods governing normal plant operation. These 
    changes are consistent with current design bases, licensing bases or 
    assumptions made in the safety analysis.
        These changes do not alter the plant configuration (no new or 
    different type of equipment will be installed) or methods governing 
    normal plant operation. These changes will not impose different 
    requirements and adequate control of information will be maintained. 
    These changes do not alter assumptions made in the safety analysis and 
    licensing basis.
        The proposed change will not involve a physical alteration of the 
    plant (no new or different type of equipment will be installed) or 
    changes in methods governing normal plant operation. Operation of the 
    plant will not be altered by this change. This change will not place 
    the plant in any new condition or introduce any mode of operation not 
    previously analyzed.
        The proposed change will not involve a physical alteration of the 
    plant (no new or different type of equipment will be installed) or 
    changes in methods governing normal plant operation. Operation of the 
    plant will not be altered by this change. This change will not place 
    the plant in any new condition or introduce any mode of operation not 
    previously analyzed.
    RAD Material Source
        Relocating these requirements will not alter the plant 
    configuration (no new or different type of equipment will be installed) 
    or change methods governing normal plant operation. Relocating 
    requirements will not impose different requirements and adequate 
    control of information will be maintained. Relocating requirements does 
    not alter assumptions made in the safety analysis and licensing basis.
    Major Design Features
        The proposed change does not involve a physical alteration of the 
    plant (no new or different type of equipment will be installed) or 
    changes in methods governing normal plant operation. The proposed 
    change will not impose any new or different requirements or eliminate 
    any existing requirements.
    [[Page 9594]]
        Making existing requirements more restrictive and adding more 
    restrictive requirements to the Technical Specifications will not alter 
    the plant configuration (no new or different type of equipment will be 
    installed) or changes in methods governing normal plant operation. The 
    change does impose different requirements. However, the change is 
    consistent with assumptions made in the safety analyses.
        These changes relocate requirements to the FSAR. These changes do 
    not alter the plant configuration (no new or different type of 
    equipment will be installed) or the methods governing normal plant 
    operation. These changes do not impose different requirements and 
    adequate control of information will be maintained. This change will 
    not alter assumptions made in the safety analysis and licensing basis.
    Administrative Controls
        The proposed change does not involve a physical alteration of the 
    plant (no new or different type of equipment will be installed) or 
    changes in methods governing normal plant operation. The proposed 
    change will not impose any new or different requirements or eliminate 
    any existing requirements.
        Making existing requirements more restrictive and adding new 
    requirements to the Technical Specifications will not alter the plant 
    configuration (no new or different type of equipment will be installed) 
    or changes in the methods governing normal plant operation.
        This change relocates requirements to a licensee controlled 
    document. This change will not alter the plant configuration (no new or 
    different type of equipment will be installed) or changes in methods 
    governing normal plant operation. This change will not impose different 
    requirements and adequate control of information will be maintained. 
    This change will not alter assumptions made in the safety analysis and 
    licensing basis.
        This change proposes to provide flexibility in meeting the minimum 
    shift staffing for up to two hours in order to provide for an 
    unexpected absence. The proposed change will not create the possibility 
    of an accident. This change will not physically alter the plant (no new 
    or different type of equipment will be installed).
        This change proposes to relax the requirement to have an individual 
    qualified in radiation protection procedures to be onsite when fuel is 
    in the reactor. The proposed change will allow the position to be 
    vacant for up to two hours in order to provide for unexpected absence. 
    The proposed change will not create the possibility of an accident. 
    This change will not physically alter the plant (no new or different 
    type of equipment will be installed) or the methods of operation.
        This change will not physically alter the plant (no new or 
    different type of equipment will be installed). The changes in methods 
    governing normal plant operation are consistent with the current safety 
    analysis assumptions.
        The proposed change will not create the possibility of an accident. 
    This change will not physically alter the plant (no new or different 
    type of equipment will be installed). The changes in methods governing 
    normal plant operation are consistent with the current safety analysis 
    Radiological Environmental Monitoring
        The procedural requirements of the RETS will be maintained in the 
    ODCM. Operation of the plant will not be altered by the changes 
    proposed to the administration of the RETS. This change will not place 
    the plant in any new condition or introduce any mode of operation not 
    previously analyzed.
        3. Does this change involve a significant reduction in a margin of 
        Operation of PNPS in accordance with the proposed change will not 
    involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety because of the 
        Definitions perform a supporting function for other sections of the 
    TS and the proposed editing, omission or relocation of definitions 
    associated with this change will not, by itself, reduce existing 
    restrictions on plant operations.
        The definitions to be transposed from the Technical Specifications 
    to the ODCM are the same as the existing Technical Specifications. 
    Future changes to the ODCM will be controlled in accordance with 
    proposed technical specification 5.5.1 ``Offsite Dose Calculation 
    Manual (ODCM)''.
    RAD Effluents
        The change is administrative in nature and does not involve any 
    technical changes. The proposed change will not reduce a margin of 
    safety because it has no impact on any safety analysis assumptions. 
    Also, because the change is administrative in nature, no question of 
    safety is involved.
        Adding these new requirements and making existing ones more 
    restrictive does not affect any safety analysis assumptions. As such, 
    no question of safety is involved.
        The requirements to be relocated from the Technical Specifications 
    to the FSAR T.S. BASES, or ODCM are the same as the existing Technical 
    Specifications and any future changes to this licensee controlled 
    document will be evaluated per an NRC approved change control process.
        Specifying a release rate based only on gamma activity is more 
    representative of the whole body dose that would be received by an 
    individual at the site boundary should a release occur. The actual 
    margin of safety could be increased because potential errors in 
    converting beta activity to whole body exposures are eliminated
        The sample used to determine the gaseous activity rate will 
    continue to be taken prior to treatment, adsorption, or delay of the 
    noble gases.
    RAD Material Source
        This change relocates requirements from the Technical 
    Specifications to a licensee controlled document. This change will not 
    reduce a margin of safety since it has no impact on any safety analysis 
    assumptions. In addition, the requirements to be transposed from the 
    Technical Specifications to the licensee controlled documents are the 
    same as the existing Technical Specifications. Since any future changes 
    to these licensee controlled documents must be evaluated per the cited 
    regulations or requirements of 10 CFR 50.59, no reduction (significant 
    or insignificant) in a margin of safety will be allowed.
    Major Design Features
        The changes are administrative in nature and do not involve any 
    technical changes. The proposed changes do not impact initiators or 
    assumptions of analyzed accidents or transient events.
        These new or more restrictive requirements are consistent with the 
    current design and licensing bases; therefore, a margin of safety is 
    not affected.
        These changes relocate requirements from the Technical 
    Specifications to the FSAR. The requirements to be are the same as the 
    existing Technical Specifications. Since any future changes to the FSAR 
    must be evaluated per the requirements of 10 CFR 50.59, no reduction 
    (significant or insignificant) in a margin of safety will be allowed.
    Administrative Controls
        The change is administrative in nature and will not involve any 
    technical changes. The proposed change will not reduce a margin of 
    safety because it has no impact on any safety analysis assumptions.
    [[Page 9595]]
        Adding these new requirements and making existing ones more 
    restrictive does not introduce any new tests or changes in methods 
    governing normal plant operation. Therefore, the changes do not impact 
    any safety analysis assumptions.
        This change relocates requirements from the Technical 
    Specifications to a licensee controlled document. The licensee 
    controlled documents containing the relocated requirements are required 
    to meet the applicable regulation and any change process invoked by the 
    regulation. Since any changes to a licensee controlled document must 
    continue to meet the regulation, no increase (significant or 
    insignificant) in the probability or consequences of an accident 
    previously evaluated will be allowed.
        This change proposes to provide flexibility in meeting the minimum 
    shift staffing for up to two hours in order to provide for unexpected 
    absence. This proposed change has no effect on the assumptions of a 
    design basis accident. The safety analysis assumptions will still be 
    maintained; thus, no question of safety exists.
        This change proposes to relax the requirement to have an individual 
    qualified in radiation protection procedures to be onsite when fuel is 
    in the reactor. The proposed change will allow the position to be 
    vacant for up to two hours in order to provide for unexpected absence. 
    The margin of safety is not affected by the presence or absence on site 
    of an individual qualified in radiation protection procedures. This 
    proposed change has no effect on the assumptions of the design basis 
    accident. This change will not have any impact on the plant safety 
    because the presence of a person qualified in radiation protection is 
    not required for the mitigation of any accident. The safety analysis 
    assumptions will still be maintained; thus, no question of safety 
        This proposed change has no effect on the assumptions of the design 
    basis accident. This change has no impact on the safe operation of the 
    plant. The report will still be required to be submitted and does not 
    affect any plant equipment or requirements for maintaining plant 
    equipment. The safety analysis assumptions will still be maintained; 
    thus, no question of safety exists.
        The proposed alternatives for control of access to high radiation 
    areas are consistent with the intent of 10 CFR 20.1601(a) and (b). The 
    margin of safety is not reduced due to these proposed changes. These 
    changes are both consistent with good radiological safety practices and 
    have been found to provide an adequate level of radiation protection. 
    In addition, these changes provide the benefit of ensuring radiation 
    dose to all workers is minimized by providing the flexibility to select 
    the best means of providing a barrier and access control to a high 
    radiation area given the plant location and radiological conditions. 
    These proposed changes have no impact on the safe operation of the 
    plant. The safety analysis assumptions will still be maintained; thus, 
    no question of safety exists.
    Radiological Environmental Monitoring
        The proposed changes relocate the procedural details and Bases for 
    RETS from the Technical Specifications to the ODCM. The RETS procedural 
    details and Bases will be maintained by these programs. In addition, 
    new administrative controls have been added to the Technical 
    Specifications which assure the proper control and maintenance of these 
    documents and provide an equivalent level of assurance that activities 
    involving radioactive effluents, solid radioactive waste, and 
    radiological environmental monitoring are conducted in full compliance 
    with regulatory requirements.
        The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's analysis and, based on 
    this review, it appears that the three standards of 50.92(c) are 
    satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine that the 
    amendment request involves no significant hazards consideration.
        Local Public Document Room location: Plymouth Public Library, 11 
    North Street, Plymouth, Massachusetts 0236.
        Attorney for licensee: W.S. Stowe, Esquire, Boston Edison Company, 
    800 Boylston Street, 36th Floor, Boston, Massachusetts 02199.
        NRC Project Director: Cecil O. Thomas.
    Commonwealth Edison Company, Docket Nos. STN 50-454 and STN 50-455, 
    Byron Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, Ogle County, Illinois, Docket Nos. 
    STN 50-456 and STN 50-457, Braidwood Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, Will 
    County, Illinois
        Date of amendment request: November 7, 1997.
        Description of amendment request: The proposed amendment would 
    revise the technical specifications and associated bases to allow the 
    licensee to perform 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix J, Type A testing on 
    Byron, Unit 2, and Braidwood, Unit 2, containments at least once per 10 
    years based on a single successful Type A test, rather than two 
    successful Type A tests.
        Basis for proposed no significant hazards consideration 
    determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has 
    provided its analysis of the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration, which is presented below:
        1. The proposed change does not involve a significant increase in 
    the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.
        Performance of Type A tests at a different interval does not 
    involve a change to any structures, systems, or components, does not 
    affect reactor operations, is not an accident initiator, and does not 
    change any existing safety analysis previously evaluated in the UFSAR 
    [Updated Final Safety Analysis Report]. Therefore, there is no 
    significant increase in the probability of an accident previously 
        Several tables of UFSAR Chapter 15, ``Accident Analyses,'' provide 
    containment leak rate values used in assessing the consequences of 
    accidents discussed in this chapter. Although decreasing the test 
    frequency can increase the probability that an increase in containment 
    leakage could go undetected for an extended period of time, the risk 
    resulting from this proposed change is inconsequential as documented in 
    NUREG-1493, ``Performance-Based Containment Leakage Test Program''. 
    This document indicated that given the insensitivity of reactor risk to 
    containment leakage rate and a small fraction of leakage paths are 
    detected solely by Type A testing, increasing the interval between 
    integrated leak rate tests is possible with minimal impact on public 
    risk. Further, industry experience presented in this document indicated 
    that Type A testing has had insignificant impact on uncertainties 
    involved with containment leak rates.
        Based on risk information presented in NUREG-1493, the proposed 
    change does not increase the probability or consequences of an accident 
    previously evaluated.
        2. The proposed change does not create the possibility of a new or 
    different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated.
        The proposed change does not alter the plant design, systems, 
    components, or reactor operations, only the frequency of test 
    performance. New conditions or parameters that contribute to the 
    initiation of accidents would not be created as a result of this 
    proposed change. The change does not involve new equipment and existing 
    equipment does not have to be operated in a
    [[Page 9596]]
    different manner, therefore there are no new failure modes to consider.
        Changing test intervals as shown in NUREG-1493 has no impact on, 
    nor contributes to the possibility of a new or different kind of 
    accident as evaluated in the UFSAR. Therefore, the proposed change does 
    not create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from 
    any accident previously evaluated.
        3. The proposed change does not involve a significant reduction in 
    a margin of safety.
        With the exception of the test frequency, the actual tests will not 
    change. Quantitative risk studies documented in NUREG-1493 regarding 
    extended testing intervals demonstrated that there was minimal impact 
    on the public health and safety. Reducing the frequency, as stated in 
    the NUREG resulted in an ``imperceptible'' increase in risk to public 
    safety. Further, a table in this NUREG regarding risk impacts due to a 
    reduction in testing frequency suggested that there was also minimal 
    difference in risk to the public safety when the test frequency was 
        The proposed change will not reduce the availability of systems and 
    components associated with containment integrity that would be required 
    to mitigate accident conditions nor are any containment leakage rates, 
    parameters or accident assumptions affected by the proposed change.
        The proposed change does not involve a significant reduction in a 
    margin of safety, based on the above information.
        The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's analysis and, based on 
    this review, it appears that the three standards of 10 CFR 50.92(c) are 
    satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine that the 
    requested amendments involve no significant hazards consideration.
        Local Public Document Room location: For Byron, the Byron Public 
    Library District, 109 N. Franklin, P.O. Box 434, Byron, Illinois 61010; 
    for Braidwood, the Wilmington Public Library, 201 S. Kankakee Street, 
    Wilmington, Illinois 60481.
        Attorney for licensee: Michael I. Miller, Esquire; Sidley and 
    Austin, One First National Plaza, Chicago, Illinois 60603.
        NRC Project Director: Robert A. Capra.
    Commonwealth Edison Company, Docket Nos. STN 50-454 and STN 50-455, 
    Byron Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, Ogle County, Illinois, Docket Nos. 
    STN 50-456 and STN 50-457, Braidwood Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, Will 
    County, Illinois
        Date of amendment request: December 30, 1997.
        Description of amendment request: The proposed amendment would 
    revise the Technical Specification (TS), ``Condensate Storage 
    Tank,'' (CST) and its associated Bases for Byron and Braidwood to raise 
    the minimum allowable CST level to ensure that a sufficient volume of 
    water is available to meet the design basis requirements for the 
    auxiliary feedwater (AFW) system supply. The proposed amendment would 
    also revise the AFW system transfer to essential service water (SX) 
    trip setpoint and allowable value in Table 3.3-4 to ensure that the 
    design basis requirements for the AFW system are accurately reflected 
    in the TS.
        Basis for proposed no significant hazards consideration 
    determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has 
    provided its analysis of the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration, which is presented below:
        1. The change does not involve a significant increase in the 
    probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.
        The amount of water in the CST [Condensate Storage Tank] at the 
    beginning of an accident and the setpoint for AF [auxiliary feedwater] 
    pump suction pressure-low trip have no impact on the probability of 
    occurrence of any accident analyzed in the UFSAR [Updated Final Safety 
    Analysis Report]. This is due to the availability of the safety-related 
    SX [essential service water] water supply as a backup system. 
    Therefore, the probability of an accident previously evaluated is 
        The loss of the Safety Category II CST under accident conditions 
    has already been evaluated in the UFSAR. The SX system is the emergency 
    source of water supply to the AF system under accident conditions. The 
    design basis analysis for the essential service water (SX) system and 
    the Limiting Condition for Operation requirements for the ultimate heat 
    sink ensure that a sufficient supply of water is available to plant 
    operators to mitigate the consequences of all analyzed accidents. None 
    of the proposed changes to the CST minimum level or the setpoints 
    documented in TS Table 3.3-4, functional unit 6.g. has any negative 
    impact on the assumptions or results of these analyzed accidents. To 
    the contrary, the proposed changes will ensure that the CST remains 
    available as the primary supply of water to the AF system and that 
    automatic suction transfer will occur for circumstances where the 
    Safety Category II CST becomes unavailable (e.g., seismic event or 
        The level in the CST and the associated instrumentation and 
    setpoints help ensure that sufficient water is available to plant 
    operators to mitigate the consequences of accidents that are analyzed 
    in the UFSAR. The SX system is the emergency source of water credited 
    in the UFSAR. However, the proposed Technical Specification Bases 
    require that sufficient water be maintained in the CST to respond to 
    postulated events where the CST remains available (e.g., non-seismic 
    related events and events with no tornado assumed). The proposed CST 
    levels ensure that this requirement is met. The water level requirement 
    for the CST provides additional assurance that plant operators remain 
    capable of responding to postulated events as described in the UFSAR. 
    Therefore, the proposed changes do not increase the consequences of an 
    accident previously evaluated.
        Therefore this proposed amendment does not involve a significant 
    increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously 
        2. The change does not create the possibility of a new or different 
    kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated.
        The proposed changes are being implemented to account for 
    instrument accuracy and AF system suction requirements that affect the 
    volume of useable water in the CST. The amendment request incorporates 
    the full design requirements of the AF System and components to ensure 
    that sufficient water is maintained in the CST. The changes reduce the 
    probability of an undesirable introduction of lower quality essential 
    service (SX) system water into the steam generators unless required due 
    to the unavailability of the CST during emergency conditions (e.g., 
    seismic event or tornado). Although the SX system is the safety-related 
    water supply to AF, the water contains high levels of impurities and 
    sediment that could eventually degrade the steam generators. The CST 
    contains demineralized water. Therefore, the long term reliability and 
    availability of the steam generators is enhanced by precluding 
    introduction of SX water into the steam generators unless required 
    under emergency conditions. The proposed CST levels account for the 
    incremental increase in CST water
    [[Page 9597]]
    volume required due to the larger metal mass and primary volume of the 
    replacement steam generators for Byron Unit 1 and Braidwood Unit 1. 
    Finally, the trip setpoint and allowable values in Table 3.3-4 of the 
    TS are being updated to reflect the current design basis of the AF 
    system. The required CST level changes when plant modifications are 
    completed. Each configuration has been evaluated and the associated CST 
    level maintains a sufficient water volume to perform its design 
        The modification to the suction pressure circuitry involves the 
    addition of an electronic ``lead-lag'' circuit card for the motor-
    driven AF pump, which experiences the most severe startup suction 
    pressure transients. This circuit card will be set up for ``lag'' only 
    operation and will filter the suction pressure signal during transients 
    associated with pump startup or other sudden changes in flow or 
    pressure. This will prevent an inadvertent trip during transient 
    conditions when the CST is available. In situations where the CST is 
    unavailable, the suction pressure will decrease with no recovery until 
    switchover. Under this condition, the output of the lead-lag card will 
    continue to decrease as well until the switchover setpoint is reached. 
    The time constant of the lead-lag card was selected such that the 
    resulting time delays in actuating SX switchover and pump trip are 
    consistent with pump protection requirements.
        Therefore, the proposed changes do not create the possibility of a 
    new or different kind of accident from any previously evaluated. This 
    conclusion is also valid when considering the planned modifications to 
    the AF suction pressure transient circuitry.
        3. The change does not involve a significant reduction in a margin 
    of safety.
        The proposed change is made in the conservative direction with 
    respect to the current TS requirements for minimum CST level and AF 
    pump CST to SX switchover setpoints. Increasing the volume of water 
    contained in the CST level provides redundancy to the safety-related 
    source of water to the AF supply, which is the SX system. In 
    combination, the CST and the SX system ensure that sufficient water is 
    available to feed the steam generators under all anticipated normal and 
    emergency conditions to cool a unit from full power conditions down to 
    350 degrees Fahrenheit, when the residual heat removal system can be 
    placed into service. The proposed changes ensure the CST will have 
    sufficient water to meet all normal operating conditions and mitigate 
    the consequences of all analyzed accidents except those that result in 
    CST unavailability. In addition, automatic switchover of the AF water 
    supply from the CSTs to SX will occur as assumed in the current safety 
    analyses for events where the CST becomes unavailable. The SX system 
    remains capable of supplying the emergency source of water to the AF 
        Therefore, the proposed changes do not involve a significant 
    reduction in the margin of safety.
        The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's analysis and, based on 
    this review, it appears that the three standards of 10 CFR 50.92(c) are 
    satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine that the 
    requested amendments involve no significant hazards consideration.
        Local Public Document Room location: For Byron, the Byron Public 
    Library District, 109 N. Franklin, P.O. Box 434, Byron, Illinois 61010; 
    for Braidwood, the Wilmington Public Library, 201 S. Kankakee Street, 
    Wilmington, Illinois 60481.
        Attorney for licensee: Michael I. Miller, Esquire; Sidley and 
    Austin, One First National Plaza, Chicago, Illinois 60603.
        NRC Project Director: Robert A. Capra.
    Detroit Edison Company, Docket No. 50-341, Fermi 2, Monroe County, 
        Date of amendment request: January 28, 1998 (NRC-98-0002).
        Description of amendment request: The proposed amendment would 
    revise technical specification (TS) surveillance requirements,, and to accommodate differences in 
    the monitored parameters between the existing batteries and the 
    batteries that will be installed for Division II during the sixth 
    refueling outage.
        Basis for proposed no significant hazards consideration 
    determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has 
    provided its analysis of the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration, which is presented below:
        1. The changes do not involve a significant increase in the 
    probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.
        The proposed changes do not involve a change in the manner in which 
    the plant is operated. TS Section is being revised to reflect 
    the new Division II battery cell/system characteristics and associated 
    requirements. The new battery will have an increased capacity over the 
    present battery, while maintaining the existing battery system voltage 
    requirements. This is possible because the present and new battery 
    specific gravity (1.215) and type (lead calcium) are the same. Also, 
    the end of battery system discharge voltage remains the same as 210 
    VDC. The Division II batteries will continue to furnish power to 
    redundant essential loads as required and as designed. The new 
    surveillance requirement voltages are based on the same volts/cell 
    criteria used for the existing batteries. Furthermore, failure or 
    malfunction of the station batteries does not initiate any of the 
    analyzed accidents previously evaluated in the UFSAR [updated final 
    safety analysis report]. The changes described will therefore not 
    involve an increase in the probability or consequences of an accident 
    previously evaluated.
        2. The changes do not create the possibility of a new or different 
    kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated.
        The new battery is Class 1E qualified equipment and is being 
    maintained within the same overall design parameters as the existing 
    battery. That is, the battery terminal voltage on float voltage 
    conditions (2.167 volt[s]/cell), overvoltage conditions (2.5 volts/
    cell) and charger capability (2.15 volts/cell) are the same as the 
    original design. Furthermore, the end of system discharge voltage of 
    the battery system is maintained the same; therefore, there is no 
    negative impact to plant loads supplied by the batteries. Failures of 
    the batteries and chargers have been considered in both the existing 
    and modified configurations. The proposed changes will not change 
    performance or reliability nor introduce any new or different failure 
    modes or common mode failure and will therefore not create the 
    possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident 
    previously evaluated.
        3. The changes do not involve a significant reduction in the margin 
    of safety.
        The changes act to increase overall battery capacity from 560 
    ampere-hours to 1200 ampere-hours with the minimum battery discharge 
    voltage remaining at 210 VDC (or 105 VDC per battery). The battery 
    terminal voltage on float voltage conditions (2.167 volt[s]/cell), 
    overvoltage conditions (2.5 volts/cell) and charger capability (2.15 
    volts/cell) are the same as the original design. The new surveillance 
    requirement voltages are based on the same volts/cell criteria used for 
    the existing batteries. The batteries' ability to satisfy the design 
    requirements (battery duty cycle) of the dc system will not be reduced 
    from original plant design and will therefore not have any negative 
    impact to plant loads the battery supplies. The
    [[Page 9598]]
    proposed changes therefore do not involve a reduction in the margin of 
        The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's analysis and, based on 
    this review, it appears that the three standards of 10 CFR 50.92(c) are 
    satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine that the 
    amendment request involves no significant hazards consideration.
        Local Public Document Room location: Monroe County Library System, 
    3700 South Custer Road, Monroe, Michigan 48161.
        Attorney for licensee: John Flynn, Esq., Detroit Edison Company, 
    2000 Second Avenue, Detroit, Michigan 48226.
        NRC Project Director: Cynthia A. Carpenter.
    Detroit Edison Company, Docket No. 50-341, Fermi 2, Monroe County, 
        Date of amendment request: January 28, 1998 (NRC-98-0003).
        Description of amendment request: The proposed amendment would 
    revise technical specification (TS) 3.4.10, TS Figure 3.4.10-1 and the 
    associated bases by changing the prohibited and restricted operating 
    regions associated with core thermal-hydraulic stability. TS, 
    TS Figure, and the associated bases would also be revised to 
    reflect stability-related improvements in operating restrictions for 
    idle recirculation loop startup. Finally, in an unrelated change, TS 
    Tables and would be revised to delete neutron flux 
    from the parameters the licensee is required to monitor by TS, 
    Accident Monitoring Instrumentation.
        Basis for proposed no significant hazards consideration 
    determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has 
    provided its analysis of the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration, which is presented below:
    Thermal Hydraulic Stability and Idle Recirculation Loop Startup
        1. The proposed TS changes do not involve a significant increase in 
    the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.
        These changes act to prohibit operations which have been found to 
    carry a significant potential for the formation of core thermal-
    hydraulic instabilities and eliminates inappropriate technical 
    specifications for maintaining <50% recirculation="" loop="" flow="" before="" starting="" the="" idle="" recirculation="" pump.="" as="" such,="" operation="" in="" compliance="" with="" the="" proposed="" provisions="" does="" not="" affect="" any="" initiating="" mechanism="" for="" previously="" evaluated="" accidents="" or="" the="" response="" of="" the="" plant="" to="" a="" previously="" evaluated="" accident.="" the="" actions="" taken="" lead="" to="" placing="" the="" plant="" in="" a="" safe="" condition="" and="" are="" not="" themselves="" associated="" with="" an="" initiator="" for="" a="" previously="" evaluated="" accident.="" therefore,="" the="" change="" does="" not="" represent="" a="" significant="" increase="" in="" the="" probability="" or="" consequences="" of="" any="" previously="" evaluated="" accident.="" 2.="" the="" proposed="" ts="" changes="" do="" not="" create="" the="" possibility="" of="" a="" new="" or="" different="" kind="" of="" accident="" from="" any="" accident="" previously="" evaluated.="" as="" discussed="" above,="" the="" change="" acts="" to="" restrict="" operations="" previously="" allowed.="" the="" change="" also="" provides="" remedial="" actions="" that="" act="" to="" place="" the="" plant="" in="" a="" safe="" condition.="" the="" actions="" specified="" are="" within="" the="" analyzed="" domain="" of="" plant="" operations.="" unless="" an="" instability="" event="" is="" in="" progress,="" the="" new="" allowance="" to="" use="" a="" core="" flow="" increase="" to="" leave="" the="" exit="" region="" is="" no="" different="" than="" normal="" plant="" maneuvering.="" if="" an="" instability="" event="" is="" in="" progress,="" the="" new="" action="" 3.4.10.c="" to="" scram="" the="" reactor="" takes="" precedence.="" the="" allowance="" to="" start="" an="" idle="" loop="" with="" the="" active="" loop="" flow=""><50% of="" rated="" flow="" has="" been="" shown="" to="" have="" no="" adverse="" [e]ffect="" on="" scram="" avoidance="" or="" jet="" pump="" riser="" brace="" vibration.="" therefore,="" the="" proposed="" changes="" do="" not="" create="" a="" new="" or="" different="" type="" of="" accident.="" 3.="" the="" proposed="" ts="" changes="" do="" not="" involve="" a="" significant="" reduction="" in="" a="" margin="" of="" safety.="" consistent="" with="" the="" latest="" bwrog="" [boiling="" water="" reactor="" owners="" group]="" guidance,="" the="" changes="" act="" to="" expand="" the="" exit="" region="" compared="" to="" the="" current="" ts="" for="" core="" thermal-hydraulic="" instability="" and="" provide="" improved="" remedial="" actions="" which="" promptly="" terminate="" the="" potential="" for="" instability.="" these="" changes="" therefore="" do="" not="" involve="" a="" significant="" reduction="" in="" a="" margin="" of="" safety.="" post-accident="" monitoring="" 1.="" the="" proposed="" ts="" changes="" do="" not="" involve="" a="" significant="" increase="" in="" the="" probability="" or="" consequences="" of="" an="" accident="" previously="" evaluated.="" the="" proposed="" change="" does="" not="" involve="" a="" change="" in="" plant="" design="" or="" a="" change="" in="" the="" manner="" in="" which="" the="" plant="" is="" operated.="" the="" long="" term="" post-accident="" design="" requirements="" of="" the="" neutron="" monitoring="" system="" (nms)="" are="" not="" based="" on="" operator="" use="" for="" transients="" with="" scram,="" accidents="" with="" scram,="" and="" other="" occurrences="" without="" scram="" (reference="" 6="" [of="" january="" 28,="" 1998,="" application]).="" for="" lesser="" events="" such="" as="" transients="" without="" scram,="" the="" nms="" enhances="" the="" operator="" actions,="" since="" successful="" verification="" that="" power="" is="" below="" approximately="" 3%="" power="" can="" avoid="" non-routine="" operator="" actions="" (reference="" 6).="" these="" lesser="" events="" establish="" design="" requirements="" for="" the="" nms.="" the="" failure="" of="" this="" instrumentation="" during="" post-accident="" conditions="" will="" not="" prevent="" the="" operator="" from="" determining="" reactor="" power="" levels.="" alternate="" parameter="" status="" will="" be="" available="" from="" which="" reactor="" power="" may="" be="" inferred.="" based="" on="" the="" multiple="" inputs="" available="" to="" the="" operator,="" sufficient="" information="" will="" be="" available="" upon="" which="" to="" base="" operational="" decisions="" and="" to="" conclude="" that="" reactivity="" control="" has="" been="" accomplished.="" this="" change="" will="" therefore="" not="" represent="" a="" significant="" increase="" in="" the="" probability="" or="" consequences="" of="" an="" accident="" previously="" evaluated.="" 2.="" the="" proposed="" ts="" changes="" do="" not="" create="" the="" possibility="" of="" a="" new="" or="" different="" kind="" of="" accident="" from="" any="" accident="" previously="" evaluated.="" the="" proposed="" change="" does="" not="" introduce="" a="" new="" mode="" of="" plant="" operation="" and="" does="" not="" involve="" the="" installation="" of="" any="" new="" equipment="" or="" modifications="" to="" the="" plant.="" therefore,="" it="" does="" not="" create="" the="" possibility="" of="" a="" new="" or="" different="" kind="" of="" accident="" from="" any="" accident="" previously="" evaluated.="" 3.="" the="" proposed="" ts="" changes="" do="" not="" involve="" a="" significant="" reduction="" in="" a="" margin="" of="" safety.="" the="" proposed="" change="" eliminates="" a="" ts="" listing="" of="" a="" function="" to="" reflect="" the="" actual="" safety="" significance.="" as="" such="" it="" has="" no="" effect="" on="" actual="" plant="" operation="" and="" thus="" no="" impact="" on="" any="" margin="" of="" safety.="" based="" on="" the="" above,="" detroit="" edison="" has="" determined="" that="" the="" proposed="" amendment="" does="" not="" involve="" a="" significant="" hazards="" consideration.="" the="" nrc="" staff="" has="" reviewed="" the="" licensee's="" analysis="" and,="" based="" on="" this="" review,="" it="" appears="" that="" the="" three="" standards="" of="" 10="" cfr="" 50.92(c)="" are="" satisfied.="" therefore,="" the="" nrc="" staff="" proposes="" to="" determine="" that="" the="" amendment="" request="" involves="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration.="" local="" public="" document="" room="" location:="" monroe="" county="" library="" system,="" 3700="" south="" custer="" road,="" monroe,="" michigan="" 48161.="" attorney="" for="" licensee:="" john="" flynn,="" esq.,="" detroit="" edison="" company,="" 2000="" second="" avenue,="" detroit,="" michigan="" 48226.="" nrc="" project="" director:="" cynthia="" a.="" carpenter.="" detroit="" edison="" company,="" docket="" no.="" 50-341,="" fermi="" 2,="" monroe="" county,="" michigan="" date="" of="" amendment="" request:="" january="" 28,="" 1998="" (nrc-98-0006).="" [[page="" 9599]]="" description="" of="" amendment="" request:="" the="" proposed="" amendment="" would="" revise="" technical="" specification="" (ts)="" surveillance="" requirement="""" to="" extend="" the="" interval="" for="" leak="" rate="" testing="" of="" pressure="" isolation="" valves="" from="" 18="" months="" to="" 24="" months.="" basis="" for="" proposed="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration="" determination:="" as="" required="" by="" 10="" cfr="" 50.91(a),="" the="" licensee="" has="" provided="" its="" analysis="" of="" the="" issue="" of="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration,="" which="" is="" presented="" below:="" 1.="" the="" proposed="" ts="" change="" does="" not="" involve="" a="" significant="" increase="" in="" the="" probability="" or="" consequences="" of="" an="" accident="" previously="" evaluated.="" the="" proposed="" change="" revises="" the="" periodicity="" of="" ts="" surveillance="" requirement="" (sr)="""" from="" ``at="" least="" once="" per="" 18="" months''="" to="" ``at="" least="" once="" per="" 24="" months.''="" this="" change="" revises="" the="" testing="" periodicity="" only;="" no="" other="" testing="" methodology="" is="" being="" affected.="" the="" testing="" periodicity="" is="" being="" revised="" to="" be="" consistent="" with="" other="" category="" ``a''="" valves="" since="" the="" pressure="" isolation="" valves="" (pivs)="" are="" classified="" as="" category="" ``a''="" valves.="" both="" asme="" [american="" society="" of="" mechanical="" engineers]="" [code]="" section="" xi="" and="" nureg-1482="" require="" category="" ``a''="" valves="" to="" be="" leak="" tested="" on="" a="" periodicity="" of="" at="" least="" once="" every="" 2="" years.="" the="" function="" of="" the="" pivs="" is="" to="" protect="" the="" low="" pressure="" portions="" of="" safety="" systems="" from="" the="" rcs="" [reactor="" coolant="" system]="" pressure.="" periodic="" valve="" leak="" rate="" testing="" is="" performed="" on="" the="" pivs="" to="" assure="" system="" integrity="" is="" maintained="" and="" to="" prevent="" the="" design="" pressure="" of="" the="" low="" pressure="" systems="" from="" being="" exceeded.="" the="" frequency="" of="" the="" inservice="" test="" could="" increase="" the="" probability="" that="" an="" increase="" in="" piv="" seat="" leakage="" may="" occur.="" if="" this="" were="" to="" occur="" and="" the="" leakage="" was="" significant="" (assuming="" leakage="" through="" both="" the="" inboard="" and="" outboard="" valves="" of="" the="" same="" penetration),="" the="" excess="" leakage="" would="" be="" detected="" by="" the="" system="" leakage="" detection="" instrumentation="" which="" would="" require="" corrective="" actions="" to="" be="" taken="" to="" assure="" that="" leakage="" remained="" within="" allowable="" limits.="" considering="" that="" past="" test="" results="" show="" very="" minimal="" seat="" leakage="" changes="" over="" years="" of="" service,="" the="" consequences="" and="" probabilities="" resulting="" from="" the="" proposed="" change="" is="" considered="" minimal.="" the="" proposed="" change="" does="" not="" impose="" or="" eliminate="" any="" testing="" requirements.="" this="" change="" is="" only="" a="" change="" to="" the="" frequency="" (testing="" interval)="" for="" measuring="" the="" seat="" leakage="" through="" the="" pivs.="" the="" pivs="" will="" continue="" to="" be="" tested="" in="" accordance="" with="" asme="" code="" section="" xi.="" this="" change="" does="" not="" affect="" any="" of="" the="" parameters="" or="" conditions="" that="" could="" contribute="" to="" the="" initiation="" of="" any="" accidents="" previously="" evaluated="" and="" therefore="" cannot="" increase="" the="" consequences="" or="" probabilities="" of="" any="" accident="" previously="" evaluated.="" 2.="" the="" proposed="" ts="" change="" does="" not="" create="" the="" possibility="" of="" a="" new="" or="" different="" kind="" of="" accident="" from="" any="" accident="" previously="" evaluated.="" the="" proposed="" change="" does="" not="" involve="" a="" change="" to="" the="" plant="" design="" or="" operation.="" as="" a="" result,="" the="" proposed="" change="" does="" not="" affect="" any="" of="" the="" parameters="" or="" conditions="" that="" could="" contribute="" to="" the="" initiation="" of="" any="" accidents.="" this="" change="" only="" involves="" the="" lengthening="" of="" the="" pivs'="" testing="" frequency="" from="" 18="" months="" to="" 24="" months.="" the="" method="" for="" performing="" the="" actual="" tests="" are="" not="" changed.="" no="" new="" accident="" scenarios="" are="" created="" by="" extending="" the="" testing="" intervals.="" no="" safety-related="" equipment="" or="" safety="" functions="" are="" altered="" as="" a="" result="" of="" this="" change.="" therefore,="" extending="" the="" test="" frequency="" does="" not="" create="" the="" possibility="" of="" a="" new="" or="" different="" kind="" of="" accident="" or="" malfunction="" from="" those="" previously="" analyzed.="" 3.="" the="" proposed="" ts="" change="" does="" not="" involve="" a="" significant="" reduction="" in="" a="" margin="" of="" safety.="" the="" proposed="" change="" only="" affects="" the="" frequency="" of="" the="" pivs'="" seat="" leakage="" tests.="" the="" frequency="" is="" proposed="" to="" be="" extended="" to="" reflect="" the="" asme="" section="" xi,="" 1980="" edition,="" winter="" 1980="" addenda,="" section="" iwv-3422="" seat="" leakage="" testing="" periodicity="" requirement="" of="" 24="" months.="" no="" other="" testing="" methodology="" is="" being="" changed.="" the="" allowable="" leakage="" limits="" will="" not="" be="" affected="" by="" this="" change.="" the="" margin="" of="" safety="" as="" defined="" in="" the="" bases="" of="" any="" technical="" specification="" will,="" therefore,="" not="" be="" reduced="" by="" extending="" the="" testing="" periodicity="" of="" the="" subject="" valves.="" the="" nrc="" staff="" has="" reviewed="" the="" licensee's="" analysis="" and,="" based="" on="" this="" review,="" it="" appears="" that="" the="" three="" standards="" of="" 10="" cfr="" 50.92(c)="" are="" satisfied.="" therefore,="" the="" nrc="" staff="" proposes="" to="" determine="" that="" the="" amendment="" request="" involves="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration.="" local="" public="" document="" room="" location:="" monroe="" county="" library="" system,="" 3700="" south="" custer="" road,="" monroe,="" michigan="" 48161.="" attorney="" for="" licensee:="" john="" flynn,="" esq.,="" detroit="" edison="" company,="" 2000="" second="" avenue,="" detroit,="" michigan="" 48226.="" nrc="" project="" director:="" cynthia="" a.="" carpenter.="" detroit="" edison="" company,="" docket="" no.="" 50-341,="" fermi="" 2,="" monroe="" county,="" michigan="" date="" of="" amendment="" request:="" january="" 28,="" 1998="" (nrc-98-0008).="" description="" of="" amendment="" request:="" the="" proposed="" amendment="" would="" revise="" the="" technical="" specifications="" (tss)="" by="" modifying="" the="" ``#''="" footnote="" to="" table="" 1.2="" and="" the="" ``*''="" footnote="" to="" surveillance="" requirements="""" and="""" to="" permit="" the="" reactor="" mode="" switch="" to="" be="" placed="" in="" the="" run="" or="" startup/hot="" standby="" positions="" to="" test="" switch="" interlock="" functions="" provided="" that="" all="" control="" rods="" are="" verified="" to="" remain="" fully="" inserted="" in="" core="" cells="" containing="" one="" or="" more="" fuel="" assemblies.="" basis="" for="" proposed="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration="" determination:="" as="" required="" by="" 10="" cfr="" 50.91(a),="" the="" licensee="" has="" provided="" its="" analysis="" of="" the="" issue="" of="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration,="" which="" is="" presented="" below:="" 1.="" the="" proposed="" change="" does="" not="" involve="" a="" significant="" increase="" in="" the="" probability="" or="" consequences="" of="" an="" accident="" previously="" evaluated.="" the="" proposed="" change="" would="" permit="" the="" reactor="" mode="" switch="" to="" be="" placed="" in="" the="" run="" or="" startup/hot="" standby="" positions="" to="" test="" the="" switch="" interlock="" functions="" provided="" that="" all="" control="" rods="" are="" verified="" to="" remain="" inserted="" in="" core="" cells="" containing="" one="" or="" more="" fuel="" assemblies.="" the="" existing="" ts="" requires="" that="" all="" control="" rods="" be="" verified="" to="" remain="" inserted="" regardless="" of="" whether="" core="" cells="" are="" defueled.="" the="" reactor="" mode="" switch="" refuel="" position="" interlocks="" restrict="" the="" operation="" of="" refueling="" equipment="" or="" withdrawal="" of="" control="" rods="" to="" reinforce="" unit="" procedures="" that="" prevent="" the="" reactor="" from="" achieving="" criticality="" during="" refueling="" operations.="" as="" such,="" the="" refueling="" equipment="" interlocks="" preserve="" the="" assumptions="" for="" the="" analyses="" of="" a="" control="" rod="" withdrawal="" event="" or="" loading="" of="" a="" fuel="" assembly="" into="" an="" uncontrolled="" cell="" during="" refueling="" operations.="" the="" reactor="" mode="" switch="" refuel="" position="" interlocks="" are="" not="" initiators="" of="" any="" previously="" evaluated="" accident.="" the="" revised="" footnote="" requires="" that="" all="" control="" rods="" remain="" fully="" inserted="" in="" core="" cells="" containing="" one="" or="" more="" fuel="" assemblies="" while="" the="" mode="" switch="" is="" moved="" to="" support="" interlock="" testing.="" additionally,="" when="" the="" reactor="" mode="" switch="" is="" unlocked="" to="" support="" interlock="" testing,="" ts="" 3.9.1="" prohibits="" core="" alterations.="" with="" all="" control="" rods="" fully="" inserted="" in="" core="" cells="" containing="" one="" or="" more="" fuel="" assemblies="" and="" no="" core="" alterations="" in="" progress,="" there="" are="" no="" credible="" mechanisms="" to="" initiate="" a="" reactivity="" excursion="" during="" the="" interlock="" [[page="" 9600]]="" testing.="" therefore,="" the="" proposed="" change="" does="" not="" involve="" a="" significant="" increase="" in="" the="" probability="" of="" a="" previously="" evaluated="" accident.="" the="" proposed="" change="" accommodates="" reactor="" mode="" switch="" refuel="" position="" interlock="" testing="" with="" one="" or="" more="" control="" rods="" removed="" as="" permitted="" by="" ts="""" and="""" in="" addition="" to="" requiring="" all="" fuel="" assemblies="" to="" be="" removed="" from="" core="" cells="" associated="" with="" removed="" control="" rods,="" ts="""" and="""" require="" minimum="" shutdown="" margin="" to="" be="" maintained="" in="" accordance="" with="" ts="" 3/4.1.1.="" under="" these="" conditions,="" it="" is="" not="" possible="" for="" criticality="" to="" occur="" in="" the="" event="" of="" a="" withdrawal="" of="" a="" single="" control="" rod="" or="" loading="" of="" fuel="" assemblies="" into="" a="" single="" core="" cell="" with="" no="" control="" rod="" inserted.="" therefore,="" the="" proposed="" change="" does="" not="" involve="" a="" significant="" increase="" in="" the="" consequences="" of="" a="" previously="" evaluated="" accident.="" 2.="" the="" proposed="" change="" does="" not="" create="" the="" possibility="" of="" a="" new="" or="" different="" kind="" of="" accident="" from="" any="" accident="" previously="" evaluated.="" repositioning="" of="" the="" reactor="" mode="" switch="" to="" test="" refueling="" position="" interlocks="" is="" permitted="" by="" both="" the="" existing="" and="" proposed="" ts.="" the="" proposed="" change="" affects="" only="" the="" conditions="" under="" which="" the="" mode="" switch="" can="" be="" repositioned.="" the="" proposed="" changes="" do="" not="" change="" underlying="" principles="" affecting="" the="" way="" in="" which="" the="" plant="" is="" operated="" and="" no="" new="" or="" different="" failure="" modes="" are="" introduced="" by="" the="" proposed="" change="" for="" any="" plant="" system="" or="" component.="" no="" new="" limiting="" single="" failure="" has="" been="" identified="" as="" a="" result="" of="" the="" proposed="" changes.="" therefore,="" no="" new="" or="" different="" types="" of="" failures="" or="" accident="" initiators="" are="" introduced="" by="" the="" proposed="" changes.="" 3.="" the="" change="" does="" not="" involve="" a="" significant="" reduction="" in="" the="" margin="" of="" safety.="" the="" proposed="" change="" described="" above="" affects="" the="" conditions="" under="" which="" the="" reactor="" mode="" switch="" can="" be="" repositioned="" to="" accommodate="" refuel="" position="" interlock="" testing.="" the="" proposed="" change="" in="" combination="" with="" existing="" restrictions="" within="" the="" ts="" provide="" assurance="" that="" there="" is="" no="" credible="" mechanism="" to="" initiate="" a="" reactivity="" excursion="" during="" interlock="" testing.="" therefore,="" the="" proposed="" change="" does="" not="" involve="" a="" significant="" reduction="" in="" a="" margin="" of="" safety.="" the="" nrc="" staff="" has="" reviewed="" the="" licensee's="" analysis="" and,="" based="" on="" this="" review,="" it="" appears="" that="" the="" three="" standards="" of="" 10="" cfr="" 50.92(c)="" are="" satisfied.="" therefore,="" the="" nrc="" staff="" proposes="" to="" determine="" that="" the="" amendment="" request="" involves="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration.="" local="" public="" document="" room="" location:="" monroe="" county="" library="" system,="" 3700="" south="" custer="" road,="" monroe,="" michigan="" 48161.="" attorney="" for="" licensee:="" john="" flynn,="" esq.,="" detroit="" edison="" company,="" 2000="" second="" avenue,="" detroit,="" michigan="" 48226.="" nrc="" project="" director:="" cynthia="" a.="" carpenter.="" detroit="" edison="" company,="" docket="" no.="" 50-341,="" fermi="" 2,="" monroe="" county,="" michigan="" date="" of="" amendment="" request:="" january="" 28,="" 1998="" (nrc-98-0011).="" description="" of="" amendment="" request:="" the="" proposed="" amendment="" would="" revise="" technical="" specification="" (ts)="""" by="" changing="" the="" tolerance="" for="" the="" as-found="" setpoints="" of="" the="" safety/relief="" valves="" (srvs)="" from="" [plus="" or="" minus]="" 1="" percent="" to="" [plus="" or="" minus]="" 3="" percent="" of="" the="" nominal="" setpoint.="" the="" revised="" tolerance="" would="" be="" used="" when="" evaluating="" whether="" setpoint="" test="" results="" were="" acceptable.="" however,="" after="" initial="" testing,="" the="" as-left="" setpoints="" of="" the="" srvs="" would="" be="" adjusted="" to="" within="" [plus="" or="" minus]="" 1="" percent="" of="" the="" nominal="" setpoint.="" basis="" for="" proposed="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration="" determination:="" as="" required="" by="" 10="" cfr="" 50.91(a),="" the="" licensee="" has="" provided="" its="" analysis="" of="" the="" issue="" of="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration,="" which="" is="" presented="" below:="" 1.="" does="" this="" change="" involve="" a="" significant="" increase="" in="" the="" probability="" or="" consequences="" of="" an="" accident="" previously="" evaluated?="" the="" proposed="" change="" allows="" an="" increase="" in="" the="" srv="" setpoint="" tolerance,="" determined="" by="" test="" after="" the="" valves="" have="" been="" removed="" from="" service,="" from="" [plus="" or="" minus]="" 1%="" to="" [plus="" or="" minus]="" 3%.="" the="" proposed="" change="" does="" not="" alter="" the="" srv="" lift="" setpoints,="" the="" srv="" lift="" setpoint="" test="" frequency,="" or="" the="" number="" of="" srvs="" required="" to="" be="" operable.="" this="" change="" does="" not="" involve="" physical="" changes="" to="" the="" srvs,="" nor="" does="" it="" change="" the="" operating="" characteristics="" or="" safety="" function="" of="" the="" srvs.="" this="" change="" requires="" that="" the="" srvs="" be="" adjusted="" to="" within="" [plus="" or="" minus]="" 1%="" of="" their="" nominal="" lift="" setpoints="" following="" testing="" and="" prior="" to="" installation="" in="" the="" plant.="" the="" only="" change,="" other="" than="" the="" change="" in="" setpoint="" tolerance,="" will="" be="" to="" increase="" the="" maximum="" rated="" speed="" of="" the="" rcic="" [reactor="" core="" isolation="" cooling]="" turbine="" and="" pump.="" the="" increased="" speed="" is="" within="" the="" design="" limits="" of="" the="" system="" and="" the="" overspeed="" trip="" function="" retains="" adequate="" margin;="" therefore,="" rcic="" operability="" is="" not="" affected="" by="" this="" change.="" additionally,="" srv="" actuation="" is="" not="" a="" precursor="" to="" any="" design="" basis="" accident="" analyzed="" for="" the="" fermi="" 2="" plant.="" therefore,="" this="" change="" will="" not="" significantly="" increase="" the="" probability="" of="" an="" accident="" previously="" evaluated.="" generic="" considerations="" related="" to="" the="" change="" in="" setpoint="" tolerance="" were="" addressed="" in="" nedc-31753p,="" ``bwrog="" in-service="" pressure="" relief="" technical="" specification="" revision="" licensing="" topical="" report,''="" and="" were="" reviewed="" and="" approved="" by="" the="" nrc.="" the="" plant="" specific="" evaluations="" identified="" in="" the="" nrc[']s="" safety="" evaluation="" for="" nedc-31753p="" were="" performed="" in="" order="" to="" support="" the="" proposed="" change="" (cycle="" 6="" reload="" licensing="" report,="" power="" uprate="" safety="" analysis,="" and="" nedc-32788p,="" ``safety="" review="" for="" enrico="" fermi="" energy="" center="" unit="" 2="" safety/relief="" valve="" setpoint="" tolerance="" relaxation="" analyses'').="" these="" evaluations="" included="" transient="" analysis="" of="" the="" anticipated="" operational="" occurrences="" (aoos);="" analysis="" of="" the="" design="" basis="" overpressurization="" event;="" evaluation="" of="" the="" performance="" of="" high="" pressure="" systems,="" motor="" operated="" valves,="" and="" vessel="" instrumentation="" and="" associated="" piping;="" and="" evaluation="" of="" the="" containment="" response="" during="" loca="" [loss="" of="" coolant="" accident]="" and="" the="" hydrodynamic="" loads="" on="" the="" srv="" discharge="" lines="" and="" containment.="" although="" not="" specified="" in="" the="" generic="" topical="" report="" nedc-="" 31753p,="" an="" analysis="" of="" the="" short="" term="" pressurization="" phase="" of="" an="" atws="" [anticipated="" transient="" without="" scram]="" event="" was="" also="" performed.="" these="" analyses="" show="" that="" there="" is="" adequate="" margin="" to="" the="" design="" core="" thermal="" limits="" and="" to="" the="" reactor="" vessel="" pressure="" limits="" using="" a="" [plus="" or="" minus]="" 3%="" srv="" setpoint="" tolerance.="" they="" also="" show="" that="" operation="" of="" the="" high="" pressure="" injection="" systems="" will="" not="" be="" adversely="" affected;="" and="" the="" containment="" response="" during="" loca="" will="" be="" acceptable.="" therefore,="" this="" change="" will="" not="" involve="" a="" significant="" increase="" in="" the="" probability="" or="" consequences="" of="" any="" accident="" previously="" evaluated.="" 2.="" does="" this="" change="" create="" the="" possibility="" of="" a="" new="" or="" different="" kind="" of="" accident="" from="" any="" accident="" previously="" evaluated?="" the="" proposed="" change="" to="" allow="" an="" increase="" in="" the="" srv="" setpoint="" tolerance="" from="" [plus="" or="" minus]="" 1%="" to="" [plus="" or="" minus]="" 3%="" does="" not="" alter="" the="" srv="" lift="" setpoints,="" the="" minimum="" srv="" lift="" setpoint="" test="" frequency,="" or="" the="" number="" of="" srvs="" required="" to="" be="" operable.="" this="" change="" does="" not="" involve="" physical="" changes="" to="" the="" srvs,="" nor="" does="" it="" change="" the="" operating="" characteristics="" or="" the="" safety="" function="" of="" the="" srvs.="" the="" only="" change="" to="" plant="" equipment="" will="" be="" to="" increase="" the="" rcic="" turbine/pump="" maximum="" rated="" speed="" from="" 4550="" rpm="" to="" 4600="" rpm.="" the="" rcic="" pump="" and="" turbine="" [[page="" 9601]]="" have="" been="" verified="" to="" be="" capable="" of="" operating="" at="" the="" increased="" speed,="" pressure="" and="" temperature="" associated="" with="" this="" increase="" in="" maximum="" rated="" speed.="" these="" changes="" do="" not="" result="" in="" any="" changed="" component="" interactions.="" the="" srvs="" and="" the="" rcic="" system="" will="" continue="" to="" function="" as="" designed.="" therefore,="" this="" change="" will="" not="" create="" the="" possibility="" of="" a="" new="" or="" different="" kind="" of="" accident="" from="" any="" accident="" previously="" evaluated.="" 3.="" does="" this="" change="" involve="" a="" significant="" reduction="" in="" a="" margin="" of="" safety?="" while="" the="" calculated="" peak="" vessel="" pressures="" for="" the="" asme="" [american="" society="" of="" mechanical="" engineers]="" overpressure="" event="" and="" the="" atws="" msivc="" [main="" steam="" isolation="" valve="" closure]="" event="" are="" higher="" than="" those="" calculated="" without="" the="" setpoint="" tolerance="" relaxation,="" both="" are="" still="" within="" the="" respective="" licensing="" acceptance="" limits="" associated="" with="" these="" events.="" similarly,="" although="" the="" loads="" associated="" with="" srv="" blowdown="" could="" increase="" slightly,="" containment="" loadings="" have="" been="" determined="" to="" remain="" within="" acceptance="" limits.="" these="" licensing="" acceptance="" limits="" have="" been="" determined="" by="" the="" nrc="" to="" provide="" a="" sufficient="" margin="" of="" safety.="" additionally,="" the="" increased="" setpoint="" tolerances="" have="" been="" determined="" to="" have="" a="" negligible="" effect="" on="" the="" other="" accidents="" and="" transients="" analyzed.="" therefore,="" the="" proposed="" change="" will="" not="" involve="" a="" significant="" reduction="" in="" a="" margin="" of="" safety.="" the="" nrc="" staff="" has="" reviewed="" the="" licensee's="" analysis="" and,="" based="" on="" this="" review,="" it="" appears="" that="" the="" three="" standards="" of="" 10="" cfr="" 50.92(c)="" are="" satisfied.="" therefore,="" the="" nrc="" staff="" proposes="" to="" determine="" that="" the="" amendment="" request="" involves="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration.="" local="" public="" document="" room="" location:="" monroe="" county="" library="" system,="" 3700="" south="" custer="" road,="" monroe,="" michigan="" 48161.="" attorney="" for="" licensee:="" john="" flynn,="" esq.,="" detroit="" edison="" company,="" 2000="" second="" avenue,="" detroit,="" michigan="" 48226.="" nrc="" project="" director:="" cynthia="" a.="" carpenter.="" duquesne="" light="" company,="" et="" al.,="" docket="" no.="" 50-334,="" beaver="" valley="" power="" station,="" unit="" no.="" 1,="" shippingport,="" pennsylvania="" date="" of="" amendment="" request:="" january="" 17,="" 1998.="" description="" of="" amendment="" request:="" the="" proposed="" amendment="" would="" revise="" the="" waste="" gas="" system="" line="" break="" accident="" analysis.="" the="" proposed="" changes="" would="" affect="" beaver="" valley="" power="" station,="" unit="" no.="" 1="" updated="" final="" safety="" analysis="" report="" (ufsar)="" tables="" 11.3-7,="" ``postulated="" control="" room="" accident="" dose,''="" and="" 14.2-8,="" ``parameters="" used="" in="" control="" room="" habitability="" analysis="" of="" the="" waste="" gas="" system="" failure="" analysis.''="" the="" analysis="" references="" on="" tables="" 11.3-7="" and="" 14.2-8="" would="" be="" revised="" due="" to="" the="" reanalysis="" of="" the="" waste="" gas="" system="" line="" break="" accident.="" in="" table="" 11.3-7,="" the="" waste="" gas="" system="" line="" break="" accident="" gamma="" dose="" value="" would="" be="" revised="" from="" 0.0031="" rem="" to="" less="" than="" 0.01="" rem="" and="" the="" beta="" dose="" value="" would="" be="" revised="" from="" 0.013="" rem="" to="" less="" than="" 1.0="" rem.="" basis="" for="" proposed="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration="" determination:="" as="" required="" by="" 10="" cfr="" 50.91(a),="" the="" licensee="" has="" provided="" its="" analysis="" of="" the="" issue="" of="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration,="" which="" is="" presented="" below:="" 1.="" does="" the="" change="" involve="" a="" significant="" increase="" in="" the="" probability="" or="" consequences="" of="" an="" accident="" previously="" evaluated?="" the="" proposed="" change="" has="" no="" effect="" on="" the="" probability="" of="" an="" accident="" previously="" evaluated.="" the="" proposed="" change="" results="" from="" the="" correction="" of="" values="" and="" change="" to="" assumptions="" utilized="" in="" the="" original="" calculation="" to="" address="" resultant="" dose="" to="" control="" room="" operators="" in="" the="" event="" of="" the="" postulated="" waste="" gas="" system="" line="" break.="" the="" proposed="" change="" also="" corrects="" an="" error="" in="" ufsar="" table="" 14.2-8="" whereby="" the="" fraction="" of="" fuel="" with="" defects="" was="" assumed="" to="" be="" one="" percent,="" not="" 0.0026.="" this="" correction="" reflects="" the="" value="" used="" in="" the="" calculation="" and="" does="" not="" alter="" the="" results.="" the="" proposed="" change="" does="" not="" significantly="" increase="" the="" consequences="" of="" an="" accident="" previously="" analyzed.="" although="" the="" correction="" to="" the="" calculation="" and="" revision="" to="" the="" assumptions="" used="" result="" in="" an="" insignificant="" increase="" to="" the="" postulated="" dose="" to="" the="" control="" room="" operators,="" the="" results="" remain="" below="" the="" acceptance="" limit="" of="" other="" postulated="" accidents="" presented="" in="" the="" ufsar="" (table="" 11.3-7)="" and="" the="" acceptance="" approved="" by="" the="" nrc="" in="" the="" nrc="" safety="" evaluation="" report,="" section="" 15.1,="" dated="" october="" 1974.="" the="" proposed="" change="" does="" not="" alter="" the="" currently="" approved="" technical="" specification.="" the="" proposed="" change="" does="" not="" affect="" the="" dose="" to="" the="" public.="" 2.="" does="" the="" change="" create="" the="" possibility="" of="" a="" new="" or="" different="" kind="" of="" accident="" from="" any="" accident="" previously="" evaluated?="" the="" proposed="" change="" does="" not="" alter="" the="" physical="" plant="" or="" modify="" the="" modes="" of="" operation.="" the="" proposed="" change="" does="" not="" involve="" modifications="" to="" plant="" equipment="" nor="" does="" it="" alter="" operation="" of="" plant="" systems.="" therefore="" operation="" of="" the="" facility="" with="" the="" proposed="" change="" does="" not="" create="" the="" possibility="" of="" a="" new="" or="" different="" kind="" of="" accident="" from="" any="" accident="" previously="" evaluated.="" 3.="" does="" the="" change="" involve="" a="" significant="" reduction="" in="" a="" margin="" of="" safety?="" the="" proposed="" change="" does="" not="" reduce="" the="" margin="" of="" safety.="" the="" proposed="" change="" does="" not="" affect="" any="" plant="" systems="" or="" equipment.="" therefore,="" the="" response="" of="" the="" plant="" to="" any="" actual="" events="" will="" not="" be="" affected,="" and="" the="" change="" does="" not="" involve="" a="" reduction="" in="" a="" margin="" of="" safety.="" the="" nrc="" staff="" has="" reviewed="" the="" licensee's="" analysis="" and,="" based="" on="" this="" review,="" it="" appears="" that="" the="" three="" standards="" of="" 10="" cfr="" 50.92(c)="" are="" satisfied.="" therefore,="" the="" nrc="" staff="" proposes="" to="" determine="" that="" the="" amendment="" request="" involves="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration.="" local="" public="" document="" room="" location:="" b.="" f.="" jones="" memorial="" library,="" 663="" franklin="" avenue,="" aliquippa,="" pa="" 15001.="" attorney="" for="" licensee:="" jay="" e.="" silberg,="" esquire,="" shaw,="" pittman,="" potts="" &="" trowbridge,="" 2300="" n="" street,="" nw.,="" washington,="" dc="" 20037.="" nrc="" project="" director:="" john="" f.="" stolz.="" entergy="" operations="" inc.,="" docket="" no.="" 50-382,="" waterford="" steam="" electric="" station,="" unit="" 3="" (waterford="" 3),="" st.="" charles="" parish,="" louisiana="" date="" of="" amendment="" request:="" november="" 13,="" 1997.="" description="" of="" amendment="" request:="" the="" proposed="" change="" will="" modify="" technical="" specification="" (ts)="" 6.8.4.a,="" ``primary="" coolant="" sources="" outside="" containment,''="" to="" add="" portions="" of="" the="" containment="" vacuum="" relief="" (cvr)="" system="" and="" the="" primary="" sampling="" system="" to="" the="" program="" at="" waterford="" 3.="" basis="" for="" proposed="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration="" determination:="" as="" required="" by="" 10="" cfr="" 50.91(a),="" the="" licensee="" has="" provided="" its="" analysis="" of="" the="" issue="" of="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration,="" which="" is="" presented="" below:="" 1.="" will="" operation="" of="" the="" facility="" in="" accordance="" with="" this="" proposed="" change="" involve="" a="" significant="" increase="" in="" the="" probability="" or="" consequences="" of="" an="" accident="" previously="" evaluated?="" response:="" no.="" the="" proposed="" change="" adds="" the="" containment="" vacuum="" relief="" (cvr)="" system="" and="" the="" primary="" sampling="" system="" to="" the="" primary="" coolant="" sources="" outside="" containment="" program="" in="" the="" technical="" specifications.="" the="" program="" will="" require="" preventative="" maintenance="" [[page="" 9602]]="" and="" periodic="" visual="" inspection,="" and="" leak="" rate="" testing="" on="" appropriate="" portions="" of="" these="" systems="" to="" ensure="" leakage="" of="" radioactive="" fluids="" are="" as="" low="" as="" practicable.="" the="" addition="" of="" these="" two="" systems="" to="" the="" program="" will="" not="" affect="" the="" probability="" of="" an="" accident.="" neither="" the="" cvr="" system="" nor="" the="" primary="" sampling="" system="" are="" initiators="" of="" any="" analyzed="" event.="" the="" consequences="" of="" an="" accident="" are="" not="" affected="" by="" this="" change.="" the="" maximum="" allowed="" leakage="" limits="" are="" not="" being="" increased="" due="" to="" the="" addition="" of="" these="" two="" systems.="" any="" leakage="" from="" the="" cvr="" system="" will="" be="" factored="" into="" the="" overall="" leakage="" limits="" and="" any="" leakage="" from="" the="" primary="" sampling="" system="" will="" be="" kept="" to="" a="" minimum="" by="" performing="" required="" maintenance.="" this="" change="" does="" not="" affect="" the="" mitigation="" capabilities="" of="" any="" component="" or="" system="" nor="" does="" it="" affect="" the="" assumptions="" relative="" to="" the="" mitigation="" of="" accidents="" or="" transients.="" the="" addition="" of="" these="" systems="" to="" the="" program="" also="" helps="" ensure="" that="" the="" systems="" will="" perform="" their="" intended="" function.="" therefore,="" the="" proposed="" change="" will="" not="" involve="" a="" significant="" increase="" in="" the="" probability="" or="" consequences="" of="" any="" accident="" previously="" evaluated.="" 2.="" will="" operation="" of="" the="" facility="" in="" accordance="" with="" this="" proposed="" change="" create="" the="" possibility="" of="" a="" new="" or="" different="" type="" of="" accident="" from="" any="" accident="" previously="" evaluated?="" response:="" no.="" the="" proposed="" change="" adds="" the="" cvr="" system="" and="" the="" primary="" sampling="" system="" to="" the="" primary="" coolant="" sources="" outside="" containment="" program="" in="" the="" technical="" specifications.="" the="" program="" will="" require="" preventative="" maintenance="" and="" periodic="" visual="" inspection,="" and="" leak="" rate="" testing="" on="" appropriate="" portions="" of="" these="" systems="" to="" ensure="" leakage="" of="" radioactive="" fluids="" are="" as="" low="" as="" practical.="" neither="" the="" design="" nor="" configuration="" of="" the="" plant="" is="" being="" changed="" due="" to="" the="" addition="" of="" the="" cvr="" system="" to="" the="" program.="" also,="" as="" a="" result="" of="" the="" cvr="" system="" being="" added="" to="" the="" program,="" there="" has="" been="" no="" physical="" change="" to="" plant="" systems,="" structures="" or="" components="" nor="" will="" the="" addition="" of="" the="" cvr="" system="" reduce="" the="" ability="" of="" any="" of="" the="" safety-related="" equipment="" required="" to="" mitigate="" anticipated="" operational="" occurrences="" (aoos)="" or="" accidents.="" although="" the="" addition="" of="" the="" primary="" sampling="" system="" to="" the="" program="" was="" a="" result="" of="" a="" change="" to="" the="" configuration="" of="" the="" plant,="" it="" does="" not="" reduce="" the="" ability="" of="" any="" safety-related="" equipment="" required="" to="" mitigate="" aoos="" or="" accidents.="" any="" leakage="" from="" the="" primary="" sampling="" system="" will="" be="" kept="" to="" a="" minimum="" by="" performing="" required="" maintenance.="" therefore,="" the="" proposed="" change="" will="" not="" create="" the="" possibility="" of="" a="" new="" or="" different="" kind="" of="" accident="" from="" any="" accident="" previously="" evaluated.="" 3.="" will="" operation="" of="" the="" facility="" in="" accordance="" with="" this="" proposed="" change="" involve="" a="" significant="" reduction="" in="" a="" margin="" of="" safety?="" response:="" no.="" the="" proposed="" change="" adds="" the="" cvr="" system="" and="" the="" primary="" sampling="" system="" to="" the="" primary="" coolant="" sources="" outside="" containment="" program="" in="" the="" technical="" specifications.="" the="" program="" will="" require="" preventative="" maintenance="" and="" periodic="" visual="" inspection,="" and="" leak="" rate="" testing="" on="" appropriate="" portions="" of="" these="" systems="" to="" ensure="" leakage="" of="" radioactive="" fluids="" are="" as="" low="" as="" practical.="" this="" change="" will="" not="" affect="" the="" maximum="" containment="" leakage="" allowed="" in="" the="" technical="" specifications.="" the="" leakage="" from="" the="" cvr="" system="" will="" be="" added="" to="" the="" overall="" containment="" leakage="" rate.="" any="" leakage="" from="" the="" primary="" sampling="" system="" will="" be="" kept="" to="" a="" minimum="" by="" performing="" required="" maintenance.="" the="" overall="" containment="" leakage="" requirement="" is="" required="" to="" be="" met="" and="" therefore,="" this="" change="" will="" not="" result="" in="" an="" increase="" in="" the="" analyzed="" dose="" consequences="" assumed="" in="" the="" waterford="" 3="" safety="" analysis.="" therefore,="" the="" proposed="" change="" will="" not="" involve="" a="" significant="" reduction="" in="" a="" margin="" of="" safety.="" the="" nrc="" staff="" has="" reviewed="" the="" licensee's="" analysis="" and,="" based="" on="" this="" review,="" it="" appears="" that="" the="" three="" standards="" of="" 10="" cfr="" 50.92(c)="" are="" satisfied.="" therefore,="" the="" nrc="" staff="" proposes="" to="" determine="" that="" the="" amendment="" request="" involves="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration.="" local="" public="" document="" room="" location:="" university="" of="" new="" orleans="" library,="" louisiana="" collection,="" lakefront,="" new="" orleans,="" la="" 70122.="" attorney="" for="" licensee:="" n.s.="" reynolds,="" esq.,="" winston="" &="" strawn="" 1400="" l="" street="" n.w.,="" washington,="" d.c.="" 20005-3502.="" nrc="" project="" director:="" john="" n.="" hannon.="" florida="" power="" and="" light="" company,="" et="" al.,="" docket="" no.="" 50-389,="" st.="" lucie="" plant,="" unit="" no.="" 2,="" st.="" lucie="" county,="" florida="" date="" of="" amendment="" request:="" december="" 31,="" 1997.="" description="" of="" amendment="" request:="" the="" proposed="" amendment="" will="" revise="" technical="" specification="" 5.6.1="" and="" associated="" figure="" 5.6-1,="" and="" specification="" 5.6.3,="" to="" permit="" an="" increase="" in="" the="" allowed="" spent="" fuel="" pool="" (sfp)="" storage="" capacity.="" the="" analyses="" supporting="" this="" request,="" in="" part,="" assume="" credit="" for="" up="" to="" 1266="" ppm="" boron="" concentration="" existing="" in="" the="" sfp.="" basis="" for="" proposed="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration="" determination:="" as="" required="" by="" 10="" cfr="" 50.91(a),="" the="" licensee="" has="" provided="" its="" analysis="" of="" the="" issue="" of="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration,="" which="" is="" presented="" below:="" 1.="" the="" proposed="" amendment="" will="" not="" involve="" a="" significant="" increase="" in="" the="" probability="" or="" consequences="" of="" an="" accident="" previously="" evaluated.="" analyses="" to="" support="" the="" proposed="" fuel="" pool="" capacity="" increase="" have="" been="" developed="" using="" conservative="" methodology.="" the="" analysis="" of="" the="" potential="" accidents="" summarized="" below="" has="" shown="" that="" there="" is="" no="" significant="" increase="" in="" the="" consequences="" of="" any="" accident="" previously="" analyzed.="" a="" review="" of="" relevant="" plant="" operations="" has="" also="" demonstrated="" that="" there="" is="" no="" significant="" increase="" in="" the="" probability="" of="" occurrence="" of="" any="" accident="" previously="" analyzed.="" this="" conclusion="" is="" also="" discussed="" below.="" previously="" evaluated="" accidents="" that="" were="" examined="" for="" this="" proposed="" license="" amendment="" include:="" fuel="" handling="" accident,="" spent="" fuel="" cask="" drop="" accident,="" and="" loss="" of="" all="" fuel="" pool="" cooling.="" there="" will="" be="" no="" change="" in="" the="" mode="" of="" plant="" operation="" or="" in="" the="" availability="" of="" plant="" systems="" as="" a="" result="" of="" this="" proposed="" change;="" the="" systems="" interfacing="" with="" the="" spent="" fuel="" pool="" have="" previously="" encountered="" borated="" pool="" water="" and="" are="" designed="" to="" interact="" with="" irradiated="" spent="" fuel="" and="" remove="" the="" residual="" heat="" load="" generated="" by="" isotopic="" decay.="" the="" proposed="" amendment="" does="" not="" require="" a="" change="" in="" the="" maintenance="" interval="" or="" maintenance="" scope="" for="" the="" fuel="" pool="" cooling="" system="" or="" for="" the="" spent="" fuel="" cask="" crane.="" the="" frequency="" of="" cask="" handling="" operations="" and="" the="" maximum="" weight="" carried="" by="" the="" crane="" is="" not="" increased="" as="" a="" result="" of="" the="" proposed="" license="" amendment.="" thus,="" there="" will="" be="" no="" increase="" in="" the="" probability="" of="" a="" loss="" of="" fuel="" pool="" cooling="" or="" in="" the="" probability="" of="" a="" failure="" of="" the="" cask="" crane="" as="" a="" result="" of="" the="" proposed="" amendment.="" there="" will="" not="" be="" a="" significant="" increase="" in="" the="" frequency="" of="" handling="" discharged="" assemblies="" in="" the="" fuel="" pool="" as="" a="" result="" of="" this="" change;="" any="" handling="" of="" fuel="" in="" the="" spent="" fuel="" pool="" will="" continue="" to="" be="" performed="" in="" borated="" water.="" if="" the="" license="" amendment="" is="" approved,="" there="" will="" be="" a="" one-time="" repositioning="" of="" certain="" discharged="" assemblies="" stored="" in="" the="" fuel="" pool="" to="" comply="" with="" the="" revised="" positioning="" requirements,="" but="" the="" increased="" pool="" storage="" capacity="" will="" permit="" the="" deferral="" of="" spent="" fuel="" handling="" associated="" with="" cask="" loading="" operations.="" fuel="" manipulation="" during="" the="" repositioning="" activity="" will="" be="" performed="" in="" the="" same="" [[page="" 9603]]="" manner="" as="" for="" fuel="" placed="" in="" the="" spent="" fuel="" pool="" during="" refueling="" outages.="" there="" will="" be="" no="" changes="" in="" the="" manner="" of="" handling="" fuel="" discharged="" from="" the="" core="" as="" a="" result="" of="" refueling;="" administrative="" controls="" will="" continue="" to="" be="" used="" to="" specify="" fuel="" assembly="" placement="" requirements.="" the="" relative="" positions="" of="" region="" i="" and="" region="" ii="" storage="" locations="" will="" remain="" the="" same="" within="" the="" fuel="" pool.="" therefore,="" the="" probability="" of="" a="" fuel="" handling="" accident="" has="" not="" been="" significantly="" increased.="" the="" consequences="" of="" a="" fuel="" handling="" accident="" have="" been="" evaluated.="" the="" radioactive="" release="" consequences="" of="" a="" dropped="" fuel="" assembly="" are="" not="" affected="" by="" the="" proposed="" increase="" in="" fuel="" pool="" storage="" capacity.="" they="" remain="" bounded="" by="" the="" results="" of="" calculations="" performed="" to="" justify="" the="" existing="" st.="" lucie="" unit="" 2="" fuel="" storage="" racks="" and="" burnup="" limits.="" at="" the="" limiting="" fuel="" assembly="" burnup,="" radioactive="" releases="" from="" a="" dropped="" assembly="" would="" be="" only="" a="" small="" fraction="" of="" nrc="" guidelines.="" the="" input="" parameters="" employed="" in="" analyzing="" this="" event="" are="" consistent="" with="" the="" current="" values="" of="" fuel="" enrichment,="" discharge="" burnup="" and="" uranium="" content="" used="" at="" st.="" lucie="" unit="" 2="" and="" with="" future="" use="" of="" the="" ``value-added''="" fuel="" pellet="" design.="" thus,="" the="" consequences="" of="" the="" fuel="" assembly="" drop="" accident="" would="" not="" be="" significantly="" increased="" from="" those="" previously="" evaluated.="" the="" capability="" of="" the="" fuel="" pool="" cooling="" system="" to="" handle="" the="" increased="" number="" of="" discharged="" assemblies="" has="" been="" examined.="" the="" impact="" of="" a="" total="" loss="" of="" spent="" fuel="" pool="" cooling="" flow="" on="" available="" equipment="" recovery="" time="" and="" on="" fuel="" cladding="" integrity="" has="" also="" been="" evaluated.="" for="" the="" limiting="" full="" core="" discharge,="" sufficient="" time="" remains="" available="" to="" restore="" cooling="" flow="" or="" to="" provide="" an="" alternate="" makeup="" source="" before="" boiloff="" results="" in="" a="" fuel="" pool="" water="" level="" less="" than="" that="" needed="" to="" maintain="" acceptable="" radiation="" dose="" levels.="" analysis="" has="" shown="" that="" in="" the="" event="" of="" a="" total="" loss="" of="" fuel="" pool="" cooling="" fuel="" cladding="" integrity="" is="" maintained.="" therefore,="" the="" consequences="" of="" a="" loss="" of="" fuel="" pool="" cooling="" event,="" including="" the="" effect="" of="" the="" proposed="" increase="" in="" fuel="" pool="" storage="" capacity,="" have="" not="" been="" significantly="" increased="" from="" previously="" analyzed="" results="" for="" this="" type="" of="" accident.="" the="" analysis="" of="" record="" pertaining="" to="" the="" radiological="" consequences="" of="" the="" hypothetical="" drop="" of="" a="" loaded="" spent="" fuel="" cask="" just="" outside="" the="" fuel="" handling="" building="" was="" examined="" to="" determine="" the="" impact="" of="" the="" increased="" fuel="" storage="" capacity="" on="" this="" accident's="" results.="" the="" results="" of="" the="" previously="" performed="" analysis="" were="" determined="" to="" bound="" the="" conditions="" described="" by="" the="" proposed="" license="" amendment,="" thus="" the="" consequences="" of="" the="" cask="" drop="" accident="" would="" not="" be="" significantly="" increased="" as="" a="" result="" of="" this="" change.="" it="" is="" concluded="" that="" the="" proposed="" amendment="" to="" increase="" the="" storage="" capacity="" of="" the="" st.="" lucie="" unit="" 2="" spent="" fuel="" pool="" will="" not="" involve="" a="" significant="" increase="" in="" the="" probability="" or="" consequences="" of="" any="" accident="" previously="" evaluated.="" 2.="" the="" proposed="" amendment="" will="" not="" create="" the="" possibility="" of="" a="" new="" or="" different="" type="" of="" accident="" from="" any="" accident="" previously="" evaluated.="" in="" this="" license="" amendment="" fpl="" proposes="" to="" credit="" the="" negative="" reactivity="" associated="" with="" a="" portion="" of="" the="" soluble="" boron="" present="" in="" the="" spent="" fuel="" pool.="" soluble="" boron="" has="" always="" been="" present="" in="" the="" st.="" lucie="" unit="" 2="" spent="" fuel="" pool;="" as="" such="" the="" possibility="" of="" an="" inadvertent="" fuel="" pool="" dilution="" has="" always="" existed.="" however,="" the="" spent="" fuel="" pool="" dilution="" analysis="" demonstrates="" that="" a="" dilution="" of="" the="" unit="" 2="" spent="" fuel="" pool="" which="" could="" increase="" the="" pool="">eff to greater than 0.95 
    is not a credible event. Neither implementation of credit for the 
    reactivity of fuel pool soluble boron nor the proposed increase in the 
    fuel pool storage capacity will create the possibility of a new or 
    different type of accident at St. Lucie Unit 2.
        An examination of the limiting fuel assembly misload has determined 
    that this would not represent a new or different type of accident. None 
    of the other accidents examined as a part of this license submittal 
    represent a new or different type of accident; each of these situations 
    has been previously analyzed and determined to produce acceptable 
        The proposed license amendment will not result in any other changes 
    in the mode of spent fuel pool operation at St. Lucie Unit 2 or in the 
    method of handling irradiated nuclear fuel. The spatial relationship 
    between the fuel storage racks and the cask crane range of motion is 
    not affected by the proposed change.
        As a result of the evaluation and supporting analyses, FPL has 
    determined that the proposed fuel pool capacity increase does not 
    create the possibility of a new or different type of accident from any 
    accident previously evaluated.
        3. The proposed amendment will not involve a significant reduction 
    in the margin of safety.
        FPL has determined, based on the nature of the proposed license 
    amendment that the issue of margin of safety, when applied to this fuel 
    pool capacity increase, should address the following areas:
    (1) Fuel Pool reactivity considerations
    (2) Fuel Pool boron dilution considerations
    (3) Thermal-Hydraulic considerations
    (4) Structural loading and seismic considerations
        The Technical Specification changes proposed by this license 
    amendment, the proposed spent fuel pool storage configuration and the 
    existing Technical Specification limits on fuel pool soluble boron 
    concentration provide sufficient safety margin to ensure that the array 
    of fuel assemblies stored in the spent fuel pool will always remain 
    subcritical. The revised spent fuel storage configuration is based on a 
    Unit 2 specific criticality analysis performed using methodology 
    consistent with that approved by the NRC. Additionally, the soluble 
    boron concentration required by current Technical Specifications 
    ensures that the fuel pool keff will always be maintained 
    substantially less than 0.95.
        The Unit 2 criticality analysis established that the 
    keff of the spent fuel pool storage racks will be less than 
    1.0 with no soluble boron in the fuel pool water, including the effect 
    of all uncertainties and tolerances. Credit for the soluble boron 
    actually present is used to offset uncertainties, tolerances, off-
    normal conditions and to provide margin such that the spent fuel pool 
    keff is maintained less than or equal to 0.95. FPL has also 
    demonstrated that a decrease in the fuel pool boron concentration such 
    that keff exceeds 0.95 is not a credible event.
        Current Technical Specifications require that the fuel pool boron 
    concentration be maintained greater than or equal to 1720 ppm. This 
    boron value is substantially in excess of the 520 ppm required by the 
    uncertainty and reactivity equivalencing analyses discussed in this 
    evaluation and the 1266 ppm value required to maintain keff 
    less than or equal to 0.95 in the presence of the most adverse 
    mispositioned fuel assembly.
        The St. Lucie Unit 2 fuel pool boron concentration will continue to 
    be maintained significantly in excess of 1266 ppm; the proposed license 
    amendment will not result in changes in the mode of operation of the 
    refueling water tank (RWT) or in its use for makeup to the fuel pool. 
    Thus, operation of the spent fuel pool following the proposed change, 
    combined with the existing fuel pool boron concentration Technical 
    Specification limit of 1720 ppm, will continue to ensure that 
    keff of the fuel pool will be substantially less than 0.95.
    [[Page 9604]]
        Even if this not-credible dilution event was to occur, no radiation 
    would be released; the only consequence would be a reduction of 
    shutdown margin in the fuel pool. The volume of unborated water 
    required to dilute the fuel pool to a keff of 0.95 is so 
    large (in excess of 358,900 gallons to dilute the fuel pool to 520 ppm 
    boron) that only a limited number of water sources could be considered 
    potential dilution sources. The likelihood that this level of water use 
    could remain undetected by plant personnel is extremely remote.
        In meeting the acceptance criteria for fuel pool reactivity, the 
    proposed amendment to increase the storage capacity of the existing 
    fuel pool racks does not involve a significant reduction in the margin 
    of safety for nuclear criticality.
        Calculations of the spent fuel pool heat load with an increased 
    fuel pool inventory were performed using ANSI/ANS-5.1-1979 methodology. 
    This method was demonstrated to produce conservative results through 
    benchmarking to actual St. Lucie Unit 2 fuel pool conditions and by 
    comparison of its results to those generated by a calculation using 
    Auxiliary Systems Branch Technical Position 9-2 methodology. 
    Conservative methods were also used to demonstrate fuel cladding 
    integrity is maintained in the absence of cooling system forced flow. 
    The results of these calculations demonstrate that, for the limiting 
    case, the existing fuel pool cooling system can maintain fuel pool 
    conditions within acceptable limits with the increased inventory of 
    discharged assemblies. Therefore, the proposed change does not result 
    in a significant reduction in the margin of safety with respect to 
    thermal-hydraulic or spent fuel cooling considerations.
        The primary safety function of the spent fuel pool and the fuel 
    storage racks is to maintain discharged fuel assemblies in a safe 
    configuration for all environments and abnormal loadings, such as an 
    earthquake, a loss of pool cooling or a drop of a spent fuel assembly 
    during routine spent fuel handling. The proposed increase in spent fuel 
    inventory on the fuel pool and the existing storage racks have been 
    evaluated and show that relevant criteria for fuel rack stresses and 
    floor loadings have been met and that there has been no significant 
    reduction in the margin of safety for these criteria.
        The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's analysis and, based on 
    this review, it appears that the three standards of 50.92(c) are 
    satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine that the 
    amendment request involves no significant hazards consideration.
        Local Public Document Room location: Indian River Junior College 
    Library, 3209 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida 34954-9003.
        Attorney for licensee: M.S. Ross, Attorney, Florida Power & Light, 
    P.O. Box 14000, Juno Beach, Florida 33408-0420.
        NRC Project Director: Frederick J. Hebdon.
    Florida Power and Light Company, Docket Nos. 50-250 and 50-251, Turkey 
    Point Plant Units 3 and 4, Dade County, Florida
        Date of amendment request: November 22, 1996, as revised and 
    replaced on February 2, 1998.
        Description of amendment request: The licensee proposed to change 
    the Technical Specifications (TS) to allow the use of a temporary fuel 
    oil storage system for up to 10 days in order to perform a surveillance 
    requirement on the Unit 3 fuel oil storage tank with Unit 3 in Modes 5, 
    6, or defueled.
        Basis for proposed no significant hazards consideration 
    determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has 
    provided its analysis of the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration, which is presented below:
        Question 1  Does the proposed license amendment involve a 
    significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident 
    previously evaluated?
        The proposed amendment will allow the installation of a temporary 
    fuel oil storage and transfer system for up to 10 days, once every 10 
    years. EDGs [emergency diesel generators] are designed as backup AC 
    power sources for essential safety systems in the event of a loss of 
    offsite power. Since the EDGs are not accident initiators, the 
    probability of occurrence of accidents previously analyzed has not been 
        The temporary fuel oil storage tanks will be located greater than 
    fifty (50) feet from safety related or safe shutdown components or 
    circuits. This does not produce any threat to fire protection or safe 
    shutdown capability and therefore represents a configuration that is 
    bounded by existing fire hazards analysis.
        The proposed amendment will not change the condition or minimum 
    amount of operating equipment assumed in the plant safety analyses for 
    accident mitigation. The temporary fuel storage and transfer system 
    provides a reliable means of performing the required delivery support 
    function for the Unit 3 EDGs.
        An insignificant increase in the consequences of an accident 
    previously evaluated is possible since the temporary storage and 
    transfer system will not meet requirements for Seismic Category I or 
    Class 1E. However, the probability of a seismic event will be very low 
    due to the limited time that the temporary storage system will be in 
        The increase in the consequences of an accident previously 
    evaluated is insignificant due to the following:
        Manual actions required to provide a 7 day supply of fuel to the 
    EDGs can easily be accomplished in the 17 hours of EDG operation 
    provided by the 3880 gallon capacity of a single EDG day and skid tank. 
    The location of the temporary fuel oil supply inside the protected area 
    security fence by the Central Receiving Facility provides multiple 
    access routes to transfer fuel to the Unit 3 EDGs and is in close 
    proximity to a severe weather shelter for the mobile tanker.
        Additionally, more than 17 hours will be available to manually 
    transfer fuel from the temporary fuel storage tanks located inside the 
    protected area, by filling the Unit 4 EDG storage tanks with 
    approximately 8600 gallons of fuel oil above that required for Unit 4 
    EDG operability. This extra capacity will be available to the Unit 3 
    EDGs prior to taking the permanent Unit 3 storage tank out of service. 
    This will be done by filling the Unit 4 fuel tanks to 39,000 gallons, 
    which is just below the high level alarm. This gives a capacity of 4300 
    gallons in each tank above the Unit 4 Technical Specification minimum 
    required volume of 34,700 gallons. The Unit 4 tanks are contained 
    within a Seismic Class 1 structure and protected by installed fire 
    protection equipment.
        Combining the excess available fuel from the Unit 4 storage tanks 
    and the nominal volume of the Unit 3 day and skid tanks gives a total 
    of 12,480 gallons (4300 x 2+3880) of available fuel to either of the 
    Unit 3 EDGs. This allows a run time for a Unit 3 EDG of 55 hours 
    (assuming fuel oil transfer from Unit 4) prior to reaching the 
    Technical Specification minimum volume for the Unit 4 fuel oil storage 
    tanks. Manual actions to replenish the Unit 4 or Unit 3 fuel oil 
    storage tanks from the temporary storage tanks, via the mobile tanker, 
    can easily be accomplished within the 55 hours. Procedures currently 
    exist for the transfer of fuel from (1) the mobile tanker to the 
    auxiliary fill station at the Unit 3 EDGs, and (2) from the Unit 4 EDG 
    storage tanks to the Unit 3 day tanks by using either of the Unit 4 
    transfer pumps. The
    [[Page 9605]]
    Unit 4 transfer pumps are powered from redundant Class 1E power 
        The temporary storage tanks will be located inside the protected 
    area in the vicinity of the Nuclear Plant Central Receiving Facility. 
    The temporary tanks will be located greater than fifty (50) feet from 
    safety related or safe shutdown components or circuits. This does not 
    produce any threat to fire protection or safe shutdown capability and 
    therefore represents a configuration that is bounded by existing fire 
    hazards analysis.
        A dedicated mobile tanker staged inside the protected area to 
    transfer fuel from the temporary storage tanks to the permanent day/
    skid tank system. The mobile tanker will have an integral transfer pump 
    to facilitate movement of fuel to either of the two truck fills at the 
    Unit 4 EDG building or day tank truck fills (auxiliary fill station) at 
    the Unit 3 EDGs. One truck fill at the Unit 4 EDG building supplies 
    fuel to the 4A and 4B storage tanks, the other truck fill at the Unit 4 
    EDG building can provide fuel directly to the Unit 3 day tanks. This 
    fuel supply will provide continued operation for 7 days. The temporary 
    storage and transfer system will not meet requirements for Seismic 
    Category I or Class 1E.
        The capability to operate an Unit 3 EDG for 7 days during the tank 
    cleaning evolution will be assured by an approved plant procedure that 
    controls the following:
     A minimum fuel supply of 3880 gallons from the Unit 3 day and 
    skid tank. This provides 17 hours of operation.
     The extra fuel supply of 8600 gallons in the Unit 4 EDG tanks 
    which will be transferred by using one of the installed Unit 4 transfer 
    pumps. This provides an additional 38 hours of operation.
     Three temporary tanks containing a minimum fuel supply of 
    38,000 gallons. This fuel supply will provide continued operation for 7 
    Consequently, operation of the facility in accordance with the proposed 
    amendment would not involve a significant increase in the probability 
    or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.
        Question 2  Does the proposed license amendment create the 
    possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident 
    previously evaluated?
        The proposed amendment will not change the physical plant or modes 
    of plant operation defined in the Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 operating 
    license. The change will not involve addition or modification of 
    equipment for Unit 3 EDG fuel storage and transfer. The temporary fuel 
    supply system provides a reliable means of performing the required fuel 
    delivery support function for the Unit 3 EDGs.
        Consequently, operation of either unit in accordance with the 
    proposed amendment would not create the possibility of a new or 
    different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated.
        Question 3  Does the proposed amendment involve a significant 
    reduction in the margin of safety?
        The proposed amendment is designed to provide flexibility to 
    schedule and perform required surveillance activities. Surveillance 
    intervals or operating requirements are not changed by the proposal; 
    only the method of fuel oil storage on a temporary basis for a single 
    operable EDG is addressed. The proposed change will not alter the basis 
    for any Technical Specification that is related to the establishment 
    of, or maintenance of, a nuclear safety margin.
        Consequently, operation of Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 in accordance 
    with this proposed amendment would not involve a significant reduction 
    in a margin of safety.
        The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's analysis and, based on 
    this review, it appears that the three standards of 50.92(c) are 
    satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine that the 
    amendment request involves no significant hazards consideration.
        Local Public Document Room location: Florida International 
    University, University Park, Miami, Florida 33199.
        Attorney for licensee: M.S. Ross, Attorney, Florida Power & Light, 
    P.O. Box 14000, Juno Beach, Florida 33408-0420.
        NRC Project Director: Frederick J. Hebdon.
    Florida Power and Light Company, Docket Nos. 50-250 and 50-251, Turkey 
    Point Plant Units 3 and 4, Dade County, Florida
        Date of amendment request: January 9, 1998.
        Description of amendment request: The licensee proposed to change 
    the Technical Specifications (TS) to allow the use of 
    ZIRLOtm fuel rod clad material.
        Basis for proposed no significant hazards consideration 
    determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has 
    provided its analysis of the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration, which is presented below:
        Question 1  Does the proposed license amendment involve a 
    significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident 
    previously evaluated?
        Implementation of ZIRLOtm fuel rod cladding will have no 
    impact on the probability or consequences of any Design Basis Event 
    occurrences which were previously evaluated. The determination that 
    fuel design limits are met will continue to be performed using NRC 
    approved fuel performance analysis methodology. Changing to 
    ZIRLOtm fuel rod cladding poses no significant increase in 
    the probability or consequences of any accident previously evaluated.
        No new performance requirements are being imposed on any system or 
    component in order to support implementation of ZIRLOtm fuel 
    rod cladding. Since the LOCA and Non-LOCA analysis results will remain 
    within design limits, the inputs to the radiation dose analysis do not 
    change. Therefore, the consequences to the public resulting from any 
    accident previously evaluated in the Updated Final Safety Analysis 
    Report (UFSAR) is not increased.
        Fuel rod design criteria will be evaluated every cycle to ensure 
    proper compliance with fuel rod design limits and therefore the UFSAR. 
    The evaluation of the fuel design against fuel design limits will be 
    performed in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59, which ensures that the 
    reload will not involve an increase in the probability or consequence 
    of an accident previously evaluated.
        Question 2  Does the proposed license amendment create the 
    possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident 
    previously evaluated?
        Implementation of ZIRLOtm fuel rod cladding will have no 
    impact, nor does it contribute in any way to the probability or 
    consequences of an accident.
        No new accident scenarios, failure mechanisms or limiting single 
    failures are introduced as a result of using ZIRLOtm fuel 
    rod cladding. The institution of ZIRLOtm fuel rod cladding 
    will have no adverse effect on, and does not challenge the performance 
    of, any safety related system.
        The determination that the fuel rod design limits are met will be 
    performed using NRC approved methodology. Therefore, the proposed 
    amendment does not in any way create the possibility of a new or 
    different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated.
    [[Page 9606]]
        Question 3  Does the proposed amendment involve a significant 
    reduction in the margin of safety?
        The margin of safety is not affected by the implementation of 
    ZIRLOtm fuel rod cladding. Use of ZIRLOtm fuel 
    rod cladding has been approved by the NRC and does not constitute a 
    significant reduction in the margin of safety.
        The margin of safety provided in the fuel design limits is 
    acceptable and will be maintained and not reduced.
        In addition, each future reload will involve a 10 CFR 50.59 review 
    to assure that operation of the units within the cycle specific limits 
    will not involve a reduction in the margin of safety. Therefore, the 
    proposed amendment does not significantly reduce the margin of safety.
        The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's analysis and, based on 
    this review, it appears that the three standards of 50.92(c) are 
    satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine that the 
    amendment request involves no significant hazards consideration.
        Local Public Document Room location: Florida International 
    University, University Park, Miami, Florida 33199.
        Attorney for licensee: M.S. Ross, Attorney, Florida Power & Light, 
    P.O. Box 14000, Juno Beach, Florida 33408-0420.
        NRC Project Director: Frederick J. Hebdon.
    Northeast Nuclear Energy Company (NNECO), et al., Docket No. 50-423, 
    Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 3, New London County, 
        Date of amendment request: January 22, 1998.
        Description of amendment request: The amendment would incorporate 
    the proposed revision into Chapter 9 of the Millstone Unit 3 Final 
    Safety Analysis Report. The proposed revision to the Millstone Unit 3 
    licensing basis would accept the existing use of epoxy coatings on 
    safety-related components.
        Basis for proposed no significant hazards consideration 
    determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has 
    provided its analysis of the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration, which is presented below:
        NNECO has reviewed the proposed revision in accordance with 
    10CFR50.92 and has concluded that the revision does not involve a 
    significant hazards consideration (SHC). The basis for this conclusion 
    is that the three criteria of 10CFR50.92(c) are not satisfied. The 
    proposed revision does not involve [an] SHC because the revision would 
        1. Involve a significant increase in the probability or consequence 
    of an accident previously evaluated.
        Past experience indicates that failure of previous ARCOR 
    applications may have degraded the performance of SWS [service water 
    system] heat exchangers within one train, but there is no indication 
    that failure of multiple heat exchangers on both trains is feasible. 
    Furthermore, the likelihood of ARCOR material being released has been 
    reduced by improving the application procedure and performing 
    destructive testing to detect disbondment. In addition, the completion 
    of normal heat exchanger performance surveillance's and periodic visual 
    inspections minimizes the potential for disbonded ARCOR to degrade SWS 
        Therefore, the presence of ARCOR coating material within the SWS 
    does not involve a significant increase in the probability or 
    consequence of an accident previously evaluated.
        2. Create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident 
    from any accident previously evaluated.
        The application of ARCOR material may lead to the degradation of 
    SWS heat exchangers. However, multiple ARCOR application failures 
    occurring simultaneously either instantaneously or gradually resulting 
    in failure of all SWS heat exchangers in both trains is not considered 
    feasible. An instantaneous failure is discounted by analysis which 
    concludes that normal system operations are more likely to cause the 
    release of degraded ARCOR than what might be expected following a 
    seismic event. Gradual degradation is not expected since normal SWS 
    heat exchanger performance surveillance's will identify heat exchanger 
    tubesheet fouling and thus, provide early detection of coating 
    failures. Therefore, the use of ARCOR coating material within the SWS 
    does not create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident 
    from any accident previously evaluated.
        3. Involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety.
        Although the gradual release of ARCOR material creates the 
    potential to simultaneously degrade the performance of mitigating 
    equipment in both trains of safety systems, it is determined to be 
    unrealistic due to normal heat exchanger performance surveillance's. 
    These surveillance's are expected to identify heat exchanger tubesheet 
    fouling and provide early detection and mitigation of a problem with 
    the pipe coatings. Therefore, the application of ARCOR coating within 
    the SWS does not involve a significant reduction in the margin of 
        In conclusion, based on the information provided, it is determined 
    that the proposed revision does not involve an SHC.
        The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's analysis and, based on 
    this review, it appears that the three standards of 10 CFR 50.92(c) are 
    satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine that the 
    amendment request involves no significant hazards consideration.
        Local Public Document Room location: Learning Resources Center, 
    Three Rivers Community-Technical College, 574 New London Turnpike, 
    Norwich, Connecticut, and the Waterford Library, ATTN: Vince Juliano, 
    49 Rope Ferry Road, Waterford, Connecticut.
        Attorney for licensee: Lillian M. Cuoco, Esq., Senior Nuclear 
    Counsel, Northeast Utilities Service Company, P.O. Box 270, Hartford, 
        NRC Deputy Director: Phillip F. McKee.
    Northern States Power Company, Docket No. 50-263, Monticello Nuclear 
    Generating Plant, Wright County, Minnesota
        Date of amendment request: July 26, 1996, as supplemented September 
    5 and December 4, 1997.
        Description of amendment request: The proposed amendment would, as 
    part of the licensee's power rerate program, increase the maximum power 
    level to 1775 megawatts thermal (MWt). This change is approximately 6.3 
    percent above the current maximum power level of 1670 MWt.
        Basis for proposed no significant hazards consideration 
    determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has 
    provided its analysis of the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration, which is presented below:
        A. The proposed amendment will not involve a significant increase 
    In the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.
        The probability of occurrence and consequences of an [accident] 
    previously evaluated have been evaluated for MNGP [Monticello Nuclear 
    Generating Plant] Power Rerate. This evaluation has concluded that MNGP 
    Power Rerate will not involve a significant increase in the probability 
    of occurrence or consequences of previously evaluated accidents.
    1. Evaluation of Accident Consequences
    (a) ECCS-LOCA Analysis
        The Emergency Core Cooling System Loss of Coolant Accident (ECCS-
    [[Page 9607]]
    performance analysis has been evaluated for MNGP Power Rerate using 
    methodology which has been approved by the NRC for LOCA 10CFR50.46 
    analyses [requirements]. The current ECCS performance requirements were 
    used in the power rerate analysis; no further parameter relaxations 
    were included in the analysis. The ECCS-LOCA analysis was performed for 
    MNGP Power Rerate for the existing licensed rated thermal power and at 
    a bounding thermal power level of 1880 MWt that is approximately 6% 
    greater than the proposed power rerate to 1775 MWt [megawatts thermal]. 
    In addition, the bounding thermal power level was increased by an 
    additional 2% in accordance with regulatory guidance. The licensing 
    peak clad temperature for the bounding analyzed thermal power level 
    remains below the 10CFR50.46 required limit of 2,200'F. Therefore the 
    analysis demonstrates that MNGP will continue to comply with 10CFR50.46 
    and 10CFR50, Appendix K at rerated conditions thus the consequences of 
    a LOCA is not significantly increased for the proposed power rerate.
    (b) Abnormal Operating Transient Analysis
        An evaluation of the Updated Safety Analysis Report (USAR) and 
    reload transients has been performed for MNGP Power Rerate to 
    demonstrate that the proposed power rerate has no adverse effect on 
    plant safety. This evaluation was performed for a power level of 1775 
    MWt, with the exception that certain event evaluations were performed 
    at 102% of the rerate power level. The transient analysis performed to 
    demonstrate the acceptability of MNGP Power Rerate used the NRC 
    approved methods identified in the MNGP Technical Specifications.
        The limiting transient events at the power rerate conditions have 
    been analyzed. This includes all events that establish the core thermal 
    operating limits and the events that bound other transient acceptance 
    criteria. These limiting transients were benchmarked against the 
    existing rated thermal power level by performance of the event analysis 
    at both the proposed rerate power level and the existing rated power 
    level. In addition, an expanded group of transient events was evaluated 
    to confirm that these events were less severe with the power rerate 
    than the most limiting transients. The events included in the expanded 
    group of transient events were chosen based on those events which have 
    been demonstrated to be sensitive to initial power level. This 
    evaluation confirmed that the existing set of limiting transient events 
    remains valid for MNGP Power Rerate. The evaluation was performed for a 
    representative core and demonstrated the overall capability to meet all 
    transient safety criteria for the power rerate. Cycle specific analysis 
    will continue to be performed for each fuel reload to demonstrate 
    compliance with the applicable transient criteria and to establish 
    cycle specific operating limits.
        The results of the evaluation of transients demonstrate that the 
    power rerate can be accomplished without a significant increase in the 
    consequences of the transients evaluated. The fuel thermal-mechanical 
    limits at the power rerate conditions are within the specific design 
    criteria for the GE [General Electric] fuels currently loaded in the 
    MNGP core. Also, the power-dependent and flow-dependent MCPR [minimum 
    critical power ratio] and Maximum Average Planar Linear Heat Generation 
    Rate (MAPLHGR) methods developed as part of the core performance 
    improvement program remain applicable to rerate conditions. The 
    transient event evaluation confirmed that MNGP Power Rerate has no 
    significant effect on the power-dependent and flow-dependent MCPR and 
    MAPLHGR limits. The peak reactor pressure vessel bottom head pressure 
    remains within the ASME [American Society of Mechanical Engineers] 
    requirement for reactor pressure vessel overpressure protection.
        The effects of plant transients were evaluated by assessing a 
    number of disturbances of process variables and malfunctions or 
    failures of equipment consistent with USAR. The transient events were 
    evaluated against the Safety Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio, 
    (SLMCPR). The SLMCPR is determined using NRC-approved methods. The 
    limiting transient events are slightly more severe when initiated from 
    the rerate power level. The power rerate transient evaluation results 
    show a slightly more limiting event initial CPR [critical power ratio] 
    (less than or equal to 0.02) than that initiated from the present rated 
    power level for the near limiting transients. However, for the most 
    limiting transient, the evaluation of a representative core showed that 
    no change is required to the Operating Limit MCPR for the power rerate 
    and that the integrity of the SLMCPR is maintained. The margin of 
    safety established by the SLMCPR is not affected and the event 
    consequences are not significantly affected by the proposed power 
    rerate to 1775 MWt. Cycle specific analysis will continue to be 
    performed for each fuel reload to demonstrate compliance with the 
    applicable transient criteria and to establish cycle specific operating 
        The results demonstrate that the MNGP core thermal power output can 
    be safely increased to the power rerate level without significant 
    effect on the consequences of previously evaluated postulated transient 
    events. The results of the rerate transient analysis are summarized as 
    (1) Events Resulting in a Nuclear System Pressure Increase
    (a) Main Generator Load Rejection with No Steam Bypass
        At rerated conditions, the fuel transient thermal and mechanical 
    overpower results remain below the NRC accepted design criteria.
    (b) Main Turbine Trip with No Steam Bypass
        At rerate conditions, the fuel transient thermal and mechanical 
    overpower results remain below the NRC accepted design criteria.
    (c) Main Steam Isolation Valve Closure, Flux Scram
        The peak reactor pressure vessel bottom head pressure for rerate 
    conditions is slightly higher than the reactor pressure vessel bottom 
    head pressure at current conditions. However, the resultant pressure is 
    still below the ASME overpressure limit of 1,375 psig [pounds per 
    square inch].
    (d) Slow Closure of a Single Turbine Control Valve
        The results of this transient for the power rerate remain non-
    limiting as compared with other more severe pressurization events.
    (2) Event Resulting in a Reactor Vessel Water Temperature Decrease
    (a) Feedwater Controller Failure-Maximum Demand
        The delta CPR calculated for this event at rerate conditions is 
    about 0.01 higher than the corresponding value for the current rated 
    power when the impact of the new condensate pumps is factored in. The 
    trend for the Feedwater Controller Failure-Maximum Demand event is 
    consistent with the analysis for the current rated power. The fuel 
    thermal margin results are within the acceptable limits for the fuel 
    types analyzed.
    (b) Loss of Feedwater Heating
        This event at the rerate conditions remains significantly less than 
    the cycle operating MCPR limit. The results at low core flow conditions 
    are actually slightly higher than for the high core
    [[Page 9608]]
    flow condition because of increased inlet coolant subcooling into the 
    reactor core. The calculated thermal and mechanical overpower limits at 
    the power rerate conditions for this event also meet the fuel design 
    (c) Inadvertent HPCI [high-pressure coolant injection] Actuation
        For the limiting condition analyzed, both the high water level 
    setpoint and the high reactor pressure vessel steam dome pressure scram 
    setpoints are not reached. Based on the peak average fuel surface heat 
    flux results, the HPCI actuation event will be bounded by the limiting 
    pressurization event with respect to delta Critical Power Ratio 
    ([delta] CPR) considerations. In addition, the fuel transient thermal 
    and mechanical overpower limits remain within the NRC accepted design 
    (3) Event Resulting in a Positive Reactivity Insertion
    (a) Rod Withdrawal Error (RWE)
        The current Rod Block Monitor (RBM) system for MNGP with power 
    dependent setpoints was analyzed for the rod withdrawal error event at 
    the power rerate conditions using a statistical approach consistent 
    with NRC approved methods. The analysis concluded that the transient is 
    slightly more severe with a greater delta Critical Power Ratio ([delta] 
    CPR) from the initial most limiting CPR. However, the fuel and 
    mechanical overpower results remain within the NRC accepted design 
    (4) Event Resulting in a Reactor Vessel Coolant Inventory Decrease
    (a) Pressure Regulator Failure to Full Open
        The results of this transient for the power rerate remain non-
    limiting as compared with other more severe pressurization events.
    (b) Loss of Feedwater Flow
        This transient event does not pose any direct threat to the fuel in 
    terms of a power increase from the initial conditions. Water level 
    declines rapidly and a low level causes a reactor scram. The closure of 
    the main steam isolation valves and the actuation of High Pressure 
    Coolant Injection and Reactor Core Isolation Cooling terminate the 
    event. This event was included in the power rerate evaluation to 
    provide assurance that sufficient water makeup capability is available 
    to keep the core covered when all normal feedwater is lost. The generic 
    analysis performed in support of the extended power uprate program 
    shows that at the power rerate conditions a large amount of water 
    remains above the top of the active fuel. These sequences of events do 
    not require any new operator actions or shorter operator response 
    times. Therefore, the operator actions for the event do not 
    significantly change for the power rerate.
    (5) Event Resulting in a Core Coolant Flow Decrease
    (a) Recirculation Pump Seizure
        The recirculation pump seizure assumes instantaneous stoppage of 
    the pump motor shaft of one recirculation pump. As a result, the core 
    flow decreases rapidly. The heat flux decline lags core power and flow 
    and could result in a degradation of core heat transfer. At the power 
    rerate conditions, the transient results confirmed that the 
    consequences of the pump seizure event remain non-limiting.
    (6) Event Resulting in a Core Coolant Flow Increase
    (a) Recirculation Flow Controller Failure Increasing Flow
        The results of this transient for the power rerate remain non-
    limiting as compared with other more severe pressurization events.
    (c) Design Basis Accident Challenges to the Containment
        The primary containment response to the limiting design basis 
    accident was evaluated for a bounding reactor power level approximately 
    6% greater than the proposed power rerate to 1775 MWt. In addition, the 
    bounding reactor power level was increased by an additional 2% in 
    accordance with regulatory guidance. The effect of the power rerate on 
    the short term containment response (peak values) as well as the long 
    term containment response for containment pressure and temperature 
    confirms the suitability of the plant for operation at the bounding 
    power level, thus the proposed power rerate to 1775 MWt is acceptable. 
    Factors of safety provided in the ASME Code are maintained and safety 
    margin is not affected for the power rerate to 1775 MWt.
        Short-term containment response analyses were performed for the 
    limiting design basis LOCA consisting of a double-ended guillotine 
    break of a recirculation suction line, to demonstrate that operation at 
    a bounding reactor power will not result in exceeding the containment 
    design limits. This limiting design basis LOCA event results in the 
    highest short-term containment pressures and dynamic loads. The 
    analysis determined that for a bounding reactor power the maximum 
    drywell pressure values are bounded by the current USAR analysis value 
    and by the containment design pressure. The power rerate to 1775 MWt 
    has no adverse effect on the containment structural design pressure.
        Because there will be more residual heat with increased thermal 
    power, the containment long term response will have slightly higher 
    temperatures. Long term suppression chamber temperatures remain within 
    the design temperature of the structure, thus factors of safety 
    provided in the ASME code are maintained and safety margin is not 
    affected. Analysis confirmed that ECCS pump NPSH is adequate for this 
    temperature response. It was confirmed that the long term response does 
    not adversely affect the containment structure or the environmental 
    qualification (EQ) of equipment located in the drywell or suppression 
    chamber room. The drywell long term temperature response is not 
    adversely affected for a bounding reactor power. An analytical power 
    level of 1880 MWt bounds the decay heat associated with the 1775 MWt 
    power level with a one sided confidence interval of 95%. The 
    containment long term response is therefore acceptable for the power 
    rerate to 1775 MWt.
        The impact of a reactor power increase on the containment dynamic 
    loads have been determined, evaluated and found to have no adverse 
    effects for conditions which well bound the proposed power rerate. Thus 
    the containment dynamic loads were found to be acceptable for the power 
    rerate to 1775 MWt.
        The MNGP Power Rerate evaluation of the primary containment 
    response to the design basis accident confirmed that the power rerate 
    does not result in a significant increase in consequences for a 
    bounding reactor power approximately 6% greater than the proposed power 
    rerate to 1775 MWt.
    (d) Radiological Consequences of Design Basis Accidents
        For MNGP Power Rerate, the radiological consequences of the 
    limiting design basis accidents were re-evaluated. These evaluations 
    included the effect of the power rerate on the radiological 
    consequences of accidents presented in USAR Section 14.7.
        This evaluation was performed using inputs and evaluation 
    techniques consistent with the current regulatory guidance, the current 
    GE analysis methods, and the appropriate plant design basis. The inputs 
    and analysis methods used for MNGP Power Rerate differ from those 
    utilized in the current licensing basis evaluation presented in
    [[Page 9609]]
    the USAR and the AEC [Atomic Energy Commission] safety evaluation 
    supporting plant initial licensing. The MNGP Power Rerate evaluations 
    used the more contemporary staff approved methods. The inputs used in 
    the MNGP Power Rerate evaluation provide a conservative assessment of 
    the potential radiological consequences. The conclusions of these 
    evaluations are consistent with the original licensing basis 
    evaluations. The radiological consequences of the limiting design basis 
    accidents remain well within 10CFR100 guidelines for a bounding thermal 
    power approximately 6% greater than the proposed power rerate of 1775 
    MWt. In addition the bounding thermal power level was increased by an 
    additional 2% in accordance with regulatory guidance.
        To conservatively analyze the change in consequences, the 
    evaluation of radiological consequences using the analysis inputs and 
    methods was performed for the existing licensed rated thermal power and 
    a thermal power bounding the proposed power rerate. This provides a 
    conservative bounding change in consequences for the requested power 
    rerate to 1775 MWt.
        The MNGP Power Rerate evaluation of the radiological consequences 
    of design basis accidents confirmed that the power rerate does not 
    result in a significant increase in consequences for a bounding power 
    level approximately 6% greater than the proposed power rerate. The 
    results remain below the 10CFR100 guideline values as well as the 
    licensing basis established in the March 18, 1970 AEC safety 
    evaluation. Therefore, the postulated radiological consequences do not 
    represent a significant change in accident consequences and are clearly 
    within the regulatory guidelines for the proposed power rerate to 1775 
    (e) Other Evaluations
    (1) Performance Improvements
        The MNGP Power Rerate safety analysis has been performed taking 
    into account the implementation of the following previously approved 
    special operational features.
    (a) Maximum Extended Load Line Limit/Increase Core Flow (MELLL/ICF)
        The safety analysis for rerate conditions shows that the extended 
    operating domain as analyzed by MELLL/ICF remains valid for the power 
    rerate conditions.
    (b) Average Power Range Monitor/Rod Block Monitor Technical 
    Specification (ARTS) Improvements
        The safety analysis for rerate conditions shows that the ARTS 
    improvements remain valid for the power rerate conditions.
    (c) Single Loop Operation (SLO)
        The safety analysis for rerate conditions shows that the single 
    loop operating mode remains valid for the power rerate conditions. The 
    MELLLA trip setpoints determined for two-loop operation were confirmed 
    to be acceptable for single loop operation with a correction applied to 
    account for the actual effective drive flow applied when operating in 
    single loop. The single loop settings have been conservatively 
    established to be consistent with the two loop settings while ensuring 
    the appropriate corrections are applied to the MAPLHGR and the 
    operating limit MCPR to account for single loop operation.
    (2) Effect of Power Rerate on Support Systems
        An evaluation was performed to address the effect of MNGP Power 
    Rerate on accident mitigation features, structures, systems, and 
    components within the balance of plant. The results are as follows:
        Auxiliary systems such as, building heating, Ventilation and Air 
    Conditioning (HVAC) systems, reactor building closed cooling water, 
    service water and emergency service water, spent fuel pool cooling, 
    process auxiliaries such as instrument air and makeup water and the 
    post-accident sampling system were confirmed to operate acceptably 
    under normal and accident conditions at rerate conditions.
        The secondary containment and standby gas treatment system were 
    confirmed to be able to adequately contain, process, and control the 
    release of normal and post-accident levels of radioactivity at rerate 
        Instrumentation was reviewed and confirmed to be capable of 
    performing its control and monitoring functions under rerate 
    conditions. As required, analyses were performed to determine the need 
    for setpoint changes for various functions (e.g., APRM [average power 
    range monitor] neutron flux scram setpoints). In general, setpoints are 
    to be changed only to maintain adequate difference between plant 
    operating parameters and trip setpoints, while ensuring safety 
    performance is demonstrated. The revised setpoints have been 
    established using the NRC reviewed methodology as guidance.
        Electric power systems including the turbine generator and 
    switchgear components were verified as being capable of providing the 
    electrical load as a result of the rerate power levels. An evaluation 
    of the auxiliary power system for the power rerate conditions confirmed 
    that the system has sufficient capacity with the changes identified in 
    Exhibit I [of the 12/4/97 submittal] to support all required loads for 
    safe shutdown, to maintain a safe shutdown condition, and to operate 
    the required engineered safeguards equipment following postulated 
    accidents. No safety-related electrical loads were affected which would 
    adversely impact the emergency diesel generators.
        Piping systems were evaluated for the effect of operation at higher 
    power levels, including transient loading. The evaluation confirmed 
    that, with few exceptions, piping and supports are adequate to 
    accommodate the increased loading resulting from operation at rerate 
    power conditions. In a few cases, piping supports will be modified to 
    accept higher forces due to rerate conditions.
        The effect of rerate conditions on high energy line break (HELB) 
    was evaluated. The evaluation confirmed structures, systems, and 
    components important to safety are capable of accommodating the effects 
    of jet impingement and blowdown forces and the environmental effects 
    resulting from HELB events at rerate conditions.
        Control room habitability was evaluated. With the implementation of 
    minor hardware and non-hardware changes to the control room ventilation 
    system, Post-accident Control Room and Technical Support Center doses 
    at rerate conditions were confirmed to be within the guidelines of 
    General Design Criterion 19 of 10CFR50, Appendix A.
        The environmental qualification of equipment important to safety 
    was evaluated for the effect on normal and accident operating 
    conditions at rerate power levels. The equipment remains qualified for 
    the new conditions. Minor adjustments will reflect some changes to 
    maintenance frequencies. The preventative maintenance program will 
    continue to provide for equipment maintenance or replacement to ensure 
    equipment environmental qualification at rerate power conditions.
    (3) Effect on Special Events
        The consequences of special events (i.e., ATWS [anticipated 
    transient without scram], 10CFR50, Appendix R, and Station Blackout) 
    remain within NRC accepted criteria for rerate conditions. Concurrent 
    malfunctions assumed to occur during accidents have
    [[Page 9610]]
    been accounted for in the safety analyses for rerate conditions. The 
    consequences of these equipment malfunctions does not change with 
    implementation of the MNGP Power Rerate program. The generic ATWS 
    analysis for operation at rerate conditions is being revised. The 
    revision is not expected to affect MNGP compliance with NRC acceptance 
    (f) Conclusion
        The evaluation of the Emergency Core Cooling System performance has 
    demonstrated the criteria of 10CFR50.46 are satisfied, thus the margin 
    of safety established by the criteria is maintained. The analysis 
    demonstrated that the ECCS will function with the most limiting single 
    failure to mitigate the consequences of the accidents and maintain fuel 
    integrity. The system will continue to perform as required under rerate 
    conditions to mitigate the consequences of accidents and thus the power 
    rerate does not adversely affect ECCS performance in a manner to 
    increase the severity of consequences. Challenges to the containment 
    have been evaluated and the integrity of the fission product barrier 
    has been confirmed. The radiological consequences of design basis 
    accidents have been evaluated and it was found that the effect of the 
    proposed power rerate on postulated radiological consequences does not 
    result in a significant increase in accident consequences. These 
    evaluations have been performed for a bounding reactor power 
    approximately 6% greater than the proposed power rerate. In addition 
    the bounding reactor power level was increased by an additional 2% in 
    accordance with regulatory guidance. Thus the evaluations provide 
    conservative bounding results for the proposed power rerate to 1775 MWt 
    and demonstrate that the proposed power rerate does not result in 
    significant increase in accident consequences.
        The abnormal transients have been analyzed under the power rerate 
    conditions, and the analysis has confirmed that the power rerate to 
    1775 MWt has only a minor effect on the minimum critical power ratio 
    and that no change to the safety limit critical power ratio results, 
    thus the margin of safety as assured by the safety limit critical power 
    ratio is maintained. The effect of the power rerate on the consequences 
    of abnormal transients which result from potential component 
    malfunctions has been shown to be acceptable, thus the power rerate 
    does not result in a significant increase in transient event 
        The spectrum of analyzed postulated accidents and transients has 
    been investigated, and has been determined to meet the current 
    regulatory criteria for the MNGP at rerate conditions. In the area of 
    core design, the fuel operating limits will still be met at the rerate 
    power level, and fuel reload analyses will show plant transients meet 
    the criteria accepted by the NRC as specified in the plant Technical 
    Specifications. The evaluation of transient and accident consequences 
    was performed consistent with the proposed changes to the plant 
    Technical Specifications. Therefore, the proposed Operating License and 
    Technical Specification changes will not cause a significant increase 
    in the consequences of an accident previously evaluated for the 
    Monticello plant.
    2. Evaluation of the Probability of Previously Evaluated Accidents
        The proposed power rerate imposes only minor increases in the plant 
    operating conditions. No changes are required to the rated core flow, 
    rated reactor pressure, or turbine throttle pressure. The power rerate 
    will result in moderate flow increases in those system[s] associated 
    with the turbine cycle (i.e., condensate, feedwater, main steam, etc.). 
    For MNGP Power Rerate, the small increase in operating temperatures for 
    balance of plant support systems has no significant effect on LOCA or 
    other accident probabilities.
         The increase in flow rates in balance of plant systems is 
    addressed by compliance with NRC Generic Letter 89-08, ``Erosion/
    Corrosion in Piping.'' The MNGP Power Rerate evaluations have confirmed 
    that the power rerate has no significant effect on flow induced 
    erosion/corrosion. The worst case limiting feedwater and main steam 
    piping flow increases were evaluated to be approximately proportional 
    to the power increase. The affected systems are currently monitored by 
    the MNGP Erosion/Corrosion program. Continued monitoring of the systems 
    provides a high level of confidence in the integrity of potentially 
    susceptible high energy piping systems.
        The occurrence frequency of accident precursors and transients 
    [has] been addressed when required by applying the guidance of NRC 
    reviewed setpoint methodology to insure that acceptable trip avoidance 
    is provided during operational transients subsequent to implementation 
    of rerate. The setpoint evaluation has confirmed that MNGP Power Rerate 
    does not result in any increase in challenges to the plant protective 
        Plant systems, components, and structures have been verified to be 
    capable of performing their intended functions under rerate conditions 
    with a few minor exceptions. Where necessary, some components will be 
    modified prior to implementation of the MNGP Power Rerate Program to 
    accommodate the revised operating conditions (e.g., a limited number of 
    pipe supports changes, instrumentation setpoint changes, control room 
    habitability improvements). MNGP Power Rerate does not significantly 
    affect the reliability of plant equipment. Where reliability effects 
    have been identified, modifications and administrative controls will be 
    implemented prior to the power rerate to adequately compensate. No new 
    components or system interactions that could lead to an increase in 
    accident probability are created due to the power rerate.
        The probability (i.e., frequency of occurrence) of design basis 
    accidents occurring is not affected by the increased power level, as 
    the applicable criteria established for plant equipment (e.g., ANSI 
    Standard B31.1, ASME Code,) will still be followed as the plant is 
    operated at the rerate power level. The MNGP Power Rerate analysis 
    basis assures that the power dependent margin prescribed by the Code of 
    Federal Regulations (CFR) will be maintained by meeting the appropriate 
    regulatory criteria. Similarly, factors of safety specified by 
    application of the Code design rules have been demonstrated to be 
    maintained, as have other margin-assuring acceptance criteria used to 
    judge the acceptability of the plant. Reactor scram setpoints as 
    established are such that there is no significant increase in scram 
    frequency due to rerate conditions. No new challenges to safety-related 
    equipment will result from the power rerate. Therefore, the proposed 
    Operating License and Technical Specifications changes do not involve a 
    significant increase in the probability of an accident previously 
        B. The proposed Operating License changes do not create the 
    possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident 
    previously evaluated.
        The basic Boiling Water Reactor configuration, operation and event 
    response is unchanged by the power rerate. Analysis of transient events 
    has confirmed that the same transients remain limiting and that no 
    transient events result in a new sequence of events which could lead to 
    a new accident scenario. The MNGP Power Rerate analyses confirmed that 
    the accident progression is basically unchanged by the power rerate.
    [[Page 9611]]
        An increase in power level will not create a new fission product 
    release path, or result in a new fission product barrier failure mode. 
    The same fission product barriers such as the fuel cladding, the 
    reactor coolant pressure boundary and the reactor containment, remain 
    in place. Fuel rod cladding integrity is ensured by operating within 
    thermal, mechanical, and exposure design limits and is demonstrated by 
    the MNGP Power Rerate transient analysis and accident analysis. 
    Similarly, analysis of the reactor coolant pressure boundary and 
    primary containment have demonstrated that the power rerate has no 
    adverse effect on these fission product barriers. The proposed changes 
    to the plant Technical Specifications to support the power rerate 
    implementation are consistent with the MNGP Power Rerate analyses and 
    assure transient and accident mitigation capability in compliance with 
    regulatory requirements.
        The effect of MNGP Power Rerate on plant equipment has been 
    evaluated. No new operating mode, safety-related equipment lineup, 
    accident scenario, or equipment failure mode resulting from the power 
    rerate was identified. The full spectrum of accident considerations 
    defined in the USAR have been evaluated and no new or different kind of 
    accident resulting from the power rerate has been identified. MNGP 
    Power Rerate uses already developed technology and applies it within 
    the capabilities of already existing plant equipment in accordance with 
    presently existing regulatory criteria which includes accepted codes, 
    standards, and methods. GE has designed BWRs of higher power levels 
    than the rerate power of any of the currently operating BWR fleet and 
    no new power dependent accidents have been identified. In addition, 
    MNGP Power Rerate does not create any new sequence of events or failure 
    modes that lead to a new type of accident.
        All actions to ensure that safety-related structures, systems, and 
    components will remain within their design allowable values and ensure 
    they can perform their intended functions under rerate conditions will 
    be taken prior to implementation of the power rerate. MNGP Power Rerate 
    does not increase challenges to or create any new challenge to safety-
    related equipment or other equipment whose failure could cause an 
    accident. Plant modifications required to support implementation of 
    MNGP Power Rerate will be made to existing systems (e.g., a limited 
    number of pipe supports, instrumentation setpoints, control room 
    habitability improvements), rather than by adding new systems of a 
    different design which might introduce new failure modes or accident 
    sequences. The Technical Specification changes required to implement 
    the power rerate require little change to the plant's configuration, 
    and all changes have been evaluated and are acceptable.
        Therefore, the proposed Operating License and Technical 
    Specification changes do not create the possibility of a new or 
    different kind of accident from any previously evaluated.
        C. The proposed Operating License changes do not involve a 
    significant reduction in a margin of safety.
        The accident analysis, as well as a majority of the plant specific 
    evaluations performed in support of MNGP Power Rerate have been 
    performed assuming a bounding steady state power level 112.6% of the 
    existing licensed limit of 1670 MWt, and approximately 6% above the 
    licensed maximum thermal power level of 1775 MWt proposed by MNGP Power 
    Rerate. In addition, the bounding reactor power level was increased by 
    an additional 2% in accordance with regulatory guidance when applicable 
    for the evaluation of accidents and transients. For plant conditions 
    associated with a bounding analysis power level, the analyses 
    demonstrated operating margin to criteria establishing margins of 
    safety, thus additional operating margin is demonstrated and assured 
    for the proposed power rerate to 1775 MWt and added confidence is 
    established in the integrity of criteria establishing margin to safety.
        The cycle specific transient analysis, as well as the analysis to 
    establish plant instrumentation set points have been performed assuming 
    a plant steady state power level of 1775 MWt. This analysis approach 
    was taken in order to demonstrate safety and equipment margins while 
    ensuring appropriate cycle specific operating limits. The evaluation of 
    transient events and instrument setpoints demonstrated operating margin 
    to criteria establishing margins of safety for the proposed power 
    rerate conditions.
        The MNGP Power Rerate analysis basis assures that the power 
    dependent safety margin assuring criteria prescribed by the Code of 
    Federal Regulations (CFR) will be maintained by meeting the appropriate 
    regulatory criteria. Similarly, factors of safety specified by 
    application of the code design rules have been maintained, as have 
    other margin-assuring acceptance criteria used to judge the 
    acceptability of the plant.
    1. Fuel Thermal Limits
        No change is required in the basic fuel design to achieve the 
    rerate power levels or to maintain the margins as discussed above. No 
    increase in the allowable peak bundle power is requested for the power 
    rerate. The abnormal transients have been evaluated under the power 
    rerate conditions for a representative core configuration. The analysis 
    has confirmed that the power rerate has no adverse effect on the 
    operating limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio (MCPR) and that no change 
    to the safety limit MCPR results, thus the margin of safety as assured 
    by the safety limit MCPR is maintained. The fuel operating limits such 
    as Maximum Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate (MAPLHGR) and the 
    operating limit MCPR will still be met at the rerate power level. The 
    MNGP Power Rerate analyses have confirmed the acceptability of these 
    operating limits for the power rerate without an adverse effect on 
    margins to safety. Cycle specific analysis will continue to be 
    performed for each fuel reload to demonstrate compliance with the 
    applicable transient criteria and to establish cycle specific operating 
    2. Design Basis Accidents Challenges to Fuel
        The evaluation of the Emergency Core Cooling System performance has 
    demonstrated the criteria of 10CFR50.46 are satisfied, thus the margin 
    of safety established by the criteria is maintained. This evaluation 
    was performed for a bounding reactor power level approximately 6% 
    greater than the proposed power rerate. In addition the bounding 
    reactor power level was increased by an additional 2% in accordance 
    with regulatory guidance. The analysis demonstrates that MNGP will 
    continue to comply [with] the 10 CFR 50.46 at the rerate conditions and 
    that the margin of safety established by the regulation is maintained 
    for the proposed power rerate.
    3. Design Basis Accident Challenges to Containment
        The primary containment response to the limiting design basis 
    accident was evaluated for a bounding reactor power level approximately 
    6% greater than the proposed power rerate to 1775 MWt. In addition, the 
    bounding reactor power level was increased by an additional 2% in 
    accordance with regulatory guidance. The effect of the power rerate on 
    the short term containment response (peak values) as well as the long 
    term containment response for containment pressure and temperature 
    confirms the
    [[Page 9612]]
    suitability of the plant for operation at the bounding power level, 
    thus the proposed power rerate to 1775 MWt is acceptable. Factors of 
    safety provided in the ASME Code are maintained and safety margin is 
    not affected for the power rerate to 1775 MWt.
        Short-term containment response analyses were performed for the 
    limiting design basis LOCA consisting of a double-ended guillotine 
    break of a recirculation suction line, to demonstrate that operation at 
    a bounding reactor power will not result in exceeding the containment 
    design limits. The analysis determined that for a bounding reactor 
    power the maximum drywell pressure values are bounded by the current 
    USAR analysis value and by the containment design pressure. The power 
    rerate to 1775 MWt has no adverse effect on the containment structural 
    design pressure.
        Long term suppression chamber temperatures remain within the design 
    temperature of the structure, thus factors of safety provided in the 
    ASME code are maintained and safety margin is not affected. An 
    analytical power level of 1880 MWt bounds the decay heat associated 
    with the 1775 MWt power level with a one sided confidence interval of 
    95%. Analysis confirmed that ECCS pump NPSH is not adversely affected 
    with this temperature response. It was confirmed that the long term 
    response does not significantly affect the containment structure or the 
    environmental qualification (EQ) of equipment located in the drywell or 
    suppression chamber room.
        The impact of a reactor power increase on the containment dynamic 
    loads [has] been determined, evaluated and found to have no adverse 
    effects for conditions which well bound the proposed power rerate. Thus 
    the containment dynamic loads were found to be acceptable for the power 
    rerate to 1775 MWt.
        The MNGP Power Rerate evaluation of the primary containment 
    response to the design basis accident confirmed that the power rerate 
    does not result in a reduction in margins of safety for a bounding 
    reactor power approximately 6% greater than the proposed power rerate 
    to 1775 MWt.
    4. Design Basis Accident Radiological Consequences
        The Updated Safety Analysis Report (USAR) provides the radiological 
    consequences for each of the design basis accidents. The magnitude of 
    the potential consequences is dependent upon the quantity of fission 
    products released to the environment, the atmospheric dispersion 
    factors and the dose exposure pathways. For power rerate, the 
    atmospheric dispersion factors and the dose exposure pathways do not 
    change. Therefore, the only factor which will influence the magnitude 
    of the consequences is the quantity of activity released to the 
    environment. This quantity is a product of the activity released from 
    the core and the transport mechanisms between the core and the effluent 
    release point.
        The radiological consequences of design basis accidents have been 
    evaluated, and it was found that the consequences did not result in a 
    significant increase in consequences for a bounding reactor power level 
    approximately 6% greater than the proposed power rerate. In addition, 
    the bounding reactor power level was increased by an additional 2% in 
    accordance with regulatory guidance. The results remain below the 
    10CFR100 guideline values as well as the licensing basis established in 
    the March 18, 1970 AEC safety evaluation. Therefore, the postulated 
    radiological consequences are clearly within the regulatory guidelines 
    and all radiological safety margins are maintained for the power rerate 
    to 1775 MWt.
    5. Transient Evaluations
        The effects of plant transients were evaluated by assessing a 
    number of disturbances of process variables and malfunctions or 
    failures of equipment consistent with USAR. The transient events were 
    evaluated against the Safety Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio, 
    (SLMCPR). The SLMCPR is determined using NRC-approved methods. The 
    Power Rerate transient analyses were performed using the approved 
    methodology specified in the plant Technical Specifications. The 
    limiting transient events are slightly more severe when initiated from 
    the rerate power level. The power rerate transient evaluation results 
    show a slightly more limiting transient initial CPR (less than or equal 
    to 0.02) than that initiated from the present rated power level for the 
    near limiting transients. However, for the most limiting transient, the 
    evaluation of a representative core showed that no change is required 
    to the Operating Limit MCPR for the power rerate and that the integrity 
    of the SLMCPR is maintained. Cycle specific analysis will continue to 
    be performed for each fuel reload to demonstrate compliance with the 
    applicable transient criteria and to establish cycle specific operating 
        The fuel thermal-mechanical limits at the power rerate conditions 
    are within the specific design criteria for the GE fuels currently 
    loaded in the MNGP core. Also, the power-dependent and flow-dependent 
    MCPR and Maximum Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate (MAPLHGR) 
    methods developed as part of the core performance improvement program 
    remain applicable to rerate conditions. The transient event evaluation 
    confirmed that MNGP Power Rerate has no significant effect on the 
    power-dependent and flow-dependent MCPR and MAPLHGR limits. The peak 
    reactor pressure vessel bottom head pressure remains within the ASME 
    requirement for reactor pressure vessel over pressure protection.
        The margin of safety established by the SLMCPR is not affected by 
    the proposed power rerate to 1775 MWt.
    6. Technical Specification Changes
        The Technical Specifications ensure that the plant and system 
    performance parameters are maintained at the values assumed in the 
    safety analysis. The Technical Specification (setpoints, trip settings, 
    etc.) are selected such that the actual equipment is maintained equal 
    to or conservative with respect to the inputs used in the safety 
    analysis. Proper account is taken of inaccuracies introduced by 
    instrument drift, instrument accuracy, and calibration accuracy. The 
    Technical Specifications address equipment availability and limit 
    equipment out-of-service to assure that the plant can be expected to 
    have at least the complement of equipment available to deal with plant 
    transients as that assumed in the safety analysis. The evaluations and 
    analyses performed to demonstrate the acceptability of MNGP Power 
    Rerate were performed using inputs consistent with the proposed changes 
    to the plant Technical Specifications.
        The events that form the Technical Specification Bases were 
    evaluated for the power rerate conditions using inputs and initial 
    conditions consistent with the proposed Technical Specification 
    changes. Although some changes to the Technical Specifications are 
    required for the power rerate, no NRC acceptance limit will be 
    exceeded. Therefore, the margins of safety assured by safety limits and 
    other Technical Specification limits will be maintained. The changes to 
    the Technical Specification Bases proposed by this submittal are 
    consistent with the evaluations which demonstrated acceptability of the 
    power rerate.
    7. Conclusion
        The spectrum of postulated accidents, transients, and special 
    events has been investigated and [has] been determined to meet the 
    current regulatory criteria
    [[Page 9613]]
    for the MNGP at the power rerate conditions. In the area of core 
    design, the fuel operating limits will still be met at the rerate power 
    level, and fuel reload analyses will show plant transients meet the 
    criteria accepted by the NRC as specified in the plant Technical 
    Specifications. Challenges to fuel or ECCS performance were evaluated 
    and shown to meet the criteria of 10 CFR 50.46 and 10 CFR 50, Appendix 
    K. Challenges to the containment have been evaluated and the integrity 
    of the fission product barrier has been confirmed. Radiological release 
    events have been evaluated and shown to meet the guidelines of 10 CFR 
    100. The proposed Operating License and Technical Specification changes 
    are consistent with the MNGP Power Rerate evaluation performed. The 
    evaluations demonstrated compliance with the margin assuring acceptance 
    criteria contained in applicable codes and regulations. Therefore, the 
    proposed Operating License and Technical Specifications changes will 
    not involve a significant reduction in the margin of safety.
        The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's analysis and, based on 
    this review, it appears that the three standards of 10 CFR 50.92(c) are 
    satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine that the 
    amendment request involves no significant hazards consideration.
        Local Public Document Room location: Minneapolis Public Library, 
    Technology and Science Department, 300 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, 
    Minnesota 55401
        Attorney for licensee: Gerald Charnoff, Esq., Shaw, Pittman, Potts 
    and Trowbridge, 2300 N Street, NW, Washington, DC 20037
        NRC Project Director: Cynthia A. Carpenter
    Philadelphia Electric Company, Docket No. 50-352, Limerick Generating 
    Station (LGS), Unit 1, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
        Date of amendment request: February 9, 1998.
        Description of amendment request: The amendment request proposes to 
    revise the LGS, Unit 1 Technical Specifications (TS) Section 2.1 and 
    its associated TS Basis to reflect the change in the minimum critical 
    power ratio (MCPR) safety limit due to the plant-specific evaluation 
    performed by General Electric Company (GE) for LGS, Unit 1, Cycle 8.
        Basis for proposed no significant hazards consideration 
    determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has 
    provided its analysis of the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration, which is presented below:
        1. The proposed TS change does not involve a significant increase 
    in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.
        The revised MCPR Safety Limits for LGS Unit 1 Technical 
    Specifications, and their use to determine cycle-specific thermal 
    limits, have been calculated using NRC-approved methods (i.e., GESTAR-
    II, Rev. 13) and are based on LGS Unit 1 Cycle 8 specific inputs. The 
    use of these methods assures that the [safety limit for minimum 
    critical power ratio] SLMCPR value is within the existing design and 
    licensing basis, and cannot increase the probability or severity of an 
        The basis of the MCPR Safety Limit calculation is to ensure that 
    greater than 99.9% of all fuel rods in the core avoid transition 
    boiling if the limit is not violated. The MCPR Safety limit preserves 
    the existing margin to transition boiling and fuel damage in the event 
    of a postulated accident. The probability of fuel damage is not 
        Therefore, the proposed TS change does not involve an increase in 
    the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.
        2. The proposed TS change does not create the possibility of a new 
    or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated.
        The MCPR Safety Limit is a Technical Specification numerical value 
    designed to ensure that fuel damage from transition boiling does not 
    occur as a result of the limiting postulated accident. The MCPR Safety 
    Limit is not an accident initiator; therefore, it cannot create the 
    possibility of any new type of accident. The new MCPR Safety Limits are 
    calculated using NRC-approved methods (i.e., GESTAR-II, Rev. 13) and 
    are based on LGS Unit 1, Cycle 8 specific inputs.
        Therefore, the proposed TS change does not create the possibility 
    of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously 
        3. The proposed TS change does not involve a significant reduction 
    in the margin of safety.
        The margin of safety as defined in the TS Bases will remain the 
    same. The new MCPR Safety Limits are calculated using NRC-approved 
    methods (i.e., GESTAR-II, Rev. 13), which are in accordance with the 
    current fuel design and licensing criteria, and are based on LGS Unit 1 
    Cycle 8 specific inputs. The MCPR Safety Limit remains high enough to 
    ensure that greater than 99.9% of all fuel rods in the core will avoid 
    transition boiling if the limit is not violated, thereby preserving the 
    fuel cladding integrity.
        Therefore, the proposed TS change does not involve a reduction in 
    the margin of safety.
        The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's analysis and, based on 
    this review, it appears that the three standards of 10 CFR 50.92(c) are 
    satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine that the 
    amendment request involves no significant hazards consideration.
        Local Public Document Room location: Pottstown Public Library, 500 
    High Street, Pottstown, PA 19464.
        Attorney for licensee: J. W. Durham, Sr., Esquire, Sr. V.P. and 
    General Counsel, Philadelphia Electric Company, 2301 Market Street, 
    Philadelphia, PA 19101.
        NRC Project Director: John F. Stolz.
    Power Authority of the State of New York, Docket No. 50-333, James A. 
    FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant, Oswego County, New York
        Date of amendment request: October 14, 1997.
        Description of amendment request: The proposed changes would 
    correct the maximum exposure dependent, infinite lattice multiplication 
    factor for fuel bundles and provide for installation of additional 
    storage racks to increase spent fuel capacity.
        Basis for proposed no significant hazards consideration 
    determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has 
    provided its analysis of the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration, which is presented below:
        Operation of the FitzPatrick plant in accordance with the proposed 
    Amendment would not involve a significant hazards consideration as 
    defined in 10 CFR 50.92, since it would not:
        1. Involve a significant increase in the probability or 
    consequences of an accident previously evaluated because:
        A change in the infinite lattice neutron multiplication factor for 
    a fuel bundle in the reactor core geometry which ensures the 
    criticality limit for fuel in the spent fuel pool [SFP] geometry is met 
    does not affect initiation of any accident.
        Operation in accordance with the revised limit ensures the 
    consequences of previously analyzed accidents are not changed. Storage 
    of additional fuel assemblies in the pool does not affect the 
    probability or consequences of dropping a fuel assembly, since this 
    accident is localized to a small area of the storage array. Likewise, 
    addition of
    [[Page 9614]]
    specifications containing details presently in plant design documents 
    and editorial changes do not change the probability or consequences of 
    a previously analyzed accident.
        2. Create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident 
    for any accident previously evaluated because:
        A change in the infinite lattice neutron multiplication factor for 
    a fuel bundle in the reactor core geometry which ensures the 
    criticality limit for fuel in the spent fuel pool geometry is met does 
    not affect the types of reactivity accidents which may occur. Therefore 
    changing the limit will not [create the possibility of] a new or 
    different type of accident. Maintenance of available decay heat removal 
    systems ensures that no new type of loss of cooling accident associated 
    with the SFP will occur as a result of storing additional irradiated 
    fuel assemblies. Likewise, addition of specifications containing 
    details presently in plant design documents and editorial changes do 
    not create the possibility of a new or different type of accident.
        3. Involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety because:
        The revised limit on infinite lattice neutron multiplication factor 
    for a fuel bundle in the reactor core geometry ensures maintenance of 
    the same margin of safety with respect to criticality as presently 
    exists for storage of fuel in the SFP. Storing additional irradiated 
    fuel assemblies in the pool does not affect the margin of safety with 
    regard to pool cooling since sufficient heat removal systems will be 
    maintained available to ensure maintenance of acceptable pool 
    temperatures. Addition of specifications containing details presently 
    in other design documents and editorial changes have no effect on the 
    margin of safety.
        The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's analysis and, based on 
    this review, it appears that the three standards of 50.92(c) are 
    satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine that the 
    amendment request involves no significant hazards consideration.
        Local Public Document Room location: Reference and Documents 
    Department, Penfield Library, State University of New York, Oswego, New 
    York 13126.
        Attorney for licensee: Mr. David E. Blabey, 1633 Broadway, New 
    York, New York 10019.
        NRC Project Director: S. Singh Bajwa.
    South Carolina Electric & Gas Company (SCE&G), South Carolina Public 
    Service Authority, Docket No. 50-395, Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station, 
    Unit No. 1, Fairfield County, South Carolina
        Date of amendment request: February 9, 1998.
        Description of amendment request: The proposed amendment would 
    revise the Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station Technical Specifications 
    (TS) to remove emergency diesel generator (1) accelerated testing 
    requirements (TS 3/4.8.1, Table 4.8-1), and (2) special reporting 
    requirements (TS Surveillance Requirement in accordance with 
    NRC Generic Letter (GL) 94-01, ``Removal of Accelerated Testing and 
    Special Reporting Requirements for Emergency Diesel Generators.''
        Basis for proposed no significant hazards consideration 
    determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has 
    provided its analysis of the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration, which is presented below:
        1. This request does not involve a significant increase in the 
    probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.
        This change will provide flexibility to structure the emergency 
    diesel generator maintenance program based on the risk significance of 
    the structures, systems, and components that are within the scope of 
    the maintenance rule. The removal of the diesel generator accelerated 
    testing is acceptable as the maintenance rule applies system and train 
    specific performance criteria to monitor diesel generator performance. 
    These criteria include a running availability and reliability measure. 
    The performance criteria for the diesel generator reliability and 
    unavailability established by the maintenance rule, and the causal 
    determinations and corrective actions required for functional failures 
    and/or exceeding performance criteria, is considered to be an 
    acceptable method for monitoring diesel generator performance.
        As the diesel generator performance will [continue] to be assured 
    by the maintenance rule, the proposed changes do not affect any of the 
    initiators for an accident previously evaluated. The changes do not 
    impact the diesel's design sources, operating characteristics, system 
    functions, or system interrelationships. The failure mechanisms for the 
    accidents previously analyzed are not affected, and no additional 
    failure modes are created that could cause an accident previously 
    evaluated. Since the changes are administrative in nature, and the 
    diesel generator performance and reliability will continue to be 
    assured by the maintenance rule, the proposed changes cannot involve a 
    significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident 
    previously evaluated.
        2. This request does not create the possibility of a new or 
    different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated.
        This proposed change does not involve a change to the plant design 
    or operation. As a result, the proposed change does not affect any of 
    the parameters or conditions that could contribute to the initiation of 
    any accidents. The proposed changes only affect the methods used to 
    monitor and assure diesel generator performance. The performance 
    criteria for both the diesel generator reliability and unavailability 
    established by the maintenance rule, and the causal determinations and 
    corrective actions required for functional failures and/or exceeding 
    performance criteria, is considered by GL 94-01 to be an acceptable 
    method for monitoring diesel generator performance.
        No SSC [structure, system, or component], method of operating, or 
    system interface is altered by this change. The changes do not impact 
    the diesel's design sources, operating characteristics, system 
    functions, or system interrelationships. The failure mechanisms for the 
    accidents are not affected, and no additional failure modes are 
    created. Because the proposed changes are administrative in nature, and 
    the diesel generator performance and reliability will continue to be 
    assured by the maintenance rule, the proposed changes cannot create the 
    possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident 
    previously evaluated.
        3. This request does not involve a significant reduction in a 
    margin [of] safety.
        The proposed changes only affect the methods used to monitor and 
    assure diesel generator performance. The performance criteria for both 
    the diesel generator reliability and unavailability established by the 
    maintenance rule, and the causal determinations and corrective actions 
    required for functional failures and/or exceeding performance criteria, 
    is considered by GL 94-01 to be an acceptable method for monitoring 
    diesel generator performance. No margin [of] safety as defined in the 
    basis for any technical specification is impacted by these changes. 
    This change does not impact any uncertainty in the design, 
    construction, or operation of any SSC.
    [[Page 9615]]
    Diesel generator response to accident initiators is unchanged. No SSC, 
    method of operating, or system interface is altered by this change. The 
    changes do not impact the diesel's design sources, operating 
    characteristics, system functions, or system interrelationships. 
    Because the proposed changes are administrative in nature, and the 
    diesel generator performance and reliability will continue to be 
    assured by the maintenance rule, the proposed changes cannot involve a 
    significant reduction in the margin [of] safety.
        The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's analysis and, based on 
    this review, it appears that the three standards of 10 CFR 50.92(c) are 
    satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine that the 
    amendment request involves no significant hazards consideration.
        Local Public Document Room location: Fairfield County Library, 300 
    Washington Street, Winnsboro, SC 29180.
        Attorney for licensee: Randolph R. Mahan, South Carolina Electric & 
    Gas Company, Post Office Box 764, Columbia, South Carolina 29218.
        NRC Project Director: William M. Dean.
    Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation, Docket No. 50-482, Wolf Creek 
    Generating Station, Coffey County, Kansas
        Date of amendment request: January 28, 1998.
        Description of amendment request: The proposed amendment would 
    revise Technical Specification (TS) Sections 6.3 and 6.12 to reflect 
    the merger of the positions of Superintendent Radiation Protection and 
    Superintendent Chemistry into one new position, Manager Chemistry/
    Radiation Protection.
        Basis for proposed no significant hazards consideration 
    determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has 
    provided its analysis of the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration, which is presented below:
        1. The proposed change does not involve a significant increase in 
    the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.
        The proposed change does not involve a significant increase in the 
    probability of consequences of an accident previously evaluated. These 
    changes involve administrative changes to the WCNOC organization.
        2. The proposed change does not create the possibility of a new or 
    different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated.
        The proposed change does not create the possibility of a new or 
    different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated. This 
    change is administrative in nature and does not involve a change to the 
    installed plant systems or the overall operating philosophy of Wolf 
    Creek Generating Station.
        3. The proposed change does not involve a significant reduction in 
    a margin of safety.
        The proposed change does not involve a significant reduction in a 
    margin of safety. This change does not involve any changes in overall 
    organizational commitments and will not affect qualification 
    requirements of any unit staff personnel. A position and title change 
    alone does not reduce the margin of safety.
        The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's analysis and, based on 
    this review, it appears that the three standards of 10 CFR 50.92(c) are 
    satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine that the 
    amendment request involves no significant hazards consideration.
        Local Public Document Room locations: Emporia State University, 
    William Allen White Library, 1200 Commercial Street, Emporia, Kansas 
    66801 and Washburn University School of Law Library, Topeka, Kansas 
        Attorney for licensee: Jay Silberg, Esq., Shaw, Pittman, Potts and 
    Trowbridge, 2300 N Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037.
        NRC Project Director: William H. Bateman.
    Previously Published Notices of Consideration of Issuance of Amendments 
    to Facility Operating Licenses, Proposed No Significant Hazards 
    Consideration Determination, and Opportunity for a Hearing
        The following notices were previously published as separate 
    individual notices. The notice content was the same as above. They were 
    published as individual notices either because time did not allow the 
    Commission to wait for this biweekly notice or because the action 
    involved exigent circumstances. They are repeated here because the 
    biweekly notice lists all amendments issued or proposed to be issued 
    involving no significant hazards consideration.
        For details, see the individual notice in the Federal Register on 
    the day and page cited. This notice does not extend the notice period 
    of the original notice.
    Northern States Power Company, Docket No. 50-282, Prairie Island 
    Nuclear Generating Plant, Unit 1, Goodhue County, Minnesota
        Date of amendment request: January 15, 1998.
        Description of amendment request: The proposed amendment would 
    initiate a one-time only change for Prairie Island Unit 1 Cycle 19 that 
    would allow the use of the moveable incore detector system for 
    measurement of the core peaking factors with less than 75% and greater 
    than or equal to 50% of the detector thimbles available.
        Date of individual notice in the Federal Register: January 30, 1998 
    (63 FR 4676).
        Expiration date of individual notice: March 2, 1998.
        Local Public Document Room location: Minneapolis Public Library, 
    Technology and Science Department, 300 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, 
    Minnesota 55401.
        Attorney for licensee: Jay Silberg, Esq., Shaw, Pittman, Potts, and 
    Trowbridge, 2300 N Street, NW, Washington, DC 20037.
        NRC Project Director: Cynthia A. Carpenter.
    Notice of Issuance of Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses
        During the period since publication of the last biweekly notice, 
    the Commission has issued the following amendments. The Commission has 
    determined for each of these amendments that the application complies 
    with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, 
    as amended (the Act), and the Commission's rules and regulations. The 
    Commission has made appropriate findings as required by the Act and the 
    Commission's rules and regulations in 10 CFR Chapter I, which are set 
    forth in the license amendment.
        Notice of Consideration of Issuance of Amendment to Facility 
    Operating License, Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration 
    Determination, and Opportunity for A Hearing in connection with these 
    actions was published in the Federal Register as indicated.
        Unless otherwise indicated, the Commission has determined that 
    these amendments satisfy the criteria for categorical exclusion in 
    accordance with 10 CFR 51.22. Therefore, pursuant to 10 CFR 51.22(b), 
    no environmental impact statement or environmental assessment need be 
    prepared for these amendments. If the Commission has prepared an 
    environmental assessment under the special circumstances
    [[Page 9616]]
    provision in 10 CFR 51.12(b) and has made a determination based on that 
    assessment, it is so indicated.
        For further details with respect to the action see (1) the 
    applications for amendment, (2) the amendment, and (3) the Commission's 
    related letter, Safety Evaluation and/or Environmental Assessment as 
    indicated. All of these items are available for public inspection at 
    the Commission's Public Document Room, the Gelman Building, 2120 L 
    Street, NW., Washington, DC, and at the local public document rooms for 
    the particular facilities involved.
    Baltimore Gas and Electric Company, Docket No. 50-317, Calvert Cliffs 
    Nuclear Power Plant, Unit No. 1, Calvert County, Maryland
        Date of application for amendment: May 16, 1997, as supplemented 
    November 14, 1997.
        Brief description of amendment: The amendment involves replacing 
    the service water (SRW) heater exchangers with new plate and frame heat 
    exchangers (PHEs), having increased thermal performance capability. The 
    Saltwater (SW) and SRW piping configuration will be modified as 
    necessary to allow proper fit-up to the new components. A flow control 
    scheme to throttle saltwater flow to the heat exchangers and the 
    associated bypass lines will be added. Saltwater strainers with an 
    automatic flushing arrangement will be added upstream of each heat 
    exchanger. The majority of the physical work associated with this 
    modification is restricted to the SRW pump room. The amendment is 
    partially denied to the extent that the licensee is not authorized to 
    operate with one PHE secured, and removing one containment air cooler 
    from service to enable the affected subsystem to remain operable while 
    the one PHE is secured.
        Date of issuance: February 10, 1998.
        Effective date: As of the date of issuance to be implemented within 
    30 days.
        Amendment No.: 225.
        Facility Operating License No. DPR-53: Amendment revised the 
    Updated Final Safety Analysis Report.
        Date of initial notice in Federal Register: June 18, 1997 (62 FR 
        The November 14, 1997, letter provided clarifying information that 
    did not change the initial proposed no significant hazards 
        The Commission's related evaluation of the amendment is contained 
    in a Safety Evaluation dated February 10, 1998.
        No significant hazards consideration comments received: No.
        Local Public Document Room location: Calvert County Library, Prince 
    Frederick, Maryland 20678.
    Carolina Power & Light Company, et al., Docket Nos. 50-325 and 50-324, 
    Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Units 1 and 2, Brunswick County, North 
        Date of application for amendments: November 6, 1997, as 
    supplemented by letter dated January 28, 1998.
        Brief Description of amendments: The amendments to Technical 
    Specification (TS) Limiting Conditions for Operation (LCO), 
    Instrumentation for Control Room Emergency Ventilation System (CREVS) 
    and 3.7.2, Control Room Emergency Ventilation System, and associated 
    Bases for the Brunswick Steam Electric Plant (BSEP) Units 1 and 2 will 
    be limited in duration (approximately 3 months) and will allow 
    operation of both BSEP units to continue while upgrades to the control 
    building ventilation system, including new air conditioning (AC) units 
    and improved ductwork supports, are being installed. Part of the 
    planned work requires opening the ductwork at the evaporative (i.e. 
    cooling) coils. Temporary barriers will be constructed to preserve the 
    leakage integrity of the control room pressure boundary; however, the 
    temporary barriers will not be seismically qualified. While the 
    permanent AC units are out of service, temporary AC units will be 
    utilized. During the upgrade installation, the AC for the control room 
    will not be protected from certain external events (e.g., seismic 
    events, environmental hazards such as tornadoes and hurricanes, 
    radiological sabotage, and missile hazards), as required by the system 
    design and licensing basis, and will not fully meet single failure 
        Date of issuance: February 6, 1998.
        Effective date: February 6, 1998.
        Amendment Nos.: 191 and 222.
        Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-71 and DPR-62: Amendments 
    authorize changes to the facility's Technical Specifications.
        Date of initial notice in Federal Register: December 3, 1997 (62 FR 
        The Commission's related evaluation of the amendments is contained 
    in a Safety Evaluation dated February 6, 1998.
        No significant hazards consideration comments received: No.
        Local Public Document Room location: University of North Carolina 
    at Wilmington, William Madison Randall Library, 601 S. College Road, 
    Wilmington, North Carolina 28403-3297.
    Commonwealth Edison Company, Docket Nos. STN 50-454 and STN 50-455, 
    Byron Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, Ogle County, Illinois, Docket Nos. 
    STN 50-456 and STN 50-457, Braidwood Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, Will 
    County, Illinois
        Date of application for amendments: February 28, 1997. Information 
    related to the proposed restoration of the primary coolant dose 
    equivalent iodine-131 (DEI) to their original licensing basis had been 
    previously submitted in Commonwealth Edison Company's (ComEd) letter 
    dated November 13, 1996, which was supplemented in subsequent letters 
    dated March 20, June 24, August 19 and November 3, 1997.
        Brief description of amendments: The amendments revise the 
    technical specifications (TS) to reflect the forthcoming replacement of 
    the original steam generators (OSG) in Byron, Unit 1, and Braidwood, 
    Unit 1, which are Westinghouse Model D4 steam generators (SG), with the 
    replacement steam generators (RSG) which are Babcock and Wilcox, 
    International (BWI) SG. The present revisions to the TS remove the 
    interim plugging criteria (IPC) related to outer diameter stress 
    corrosion cracking (ODSCC) in the OSG as well as the F* alternative 
    repair criteria and two separate SG tube sleeving methodologies which 
    are not needed for the RSG.
        Date of issuance: February 3, 1998
        Effective date: This license amendment is effective as of the date 
    of its issuance and shall be implemented in the first operating cycle 
    after installation of the BWI replacement steam generators
        Amendment Nos.: 101, 101, 92 and 92.
        Facility Operating License Nos. NPF-37, NPF-66, NPF-72 and NPF-77: 
    The amendments revised the Technical Specifications.
        Date of initial notice in Federal Register: December 17, 1997 (62 
    FR 66134). The November 13, 1996, and March 20, June 24, August 19 and 
    November 3, 1997, submittals provided clarifying information that did 
    not change the initial proposed no significant hazards consideration 
        The Commission's related evaluation of the amendments is contained 
    in a Safety Evaluation dated February 3, 1998.
        No significant hazards consideration comments received: No
        Local Public Document Room location: For Byron, the Byron Public 
    Library District, 109 N. Franklin, P.O. Box 434, Byron, Illinois 61010; 
    [[Page 9617]]
    Braidwood, the Wilmington Public Library, 201 S. Kankakee Street, 
    Wilmington, Illinois 60481.
    Duquesne Light Company, et al., Docket Nos. 50-334 and 50-412, Beaver 
    Valley Power Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, Shippingport, Pennsylvania
        Date of application for amendments: November 6, 1995, and March 11, 
    1996, as supplemented June 5, 1997. The June 5, 1997, letter provided 
    clarifying information that did not change the initial proposed no 
    significant hazards consideration determination or expand the amendment 
    request beyond the scope of the December 20, 1995, and April 10, 1996, 
    Federal Register notices.
        Brief description of amendments: These amendments revise the alarm 
    setpoints for the effluent radiation and in-containment area radiation 
    monitors listed in Technical Specification (TS) Table 3.3-6. These 
    revisions make these alarm setpoints consistent with criteria for the 
    Emergency Action Levels (EALs) approved by the Nuclear Regulatory 
    Commission in August 1994. The EALs use these monitors as an indication 
    of fission product barrier challenges or failures. These amendments 
    also revise Action Statement 36 of TS Table 3.3-6 to reflect a 
    previously approved change (License Amendment Nos. 188 and 70) in 
    reporting frequency (change from semi-annual to annual) for effluent 
    releases. The revision to Action Statement 36 makes it consistent with 
    the previously approved change. These amendments include several 
    editorial changes to the TSs which do not change the intent of the TSs.
        Date of issuance: February 9, 1998.
        Effective date: Both units, as of date of issuance, to be 
    implemented within 60 days.
        Amendment Nos.: 211 and 89.
        Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-66 and NPF-73: Amendments 
    revised the Technical Specifications.
        Dates of initial notice in Federal Register: December 20, 1995 (60 
    FR 65677) and April 10, 1996 (61 FR 15988). The Commission's related 
    evaluation of the amendments is contained in a Safety Evaluation dated 
    February 9, 1998.
        No significant hazards consideration comments received: No.
        Local Public Document Room location: B. F. Jones Memorial Library, 
    663 Franklin Avenue, Aliquippa, PA 15001.
    Duquesne Light Company, et al., Docket No. 50-334, Beaver Valley Power 
    Station, Unit No. 1, Shippingport, Pennsylvania
        Date of application for amendment: November 4, 1997.
        Brief description of amendment: The amendment revises Item 6.a.2, 
    ``4.16kV Emergency Bus (Start Diesel),'' of Table 3.3-4 of Technical 
    Specification The change reduces the trip setpoint for 
    starting the emergency diesel generators on emergency bus undervoltage 
    from a trip setpoint of greater than or equal to 83 percent with a 12-
    cycle delay time to a setpoint of greater than or equal to 75 percent 
    of nominal bus voltage with a time delay of less than 0.9 seconds 
    including auxiliary relay times. The amendment also revises the 
    allowable value from greater than or equal to 81 percent of nominal bus 
    voltage to greater than or equal to 74 percent of nominal bus voltage 
    with a time delay of less than 0.9 seconds including auxiliary relay 
        Date of issuance: February 11, 1998.
        Effective date: As of date of issuance, to be implemented within 60 
        Amendment No: 212.
        Facility Operating License No. DPR-66. Amendment revised the 
    Technical Specifications.
        Date of initial notice in Federal Register: December 3, 1997 (62 FR 
        The Commission's related evaluation of the amendment is contained 
    in a Safety Evaluation dated February 11, 1998.
        No significant hazards consideration comments received: No.
        Local Public Document Room location: B. F. Jones Memorial Library, 
    663 Franklin Avenue, Aliquippa, PA 15001.
    Entergy Operations, Inc., System Energy Resources, Inc., South 
    Mississippi Electric Power Association, and Entergy Mississippi, Inc., 
    Docket No. 50-416, Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Unit 1, Claiborne 
    County, Mississippi
        Date of application for amendment: August 6, 1997.
        Brief description of amendment: The amendment eliminated the 
    provisions in Technical Specification 3.8.1, ``AC Sources--Operating,'' 
    for accelerated testing of the emergency diesel generators (DG). The 
    changes are the following: (1) the frequency of verifying DG starts and 
    operation in Surveillance Requirements (SRs) and, 
    respectively, are changed to 31 days, from the present reference to 
    Table 3.8.1-1, and (2) Table 3.8.1-1, ``Diesel Generator Test 
    Schedule,'' is deleted. The emergency diesel generators provide 
    emergency AC power to the site with the loss of offsite AC power.
        Date of issuance: February 9, 1998.
        Effective date: February 9, 1998.
        Amendment No: 134.
        Facility Operating License No. NPF-29: Amendment revises the 
    Technical Specifications.
        Date of initial notice in Federal Register: September 24, 1997 (62 
    FR 50003).
        The Commission's related evaluation of the amendment is contained 
    in a Safety Evaluation dated February 9, 1998.
        No significant hazards consideration comments received: No.
        Local Public Document Room location: Judge George W. Armstrong 
    Library, 220 S. Commerce Street, Natchez, MS 39120.
    Northeast Nuclear Energy Company, et al., Docket No. 50-336, Millstone 
    Nuclear Power Station, Unit 2, New London County, Connecticut
        Date of application for amendment: September 3, 1997.
        Brief description of amendment: The amendment authorizes Northeast 
    Nuclear Energy Company, through a license condition, to incorporate 
    changes to the description of the facility in the Updated Final Safety 
    Analysis Report (UFSAR). This change revises the UFSAR by modifying the 
    operation of the onsite emergency diesel generators and their 
    associated fuel oil supplies.
        Date of issuance: January 23, 1998.
        Effective date: As of the date of issuance to be implemented within 
    30 days.
        Amendment No.: 212.
        Facility Operating License No. DPR-65: Amendment revised the 
    Updated Final Safety Analysis Report.
        Date of initial notice in Federal Register: September 24, 1997 (62 
    FR 50009).
        The Commission's related evaluation of the amendment is contained 
    in a Safety Evaluation dated January 23, 1998.
        No significant hazards consideration comments received: No.
        Local Public Document Room location: Learning Resources Center, 
    Three Rivers Community-Technical College, 574 New London Turnpike, 
    Norwich, Connecticut, and the Waterford Library, ATTN: Vince Juliano, 
    49 Rope Ferry Road, Waterford, Connecticut.
    [[Page 9618]]
    Public Service Electric & Gas Company, Docket Nos. 50-272 and 50-311. 
    Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, Salem County, New 
        Date of application for amendments: October 24, 1997.
        Brief description of amendments: The amendments revise the 
    containment hydrogen analyzer Technical Specifications (TSs) 
    surveillance requirements of TS to increase the calibration 
    frequency from once per refueling outage to quarterly.
        Date of issuance: January 29, 1998.
        Effective date: As of the date of issuance.
        Amendment Nos. 204 and 186.
        Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-70 and DPR-75. The amendments 
    revised the Technical Specifications.
        Date of initial notice in Federal Register: December 17, 1997 (62 
    FR 66140).
        The Commission's related evaluation of the amendments is contained 
    in a Safety Evaluation dated January 29, 1998.
        No significant hazards consideration comments received: No.
        Local Public Document Room location: Salem Free Public Library, 112 
    West Broadway, Salem, NJ 08079.
    Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc., Docket Nos. 50-348 and 50-
    364, Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Houston County, 
        Date of amendments request: June 13, 1997, as supplemented by 
    letter dated January 7, 1998.
        Brief Description of amendments: The amendments change Technical 
    Specification (TS) 3.9.13 by adding a footnote to clarify the required 
    electrical power sources for the penetration room filtration system 
    when it is aligned to the spent fuel pool room during refueling 
    operations. In addition, the associated Bases section of the TS will be 
    modified to provide additional details concerning the proposed TS 
        Date of issuance: February 5, 1998.
        Effective date: As of the date of issuance to be implemented within 
    30 days.
        Amendment Nos.: Unit 1-134; Unit 2-126.
        Facility Operating License Nos. NPF-2 and NPF-8: Amendments revise 
    the Technical Specifications.
        Date of initial notice in Federal Register: July 16, 1997 (62 FR 
        The Commission's related evaluation of the amendments is contained 
    in a Safety Evaluation dated February 5, 1998.
        No significant hazards consideration comments received: No.
        Local Public Document Room location: Houston-Love Memorial Library, 
    212 W. Burdeshaw Street, Post Office Box 1369, Dothan, Alabama.
    Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc., Docket Nos. 50-348 and 50-
    364, Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Houston County, 
        Date of amendments request: October 16, 1997.
        Brief Description of amendments: The amendments change the Farley 
    Units 1 and 2 TS by revising the number of allowable charging pumps 
    capable of injecting into the reactor coolant system (RCS) when the 
    temperature of one or more of the RCS cold legs is equal to or less 
    than 180 deg. F.
        Date of issuance: February 5, 1998.
        Effective date: As of the date of issuance to be implemented within 
    30 days.
        Amendment Nos.: Unit 1-135; Unit 2-127.
        Facility Operating License Nos. NPF-2 and NPF-8: Amendments revise 
    the Technical Specifications.
        Date of initial notice in Federal Register: December 3, 1997 (62 FR 
        The Commission's related evaluation of the amendments is contained 
    in a Safety Evaluation dated February 5, 1998.
        No significant hazards consideration comments received: No.
        Local Public Document Room location: Houston-Love Memorial Library, 
    212 W. Burdeshaw Street, Post Office Box 1369, Dothan, Alabama.
    Toledo Edison Company, Centerior Service Company, and The Cleveland 
    Electric Illuminating Company, Docket No. 50-346, Davis-Besse Nuclear 
    Power Station, Unit 1, Ottawa County, Ohio
        Date of application for amendment: October 28, 1996, as 
    supplemented by letters dated August 19, 1997, and October 16, 1997.
        Brief description of amendment: This amendment revises TS Section 
    3/4.8.1, ``A.C. Sources,'' TS Section 3/4.8.2, ``Onsite Power 
    Distribution Systems,'' TS Table 4.8.1, ``Battery Surveillance 
    Requirements,'' and the associated bases. Surveillance requirements 
    have been modified to account for the increase in the fuel cycle. 
    Administrative changes were also made.
        Date of issuance: February 3, 1998.
        Effective date: February 3, 1998.
        Amendment No.: 219.
        Facility Operating License No. NPF-3: Amendment revised the 
    Technical Specifications.
        Date of initial notice in Federal Register: January 2, 1997 (62 FR 
        The Commission's related evaluation of the amendment is contained 
    in a Safety Evaluation dated February 3, 1998.
        No significant hazards consideration comments received: No. The 
    supplemental information provided by the Licensees did not affect the 
    proposed no significant hazards consideration determination.
        Local Public Document Room location: University of Toledo, William 
    Carlson Library, Government Documents Collection, 2801 West Bancroft 
    Avenue, Toledo, OH 43606.
        Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 18th day of February 1998.
        For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
    Elinor G. Adensam,
    Acting Director, Division of Reactor Projects--III/IV, Office of 
    Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
    [FR Doc. 98-4620 Filed 2-24-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 7590-01-P

Document Information

Nuclear Regulatory Commission
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As of the date of issuance to be implemented within 30 days.
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