98-4755. PacifiCorp, et al.; Analysis to Aid Public Comment  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 37 (Wednesday, February 25, 1998)]
    [Pages 9551-9555]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-4755]
    [File No. 971-0091]
    PacifiCorp, et al.; Analysis to Aid Public Comment
    AGENCY: Federal Trade Commission.
    ACTION: Proposed consent agreement.
    SUMMARY: The consent agreement in this matter settles alleged 
    violations of federal law prohibiting unfair or deceptive acts or 
    practices or unfair methods of competition. The attached Analysis to 
    Aid Public Comment describes both the allegations in the draft 
    complaint that accompanies the consent agreement and the terms of the 
    consent order--embodied in the consent agreement--that would settle 
    these allegations.
    DATES: Comments must be received on or before April 27, 1998.
    ADDRESSES: Comments should be directed to: FTC/Office of the Secretary, 
    Room 159, 6th St. and Pa. Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20580.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Joseph Krauss, FTC/S-3627, Washington, 
    D.C. 20580. (202) 326-2713.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Pursuant to Section 6(f) of the Federal 
    Trade Commission Act, 38 Stat. 721, 15 U.S.C. 46 and Section 2.34 of 
    the Commission's rules of Practice (16 CFR 2.34), notice is hereby 
    given that the above-captioned consent agreement containing a consent 
    order to cease and desist, having been filed with and accepted, subject 
    to final approval, by the Commission, has been placed on the public 
    record for a period of sixty (60) days. The following Analysis to Aid 
    Public Comment describes the terms of the consent agreement, and the 
    allegations in the complaint. An electronic copy of the full text of 
    the consent agreement package can be obtained from the FTC Home Page 
    (for February 18, 1998), on the World Wide Web, at ``http://
    [[Page 9552]]
     www.ftc.gov/os/actions/htm.'' A paper copy can be obtained from the 
    FTC Public Reference Room, Room H-130, Sixth Street and Pennsylvania 
    Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20580, either in person or by calling 
    (202) 326-3627. Public comment is invited. Such comments or views will 
    be considered by the Commission and will be available for inspection 
    and copying at its principal office in accordance with Section 
    4.9(b)(6)(ii) of the Commission's Rules of Practice (16 CFR 
    Analysis of Proposed Consent Order to Aid Public Comment
    I. Introduction
        The Federal Trade Commission has accepted from PacifiCorp and The 
    Energy Group PLC (TEG), for public comment, an Agreement Containing 
    Consent Order (Proposed Consent Order). The Commission has also entered 
    into a Hold Separate Agreement that requires Proposed Respondents to 
    hold separate and maintain certain assets until they are divested. The 
    purpose of the Proposed Consent Order is to remedy the likely 
    anticompetitive effects of PacifiCorp's acquisition of TEG.
    II. Description of the Parties and the Transaction
        PacifiCorp, which is headquartered in Portland, Oregon, provides 
    retail electric utility service in seven western states: Oregon, 
    Washington, California, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana. PacifiCorp's 
    1996 retail electricity sales totaled 2.1 billion dollars. PacifiCorp 
    also makes wholesale electricity sales to other utilities in the 
    western United States. PacifiCorp's 1996 wholesale electricity sales 
    totaled 739 million dollars. Finally, PacifiCorp also operates five 
    coal mines in the northwestern United States and owns a power marketer 
    that trades electric power throughout the United States.
        TEG is a diversified energy company headquartered in London, 
    England. TEG owns Peabody Coal Company (Peabody), which produces 
    roughly 15 percent of the coal mined in the United States. TEG also 
    owns a power marketer, which trades electric power throughout the 
    United States and owns both electric power plants and an electric power 
    transmission system in England. TEG's total revenue for the fiscal year 
    ending September 30, 1996 was roughly 6 billion dollars.
        PacifiCorp seeks to acquire 100 percent of the voting securities of 
    III. Industry Background
        The generation and marketing of electricity is moving from a 
    regulated environment to a competitive environment.\1\ Currently, 
    utilities in most states own both generating facilities and 
    transmission facilities. State public utility commissions regulate 
    rates charged by these utilities. In this regulated environment, 
    utilities trade electricity to some extent in a wholesale market. To 
    meet its electricity needs, a utility can purchase electricity from 
    another utility or from an independent producer. The Federal Energy 
    Regulatory Commission (``FERC'') regulates interstate wholesale 
    electricity sales and transmission. FERC permits wholesale electricity 
    sales to be made at market rates if a power generator can show that it 
    does not possess market power in the region in which it operates. 
    Consequently, wholesale electricity rates are determined by the balance 
    of supply and demand.
        \1\ See Timothy Brennan, A shock to the System: Restructuring 
    America's Electricity Industry (1996); Joskow, Restructuring, 
    Competition and Regulatory Reform in the U.S. Electricity Sector, 
    11(3) Journal of Economic Perspectives 119-138 (1997); and Comment 
    of the Staff of the Bureau of Economics of the Federal Trade 
    Commission before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (August 
    7, 1995).
        Many states are in the process of deregulating their electric 
    utility industries. As this process progresses, the vertical 
    integration that has historically characterized the industry is likely 
    to diminish, and transmission and generation functions will be 
    separated. In the deregulatd environment, electricity transmission 
    would remain a regulated monopoly in which the operator of the 
    transmission system is prohibited by FERC Orders 888 and 889 from 
    discriminating against particular users. Electric power generator, 
    however, would become competitive, allowing customers to choose their 
    supplier of electricity. The end result of this deregulation process 
    will be a market in which retail rates are no longer regulated by state 
    utility commissions, but are determined by the balancing of supply and 
    demand in a competitive market. The differences between wholesale and 
    retail electricity rates, which are largely a product of their 
    different regulatory environments, will disappear or will be 
    significantly reduced.
        In the current wholesale electricity market, short periods of time 
    (e.g., hour or one-half hour periods) often represent distinct product 
    markets because electricity demand cannot easily be shifted from one 
    time period to another and because electricity cannot easily be stored 
    in large quantities. As retail electricity sales are deregulated, 
    retail rates will also likely be priced on an hour-by-hour basis.
        Constraints on transmission capacity typically delimit geographic 
    markets as regional areas comprised of several states. One such 
    geographic market is the area included within the Western Systems 
    Coordinating Council (``WSCC''). The WSCC coordinates interchange of 
    electricity among power plants and transmission systems located within 
    the eleven western states of Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, 
    Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming, and 
    parts of southwestern Canada and northwestern Mexico.
        While transmission constraints limit the geographic area within 
    which electricity is generated and consumed, trading among buyers and 
    sellers in the wholesale electricity market links electricity markets 
    into larger trading areas, one of the largest being the United States 
    as a whole.
        Electricity demand in a particular region at a particular time is 
    met by utilizing or ``dispatching'' power plants in an order that is 
    likely to be based substantially on plants' variable cost of generating 
    electricity. Given current technology and fuel prices, nuclear power 
    plants have low variable costs and are dispatched first. Hydroelectric 
    plants operating on a run-of-stream basis also have very low variable 
    costs and are usually dispatched as long as they are operating on that 
    basis.\2\ Coal-fired power plants have higher variable costs, and 
    natural gas plants generally have even higher variable costs.
        \2\ Although hydroelectric power plants have low variable costs, 
    river flow is often insufficient to dispatch these plants at full 
    capacity 24 hours a day. When river flow is low, some hydroelectric 
    capacity is held back during off-peak periods and dispatched at 
    periods of peak electricity demand.
        As a consequence of the dispatch order discredited above, 
    competition between a small number of plants can be critical in setting 
    price. In the WSCC, during periods of lower or off-peak demand, gas-
    fired plants generally are not utilized because of their high variable 
    costs.\3\ Consequently, for off-peak periods in the WSCC, coal-fired 
    power plants frequently are the price-setting, marginal plants.
        \3\ Off-peak hours in the western U.S. are generally recognized 
    by the industry to consist of the eight hours between 11:00 PM and 
    7:00 AM Monday through Saturday, and all day Sunday. Peak hours are 
    recognized by the industry to consist of consist of the sixteen 
    hours between 7:00 AM and 11:00 PM Monday through Saturday.
        California is one of the first states that has started to 
    deregulate its retail electricity sales. California is currently in the 
    process of establishing a power exchange (``PX''), modeled on the
    [[Page 9553]]
    system used in the United Kingdom, which will run a centralized auction 
    for the purchase of electricity. Under the California reforms, each 
    generating plant will bid to supply power to the state's PX. The PX 
    will then rank generators' bids from lowest to highest prices, and 
    choose the lowest-cost bids necessary to meet projected demand. All 
    suppliers will receive the price of the last increment of supply 
    necessary to fulfill demand, even if they bid a lower price. 
    Consequently, in the system anticipated to be used in California, the 
    marginal supplier will set the price for the entire system.
        Entry into an electricity market can occur through the construction 
    of a new power plant or the construction of new transmission capacity, 
    which would enable distant electricity producers to compete more 
    effectively. However, the time required for obtaining regulatory 
    approval and for construction prevents either type of entry from 
    quickly correcting anticompetitive behavior.
    IV. Threat to Competition
    A. Raising Rivals' Costs
        Navajo Generating Station (Navajo) is a 2,250-megawatt coal-fired 
    power plant located in the north-central section of Arizona. Navajo is 
    supplied exclusively from Peabody's Kayenta mine via an 80-mile 
    dedicated rail line. Mohave Generating Station (Mohave) is a 1,580-
    megawatt coal-fired power plant located in southern Nevada. Mohave is 
    supplied exclusively from Peabody's Black Mesa Mine through a 275-mile 
    coal slurry pipeline. Long-term contracts govern the terms on which 
    Peabody supplies Navajo and Mohave.
        Navajo and Mohave are absolutely dependent upon the Kayenta and 
    Black Mesa coal mines for their fuel supply because of their extreme 
    isolation relative to rail lines and other coal mines. There are no 
    other economic sources of fuel, coal or otherwise, for these two large 
    power plants.
        PacifiCorp owns roughly 9,000 megawatts capacity in the Western 
    Systems Coordinating Council (WSCC), an organization of electric 
    utilities and power marketers organized to improve the reliability of 
    power transmission and delivery in the western United States and parts 
    of southwestern Canada and northwestern Mexico. The WSCC represents a 
    geographic market since transmission constraints severely limit 
    imports. The WSCC represents a geographic market since transmission 
    constraints severely limit imports. Sub-regions within the WSCC may 
    also represent geographic markets, at certain times, given that the 
    transmission capacity connecting subregions is limited and may be 
    inadequate to balance supply and demand across the subregions.
        A firm can sell its product at a higher price if its rivals charge 
    higher prices. Thus, a firm can profitably increase its own price if it 
    can take actions at low cost to itself that raise the costs, and 
    subsequently the price, of its rivals. By vertically integrating with 
    suppliers of a large share of some key input, a firm may be able to 
    increase its rivals' costs. Given this, PacifiCorp's acquisition of 
    Peabody, which is the exclusive supplier of coal to certain power 
    plants that compete with PacifiCorp's own power plants, raises 
    antitrust concern. Specifically, PacifiCorp would have an incentive to 
    increase fuel costs at Navajo and Mohave in order to drive up the 
    market price of electricity in the western United States. In the near 
    term, PacifiCorp would be able to realize this higher price on its net 
    wholesale electricity sales. In the long-term, assuming deregulation, 
    PacifiCorp might also be able to realize this higher price on some of 
    its retail electricity sales.
        The extent of the anticompetitive harm caused by PacifiCorp's 
    acquisition of Peabody depends on two factors: First, how much 
    discretion does the mine owner have to affect the fuel costs at Navajo 
    and Mohave given the long-term contracts between Peabody and the plan 
    owners? Second, over what periods, if any, and to what extent will 
    changing the costs of Navajo and Mohave affect the market price of 
        The long-term contracts that govern the supply of coal to Navajo 
    and Mohave have a modified cost-plus format that makes them vulnerable 
    to cost manipulation. A long history of cost disputes between the 
    parties underlines the supplier's discretion to determine cost levels 
    at the power plants. Consequently, post-merger, PacifiCorp could 
    increase Navajo and Mohave's costs. Alternatively, an independent, 
    profit-maximizing Peabody might find it in its interests to grant the 
    power plants a discount on coal pricing. A merged PacifiCorp/Peabody, 
    however, might decline to grant such discounts because increased output 
    at Navajo and Mohave might decrease wholesale electricity prices in the 
    WSCC and cause PacifiCorp/Peabody to earn less on its electricity 
    sales. In this context, failure to grant a price concession amounts to 
    a price increase.
        Peabody documents reveal that price concessions in the near future 
    for both Navajo and Mohave are a real possibility. Peabody documents 
    show that the company has considered granting Navajo price discounts, 
    because the plant has been underutilized during off-peak hours in the 
    recent past. Moreover, Peabody documents also reveal that it expects 
    the coming deregulation of the electricity industry will intensify 
    competitive pressures on both coal-fired power plants and their coal 
    suppliers. Peabody documents also reveal that Mohave will face a costly 
    decision in the next several years on whether to install scrubbers to 
    comply with environmental regulations and will implicitly be looking to 
    its coal supplier for cost relief.
        PacifiCorp's roughly 9,000 megawatts of generating capacity, 
    Navajo's 2,250 megawatts of generating capacity, and Mohave's 1,580 
    megawatts of generating capacity represent a comparatively small share 
    of the 138,000 megawatts of generating capacity in the WSCC. In a 
    market with numerous competitors such as electricity generation in the 
    WSCC, one might assume if coal costs at two plants such as Navajo and 
    Mohave were to increase and their generation consequently declined, 
    other plants would simply increase output and there would be no effect 
    on the market-clearing price. However, there is substantial evidence 
    that manipulating fuel cost at Navajo could have a significant effect 
    on the market price for wholesale electricity.\4\ A Peabody document 
    recognizes that if Navajo were to go to full capacity utilization 
    during off-peak hours, it would produce 1,200 megawatts of additional 
    power, depressing electricity prices. Also, computer modeling using 
    programs well-accepted in the industry shows that manipulating prices 
    at Navajo would have an effect on wholesale electricity prices in the 
        \4\ At current electricity prices, Mohave operates at full 
    capacity. Hence Mohave is currently an infra-marginal producer and 
    unlikely to be a price setter. However, as California deregulates 
    its electricity market, prices are likely to fall and Mohave could 
    then be in a position to be a marginal, price-setting plant.
        How can participation of suppliers comprising only a small fraction 
    of capacity affect the market price for electric power? The answer lies 
    in the way in which power plants are dispatched. Power plants tend to 
    have very flat cost functions until they reach their capacity.
        Thus, power plants tend to operate at maximum capacity if they can 
    economically do so at the prevailing price. Otherwise, they tend to be 
    [[Page 9554]]
    Consequently, most of the power plants generating electricity, at any 
    particular time period, have almost no ability to expand output and 
    offset anticompetitive behavior. Given these circumstances, the power 
    plants that could defeat anticompetitive behavior here would be those 
    power plants with excess capacity that could produce and deliver to the 
    areas served by Navajo and Mohave electricity at the same cost (or 
    slightly above) Navajo's or Mohave's. The evidence indicates that there 
    are no such power plants here.
        \5\ Because coal-fired plants require a start-up period of 
    several days, their output would be cut back to some minimal level 
    (e.g., 40 percent of capacity) when they are uneconomic for short 
    periods of time (e.g., nighttime).
        During periods of low electricity demand in the WSCC (e.g., 
    nighttime hours during the spring), electricity demand is met using 
    some hydroelectric capacity, nuclear power plants, and some coal-fired 
    power plants. Gas-fired power plants tend to be idled during these 
    periods. Since coal-fired power plants are the last plants to be 
    dispatched during these time periods, the market price of electricity 
    during these periods is determined by the price at which the last-
    dispatched coal-fired power plant supplies electricity. Since periods 
    of low electricity demand represent a substantial portion of the year 
    and since fuel costs at Navajo and Mohave affect market price during 
    these times, higher fuel prices at Navajo and Mohave can cause 
    significant harm to consumers. Indeed, to give a rough sense of how 
    this acquisition could increase concentration in markets for wholesale 
    electricity during off-peak hours, a hypothetical merger of 
    PacifiCorp's electric plants with Mohave and Navajo would make the 
    market for coal-fired electricity in the WSCC highly concentrated and 
    give PacifiCorp a 35% share, a level at which, under the Merger 
    Guidelines, could lead to unilateral anticompetitive effect.
        Cost manipulation at Navajo and Mohave could affect electricity 
    prices in the WSCC not only during those off-peak hours when Navajo and 
    Mohave are the marginal, price-setting plants, but also during a 
    broader period of time. As noted above, power plants are dispatched in 
    large part based on their variable cost, which in turn is largely 
    determined by their fuel costs. This dispatch order can be thought of 
    as a supply curve for electricity. Given this supply curve, if the fuel 
    price at one power plant increases, then this power plant is removed 
    from its current position in the supply curve and placed in a position 
    further along the supply curve. This reorders the supply curve as 
    higher priced plants are dispatched earlier along the affected section 
    of the supply curve. This leads to higher prices every time electricity 
    demand in a particular period intersects the affected section of the 
    supply curve. Higher fuel prices at Navajo and Mohave could have a 
    significant effect on price along a significant portion of the supply 
    curve. If either plant were forced to close down, its removal would 
    affect prices at all points above the plant on the supply curve.
    B. Abuse of Proprietary Information
        Power plant operators currently compete to supply electricity in 
    informal wholesale markets characterized by bilateral contracts. In 
    some states (e.g., California), power plant operators will soon compete 
    in formal auctions to supply electricity. In all of these situations, 
    power plant operators buy and sell both directly and through ``power 
    marketing'' affiliates that have been expressly created to compete in 
    the deregulating wholesale market for electric power.
        Competition in the wholesale electricity market could be adversely 
    affected by this acquisition throughout the United Stats because 
    PacifiCorp may gain access, through Peabody's coal contracts and coal 
    supply relationships, to highly sensitive data on competitors' costs 
    and to real-time information relating to operating conditions of 
    competing generators of electrical power.
        A coal supplier is able to obtain competitively-sensitive 
    information about the day-to-day operation of the power plant it 
    supplies, including when the plant is experiencing downtime and when it 
    is facing transmission bottlenecks. In addition, because coal costs 
    comprise 90% of a coal-fired power plant's variable cost of generating 
    electricity, a coal supplier will know cost information sufficient to 
    predict the price the power plant will likely bid.
        Peabody is a significant supplier of coal to coal-fired plants, 
    supplying 27% of the coal that goes to such plants in the WSCC and 15% 
    of the coal going to such plants in the United States. Many of 
    Peabody's coal supply contracts have no protection against the transfer 
    of such competitively-sensitive information, since they were executed 
    prior to regulatory reform and before purchasers under these contracts 
    had reason to be concerned about the competitive sensitivity of the 
    information that could be revealed to competitors through such 
    contracts or through the day-to-day relationship between the coal 
    supplier and customer. Consequently, by acquiring Peabody, PacifiCorp 
    will gain an invaluable window on real-time information relating to 
    operating conditions and production plans at many of the approximately 
    150 power plants supplied by Peabody. By enabling PacifiCorp to predict 
    supply shifts and consequent price movements in the market, this 
    information gives PacifiCorp a significant competitive advantage in 
    power marketing.
        PacifiCorp will be able to trade on that information at the expense 
    of other traders of wholesale electricity. Expected profits for both 
    incumbents and prospective entrants will be lower if PacifiCorp 
    possesses inside information regarding competitors' costs, supply 
    conditions, and future operating plans. Consequently, as a result of 
    PacifiCorp's perceived information advantage regarding electricity 
    supply and costs, competitive entry in power marketing will be 
    discouraged, and existing power marketing companies may defer greater 
    investments in such enterprises and perhaps even exit, making the 
    market for wholesale electricity operate less efficiently.
    V. The Proposed Complaint and Consent Order
        The Federal Trade Commission has accepted for public comment an 
    Agreement Containing Consent Order with PacifiCorp and TEG in 
    settlement of the charges in the proposed complaint. The proposed 
    complaint alleges that PacifiCorp's acquisition of TEG violates Section 
    5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act, 15 U.S.C. 45, and Section 7 of 
    the Clayton Act, as amended, 15 U.S.C. 18. The proposed complaint 
    alleges that the Acquisition will lessen competition in the supply of 
    electricity in the WSCC and in various geographic markets in the United 
    States as a whole.
        To remedy the alleged harm to competition from raising rivals 
    costs, the proposed Consent Order would require PacifiCorp to divest 
    Peabody Western Coal Company (PWCC), the Peabody subsidiary that owns 
    the Black Mesa and Kayenta mines, to an acquirer approved by the 
    Commission. The required divestiture solves the competitive concerns 
    raised in this acquisition in the WSCC by assuring the PacifiCorp would 
    not have an anticompetitive incentive to raise fuel prices at Navajo 
    and Mohave in order to raise the price of electricity in the WSCC.\6\ 
    The divestiture remedy is
    [[Page 9555]]
    consistent with longstanding Commission policy which favors the 
    structural approach to remedies, rather than the behavioral approach 
    which seeks to govern conduct through the use of rules.\7\
        \6\ Disvestiture is unnecessary elsewhere because there is no 
    evidence that other captive coal-fired power plants are marginal 
    price-setters in their geographic market as Navajo and Mohave are.
        \7\ See William J. Baer, FTC Perspectives on Competition Policy 
    and enforcement Initiatives in Electric Power, before the Conference 
    on the New Rules of the Game for Electric Power: Antitrust & 
    Anticompetitive Behavior (Washington D.C., Dec. 4, 1997) at 12-13
        The fuel supply contracts between PWCC and Navajo and Mohave give 
    the Navajo owners a right of first refusal to buy the Kayenta mine and 
    Mohave owners a right of first refusal to buy the Black Mesa mine. 
    Because these rights of first refusal could delay the divestiture 
    process, the proposed Consent Order affords PacifiCorp a period of nine 
    months following the Acquisition to complete the required divesture, 
    and under certain circumstances, extends the time for divestiture to as 
    late as March 1, 2000. Under the circumstances of this case, the 
    Commission believes that the unusually long time afforded Respondents 
    to complete the divestiture and possible extension of that time under 
    the terms of the proposed Consent Order are likely to lead to 
    substantial economic harm. PacifiCorp's incentive to increase the fuel 
    price at Navajo and Mohave depends on PacifiCorp's sales of electricity 
    at the market price. In the near-term, most of PacifiCorps electricity 
    sales are at regulated rates or a prices specified by long-term 
    contracts. Thus, in the near-term, PacifiCorp will not have a strong 
    incentive the increase fuel prices at Navajo and Mohave because 
    PacifiCorp has limited net sales of electricty at the market price. 
    However, as PacifiCorp's wholesale contracts are renegotiated and as 
    PacifiCorp's retail sales are deregulated, PacifiCorp gains an ever 
    greater incentive to increase electricity prices by raising the fuel 
    price at Navajo and Mohave.
        To remedy the alleged threat to competition from abuse of 
    confidential customer information, the proposed consent order forbids 
    Peabody from transferring PacifiCorp non-public information regarding 
    Peabody customers who object to such disclosure and who either purchase 
    coal from Peabody under contracts with a term of one-year or longer or 
    who purchased in excess of one million tons of coal from Peabody during 
    the preceding year. By preventing the transfer of this information, the 
    Proposed Consent Order prevents PacifiCorp from trading on proprietary 
    information in a way that is likely to retard development of a fully 
    competitive market in the wholesaling of electric power.
    VI. Opportunity for Public Comment
        The proposed Consent Order has been placed on the public record for 
    sixty (60) days for receipt of comments by interested person. Comments 
    received during this period will become part of the public record. 
    After sixty days, the Commission will again review the proposed Consent 
    Order and the comments received and will decide whether it should 
    withdraw from the Agreement Containing Consent Order, make final the 
    Consent Order, or take such other action as the Commission may 
    determine to be in the public interest.
        The Commission anticipated that the proposed Consent Order will 
    cure the anticompetitive effects of the Acquisition as alleged in the 
    proposed complaint. The purpose of this analysis is to invite public 
    comment on the proposed Consent Order, including the proposed 
    divestitures, to aid the Commission in its determination of whether to 
    make final the proposed Consent Order. This analysis is not intend to 
    constitute an official interpretation of the proposed Consent Order, 
    nor is it intended to modify the term of the proposed Consent Order in 
    any way.
    Donald S. Clark,
    [FR Doc. 98-4755 Filed 2-24-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6750-01-M

Document Information

Federal Trade Commission
Entry Type:
Proposed consent agreement.
Document Number:
Comments must be received on or before April 27, 1998.
9551-9555 (5 pages)
Docket Numbers:
File No. 971-0091
PDF File: